diff --git a/basis/Thread.sml b/basis/Thread.590.sml similarity index 100% copy from basis/Thread.sml copy to basis/Thread.590.sml diff --git a/basis/Thread.sml b/basis/Thread.sml index 85f0e661..0e23e141 100644 --- a/basis/Thread.sml +++ b/basis/Thread.sml @@ -1,716 +1,728 @@ (* Title: Thread package for ML. Author: David C. J. Matthews - Copyright (c) 2007-2014, 2018-21 + Copyright (c) 2007-2014, 2018-22 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* This signature and structure are not part of the standard basis library but are included here because they depend on the Time structure and are in turn dependencies of the BasicIO structure. *) (*!Earlier versions of Poly/ML have provided a form of concurrent execution through the Process structure. Version 5.1 introduces new thread primitives in the Thread structure. This structure is modelled on the Posix thread (pthread) package but simplified and modified for ML. The aim is to provide an efficient implementation of parallelism particularly to enable ML programs to make use of multi-core processors while minimising the changes needed to existing code. The Process structure will continue to be available as a library written on top of these primitives but new programs should use the Thread structure directly. The thread package differs from pthreads in a number of ways. There is no join function to wait for the completion of a thread. This can be written using mutexes and condition variables. Cancellation and signal handling are combined into the interrupt functions. (The Poly/ML Signal structure handles signals for all the threads together). The effect of explicit cancellation is achieved using the interrupt function. This causes an interrupt to be generated in a specific thread. Alternatively an interrupt can be broadcast to all threads. This is most likely to be used interactively to kill threads that appear to have gone out of control. The normal top-level handler for a console interrupt will generate this. Threads can choose how or whether they respond to these interrupts. A thread that is doing processor-intensive work probably needs to be able to be interrupted asynchronously whereas if it is communicating with other threads the presence of asynchronous interrupts makes correct programming difficult. *) signature THREAD = sig (*!The Thread exception can be raised by various of the functions in the structure if they detect an error.*) exception Thread of string (* Raised if an operation fails. *) structure Thread: sig (*!The type of a thread identifier.*) eqtype thread (* Thread attributes - This may be extended. *) (*!The type of a thread attribute. Thread attributes are properties of the thread that are set initially when the thread is created but can subsequently be modified by the thread itself. The thread attribute type may be extended in the future to include things like scheduling priority. The current thread attributes control the way interrupt exceptions are delivered to the thread. `EnableBroadcastInterrupt` controls whether the thread will receive an interrupt sent using `broadcastInterrupt` or as a result of pressing the console interrupt key. If this is false the thread will not receive them. The default for a new thread if this is not specified is false. `InterruptState` controls when and whether interrupts are delivered to the thread. This includes broadcast interrupts and also interrupts directed at a specific thread with the interrupt call. `InterruptDefer` means the thread will not receive any interrupts. However, if the thread has previously been interrupted the interrupt may be delivered when the thread calls setAttributes to change its interrupt state. `InterruptSynch` means interrupts are delivered synchronously. An interrupt will be delayed until an interruption point. An interruption point is one of: `testInterrupt`, `ConditionVar.wait`, `ConditionVar.waitUntil` and various library calls that may block, such as IO calls, pause etc. N.B. `Mutex.lock` is not an interruption point even though it can result in a thread blocking for an indefinite period. `InterruptAsynch` means interrupts are delivered asynchronously i.e. at a suitable point soon after they are triggered. `InterruptAsynchOnce` means that only a single interrupt is delivered asynchronously after which the interrupt state is changed to `InterruptSynch`. It allows a thread to tidy up and if necessary indicate that it has been interrupted without the risk of a second asynchronous interrupt occurring in the handler for the first interrupt. If this attribute is not specified when a thread is created the default is `InterruptSynch`. `MaximumMLStack` was added in version 5.5.3. It controls the maximum size the ML stack may grow to. It is an option type where NONE allows the stack to grow to the limit of the available memory whereas SOME n limits the stack to n words. This is approximate since there is some rounding involved. When the limit is reached the thread is sent an Interrupt exception.*) datatype threadAttribute = (* Does this thread accept a broadcast interrupt? The default is not to accept broadcast interrupts. *) EnableBroadcastInterrupt of bool (* How to handle interrupts. The default is to handle interrupts synchronously. *) | InterruptState of interruptState (* Maximum size of the ML stack in words. NONE means unlimited *) | MaximumMLStack of int option and interruptState = InterruptDefer (* Defer any interrupts. *) | InterruptSynch (* Interrupts are delivered synchronously. An interrupt will be delayed until an interruption point. An interruption point is one of: testInterrupt, ConditionVar.wait, ConditionVar.waitUntil and various library calls that may block, such as IO calls, pause etc. N.B. Mutex.lock is not an interruption point even though it can result in a thread blocking for an indefinite period. *) | InterruptAsynch (* Interrupts are delivered asynchronously i.e. at a suitable point soon after they are triggered. *) | InterruptAsynchOnce (* As InterruptAsynch except that only a single interrupt is delivered asynchronously after which the interrupt state is changed to InterruptSynch. It allows a thread to tidy up and if necessary indicate that it has been interrupted without the risk of a second asynchronous interrupt occurring in the handler for the first interrupt. *) (*!Fork a thread. Starts a new thread running the function argument. The attribute list gives initial values for thread attributes which can be modified by the thread itself. Any unspecified attributes take default values. The thread is terminated when the thread function returns, if it raises an uncaught exception or if it calls `exit`;*) val fork: (unit->unit) * threadAttribute list -> thread (*!Terminate this thread. *) val exit: unit -> unit (*!Test if a thread is still running or has terminated. This function should be used with care. The thread may be on the point of terminating and still appear to be active.*) val isActive: thread -> bool (*!Test whether thread ids are the same. This is provided for backwards compatibility since `thread` is an eqtype. *) val equal: thread * thread -> bool (*!Return the thread identifier for the current thread. *) val self: unit -> thread exception Interrupt (* = SML90.Interrupt *) (*!Send an Interrupt exception to a specific thread. When and indeed whether the exception is actually delivered will depend on the interrupt state of the target thread. Raises Thread if the thread is no longer running, so an exception handler should be used unless the thread is known to be blocked. *) val interrupt: thread -> unit (*!Send an interrupt exception to every thread which is set to accept it. *) val broadcastInterrupt: unit -> unit (*!If this thread is handling interrupts synchronously, test to see if it has been interrupted. If so it raises the `Interrupt` exception. *) val testInterrupt: unit -> unit (*!Terminate a thread. This should be used as a last resort. Normally a thread should be allowed to clean up and terminate by using the interrupt call. Raises Thread if the thread is no longer running, so an exception handler should be used unless the thread is known to be blocked. *) val kill: thread -> unit (*!Get and set thread-local store for the calling thread. The store is a tagged associative memory which is initially empty for a new thread. A thread can call setLocal to add or replace items in its store and call getLocal to return values if they exist. The Universal structure contains functions to make new tags as well as injection, projection and test functions. *) val getLocal: 'a Universal.tag -> 'a option and setLocal: 'a Universal.tag * 'a -> unit (*!Change the specified attribute(s) for the calling thread. Unspecified attributes remain unchanged. *) val setAttributes: threadAttribute list -> unit (*!Get the values of attributes. *) val getAttributes: unit -> threadAttribute list (*!Return the number of processors that will be used to run threads and the number of physical processors if that is available. *) val numProcessors: unit -> int and numPhysicalProcessors: unit -> int option end structure Mutex: sig (*!A mutex provides simple mutual exclusion. A thread can lock a mutex and until it unlocks it no other thread will be able to lock it. Locking and unlocking are intended to be fast in the situation when there is no other process attempting to lock the mutex. These functions may not work correctly if an asynchronous interrupt is delivered during the calls. A thread should use synchronous interrupt when using these calls. *) type mutex (*!Make a new mutex *) val mutex: unit -> mutex (*!Lock a mutex. If the mutex is currently locked the thread is blocked until it is unlocked. If a thread tries to lock a mutex that it has previously locked the thread will deadlock. N.B. `thread` is not an interruption point (a point where synchronous interrupts are delivered) even though a thread can be blocked indefinitely. *) val lock: mutex -> unit (*!Unlock a mutex and allow any waiting threads to run. The behaviour if the mutex was not previously locked by the calling thread is undefined. *) val unlock: mutex -> unit (*!Attempt to lock the mutex. Returns true if the mutex was not previously locked and has now been locked by the calling thread. Returns false if the mutex was previously locked, including by the calling thread. *) val trylock: mutex -> bool end structure ConditionVar: sig (*!Condition variables are used to provide communication between threads. A condition variable is used in conjunction with a mutex and usually a reference to establish and test changes in state. The normal use is for one thread to lock a mutex, test the reference and then wait on the condition variable, releasing the lock on the mutex while it does so. Another thread may then lock the mutex, update the reference, unlock the mutex, and signal the condition variable. This wakes up the first thread and reacquires the lock allowing the thread to test the updated reference with the lock held. More complex communication mechanisms, such as blocking channels, can be written in terms of condition variables. *) type conditionVar (*!Make a new condition variable. *) val conditionVar: unit -> conditionVar (*!Release the mutex and block until the condition variable is signalled. When wait returns the mutex will have been re-acquired. If the thread is handling interrupts synchronously this function can be interrupted using the `Thread.interrupt` function or, if the thread is set to accept broadcast interrupts, `Thread.broadcastInterrupt`. The thread will re-acquire the mutex before the exception is delivered. An exception will only be delivered in this case if the interrupt is sent before the condition variable is signalled. If the interrupt is sent after the condition variable is signalled the function will return normally even if it has not yet re-acquired the mutex. The interrupt state will be delivered on the next call to "wait", `Thread.testInterrupt` or other blocking call. A thread should never call this function if it may receive an asynchronous interrupt. It should always set its interrupt state to either `InterruptSynch` or `InterruptDefer` beforehand. An asynchronous interrupt may leave the condition variable and the mutex in an indeterminate state and could lead to deadlock. A condition variable should only be associated with one mutex at a time. All the threads waiting on a condition variable should pass the same mutex as argument.*) val wait: conditionVar * Mutex.mutex -> unit (*!As wait except that it blocks until either the condition variable is signalled or the time (absolute) is reached. Either way the mutex is reacquired so there may be a further delay if it is held by another thread. *) val waitUntil: conditionVar * Mutex.mutex * Time.time -> bool (*!Wake up one thread if any are waiting on the condition variable. If there are several threads waiting for the condition variable one will be selected to run and will run as soon as it has re-acquired the lock.*) val signal: conditionVar -> unit (*!Wake up all threads waiting on the condition variable. *) val broadcast: conditionVar -> unit end end; structure Thread :> THREAD = struct exception Thread = RunCall.Thread structure Thread = struct open Thread (* Created in INITIALISE with thread type and self function. *) (* Equality is pointer equality. *) val equal : thread*thread->bool = op = datatype threadAttribute = EnableBroadcastInterrupt of bool | InterruptState of interruptState | MaximumMLStack of int option and interruptState = InterruptDefer | InterruptSynch | InterruptAsynch | InterruptAsynchOnce (* Convert attributes to bits and a mask. *) fun attrsToWord (at: threadAttribute list): Word.word * Word.word = let (* Check that a particular attribute appears only once. As well as accumulating the actual bits in the result we also accumulate the mask of bits. If any of these reappear we raise an exception. *) fun checkRepeat(r, acc, set, mask) = if Word.andb(set, mask) <> 0w0 then raise Thread "The same attribute appears more than once in the list" else convert(r, acc, Word.orb(set, mask)) and convert([], acc, set) = (acc, set) | convert(EnableBroadcastInterrupt true :: r, acc, set) = checkRepeat(r, Word.orb(acc, 0w1), set, 0w1) | convert(EnableBroadcastInterrupt false :: r, acc, set) = checkRepeat(r, acc (* No bit *), set, 0w1) | convert(InterruptState s :: r, acc, set) = checkRepeat(r, Word.orb(setIstateBits s, acc), set, 0w6) | convert(MaximumMLStack _ :: r, acc, set) = convert(r, acc, set) in convert(at, 0w0, 0w0) end and setIstateBits InterruptDefer = 0w0 | setIstateBits InterruptSynch = 0w2 | setIstateBits InterruptAsynch = 0w4 | setIstateBits InterruptAsynchOnce = 0w6 fun getIstateBits(w: Word.word): interruptState = let val ibits = Word.andb(w, 0w6) in if ibits = 0w0 then InterruptDefer else if ibits = 0w2 then InterruptSynch else if ibits = 0w4 then InterruptAsynch else InterruptAsynchOnce end fun wordToAttrs w = let (* Enable broadcast - true if bottom bit is set. *) val bcast = EnableBroadcastInterrupt(Word.andb(w, 0w1) = 0w1) in [bcast, InterruptState(getIstateBits w)] end exception Interrupt = RunCall.Interrupt (* The thread id is opaque outside this structure but is actually a six word mutable object. Word 0: Index into thread table (used inside the RTS only) Word 1: Flags: initialised by the RTS and set by this code Word 2: Thread local store: read and set by this code. Word 3: IntRequest: Set by the RTS if there is an interrupt pending Word 4: Maximum ML stack size. Unlimited is stored here as zero *) val threadIdFlags = 0w1 and threadIdThreadLocal = 0w2 and threadIdIntRequest = 0w3 and threadIdStackSize = 0w4 fun getLocal (t: 'a Universal.tag) : 'a option = let val root: Universal.universal ref list = RunCall.loadWord(self(), threadIdThreadLocal) fun doFind [] = NONE | doFind ((ref v)::r) = if Universal.tagIs t v then SOME(Universal.tagProject t v) else doFind r in doFind root end fun setLocal (t: 'a Universal.tag, newVal: 'a) : unit = let (* See if we already have this in the list. *) val root: Universal.universal ref list = RunCall.loadWord(self(), threadIdThreadLocal) fun doFind [] = (* Not in the list - Add it. *) RunCall.storeWord (self(), threadIdThreadLocal, ref (Universal.tagInject t newVal) :: root) | doFind (v::r) = if Universal.tagIs t (!v) (* If it's in the list update it. *) then v := Universal.tagInject t newVal else doFind r in doFind root end local val threadTestInterrupt: unit -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyThreadTestInterrupt" in fun testInterrupt() = (* If there is a pending request the word in the thread object will be non-zero. *) if RunCall.loadWord(self(), threadIdIntRequest) <> 0 then threadTestInterrupt() else () end val exit: unit -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyThreadKillSelf" and isActive: thread -> bool = RunCall.rtsCallFast1 "PolyThreadIsActive" and broadcastInterrupt: unit -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyThreadBroadcastInterrupt" local fun getAttrWord (me: thread) : Word.word = RunCall.loadWord(me, threadIdFlags) fun getStackSizeAsInt (me: thread) : int = RunCall.loadWord(me, threadIdStackSize) and getStackSize me : int option = case getStackSizeAsInt me of 0 => NONE | s => SOME s fun newStackSize ([], default) = default | newStackSize (MaximumMLStack NONE :: _, _) = 0 | newStackSize (MaximumMLStack (SOME n) :: _, _) = if n <= 0 then raise Thread "The stack size must be greater than zero" else n | newStackSize (_ :: l, default) = newStackSize (l, default) val threadMaxStackSize: int -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyThreadMaxStackSize" in (* Set attributes. Only changes the values that are specified. The others remain the same. *) fun setAttributes (attrs: threadAttribute list) : unit = let val me = self() val oldValues: Word.word = getAttrWord me val (newValue, mask) = attrsToWord attrs val stack = newStackSize(attrs, getStackSizeAsInt me) in RunCall.storeWord (self(), threadIdFlags, Word.orb(newValue, Word.andb(Word.notb mask, oldValues))); if stack = getStackSizeAsInt me then () else threadMaxStackSize stack; (* If we are now handling interrupts asynchronously check whether we have a pending interrupt now. This will only be effective if we were previously handling them synchronously or blocking them. *) if Word.andb(newValue, 0w4) = 0w4 then testInterrupt() else () end fun getAttributes() : threadAttribute list = let val me = self() in MaximumMLStack (getStackSize me) :: wordToAttrs(getAttrWord me) end (* These are used in the ConditionVar structure. They affect only the interrupt handling bits. *) fun getInterruptState(): interruptState = getIstateBits(getAttrWord(self())) and setInterruptState(s: interruptState): unit = RunCall.storeWord (self(), threadIdFlags, Word.orb(setIstateBits s, Word.andb(Word.notb 0w6, getAttrWord(self())))) local (* The default for a new thread is to ignore broadcasts and handle explicit interrupts synchronously. *) val (defaultAttrs, _) = attrsToWord[EnableBroadcastInterrupt false, InterruptState InterruptSynch] val threadForkFunction: (unit->unit) * word * int -> thread = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyThreadForkThread" in fun fork(f:unit->unit, attrs: threadAttribute list): thread = let (* Any attributes specified explicitly override the defaults. *) val (attrWord, mask) = attrsToWord attrs val attrValue = Word.orb(attrWord, Word.andb(Word.notb mask, defaultAttrs)) val stack = newStackSize(attrs, 0 (* Default is unlimited *)) (* Run the function and exit whether it returns normally or raises an exception. *) fun threadFunction () = (f() handle _ => ()) before exit() in threadForkFunction(threadFunction, attrValue, stack) end end end local (* Send an interrupt to a thread. If it returns false the thread did not exist and this should raise an exception. *) val threadSendInterrupt: thread -> bool = RunCall.rtsCallFast1 "PolyThreadInterruptThread" in fun interrupt(t: thread) = if threadSendInterrupt t then () else raise Thread "Thread does not exist" end local val threadKillThread: thread -> bool = RunCall.rtsCallFast1 "PolyThreadKillThread" in fun kill(t: thread) = if threadKillThread t then () else raise Thread "Thread does not exist" end val numProcessors: unit -> int = RunCall.rtsCallFast0 "PolyThreadNumProcessors" local val numberOfPhysical: unit -> int = RunCall.rtsCallFast0 "PolyThreadNumPhysicalProcessors" in fun numPhysicalProcessors(): int option = (* It is not always possible to get this information *) case numberOfPhysical() of 0 => NONE | n => SOME n end end structure Mutex = struct type mutex = Word.word ref (* This is a ref of some sort but may be a volatile byte or word ref. *) open Thread (* createMutex, lockMutex, tryLockMutex and unlockMutex are set up by Initialise. *) val mutex = createMutex (* lockMutex, tryLockMutex and unlockMutex are now architecture-specific code. *) val threadMutexBlock: mutex -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyThreadMutexBlock" val threadMutexUnlock: mutex -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyThreadMutexUnlock" fun lock (m: mutex): unit = - if lockMutex m - then () - else (* It's locked. We return some time after the lock is released. *) - ( - threadMutexBlock m; - lock m (* Try again. *) - ) + let + (* If the lock is taken we will have to call into the RTS to suspend ourselves. + In addition the thread that currently has the mutex will have to call into + the RTS to release waiting threads. We want to avoid those costs so + we first attempt to treat is as a spin-lock. *) + fun keepTrying n = + if tryLockMutex m then () (* Success *) + else if n <> 0w0 + then (cpuPause(); keepTrying(n-0w1)) + else if lockMutex m + then () + else (* It's locked. We return some time after the lock is released. *) + ( + threadMutexBlock m; + lock m (* Try again. *) + ) + in + keepTrying 0w1000 + end fun unlock (m: mutex): unit = if unlockMutex m then () (* No contention. *) else (* Another thread has blocked and we have to release it. *) threadMutexUnlock m val trylock = tryLockMutex end structure ConditionVar = struct open Thread (* A condition variable contains a lock and a list of suspended threads. *) type conditionVar = { lock: Mutex.mutex, threads: thread list ref } fun conditionVar(): conditionVar = { lock = Mutex.mutex(), threads = LibrarySupport.volatileListRef() } local val threadCondVarWait: Mutex.mutex -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyThreadCondVarWait" and threadCondVarWaitUntil: Mutex.mutex * Time.time -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyThreadCondVarWaitUntil" in fun innerWait({lock, threads}: conditionVar, m: Mutex.mutex, t: Time.time option) : bool = let val me = self() (* My thread id. *) fun waitAgain() = let fun doFind [] = false | doFind(h::t) = equal(h, me) orelse doFind t fun removeThis [] = raise Fail "Thread missing in list" | removeThis (h::t) = if equal(h, me) then t else h :: removeThis t val () = case t of SOME time => threadCondVarWaitUntil(lock, time) | NONE => threadCondVarWait lock val () = Mutex.lock lock (* Get the lock again. *) (* Are we still on the list? If so we haven't been explicitly woken up. We've either timed out, been interrupted or simply returned because the RTS needed to process some asynchronous results. *) val stillThere = doFind(!threads) open Time (* For >= *) in if not stillThere then (* We're done. *) ( Mutex.unlock lock; true ) else if (case t of NONE => false | SOME t => Time.now() >= t) then (* We've timed out. *) ( threads := removeThis(! threads); Mutex.unlock lock; false ) else ( (* See if we've been interrupted. If so remove ourselves and exit. *) testInterrupt() handle exn => (threads := removeThis(! threads); Mutex.unlock lock; raise exn); (* Otherwise just keep waiting. *) waitAgain() ) end in Mutex.lock lock; (* Lock the internal mutex. *) Mutex.unlock m; (* Unlock the external mutex *) threads := me :: !threads; (* Add ourselves to the list. *) waitAgain() (* Wait and return the result when we're done. *) end fun doWait(c: conditionVar, m: Mutex.mutex, t: Time.time option) : bool = let val originalIntstate = getInterruptState() (* Set this to handle interrupts synchronously unless we're already ignoring them. *) val () = if originalIntstate = InterruptDefer then () else setInterruptState InterruptSynch; (* Wait for the condition. If it raises an exception we still need to reacquire the lock unless we were handling interrupts asynchronously. *) val result = innerWait(c, m, t) handle exn => ( (* We had an exception. If we were handling exceptions synchronously we reacquire the lock. If it was set to InterruptAsynchOnce this counts as a single asynchronous exception and we restore the state as InterruptSynch. *) case originalIntstate of InterruptDefer => (* Shouldn't happen? *) Mutex.lock m | InterruptSynch => Mutex.lock m | InterruptAsynch => setInterruptState InterruptAsynch | InterruptAsynchOnce => setInterruptState InterruptSynch; raise exn (* Reraise the exception*) ) in (* Restore the original interrupt state first. *) setInterruptState originalIntstate; (* Normal return. Reacquire the lock before returning. *) Mutex.lock m; result end fun wait(c: conditionVar, m: Mutex.mutex) : unit = (doWait(c, m, NONE); ()) and waitUntil(c: conditionVar, m: Mutex.mutex, t: Time.time) : bool = doWait(c, m, SOME t) end local (* This call wakes up the specified thread. If the thread has already been interrupted and is not ignoring interrupts it returns false. Otherwise it wakes up the thread and returns true. We have to use this because we define that if a thread is interrupted before it is signalled then it raises Interrupt. *) val threadCondVarWake: thread -> bool = RunCall.rtsCallFast1 "PolyThreadCondVarWake" (* Wake a single thread if we can (signal). *) fun wakeOne [] = [] | wakeOne (thread::rest) = if threadCondVarWake thread then rest else thread :: wakeOne rest (* Wake all threads (broadcast). *) fun wakeAll [] = [] (* Always returns the empty list. *) | wakeAll (thread::rest) = (threadCondVarWake thread; wakeAll rest) fun signalOrBroadcast({lock, threads}: conditionVar, wakeThreads) : unit = let val originalState = getInterruptState() in (* Set this to handle interrupts synchronously unless we're already ignoring them. We need to do this to avoid an asynchronous interrupt which could leave the internal lock in an inconsistent state. *) if originalState = InterruptDefer then () else setInterruptState InterruptSynch; (* Get the condition var lock. *) Mutex.lock lock; threads := wakeThreads(! threads); Mutex.unlock lock; setInterruptState originalState; (* Restore original state. *) (* Test if we were interrupted while we were handling interrupts synchronously. *) if originalState = InterruptAsynch orelse originalState = InterruptAsynchOnce then testInterrupt() else () end in fun signal cv = signalOrBroadcast(cv, wakeOne) and broadcast cv = signalOrBroadcast(cv, wakeAll) end end end; local fun prettyMutex _ _ (_: Thread.Mutex.mutex) = PolyML.PrettyString "?" and prettyThread _ _ (_: Thread.Thread.thread) = PolyML.PrettyString "?" and prettyCondVar _ _ (_: Thread.ConditionVar.conditionVar) = PolyML.PrettyString "?" in val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter prettyMutex and () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter prettyThread and () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter prettyCondVar end; diff --git a/mlsource/MLCompiler/INITIALISE_.ML b/mlsource/MLCompiler/INITIALISE_.ML index ac2d2c4e..38be19cb 100644 --- a/mlsource/MLCompiler/INITIALISE_.ML +++ b/mlsource/MLCompiler/INITIALISE_.ML @@ -1,2086 +1,2088 @@ (* Copyright (c) 2000 Cambridge University Technical Services Limited Updated David C.J. Matthews 2008-9, 2012, 2013, 2015-22 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Title: Initialise ML Global Declarations. Author: Dave Matthews,Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Copyright Cambridge University 1985 *) functor INITIALISE_ ( structure LEX: LEXSIG structure TYPETREE : TYPETREESIG structure STRUCTVALS : STRUCTVALSIG structure VALUEOPS : VALUEOPSSIG structure CODETREE : CODETREE structure EXPORTTREE: EXPORTTREESIG structure DATATYPEREP: DATATYPEREPSIG structure TYPEIDCODE: TYPEIDCODESIG structure MAKE: MAKESIG structure ADDRESS : AddressSig structure DEBUG: DEBUG structure DEBUGGER : DEBUGGER structure PRETTY : PRETTY structure PRINTTABLE: PRINTTABLESIG structure MISC : sig val unescapeString : string -> string exception Conversion of string; (* string to int conversion failure *) end structure VERSION: sig val compilerVersion: string val versionNumber: int end structure UNIVERSALTABLE: sig type universal = Universal.universal type univTable type 'a tag = 'a Universal.tag val univLookup: univTable * 'a tag * string -> 'a option val fold: (string * universal * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> univTable -> 'a end sharing STRUCTVALS.Sharing = VALUEOPS.Sharing = TYPETREE.Sharing = EXPORTTREE.Sharing = PRETTY.Sharing = CODETREE.Sharing = MAKE.Sharing = ADDRESS = DATATYPEREP.Sharing = TYPEIDCODE.Sharing = DEBUGGER.Sharing = LEX.Sharing = PRINTTABLE.Sharing sharing STRUCTVALS.Sharing = VALUEOPS.Sharing = TYPETREE.Sharing = EXPORTTREE.Sharing = PRETTY.Sharing = CODETREE.Sharing = MAKE.Sharing = ADDRESS = DATATYPEREP.Sharing = TYPEIDCODE.Sharing = DEBUGGER.Sharing = LEX.Sharing = PRINTTABLE.Sharing = UNIVERSALTABLE ) : sig type gEnv val initGlobalEnv : {globalTable : gEnv, intIsArbitraryPrecision: bool } -> unit end = struct open STRUCTVALS; open TYPETREE open VALUEOPS; open CODETREE; open ADDRESS; open MAKE; open MISC; open EXPORTTREE open DATATYPEREP val intInfType = mkTypeConstruction ("int", intInfConstr, [], []) and realType = mkTypeConstruction ("real", realConstr, [], []) and charType = mkTypeConstruction ("char", charConstr, [], []) and wordType = mkTypeConstruction ("word", wordConstr, [], []) val declInBasis = [DeclaredAt inBasis] fun applyList _ [] = () | applyList f (h :: t) = (f h : unit; applyList f t); fun initGlobalEnv{globalTable : gEnv, intIsArbitraryPrecision: bool } = let val Env globalEnv = MAKE.gEnvAsEnv globalTable val enterGlobalValue = #enterVal globalEnv; val enterGlobalType = #enterType globalEnv; (* Some routines to help make the types. *) local (* careful - STRUCTVALS.intType differs from TYPETREE.intType *) open TYPETREE; in (* Make some type variables *) fun makeEqTV () = mkTypeVar (generalisable, true, false, false) fun makeTV () = mkTypeVar (generalisable, false, false, false) fun makePrintTV() = mkTypeVar (generalisable, false, false, true) fun makeTypeVariable() = makeTv {value=emptyType, level=generalisable, equality=false, nonunifiable=false, printable=false} (* Make some functions *) infixr 5 ->> fun a ->> b = mkFunctionType (a, b); infix 7 **; fun a ** b = mkProductType [a, b]; (* Type identifiers for the types of the declarations. *) val Int = if intIsArbitraryPrecision then intInfType else fixedIntType val String = stringType; val Bool = boolType; val Unit = unitType; val Char = charType; val Word = wordType; val Real = realType val Exn = exnType val mkTypeConstruction = mkTypeConstruction; val () = setPreferredInt(if intIsArbitraryPrecision then intInfConstr else fixedIntConstr) end; fun makePolymorphic(tvs, c) = let open TYPEIDCODE val tvs = List.filter(fn TypeVar tv => not justForEqualityTypes orelse tvEquality tv | _ => false) tvs in if null tvs then c else mkInlproc(c, List.length tvs, "", [], 0) end (* Function to make a type identifier with a pretty printer that just prints "?". None of the types are equality types so the equality function is empty. *) local fun monotypePrinter _ = PRETTY.PrettyString "?" in fun defaultEqAndPrintCode () = let open TypeValue val code = createTypeValue{ eqCode = CodeZero, printCode = mkConst (toMachineWord (ref monotypePrinter)), boxedCode = boxedNever, sizeCode = singleWord } in Global (genCode(code, [], 0) ()) end end fun makeTypeAbbreviation(name, fullName, typeVars, typeResult, locations) = makeTypeConstructor( name, typeVars, makeTypeFunction(basisDescription fullName, (typeVars, typeResult)), locations) (* Make an opaque type and add it to an environment. *) fun makeAndDeclareOpaqueType(typeName, fullName, env) = let val typeconstr = makeTypeConstructor(typeName, [], makeFreeId(0, defaultEqAndPrintCode(), false, basisDescription fullName), declInBasis); in #enterType env (typeName, TypeConstrSet(typeconstr, [])); mkTypeConstruction (typeName, typeconstr, [], declInBasis) end; (* List of something *) fun List (base : types) : types = mkTypeConstruction ("list", tsConstr listConstr, [base], declInBasis); (* ref something *) fun Ref (base : types) : types = mkTypeConstruction ("ref", refConstr, [base], declInBasis); fun Option (base : types) : types = mkTypeConstruction ("option", tsConstr optionConstr, [base], declInBasis); (* Type-dependent functions. *) fun mkSpecialFun (name:string, typeof:types, opn: typeDependent) : values = makeOverloaded (name, typeof, opn); (* Overloaded functions. *) fun mkOverloaded (name:string) (typeof: types) : values = mkSpecialFun(name, typeof, TypeDep) (* Make a structure. Returns the table as an environment so that entries can be added to the structure. *) fun makeStructure(parentEnv, name) = let val str as Struct{signat=Signatures{tab, ...}, ...} = makeEmptyGlobal name val () = #enterStruct parentEnv (name, str) val Env env = makeEnv tab in env end val () = enterGlobalType ("unit", TypeConstrSet(unitConstr, [])); local val falseCons = mkGconstr ("false", Bool, createNullaryConstructor(EnumForm{tag=0w0, maxTag=0w1}, [], "false"), true, 2, declInBasis) val trueCons = mkGconstr ("true", Bool, createNullaryConstructor(EnumForm{tag=0w1, maxTag=0w1}, [], "true"), true, 2, declInBasis) val boolEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Bool") (* Bool structure *) val notFn = mkGvar("not", Bool ->> Bool, mkUnaryFn BuiltIns.NotBoolean, declInBasis) in val () = #enterType boolEnv ("bool", TypeConstrSet(boolConstr, [trueCons, falseCons])) val () = #enterVal boolEnv ("true", trueCons) val () = #enterVal boolEnv ("false", falseCons) val () = #enterVal boolEnv ("not", notFn) end; val () = enterGlobalType ("int", TypeConstrSet(if intIsArbitraryPrecision then intInfConstr else fixedIntConstr, [])) val () = enterGlobalType ("char", TypeConstrSet(charConstr, [])) val () = enterGlobalType ("string", TypeConstrSet(stringConstr, [])) val () = enterGlobalType ("real", TypeConstrSet(realConstr, [])) val () = (* Enter :: and nil. *) List.app(fn(tv as Value{name, ...}) => enterGlobalValue(name, tv)) (tsConstructors listConstr) val () = enterGlobalType ("list", listConstr); val () = (* Enter NONE and SOME. *) List.app(fn(tv as Value{name, ...}) => enterGlobalValue(name, tv)) (tsConstructors optionConstr) val () = enterGlobalType ("option", optionConstr); local val refCons = let val a = mkTypeVar(generalisable, false, false, false) in mkGconstr ("ref", a ->> Ref a, createUnaryConstructor(RefForm, [a], "ref"), false, 1, declInBasis) end in val () = enterGlobalType ("ref", TypeConstrSet(refConstr, [refCons])); val () = enterGlobalValue ("ref", refCons); end local open BuiltIns fun monoTypePrinter _ = PRETTY.PrettyString "?" val idCode = let open TypeValue val equalLongWordFn = mkInlproc( mkBinary(LargeWordComparison TestEqual, mkLoadArgument 0, mkLoadArgument 1), 2, "EqualLargeWord()", [], 0) val code = createTypeValue{ eqCode=equalLongWordFn, printCode=mkConst (toMachineWord (ref monoTypePrinter)), boxedCode = boxedNever, sizeCode = singleWord } in Global (genCode(code, [], 0) ()) end in val largeWordType = makeTypeConstructor("word", [], makeFreeId(0, idCode, true, basisDescription "LargeWord.word"), declInBasis) val LargeWord = mkTypeConstruction ("LargeWord.word", largeWordType, [], declInBasis) end val () = enterGlobalType ("exn", TypeConstrSet(exnConstr, [])); val () = enterGlobalType ("word", TypeConstrSet(wordConstr, [])); val runCallEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "RunCall") fun enterRunCall (name : string, entry : codetree, typ : types) : unit = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, entry, declInBasis); in #enterVal runCallEnv (name, value) end local (* unsafeCast. Can be used to convert any value to any type. *) val a = makeTV () val b = makeTV () val unsafeCastEntry = mkInlproc (mkLoadArgument 0 (* just the parameter *), 1, "unsafeCast(1)", [], 0) in val () = enterRunCall ("unsafeCast", makePolymorphic([a, b], unsafeCastEntry), a ->> b) end local val a = makeTV() and b = makeTV() open BuiltIns in (* isShort - test if a value is tagged rather than being an address. *) val () = enterRunCall ("isShort", makePolymorphic([a], mkUnaryFn IsTaggedValue), a ->> Bool) (* pointer equality *) val () = enterRunCall ("pointerEq", makePolymorphic([a], mkBinaryFn PointerEq), a ** a ->> Bool) (* load a word. The index is in words and is always zero or positive. *) val () = enterRunCall ("loadWord", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkLoadOperationFn(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false})), a ** Word ->> b) (* Load a word from an immutable. *) val () = enterRunCall ("loadWordFromImmutable", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkLoadOperationFn(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=true})), a ** Word ->> b) (* load a byte. The index is in bytes and is always zero or positive. Probably the result should be a Word8.word value or a char. *) val () = enterRunCall ("loadByte", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkLoadOperationFn(LoadStoreMLByte{isImmutable=false})), a ** Word ->> b) (* Load a byte from an immutable. *) val () = enterRunCall ("loadByteFromImmutable", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkLoadOperationFn(LoadStoreMLByte{isImmutable=true})), a ** Word ->> b) (* Load a 32-bit value into a large word *) val () = enterRunCall ("loadPolyWord", makePolymorphic([a], mkLoadOperationFn(LoadStorePolyWord{isImmutable=false})), a ** Word ->> LargeWord) (* Load a 64-bit value into a large word *) val () = enterRunCall ("loadNativeWord", makePolymorphic([a], mkLoadOperationFn(LoadStoreNativeWord{isImmutable=false})), a ** Word ->> LargeWord) (* Get the length of a heap cell. *) val () = enterRunCall ("memoryCellLength", makePolymorphic([a], mkUnaryFn MemoryCellLength), a ->> Word) (* Return the flags. Perhaps this could return a Word8.word value instead of a word. *) val () = enterRunCall ("memoryCellFlags", makePolymorphic([a], mkUnaryFn MemoryCellFlags), a ->> Word) (* Return the number of bytes per word. This is a constant since we have separate pre-built compilers for 32-bit and 64-bit. N.B. The byte order is not a constant since we only have a single pre-built compiler for little-endian and big-endian interpreted code. *) val () = enterRunCall ("bytesPerWord", mkConst(toMachineWord wordSize), Word) (* Store a word *) val () = enterRunCall ("storeWord", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkStoreOperationFn(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false})), mkProductType[a, Word, b] ->> Unit) (* Store a byte *) val () = enterRunCall ("storeByte", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkStoreOperationFn(LoadStoreMLByte{isImmutable=false})), mkProductType[a, Word, b] ->> Unit) (* Store a word without release semantics. *) val () = enterRunCall ("storeWordInitialise", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkStoreOperationFn(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=true})), mkProductType[a, Word, b] ->> Unit) (* Store a byte without release semantics *) val () = enterRunCall ("storeByteInitialise", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkStoreOperationFn(LoadStoreMLByte{isImmutable=true})), mkProductType[a, Word, b] ->> Unit) (* Store a PolyWord value from a large word *) val () = enterRunCall ("storePolyWord", makePolymorphic([a], mkStoreOperationFn(LoadStorePolyWord{isImmutable=false})), mkProductType[a, Word, LargeWord] ->> Unit) (* Store a native word value from a large word *) val () = enterRunCall ("storeNativeWord", makePolymorphic([a], mkStoreOperationFn(LoadStoreNativeWord{isImmutable=false})), mkProductType[a, Word, LargeWord] ->> Unit) (* Lock a mutable cell. *) val () = enterRunCall ("clearMutableBit", makePolymorphic([a], mkUnaryFn ClearMutableFlag), a ->> Unit) (* Allocate a byte cell. The second argument is the flags byte. It might be better if this were a Word8.word value. *) val () = enterRunCall ("allocateByteMemory", makePolymorphic([a], mkBinaryFn AllocateByteMemory), Word ** Word ->> a) (* Allocate a word cell. *) val () = enterRunCall ("allocateWordMemory", makePolymorphic([a, b], mkAllocateWordMemoryFn), mkProductType[Word, Word, a] ->> b) (* Byte vector operations. *) val () = enterRunCall ("byteVectorEqual", makePolymorphic([a], mkBlockOperationFn BlockOpEqualByte), mkProductType[a, a, Word, Word, Word] ->> Bool) val () = enterRunCall ("byteVectorCompare", makePolymorphic([a], mkBlockOperationFn BlockOpCompareByte), mkProductType[a, a, Word, Word, Word] ->> Int) (* Block moves. *) val () = enterRunCall ("moveBytes", makePolymorphic([a], mkBlockOperationFn (BlockOpMove{isByteMove=true})), mkProductType[a, a, Word, Word, Word] ->> Unit) val () = enterRunCall ("moveWords", makePolymorphic([a], mkBlockOperationFn (BlockOpMove{isByteMove=false})), mkProductType[a, a, Word, Word, Word] ->> Unit) (* Untagged loads and stores. *) val () = enterRunCall ("loadUntagged", mkLoadOperationFn LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned, String ** Word ->> Word) val () = enterRunCall ("storeUntagged", mkStoreOperationFn LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned, mkProductType[String, Word, Word] ->> Unit) val () = enterRunCall ("touch", makePolymorphic([a], mkUnaryFn TouchAddress), a ->> Unit) end local val debugOpts = [] (* Place to add debugging if necessary. *) (* [tagInject Pretty.compilerOutputTag (Pretty.prettyPrint(print, 70)), tagInject assemblyCodeTag true] *) fun makeCall rtsCall n entryName = rtsCall (entryName, n, debugOpts) val makeFastCall = makeCall CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFast (* We need to wrap this so that the arguments are passed in registers. *) fun makeRunCallTupled (argTypes, resultType, callN) : codetree = let val width = List.length argTypes val name = "rtsCall" ^ Int.toString width; local val f = mkLoadClosure 0 (* first item from enclosing scope *) val tuple = mkLoadArgument 0 (* the inner parameter *) val args = case argTypes of [singleType] => [(tuple, singleType)] | argTypes => let val argVals = List.tabulate(width, fn n => mkInd (n, tuple)) in ListPair.zipEq(argVals, argTypes) end in val innerBody = mkCall (f, args, resultType) end local (* The closure contains the address of the RTS call. *) val f = mkEval(mkConst callN, [mkLoadArgument 0]) val innerLambda = mkInlproc (innerBody, 1, name ^ "(1)", [mkLoadLocal 0], 0) in val outerBody = mkEnv([mkDec (0, f)], innerLambda) end val outerLambda = mkInlproc (outerBody, 1, name, [], 1) in outerLambda end (* "Full" calls pass the thread Id as the first parameter. *) fun makeRunCallTupledFull (argTypes, resultType) = let val width = List.length argTypes val callN = toMachineWord(makeFastCall(width + 1)) val name = "rtsCall" ^ Int.toString width; local val f = mkLoadClosure 0 (* first item from enclosing scope *) val tuple = mkLoadArgument 0 (* the inner parameter *) val args = case argTypes of [singleType] => [(tuple, singleType)] | argTypes => let val argVals = List.tabulate(width, fn n => mkInd (n, tuple)) in ListPair.zipEq(argVals, argTypes) end in val innerBody = mkCall (f, (getCurrentThreadId, GeneralType) :: args, resultType) end local (* The closure contains the address of the RTS call. *) val f = mkEval(mkConst callN, [mkLoadArgument 0]) (* This creates the actual call. *) val innerLambda = mkInlproc (innerBody, 1, name ^ "(1)", [mkLoadLocal 0], 0) in val outerBody = mkEnv([mkDec (0, f)], innerLambda) end val outerLambda = mkInlproc (outerBody, 1, name, [], 1) in outerLambda end local val a = makeTV () and b = makeTV () fun makeInlCode(makeCall, name) = let val call1 = toMachineWord(makeCall 1) val body = mkEval(mkConst call1, [mkLoadArgument 0]) val proc = mkInlproc (body, 1, name, [], 0) in makePolymorphic([a, b], proc) end in val rtsCallFast1Entry = makeInlCode(makeFastCall, "rtsCallFast1") end local val a = makeTV () and b = makeTV () and c = makeTV () and d = makeTV () and e = makeTV () and f = makeTV () fun makeRtsCall(n, makeCall) = makeRunCallTupled(List.tabulate(n, fn _ => GeneralType), GeneralType, toMachineWord(makeCall n)) fun makeFullRtsCall n = makeRunCallTupledFull(List.tabulate(n, fn _ => GeneralType), GeneralType) in val rtsCallFull0Entry = makePolymorphic([a], makeFullRtsCall 0) and rtsCallFast0Entry = makePolymorphic([a], makeRtsCall(0, makeFastCall)) val rtsCall0Type = String ->> Unit ->> a val rtsCall1Type = String ->> a ->> b val rtsCallFull1Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b], makeFullRtsCall 1) val rtsCallFull2Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b, c], makeFullRtsCall 2) and rtsCallFast2Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b, c], makeRtsCall(2, makeFastCall)) val rtsCall2Type = String ->> TYPETREE.mkProductType [a,b] ->> c val rtsCallFull3Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b, c, d], makeFullRtsCall 3) val rtsCallFast3Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b, c, d], makeRtsCall(3, makeFastCall)) val rtsCall3Type = String ->> TYPETREE.mkProductType [a,b,c] ->> d val rtsCallFull4Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b, c, d, e], makeFullRtsCall 4) val rtsCallFast4Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b, c, d, e], makeRtsCall(4, makeFastCall)) val rtsCall4Type = String ->> TYPETREE.mkProductType [a,b,c,d] ->> e val rtsCallFull5Entry = makePolymorphic([a, b, c, d, e, f], makeFullRtsCall 5) val rtsCall5Type = String ->> TYPETREE.mkProductType [a,b,c,d,e] ->> f end in val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFull0", rtsCallFull0Entry, rtsCall0Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFast0", rtsCallFast0Entry, rtsCall0Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFull1", rtsCallFull1Entry, rtsCall1Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFast1", rtsCallFast1Entry, rtsCall1Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFull2", rtsCallFull2Entry, rtsCall2Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFast2", rtsCallFast2Entry, rtsCall2Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFull3", rtsCallFull3Entry, rtsCall3Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFast3", rtsCallFast3Entry, rtsCall3Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFast4", rtsCallFast4Entry, rtsCall4Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFull4", rtsCallFull4Entry, rtsCall4Type) val () = enterRunCall ("rtsCallFull5", rtsCallFull5Entry, rtsCall5Type) val makeRunCallTupled = makeRunCallTupled (* Needed for reals. *) end local (* Create nullary exception. *) fun makeException0(name, id) = let val exc = Value{ name = name, typeOf = TYPETREE.exnType, access = Global(mkConst(toMachineWord id)), class = Exception, locations = declInBasis, references = NONE, instanceTypes=NONE } in #enterVal runCallEnv (name, exc) end (* Create exception with parameter. *) and makeException1(name, id, exType) = let val exc = Value{ name = name, typeOf = exType ->> TYPETREE.exnType, access = Global(mkConst(toMachineWord id)), class = Exception, locations = declInBasis, references = NONE, instanceTypes=NONE } in #enterVal runCallEnv (name, exc) end (* Exception numbers. Most of these are hard-coded in the RTS. *) val EXC_interrupt = 1 val EXC_syserr = 2 val EXC_size = 4 val EXC_overflow = 5 val EXC_divide = 7 val EXC_conversion = 8 val EXC_XWindows = 10 val EXC_subscript = 11 val EXC_thread = 12 val EXC_Bind = 100 (* In Match compiler. *) val EXC_Match = 101 val EXC_Fail = 103 in val () = List.app makeException0 [ ("Interrupt", EXC_interrupt), ("Size", EXC_size), ("Bind", EXC_Bind), ("Div", EXC_divide), ("Match", EXC_Match), ("Overflow", EXC_overflow), ("Subscript", EXC_subscript) ] val () = List.app makeException1 [ ("Fail", EXC_Fail, String), ("Conversion", EXC_conversion, String), ("XWindows", EXC_XWindows, String), ("Thread", EXC_thread, String), ("SysErr", EXC_syserr, String ** Option LargeWord) ] end (* Standard Basis structures for basic types. These contain the definitions of the basic types and operations on them. The structures are extended in the basis library and overloaded functions are extracted from them. *) local val largeIntEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "LargeInt") (* The comparison operations take two arbitrary precision ints and a general "compare" function that returns a fixed precision int. *) val compareType = mkProductType[intInfType, intInfType, intInfType ** intInfType ->> fixedIntType] ->> Bool val arithType = mkProductType[intInfType, intInfType, intInfType ** intInfType ->> intInfType] ->> intInfType fun enterArbitrary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkArbitraryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal largeIntEnv (name, value) end in val () = #enterType largeIntEnv ("int", TypeConstrSet(intInfConstr, [])) (* These functions are used internally. *) val () = enterArbitrary("less", ArbCompare BuiltIns.TestLess, compareType) val () = enterArbitrary("greater", ArbCompare BuiltIns.TestGreater, compareType) val () = enterArbitrary("lessEq", ArbCompare BuiltIns.TestLessEqual, compareType) val () = enterArbitrary("greaterEq", ArbCompare BuiltIns.TestGreaterEqual, compareType) val () = enterArbitrary("add", ArbArith BuiltIns.ArithAdd, arithType) val () = enterArbitrary("subtract", ArbArith BuiltIns.ArithSub, arithType) val () = enterArbitrary("multiply", ArbArith BuiltIns.ArithMult, arithType) end local val fixedIntEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "FixedInt") open BuiltIns fun enterBinary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkBinaryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal fixedIntEnv (name, value) end val compareType = fixedIntType ** fixedIntType ->> Bool and binaryType = fixedIntType ** fixedIntType ->> fixedIntType fun enterComparison(name, test) = enterBinary(name, WordComparison{test=test, isSigned=true}, compareType) and enterBinaryOp(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, FixedPrecisionArith oper, binaryType) in val () = #enterType fixedIntEnv ("int", TypeConstrSet(fixedIntConstr, [])) val () = enterComparison("<", TestLess) val () = enterComparison("<=", TestLessEqual) val () = enterComparison(">", TestGreater) val () = enterComparison(">=", TestGreaterEqual) val () = enterBinaryOp("+", ArithAdd) val () = enterBinaryOp("-", ArithSub) val () = enterBinaryOp("*", ArithMult) val () = enterBinaryOp("quot", ArithQuot) val () = enterBinaryOp("rem", ArithRem) end local open BuiltIns val largeWordEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "LargeWord") fun enterBinary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkBinaryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal largeWordEnv (name, value) end val compareType = LargeWord ** LargeWord ->> Bool and binaryType = LargeWord ** LargeWord ->> LargeWord and shiftType = LargeWord ** Word ->> LargeWord (* The shift amount is a Word. *) fun enterComparison(name, test) = enterBinary(name, LargeWordComparison test, compareType) and enterBinaryOp(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, LargeWordArith oper, binaryType) and enterBinaryLogical(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, LargeWordLogical oper, binaryType) and enterBinaryShift(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, LargeWordShift oper, shiftType) in val () = #enterType largeWordEnv ("word", TypeConstrSet(largeWordType, [])) val () = enterComparison("<", TestLess) val () = enterComparison("<=", TestLessEqual) val () = enterComparison(">", TestGreater) val () = enterComparison(">=", TestGreaterEqual) val () = enterBinaryOp("+", ArithAdd) val () = enterBinaryOp("-", ArithSub) val () = enterBinaryOp("*", ArithMult) val () = enterBinaryOp("div", ArithDiv) val () = enterBinaryOp("mod", ArithMod) val () = enterBinaryLogical("orb", LogicalOr) val () = enterBinaryLogical("andb", LogicalAnd) val () = enterBinaryLogical("xorb", LogicalXor) val () = enterBinaryShift("<<", ShiftLeft) val () = enterBinaryShift(">>", ShiftRightLogical) val () = enterBinaryShift("~>>", ShiftRightArithmetic) val LargeWord = LargeWord end local val wordStructEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Word") open BuiltIns fun enterBinary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkBinaryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal wordStructEnv (name, value) end val compareType = Word ** Word ->> Bool and binaryType = Word ** Word ->> Word fun enterComparison(name, test) = enterBinary(name, WordComparison{test=test, isSigned=false}, compareType) and enterBinaryOp(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, WordArith oper, binaryType) and enterBinaryLogical(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, WordLogical oper, binaryType) and enterBinaryShift(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, WordShift oper, binaryType) val toLargeWordFn = mkGvar ("toLargeWord", Word ->> LargeWord, mkUnaryFn UnsignedToLongWord, declInBasis) and toLargeWordXFn = mkGvar ("toLargeWordX", Word ->> LargeWord, mkUnaryFn SignedToLongWord, declInBasis) and fromLargeWordFn = mkGvar ("fromLargeWord", LargeWord ->> Word, mkUnaryFn LongWordToTagged, declInBasis) in val () = #enterType wordStructEnv ("word", TypeConstrSet(wordConstr, [])) val () = enterComparison("<", TestLess) val () = enterComparison("<=", TestLessEqual) val () = enterComparison(">", TestGreater) val () = enterComparison(">=", TestGreaterEqual) val () = enterBinaryOp("+", ArithAdd) val () = enterBinaryOp("-", ArithSub) val () = enterBinaryOp("*", ArithMult) val () = enterBinaryOp("div", ArithDiv) val () = enterBinaryOp("mod", ArithMod) val () = enterBinaryLogical("orb", LogicalOr) val () = enterBinaryLogical("andb", LogicalAnd) val () = enterBinaryLogical("xorb", LogicalXor) val () = enterBinaryShift("<<", ShiftLeft) val () = enterBinaryShift(">>", ShiftRightLogical) val () = enterBinaryShift("~>>", ShiftRightArithmetic) val () = #enterVal wordStructEnv ("toLargeWord", toLargeWordFn) val () = #enterVal wordStructEnv ("toLargeWordX", toLargeWordXFn) val () = #enterVal wordStructEnv ("fromLargeWord", fromLargeWordFn) end local val charEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Char") open BuiltIns (* Comparison functions are the same as Word. *) fun enterComparison(name, test) = let val typ = Char ** Char ->> Bool val entry = mkBinaryFn(WordComparison{test=test, isSigned=false}) val value = mkGvar (name, typ, entry, declInBasis) in #enterVal charEnv (name, value) end in val () = #enterType charEnv ("char", TypeConstrSet(charConstr, [])) val () = enterComparison("<", TestLess) val () = enterComparison("<=", TestLessEqual) val () = enterComparison(">", TestGreater) val () = enterComparison(">=", TestGreaterEqual) end local val stringEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "String") in val () = #enterType stringEnv ("string", TypeConstrSet(stringConstr, [])) end local val realEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Real") (* These are only used in Real so are included here rather than in RunCall. rtsCallFastRealtoReal is used for functions such as sqrt. rtsCallFastGeneraltoReal is used for Real.fromLargeInt. *) val debugOpts = [] (* Place to add debugging if necessary. *) fun makeFastRealRealCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastRealtoReal (entryName, debugOpts) and makeFastRealRealRealCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastRealRealtoReal (entryName, debugOpts) and makeFastIntInfRealCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastGeneraltoReal (entryName, debugOpts) and makeFastRealGeneralRealCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastRealGeneraltoReal (entryName, debugOpts) val rtsCallFastR_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([DoubleFloatType], DoubleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastRealRealCall) (* This needs to be tupled. *) val rtsCallFastRR_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([DoubleFloatType, DoubleFloatType], DoubleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastRealRealRealCall) and rtsCallFastRI_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([DoubleFloatType, GeneralType], DoubleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastRealGeneralRealCall) val rtsCallFastI_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([GeneralType], DoubleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastIntInfRealCall) val rtsCallFastF_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastR_R", String ->> Real ->> Real, rtsCallFastR_REntry, declInBasis) val rtsCallFastFF_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastRR_R", String ->> Real ** Real ->> Real, rtsCallFastRR_REntry, declInBasis) val rtsCallFastFG_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastRI_R", String ->> Real ** Int ->> Real, rtsCallFastRI_REntry, declInBasis) val rtsCallFastG_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastI_R", String ->> intInfType ->> Real, rtsCallFastI_REntry, declInBasis) fun enterUnary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkUnaryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal realEnv (name, value) end fun enterBinary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkBinaryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal realEnv (name, value) end val compareType = Real ** Real ->> Bool and binaryType = Real ** Real ->> Real and unaryType = Real ->> Real and realToFixType = Real ->> fixedIntType open BuiltIns IEEEReal fun enterComparison(name, test) = enterBinary(name, RealComparison(test, PrecDouble), compareType) and enterBinaryOp(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, RealArith(oper, PrecDouble), binaryType) in val () = #enterType realEnv ("real", TypeConstrSet(realConstr, [])) val () = #enterVal realEnv ("rtsCallFastR_R", rtsCallFastF_F) val () = #enterVal realEnv ("rtsCallFastRR_R", rtsCallFastFF_F) val () = #enterVal realEnv ("rtsCallFastRI_R", rtsCallFastFG_F) val () = #enterVal realEnv ("rtsCallFastI_R", rtsCallFastG_F) val () = enterComparison("<", TestLess) val () = enterComparison("<=", TestLessEqual) val () = enterComparison(">", TestGreater) val () = enterComparison(">=", TestGreaterEqual) val () = enterComparison("==", TestEqual) (* real is not an eqtype. *) (* Included unordered mainly because it's easy to implement isNan. *) val () = enterComparison("unordered", TestUnordered) val () = enterBinaryOp("+", ArithAdd) val () = enterBinaryOp("-", ArithSub) val () = enterBinaryOp("*", ArithMult) val () = enterBinaryOp("/", ArithDiv) val () = enterUnary("~", RealNeg PrecDouble, unaryType) val () = enterUnary("abs", RealAbs PrecDouble, unaryType) val () = enterUnary("fromFixedInt", RealFixedInt PrecDouble, fixedIntType ->> Real) val () = enterUnary("truncFix", RealToInt(PrecDouble, TO_ZERO), realToFixType) val () = enterUnary("roundFix", RealToInt(PrecDouble, TO_NEAREST), realToFixType) val () = enterUnary("ceilFix", RealToInt(PrecDouble, TO_POSINF), realToFixType) val () = enterUnary("floorFix", RealToInt(PrecDouble, TO_NEGINF), realToFixType) end local val real32Env = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Real32") val floatType = mkTypeConstruction ("real", floatConstr, [], []) val Float = floatType val debugOpts = [] (* Place to add debugging if necessary. *) fun makeFastFloatFloatCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastFloattoFloat (entryName, debugOpts) and makeFastFloatFloatFloatCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastFloatFloattoFloat (entryName, debugOpts) and makeFastIntInfFloatCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastGeneraltoFloat (entryName, debugOpts) and makeFastFloatGeneralFloatCall entryName = CODETREE.Foreign.rtsCallFastFloatGeneraltoFloat (entryName, debugOpts) val rtsCallFastR_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([SingleFloatType], SingleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastFloatFloatCall) (* This needs to be tupled. *) val rtsCallFastRR_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([SingleFloatType, SingleFloatType], SingleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastFloatFloatFloatCall) and rtsCallFastRI_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([SingleFloatType, GeneralType], SingleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastFloatGeneralFloatCall) val rtsCallFastI_REntry = makeRunCallTupled([GeneralType], SingleFloatType, toMachineWord makeFastIntInfFloatCall) val rtsCallFastF_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastF_F", String ->> Float ->> Float, rtsCallFastR_REntry, declInBasis) val rtsCallFastFF_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastFF_F", String ->> Float ** Float ->> Float, rtsCallFastRR_REntry, declInBasis) val rtsCallFastFG_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastFI_F", String ->> Float ** Int ->> Float, rtsCallFastRI_REntry, declInBasis) val rtsCallFastG_F = mkGvar ("rtsCallFastI_F", String ->> intInfType ->> Float, rtsCallFastI_REntry, declInBasis) fun enterUnary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkUnaryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal real32Env (name, value) end fun enterBinary(name, oper, typ) = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, mkBinaryFn oper, declInBasis) in #enterVal real32Env (name, value) end val compareType = Float ** Float ->> Bool and binaryType = Float ** Float ->> Float and unaryType = Float ->> Float and floatToFixType = Float ->> fixedIntType open BuiltIns IEEEReal fun enterComparison(name, test) = enterBinary(name, RealComparison(test, PrecSingle), compareType) and enterBinaryOp(name, oper) = enterBinary(name, RealArith(oper, PrecSingle), binaryType) in val () = #enterType real32Env ("real", TypeConstrSet(floatConstr, [])) val () = enterUnary("toLarge", BuiltIns.FloatToDouble, floatType ->> Real) (* Conversion with the current rounding mode. *) and () = enterUnary("fromReal", BuiltIns.DoubleToFloat, Real ->> floatType) val () = #enterVal real32Env ("rtsCallFastR_R", rtsCallFastF_F) val () = #enterVal real32Env ("rtsCallFastRR_R", rtsCallFastFF_F) val () = #enterVal real32Env ("rtsCallFastRI_R", rtsCallFastFG_F) val () = #enterVal real32Env ("rtsCallFastI_R", rtsCallFastG_F) val () = enterComparison("<", TestLess) val () = enterComparison("<=", TestLessEqual) val () = enterComparison(">", TestGreater) val () = enterComparison(">=", TestGreaterEqual) val () = enterComparison("==", TestEqual) (* Real32.real is not an eqtype. *) val () = enterComparison("unordered", TestUnordered) val () = enterBinaryOp("+", ArithAdd) val () = enterBinaryOp("-", ArithSub) val () = enterBinaryOp("*", ArithMult) val () = enterBinaryOp("/", ArithDiv) val () = enterUnary("~", RealNeg PrecSingle, unaryType) val () = enterUnary("abs", RealAbs PrecSingle, unaryType) val () = enterUnary("fromFixedInt", RealFixedInt PrecSingle, fixedIntType ->> floatType) val () = enterUnary("truncFix", RealToInt(PrecSingle, TO_ZERO), floatToFixType) val () = enterUnary("roundFix", RealToInt(PrecSingle, TO_NEAREST), floatToFixType) val () = enterUnary("ceilFix", RealToInt(PrecSingle, TO_POSINF), floatToFixType) val () = enterUnary("floorFix", RealToInt(PrecSingle, TO_NEGINF), floatToFixType) end val bootstrapEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Bootstrap") fun enterBootstrap (name : string, entry : codetree, typ : types) : unit = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, entry, declInBasis) in #enterVal bootstrapEnv (name, value) end local val threadEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Thread") open TypeValue fun monoTypePrinter _ = PRETTY.PrettyString "?" val code = createTypeValue{ eqCode=equalPointerOrWordFn, printCode=mkConst (toMachineWord (ref monoTypePrinter)), boxedCode=boxedAlways, sizeCode=singleWord } (* Thread.thread type. This is an equality type with pointer equality. *) val threadConstr= makeTypeConstructor ( "thread", [], makeFreeId(0, Global (genCode(code, [], 0) ()), true, basisDescription "thread"), [DeclaredAt inBasis]) val threadType = mkTypeConstruction ("thread", threadConstr, [], []); val selfFunction = mkGvar ("self", Unit ->> threadType, getCurrentThreadIdFn, declInBasis) val createMutexFunction = mkGvar("createMutex", Unit ->> Ref Word, createMutexFn, declInBasis) and lockMutexFunction = mkGvar("lockMutex", Ref Word ->> Bool, mkUnaryFn BuiltIns.LockMutex, declInBasis) and tryLockMutexFunction = mkGvar("tryLockMutex", Ref Word ->> Bool, mkUnaryFn BuiltIns.TryLockMutex, declInBasis) and unlockMutexFunction = mkGvar("unlockMutex", Ref Word ->> Bool, mkUnaryFn BuiltIns.UnlockMutex, declInBasis) + and cpuPauseFunction = mkGvar("cpuPause", Unit ->> Unit, cpuPauseFn, declInBasis) in val () = #enterType threadEnv ("thread", TypeConstrSet(threadConstr, [])) val () = #enterVal threadEnv ("self", selfFunction) val () = #enterVal threadEnv ("createMutex", createMutexFunction) val () = #enterVal threadEnv ("lockMutex", lockMutexFunction) val () = #enterVal threadEnv ("tryLockMutex", tryLockMutexFunction) val () = #enterVal threadEnv ("unlockMutex", unlockMutexFunction) + val () = #enterVal threadEnv ("cpuPause", cpuPauseFunction) end local val fmemEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "ForeignMemory") val a = makeTV() (* We don't have Word8.word or Word32.word at this point so the easiest way to deal with this is to make them polymorphic. *) val get8Function = mkGvar("get8", LargeWord ** Word ->> a, makePolymorphic([a], mkLoadOperationFn LoadStoreC8), declInBasis) val get16Function = mkGvar("get16", LargeWord ** Word ->> Word, mkLoadOperationFn LoadStoreC16, declInBasis) val get32Function = mkGvar("get32", LargeWord ** Word ->> a, makePolymorphic([a], mkLoadOperationFn LoadStoreC32), declInBasis) val get64Function = mkGvar("get64", LargeWord ** Word ->> LargeWord, mkLoadOperationFn LoadStoreC64, declInBasis) val getFloatFunction = mkGvar("getFloat", LargeWord ** Word ->> Real, mkLoadOperationFn LoadStoreCFloat, declInBasis) val getDoubleFunction = mkGvar("getDouble", LargeWord ** Word ->> Real, mkLoadOperationFn LoadStoreCDouble, declInBasis) val set8Function = mkGvar("set8", mkProductType[LargeWord, Word, a] ->> Unit, makePolymorphic([a], mkStoreOperationFn LoadStoreC8), declInBasis) val set16Function = mkGvar("set16", mkProductType[LargeWord, Word, Word] ->> Unit, mkStoreOperationFn LoadStoreC16, declInBasis) val set32Function = mkGvar("set32", mkProductType[LargeWord, Word, a] ->> Unit, makePolymorphic([a], mkStoreOperationFn LoadStoreC32), declInBasis) val set64Function = mkGvar("set64", mkProductType[LargeWord, Word, LargeWord] ->> Unit, mkStoreOperationFn LoadStoreC64, declInBasis) val setFloatFunction = mkGvar("setFloat", mkProductType[LargeWord, Word, Real] ->> Unit, mkStoreOperationFn LoadStoreCFloat, declInBasis) val setDoubleFunction = mkGvar("setDouble", mkProductType[LargeWord, Word, Real] ->> Unit, mkStoreOperationFn LoadStoreCDouble, declInBasis) val allocCStackFn = mkGvar("allocCStack", Word ->> LargeWord, mkUnaryFn BuiltIns.AllocCStack, declInBasis) val freeCStackFn = mkGvar("freeCStack", LargeWord ** Word ->> Unit, mkBinaryFn BuiltIns.FreeCStack, declInBasis) in val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("get8", get8Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("get16", get16Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("get32", get32Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("get64", get64Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("getFloat", getFloatFunction) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("getDouble", getDoubleFunction) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("set8", set8Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("set16", set16Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("set32", set32Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("set64", set64Function) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("setFloat", setFloatFunction) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("setDouble", setDoubleFunction) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("allocCStack", allocCStackFn) (* Free is a binary operation that takes both the allocated address and the size. The size is used by the compiled code where this is implemented using the C-stack. The allocated address is intended for possible use by the interpreter where so that it can be implemented as malloc/free. *) val () = #enterVal fmemEnv ("freeCStack", freeCStackFn) end local val foreignEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "Foreign") local val EXC_foreign = 23 val foreignException = Value{ name = "Foreign", typeOf = String ->> TYPETREE.exnType, access = Global(mkConst(toMachineWord EXC_foreign)), class = Exception, locations = declInBasis, references = NONE, instanceTypes=NONE } in val () = #enterVal foreignEnv ("Foreign", foreignException) end val arg0 = mkLoadArgument 0 val arg1 = mkLoadArgument 1 local val callForeignCall = mkEval(mkConst (toMachineWord CODETREE.Foreign.foreignCall), [arg0]) val innerBody = mkEval(mkLoadClosure 0, [mkInd(0, arg0), mkInd(1, arg0), mkInd(2, arg0)]) val outerBody = mkEnv([mkDec(0, callForeignCall)], mkInlproc(innerBody, 1, "foreignCall(1)(1)", [mkLoadLocal 0], 0)) in val foreignCallEntry = mkInlproc(outerBody, 1, "foreignCall(1)", [], 1) end local (* Build a callback. First apply the compiler to the abi/argtype/restype values. Then apply the result to a function to generate the final C callback code. The C callback code calls the function with two arguments. Here we have to pass it a function that expects a tuple and unwrap it. *) val innerMost = mkInlproc(mkEval(mkLoadClosure 0, [mkTuple[arg0, arg1]]), 2, "buildCallBack(1)(1)2", [mkLoadArgument 0], 0) val resultFn = mkInlproc(mkEval(mkLoadClosure 0, [innerMost]), 1, "buildCallBack(1)(1)", [mkLoadLocal 0], 0) val firstBuild = mkEval(mkConst (toMachineWord CODETREE.Foreign.buildCallBack), [arg0]) val outerBody = mkEnv([mkDec(0, firstBuild)], resultFn) in val buildCallBackEntry = mkInlproc(outerBody, 1, "buildCallBack(1)", [], 1) end (* Abi - an eqtype. An enumerated type or short int. *) local open TypeValue fun monotypePrinter _ = PRETTY.PrettyString "?" val code = createTypeValue{ eqCode = equalTaggedWordFn, printCode = mkConst (toMachineWord (ref monotypePrinter)), boxedCode = boxedNever, sizeCode = singleWord } val abiEqAndPrint = Global (genCode(code, [], 0) ()) in val abiConstr = makeTypeConstructor("abi", [], makeFreeId(0, abiEqAndPrint, true, basisDescription "Foreign.LowLevel.abi"), declInBasis) end val () = #enterType foreignEnv ("abi", TypeConstrSet(abiConstr, [])) val abiType = mkTypeConstruction ("abi", abiConstr, [], declInBasis) (* It would be possible to put the definition of cType in here but it's complicated. It's easier to use an opaque type and put in a cast later. *) val ctypeConstr = makeTypeConstructor("ctype", [], makeFreeId(0, defaultEqAndPrintCode(), false, basisDescription "Foreign.LowLevel.ctype"), declInBasis) val () = #enterType foreignEnv ("ctype", TypeConstrSet(ctypeConstr, [])) val ffiType = mkTypeConstruction ("ctype", ctypeConstr, [], declInBasis) val foreignCallType = mkProductType[abiType, List ffiType, ffiType] ->> mkProductType[LargeWord, LargeWord, LargeWord] ->> Unit val buildCallBackType = mkProductType[abiType, List ffiType, ffiType] ->> (mkProductType[LargeWord, LargeWord] ->> Unit) ->> LargeWord fun enterForeign (name, entry, typ) = #enterVal foreignEnv (name, mkGvar (name, typ, entry, declInBasis)) in val () = enterForeign("foreignCall", foreignCallEntry, foreignCallType) val () = enterForeign("buildCallBack", buildCallBackEntry, buildCallBackType) (* Apply the abiList function here. The ABIs depend on the platform in the interpreted version. *) val () = enterForeign("abiList", mkConst(toMachineWord(CODETREE.Foreign.abiList())), List (String ** abiType)) end local fun addVal (name : string, value : 'a, typ : types) : unit = enterBootstrap (name, mkConst (toMachineWord value), typ) (* These are only used during the bootstrap phase. Replacements are installed once the appropriate modules of the basis library are compiled. *) fun intOfString s = let val radix = if String.size s >= 3 andalso String.substring(s, 0, 2) = "0x" orelse String.size s >= 4 andalso String.substring(s, 0, 3) = "~0x" then StringCvt.HEX else StringCvt.DEC in case StringCvt.scanString (Int.scan radix) s of NONE => raise Conversion "Invalid integer constant" | SOME res => res end fun wordOfString s = let val radix = if String.size s > 2 andalso String.sub(s, 2) = #"x" then StringCvt.HEX else StringCvt.DEC in case StringCvt.scanString (Word.scan radix) s of NONE => raise Conversion "Invalid word constant" | SOME res => res end fun unescapeChar (s: string) : char = let fun rdr i = if i = size s then NONE else SOME(String.sub(s, i), i+1) in case Char.scan rdr 0 of NONE => (* Bad conversion *) raise Conversion "Invalid string constant" | SOME(res, _) => res end open PRINTTABLE val convstringCode = genCode(mkConst(toMachineWord unescapeString), [], 0) () val convintCode = genCode(mkConst(toMachineWord intOfString), [], 0) () val convwordCode = genCode(mkConst(toMachineWord wordOfString), [], 0) () val convcharCode = genCode(mkConst(toMachineWord unescapeChar), [], 0) () in (* We need this for compatibility with the 5.8.2 bootstrap. *) val () = addVal ("convString", unescapeString: string -> string, String ->> String) (* Flag to indicate which version of Int to compile *) val () = addVal ("intIsArbitraryPrecision", intIsArbitraryPrecision, Bool) (* Install the overloads now. *) val () = addOverload("convString", stringConstr, convstringCode) val () = addOverload("convInt", fixedIntConstr, convintCode) val () = addOverload("convInt", intInfConstr, convintCode) val () = addOverload("convWord", wordConstr, convwordCode) val () = addOverload("convChar", charConstr, convcharCode) end (* The only reason we have vector here is to get equality right. We need vector to be an equality type and to have a specific equality function. *) local fun polyTypePrinter _ _ = PRETTY.PrettyString "?" (* The equality function takes the base equality type as an argument. The inner function takes two arguments which are the two vectors to compare, checks the lengths and if they're equal applies the base equality to each field. *) val eqCode = mkInlproc( mkProc( mkEnv([ (* Length of the items. *) mkDec(0, mkUnary(BuiltIns.MemoryCellLength, mkLoadArgument 0)), mkDec(1, mkUnary(BuiltIns.MemoryCellLength, mkLoadArgument 1)), mkMutualDecs[(2, (* Loop function. *) mkProc( mkIf( (* Finished? *) mkEqualTaggedWord(mkLoadClosure 0, mkLoadArgument 0), CodeTrue, (* Yes, all equal. *) mkIf( mkEval( TypeValue.extractEquality(mkLoadClosure 2), (* Base equality fn *) [ mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=true}, mkLoadClosure 3, mkLoadArgument 0), mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=true}, mkLoadClosure 4, mkLoadArgument 0) ]), mkEval(mkLoadClosure 1, (* Recursive call with index+1. *) [ mkBinary(BuiltIns.WordArith BuiltIns.ArithAdd, mkLoadArgument 0, mkConst(toMachineWord 1)) ]), CodeFalse (* Not equal elements - result false *) ) ), 1, "vector-loop", [mkLoadLocal 0 (* Length *), mkLoadLocal 2 (* Loop function *), mkLoadClosure 0 (* Base equality function *), mkLoadArgument 0 (* Vector 0 *), mkLoadArgument 1 (* Vector 1 *)], 0))] ], mkIf( (* Test the lengths. *) mkEqualTaggedWord(mkLoadLocal 0, mkLoadLocal 1), (* Equal - test the contents. *) mkEval(mkLoadLocal 2, [CodeZero]), CodeFalse (* Not same length- result false *) ) ), 2, "vector-eq", [mkLoadArgument 0], 3), 1, "vector-eq()", [], 0) val idCode = (* Polytype *) let open TypeValue val code = createTypeValue{ eqCode=eqCode, printCode=mkConst (toMachineWord (ref polyTypePrinter)), boxedCode=mkInlproc(boxedAlways, 1, "boxed-vector", [], 0), sizeCode=mkInlproc(singleWord, 1, "size-vector", [], 0)} in Global (genCode(code, [], 0) ()) end in val vectorType = makeTypeConstructor("vector", [makeTypeVariable()], makeFreeId(1, idCode, true, basisDescription "vector"), declInBasis) val () = enterGlobalType ("vector", TypeConstrSet(vectorType, [])) end (* We also need a type with byte-wise equality. *) local fun monoTypePrinter _ = PRETTY.PrettyString "?" (* This is a monotype equality function that takes two byte vectors and compares them byte-by-byte for equality. Because they are vectors of bytes it's unsafe to load the whole words which could look like addresses if the bottom bit happens to be zero. *) val eqCode = mkProc( mkEnv([ (* Length of the items. *) mkDec(0, mkUnary(BuiltIns.MemoryCellLength, mkLoadArgument 0)), mkDec(1, mkUnary(BuiltIns.MemoryCellLength, mkLoadArgument 1)) ], mkIf( (* Test the lengths. *) mkEqualTaggedWord(mkLoadLocal 0, mkLoadLocal 1), (* Equal - test the contents. *) mkEnv([ (* ByteVecEqual takes a byte length so we have to multiply by the number of bytes per word. *) mkDec(2, mkBinary(BuiltIns.WordArith BuiltIns.ArithMult, mkConst(toMachineWord RunCall.bytesPerWord), mkLoadLocal 0)) ], mkBlockOperation{kind=BlockOpEqualByte, leftBase=mkLoadArgument 0, rightBase=mkLoadArgument 1, leftIndex=CodeZero, rightIndex=CodeZero, length=mkLoadLocal 2}), CodeFalse (* Not same length- result false *) ) ), 2, "byteVector-eq", [], 3) val idCode = (* Polytype *) let open TypeValue val code = createTypeValue{ eqCode=eqCode, printCode=mkConst (toMachineWord (ref monoTypePrinter)), boxedCode=boxedAlways, sizeCode=singleWord} in Global (genCode(code, [], 0) ()) end in val byteVectorType = makeTypeConstructor("byteVector", [], makeFreeId(0, idCode, true, basisDescription "byteVector"), declInBasis) val () = #enterType bootstrapEnv ("byteVector", TypeConstrSet(byteVectorType, [])) end (* We also need array and Array2.array to be passed through here so that they have the special property of being eqtypes even if their argument is not. "array" is defined to be in the global environment. *) val () = enterGlobalType ("array", TypeConstrSet(arrayConstr, [])) val () = #enterType bootstrapEnv ("array", TypeConstrSet(array2Constr, [])) val () = #enterType bootstrapEnv ("byteArray", TypeConstrSet(byteArrayConstr, [])) (* "=', '<>', PolyML.print etc are type-specific function which appear to be polymorphic. The compiler recognises these and treats them specially. For (in)equality that means generating type-specific versions of the equality operations; for print etc that means printing in a type-specific way. They can become true polymorphic functions and lose their type-specificity. For (in)equality that means defaulting to structure equality which is normal and expected behaviour. For print etc that means losing the ability to print and just printing "?" so it's important to avoid that happening. "open" treats type-specific functions specially and retains the type-specificity. That's important to allow the prelude code to expand the PolyML structure. *) local val eqType = let val a = makeEqTV () in a ** a ->> Bool end val eqVal = mkSpecialFun("=", eqType, Equal) in val () = enterGlobalValue ("=", eqVal) end local val neqType = let val a = makeEqTV () in a ** a ->> Bool end val neqVal = mkSpecialFun("<>", neqType, NotEqual) in val () = enterGlobalValue ("<>", neqVal) end val polyMLEnv = makeStructure(globalEnv, "PolyML") val enterPolyMLVal = #enterVal polyMLEnv local (* This version of the environment must match that used in the NameSpace structure. *) open TYPETREE (* Create a new structure for them. *) val nameSpaceEnv = makeStructure(polyMLEnv, "NameSpace") (* Substructures. *) val valuesEnv = makeStructure(nameSpaceEnv, "Values") and typesEnv = makeStructure(nameSpaceEnv, "TypeConstrs") and fixesEnv = makeStructure(nameSpaceEnv, "Infixes") and structsEnv = makeStructure(nameSpaceEnv, "Structures") and sigsEnv = makeStructure(nameSpaceEnv, "Signatures") and functsEnv = makeStructure(nameSpaceEnv, "Functors") (* Types for the basic values. These are opaque. *) val valueVal = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("value", "PolyML.NameSpace.Values.value", valuesEnv) (* Representation of the type of a value. *) val Types = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("typeExpression", "PolyML.NameSpace.Values.typeExpression", valuesEnv) val typeVal = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("typeConstr", "PolyML.NameSpace.TypeConstrs.typeConstr", typesEnv) val fixityVal = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("fixity", "PolyML.NameSpace.Infixes.fixity", fixesEnv) val signatureVal = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("signatureVal", "PolyML.NameSpace.Signatures.signatureVal", sigsEnv) val structureVal = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("structureVal", "PolyML.NameSpace.Structures.structureVal", structsEnv) val functorVal = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("functorVal", "PolyML.NameSpace.Functors.functorVal", functsEnv) (* nameSpace type. Labelled record. *) fun createFields(name, vType): { name: string, typeof: types} list = let val enterFun = String ** vType ->> Unit val lookupFun = String ->> Option vType val allFun = Unit ->> List (String ** vType) in [mkLabelEntry("enter" ^ name, enterFun), mkLabelEntry("lookup" ^ name, lookupFun), mkLabelEntry("all" ^ name, allFun)] end (* We have to use the same names as we use in the env type because we're passing "env" values through the bootstrap. *) val valTypes = [("Val", valueVal), ("Type", typeVal), ("Fix", fixityVal), ("Struct", structureVal), ("Sig", signatureVal), ("Funct", functorVal)] val fields = List.foldl (fn (p,l) => createFields p @ l) [] valTypes val recordType = makeTypeAbbreviation("nameSpace", "PolyML.NameSpace.nameSpace", [], mkLabelled(sortLabels fields, true), declInBasis); val () = #enterType nameSpaceEnv ("nameSpace", TypeConstrSet(recordType, [])); (* The result type of the compiler includes valueVal etc. *) val resultFields = List.map TYPETREE.mkLabelEntry [("values", List(String ** valueVal)), ("fixes", List(String ** fixityVal)), ("types", List(String ** typeVal)), ("structures", List(String ** structureVal)), ("signatures", List(String ** signatureVal)), ("functors", List(String ** functorVal))] in val nameSpaceType = mkTypeConstruction ("nameSpace", recordType, [], declInBasis) val execResult = mkLabelled(sortLabels resultFields, true) type execResult = { fixes: (string * fixStatus) list, values: (string * values) list, structures: (string * structVals) list, signatures: (string * signatures) list, functors: (string * functors) list, types: (string * typeConstrSet) list } val valueVal = valueVal val typeVal = typeVal val fixityVal = fixityVal val signatureVal = signatureVal val structureVal = structureVal val functorVal = functorVal val Types = Types val valuesEnv = valuesEnv and typesEnv = typesEnv and fixesEnv = fixesEnv and structsEnv = structsEnv and sigsEnv = sigsEnv and functsEnv = functsEnv end local val typeconstr = locationConstr val () = #enterType polyMLEnv ("location", typeconstr); in val Location = mkTypeConstruction ("location", tsConstr typeconstr, [], declInBasis) end (* Interface to the debugger. *) local open TYPETREE val debuggerEnv = makeStructure(polyMLEnv, "DebuggerInterface") (* Make these opaque at this level. *) val locationPropList = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("locationPropList", "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.locationPropList", debuggerEnv) val typeId = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("typeId", "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.typeId", debuggerEnv) val machineWordType = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("machineWord", "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.machineWord", debuggerEnv) (* For long term security keep these as different from global types and sigs. Values in the static environment need to be copied before they are global. *) val localType = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("localType", "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.localType", debuggerEnv) val localTypeConstr = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("localTypeConstr", "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.localTypeConstr", debuggerEnv) val localSig = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType("localSig", "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.localSig", debuggerEnv) open DEBUGGER (* Entries in the static list. This type is only used within the implementation of DebuggerInterface in the basis library and does not appear in the final signature. *) val environEntryConstr = makeTypeConstructor("environEntry", [], makeFreeId(0, defaultEqAndPrintCode(), false, basisDescription "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.environEntry"), declInBasis) val environEntryType = mkTypeConstruction ("environEntry", environEntryConstr, [], declInBasis) val constrs = (* Order is significant. *) [ ("EnvEndFunction", mkProductType[String, Location, localType]), ("EnvException", mkProductType[String, localType, locationPropList]), ("EnvStartFunction", mkProductType[String, Location, localType]), ("EnvStructure", mkProductType[String, localSig, locationPropList]), ("EnvTConstr", String ** localTypeConstr), ("EnvTypeid", typeId ** typeId), ("EnvVConstr", mkProductType[String, localType, Bool, Int, locationPropList]), ("EnvValue", mkProductType[String, localType, locationPropList]) ] (* This representation must match the representation defined in DEBUGGER_.sml. *) val numConstrs = List.length constrs val {constrs=constrReps, ...} = chooseConstrRepr(constrs, []) val constructors = ListPair.map (fn ((s,t), code) => mkGconstr(s, t ->> environEntryType, code, false, numConstrs, declInBasis)) (constrs, constrReps) val () = List.app (fn c => #enterVal debuggerEnv(valName c, c)) constructors (* Put these constructors onto the type. *) val () = #enterType debuggerEnv ("environEntry", TypeConstrSet(environEntryConstr, constructors)) (* Debug state type. *) val debugStateConstr = makeTypeAbbreviation("debugState", "PolyML.DebuggerInterface.debugState", [], mkProductType[List environEntryType, List machineWordType, Location], declInBasis) val () = #enterType debuggerEnv ("debugState", TypeConstrSet(debugStateConstr, [])) val debugStateType = mkTypeConstruction ("debugState", debugStateConstr, [], declInBasis) in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal debuggerEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("makeValue", toMachineWord(makeValue: debugState -> string * types * locationProp list * machineWord -> values), debugStateType ->> mkProductType[String, localType, locationPropList, machineWordType] ->> valueVal), ("makeException", toMachineWord(makeException: debugState -> string * types * locationProp list * machineWord -> values), debugStateType ->> mkProductType[String, localType, locationPropList, machineWordType] ->> valueVal), ("makeConstructor", toMachineWord(makeConstructor: debugState -> string * types * bool * int * locationProp list * machineWord -> values), debugStateType ->> mkProductType[String, localType, Bool, Int, locationPropList, machineWordType] ->> valueVal), ("makeAnonymousValue", toMachineWord(makeAnonymousValue: debugState -> types * machineWord -> values), debugStateType ->> mkProductType[localType, machineWordType] ->> valueVal), ("makeStructure", toMachineWord(makeStructure: debugState -> string * signatures * locationProp list * machineWord -> structVals), debugStateType ->> mkProductType[String, localSig, locationPropList, machineWordType] ->> structureVal), ("makeTypeConstr", toMachineWord(makeTypeConstr: debugState -> typeConstrSet -> typeConstrSet), debugStateType ->> localTypeConstr ->> typeVal), ("unitValue", toMachineWord(mkGvar("", unitType, CodeZero, []): values), valueVal), (* Used as a default *) ("setOnEntry", toMachineWord(setOnEntry: (string * PolyML.location -> unit) option -> unit), Option (String ** Location ->> Unit) ->> Unit), ("setOnExit", toMachineWord(setOnExit: (string * PolyML.location -> unit) option -> unit), Option (String ** Location ->> Unit) ->> Unit), ("setOnExitException", toMachineWord(setOnExitException: (string * PolyML.location -> exn -> unit) option -> unit), Option (String ** Location ->> Exn ->> Unit) ->> Unit), ("setOnBreakPoint", toMachineWord(setOnBreakPoint: (PolyML.location * bool ref -> unit) option -> unit), Option (Location ** Ref Bool ->> Unit) ->> Unit) ] end local val typeconstr = contextConstr in val () = #enterType polyMLEnv ("context", typeconstr); val () = List.app(fn(tv as Value{name, ...}) => #enterVal polyMLEnv(name, tv)) (tsConstructors typeconstr) end local val typeconstr = prettyConstr in val () = #enterType polyMLEnv ("pretty", typeconstr); val () = List.app(fn(tv as Value{name, ...}) => #enterVal polyMLEnv(name, tv)) (tsConstructors typeconstr) val PrettyType = mkTypeConstruction ("pretty", tsConstr typeconstr, [], declInBasis) end local val printType = let val a = makePrintTV () in a ->> a end; val printVal = mkSpecialFun("print", printType, Print); in val () = enterPolyMLVal ("print", printVal); end; local val makeStringType = let val a = makePrintTV () in a ->> String end; val makeStringVal = mkSpecialFun("makestring", makeStringType, MakeString); in val () = enterPolyMLVal ("makestring", makeStringVal); end; local val prettyType = let val a = makePrintTV () in a ** fixedIntType ->> PrettyType end; val prettyVal = mkSpecialFun("prettyRepresentation", prettyType, GetPretty); in val () = enterPolyMLVal ("prettyRepresentation", prettyVal); end; local (* addPrettyPrinter is the new function to install a pretty printer. *) val a = makeTV () val b = makeTV () val addPrettyType = (TYPETREE.fixedIntType ->> b ->> a ->> PrettyType) ->> Unit; val addPrettyVal = mkSpecialFun("addPrettyPrinter", addPrettyType, AddPretty); in val () = enterPolyMLVal ("addPrettyPrinter", addPrettyVal); end; (* This goes in RunCall since it's only for the basis library. *) local val addOverloadType = let val a = makeTV () and b = makeTV () in (a ->> b) ->> String ->> Unit end; val addOverloadVal = mkSpecialFun("addOverload", addOverloadType, AddOverload); in val () = #enterVal runCallEnv ("addOverload", addOverloadVal); end local (* Add a function to switch the default integer type. *) fun setType isArbitrary = setPreferredInt(if isArbitrary then intInfConstr else fixedIntConstr) in val () = #enterVal runCallEnv ("setDefaultIntTypeArbitrary", mkGvar ("setDefaultIntTypeArbitrary", Bool ->> Unit, mkConst (toMachineWord setType), declInBasis)) end local val sourceLocVal = mkSpecialFun("sourceLocation", Unit ->> Location, GetLocation); in val () = enterPolyMLVal ("sourceLocation", sourceLocVal); end; local (* This is used as one of the arguments to the compiler function. *) open TYPETREE val uniStructEnv = makeStructure(bootstrapEnv, "Universal") fun enterUniversal (name : string, entry : codetree, typ : types) : unit = let val value = mkGvar (name, typ, entry, declInBasis); in #enterVal uniStructEnv (name, value) end; local fun polyTypePrinter _ _ = PRETTY.PrettyString "?" open TypeValue val idCode = let val code = createTypeValue{ eqCode=CodeZero, (* Not an equality type *) printCode=mkConst (toMachineWord (ref polyTypePrinter)), boxedCode=mkInlproc(boxedEither(* Assume worst case *), 1, "boxed-tag", [], 0), sizeCode=mkInlproc(singleWord, 1, "size-tag", [], 0)} in Global (genCode(code, [], 0) ()) end in (* type 'a tag *) val tagConstr = makeTypeConstructor("tag", [makeTypeVariable()], makeFreeId(1, idCode, false, basisDescription "tag"), declInBasis); val () = #enterType uniStructEnv ("tag", TypeConstrSet(tagConstr, [])) end (* type universal *) val univConstr = makeTypeConstructor("universal", [], makeFreeId(0, defaultEqAndPrintCode(), false, basisDescription "universal"), declInBasis); val () = #enterType uniStructEnv ("universal", TypeConstrSet(univConstr, [])); fun Tag base = mkTypeConstruction ("tag", tagConstr, [base], declInBasis) val Universal = mkTypeConstruction ("universal", univConstr, [], declInBasis) val a = makeTV() (* val tagInject : 'a tag -> 'a -> universal *) val injectType = Tag a ->> a ->> Universal val () = enterUniversal ("tagInject", makePolymorphic([a], mkConst (toMachineWord (Universal.tagInject: 'a Universal.tag -> 'a -> Universal.universal))), injectType) (* We don't actually need tagIs and tagProject since this is only used for the compiler. Universal is redefined in the basis library. *) val projectType = Tag a ->> Universal ->> a val () = enterUniversal ("tagProject", makePolymorphic([a], mkConst (toMachineWord(Universal.tagProject: 'a Universal.tag -> Universal.universal -> 'a))), projectType) val testType = Tag a ->> Universal ->> Bool val () = enterUniversal ("tagIs", makePolymorphic([a], mkConst (toMachineWord(Universal.tagIs: 'a Universal.tag -> Universal.universal -> bool))), testType) in val Tag = Tag and Universal = Universal end local open TYPETREE (* Parsetree properties datatype. *) val propConstr = makeTypeConstructor("ptProperties", [], makeFreeId(0, defaultEqAndPrintCode(), false, basisDescription "PolyML.ptProperties"), declInBasis); val PtProperties = mkTypeConstruction ("ptProperties", propConstr, [], declInBasis) (* Parsetree type. *) val parseTreeConstr = makeTypeAbbreviation("parseTree", "PolyML.parseTree", [], Location ** List PtProperties, declInBasis); val ParseTree = mkTypeConstruction ("parseTree", parseTreeConstr, [], declInBasis) val () = #enterType polyMLEnv ("parseTree", TypeConstrSet(parseTreeConstr, [])); val constrs = (* Order is significant. *) [ ("PTbreakPoint", Ref Bool), ("PTcompletions", List String), ("PTdeclaredAt", Location), ("PTdefId", fixedIntType), ("PTfirstChild", Unit ->> ParseTree), ("PTnextSibling", Unit ->> ParseTree), ("PTopenedAt", Location), ("PTparent", Unit ->> ParseTree), ("PTpreviousSibling", Unit ->> ParseTree), ("PTprint", fixedIntType ->> PrettyType), ("PTreferences", Bool ** List Location), ("PTrefId", fixedIntType), ("PTstructureAt", Location), ("PTtype", Types) ]; (* This representation must match the representation defined in ExportTree.sml. *) val numConstrs = List.length constrs val {constrs=constrReps, ...} = chooseConstrRepr(constrs, []) val constructors = ListPair.map (fn ((s,t), code) => mkGconstr(s, t ->> PtProperties, code, false, numConstrs, declInBasis)) (constrs, constrReps) val () = List.app (fn c => #enterVal polyMLEnv(valName c, c)) constructors (* Put these constructors onto the type. *) val () = #enterType polyMLEnv ("ptProperties", TypeConstrSet(propConstr, constructors)); in val ParseTree = ParseTree and PtProperties = PtProperties end local open TYPETREE val compilerType : types = mkProductType[nameSpaceType, Unit ->> Option Char, List Universal] ->> mkProductType[Option ParseTree, Option (Unit ->> execResult)] type compilerType = nameSpace * (unit -> char option) * Universal.universal list -> exportTree option * (unit->execResult) option in val () = enterBootstrap ("use", mkConst (toMachineWord ((useIntoEnv globalTable []): string -> unit)), String ->> Unit) val () = enterBootstrap ("useWithParms", mkConst (toMachineWord ((useIntoEnv globalTable): Universal.universal list -> string -> unit)), List Universal ->> String ->> Unit) val () = enterPolyMLVal("compiler", mkGvar ("compiler", compilerType, mkConst (toMachineWord (compiler: compilerType)), declInBasis)); val () = enterBootstrap("globalSpace", mkConst (toMachineWord(gEnvAsNameSpace globalTable: nameSpace)), nameSpaceType) (* Add a print function so we can print a message at the start of a bootstrap phase. *) val () = enterBootstrap("print", mkConst (toMachineWord TextIO.print), String ->> Unit) end; local val ty = TYPETREE.mkOverloadSet[] val addType = ty ** ty ->> ty; val negType = ty ->> ty; val cmpType = ty ** ty ->> Bool; in val () = enterGlobalValue ("+", mkOverloaded "+" addType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("-", mkOverloaded "-" addType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("*", mkOverloaded "*" addType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("~", mkOverloaded "~" negType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("abs", mkOverloaded "abs" negType); val () = enterGlobalValue (">=", mkOverloaded ">=" cmpType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("<=", mkOverloaded "<=" cmpType); val () = enterGlobalValue (">", mkOverloaded ">" cmpType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("<", mkOverloaded "<" cmpType); (* The following overloads are added in ML97 *) val () = enterGlobalValue ("div", mkOverloaded "div" addType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("mod", mkOverloaded "mod" addType); val () = enterGlobalValue ("/", mkOverloaded "/" addType); end; local open DEBUG; local open TYPETREE val fields = [ mkLabelEntry("location", Location), mkLabelEntry("hard", Bool), mkLabelEntry("message", PrettyType), mkLabelEntry("context", Option PrettyType) ] in val errorMessageProcType = mkLabelled(sortLabels fields, true) ->> Unit type errorMessageProcType = { location: location, hard: bool, message: pretty, context: pretty option } -> unit end local open TYPETREE val optNav = Option(Unit->>ParseTree) val fields = [ mkLabelEntry("parent", optNav), mkLabelEntry("next", optNav), mkLabelEntry("previous", optNav) ] in val navigationType = mkLabelled(sortLabels fields, true) type navigationType = { parent: (unit->exportTree) option, next: (unit->exportTree) option, previous: (unit->exportTree) option } end type 'a tag = 'a Universal.tag in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => enterBootstrap(name, mkConst v, t)) [ ("compilerVersion", toMachineWord (VERSION.compilerVersion: string), String), ("compilerVersionNumber", toMachineWord (VERSION.versionNumber: int), Int), ("lineNumberTag", toMachineWord (lineNumberTag : (unit->FixedInt.int) tag), Tag (Unit->>fixedIntType)), ("offsetTag", toMachineWord (offsetTag: (unit->FixedInt.int) tag), Tag (Unit->>fixedIntType)), ("fileNameTag", toMachineWord (fileNameTag: string tag), Tag String), ("bindingCounterTag", toMachineWord (bindingCounterTag: (unit->FixedInt.int) tag), Tag (Unit->>fixedIntType)), ("maxInlineSizeTag", toMachineWord (maxInlineSizeTag: FixedInt.int tag), Tag fixedIntType), ("assemblyCodeTag", toMachineWord (assemblyCodeTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("parsetreeTag", toMachineWord (parsetreeTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("codetreeTag", toMachineWord (codetreeTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("icodeTag", toMachineWord (icodeTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("lowlevelOptimiseTag", toMachineWord (lowlevelOptimiseTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("codetreeAfterOptTag", toMachineWord (codetreeAfterOptTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("inlineFunctorsTag", toMachineWord (inlineFunctorsTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("compilerDebugTag", toMachineWord (compilerDebugTag: int tag), Tag Int), ("debugTag", toMachineWord (debugTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("printDepthFunTag", toMachineWord (DEBUG.printDepthFunTag: (unit->FixedInt.int) tag), Tag (Unit->>fixedIntType)), ("errorDepthTag", toMachineWord (DEBUG.errorDepthTag: FixedInt.int tag), Tag fixedIntType), ("lineLengthTag", toMachineWord (DEBUG.lineLengthTag: FixedInt.int tag), Tag fixedIntType), ("profileAllocationTag", toMachineWord (DEBUG.profileAllocationTag: FixedInt.int tag), Tag fixedIntType), ("printOutputTag", toMachineWord (PRETTY.printOutputTag: (pretty->unit) tag), Tag (PrettyType->>Unit)) , ("compilerOutputTag", toMachineWord (PRETTY.compilerOutputTag: (pretty->unit) tag), Tag (PrettyType->>Unit)), ("errorMessageProcTag", toMachineWord (LEX.errorMessageProcTag: errorMessageProcType tag), Tag errorMessageProcType), ("rootTreeTag", toMachineWord (EXPORTTREE.rootTreeTag: navigation tag), Tag navigationType), ("reportUnreferencedIdsTag", toMachineWord (reportUnreferencedIdsTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("reportExhaustiveHandlersTag", toMachineWord (reportExhaustiveHandlersTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("narrowOverloadFlexRecordTag", toMachineWord (narrowOverloadFlexRecordTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("createPrintFunctionsTag", toMachineWord (createPrintFunctionsTag: bool tag), Tag Bool), ("reportDiscardedValuesTag", toMachineWord (reportDiscardedValuesTag: FixedInt.int tag), Tag fixedIntType) ] end; (* PolyML.CodeTree structure. This exports the CodeTree structure into the ML space. *) local open CODETREE val codetreeEnv = makeStructure(polyMLEnv, "CodeTree") fun createType typeName = makeAndDeclareOpaqueType(typeName, "PolyML.CodeTree." ^ typeName, codetreeEnv) val CodeTree = createType "codetree" and MachineWord = createType "machineWord" and CodeBinding = createType "codeBinding" (* For the moment export these only for the general argument and result types. *) fun simpleFn (code, nArgs, name, closure, nLocals) = mkFunction{body=code, argTypes=List.tabulate(nArgs, fn _ => GeneralType), resultType=GeneralType, name=name, closure=closure, numLocals=nLocals} and simpleInlineFn (code, nArgs, name, closure, nLocals) = mkInlineFunction{body=code, argTypes=List.tabulate(nArgs, fn _ => GeneralType), resultType=GeneralType, name=name, closure=closure, numLocals=nLocals} and simpleCall(func, args) = mkCall(func, List.map (fn c => (c, GeneralType)) args, GeneralType) in val CodeTree = CodeTree val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal codetreeEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("pretty", toMachineWord (CODETREE.pretty: codetree -> pretty), CodeTree ->> PrettyType), ("mkConstant", toMachineWord(mkConst: machineWord -> codetree), MachineWord ->> CodeTree), ("genCode", toMachineWord (genCode: codetree * Universal.universal list * int -> (unit->codetree)), mkProductType[CodeTree, List Universal, Int] ->> (Unit ->> CodeTree)), ("evalue", toMachineWord (evalue: codetree -> machineWord option), CodeTree ->> Option MachineWord), ("mkFunction", toMachineWord (simpleFn: codetree * int * string * codetree list * int -> codetree), mkProductType[CodeTree, Int, String, List CodeTree, Int] ->> CodeTree), ("mkInlineFunction", toMachineWord (simpleInlineFn: codetree * int * string * codetree list * int -> codetree), mkProductType[CodeTree, Int, String, List CodeTree, Int] ->> CodeTree), ("mkCall", toMachineWord (simpleCall: codetree * codetree list -> codetree), CodeTree ** List CodeTree ->> CodeTree), ("mkLoadLocal", toMachineWord (mkLoadLocal: int -> codetree), Int ->> CodeTree), ("mkLoadArgument", toMachineWord (mkLoadArgument: int -> codetree), Int ->> CodeTree), ("mkLoadClosure", toMachineWord (mkLoadClosure: int -> codetree), Int ->> CodeTree), ("mkDec", toMachineWord (mkDec: int * codetree -> codeBinding), Int ** CodeTree ->> CodeBinding), ("mkInd", toMachineWord (mkInd: int * codetree -> codetree), Int ** CodeTree ->> CodeTree), ("mkIf", toMachineWord (mkIf: codetree * codetree * codetree -> codetree), mkProductType[CodeTree, CodeTree, CodeTree] ->> CodeTree), ("mkWhile", toMachineWord (mkWhile: codetree * codetree -> codetree), CodeTree ** CodeTree ->> CodeTree), ("mkLoop", toMachineWord (mkLoop: codetree list -> codetree), List CodeTree ->> CodeTree), ("mkBeginLoop", toMachineWord (mkBeginLoop: codetree * (int * codetree) list -> codetree), CodeTree ** List(Int ** CodeTree) ->> CodeTree), ("mkEnv", toMachineWord (mkEnv: codeBinding list * codetree -> codetree), List CodeBinding ** CodeTree ->> CodeTree), ("mkMutualDecs", toMachineWord (mkMutualDecs: (int * codetree) list -> codeBinding), List(Int ** CodeTree) ->> CodeBinding), ("mkTuple", toMachineWord (mkTuple: codetree list -> codetree), List CodeTree ->> CodeTree), ("mkRaise", toMachineWord (mkRaise: codetree -> codetree), CodeTree ->> CodeTree), ("mkHandle", toMachineWord (mkHandle: codetree * codetree * int -> codetree), mkProductType[CodeTree, CodeTree, Int] ->> CodeTree), ("mkNullDec", toMachineWord (mkNullDec: codetree -> codeBinding), CodeTree ->> CodeBinding) ] end local (* Finish off the NameSpace structure now we have types such as pretty. *) open TYPETREE (* The exported versions expect full name spaces as arguments. Because we convert the exported versions to machineWord and give them types as data structures the compiler can't actually check that the type we give matched the internal type. *) fun makeTypeEnv NONE = { lookupType = fn _ => NONE, lookupStruct = fn _ => NONE } | makeTypeEnv(SOME(nameSpace: nameSpace)): printTypeEnv = { lookupType = fn s => case #lookupType nameSpace s of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME(t, NONE), lookupStruct = fn s => case #lookupStruct nameSpace s of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME(t, NONE) } local (* Values substructure. This also has operations related to type expressions. *) fun codeForValue (Value{access = Global code, class = ValBound, ...}) = code | codeForValue _ = raise Fail "Not a global value" and exportedDisplayTypeExp(ty, depth, nameSpace: nameSpace option) = TYPETREE.display(ty, depth, makeTypeEnv nameSpace) and exportedDisplayValues(valu, depth, nameSpace: nameSpace option) = displayValues(valu, depth, makeTypeEnv nameSpace) and propsForValue (Value {locations, typeOf, ...}) = PTtype typeOf :: mapLocationProps locations fun isConstructor (Value{class = Exception, ...}) = true | isConstructor (Value{class = Constructor _, ...}) = true | isConstructor _ = false fun isException (Value{class = Exception, ...}) = true | isException _ = false in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal valuesEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("name", toMachineWord (valName: values -> string), valueVal ->> String), ("print", toMachineWord (printValues: values * FixedInt.int -> pretty), mkProductType[valueVal, fixedIntType] ->> PrettyType), ("printWithType", toMachineWord (exportedDisplayValues: values * FixedInt.int * nameSpace option -> pretty), mkProductType[valueVal, fixedIntType, Option nameSpaceType] ->> PrettyType), ("printType", toMachineWord(exportedDisplayTypeExp: types * FixedInt.int * nameSpace option -> pretty), mkProductType[Types, fixedIntType, Option nameSpaceType] ->> PrettyType), ("typeof", toMachineWord (valTypeOf: values -> types), valueVal ->> Types), ("code", toMachineWord (codeForValue: values -> codetree), valueVal ->> CodeTree), ("properties", toMachineWord (propsForValue: values ->ptProperties list), valueVal ->> List PtProperties), ("isConstructor", toMachineWord(isConstructor: values -> bool), valueVal ->> Bool), ("isException", toMachineWord(isException: values -> bool), valueVal ->> Bool) ] end local (* TypeConstrs substructure. *) fun exportedDisplayTypeConstr(tyCons, depth, nameSpace: nameSpace option) = TYPETREE.displayTypeConstrs(tyCons, depth, makeTypeEnv nameSpace) and propsForTypeConstr (TypeConstrSet(TypeConstrs {locations, ...}, _)) = mapLocationProps locations and nameForType (TypeConstrSet(TypeConstrs{name, ...}, _)) = name in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal typesEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("name", toMachineWord(nameForType: typeConstrSet -> string), typeVal ->> String), ("print", toMachineWord (exportedDisplayTypeConstr: typeConstrSet * FixedInt.int * nameSpace option -> pretty), mkProductType[typeVal, fixedIntType, Option nameSpaceType] ->> PrettyType), ("properties", toMachineWord (propsForTypeConstr: typeConstrSet ->ptProperties list), typeVal ->> List PtProperties) ] end local (* Structures substructure *) fun exportedDisplayStructs(str, depth, nameSpace: nameSpace option) = displayStructures(str, depth, makeTypeEnv nameSpace) and codeForStruct (Struct{access = Global code, ...}) = code | codeForStruct _ = raise Fail "Not a global structure" and propsForStruct (Struct {locations, ...}) = mapLocationProps locations and nameForStruct (Struct{name, ...}) = name fun nameSpaceForStruct(baseStruct as Struct{signat=Signatures { tab, ...}, ...}): nameSpace = let open UNIVERSALTABLE fun lookupVal s = case univLookup (tab, valueVar, s) of NONE => NONE | SOME v => SOME(makeSelectedValue(v, baseStruct)) and lookupType s = case univLookup (tab, typeConstrVar, s) of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME(makeSelectedType(t, baseStruct)) and lookupStruct s = case univLookup (tab, structVar, s) of NONE => NONE | SOME s => SOME(makeSelectedStructure(s, baseStruct)) local fun extractItems t tab = UNIVERSALTABLE.fold (fn (s, u, l) => if Universal.tagIs t u then (s, Universal.tagProject t u) :: l else l ) [] tab in fun allValues() = map(fn (s, v) => (s, makeSelectedValue(v, baseStruct))) (extractItems valueVar tab) and allTypes() = map(fn (s, t) => (s, makeSelectedType(t, baseStruct))) (extractItems typeConstrVar tab) and allStructs() = map(fn (s, v) => (s, makeSelectedStructure(v, baseStruct))) (extractItems structVar tab) end fun enterFunction _ = raise Fail "updating a structure is not possible." (* Raise an exception for any attempt to enter a new value. Return empty for the classes that can't exist in a structure. *) in { lookupVal = lookupVal, lookupType = lookupType, lookupStruct = lookupStruct, lookupFix = fn _ => NONE, lookupSig = fn _ => NONE, lookupFunct = fn _ => NONE, enterVal = enterFunction, enterType = enterFunction, enterFix = enterFunction, enterStruct = enterFunction, enterSig = enterFunction, enterFunct = enterFunction, allVal = allValues, allType = allTypes, allStruct = allStructs, allFix = fn () => [], allSig = fn () => [], allFunct = fn () => [] } end in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal structsEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("name", toMachineWord(nameForStruct: structVals -> string), structureVal ->> String), ("print", toMachineWord (exportedDisplayStructs: structVals * FixedInt.int * nameSpace option -> pretty), mkProductType[structureVal, fixedIntType, Option nameSpaceType] ->> PrettyType), ("code", toMachineWord (codeForStruct: structVals -> codetree), structureVal ->> CodeTree), ("properties", toMachineWord (propsForStruct: structVals ->ptProperties list), structureVal ->> List PtProperties), ("contents", toMachineWord(nameSpaceForStruct: structVals -> nameSpace), structureVal ->> nameSpaceType) ] end local (* Signatures substructure *) fun exportedDisplaySigs(sign, depth, nameSpace: nameSpace option) = displaySignatures(sign, depth, makeTypeEnv nameSpace) and propsForSig (Signatures {locations, ...}) = mapLocationProps locations and nameForSig (Signatures{name, ...}) = name in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal sigsEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("name", toMachineWord(nameForSig: signatures -> string), signatureVal ->> String), ("print", toMachineWord (exportedDisplaySigs: signatures * FixedInt.int * nameSpace option -> pretty), mkProductType[signatureVal, fixedIntType, Option nameSpaceType] ->> PrettyType), ("properties", toMachineWord (propsForSig: signatures ->ptProperties list), signatureVal ->> List PtProperties) ] end local (* Functors substructure *) fun exportedDisplayFunctors(funct, depth, nameSpace: nameSpace option) = displayFunctors(funct, depth, makeTypeEnv nameSpace) and codeForFunct (Functor{access = Global code, ...}) = code | codeForFunct _ = raise Fail "Not a global functor" and propsForFunctor (Functor {locations, ...}) = mapLocationProps locations and nameForFunctor (Functor{name, ...}) = name in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal functsEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("name", toMachineWord(nameForFunctor: functors -> string), functorVal ->> String), ("print", toMachineWord (exportedDisplayFunctors: functors * FixedInt.int * nameSpace option -> pretty), mkProductType[functorVal, fixedIntType, Option nameSpaceType] ->> PrettyType), ("code", toMachineWord (codeForFunct: functors -> codetree), functorVal ->> CodeTree), ("properties", toMachineWord (propsForFunctor: functors ->ptProperties list), functorVal ->> List PtProperties) ] end local (* Infixes substructure *) fun nameForFix(FixStatus(s, _)) = s in val () = applyList (fn (name, v, t) => #enterVal fixesEnv (name, mkGvar (name, t, mkConst v, declInBasis))) [ ("name", toMachineWord(nameForFix: fixStatus -> string), fixityVal ->> String), ("print", toMachineWord (displayFixStatus: fixStatus -> pretty), fixityVal ->> PrettyType) ] end in end in () end (* initGlobalEnv *); end;