diff --git a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/BaseCodeTree.ML b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/BaseCodeTree.ML index 39efebd7..d1d96886 100644 --- a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/BaseCodeTree.ML +++ b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/BaseCodeTree.ML @@ -1,778 +1,780 @@ (* Copyright (c) 2000 Cambridge University Technical Services Limited - Modified David C. J. Matthews 2008-2010, 2013, 2015, 2017-21 + Modified David C. J. Matthews 2008-2010, 2013, 2015, 2017-22 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Basic code-tree data structure. This was previously partly in GCODE.ML and partly in CODETREE.ML. *) structure BaseCodeTree: BASECODETREE = struct open Address datatype argumentType = datatype BackendIntermediateCode.argumentType datatype loadStoreKind = datatype BackendIntermediateCode.loadStoreKind datatype blockOpKind = datatype BackendIntermediateCode.blockOpKind structure BuiltIns = BackendIntermediateCode.BuiltIns datatype arbPrecisionOps = ArbCompare of BuiltIns.testConditions | ArbArith of BuiltIns.arithmeticOperations datatype inlineStatus = DontInline | InlineAlways | SmallInline (* How variables are used. Added and examined by the optimisation pass. *) datatype codeUse = UseGeneral (* Used in some other context. *) | UseExport (* Exported i.e. the result of a top-level binding. *) | UseApply of codeUse list * codetree list (* Applied as a function - the list is where the result goes, the codetree list is the code that was used for each argument. *) | UseField of int * codeUse list (* Selected as a field - the list is where the result goes *) and codetree = Newenv of codeBinding list * codetree (* Set of bindings with an expression. *) | Constnt of machineWord * Universal.universal list (* Load a constant *) | Extract of loadForm (* Get a local variable, an argument or a closure value *) | Indirect of {base: codetree, offset: int, indKind: indKind } (* Load a value from the heap or the stack. *) | Eval of (* Evaluate a function with an argument list. *) { function: codetree, argList: (codetree * argumentType) list, resultType: argumentType } (* Built-in functions. *) | Nullary of {oper: BuiltIns.nullaryOps} | Unary of {oper: BuiltIns.unaryOps, arg1: codetree} | Binary of {oper: BuiltIns.binaryOps, arg1: codetree, arg2: codetree} (* Arbitrary precision operations. This combines some conditionals with the operation. shortCond is the condition that must be satisfied for the short precision operation to be executed. longCall is called if either argument is long or the evaluation overflows. *) | Arbitrary of {oper: arbPrecisionOps, shortCond: codetree, arg1: codetree, arg2: codetree, longCall: codetree} | Lambda of lambdaForm (* Lambda expressions. *) | Cond of codetree * codetree * codetree (* If-statement *) | BeginLoop of (* Start of tail-recursive inline function. *) { loop: codetree, arguments: (simpleBinding * argumentType) list } | Loop of (codetree * argumentType) list (* Jump back to start of tail-recursive function. *) | Raise of codetree (* Raise an exception *) | Handle of (* Exception handler. *) { exp: codetree, handler: codetree, exPacketAddr: int } | Tuple of { fields: codetree list, isVariant: bool } (* Tuples and datatypes *) | SetContainer of (* Copy a tuple to a container. *) { container: codetree, tuple: codetree, filter: BoolVector.vector } | TagTest of { test: codetree, tag: word, maxTag: word } | LoadOperation of { kind: loadStoreKind, address: codeAddress } | StoreOperation of { kind: loadStoreKind, address: codeAddress, value: codetree } | BlockOperation of { kind: blockOpKind, sourceLeft: codeAddress, destRight: codeAddress, length: codetree } | AllocateWordMemory of {numWords: codetree, flags: codetree, initial: codetree} and codeBinding = Declar of simpleBinding (* Make a local declaration or push an argument *) | RecDecs of { addr: int, lambda: lambdaForm, use: codeUse list } list (* Set of mutually recursive declarations. *) | NullBinding of codetree (* Just evaluate the expression and discard the result. *) | Container of { addr: int, use: codeUse list, size: int, setter: codetree } (* Container: allocate a piece of stack space and set it to the values from a tuple. *) and loadForm = LoadArgument of int | LoadLocal of int | LoadClosure of int | LoadRecursive (* When we look up an entry in the environment we get a pair of a "general" value, which is either a constant or a load, and an optional special value, which is either a tuple or an inline function. Tuple entries are functions from an integer offset to one of these pairs; inline function entries are a lambda together with a map for the free variables. *) and envGeneral = EnvGenLoad of loadForm | EnvGenConst of machineWord * Universal.universal list (* Special entries. The type of both EnvSpecTuple and EnvSpecInlineFunction includes a function from int, the index, to the (general, special) pair rather than a list of either fields or closure entries. The main reason is that if we have a function that contains a reference to, say a tuple, in its closure we can pass in a EnvSpecTuple entry with a function that only adds a field to the closure if the field is actually used. Passing a list would require adding all the fields to the closure at the time the EnvSpecTuple was passed. EnvSpecBuiltInX are used for a small number of built-in functions which can be simplied if they occur in combination with others. *) and envSpecial = EnvSpecNone | EnvSpecTuple of int * (int -> envGeneral * envSpecial) | EnvSpecInlineFunction of lambdaForm * (int -> envGeneral * envSpecial) | EnvSpecUnary of BuiltIns.unaryOps * codetree | EnvSpecBinary of BuiltIns.binaryOps * codetree * codetree (* Indirection types. IndTuple is from a tuple so the field will always be present; IndVariant is from a datatype which may have other variants that do not have the field; IndContainer is from a container (a set of words on the stack). *) and indKind = IndTuple | IndVariant | IndContainer withtype simpleBinding = { (* Declare a value or push an argument. *) value: codetree, addr: int, use: codeUse list } and lambdaForm = { (* Lambda expressions. *) body : codetree, isInline : inlineStatus, name : string, closure : loadForm list, argTypes : (argumentType * codeUse list) list, resultType : argumentType, localCount : int, recUse : codeUse list } and codeAddress = {base: codetree, index: codetree option, offset: int} structure CodeTags = struct open Universal (* Import tags from back end *) open BackendIntermediateCode.CodeTags val inlineCodeTag: envSpecial tag = tag() end open Pretty (* Common cases. *) val space = PrettyBreak (1, 0) fun block l = PrettyBlock (0, false, [], l) val string = PrettyString fun pList ([]: 'b list, _: string, _: 'b->pretty) = [] | pList ([h], _, disp) = [disp h] | pList (h::t, sep, disp) = PrettyBlock (0, false, [], [ disp h, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString sep ] ) :: PrettyBreak (1, 0) :: pList (t, sep, disp) fun pretty (pt : codetree) : pretty = let - + fun printList(start, lst, sep) : pretty = PrettyBlock (1, true, [], PrettyString (start ^ "(") :: pList(lst, sep, pretty) @ [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ] ) - fun prettyArg (c, _) = pretty c + fun genType GeneralType = [] + | genType DoubleFloatType = [ space, string ":double" ] + | genType SingleFloatType = [ space, string ":float" ] + | genType (ContainerType n) = [ space, string ":multiple ", space, string(Int.toString n) ] + + fun prettyArg (c, t) = + PrettyBlock(1, false, [], pretty c :: genType t) fun prettyArgs(start, lst, sep) : pretty = PrettyBlock (1, true, [], PrettyString (start ^ "(") :: pList(lst, sep, prettyArg) @ [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ] ) fun prettyBuiltin(opers, arglist) = PrettyBlock (2, false, [], [ PrettyString opers, PrettyBreak(1, 2), PrettyBlock(2, true, [], [ printList("", arglist, ","), PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ] ) ] ) fun prettyAddress({base, index, offset}: codeAddress): pretty = let in PrettyBlock (1, true, [], [ PrettyString "[", PrettyBreak (0, 3), pretty base, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ",", PrettyBreak (1, 0), case index of NONE => PrettyString "-" | SOME i => pretty i, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ",", PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString(Int.toString offset), PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString "]" ]) end in case pt of Eval {function, argList, ...} => PrettyBlock (2, false, [], [ case function of Extract _ => pretty function | Constnt _ => pretty function | _ => PrettyBlock(2, true, [], [ string "(", PrettyBreak(0, 0), pretty function, PrettyBreak(0, 0), string ")" ] ) , PrettyBreak(1, 2), PrettyBlock(2, true, [], ( string "(" :: PrettyBreak(0, 0) :: pList(argList, ",", prettyArg) @ [PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")")] ) ) ] ) | Unary { oper, arg1 } => prettyBuiltin(BuiltIns.unaryRepr oper, [arg1]) | Binary { oper, arg1, arg2 } => prettyBuiltin(BuiltIns.binaryRepr oper, [arg1, arg2]) | Nullary { oper } => PrettyString(BuiltIns.nullaryRepr oper) | Arbitrary { oper, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall } => let val operName = case oper of ArbCompare test => BuiltIns.testRepr test | ArbArith arith => BuiltIns.arithRepr arith in prettyBuiltin(operName ^ "Arbitrary", [shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall]) end | AllocateWordMemory { numWords, flags, initial } => prettyBuiltin("AllocateWordMemory", [numWords, flags, initial]) | Extract(LoadArgument addr) => string ("Arg" ^ Int.toString addr) | Extract(LoadLocal addr) => string ("Local" ^ Int.toString addr) | Extract(LoadClosure addr) => string ("Closure" ^ Int.toString addr) | Extract LoadRecursive => string "Recursive" | Indirect {base, offset, indKind} => PrettyBlock(2, false, [], [ pretty base, PrettyBreak(0, 2), string(concat["[", Int.toString offset, "]", case indKind of IndTuple => "" | IndVariant => "(*V*)" | IndContainer => "(*C*)"]) ] ) | Lambda {body, isInline, name, closure, argTypes, localCount, recUse, resultType, ...} => let val inl = case isInline of DontInline => "" | InlineAlways => "inline," | SmallInline => "small," - fun genType GeneralType = [] - | genType DoubleFloatType = [ space, string ":double" ] - | genType SingleFloatType = [ space, string ":float" ] - | genType (ContainerType n) = [ space, string ":multiple ", space, string(Int.toString n) ] fun printArgs(n, (t, u) :: rest) = PrettyBlock(4, false, [], [ string("Arg"^Int.toString n), space, prettyUses "" u ] @ genType t @ ( if null rest then [] else [PrettyBreak(0,0), string ",", space] ) ) :: printArgs(n+1, rest) | printArgs(_, []) = [] in PrettyBlock(2, true, [], [ PrettyBlock(4, false, [], [ string "fn(", space, block(printArgs(0, argTypes)), space, string ")"] @ genType resultType @ [ space, string "(*", space, string("\"" ^ name ^ "\""), space, string inl, space, string(Int.toString localCount ^ " locals,"), space, printList ("closure=", map Extract closure, ","), space, prettyUses "recursive use=" recUse, space, string "*)" ]), PrettyBreak(1, 2), pretty body ]) end | Constnt(w, m) => if isShort w andalso toShort w = 0w0 then ( case List.find (Universal.tagIs CodeTags.inlineCodeTag) m of SOME h => ( case Universal.tagProject CodeTags.inlineCodeTag h of EnvSpecInlineFunction(lambda, _) => pretty(Lambda lambda) | _ => PrettyString (stringOfWord w) ) | NONE => PrettyString (stringOfWord w) ) else PrettyString (stringOfWord w) | Cond (f, s, t) => PrettyBlock (0, true, [], [ PrettyBlock(2, false, [], [string "if", space, pretty f]), space, PrettyBlock(2, false, [], [string "then", space, pretty s]), space, PrettyBlock(2, false, [], [string "else", space, pretty t]) ] ) | Newenv(decs, final) => PrettyBlock (0, true, [], [ string "let", PrettyBreak (1, 2), PrettyBlock(2, true, [], pList(decs, ";", prettyBinding)), space, string "in", PrettyBreak(1, 2), PrettyBlock(2, true, [], [pretty final]), space, string "end" ] ) | BeginLoop{loop=loopExp, arguments=args } => let fun prettyArg (c, _) = prettySimpleBinding c in PrettyBlock (3, false, [], [ PrettyBlock (1, true, [], PrettyString ("BEGINLOOP(") :: pList(args, ",", prettyArg) @ [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ] ), PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString "(", PrettyBreak (0, 0), pretty loopExp, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ")" ] ) end | Loop ptl => prettyArgs("LOOP", ptl, ",") | Raise c => PrettyBlock (1, true, [], [ PrettyString "RAISE(", pretty c, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ] ) | Handle {exp, handler, exPacketAddr} => PrettyBlock (3, false, [], [ PrettyString "HANDLE(", pretty exp, PrettyString ("WITH exid=" ^ Int.toString exPacketAddr), PrettyBreak (1, 0), pretty handler, PrettyString ")" ] ) | Tuple { fields, isVariant } => printList(if isVariant then "DATATYPE" else "TUPLE", fields, ",") | SetContainer{container, tuple, filter} => let val source = BoolVector.length filter val dest = BoolVector.foldl(fn (true, n) => n+1 | (false, n) => n) 0 filter in PrettyBlock (3, false, [], [ string (concat["SETCONTAINER(", Int.toString dest, "/", Int.toString source, ", "]), pretty container, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ",", PrettyBreak (1, 0), pretty tuple, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ")" ] ) end | TagTest { test, tag, maxTag } => PrettyBlock (3, false, [], [ PrettyString (concat["TAGTEST(", Word.toString tag, ", ", Word.toString maxTag, ","]), PrettyBreak (1, 0), pretty test, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ")" ] ) | LoadOperation{ kind, address } => PrettyBlock (3, false, [], [ PrettyString("Load" ^ BackendIntermediateCode.loadStoreKindRepr kind), PrettyBreak (1, 0), prettyAddress address ] ) | StoreOperation{ kind, address, value } => PrettyBlock (3, false, [], [ PrettyString("Store" ^ BackendIntermediateCode.loadStoreKindRepr kind), PrettyBreak (1, 0), prettyAddress address, PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString "<=", PrettyBreak (1, 0), pretty value ] ) | BlockOperation{ kind, sourceLeft, destRight, length } => PrettyBlock (3, false, [], [ PrettyString(BackendIntermediateCode.blockOpKindRepr kind ^ "("), PrettyBreak (1, 0), prettyAddress sourceLeft, PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString ",", prettyAddress destRight, PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString ",", pretty length, PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString ")" ] ) (* That list should be exhaustive! *) end (* pretty *) and prettyBinding(Declar dec) = prettySimpleBinding dec | prettyBinding(RecDecs ptl) = let fun prettyRDec {lambda, addr, use, ...} = block [ string ("Local" ^ Int.toString addr), space, string "(*", prettyUses "" use, space, string "*)", space, string "=", PrettyBreak (1, 2), PrettyBlock (2, false, [], [pretty(Lambda lambda)]) ] in PrettyBlock(0, true, [], string "val rec " :: pList(ptl, " and ", prettyRDec) ) end | prettyBinding(NullBinding c) = pretty c | prettyBinding(Container{addr, use, size, setter}) = PrettyBlock(1, false, [], [ string ("val Local" ^ Int.toString addr), space, string "(*", string "", space, prettyUses "" use, space, string "*)", space, string ("= Container " ^ Int.toString size), space, string "with", space, pretty setter ] ) and prettySimpleBinding{value, addr, use, ...} = PrettyBlock (1, false, [], [ string ("val Local" ^ Int.toString addr), space, string "(*", string "", space, prettyUses "" use, space, string "*)", space, string "=", PrettyBreak (1, 2), PrettyBlock (2, false, [], [pretty value]) ] ) and prettyUses prefix cl = PrettyBlock (1, true, [], PrettyString (prefix ^ "[") :: pList(cl, ",", prettyUsage) @ [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ("]") ] ) and prettyUsage UseGeneral = PrettyString "_" | prettyUsage UseExport = PrettyString "Export" | prettyUsage (UseApply (cl, al)) = PrettyBlock (1, true, [], string "(" :: pList(al, "|", fn _ => string "-") @ string ")" :: space :: string "->" :: space :: string "(" :: pList(cl, "|", prettyUsage) @ [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), string ")" ] ) | prettyUsage (UseField (n, cl)) = PrettyBlock (1, true, [], string ("UseField"^ Int.toString n ^ "[") :: pList(cl, ",", prettyUsage) @ [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), string "]" ] ) (* Mapping function to enable parts of the tree to be replaced. *) fun mapCodetree f code = let (* We use these functions to allow all nodes to be processed even if they are not full codetree nodes. *) fun deExtract(Extract l) = l | deExtract _ = raise Misc.InternalError "deExtract" fun deLambda (Lambda l) = l | deLambda _ = raise Misc.InternalError "deLambda" fun mapt (Newenv(decs, exp)) = let fun mapbinding(Declar{value, addr, use}) = Declar{value=mapCodetree f value, addr=addr, use=use} | mapbinding(RecDecs l) = RecDecs(map(fn {addr, lambda, use} => {addr=addr, use = use, lambda = deLambda(mapCodetree f (Lambda lambda))}) l) | mapbinding(NullBinding exp) = NullBinding(mapCodetree f exp) | mapbinding(Container{addr, use, size, setter}) = Container{addr=addr, use=use, size=size, setter=mapCodetree f setter} in Newenv(map mapbinding decs, mapCodetree f exp) end | mapt (c as Constnt _) = c | mapt (e as Extract _) = e | mapt (Indirect { base, offset, indKind }) = Indirect{ base = mapCodetree f base, offset = offset, indKind = indKind } | mapt (Eval { function, argList, resultType }) = Eval { function = mapCodetree f function, argList = map (fn(c, a) => (mapCodetree f c, a)) argList, resultType = resultType } | mapt(nullary as Nullary _) = nullary | mapt(Unary { oper, arg1 }) = Unary { oper = oper, arg1 = mapCodetree f arg1 } | mapt(Binary { oper, arg1, arg2 }) = Binary { oper = oper, arg1 = mapCodetree f arg1, arg2 = mapCodetree f arg2 } | mapt(Arbitrary { oper, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall }) = Arbitrary { oper = oper, shortCond = mapCodetree f shortCond, arg1 = mapCodetree f arg1, arg2 = mapCodetree f arg2, longCall = mapCodetree f longCall } | mapt(AllocateWordMemory { numWords, flags, initial }) = AllocateWordMemory { numWords = mapCodetree f numWords, flags = mapCodetree f flags, initial = mapCodetree f initial } | mapt (Lambda { body, isInline, name, closure, argTypes, resultType, localCount, recUse }) = Lambda { body = mapCodetree f body, isInline = isInline, name = name, closure = map (deExtract o (mapCodetree f) o Extract) closure, argTypes = argTypes, resultType = resultType, localCount = localCount, recUse = recUse } | mapt (Cond(i, t, e)) = Cond(mapCodetree f i, mapCodetree f t, mapCodetree f e) | mapt (BeginLoop{loop, arguments}) = BeginLoop { loop = mapCodetree f loop, arguments = map(fn({value, addr, use}, t) => ({value=mapCodetree f value, addr=addr, use=use}, t)) arguments } | mapt (Loop l) = Loop (map(fn(c, t) => (mapCodetree f c, t)) l) | mapt (Raise r) = Raise(mapCodetree f r) | mapt (Handle{exp, handler, exPacketAddr}) = Handle{exp=mapCodetree f exp, handler=mapCodetree f handler, exPacketAddr=exPacketAddr } | mapt (Tuple { fields, isVariant} ) = Tuple { fields = map (mapCodetree f) fields, isVariant = isVariant } | mapt (SetContainer{container, tuple, filter}) = SetContainer{ container = mapCodetree f container, tuple = mapCodetree f tuple, filter = filter } | mapt (TagTest{test, tag, maxTag}) = TagTest{test = mapCodetree f test, tag = tag, maxTag = maxTag } | mapt (LoadOperation{kind, address}) = LoadOperation{kind = kind, address = maptAddress address } | mapt (StoreOperation{kind, address, value}) = StoreOperation{kind = kind, address = maptAddress address, value=mapCodetree f value } | mapt (BlockOperation{kind, sourceLeft, destRight, length}) = BlockOperation{kind = kind, sourceLeft = maptAddress sourceLeft, destRight = maptAddress destRight, length=mapCodetree f length } and maptAddress({base, index, offset}: codeAddress): codeAddress = {base=mapCodetree f base, index=case index of NONE => NONE | SOME i => SOME(mapCodetree f i), offset=offset} in (* Apply f to node. If it returns SOME c use that otherwise traverse the tree. *) case f code of SOME c => c | NONE => mapt code end (* Fold a function over the tree. f is applied to the node and the input value and returns an output and a flag. If the flag is FOLD_DONT_DESCEND the output value is used and the code tree is not examined further. Otherwise this function descends into the tree and folds over the subtree. *) datatype foldControl = FOLD_DESCEND | FOLD_DONT_DESCEND fun foldtree (f: codetree * 'a -> 'a * foldControl) (input: 'a) code = let fun ftree (Newenv(decs, exp), v) = let fun foldbinding(Declar{value, ...}, w) = foldtree f w value | foldbinding(RecDecs l, w) = foldl(fn ({lambda, ...}, x) => foldtree f x (Lambda lambda)) w l | foldbinding(NullBinding exp, w) = foldtree f w exp | foldbinding(Container{setter, ...}, w) = foldtree f w setter in foldtree f (foldl foldbinding v decs) exp end | ftree (Constnt _, v) = v | ftree (Extract _, v) = v | ftree (Indirect{base, ...}, v) = foldtree f v base | ftree (Eval { function, argList, ...}, v) = foldl(fn((c, _), w) => foldtree f w c) (foldtree f v function) argList | ftree (Nullary _, v) = v | ftree (Unary {arg1, ...}, v) = foldtree f v arg1 | ftree (Binary {arg1, arg2, ...}, v) = foldtree f (foldtree f v arg1) arg2 | ftree (Arbitrary {shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall, ...}, v) = foldtree f (foldtree f (foldtree f (foldtree f v shortCond) arg1) arg2) longCall | ftree (AllocateWordMemory {numWords, flags, initial}, v) = foldtree f (foldtree f (foldtree f v numWords) flags) initial | ftree (Lambda { body, closure, ...}, v) = foldtree f (foldl (fn (c, w) => foldtree f w (Extract c)) v closure) body | ftree (Cond(i, t, e), v) = foldtree f (foldtree f (foldtree f v i) t) e | ftree (BeginLoop{loop, arguments, ...}, v) = foldtree f (foldl (fn (({value, ...}, _), w) => foldtree f w value) v arguments) loop | ftree (Loop l, v) = foldl (fn ((c, _), w) => foldtree f w c) v l | ftree (Raise r, v) = foldtree f v r | ftree (Handle{exp, handler, ...}, v) = foldtree f (foldtree f v exp) handler | ftree (Tuple { fields, ...}, v) = foldl (fn (c, w) => foldtree f w c) v fields | ftree (SetContainer { container, tuple, ...}, v) = foldtree f (foldtree f v container) tuple | ftree (TagTest{test, ...}, v) = foldtree f v test | ftree (LoadOperation{address, ...}, v) = fAddress address v | ftree (StoreOperation{address, value, ...}, v) = foldtree f (fAddress address v) value | ftree (BlockOperation{sourceLeft, destRight, length, ...}, v) = foldtree f (fAddress sourceLeft (fAddress destRight v)) length and fAddress {base, index=NONE, ...} v = foldtree f v base | fAddress {base, index=SOME index, ...} v = foldtree f (foldtree f v base) index in case f (code, input) of (v, FOLD_DONT_DESCEND) => v | (v, FOLD_DESCEND) => ftree(code, v) end structure Sharing = struct type codetree = codetree and pretty = pretty and inlineStatus = inlineStatus and argumentType = argumentType and loadStoreKind = loadStoreKind and blockOpKind = blockOpKind and codeBinding = codeBinding and simpleBinding = simpleBinding and loadForm = loadForm and envGeneral = envGeneral and envSpecial = envSpecial and codeUse = codeUse and foldControl = foldControl and unaryOps = BuiltIns.unaryOps and binaryOps = BuiltIns.binaryOps and nullaryOps = BuiltIns.nullaryOps and arbPrecisionOps = arbPrecisionOps and testConditions = BuiltIns.testConditions and arithmeticOperations = BuiltIns.arithmeticOperations end end; diff --git a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/CodetreeOptimiser.ML b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/CodetreeOptimiser.ML index d4a511fb..565b972a 100644 --- a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/CodetreeOptimiser.ML +++ b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/CodetreeOptimiser.ML @@ -1,1415 +1,1417 @@ (* - Copyright (c) 2012,13,15,17,19-21 David C.J. Matthews + Copyright (c) 2012,13,15,17,19-22 David C.J. Matthews This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) functor CodetreeOptimiser( structure BaseCodeTree: BASECODETREE structure CodetreeFunctions: CODETREEFUNCTIONS structure RemoveRedundant: sig type codetree type loadForm type codeUse val cleanProc : (codetree * codeUse list * (int -> loadForm) * int) -> codetree structure Sharing: sig type codetree = codetree and loadForm = loadForm and codeUse = codeUse end end structure Simplifier: sig type codetree and codeBinding and envSpecial val simplifier: { code: codetree, numLocals: int, maxInlineSize: int } -> (codetree * codeBinding list * envSpecial) * int * bool val specialToGeneral: codetree * codeBinding list * envSpecial -> codetree structure Sharing: sig type codetree = codetree and codeBinding = codeBinding and envSpecial = envSpecial end end structure Debug: DEBUG structure Pretty : PRETTY structure Backend: sig type codetree type machineWord = Address.machineWord val codeGenerate: codetree * int * Universal.universal list -> (unit -> machineWord) * Universal.universal list structure Sharing : sig type codetree = codetree end end sharing BaseCodeTree.Sharing = CodetreeFunctions.Sharing = RemoveRedundant.Sharing = Simplifier.Sharing = Pretty.Sharing = Backend.Sharing ) : sig type codetree and envSpecial and codeBinding val codetreeOptimiser: codetree * Universal.universal list * int -> { numLocals: int, general: codetree, bindings: codeBinding list, special: envSpecial } structure Sharing: sig type codetree = codetree and envSpecial = envSpecial and codeBinding = codeBinding end end = struct open BaseCodeTree open Address open CodetreeFunctions open StretchArray infix 9 sub exception InternalError = Misc.InternalError (* Turn a list of fields to use into a filter for SetContainer. *) fun fieldsToFilter useList = let val maxDest = List.foldl Int.max ~1 useList val fields = BoolArray.array(maxDest+1, false) val _ = List.app(fn n => BoolArray.update(fields, n, true)) useList in BoolArray.vector fields end and filterToFields filter = BoolVector.foldri (fn (i, true, l) => i :: l | (_, _, l) => l) [] filter and setInFilter filter = BoolVector.foldl (fn (true, n) => n+1 | (false, n) => n) 0 filter (* Work-around for bug in bytevector equality. *) and boolVectorEq(a, b) = filterToFields a = filterToFields b fun buildFullTuple(filter, select) = let fun extArg(t, u) = if t = BoolVector.length filter then [] else if BoolVector.sub(filter, t) then select u :: extArg(t+1, u+1) else CodeZero :: extArg (t+1, u) in mkTuple(extArg(0, 0)) end (* When transforming code we only process one level and do not descend into sub-functions. *) local fun deExtract(Extract l) = l | deExtract _ = raise Misc.InternalError "deExtract" fun onlyFunction repEntry (Lambda{ body, isInline, name, closure, argTypes, resultType, localCount, recUse }) = SOME( Lambda { body = body, isInline = isInline, name = name, closure = map (deExtract o mapCodetree repEntry o Extract) closure, argTypes = argTypes, resultType = resultType, localCount = localCount, recUse = recUse } ) | onlyFunction repEntry code = repEntry code in fun mapFunctionCode repEntry = mapCodetree (onlyFunction repEntry) end local (* This transforms the body of a "small" recursive function replacing any reference to the arguments by the appropriate entry and the recursive calls themselves by either a Loop or a recursive call. *) fun mapCodeForFunctionRewriting(code, argMap, modVec, transformCall) = let fun repEntry(Extract(LoadArgument n)) = SOME(Extract(Vector.sub(argMap, n))) | repEntry(Eval { function = Extract LoadRecursive, argList, resultType }) = let (* Filter arguments to include only those that are changed and map any values we pass. They may include references to the parameters. *) fun mapArg((arg, argT)::rest, n) = if Vector.sub(modVec, n) then mapArg(rest, n+1) else (mapCode arg, argT) :: mapArg(rest, n+1) | mapArg([], _) = [] in SOME(transformCall(mapArg(argList, 0), resultType)) end | repEntry _ = NONE and mapCode code = mapFunctionCode repEntry code in mapCode code end in (* If we have a tail recursive function we can replace the tail calls by a loop. modVec indicates the arguments that have not changed. *) fun replaceTailRecursiveWithLoop(body, argTypes, modVec, nextAddress) = let (* We need to create local bindings for arguments that will change. Those that do not can be reused. *) local fun mapArgs((argT, use):: rest, n, decs, mapList) = if Vector.sub(modVec, n) then mapArgs (rest, n+1, decs, LoadArgument n :: mapList) else let val na = ! nextAddress before nextAddress := !nextAddress + 1 in mapArgs (rest, n+1, ({addr = na, value = mkLoadArgument n, use=use}, argT) :: decs, LoadLocal na :: mapList) end | mapArgs([], _, decs, mapList) = (List.rev decs, List.rev mapList) val (decs, mapList) = mapArgs(argTypes, 0, [], []) in val argMap = Vector.fromList mapList val loopArgs = decs end in BeginLoop { arguments = loopArgs, loop = mapCodeForFunctionRewriting(body, argMap, modVec, fn (l, _) => Loop l) } end (* If we have a small recursive function where some arguments are passed through unchanged we can transform it by extracting the stable arguments and only passing the changing arguments. The advantage is that this allows the stable arguments to be inserted inline which is important if they are functions. The canonical example is List.map. *) fun liftRecursiveFunction(body, argTypes, modVec, closureSize, name, resultType, localCount) = let local fun getArgs((argType, use)::rest, nArg, clCount, argCount, stable, change, mapList) = let (* This is the argument from the outer function. It is either added to the closure or passed to the inner function. *) val argN = LoadArgument nArg in if Vector.sub(modVec, nArg) then getArgs(rest, nArg+1, clCount+1, argCount, argN :: stable, change, LoadClosure clCount :: mapList) else getArgs(rest, nArg+1, clCount, argCount+1, stable, (Extract argN, argType, use) :: change, LoadArgument argCount :: mapList) end | getArgs([], _, _, _, stable, change, mapList) = (List.rev stable, List.rev change, List.rev mapList) in (* The stable args go into the closure. The changeable args are passed in. *) val (stableArgs, changeArgsAndTypes, mapList) = getArgs(argTypes, 0, closureSize, 0, [], [], []) val argMap = Vector.fromList mapList end val subFunction = Lambda { body = mapCodeForFunctionRewriting(body, argMap, modVec, fn (l, t) => Eval { function = Extract LoadRecursive, argList = l, resultType = t }), isInline = DontInline, (* Don't inline this function. *) name = name ^ "()", closure = List.tabulate(closureSize, fn n => LoadClosure n) @ stableArgs, argTypes = List.map (fn (_, t, u) => (t, u)) changeArgsAndTypes, resultType = resultType, localCount = localCount, recUse = [UseGeneral] } in Eval { function = subFunction, argList = map (fn (c, t, _) => (c, t)) changeArgsAndTypes, resultType = resultType } end end (* If the function arguments are used in a way that could be optimised the data structure represents it. *) datatype functionArgPattern = ArgPattTuple of { filter: BoolVector.vector, allConst: bool, fromFields: bool } (* ArgPattCurry is a list, one per level of application, of a list, one per argument of the pattern for that argument. *) | ArgPattCurry of functionArgPattern list list * functionArgPattern | ArgPattSimple (* Returns ArgPattCurry even if it is just a single application. *) local (* Control how we check for side-effects. *) datatype curryControl = CurryNoCheck | CurryCheck | CurryReorderable local open Address (* Return the width of a tuple. Returns 1 for non-tuples including datatypes where different variants could have different widths. Also returns a flag indicating if the value came from a constant. Constants are already tupled so there's no advantage in untupling them unless there are other non-constant arguments as well. *) fun findTuple(Tuple{fields, isVariant=false}) = (List.length fields, false) | findTuple(Constnt(w, _)) = if isShort w orelse flags (toAddress w) <> F_words then (1, false) else (Word.toInt(length (toAddress w)), true) | findTuple(Extract _) = (1, false) (* TODO: record this for variables *) | findTuple(Cond(_, t, e)) = let val (tl, tc) = findTuple t and (el, ec) = findTuple e in if tl = el then (tl, tc andalso ec) else (1, false) end | findTuple(Newenv(_, e)) = findTuple e | findTuple _ = (1, false) in fun mapArg c = let val (n, f) = findTuple c in if n <= 1 then ArgPattSimple else ArgPattTuple{filter=BoolVector.tabulate(n, fn _ => true), allConst=f, fromFields=false} end end fun useToPattern _ [] = ArgPattSimple | useToPattern checkCurry (hd::tl) = let (* Construct a possible pattern from the head. *) val p1 = case hd of UseApply(resl, arguments) => let (* If the result is also curried extend the list. *) val subCheck = case checkCurry of CurryCheck => CurryReorderable | c => c val (resultPatts, resultResult) = case useToPattern subCheck resl of ArgPattCurry l => l | tupleOrSimple => ([], tupleOrSimple) val thisArg = map mapArg arguments in (* If we have an argument that is a curried function we can safely apply it to the first argument even if that has a side-effect but we can't uncurry further than that because the behaviour could rely on a side-effect of the first application. *) if checkCurry = CurryReorderable andalso List.exists(not o reorderable) arguments then ArgPattSimple else ArgPattCurry(thisArg :: resultPatts, resultResult) end | UseField (n, _) => ArgPattTuple{filter=BoolVector.tabulate(n+1, fn m => m=n), allConst=false, fromFields=true} | _ => ArgPattSimple fun mergePattern(ArgPattCurry(l1, r1), ArgPattCurry(l2, r2)) = let (* Each argument list should be the same length. The length here is the number of arguments provided to this application. *) fun mergeArgLists(al1, al2) = ListPair.mapEq mergePattern (al1, al2) (* The currying lists could be different lengths because some applications could only partially apply it. It is essential not to assume more currying than the minimum so we stop with the shorter. *) val prefix = ListPair.map mergeArgLists (l1, l2) in if null prefix then ArgPattSimple else ArgPattCurry(prefix, mergePattern(r1, r2)) end | mergePattern(ArgPattTuple{filter=n1, allConst=c1, fromFields=f1}, ArgPattTuple{filter=n2, allConst=c2, fromFields=f2}) = (* If the tuples are different sizes we can't use a tuple. Unlike currying it would be safe to assume tupling where there isn't (unless the function is actually polymorphic). *) if boolVectorEq(n1, n2) then ArgPattTuple{filter=n1, allConst=c1 andalso c2, fromFields = f1 andalso f2} else if f1 andalso f2 then let open BoolVector val l1 = length n1 and l2 = length n2 fun safesub(n, v) = if n < length v then v sub n else false val union = tabulate(Int.max(l1, l2), fn n => safesub(n, n1) orelse safesub(n, n2)) in ArgPattTuple{filter=union, allConst=c1 andalso c2, fromFields = f1 andalso f2} end else ArgPattSimple | mergePattern _ = ArgPattSimple in case tl of [] => p1 | tl => mergePattern(p1, useToPattern checkCurry tl) end (* If the result is just a function where all the arguments are simple it's not actually curried. *) fun usageToPattern checkCurry use = case useToPattern checkCurry use of (* a as ArgPattCurry [s] => if List.all(fn ArgPattSimple => true | _ => false) s then ArgPattSimple else a |*) patt => patt in (* Decurrying involves reordering (f exp1) exp2 into code where any effects of evaluating exp2 are done before the application. That's only safe if either (f exp1) or exp2 have no side-effects and do not depend on references. In the case of the function body we can check that the body does not depend on any references (typically it's a lambda) but for function arguments we have to check how it is applied. *) val usageForFunctionBody = usageToPattern CurryNoCheck and usageForFunctionArg = usageToPattern CurryCheck (* To decide whether we want to detuple the argument we look to see if the function is ever applied to a tuple. This is rather different to currying where we only decurry if every application is to multiple arguments. This information is then merged with information about the arguments within the function. *) fun existTupling (use: codeUse list): functionArgPattern list = let val argListLists = List.foldl (fn (UseApply(_, args), l) => map mapArg args :: l | (_, l) => l) [] use fun orMerge [] = raise Empty | orMerge [hd] = hd | orMerge (hd1 :: hd2 :: tl) = let fun merge(a as ArgPattTuple _, _) = a | merge(_, b) = b in orMerge(ListPair.mapEq merge (hd1, hd2) :: tl) end in orMerge argListLists end (* If the result of a function contains a tuple but it is not detupled on every path, see if it is detupled on at least one. *) fun existDetupling(UseApply(resl, _) :: rest) = List.exists(fn UseField _ => true | _ => false) resl orelse existDetupling rest | existDetupling(_ :: rest) = existDetupling rest | existDetupling [] = false end (* Return a tuple if any of the branches returns a tuple. The idea is that if the body actually constructs a tuple on the heap on at least one branch it is probably worth attempting to detuple the result. *) fun bodyReturnsTuple (Tuple{fields, isVariant=false}) = ArgPattTuple{ filter=BoolVector.tabulate(List.length fields, fn _ => true), allConst=false, fromFields=false } | bodyReturnsTuple(Cond(_, t, e)) = ( case bodyReturnsTuple t of a as ArgPattTuple _ => a | _ => bodyReturnsTuple e ) | bodyReturnsTuple(Newenv(_, exp)) = bodyReturnsTuple exp | bodyReturnsTuple _ = ArgPattSimple (* If the usage indicates that the body of the function should be transformed these do the transformation. It is possible that each of these cases could apply and it would be possible to merge them all. For the moment keep them separate. If another of the cases applies this will be re-entered on a subsequent pass. *) fun detupleResult({ argTypes, name, resultType, closure, isInline, localCount, body, ...}: lambdaForm , filter, makeAddress) = (* The function returns a tuple or at least the uses of the function take apart a tuple. Transform it to take a container as an argument and put the result in there. *) let local fun mapArg f n ((t, _) :: tl) = (Extract(f n), t) :: mapArg f (n+1) tl | mapArg _ _ [] = [] in fun mapArgs f l = mapArg f 0 l end val mainAddress = makeAddress() and shimAddress = makeAddress() (* The main function performs the previous computation but puts the result into the container. We need to replace any recursive references with calls to the shim.*) local val recEntry = LoadClosure(List.length closure) fun doMap(Extract LoadRecursive) = SOME(Extract recEntry) | doMap _ = NONE in val transBody = mapFunctionCode doMap body end + val containerSize = setInFilter filter + local val containerArg = Extract(LoadArgument(List.length argTypes)) val newBody = SetContainer{container = containerArg, tuple = transBody, filter=filter } val mainLambda: lambdaForm = { body = newBody, name = name, resultType=GeneralType, - argTypes=argTypes @ [(GeneralType, [])], + argTypes=argTypes @ [(ContainerType containerSize, [])], closure=closure @ [LoadLocal shimAddress], localCount=localCount + 1, isInline=isInline, recUse = [UseGeneral] } in val mainFunction = (mainAddress, mainLambda) end (* The shim function creates a container, passes it to the main function and then builds a tuple from the container. *) val shimBody = mkEnv( - [Container{addr = 0, use = [], size = setInFilter filter, + [Container{addr = 0, use = [], size = containerSize, setter= Eval { function = Extract(LoadClosure 0), - argList = mapArgs LoadArgument argTypes @ [(Extract(LoadLocal 0), GeneralType)], + argList = mapArgs LoadArgument argTypes @ [(Extract(LoadLocal 0), ContainerType containerSize)], resultType = GeneralType } } ], buildFullTuple(filter, fn n => mkIndContainer(n, mkLoadLocal 0)) ) val shimLambda = { body = shimBody, name = name, argTypes = argTypes, closure = [LoadLocal mainAddress], resultType = resultType, isInline = InlineAlways, localCount = 1, recUse = [UseGeneral] } val shimFunction = (shimAddress, shimLambda) in (shimLambda, [mainFunction, shimFunction]) end fun transformFunctionArgs({ argTypes, name, resultType, closure, isInline, localCount, body, ...} , usage, makeAddress) = (* Not curried - just a single argument. *) let (* We need to construct an inline "shim" function that has the same calling pattern as the original. This simply calls the transformed main function. We need to construct the arguments to call the transformed main function. That needs, for example, to unpack tuples and repack argument functions. We need to produce an argument map to transform the main function. This needs, for example, to pack the arguments into tuples. Then when the code is run through the simplifier the tuples will be optimised away. *) val localCounter = ref localCount fun mapPattern(ArgPattTuple{filter, allConst=false, ...} :: patts, n, m) = let val fieldList = filterToFields filter val (decs, args, mapList) = mapPattern(patts, n+1, m + setInFilter filter) val newAddr = ! localCounter before localCounter := ! localCounter + 1 val tuple = buildFullTuple(filter, fn u => mkLoadArgument(m+u)) val thisDec = Declar { addr = newAddr, use = [], value = tuple } (* Arguments for the call *) val thisArg = List.map(fn p => mkInd(p, mkLoadArgument n)) fieldList in (thisDec :: decs, thisArg @ args, LoadLocal newAddr :: mapList) end | mapPattern(ArgPattCurry(currying as [_], ArgPattTuple{allConst=false, filter, ...}) :: patts, n, m) = (* It's a function that returns a tuple. The function must not be curried because otherwise it returns a function not a tuple. *) let val (thisDec, thisArg, thisMap) = transformFunctionArgument(currying, [LoadArgument m], [LoadArgument n], SOME filter) val (decs, args, mapList) = mapPattern(patts, n+1, m+1) in (thisDec :: decs, thisArg :: args, thisMap :: mapList) end | mapPattern(ArgPattCurry(currying as firstArgSet :: _, _) :: patts, n, m) = (* Transform it if it's curried or if there is a tuple in the first arg. *) if (*List.length currying >= 2 orelse *) (* This transformation is unsafe. *) List.exists(fn ArgPattTuple{allConst=false, ...} => true | _ => false) firstArgSet then let val (thisDec, thisArg, thisMap) = transformFunctionArgument(currying, [LoadArgument m], [LoadArgument n], NONE) val (decs, args, mapList) = mapPattern(patts, n+1, m+1) in (thisDec :: decs, thisArg :: args, thisMap :: mapList) end else let val (decs, args, mapList) = mapPattern(patts, n+1, m+1) in (decs, Extract(LoadArgument n) :: args, LoadArgument m :: mapList) end | mapPattern(_ :: patts, n, m) = let val (decs, args, mapList) = mapPattern(patts, n+1, m+1) in (decs, Extract(LoadArgument n) :: args, LoadArgument m :: mapList) end | mapPattern([], _, _) = ([], [], []) and transformFunctionArgument(argumentArgs, loadPack, loadThisArg, filterOpt) = let (* Disable the transformation of curried arguments for the moment. This is unsafe. See Test146. The problem is that this transformation is only safe if the function is applied immediately to all the arguments. However the usage information is propagated so that if the result of the first application is bound to a variable and then that variable is applied it still appears as curried. *) val argumentArgs = [hd argumentArgs] (* We have a function that takes a series of curried argument. Change that so that the function takes a list of arguments. *) val newAddr = ! localCounter before localCounter := ! localCounter + 1 (* In the main function we are expecting to call the argument in a curried fashion. We need to construct a function that packages up the arguments and, when all of them have been provided, calls the actual argument. *) local fun curryPack([], fnclosure) = let (* We're ready to call the function. We now need to unpack any tupled arguments. *) fun mapArgs(c :: ctl, args) = let fun mapArg([], args) = mapArgs(ctl, args) | mapArg(ArgPattTuple{filter, allConst=false, ...} :: patts, arg :: argctl) = let val fields = filterToFields filter in List.map(fn p => (mkInd(p, Extract arg), GeneralType)) fields @ mapArg(patts, argctl) end | mapArg(_ :: patts, arg :: argctl) = (Extract arg, GeneralType) :: mapArg(patts, argctl) | mapArg(_, []) = raise InternalError "mapArgs: mismatch" in mapArg(c, args) end | mapArgs _ = [] val argList = mapArgs(argumentArgs, tl fnclosure) in case filterOpt of NONE => Eval { function = Extract(hd fnclosure), resultType = GeneralType, argList = argList } | SOME filter => (* We need a container here for the result. *) mkEnv( [ Container{addr=0, size=setInFilter filter, use=[UseGeneral], setter= Eval { function = Extract(hd fnclosure), resultType = GeneralType, argList = argList @ [(mkLoadLocal 0, GeneralType)] } } ], buildFullTuple(filter, fn n => mkIndContainer(n, mkLoadLocal 0)) ) end | curryPack(hd :: tl, fnclosure) = let val nArgs = List.length hd (* If this is the last then we need to include the container if required. *) val needContainer = case (tl, filterOpt) of ([], SOME _) => true | _ => false in Lambda { closure = fnclosure, isInline = InlineAlways, name = name ^ "-P", resultType = GeneralType, argTypes = List.tabulate(nArgs, fn _ => (GeneralType, [UseGeneral])), localCount = if needContainer then 1 else 0, recUse = [], body = curryPack(tl, (* The closure for the next level is the current closure together with all the arguments at this level. *) List.tabulate(List.length fnclosure, fn n => LoadClosure n) @ List.tabulate(nArgs, LoadArgument)) } end in val packFn = curryPack(argumentArgs, loadPack) end val thisDec = Declar { addr = newAddr, use = [], value = packFn } fun argCount(ArgPattTuple{filter, allConst=false, ...}, m) = setInFilter filter + m | argCount(_, m) = m+1 local (* In the shim function, i.e. the inline function outside, we have a lambda that will be called when the main function wants to call its argument function. This is provided with all the arguments and so it has to call the actual argument, which is expected to be curried, an argument at a time. *) fun curryApply(hd :: tl, n, c) = let fun makeArgs(_, []) = [] | makeArgs(q, ArgPattTuple{filter, allConst=false, ...} :: args) = (buildFullTuple(filter, fn r => mkLoadArgument(r+q)), GeneralType) :: makeArgs(q + setInFilter filter, args) | makeArgs(q, _ :: args) = (mkLoadArgument q, GeneralType) :: makeArgs(q+1, args) val args = makeArgs(n, hd) in curryApply(tl, n + List.foldl argCount 0 hd, Eval{function=c, resultType = GeneralType, argList=args}) end | curryApply([], _, c) = c in val thisBody = curryApply (argumentArgs, 0, mkLoadClosure 0) end local (* We have one argument for each argument at each level of currying, or where we've expanded a tuple, one argument for each field. If the function is returning a tuple we have an extra argument for the container. *) val totalArgCount = List.foldl(fn (c, n) => n + List.foldl argCount 0 c) 0 argumentArgs + (case filterOpt of SOME _ => 1 | _ => 0) val functionBody = case filterOpt of NONE => thisBody | SOME filter => mkSetContainer(mkLoadArgument(totalArgCount-1), thisBody, filter) in val thisArg = Lambda { closure = loadThisArg, isInline = InlineAlways, name = name ^ "-E", argTypes = List.tabulate(totalArgCount, fn _ => (GeneralType, [UseGeneral])), resultType = GeneralType, localCount = 0, recUse = [UseGeneral], body = functionBody } end in (thisDec, thisArg, LoadLocal newAddr) end val (extraBindings, transArgCode, argMapList) = mapPattern(usage, 0, 0) local (* Transform the body by replacing the arguments with the new arguments. *) val argMap = Vector.fromList argMapList (* If we have a recursive reference we have to replace it with a reference to the shim. *) val recEntry = LoadClosure(List.length closure) fun doMap(Extract(LoadArgument n)) = SOME(Extract(Vector.sub(argMap, n))) | doMap(Extract LoadRecursive) = SOME(Extract recEntry) | doMap _ = NONE in val transBody = mapFunctionCode doMap body end local (* The argument types for the main function have the tuples expanded, Functions are not affected. *) fun expand(ArgPattTuple{filter, allConst=false, ...}, _, r) = List.tabulate(setInFilter filter, fn _ => (GeneralType, [])) @ r | expand(_, a, r) = a :: r in val transArgTypes = ListPair.foldrEq expand [] (usage, argTypes) end (* Add the type information to the argument code. *) val transArgs = ListPair.mapEq(fn (c, (t, _)) => (c, t)) (transArgCode, transArgTypes) val mainAddress = makeAddress() and shimAddress = makeAddress() val transLambda = { body = mkEnv(extraBindings, transBody), name = name, argTypes = transArgTypes, closure = closure @ [LoadLocal shimAddress], resultType = resultType, isInline = isInline, localCount = ! localCounter, recUse = [UseGeneral] } (* Return the pair of functions. *) val mainFunction = (mainAddress, transLambda) val shimBody = Eval { function = Extract(LoadClosure 0), argList = transArgs, resultType = resultType } val shimLambda = { body = shimBody, name = name, argTypes = argTypes, closure = [LoadLocal mainAddress], resultType = resultType, isInline = InlineAlways, localCount = 0, recUse = [UseGeneral] } val shimFunction = (shimAddress, shimLambda) (* TODO: We have two copies of the shim function here. *) in (shimLambda, [mainFunction, shimFunction]) end fun decurryFunction( { argTypes, name, resultType, closure, isInline, localCount, body as Lambda { argTypes=subArgTypes, resultType=subResultType, ... } , ...}, makeAddress) = (* Curried - just unwind one level this time. This case is normally dealt with by the front-end at least for fun bindings. *) let local fun mapArg f n ((t, _) :: tl) = (Extract(f n), t) :: mapArg f (n+1) tl | mapArg _ _ [] = [] in fun mapArgs f l = mapArg f 0 l end val mainAddress = makeAddress() and shimAddress = makeAddress() (* The main function calls the original body as a function. The body is a lambda which will contain references to the outer arguments but because we're just adding arguments these will be as before. *) (* We have to transform any recursive references to point to the shim. *) local val recEntry = LoadClosure(List.length closure) fun doMap(Extract LoadRecursive) = SOME(Extract recEntry) | doMap _ = NONE in val transBody = mapFunctionCode doMap body end val arg1Count = List.length argTypes val mainLambda = { body = Eval{ function = transBody, resultType = subResultType, argList = mapArgs (fn n => LoadArgument(n+arg1Count)) subArgTypes }, name = name, resultType = subResultType, closure = closure @ [LoadLocal shimAddress], isInline = isInline, localCount = localCount, argTypes = argTypes @ subArgTypes, recUse = [UseGeneral] } val mainFunction = (mainAddress, mainLambda) val shimInnerLambda = Lambda { (* The inner shim closure contains the main function and the outer arguments. *) closure = LoadClosure 0 :: List.tabulate(arg1Count, LoadArgument), body = Eval { function = Extract(LoadClosure 0), resultType = resultType, (* Calls main function with both sets of args. *) argList = mapArgs (fn n => LoadClosure(n+1)) argTypes @ mapArgs LoadArgument subArgTypes }, name = name ^ "-", resultType = subResultType, localCount = 0, isInline = InlineAlways, argTypes = subArgTypes, recUse = [UseGeneral] } val shimOuterLambda = { body = shimInnerLambda, name = name, argTypes = argTypes, closure = [LoadLocal mainAddress], resultType = resultType, isInline = InlineAlways, localCount = 0, recUse = [UseGeneral] } val shimFunction = (shimAddress, shimOuterLambda) in (shimOuterLambda: lambdaForm, [mainFunction, shimFunction]) end | decurryFunction _ = raise InternalError "decurryFunction" (* Process a Lambda slightly differently in different contexts. *) datatype lambdaContext = LCNormal | LCRecursive | LCImmediateCall (* Transforming a lambda may result in producing auxiliary functions that are in general mutually recursive. *) fun mapLambdaResult([], lambda) = lambda | mapLambdaResult(bindings, lambda) = mkEnv([RecDecs(map(fn(addr, lam) => {addr=addr, use=[], lambda=lam}) bindings)], lambda) fun optimise (context, use) (Lambda lambda) = SOME(mapLambdaResult(optLambda(context, use, lambda, LCNormal))) | optimise (context, use) (Newenv(envDecs, envExp)) = let fun mapExp mapUse = mapCodetree (optimise(context, mapUse)) fun mapbinding(Declar{value, addr, use}) = Declar{value=mapExp use value, addr=addr, use=use} | mapbinding(RecDecs l) = let fun mapRecDec({addr, lambda, use}, rest) = case optLambda(context, use, lambda, LCRecursive) of (bindings, Lambda lambdaRes) => (* Turn any bindings into extra mutually-recursive functions. *) {addr=addr, use = use, lambda = lambdaRes } :: map (fn (addr, res) => {addr=addr, use=use, lambda=res }) bindings @ rest | _ => raise InternalError "mapbinding: not lambda" in RecDecs(foldl mapRecDec [] l) end | mapbinding(NullBinding exp) = NullBinding(mapExp [UseGeneral] exp) | mapbinding(Container{addr, use, size, setter}) = Container{addr=addr, use=use, size=size, setter = mapExp [UseGeneral] setter} in SOME(Newenv(map mapbinding envDecs, mapExp use envExp)) end (* Immediate call to a function. We may be able to expand this inline unless it is recursive. *) | optimise (context, use) (Eval {function = Lambda lambda, argList, resultType}) = let val args = map (fn (c, t) => (optGeneral context c, t)) argList val argTuples = map #1 args val (bindings, newLambda) = optLambda(context, [UseApply(use, argTuples)], lambda, LCImmediateCall) val call = Eval { function=newLambda, argList=args, resultType = resultType } in SOME(mapLambdaResult(bindings, call)) end | optimise (context as { reprocess, ...}, use) (Eval {function = Cond(i, t, e), argList, resultType}) = let (* Transform "(if i then t else e) x" into "if i then t x else e x". This allows for other optimisations and inline expansion. *) (* We duplicate the function arguments which could cause the size of the code to blow-up if they involve complicated expressions. *) fun pushFunction l = mapCodetree (optimise(context, use)) (Eval{function=l, argList=argList, resultType=resultType}) in reprocess := true; SOME(Cond(i, pushFunction t, pushFunction e)) end | optimise (context, use) (Eval {function, argList, resultType}) = (* If nothing else we need to ensure that "use" is correctly set on the function and arguments and we don't simply pass the original. *) let val args = map (fn (c, t) => (optGeneral context c, t)) argList val argTuples = map #1 args in SOME( Eval{ function= mapCodetree (optimise (context, [UseApply(use, argTuples)])) function, argList=args, resultType = resultType }) end | optimise (context, use) (Indirect{base, offset, indKind = IndTuple}) = SOME(Indirect{base = mapCodetree (optimise(context, [UseField(offset, use)])) base, offset = offset, indKind = IndTuple}) | optimise (context, use) (code as Cond _) = (* If the result of the if-then-else is always taken apart as fields then we are better off taking it apart further down and putting the fields into a container on the stack. *) if List.all(fn UseField _ => true | _ => false) use then SOME(optFields(code, context, use)) else NONE | optimise (context, use) (code as BeginLoop _) = (* If the result of the loop is taken apart we should push this down as well. *) if List.all(fn UseField _ => true | _ => false) use then SOME(optFields(code, context, use)) else NONE | optimise _ _ = NONE and optGeneral context exp = mapCodetree (optimise(context, [UseGeneral])) exp and optLambda( { maxInlineSize, reprocess, makeAddr, ... }, contextUse, { body, name, argTypes, resultType, closure, localCount, isInline, recUse, ...}, lambdaContext) : (int * lambdaForm) list * codetree = (* Optimisations on lambdas. 1. A lambda that simply calls another function with all its own arguments can be replaced by a reference to the function provided the "function" is a side-effect-free expression. 2. Don't attempt to optimise inline functions that are exported. 3. Transform lambdas that take tuples as arguments or are curried or where an argument is a function with tupled or curried arguments into a pair of an inline function with the original argument set and a new "main" function with register/stack arguments. *) let (* The overall use of the function is the context plus the recursive use. *) val use = contextUse @ recUse (* Check if it's a call to another function with all the original arguments. This is really wanted when we are passing this lambda as an argument to another function and really only when we have produced a shim function that has been inline expanded. Otherwise this will be a "small" function and will be inline expanded when it's used. *) val replaceBody = case (body, lambdaContext = LCRecursive) of (Eval { function, argList, resultType=callresult }, false) => let fun argSequence((Extract(LoadArgument a), _) :: rest, b) = a = b andalso argSequence(rest, b+1) | argSequence([], _) = true | argSequence _ = false val argumentsMatch = argSequence(argList, 0) andalso ListPair.allEq(fn((_, a), (b, _)) => a = b) (argList, argTypes) andalso callresult = resultType in if not argumentsMatch then NONE else case function of (* This could be any function which has neither side-effects nor depends on a reference nor depends on another argument but if it has local variables they would have to be renumbered into the surrounding scope. In practice we're really only interested in simple cases that arise as a result of using a "shim" function created in the code below. *) c as Constnt _ => SOME c | Extract(LoadClosure addr) => SOME(Extract(List.nth(closure, addr))) | _ => NONE end | _ => NONE in case replaceBody of SOME c => ([], c) | NONE => if isInline <> DontInline andalso List.exists (fn UseExport => true | _ => false) use then let (* If it's inline any application of this will be optimised after inline expansion. We still apply any opimisations to the body at this stage because we will compile and code-generate a version for use if we want a "general" value. *) val addressAllocator = ref localCount val optContext = { makeAddr = fn () => (! addressAllocator) before addressAllocator := ! addressAllocator + 1, reprocess = reprocess, maxInlineSize = maxInlineSize } val optBody = mapCodetree (optimise(optContext, [UseGeneral])) body val lambdaRes = { body = optBody, isInline = isInline, name = name, closure = closure, argTypes = argTypes, resultType = resultType, recUse = recUse, localCount = !addressAllocator (* After optimising body. *) } in ([], Lambda lambdaRes) end else let (* Allocate any new addresses after the existing ones. *) val addressAllocator = ref localCount val optContext = { makeAddr = fn () => (! addressAllocator) before addressAllocator := ! addressAllocator + 1, reprocess = reprocess, maxInlineSize = maxInlineSize } val optBody = mapCodetree (optimise(optContext, [UseGeneral])) body (* See if this should be expanded inline. If we are calling the lambda immediately we try to expand it unless maxInlineSize is zero. We may not be able to expand it if it is recursive. (It may have been inside an inline function). *) val (inlineType, updatedBody, localCount) = case evaluateInlining(optBody, List.length argTypes, if maxInlineSize <> 0 andalso lambdaContext = LCImmediateCall then 1000 else FixedInt.toInt maxInlineSize) of NonRecursive => (SmallInline, optBody, ! addressAllocator) | TailRecursive bv => (SmallInline, replaceTailRecursiveWithLoop(optBody, argTypes, bv, addressAllocator), ! addressAllocator) | NonTailRecursive bv => if Vector.exists (fn n => n) bv then (SmallInline, liftRecursiveFunction( optBody, argTypes, bv, List.length closure, name, resultType, !addressAllocator), 0) else (DontInline, optBody, ! addressAllocator) (* All arguments have been modified *) | TooBig => (DontInline, optBody, ! addressAllocator) val lambda: lambdaForm = { body = updatedBody, name = name, argTypes = argTypes, closure = closure, resultType = resultType, isInline = inlineType, localCount = localCount, recUse = recUse } (* See if it should be transformed. We only do this if the function is not going to be inlined. If it is then there's no point because the transformation is going to be done as part of the inling process. Even if it's marked for inlining we may not actually call the function and instead pass it as an argument or return it as result but in that case transformation doesn't achieve anything because we are going to pass the untransformed "shim" function anyway. *) val (newLambda, bindings) = if isInline = DontInline then let val functionPattern = case usageForFunctionBody use of ArgPattCurry(arg1 :: arg2 :: moreArgs, res) => (* The function is always called with at least two curried arguments. We can decurry the function if the body is applicative - typically if it's a lambda - but not if applying the body would have a side-effect. We only do it one level at this stage. If it's curried more than that we'll come here again. *) (* In order to get the types we restrict this to the case of a body that is a lambda. The result is a function and therefore ArgPattSimple unless we are using up all the args. *) if (*reorderable body*) case updatedBody of Lambda _ => true | _ => false then ArgPattCurry([arg1, arg2], if null moreArgs then res else ArgPattSimple) else ArgPattCurry([arg1], ArgPattSimple) | usage => usage val argPatterns = map (usageForFunctionArg o #2) argTypes (* fullArgPattern is a list, one per level of currying, of a list, one per argument of the patterns. resultPattern is used to detect whether the result is a tuple that is taken apart. *) val (fullArgPattern, resultPattern) = case functionPattern of ArgPattCurry(_ :: rest, resPattern) => let (* The function is always applied at least to the first set of arguments. (It's never just passed). Merge the applications of the function with the use of the arguments. Return the usage within the function unless the function takes apart a tuple but no application passes in a tuple. *) fun merge(ArgPattTuple _, argUse as ArgPattTuple _) = argUse | merge(_, ArgPattTuple _) = ArgPattSimple | merge(_, argUse) = argUse val mergedArgs = (ListPair.mapEq merge (existTupling use, argPatterns)) :: rest (* *) val mergedResult = case (bodyReturnsTuple updatedBody, resPattern) of (bodyTuple as ArgPattTuple _, ArgPattSimple) => if existDetupling use then bodyTuple else ArgPattSimple | _ => resPattern in (mergedArgs, mergedResult) end | _ => (* Not called: either exported or passed as a value. *) (* This previously tried to see whether the body returned a tuple if the function was exported. This caused an infinite loop (see Tests/Succeed/Test164.ML) and anyway doesn't seem to optimise the cases we want. *) ([], ArgPattSimple) in case (fullArgPattern, resultPattern) of (_ :: _ :: _, _) => (* Curried *) ( reprocess := true; decurryFunction(lambda, makeAddr)) | (_, ArgPattTuple {filter, ...}) => (* Result is a tuple *) ( reprocess := true; detupleResult(lambda, filter, makeAddr)) | (first :: _, _) => let fun checkArg (ArgPattTuple{allConst=false, ...}) = true (* Function has at least one tupled arg. *) | checkArg (ArgPattCurry([_], ArgPattTuple{allConst=false, ...})) = true (* Function has an arg that is a function that returns a tuple. It must not be curried otherwise it returns a function not a tuple. *) (* This transformation is unsafe. See comment in transformFunctionArgument above. *) (*| checkArg (ArgPattCurry(_ :: _ :: _, _)) = true *) (* Function has an arg that is a curried function. *) | checkArg (ArgPattCurry(firstArgSet :: _, _)) = (* Function has an arg that is a function that takes a tuple in its first argument set. *) List.exists(fn ArgPattTuple{allConst=false, ...} => true | _ => false) firstArgSet | checkArg _ = false in (* It isn't curried - look at the arguments. *) if List.exists checkArg first then ( reprocess := true; transformFunctionArgs(lambda, first, makeAddr) ) else (lambda, []) end | _ => (lambda, []) end else (lambda, []) in (* If this is to be inlined but was not before we may need to reprocess. We don't reprocess if this is only exported. If it's only exported we're not going to expand it within this code and we can end up with repeated processing. *) if #isInline newLambda <> DontInline andalso isInline = DontInline andalso (case use of [UseExport] => false | _ => true) then reprocess := true else (); (bindings, Lambda newLambda) end end and optFields (code, context as { reprocess, makeAddr, ...}, use) = let (* We have an if-then-else or a loop whose result is only ever taken apart. We push this down. *) (* Find the fields that are used. Not all may be. *) local val maxField = List.foldl(fn (UseField(f, _), m) => Int.max(f, m) | (_, m) => m) 0 use val fieldUse = BoolArray.array(maxField+1, false) val _ = List.app(fn UseField(f, _) => BoolArray.update(fieldUse, f, true) | _ => ()) use in val maxField = maxField val useList = BoolArray.foldri (fn (i, true, l) => i :: l | (_, _, l) => l) [] fieldUse end fun pushContainer(Cond(ifpt, thenpt, elsept), leafFn) = Cond(ifpt, pushContainer(thenpt, leafFn), pushContainer(elsept, leafFn)) | pushContainer(Newenv(decs, exp), leafFn) = Newenv(decs, pushContainer(exp, leafFn)) | pushContainer(BeginLoop{loop, arguments}, leafFn) = (* If we push it through a BeginLoop we MUST then push it through anything that could contain the Loop i.e. Cond, Newenv, Handle. *) BeginLoop{loop = pushContainer(loop, leafFn), arguments=arguments} | pushContainer(l as Loop _, _) = l (* Within a BeginLoop only the non-Loop leaves return values. Loop entries go back to the BeginLoop so these are unchanged. *) | pushContainer(Handle{exp, handler, exPacketAddr}, leafFn) = Handle{exp=pushContainer(exp, leafFn), handler=pushContainer(handler, leafFn), exPacketAddr=exPacketAddr} | pushContainer(tuple, leafFn) = leafFn tuple (* Anything else. *) val () = reprocess := true in case useList of [offset] => (* We only want a single field. Push down an Indirect. *) let (* However the context still requires a tuple. We need to reconstruct one with unused fields set to zero. They will be filtered out later by the simplifier pass. *) val field = optGeneral context (pushContainer(code, fn t => mkInd(offset, t))) fun mkFields n = if n = offset then field else CodeZero in Tuple{ fields = List.tabulate(offset+1, mkFields), isVariant = false } end | _ => let (* We require a container. *) val containerAddr = makeAddr() val width = List.length useList val loadContainer = Extract(LoadLocal containerAddr) fun setContainer tuple = (* At the leaf set the container. *) SetContainer{container = loadContainer, tuple = tuple, filter = fieldsToFilter useList } val setCode = optGeneral context (pushContainer(code, setContainer)) val makeContainer = Container{addr=containerAddr, use=[], size=width, setter=setCode} (* The context requires a tuple of the original width. We need to add dummy fields where necessary. *) val container = if width = maxField+1 then mkTupleFromContainer(containerAddr, width) else let fun mkField(n, m, hd::tl) = if n = hd then mkIndContainer(m, loadContainer) :: mkField(n+1, m+1, tl) else CodeZero :: mkField(n+1, m, hd::tl) | mkField _ = [] in Tuple{fields = mkField(0, 0, useList), isVariant=false} end in mkEnv([makeContainer], container) end end (* TODO: convert "(if a then b else c) (args)" into if a then b(args) else c(args). This would allow for possible inlining and also passing information about call patterns. *) (* Once all the inlining is done we look for functions that can be compiled immediately. These are either functions with no free variables or functions where every use is a call, as opposed to being passed or returned as a closure. Functions that have free variables but are called can be lambda-lifted where the free variables are turned into extra parameters. The advantage compared with using a static-link or a closure on the stack is that they can be fully tail-recursive. With a static-link or stack closure the free variables have to remain on the stack until the function returns. *) fun lambdaLiftAndConstantFunction(code, debugSwitches, numLocals) = let val needReprocess = ref false (* At the moment this just code-generates immediately any lambdas without free-variables. The idea is to that we will get a constant which can then be inserted directly in references to the function. In general this takes a list of mutually recursive functions which can be code- generated immediately if all the free variables are other functions in the list. The simplifier has separated mutually recursive bindings into strongly connected components so we can consider the list as a single entity. *) fun processLambdas lambdaList = let (* First process the bodies of the functions. *) val needed = ! needReprocess val _ = needReprocess := false; val transLambdas = map (fn {lambda={body, isInline, name, closure, argTypes, resultType, localCount, recUse}, use, addr} => {lambda={body=mapChecks body, isInline=isInline, name=name, closure=closure, argTypes=argTypes, resultType=resultType, localCount=localCount, recUse=recUse}, use=use, addr=addr}) lambdaList val theseTransformed = ! needReprocess val _ = if needed then needReprocess := true else () fun hasFreeVariables{lambda={closure, ...}, ...} = let fun notInLambdas(LoadLocal lAddr) = (* A local is allowed if it only refers to another lambda. *) not (List.exists (fn {addr, ...} => addr = lAddr) lambdaList) | notInLambdas _ = true (* Anything else is not allowed. *) in List.exists notInLambdas closure end in if theseTransformed orelse List.exists (fn {lambda={isInline, ...}, ...} => isInline <> DontInline) lambdaList orelse List.exists hasFreeVariables lambdaList (* If we have transformed any of the bodies we need to reprocess so defer any code-generation. Don't CG it if it is inline, or perhaps if it is inline and exported. Don't CG it if it has free variables. We still need to examine the bodies of the functions. *) then (transLambdas, []) else let (* Construct code to declare the functions and extract the values. *) val tupleFields = map (fn {addr, ...} => Extract(LoadLocal addr)) transLambdas val decsAndTuple = Newenv([RecDecs transLambdas], mkTuple tupleFields) val maxLocals = List.foldl(fn ({addr, ...}, n) => Int.max(addr, n)) 0 transLambdas val (code, props) = Backend.codeGenerate(decsAndTuple, maxLocals + 1, debugSwitches) val resultConstnt = Constnt(code(), props) fun getResults([], _) = [] | getResults({addr, use, ...} :: tail, n) = Declar {value=mkInd(n, resultConstnt), addr=addr, use=use} :: getResults(tail, n+1) val () = needReprocess := true in ([], getResults(transLambdas, 0)) end end and runChecks (Lambda (lambda as { isInline=DontInline, closure=[], ... })) = ( (* Bare lambda. *) case processLambdas[{lambda=lambda, use = [], addr = 0}] of ([{lambda=unCGed, ...}], []) => SOME(Lambda unCGed) | ([], [Declar{value, ...}]) => SOME value | _ => raise InternalError "processLambdas" ) | runChecks (Newenv(bindings, exp)) = let (* We have a block of bindings. Are any of them functions that are only ever called? *) fun checkBindings(Declar{value=Lambda lambda, addr, use}, tail) = ( (* Process this lambda and extract the result. *) case processLambdas[{lambda=lambda, use = use, addr = addr}] of ([{lambda=unCGed, use, addr}], []) => Declar{value=Lambda unCGed, use=use, addr=addr} :: tail | ([], cgedDec) => cgedDec @ tail | _ => raise InternalError "checkBindings" ) | checkBindings(Declar{value, addr, use}, tail) = Declar{value=mapChecks value, addr=addr, use=use} :: tail | checkBindings(RecDecs l, tail) = let val (notConsts, asConsts) = processLambdas l in asConsts @ (if null notConsts then [] else [RecDecs notConsts]) @ tail end | checkBindings(NullBinding exp, tail) = NullBinding(mapChecks exp) :: tail | checkBindings(Container{addr, use, size, setter}, tail) = Container{addr=addr, use=use, size=size, setter=mapChecks setter} :: tail in SOME(Newenv((List.foldr checkBindings [] bindings), mapChecks exp)) end | runChecks _ = NONE and mapChecks c = mapCodetree runChecks c in (mapCodetree runChecks code, numLocals, !needReprocess) end (* Main optimiser and simplifier loop. *) fun codetreeOptimiser(code, debugSwitches, numLocals) = let fun topLevel _ = raise InternalError "top level reached in optimiser" val maxInlineSize = Debug.getParameter Debug.maxInlineSizeTag debugSwitches fun processTree (code, nLocals, optAgain) = let (* First run the simplifier. Among other things this does inline expansion and if it does any we at least need to run cleanProc on the code so it will have set simpAgain. *) val (simpCode, simpCount, simpAgain) = Simplifier.simplifier{code=code, numLocals=nLocals, maxInlineSize=FixedInt.toInt maxInlineSize} in if optAgain orelse simpAgain then let (* Identify usage information and remove redundant code. *) val printCodeTree = Debug.getParameter Debug.codetreeTag debugSwitches and compilerOut = Pretty.getCompilerOutput debugSwitches val simpCode = Simplifier.specialToGeneral simpCode val () = if printCodeTree then compilerOut(Pretty.PrettyString "Output of simplifier") else () val () = if printCodeTree then compilerOut (BaseCodeTree.pretty simpCode) else () val preOptCode = RemoveRedundant.cleanProc(simpCode, [UseExport], topLevel, simpCount) (* Print the code with the use information before it goes into the optimiser. *) val () = if printCodeTree then compilerOut(Pretty.PrettyString "Output of cleaner") else () val () = if printCodeTree then compilerOut (BaseCodeTree.pretty preOptCode) else () val reprocess = ref false (* May be set in the optimiser *) (* Allocate any new addresses after the existing ones. *) val addressAllocator = ref simpCount fun makeAddr() = (! addressAllocator) before addressAllocator := ! addressAllocator + 1 val optContext = { makeAddr = makeAddr, reprocess = reprocess, maxInlineSize = maxInlineSize } (* Optimise the code, rewriting it as necessary. *) val optCode = mapCodetree (optimise(optContext, [UseExport])) preOptCode val (llCode, llCount, llAgain) = (* If we have optimised it or the simplifier has run something that it wants to run again we must rerun these before we try to generate any code. *) if ! reprocess (* Re-optimise *) orelse simpAgain (* The simplifier wants to run again on this. *) then (optCode, ! addressAllocator, ! reprocess) else (* We didn't detect any inlineable functions. Check for lambda-lifting. *) lambdaLiftAndConstantFunction(optCode, debugSwitches, ! addressAllocator) (* Print the code after the optimiser. *) val () = if printCodeTree then compilerOut(Pretty.PrettyString "Output of optimiser") else () val () = if printCodeTree then compilerOut (BaseCodeTree.pretty llCode) else () in (* Rerun the simplifier at least. *) processTree(llCode, llCount, llAgain) end else (simpCode, simpCount) (* We're done *) end val (postOptCode, postOptCount) = processTree(code, numLocals, true (* Once at least *)) val (rGeneral, rDecs, rSpec) = postOptCode in { numLocals = postOptCount, general = rGeneral, bindings = rDecs, special = rSpec } end structure Sharing = struct type codetree = codetree and envSpecial = envSpecial and codeBinding = codeBinding end end;