diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac index 086eef8b..afb11bd8 100644 --- a/configure.ac +++ b/configure.ac @@ -1,598 +1,601 @@ # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT([Poly/ML],[5.8.1],[polyml AT polyml DOT org],[polyml]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AC_PREREQ(2.69) # libtoolize recommends this line. AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) ac_debug_mode="no" AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], [ --enable-debug Compiles without optimisation for debugging ], [ac_debug_mode="yes"]) if test "$ac_debug_mode" != "yes"; then # Default to maximum optimisation. -O2 is not good enough. # Set CCASFLAGS to empty so that it doesn't get set to CFLAGS. # The -g option on assembler causes problems on Sparc/Solaris 10. # test X || Y is equivalent to if !X then Y test "${CFLAGS+set}" = set || CFLAGS="-O3" test "${CXXFLAGS+set}" = set || CXXFLAGS="-O3" test "${CCASFLAGS+set}" = set || CCASFLAGS="" else test "${CFLAGS+set}" = set || CFLAGS="-g" test "${CXXFLAGS+set}" = set || CXXFLAGS="-g" test "${CCASFLAGS+set}" = set || CCASFLAGS="" fi AC_CANONICAL_HOST # If the compiler defines _WIN32 we're building for native Windows otherwise we're # building for something else. AC_CHECK_DECL([_WIN32], [poly_native_windows=yes], [poly_native_windows=no]) # If we are building on cygwin or mingw we need to give the -no-defined flag to # build a DLL. We also have to use Windows calling conventions rather than # SysV on 64-bit. poly_use_windowscc=no poly_need_macosopt=no case "${host_os}" in darwin*) AC_SUBST([OSFLAG], [-DMACOSX]) poly_need_macosopt=yes ;; sunos* | solaris*) AC_SUBST([OSFLAG], [-DSOLARIS]) ;; *mingw* | *cygwin*) poly_no_undefined=yes poly_use_windowscc=yes ;; esac # libpolyml can be a DLL but libpolymain can't. # Enable shared libraries by default. It complicates installation a bit if the # the library is installed to a non-standard location but simplifies polyc. LT_INIT([win32-dll]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE # Check we're in the right directory AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([polyexports.h]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CXX # The following check was supposed to check that there was actually a # C++ compiler but doesn't work properly if CXX is set by the user. #AC_CHECK_PROG(check_cpp, $CXX, "yes", "no") #if test "$check_cpp" != "yes"; then # AC_MSG_ERROR([No C++ compiler found. Unable to build Poly/ML.]) #fi AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_PROG_CPP AM_PROG_AS # Activate large file mode if needed AC_SYS_LARGEFILE # Checks for libraries. AC_CHECK_LIB(gcc, main) AC_CHECK_LIB(gcc_s, main) AC_CHECK_LIB(stdc++, main) # These can sometimes be in the standard libraries AC_SEARCH_LIBS([dlopen], [dl dld]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS([floor], [m]) ## External names on Win64. They have no leading underscores as per ## the X64 ABI published by MS. Earlier versions of GCC (anything ## prior to 4.5.0) were faulty. LT_SYS_SYMBOL_USCORE if test x$sys_symbol_underscore = xyes; then AC_DEFINE(SYMBOLS_REQUIRE_UNDERSCORE, [1], [Defined if external symbols are prefixed by underscores]) fi # Check for headers AC_FUNC_ALLOCA AC_HEADER_DIRENT AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdio.h time.h fcntl.h float.h limits.h locale.h malloc.h netdb.h netinet/in.h stddef.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdlib.h string.h sys/file.h sys/ioctl.h sys/param.h sys/socket.h sys/systeminfo.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/time.h unistd.h values.h dlfcn.h signal.h ucontext.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([assert.h ctype.h direct.h errno.h excpt.h fenv.h fpu_control.h grp.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ieeefp.h io.h math.h memory.h netinet/tcp.h arpa/inet.h poll.h pwd.h siginfo.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdarg.h sys/errno.h sys/filio.h sys/mman.h sys/resource.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/sockio.h sys/stat.h termios.h sys/times.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/types.h sys/uio.h sys/un.h sys/utsname.h sys/select.h sys/sysctl.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/elf_SPARC.h sys/elf_386.h sys/elf_amd64.h asm/elf.h machine/reloc.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([windows.h tchar.h semaphore.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdint.h inttypes.h]) # Only check for the X headers if the user said --with-x. if test "${with_x+set}" = set; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS([X11/Xlib.h Xm/Xm.h]) fi PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG # Check for GMP AC_ARG_WITH([gmp], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gmp], [use the GMP library for arbitrary precision arithmetic @<:@default=check@:>@])], [], [with_gmp=check]) # If we want GMP check that the library and headers are installed. if test "x$with_gmp" != "xno"; then AC_CHECK_LIB([gmp], [__gmpn_tdiv_qr], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBGMP], [1], [Define to 1 if you have libgmp]) [LIBS="-lgmp $LIBS"] AC_CHECK_HEADER([gmp.h], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GMP_H], [1], [Define to 1 if you have the gmp.h header file])], [if test "x$with_gmp" != "xcheck"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE( [--with-gmp was given, but gmp.h header file is not installed]) fi ]) ], [if test "x$with_gmp" != "xcheck"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE( [--with-gmp was given, but gmp library (version 4 or later) is not installed]) fi ]) fi # Special configuration for Windows or Unix. poly_windows_enablegui=false if test "x$poly_native_windows" = xyes; then # The next two are only used with mingw. We mustn't include ws2_32 in Cygwin64 because # the "select" function gets used instead of Cygwin's own. AC_CHECK_LIB(ws2_32, main) AC_CHECK_LIB(gdi32, main) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mthreads" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -mthreads" AC_SUBST([OSFLAG], ["-DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x600"]) AC_CHECK_TOOL(WINDRES, windres) # Enable/Disable the GUI in Windows. AC_ARG_ENABLE([windows-gui], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-windows-gui], [create a GUI in Windows. If this is disabled use a Windows console. @<:@default=yes@:>@])], [case "${enableval}" in yes) poly_windows_enablegui=true ;; no) poly_windows_enablegui=false ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-windows-gui]) ;; esac], [poly_windows_enablegui=true]) else # Unix or similar e.g. Cygwin. We need pthreads. # On Android pthread_create is in the standard library AC_SEARCH_LIBS([pthread_create], [pthread], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBPTHREAD], [1], [Define to 1 if you have the `pthread' library (-lpthread).]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([pthread.h], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PTHREAD_H], [1], [Define to 1 if you have the header file.])], [ AC_MSG_FAILURE([pthread.h header file is not installed]) ]) ], [ AC_MSG_FAILURE([pthread library is not installed]) ]) # Solaris needs -lsocket, -lnsl and -lrt AC_SEARCH_LIBS([gethostbyname], [nsl]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS([getsockopt], [socket]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS([sem_wait], [rt]) # Check for X and Motif headers and libraries AC_PATH_X if test "x${with_x}" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_XWINDOWS], [1], [Define if the X-Windows interface should be built]) if test "$x_includes" != "" ; then if test "$x_includes" != "NONE" ; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$x_includes" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$x_includes" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$x_includes" fi fi if test "$x_libraries" != "" ; then if test "$x_libraries" != "NONE" ; then LIBS="-L$x_libraries $LIBS" fi fi AC_CHECK_LIB(X11, XCreateGC) AC_CHECK_LIB(Xt, XtMalloc) AC_CHECK_LIB(Xext, XextAddDisplay) if test "$xm_includes" != "" ; then if test "$xm_includes" != "NONE" ; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$xm_includes" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$xm_includes" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$xm_includes" fi fi if test "$xm_libraries" != "" ; then if test "$xm_libraries" != "NONE" ; then LIBS="-L$xm_libraries $LIBS" fi fi AC_CHECK_LIB(Xm, XmGetDestination) fi # TODO: May need AC_PATH_XTRA for Solaris fi # End of Windows/Unix configuration. # Find out which type of object code exporter to use. # If we have winnt use PECOFF. This really only applies to cygwin here. # If we have elf.h use ELF. # If we have mach-o/reloc.h use Mach-O # Otherwise use the C source code exporter. AC_CHECK_TYPES([IMAGE_FILE_HEADER], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PECOFF], [], [Define to 1 if you have the PE/COFF types.])] [polyexport=pecoff], [AC_CHECK_HEADER([elf.h], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_ELF_H], [], [Define to 1 if you have the header file.])] [polyexport=elf], [AC_CHECK_HEADER([mach-o/reloc.h], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_MACH_O_RELOC_H], [], [Define to 1 if you have the header file.])] [polyexport=macho], [AC_CHECK_HEADERS([elf_abi.h machine/reloc.h], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_ELF_ABI_H], [], [Define to 1 if you have and header files.])] [polyexport=elf] )] )] )], [#include ] ) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler supports __sync_add_and_fetch]) AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[int main(void) { long i=0; return __sync_fetch_and_add(&i, 0) + __sync_sub_and_fetch(&i, 0); } ]])], [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])] [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SYNC_FETCH], [1], [Define to 1 if the compiler supports __sync_fetch_and_add.])], [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])]) AM_CONDITIONAL([EXPPECOFF], [test "$polyexport" = pecoff]) AM_CONDITIONAL([EXPELF], [test "$polyexport" = elf]) AM_CONDITIONAL([EXPMACHO], [test "$polyexport" = macho]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_HEADER_STDBOOL AC_C_CONST AC_TYPE_INT16_T AC_TYPE_UINT16_T AC_TYPE_INT32_T AC_TYPE_UINT32_T AC_TYPE_INT64_T AC_TYPE_UINT64_T AC_TYPE_INTPTR_T AC_TYPE_UINTPTR_T AC_TYPE_UID_T AC_TYPE_MODE_T AC_TYPE_OFF_T AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_SSIZE_T AC_HEADER_TIME AC_STRUCT_TM # Check for the various sub-second fields of the stat structure. AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct stat.st_atim, struct stat.st_atimespec, struct stat.st_atimensec, struct stat.st_atime_n, struct stat.st_uatime]) # Mac OS X, at any rate, needs signal.h to be included first. AC_CHECK_TYPES([ucontext_t], , , [#include "signal.h" #include "ucontext.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPES([struct sigcontext, stack_t, sighandler_t, sig_t], , ,[#include "signal.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPES([socklen_t],,,[#include "sys/types.h" #include "sys/socket.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPES([SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION],,,[#include "windows.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPES(long long) AC_CHECK_TYPES(ssize_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(void*) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(int) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(double) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(float) AC_C_BIGENDIAN # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_ERROR_AT_LINE AC_FUNC_GETGROUPS AC_FUNC_GETPGRP AC_PROG_GCC_TRADITIONAL AC_FUNC_SELECT_ARGTYPES AC_FUNC_STAT AC_FUNC_STRTOD AC_CHECK_FUNCS([dlopen strtod dtoa getpagesize sigaltstack mmap mkstemp]) ## There does not seem to be a declaration for fpsetmask in mingw64. AC_CHECK_DECLS([fpsetmask], [], [], [[#include ]]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([sysctl sysctlbyname]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([localtime_r gmtime_r]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ctermid tcdrain]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([_ftelli64]) +AC_CHECK_FUNCS([pthread_jit_write_protect_np]) # Where are the registers when we get a signal? Used in time profiling. #Linux: AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([mcontext_t.gregs, mcontext_t.regs, mcontext_t.mc_esp],,,[#include "ucontext.h"]) #Mac OS X: AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct mcontext.ss, struct __darwin_mcontext.ss, struct __darwin_mcontext.__ss, struct __darwin_mcontext32.ss, struct __darwin_mcontext32.__ss, struct __darwin_mcontext64.ss, struct __darwin_mcontext64.__ss],,, [#include "signal.h" #include "ucontext.h"]) # FreeBSD includes a sun_len member in struct sockaddr_un AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct sockaddr_un.sun_len],,, [#include ]) # This option enables the native code generator. More precisely it allows # the byte code interpreter to be built on X86. AC_ARG_ENABLE([native-codegeneration], [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-native-codegeneration], [disable the native code generator and use the slow byte code interpreter instead.])], [case "${enableval}" in no) with_portable=yes ;; yes) with_portable=no ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-native-codegeneration]) ;; esac], [with_portable=check]) # Check which CPU we're building for. Can we use a native pre-built compiler # or do we need to fall back to the interpreter? Most of these settings are to tweak # the ELF exporter. case "${host_cpu}" in i[[3456]]86*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_X86], [1], [Define if the host is an X86 (32-bit)]) polyarch=i386 ;; x86_64* | amd64*) if test X"$ac_cv_sizeof_voidp" = X8; then AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_X86_64], [1], [Define if the host is an X86 (64-bit)]) polyarch=x86_64 else AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_X32], [1], [Define if the host is an X86 (32-bit ABI, 64-bit processor)]) polyarch=interpret fi ;; - aarch64*) - AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_AARCH64], [1], [Define if the host is an ARM (64-bit)]) - polyarch=aarch64 + aarch64* | arm*) + # MacOS seems to return "arm" on 64-bit ARM. + if test X"$ac_cv_sizeof_voidp" = X8; then + AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_AARCH64], [1], [Define if the host is an ARM (64-bit)]) + polyarch=aarch64 + else + AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_ARM], [1], [Define if the host is an ARM (32-bit)]) + polyarch=interpret + fi ;; sparc64*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_SPARC64], [1], [Define if the host is a Sparc (64-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; sparc*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_SPARC], [1], [Define if the host is a Sparc (32-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; powerpc64* | ppc64*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_PPC64], [1], [Define if the host is a PowerPC (64-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; power* | ppc*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_PPC], [1], [Define if the host is a PowerPC (32-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; - arm*) - AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_ARM], [1], [Define if the host is an ARM (32-bit)]) - polyarch=interpret - ;; hppa*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_HPPA], [1], [Define if the host is an HP PA-RISC (32-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; ia64*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_IA64], [1], [Define if the host is an Itanium]) polyarch=interpret ;; m68k*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_M68K], [1], [Define if the host is a Motorola 68000]) polyarch=interpret ;; mips64*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_MIPS64], [1], [Define if the host is a MIPS (64-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; mips*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_MIPS], [1], [Define if the host is a MIPS (32-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; s390x*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_S390X], [1], [Define if the host is an S/390 (64-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; s390*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_S390], [1], [Define if the host is an S/390 (32-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; sh*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_SH], [1], [Define if the host is a SuperH (32-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; alpha*) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_ALPHA], [1], [Define if the host is an Alpha (64-bit)]) polyarch=interpret # GCC defaults to non-conforming floating-point, and does not respect the rounding mode # in the floating-point control register, so we force it to conform to IEEE and use the # dynamic suffix on the floating-point instructions it produces. CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mieee -mfp-rounding-mode=d" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -mieee -mfp-rounding-mode=d" ;; riscv32) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_RISCV32], [1], [Define if the host is a RISC-V (32-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; riscv64) AC_DEFINE([HOSTARCHITECTURE_RISCV64], [1], [Define if the host is a RISC-V (64-bit)]) polyarch=interpret ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Poly/ML is not supported for this architecture]) ;; esac # If we explicitly asked to use the interpreter set the architecture to interpreted. if test "x$with_portable" = "xyes" ; then if test "x$polyarch" != "xinterpret" ; then AC_MSG_WARN( [*******You have disabled native code generation. Are you really sure you want to do that?*******]) fi polyarch=interpret fi # If we asked not to use the interpreter check we have native code support. if test "x$with_portable" = "xno" ; then if test "x$polyarch" = "xinterpret" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR( [--enable-native-codegeneration was given but native code is not supported on this platform]) fi fi # Check for libffi only if we're building the interpreted version if test "x$polyarch" = "xinterpret" ; then AC_CHECK_LIB([ffi], [ffi_prep_closure_loc]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ffi.h]) fi if test X"$ac_cv_sizeof_voidp" = X8 ; then bootstrap64="yes" else bootstrap64="no" fi # Build 32-bit in 64-bits. This is only allowed when building on native 64-bit X86. AC_ARG_ENABLE([compact32bit], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-compact32bit], [use 32-bit values rather than native 64-bits.])]) if test "x$enable_compact32bit" = "xyes"; then if test X"$ac_cv_sizeof_voidp" = X8 ; then AC_DEFINE([POLYML32IN64], [1], [Define if this should use 32-bit values in 64-bit architectures]) bootstrap64="no" else AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-compact32bit is only available on a 64-bit architecture]) fi fi # Put this test at the end where it's less likely to be missed. # If we're compiling on Cygwin (and mingw?) and /usr/bin/file is not present # the link step will produce some strange warning messages of the form: # "Warning: linker path does not have real file for library -lXXX". I think # that's really a bug in autoconf but to explain what's happening to the user # add a test here. if test "$lt_cv_file_magic_cmd" = "func_win32_libid"; then if test \! -x /usr/bin/file; then echo "" echo "*** Warning: You are building Poly/ML on Cygwin/Mingw but '/usr/bin/file' cannot be found." echo "*** You can still go ahead and build Poly/ML but libpolyml will not be built as a" echo "*** shared library and you may get strange warning messages from the linker step." echo "*** Install the 'file' package to correct this problem." echo "" fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([ARCHI386], [test "$polyarch" = i386]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ARCHX86_64], [test "$polyarch" = x86_64]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ARCHARM_64], [test "$polyarch" = aarch64]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ARCHINTERPRET], [test "$polyarch" = interpret]) # Are we bootstrapping from the 32-bit or 64-bit pre-built compiler? AM_CONDITIONAL([BOOT64], [test "$bootstrap64" = yes]) # If we are targeting Windows rather than *nix we need the pre=built compiler with Windows conventions. AM_CONDITIONAL([WINDOWSCALLCONV], [test "$poly_use_windowscc" = yes]) # This is true if we are building for native Windows rather than Cygwin AM_CONDITIONAL([NATIVE_WINDOWS], [test "$poly_native_windows" = yes]) AM_CONDITIONAL([NO_UNDEFINED], [test "$poly_no_undefined" = yes]) AM_CONDITIONAL([WINDOWSGUI], [test x$poly_windows_enablegui = xtrue]) AM_CONDITIONAL([MACOSLDOPTS], [test "$poly_need_macosopt" = yes ]) # If we're building only the static version of libpolyml # then polyc and polyml.pc have to include the dependent libraries. dependentlibs="" if test "${enable_shared}" != yes; then dependentlibs=${LIBS} fi AC_SUBST([dependentlibs], ["$dependentlibs"]) # Test whether this is a git directory and set the version if possible AC_CHECK_PROG([gitinstalled], [git], [yes], [no]) if test X"$gitinstalled" = "Xyes" -a -d ".git"; then GIT_VERSION='-DGIT_VERSION=\"$(shell git describe --tags --always)\"' AC_SUBST(GIT_VERSION) fi # Strip -fdebug-prefix-map= from CFLAGS; it's meaningless for users of polyc, # and hurts reproducibility. polyc_CFLAGS= for cflag in $CFLAGS; do cflag="${cflag##-fdebug-prefix-map=*}" if test -n "$cflag"; then if test -n "$polyc_CFLAGS"; then polyc_CFLAGS="$polyc_CFLAGS $cflag" else polyc_CFLAGS="$cflag" fi fi done AC_SUBST([polyc_CFLAGS], ["$polyc_CFLAGS"]) # Modules directory AC_ARG_WITH([moduledir], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-moduledir=DIR], [directory for Poly/ML modules])], [moduledir=$withval], [moduledir="\${libdir}/polyml/modules"]) AC_SUBST([moduledir], [$moduledir]) # Control whether to build the basis library with arbitrary precision as the default int AC_ARG_ENABLE([intinf-as-int], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-intinf-as-int], [set arbitrary precision as the default int type])], [case "${enableval}" in no) intisintinf=no ;; yes) intisintinf=yes ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-intinf-as-int]) ;; esac], [intisintinf=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL([INTINFISINT], [test "$intisintinf" = "yes"]) # These are needed for building in a separate build directory, as they are # referenced from exportPoly.sml. AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([basis], [test -e basis || ln -sf ${ac_top_srcdir}/basis .]) AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([mlsource], [test -e mlsource || ln -sf ${ac_top_srcdir}/mlsource .]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile libpolyml/Makefile libpolyml/polyml.pc libpolymain/Makefile modules/Makefile modules/IntInfAsInt/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([polyc], [chmod +x polyc]) AC_OUTPUT