diff --git a/src/Pure/System/components.scala b/src/Pure/System/components.scala --- a/src/Pure/System/components.scala +++ b/src/Pure/System/components.scala @@ -1,443 +1,469 @@ /* Title: Pure/System/components.scala Author: Makarius Isabelle system components. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile} object Components { /* archive name */ object Archive { val suffix: String = ".tar.gz" def apply(name: String): String = if (name == "") error("Bad component name: " + quote(name)) else name + suffix def unapply(archive: String): Option[String] = { for { name0 <- Library.try_unsuffix(suffix, archive) name <- proper_string(name0) } yield name } def get_name(archive: String): String = unapply(archive) getOrElse error("Bad component archive name (expecting .tar.gz): " + quote(archive)) } /* platforms */ private val family_platforms: Map[Platform.Family.Value, List[String]] = Map( Platform.Family.linux_arm -> List("arm64-linux", "arm64_32-linux"), Platform.Family.linux -> List("x86_64-linux", "x86_64_32-linux"), Platform.Family.macos -> List("arm64-darwin", "arm64_32-darwin", "x86_64-darwin", "x86_64_32-darwin"), Platform.Family.windows -> List("x86_64-cygwin", "x86_64-windows", "x86_64_32-windows", "x86-windows")) private val platform_names: Set[String] = Set("x86-linux", "x86-cygwin") ++ family_platforms.iterator.flatMap(_._2) def platform_purge(platforms: List[Platform.Family.Value]): String => Boolean = { val preserve = (for { family <- platforms.iterator platform <- family_platforms(family) } yield platform).toSet (name: String) => platform_names(name) && !preserve(name) } /* component collections */ def static_component_repository: String = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_COMPONENT_REPOSITORY") val default_components_base: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_COMPONENTS_BASE") val dynamic_components_base: String = "${ISABELLE_COMPONENTS_BASE:-$USER_HOME/.isabelle/contrib}" + val classic_components_base: Path = Path.explode("$USER_HOME/.isabelle/contrib") val default_catalogs: List[String] = List("main") val optional_catalogs: List[String] = List("main", "optional") def admin(dir: Path): Path = dir + Path.explode("Admin/components") def contrib(dir: Path = Path.current, name: String = ""): Path = dir + Path.explode("contrib") + Path.explode(name) def unpack( dir: Path, archive: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local, progress: Progress = new Progress ): String = { val name = Archive.get_name(archive.file_name) progress.echo("Unpacking " + archive.base) ssh.execute( "tar -C " + ssh.bash_path(dir) + " -x -z -f " + ssh.bash_path(archive), progress_stdout = progress.echo(_), progress_stderr = progress.echo(_)).check name } def clean( component_dir: Path, platforms: List[Platform.Family.Value] = Platform.Family.list, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { val purge = platform_purge(platforms) for { name <- ssh.read_dir(component_dir) path = Path.basic(name) if purge(name) && ssh.is_dir(component_dir + path) } { progress.echo("Removing " + (component_dir.base + path)) ssh.rm_tree(component_dir + path) } } def clean_base( base_dir: Path, platforms: List[Platform.Family.Value] = Platform.Family.list, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { for { name <- ssh.read_dir(base_dir) dir = base_dir + Path.basic(name) if is_component_dir(dir) } clean(dir, platforms = platforms, ssh = ssh, progress = progress) } def resolve( base_dir: Path, name: String, target_dir: Option[Path] = None, copy_dir: Option[Path] = None, clean_platforms: Option[List[Platform.Family.Value]] = None, clean_archives: Boolean = false, component_repository: String = Components.static_component_repository, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { ssh.make_directory(base_dir) val archive_name = Archive(name) val archive = base_dir + Path.basic(archive_name) if (!ssh.is_file(archive)) { val remote = Url.append_path(component_repository, archive_name) ssh.download_file(remote, archive, progress = progress) } for (dir <- copy_dir) { ssh.make_directory(dir) ssh.copy_file(archive, dir) } val unpack_dir = target_dir getOrElse base_dir unpack(unpack_dir, archive, ssh = ssh, progress = progress) if (clean_platforms.isDefined) { clean(unpack_dir + Path.basic(name), platforms = clean_platforms.get, ssh = ssh, progress = progress) } if (clean_archives) { progress.echo("Removing " + quote(archive_name)) ssh.delete(archive) } } + def provide(local_dir: Path, + base_dir: Path = classic_components_base, + ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local, + progress: Progress = new Progress + ): Directory = { + val base_name = local_dir.expand.base + val local_directory = Directory(local_dir).check + val remote_directory = Directory(base_dir + base_name, ssh = ssh) + if (!remote_directory.ok) { + progress.echo("Providing " + base_name + ssh.print) + Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("tmp", ext = "tar") { local_tmp_tar => + ssh.with_tmp_dir { remote_tmp_dir => + val remote_tmp_tar = remote_tmp_dir + Path.basic("tmp.tar") + val remote_dir = ssh.make_directory(remote_directory.path) + Isabelle_System.gnutar( + "-cf " + File.bash_path(local_tmp_tar) + " .", dir = local_dir).check + ssh.write_file(remote_tmp_tar, local_tmp_tar) + ssh.execute( + "tar -C " + ssh.bash_path(remote_dir) + " -xf " + ssh.bash_path(remote_tmp_tar)).check + } + } + } + remote_directory.check + } + /* component directories */ def directories(): List[Path] = Path.split(Isabelle_System.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_COMPONENTS")) def is_component_dir(dir: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Boolean = ssh.is_file(dir + Path.explode("etc/settings")) || ssh.is_file(dir + Path.explode("etc/components")) /* component directory content */ object Directory { def apply(path: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Directory = new Directory(ssh.absolute_path(path), ssh) } class Directory private(val path: Path, val ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local) { override def toString: String = path.toString def etc: Path = path + Path.basic("etc") def src: Path = path + Path.basic("src") def lib: Path = path + Path.basic("lib") def settings: Path = etc + Path.basic("settings") def components: Path = etc + Path.basic("components") def build_props: Path = etc + Path.basic("build.props") def README: Path = path + Path.basic("README") def LICENSE: Path = path + Path.basic("LICENSE") def create(progress: Progress = new Progress): Directory = { progress.echo("Creating component directory " + path) ssh.new_directory(path) ssh.make_directory(etc) this } def ok: Boolean = ssh.is_file(settings) || ssh.is_file(components) || Sessions.is_session_dir(path, ssh = ssh) def check: Directory = if (!ssh.is_dir(path)) error("Bad component directory: " + path) else if (!ok) { error("Malformed component directory: " + path + "\n (missing \"etc/settings\" or \"etc/components\" or \"ROOT\" or \"ROOTS\")") } else this def read_components(): List[String] = split_lines(ssh.read(components)).filter(_.nonEmpty) def write_components(lines: List[String]): Unit = ssh.write(components, terminate_lines(lines)) def write_settings(text: String): Unit = ssh.write(settings, "# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript:\n" + text) } /* component repository content */ val components_sha1: Path = Path.explode("~~/Admin/components/components.sha1") sealed case class SHA1_Entry(digest: SHA1.Digest, name: String) { override def toString: String = SHA1.shasum(digest, name).toString } def read_components_sha1(lines: List[String] = Nil): List[SHA1_Entry] = (proper_list(lines) getOrElse split_lines(File.read(components_sha1))).flatMap(line => Word.explode(line) match { case Nil => None case List(sha1, name) => Some(SHA1_Entry(SHA1.fake_digest(sha1), name)) case _ => error("Bad components.sha1 entry: " + quote(line)) }) def write_components_sha1(entries: List[SHA1_Entry]): Unit = File.write(components_sha1, entries.sortBy(_.name).mkString) /** manage user components **/ val components_path: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/components") def read_components(): List[String] = if (components_path.is_file) Library.trim_split_lines(File.read(components_path)) else Nil def write_components(lines: List[String]): Unit = { Isabelle_System.make_directory(components_path.dir) File.write(components_path, terminate_lines(lines)) } def update_components(add: Boolean, path0: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress): Unit = { val path = path0.expand.absolute if (add) Directory(path).check val lines1 = read_components() val lines2 = lines1.filter(line => line.isEmpty || line.startsWith("#") || !File.eq(Path.explode(line), path)) val lines3 = if (add) lines2 ::: List(path.implode) else lines2 if (lines1 != lines3) write_components(lines3) val prefix = if (lines1 == lines3) "Unchanged" else if (add) "Added" else "Removed" progress.echo(prefix + " component " + path) } /* main entry point */ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Command_Line.tool { for (arg <- args) { val add = if (arg.startsWith("+")) true else if (arg.startsWith("-")) false else error("Bad argument: " + quote(arg)) val path = Path.explode(arg.substring(1)) update_components(add, path, progress = new Console_Progress) } } } /** build and publish components **/ def components_build( options: Options, components: List[Path], progress: Progress = new Progress, publish: Boolean = false, force: Boolean = false, update_components_sha1: Boolean = false ): Unit = { val archives: List[Path] = for (path <- components) yield { path.file_name match { case Archive(_) => path case name => Directory(path).check val component_path = path.expand val archive_dir = component_path.dir val archive_name = Archive(name) val archive = archive_dir + Path.explode(archive_name) if (archive.is_file && !force) { error("Component archive already exists: " + archive) } progress.echo("Packaging " + archive_name) Isabelle_System.gnutar("-czf " + File.bash_path(archive) + " " + Bash.string(name), dir = archive_dir).check archive } } if ((publish && archives.nonEmpty) || update_components_sha1) { val server = options.string("isabelle_components_server") if (server.isEmpty) error("Undefined option isabelle_components_server") using(SSH.open_session(options, server)) { ssh => val components_dir = Path.explode(options.string("isabelle_components_dir")) val contrib_dir = Path.explode(options.string("isabelle_components_contrib_dir")) for (dir <- List(components_dir, contrib_dir) if !ssh.is_dir(dir)) { error("Bad remote directory: " + dir) } if (publish) { for (archive <- archives) { val archive_name = archive.file_name val name = Archive.get_name(archive_name) val remote_component = components_dir + archive.base val remote_contrib = contrib_dir + Path.explode(name) // component archive if (ssh.is_file(remote_component) && !force) { error("Remote component archive already exists: " + remote_component) } progress.echo("Uploading " + archive_name) ssh.write_file(remote_component, archive) // contrib directory val is_standard_component = Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("component") { tmp_dir => Isabelle_System.extract(archive, tmp_dir) Directory(tmp_dir + Path.explode(name)).ok } if (is_standard_component) { if (ssh.is_dir(remote_contrib)) { if (force) ssh.rm_tree(remote_contrib) else error("Remote component directory already exists: " + remote_contrib) } progress.echo("Unpacking remote " + archive_name) ssh.execute("tar -C " + ssh.bash_path(contrib_dir) + " -xzf " + ssh.bash_path(remote_component)).check } else { progress.echo_warning("No unpacking of non-standard component: " + archive_name) } } } // remote SHA1 digests if (update_components_sha1) { val lines = for { entry <- ssh.read_dir(components_dir) if ssh.is_file(components_dir + Path.basic(entry)) && entry.endsWith(Archive.suffix) } yield { progress.echo("Digesting remote " + entry) ssh.execute("cd " + ssh.bash_path(components_dir) + "; sha1sum " + Bash.string(entry)).check.out } write_components_sha1(read_components_sha1(lines)) } } } // local SHA1 digests { val new_entries = for (archive <- archives) yield { val name = archive.file_name progress.echo("Digesting local " + name) SHA1_Entry(SHA1.digest(archive), name) } val new_names = new_entries.map(_.name).toSet write_components_sha1( new_entries ::: read_components_sha1().filterNot(entry => new_names.contains(entry.name))) } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ private val relevant_options = List("isabelle_components_server", "isabelle_components_dir", "isabelle_components_contrib_dir") val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("components_build", "build and publish Isabelle components", Scala_Project.here, { args => var publish = false var update_components_sha1 = false var force = false var options = Options.init() def show_options: String = cat_lines(relevant_options.flatMap(options.get).map(_.print)) val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle components_build [OPTIONS] ARCHIVES... DIRS... Options are: -P publish on SSH server (see options below) -f force: overwrite existing component archives and directories -o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME) -u update all SHA1 keys in Isabelle repository Admin/components Build and publish Isabelle components as .tar.gz archives on SSH server, depending on system options: """ + Library.indent_lines(2, show_options) + "\n", "P" -> (_ => publish = true), "f" -> (_ => force = true), "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg), "u" -> (_ => update_components_sha1 = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.isEmpty && !update_components_sha1) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress components_build(options, more_args.map(Path.explode), progress = progress, publish = publish, force = force, update_components_sha1 = update_components_sha1) }) }