diff --git a/src/Pure/Isar/interpretation.ML b/src/Pure/Isar/interpretation.ML --- a/src/Pure/Isar/interpretation.ML +++ b/src/Pure/Isar/interpretation.ML @@ -1,246 +1,249 @@ (* Title: Pure/Isar/interpretation.ML Author: Clemens Ballarin, TU Muenchen Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen Locale interpretation. *) signature INTERPRETATION = sig type 'a defines = (Attrib.binding * ((binding * mixfix) * 'a)) list (*interpretation in proofs*) val interpret: Expression.expression_i -> Proof.state -> Proof.state val interpret_cmd: Expression.expression -> Proof.state -> Proof.state (*interpretation in local theories*) val interpretation: Expression.expression_i -> local_theory -> Proof.state val interpretation_cmd: Expression.expression -> local_theory -> Proof.state (*interpretation into global theories*) val global_interpretation: Expression.expression_i -> term defines -> local_theory -> Proof.state val global_interpretation_cmd: Expression.expression -> string defines -> local_theory -> Proof.state (*interpretation between locales*) val sublocale: Expression.expression_i -> term defines -> local_theory -> Proof.state val sublocale_cmd: Expression.expression -> string defines -> local_theory -> Proof.state val global_sublocale: string -> Expression.expression_i -> term defines -> theory -> Proof.state val global_sublocale_cmd: xstring * Position.T -> Expression.expression -> string defines -> theory -> Proof.state (*mixed Isar interface*) val isar_interpretation: Expression.expression_i -> local_theory -> Proof.state val isar_interpretation_cmd: Expression.expression -> local_theory -> Proof.state end; structure Interpretation : INTERPRETATION = struct (** common interpretation machinery **) type 'a defines = (Attrib.binding * ((binding * mixfix) * 'a)) list (* reading of locale expressions with rewrite morphisms *) local fun augment_with_def prep_term ((name, atts), ((b, mx), raw_rhs)) lthy = let val rhs = prep_term lthy raw_rhs; val lthy' = Variable.declare_term rhs lthy; val ((_, (_, def)), lthy'') = Local_Theory.define ((b, mx), ((Thm.def_binding_optional b name, atts), rhs)) lthy'; in (Thm.symmetric def, lthy'') end; fun augment_with_defs _ [] _ = pair [] (*quasi-inhomogeneous type: definitions demand local theory rather than bare proof context*) | augment_with_defs prep_term raw_defs deps = Local_Theory.begin_nested #> snd #> fold Locale.activate_declarations deps #> fold_map (augment_with_def prep_term) raw_defs #> Local_Theory.end_nested_result Morphism.fact; fun prep_interpretation prep_expr prep_term expression raw_defs initial_ctxt = let val ((propss, eq_propss, deps, eqnss, export), expr_ctxt) = prep_expr expression initial_ctxt; val (def_eqns, def_ctxt) = augment_with_defs prep_term raw_defs deps expr_ctxt; val export' = Proof_Context.export_morphism def_ctxt expr_ctxt; in (((propss, eq_propss, deps, eqnss, export, export'), def_eqns), def_ctxt) end; in fun cert_interpretation expression = prep_interpretation Expression.cert_goal_expression Syntax.check_term expression; fun read_interpretation expression = prep_interpretation Expression.read_goal_expression Syntax.read_term expression; end; (* interpretation machinery *) local fun abs_def_rule eqns ctxt = (map (Local_Defs.abs_def_rule ctxt) (maps snd eqns), ctxt); fun note_eqns_register note add_registration deps eqnss witss def_eqns thms export export' ctxt = let val factss = thms |> unflat ((map o map) #1 eqnss) |> map2 (map2 (fn b => fn eq => (b, [([Morphism.thm export (Thm.transfer' ctxt eq)], [])]))) ((map o map) #1 eqnss); val (eqnss', ctxt') = fold_map (fn facts => note Thm.theoremK facts #-> abs_def_rule) factss ctxt; val defs = (Binding.empty_atts, [(map (Morphism.thm (export' $> export)) def_eqns, [])]); val (eqns', ctxt'') = ctxt' |> note Thm.theoremK [defs] |-> abs_def_rule; + val transform_witness = + Element.transform_witness + (Morphism.transfer_morphism' ctxt' $> export' $> Morphism.trim_context_morphism); val deps' = (deps ~~ witss) |> map (fn ((dep, morph), wits) => - (dep, morph $> Element.satisfy_morphism (map (Element.transform_witness export') wits))); + (dep, morph $> Element.satisfy_morphism (map transform_witness wits))); fun register (dep, eqns) ctxt = ctxt |> add_registration {inst = dep, mixin = Option.map (rpair true) (Element.eq_morphism (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (eqns @ eqns')), export = export}; in ctxt'' |> fold register (deps' ~~ eqnss') end; in fun generic_interpretation prep_interpretation setup_proof note add_registration expression raw_defs initial_ctxt = let val (((propss, eq_propss, deps, eqnss, export, export'), def_eqns), goal_ctxt) = prep_interpretation expression raw_defs initial_ctxt; fun after_qed witss eqns = note_eqns_register note add_registration deps eqnss witss def_eqns eqns export export'; in setup_proof after_qed propss (flat eq_propss) goal_ctxt end; end; (** interfaces **) (* interpretation in proofs *) local fun setup_proof state after_qed propss eqns goal_ctxt = Element.witness_local_proof_eqs (fn witss => fn eqns => Proof.map_context (after_qed witss eqns) #> Proof.reset_facts) "interpret" propss eqns goal_ctxt state; fun add_registration_proof registration ctxt = ctxt |> Proof_Context.set_stmt false |> Context.proof_map (Locale.add_registration registration) |> Proof_Context.restore_stmt ctxt; fun gen_interpret prep_interpretation expression state = Proof.assert_forward_or_chain state |> Proof.context_of |> generic_interpretation prep_interpretation (setup_proof state) Attrib.local_notes add_registration_proof expression []; in val interpret = gen_interpret cert_interpretation; val interpret_cmd = gen_interpret read_interpretation; end; (* interpretation in local theories *) val add_registration_local_theory = Named_Target.revoke_reinitializability oo Generic_Target.local_interpretation; fun interpretation expression = generic_interpretation cert_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind add_registration_local_theory expression []; fun interpretation_cmd expression = generic_interpretation read_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind add_registration_local_theory expression []; (* interpretation into global theories *) fun global_interpretation expression = generic_interpretation cert_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind Local_Theory.theory_registration expression; fun global_interpretation_cmd expression = generic_interpretation read_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind Local_Theory.theory_registration expression; (* interpretation between locales *) fun sublocale expression = generic_interpretation cert_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind Local_Theory.locale_dependency expression; fun sublocale_cmd expression = generic_interpretation read_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind Local_Theory.locale_dependency expression; local fun gen_global_sublocale prep_loc prep_interpretation raw_locale expression raw_defs thy = let val lthy = Named_Target.init [] (prep_loc thy raw_locale) thy; fun setup_proof after_qed = Element.witness_proof_eqs (fn wits => fn eqs => after_qed wits eqs #> Local_Theory.exit); in lthy |> generic_interpretation prep_interpretation setup_proof Local_Theory.notes_kind Local_Theory.locale_dependency expression raw_defs end; in fun global_sublocale expression = gen_global_sublocale (K I) cert_interpretation expression; fun global_sublocale_cmd raw_expression = gen_global_sublocale Locale.check read_interpretation raw_expression; end; (* mixed Isar interface *) local fun register_or_activate lthy = if Named_Target.is_theory lthy then Local_Theory.theory_registration else add_registration_local_theory; fun gen_isar_interpretation prep_interpretation expression lthy = generic_interpretation prep_interpretation Element.witness_proof_eqs Local_Theory.notes_kind (register_or_activate lthy) expression [] lthy; in fun isar_interpretation expression = gen_isar_interpretation cert_interpretation expression; fun isar_interpretation_cmd raw_expression = gen_isar_interpretation read_interpretation raw_expression; end; end;