diff --git a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.ML b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.ML --- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.ML +++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.ML @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ (* Title: HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.ML Author: Makarius Support for remote ATPs via SystemOnTPTP. *) signature SYSTEM_ON_TPTP = sig val get_url: unit -> string val list_systems: unit -> {url: string, systems: string list} end structure SystemOnTPTP: SYSTEM_ON_TPTP = struct fun get_url () = Options.default_string \<^system_option>\SystemOnTPTP\ fun list_systems () = let val url = get_url () - val systems = split_lines (\<^scala>\SystemOnTPTP.list_systems\ url) + val systems = trim_split_lines (\<^scala>\SystemOnTPTP.list_systems\ url) in {url = url, systems = systems} end end diff --git a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.scala b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.scala --- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.scala +++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.scala @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ /* Title: HOL/Tools/ATP/system_on_tptp.scala Author: Makarius Support for remote ATPs via SystemOnTPTP. */ package isabelle.atp import isabelle._ import java.net.URL object SystemOnTPTP { /* requests */ def get_url(options: Options): URL = Url(options.string("SystemOnTPTP")) def post_request( url: URL, parameters: List[(String, Any)], timeout: Time = HTTP.Client.default_timeout): HTTP.Content = { val parameters0 = List("NoHTML" -> 1, "QuietFlag" -> "-q01") .filterNot(p0 => parameters.exists(p => p0._1 == p._1)) try { HTTP.Client.post(url, parameters0 ::: parameters, timeout = timeout, user_agent = "Sledgehammer") } catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error("Failed to access SystemOnTPTP server", msg) } } /* list systems */ - def list_systems(url: URL): List[String] = - post_request(url, List("SubmitButton" -> "ListSystems", "ListStatus" -> "READY")).text_lines + def list_systems(url: URL): HTTP.Content = + post_request(url, List("SubmitButton" -> "ListSystems", "ListStatus" -> "READY")) object List_Systems extends Scala.Fun("SystemOnTPTP.list_systems", thread = true) { val here = Scala_Project.here - def apply(url: String): String = cat_lines(list_systems(Url(url))) + def apply(url: String): String = list_systems(Url(url)).string } } diff --git a/src/Pure/General/http.scala b/src/Pure/General/http.scala --- a/src/Pure/General/http.scala +++ b/src/Pure/General/http.scala @@ -1,307 +1,307 @@ /* Title: Pure/General/http.scala Author: Makarius HTTP server support. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile} import java.net.{InetSocketAddress, URI, URL, URLConnection, HttpURLConnection} import com.sun.net.httpserver.{HttpExchange, HttpHandler, HttpServer} object HTTP { /** content **/ val mime_type_bytes: String = "application/octet-stream" val mime_type_text: String = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" val mime_type_html: String = "text/html; charset=utf-8" val default_mime_type: String = mime_type_bytes val default_encoding: String = UTF8.charset_name sealed case class Content( bytes: Bytes, file_name: String = "", mime_type: String = default_mime_type, encoding: String = default_encoding, elapsed_time: Time = Time.zero) { - def text: String = new String(bytes.array, encoding) - def text_lines: List[String] = Library.trim_split_lines(text) + def string: String = new String(bytes.array, encoding) + def trim_split_lines: List[String] = Library.trim_split_lines(string) } def read_content(file: JFile): Content = { val bytes = Bytes.read(file) val file_name = file.getName val mime_type = Option(URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(file_name)).getOrElse(default_mime_type) Content(bytes, file_name = file_name, mime_type = mime_type) } def read_content(path: Path): Content = read_content(path.file) /** client **/ val NEWLINE: String = "\r\n" object Client { val default_timeout = Time.seconds(180) def open_connection(url: URL, timeout: Time = default_timeout, user_agent: String = ""): HttpURLConnection = { url.openConnection match { case connection: HttpURLConnection => if (0 < timeout.ms && timeout.ms <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { val ms = timeout.ms.toInt connection.setConnectTimeout(ms) connection.setReadTimeout(ms) } proper_string(user_agent).foreach(s => connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", s)) connection case _ => error("Bad URL (not HTTP): " + quote(url.toString)) } } def get_content(connection: HttpURLConnection): Content = { val Charset = """.*\bcharset="?([\S^"]+)"?.*""".r val start = Time.now() using(connection.getInputStream)(stream => { val bytes = Bytes.read_stream(stream, hint = connection.getContentLength) val stop = Time.now() val file_name = Url.file_name(connection.getURL) val mime_type = Option(connection.getContentType).getOrElse(default_mime_type) val encoding = (connection.getContentEncoding, mime_type) match { case (enc, _) if enc != null => enc case (_, Charset(enc)) => enc case _ => default_encoding } Content(bytes, file_name = file_name, mime_type = mime_type, encoding = encoding, elapsed_time = stop - start) }) } def get(url: URL, timeout: Time = default_timeout, user_agent: String = ""): Content = get_content(open_connection(url, timeout = timeout, user_agent = user_agent)) def post(url: URL, parameters: List[(String, Any)], timeout: Time = default_timeout, user_agent: String = ""): Content = { val connection = open_connection(url, timeout = timeout, user_agent = user_agent) connection.setRequestMethod("POST") connection.setDoOutput(true) val boundary = UUID.random_string() connection.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + quote(boundary)) using(connection.getOutputStream)(out => { def output(s: String): Unit = out.write(UTF8.bytes(s)) def output_newline(n: Int = 1): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => output(NEWLINE)) def output_boundary(end: Boolean = false): Unit = output("--" + boundary + (if (end) "--" else "") + NEWLINE) def output_name(name: String): Unit = output("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" + quote(name)) def output_value(value: Any): Unit = { output_newline(2) output(value.toString) } def output_content(content: Content): Unit = { proper_string(content.file_name).foreach(s => output("; filename=" + quote(s))) output_newline() proper_string(content.mime_type).foreach(s => output("Content-Type: " + s)) output_newline(2) content.bytes.write_stream(out) } output_newline(2) for { (name, value) <- parameters } { output_boundary() output_name(name) value match { case content: Content => output_content(content) case file: JFile => output_content(read_content(file)) case path: Path => output_content(read_content(path)) case _ => output_value(value) } output_newline() } output_boundary(end = true) out.flush() }) get_content(connection) } } /** server **/ /* response */ object Response { def apply( bytes: Bytes = Bytes.empty, content_type: String = mime_type_bytes): Response = new Response(bytes, content_type) val empty: Response = apply() def text(s: String): Response = apply(Bytes(s), mime_type_text) def html(s: String): Response = apply(Bytes(s), mime_type_html) } class Response private[HTTP](val bytes: Bytes, val content_type: String) { override def toString: String = bytes.toString } /* exchange */ class Exchange private[HTTP](val http_exchange: HttpExchange) { def request_method: String = http_exchange.getRequestMethod def request_uri: URI = http_exchange.getRequestURI def read_request(): Bytes = using(http_exchange.getRequestBody)(Bytes.read_stream(_)) def write_response(code: Int, response: Response): Unit = { http_exchange.getResponseHeaders().set("Content-Type", response.content_type) http_exchange.sendResponseHeaders(code, response.bytes.length.toLong) using(http_exchange.getResponseBody)(response.bytes.write_stream(_)) } } /* handler for request method */ sealed case class Arg(method: String, uri: URI, request: Bytes) { def decode_properties: Properties.T = space_explode('&', request.text).map(s => space_explode('=', s) match { case List(a, b) => Url.decode(a) -> Url.decode(b) case _ => error("Malformed key-value pair in HTTP/POST: " + quote(s)) }) } object Handler { def apply(root: String, body: Exchange => Unit): Handler = new Handler(root, new HttpHandler { def handle(x: HttpExchange): Unit = body(new Exchange(x)) }) def method(name: String, root: String, body: Arg => Option[Response]): Handler = apply(root, http => { val request = http.read_request() if (http.request_method == name) { val arg = Arg(name, http.request_uri, request) Exn.capture(body(arg)) match { case Exn.Res(Some(response)) => http.write_response(200, response) case Exn.Res(None) => http.write_response(404, Response.empty) case Exn.Exn(ERROR(msg)) => http.write_response(500, Response.text(Output.error_message_text(msg))) case Exn.Exn(exn) => throw exn } } else http.write_response(400, Response.empty) }) def get(root: String, body: Arg => Option[Response]): Handler = method("GET", root, body) def post(root: String, body: Arg => Option[Response]): Handler = method("POST", root, body) } class Handler private(val root: String, val handler: HttpHandler) { override def toString: String = root } /* server */ class Server private[HTTP](val http_server: HttpServer) { def += (handler: Handler): Unit = http_server.createContext(handler.root, handler.handler) def -= (handler: Handler): Unit = http_server.removeContext(handler.root) def start(): Unit = http_server.start def stop(): Unit = http_server.stop(0) def address: InetSocketAddress = http_server.getAddress def url: String = "http://" + address.getHostName + ":" + address.getPort override def toString: String = url } def server(handlers: List[Handler] = isabelle_resources): Server = { val http_server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(isabelle.Server.localhost, 0), 0) http_server.setExecutor(null) val server = new Server(http_server) for (handler <- handlers) server += handler server } /** Isabelle resources **/ lazy val isabelle_resources: List[Handler] = List(welcome, fonts()) /* welcome */ val welcome: Handler = Handler.get("/", arg => if (arg.uri.toString == "/") { val id = Isabelle_System.isabelle_id() Some(Response.text("Welcome to Isabelle/" + id + ": " + Distribution.version)) } else None) /* fonts */ private lazy val html_fonts: List[Isabelle_Fonts.Entry] = Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true) def fonts(root: String = "/fonts"): Handler = Handler.get(root, arg => { val uri_name = arg.uri.toString if (uri_name == root) { Some(Response.text(cat_lines(html_fonts.map(entry => entry.path.file_name)))) } else { html_fonts.collectFirst( { case entry if uri_name == root + "/" + entry.path.file_name => Response(entry.bytes) }) } }) }