diff --git a/src/Doc/System/Scala.thy b/src/Doc/System/Scala.thy --- a/src/Doc/System/Scala.thy +++ b/src/Doc/System/Scala.thy @@ -1,482 +1,483 @@ (*:maxLineLen=78:*) theory Scala imports Base begin chapter \Isabelle/Scala systems programming \label{sec:scala}\ text \ Isabelle/ML and Isabelle/Scala are the two main implementation languages of the Isabelle environment: \<^item> Isabelle/ML is for \<^emph>\mathematics\, to develop tools within the context of symbolic logic, e.g.\ for constructing proofs or defining domain-specific formal languages. See the \<^emph>\Isabelle/Isar implementation manual\ @{cite "isabelle-implementation"} for more details. \<^item> Isabelle/Scala is for \<^emph>\physics\, to connect with the world of systems and services, including editors and IDE frameworks. There are various ways to access Isabelle/Scala modules and operations: \<^item> Isabelle command-line tools (\secref{sec:scala-tools}) run in a separate Java process. \<^item> Isabelle/ML antiquotations access Isabelle/Scala functions (\secref{sec:scala-functions}) via the PIDE protocol: execution happens within the running Java process underlying Isabelle/Scala. \<^item> The \<^verbatim>\Console/Scala\ plugin of Isabelle/jEdit @{cite "isabelle-jedit"} operates on the running Java application, using the Scala read-eval-print-loop (REPL). The main Isabelle/Scala/jEdit functionality is provided by \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/classes/isabelle.jar\. Further underlying Scala and Java libraries are bundled with Isabelle, e.g.\ to access SQLite or PostgreSQL via JDBC. Add-on Isabelle components may augment the system environment by providing suitable configuration in \<^path>\etc/settings\ (GNU bash script). The shell function \<^bash_function>\classpath\ helps to write \<^path>\etc/settings\ in a portable manner: it refers to library \<^verbatim>\jar\ files in standard POSIX path notation. On Windows, this is converted to native platform format, before invoking Java (\secref{sec:scala-tools}). \<^medskip> There is also an implicit build process for Isabelle/Scala/Java modules, based on \<^path>\etc/build.props\ within the component directory (see also \secref{sec:scala-build}). \ section \Command-line tools \label{sec:scala-tools}\ subsection \Java Runtime Environment \label{sec:tool-java}\ text \ The @{tool_def java} tool is a direct wrapper for the Java Runtime Environment, within the regular Isabelle settings environment (\secref{sec:settings}) and Isabelle classpath. The command line arguments are that of the bundled Java distribution: see option \<^verbatim>\-help\ in particular. The \<^verbatim>\java\ executable is taken from @{setting ISABELLE_JDK_HOME}, according to the standard directory layout for regular distributions of OpenJDK. The shell function \<^bash_function>\isabelle_jdk\ allows shell scripts to invoke other Java tools robustly (e.g.\ \<^verbatim>\isabelle_jdk jar\), without depending on accidental operating system installations. \ subsection \Scala toplevel \label{sec:tool-scala}\ text \ The @{tool_def scala} tool is a direct wrapper for the Scala toplevel, similar to @{tool java} above. The command line arguments are that of the bundled Scala distribution: see option \<^verbatim>\-help\ in particular. This allows to interact with Isabelle/Scala interactively. \ subsubsection \Example\ text \ Explore the Isabelle system environment in Scala: @{verbatim [display, indent = 2] \$ isabelle scala\} @{scala [display, indent = 2] \import isabelle._ val isabelle_home = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_HOME") val options = Options.init() options.bool("browser_info") options.string("document")\} \ subsection \Scala script wrapper\ text \ The executable @{executable "$ISABELLE_HOME/bin/isabelle_scala_script"} allows to run Isabelle/Scala source files stand-alone programs, by using a suitable ``hash-bang'' line and executable file permissions. For example: @{verbatim [display, indent = 2] \#!/usr/bin/env isabelle_scala_script\} @{scala [display, indent = 2] \val options = isabelle.Options.init() Console.println("browser_info = " + options.bool("browser_info")) Console.println("document = " + options.string("document"))\} This assumes that the executable may be found via the @{setting PATH} from the process environment: this is the case when Isabelle settings are active, e.g.\ in the context of the main Isabelle tool wrapper \secref{sec:isabelle-tool}. Alternatively, the full \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/bin/isabelle_scala_script\ may be specified in expanded form. \ subsection \Scala compiler \label{sec:tool-scalac}\ text \ The @{tool_def scalac} tool is a direct wrapper for the Scala compiler; see also @{tool scala} above. The command line arguments are that of the bundled Scala distribution. This provides a low-level mechanism to compile further Scala modules, depending on existing Isabelle/Scala functionality; the resulting \<^verbatim>\class\ or \<^verbatim>\jar\ files can be added to the Java classpath using the shell function \<^bash_function>\classpath\. A more convenient high-level approach works via \<^path>\etc/build.props\ (see \secref{sec:scala-build}). \ section \Isabelle/Scala/Java modules \label{sec:scala-build}\ subsection \Component configuration via \<^path>\etc/build.props\\ text \ Isabelle components may augment the Isabelle/Scala/Java environment declaratively via properties given in \<^path>\etc/build.props\ (within the component directory). This specifies an output \<^verbatim>\jar\ \<^emph>\module\, based on Scala or Java \<^emph>\sources\, and arbitrary \<^emph>\resources\. Moreover, a module can specify \<^emph>\services\ that are subclasses of \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Isabelle_System.Service\; these have a particular meaning to Isabelle/Scala tools. Before running a Scala or Java process, the Isabelle system implicitly ensures that all provided modules are compiled and packaged (as jars). It is also possible to invoke @{tool scala_build} explicitly, with extra options. \<^medskip> The syntax of in \<^path>\etc/build.props\ follows a regular Java properties file\<^footnote>\\<^url>\https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Properties.html#load(java.io.Reader)\\, but the encoding is \<^verbatim>\UTF-8\, instead of historic \<^verbatim>\ISO 8859-1\ from the API documentation. The subsequent properties are relevant for the Scala/Java build process. Most properties are optional: the default is an empty string (or list). File names are relative to the main component directory and may refer to Isabelle settings variables (e.g. \<^verbatim>\$ISABELLE_HOME\). \<^item> \<^verbatim>\title\ (required) is a human-readable description of the module, used in printed messages. \<^item> \<^verbatim>\module\ specifies a \<^verbatim>\jar\ file name for the output module, as result of the specified sources (and resources). If this is absent (or \<^verbatim>\no_build\ is set, as described below), there is no implicit build process. The contributing sources might be given nonetheless, notably for @{tool scala_project} (\secref{sec:tool-scala-project}), which includes Scala/Java sources of components, while suppressing \<^verbatim>\jar\ modules (to avoid duplication of program content). \<^item> \<^verbatim>\no_build\ is a Boolean property, with default \<^verbatim>\false\. If set to \<^verbatim>\true\, the implicit build process for the given \<^verbatim>\module\ is \<^emph>\omitted\ --- it is assumed to be provided by other means. \<^item> \<^verbatim>\scalac_options\ and \<^verbatim>\javac_options\ augment the default settings @{setting_ref ISABELLE_SCALAC_OPTIONS} and @{setting_ref ISABELLE_JAVAC_OPTIONS} for this component; option syntax follows the regular command-line tools \<^verbatim>\scalac\ and \<^verbatim>\javac\, respectively. \<^item> \<^verbatim>\main\ specifies the main entry point for the \<^verbatim>\jar\ module. This is only relevant for direct invocation like ``\<^verbatim>\java -jar test.jar\''. \<^item> \<^verbatim>\requirements\ is a list of \<^verbatim>\jar\ modules that are needed in the compilation process, but not provided by the regular classpath (notably @{setting ISABELLE_CLASSPATH}). A \<^emph>\normal entry\ refers to a single \<^verbatim>\jar\ file name, possibly with settings variables as usual. E.g. \<^file>\$ISABELLE_SCALA_JAR\ for the main \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/classes/isabelle.jar\ (especially relevant for add-on modules). A \<^emph>\special entry\ is of of the form \<^verbatim>\env:\\variable\ and refers to a settings variable from the Isabelle environment: its value may consist of multiple \<^verbatim>\jar\ entries (separated by colons). Environment variables are not expanded recursively. \<^item> \<^verbatim>\resources\ is a list of files that should be included in the resulting \<^verbatim>\jar\ file. Each item consists of a pair separated by colon: \source\\<^verbatim>\:\\target\ means to copy an existing source file (relative to the component directory) to the given target file or directory (relative to the \<^verbatim>\jar\ name space). A \file\ specification without colon abbreviates \file\\<^verbatim>\:\\file\, i.e. the file is copied while retaining its relative path name. \<^item> \<^verbatim>\sources\ is a list of \<^verbatim>\.scala\ or \<^verbatim>\.java\ files that contribute to the specified module. It is possible to use both languages simultaneously: the Scala and Java compiler will be invoked consecutively to make this work. \<^item> \<^verbatim>\services\ is a list of class names to be registered as Isabelle service providers (subclasses of \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Isabelle_System.Service\). Internal class names of the underlying JVM need to be given: e.g. see method @{scala_method (in java.lang.Object) getClass}. Particular services require particular subclasses: instances are filtered according to their dynamic type. For example, class \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Isabelle_Scala_Tools\ collects Scala command-line tools, and class \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Scala.Functions\ collects Scala functions (\secref{sec:scala-functions}). \ subsection \Explicit Isabelle/Scala/Java build \label{sec:tool-scala-build}\ text \ The @{tool_def scala_build} tool explicitly invokes the build process for all registered components. @{verbatim [display] \Usage: isabelle scala_build [OPTIONS] Options are: -f force fresh build -q quiet mode: suppress stdout/stderr Build Isabelle/Scala/Java modules of all registered components (if required). \} For each registered Isabelle component that provides \<^path>\etc/build.props\, the specified output \<^verbatim>\module\ is checked against the corresponding input \<^verbatim>\requirements\, \<^verbatim>\resources\, \<^verbatim>\sources\. If required, there is an automatic build using \<^verbatim>\scalac\ or \<^verbatim>\javac\ (or both). The identity of input files is recorded within the output \<^verbatim>\jar\, using SHA1 digests in \<^verbatim>\META-INF/isabelle/shasum\. \<^medskip> Option \<^verbatim>\-f\ forces a fresh build, regardless of the up-to-date status of input files vs. the output module. \<^medskip> Option \<^verbatim>\-q\ suppresses all output on stdout/stderr produced by the Scala or Java compiler. \<^medskip> Explicit invocation of \<^verbatim>\isabelle scala_build\ mainly serves testing or applications with special options: the Isabelle system normally does an automatic the build on demand. \ subsection \Project setup for common Scala IDEs \label{sec:tool-scala-project}\ text \ The @{tool_def scala_project} tool creates a project configuration for all Isabelle/Scala/Java modules specified in components via \<^path>\etc/build.props\, together with additional source files given on the command-line: @{verbatim [display] \Usage: isabelle scala_project [OPTIONS] [MORE_SOURCES ...] Options are: -D DIR project directory (default: "$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/scala_project") -L make symlinks to original source files -f force update of existing directory Setup Maven project for Isabelle/Scala/jEdit --- to support common IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA.\} The generated configuration is for Maven\<^footnote>\\<^url>\https://maven.apache.org\\, but the main purpose is to import it into common IDEs, such as IntelliJ IDEA\<^footnote>\\<^url>\https://www.jetbrains.com/idea\\. This allows to explore the sources with static analysis and other hints in real-time. The generated files refer to physical file-system locations, using the path notation of the underlying OS platform. Thus the project needs to be recreated whenever the Isabelle installation is changed or moved. \<^medskip> Option \<^verbatim>\-L\ produces \<^emph>\symlinks\ to the original files: this allows to develop Isabelle/Scala/jEdit modules within an external IDE. The default is to \<^emph>\copy\ source files, so editing them within the IDE has no permanent effect on the originals. \<^medskip> Option \<^verbatim>\-D\ specifies an explicit project directory, instead of the default \<^path>\$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/scala_project\. Option \<^verbatim>\-f\ forces an existing project directory to be \<^emph>\purged\ --- after some sanity checks that it has been generated by @{tool "scala_project"} before. \ subsubsection \Examples\ text \ Create a project directory and for editing the original sources: @{verbatim [display] \isabelle scala_project -f -L\} On Windows, this usually requires Administrator rights, in order to create native symlinks. \ section \Registered Isabelle/Scala functions \label{sec:scala-functions}\ subsection \Defining functions in Isabelle/Scala\ text \ The service class \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Scala.Functions\ collects Scala functions of type \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Scala.Fun\: by registering instances via \<^verbatim>\services\ in \<^path>\etc/build.props\ (\secref{sec:scala-build}), it is becomes possible to invoke Isabelle/Scala from Isabelle/ML (see below). An example is the predefined collection of \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Scala.Functions\ in \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/etc/build.props\. The overall list of registered functions is accessible in Isabelle/Scala as \<^scala_object>\isabelle.Scala.functions\. The general class \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Scala.Fun\ expects a multi-argument / multi-result function \<^scala_type>\List[isabelle.Bytes] => List[isabelle.Bytes]\; more common are instances of \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Scala.Fun_Strings\ for type \<^scala_type>\List[String] => List[String]\, or \<^scala_type>\isabelle.Scala.Fun_String\ for type \<^scala_type>\String => String\. \ subsection \Invoking functions in Isabelle/ML\ text \ Isabelle/PIDE provides a protocol to invoke registered Scala functions in ML: this works both within the Prover IDE and in batch builds. The subsequent ML antiquotations refer to Scala functions in a formally-checked manner. \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{ML_antiquotation_def "scala_function"} & : & \ML_antiquotation\ \\ @{ML_antiquotation_def "scala"} & : & \ML_antiquotation\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ (@{ML_antiquotation scala_function} | @{ML_antiquotation scala}) @{syntax embedded} \ \<^descr> \@{scala_function name}\ inlines the checked function name as ML string literal. \<^descr> \@{scala name}\ and \@{scala_thread name}\ invoke the checked function via the PIDE protocol. In Isabelle/ML this appears as a function of type - \<^ML_type>\string -> string\, which is subject to interrupts within the ML - runtime environment as usual. A \<^scala>\null\ result in Scala raises an - exception \<^ML>\Scala.Null\ in ML. The execution of \@{scala}\ works via a - Scala future on a bounded thread farm, while \@{scala_thread}\ always forks - a separate Java thread. + \<^ML_type>\string list -> string list\ or \<^ML_type>\string -> string\, + depending on the definition in Isabelle/Scala. Evaluation is subject to + interrupts within the ML runtime environment as usual. A \<^scala>\null\ + result in Scala raises an exception \<^ML>\Scala.Null\ in ML. The execution + of \@{scala}\ works via a Scala future on a bounded thread farm, while + \@{scala_thread}\ always forks a separate Java thread. The standard approach of representing datatypes via strings works via XML in YXML transfer syntax. See Isabelle/ML operations and modules @{ML YXML.string_of_body}, @{ML YXML.parse_body}, @{ML_structure XML.Encode}, @{ML_structure XML.Decode}; similarly for Isabelle/Scala. Isabelle symbols may have to be recoded via Scala operations \<^scala_method>\isabelle.Symbol.decode\ and \<^scala_method>\isabelle.Symbol.encode\. \ subsubsection \Examples\ text \ Invoke the predefined Scala function \<^scala_function>\echo\: \ ML \ val s = "test"; val s' = \<^scala>\echo\ s; \<^assert> (s = s') \ text \ Let the Scala compiler process some toplevel declarations, producing a list of errors: \ ML \ val source = "class A(a: Int, b: Boolean)" val errors = \<^scala>\scala_toplevel\ source |> YXML.parse_body |> let open XML.Decode in list string end; \<^assert> (null errors)\ text \ The above is merely for demonstration. See \<^ML>\Scala_Compiler.toplevel\ for a more convenient version with builtin decoding and treatment of errors. \ section \Documenting Isabelle/Scala entities\ text \ The subsequent document antiquotations help to document Isabelle/Scala entities, with formal checking of names against the Isabelle classpath. \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{antiquotation_def "scala"} & : & \antiquotation\ \\ @{antiquotation_def "scala_object"} & : & \antiquotation\ \\ @{antiquotation_def "scala_type"} & : & \antiquotation\ \\ @{antiquotation_def "scala_method"} & : & \antiquotation\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ (@@{antiquotation scala} | @@{antiquotation scala_object}) @{syntax embedded} ; @@{antiquotation scala_type} @{syntax embedded} types ; @@{antiquotation scala_method} class @{syntax embedded} types args ; class: ('(' @'in' @{syntax name} types ')')? ; types: ('[' (@{syntax name} ',' +) ']')? ; args: ('(' (nat | (('_' | @{syntax name}) + ',')) ')')? \ \<^descr> \@{scala s}\ is similar to \@{verbatim s}\, but the given source text is checked by the Scala compiler as toplevel declaration (without evaluation). This allows to write Isabelle/Scala examples that are statically checked. \<^descr> \@{scala_object x}\ checks the given Scala object name (simple value or ground module) and prints the result verbatim. \<^descr> \@{scala_type T[A]}\ checks the given Scala type name (with optional type parameters) and prints the result verbatim. \<^descr> \@{scala_method (in c[A]) m[B](n)}\ checks the given Scala method \m\ in the context of class \c\. The method argument slots are either specified by a number \n\ or by a list of (optional) argument types; this may refer to type variables specified for the class or method: \A\ or \B\ above. Everything except for the method name \m\ is optional. The absence of the class context means that this is a static method. The absence of arguments with types means that the method can be determined uniquely as \<^verbatim>\(\\m\\<^verbatim>\ _)\ in Scala (no overloading). \ subsubsection \Examples\ text \ Miscellaneous Isabelle/Scala entities: \<^item> object: \<^scala_object>\isabelle.Isabelle_Process\ \<^item> type without parameter: @{scala_type isabelle.Console_Progress} \<^item> type with parameter: @{scala_type List[A]} \<^item> static method: \<^scala_method>\isabelle.Isabelle_System.bash\ \<^item> class and method with type parameters: @{scala_method (in List[A]) map[B]("A => B")} \<^item> overloaded method with argument type: @{scala_method (in Int) "+" (Int)} \ end