diff --git a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/plugin.scala b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/plugin.scala --- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/plugin.scala +++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/plugin.scala @@ -1,500 +1,506 @@ /* Title: Tools/jEdit/src/plugin.scala Author: Makarius Main plumbing for PIDE infrastructure as jEdit plugin. */ package isabelle.jedit import isabelle._ import javax.swing.JOptionPane import java.io.{File => JFile} import org.gjt.sp.jedit.{jEdit, EBMessage, EBPlugin, Buffer, View, PerspectiveManager} import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.JEditTextArea import org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ModeProvider import org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.{EditorStarted, BufferUpdate, EditPaneUpdate, PropertiesChanged, ViewUpdate} import org.gjt.sp.util.SyntaxUtilities import org.gjt.sp.util.Log object PIDE { /* semantic document content */ def maybe_snapshot(view: View = null): Option[Document.Snapshot] = GUI_Thread.now { val buffer = JEdit_Lib.jedit_view(view).getBuffer Document_Model.get(buffer).map(_.snapshot) } def maybe_rendering(view: View = null): Option[JEdit_Rendering] = GUI_Thread.now { val text_area = JEdit_Lib.jedit_view(view).getTextArea Document_View.get(text_area).map(_.get_rendering()) } def snapshot(view: View = null): Document.Snapshot = maybe_snapshot(view) getOrElse error("No document model for current buffer") def rendering(view: View = null): JEdit_Rendering = maybe_rendering(view) getOrElse error("No document view for current text area") /* plugin instance */ @volatile var _plugin: Plugin = null def plugin: Plugin = if (_plugin == null) error("Uninitialized Isabelle/jEdit plugin") else _plugin def options: JEdit_Options = plugin.options def resources: JEdit_Resources = plugin.resources def session: Session = plugin.session object editor extends JEdit_Editor } class Plugin extends EBPlugin { /* options */ private var _options: JEdit_Options = null private def init_options(): Unit = _options = new JEdit_Options(Options.init()) def options: JEdit_Options = _options /* resources */ private var _resources: JEdit_Resources = null private def init_resources(): Unit = _resources = JEdit_Resources(options.value) def resources: JEdit_Resources = _resources /* session */ private var _session: Session = null private def init_session(): Unit = _session = new Session(options.value, resources) def session: Session = _session /* misc support */ val completion_history = new Completion.History_Variable val spell_checker = new Spell_Checker_Variable /* global changes */ def options_changed() { session.global_options.post(Session.Global_Options(options.value)) delay_load.invoke() } def deps_changed() { delay_load.invoke() } /* theory files */ lazy val delay_init = GUI_Thread.delay_last(options.seconds("editor_load_delay")) { init_models() } private val delay_load_active = Synchronized(false) private def delay_load_activated(): Boolean = delay_load_active.guarded_access(a => Some((!a, true))) private def delay_load_action() { if (Isabelle.continuous_checking && delay_load_activated() && PerspectiveManager.isPerspectiveEnabled) { if (JEdit_Lib.jedit_buffers().exists(_.isLoading)) delay_load.invoke() else { val required_files = { val models = Document_Model.get_models() val thys = (for ((node_name, model) <- models.iterator if model.is_theory) yield (node_name, Position.none)).toList val thy_files1 = resources.dependencies(thys).theories val thy_files2 = (for { (name, _) <- models.iterator thy_name <- resources.make_theory_name(name) } yield thy_name).toList val aux_files = if (options.bool("jedit_auto_resolve")) { val stable_tip_version = if (models.forall(p => p._2.is_stable)) session.get_state().stable_tip_version else None stable_tip_version match { case Some(version) => resources.undefined_blobs(version.nodes) case None => delay_load.invoke(); Nil } } else Nil (thy_files1 ::: thy_files2 ::: aux_files).filterNot(models.isDefinedAt(_)) } if (required_files.nonEmpty) { try { Standard_Thread.fork("resolve_dependencies") { val loaded_files = for { name <- required_files text <- resources.read_file_content(name) } yield (name, text) GUI_Thread.later { try { Document_Model.provide_files(session, loaded_files) delay_init.invoke() } finally { delay_load_active.change(_ => false) } } } } catch { case _: Throwable => delay_load_active.change(_ => false) } } else delay_load_active.change(_ => false) } } } private lazy val delay_load = GUI_Thread.delay_last(options.seconds("editor_load_delay")) { delay_load_action() } private def file_watcher_action(changed: Set[JFile]): Unit = if (Document_Model.sync_files(changed)) PIDE.editor.invoke_generated() lazy val file_watcher: File_Watcher = File_Watcher(file_watcher_action _, options.seconds("editor_load_delay")) /* session phase */ val session_phase_changed: Session.Phase => Unit = { case Session.Terminated(result) if !result.ok => GUI_Thread.later { GUI.error_dialog(jEdit.getActiveView, "Prover process terminated with error", "Isabelle Syslog", GUI.scrollable_text(session.syslog_content())) } - case Session.Ready => + case Session.Ready if !shutting_down.value => init_models() if (!Isabelle.continuous_checking) { GUI_Thread.later { val answer = GUI.confirm_dialog(jEdit.getActiveView, "Continuous checking of PIDE document", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, "Continuous checking is presently disabled:", "editor buffers will remain inactive!", "Enable continuous checking now?") if (answer == 0) Isabelle.continuous_checking = true } } delay_load.invoke() case Session.Shutdown => GUI_Thread.later { delay_load.revoke() delay_init.revoke() PIDE.editor.shutdown() exit_models(JEdit_Lib.jedit_buffers().toList) } case _ => } /* document model and view */ def exit_models(buffers: List[Buffer]) { GUI_Thread.now { buffers.foreach(buffer => JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) { JEdit_Lib.jedit_text_areas(buffer).foreach(Document_View.exit) Document_Model.exit(buffer) }) } } def init_models() { GUI_Thread.now { PIDE.editor.flush() for { buffer <- JEdit_Lib.jedit_buffers() if buffer != null && !buffer.getBooleanProperty(Buffer.GZIPPED) } { if (buffer.isLoaded) { JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) { val node_name = resources.node_name(buffer) val model = Document_Model.init(session, node_name, buffer) for { text_area <- JEdit_Lib.jedit_text_areas(buffer) if Document_View.get(text_area).map(_.model) != Some(model) } Document_View.init(model, text_area) } } else delay_init.invoke() } PIDE.editor.invoke_generated() } } def init_view(buffer: Buffer, text_area: JEditTextArea): Unit = GUI_Thread.now { JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) { Document_Model.get(buffer) match { case Some(model) => Document_View.init(model, text_area) case None => } } } def exit_view(buffer: Buffer, text_area: JEditTextArea): Unit = GUI_Thread.now { JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) { Document_View.exit(text_area) } } /* main plugin plumbing */ @volatile private var startup_failure: Option[Throwable] = None @volatile private var startup_notified = false private def init_view(view: View) { Session_Build.check_dialog(view) Keymap_Merge.check_dialog(view) } private def init_title(view: View) { val title = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER")).getOrElse("Isabelle") + "/" + PIDE.resources.session_name val marker = "\u200B" val old_title = view.getViewConfig.title if (old_title == null || old_title.startsWith(marker)) { view.setUserTitle(marker + title) } } override def handleMessage(message: EBMessage) { GUI_Thread.assert {} if (startup_failure.isDefined && !startup_notified) { message match { case msg: EditorStarted => GUI.error_dialog(null, "Isabelle plugin startup failure", GUI.scrollable_text(Exn.message(startup_failure.get)), "Prover IDE inactive!") startup_notified = true case _ => } } if (startup_failure.isEmpty) { message match { case msg: EditorStarted => if (Distribution.is_identified && !Distribution.is_official) { GUI.warning_dialog(jEdit.getActiveView, "Isabelle version for testing", "This is " + Distribution.version + ".", "It is for testing only, not for production use.") } if (resources.session_errors.nonEmpty) { GUI.warning_dialog(jEdit.getActiveView, "Bad session structure: may cause problems with theory imports", GUI.scrollable_text(cat_lines(resources.session_errors))) } jEdit.propertiesChanged() val view = jEdit.getActiveView() init_view(view) PIDE.editor.hyperlink_position(true, Document.Snapshot.init, JEdit_Sessions.logic_root(options.value)).foreach(_.follow(view)) case msg: ViewUpdate if msg.getWhat == ViewUpdate.CREATED && msg.getView != null => init_title(msg.getView) case msg: BufferUpdate if msg.getWhat == BufferUpdate.LOAD_STARTED || msg.getWhat == BufferUpdate.CLOSING => if (msg.getBuffer != null) { exit_models(List(msg.getBuffer)) PIDE.editor.invoke_generated() } case msg: BufferUpdate if msg.getWhat == BufferUpdate.PROPERTIES_CHANGED || msg.getWhat == BufferUpdate.LOADED => if (session.is_ready) { delay_init.invoke() delay_load.invoke() } case msg: EditPaneUpdate if msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGING || msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGED || msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.CREATED || msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.DESTROYED => val edit_pane = msg.getEditPane val buffer = edit_pane.getBuffer val text_area = edit_pane.getTextArea if (buffer != null && text_area != null) { if (msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGED || msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.CREATED) { if (session.is_ready) init_view(buffer, text_area) } else { Isabelle.dismissed_popups(text_area.getView) exit_view(buffer, text_area) } if (msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.CREATED) Completion_Popup.Text_Area.init(text_area) if (msg.getWhat == EditPaneUpdate.DESTROYED) Completion_Popup.Text_Area.exit(text_area) } case msg: PropertiesChanged => for { view <- JEdit_Lib.jedit_views edit_pane <- JEdit_Lib.jedit_edit_panes(view) } { val buffer = edit_pane.getBuffer val text_area = edit_pane.getTextArea if (buffer != null && text_area != null) init_view(buffer, text_area) } GUI.use_isabelle_fonts() spell_checker.update(options.value) session.update_options(options.value) case _ => } } } /* mode provider */ private var orig_mode_provider: ModeProvider = null private var pide_mode_provider: ModeProvider = null def init_mode_provider() { orig_mode_provider = ModeProvider.instance if (orig_mode_provider.isInstanceOf[ModeProvider]) { pide_mode_provider = new Token_Markup.Mode_Provider(orig_mode_provider) ModeProvider.instance = pide_mode_provider } } def exit_mode_provider() { if (ModeProvider.instance == pide_mode_provider) ModeProvider.instance = orig_mode_provider } /* HTTP server */ val http_root: String = "/" + UUID.random() val http_server: HTTP.Server = HTTP.server(Document_Model.http_handlers(http_root)) /* start and stop */ + private val shutting_down = Synchronized(false) + override def start() { /* strict initialization */ init_options() init_resources() init_session() PIDE._plugin = this /* non-strict initialization */ try { completion_history.load() spell_checker.update(options.value) JEdit_Lib.jedit_views.foreach(init_title(_)) isabelle.jedit_base.Syntax_Style.set_style_extender(Syntax_Style.Extender) init_mode_provider() JEdit_Lib.jedit_text_areas.foreach(Completion_Popup.Text_Area.init _) http_server.start startup_failure = None } catch { case exn: Throwable => startup_failure = Some(exn) startup_notified = false Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, exn) } + shutting_down.change(_ => false) + val view = jEdit.getActiveView() if (view != null) init_view(view) } override def stop() { http_server.stop isabelle.jedit_base.Syntax_Style.dummy_style_extender() exit_mode_provider() JEdit_Lib.jedit_text_areas.foreach(Completion_Popup.Text_Area.exit _) if (startup_failure.isEmpty) { options.value.save_prefs() completion_history.value.save() } exit_models(JEdit_Lib.jedit_buffers().toList) + + shutting_down.change(_ => true) session.stop() file_watcher.shutdown() PIDE.editor.shutdown() } }