diff --git a/src/Pure/Thy/export.scala b/src/Pure/Thy/export.scala --- a/src/Pure/Thy/export.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Thy/export.scala @@ -1,454 +1,456 @@ /* Title: Pure/Thy/export.scala Author: Makarius Manage theory exports: compressed blobs. */ package isabelle import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.util.matching.Regex object Export { /* artefact names */ val DOCUMENT_ID = "PIDE/document_id" val FILES = "PIDE/files" val MARKUP = "PIDE/markup" val MESSAGES = "PIDE/messages" val DOCUMENT_PREFIX = "document/" val DOCUMENT_LATEX = DOCUMENT_PREFIX + "latex" val DOCUMENT_CITATIONS = DOCUMENT_PREFIX + "citations" val THEORY_PREFIX: String = "theory/" val PROOFS_PREFIX: String = "proofs/" def explode_name(s: String): List[String] = space_explode('/', s) def implode_name(elems: Iterable[String]): String = elems.mkString("/") /* SQL data model */ object Data { val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key val theory_name = SQL.Column.string("theory_name").make_primary_key val name = SQL.Column.string("name").make_primary_key val executable = SQL.Column.bool("executable") val compressed = SQL.Column.bool("compressed") val body = SQL.Column.bytes("body") val table = SQL.Table("isabelle_exports", List(session_name, theory_name, name, executable, compressed, body)) def where_equal(session_name: String, theory_name: String = "", name: String = ""): SQL.Source = "WHERE " + Data.session_name.equal(session_name) + (if (theory_name == "") "" else " AND " + Data.theory_name.equal(theory_name)) + (if (name == "") "" else " AND " + Data.name.equal(name)) } def compound_name(a: String, b: String): String = if (a.isEmpty) b else a + ":" + b sealed case class Entry_Name(session: String = "", theory: String = "", name: String = "") { val compound_name: String = Export.compound_name(theory, name) + def elements(prune: Int = 0): List[String] = { + val elems = theory :: space_explode('/', name) + if (elems.length < prune + 1) { + error("Cannot prune path by " + prune + " element(s): " + Path.make(elems)) + } + else elems.drop(prune) + } + def readable(db: SQL.Database): Boolean = { val select = Data.table.select(List(Data.name), Data.where_equal(session, theory, name)) db.using_statement(select)(stmt => stmt.execute_query().next()) } def read(db: SQL.Database, cache: XML.Cache): Option[Entry] = { val select = Data.table.select(List(Data.executable, Data.compressed, Data.body), Data.where_equal(session, theory, name)) db.using_statement(select) { stmt => val res = stmt.execute_query() if (res.next()) { val executable = res.bool(Data.executable) val compressed = res.bool(Data.compressed) val bytes = res.bytes(Data.body) val body = Future.value(compressed, bytes) Some(Entry(this, executable, body, cache)) } else None } } def read(dir: Path, cache: XML.Cache): Option[Entry] = { val path = dir + Path.basic(theory) + Path.explode(name) if (path.is_file) { val executable = File.is_executable(path) val uncompressed = Bytes.read(path) val body = Future.value((false, uncompressed)) Some(Entry(this, executable, body, cache)) } else None } } def read_theory_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[String] = { val select = Data.table.select(List(Data.theory_name), Data.where_equal(session_name), distinct = true) db.using_statement(select)(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(_.string(Data.theory_name)).toList) } def read_entry_names(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[Entry_Name] = { val select = Data.table.select(List(Data.theory_name, Data.name), Data.where_equal(session_name)) + " ORDER BY " + Data.theory_name + ", " + Data.name db.using_statement(select)(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(res => Entry_Name(session = session_name, theory = res.string(Data.theory_name), name = res.string(Data.name))).toList) } def message(msg: String, theory_name: String, name: String): String = msg + " " + quote(name) + " for theory " + quote(theory_name) def empty_entry(theory_name: String, name: String): Entry = Entry(Entry_Name(theory = theory_name, name = name), false, Future.value(false, Bytes.empty), XML.Cache.none) sealed case class Entry( entry_name: Entry_Name, executable: Boolean, body: Future[(Boolean, Bytes)], cache: XML.Cache ) { def session_name: String = entry_name.session def theory_name: String = entry_name.theory def name: String = entry_name.name override def toString: String = name def compound_name: String = entry_name.compound_name def name_has_prefix(s: String): Boolean = name.startsWith(s) val name_elems: List[String] = explode_name(name) def name_extends(elems: List[String]): Boolean = name_elems.startsWith(elems) && name_elems != elems def text: String = uncompressed.text def uncompressed: Bytes = { val (compressed, bytes) = body.join if (compressed) bytes.uncompress(cache = cache.xz) else bytes } def uncompressed_yxml: XML.Body = YXML.parse_body(UTF8.decode_permissive(uncompressed), cache = cache) def write(db: SQL.Database): Unit = { val (compressed, bytes) = body.join db.using_statement(Data.table.insert()) { stmt => stmt.string(1) = session_name stmt.string(2) = theory_name stmt.string(3) = name stmt.bool(4) = executable stmt.bool(5) = compressed stmt.bytes(6) = bytes stmt.execute() } } } def make_regex(pattern: String): Regex = { @tailrec def make(result: List[String], depth: Int, chs: List[Char]): Regex = chs match { case '*' :: '*' :: rest => make("[^:]*" :: result, depth, rest) case '*' :: rest => make("[^:/]*" :: result, depth, rest) case '?' :: rest => make("[^:/]" :: result, depth, rest) case '\\' :: c :: rest => make(("\\" + c) :: result, depth, rest) case '{' :: rest => make("(" :: result, depth + 1, rest) case ',' :: rest if depth > 0 => make("|" :: result, depth, rest) case '}' :: rest if depth > 0 => make(")" :: result, depth - 1, rest) case c :: rest if ".+()".contains(c) => make(("\\" + c) :: result, depth, rest) case c :: rest => make(c.toString :: result, depth, rest) case Nil => result.reverse.mkString.r } make(Nil, 0, pattern.toList) } def make_matcher(pats: List[String]): Entry_Name => Boolean = { val regs = pats.map(make_regex) (entry_name: Entry_Name) => regs.exists(_.pattern.matcher(entry_name.compound_name).matches) } def make_entry( session_name: String, args: Protocol.Export.Args, bytes: Bytes, cache: XML.Cache ): Entry = { val body = if (args.compress) Future.fork(bytes.maybe_compress(cache = cache.xz)) else Future.value((false, bytes)) val entry_name = Entry_Name(session = session_name, theory = args.theory_name, name = args.name) Entry(entry_name, args.executable, body, cache) } /* database consumer thread */ def consumer(db: SQL.Database, cache: XML.Cache, progress: Progress = new Progress): Consumer = new Consumer(db, cache, progress) class Consumer private[Export](db: SQL.Database, cache: XML.Cache, progress: Progress) { private val errors = Synchronized[List[String]](Nil) private val consumer = Consumer_Thread.fork_bulk[(Entry, Boolean)](name = "export")( bulk = { case (entry, _) => entry.body.is_finished }, consume = { (args: List[(Entry, Boolean)]) => val results = db.transaction { for ((entry, strict) <- args) yield { if (progress.stopped) { entry.body.cancel() Exn.Res(()) } else if (entry.entry_name.readable(db)) { if (strict) { val msg = message("Duplicate export", entry.theory_name, entry.name) errors.change(msg :: _) } Exn.Res(()) } else Exn.capture { entry.write(db) } } } (results, true) }) def apply(session_name: String, args: Protocol.Export.Args, body: Bytes): Unit = { if (!progress.stopped) { consumer.send(make_entry(session_name, args, body, cache) -> args.strict) } } def shutdown(close: Boolean = false): List[String] = { consumer.shutdown() if (close) db.close() errors.value.reverse ::: (if (progress.stopped) List("Export stopped") else Nil) } } /* abstract provider */ object Provider { def none: Provider = new Provider { def apply(export_name: String): Option[Entry] = None def focus(other_theory: String): Provider = this override def toString: String = "none" } def database_context( context: Sessions.Database_Context, session_hierarchy: List[String], theory_name: String): Provider = new Provider { def apply(export_name: String): Option[Entry] = context.read_export(session_hierarchy, theory_name, export_name) def focus(other_theory: String): Provider = this override def toString: String = context.toString } def database( db: SQL.Database, cache: XML.Cache, session_name: String, theory_name: String ) : Provider = { new Provider { def apply(export_name: String): Option[Entry] = Entry_Name(session = session_name, theory = theory_name, name = export_name) .read(db, cache) def focus(other_theory: String): Provider = if (other_theory == theory_name) this else Provider.database(db, cache, session_name, other_theory) override def toString: String = db.toString } } def snapshot(snapshot: Document.Snapshot): Provider = new Provider { def apply(export_name: String): Option[Entry] = snapshot.exports_map.get(export_name) def focus(other_theory: String): Provider = if (other_theory == snapshot.node_name.theory) this else { val node_name = snapshot.version.nodes.theory_name(other_theory) getOrElse error("Bad theory " + quote(other_theory)) Provider.snapshot(snapshot.state.snapshot(node_name)) } override def toString: String = snapshot.toString } def directory( dir: Path, cache: XML.Cache, session_name: String, theory_name: String ) : Provider = { new Provider { def apply(export_name: String): Option[Entry] = Entry_Name(session = session_name, theory = theory_name, name = export_name) .read(dir, cache) def focus(other_theory: String): Provider = if (other_theory == theory_name) this else Provider.directory(dir, cache, session_name, other_theory) override def toString: String = dir.toString } } } trait Provider { def apply(export_name: String): Option[Entry] def uncompressed_yxml(export_name: String): XML.Body = apply(export_name) match { case Some(entry) => entry.uncompressed_yxml case None => Nil } def focus(other_theory: String): Provider } /* export to file-system */ def export_files( store: Sessions.Store, session_name: String, export_dir: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress, export_prune: Int = 0, export_list: Boolean = false, export_patterns: List[String] = Nil ): Unit = { using(store.open_database(session_name)) { db => db.transaction { val entry_names = read_entry_names(db, session_name) // list if (export_list) { for (entry_name <- entry_names) progress.echo(entry_name.compound_name) } // export if (export_patterns.nonEmpty) { val matcher = make_matcher(export_patterns) for { entry_name <- entry_names if matcher(entry_name) entry <- entry_name.read(db, store.cache) } { - val elems = entry_name.theory :: space_explode('/', entry_name.name) - val path = - if (elems.length < export_prune + 1) { - error("Cannot prune path by " + export_prune + " element(s): " + Path.make(elems)) - } - else export_dir + Path.make(elems.drop(export_prune)) - + val path = export_dir + Path.make(entry_name.elements(prune = export_prune)) progress.echo("export " + path + (if (entry.executable) " (executable)" else "")) Isabelle_System.make_directory(path.dir) val bytes = entry.uncompressed if (!path.is_file || Bytes.read(path) != bytes) Bytes.write(path, bytes) File.set_executable(path, entry.executable) } } } } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val default_export_dir: Path = Path.explode("export") val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("export", "retrieve theory exports", Scala_Project.here, { args => /* arguments */ var export_dir = default_export_dir var dirs: List[Path] = Nil var export_list = false var no_build = false var options = Options.init() var export_prune = 0 var export_patterns: List[String] = Nil val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle export [OPTIONS] SESSION Options are: -O DIR output directory for exported files (default: """ + default_export_dir + """) -d DIR include session directory -l list exports -n no build of session -o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME) -p NUM prune path of exported files by NUM elements -x PATTERN extract files matching pattern (e.g. "*:**" for all) List or export theory exports for SESSION: named blobs produced by isabelle build. Option -l or -x is required; option -x may be repeated. The PATTERN language resembles glob patterns in the shell, with ? and * (both excluding ":" and "/"), ** (excluding ":"), and [abc] or [^abc], and variants {pattern1,pattern2,pattern3}. """, "O:" -> (arg => export_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))), "l" -> (_ => export_list = true), "n" -> (_ => no_build = true), "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg), "p:" -> (arg => export_prune = Value.Int.parse(arg)), "x:" -> (arg => export_patterns ::= arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) val session_name = more_args match { case List(session_name) if export_list || export_patterns.nonEmpty => session_name case _ => getopts.usage() } val progress = new Console_Progress() /* build */ if (!no_build) { val rc = progress.interrupt_handler { Build.build_logic(options, session_name, progress = progress, dirs = dirs) } if (rc != Process_Result.RC.ok) sys.exit(rc) } /* export files */ val store = Sessions.store(options) export_files(store, session_name, export_dir, progress = progress, export_prune = export_prune, export_list = export_list, export_patterns = export_patterns) }) }