diff --git a/Admin/Release/CHECKLIST b/Admin/Release/CHECKLIST --- a/Admin/Release/CHECKLIST +++ b/Admin/Release/CHECKLIST @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ Checklist for official releases =============================== - check latest updates of polyml, jdk, scala, jedit; - check Admin/components; - test "isabelle dump -b Pure ZF"; - test "isabelle build -o export_theory -f ZF"; - test "isabelle server" according to "system" manual; - test Isabelle/VSCode; - test Isabelle/jEdit: print buffer - test Isabelle/jEdit: deactivate main plugin; - test "#!/usr/bin/env isabelle_scala_script"; - test Windows 10 subsystem for Linux: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10 - check (non-)executable files: $ find . "(" -name "*.thy" -o -name "*.ML" -o -name "*.scala" -o -name ROOT ")" -executable $ find -type f -executable - check sources: isabelle check_sources '~~' '$AFP_BASE' - check ANNOUNCE, README, NEWS, COPYRIGHT, CONTRIBUTORS; - check versions: src/Tools/jEdit/jedit_base/plugin.props src/Tools/jEdit/jedit_main/plugin.props - check Isabelle version: src/Tools/VSCode/extension/README.md src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json - check funny base directory, e.g. "Test 中国"; - diff NEWS wrt. last official release, which is read-only; - update https://isabelle.sketis.net/repos/isabelle-website - check doc/Contents, $JEDIT_HOME/doc/Contents; - test old HD display: Linux, Windows, macOS; - macOS: check recent MacTeX; - Windows: check recent MiKTeX; - Phabricator: . src/Doc/System/Phabricator.thy: check/update underlying Ubuntu version . etc/options: check/update phabricator_version entries; Repository fork =============== - isabelle: finalize NEWS / CONTRIBUTORS -- proper headers for named release; - isabelle-release: hg tag; - isabelle: back to post-release mode -- after fork point; Packaging ========= - fully-automated packaging (e.g. on lxcisa0): - hg up -r DISTNAME && Admin/build_release -J .../java11 -D /p/home/isabelle/dist -b HOL -l -R DISTNAME + hg up -r DISTNAME && Admin/build_release -D /p/home/isabelle/dist -b HOL -l -R DISTNAME - Docker image: isabelle build_docker -o Dockerfile -E -t makarius/isabelle:Isabelle2021-1 Isabelle2021-1_linux.tar.gz docker login docker push makarius/isabelle:Isabelle2021-1 docker tag ... latest docker push makarius/isabelle:latest https://hub.docker.com/r/makarius/isabelle https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/push Post-release ============ - update Admin/Release/official - update /p/home/isabelle and /p/home/isabelle/html-data diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_release.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_release.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_release.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_release.scala @@ -1,940 +1,952 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_release.scala Author: Makarius Build full Isabelle distribution from repository. */ package isabelle object Build_Release { /** release context **/ private def execute(dir: Path, script: String): Unit = Isabelle_System.bash(script, cwd = dir.file).check private def execute_tar(dir: Path, args: String, strip: Int = 0): Unit = Isabelle_System.gnutar(args, dir = dir, strip = strip).check + private def bash_java_opens(args: String*): String = + Bash.strings(args.toList.flatMap(arg => List("--add-opens", arg + "=ALL-UNNAMED"))) + object Release_Context { def apply( target_dir: Path, release_name: String = "", components_base: Path = Components.default_components_base, progress: Progress = new Progress): Release_Context = { val date = Date.now() val dist_name = proper_string(release_name) getOrElse ("Isabelle_" + Date.Format.date(date)) val dist_dir = (target_dir + Path.explode("dist-" + dist_name)).absolute new Release_Context(release_name, dist_name, dist_dir, components_base, progress) } } class Release_Context private[Build_Release]( val release_name: String, val dist_name: String, val dist_dir: Path, val components_base: Path, val progress: Progress) { override def toString: String = dist_name val isabelle: Path = Path.explode(dist_name) val isabelle_dir: Path = dist_dir + isabelle val isabelle_archive: Path = dist_dir + isabelle.tar.gz val isabelle_library_archive: Path = dist_dir + Path.explode(dist_name + "_library.tar.gz") def other_isabelle(dir: Path): Other_Isabelle = Other_Isabelle(dir + isabelle, isabelle_identifier = dist_name + "-build", progress = progress) def make_announce(id: String): Unit = { if (release_name.isEmpty) { File.write(isabelle_dir + Path.explode("ANNOUNCE"), """ IMPORTANT NOTE ============== This is a snapshot of Isabelle/""" + id + """ from the repository. """) } } def make_contrib(): Unit = { Isabelle_System.make_directory(Components.contrib(isabelle_dir)) File.write(Components.contrib(isabelle_dir, name = "README"), """This directory contains add-on components that contribute to the main Isabelle distribution. Separate licensing conditions apply, see each directory individually. """) } def bundle_info(platform: Platform.Family.Value): Bundle_Info = platform match { case Platform.Family.linux_arm => Bundle_Info(platform, "Linux (ARM)", dist_name + "_linux_arm.tar.gz") case Platform.Family.linux => Bundle_Info(platform, "Linux", dist_name + "_linux.tar.gz") case Platform.Family.macos => Bundle_Info(platform, "macOS", dist_name + "_macos.tar.gz") case Platform.Family.windows => Bundle_Info(platform, "Windows", dist_name + ".exe") } } sealed case class Bundle_Info( platform: Platform.Family.Value, platform_description: String, name: String) { def path: Path = Path.explode(name) } /** release archive **/ val ISABELLE: Path = Path.basic("Isabelle") val ISABELLE_ID: Path = Path.explode("etc/ISABELLE_ID") val ISABELLE_TAGS: Path = Path.explode("etc/ISABELLE_TAGS") val ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER: Path = Path.explode("etc/ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER") object Release_Archive { def make(bytes: Bytes, rename: String = ""): Release_Archive = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("tmp")(dir => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("archive", ext = "tar.gz")(archive_path => { val isabelle_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir + ISABELLE) Bytes.write(archive_path, bytes) execute_tar(isabelle_dir, "-xzf " + File.bash_path(archive_path), strip = 1) val id = File.read(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_ID) val tags = File.read(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_TAGS) val identifier = File.read(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER) val (bytes1, identifier1) = if (rename.isEmpty || rename == identifier) (bytes, identifier) else { File.write(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER, rename) Isabelle_System.move_file(isabelle_dir, dir + Path.basic(rename)) execute_tar(dir, "-czf " + File.bash_path(archive_path) + " " + Bash.string(rename)) (Bytes.read(archive_path), rename) } new Release_Archive(bytes1, id, tags, identifier1) }) ) } def read(path: Path, rename: String = ""): Release_Archive = make(Bytes.read(path), rename = rename) def get(url: String, rename: String = "", progress: Progress = new Progress): Release_Archive = { val bytes = if (Path.is_wellformed(url)) Bytes.read(Path.explode(url)) else Isabelle_System.download(url, progress = progress).bytes make(bytes, rename = rename) } } case class Release_Archive private[Build_Release]( bytes: Bytes, id: String, tags: String, identifier: String) { override def toString: String = identifier } /** generated content **/ /* bundled components */ class Bundled(platform: Option[Platform.Family.Value] = None) { def detect(s: String): Boolean = s.startsWith("#bundled") && !s.startsWith("#bundled ") def apply(name: String): String = "#bundled" + (platform match { case None => "" case Some(plat) => "-" + plat }) + ":" + name private val Pattern1 = ("""^#bundled:(.*)$""").r private val Pattern2 = ("""^#bundled-(.*):(.*)$""").r def unapply(s: String): Option[String] = s match { case Pattern1(name) => Some(name) case Pattern2(Platform.Family(plat), name) if platform == Some(plat) => Some(name) case _ => None } } def record_bundled_components(dir: Path): Unit = { val catalogs = List("main", "bundled").map((_, new Bundled())) ::: Platform.Family.list.flatMap(platform => List(platform.toString, "bundled-" + platform.toString). map((_, new Bundled(platform = Some(platform))))) File.append(Components.components(dir), terminate_lines("#bundled components" :: (for { (catalog, bundled) <- catalogs.iterator path = Components.admin(dir) + Path.basic(catalog) if path.is_file line <- split_lines(File.read(path)) if line.nonEmpty && !line.startsWith("#") } yield bundled(line)).toList)) } def get_bundled_components(dir: Path, platform: Platform.Family.Value): (List[String], String) = { val Bundled = new Bundled(platform = Some(platform)) val components = for { Bundled(name) <- Components.read_components(dir) } yield name val jdk_component = components.find(_.startsWith("jdk")) getOrElse error("Missing jdk component") (components, jdk_component) } def activate_components( dir: Path, platform: Platform.Family.Value, more_names: List[String]): Unit = { def contrib_name(name: String): String = Components.contrib(name = name).implode val Bundled = new Bundled(platform = Some(platform)) Components.write_components(dir, Components.read_components(dir).flatMap(line => line match { case Bundled(name) => if (Components.check_dir(Components.contrib(dir, name))) Some(contrib_name(name)) else None case _ => if (Bundled.detect(line)) None else Some(line) }) ::: more_names.map(contrib_name)) } /** build release **/ /* build heaps */ private def build_heaps( options: Options, platform: Platform.Family.Value, build_sessions: List[String], local_dir: Path): Unit = { val server_option = "build_host_" + platform.toString val ssh = options.string(server_option) match { case "" => if (Platform.family == platform) SSH.Local else error("Undefined option " + server_option + ": cannot build heaps") case SSH.Target(user, host) => SSH.open_session(options, host = host, user = user) case s => error("Malformed option " + server_option + ": " + quote(s)) } try { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("tmp", ext = "tar")(local_tmp_tar => { execute_tar(local_dir, "-cf " + File.bash_path(local_tmp_tar) + " .") ssh.with_tmp_dir(remote_dir => { val remote_tmp_tar = remote_dir + Path.basic("tmp.tar") ssh.write_file(remote_tmp_tar, local_tmp_tar) val remote_commands = List( "cd " + File.bash_path(remote_dir), "tar -xf tmp.tar", "bin/isabelle build -o system_heaps -b -- " + Bash.strings(build_sessions), "tar -cf tmp.tar heaps") ssh.execute(remote_commands.mkString(" && "), settings = false).check ssh.read_file(remote_tmp_tar, local_tmp_tar) }) execute_tar(local_dir, "-xf " + File.bash_path(local_tmp_tar)) }) } finally { ssh.close() } } /* Isabelle application */ def make_isabelle_options(path: Path, options: List[String], line_ending: String = "\n"): Unit = { val title = "# Java runtime options" File.write(path, (title :: options).map(_ + line_ending).mkString) } def make_isabelle_app( platform: Platform.Family.Value, isabelle_target: Path, isabelle_name: String, jdk_component: String, classpath: List[Path], dock_icon: Boolean = false): Unit = { val script = """#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Author: Makarius # # Main Isabelle application script. # minimal Isabelle environment ISABELLE_HOME="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; cd "$(pwd -P)/../.."; pwd)" source "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/isabelle-platform" #paranoia settings -- avoid intrusion of alien options unset "_JAVA_OPTIONS" unset "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" #paranoia settings -- avoid problems of Java/Swing versus XIM/IBus etc. unset XMODIFIERS COMPONENT="$ISABELLE_HOME/contrib/""" + jdk_component + """" source "$COMPONENT/etc/settings" # main declare -a JAVA_OPTIONS=($(grep -v '^#' "$ISABELLE_HOME/Isabelle.options")) "$ISABELLE_HOME/bin/isabelle" env "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/java-gui-setup" exec "$ISABELLE_JDK_HOME/bin/java" \ "-Disabelle.root=$ISABELLE_HOME" "${JAVA_OPTIONS[@]}" \ -classpath """" + classpath.map(p => "$ISABELLE_HOME/" + p.implode).mkString(":") + """" \ "-splash:$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/logo/isabelle.gif" \ """ + (if (dock_icon) """"-Xdock:icon=$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/logo/isabelle_transparent-128.png" \ """ else "") + """isabelle.jedit.Main "$@" """ val script_path = isabelle_target + Path.explode("lib/scripts/Isabelle_app") File.write(script_path, script) File.set_executable(script_path, true) val component_dir = isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/Isabelle_app") Isabelle_System.move_file( component_dir + Path.explode(Platform.Family.standard(platform)) + Path.explode("Isabelle"), isabelle_target + Path.explode(isabelle_name)) Isabelle_System.rm_tree(component_dir) } def make_isabelle_plist(path: Path, isabelle_name: String, isabelle_rev: String): Unit = { File.write(path, """ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English CFBundleIconFile isabelle.icns CFBundleIdentifier de.tum.in.isabelle CFBundleDisplayName """ + isabelle_name + """ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleName """ + isabelle_name + """ CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString """ + isabelle_name + """ CFBundleSignature ???? CFBundleVersion """ + isabelle_rev + """ NSHumanReadableCopyright LSMinimumSystemVersion 10.11 LSApplicationCategoryType public.app-category.developer-tools NSHighResolutionCapable true NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching true CFBundleDocumentTypes CFBundleTypeExtensions thy CFBundleTypeIconFile theory.icns CFBundleTypeName Isabelle theory file CFBundleTypeRole Editor LSTypeIsPackage """) } /* main */ def use_release_archive( context: Release_Context, archive: Release_Archive, id: String = ""): Unit = { if (id.nonEmpty && id != archive.id) { error("Mismatch of release identification " + id + " vs. archive " + archive.id) } if (!context.isabelle_archive.is_file || Bytes.read(context.isabelle_archive) != archive.bytes) { Bytes.write(context.isabelle_archive, archive.bytes) } } def build_release_archive( context: Release_Context, version: String, parallel_jobs: Int = 1): Unit = { val progress = context.progress val hg = Mercurial.repository(Path.ISABELLE_HOME) val id = try { hg.id(version) } catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error("Bad repository version: " + version, msg) } if (context.isabelle_archive.is_file) { progress.echo_warning("Found existing release archive: " + context.isabelle_archive) use_release_archive(context, Release_Archive.read(context.isabelle_archive), id = id) } else { progress.echo_warning("Preparing release " + context.dist_name + " ...") Isabelle_System.new_directory(context.dist_dir) hg.archive(context.isabelle_dir.expand.implode, rev = id, options = "--type files") for (name <- List(".hg_archival.txt", ".hgtags", ".hgignore", "README_REPOSITORY")) { (context.isabelle_dir + Path.explode(name)).file.delete } File.write(context.isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_ID, id) File.write(context.isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_TAGS, hg.tags(rev = id)) File.write(context.isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER, context.dist_name) context.make_announce(id) context.make_contrib() execute(context.isabelle_dir, """find . -print | xargs chmod -f u+rw""") record_bundled_components(context.isabelle_dir) /* build tools and documentation */ val other_isabelle = context.other_isabelle(context.dist_dir) other_isabelle.init_settings( other_isabelle.init_components( components_base = context.components_base, catalogs = List("main"))) other_isabelle.resolve_components(echo = true) try { other_isabelle.bash( "export CLASSPATH=" + Bash.string(other_isabelle.getenv("ISABELLE_CLASSPATH")) + "\n" + "bin/isabelle jedit -b", echo = true).check } catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error("Failed to build tools:", msg) } try { other_isabelle.bash( "bin/isabelle build_doc -a -o system_heaps -j " + parallel_jobs, echo = true).check } catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error("Failed to build documentation:", msg) } other_isabelle.make_news() for (name <- List("Admin", "browser_info", "heaps")) { Isabelle_System.rm_tree(other_isabelle.isabelle_home + Path.explode(name)) } other_isabelle.cleanup() progress.echo_warning("Creating release archive " + context.isabelle_archive + " ...") execute(context.dist_dir, """chmod -R a+r . && chmod -R u+w . && chmod -R g=o .""") execute(context.dist_dir, """find . -type f "(" -name "*.thy" -o -name "*.ML" -o -name "*.scala" ")" -print | xargs chmod -f u-w""") execute_tar(context.dist_dir, "-czf " + File.bash_path(context.isabelle_archive) + " " + Bash.string(context.dist_name)) } } def default_platform_families: List[Platform.Family.Value] = Platform.Family.list0 def build_release( options: Options, context: Release_Context, afp_rev: String = "", platform_families: List[Platform.Family.Value] = default_platform_families, - java_home: Path = default_java_home, more_components: List[Path] = Nil, website: Option[Path] = None, build_sessions: List[String] = Nil, build_library: Boolean = false, parallel_jobs: Int = 1): Unit = { val progress = context.progress /* release directory */ val archive = Release_Archive.read(context.isabelle_archive) for (path <- List(context.isabelle, ISABELLE)) { Isabelle_System.rm_tree(context.dist_dir + path) } Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("archive", ext = "tar.gz")(archive_path => { Bytes.write(archive_path, archive.bytes) val extract = List("README", "NEWS", "ANNOUNCE", "COPYRIGHT", "CONTRIBUTORS", "doc"). map(name => context.dist_name + "/" + name) execute_tar(context.dist_dir, "-xzf " + File.bash_path(archive_path) + " " + Bash.strings(extract)) }) Isabelle_System.symlink(Path.explode(context.dist_name), context.dist_dir + ISABELLE) /* make application bundles */ val bundle_infos = platform_families.map(context.bundle_info) for (bundle_info <- bundle_infos) { val isabelle_name = context.dist_name val platform = bundle_info.platform progress.echo("\nApplication bundle for " + platform) Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build_release")(tmp_dir => { // release archive execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-xzf " + File.bash_path(context.isabelle_archive)) val other_isabelle = context.other_isabelle(tmp_dir) val isabelle_target = other_isabelle.isabelle_home // bundled components progress.echo("Bundled components:") val contrib_dir = Components.contrib(isabelle_target) val (bundled_components, jdk_component) = get_bundled_components(isabelle_target, platform) Components.resolve(context.components_base, bundled_components, target_dir = Some(contrib_dir), copy_dir = Some(context.dist_dir + Path.explode("contrib")), progress = progress) val more_components_names = more_components.map(Components.unpack(contrib_dir, _, progress = progress)) activate_components(isabelle_target, platform, more_components_names) // Java parameters val java_options: List[String] = (for { variable <- List( "ISABELLE_JAVA_SYSTEM_OPTIONS", "JEDIT_JAVA_SYSTEM_OPTIONS", "JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS") opt <- Word.explode(other_isabelle.getenv(variable)) } yield { val s = "-Dapple.awt.application.name=" if (opt.startsWith(s)) s + isabelle_name else opt }) ::: List("-Disabelle.jedit_server=" + isabelle_name) val classpath: List[Path] = { val base = isabelle_target.absolute val classpath1 = Path.split(other_isabelle.getenv("ISABELLE_CLASSPATH")) val classpath2 = Path.split(other_isabelle.getenv("ISABELLE_SETUP_CLASSPATH")) (classpath1 ::: classpath2).map(path => { val abs_path = path.absolute File.relative_path(base, abs_path) match { case Some(rel_path) => rel_path case None => error("Bad classpath element: " + abs_path) } }) } val jedit_options = Path.explode("src/Tools/jEdit/etc/options") val jedit_props = Path.explode(other_isabelle.getenv("JEDIT_HOME") + "/properties/jEdit.props") // build heaps if (build_sessions.nonEmpty) { progress.echo("Building heaps " + commas_quote(build_sessions) + " ...") build_heaps(options, platform, build_sessions, isabelle_target) } // application bundling Components.purge(contrib_dir, platform) platform match { case Platform.Family.linux_arm | Platform.Family.linux => File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_options, _.replaceAll("jedit_reset_font_size : int =.*", "jedit_reset_font_size : int = 24")) File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_props, _.replaceAll("console.fontsize=.*", "console.fontsize=18") .replaceAll("helpviewer.fontsize=.*", "helpviewer.fontsize=18") .replaceAll("metal.primary.fontsize=.*", "metal.primary.fontsize=18") .replaceAll("metal.secondary.fontsize=.*", "metal.secondary.fontsize=18") .replaceAll("view.fontsize=.*", "view.fontsize=24") .replaceAll("view.gutter.fontsize=.*", "view.gutter.fontsize=16")) make_isabelle_options( isabelle_target + Path.explode("Isabelle.options"), java_options) make_isabelle_app(platform, isabelle_target, isabelle_name, jdk_component, classpath) progress.echo("Packaging " + bundle_info.name + " ...") execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-czf " + File.bash_path(context.dist_dir + bundle_info.path) + " " + Bash.string(isabelle_name)) case Platform.Family.macos => File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_props, _.replaceAll("delete-line.shortcut=.*", "delete-line.shortcut=C+d") .replaceAll("delete.shortcut2=.*", "delete.shortcut2=A+d")) // macOS application bundle val app_contents = isabelle_target + Path.explode("Contents") for (icon <- List("lib/logo/isabelle.icns", "lib/logo/theory.icns")) { Isabelle_System.copy_file(isabelle_target + Path.explode(icon), Isabelle_System.make_directory(app_contents + Path.explode("Resources"))) } make_isabelle_plist( app_contents + Path.explode("Info.plist"), isabelle_name, archive.id) make_isabelle_app(platform, isabelle_target, isabelle_name, jdk_component, classpath, dock_icon = true) val isabelle_options = Path.explode("Isabelle.options") make_isabelle_options( isabelle_target + isabelle_options, java_options ::: List("-Disabelle.app=true")) // application archive progress.echo("Packaging " + bundle_info.name + " ...") val isabelle_app = Path.explode(isabelle_name + ".app") Isabelle_System.move_file(tmp_dir + Path.explode(isabelle_name), tmp_dir + isabelle_app) execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-czf " + File.bash_path(context.dist_dir + bundle_info.path) + " " + File.bash_path(isabelle_app)) case Platform.Family.windows => File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_props, _.replaceAll("foldPainter=.*", "foldPainter=Square")) // application launcher Isabelle_System.move_file(isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/windows_app"), tmp_dir) val app_template = Path.explode("~~/Admin/Windows/launch4j") make_isabelle_options( isabelle_target + Path.explode(isabelle_name + ".l4j.ini"), java_options, line_ending = "\r\n") val isabelle_xml = Path.explode("isabelle.xml") val isabelle_exe = bundle_info.path File.write(tmp_dir + isabelle_xml, File.read(app_template + isabelle_xml) .replace("{ISABELLE_NAME}", isabelle_name) .replace("{OUTFILE}", File.platform_path(isabelle_target + isabelle_exe)) .replace("{ICON}", File.platform_path(app_template + Path.explode("isabelle_transparent.ico"))) .replace("{SPLASH}", File.platform_path(app_template + Path.explode("isabelle.bmp"))) .replace("{CLASSPATH}", cat_lines(classpath.map(cp => " %EXEDIR%\\" + File.platform_path(cp).replace('/', '\\') + ""))) .replace("\\jdk\\", "\\" + jdk_component + "\\")) + val java_opts = + bash_java_opens( + "java.base/java.io", + "java.base/java.lang", + "java.base/java.lang.reflect", + "java.base/java.text", + "java.base/java.util", + "java.desktop/java.awt.font") + val launch4j_jar = + Path.explode("windows_app/launch4j-" + Platform.family + "/launch4j.jar") + execute(tmp_dir, - "env JAVA_HOME=" + File.bash_platform_path(java_home) + - " \"windows_app/launch4j-${ISABELLE_PLATFORM_FAMILY}/launch4j\" isabelle.xml") + cat_lines(List( + "export LAUNCH4J=" + File.bash_platform_path(launch4j_jar), + "isabelle java " + java_opts + " -jar \"$LAUNCH4J\" isabelle.xml"))) Isabelle_System.copy_file(app_template + Path.explode("manifest.xml"), isabelle_target + isabelle_exe.ext("manifest")) // Cygwin setup val cygwin_template = Path.explode("~~/Admin/Windows/Cygwin") Isabelle_System.copy_file(cygwin_template + Path.explode("Cygwin-Terminal.bat"), isabelle_target) val cygwin_mirror = File.read(isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/cygwin/isabelle/cygwin_mirror")) val cygwin_bat = Path.explode("Cygwin-Setup.bat") File.write(isabelle_target + cygwin_bat, File.read(cygwin_template + cygwin_bat).replace("{MIRROR}", cygwin_mirror)) File.set_executable(isabelle_target + cygwin_bat, true) for (name <- List("isabelle/postinstall", "isabelle/rebaseall")) { val path = Path.explode(name) Isabelle_System.copy_file(cygwin_template + path, isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/cygwin") + path) } execute(isabelle_target, """find . -type f -not -name "*.exe" -not -name "*.dll" """ + (if (Platform.is_macos) "-perm +100" else "-executable") + " -print0 > contrib/cygwin/isabelle/executables") execute(isabelle_target, """find . -type l -exec echo "{}" ";" -exec readlink "{}" ";" """ + """> contrib/cygwin/isabelle/symlinks""") execute(isabelle_target, """find . -type l -exec rm "{}" ";" """) File.write(isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/cygwin/isabelle/uninitialized"), "") // executable archive (self-extracting 7z) val archive_name = isabelle_name + ".7z" val exe_archive = tmp_dir + Path.explode(archive_name) exe_archive.file.delete progress.echo("Packaging " + archive_name + " ...") execute(tmp_dir, "7z -y -bd a " + File.bash_path(exe_archive) + " " + Bash.string(isabelle_name)) if (!exe_archive.is_file) error("Failed to create archive: " + exe_archive) val sfx_exe = tmp_dir + Path.explode("windows_app/7zsd_All_x64.sfx") val sfx_txt = File.read(Path.explode("~~/Admin/Windows/Installer/sfx.txt")) .replace("{ISABELLE_NAME}", isabelle_name) Bytes.write(context.dist_dir + isabelle_exe, Bytes.read(sfx_exe) + Bytes(sfx_txt) + Bytes.read(exe_archive)) File.set_executable(context.dist_dir + isabelle_exe, true) } }) progress.echo("DONE") } /* minimal website */ for (dir <- website) { val website_platform_bundles = for { bundle_info <- bundle_infos if (context.dist_dir + bundle_info.path).is_file } yield (bundle_info.name, bundle_info) val isabelle_link = HTML.link(Isabelle_System.isabelle_repository.changeset(archive.id), HTML.text("Isabelle/" + archive.id)) val afp_link = HTML.link(Isabelle_System.afp_repository.changeset(afp_rev), HTML.text("AFP/" + afp_rev)) HTML.write_document(dir, "index.html", List(HTML.title(context.dist_name)), List( HTML.section(context.dist_name), HTML.subsection("Downloads"), HTML.itemize( List(HTML.link(context.dist_name + ".tar.gz", HTML.text("Source archive"))) :: website_platform_bundles.map({ case (bundle, bundle_info) => List(HTML.link(bundle, HTML.text(bundle_info.platform_description + " bundle"))) })), HTML.subsection("Repositories"), HTML.itemize( List(List(isabelle_link)) ::: (if (afp_rev == "") Nil else List(List(afp_link)))))) Isabelle_System.copy_file(context.isabelle_archive, dir) for ((bundle, _) <- website_platform_bundles) { Isabelle_System.copy_file(context.dist_dir + Path.explode(bundle), dir) } } /* HTML library */ if (build_library) { if (context.isabelle_library_archive.is_file) { progress.echo_warning("Library archive already exists: " + context.isabelle_library_archive) } else { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build_release")(tmp_dir => { val bundle = context.dist_dir + Path.explode(context.dist_name + "_" + Platform.family + ".tar.gz") execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-xzf " + File.bash_path(bundle)) val other_isabelle = context.other_isabelle(tmp_dir) + Isabelle_System.make_directory(other_isabelle.etc) + File.write(other_isabelle.etc_settings, "ML_OPTIONS=\"--minheap 1000 --maxheap 4000\"\n") + other_isabelle.bash("bin/isabelle build -f -j " + parallel_jobs + " -o browser_info -o document=pdf -o document_variants=document:outline=/proof,/ML" + " -o system_heaps -c -a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'", echo = true).check other_isabelle.isabelle_home_user.file.delete execute(tmp_dir, "chmod -R a+r " + Bash.string(context.dist_name)) execute(tmp_dir, "chmod -R g=o " + Bash.string(context.dist_name)) execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-czf " + File.bash_path(context.isabelle_library_archive) + " " + Bash.string(context.dist_name + "/browser_info")) }) } } } /** command line entry point **/ - def default_java_home: Path = Path.explode("$JAVA_HOME").expand - def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Command_Line.tool { var afp_rev = "" var components_base: Path = Components.default_components_base var target_dir = Path.current - var java_home = default_java_home var release_name = "" var source_archive = "" var website: Option[Path] = None var build_sessions: List[String] = Nil var more_components: List[Path] = Nil var parallel_jobs = 1 var build_library = false var options = Options.init() var platform_families = default_platform_families var rev = "" val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: Admin/build_release [OPTIONS] Options are: -A REV corresponding AFP changeset id -C DIR base directory for Isabelle components (default: """ + Components.default_components_base + """) -D DIR target directory (default ".") - -J JAVA_HOME Java version for running launch4j (e.g. version 11) -R RELEASE explicit release name -S ARCHIVE use existing source archive (file or URL) -W WEBSITE produce minimal website in given directory -b SESSIONS build platform-specific session images (separated by commas) -c ARCHIVE clean bundling with additional component .tar.gz archive -j INT maximum number of parallel jobs (default 1) -l build library -o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME) -p NAMES platform families (default: """ + default_platform_families.mkString(",") + """) -r REV Mercurial changeset id (default: ARCHIVE or RELEASE or tip) Build Isabelle release in base directory, using the local repository clone. """, "A:" -> (arg => afp_rev = arg), "C:" -> (arg => components_base = Path.explode(arg)), "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), - "J:" -> (arg => java_home = Path.explode(arg)), "R:" -> (arg => release_name = arg), "S:" -> (arg => source_archive = arg), "W:" -> (arg => website = Some(Path.explode(arg))), "b:" -> (arg => build_sessions = space_explode(',', arg)), "c:" -> (arg => { val path = Path.explode(arg) Components.Archive.get_name(path.file_name) more_components = more_components ::: List(path) }), "j:" -> (arg => parallel_jobs = Value.Int.parse(arg)), "l" -> (_ => build_library = true), "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg), "p:" -> (arg => platform_families = space_explode(',', arg).map(Platform.Family.parse)), "r:" -> (arg => rev = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() if (platform_families.contains(Platform.Family.windows) && !Isabelle_System.bash("7z i").ok) error("Building for windows requires 7z") val progress = new Console_Progress() def make_context(name: String): Release_Context = Release_Context(target_dir, release_name = name, components_base = components_base, progress = progress) val context = if (source_archive.isEmpty) { val context = make_context(release_name) val version = proper_string(rev) orElse proper_string(release_name) getOrElse "tip" build_release_archive(context, version, parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs) context } else { val archive = Release_Archive.get(source_archive, rename = release_name, progress = progress) val context = make_context(archive.identifier) Isabelle_System.make_directory(context.dist_dir) use_release_archive(context, archive, id = rev) context } build_release(options, context, afp_rev = afp_rev, platform_families = platform_families, - java_home = java_home, more_components = more_components, build_sessions = build_sessions, + more_components = more_components, build_sessions = build_sessions, build_library = build_library, parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs, website = website) } } } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_status.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_status.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_status.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_status.scala @@ -1,625 +1,625 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_status.scala Author: Makarius Present recent build status information from database. */ package isabelle object Build_Status { /* defaults */ val default_target_dir = Path.explode("build_status") val default_image_size = (800, 600) val default_history = 30 def default_profiles: List[Profile] = Jenkins.build_status_profiles ::: Isabelle_Cronjob.build_status_profiles /* data profiles */ sealed case class Profile( description: String, history: Int = 0, afp: Boolean = false, bulky: Boolean = false, sql: String) { def days(options: Options): Int = options.int("build_log_history") max history def stretch(options: Options): Double = (days(options) max default_history min (default_history * 5)).toDouble / default_history def select(options: Options, columns: List[SQL.Column], only_sessions: Set[String]): SQL.Source = { Build_Log.Data.universal_table.select(columns, distinct = true, sql = "WHERE " + Build_Log.Data.pull_date(afp) + " > " + Build_Log.Data.recent_time(days(options)) + " AND " + SQL.member(Build_Log.Data.status.ident, List( Build_Log.Session_Status.finished.toString, Build_Log.Session_Status.failed.toString)) + (if (only_sessions.isEmpty) "" else " AND " + SQL.member(Build_Log.Data.session_name.ident, only_sessions)) + " AND " + SQL.enclose(sql)) } } /* build status */ def build_status(options: Options, progress: Progress = new Progress, profiles: List[Profile] = default_profiles, only_sessions: Set[String] = Set.empty, verbose: Boolean = false, target_dir: Path = default_target_dir, ml_statistics: Boolean = false, image_size: (Int, Int) = default_image_size): Unit = { val ml_statistics_domain = Iterator(ML_Statistics.heap_fields, ML_Statistics.program_fields, ML_Statistics.tasks_fields, ML_Statistics.workers_fields).flatMap(_._2).toSet val data = read_data(options, progress = progress, profiles = profiles, only_sessions = only_sessions, verbose = verbose, ml_statistics = ml_statistics, ml_statistics_domain = ml_statistics_domain) present_data(data, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir, image_size = image_size) } /* read data */ sealed case class Data(date: Date, entries: List[Data_Entry]) sealed case class Data_Entry( name: String, hosts: List[String], stretch: Double, sessions: List[Session]) { def failed_sessions: List[Session] = sessions.filter(_.head.failed).sortBy(_.name) } sealed case class Session( name: String, threads: Int, entries: List[Entry], ml_statistics: ML_Statistics, ml_statistics_date: Long) { require(entries.nonEmpty, "no entries") lazy val sorted_entries: List[Entry] = entries.sortBy(entry => - entry.date) def head: Entry = sorted_entries.head def order: Long = - head.timing.elapsed.ms def finished_entries: List[Entry] = sorted_entries.filter(_.finished) def finished_entries_size: Int = finished_entries.map(_.date).toSet.size def check_timing: Boolean = finished_entries_size >= 3 def check_heap: Boolean = finished_entries_size >= 3 && finished_entries.forall(entry => entry.maximum_heap > 0 || entry.average_heap > 0 || entry.stored_heap > 0) def make_csv: CSV.File = { val header = List("session_name", "chapter", "pull_date", "afp_pull_date", "isabelle_version", "afp_version", "timing_elapsed", "timing_cpu", "timing_gc", "ml_timing_elapsed", "ml_timing_cpu", "ml_timing_gc", "maximum_code", "average_code", "maximum_stack", "average_stack", "maximum_heap", "average_heap", "stored_heap", "status") val date_format = Date.Format("uuuu-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") val records = for (entry <- sorted_entries) yield { CSV.Record(name, entry.chapter, date_format(entry.pull_date), entry.afp_pull_date match { case Some(date) => date_format(date) case None => "" }, entry.isabelle_version, entry.afp_version, entry.timing.elapsed.ms, entry.timing.cpu.ms, entry.timing.gc.ms, entry.ml_timing.elapsed.ms, entry.ml_timing.cpu.ms, entry.ml_timing.gc.ms, entry.maximum_code, entry.average_code, entry.maximum_stack, entry.average_stack, entry.maximum_heap, entry.average_heap, entry.stored_heap, entry.status) } CSV.File(name, header, records) } } sealed case class Entry( chapter: String, pull_date: Date, afp_pull_date: Option[Date], isabelle_version: String, afp_version: String, timing: Timing, ml_timing: Timing, maximum_code: Long, average_code: Long, maximum_stack: Long, average_stack: Long, maximum_heap: Long, average_heap: Long, stored_heap: Long, status: Build_Log.Session_Status.Value, errors: List[String]) { val date: Long = (afp_pull_date getOrElse pull_date).unix_epoch def finished: Boolean = status == Build_Log.Session_Status.finished def failed: Boolean = status == Build_Log.Session_Status.failed def present_errors(name: String): XML.Body = { if (errors.isEmpty) HTML.text(name + print_version(isabelle_version, afp_version, chapter)) else { HTML.tooltip_errors(HTML.text(name), errors.map(s => HTML.text(Symbol.decode(s)))) :: HTML.text(print_version(isabelle_version, afp_version, chapter)) } } } sealed case class Image(name: String, width: Int, height: Int) { def path: Path = Path.basic(name) } def print_version( isabelle_version: String, afp_version: String = "", chapter: String = AFP.chapter): String = { val body = proper_string(isabelle_version).map("Isabelle/" + _).toList ::: (if (chapter == AFP.chapter) proper_string(afp_version).map("AFP/" + _) else None).toList if (body.isEmpty) "" else body.mkString(" (", ", ", ")") } def read_data(options: Options, progress: Progress = new Progress, profiles: List[Profile] = default_profiles, only_sessions: Set[String] = Set.empty, ml_statistics: Boolean = false, - ml_statistics_domain: String => Boolean = (key: String) => true, + ml_statistics_domain: String => Boolean = _ => true, verbose: Boolean = false): Data = { val date = Date.now() var data_hosts = Map.empty[String, Set[String]] var data_stretch = Map.empty[String, Double] var data_entries = Map.empty[String, Map[String, Session]] def get_hosts(data_name: String): Set[String] = data_hosts.getOrElse(data_name, Set.empty) val store = Build_Log.store(options) using(store.open_database())(db => { for (profile <- profiles.sortBy(_.description)) { progress.echo("input " + quote(profile.description)) val afp = profile.afp val columns = List( Build_Log.Data.pull_date(afp = false), Build_Log.Data.pull_date(afp = true), Build_Log.Prop.build_host, Build_Log.Prop.isabelle_version, Build_Log.Prop.afp_version, Build_Log.Settings.ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS, Build_Log.Settings.ML_PLATFORM, Build_Log.Data.session_name, Build_Log.Data.chapter, Build_Log.Data.groups, Build_Log.Data.threads, Build_Log.Data.timing_elapsed, Build_Log.Data.timing_cpu, Build_Log.Data.timing_gc, Build_Log.Data.ml_timing_elapsed, Build_Log.Data.ml_timing_cpu, Build_Log.Data.ml_timing_gc, Build_Log.Data.heap_size, Build_Log.Data.status, Build_Log.Data.errors) ::: (if (ml_statistics) List(Build_Log.Data.ml_statistics) else Nil) val Threads_Option = """threads\s*=\s*(\d+)""".r val sql = profile.select(options, columns, only_sessions) progress.echo_if(verbose, sql) db.using_statement(sql)(stmt => { val res = stmt.execute_query() while (res.next()) { val session_name = res.string(Build_Log.Data.session_name) val chapter = res.string(Build_Log.Data.chapter) val groups = split_lines(res.string(Build_Log.Data.groups)) val threads = { val threads1 = res.string(Build_Log.Settings.ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS) match { case Threads_Option(Value.Int(i)) => i case _ => 1 } val threads2 = res.get_int(Build_Log.Data.threads).getOrElse(1) threads1 max threads2 } val ml_platform = res.string(Build_Log.Settings.ML_PLATFORM) val ml_platform_64 = ml_platform.startsWith("x86_64-") || ml_platform.startsWith("arm64-") val data_name = profile.description + (if (ml_platform_64) ", 64bit" else "") + (if (threads == 1) "" else ", " + threads + " threads") res.get_string(Build_Log.Prop.build_host).foreach(host => data_hosts += (data_name -> (get_hosts(data_name) + host))) data_stretch += (data_name -> profile.stretch(options)) val isabelle_version = res.string(Build_Log.Prop.isabelle_version) val afp_version = res.string(Build_Log.Prop.afp_version) val ml_stats = ML_Statistics( if (ml_statistics) { Properties.uncompress(res.bytes(Build_Log.Data.ml_statistics), cache = store.cache) } else Nil, domain = ml_statistics_domain, heading = session_name + print_version(isabelle_version, afp_version, chapter)) val entry = Entry( chapter = chapter, pull_date = res.date(Build_Log.Data.pull_date(afp = false)), afp_pull_date = if (afp) res.get_date(Build_Log.Data.pull_date(afp = true)) else None, isabelle_version = isabelle_version, afp_version = afp_version, timing = res.timing( Build_Log.Data.timing_elapsed, Build_Log.Data.timing_cpu, Build_Log.Data.timing_gc), ml_timing = res.timing( Build_Log.Data.ml_timing_elapsed, Build_Log.Data.ml_timing_cpu, Build_Log.Data.ml_timing_gc), maximum_code = ml_stats.maximum(ML_Statistics.CODE_SIZE).toLong, average_code = ml_stats.average(ML_Statistics.CODE_SIZE).toLong, maximum_stack = ml_stats.maximum(ML_Statistics.STACK_SIZE).toLong, average_stack = ml_stats.average(ML_Statistics.STACK_SIZE).toLong, maximum_heap = ml_stats.maximum(ML_Statistics.HEAP_SIZE).toLong, average_heap = ml_stats.average(ML_Statistics.HEAP_SIZE).toLong, stored_heap = ML_Statistics.mem_scale(res.long(Build_Log.Data.heap_size)), status = Build_Log.Session_Status.withName(res.string(Build_Log.Data.status)), errors = Build_Log.uncompress_errors( res.bytes(Build_Log.Data.errors), cache = store.cache)) val sessions = data_entries.getOrElse(data_name, Map.empty) val session = sessions.get(session_name) match { case None => Session(session_name, threads, List(entry), ml_stats, entry.date) case Some(old) => val (ml_stats1, ml_stats1_date) = if (entry.date > old.ml_statistics_date) (ml_stats, entry.date) else (old.ml_statistics, old.ml_statistics_date) Session(session_name, threads, entry :: old.entries, ml_stats1, ml_stats1_date) } if ((!afp || chapter == AFP.chapter) && (!profile.bulky || groups.exists(AFP.groups_bulky.toSet))) { data_entries += (data_name -> (sessions + (session_name -> session))) } } }) } }) val sorted_entries = (for { (name, sessions) <- data_entries.toList sorted_sessions <- proper_list(sessions.toList.map(_._2).sortBy(_.order)) } yield { val hosts = get_hosts(name).toList.sorted val stretch = data_stretch(name) Data_Entry(name, hosts, stretch, sorted_sessions) }).sortBy(_.name) Data(date, sorted_entries) } /* present data */ def present_data(data: Data, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = default_target_dir, image_size: (Int, Int) = default_image_size): Unit = { def clean_name(name: String): String = name.flatMap(c => if (c == ' ' || c == '/') "_" else if (c == ',') "" else c.toString) HTML.write_document(target_dir, "index.html", List(HTML.title("Isabelle build status")), List(HTML.chapter("Isabelle build status"), HTML.par( List(HTML.description( List(HTML.text("status date:") -> HTML.text(data.date.toString))))), HTML.par( - List(HTML.itemize(data.entries.map({ case data_entry => + List(HTML.itemize(data.entries.map(data_entry => List( HTML.link(clean_name(data_entry.name) + "/index.html", HTML.text(data_entry.name))) ::: (data_entry.failed_sessions match { case Nil => Nil case sessions => HTML.break ::: List(HTML.span(HTML.error_message, HTML.text("Failed sessions:"))) ::: List(HTML.itemize(sessions.map(s => s.head.present_errors(s.name)))) }) - })))))) + )))))) for (data_entry <- data.entries) { val data_name = data_entry.name val (image_width, image_height) = image_size val image_width_stretch = (image_width * data_entry.stretch).toInt progress.echo("output " + quote(data_name)) val dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(target_dir + Path.basic(clean_name(data_name))) val data_files = (for (session <- data_entry.sessions) yield { val csv_file = session.make_csv csv_file.write(dir) session.name -> csv_file }).toMap val session_plots = Par_List.map((session: Session) => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file(session.name, "data") { data_file => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file(session.name, "gnuplot") { gnuplot_file => def plot_name(kind: String): String = session.name + "_" + kind + ".png" File.write(data_file, cat_lines( session.finished_entries.map(entry => List(entry.date.toString, entry.timing.elapsed.minutes.toString, entry.timing.resources.minutes.toString, entry.ml_timing.elapsed.minutes.toString, entry.ml_timing.resources.minutes.toString, entry.maximum_code.toString, - entry.maximum_code.toString, + entry.average_code.toString, + entry.maximum_stack.toString, entry.average_stack.toString, - entry.maximum_stack.toString, - entry.average_heap.toString, + entry.maximum_heap.toString, entry.average_heap.toString, entry.stored_heap.toString).mkString(" ")))) val max_time = (session.finished_entries.foldLeft(0.0) { case (m, entry) => m.max(entry.timing.elapsed.minutes). max(entry.timing.resources.minutes). max(entry.ml_timing.elapsed.minutes). max(entry.ml_timing.resources.minutes) } max 0.1) * 1.1 val timing_range = "[0:" + max_time + "]" def gnuplot(plot_name: String, plots: List[String], range: String): Image = { val image = Image(plot_name, image_width_stretch, image_height) File.write(gnuplot_file, """ set terminal png size """ + image.width + "," + image.height + """ set output """ + quote(File.standard_path(dir + image.path)) + """ set xdata time set timefmt "%s" set format x "%d-%b" set xlabel """ + quote(session.name) + """ noenhanced set key left bottom plot [] """ + range + " " + plots.map(s => quote(data_file.implode) + " " + s).mkString(", ") + "\n") val result = Isabelle_System.bash("\"$ISABELLE_GNUPLOT\" " + File.bash_path(gnuplot_file)) if (!result.ok) result.error("Gnuplot failed for " + data_name + "/" + plot_name).check image } val timing_plots = { val plots1 = List( """ using 1:2 smooth sbezier title "elapsed time (smooth)" """, """ using 1:2 smooth csplines title "elapsed time" """) val plots2 = List( """ using 1:3 smooth sbezier title "cpu time (smooth)" """, """ using 1:3 smooth csplines title "cpu time" """) if (session.threads == 1) plots1 else plots1 ::: plots2 } val ml_timing_plots = List( """ using 1:4 smooth sbezier title "ML elapsed time (smooth)" """, """ using 1:4 smooth csplines title "ML elapsed time" """, """ using 1:5 smooth sbezier title "ML cpu time (smooth)" """, """ using 1:5 smooth csplines title "ML cpu time" """) val heap_plots = List( """ using 1:10 smooth sbezier title "heap maximum (smooth)" """, """ using 1:10 smooth csplines title "heap maximum" """, """ using 1:11 smooth sbezier title "heap average (smooth)" """, """ using 1:11 smooth csplines title "heap average" """, """ using 1:12 smooth sbezier title "heap stored (smooth)" """, """ using 1:12 smooth csplines title "heap stored" """) def jfreechart(plot_name: String, fields: ML_Statistics.Fields): Image = { val image = Image(plot_name, image_width, image_height) val chart = session.ml_statistics.chart( fields._1 + ": " + session.ml_statistics.heading, fields._2) Graphics_File.write_chart_png( (dir + image.path).file, chart, image.width, image.height) image } val images = (if (session.check_timing) List( gnuplot(plot_name("timing"), timing_plots, timing_range), gnuplot(plot_name("ml_timing"), ml_timing_plots, timing_range)) else Nil) ::: (if (session.check_heap) List(gnuplot(plot_name("heap"), heap_plots, "[0:]")) else Nil) ::: (if (session.ml_statistics.content.nonEmpty) List(jfreechart(plot_name("heap_chart"), ML_Statistics.heap_fields), jfreechart(plot_name("program_chart"), ML_Statistics.program_fields)) ::: (if (session.threads > 1) List( jfreechart(plot_name("tasks_chart"), ML_Statistics.tasks_fields), jfreechart(plot_name("workers_chart"), ML_Statistics.workers_fields)) else Nil) else Nil) session.name -> images } }, data_entry.sessions).toMap HTML.write_document(dir, "index.html", List(HTML.title("Isabelle build status for " + data_name)), HTML.chapter("Isabelle build status for " + data_name) :: HTML.par( List(HTML.description( List( HTML.text("status date:") -> HTML.text(data.date.toString), HTML.text("build host:") -> HTML.text(commas(data_entry.hosts)))))) :: HTML.par( List(HTML.itemize( data_entry.sessions.map(session => HTML.link("#session_" + session.name, HTML.text(session.name)) :: HTML.text(" (" + session.head.timing.message_resources + ")"))))) :: data_entry.sessions.flatMap(session => List( HTML.section(HTML.id("session_" + session.name), session.name), HTML.par( HTML.description( List( HTML.text("data:") -> List(HTML.link(data_files(session.name).file_name, HTML.text("CSV"))), HTML.text("timing:") -> HTML.text(session.head.timing.message_resources), HTML.text("ML timing:") -> HTML.text(session.head.ml_timing.message_resources)) ::: ML_Statistics.mem_print(session.head.maximum_code).map(s => HTML.text("code maximum:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: ML_Statistics.mem_print(session.head.average_code).map(s => HTML.text("code average:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: ML_Statistics.mem_print(session.head.maximum_stack).map(s => HTML.text("stack maximum:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: ML_Statistics.mem_print(session.head.average_stack).map(s => HTML.text("stack average:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: ML_Statistics.mem_print(session.head.maximum_heap).map(s => HTML.text("heap maximum:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: ML_Statistics.mem_print(session.head.average_heap).map(s => HTML.text("heap average:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: ML_Statistics.mem_print(session.head.stored_heap).map(s => HTML.text("heap stored:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: proper_string(session.head.isabelle_version).map(s => HTML.text("Isabelle version:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList ::: proper_string(session.head.afp_version).map(s => HTML.text("AFP version:") -> HTML.text(s)).toList) :: session_plots.getOrElse(session.name, Nil).map(image => HTML.size(image.width / 2, image.height / 2)(HTML.image(image.name))))))) } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_status", "present recent build status information from database", Scala_Project.here, args => { var target_dir = default_target_dir var ml_statistics = false var only_sessions = Set.empty[String] var options = Options.init() var image_size = default_image_size var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_status [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default """ + default_target_dir + """) -M include full ML statistics -S SESSIONS only given SESSIONS (comma separated) -l DAYS length of relevant history (default """ + options.int("build_log_history") + """) -o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME) -s WxH size of PNG image (default """ + image_size._1 + "x" + image_size._2 + """) -v verbose Present performance statistics from build log database, which is specified via system options build_log_database_host, build_log_database_user, build_log_history etc. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "M" -> (_ => ml_statistics = true), "S:" -> (arg => only_sessions = space_explode(',', arg).toSet), "l:" -> (arg => options = options + ("build_log_history=" + arg)), "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg), "s:" -> (arg => - space_explode('x', arg).map(Value.Int.parse(_)) match { + space_explode('x', arg).map(Value.Int.parse) match { case List(w, h) if w > 0 && h > 0 => image_size = (w, h) case _ => error("Error bad PNG image size: " + quote(arg)) }), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress build_status(options, progress = progress, only_sessions = only_sessions, verbose = verbose, target_dir = target_dir, ml_statistics = ml_statistics, image_size = image_size) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala @@ -1,652 +1,652 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala Author: Makarius Main entry point for administrative cronjob at TUM. */ package isabelle import java.nio.file.Files import scala.annotation.tailrec object Isabelle_Cronjob { /* global resources: owned by main cronjob */ val backup = "lxbroy10:cronjob" val main_dir: Path = Path.explode("~/cronjob") val main_state_file: Path = main_dir + Path.explode("run/main.state") val current_log: Path = main_dir + Path.explode("run/main.log") // owned by log service val cumulative_log: Path = main_dir + Path.explode("log/main.log") // owned by log service val isabelle_repos: Path = main_dir + Path.explode("isabelle") val afp_repos: Path = main_dir + Path.explode("AFP") val mailman_archives_dir = Path.explode("~/cronjob/Mailman") val build_log_dirs = List(Path.explode("~/log"), Path.explode("~/afp/log"), Path.explode("~/cronjob/log")) /** logger tasks **/ sealed case class Logger_Task(name: String = "", body: Logger => Unit) /* init and exit */ def get_rev(): String = Mercurial.repository(isabelle_repos).id() def get_afp_rev(): String = Mercurial.repository(afp_repos).id() val init: Logger_Task = Logger_Task("init", logger => { Isabelle_Devel.make_index() Mercurial.setup_repository(Isabelle_System.isabelle_repository.root, isabelle_repos) Mercurial.setup_repository(Isabelle_System.afp_repository.root, afp_repos) File.write(logger.log_dir + Build_Log.log_filename("isabelle_identify", logger.start_date), Build_Log.Identify.content(logger.start_date, Some(get_rev()), Some(get_afp_rev()))) Isabelle_System.bash( """rsync -a --include="*/" --include="plain_identify*" --exclude="*" """ + Bash.string(backup + "/log/.") + " " + File.bash_path(main_dir) + "/log/.").check if (!Isabelle_Devel.cronjob_log.is_file) Files.createSymbolicLink(Isabelle_Devel.cronjob_log.java_path, current_log.java_path) }) val exit: Logger_Task = Logger_Task("exit", logger => { Isabelle_System.bash( "rsync -a " + File.bash_path(main_dir) + "/log/." + " " + Bash.string(backup) + "/log/.") .check }) /* Mailman archives */ val mailman_archives: Logger_Task = Logger_Task("mailman_archives", logger => { Mailman.isabelle_users.download(mailman_archives_dir) Mailman.isabelle_dev.download(mailman_archives_dir) }) /* build release */ val build_release: Logger_Task = Logger_Task("build_release", logger => { Isabelle_Devel.release_snapshot(logger.options, get_rev(), get_afp_rev()) }) /* remote build_history */ sealed case class Item( known: Boolean, isabelle_version: String, afp_version: Option[String], pull_date: Date) { def unknown: Boolean = !known def versions: (String, Option[String]) = (isabelle_version, afp_version) def known_versions(rev: String, afp_rev: Option[String]): Boolean = known && rev != "" && isabelle_version == rev && (afp_rev.isEmpty || afp_rev.get != "" && afp_version == afp_rev) } def recent_items(db: SQL.Database, days: Int, rev: String, afp_rev: Option[String], sql: SQL.Source): List[Item] = { val afp = afp_rev.isDefined val select = Build_Log.Data.select_recent_versions( days = days, rev = rev, afp_rev = afp_rev, sql = "WHERE " + sql) db.using_statement(select)(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(res => { val known = res.bool(Build_Log.Data.known) val isabelle_version = res.string(Build_Log.Prop.isabelle_version) val afp_version = if (afp) proper_string(res.string(Build_Log.Prop.afp_version)) else None val pull_date = res.date(Build_Log.Data.pull_date(afp)) Item(known, isabelle_version, afp_version, pull_date) }).toList) } def unknown_runs(items: List[Item]): List[List[Item]] = { val (run, rest) = Library.take_prefix[Item](_.unknown, items.dropWhile(_.known)) if (run.nonEmpty) run :: unknown_runs(rest) else Nil } sealed case class Remote_Build( description: String, host: String, actual_host: String = "", user: String = "", port: Int = 0, proxy_host: String = "", proxy_user: String = "", proxy_port: Int = 0, self_update: Boolean = false, historic: Boolean = false, history: Int = 0, history_base: String = "build_history_base", java_heap: String = "", options: String = "", args: String = "", afp: Boolean = false, bulky: Boolean = false, more_hosts: List[String] = Nil, detect: SQL.Source = "", active: Boolean = true) { def ssh_session(context: SSH.Context): SSH.Session = context.open_session(host = host, user = user, port = port, actual_host = actual_host, proxy_host = proxy_host, proxy_user = proxy_user, proxy_port = proxy_port, permissive = proxy_host.nonEmpty) def sql: SQL.Source = Build_Log.Prop.build_engine.toString + " = " + SQL.string(Build_History.engine) + " AND " + SQL.member(Build_Log.Prop.build_host.ident, host :: more_hosts) + (if (detect == "") "" else " AND " + SQL.enclose(detect)) def profile: Build_Status.Profile = Build_Status.Profile(description, history = history, afp = afp, bulky = bulky, sql = sql) def pick( options: Options, rev: String = "", filter: Item => Boolean = _ => true): Option[(String, Option[String])] = { val afp_rev = if (afp) Some(get_afp_rev()) else None val store = Build_Log.store(options) using(store.open_database())(db => { def pick_days(days: Int, gap: Int): Option[(String, Option[String])] = { val items = recent_items(db, days, rev, afp_rev, sql).filter(filter) def runs = unknown_runs(items).filter(run => run.length >= gap) if (historic || items.exists(_.known_versions(rev, afp_rev))) { val longest_run = runs.foldLeft(List.empty[Item]) { case (item1, item2) => if (item1.length >= item2.length) item1 else item2 } if (longest_run.isEmpty) None else Some(longest_run(longest_run.length / 2).versions) } else if (rev != "") Some((rev, afp_rev)) else runs.flatten.headOption.map(_.versions) } pick_days(options.int("build_log_history") max history, 2) orElse pick_days(200, 5) orElse pick_days(2000, 1) }) } def build_history_options: String = " -h " + Bash.string(host) + " " + (java_heap match { case "" => "" case h => "-e 'ISABELLE_TOOL_JAVA_OPTIONS=\"$ISABELLE_TOOL_JAVA_OPTIONS -Xmx" + h + "\"' " }) + options } val remote_builds_old: List[Remote_Build] = List( Remote_Build("Linux A", "i21of4", user = "i21isatest", proxy_host = "lxbroy10", proxy_user = "i21isatest", self_update = true, options = "-m32 -M1x4,2,4" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAML_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_MLTON=mlton" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=sml" + " -e ISABELLE_SWIPL=swipl", args = "-a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'"), Remote_Build("Linux A", "lxbroy9", java_heap = "2g", options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2", args = "-N -g timing"), Remote_Build("Linux Benchmarks", "lxbroy5", historic = true, history = 90, java_heap = "2g", options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2 -t Benchmarks" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC=ghc -e ISABELLE_MLTON=mlton -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND=ocamlfind -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=sml" + " -e ISABELLE_SWIPL=swipl", args = "-N -a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("Benchmarks")), Remote_Build("macOS 10.14 Mojave (Old)", "lapnipkow3", options = "-m32 -M1,2 -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true -p pide_session=false", self_update = true, args = "-a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'"), Remote_Build("AFP old bulky", "lrzcloud1", self_update = true, proxy_host = "lxbroy10", proxy_user = "i21isatest", options = "-m64 -M6 -U30000 -s10 -t AFP", args = "-g large -g slow", afp = true, bulky = true, detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("AFP")), Remote_Build("AFP old", "lxbroy7", args = "-N -X large -X slow", afp = true, detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("AFP")), Remote_Build("Poly/ML 5.7 Linux", "lxbroy8", history_base = "37074e22e8be", options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2 -t polyml-5.7 -i 'init_component /home/isabelle/contrib/polyml-5.7'", args = "-N -g timing", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("polyml-5.7") + " AND " + Build_Log.Settings.ML_OPTIONS + " <> " + SQL.string("-H 500")), Remote_Build("Poly/ML 5.7.1 Linux", "lxbroy8", history_base = "a9d5b59c3e12", options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2 -t polyml-5.7.1-pre2 -i 'init_component /home/isabelle/contrib/polyml-test-905dae2ebfda'", args = "-N -g timing", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("polyml-5.7.1-pre1") + " OR " + Build_Log.Prop.build_tags + " = " + SQL.string("polyml-5.7.1-pre2")), Remote_Build("Poly/ML 5.7 macOS", "macbroy2", history_base = "37074e22e8be", options = "-m32 -B -M1x4,4 -t polyml-5.7 -i 'init_component /home/isabelle/contrib/polyml-5.7'", args = "-a", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("polyml-5.7")), Remote_Build("Poly/ML 5.7.1 macOS", "macbroy2", history_base = "a9d5b59c3e12", options = "-m32 -B -M1x4,4 -t polyml-5.7.1-pre2 -i 'init_component /home/isabelle/contrib/polyml-test-905dae2ebfda'", args = "-a", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("polyml-5.7.1-pre1") + " OR " + Build_Log.Prop.build_tags + " = " + SQL.string("polyml-5.7.1-pre2")), Remote_Build("macOS", "macbroy2", options = "-m32 -M8" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC=ghc -e ISABELLE_MLTON=mlton -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAML_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_OPAM_ROOT=\"$ISABELLE_HOME/opam\"" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=/home/isabelle/smlnj/110.85/bin/sml" + " -p pide_session=false", args = "-a", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.undefined, history_base = "2c0f24e927dd"), Remote_Build("macOS, quick_and_dirty", "macbroy2", options = "-m32 -M8 -t quick_and_dirty -p pide_session=false", args = "-a -o quick_and_dirty", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("quick_and_dirty"), history_base = "2c0f24e927dd"), Remote_Build("macOS, skip_proofs", "macbroy2", options = "-m32 -M8 -t skip_proofs -p pide_session=false", args = "-a -o skip_proofs", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("skip_proofs"), history_base = "2c0f24e927dd"), Remote_Build("Poly/ML test", "lxbroy8", options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2 -t polyml-test -i 'init_component /home/isabelle/contrib/polyml-5.7-20170217'", args = "-N -g timing", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("polyml-test")), Remote_Build("macOS 10.12 Sierra", "macbroy30", options = "-m32 -M2 -p pide_session=false", args = "-a", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_start.toString + " > date '2017-03-03'"), Remote_Build("macOS 10.10 Yosemite", "macbroy31", options = "-m32 -M2 -p pide_session=false", args = "-a"), Remote_Build("macOS 10.8 Mountain Lion", "macbroy30", options = "-m32 -M2", args = "-a", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_start.toString + " < date '2017-03-03'")) ::: { for { (n, hosts) <- List(1 -> List("lxbroy6"), 2 -> List("lxbroy8", "lxbroy5")) } yield { Remote_Build("AFP old", host = hosts.head, more_hosts = hosts.tail, options = "-m32 -M1x2 -t AFP -P" + n + " -e ISABELLE_GHC=ghc" + " -e ISABELLE_MLTON=mlton" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND=ocamlfind" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=sml", args = "-N -X large -X slow", afp = true, detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("AFP")) } } val remote_builds1: List[List[Remote_Build]] = { List( List(Remote_Build("Linux A", "augsburg1", - options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2,4" + + options = "-m32 -B -M4" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND=ocamlfind" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_MLTON=mlton" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=sml" + " -e ISABELLE_SWIPL=swipl", self_update = true, args = "-a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'")), List(Remote_Build("Linux B", "lxbroy10", historic = true, history = 90, options = "-m32 -B -M1x4,2,4,6", args = "-N -g timing")), List(Remote_Build("macOS 10.13 High Sierra", "lapbroy68", options = "-m32 -B -M1,2,4 -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true -p pide_session=false", self_update = true, args = "-a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'")), List( Remote_Build("macOS 11 Big Sur", "mini1", options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2,4 -p pide_session=false" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAML_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_MLTON=/usr/local/bin/mlton" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=/usr/local/smlnj/bin/sml" + " -e ISABELLE_SWIPL=/usr/local/bin/swipl", self_update = true, args = "-a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'")), List( Remote_Build("macOS 10.14 Mojave", "mini2", options = "-m32 -B -M1x2,2,4 -p pide_session=false" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAML_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_MLTON=/usr/local/bin/mlton" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=/usr/local/smlnj/bin/sml" + " -e ISABELLE_SWIPL=/usr/local/bin/swipl", self_update = true, args = "-a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'"), Remote_Build("macOS, quick_and_dirty", "mini2", options = "-m32 -M4 -t quick_and_dirty -p pide_session=false", self_update = true, args = "-a -o quick_and_dirty", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("quick_and_dirty")), Remote_Build("macOS, skip_proofs", "mini2", options = "-m32 -M4 -t skip_proofs -p pide_session=false", args = "-a -o skip_proofs", detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("skip_proofs"))), List(Remote_Build("macOS 10.15 Catalina", "laramac01", user = "makarius", proxy_host = "laraserver", proxy_user = "makarius", self_update = true, options = "-m32 -M4 -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true -p pide_session=false", args = "-a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'")), List( Remote_Build("Windows", "vmnipkow9", historic = true, history = 90, self_update = true, options = "-m32 -M4" + " -C /cygdrive/d/isatest/contrib" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAML_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=/usr/local/smlnj-110.81/bin/sml", args = "-a", detect = Build_Log.Settings.ML_PLATFORM.toString + " = " + SQL.string("x86-windows") + " OR " + Build_Log.Settings.ML_PLATFORM + " = " + SQL.string("x86_64_32-windows")), Remote_Build("Windows", "vmnipkow9", historic = true, history = 90, self_update = true, options = "-m64 -M4" + " -C /cygdrive/d/isatest/contrib" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAML_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC_SETUP=true" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=/usr/local/smlnj-110.81/bin/sml", args = "-a", detect = Build_Log.Settings.ML_PLATFORM.toString + " = " + SQL.string("x86_64-windows")))) } val remote_builds2: List[List[Remote_Build]] = List( List( Remote_Build("AFP", "lrzcloud2", actual_host = "", self_update = true, proxy_host = "lxbroy10", proxy_user = "i21isatest", java_heap = "8g", options = "-m32 -M1x6 -t AFP" + " -e ISABELLE_GHC=ghc" + " -e ISABELLE_MLTON=mlton" + " -e ISABELLE_OCAML=ocaml -e ISABELLE_OCAMLC=ocamlc -e ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND=ocamlfind" + " -e ISABELLE_SMLNJ=sml", args = "-a -X large -X slow", afp = true, detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("AFP")), Remote_Build("AFP", "lrzcloud2", actual_host = "", self_update = true, proxy_host = "lxbroy10", proxy_user = "i21isatest", java_heap = "8g", options = "-m64 -M8 -U30000 -s10 -t AFP", args = "-g large -g slow", afp = true, bulky = true, detect = Build_Log.Prop.build_tags.toString + " = " + SQL.string("AFP")))) def remote_build_history(rev: String, afp_rev: Option[String], i: Int, r: Remote_Build) : Logger_Task = { val task_name = "build_history-" + r.host Logger_Task(task_name, logger => { using(r.ssh_session(logger.ssh_context))(ssh => { val results = Build_History.remote_build_history(ssh, isabelle_repos, isabelle_repos.ext(r.host), isabelle_identifier = "cronjob_build_history", self_update = r.self_update, rev = rev, afp_rev = afp_rev, options = " -N " + Bash.string(task_name) + (if (i < 0) "" else "_" + (i + 1).toString) + " -R " + Bash.string(Components.default_component_repository) + " -C '$USER_HOME/.isabelle/contrib' -f " + r.build_history_options, args = "-o timeout=10800 " + r.args) for ((log_name, bytes) <- results) { logger.log(Date.now(), log_name) Bytes.write(logger.log_dir + Path.explode(log_name), bytes) } }) }) } val build_status_profiles: List[Build_Status.Profile] = (remote_builds_old :: remote_builds1 ::: remote_builds2).flatten.map(_.profile) /** task logging **/ object Log_Service { def apply(options: Options, progress: Progress = new Progress): Log_Service = new Log_Service(SSH.init_context(options), progress) } class Log_Service private(val ssh_context: SSH.Context, progress: Progress) { current_log.file.delete private val thread: Consumer_Thread[String] = Consumer_Thread.fork("cronjob: logger", daemon = true)( consume = (text: String) => { // critical File.append(current_log, text + "\n") File.append(cumulative_log, text + "\n") progress.echo(text) true }) def shutdown(): Unit = { thread.shutdown() } val hostname: String = Isabelle_System.hostname() def log(date: Date, task_name: String, msg: String): Unit = if (task_name != "") thread.send( "[" + Build_Log.print_date(date) + ", " + hostname + ", " + task_name + "]: " + msg) def start_logger(start_date: Date, task_name: String): Logger = new Logger(this, start_date, task_name) def run_task(start_date: Date, task: Logger_Task): Unit = { val logger = start_logger(start_date, task.name) val res = Exn.capture { task.body(logger) } val end_date = Date.now() val err = res match { case Exn.Res(_) => None case Exn.Exn(exn) => Output.writeln("Exception trace for " + quote(task.name) + ":") exn.printStackTrace() val first_line = split_lines(Exn.message(exn)).headOption getOrElse "exception" Some(first_line) } logger.log_end(end_date, err) } def fork_task(start_date: Date, task: Logger_Task): Task = new Task(task.name, run_task(start_date, task)) } class Logger private[Isabelle_Cronjob]( val log_service: Log_Service, val start_date: Date, val task_name: String) { def ssh_context: SSH.Context = log_service.ssh_context def options: Options = ssh_context.options def log(date: Date, msg: String): Unit = log_service.log(date, task_name, msg) def log_end(end_date: Date, err: Option[String]): Unit = { val elapsed_time = end_date.time - start_date.time val msg = (if (err.isEmpty) "finished" else "ERROR " + err.get) + (if (elapsed_time.seconds < 3.0) "" else " (" + elapsed_time.message_hms + " elapsed time)") log(end_date, msg) } val log_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(main_dir + Build_Log.log_subdir(start_date)) log(start_date, "started") } class Task private[Isabelle_Cronjob](name: String, body: => Unit) { private val future: Future[Unit] = Future.thread("cronjob: " + name) { body } def is_finished: Boolean = future.is_finished } /** cronjob **/ def cronjob(progress: Progress, exclude_task: Set[String]): Unit = { /* soft lock */ val still_running = try { Some(File.read(main_state_file)) } catch { case ERROR(_) => None } still_running match { case None | Some("") => case Some(running) => error("Isabelle cronjob appears to be still running: " + running) } /* log service */ val log_service = Log_Service(Options.init(), progress = progress) def run(start_date: Date, task: Logger_Task): Unit = log_service.run_task(start_date, task) def run_now(task: Logger_Task): Unit = run(Date.now(), task) /* structured tasks */ def SEQ(tasks: List[Logger_Task]): Logger_Task = Logger_Task(body = _ => for (task <- tasks.iterator if !exclude_task(task.name) || task.name == "") run_now(task)) def PAR(tasks: List[Logger_Task]): Logger_Task = Logger_Task(body = _ => { @tailrec def join(running: List[Task]): Unit = { running.partition(_.is_finished) match { case (Nil, Nil) => case (Nil, _ :: _) => Time.seconds(0.5).sleep(); join(running) case (_ :: _, remaining) => join(remaining) } } val start_date = Date.now() val running = for (task <- tasks if !exclude_task(task.name)) yield log_service.fork_task(start_date, task) join(running) }) /* repository structure */ val hg = Mercurial.repository(isabelle_repos) val hg_graph = hg.graph() def history_base_filter(r: Remote_Build): Item => Boolean = { val base_rev = hg.id(r.history_base) val nodes = hg_graph.all_succs(List(base_rev)).toSet (item: Item) => nodes(item.isabelle_version) } /* main */ val main_start_date = Date.now() File.write(main_state_file, main_start_date.toString + " " + log_service.hostname) run(main_start_date, Logger_Task("isabelle_cronjob", logger => run_now( SEQ(List( init, PAR(List(mailman_archives, build_release)), PAR( List(remote_builds1, remote_builds2).map(remote_builds => SEQ(List( PAR(remote_builds.map(_.filter(_.active)).map(seq => SEQ( for { (r, i) <- (if (seq.length <= 1) seq.map((_, -1)) else seq.zipWithIndex) (rev, afp_rev) <- r.pick(logger.options, hg.id(), history_base_filter(r)) } yield remote_build_history(rev, afp_rev, i, r)))), Logger_Task("jenkins_logs", _ => Jenkins.download_logs(logger.options, Jenkins.build_log_jobs, main_dir)), Logger_Task("build_log_database", logger => Isabelle_Devel.build_log_database(logger.options, build_log_dirs)), Logger_Task("build_status", logger => Isabelle_Devel.build_status(logger.options)))))), exit))))) log_service.shutdown() main_state_file.file.delete } /** command line entry point **/ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Command_Line.tool { var force = false var verbose = false var exclude_task = Set.empty[String] val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: Admin/cronjob/main [OPTIONS] Options are: -f apply force to do anything -v verbose -x NAME exclude tasks with this name """, "f" -> (_ => force = true), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true), "x:" -> (arg => exclude_task += arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = if (verbose) new Console_Progress() else new Progress if (force) cronjob(progress, exclude_task) else error("Need to apply force to do anything") } } } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_devel.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_devel.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_devel.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_devel.scala @@ -1,76 +1,75 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/isabelle_devel.scala Author: Makarius Website for Isabelle development resources. */ package isabelle object Isabelle_Devel { val RELEASE_SNAPSHOT = "release_snapshot" val BUILD_LOG_DB = "build_log.db" val BUILD_STATUS = "build_status" val CRONJOB_LOG = "cronjob-main.log" val root: Path = Path.explode("~/html-data/devel") val cronjob_log: Path = root + Path.basic(CRONJOB_LOG) /* index */ def make_index(): Unit = { val redirect = "https://isabelle-dev.sketis.net/home/menu/view/20" HTML.write_document(root, "index.html", List( XML.Elem(Markup("meta", List("http-equiv" -> "Refresh", "content" -> ("0; url=" + redirect))), Nil)), List(HTML.link(redirect, HTML.text("Isabelle Development Resources")))) } /* release snapshot */ def release_snapshot(options: Options, rev: String, afp_rev: String): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("isadist")(target_dir => { Isabelle_System.update_directory(root + Path.explode(RELEASE_SNAPSHOT), website_dir => { val context = Build_Release.Release_Context(target_dir) Build_Release.build_release_archive(context, rev) Build_Release.build_release(options, context, afp_rev = afp_rev, - java_home = Path.explode("$BUILD_JAVA_HOME"), build_sessions = List(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_LOGIC")), website = Some(website_dir)) }) }) } /* maintain build_log database */ def build_log_database(options: Options, log_dirs: List[Path]): Unit = { val store = Build_Log.store(options) using(store.open_database())(db => { store.update_database(db, log_dirs) store.update_database(db, log_dirs, ml_statistics = true) store.snapshot_database(db, root + Path.explode(BUILD_LOG_DB)) }) } /* present build status */ def build_status(options: Options): Unit = { Isabelle_System.update_directory(root + Path.explode(BUILD_STATUS), dir => Build_Status.build_status(options, target_dir = dir, ml_statistics = true)) } } diff --git a/src/Pure/ML/ml_statistics.scala b/src/Pure/ML/ml_statistics.scala --- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_statistics.scala +++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_statistics.scala @@ -1,319 +1,324 @@ /* Title: Pure/ML/ml_statistics.scala Author: Makarius ML runtime statistics. */ package isabelle import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.immutable.{SortedSet, SortedMap} import scala.swing.{Frame, Component} import org.jfree.data.xy.{XYSeries, XYSeriesCollection} import org.jfree.chart.{JFreeChart, ChartPanel, ChartFactory} import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation object ML_Statistics { /* properties */ val Now = new Properties.Double("now") def now(props: Properties.T): Double = Now.unapply(props).get /* memory status */ val Heap_Size = new Properties.Long("size_heap") val Heap_Free = new Properties.Long("size_heap_free_last_GC") val GC_Percent = new Properties.Int("GC_percent") sealed case class Memory_Status(heap_size: Long, heap_free: Long, gc_percent: Int) { def heap_used: Long = (heap_size - heap_free) max 0 def heap_used_fraction: Double = if (heap_size == 0) 0.0 else heap_used.toDouble / heap_size def gc_progress: Option[Double] = if (1 <= gc_percent && gc_percent <= 100) Some((gc_percent - 1) * 0.01) else None } def memory_status(props: Properties.T): Memory_Status = { val heap_size = Heap_Size.get(props) val heap_free = Heap_Free.get(props) val gc_percent = GC_Percent.get(props) Memory_Status(heap_size, heap_free, gc_percent) } /* monitor process */ def monitor(pid: Long, stats_dir: String = "", delay: Time = Time.seconds(0.5), consume: Properties.T => Unit = Console.println): Unit = { def progress_stdout(line: String): Unit = { val props = Library.space_explode(',', line).flatMap(Properties.Eq.unapply) if (props.nonEmpty) consume(props) } val env_prefix = if (stats_dir.isEmpty) "" else "export POLYSTATSDIR=" + Bash.string(stats_dir) + "\n" Bash.process(env_prefix + "\"$POLYML_EXE\" -q --use src/Pure/ML/ml_statistics.ML --eval " + Bash.string("ML_Statistics.monitor " + ML_Syntax.print_long(pid) + " " + ML_Syntax.print_double(delay.seconds)), cwd = Path.ISABELLE_HOME.file) .result(progress_stdout = progress_stdout, strict = false).check } /* protocol handler */ class Handler extends Session.Protocol_Handler { private var session: Session = null private var monitoring: Future[Unit] = Future.value(()) override def init(session: Session): Unit = synchronized { this.session = session } override def exit(): Unit = synchronized { session = null monitoring.cancel() } private def consume(props: Properties.T): Unit = synchronized { if (session != null) { val props1 = (session.cache.props(props ::: Java_Statistics.jvm_statistics())) session.runtime_statistics.post(Session.Runtime_Statistics(props1)) } } private def ml_statistics(msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean = synchronized { msg.properties match { case Markup.ML_Statistics(pid, stats_dir) => monitoring = Future.thread("ML_statistics") { monitor(pid, stats_dir = stats_dir, consume = consume) } true case _ => false } } override val functions = List(Markup.ML_Statistics.name -> ml_statistics) } /* memory fields (mega bytes) */ def mem_print(x: Long): Option[String] = if (x == 0L) None else Some(x.toString + " M") def mem_scale(x: Long): Long = x / 1024 / 1024 def mem_field_scale(name: String, x: Double): Double = if (heap_fields._2.contains(name) || program_fields._2.contains(name)) mem_scale(x.toLong).toDouble else x val CODE_SIZE = "size_code" val STACK_SIZE = "size_stacks" val HEAP_SIZE = "size_heap" /* standard fields */ type Fields = (String, List[String]) val tasks_fields: Fields = ("Future tasks", List("tasks_ready", "tasks_pending", "tasks_running", "tasks_passive", "tasks_urgent", "tasks_total")) val workers_fields: Fields = ("Worker threads", List("workers_total", "workers_active", "workers_waiting")) val GC_fields: Fields = ("GCs", List("partial_GCs", "full_GCs", "share_passes")) val heap_fields: Fields = ("Heap", List(HEAP_SIZE, "size_allocation", "size_allocation_free", "size_heap_free_last_full_GC", "size_heap_free_last_GC")) val program_fields: Fields = ("Program", List("size_code", "size_stacks")) val threads_fields: Fields = ("Threads", List("threads_total", "threads_in_ML", "threads_wait_condvar", "threads_wait_IO", "threads_wait_mutex", "threads_wait_signal")) val time_fields: Fields = ("Time", List("time_elapsed", "time_elapsed_GC", "time_CPU", "time_GC")) val speed_fields: Fields = ("Speed", List("speed_CPU", "speed_GC")) private val time_speed = Map("time_CPU" -> "speed_CPU", "time_GC" -> "speed_GC") val java_heap_fields: Fields = ("Java heap", List("java_heap_size", "java_heap_used")) val java_thread_fields: Fields = ("Java threads", List("java_threads_total", "java_workers_total", "java_workers_active")) val main_fields: List[Fields] = List(heap_fields, tasks_fields, workers_fields) val other_fields: List[Fields] = List(threads_fields, GC_fields, program_fields, time_fields, speed_fields, java_heap_fields, java_thread_fields) val all_fields: List[Fields] = main_fields ::: other_fields /* content interpretation */ final case class Entry(time: Double, data: Map[String, Double]) { def get(field: String): Double = data.getOrElse(field, 0.0) } val empty: ML_Statistics = apply(Nil) def apply(ml_statistics0: List[Properties.T], heading: String = "", - domain: String => Boolean = (key: String) => true): ML_Statistics = + domain: String => Boolean = _ => true): ML_Statistics = { require(ml_statistics0.forall(props => Now.unapply(props).isDefined), "missing \"now\" field") val ml_statistics = ml_statistics0.sortBy(now) val time_start = if (ml_statistics.isEmpty) 0.0 else now(ml_statistics.head) val duration = if (ml_statistics.isEmpty) 0.0 else now(ml_statistics.last) - time_start val fields = SortedSet.empty[String] ++ (for { props <- ml_statistics.iterator (x, _) <- props.iterator if x != Now.name && domain(x) } yield x) val content = { var last_edge = Map.empty[String, (Double, Double, Double)] val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[ML_Statistics.Entry] for (props <- ml_statistics) { val time = now(props) - time_start // rising edges -- relative speed val speeds = (for { (key, value) <- props.iterator key1 <- time_speed.get(key) if domain(key1) } yield { val (x0, y0, s0) = last_edge.getOrElse(key, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) val x1 = time val y1 = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(value) val s1 = if (x1 == x0) 0.0 else (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) if (y1 > y0) { last_edge += (key -> (x1, y1, s1)) (key1, s1.toString) } else (key1, s0.toString) }).toList val data = SortedMap.empty[String, Double] ++ (for { (x, y) <- props.iterator ++ speeds.iterator if x != Now.name && domain(x) z = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(y) if z != 0.0 } yield { (x.intern, mem_field_scale(x, z)) }) result += ML_Statistics.Entry(time, data) } result.toList } new ML_Statistics(heading, fields, content, time_start, duration) } } final class ML_Statistics private( val heading: String, val fields: Set[String], val content: List[ML_Statistics.Entry], val time_start: Double, val duration: Double) { + override def toString: String = + if (content.isEmpty) "ML_Statistics.empty" + else "ML_Statistics(length = " + content.length + ", fields = " + fields.size + ")" + + /* content */ def maximum(field: String): Double = content.foldLeft(0.0) { case (m, e) => m max e.get(field) } def average(field: String): Double = { @tailrec def sum(t0: Double, list: List[ML_Statistics.Entry], acc: Double): Double = list match { case Nil => acc case e :: es => val t = e.time sum(t, es, (t - t0) * e.get(field) + acc) } content match { case Nil => 0.0 case List(e) => e.get(field) case e :: es => sum(e.time, es, 0.0) / duration } } /* charts */ def update_data(data: XYSeriesCollection, selected_fields: List[String]): Unit = { - data.removeAllSeries + data.removeAllSeries() for (field <- selected_fields) { val series = new XYSeries(field) content.foreach(entry => series.add(entry.time, entry.get(field))) data.addSeries(series) } } def chart(title: String, selected_fields: List[String]): JFreeChart = { val data = new XYSeriesCollection update_data(data, selected_fields) ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, "time", "value", data, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, true) } def chart(fields: ML_Statistics.Fields): JFreeChart = chart(fields._1, fields._2) def show_frames(fields: List[ML_Statistics.Fields] = ML_Statistics.main_fields): Unit = fields.map(chart).foreach(c => GUI_Thread.later { new Frame { iconImage = GUI.isabelle_image() title = heading contents = Component.wrap(new ChartPanel(c)) visible = true } }) }