diff --git a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML --- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML +++ b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML @@ -1,333 +1,334 @@ (* Title: Pure/Thy/present.ML Author: Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen Theory presentation: HTML and PDF-LaTeX documents. *) signature PRESENT = sig + val tex_path: string -> Path.T val get_bibtex_entries: theory -> string list val theory_qualifier: theory -> string val document_option: Options.T -> {enabled: bool, disabled: bool} val document_variants: Options.T -> (string * string) list val init: HTML.symbols -> bool -> Path.T -> bool -> string -> (string * string) list -> (Path.T * Path.T) list -> Path.T -> string * string -> bool -> unit val finish: unit -> unit val theory_output: theory -> string list -> unit val begin_theory: string list -> int -> (unit -> HTML.text) -> theory -> theory end; structure Present: PRESENT = struct (** paths **) val tex_ext = Path.ext "tex"; val tex_path = tex_ext o Path.basic; val html_ext = Path.ext "html"; val html_path = html_ext o Path.basic; val index_path = Path.basic "index.html"; val readme_html_path = Path.basic "README.html"; val doc_indexN = "session"; val session_graph_path = Path.basic "session_graph.pdf"; -fun document_path name = Path.basic name |> Path.ext "pdf"; +val document_path = Path.ext "pdf" o Path.basic; fun show_path path = Path.implode (Path.expand (File.full_path Path.current path)); (** theory data **) type browser_info = {chapter: string, name: string, bibtex_entries: string list}; val empty_browser_info: browser_info = {chapter = "Unsorted", name = "Unknown", bibtex_entries = []}; structure Browser_Info = Theory_Data ( type T = browser_info val empty = empty_browser_info; val extend = I; val merge = #1; ); fun reset_browser_info thy = if Browser_Info.get thy = empty_browser_info then NONE else SOME (Browser_Info.put empty_browser_info thy); val _ = Theory.setup (Theory.at_begin reset_browser_info #> Browser_Info.put {chapter = Context.PureN, name = Context.PureN, bibtex_entries = []}); val get_bibtex_entries = #bibtex_entries o Browser_Info.get; (** global browser info state **) (* type theory_info *) type theory_info = {tex_source: string list, html_source: string}; fun make_theory_info (tex_source, html_source) = {tex_source = tex_source, html_source = html_source}: theory_info; fun map_theory_info f {tex_source, html_source} = make_theory_info (f (tex_source, html_source)); (* type browser_info *) type browser_info = {theories: theory_info Symtab.table, tex_index: (int * string) list, html_index: (int * string) list}; fun make_browser_info (theories, tex_index, html_index) : browser_info = {theories = theories, tex_index = tex_index, html_index = html_index}; val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], []); fun map_browser_info f {theories, tex_index, html_index} = make_browser_info (f (theories, tex_index, html_index)); (* state *) val browser_info = Synchronized.var "browser_info" empty_browser_info; fun change_browser_info f = Synchronized.change browser_info (map_browser_info f); fun init_theory_info name info = change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index) => (Symtab.update (name, info) theories, tex_index, html_index)); fun change_theory_info name f = change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index) => (case Symtab.lookup theories name of NONE => error ("Browser info: cannot access theory document " ^ quote name) | SOME info => (Symtab.update (name, map_theory_info f info) theories, tex_index, html_index))); fun add_tex_index txt = change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index) => (theories, txt :: tex_index, html_index)); fun add_html_index txt = change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index) => (theories, tex_index, txt :: html_index)); (** global session state **) (* session_info *) type session_info = {symbols: HTML.symbols, name: string, chapter: string, info_path: Path.T, info: bool, document: bool, doc_output: Path.T option, doc_files: (Path.T * Path.T) list, graph_file: Path.T, documents: (string * string) list, verbose: bool, readme: Path.T option}; fun make_session_info (symbols, name, chapter, info_path, info, document, doc_output, doc_files, graph_file, documents, verbose, readme) = {symbols = symbols, name = name, chapter = chapter, info_path = info_path, info = info, document = document, doc_output = doc_output, doc_files = doc_files, graph_file = graph_file, documents = documents, verbose = verbose, readme = readme}: session_info; (* state *) val session_info = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE: session_info option); fun with_session_info x f = (case ! session_info of NONE => x | SOME info => f info); val theory_qualifier = Resources.theory_qualifier o Context.theory_long_name; fun is_session_theory thy = (case ! session_info of NONE => false | SOME {name, ...} => name = theory_qualifier thy); (** document preparation **) (* options *) fun document_option options = (case Options.string options "document" of "" => {enabled = false, disabled = false} | "false" => {enabled = false, disabled = true} | _ => {enabled = true, disabled = false}); fun document_variants options = let val variants = space_explode ":" (Options.string options "document_variants") |> map (fn s => (case space_explode "=" s of [name] => (name, "") | [name, tags] => (name, tags) | _ => error ("Malformed document variant specification: " ^ quote s))); val _ = (case duplicates (op =) (map #1 variants) of [] => () | dups => error ("Duplicate document variants: " ^ commas_quote dups)); in variants end; (* init session *) fun init symbols info info_path document document_output doc_variants doc_files graph_file (chapter, name) verbose = let val doc_output = if document_output = "" then NONE else SOME (Path.explode document_output); val documents = if not document orelse null doc_files then [] else doc_variants; val readme = if File.exists readme_html_path then SOME readme_html_path else NONE; val docs = (case readme of NONE => [] | SOME p => [(Url.File p, "README")]) @ map (fn (name, _) => (Url.File (document_path name), name)) documents; in session_info := SOME (make_session_info (symbols, name, chapter, info_path, info, document, doc_output, doc_files, graph_file, documents, verbose, readme)); Synchronized.change browser_info (K empty_browser_info); add_html_index (0, HTML.begin_session_index symbols name (Url.File session_graph_path) docs) end; (* isabelle tool wrappers *) fun isabelle_document {verbose} doc_name tags dir = let val script = "isabelle document -d " ^ File.bash_path dir ^ " -n " ^ Bash.string doc_name ^ (if tags = "" then "" else " -t " ^ Bash.string tags); val doc_path = Path.appends [dir, Path.parent, document_path doc_name]; val _ = if verbose then writeln script else (); val {out, err, rc, ...} = Bash.process script; val _ = if verbose then writeln (trim_line (normalize_lines out)) else (); val _ = if not (File.exists doc_path) orelse rc <> 0 then error (trim_line err) else (); in doc_path end; (* finish session -- output all generated text *) fun sorted_index index = map snd (sort (int_ord o apply2 fst) (rev index)); fun index_buffer index = Buffer.add (implode (sorted_index index)) Buffer.empty; fun write_tex src name path = File.write_buffer (Path.append path (tex_path name)) src; fun write_tex_index tex_index path = write_tex (index_buffer tex_index) doc_indexN path; fun finish () = with_session_info () (fn {name, chapter, info, info_path, document, doc_output, doc_files, graph_file, documents, verbose, readme, ...} => let val {theories, tex_index, html_index} = Synchronized.value browser_info; val thys = Symtab.dest theories; val session_prefix = Path.append (Path.append info_path (Path.basic chapter)) (Path.basic name); fun finish_html (a, {html_source, ...}: theory_info) = File.write (Path.append session_prefix (html_path a)) html_source; val _ = if info then (Isabelle_System.mkdirs session_prefix; File.write_buffer (Path.append session_prefix index_path) (index_buffer html_index |> Buffer.add HTML.end_document); (case readme of NONE => () | SOME path => Isabelle_System.copy_file path session_prefix); List.app finish_html thys; if verbose then Output.physical_stderr ("Browser info at " ^ show_path session_prefix ^ "\n") else ()) else (); fun document_job doc_prefix backdrop (doc_name, tags) = let val doc_dir = Path.append doc_prefix (Path.basic doc_name); fun purge () = if backdrop then Isabelle_System.rm_tree doc_dir else (); val _ = purge (); val _ = Isabelle_System.mkdirs doc_dir; val _ = Isabelle_System.bash ("isabelle latex -o sty " ^ File.bash_path (Path.append doc_dir (Path.basic "root.tex"))); val _ = List.app (fn file => Isabelle_System.copy_file_base file doc_dir) doc_files; val _ = Isabelle_System.copy_file graph_file (Path.append doc_dir session_graph_path); val _ = write_tex_index tex_index doc_dir; val _ = List.app (fn (a, {tex_source, ...}) => write_tex (fold Buffer.add tex_source Buffer.empty) a doc_dir) thys; in fn () => (isabelle_document {verbose = true} doc_name tags doc_dir before purge (), fn doc => if verbose orelse not backdrop then Output.physical_stderr ("Document at " ^ show_path doc ^ "\n") else ()) end; val jobs = (if info orelse is_none doc_output then map (document_job session_prefix true) documents else []) @ (case doc_output of NONE => [] | SOME path => map (document_job path false) documents); val _ = jobs |> Par_List.map (fn job => job ()) |> List.app (op |>); in Synchronized.change browser_info (K empty_browser_info); session_info := NONE end); (* theory elements *) fun theory_output thy output = with_session_info () (fn _ => if is_session_theory thy then (change_theory_info (Context.theory_name thy) o apfst) (K output) else ()); fun theory_link (curr_chapter, curr_session) thy = let val {chapter, name = session, ...} = Browser_Info.get thy; val link = html_path (Context.theory_name thy); in if curr_session = session then SOME link else if curr_chapter = chapter then SOME (Path.appends [Path.parent, Path.basic session, link]) else if chapter = Context.PureN then NONE else SOME (Path.appends [Path.parent, Path.parent, Path.basic chapter, Path.basic session, link]) end; fun begin_theory bibtex_entries update_time mk_text thy = with_session_info thy (fn {symbols, name = session_name, chapter, ...} => let val name = Context.theory_name thy; val parent_specs = Theory.parents_of thy |> map (fn parent => (Option.map Url.File (theory_link (chapter, session_name) parent), (Context.theory_name parent))); val html_source = HTML.theory symbols name parent_specs (mk_text ()); val _ = init_theory_info name (make_theory_info ([], html_source)); val bibtex_entries' = if is_session_theory thy then (add_html_index (update_time, HTML.theory_entry symbols (Url.File (html_path name), name)); add_tex_index (update_time, Latex.theory_entry name); bibtex_entries) else []; in thy |> Browser_Info.put {chapter = chapter, name = session_name, bibtex_entries = bibtex_entries'} end); end;