diff --git a/src/Pure/General/position.ML b/src/Pure/General/position.ML --- a/src/Pure/General/position.ML +++ b/src/Pure/General/position.ML @@ -1,306 +1,306 @@ (* Title: Pure/General/position.ML Author: Makarius Source positions starting from 1; values <= 0 mean "absent". Count Isabelle symbols, not UTF8 bytes nor UTF16 characters. Position range specifies a right-open interval offset .. end_offset (exclusive). *) signature POSITION = sig eqtype T val ord: T ord val make: Thread_Position.T -> T val dest: T -> Thread_Position.T val line_of: T -> int option val offset_of: T -> int option val end_offset_of: T -> int option val file_of: T -> string option val id_of: T -> string option val symbol: Symbol.symbol -> T -> T val symbol_explode: string -> T -> T val distance_of: T * T -> int option val none: T val start: T val file_name: string -> Properties.T val file_only: string -> T val file: string -> T val line_file_only: int -> string -> T val line_file: int -> string -> T val line: int -> T val get_props: T -> Properties.T val id: string -> T val id_only: string -> T val put_id: string -> T -> T val copy_id: T -> T -> T val id_properties_of: T -> Properties.T val parse_id: T -> int option val advance_offsets: int -> T -> T val adjust_offsets: (int -> int option) -> T -> T val of_properties: Properties.T -> T val properties_of: T -> Properties.T val offset_properties_of: T -> Properties.T val def_properties_of: T -> Properties.T val entity_markup: string -> string * T -> Markup.T val entity_properties_of: bool -> serial -> T -> Properties.T val markup: T -> Markup.T -> Markup.T val is_reported: T -> bool val is_reported_range: T -> bool val reported_text: T -> Markup.T -> string -> string val report_text: T -> Markup.T -> string -> unit val report: T -> Markup.T -> unit type report = T * Markup.T type report_text = report * string val reports_text: report_text list -> unit val reports: report list -> unit val store_reports: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref -> T list -> ('a -> Markup.T list) -> 'a -> unit val append_reports: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref -> report list -> unit val here_strs: T -> string * string val here: T -> string val here_list: T list -> string type range = T * T val no_range: range val no_range_position: T -> T val range_position: range -> T val range: T * T -> range val range_of_properties: Properties.T -> range val properties_of_range: range -> Properties.T val thread_data: unit -> T val setmp_thread_data: T -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b val default: T -> bool * T end; structure Position: POSITION = struct (* datatype position *) type count = int * int * int; datatype T = Pos of count * Properties.T; fun dest2 f = apply2 (fn Pos p => f p); val ord = pointer_eq_ord (int_ord o dest2 (#1 o #1) ||| int_ord o dest2 (#2 o #1) ||| int_ord o dest2 (#3 o #1) ||| Properties.ord o dest2 #2); fun norm_props (props: Properties.T) = maps (fn a => the_list (find_first (fn (b, _) => a = b) props)) [Markup.fileN, Markup.idN]; fun make {line = i, offset = j, end_offset = k, props} = Pos ((i, j, k), norm_props props); fun dest (Pos ((i, j, k), props)) = {line = i, offset = j, end_offset = k, props = props}; fun valid (i: int) = i > 0; val invalid = not o valid; fun maybe_valid i = if valid i then SOME i else NONE; fun if_valid i i' = if valid i then i' else i; (* fields *) fun line_of (Pos ((i, _, _), _)) = maybe_valid i; fun offset_of (Pos ((_, j, _), _)) = maybe_valid j; fun end_offset_of (Pos ((_, _, k), _)) = maybe_valid k; fun file_of (Pos (_, props)) = Properties.get props Markup.fileN; fun id_of (Pos (_, props)) = Properties.get props Markup.idN; (* count position *) fun count_symbol "\n" ((i, j, k): count) = (if_valid i (i + 1), if_valid j (j + 1), k) | count_symbol s (i, j, k) = if Symbol.not_eof s then (i, if_valid j (j + 1), k) else (i, j, k); fun count_invalid ((i, j, _): count) = invalid i andalso invalid j; fun symbol sym (pos as (Pos (count, props))) = if count_invalid count then pos else Pos (count_symbol sym count, props); val symbol_explode = fold symbol o Symbol.explode; (* distance of adjacent positions *) fun distance_of (Pos ((_, j, _), _), Pos ((_, j', _), _)) = if valid j andalso valid j' then SOME (j' - j) else NONE; (* make position *) val none = Pos ((0, 0, 0), []); val start = Pos ((1, 1, 0), []); fun file_name "" = [] | file_name name = [(Markup.fileN, name)]; fun file_only name = Pos ((0, 0, 0), file_name name); fun file name = Pos ((1, 1, 0), file_name name); fun line_file_only i name = Pos ((i, 0, 0), file_name name); fun line_file i name = Pos ((i, 1, 0), file_name name); fun line i = line_file i ""; fun get_props (Pos (_, props)) = props; fun id id = Pos ((0, 1, 0), [(Markup.idN, id)]); fun id_only id = Pos ((0, 0, 0), [(Markup.idN, id)]); fun put_id id (Pos (count, props)) = Pos (count, norm_props (Properties.put (Markup.idN, id) props)); fun copy_id pos = (case id_of pos of NONE => I | SOME id => put_id id); fun parse_id pos = Option.map Value.parse_int (id_of pos); fun id_properties_of pos = (case id_of pos of SOME id => [(Markup.idN, id)] | NONE => []); (* adjust offsets *) fun advance_offsets offset (pos as (Pos (count as (i, j, k), props))) = if offset = 0 orelse count_invalid count then pos else if offset < 0 then raise Fail "Illegal offset" else if valid i then raise Fail "Illegal line position" else Pos ((i, if_valid j (j + offset), if_valid k (k + offset)), props); fun adjust_offsets adjust (pos as Pos (_, props)) = if is_none (file_of pos) then (case parse_id pos of SOME id => (case adjust id of SOME offset => let val Pos (count, _) = advance_offsets offset pos in Pos (count, Properties.remove Markup.idN props) end | NONE => pos) | NONE => pos) else pos; (* markup properties *) fun get_int props name = (case Properties.get props name of NONE => 0 | SOME s => Value.parse_int s); fun of_properties props = make { line = get_int props Markup.lineN, offset = get_int props Markup.offsetN, end_offset = get_int props Markup.end_offsetN, props = props}; fun int_entry k i = if invalid i then [] else [(k, Value.print_int i)]; fun properties_of (Pos ((i, j, k), props)) = int_entry Markup.lineN i @ int_entry Markup.offsetN j @ int_entry Markup.end_offsetN k @ props; fun offset_properties_of (Pos ((_, j, k), _)) = int_entry Markup.offsetN j @ int_entry Markup.end_offsetN k; -val def_properties_of = properties_of #> map (fn (x, y) => ("def_" ^ x, y)); +val def_properties_of = properties_of #> map (apfst Markup.def_name); fun entity_markup kind (name, pos) = Markup.entity kind name |> Markup.properties (def_properties_of pos); fun entity_properties_of def serial pos = if def then (Markup.defN, Value.print_int serial) :: properties_of pos else (Markup.refN, Value.print_int serial) :: def_properties_of pos; val markup = Markup.properties o properties_of; (* reports *) fun is_reported pos = is_some (offset_of pos) andalso is_some (id_of pos); fun is_reported_range pos = is_reported pos andalso is_some (end_offset_of pos); fun reported_text pos m txt = if is_reported pos then Markup.markup (markup pos m) txt else ""; fun report_text pos markup txt = Output.report [reported_text pos markup txt]; fun report pos markup = report_text pos markup ""; type report = T * Markup.T; type report_text = report * string; val reports_text = map (fn ((pos, m), txt) => if is_reported pos then Markup.markup (markup pos m) txt else "") #> Output.report; val reports = map (rpair "") #> reports_text; fun store_reports _ [] _ _ = () | store_reports (r: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref) ps markup x = let val ms = markup x in Unsynchronized.change r (fold (fn p => fold (fn m => cons ((p, m), "")) ms) ps) end; fun append_reports (r: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref) reports = Unsynchronized.change r (append (map (rpair "") reports)); (* here: user output *) fun here_strs pos = (case (line_of pos, file_of pos) of (SOME i, NONE) => (" ", "(line " ^ Value.print_int i ^ ")") | (SOME i, SOME name) => (" ", "(line " ^ Value.print_int i ^ " of " ^ quote name ^ ")") | (NONE, SOME name) => (" ", "(file " ^ quote name ^ ")") | _ => if is_reported pos then ("", "\092<^here>") else ("", "")); fun here pos = let val props = properties_of pos; val (s1, s2) = here_strs pos; in if s2 = "" then "" else s1 ^ Markup.markup (Markup.properties props Markup.position) s2 end; val here_list = map here #> distinct (op =) #> implode; (* range *) type range = T * T; val no_range = (none, none); fun no_range_position (Pos ((i, j, _), props)) = Pos ((i, j, 0), props); fun range_position (Pos ((i, j, _), props), Pos ((_, j', _), _)) = Pos ((i, j, j'), props); fun range (pos, pos') = (range_position (pos, pos'), no_range_position pos'); fun range_of_properties props = let val pos = of_properties props; val pos' = make {line = get_int props Markup.end_lineN, offset = get_int props Markup.end_offsetN, end_offset = 0, props = props}; in (pos, pos') end; fun properties_of_range (pos, pos') = properties_of pos @ int_entry Markup.end_lineN (the_default 0 (line_of pos')); (* thread data *) val thread_data = make o Thread_Position.get; fun setmp_thread_data pos = Thread_Position.setmp (dest pos); fun default pos = if pos = none then (false, thread_data ()) else (true, pos); end; diff --git a/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.ML b/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.ML --- a/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.ML +++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.ML @@ -1,816 +1,829 @@ (* Title: Pure/PIDE/markup.ML Author: Makarius Quasi-abstract markup elements. *) signature MARKUP = sig type T = string * Properties.T val empty: T val is_empty: T -> bool val properties: Properties.T -> T -> T val nameN: string val name: string -> T -> T val xnameN: string val xname: string -> T -> T val kindN: string val serialN: string val serial_properties: int -> Properties.T val instanceN: string val meta_titleN: string val meta_title: T val meta_creatorN: string val meta_creator: T val meta_contributorN: string val meta_contributor: T val meta_dateN: string val meta_date: T val meta_licenseN: string val meta_license: T val meta_descriptionN: string val meta_description: T val languageN: string val symbolsN: string val delimitedN: string val is_delimited: Properties.T -> bool val language: {name: string, symbols: bool, antiquotes: bool, delimited: bool} -> T val language': {name: string, symbols: bool, antiquotes: bool} -> bool -> T val language_Isar: bool -> T val language_method: T val language_attribute: T val language_sort: bool -> T val language_type: bool -> T val language_term: bool -> T val language_prop: bool -> T val language_ML: bool -> T val language_SML: bool -> T val language_document: bool -> T val language_document_marker: T val language_antiquotation: T val language_text: bool -> T val language_verbatim: bool -> T val language_latex: bool -> T val language_rail: T val language_path: bool -> T val language_url: bool -> T val language_mixfix: T val bindingN: string val binding: T val entityN: string val entity: string -> string -> T val defN: string val refN: string val completionN: string val completion: T val no_completionN: string val no_completion: T val updateN: string val update: T val lineN: string val end_lineN: string val offsetN: string val end_offsetN: string val fileN: string val idN: string + val positionN: string val position: T val position_properties: string list val position_property: Properties.entry -> bool - val positionN: string val position: T + val def_name: string -> string val expressionN: string val expression: string -> T val citationN: string val citation: string -> T val pathN: string val path: string -> T val export_pathN: string val export_path: string -> T val urlN: string val url: string -> T val docN: string val doc: string -> T val toolN: string val tool: string -> T val markupN: string val consistentN: string val unbreakableN: string val block_properties: string list val indentN: string val widthN: string val blockN: string val block: bool -> int -> T val breakN: string val break: int -> int -> T val fbreakN: string val fbreak: T val itemN: string val item: T val wordsN: string val words: T val hiddenN: string val hidden: T val deleteN: string val delete: T val bash_functionN: string val scala_functionN: string val system_optionN: string val sessionN: string val theoryN: string val classN: string val localeN: string val type_nameN: string val constantN: string val axiomN: string val factN: string val oracleN: string val fixedN: string val fixed: string -> T val caseN: string val case_: string -> T val dynamic_factN: string val dynamic_fact: string -> T val literal_factN: string val literal_fact: string -> T val attributeN: string val methodN: string val method_modifierN: string val tfreeN: string val tfree: T val tvarN: string val tvar: T val freeN: string val free: T val skolemN: string val skolem: T val boundN: string val bound: T val varN: string val var: T val numeralN: string val numeral: T val literalN: string val literal: T val delimiterN: string val delimiter: T val inner_stringN: string val inner_string: T val inner_cartoucheN: string val inner_cartouche: T val token_rangeN: string val token_range: T val sortingN: string val sorting: T val typingN: string val typing: T val class_parameterN: string val class_parameter: T val ML_keyword1N: string val ML_keyword1: T val ML_keyword2N: string val ML_keyword2: T val ML_keyword3N: string val ML_keyword3: T val ML_delimiterN: string val ML_delimiter: T val ML_tvarN: string val ML_tvar: T val ML_numeralN: string val ML_numeral: T val ML_charN: string val ML_char: T val ML_stringN: string val ML_string: T val ML_commentN: string val ML_comment: T val ML_defN: string val ML_openN: string val ML_structureN: string val ML_typingN: string val ML_typing: T val ML_breakpointN: string val ML_breakpoint: int -> T val antiquotedN: string val antiquoted: T val antiquoteN: string val antiquote: T val file_typeN: string val antiquotationN: string val ML_antiquotationN: string val document_antiquotationN: string val document_antiquotation_optionN: string val raw_textN: string val raw_text: T val plain_textN: string val plain_text: T val paragraphN: string val paragraph: T val text_foldN: string val text_fold: T val document_markerN: string val document_marker: T val document_tagN: string val document_tag: string -> T val document_latexN: string val document_latex: T val markdown_paragraphN: string val markdown_paragraph: T val markdown_itemN: string val markdown_item: T val markdown_bulletN: string val markdown_bullet: int -> T val markdown_listN: string val markdown_list: string -> T val itemizeN: string val enumerateN: string val descriptionN: string val inputN: string val input: bool -> Properties.T -> T val command_keywordN: string val command_keyword: T val commandN: string val command_properties: T -> T val keywordN: string val keyword_properties: T -> T val stringN: string val string: T val alt_stringN: string val alt_string: T val verbatimN: string val verbatim: T val cartoucheN: string val cartouche: T val commentN: string val comment: T val keyword1N: string val keyword1: T val keyword2N: string val keyword2: T val keyword3N: string val keyword3: T val quasi_keywordN: string val quasi_keyword: T val improperN: string val improper: T val operatorN: string val operator: T val comment1N: string val comment1: T val comment2N: string val comment2: T val comment3N: string val comment3: T val elapsedN: string val cpuN: string val gcN: string val timing_properties: {elapsed: Time.time, cpu: Time.time, gc: Time.time} -> Properties.T val parse_command_timing_properties: Properties.T -> ({file: string, offset: int, name: string} * Time.time) option val timingN: string val timing: {elapsed: Time.time, cpu: Time.time, gc: Time.time} -> T val command_indentN: string val command_indent: int -> T val goalN: string val goal: T val subgoalN: string val subgoal: string -> T val taskN: string val forkedN: string val forked: T val joinedN: string val joined: T val runningN: string val running: T val finishedN: string val finished: T val failedN: string val failed: T val canceledN: string val canceled: T val initializedN: string val initialized: T val finalizedN: string val finalized: T val consolidatingN: string val consolidating: T val consolidatedN: string val consolidated: T val exec_idN: string val initN: string val statusN: string val status: T val resultN: string val result: T val writelnN: string val writeln: T val stateN: string val state: T val informationN: string val information: T val tracingN: string val tracing: T val warningN: string val warning: T val legacyN: string val legacy: T val errorN: string val error: T val systemN: string val system: T val protocolN: string val reportN: string val report: T val no_reportN: string val no_report: T val badN: string val bad: unit -> T val intensifyN: string val intensify: T val countN: string val ML_profiling_entryN: string val ML_profiling_entry: {name: string, count: int} -> T val ML_profilingN: string val ML_profiling: string -> T val browserN: string val graphviewN: string val theory_exportsN: string val sendbackN: string val paddingN: string val padding_line: Properties.entry val padding_command: Properties.entry val dialogN: string val dialog: serial -> string -> T val jedit_actionN: string val functionN: string val ML_statistics: {pid: int, stats_dir: string} -> Properties.T val commands_accepted: Properties.T val assign_update: Properties.T val removed_versions: Properties.T val invoke_scala: string -> string -> Properties.T val cancel_scala: string -> Properties.T val task_statistics: Properties.entry val command_timing: Properties.entry val theory_timing: Properties.entry val session_timing: Properties.entry val loading_theory: string -> Properties.T val build_session_finished: Properties.T val print_operationsN: string val print_operations: Properties.T val exportN: string type export_args = {id: string option, serial: serial, theory_name: string, name: string, executable: bool, compress: bool, strict: bool} val export: export_args -> Properties.T val debugger_state: string -> Properties.T val debugger_output: string -> Properties.T val simp_trace_panelN: string val simp_trace_logN: string val simp_trace_stepN: string val simp_trace_recurseN: string val simp_trace_hintN: string val simp_trace_ignoreN: string val simp_trace_cancel: serial -> Properties.T type output = Output.output * Output.output val no_output: output val add_mode: string -> (T -> output) -> unit val output: T -> output val enclose: T -> Output.output -> Output.output val markup: T -> string -> string val markups: T list -> string -> string val markup_only: T -> string val markup_report: string -> string end; structure Markup: MARKUP = struct (** markup elements **) (* basic markup *) type T = string * Properties.T; val empty = ("", []); fun is_empty ("", _) = true | is_empty _ = false; fun properties more_props ((elem, props): T) = (elem, fold_rev Properties.put more_props props); fun markup_elem name = (name, (name, []): T); fun markup_string name prop = (name, fn s => (name, [(prop, s)]): T); fun markup_int name prop = (name, fn i => (name, [(prop, Value.print_int i)]): T); (* misc properties *) val nameN = "name"; fun name a = properties [(nameN, a)]; val xnameN = "xname"; fun xname a = properties [(xnameN, a)]; val kindN = "kind"; val serialN = "serial"; fun serial_properties i = [(serialN, Value.print_int i)]; val instanceN = "instance"; (* meta data -- see https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms *) val (meta_titleN, meta_title) = markup_elem "meta_title"; val (meta_creatorN, meta_creator) = markup_elem "meta_creator"; val (meta_contributorN, meta_contributor) = markup_elem "meta_contributor"; val (meta_dateN, meta_date) = markup_elem "meta_date"; val (meta_licenseN, meta_license) = markup_elem "meta_license"; val (meta_descriptionN, meta_description) = markup_elem "meta_description"; (* embedded languages *) val languageN = "language"; val symbolsN = "symbols"; val antiquotesN = "antiquotes"; val delimitedN = "delimited" fun is_delimited props = Properties.get props delimitedN = SOME "true"; fun language {name, symbols, antiquotes, delimited} = (languageN, [(nameN, name), (symbolsN, Value.print_bool symbols), (antiquotesN, Value.print_bool antiquotes), (delimitedN, Value.print_bool delimited)]); fun language' {name, symbols, antiquotes} delimited = language {name = name, symbols = symbols, antiquotes = antiquotes, delimited = delimited}; val language_Isar = language' {name = "Isar", symbols = true, antiquotes = false}; val language_method = language {name = "method", symbols = true, antiquotes = false, delimited = false}; val language_attribute = language {name = "attribute", symbols = true, antiquotes = false, delimited = false}; val language_sort = language' {name = "sort", symbols = true, antiquotes = false}; val language_type = language' {name = "type", symbols = true, antiquotes = false}; val language_term = language' {name = "term", symbols = true, antiquotes = false}; val language_prop = language' {name = "prop", symbols = true, antiquotes = false}; val language_ML = language' {name = "ML", symbols = false, antiquotes = true}; val language_SML = language' {name = "SML", symbols = false, antiquotes = false}; val language_document = language' {name = "document", symbols = false, antiquotes = true}; val language_document_marker = language {name = "document_marker", symbols = true, antiquotes = true, delimited = true}; val language_antiquotation = language {name = "antiquotation", symbols = true, antiquotes = false, delimited = true}; val language_text = language' {name = "text", symbols = true, antiquotes = false}; val language_verbatim = language' {name = "verbatim_text", symbols = true, antiquotes = false}; val language_latex = language' {name = "latex", symbols = false, antiquotes = false}; val language_rail = language {name = "rail", symbols = true, antiquotes = true, delimited = true}; val language_path = language' {name = "path", symbols = false, antiquotes = false}; val language_url = language' {name = "url", symbols = false, antiquotes = false}; val language_mixfix = language {name = "mixfix_annotation", symbols = true, antiquotes = false, delimited = true}; (* formal entities *) val (bindingN, binding) = markup_elem "binding"; val entityN = "entity"; fun entity kind name = (entityN, (if name = "" then [] else [(nameN, name)]) @ (if kind = "" then [] else [(kindN, kind)])); val defN = "def"; val refN = "ref"; (* completion *) val (completionN, completion) = markup_elem "completion"; val (no_completionN, no_completion) = markup_elem "no_completion"; val (updateN, update) = markup_elem "update"; (* position *) val lineN = "line"; val end_lineN = "end_line"; val offsetN = "offset"; val end_offsetN = "end_offset"; val fileN = "file"; val idN = "id"; +val (positionN, position) = markup_elem "position"; + val position_properties = [lineN, offsetN, end_offsetN, fileN, idN]; fun position_property (entry: Properties.entry) = member (op =) position_properties (#1 entry); -val (positionN, position) = markup_elem "position"; + +(* position "def" names *) + +fun make_def a = "def_" ^ a; + +val def_names = Symtab.make (map (fn a => (a, make_def a)) position_properties); + +fun def_name a = + (case Symtab.lookup def_names a of + SOME b => b + | NONE => make_def a); (* expression *) val expressionN = "expression"; fun expression kind = (expressionN, if kind = "" then [] else [(kindN, kind)]); (* citation *) val (citationN, citation) = markup_string "citation" nameN; (* external resources *) val (pathN, path) = markup_string "path" nameN; val (export_pathN, export_path) = markup_string "export_path" nameN; val (urlN, url) = markup_string "url" nameN; val (docN, doc) = markup_string "doc" nameN; val (toolN, tool) = markup_string "tool" nameN; (* pretty printing *) val markupN = "markup"; val consistentN = "consistent"; val unbreakableN = "unbreakable"; val indentN = "indent"; val block_properties = [markupN, consistentN, unbreakableN, indentN]; val widthN = "width"; val blockN = "block"; fun block c i = (blockN, (if c then [(consistentN, Value.print_bool c)] else []) @ (if i <> 0 then [(indentN, Value.print_int i)] else [])); val breakN = "break"; fun break w i = (breakN, (if w <> 0 then [(widthN, Value.print_int w)] else []) @ (if i <> 0 then [(indentN, Value.print_int i)] else [])); val (fbreakN, fbreak) = markup_elem "fbreak"; val (itemN, item) = markup_elem "item"; (* text properties *) val (wordsN, words) = markup_elem "words"; val (hiddenN, hidden) = markup_elem "hidden"; val (deleteN, delete) = markup_elem "delete"; (* misc entities *) val bash_functionN = "bash_function"; val scala_functionN = "scala_function"; val system_optionN = "system_option"; val sessionN = "session"; val theoryN = "theory"; val classN = "class"; val localeN = "locale"; val type_nameN = "type_name"; val constantN = "constant"; val axiomN = "axiom"; val factN = "fact"; val oracleN = "oracle"; val (fixedN, fixed) = markup_string "fixed" nameN; val (caseN, case_) = markup_string "case" nameN; val (dynamic_factN, dynamic_fact) = markup_string "dynamic_fact" nameN; val (literal_factN, literal_fact) = markup_string "literal_fact" nameN; val attributeN = "attribute"; val methodN = "method"; val method_modifierN = "method_modifier"; (* inner syntax *) val (tfreeN, tfree) = markup_elem "tfree"; val (tvarN, tvar) = markup_elem "tvar"; val (freeN, free) = markup_elem "free"; val (skolemN, skolem) = markup_elem "skolem"; val (boundN, bound) = markup_elem "bound"; val (varN, var) = markup_elem "var"; val (numeralN, numeral) = markup_elem "numeral"; val (literalN, literal) = markup_elem "literal"; val (delimiterN, delimiter) = markup_elem "delimiter"; val (inner_stringN, inner_string) = markup_elem "inner_string"; val (inner_cartoucheN, inner_cartouche) = markup_elem "inner_cartouche"; val (token_rangeN, token_range) = markup_elem "token_range"; val (sortingN, sorting) = markup_elem "sorting"; val (typingN, typing) = markup_elem "typing"; val (class_parameterN, class_parameter) = markup_elem "class_parameter"; (* ML *) val (ML_keyword1N, ML_keyword1) = markup_elem "ML_keyword1"; val (ML_keyword2N, ML_keyword2) = markup_elem "ML_keyword2"; val (ML_keyword3N, ML_keyword3) = markup_elem "ML_keyword3"; val (ML_delimiterN, ML_delimiter) = markup_elem "ML_delimiter"; val (ML_tvarN, ML_tvar) = markup_elem "ML_tvar"; val (ML_numeralN, ML_numeral) = markup_elem "ML_numeral"; val (ML_charN, ML_char) = markup_elem "ML_char"; val (ML_stringN, ML_string) = markup_elem "ML_string"; val (ML_commentN, ML_comment) = markup_elem "ML_comment"; val ML_defN = "ML_def"; val ML_openN = "ML_open"; val ML_structureN = "ML_structure"; val (ML_typingN, ML_typing) = markup_elem "ML_typing"; val (ML_breakpointN, ML_breakpoint) = markup_int "ML_breakpoint" serialN; (* antiquotations *) val (antiquotedN, antiquoted) = markup_elem "antiquoted"; val (antiquoteN, antiquote) = markup_elem "antiquote"; val file_typeN = "file_type"; val antiquotationN = "antiquotation"; val ML_antiquotationN = "ML_antiquotation"; val document_antiquotationN = "document_antiquotation"; val document_antiquotation_optionN = "document_antiquotation_option"; (* document text *) val (raw_textN, raw_text) = markup_elem "raw_text"; val (plain_textN, plain_text) = markup_elem "plain_text"; val (paragraphN, paragraph) = markup_elem "paragraph"; val (text_foldN, text_fold) = markup_elem "text_fold"; val (document_markerN, document_marker) = markup_elem "document_marker"; val (document_tagN, document_tag) = markup_string "document_tag" nameN; val (document_latexN, document_latex) = markup_elem "document_latex"; (* Markdown document structure *) val (markdown_paragraphN, markdown_paragraph) = markup_elem "markdown_paragraph"; val (markdown_itemN, markdown_item) = markup_elem "markdown_item"; val (markdown_bulletN, markdown_bullet) = markup_int "markdown_bullet" "depth"; val (markdown_listN, markdown_list) = markup_string "markdown_list" kindN; val itemizeN = "itemize"; val enumerateN = "enumerate"; val descriptionN = "description"; (* formal input *) val inputN = "input"; fun input delimited props = (inputN, (delimitedN, Value.print_bool delimited) :: props); (* outer syntax *) val (command_keywordN, command_keyword) = markup_elem "command_keyword"; val commandN = "command"; val command_properties = properties [(kindN, commandN)]; val keywordN = "keyword"; val keyword_properties = properties [(kindN, keywordN)]; val (keyword1N, keyword1) = markup_elem "keyword1"; val (keyword2N, keyword2) = markup_elem "keyword2"; val (keyword3N, keyword3) = markup_elem "keyword3"; val (quasi_keywordN, quasi_keyword) = markup_elem "quasi_keyword"; val (improperN, improper) = markup_elem "improper"; val (operatorN, operator) = markup_elem "operator"; val (stringN, string) = markup_elem "string"; val (alt_stringN, alt_string) = markup_elem "alt_string"; val (verbatimN, verbatim) = markup_elem "verbatim"; val (cartoucheN, cartouche) = markup_elem "cartouche"; val (commentN, comment) = markup_elem "comment"; (* comments *) val (comment1N, comment1) = markup_elem "comment1"; val (comment2N, comment2) = markup_elem "comment2"; val (comment3N, comment3) = markup_elem "comment3"; (* timing *) val elapsedN = "elapsed"; val cpuN = "cpu"; val gcN = "gc"; fun timing_properties {elapsed, cpu, gc} = [(elapsedN, Value.print_time elapsed), (cpuN, Value.print_time cpu), (gcN, Value.print_time gc)]; val timingN = "timing"; fun timing t = (timingN, timing_properties t); (* command timing *) fun parse_command_timing_properties props = (case (Properties.get props fileN, Properties.get props offsetN, Properties.get props nameN) of (SOME file, SOME offset, SOME name) => SOME ({file = file, offset = Value.parse_int offset, name = name}, Properties.seconds props elapsedN) | _ => NONE); (* indentation *) val (command_indentN, command_indent) = markup_int "command_indent" indentN; (* goals *) val (goalN, goal) = markup_elem "goal"; val (subgoalN, subgoal) = markup_string "subgoal" nameN; (* command status *) val taskN = "task"; val (forkedN, forked) = markup_elem "forked"; val (joinedN, joined) = markup_elem "joined"; val (runningN, running) = markup_elem "running"; val (finishedN, finished) = markup_elem "finished"; val (failedN, failed) = markup_elem "failed"; val (canceledN, canceled) = markup_elem "canceled"; val (initializedN, initialized) = markup_elem "initialized"; val (finalizedN, finalized) = markup_elem "finalized"; val (consolidatingN, consolidating) = markup_elem "consolidating"; val (consolidatedN, consolidated) = markup_elem "consolidated"; (* messages *) val exec_idN = "exec_id"; val initN = "init"; val (statusN, status) = markup_elem "status"; val (resultN, result) = markup_elem "result"; val (writelnN, writeln) = markup_elem "writeln"; val (stateN, state) = markup_elem "state" val (informationN, information) = markup_elem "information"; val (tracingN, tracing) = markup_elem "tracing"; val (warningN, warning) = markup_elem "warning"; val (legacyN, legacy) = markup_elem "legacy"; val (errorN, error) = markup_elem "error"; val (systemN, system) = markup_elem "system"; val protocolN = "protocol"; val (reportN, report) = markup_elem "report"; val (no_reportN, no_report) = markup_elem "no_report"; val badN = "bad"; fun bad () = (badN, serial_properties (serial ())); val (intensifyN, intensify) = markup_elem "intensify"; (* ML profiling *) val countN = "count"; val ML_profiling_entryN = "ML_profiling_entry"; fun ML_profiling_entry {name, count} = (ML_profiling_entryN, [(nameN, name), (countN, Value.print_int count)]); val (ML_profilingN, ML_profiling) = markup_string "ML_profiling" kindN; (* active areas *) val browserN = "browser" val graphviewN = "graphview"; val theory_exportsN = "theory_exports"; val sendbackN = "sendback"; val paddingN = "padding"; val padding_line = (paddingN, "line"); val padding_command = (paddingN, "command"); val dialogN = "dialog"; fun dialog i result = (dialogN, [(serialN, Value.print_int i), (resultN, result)]); val jedit_actionN = "jedit_action"; (* protocol message functions *) val functionN = "function" fun ML_statistics {pid, stats_dir} = [(functionN, "ML_statistics"), ("pid", Value.print_int pid), ("stats_dir", stats_dir)]; val commands_accepted = [(functionN, "commands_accepted")]; val assign_update = [(functionN, "assign_update")]; val removed_versions = [(functionN, "removed_versions")]; fun invoke_scala name id = [(functionN, "invoke_scala"), (nameN, name), (idN, id)]; fun cancel_scala id = [(functionN, "cancel_scala"), (idN, id)]; val task_statistics = (functionN, "task_statistics"); val command_timing = (functionN, "command_timing"); val theory_timing = (functionN, "theory_timing"); val session_timing = (functionN, "session_timing"); fun loading_theory name = [("function", "loading_theory"), (nameN, name)]; val build_session_finished = [("function", "build_session_finished")]; val print_operationsN = "print_operations"; val print_operations = [(functionN, print_operationsN)]; (* export *) val exportN = "export"; type export_args = {id: string option, serial: serial, theory_name: string, name: string, executable: bool, compress: bool, strict: bool}; fun export ({id, serial, theory_name, name, executable, compress, strict}: export_args) = [(functionN, exportN), (idN, the_default "" id), (serialN, Value.print_int serial), ("theory_name", theory_name), (nameN, name), ("executable", Value.print_bool executable), ("compress", Value.print_bool compress), ("strict", Value.print_bool strict)]; (* debugger *) fun debugger_state name = [(functionN, "debugger_state"), (nameN, name)]; fun debugger_output name = [(functionN, "debugger_output"), (nameN, name)]; (* simplifier trace *) val simp_trace_panelN = "simp_trace_panel"; val simp_trace_logN = "simp_trace_log"; val simp_trace_stepN = "simp_trace_step"; val simp_trace_recurseN = "simp_trace_recurse"; val simp_trace_hintN = "simp_trace_hint"; val simp_trace_ignoreN = "simp_trace_ignore"; fun simp_trace_cancel i = [(functionN, "simp_trace_cancel"), (serialN, Value.print_int i)]; (** print mode operations **) type output = Output.output * Output.output; val no_output = ("", ""); local val default = {output = Output_Primitives.markup_fn}; val modes = Synchronized.var "Markup.modes" (Symtab.make [("", default)]); in fun add_mode name output = Synchronized.change modes (fn tab => (if not (Symtab.defined tab name) then () else Output.warning ("Redefining markup mode " ^ quote name); Symtab.update (name, {output = output}) tab)); fun get_mode () = the_default default (Library.get_first (Symtab.lookup (Synchronized.value modes)) (print_mode_value ())); end; fun output m = if is_empty m then no_output else #output (get_mode ()) m; val enclose = output #-> Library.enclose; fun markup m = let val (bg, en) = output m in Library.enclose (Output.escape bg) (Output.escape en) end; val markups = fold_rev markup; fun markup_only m = markup m ""; fun markup_report "" = "" | markup_report txt = markup report txt; end; diff --git a/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.scala b/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.scala --- a/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.scala +++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.scala @@ -1,776 +1,785 @@ /* Title: Pure/PIDE/markup.scala Author: Makarius Quasi-abstract markup elements. */ package isabelle object Markup { /* elements */ object Elements { def apply(elems: Set[String]): Elements = new Elements(elems) def apply(elems: String*): Elements = apply(Set(elems: _*)) val empty: Elements = apply() val full: Elements = new Elements(Set.empty) { override def apply(elem: String): Boolean = true override def toString: String = "Elements.full" } } sealed class Elements private[Markup](private val rep: Set[String]) { def apply(elem: String): Boolean = rep.contains(elem) def + (elem: String): Elements = new Elements(rep + elem) def ++ (elems: Elements): Elements = new Elements(rep ++ elems.rep) def - (elem: String): Elements = new Elements(rep - elem) def -- (elems: Elements): Elements = new Elements(rep -- elems.rep) override def toString: String = rep.mkString("Elements(", ",", ")") } /* properties */ val NAME = "name" val Name = new Properties.String(NAME) val XNAME = "xname" val XName = new Properties.String(XNAME) val KIND = "kind" val Kind = new Properties.String(KIND) val CONTENT = "content" val Content = new Properties.String(CONTENT) val SERIAL = "serial" val Serial = new Properties.Long(SERIAL) val INSTANCE = "instance" val Instance = new Properties.String(INSTANCE) /* basic markup */ val Empty: Markup = Markup("", Nil) val Broken: Markup = Markup("broken", Nil) class Markup_String(val name: String, prop: String) { private val Prop = new Properties.String(prop) def apply(s: String): Markup = Markup(name, Prop(s)) def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[String] = if (markup.name == name) Prop.unapply(markup.properties) else None } class Markup_Int(val name: String, prop: String) { private val Prop = new Properties.Int(prop) def apply(i: Int): Markup = Markup(name, Prop(i)) def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[Int] = if (markup.name == name) Prop.unapply(markup.properties) else None } class Markup_Long(val name: String, prop: String) { private val Prop = new Properties.Long(prop) def apply(i: Long): Markup = Markup(name, Prop(i)) def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[Long] = if (markup.name == name) Prop.unapply(markup.properties) else None } /* meta data */ val META_TITLE = "meta_title" val META_CREATOR = "meta_creator" val META_CONTRIBUTOR = "meta_contributor" val META_DATE = "meta_date" val META_LICENSE = "meta_license" val META_DESCRIPTION = "meta_description" /* formal entities */ val BINDING = "binding" val ENTITY = "entity" val Def = new Properties.Long("def") val Ref = new Properties.Long("ref") object Entity { object Def { def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[Long] = if (markup.name == ENTITY) Markup.Def.unapply(markup.properties) else None } object Ref { def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[Long] = if (markup.name == ENTITY) Markup.Ref.unapply(markup.properties) else None } object Occ { def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[Long] = Def.unapply(markup) orElse Ref.unapply(markup) } def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[(String, String)] = markup match { case Markup(ENTITY, props) => val kind = Kind.unapply(props).getOrElse("") val name = Name.unapply(props).getOrElse("") Some((kind, name)) case _ => None } } /* completion */ val COMPLETION = "completion" val NO_COMPLETION = "no_completion" val UPDATE = "update" /* position */ val LINE = "line" val END_LINE = "line" val OFFSET = "offset" val END_OFFSET = "end_offset" val FILE = "file" val ID = "id" val DEF_LINE = "def_line" val DEF_OFFSET = "def_offset" val DEF_END_OFFSET = "def_end_offset" val DEF_FILE = "def_file" val DEF_ID = "def_id" + val POSITION = "position" + val POSITION_PROPERTIES = Set(LINE, OFFSET, END_OFFSET, FILE, ID) def position_property(entry: Properties.Entry): Boolean = POSITION_PROPERTIES(entry._1) - val POSITION = "position" + + /* position "def" name */ + + private val def_names: Map[String, String] = + Map(LINE -> DEF_LINE, OFFSET -> DEF_OFFSET, END_OFFSET -> DEF_END_OFFSET, + FILE -> DEF_FILE, ID -> DEF_ID) + + def def_name(a: String): String = def_names.getOrElse(a, a + "def_") /* expression */ val EXPRESSION = "expression" object Expression { def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[String] = markup match { case Markup(EXPRESSION, Kind(kind)) => Some(kind) case Markup(EXPRESSION, _) => Some("") case _ => None } } /* citation */ val CITATION = "citation" val Citation = new Markup_String(CITATION, NAME) /* embedded languages */ val Symbols = new Properties.Boolean("symbols") val Antiquotes = new Properties.Boolean("antiquotes") val Delimited = new Properties.Boolean("delimited") val LANGUAGE = "language" object Language { val DOCUMENT = "document" val ML = "ML" val SML = "SML" val PATH = "path" val UNKNOWN = "unknown" def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)] = markup match { case Markup(LANGUAGE, props) => (props, props, props, props) match { case (Name(name), Symbols(symbols), Antiquotes(antiquotes), Delimited(delimited)) => Some((name, symbols, antiquotes, delimited)) case _ => None } case _ => None } object Path { def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[Boolean] = markup match { case Language(PATH, _, _, delimited) => Some(delimited) case _ => None } } } /* external resources */ val PATH = "path" val Path = new Markup_String(PATH, NAME) val EXPORT_PATH = "export_path" val Export_Path = new Markup_String(EXPORT_PATH, NAME) val URL = "url" val Url = new Markup_String(URL, NAME) val DOC = "doc" val Doc = new Markup_String(DOC, NAME) /* pretty printing */ val Consistent = new Properties.Boolean("consistent") val Indent = new Properties.Int("indent") val Width = new Properties.Int("width") object Block { val name = "block" def apply(c: Boolean, i: Int): Markup = Markup(name, (if (c) Consistent(c) else Nil) ::: (if (i != 0) Indent(i) else Nil)) def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[(Boolean, Int)] = if (markup.name == name) { val c = Consistent.unapply(markup.properties).getOrElse(false) val i = Indent.unapply(markup.properties).getOrElse(0) Some((c, i)) } else None } object Break { val name = "break" def apply(w: Int, i: Int): Markup = Markup(name, (if (w != 0) Width(w) else Nil) ::: (if (i != 0) Indent(i) else Nil)) def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[(Int, Int)] = if (markup.name == name) { val w = Width.unapply(markup.properties).getOrElse(0) val i = Indent.unapply(markup.properties).getOrElse(0) Some((w, i)) } else None } val ITEM = "item" val BULLET = "bullet" val SEPARATOR = "separator" /* text properties */ val WORDS = "words" val HIDDEN = "hidden" val DELETE = "delete" /* misc entities */ val SESSION = "session" val THEORY = "theory" val CLASS = "class" val LOCALE = "locale" val TYPE_NAME = "type_name" val CONSTANT = "constant" val AXIOM = "axiom" val FACT = "fact" val ORACLE = "oracle" val FIXED = "fixed" val CASE = "case" val DYNAMIC_FACT = "dynamic_fact" val LITERAL_FACT = "literal_fact" val ATTRIBUTE = "attribute" val METHOD = "method" val METHOD_MODIFIER = "method_modifier" /* inner syntax */ val TFREE = "tfree" val TVAR = "tvar" val FREE = "free" val SKOLEM = "skolem" val BOUND = "bound" val VAR = "var" val NUMERAL = "numeral" val LITERAL = "literal" val DELIMITER = "delimiter" val INNER_STRING = "inner_string" val INNER_CARTOUCHE = "inner_cartouche" val TOKEN_RANGE = "token_range" val SORTING = "sorting" val TYPING = "typing" val CLASS_PARAMETER = "class_parameter" /* antiquotations */ val ANTIQUOTED = "antiquoted" val ANTIQUOTE = "antiquote" val ML_ANTIQUOTATION = "ML_antiquotation" val DOCUMENT_ANTIQUOTATION = "document_antiquotation" val DOCUMENT_ANTIQUOTATION_OPTION = "document_antiquotation_option" /* document text */ val RAW_TEXT = "raw_text" val PLAIN_TEXT = "plain_text" val PARAGRAPH = "paragraph" val TEXT_FOLD = "text_fold" object Document_Tag { val ELEMENT = "document_tag" val IMPORTANT = "important" val UNIMPORTANT = "unimportant" def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[String] = markup match { case Markup(ELEMENT, Name(name)) => Some(name) case _ => None } } val DOCUMENT_LATEX = "document_latex" /* Markdown document structure */ val MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH = "markdown_paragraph" val MARKDOWN_ITEM = "markdown_item" val Markdown_Bullet = new Markup_Int("markdown_bullet", "depth") val Markdown_List = new Markup_String("markdown_list", "kind") val ITEMIZE = "itemize" val ENUMERATE = "enumerate" val DESCRIPTION = "description" /* ML */ val ML_KEYWORD1 = "ML_keyword1" val ML_KEYWORD2 = "ML_keyword2" val ML_KEYWORD3 = "ML_keyword3" val ML_DELIMITER = "ML_delimiter" val ML_TVAR = "ML_tvar" val ML_NUMERAL = "ML_numeral" val ML_CHAR = "ML_char" val ML_STRING = "ML_string" val ML_COMMENT = "ML_comment" val ML_DEF = "ML_def" val ML_OPEN = "ML_open" val ML_STRUCTURE = "ML_structure" val ML_TYPING = "ML_typing" val ML_BREAKPOINT = "ML_breakpoint" /* outer syntax */ val COMMAND = "command" val KEYWORD = "keyword" val KEYWORD1 = "keyword1" val KEYWORD2 = "keyword2" val KEYWORD3 = "keyword3" val QUASI_KEYWORD = "quasi_keyword" val IMPROPER = "improper" val OPERATOR = "operator" val STRING = "string" val ALT_STRING = "alt_string" val VERBATIM = "verbatim" val CARTOUCHE = "cartouche" val COMMENT = "comment" val LOAD_COMMAND = "load_command" /* comments */ val COMMENT1 = "comment1" val COMMENT2 = "comment2" val COMMENT3 = "comment3" /* timing */ val Elapsed = new Properties.Double("elapsed") val CPU = new Properties.Double("cpu") val GC = new Properties.Double("gc") object Timing_Properties { def apply(timing: isabelle.Timing): Properties.T = Elapsed(timing.elapsed.seconds) ::: CPU(timing.cpu.seconds) ::: GC(timing.gc.seconds) def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[isabelle.Timing] = (props, props, props) match { case (Elapsed(elapsed), CPU(cpu), GC(gc)) => Some(new isabelle.Timing(Time.seconds(elapsed), Time.seconds(cpu), Time.seconds(gc))) case _ => None } def parse(props: Properties.T): isabelle.Timing = unapply(props) getOrElse isabelle.Timing.zero } val TIMING = "timing" object Timing { def apply(timing: isabelle.Timing): Markup = Markup(TIMING, Timing_Properties(timing)) def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[isabelle.Timing] = markup match { case Markup(TIMING, Timing_Properties(timing)) => Some(timing) case _ => None } } /* process result */ val Return_Code = new Properties.Int("return_code") object Process_Result { def apply(result: Process_Result): Properties.T = Return_Code(result.rc) ::: (if (result.timing.is_zero) Nil else Timing_Properties(result.timing)) def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[Process_Result] = props match { case Return_Code(rc) => val timing = Timing_Properties.unapply(props).getOrElse(isabelle.Timing.zero) Some(isabelle.Process_Result(rc, timing = timing)) case _ => None } } /* command indentation */ object Command_Indent { val name = "command_indent" def unapply(markup: Markup): Option[Int] = if (markup.name == name) Indent.unapply(markup.properties) else None } /* goals */ val GOAL = "goal" val SUBGOAL = "subgoal" /* command status */ val TASK = "task" val ACCEPTED = "accepted" val FORKED = "forked" val JOINED = "joined" val RUNNING = "running" val FINISHED = "finished" val FAILED = "failed" val CANCELED = "canceled" val INITIALIZED = "initialized" val FINALIZED = "finalized" val CONSOLIDATING = "consolidating" val CONSOLIDATED = "consolidated" /* interactive documents */ val VERSION = "version" val ASSIGN = "assign" /* prover process */ val PROVER_COMMAND = "prover_command" val PROVER_ARG = "prover_arg" /* messages */ val INIT = "init" val STATUS = "status" val REPORT = "report" val RESULT = "result" val WRITELN = "writeln" val STATE = "state" val INFORMATION = "information" val TRACING = "tracing" val WARNING = "warning" val LEGACY = "legacy" val ERROR = "error" val NODES_STATUS = "nodes_status" val PROTOCOL = "protocol" val SYSTEM = "system" val STDOUT = "stdout" val STDERR = "stderr" val EXIT = "exit" val WRITELN_MESSAGE = "writeln_message" val STATE_MESSAGE = "state_message" val INFORMATION_MESSAGE = "information_message" val TRACING_MESSAGE = "tracing_message" val WARNING_MESSAGE = "warning_message" val LEGACY_MESSAGE = "legacy_message" val ERROR_MESSAGE = "error_message" val messages = Map( WRITELN -> WRITELN_MESSAGE, STATE -> STATE_MESSAGE, INFORMATION -> INFORMATION_MESSAGE, TRACING -> TRACING_MESSAGE, WARNING -> WARNING_MESSAGE, LEGACY -> LEGACY_MESSAGE, ERROR -> ERROR_MESSAGE) val message: String => String = messages.withDefault((s: String) => s) val NO_REPORT = "no_report" val BAD = "bad" val INTENSIFY = "intensify" /* ML profiling */ val COUNT = "count" val ML_PROFILING_ENTRY = "ML_profiling_entry" val ML_PROFILING = "ML_profiling" object ML_Profiling { def unapply_entry(tree: XML.Tree): Option[isabelle.ML_Profiling.Entry] = tree match { case XML.Elem(Markup(ML_PROFILING_ENTRY, List((NAME, name), (COUNT, Value.Long(count)))), _) => Some(isabelle.ML_Profiling.Entry(name, count)) case _ => None } def unapply_report(tree: XML.Tree): Option[isabelle.ML_Profiling.Report] = tree match { case XML.Elem(Markup(ML_PROFILING, List((KIND, kind))), body) => Some(isabelle.ML_Profiling.Report(kind, body.flatMap(unapply_entry))) case _ => None } } /* active areas */ val BROWSER = "browser" val GRAPHVIEW = "graphview" val THEORY_EXPORTS = "theory_exports" val SENDBACK = "sendback" val PADDING = "padding" val PADDING_LINE = (PADDING, "line") val PADDING_COMMAND = (PADDING, "command") val DIALOG = "dialog" val Result = new Properties.String(RESULT) val JEDIT_ACTION = "jedit_action" /* protocol message functions */ val FUNCTION = "function" class Function(val name: String) { val PROPERTY: Properties.Entry = (FUNCTION, name) } class Properties_Function(name: String) extends Function(name) { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[Properties.T] = props match { case PROPERTY :: args => Some(args) case _ => None } } class Name_Function(name: String) extends Function(name) { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[String] = props match { case List(PROPERTY, (NAME, a)) => Some(a) case _ => None } } object ML_Statistics extends Function("ML_statistics") { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[(Long, String)] = props match { case List(PROPERTY, ("pid", Value.Long(pid)), ("stats_dir", stats_dir)) => Some((pid, stats_dir)) case _ => None } } val command_timing_properties: Set[String] = Set(FILE, OFFSET, NAME, Elapsed.name) def command_timing_property(entry: Properties.Entry): Boolean = command_timing_properties(entry._1) object Command_Timing extends Properties_Function("command_timing") object Theory_Timing extends Properties_Function("theory_timing") object Session_Timing extends Properties_Function("session_timing") { val Threads = new Properties.Int("threads") } object Task_Statistics extends Properties_Function("task_statistics") object Loading_Theory extends Properties_Function("loading_theory") object Build_Session_Finished extends Function("build_session_finished") object Commands_Accepted extends Function("commands_accepted") object Assign_Update extends Function("assign_update") object Removed_Versions extends Function("removed_versions") object Invoke_Scala extends Function("invoke_scala") { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[(String, String)] = props match { case List(PROPERTY, (NAME, name), (ID, id)) => Some((name, id)) case _ => None } } object Cancel_Scala extends Function("cancel_scala") { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[String] = props match { case List(PROPERTY, (ID, id)) => Some(id) case _ => None } } val PRINT_OPERATIONS = "print_operations" /* export */ val EXPORT = "export" val THEORY_NAME = "theory_name" val EXECUTABLE = "executable" val COMPRESS = "compress" val STRICT = "strict" /* debugger output */ val DEBUGGER_STATE = "debugger_state" object Debugger_State { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[String] = props match { case List((FUNCTION, DEBUGGER_STATE), (NAME, name)) => Some(name) case _ => None } } val DEBUGGER_OUTPUT = "debugger_output" object Debugger_Output { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[String] = props match { case List((FUNCTION, DEBUGGER_OUTPUT), (NAME, name)) => Some(name) case _ => None } } /* simplifier trace */ val SIMP_TRACE_PANEL = "simp_trace_panel" val SIMP_TRACE_LOG = "simp_trace_log" val SIMP_TRACE_STEP = "simp_trace_step" val SIMP_TRACE_RECURSE = "simp_trace_recurse" val SIMP_TRACE_HINT = "simp_trace_hint" val SIMP_TRACE_IGNORE = "simp_trace_ignore" val SIMP_TRACE_CANCEL = "simp_trace_cancel" object Simp_Trace_Cancel { def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[Long] = props match { case (FUNCTION, SIMP_TRACE_CANCEL) :: Serial(i) => Some(i) case _ => None } } /* XML data representation */ def encode: XML.Encode.T[Markup] = (markup: Markup) => { import XML.Encode._ pair(string, properties)((markup.name, markup.properties)) } def decode: XML.Decode.T[Markup] = (body: XML.Body) => { import XML.Decode._ val (name, props) = pair(string, properties)(body) Markup(name, props) } } sealed case class Markup(name: String, properties: Properties.T) { def is_empty: Boolean = name.isEmpty def markup(s: String): String = YXML.string_of_tree(XML.Elem(this, List(XML.Text(s)))) def update_properties(more_props: Properties.T): Markup = if (more_props.isEmpty) this else Markup(name, more_props.foldRight(properties) { case (p, ps) => Properties.put(ps, p) }) def + (entry: Properties.Entry): Markup = Markup(name, Properties.put(properties, entry)) } diff --git a/src/Tools/Haskell/Haskell.thy b/src/Tools/Haskell/Haskell.thy --- a/src/Tools/Haskell/Haskell.thy +++ b/src/Tools/Haskell/Haskell.thy @@ -1,3532 +1,3554 @@ (* Title: Tools/Haskell/Haskell.thy Author: Makarius Support for Isabelle tools in Haskell. *) theory Haskell imports Main begin generate_file "Isabelle/Bytes.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Bytes.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Compact byte strings. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/bytes.ML\ and \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/bytes.scala\. -} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Isabelle.Bytes ( Bytes, make, unmake, pack, unpack, empty, null, length, index, all, any, head, last, take, drop, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, concat, space, spaces, char, all_char, any_char, byte, singleton ) where import Prelude hiding (null, length, all, any, head, last, take, drop, concat) import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as ShortByteString import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Array (Array, array, (!)) type Bytes = ShortByteString make :: ByteString -> Bytes make = ShortByteString.toShort unmake :: Bytes -> ByteString unmake = ShortByteString.fromShort pack :: [Word8] -> Bytes pack = ShortByteString.pack unpack :: Bytes -> [Word8] unpack = ShortByteString.unpack empty :: Bytes empty = ShortByteString.empty null :: Bytes -> Bool null = ShortByteString.null length :: Bytes -> Int length = ShortByteString.length index :: Bytes -> Int -> Word8 index = ShortByteString.index all :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bool all p = List.all p . unpack any :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bool any p = List.any p . unpack head :: Bytes -> Word8 head bytes = index bytes 0 last :: Bytes -> Word8 last bytes = index bytes (length bytes - 1) take :: Int -> Bytes -> Bytes take n = pack . List.take n . unpack drop :: Int -> Bytes -> Bytes drop n = pack . List.drop n . unpack isPrefixOf :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool isPrefixOf bs1 bs2 = n1 <= n2 && List.all (\i -> index bs1 i == index bs2 i) [0 .. n1 - 1] where n1 = length bs1; n2 = length bs2 isSuffixOf :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool isSuffixOf bs1 bs2 = n1 <= n2 && List.all (\i -> index bs1 i == index bs2 (i + k)) [0 .. n1 - 1] where n1 = length bs1; n2 = length bs2; k = n2 - n1 concat :: [Bytes] -> Bytes concat = mconcat space :: Word8 space = 32 small_spaces :: Array Int Bytes small_spaces = array (0, 64) [(i, pack (replicate i space)) | i <- [0 .. 64]] spaces :: Int -> Bytes spaces n = if n < 64 then small_spaces ! n else concat ((small_spaces ! (n `mod` 64)) : replicate (n `div` 64) (small_spaces ! 64)) char :: Word8 -> Char char = toEnum . fromEnum all_char :: (Char -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bool all_char pred = all (pred . char) any_char :: (Char -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bool any_char pred = any (pred . char) byte :: Char -> Word8 byte = toEnum . fromEnum singletons :: Array Word8 Bytes singletons = array (minBound, maxBound) [(i, make (ByteString.singleton i)) | i <- [minBound .. maxBound]] singleton :: Word8 -> Bytes singleton b = singletons ! b \ generate_file "Isabelle/UTF8.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/UTF8.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Variations on UTF-8. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/utf8.ML\ and \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/utf8.scala\. -} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} module Isabelle.UTF8 ( setup, setup3, Recode (..) ) where import qualified System.IO as IO import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as Error import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) setup :: IO.Handle -> IO () setup h = do IO.hSetEncoding h IO.utf8 IO.hSetNewlineMode h IO.noNewlineTranslation setup3 :: IO.Handle -> IO.Handle -> IO.Handle -> IO () setup3 h1 h2 h3 = do setup h1 setup h2 setup h3 class Recode a b where encode :: a -> b decode :: b -> a instance Recode Text ByteString where encode :: Text -> ByteString encode = Encoding.encodeUtf8 decode :: ByteString -> Text decode = Encoding.decodeUtf8With Error.lenientDecode instance Recode Text Bytes where encode :: Text -> Bytes encode = Bytes.make . encode decode :: Bytes -> Text decode = decode . Bytes.unmake instance Recode String ByteString where encode :: String -> ByteString encode = encode . Text.pack decode :: ByteString -> String decode = Text.unpack . decode instance Recode String Bytes where encode :: String -> Bytes encode = encode . Text.pack decode :: Bytes -> String decode = Text.unpack . decode \ generate_file "Isabelle/Library.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Library.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Basic library of Isabelle idioms. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/basics.ML\ and \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/library.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} module Isabelle.Library ( (|>), (|->), (#>), (#->), fold, fold_rev, single, map_index, get_index, separate, StringLike, STRING (..), TEXT (..), BYTES (..), show_bytes, show_text, proper_string, quote, space_implode, commas, commas_quote, cat_lines, space_explode, split_lines, trim_line) where import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy import Data.String (IsString) import qualified Data.List.Split as Split import qualified Isabelle.Symbol as Symbol import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.UTF8 as UTF8 {- functions -} (|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b x |> f = f x (|->) :: (a, b) -> (a -> b -> c) -> c (x, y) |-> f = f x y (#>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c (f #> g) x = x |> f |> g (#->) :: (a -> (c, b)) -> (c -> b -> d) -> a -> d (f #-> g) x = x |> f |-> g {- lists -} fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> b -> b fold _ [] y = y fold f (x : xs) y = fold f xs (f x y) fold_rev :: (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> b -> b fold_rev _ [] y = y fold_rev f (x : xs) y = f x (fold_rev f xs y) single :: a -> [a] single x = [x] map_index :: ((Int, a) -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map_index f = map_aux 0 where map_aux _ [] = [] map_aux i (x : xs) = f (i, x) : map_aux (i + 1) xs get_index :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe (Int, b) get_index f = get_aux 0 where get_aux _ [] = Nothing get_aux i (x : xs) = case f x of Nothing -> get_aux (i + 1) xs Just y -> Just (i, y) separate :: a -> [a] -> [a] separate s (x : (xs @ (_ : _))) = x : s : separate s xs separate _ xs = xs; {- string-like interfaces -} class (IsString a, Monoid a, Eq a, Ord a) => StringLike a where space_explode :: Char -> a -> [a] trim_line :: a -> a gen_trim_line :: Int -> (Int -> Char) -> (Int -> a -> a) -> a -> a gen_trim_line n at trim s = if n >= 2 && at (n - 2) == '\r' && at (n - 1) == '\n' then trim (n - 2) s else if n >= 1 && Symbol.is_ascii_line_terminator (at (n - 1)) then trim (n - 1) s else s instance StringLike String where space_explode :: Char -> String -> [String] space_explode c = Split.split (Split.dropDelims (Split.whenElt (== c))) trim_line :: String -> String trim_line s = gen_trim_line (length s) ((!!) s) take s instance StringLike Text where space_explode :: Char -> Text -> [Text] space_explode c str = if Text.null str then [] else if Text.all (/= c) str then [str] else map Text.pack $ space_explode c $ Text.unpack str trim_line :: Text -> Text trim_line s = gen_trim_line (Text.length s) (Text.index s) Text.take s instance StringLike Lazy.Text where space_explode :: Char -> Lazy.Text -> [Lazy.Text] space_explode c str = if Lazy.null str then [] else if Lazy.all (/= c) str then [str] else map Lazy.pack $ space_explode c $ Lazy.unpack str trim_line :: Lazy.Text -> Lazy.Text trim_line = Lazy.fromStrict . trim_line . Lazy.toStrict instance StringLike Bytes where space_explode :: Char -> Bytes -> [Bytes] space_explode c str = if Bytes.null str then [] else if Bytes.all_char (/= c) str then [str] else explode (Bytes.unpack str) where explode rest = case span (/= (Bytes.byte c)) rest of (_, []) -> [Bytes.pack rest] (prfx, _ : rest') -> Bytes.pack prfx : explode rest' trim_line :: Bytes -> Bytes trim_line s = gen_trim_line (Bytes.length s) (Bytes.char . Bytes.index s) Bytes.take s class StringLike a => STRING a where make_string :: a -> String instance STRING String where make_string = id instance STRING Text where make_string = Text.unpack instance STRING Lazy.Text where make_string = Lazy.unpack instance STRING Bytes where make_string = UTF8.decode class StringLike a => TEXT a where make_text :: a -> Text instance TEXT String where make_text = Text.pack instance TEXT Text where make_text = id instance TEXT Lazy.Text where make_text = Lazy.toStrict instance TEXT Bytes where make_text = UTF8.decode class StringLike a => BYTES a where make_bytes :: a -> Bytes instance BYTES String where make_bytes = UTF8.encode instance BYTES Text where make_bytes = UTF8.encode instance BYTES Lazy.Text where make_bytes = UTF8.encode . Lazy.toStrict instance BYTES Bytes where make_bytes = id show_bytes :: Show a => a -> Bytes show_bytes = make_bytes . show show_text :: Show a => a -> Text show_text = make_text . show {- strings -} proper_string :: StringLike a => a -> Maybe a proper_string s = if s == "" then Nothing else Just s quote :: StringLike a => a -> a quote s = "\"" <> s <> "\"" space_implode :: StringLike a => a -> [a] -> a space_implode s = mconcat . separate s commas, commas_quote :: StringLike a => [a] -> a commas = space_implode ", " commas_quote = commas . map quote split_lines :: StringLike a => a -> [a] split_lines = space_explode '\n' cat_lines :: StringLike a => [a] -> a cat_lines = space_implode "\n" \ generate_file "Isabelle/Symbol.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Symbols.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Isabelle text symbols. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/symbol.ML\ and \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/symbol_explode.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Symbol ( Symbol, eof, is_eof, not_eof, is_ascii_letter, is_ascii_digit, is_ascii_hex, is_ascii_quasi, is_ascii_blank, is_ascii_line_terminator, is_ascii_letdig, is_ascii_identifier, explode ) where import Data.Word (Word8) import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) {- type -} type Symbol = Bytes eof :: Symbol eof = "" is_eof, not_eof :: Symbol -> Bool is_eof = Bytes.null not_eof = not . is_eof {- ASCII characters -} is_ascii_letter :: Char -> Bool is_ascii_letter c = 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' is_ascii_digit :: Char -> Bool is_ascii_digit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9' is_ascii_hex :: Char -> Bool is_ascii_hex c = '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' is_ascii_quasi :: Char -> Bool is_ascii_quasi c = c == '_' || c == '\'' is_ascii_blank :: Char -> Bool is_ascii_blank c = c `elem` (" \t\n\11\f\r" :: String) is_ascii_line_terminator :: Char -> Bool is_ascii_line_terminator c = c == '\r' || c == '\n' is_ascii_letdig :: Char -> Bool is_ascii_letdig c = is_ascii_letter c || is_ascii_digit c || is_ascii_quasi c is_ascii_identifier :: String -> Bool is_ascii_identifier s = not (null s) && is_ascii_letter (head s) && all is_ascii_letdig s {- explode symbols: ASCII, UTF8, named -} is_utf8 :: Word8 -> Bool is_utf8 b = b >= 128 is_utf8_trailer :: Word8 -> Bool is_utf8_trailer b = 128 <= b && b < 192 is_utf8_control :: Word8 -> Bool is_utf8_control b = 128 <= b && b < 160 (|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b x |> f = f x explode :: Bytes -> [Symbol] explode string = scan 0 where byte = Bytes.index string substring i j = if i == j - 1 then Bytes.singleton (byte i) else Bytes.pack (map byte [i .. j - 1]) n = Bytes.length string test pred i = i < n && pred (byte i) test_char pred i = i < n && pred (Bytes.char (byte i)) many pred i = if test pred i then many pred (i + 1) else i maybe_char c i = if test_char (== c) i then i + 1 else i maybe_ascii_id i = if test_char is_ascii_letter i then many (is_ascii_letdig . Bytes.char) (i + 1) else i scan i = if i < n then let b = byte i c = Bytes.char b in {-encoded newline-} if c == '\r' then "\n" : scan (maybe_char '\n' (i + 1)) {-pseudo utf8: encoded ascii control-} else if b == 192 && test is_utf8_control (i + 1) && not (test is_utf8 (i + 2)) then Bytes.singleton (byte (i + 1) - 128) : scan (i + 2) {-utf8-} else if is_utf8 b then let j = many is_utf8_trailer (i + 1) in substring i j : scan j {-named symbol-} else if c == '\\' && test_char (== '<') (i + 1) then let j = (i + 2) |> maybe_char '^' |> maybe_ascii_id |> maybe_char '>' in substring i j : scan j {-single character-} else Bytes.singleton b : scan (i + 1) else [] \ generate_file "Isabelle/Buffer.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Buffer.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Efficient buffer of byte strings. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/buffer.ML\. -} module Isabelle.Buffer (T, empty, add, content) where import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) newtype T = Buffer [Bytes] empty :: T empty = Buffer [] add :: Bytes -> T -> T add b (Buffer bs) = Buffer (if Bytes.null b then bs else b : bs) content :: T -> Bytes content (Buffer bs) = Bytes.concat (reverse bs) \ generate_file "Isabelle/Value.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Value.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Plain values, represented as string. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/value.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Value (print_bool, parse_bool, parse_nat, print_int, parse_int, print_real, parse_real) where import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Text.Read as Read import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import Isabelle.Library {- bool -} print_bool :: Bool -> Bytes print_bool True = "true" print_bool False = "false" parse_bool :: Bytes -> Maybe Bool parse_bool "true" = Just True parse_bool "false" = Just False parse_bool _ = Nothing {- nat -} parse_nat :: Bytes -> Maybe Int parse_nat s = case Read.readMaybe (make_string s) of Just n | n >= 0 -> Just n _ -> Nothing {- int -} print_int :: Int -> Bytes print_int = show_bytes parse_int :: Bytes -> Maybe Int parse_int = Read.readMaybe . make_string {- real -} print_real :: Double -> Bytes print_real x = let s = show x in case span (/= '.') s of (a, '.' : b) | List.all (== '0') b -> make_bytes a _ -> make_bytes s parse_real :: Bytes -> Maybe Double parse_real = Read.readMaybe . make_string \ generate_file "Isabelle/Properties.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Properties.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Property lists. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/properties.ML\. -} module Isabelle.Properties (Entry, T, defined, get, get_value, put, remove) where import qualified Data.List as List import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) type Entry = (Bytes, Bytes) type T = [Entry] defined :: T -> Bytes -> Bool defined props name = any (\(a, _) -> a == name) props get :: T -> Bytes -> Maybe Bytes get props name = List.lookup name props get_value :: (Bytes -> Maybe a) -> T -> Bytes -> Maybe a get_value parse props name = case get props name of Nothing -> Nothing Just s -> parse s put :: Entry -> T -> T put entry props = entry : remove (fst entry) props remove :: Bytes -> T -> T remove name props = if defined props name then filter (\(a, _) -> a /= name) props else props \ generate_file "Isabelle/Markup.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Markup.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Quasi-abstract markup elements. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Isabelle.Markup ( T, empty, is_empty, properties, nameN, name, xnameN, xname, kindN, bindingN, binding, entityN, entity, defN, refN, completionN, completion, no_completionN, no_completion, lineN, end_lineN, offsetN, end_offsetN, fileN, idN, positionN, position, + position_properties, def_name, expressionN, expression, citationN, citation, pathN, path, urlN, url, docN, doc, markupN, consistentN, unbreakableN, indentN, widthN, blockN, block, breakN, break, fbreakN, fbreak, itemN, item, wordsN, words, tfreeN, tfree, tvarN, tvar, freeN, free, skolemN, skolem, boundN, bound, varN, var, numeralN, numeral, literalN, literal, delimiterN, delimiter, inner_stringN, inner_string, inner_cartoucheN, inner_cartouche, token_rangeN, token_range, sortingN, sorting, typingN, typing, class_parameterN, class_parameter, antiquotedN, antiquoted, antiquoteN, antiquote, paragraphN, paragraph, text_foldN, text_fold, keyword1N, keyword1, keyword2N, keyword2, keyword3N, keyword3, quasi_keywordN, quasi_keyword, improperN, improper, operatorN, operator, stringN, string, alt_stringN, alt_string, verbatimN, verbatim, cartoucheN, cartouche, commentN, comment, comment1N, comment1, comment2N, comment2, comment3N, comment3, forkedN, forked, joinedN, joined, runningN, running, finishedN, finished, failedN, failed, canceledN, canceled, initializedN, initialized, finalizedN, finalized, consolidatedN, consolidated, writelnN, writeln, stateN, state, informationN, information, tracingN, tracing, warningN, warning, legacyN, legacy, errorN, error, reportN, report, no_reportN, no_report, intensifyN, intensify, Output, no_output) where import Prelude hiding (words, error, break) +import Data.Map.Strict (Map) +import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import qualified Isabelle.Value as Value import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) {- basic markup -} type T = (Bytes, Properties.T) empty :: T empty = ("", []) is_empty :: T -> Bool is_empty ("", _) = True is_empty _ = False properties :: Properties.T -> T -> T properties more_props (elem, props) = (elem, fold_rev Properties.put more_props props) markup_elem :: Bytes -> T markup_elem name = (name, []) markup_string :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes -> T markup_string name prop = \s -> (name, [(prop, s)]) {- misc properties -} nameN :: Bytes nameN = \Markup.nameN\ name :: Bytes -> T -> T name a = properties [(nameN, a)] xnameN :: Bytes xnameN = \Markup.xnameN\ xname :: Bytes -> T -> T xname a = properties [(xnameN, a)] kindN :: Bytes kindN = \Markup.kindN\ {- formal entities -} bindingN :: Bytes bindingN = \Markup.bindingN\ binding :: T binding = markup_elem bindingN entityN :: Bytes entityN = \Markup.entityN\ entity :: Bytes -> Bytes -> T entity kind name = (entityN, (if Bytes.null name then [] else [(nameN, name)]) <> (if Bytes.null kind then [] else [(kindN, kind)])) defN :: Bytes defN = \Markup.defN\ refN :: Bytes refN = \Markup.refN\ {- completion -} completionN :: Bytes completionN = \Markup.completionN\ completion :: T completion = markup_elem completionN no_completionN :: Bytes no_completionN = \Markup.no_completionN\ no_completion :: T no_completion = markup_elem no_completionN {- position -} lineN, end_lineN :: Bytes lineN = \Markup.lineN\ end_lineN = \Markup.end_lineN\ offsetN, end_offsetN :: Bytes offsetN = \Markup.offsetN\ end_offsetN = \Markup.end_offsetN\ fileN, idN :: Bytes fileN = \Markup.fileN\ idN = \Markup.idN\ positionN :: Bytes positionN = \Markup.positionN\ position :: T position = markup_elem positionN +position_properties :: [Bytes] +position_properties = [lineN, offsetN, end_offsetN, fileN, idN] + + +{- position "def" names -} + +make_def :: Bytes -> Bytes +make_def a = "def_" <> a + +def_names :: Map Bytes Bytes +def_names = Map.fromList $ map (\a -> (a, make_def a)) position_properties + +def_name :: Bytes -> Bytes +def_name a = + case Map.lookup a def_names of + Just b -> b + Nothing -> make_def a + {- expression -} expressionN :: Bytes expressionN = \Markup.expressionN\ expression :: Bytes -> T expression kind = (expressionN, if kind == "" then [] else [(kindN, kind)]) {- citation -} citationN :: Bytes citationN = \Markup.citationN\ citation :: Bytes -> T citation = markup_string nameN citationN {- external resources -} pathN :: Bytes pathN = \Markup.pathN\ path :: Bytes -> T path = markup_string pathN nameN urlN :: Bytes urlN = \Markup.urlN\ url :: Bytes -> T url = markup_string urlN nameN docN :: Bytes docN = \Markup.docN\ doc :: Bytes -> T doc = markup_string docN nameN {- pretty printing -} markupN, consistentN, unbreakableN, indentN :: Bytes markupN = \Markup.markupN\ consistentN = \Markup.consistentN\ unbreakableN = \Markup.unbreakableN\ indentN = \Markup.indentN\ widthN :: Bytes widthN = \Markup.widthN\ blockN :: Bytes blockN = \Markup.blockN\ block :: Bool -> Int -> T block c i = (blockN, (if c then [(consistentN, Value.print_bool c)] else []) <> (if i /= 0 then [(indentN, Value.print_int i)] else [])) breakN :: Bytes breakN = \Markup.breakN\ break :: Int -> Int -> T break w i = (breakN, (if w /= 0 then [(widthN, Value.print_int w)] else []) <> (if i /= 0 then [(indentN, Value.print_int i)] else [])) fbreakN :: Bytes fbreakN = \Markup.fbreakN\ fbreak :: T fbreak = markup_elem fbreakN itemN :: Bytes itemN = \Markup.itemN\ item :: T item = markup_elem itemN {- text properties -} wordsN :: Bytes wordsN = \Markup.wordsN\ words :: T words = markup_elem wordsN {- inner syntax -} tfreeN :: Bytes tfreeN = \Markup.tfreeN\ tfree :: T tfree = markup_elem tfreeN tvarN :: Bytes tvarN = \Markup.tvarN\ tvar :: T tvar = markup_elem tvarN freeN :: Bytes freeN = \Markup.freeN\ free :: T free = markup_elem freeN skolemN :: Bytes skolemN = \Markup.skolemN\ skolem :: T skolem = markup_elem skolemN boundN :: Bytes boundN = \Markup.boundN\ bound :: T bound = markup_elem boundN varN :: Bytes varN = \Markup.varN\ var :: T var = markup_elem varN numeralN :: Bytes numeralN = \Markup.numeralN\ numeral :: T numeral = markup_elem numeralN literalN :: Bytes literalN = \Markup.literalN\ literal :: T literal = markup_elem literalN delimiterN :: Bytes delimiterN = \Markup.delimiterN\ delimiter :: T delimiter = markup_elem delimiterN inner_stringN :: Bytes inner_stringN = \Markup.inner_stringN\ inner_string :: T inner_string = markup_elem inner_stringN inner_cartoucheN :: Bytes inner_cartoucheN = \Markup.inner_cartoucheN\ inner_cartouche :: T inner_cartouche = markup_elem inner_cartoucheN token_rangeN :: Bytes token_rangeN = \Markup.token_rangeN\ token_range :: T token_range = markup_elem token_rangeN sortingN :: Bytes sortingN = \Markup.sortingN\ sorting :: T sorting = markup_elem sortingN typingN :: Bytes typingN = \Markup.typingN\ typing :: T typing = markup_elem typingN class_parameterN :: Bytes class_parameterN = \Markup.class_parameterN\ class_parameter :: T class_parameter = markup_elem class_parameterN {- antiquotations -} antiquotedN :: Bytes antiquotedN = \Markup.antiquotedN\ antiquoted :: T antiquoted = markup_elem antiquotedN antiquoteN :: Bytes antiquoteN = \Markup.antiquoteN\ antiquote :: T antiquote = markup_elem antiquoteN {- text structure -} paragraphN :: Bytes paragraphN = \Markup.paragraphN\ paragraph :: T paragraph = markup_elem paragraphN text_foldN :: Bytes text_foldN = \Markup.text_foldN\ text_fold :: T text_fold = markup_elem text_foldN {- outer syntax -} keyword1N :: Bytes keyword1N = \Markup.keyword1N\ keyword1 :: T keyword1 = markup_elem keyword1N keyword2N :: Bytes keyword2N = \Markup.keyword2N\ keyword2 :: T keyword2 = markup_elem keyword2N keyword3N :: Bytes keyword3N = \Markup.keyword3N\ keyword3 :: T keyword3 = markup_elem keyword3N quasi_keywordN :: Bytes quasi_keywordN = \Markup.quasi_keywordN\ quasi_keyword :: T quasi_keyword = markup_elem quasi_keywordN improperN :: Bytes improperN = \Markup.improperN\ improper :: T improper = markup_elem improperN operatorN :: Bytes operatorN = \Markup.operatorN\ operator :: T operator = markup_elem operatorN stringN :: Bytes stringN = \Markup.stringN\ string :: T string = markup_elem stringN alt_stringN :: Bytes alt_stringN = \Markup.alt_stringN\ alt_string :: T alt_string = markup_elem alt_stringN verbatimN :: Bytes verbatimN = \Markup.verbatimN\ verbatim :: T verbatim = markup_elem verbatimN cartoucheN :: Bytes cartoucheN = \Markup.cartoucheN\ cartouche :: T cartouche = markup_elem cartoucheN commentN :: Bytes commentN = \Markup.commentN\ comment :: T comment = markup_elem commentN {- comments -} comment1N :: Bytes comment1N = \Markup.comment1N\ comment1 :: T comment1 = markup_elem comment1N comment2N :: Bytes comment2N = \Markup.comment2N\ comment2 :: T comment2 = markup_elem comment2N comment3N :: Bytes comment3N = \Markup.comment3N\ comment3 :: T comment3 = markup_elem comment3N {- command status -} forkedN, joinedN, runningN, finishedN, failedN, canceledN, initializedN, finalizedN, consolidatedN :: Bytes forkedN = \Markup.forkedN\ joinedN = \Markup.joinedN\ runningN = \Markup.runningN\ finishedN = \Markup.finishedN\ failedN = \Markup.failedN\ canceledN = \Markup.canceledN\ initializedN = \Markup.initializedN\ finalizedN = \Markup.finalizedN\ consolidatedN = \Markup.consolidatedN\ forked, joined, running, finished, failed, canceled, initialized, finalized, consolidated :: T forked = markup_elem forkedN joined = markup_elem joinedN running = markup_elem runningN finished = markup_elem finishedN failed = markup_elem failedN canceled = markup_elem canceledN initialized = markup_elem initializedN finalized = markup_elem finalizedN consolidated = markup_elem consolidatedN {- messages -} writelnN :: Bytes writelnN = \Markup.writelnN\ writeln :: T writeln = markup_elem writelnN stateN :: Bytes stateN = \Markup.stateN\ state :: T state = markup_elem stateN informationN :: Bytes informationN = \Markup.informationN\ information :: T information = markup_elem informationN tracingN :: Bytes tracingN = \Markup.tracingN\ tracing :: T tracing = markup_elem tracingN warningN :: Bytes warningN = \Markup.warningN\ warning :: T warning = markup_elem warningN legacyN :: Bytes legacyN = \Markup.legacyN\ legacy :: T legacy = markup_elem legacyN errorN :: Bytes errorN = \Markup.errorN\ error :: T error = markup_elem errorN reportN :: Bytes reportN = \Markup.reportN\ report :: T report = markup_elem reportN no_reportN :: Bytes no_reportN = \Markup.no_reportN\ no_report :: T no_report = markup_elem no_reportN intensifyN :: Bytes intensifyN = \Markup.intensifyN\ intensify :: T intensify = markup_elem intensifyN {- output -} type Output = (Bytes, Bytes) no_output :: Output no_output = ("", "") \ generate_file "Isabelle/Position.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Position.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Source positions starting from 1; values <= 0 mean "absent". Count Isabelle symbols, not UTF8 bytes nor UTF16 characters. Position range specifies a right-open interval offset .. end_offset (exclusive). See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/position.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Position ( T, line_of, column_of, offset_of, end_offset_of, file_of, id_of, start, none, put_file, file, file_only, put_id, symbol, symbol_explode, symbol_explode_string, shift_offsets, of_properties, properties_of, def_properties_of, entity_markup, entity_properties_of, is_reported, is_reported_range, here, Range, no_range, no_range_position, range_position, range ) where import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe) +import Data.Bifunctor (first) import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import qualified Isabelle.Value as Value import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Markup as Markup import qualified Isabelle.YXML as YXML import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.Symbol as Symbol import Isabelle.Symbol (Symbol) {- position -} data T = Position { _line :: Int, _column :: Int, _offset :: Int, _end_offset :: Int, _file :: Bytes, _id :: Bytes } deriving (Eq, Ord) valid, invalid :: Int -> Bool valid i = i > 0 invalid = not . valid maybe_valid :: Int -> Maybe Int maybe_valid i = if valid i then Just i else Nothing if_valid :: Int -> Int -> Int if_valid i i' = if valid i then i' else i {- fields -} line_of, column_of, offset_of, end_offset_of :: T -> Maybe Int line_of = maybe_valid . _line column_of = maybe_valid . _column offset_of = maybe_valid . _offset end_offset_of = maybe_valid . _end_offset file_of :: T -> Maybe Bytes file_of = proper_string . _file id_of :: T -> Maybe Bytes id_of = proper_string . _id {- make position -} start :: T start = Position 1 1 1 0 Bytes.empty Bytes.empty none :: T none = Position 0 0 0 0 Bytes.empty Bytes.empty put_file :: Bytes -> T -> T put_file file pos = pos { _file = file } file :: Bytes -> T file file = put_file file start file_only :: Bytes -> T file_only file = put_file file none put_id :: Bytes -> T -> T put_id id pos = pos { _id = id } {- count position -} count_line :: Symbol -> Int -> Int count_line "\n" line = if_valid line (line + 1) count_line _ line = line count_column :: Symbol -> Int -> Int count_column "\n" column = if_valid column 1 count_column s column = if Symbol.not_eof s then if_valid column (column + 1) else column count_offset :: Symbol -> Int -> Int count_offset s offset = if Symbol.not_eof s then if_valid offset (offset + 1) else offset symbol :: Symbol -> T -> T symbol s pos = pos { _line = count_line s (_line pos), _column = count_column s (_column pos), _offset = count_offset s (_offset pos) } symbol_explode :: BYTES a => a -> T -> T symbol_explode = fold symbol . Symbol.explode . make_bytes symbol_explode_string :: String -> T -> T symbol_explode_string = symbol_explode {- shift offsets -} shift_offsets :: Int -> T -> T shift_offsets shift pos = pos { _offset = offset', _end_offset = end_offset' } where offset = _offset pos end_offset = _end_offset pos offset' = if invalid offset || invalid shift then offset else offset + shift end_offset' = if invalid end_offset || invalid shift then end_offset else end_offset + shift {- markup properties -} get_string :: Properties.T -> Bytes -> Bytes get_string props name = fromMaybe "" (Properties.get_value Just props name) get_int :: Properties.T -> Bytes -> Int get_int props name = fromMaybe 0 (Properties.get_value Value.parse_int props name) of_properties :: Properties.T -> T of_properties props = none { _line = get_int props Markup.lineN, _offset = get_int props Markup.offsetN, _end_offset = get_int props Markup.end_offsetN, _file = get_string props Markup.fileN, _id = get_string props Markup.idN } string_entry :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Properties.T string_entry k s = if Bytes.null s then [] else [(k, s)] int_entry :: Bytes -> Int -> Properties.T int_entry k i = if invalid i then [] else [(k, Value.print_int i)] properties_of :: T -> Properties.T properties_of pos = int_entry Markup.lineN (_line pos) ++ int_entry Markup.offsetN (_offset pos) ++ int_entry Markup.end_offsetN (_end_offset pos) ++ string_entry Markup.fileN (_file pos) ++ string_entry Markup.idN (_id pos) def_properties_of :: T -> Properties.T -def_properties_of = properties_of #> map (\(a, b) -> ("def_" <> a, b)) +def_properties_of = properties_of #> map (first Markup.def_name) entity_markup :: Bytes -> (Bytes, T) -> Markup.T entity_markup kind (name, pos) = Markup.entity kind name |> Markup.properties (def_properties_of pos) entity_properties_of :: Bool -> Int -> T -> Properties.T entity_properties_of def serial pos = if def then (Markup.defN, Value.print_int serial) : properties_of pos else (Markup.refN, Value.print_int serial) : def_properties_of pos {- reports -} is_reported :: T -> Bool is_reported pos = isJust (offset_of pos) && isJust (id_of pos) is_reported_range :: T -> Bool is_reported_range pos = is_reported pos && isJust (end_offset_of pos) {- here: user output -} here :: T -> Bytes here pos = if Bytes.null s2 then "" else s1 <> m1 <> s2 <> m2 where props = properties_of pos (m1, m2) = YXML.output_markup (Markup.properties props Markup.position) (s1, s2) = case (line_of pos, file_of pos) of (Just i, Nothing) -> (" ", "(line " <> Value.print_int i <> ")") (Just i, Just name) -> (" ", "(line " <> Value.print_int i <> " of " <> quote name <> ")") (Nothing, Just name) -> (" ", "(file " <> quote name <> ")") _ -> if is_reported pos then ("", "\092<^here>") else ("", "") {- range -} type Range = (T, T) no_range :: Range no_range = (none, none) no_range_position :: T -> T no_range_position pos = pos { _end_offset = 0 } range_position :: Range -> T range_position (pos, pos') = pos { _end_offset = _offset pos' } range :: Range -> Range range (pos, pos') = (range_position (pos, pos'), no_range_position pos') \ generate_file "Isabelle/XML.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/XML.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Untyped XML trees and representation of ML values. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/PIDE/xml.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Isabelle.XML (Attributes, Body, Tree(..), wrap_elem, unwrap_elem, content_of) where import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import qualified Isabelle.Markup as Markup import qualified Isabelle.Buffer as Buffer import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) {- types -} type Attributes = Properties.T type Body = [Tree] data Tree = Elem (Markup.T, Body) | Text Bytes {- wrapped elements -} wrap_elem :: ((Markup.T, Body), [Tree]) -> Tree wrap_elem (((a, atts), body1), body2) = Elem ((\XML.xml_elemN\, (\XML.xml_nameN\, a) : atts), Elem ((\XML.xml_bodyN\, []), body1) : body2) unwrap_elem :: Tree -> Maybe ((Markup.T, Body), [Tree]) unwrap_elem (Elem ((\XML.xml_elemN\, (\XML.xml_nameN\, a) : atts), Elem ((\XML.xml_bodyN\, []), body1) : body2)) = Just (((a, atts), body1), body2) unwrap_elem _ = Nothing {- text content -} add_content :: Tree -> Buffer.T -> Buffer.T add_content tree = case unwrap_elem tree of Just (_, ts) -> fold add_content ts Nothing -> case tree of Elem (_, ts) -> fold add_content ts Text s -> Buffer.add s content_of :: Body -> Bytes content_of body = Buffer.empty |> fold add_content body |> Buffer.content {- string representation -} encode_char :: Char -> String encode_char '<' = "<" encode_char '>' = ">" encode_char '&' = "&" encode_char '\'' = "'" encode_char '\"' = """ encode_char c = [c] encode_text :: Bytes -> Bytes encode_text = make_bytes . concatMap (encode_char . Bytes.char) . Bytes.unpack instance Show Tree where show tree = Buffer.empty |> show_tree tree |> Buffer.content |> make_string where show_tree (Elem ((name, atts), [])) = Buffer.add "<" #> Buffer.add (show_elem name atts) #> Buffer.add "/>" show_tree (Elem ((name, atts), ts)) = Buffer.add "<" #> Buffer.add (show_elem name atts) #> Buffer.add ">" #> fold show_tree ts #> Buffer.add " Buffer.add name #> Buffer.add ">" show_tree (Text s) = Buffer.add (encode_text s) show_elem name atts = space_implode " " (name : map (\(a, x) -> a <> "=\"" <> encode_text x <> "\"") atts) \ generate_file "Isabelle/XML/Encode.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/XML/Encode.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) XML as data representation language. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/PIDE/xml.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Isabelle.XML.Encode ( A, T, V, P, int_atom, bool_atom, unit_atom, tree, properties, string, int, bool, unit, pair, triple, list, option, variant ) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Isabelle.Library import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Value as Value import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import qualified Isabelle.XML as XML type A a = a -> Bytes type T a = a -> XML.Body type V a = a -> Maybe ([Bytes], XML.Body) type P a = a -> [Bytes] -- atomic values int_atom :: A Int int_atom = Value.print_int bool_atom :: A Bool bool_atom False = "0" bool_atom True = "1" unit_atom :: A () unit_atom () = "" -- structural nodes node ts = XML.Elem ((":", []), ts) vector = map_index (\(i, x) -> (int_atom i, x)) tagged (tag, (xs, ts)) = XML.Elem ((int_atom tag, vector xs), ts) -- representation of standard types tree :: T XML.Tree tree t = [t] properties :: T Properties.T properties props = [XML.Elem ((":", props), [])] string :: T Bytes string "" = [] string s = [XML.Text s] int :: T Int int = string . int_atom bool :: T Bool bool = string . bool_atom unit :: T () unit = string . unit_atom pair :: T a -> T b -> T (a, b) pair f g (x, y) = [node (f x), node (g y)] triple :: T a -> T b -> T c -> T (a, b, c) triple f g h (x, y, z) = [node (f x), node (g y), node (h z)] list :: T a -> T [a] list f xs = map (node . f) xs option :: T a -> T (Maybe a) option _ Nothing = [] option f (Just x) = [node (f x)] variant :: [V a] -> T a variant fs x = [tagged (fromJust (get_index (\f -> f x) fs))] \ generate_file "Isabelle/XML/Decode.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/XML/Decode.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) XML as data representation language. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/PIDE/xml.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Isabelle.XML.Decode ( A, T, V, P, int_atom, bool_atom, unit_atom, tree, properties, string, int, bool, unit, pair, triple, list, option, variant ) where import Isabelle.Library import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Value as Value import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import qualified Isabelle.XML as XML type A a = Bytes -> a type T a = XML.Body -> a type V a = ([Bytes], XML.Body) -> a type P a = [Bytes] -> a err_atom = error "Malformed XML atom" err_body = error "Malformed XML body" {- atomic values -} int_atom :: A Int int_atom s = case Value.parse_int s of Just i -> i Nothing -> err_atom bool_atom :: A Bool bool_atom "0" = False bool_atom "1" = True bool_atom _ = err_atom unit_atom :: A () unit_atom "" = () unit_atom _ = err_atom {- structural nodes -} node (XML.Elem ((":", []), ts)) = ts node _ = err_body vector atts = map_index (\(i, (a, x)) -> if int_atom a == i then x else err_atom) atts tagged (XML.Elem ((name, atts), ts)) = (int_atom name, (vector atts, ts)) tagged _ = err_body {- representation of standard types -} tree :: T XML.Tree tree [t] = t tree _ = err_body properties :: T Properties.T properties [XML.Elem ((":", props), [])] = props properties _ = err_body string :: T Bytes string [] = "" string [XML.Text s] = s string _ = err_body int :: T Int int = int_atom . string bool :: T Bool bool = bool_atom . string unit :: T () unit = unit_atom . string pair :: T a -> T b -> T (a, b) pair f g [t1, t2] = (f (node t1), g (node t2)) pair _ _ _ = err_body triple :: T a -> T b -> T c -> T (a, b, c) triple f g h [t1, t2, t3] = (f (node t1), g (node t2), h (node t3)) triple _ _ _ _ = err_body list :: T a -> T [a] list f ts = map (f . node) ts option :: T a -> T (Maybe a) option _ [] = Nothing option f [t] = Just (f (node t)) option _ _ = err_body variant :: [V a] -> T a variant fs [t] = (fs !! tag) (xs, ts) where (tag, (xs, ts)) = tagged t variant _ _ = err_body \ generate_file "Isabelle/YXML.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/YXML.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Efficient text representation of XML trees. Suitable for direct inlining into plain text. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/PIDE/yxml.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} module Isabelle.YXML (charX, charY, strX, strY, detect, output_markup, buffer_body, buffer, string_of_body, string_of, parse_body, parse) where import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Word (Word8) import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Markup as Markup import qualified Isabelle.XML as XML import qualified Isabelle.Buffer as Buffer {- markers -} charX, charY :: Word8 charX = 5 charY = 6 strX, strY, strXY, strXYX :: Bytes strX = Bytes.singleton charX strY = Bytes.singleton charY strXY = strX <> strY strXYX = strXY <> strX detect :: Bytes -> Bool detect = Bytes.any (\c -> c == charX || c == charY) {- output -} output_markup :: Markup.T -> Markup.Output output_markup markup@(name, atts) = if Markup.is_empty markup then Markup.no_output else (strXY <> name <> Bytes.concat (map (\(a, x) -> strY <> a <> "=" <> x) atts) <> strX, strXYX) buffer_attrib (a, x) = Buffer.add strY #> Buffer.add a #> Buffer.add "=" #> Buffer.add x buffer_body :: XML.Body -> Buffer.T -> Buffer.T buffer_body = fold buffer buffer :: XML.Tree -> Buffer.T -> Buffer.T buffer (XML.Elem ((name, atts), ts)) = Buffer.add strXY #> Buffer.add name #> fold buffer_attrib atts #> Buffer.add strX #> buffer_body ts #> Buffer.add strXYX buffer (XML.Text s) = Buffer.add s string_of_body :: XML.Body -> Bytes string_of_body body = Buffer.empty |> buffer_body body |> Buffer.content string_of :: XML.Tree -> Bytes string_of = string_of_body . single {- parse -} -- split: fields or non-empty tokens split :: Bool -> Word8 -> [Word8] -> [[Word8]] split _ _ [] = [] split fields sep str = splitting str where splitting rest = case span (/= sep) rest of (_, []) -> cons rest [] (prfx, _ : rest') -> cons prfx (splitting rest') cons item = if fields || not (null item) then (:) item else id -- structural errors err :: Bytes -> a err msg = error (make_string ("Malformed YXML: " <> msg)) err_attribute = err "bad attribute" err_element = err "bad element" err_unbalanced :: Bytes -> a err_unbalanced name = if Bytes.null name then err "unbalanced element" else err ("unbalanced element " <> quote name) -- stack operations add x ((elem, body) : pending) = (elem, x : body) : pending push name atts pending = if Bytes.null name then err_element else ((name, atts), []) : pending pop (((name, atts), body) : pending) = if Bytes.null name then err_unbalanced name else add (XML.Elem ((name, atts), reverse body)) pending -- parsing parse_attrib s = case List.elemIndex (Bytes.byte '=') s of Just i | i > 0 -> (Bytes.pack $ take i s, Bytes.pack $ drop (i + 1) s) _ -> err_attribute parse_chunk [[], []] = pop parse_chunk ([] : name : atts) = push (Bytes.pack name) (map parse_attrib atts) parse_chunk txts = fold (add . XML.Text . Bytes.pack) txts parse_body :: Bytes -> XML.Body parse_body source = case fold parse_chunk chunks [((Bytes.empty, []), [])] of [((name, _), result)] | Bytes.null name -> reverse result ((name, _), _) : _ -> err_unbalanced name where chunks = source |> Bytes.unpack |> split False charX |> map (split True charY) parse :: Bytes -> XML.Tree parse source = case parse_body source of [result] -> result [] -> XML.Text "" _ -> err "multiple results" \ generate_file "Isabelle/Completion.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Completion.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Completion of names. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/completion.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Completion ( Name, T, names, none, make, markup_element, markup_report, make_report ) where import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import qualified Isabelle.Name as Name import Isabelle.Name (Name) import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import qualified Isabelle.Markup as Markup import Isabelle.XML.Classes import qualified Isabelle.XML as XML import qualified Isabelle.YXML as YXML type Names = [(Name, (Name, Name))] -- external name, kind, internal name data T = Completion Properties.T Int Names -- position, total length, names names :: Int -> Properties.T -> Names -> T names limit props names = Completion props (length names) (take limit names) none :: T none = names 0 [] [] make :: Int -> (Name, Properties.T) -> ((Name -> Bool) -> Names) -> T make limit (name, props) make_names = if name /= "" && name /= "_" then names limit props (make_names (Bytes.isPrefixOf (Name.clean name))) else none markup_element :: T -> (Markup.T, XML.Body) markup_element (Completion props total names) = if not (null names) then (Markup.properties props Markup.completion, encode (total, names)) else (Markup.empty, []) markup_report :: [T] -> Name markup_report [] = Bytes.empty markup_report elems = YXML.string_of $ XML.Elem (Markup.report, map (XML.Elem . markup_element) elems) make_report :: Int -> (Name, Properties.T) -> ((Name -> Bool) -> Names) -> Name make_report limit name_props make_names = markup_report [make limit name_props make_names] \ generate_file "Isabelle/File.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/File.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) File-system operations. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/file.ML\. -} module Isabelle.File (read, write, append) where import Prelude hiding (read) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) read :: IO.FilePath -> IO Bytes read path = Bytes.make <$> IO.withFile path IO.ReadMode ByteString.hGetContents write :: IO.FilePath -> Bytes -> IO () write path bs = IO.withFile path IO.WriteMode (\h -> ByteString.hPut h (Bytes.unmake bs)) append :: IO.FilePath -> Bytes -> IO () append path bs = IO.withFile path IO.AppendMode (\h -> ByteString.hPut h (Bytes.unmake bs)) \ generate_file "Isabelle/Pretty.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Pretty.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Generic pretty printing module. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Isabelle.Pretty ( T, symbolic, formatted, unformatted, str, brk_indent, brk, fbrk, breaks, fbreaks, blk, block, strs, markup, mark, mark_str, marks_str, item, text_fold, keyword1, keyword2, text, paragraph, para, quote, cartouche, separate, commas, enclose, enum, list, str_list, big_list) where import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import Isabelle.Library hiding (quote, separate, commas) import qualified Isabelle.Buffer as Buffer import qualified Isabelle.Markup as Markup import qualified Isabelle.XML as XML import qualified Isabelle.YXML as YXML data T = Block Markup.T Bool Int [T] | Break Int Int | Str Bytes {- output -} symbolic_text s = if Bytes.null s then [] else [XML.Text s] symbolic_markup markup body = if Markup.is_empty markup then body else [XML.Elem (markup, body)] symbolic :: T -> XML.Body symbolic (Block markup consistent indent prts) = concatMap symbolic prts |> symbolic_markup block_markup |> symbolic_markup markup where block_markup = if null prts then Markup.empty else Markup.block consistent indent symbolic (Break wd ind) = [XML.Elem (Markup.break wd ind, symbolic_text (Bytes.spaces wd))] symbolic (Str s) = symbolic_text s formatted :: T -> Bytes formatted = YXML.string_of_body . symbolic unformatted :: T -> Bytes unformatted prt = Buffer.empty |> out prt |> Buffer.content where out (Block markup _ _ prts) = let (bg, en) = YXML.output_markup markup in Buffer.add bg #> fold out prts #> Buffer.add en out (Break _ wd) = Buffer.add (Bytes.spaces wd) out (Str s) = Buffer.add s {- derived operations to create formatting expressions -} force_nat n | n < 0 = 0 force_nat n = n str :: BYTES a => a -> T str = Str . make_bytes brk_indent :: Int -> Int -> T brk_indent wd ind = Break (force_nat wd) ind brk :: Int -> T brk wd = brk_indent wd 0 fbrk :: T fbrk = Str "\n" breaks, fbreaks :: [T] -> [T] breaks = List.intersperse (brk 1) fbreaks = List.intersperse fbrk blk :: (Int, [T]) -> T blk (indent, es) = Block Markup.empty False (force_nat indent) es block :: [T] -> T block prts = blk (2, prts) strs :: BYTES a => [a] -> T strs = block . breaks . map str markup :: Markup.T -> [T] -> T markup m = Block m False 0 mark :: Markup.T -> T -> T mark m prt = if m == Markup.empty then prt else markup m [prt] mark_str :: BYTES a => (Markup.T, a) -> T mark_str (m, s) = mark m (str s) marks_str :: BYTES a => ([Markup.T], a) -> T marks_str (ms, s) = fold_rev mark ms (str s) item :: [T] -> T item = markup Markup.item text_fold :: [T] -> T text_fold = markup Markup.text_fold keyword1, keyword2 :: BYTES a => a -> T keyword1 name = mark_str (Markup.keyword1, name) keyword2 name = mark_str (Markup.keyword2, name) text :: BYTES a => a -> [T] text = breaks . map str . filter (not . Bytes.null) . space_explode ' ' . make_bytes paragraph :: [T] -> T paragraph = markup Markup.paragraph para :: BYTES a => a -> T para = paragraph . text quote :: T -> T quote prt = blk (1, [Str "\"", prt, Str "\""]) cartouche :: T -> T cartouche prt = blk (1, [Str "\92", prt, Str "\92"]) separate :: BYTES a => a -> [T] -> [T] separate sep = List.intercalate [str sep, brk 1] . map single commas :: [T] -> [T] commas = separate ("," :: Bytes) enclose :: BYTES a => a -> a -> [T] -> T enclose lpar rpar prts = block (str lpar : prts <> [str rpar]) enum :: BYTES a => a -> a -> a -> [T] -> T enum sep lpar rpar = enclose lpar rpar . separate sep list :: BYTES a => a -> a -> [T] -> T list = enum "," str_list :: BYTES a => a -> a -> [a] -> T str_list lpar rpar = list lpar rpar . map str big_list :: BYTES a => a -> [T] -> T big_list name prts = block (fbreaks (str name : prts)) \ generate_file "Isabelle/Name.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Name.hs Author: Makarius Names of basic logical entities (variables etc.). See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/name.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Name ( Name, clean_index, clean, Context, declare, is_declared, context, make_context, variant ) where import Data.Word (Word8) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Symbol as Symbol import Isabelle.Library type Name = Bytes {- suffix for internal names -} underscore :: Word8 underscore = Bytes.byte '_' clean_index :: Name -> (Name, Int) clean_index x = if Bytes.null x || Bytes.last x /= underscore then (x, 0) else let rev = reverse (Bytes.unpack x) n = length (takeWhile (== underscore) rev) y = Bytes.pack (reverse (drop n rev)) in (y, n) clean :: Name -> Name clean = fst . clean_index {- context for used names -} data Context = Context (Set Name) declare :: Name -> Context -> Context declare x (Context names) = Context (Set.insert x names) is_declared :: Context -> Name -> Bool is_declared (Context names) x = Set.member x names context :: Context context = Context (Set.fromList ["", "'"]) make_context :: [Name] -> Context make_context used = fold declare used context {- generating fresh names -} bump_init :: Name -> Name bump_init str = str <> "a" bump_string :: Name -> Name bump_string str = let a = Bytes.byte 'a' z = Bytes.byte 'z' bump (b : bs) | b == z = a : bump bs bump (b : bs) | a <= b && b < z = b + 1 : bs bump bs = a : bs rev = reverse (Bytes.unpack str) part2 = reverse (takeWhile (Symbol.is_ascii_quasi . Bytes.char) rev) part1 = reverse (bump (drop (length part2) rev)) in Bytes.pack (part1 <> part2) variant :: Name -> Context -> (Name, Context) variant name names = let vary bump x = if is_declared names x then bump x |> vary bump_string else x (x, n) = clean_index name x' = x |> vary bump_init names' = declare x' names; in (x' <> Bytes.pack (replicate n underscore), names') \ generate_file "Isabelle/Term.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Term.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Lambda terms, types, sorts. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/term.scala\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Term ( Indexname, Sort, Typ(..), Term(..), Free, lambda, declare_frees, incr_boundvars, subst_bound, dest_abs, strip_abs, type_op0, type_op1, op0, op1, op2, typed_op2, binder, dummyS, dummyT, is_dummyT, propT, is_propT, (-->), dest_funT, (--->), aconv, list_comb, strip_comb, head_of ) where import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.Name as Name import Isabelle.Name (Name) infixr 5 --> infixr ---> {- types and terms -} type Indexname = (Name, Int) type Sort = [Name] data Typ = Type (Name, [Typ]) | TFree (Name, Sort) | TVar (Indexname, Sort) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Term = Const (Name, [Typ]) | Free (Name, Typ) | Var (Indexname, Typ) | Bound Int | Abs (Name, Typ, Term) | App (Term, Term) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) {- free and bound variables -} type Free = (Name, Typ) lambda :: Free -> Term -> Term lambda (name, typ) body = Abs (name, typ, abstract 0 body) where abstract lev (Free (x, ty)) | name == x && typ == ty = Bound lev abstract lev (Abs (a, ty, t)) = Abs (a, ty, abstract (lev + 1) t) abstract lev (App (t, u)) = App (abstract lev t, abstract lev u) abstract _ t = t declare_frees :: Term -> Name.Context -> Name.Context declare_frees (Free (x, _)) = Name.declare x declare_frees (Abs (_, _, b)) = declare_frees b declare_frees (App (t, u)) = declare_frees t #> declare_frees u declare_frees _ = id incr_boundvars :: Int -> Term -> Term incr_boundvars inc = if inc == 0 then id else incr 0 where incr lev (Bound i) = if i >= lev then Bound (i + inc) else Bound i incr lev (Abs (a, ty, b)) = Abs (a, ty, incr (lev + 1) b) incr lev (App (t, u)) = App (incr lev t, incr lev u) incr _ t = t subst_bound :: Term -> Term -> Term subst_bound arg = subst 0 where subst lev (Bound i) = if i < lev then Bound i else if i == lev then incr_boundvars lev arg else Bound (i - 1) subst lev (Abs (a, ty, b)) = Abs (a, ty, subst (lev + 1) b) subst lev (App (t, u)) = App (subst lev t, subst lev u) subst _ t = t dest_abs :: Name.Context -> Term -> Maybe (Free, Term) dest_abs names (Abs (x, ty, b)) = let (x', _) = Name.variant x (declare_frees b names) v = (x', ty) in Just (v, subst_bound (Free v) b) dest_abs _ _ = Nothing strip_abs :: Name.Context -> Term -> ([Free], Term) strip_abs names tm = case dest_abs names tm of Just (v, t) -> let (vs, t') = strip_abs names t' in (v : vs, t') Nothing -> ([], tm) {- type and term operators -} type_op0 :: Name -> (Typ, Typ -> Bool) type_op0 name = (mk, is) where mk = Type (name, []) is (Type (name, _)) = True is _ = False type_op1 :: Name -> (Typ -> Typ, Typ -> Maybe Typ) type_op1 name = (mk, dest) where mk ty = Type (name, [ty]) dest (Type (name, [ty])) = Just ty dest _ = Nothing type_op2 :: Name -> (Typ -> Typ -> Typ, Typ -> Maybe (Typ, Typ)) type_op2 name = (mk, dest) where mk ty1 ty2 = Type (name, [ty1, ty2]) dest (Type (name, [ty1, ty2])) = Just (ty1, ty2) dest _ = Nothing op0 :: Name -> (Term, Term -> Bool) op0 name = (mk, is) where mk = Const (name, []) is (Const (c, _)) = c == name is _ = False op1 :: Name -> (Term -> Term, Term -> Maybe Term) op1 name = (mk, dest) where mk t = App (Const (name, []), t) dest (App (Const (c, _), t)) | c == name = Just t dest _ = Nothing op2 :: Name -> (Term -> Term -> Term, Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)) op2 name = (mk, dest) where mk t u = App (App (Const (name, []), t), u) dest (App (App (Const (c, _), t), u)) | c == name = Just (t, u) dest _ = Nothing typed_op2 :: Name -> (Typ -> Term -> Term -> Term, Term -> Maybe (Typ, Term, Term)) typed_op2 name = (mk, dest) where mk ty t u = App (App (Const (name, [ty]), t), u) dest (App (App (Const (c, [ty]), t), u)) | c == name = Just (ty, t, u) dest _ = Nothing binder :: Name -> (Free -> Term -> Term, Name.Context -> Term -> Maybe (Free, Term)) binder name = (mk, dest) where mk (a, ty) b = App (Const (name, [ty]), lambda (a, ty) b) dest names (App (Const (c, _), t)) | c == name = dest_abs names t dest _ _ = Nothing {- type operations -} dummyS :: Sort dummyS = [""] dummyT :: Typ; is_dummyT :: Typ -> Bool (dummyT, is_dummyT) = type_op0 \\<^type_name>\dummy\\ propT :: Typ; is_propT :: Typ -> Bool (propT, is_propT) = type_op0 \\<^type_name>\prop\\ (-->) :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ; dest_funT :: Typ -> Maybe (Typ, Typ) ((-->), dest_funT) = type_op2 \\<^type_name>\fun\\ (--->) :: [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ [] ---> b = b (a : as) ---> b = a --> (as ---> b) {- term operations -} aconv :: Term -> Term -> Bool aconv (App (t1, u1)) (App (t2, u2)) = aconv t1 t2 && aconv u1 u2 aconv (Abs (_, ty1, t1)) (Abs (_, ty2, t2)) = aconv t1 t2 && ty1 == ty2 aconv a1 a2 = a1 == a2 list_comb :: Term -> [Term] -> Term list_comb f [] = f list_comb f (t : ts) = list_comb (App (f, t)) ts strip_comb :: Term -> (Term, [Term]) strip_comb tm = strip (tm, []) where strip (App (f, t), ts) = strip (f, t : ts) strip x = x head_of :: Term -> Term head_of (App (f, _)) = head_of f head_of u = u \ generate_file "Isabelle/Pure.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Term.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Support for Isabelle/Pure logic. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/logic.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Pure ( mk_forall, dest_forall, mk_equals, dest_equals, mk_implies, dest_implies ) where import qualified Isabelle.Name as Name import Isabelle.Term mk_forall :: Free -> Term -> Term; dest_forall :: Name.Context -> Term -> Maybe (Free, Term) (mk_forall, dest_forall) = binder \\<^const_name>\Pure.all\\ mk_equals :: Typ -> Term -> Term -> Term; dest_equals :: Term -> Maybe (Typ, Term, Term) (mk_equals, dest_equals) = typed_op2 \\<^const_name>\Pure.eq\\ mk_implies :: Term -> Term -> Term; dest_implies :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term) (mk_implies, dest_implies) = op2 \\<^const_name>\Pure.imp\\ \ generate_file "Isabelle/HOL.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Term.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Support for Isabelle/HOL logic. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/HOL/Tools/hologic.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.HOL ( boolT, is_boolT, mk_trueprop, dest_trueprop, mk_setT, dest_setT, mk_mem, dest_mem, mk_eq, dest_eq, true, is_true, false, is_false, mk_not, dest_not, mk_conj, dest_conj, mk_disj, dest_disj, mk_imp, dest_imp, mk_iff, dest_iff, mk_all, dest_all, mk_ex, dest_ex ) where import qualified Isabelle.Name as Name import Isabelle.Term boolT :: Typ; is_boolT :: Typ -> Bool (boolT, is_boolT) = type_op0 \\<^type_name>\bool\\ mk_trueprop :: Term -> Term; dest_trueprop :: Term -> Maybe Term (mk_trueprop, dest_trueprop) = op1 \\<^const_name>\Trueprop\\ mk_setT :: Typ -> Typ; dest_setT :: Typ -> Maybe Typ (mk_setT, dest_setT) = type_op1 \\<^type_name>\set\\ mk_mem :: Typ -> Term -> Term -> Term; dest_mem :: Term -> Maybe (Typ, Term, Term) (mk_mem, dest_mem) = typed_op2 \\<^const_name>\Set.member\\ mk_eq :: Typ -> Term -> Term -> Term; dest_eq :: Term -> Maybe (Typ, Term, Term) (mk_eq, dest_eq) = typed_op2 \\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\\ true :: Term; is_true :: Term -> Bool (true, is_true) = op0 \\<^const_name>\True\\ false :: Term; is_false :: Term -> Bool (false, is_false) = op0 \\<^const_name>\False\\ mk_not :: Term -> Term; dest_not :: Term -> Maybe Term (mk_not, dest_not) = op1 \\<^const_name>\Not\\ mk_conj :: Term -> Term -> Term; dest_conj :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term) (mk_conj, dest_conj) = op2 \\<^const_name>\conj\\ mk_disj :: Term -> Term -> Term; dest_disj :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term) (mk_disj, dest_disj) = op2 \\<^const_name>\disj\\ mk_imp :: Term -> Term -> Term; dest_imp :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term) (mk_imp, dest_imp) = op2 \\<^const_name>\implies\\ mk_iff :: Term -> Term -> Term mk_iff = mk_eq boolT dest_iff :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term) dest_iff tm = case dest_eq tm of Just (ty, t, u) | ty == boolT -> Just (t, u) _ -> Nothing mk_all :: Free -> Term -> Term; dest_all :: Name.Context -> Term -> Maybe (Free, Term) (mk_all, dest_all) = binder \\<^const_name>\All\\ mk_ex :: Free -> Term -> Term; dest_ex :: Name.Context -> Term -> Maybe (Free, Term) (mk_ex, dest_ex) = binder \\<^const_name>\Ex\\ \ generate_file "Isabelle/Term_XML/Encode.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Term_XML/Encode.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) XML data representation of lambda terms. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/term_xml.ML\. -} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Isabelle.Term_XML.Encode (indexname, sort, typ, typ_body, term) where import Isabelle.Library import Isabelle.XML.Encode import Isabelle.Term indexname :: P Indexname indexname (a, b) = if b == 0 then [a] else [a, int_atom b] sort :: T Sort sort = list string typ :: T Typ typ ty = ty |> variant [\case { Type (a, b) -> Just ([a], list typ b); _ -> Nothing }, \case { TFree (a, b) -> Just ([a], sort b); _ -> Nothing }, \case { TVar (a, b) -> Just (indexname a, sort b); _ -> Nothing }] typ_body :: T Typ typ_body ty = if is_dummyT ty then [] else typ ty term :: T Term term t = t |> variant [\case { Const (a, b) -> Just ([a], list typ b); _ -> Nothing }, \case { Free (a, b) -> Just ([a], typ_body b); _ -> Nothing }, \case { Var (a, b) -> Just (indexname a, typ_body b); _ -> Nothing }, \case { Bound a -> Just ([], int a); _ -> Nothing }, \case { Abs (a, b, c) -> Just ([a], pair typ term (b, c)); _ -> Nothing }, \case { App a -> Just ([], pair term term a); _ -> Nothing }] \ generate_file "Isabelle/Term_XML/Decode.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Term_XML/Decode.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) XML data representation of lambda terms. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/term_xml.ML\. -} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} module Isabelle.Term_XML.Decode (indexname, sort, typ, typ_body, term) where import Isabelle.Library import Isabelle.XML.Decode import Isabelle.Term indexname :: P Indexname indexname [a] = (a, 0) indexname [a, b] = (a, int_atom b) sort :: T Sort sort = list string typ :: T Typ typ ty = ty |> variant [\([a], b) -> Type (a, list typ b), \([a], b) -> TFree (a, sort b), \(a, b) -> TVar (indexname a, sort b)] typ_body :: T Typ typ_body [] = dummyT typ_body body = typ body term :: T Term term t = t |> variant [\([a], b) -> Const (a, list typ b), \([a], b) -> Free (a, typ_body b), \(a, b) -> Var (indexname a, typ_body b), \([], a) -> Bound (int a), \([a], b) -> let (c, d) = pair typ term b in Abs (a, c, d), \([], a) -> App (pair term term a)] \ generate_file "Isabelle/XML/Classes.hs" = \ {- generated by Isabelle -} {- Title: Isabelle/XML/Classes.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Type classes for XML data representation. -} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Isabelle.XML.Classes (Encode_Atom(..), Decode_Atom(..), Encode (..), Decode (..)) where import qualified Isabelle.XML as XML import qualified Isabelle.XML.Encode as Encode import qualified Isabelle.XML.Decode as Decode import qualified Isabelle.Term_XML.Encode as Encode import qualified Isabelle.Term_XML.Decode as Decode import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import Isabelle.Term (Typ, Term) class Encode_Atom a where encode_atom :: Encode.A a class Decode_Atom a where decode_atom :: Decode.A a instance Encode_Atom Int where encode_atom = Encode.int_atom instance Decode_Atom Int where decode_atom = Decode.int_atom instance Encode_Atom Bool where encode_atom = Encode.bool_atom instance Decode_Atom Bool where decode_atom = Decode.bool_atom instance Encode_Atom () where encode_atom = Encode.unit_atom instance Decode_Atom () where decode_atom = Decode.unit_atom class Encode a where encode :: Encode.T a class Decode a where decode :: Decode.T a instance Encode Bytes where encode = Encode.string instance Decode Bytes where decode = Decode.string instance Encode Int where encode = Encode.int instance Decode Int where decode = Decode.int instance Encode Bool where encode = Encode.bool instance Decode Bool where decode = Decode.bool instance Encode () where encode = Encode.unit instance Decode () where decode = Decode.unit instance (Encode a, Encode b) => Encode (a, b) where encode = Encode.pair encode encode instance (Decode a, Decode b) => Decode (a, b) where decode = Decode.pair decode decode instance (Encode a, Encode b, Encode c) => Encode (a, b, c) where encode = Encode.triple encode encode encode instance (Decode a, Decode b, Decode c) => Decode (a, b, c) where decode = Decode.triple decode decode decode instance Encode a => Encode [a] where encode = Encode.list encode instance Decode a => Decode [a] where decode = Decode.list decode instance Encode a => Encode (Maybe a) where encode = Encode.option encode instance Decode a => Decode (Maybe a) where decode = Decode.option decode instance Encode XML.Tree where encode = Encode.tree instance Decode XML.Tree where decode = Decode.tree instance Encode Properties.T where encode = Encode.properties instance Decode Properties.T where decode = Decode.properties instance Encode Typ where encode = Encode.typ instance Decode Typ where decode = Decode.typ instance Encode Term where encode = Encode.term instance Decode Term where decode = Decode.term \ generate_file "Isabelle/UUID.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/UUID.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Universally unique identifiers. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/uuid.scala\. -} module Isabelle.UUID (T, random, print, parse) where import Prelude hiding (print) import Data.UUID (UUID) import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom) import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) type T = UUID random :: IO T random = nextRandom print :: T -> Bytes print = Bytes.make . UUID.toASCIIBytes parse :: Bytes -> Maybe T parse = UUID.fromASCIIBytes . Bytes.unmake \ generate_file "Isabelle/Byte_Message.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Byte_Message.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Byte-oriented messages. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/PIDE/byte_message.ML\ and \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/PIDE/byte_message.scala\. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} module Isabelle.Byte_Message ( write, write_line, read, read_block, read_line, make_message, write_message, read_message, make_line_message, write_line_message, read_line_message, read_yxml, write_yxml ) where import Prelude hiding (read) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Symbol as Symbol import qualified Isabelle.UTF8 as UTF8 import qualified Isabelle.XML as XML import qualified Isabelle.YXML as YXML import Network.Socket (Socket) import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as Socket import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.Value as Value {- output operations -} write :: Socket -> [Bytes] -> IO () write socket = Socket.sendMany socket . map Bytes.unmake write_line :: Socket -> Bytes -> IO () write_line socket s = write socket [s, "\n"] {- input operations -} read :: Socket -> Int -> IO Bytes read socket n = read_body 0 [] where result = Bytes.concat . reverse read_body len ss = if len >= n then return (result ss) else (do s <- Socket.recv socket (min (n - len) 8192) case ByteString.length s of 0 -> return (result ss) m -> read_body (len + m) (Bytes.make s : ss)) read_block :: Socket -> Int -> IO (Maybe Bytes, Int) read_block socket n = do msg <- read socket n let len = Bytes.length msg return (if len == n then Just msg else Nothing, len) read_line :: Socket -> IO (Maybe Bytes) read_line socket = read_body [] where result = trim_line . Bytes.pack . reverse read_body bs = do s <- Socket.recv socket 1 case ByteString.length s of 0 -> return (if null bs then Nothing else Just (result bs)) 1 -> case ByteString.head s of 10 -> return (Just (result bs)) b -> read_body (b : bs) {- messages with multiple chunks (arbitrary content) -} make_header :: [Int] -> [Bytes] make_header ns = [space_implode "," (map Value.print_int ns), "\n"] make_message :: [Bytes] -> [Bytes] make_message chunks = make_header (map Bytes.length chunks) <> chunks write_message :: Socket -> [Bytes] -> IO () write_message socket = write socket . make_message parse_header :: Bytes -> [Int] parse_header line = let res = map Value.parse_nat (space_explode ',' line) in if all isJust res then map fromJust res else error ("Malformed message header: " <> quote (UTF8.decode line)) read_chunk :: Socket -> Int -> IO Bytes read_chunk socket n = do res <- read_block socket n return $ case res of (Just chunk, _) -> chunk (Nothing, len) -> error ("Malformed message chunk: unexpected EOF after " <> show len <> " of " <> show n <> " bytes") read_message :: Socket -> IO (Maybe [Bytes]) read_message socket = do res <- read_line socket case res of Just line -> Just <$> mapM (read_chunk socket) (parse_header line) Nothing -> return Nothing -- hybrid messages: line or length+block (with content restriction) is_length :: Bytes -> Bool is_length msg = not (Bytes.null msg) && Bytes.all_char (\c -> '0' <= c && c <= '9') msg is_terminated :: Bytes -> Bool is_terminated msg = not (Bytes.null msg) && Symbol.is_ascii_line_terminator (Bytes.char $ Bytes.last msg) make_line_message :: Bytes -> [Bytes] make_line_message msg = let n = Bytes.length msg in if is_length msg || is_terminated msg then error ("Bad content for line message:\n" <> take 100 (UTF8.decode msg)) else (if n > 100 || Bytes.any_char (== '\n') msg then make_header [n + 1] else []) <> [msg, "\n"] write_line_message :: Socket -> Bytes -> IO () write_line_message socket = write socket . make_line_message read_line_message :: Socket -> IO (Maybe Bytes) read_line_message socket = do opt_line <- read_line socket case opt_line of Nothing -> return Nothing Just line -> case Value.parse_nat line of Nothing -> return $ Just line Just n -> fmap trim_line . fst <$> read_block socket n read_yxml :: Socket -> IO (Maybe XML.Body) read_yxml socket = do res <- read_line_message socket return (YXML.parse_body <$> res) write_yxml :: Socket -> XML.Body -> IO () write_yxml socket body = write_line_message socket (YXML.string_of_body body) \ generate_file "Isabelle/Isabelle_Thread.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Isabelle_Thread.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Isabelle-specific thread management. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/Concurrent/isabelle_thread.ML\ and \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/Concurrent/isabelle_thread.scala\. -} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} module Isabelle.Isabelle_Thread ( ThreadId, Result, find_id, properties, change_properties, add_resource, del_resource, bracket_resource, is_stopped, expose_stopped, stop, my_uuid, stop_uuid, Fork, fork_finally, fork) where import Data.Unique import Data.IORef import System.IO.Unsafe import qualified Data.List as List import Control.Monad (when, forM_) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Control.Exception as Exception import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId) import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Thread (Result) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Thread as Thread import qualified Isabelle.UUID as UUID import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties {- thread info -} type Resources = Map Unique (IO ()) data Info = Info {uuid :: UUID.T, props :: Properties.T, stopped :: Bool, resources :: Resources} type Infos = Map ThreadId Info lookup_info :: Infos -> ThreadId -> Maybe Info lookup_info infos id = Map.lookup id infos init_info :: ThreadId -> UUID.T -> Infos -> (Infos, ()) init_info id uuid infos = (Map.insert id (Info uuid [] False Map.empty) infos, ()) {- global state -} {-# NOINLINE global_state #-} global_state :: IORef Infos global_state = unsafePerformIO (newIORef Map.empty) find_id :: UUID.T -> IO (Maybe ThreadId) find_id uuid = do state <- readIORef global_state return $ fst <$> List.find (\(_, Info{uuid = uuid'}) -> uuid == uuid') (Map.assocs state) get_info :: ThreadId -> IO (Maybe Info) get_info id = do state <- readIORef global_state return $ lookup_info state id map_info :: ThreadId -> (Info -> Info) -> IO (Maybe Info) map_info id f = atomicModifyIORef' global_state (\infos -> case lookup_info infos id of Nothing -> (infos, Nothing) Just info -> let info' = f info in (Map.insert id info' infos, Just info')) delete_info :: ThreadId -> IO () delete_info id = atomicModifyIORef' global_state (\infos -> (Map.delete id infos, ())) {- thread properties -} my_info :: IO (Maybe Info) my_info = do id <- Concurrent.myThreadId get_info id properties :: IO Properties.T properties = maybe [] props <$> my_info change_properties :: (Properties.T -> Properties.T) -> IO () change_properties f = do id <- Concurrent.myThreadId map_info id (\info -> info {props = f (props info)}) return () {- managed resources -} add_resource :: IO () -> IO Unique add_resource resource = do id <- Concurrent.myThreadId u <- newUnique map_info id (\info -> info {resources = Map.insert u resource (resources info)}) return u del_resource :: Unique -> IO () del_resource u = do id <- Concurrent.myThreadId map_info id (\info -> info {resources = Map.delete u (resources info)}) return () bracket_resource :: IO () -> IO a -> IO a bracket_resource resource body = Exception.bracket (add_resource resource) del_resource (const body) {- stop -} is_stopped :: IO Bool is_stopped = maybe False stopped <$> my_info expose_stopped :: IO () expose_stopped = do stopped <- is_stopped when stopped $ throw ThreadKilled stop :: ThreadId -> IO () stop id = do info <- map_info id (\info -> info {stopped = True}) let ops = case info of Nothing -> []; Just Info{resources} -> map snd (Map.toDescList resources) sequence_ ops {- UUID -} my_uuid :: IO (Maybe UUID.T) my_uuid = fmap uuid <$> my_info stop_uuid :: UUID.T -> IO () stop_uuid uuid = do id <- find_id uuid forM_ id stop {- fork -} type Fork a = (ThreadId, UUID.T, IO (Result a)) fork_finally :: IO a -> (Either SomeException a -> IO b) -> IO (Fork b) fork_finally body finally = do uuid <- UUID.random (id, result) <- Exception.mask (\restore -> Thread.forkIO (Exception.try (do id <- Concurrent.myThreadId atomicModifyIORef' global_state (init_info id uuid) restore body) >>= (\res -> do id <- Concurrent.myThreadId; delete_info id; finally res))) return (id, uuid, result) fork :: IO a -> IO (Fork a) fork body = fork_finally body Thread.result \ generate_file "Isabelle/Server.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Server.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) TCP server on localhost. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Server ( localhost_name, localhost, publish_text, publish_stdout, server, connection ) where import Control.Monad (forever, when) import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Network.Socket (Socket) import qualified Network.Socket as Socket import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.UUID as UUID import qualified Isabelle.Byte_Message as Byte_Message import qualified Isabelle.Isabelle_Thread as Isabelle_Thread {- server address -} localhost_name :: Bytes localhost_name = "" localhost :: Socket.HostAddress localhost = Socket.tupleToHostAddress (127, 0, 0, 1) publish_text :: Bytes -> Bytes -> UUID.T -> Bytes publish_text name address password = "server " <> quote name <> " = " <> address <> " (password " <> quote (show_bytes password) <> ")" publish_stdout :: Bytes -> Bytes -> UUID.T -> IO () publish_stdout name address password = Char8.putStrLn (Bytes.unmake $ publish_text name address password) {- server -} server :: (Bytes -> UUID.T -> IO ()) -> (Socket -> IO ()) -> IO () server publish handle = Socket.withSocketsDo $ Exception.bracket open (Socket.close . fst) (uncurry loop) where open :: IO (Socket, Bytes) open = do server_socket <- Socket.socket Socket.AF_INET Socket.Stream Socket.defaultProtocol Socket.bind server_socket (Socket.SockAddrInet 0 localhost) Socket.listen server_socket 50 port <- Socket.socketPort server_socket let address = localhost_name <> ":" <> show_bytes port password <- UUID.random publish address password return (server_socket, UUID.print password) loop :: Socket -> Bytes -> IO () loop server_socket password = forever $ do (connection, _) <- Socket.accept server_socket Isabelle_Thread.fork_finally (do line <- Byte_Message.read_line connection when (line == Just password) $ handle connection) (\finally -> do Socket.close connection case finally of Left exn -> IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ Exception.displayException exn Right () -> return ()) return () {- client connection -} connection :: String -> Bytes -> (Socket -> IO a) -> IO a connection port password client = Socket.withSocketsDo $ do addr <- resolve Exception.bracket (open addr) Socket.close body where resolve = do let hints = Socket.defaultHints { Socket.addrFlags = [Socket.AI_NUMERICHOST, Socket.AI_NUMERICSERV], Socket.addrSocketType = Socket.Stream } head <$> Socket.getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just "") (Just port) open addr = do socket <- Socket.socket (Socket.addrFamily addr) (Socket.addrSocketType addr) (Socket.addrProtocol addr) Socket.connect socket $ Socket.addrAddress addr return socket body socket = do Byte_Message.write_line socket password client socket \ generate_file "Isabelle/Time.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Time.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Time based on milliseconds. See \<^file>\~~/src/Pure/General/time.scala\ -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Time ( Time, seconds, minutes, ms, zero, is_zero, is_relevant, get_seconds, get_minutes, get_ms, message ) where import Text.Printf (printf) import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import Isabelle.Library data Time = Time Int instance Eq Time where Time ms1 == Time ms2 = ms1 == ms2 instance Ord Time where compare (Time ms1) (Time ms2) = compare ms1 ms2 seconds :: Double -> Time seconds s = Time (round (s * 1000.0)) minutes :: Double -> Time minutes m = Time (round (m * 60000.0)) ms :: Int -> Time ms = Time zero :: Time zero = ms 0 is_zero :: Time -> Bool is_zero (Time ms) = ms == 0 is_relevant :: Time -> Bool is_relevant (Time ms) = ms >= 1 get_seconds :: Time -> Double get_seconds (Time ms) = fromIntegral ms / 1000.0 get_minutes :: Time -> Double get_minutes (Time ms) = fromIntegral ms / 60000.0 get_ms :: Time -> Int get_ms (Time ms) = ms instance Show Time where show t = printf "%.3f" (get_seconds t) message :: Time -> Bytes message t = make_bytes (show t) <> "s" \ generate_file "Isabelle/Timing.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Timing.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Support for time measurement. See \<^file>\~~/src/Pure/General/timing.ML\ and \<^file>\~~/src/Pure/General/timing.scala\ -} module Isabelle.Timing ( Timing (..), zero, is_zero, is_relevant ) where import qualified Isabelle.Time as Time import Isabelle.Time (Time) data Timing = Timing {elapsed :: Time, cpu :: Time, gc :: Time} deriving (Show, Eq) zero :: Timing zero = Timing Time.zero Time.zero Time.zero is_zero :: Timing -> Bool is_zero t = Time.is_zero (elapsed t) && Time.is_zero (cpu t) && Time.is_zero (gc t) is_relevant :: Timing -> Bool is_relevant t = Time.is_relevant (elapsed t) || Time.is_relevant (cpu t) || Time.is_relevant (gc t) \ generate_file "Isabelle/Bash.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Bash.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Support for GNU bash. See \<^file>\$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/System/bash.ML\ -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Bash ( string, strings, Params, get_script, get_input, get_cwd, get_putenv, get_redirect, get_timeout, get_description, script, input, cwd, putenv, redirect, timeout, description, ) where import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Isabelle.Symbol as Symbol import qualified Isabelle.Bytes as Bytes import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Time as Time import Isabelle.Time (Time) import Isabelle.Library {- concrete syntax -} string :: Bytes -> Bytes string str = if Bytes.null str then "\"\"" else str |> Bytes.unpack |> map trans |> Bytes.concat where trans b = case Bytes.char b of '\t' -> "$'\\t'" '\n' -> "$'\\n'" '\f' -> "$'\\f'" '\r' -> "$'\\r'" c -> if Symbol.is_ascii_letter c || Symbol.is_ascii_digit c || c `elem` ("+,-./:_" :: String) then Bytes.singleton b else if b < 32 || b >= 127 then make_bytes (printf "$'\\x%02x'" b :: String) else "\\" <> Bytes.singleton b strings :: [Bytes] -> Bytes strings = space_implode " " . map string {- server parameters -} data Params = Params { _script :: Bytes, _input :: Bytes, _cwd :: Maybe Bytes, _putenv :: [(Bytes, Bytes)], _redirect :: Bool, _timeout :: Time, _description :: Bytes} deriving (Show, Eq) get_script :: Params -> Bytes get_script = _script get_input :: Params -> Bytes get_input = _input get_cwd :: Params -> Maybe Bytes get_cwd = _cwd get_putenv :: Params -> [(Bytes, Bytes)] get_putenv = _putenv get_redirect :: Params -> Bool get_redirect = _redirect get_timeout :: Params -> Time get_timeout = _timeout get_description :: Params -> Bytes get_description = _description script :: Bytes -> Params script script = Params script "" Nothing [] False Time.zero "" input :: Bytes -> Params -> Params input input params = params { _input = input } cwd :: Bytes -> Params -> Params cwd cwd params = params { _cwd = Just cwd } putenv :: [(Bytes, Bytes)] -> Params -> Params putenv putenv params = params { _putenv = putenv } redirect :: Params -> Params redirect params = params { _redirect = True } timeout :: Time -> Params -> Params timeout timeout params = params { _timeout = timeout } description :: Bytes -> Params -> Params description description params = params { _description = description } \ generate_file "Isabelle/Process_Result.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Process_Result.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) Result of system process. See \<^file>\~~/src/Pure/System/process_result.ML\ and \<^file>\~~/src/Pure/System/process_result.scala\ -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Isabelle.Process_Result ( interrupt_rc, timeout_rc, T, make, rc, out_lines, err_lines, timing, timing_elapsed, out, err, ok, check ) where import Isabelle.Time (Time) import qualified Isabelle.Timing as Timing import Isabelle.Timing (Timing) import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import Isabelle.Library interrupt_rc :: Int interrupt_rc = 130 timeout_rc :: Int timeout_rc = 142 data T = Process_Result { _rc :: Int, _out_lines :: [Bytes], _err_lines :: [Bytes], _timing :: Timing} deriving (Show, Eq) make :: Int -> [Bytes] -> [Bytes] -> Timing -> T make = Process_Result rc :: T -> Int rc = _rc out_lines :: T -> [Bytes] out_lines = _out_lines err_lines :: T -> [Bytes] err_lines = _err_lines timing :: T -> Timing timing = _timing timing_elapsed :: T -> Time timing_elapsed = Timing.elapsed . timing out :: T -> Bytes out = trim_line . cat_lines . out_lines err :: T -> Bytes err = trim_line . cat_lines . err_lines ok :: T -> Bool ok result = rc result == 0 check :: T -> T check result = if ok result then result else error (make_string $ err result) \ generate_file "Isabelle/Options.hs" = \ {- Title: Isabelle/Options.hs Author: Makarius LICENSE: BSD 3-clause (Isabelle) System options with external string representation. See \<^file>\~~/src/Pure/System/options.ML\ and \<^file>\~~/src/Pure/System/options.scala\ -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} module Isabelle.Options ( boolT, intT, realT, stringT, unknownT, T, typ, bool, int, real, seconds, string, decode ) where import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Isabelle.Properties as Properties import Isabelle.Bytes (Bytes) import qualified Isabelle.Value as Value import qualified Isabelle.Time as Time import Isabelle.Time (Time) import Isabelle.Library import qualified Isabelle.XML.Decode as Decode import Isabelle.XML.Classes (Decode (..)) {- representation -} boolT :: Bytes boolT = "bool" intT :: Bytes intT = "int" realT :: Bytes realT = "real" stringT :: Bytes stringT = "string" unknownT :: Bytes unknownT = "unknown" data Opt = Opt { _pos :: Properties.T, _name :: Bytes, _typ :: Bytes, _value :: Bytes } data T = Options (Map Bytes Opt) {- check -} check_name :: T -> Bytes -> Opt check_name (Options map) name = case Map.lookup name map of Just opt | _typ opt /= unknownT -> opt _ -> error (make_string ("Unknown system option " <> quote name)) check_type :: T -> Bytes -> Bytes -> Opt check_type options name typ = let opt = check_name options name t = _typ opt in if t == typ then opt else error (make_string ("Ill-typed system option " <> quote name <> " : " <> t <> " vs. " <> typ)) {- get typ -} typ :: T -> Bytes -> Bytes typ options name = _typ (check_name options name) {- get value -} get :: Bytes -> (Bytes -> Maybe a) -> T -> Bytes -> a get typ parse options name = let opt = check_type options name typ in case parse (_value opt) of Just x -> x Nothing -> error (make_string ("Malformed value for system option " <> quote name <> " : " <> typ <> " =\n" <> quote (_value opt))) bool :: T -> Bytes -> Bool bool = get boolT Value.parse_bool int :: T -> Bytes -> Int int = get intT Value.parse_int real :: T -> Bytes -> Double real = get realT Value.parse_real seconds :: T -> Bytes -> Time seconds options = Time.seconds . real options string :: T -> Bytes -> Bytes string = get stringT Just {- decode -} instance Decode T where decode :: Decode.T T decode = let decode_entry :: Decode.T (Bytes, Opt) decode_entry body = let (pos, (name, (typ, value))) = Decode.pair Decode.properties (Decode.pair Decode.string (Decode.pair Decode.string Decode.string)) body in (name, Opt { _pos = pos, _name = name, _typ = typ, _value = value }) in Options . Map.fromList . Decode.list decode_entry \ export_generated_files _ end