diff --git a/src/Pure/General/symbol.ML b/src/Pure/General/symbol.ML --- a/src/Pure/General/symbol.ML +++ b/src/Pure/General/symbol.ML @@ -1,519 +1,517 @@ (* Title: Pure/General/symbol.ML Author: Makarius Isabelle text symbols. *) signature SYMBOL = sig type symbol = string val explode: string -> symbol list val spaces: int -> string val STX: symbol val DEL: symbol val open_: symbol val close: symbol val space: symbol val is_space: symbol -> bool val comment: symbol val cancel: symbol val latex: symbol val marker: symbol val is_char: symbol -> bool val is_utf8: symbol -> bool val is_symbolic: symbol -> bool val is_symbolic_char: symbol -> bool val is_printable: symbol -> bool val control_prefix: string val control_suffix: string val is_control: symbol -> bool val eof: symbol val is_eof: symbol -> bool val not_eof: symbol -> bool val stopper: symbol Scan.stopper val is_malformed: symbol -> bool val malformed_msg: symbol -> string val is_ascii: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_letter: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_digit: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_hex: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_quasi: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_blank: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_line_terminator: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_control: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_letdig: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_lower: symbol -> bool val is_ascii_upper: symbol -> bool val to_ascii_lower: symbol -> symbol val to_ascii_upper: symbol -> symbol val is_ascii_identifier: string -> bool val scan_ascii_id: string list -> string * string list datatype sym = Char of string | UTF8 of string | Sym of string | Control of string | Malformed of string | EOF val decode: symbol -> sym val encode: sym -> symbol datatype kind = Letter | Digit | Quasi | Blank | Other val kind: symbol -> kind val is_letter: symbol -> bool val is_digit: symbol -> bool val is_quasi: symbol -> bool val is_blank: symbol -> bool val is_control_block: symbol -> bool val has_control_block: symbol list -> bool val is_quasi_letter: symbol -> bool val is_letdig: symbol -> bool val beginning: int -> symbol list -> string val esc: symbol -> string val escape: string -> string val scanner: string -> (string list -> 'a * string list) -> symbol list -> 'a val split_words: symbol list -> string list val explode_words: string -> string list val trim_blanks: string -> string val bump_init: string -> string val bump_string: string -> string val sub: symbol val sup: symbol val bold: symbol val make_sub: string -> string val make_sup: string -> string val make_bold: string -> string val length: symbol list -> int val output: string -> Output.output * int end; structure Symbol: SYMBOL = struct (** type symbol **) (*Symbols, which are considered the smallest entities of any Isabelle string, may be of the following form: (1) ASCII: a (2) UTF-8: รค (2) regular symbols: \ (3) control symbols: \<^ident> Output is subject to the print_mode variable (default: verbatim), actual interpretation in display is up to front-end tools. *) type symbol = string; val STX = chr 2; val DEL = chr 127; val open_ = "\"; val close = "\"; val space = chr 32; fun is_space s = s = space; local - val small_spaces = Vector.tabulate (65, fn i => replicate_string i space); + val spaces0 = Vector.tabulate (65, fn i => replicate_string i space); in fun spaces n = - if n < 64 then Vector.sub (small_spaces, n) - else - replicate_string (n div 64) (Vector.sub (small_spaces, 64)) ^ - Vector.sub (small_spaces, n mod 64); + if n < 64 then Vector.nth spaces0 n + else replicate_string (n div 64) (Vector.nth spaces0 64) ^ Vector.nth spaces0 (n mod 64); end; val comment = "\"; val cancel = "\<^cancel>"; val latex = "\<^latex>"; val marker = "\<^marker>"; fun is_char s = size s = 1; fun is_utf8 s = size s > 0 andalso forall_string (fn c => ord c >= 128) s; fun raw_symbolic s = String.isPrefix "\092<" s andalso String.isSuffix ">" s andalso not (String.isPrefix "\092<^" s); fun is_symbolic s = s <> open_ andalso s <> close andalso raw_symbolic s; val is_symbolic_char = member (op =) (raw_explode "!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~"); fun is_printable s = if is_char s then 32 <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"~" else is_utf8 s orelse raw_symbolic s; val control_prefix = "\092<^"; val control_suffix = ">"; fun is_control s = String.isPrefix control_prefix s andalso String.isSuffix control_suffix s; (* input source control *) val eof = ""; fun is_eof s = s = eof; fun not_eof s = s <> eof; val stopper = Scan.stopper (K eof) is_eof; fun is_malformed s = String.isPrefix "\092<" s andalso not (String.isSuffix ">" s) orelse s = "\092<>" orelse s = "\092<^>"; fun malformed_msg s = "Malformed symbolic character: " ^ quote s; (* ASCII symbols *) fun is_ascii s = is_char s andalso ord s < 128; fun is_ascii_letter s = is_char s andalso (Char.ord #"A" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"Z" orelse Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"z"); fun is_ascii_digit s = is_char s andalso Char.ord #"0" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"9"; fun is_ascii_hex s = is_char s andalso (Char.ord #"0" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"9" orelse Char.ord #"A" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"F" orelse Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"f"); fun is_ascii_quasi "_" = true | is_ascii_quasi "'" = true | is_ascii_quasi _ = false; val is_ascii_blank = fn " " => true | "\t" => true | "\n" => true | "\^K" => true | "\f" => true | "\^M" => true | _ => false; val is_ascii_line_terminator = fn "\r" => true | "\n" => true | _ => false; fun is_ascii_control s = is_char s andalso ord s < 32 andalso not (is_ascii_blank s); fun is_ascii_letdig s = is_ascii_letter s orelse is_ascii_digit s orelse is_ascii_quasi s; fun is_ascii_lower s = is_char s andalso (Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"z"); fun is_ascii_upper s = is_char s andalso (Char.ord #"A" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"Z"); fun to_ascii_lower s = if is_ascii_upper s then chr (ord s + Char.ord #"a" - Char.ord #"A") else s; fun to_ascii_upper s = if is_ascii_lower s then chr (ord s + Char.ord #"A" - Char.ord #"a") else s; fun is_ascii_identifier s = size s > 0 andalso is_ascii_letter (String.substring (s, 0, 1)) andalso forall_string is_ascii_letdig s; val scan_ascii_id = Scan.one is_ascii_letter ^^ (Scan.many is_ascii_letdig >> implode); (* diagnostics *) fun beginning n cs = let val drop_blanks = drop_suffix is_ascii_blank; val all_cs = drop_blanks cs; val dots = if length all_cs > n then " ..." else ""; in (drop_blanks (take n all_cs) |> map (fn c => if is_ascii_blank c then space else c) |> implode) ^ dots end; (* symbol variants *) datatype sym = Char of string | UTF8 of string | Sym of string | Control of string | Malformed of string | EOF; fun decode s = if s = "" then EOF else if is_char s then Char s else if is_utf8 s then UTF8 s else if is_malformed s then Malformed s else if is_control s then Control (String.substring (s, 3, size s - 4)) else Sym (String.substring (s, 2, size s - 3)); fun encode (Char s) = s | encode (UTF8 s) = s | encode (Sym s) = "\092<" ^ s ^ ">" | encode (Control s) = "\092<^" ^ s ^ ">" | encode (Malformed s) = s | encode EOF = ""; (* standard symbol kinds *) local val letter_symbols = Symset.make [ "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\

", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\

", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\
", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", (*"\", sic!*) "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\", "\" ]; in val is_letter_symbol = Symset.member letter_symbols; end; datatype kind = Letter | Digit | Quasi | Blank | Other; fun kind s = if is_ascii_letter s then Letter else if is_ascii_digit s then Digit else if is_ascii_quasi s then Quasi else if is_ascii_blank s then Blank else if is_char s then Other else if is_letter_symbol s then Letter else Other; fun is_letter s = kind s = Letter; fun is_digit s = kind s = Digit; fun is_quasi s = kind s = Quasi; fun is_blank s = kind s = Blank; val is_control_block = member (op =) ["\<^bsub>", "\<^esub>", "\<^bsup>", "\<^esup>"]; val has_control_block = exists is_control_block; fun is_quasi_letter s = let val k = kind s in k = Letter orelse k = Quasi end; fun is_letdig s = let val k = kind s in k = Letter orelse k = Digit orelse k = Quasi end; (* escape *) val esc = fn s => if is_char s then s else if is_utf8 s then translate_string (fn c => "\\" ^ string_of_int (ord c)) s else "\\" ^ s; val escape = implode o map esc o Symbol.explode; (** scanning through symbols **) (* scanner *) fun scanner msg scan syms = let fun message (ss, NONE) = (fn () => msg ^ ": " ^ quote (beginning 10 ss)) | message (ss, SOME msg') = (fn () => msg ^ ", " ^ msg' () ^ ": " ^ quote (beginning 10 ss)); val finite_scan = Scan.error (Scan.finite stopper (!! message scan)); in (case finite_scan syms of (result, []) => result | (_, rest) => error (message (rest, NONE) ())) end; (* space-separated words *) val scan_word = Scan.many1 is_ascii_blank >> K NONE || Scan.many1 (fn s => not (is_ascii_blank s) andalso not_eof s) >> (SOME o implode); val split_words = scanner "Bad text" (Scan.repeat scan_word >> map_filter I); val explode_words = split_words o Symbol.explode; (* blanks *) val trim_blanks = Symbol.explode #> trim is_blank #> implode; (* bump string -- treat as base 26 or base 1 numbers *) fun symbolic_end (_ :: "\<^sub>" :: _) = true | symbolic_end ("'" :: ss) = symbolic_end ss | symbolic_end (s :: _) = raw_symbolic s | symbolic_end [] = false; fun bump_init str = if symbolic_end (rev (Symbol.explode str)) then str ^ "'" else str ^ "a"; fun bump_string str = let fun bump [] = ["a"] | bump ("z" :: ss) = "a" :: bump ss | bump (s :: ss) = if is_char s andalso Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s < Char.ord #"z" then chr (ord s + 1) :: ss else "a" :: s :: ss; val (ss, qs) = apfst rev (chop_suffix is_quasi (Symbol.explode str)); val ss' = if symbolic_end ss then "'" :: ss else bump ss; in implode (rev ss' @ qs) end; (* styles *) val sub = "\092<^sub>"; val sup = "\092<^sup>"; val bold = "\092<^bold>"; fun make_style sym = Symbol.explode #> maps (fn s => [sym, s]) #> implode; val make_sub = make_style sub; val make_sup = make_style sup; val make_bold = make_style bold; (** symbol output **) (* length *) fun sym_len s = if String.isPrefix "\092 fn n => sym_len s + n) ss 0; fun output s = (s, sym_length (Symbol.explode s)); (*final declarations of this structure!*) val explode = Symbol.explode; val length = sym_length; end; diff --git a/src/Pure/General/vector.ML b/src/Pure/General/vector.ML new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Pure/General/vector.ML @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +(* Title: Pure/General/vector.ML + Author: Makarius + +Additional operations for structure Vector, following Isabelle/ML conventions. +*) + +signature VECTOR = +sig + include VECTOR + val nth: 'a vector -> int -> 'a + val forall: ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> bool + val fold: ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a vector -> 'b -> 'b + val fold_rev: ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a vector -> 'b -> 'b +end; + +structure Vector: VECTOR = +struct + +open Vector; + +fun nth vec i = sub (vec, i); + +val forall = all; + +fun fold f vec x = foldl (fn (a, b) => f a b) x vec; +fun fold_rev f vec x = foldr (fn (a, b) => f a b) x vec; + +end; diff --git a/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML b/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML --- a/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML +++ b/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML @@ -1,802 +1,802 @@ (* Title: Pure/Isar/token.ML Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen Outer token syntax for Isabelle/Isar. *) signature TOKEN = sig datatype kind = (*immediate source*) Command | Keyword | Ident | Long_Ident | Sym_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Nat | Float | Space | (*delimited content*) String | Alt_String | Cartouche | Control of Antiquote.control | Comment of Comment.kind option | (*special content*) Error of string | EOF val control_kind: kind val str_of_kind: kind -> string type file = {src_path: Path.T, lines: string list, digest: SHA1.digest, pos: Position.T} type T type src = T list type name_value = {name: string, kind: string, print: Proof.context -> Markup.T * xstring} datatype value = Source of src | Literal of bool * Markup.T | Name of name_value * morphism | Typ of typ | Term of term | Fact of string option * thm list | Attribute of morphism -> attribute | Declaration of declaration | Files of file Exn.result list | Output of XML.body option val pos_of: T -> Position.T val adjust_offsets: (int -> int option) -> T -> T val eof: T val is_eof: T -> bool val not_eof: T -> bool val stopper: T Scan.stopper val kind_of: T -> kind val is_kind: kind -> T -> bool val get_control: T -> Antiquote.control option val is_command: T -> bool val keyword_with: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool val is_command_modifier: T -> bool val ident_with: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool val is_proper: T -> bool val is_comment: T -> bool val is_informal_comment: T -> bool val is_formal_comment: T -> bool val is_document_marker: T -> bool val is_ignored: T -> bool val is_begin_ignore: T -> bool val is_end_ignore: T -> bool val is_error: T -> bool val is_space: T -> bool val is_blank: T -> bool val is_newline: T -> bool val range_of: T list -> Position.range val core_range_of: T list -> Position.range val content_of: T -> string val source_of: T -> string val input_of: T -> Input.source val inner_syntax_of: T -> string val keyword_markup: bool * Markup.T -> string -> Markup.T val completion_report: T -> Position.report_text list val reports: Keyword.keywords -> T -> Position.report_text list val markups: Keyword.keywords -> T -> Markup.T list val unparse: T -> string val print: T -> string val text_of: T -> string * string val file_source: file -> Input.source val get_files: T -> file Exn.result list val put_files: file Exn.result list -> T -> T val get_output: T -> XML.body option val put_output: XML.body -> T -> T val get_value: T -> value option val reports_of_value: T -> Position.report list val name_value: name_value -> value val get_name: T -> name_value option val declare_maxidx: T -> Proof.context -> Proof.context val map_facts: (string option -> thm list -> thm list) -> T -> T val trim_context_src: src -> src val transform: morphism -> T -> T val init_assignable: T -> T val assign: value option -> T -> T val evaluate: ('a -> value) -> (T -> 'a) -> T -> 'a val closure: T -> T val pretty_value: Proof.context -> T -> Pretty.T val name_of_src: src -> string * Position.T val args_of_src: src -> T list val checked_src: src -> bool val check_src: Proof.context -> (Proof.context -> 'a Name_Space.table) -> src -> src * 'a val pretty_src: Proof.context -> src -> Pretty.T val ident_or_symbolic: string -> bool val read_cartouche: Symbol_Pos.T list -> T val tokenize: Keyword.keywords -> {strict: bool} -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> T list val explode: Keyword.keywords -> Position.T -> string -> T list val explode0: Keyword.keywords -> string -> T list val print_name: Keyword.keywords -> string -> string val print_properties: Keyword.keywords -> Properties.T -> string val make: (int * int) * string -> Position.T -> T * Position.T val make_string: string * Position.T -> T val make_int: int -> T list val make_src: string * Position.T -> T list -> src type 'a parser = T list -> 'a * T list type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * T list) val syntax_generic: 'a context_parser -> src -> Context.generic -> 'a * Context.generic val syntax: 'a context_parser -> src -> Proof.context -> 'a * Proof.context end; structure Token: TOKEN = struct (** tokens **) (* token kind *) datatype kind = (*immediate source*) Command | Keyword | Ident | Long_Ident | Sym_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Nat | Float | Space | (*delimited content*) String | Alt_String | Cartouche | Control of Antiquote.control | Comment of Comment.kind option | (*special content*) Error of string | EOF; val control_kind = Control Antiquote.no_control; fun equiv_kind kind kind' = (case (kind, kind') of (Control _, Control _) => true | (Error _, Error _) => true | _ => kind = kind'); val str_of_kind = fn Command => "command" | Keyword => "keyword" | Ident => "identifier" | Long_Ident => "long identifier" | Sym_Ident => "symbolic identifier" | Var => "schematic variable" | Type_Ident => "type variable" | Type_Var => "schematic type variable" | Nat => "natural number" | Float => "floating-point number" | Space => "white space" | String => "quoted string" | Alt_String => "back-quoted string" | Cartouche => "text cartouche" | Control _ => "control cartouche" | Comment NONE => "informal comment" | Comment (SOME _) => "formal comment" | Error _ => "bad input" | EOF => "end-of-input"; val immediate_kinds = Vector.fromList [Command, Keyword, Ident, Long_Ident, Sym_Ident, Var, Type_Ident, Type_Var, Nat, Float, Space]; val delimited_kind = (fn String => true | Alt_String => true | Cartouche => true | Control _ => true | Comment _ => true | _ => false); (* datatype token *) (*The value slot assigns an (optional) internal value to a token, usually as a side-effect of special scanner setup (see also args.ML). Note that an assignable ref designates an intermediate state of internalization -- it is NOT meant to persist.*) type file = {src_path: Path.T, lines: string list, digest: SHA1.digest, pos: Position.T}; type name_value = {name: string, kind: string, print: Proof.context -> Markup.T * xstring}; datatype T = Token of (Symbol_Pos.text * Position.range) * (kind * string) * slot and slot = Slot | Value of value option | Assignable of value option Unsynchronized.ref and value = Source of T list | Literal of bool * Markup.T | Name of name_value * morphism | Typ of typ | Term of term | Fact of string option * thm list | (*optional name for dynamic fact, i.e. fact "variable"*) Attribute of morphism -> attribute | Declaration of declaration | Files of file Exn.result list | Output of XML.body option; type src = T list; (* position *) fun pos_of (Token ((_, (pos, _)), _, _)) = pos; fun end_pos_of (Token ((_, (_, pos)), _, _)) = pos; fun adjust_offsets adjust (Token ((x, range), y, z)) = Token ((x, apply2 (Position.adjust_offsets adjust) range), y, z); (* stopper *) fun mk_eof pos = Token (("", (pos, Position.none)), (EOF, ""), Slot); val eof = mk_eof Position.none; fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _), _)) = true | is_eof _ = false; val not_eof = not o is_eof; val stopper = Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (end_pos_of (List.last toks))) is_eof; (* kind of token *) fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _), _)) = k; fun is_kind k (Token (_, (k', _), _)) = equiv_kind k k'; fun get_control tok = (case kind_of tok of Control control => SOME control | _ => NONE); val is_command = is_kind Command; fun keyword_with pred (Token (_, (Keyword, x), _)) = pred x | keyword_with _ _ = false; val is_command_modifier = keyword_with (fn x => x = "private" orelse x = "qualified"); fun ident_with pred (Token (_, (Ident, x), _)) = pred x | ident_with _ _ = false; fun is_ignored (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = true | is_ignored (Token (_, (Comment NONE, _), _)) = true | is_ignored _ = false; fun is_proper (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = false | is_proper (Token (_, (Comment _, _), _)) = false | is_proper _ = true; fun is_comment (Token (_, (Comment _, _), _)) = true | is_comment _ = false; fun is_informal_comment (Token (_, (Comment NONE, _), _)) = true | is_informal_comment _ = false; fun is_formal_comment (Token (_, (Comment (SOME _), _), _)) = true | is_formal_comment _ = false; fun is_document_marker (Token (_, (Comment (SOME Comment.Marker), _), _)) = true | is_document_marker _ = false; fun is_begin_ignore (Token (_, (Comment NONE, "<"), _)) = true | is_begin_ignore _ = false; fun is_end_ignore (Token (_, (Comment NONE, ">"), _)) = true | is_end_ignore _ = false; fun is_error (Token (_, (Error _, _), _)) = true | is_error _ = false; (* blanks and newlines -- space tokens obey lines *) fun is_space (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = true | is_space _ = false; fun is_blank (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = not (String.isSuffix "\n" x) | is_blank _ = false; fun is_newline (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = String.isSuffix "\n" x | is_newline _ = false; (* range of tokens *) fun range_of (toks as tok :: _) = let val pos' = end_pos_of (List.last toks) in Position.range (pos_of tok, pos') end | range_of [] = Position.no_range; val core_range_of = drop_prefix is_ignored #> drop_suffix is_ignored #> range_of; (* token content *) fun content_of (Token (_, (_, x), _)) = x; fun source_of (Token ((source, _), _, _)) = source; fun input_of (Token ((source, range), (kind, _), _)) = Input.source (delimited_kind kind) source range; fun inner_syntax_of tok = let val x = content_of tok in if YXML.detect x then x else Syntax.implode_input (input_of tok) end; (* markup reports *) local val token_kind_markup = fn Var => (Markup.var, "") | Type_Ident => (Markup.tfree, "") | Type_Var => (Markup.tvar, "") | String => (Markup.string, "") | Alt_String => (Markup.alt_string, "") | Cartouche => (Markup.cartouche, "") | Control _ => (Markup.cartouche, "") | Comment _ => (Markup.comment, "") | Error msg => (Markup.bad (), msg) | _ => (Markup.empty, ""); fun keyword_reports tok = map (fn markup => ((pos_of tok, markup), "")); fun command_markups keywords x = if Keyword.is_theory_end keywords x then [Markup.keyword2 |> Markup.keyword_properties] else (if Keyword.is_proof_asm keywords x then [Markup.keyword3] else if Keyword.is_improper keywords x then [Markup.keyword1, Markup.improper] else [Markup.keyword1]) |> map Markup.command_properties; in fun keyword_markup (important, keyword) x = if important orelse Symbol.is_ascii_identifier x then keyword else Markup.delimiter; fun completion_report tok = if is_kind Keyword tok then map (fn m => ((pos_of tok, m), "")) (Completion.suppress_abbrevs (content_of tok)) else []; fun reports keywords tok = if is_command tok then keyword_reports tok (command_markups keywords (content_of tok)) else if is_kind Keyword tok then keyword_reports tok [keyword_markup (false, Markup.keyword2 |> Markup.keyword_properties) (content_of tok)] else let val pos = pos_of tok; val (m, text) = token_kind_markup (kind_of tok); val deleted = Symbol_Pos.explode_deleted (source_of tok, pos); in ((pos, m), text) :: map (fn p => ((p, Markup.delete), "")) deleted end; fun markups keywords = map (#2 o #1) o reports keywords; end; (* unparse *) fun unparse (Token (_, (kind, x), _)) = (case kind of String => Symbol_Pos.quote_string_qq x | Alt_String => Symbol_Pos.quote_string_bq x | Cartouche => cartouche x | Control control => Symbol_Pos.content (Antiquote.control_symbols control) | Comment NONE => enclose "(*" "*)" x | EOF => "" | _ => x); fun print tok = Markup.markups (markups Keyword.empty_keywords tok) (unparse tok); fun text_of tok = let val k = str_of_kind (kind_of tok); val ms = markups Keyword.empty_keywords tok; val s = unparse tok; in if s = "" then (k, "") else if size s < 40 andalso not (exists_string (fn c => c = "\n") s) then (k ^ " " ^ Markup.markups ms s, "") else (k, Markup.markups ms s) end; (** associated values **) (* inlined file content *) fun file_source (file: file) = let val text = cat_lines (#lines file); val end_pos = Position.symbol_explode text (#pos file); in Input.source true text (Position.range (#pos file, end_pos)) end; fun get_files (Token (_, _, Value (SOME (Files files)))) = files | get_files _ = []; fun put_files [] tok = tok | put_files files (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (Files files))) | put_files _ tok = raise Fail ("Cannot put inlined files here" ^ Position.here (pos_of tok)); (* document output *) fun get_output (Token (_, _, Value (SOME (Output output)))) = output | get_output _ = NONE; fun put_output output (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (Output (SOME output)))) | put_output _ tok = raise Fail ("Cannot put document output here" ^ Position.here (pos_of tok)); (* access values *) fun get_value (Token (_, _, Value v)) = v | get_value _ = NONE; fun map_value f (Token (x, y, Value (SOME v))) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (f v))) | map_value _ tok = tok; (* reports of value *) fun get_assignable_value (Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = ! r | get_assignable_value (Token (_, _, Value v)) = v | get_assignable_value _ = NONE; fun reports_of_value tok = (case get_assignable_value tok of SOME (Literal markup) => let val pos = pos_of tok; val x = content_of tok; in if Position.is_reported pos then map (pair pos) (keyword_markup markup x :: Completion.suppress_abbrevs x) else [] end | _ => []); (* name value *) fun name_value a = Name (a, Morphism.identity); fun get_name tok = (case get_assignable_value tok of SOME (Name (a, _)) => SOME a | _ => NONE); (* maxidx *) fun declare_maxidx tok = (case get_value tok of SOME (Source src) => fold declare_maxidx src | SOME (Typ T) => Variable.declare_maxidx (Term.maxidx_of_typ T) | SOME (Term t) => Variable.declare_maxidx (Term.maxidx_of_term t) | SOME (Fact (_, ths)) => fold (Variable.declare_maxidx o Thm.maxidx_of) ths | SOME (Attribute _) => I (* FIXME !? *) | SOME (Declaration decl) => (fn ctxt => let val ctxt' = Context.proof_map (Morphism.form decl) ctxt in Variable.declare_maxidx (Variable.maxidx_of ctxt') ctxt end) | _ => I); (* fact values *) fun map_facts f = map_value (fn v => (case v of Source src => Source (map (map_facts f) src) | Fact (a, ths) => Fact (a, f a ths) | _ => v)); val trim_context_src = (map o map_facts) (K (map Thm.trim_context)); (* transform *) fun transform phi = map_value (fn v => (case v of Source src => Source (map (transform phi) src) | Literal _ => v | Name (a, psi) => Name (a, psi $> phi) | Typ T => Typ (Morphism.typ phi T) | Term t => Term (Morphism.term phi t) | Fact (a, ths) => Fact (a, Morphism.fact phi ths) | Attribute att => Attribute (Morphism.transform phi att) | Declaration decl => Declaration (Morphism.transform phi decl) | Files _ => v | Output _ => v)); (* static binding *) (*1st stage: initialize assignable slots*) fun init_assignable tok = (case tok of Token (x, y, Slot) => Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref NONE)) | Token (_, _, Value _) => tok | Token (_, _, Assignable r) => (r := NONE; tok)); (*2nd stage: assign values as side-effect of scanning*) fun assign v tok = (case tok of Token (x, y, Slot) => Token (x, y, Value v) | Token (_, _, Value _) => tok | Token (_, _, Assignable r) => (r := v; tok)); fun evaluate mk eval arg = let val x = eval arg in (assign (SOME (mk x)) arg; x) end; (*3rd stage: static closure of final values*) fun closure (Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref v))) = Token (x, y, Value v) | closure tok = tok; (* pretty *) fun pretty_value ctxt tok = (case get_value tok of SOME (Literal markup) => let val x = content_of tok in Pretty.mark_str (keyword_markup markup x, x) end | SOME (Name ({print, ...}, _)) => Pretty.quote (Pretty.mark_str (print ctxt)) | SOME (Typ T) => Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T | SOME (Term t) => Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t | SOME (Fact (_, ths)) => Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map (Pretty.cartouche o Thm.pretty_thm ctxt) ths)) | _ => Pretty.marks_str (markups Keyword.empty_keywords tok, unparse tok)); (* src *) fun dest_src ([]: src) = raise Fail "Empty token source" | dest_src (head :: args) = (head, args); fun name_of_src src = let val head = #1 (dest_src src); val name = (case get_name head of SOME {name, ...} => name | NONE => content_of head); in (name, pos_of head) end; val args_of_src = #2 o dest_src; fun pretty_src ctxt src = let val (head, args) = dest_src src; val prt_name = (case get_name head of SOME {print, ...} => Pretty.mark_str (print ctxt) | NONE => Pretty.str (content_of head)); in Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (Pretty.quote prt_name :: map (pretty_value ctxt) args)) end; fun checked_src (head :: _) = is_some (get_name head) | checked_src [] = true; fun check_src ctxt get_table src = let val (head, args) = dest_src src; val table = get_table ctxt; in (case get_name head of SOME {name, ...} => (src, Name_Space.get table name) | NONE => let val pos = pos_of head; val (name, x) = Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) table (content_of head, pos); val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos Markup.operator; val kind = Name_Space.kind_of (Name_Space.space_of_table table); fun print ctxt' = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt' (Name_Space.space_of_table (get_table ctxt')) name; val value = name_value {name = name, kind = kind, print = print}; val head' = closure (assign (SOME value) head); in (head' :: args, x) end) end; (** scanners **) open Basic_Symbol_Pos; val err_prefix = "Outer lexical error: "; fun !!! msg = Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ msg); (* scan symbolic idents *) val scan_symid = Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_symbolic_char o Symbol_Pos.symbol) || Scan.one (Symbol.is_symbolic o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> single; fun is_symid str = (case try Symbol.explode str of SOME [s] => Symbol.is_symbolic s orelse Symbol.is_symbolic_char s | SOME ss => forall Symbol.is_symbolic_char ss | _ => false); fun ident_or_symbolic "begin" = false | ident_or_symbolic ":" = true | ident_or_symbolic "::" = true | ident_or_symbolic s = Symbol_Pos.is_identifier s orelse is_symid s; (* scan cartouche *) val scan_cartouche = Symbol_Pos.scan_pos -- ((Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche err_prefix >> Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content) -- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos); (* scan space *) fun space_symbol (s, _) = Symbol.is_blank s andalso s <> "\n"; val scan_space = Scan.many1 space_symbol @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "\n") [] || Scan.many space_symbol @@@ $$$ "\n"; (* scan comment *) val scan_comment = Symbol_Pos.scan_pos -- (Symbol_Pos.scan_comment_body err_prefix -- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos); (** token sources **) local fun token_leq ((_, syms1), (_, syms2)) = length syms1 <= length syms2; fun token k ss = Token ((Symbol_Pos.implode ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss), (k, Symbol_Pos.content ss), Slot); fun token_range k (pos1, (ss, pos2)) = Token (Symbol_Pos.implode_range (pos1, pos2) ss, (k, Symbol_Pos.content ss), Slot); fun scan_token keywords = !!! "bad input" (Symbol_Pos.scan_string_qq err_prefix >> token_range String || Symbol_Pos.scan_string_bq err_prefix >> token_range Alt_String || scan_comment >> token_range (Comment NONE) || Comment.scan_outer >> (fn (k, ss) => token (Comment (SOME k)) ss) || scan_cartouche >> token_range Cartouche || Antiquote.scan_control err_prefix >> (fn control => token (Control control) (Antiquote.control_symbols control)) || scan_space >> token Space || (Scan.max token_leq (Scan.max token_leq (Scan.literal (Keyword.major_keywords keywords) >> pair Command) (Scan.literal (Keyword.minor_keywords keywords) >> pair Keyword)) (Lexicon.scan_longid >> pair Long_Ident || Lexicon.scan_id >> pair Ident || Lexicon.scan_var >> pair Var || Lexicon.scan_tid >> pair Type_Ident || Lexicon.scan_tvar >> pair Type_Var || Symbol_Pos.scan_float >> pair Float || Symbol_Pos.scan_nat >> pair Nat || scan_symid >> pair Sym_Ident) >> uncurry token)); fun recover msg = (Symbol_Pos.recover_string_qq || Symbol_Pos.recover_string_bq || Symbol_Pos.recover_cartouche || Symbol_Pos.recover_comment || Scan.one (Symbol.not_eof o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> single) >> (single o token (Error msg)); in fun make_source keywords {strict} = let val scan_strict = Scan.bulk (scan_token keywords); val scan = if strict then scan_strict else Scan.recover scan_strict recover; in Source.source Symbol_Pos.stopper scan end; fun read_cartouche syms = (case Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper (scan_cartouche >> token_range Cartouche) syms of SOME tok => tok | NONE => error ("Single cartouche expected" ^ Position.here (#1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms)))); end; (* explode *) fun tokenize keywords strict syms = Source.of_list syms |> make_source keywords strict |> Source.exhaust; fun explode keywords pos text = Symbol_Pos.explode (text, pos) |> tokenize keywords {strict = false}; fun explode0 keywords = explode keywords Position.none; (* print names in parsable form *) fun print_name keywords name = ((case explode keywords Position.none name of [tok] => not (member (op =) [Ident, Long_Ident, Sym_Ident, Nat] (kind_of tok)) | _ => true) ? Symbol_Pos.quote_string_qq) name; fun print_properties keywords = map (apply2 (print_name keywords) #> (fn (a, b) => a ^ " = " ^ b)) #> commas #> enclose "[" "]"; (* make *) fun make ((k, n), s) pos = let val pos' = Position.shift_offsets {remove_id = false} n pos; val range = Position.range (pos, pos'); val tok = if 0 <= k andalso k < Vector.length immediate_kinds then - Token ((s, range), (Vector.sub (immediate_kinds, k), s), Slot) + Token ((s, range), (Vector.nth immediate_kinds k, s), Slot) else (case explode Keyword.empty_keywords pos s of [tok] => tok | _ => Token ((s, range), (Error (err_prefix ^ "exactly one token expected"), s), Slot)) in (tok, pos') end; fun make_string (s, pos) = let val Token ((x, _), y, z) = #1 (make ((~1, 0), Symbol_Pos.quote_string_qq s) Position.none); val pos' = Position.no_range_position pos; in Token ((x, (pos', pos')), y, z) end; val make_int = explode Keyword.empty_keywords Position.none o signed_string_of_int; fun make_src a args = make_string a :: args; (** parsers **) type 'a parser = T list -> 'a * T list; type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * T list); (* wrapped syntax *) fun syntax_generic scan src context = let val (name, pos) = name_of_src src; val old_reports = maps reports_of_value src; val args1 = map init_assignable (args_of_src src); fun reported_text () = if Context_Position.reports_enabled_generic context then let val new_reports = maps (reports_of_value o closure) args1 in if old_reports <> new_reports then map (fn (p, m) => Position.reported_text p m "") new_reports else [] end else []; in (case Scan.error (Scan.finite' stopper (Scan.option scan)) (context, args1) of (SOME x, (context', [])) => let val _ = Output.report (reported_text ()) in (x, context') end | (_, (context', args2)) => let val print_name = (case get_name (hd src) of NONE => quote name | SOME {kind, print, ...} => let val ctxt' = Context.proof_of context'; val (markup, xname) = print ctxt'; in plain_words kind ^ " " ^ quote (Markup.markup markup xname) end); val print_args = if null args2 then "" else ":\n " ^ space_implode " " (map print args2); in error ("Bad arguments for " ^ print_name ^ Position.here pos ^ print_args ^ Markup.markup_report (implode (reported_text ()))) end) end; fun syntax scan src = apsnd Context.the_proof o syntax_generic scan src o Context.Proof; end; type 'a parser = 'a Token.parser; type 'a context_parser = 'a Token.context_parser; diff --git a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML --- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML +++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML @@ -1,369 +1,370 @@ (* Title: Pure/ROOT.ML Author: Makarius Main entry point for the Isabelle/Pure bootstrap process. Note: When this file is open in the Prover IDE, the ML files of Isabelle/Pure can be explored interactively. This is a separate copy of Pure within Pure: it does not affect the running logic session. *) chapter "Isabelle/Pure bootstrap"; ML_file "ML/ml_name_space.ML"; section "Bootstrap phase 0: Poly/ML setup"; ML_file "ML/ml_init.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_system.ML"; ML_file "General/basics.ML"; +ML_file "General/vector.ML"; ML_file "General/symbol_explode.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/multithreading.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/unsynchronized.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/synchronized.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/counter.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_heap.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_print_depth0.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_pretty.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_compiler0.ML"; section "Bootstrap phase 1: towards ML within position context"; subsection "Library of general tools"; ML_file "library.ML"; ML_file "General/print_mode.ML"; ML_file "General/integer.ML"; ML_file "General/alist.ML"; ML_file "General/table.ML"; ML_file "General/set.ML"; ML_file "General/random.ML"; ML_file "General/value.ML"; ML_file "General/properties.ML"; ML_file "General/output.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/markup.ML"; ML_file "General/utf8.ML"; ML_file "General/scan.ML"; ML_file "General/source.ML"; ML_file "General/symbol.ML"; ML_file "General/position.ML"; ML_file "General/symbol_pos.ML"; ML_file "General/input.ML"; ML_file "General/comment.ML"; ML_file "General/antiquote.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_lex.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_compiler1.ML"; section "Bootstrap phase 2: towards ML within Isar context"; subsection "Library of general tools"; ML_file "General/stack.ML"; ML_file "General/queue.ML"; ML_file "General/heap.ML"; ML_file "General/same.ML"; ML_file "General/ord_list.ML"; ML_file "General/balanced_tree.ML"; ML_file "General/linear_set.ML"; ML_file "General/change_table.ML"; ML_file "General/buffer.ML"; ML_file "General/pretty.ML"; ML_file "General/rat.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/xml.ML"; ML_file "General/path.ML"; ML_file "General/url.ML"; ML_file "System/bash.ML"; ML_file "General/file_stream.ML"; ML_file "General/bytes.ML"; ML_file "General/file.ML"; ML_file "General/long_name.ML"; ML_file "General/binding.ML"; ML_file "General/seq.ML"; ML_file "General/time.ML"; ML_file "General/timing.ML"; ML_file "General/sha1.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/yxml.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_profiling.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/byte_message.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/protocol_message.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/document_id.ML"; ML_file "General/socket_io.ML"; ML_file "General/graph.ML"; ML_file "System/options.ML"; subsection "Fundamental structures"; ML_file "name.ML"; ML_file "term.ML"; ML_file "context.ML"; ML_file "config.ML"; ML_file "context_position.ML"; ML_file "soft_type_system.ML"; subsection "Concurrency within the ML runtime"; ML_file "ML/exn_properties.ML"; ML_file_no_debug "ML/exn_debugger.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/thread_data_virtual.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/isabelle_thread.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/single_assignment.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/par_exn.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/task_queue.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/future.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/event_timer.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/timeout.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/lazy.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/par_list.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/mailbox.ML"; ML_file "Concurrent/cache.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/active.ML"; ML_file "Thy/export.ML"; subsection "Inner syntax"; ML_file "Syntax/type_annotation.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/term_position.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/lexicon.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/ast.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/syntax_ext.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/parser.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/syntax_trans.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/mixfix.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/printer.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/syntax.ML"; subsection "Core of tactical proof system"; ML_file "term_ord.ML"; ML_file "term_items.ML"; ML_file "term_subst.ML"; ML_file "General/completion.ML"; ML_file "General/name_space.ML"; ML_file "sorts.ML"; ML_file "type.ML"; ML_file "logic.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/simple_syntax.ML"; ML_file "net.ML"; ML_file "item_net.ML"; ML_file "envir.ML"; ML_file "consts.ML"; ML_file "term_xml.ML"; ML_file "primitive_defs.ML"; ML_file "sign.ML"; ML_file "defs.ML"; ML_file "term_sharing.ML"; ML_file "pattern.ML"; ML_file "unify.ML"; ML_file "theory.ML"; ML_file "proofterm.ML"; ML_file "thm.ML"; ML_file "cterm_items.ML"; ML_file "more_pattern.ML"; ML_file "more_unify.ML"; ML_file "more_thm.ML"; ML_file "facts.ML"; ML_file "thm_name.ML"; ML_file "global_theory.ML"; ML_file "pure_thy.ML"; ML_file "drule.ML"; ML_file "morphism.ML"; ML_file "variable.ML"; ML_file "conv.ML"; ML_file "goal_display.ML"; ML_file "tactical.ML"; ML_file "search.ML"; ML_file "tactic.ML"; ML_file "raw_simplifier.ML"; ML_file "conjunction.ML"; ML_file "assumption.ML"; subsection "Isar -- Intelligible Semi-Automated Reasoning"; (*ML support and global execution*) ML_file "ML/ml_syntax.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_env.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_options.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_print_depth.ML"; ML_file_no_debug "Isar/runtime.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/execution.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_compiler.ML"; ML_file "skip_proof.ML"; ML_file "goal.ML"; (*outer syntax*) ML_file "Isar/keyword.ML"; ML_file "Isar/token.ML"; ML_file "Isar/parse.ML"; ML_file "Thy/document_source.ML"; ML_file "Thy/thy_header.ML"; ML_file "Thy/document_marker.ML"; (*proof context*) ML_file "Isar/object_logic.ML"; ML_file "Isar/rule_cases.ML"; ML_file "Isar/auto_bind.ML"; ML_file "type_infer.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/local_syntax.ML"; ML_file "Isar/proof_context.ML"; ML_file "type_infer_context.ML"; ML_file "Syntax/syntax_phases.ML"; ML_file "Isar/args.ML"; (*theory specifications*) ML_file "Isar/local_defs.ML"; ML_file "Isar/local_theory.ML"; ML_file "Isar/entity.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/command_span.ML"; ML_file "Thy/thy_element.ML"; ML_file "Thy/markdown.ML"; ML_file "Thy/latex.ML"; (*ML with context and antiquotations*) ML_file "ML/ml_context.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_antiquotation.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_compiler2.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_antiquotations.ML"; section "Bootstrap phase 3: towards theory Pure and final ML toplevel setup"; (*basic proof engine*) ML_file "par_tactical.ML"; ML_file "context_tactic.ML"; ML_file "Isar/attrib.ML"; ML_file "Isar/proof_display.ML"; ML_file "Isar/context_rules.ML"; ML_file "Isar/method.ML"; ML_file "Isar/proof.ML"; ML_file "Isar/element.ML"; ML_file "Isar/obtain.ML"; ML_file "Isar/subgoal.ML"; ML_file "Isar/calculation.ML"; (*local theories and targets*) ML_file "Isar/locale.ML"; ML_file "Isar/generic_target.ML"; ML_file "Isar/bundle.ML"; ML_file "Isar/overloading.ML"; ML_file "axclass.ML"; ML_file "Isar/class.ML"; ML_file "Isar/named_target.ML"; ML_file "Isar/expression.ML"; ML_file "Isar/interpretation.ML"; ML_file "Isar/class_declaration.ML"; ML_file "Isar/target_context.ML"; ML_file "Isar/experiment.ML"; ML_file "simplifier.ML"; ML_file "Tools/plugin.ML"; (*executable theory content*) ML_file "Isar/code.ML"; (*specifications*) ML_file "Isar/spec_rules.ML"; ML_file "Isar/specification.ML"; ML_file "Isar/parse_spec.ML"; ML_file "Isar/typedecl.ML"; (*toplevel transactions*) ML_file "Isar/proof_node.ML"; ML_file "Isar/toplevel.ML"; (*proof term operations*) ML_file "Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML"; ML_file "Proof/proof_syntax.ML"; ML_file "Proof/proof_checker.ML"; ML_file "Proof/extraction.ML"; (*Isabelle system*) ML_file "PIDE/protocol_command.ML"; ML_file "System/java.ML"; ML_file "System/scala.ML"; ML_file "System/process_result.ML"; ML_file "System/isabelle_system.ML"; (*theory documents*) ML_file "Thy/term_style.ML"; ML_file "Isar/outer_syntax.ML"; ML_file "Thy/document_antiquotation.ML"; ML_file "Thy/document_output.ML"; ML_file "Thy/document_antiquotations.ML"; ML_file "General/graph_display.ML"; ML_file "pure_syn.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/resources.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/command.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/query_operation.ML"; ML_file "Thy/thy_info.ML"; ML_file "thm_deps.ML"; ML_file "Thy/export_theory.ML"; ML_file "Thy/sessions.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/session.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/document.ML"; (*ML add-ons*) ML_file "ML/ml_pp.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_thms.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_instantiate.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_file.ML"; ML_file "ML/ml_pid.ML"; (*theory and proof operations*) ML_file "Isar/isar_cmd.ML"; subsection "Isabelle/Isar system"; ML_file "System/command_line.ML"; ML_file "System/message_channel.ML"; ML_file "System/isabelle_process.ML"; ML_file "System/scala_compiler.ML"; ML_file "System/isabelle_tool.ML"; ML_file "Thy/bibtex.ML"; ML_file "PIDE/protocol.ML"; ML_file "General/output_primitives_virtual.ML"; subsection "Miscellaneous tools and packages for Pure Isabelle"; ML_file "General/base64.ML"; ML_file "General/xz.ML"; ML_file "General/zstd.ML"; ML_file "Tools/prismjs.ML"; ML_file "Tools/build.ML"; ML_file "Tools/named_thms.ML"; ML_file "Tools/print_operation.ML"; ML_file "Tools/rail.ML"; ML_file "Tools/rule_insts.ML"; ML_file "Tools/thy_deps.ML"; ML_file "Tools/class_deps.ML"; ML_file "Tools/find_theorems.ML"; ML_file "Tools/find_consts.ML"; ML_file "Tools/simplifier_trace.ML"; ML_file_no_debug "Tools/debugger.ML"; ML_file "Tools/named_theorems.ML"; ML_file "Tools/doc.ML"; ML_file "Tools/jedit.ML"; ML_file "Tools/ghc.ML"; ML_file "Tools/generated_files.ML"; diff --git a/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML b/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML --- a/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML +++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML @@ -1,496 +1,496 @@ (* Title: Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML Author: Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen Lexer for the inner Isabelle syntax (terms and types). *) signature LEXICON = sig structure Syntax: sig val const: string -> term val free: string -> term val var: indexname -> term end val scan_id: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner val scan_longid: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner val scan_tid: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner val scan_hex: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner val scan_bin: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner val scan_var: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner val scan_tvar: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner val is_tid: string -> bool datatype token_kind = Literal | Ident | Long_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Num | Float | Str | String | Cartouche | Space | Comment of Comment.kind | Dummy | EOF eqtype token val kind_of_token: token -> token_kind val str_of_token: token -> string val pos_of_token: token -> Position.T val end_pos_of_token: token -> Position.T val is_proper: token -> bool val dummy: token val literal: string -> token val is_literal: token -> bool val tokens_match_ord: token ord val mk_eof: Position.T -> token val eof: token val is_eof: token -> bool val stopper: token Scan.stopper val terminals: string list val is_terminal: string -> bool val get_terminal: string -> token option val suppress_literal_markup: string -> bool val suppress_markup: token -> bool val literal_markup: string -> Markup.T list val reports_of_token: token -> Position.report list val reported_token_range: Proof.context -> token -> string val valued_token: token -> bool val implode_string: Symbol.symbol list -> string val explode_string: string * Position.T -> Symbol_Pos.T list val implode_str: Symbol.symbol list -> string val explode_str: string * Position.T -> Symbol_Pos.T list val tokenize: Scan.lexicon -> bool -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> token list val read_indexname: string -> indexname val read_var: string -> term val read_variable: string -> indexname option val read_nat: string -> int option val read_int: string -> int option val read_num: string -> {radix: int, leading_zeros: int, value: int} val read_float: string -> {mant: int, exp: int} val mark_class: string -> string val unmark_class: string -> string val mark_type: string -> string val unmark_type: string -> string val mark_const: string -> string val unmark_const: string -> string val mark_fixed: string -> string val unmark_fixed: string -> string val unmark: {case_class: string -> 'a, case_type: string -> 'a, case_const: string -> 'a, case_fixed: string -> 'a, case_default: string -> 'a} -> string -> 'a val is_marked: string -> bool val dummy_type: term val fun_type: term end; structure Lexicon: LEXICON = struct (** syntactic terms **) structure Syntax = struct fun const c = Const (c, dummyT); fun free x = Free (x, dummyT); fun var xi = Var (xi, dummyT); end; (** basic scanners **) open Basic_Symbol_Pos; val err_prefix = "Inner lexical error: "; fun !!! msg = Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ msg); val scan_id = Symbol_Pos.scan_ident; val scan_longid = scan_id @@@ Scan.repeats1 ($$$ "." @@@ scan_id); val scan_tid = $$$ "'" @@@ scan_id; val scan_hex = $$$ "0" @@@ $$$ "x" @@@ Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_ascii_hex o Symbol_Pos.symbol); val scan_bin = $$$ "0" @@@ $$$ "b" @@@ Scan.many1 (fn (s, _) => s = "0" orelse s = "1"); val scan_num = scan_hex || scan_bin || Symbol_Pos.scan_nat; val scan_id_nat = scan_id @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "." @@@ Symbol_Pos.scan_nat) []; val scan_var = $$$ "?" @@@ scan_id_nat; val scan_tvar = $$$ "?" @@@ $$$ "'" @@@ scan_id_nat; fun is_tid s = (case try (unprefix "'") s of SOME s' => Symbol_Pos.is_identifier s' | NONE => false); (** tokens **) (* datatype token_kind *) datatype token_kind = Literal | Ident | Long_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Num | Float | Str | String | Cartouche | Space | Comment of Comment.kind | Dummy | EOF; val token_kinds = Vector.fromList [Literal, Ident, Long_Ident, Var, Type_Ident, Type_Var, Num, Float, Str, String, Cartouche, Space, Comment Comment.Comment, Comment Comment.Cancel, Comment Comment.Latex, Dummy, EOF]; -fun token_kind i = Vector.sub (token_kinds, i); +val token_kind = Vector.nth token_kinds; fun token_kind_index k = #1 (the (Vector.findi (fn (_, k') => k = k') token_kinds)); (* datatype token *) datatype token = Token of int * string * Position.range; fun index_of_token (Token (i, _, _)) = i; val kind_of_token = index_of_token #> token_kind; fun str_of_token (Token (_, s, _)) = s; fun pos_of_token (Token (_, _, (pos, _))) = pos; fun end_pos_of_token (Token (_, _, (_, end_pos))) = end_pos; val is_proper = kind_of_token #> (fn Space => false | Comment _ => false | _ => true); val dummy = Token (token_kind_index Dummy, "", Position.no_range); (* literals *) val literal_index = token_kind_index Literal; fun literal s = Token (literal_index, s, Position.no_range); fun is_literal tok = index_of_token tok = literal_index; fun tokens_match_ord toks = let val is = apply2 index_of_token toks in (case int_ord is of EQUAL => if #1 is = literal_index then fast_string_ord (apply2 str_of_token toks) else EQUAL | ord => ord) end; (* stopper *) val eof_index = token_kind_index EOF; fun mk_eof pos = Token (eof_index, "", (pos, Position.none)); val eof = mk_eof Position.none; fun is_eof tok = index_of_token tok = eof_index; val stopper = Scan.stopper (K eof) is_eof; (* terminal symbols *) val terminal_symbols = [("id", Ident), ("longid", Long_Ident), ("var", Var), ("tid", Type_Ident), ("tvar", Type_Var), ("num_token", Num), ("float_token", Float), ("str_token", Str), ("string_token", String), ("cartouche", Cartouche)] |> map (apsnd token_kind_index) |> Symtab.make; val terminals = Symtab.keys terminal_symbols; val is_terminal = Symtab.defined terminal_symbols; fun get_terminal s = (case Symtab.lookup terminal_symbols s of SOME i => SOME (Token (i, s, Position.no_range)) | NONE => NONE); (* markup *) val suppress_literal_markup = Symbol.has_control_block o Symbol.explode; fun suppress_markup tok = is_literal tok andalso suppress_literal_markup (str_of_token tok); fun literal_markup s = let val syms = Symbol.explode s in if Symbol.has_control_block syms then [] else if Symbol.is_ascii_identifier s orelse exists Symbol.is_letter syms then [Markup.literal] else [Markup.delimiter] end; val token_kind_markup = fn Type_Ident => [Markup.tfree] | Type_Var => [Markup.tvar] | Num => [Markup.numeral] | Float => [Markup.numeral] | Str => [Markup.inner_string] | String => [Markup.inner_string] | Cartouche => [Markup.inner_cartouche] | Comment _ => [Markup.comment1] | _ => []; fun reports_of_token tok = let val pos = pos_of_token tok; val markups = if is_literal tok then literal_markup (str_of_token tok) else token_kind_markup (kind_of_token tok); in map (pair pos) markups end; fun reported_token_range ctxt tok = if is_proper tok then Context_Position.reported_text ctxt (pos_of_token tok) Markup.token_range "" else ""; (* valued_token *) fun valued_token tok = not (is_literal tok orelse is_eof tok); (** string literals **) fun explode_literal scan_body (str, pos) = (case Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan_body (Symbol_Pos.explode (str, pos)) of SOME ss => ss | _ => error (err_prefix ^ "malformed string literal " ^ quote str ^ Position.here pos)); (* string *) val scan_string = Scan.trace (Symbol_Pos.scan_string_qq err_prefix) >> #2; val scan_string_body = Symbol_Pos.scan_string_qq err_prefix >> (#1 o #2); fun implode_string ss = quote (implode (map (fn "\"" => "\\\"" | s => s) ss)); val explode_string = explode_literal scan_string_body; (* str *) val scan_chr = $$ "\\" |-- $$$ "'" || Scan.one ((fn s => s <> "\\" andalso s <> "'" andalso Symbol.not_eof s) o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> single || $$$ "'" --| Scan.ahead (~$$ "'"); val scan_str = Scan.ahead ($$ "'" -- $$ "'") |-- !!! "unclosed string literal" ($$$ "'" @@@ $$$ "'" @@@ Scan.repeats scan_chr @@@ $$$ "'" @@@ $$$ "'"); val scan_str_body = Scan.ahead ($$ "'" |-- $$ "'") |-- !!! "unclosed string literal" ($$ "'" |-- $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeats scan_chr --| $$ "'" --| $$ "'"); fun implode_str ss = enclose "''" "''" (implode (map (fn "'" => "\\'" | s => s) ss)); val explode_str = explode_literal scan_str_body; (** tokenize **) val token_leq = op <= o apply2 str_of_token; fun token kind = let val i = token_kind_index kind in fn ss => Token (i, Symbol_Pos.content ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss) end; fun tokenize lex xids syms = let val scan_xid = (if xids then $$$ "_" @@@ scan_id || scan_id else scan_id) || $$$ "_" @@@ $$$ "_"; val scan_val = scan_tvar >> token Type_Var || scan_var >> token Var || scan_tid >> token Type_Ident || Symbol_Pos.scan_float >> token Float || scan_num >> token Num || scan_longid >> token Long_Ident || scan_xid >> token Ident; val scan_lit = Scan.literal lex >> token Literal; val scan = Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche err_prefix >> token Cartouche || Comment.scan_inner >> (fn (kind, ss) => token (Comment kind) ss) || Scan.max token_leq scan_lit scan_val || scan_string >> token String || scan_str >> token Str || Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_blank o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> token Space; in (case Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol_Pos.stopper (Scan.repeat scan)) syms of (toks, []) => toks | (_, ss) => error ("Inner lexical error" ^ Position.here (#1 (Symbol_Pos.range ss)) ^ Markup.markup Markup.no_report ("\nat " ^ quote (Symbol_Pos.content ss)))) end; (** scan variables **) (* scan_indexname *) local val scan_vname = let fun nat n [] = n | nat n (c :: cs) = nat (n * 10 + (ord c - Char.ord #"0")) cs; fun idxname cs ds = (implode (rev cs), nat 0 ds); fun chop_idx [] ds = idxname [] ds | chop_idx (cs as (_ :: "\<^sub>" :: _)) ds = idxname cs ds | chop_idx (c :: cs) ds = if Symbol.is_digit c then chop_idx cs (c :: ds) else idxname (c :: cs) ds; val scan = (scan_id >> map Symbol_Pos.symbol) -- Scan.optional ($$ "." |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_nat >> (nat 0 o map Symbol_Pos.symbol)) ~1; in scan >> (fn (cs, ~1) => chop_idx (rev cs) [] | (cs, i) => (implode cs, i)) end; in val scan_indexname = $$ "'" |-- scan_vname >> (fn (x, i) => ("'" ^ x, i)) || scan_vname; end; (* indexname *) fun read_indexname s = (case Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan_indexname (Symbol_Pos.explode0 s) of SOME xi => xi | _ => error ("Lexical error in variable name: " ^ quote s)); (* read_var *) fun read_var str = let val scan = $$ "?" |-- scan_indexname --| Scan.ahead (Scan.one Symbol_Pos.is_eof) >> Syntax.var || Scan.many (Symbol.not_eof o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> (Syntax.free o implode o map Symbol_Pos.symbol); in the (Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan (Symbol_Pos.explode0 str)) end; (* read_variable *) fun read_variable str = let val scan = $$ "?" |-- scan_indexname || scan_indexname in Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan (Symbol_Pos.explode0 str) end; (* read numbers *) local fun nat cs = Option.map (#1 o Library.read_int o map Symbol_Pos.symbol) (Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper Symbol_Pos.scan_nat cs); in fun read_nat s = nat (Symbol_Pos.explode0 s); fun read_int s = (case Symbol_Pos.explode0 s of ("-", _) :: cs => Option.map ~ (nat cs) | cs => nat cs); end; (* read_num: hex/bin/decimal *) local val ten = Char.ord #"0" + 10; val a = Char.ord #"a"; val A = Char.ord #"A"; val _ = a > A orelse raise Fail "Bad ASCII"; fun remap_hex c = let val x = ord c in if x >= a then chr (x - a + ten) else if x >= A then chr (x - A + ten) else c end; fun leading_zeros ["0"] = 0 | leading_zeros ("0" :: cs) = 1 + leading_zeros cs | leading_zeros _ = 0; in fun read_num str = let val (radix, digs) = (case Symbol.explode str of "0" :: "x" :: cs => (16, map remap_hex cs) | "0" :: "b" :: cs => (2, cs) | cs => (10, cs)); in {radix = radix, leading_zeros = leading_zeros digs, value = #1 (Library.read_radix_int radix digs)} end; end; fun read_float str = let val cs = Symbol.explode str; val (intpart, fracpart) = (case chop_prefix Symbol.is_digit cs of (intpart, "." :: fracpart) => (intpart, fracpart) | _ => raise Fail "read_float"); in {mant = #1 (Library.read_int (intpart @ fracpart)), exp = length fracpart} end; (* marked logical entities *) fun marker s = (prefix s, unprefix s); val (mark_class, unmark_class) = marker "\<^class>"; val (mark_type, unmark_type) = marker "\<^type>"; val (mark_const, unmark_const) = marker "\<^const>"; val (mark_fixed, unmark_fixed) = marker "\<^fixed>"; fun unmark {case_class, case_type, case_const, case_fixed, case_default} s = (case try unmark_class s of SOME c => case_class c | NONE => (case try unmark_type s of SOME c => case_type c | NONE => (case try unmark_const s of SOME c => case_const c | NONE => (case try unmark_fixed s of SOME c => case_fixed c | NONE => case_default s)))); val is_marked = unmark {case_class = K true, case_type = K true, case_const = K true, case_fixed = K true, case_default = K false}; val dummy_type = Syntax.const (mark_type "dummy"); val fun_type = Syntax.const (mark_type "fun"); (* toplevel pretty printing *) val _ = ML_system_pp (fn _ => fn _ => Pretty.to_polyml o Pretty.str_list "{" "}" o map quote o Scan.dest_lexicon); end; diff --git a/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML --- a/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML +++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML @@ -1,714 +1,714 @@ (* Title: Pure/Syntax/parser.ML Author: Carsten Clasohm, Sonia Mahjoub Author: Makarius General context-free parser for the inner syntax of terms and types. *) signature PARSER = sig type gram val empty_gram: gram val extend_gram: Syntax_Ext.xprod list -> gram -> gram val make_gram: Syntax_Ext.xprod list -> gram val pretty_gram: gram -> Pretty.T list datatype parsetree = Node of string * parsetree list | Tip of Lexicon.token exception PARSETREE of parsetree val pretty_parsetree: parsetree -> Pretty.T val parse: gram -> string -> Lexicon.token list -> parsetree list val branching_level: int Config.T end; structure Parser: PARSER = struct (** datatype gram **) (* nonterminals *) (*production for the NTs are stored in a vector, indexed by the NT tag*) type nt = int; type tags = nt Symtab.table; val tags_empty: tags = Symtab.empty; fun tags_content (tags: tags) = sort_by #1 (Symtab.dest tags); fun tags_lookup (tags: tags) = Symtab.lookup tags; fun tags_insert tag (tags: tags) = Symtab.update_new tag tags; fun tags_name (tags: tags) = the o Inttab.lookup (Inttab.make (map swap (Symtab.dest tags))); type nts = Intset.T; val nts_empty: nts = Intset.empty; val nts_merge: nts * nts -> nts = Intset.merge; fun nts_insert nt : nts -> nts = Intset.insert nt; fun nts_member (nts: nts) = Intset.member nts; fun nts_fold f (nts: nts) = Intset.fold f nts; fun nts_subset (nts1: nts, nts2: nts) = Intset.forall (nts_member nts2) nts1; fun nts_is_empty (nts: nts) = Intset.is_empty nts; fun nts_is_unique (nts: nts) = Intset.size nts <= 1; (* tokens *) structure Tokens = Set(type key = Lexicon.token val ord = Lexicon.tokens_match_ord); fun tokens_find P tokens = Tokens.get_first (fn tok => if P tok then SOME tok else NONE) tokens; fun tokens_add (nt: nt, tokens) = if Tokens.is_empty tokens then I else cons (nt, tokens); (* productions *) datatype symb = Terminal of Lexicon.token | Nonterminal of nt * int; (*(tag, prio)*) structure Prods = Table(Tokens.Key); type prods = (symb list * string * int) list Prods.table; (*start_token ~> [(rhs, name, prio)]*) val prods_empty: prods = Prods.empty; fun prods_lookup (prods: prods) = Prods.lookup_list prods; fun prods_update entry : prods -> prods = Prods.update entry; fun prods_content (prods: prods) = distinct (op =) (maps #2 (Prods.dest prods)); type nt_gram = (nts * Tokens.T) * prods; (*dependent_nts, start_tokens, prods*) (*depent_nts is a set of all NTs whose lookahead depends on this NT's lookahead*) val nt_gram_empty: nt_gram = ((nts_empty, Tokens.empty), prods_empty); type chains = unit Int_Graph.T; fun chains_preds (chains: chains) = Int_Graph.immediate_preds chains; fun chains_all_preds (chains: chains) = Int_Graph.all_preds chains; fun chains_all_succs (chains: chains) = Int_Graph.all_succs chains; val chains_empty: chains = Int_Graph.empty; fun chains_member (chains: chains) = Int_Graph.is_edge chains; fun chains_declare nt : chains -> chains = Int_Graph.default_node (nt, ()); fun chains_insert (from, to) = chains_declare from #> chains_declare to #> Int_Graph.add_edge (from, to); datatype gram = Gram of {nt_count: int, prod_count: int, tags: tags, chains: chains, lambdas: nts, prods: nt_gram Vector.vector}; (*"tags" is used to map NT names (i.e. strings) to tags; chain productions are not stored as normal productions but instead as an entry in "chains": from -> to; lambda productions are stored as normal productions and also as an entry in "lambdas"*) (*productions for which no starting token is known yet are associated with this token*) val unknown_start = Lexicon.eof; fun get_start tks = (case Tokens.min tks of SOME tk => tk | NONE => unknown_start); fun add_production prods (lhs, new_prod as (rhs, _, pri)) (chains, lambdas) = let (*store chain if it does not already exist*) val (chain, new_chain, chains') = (case (pri, rhs) of (~1, [Nonterminal (from, ~1)]) => if chains_member chains (from, lhs) then (SOME from, false, chains) else (SOME from, true, chains_insert (from, lhs) chains) | _ => let val chains' = chains |> chains_declare lhs |> fold (fn Nonterminal (nt, _) => chains_declare nt | _ => I) rhs; in (NONE, false, chains') end); (*propagate new chain in lookahead and lambdas; added_starts is used later to associate existing productions with new starting tokens*) val (added_starts, lambdas') = if not new_chain then ([], lambdas) else let (*lookahead of chain's source*) val ((_, from_tks), _) = Array.sub (prods, the chain); (*copy from's lookahead to chain's destinations*) fun copy_lookahead to = let val ((to_nts, to_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, to); val new_tks = Tokens.subtract to_tks from_tks; (*added lookahead tokens*) val to_tks' = Tokens.merge (to_tks, new_tks); val _ = Array.update (prods, to, ((to_nts, to_tks'), ps)); in tokens_add (to, new_tks) end; val tos = chains_all_succs chains' [lhs]; in (fold copy_lookahead tos [], lambdas |> nts_member lambdas lhs ? fold nts_insert tos) end; (*test if new production can produce lambda (rhs must either be empty or only consist of lambda NTs)*) val new_lambdas = if forall (fn Nonterminal (id, _) => nts_member lambdas' id | Terminal _ => false) rhs then SOME (filter_out (nts_member lambdas') (chains_all_succs chains' [lhs])) else NONE; val lambdas'' = fold nts_insert (these new_lambdas) lambdas'; (*list optional terminal and all nonterminals on which the lookahead of a production depends*) fun lookahead_dependency _ [] nts = (NONE, nts) | lookahead_dependency _ (Terminal tk :: _) nts = (SOME tk, nts) | lookahead_dependency lambdas (Nonterminal (nt, _) :: symbs) nts = if nts_member lambdas nt then lookahead_dependency lambdas symbs (nts_insert nt nts) else (NONE, nts_insert nt nts); (*get all known starting tokens for a nonterminal*) fun starts_for_nt nt = snd (fst (Array.sub (prods, nt))); (*update prods, lookaheads, and lambdas according to new lambda NTs*) val (added_starts', lambdas') = let (*propagate added lambda NT*) fun propagate_lambda [] added_starts lambdas = (added_starts, lambdas) | propagate_lambda (l :: ls) added_starts lambdas = let (*get lookahead for lambda NT*) val ((dependent, l_starts), _) = Array.sub (prods, l); (*check productions whose lookahead may depend on lambda NT*) fun examine_prods [] add_lambda nt_dependencies added_tks nt_prods = (add_lambda, nt_dependencies, added_tks, nt_prods) | examine_prods ((p as (rhs, _, _)) :: ps) add_lambda nt_dependencies added_tks nt_prods = let val (tk, nts) = lookahead_dependency lambdas rhs nts_empty in if nts_member nts l then (*update production's lookahead*) let val new_lambda = is_none tk andalso nts_subset (nts, lambdas); val new_tks = Tokens.empty |> fold Tokens.insert (the_list tk) |> nts_fold (curry Tokens.merge o starts_for_nt) nts |> Tokens.subtract l_starts; val added_tks' = Tokens.merge (added_tks, new_tks); val nt_dependencies' = nts_merge (nt_dependencies, nts); (*associate production with new starting tokens*) fun copy tk nt_prods = prods_update (tk, p :: prods_lookup nt_prods tk) nt_prods; val nt_prods' = nt_prods |> Tokens.fold copy new_tks |> new_lambda ? copy Lexicon.dummy; in examine_prods ps (add_lambda orelse new_lambda) nt_dependencies' added_tks' nt_prods' end else (*skip production*) examine_prods ps add_lambda nt_dependencies added_tks nt_prods end; (*check each NT whose lookahead depends on new lambda NT*) fun process_nts nt (added_lambdas, added_starts) = let val ((old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt); (*existing productions whose lookahead may depend on l*) val tk_prods = prods_lookup nt_prods (get_start l_starts); (*add_lambda is true if an existing production of the nt produces lambda due to the new lambda NT l*) val (add_lambda, nt_dependencies, added_tks, nt_prods') = examine_prods tk_prods false nts_empty Tokens.empty nt_prods; val new_nts = nts_merge (old_nts, nt_dependencies); val new_tks = Tokens.merge (old_tks, added_tks); val added_lambdas' = added_lambdas |> add_lambda ? cons nt; val _ = Array.update (prods, nt, ((new_nts, new_tks), nt_prods')); (*N.B. that because the tks component is used to access existing productions we have to add new tokens at the _end_ of the list*) val added_starts' = tokens_add (nt, added_tks) added_starts; in (added_lambdas', added_starts') end; val (added_lambdas, added_starts') = nts_fold process_nts dependent ([], added_starts); val added_lambdas' = filter_out (nts_member lambdas) added_lambdas; in propagate_lambda (ls @ added_lambdas') added_starts' (fold nts_insert added_lambdas' lambdas) end; in propagate_lambda (nts_fold (fn l => not (nts_member lambdas l) ? cons l) lambdas'' []) added_starts lambdas'' end; (*insert production into grammar*) val added_starts' = if is_some chain then added_starts' (*don't store chain production*) else let (*lookahead tokens of new production and on which NTs lookahead depends*) val (start_tk, start_nts) = lookahead_dependency lambdas' rhs nts_empty; val start_tks = Tokens.empty |> fold Tokens.insert (the_list start_tk) |> nts_fold (curry Tokens.merge o starts_for_nt) start_nts; val start_tks' = start_tks |> (if is_some new_lambdas then Tokens.insert Lexicon.dummy else if Tokens.is_empty start_tks then Tokens.insert unknown_start else I); (*add lhs NT to list of dependent NTs in lookahead*) fun add_nts nt initial = (if initial then let val ((old_nts, old_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, nt) in if nts_member old_nts lhs then () else Array.update (prods, nt, ((nts_insert lhs old_nts, old_tks), ps)) end else (); false); (*add new start tokens to chained NTs' lookahead list; also store new production for lhs NT*) fun add_tks [] added = added | add_tks (nt :: nts) added = let val ((old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt); val new_tks = Tokens.subtract old_tks start_tks; (*store new production*) fun store tk (prods, _) = let val tk_prods = prods_lookup prods tk; val tk_prods' = new_prod :: tk_prods; val prods' = prods_update (tk, tk_prods') prods; in (prods', true) end; val (nt_prods', changed) = (nt_prods, false) |> nt = lhs ? Tokens.fold store start_tks'; val _ = if not changed andalso Tokens.is_empty new_tks then () else Array.update (prods, nt, ((old_nts, Tokens.merge (old_tks, new_tks)), nt_prods')); in add_tks nts (tokens_add (nt, new_tks) added) end; val _ = nts_fold add_nts start_nts true; in add_tks (chains_all_succs chains' [lhs]) [] end; (*associate productions with new lookaheads*) val _ = let (*propagate added start tokens*) fun add_starts [] = () | add_starts ((changed_nt, new_tks) :: starts) = let (*token under which old productions which depend on changed_nt could be stored*) val key = tokens_find (not o Tokens.member new_tks) (starts_for_nt changed_nt) |> the_default unknown_start; (*copy productions whose lookahead depends on changed_nt; if key = SOME unknown_start then tk_prods is used to hold the productions not copied*) fun update_prods [] result = result | update_prods ((p as (rhs, _: string, _: nt)) :: ps) (tk_prods, nt_prods) = let (*lookahead dependency for production*) val (tk, depends) = lookahead_dependency lambdas' rhs nts_empty; (*test if this production has to be copied*) val update = nts_member depends changed_nt; (*test if production could already be associated with a member of new_tks*) val lambda = not (nts_is_unique depends) orelse not (nts_is_empty depends) andalso is_some tk andalso Tokens.member new_tks (the tk); (*associate production with new starting tokens*) fun copy tk nt_prods = let val tk_prods = prods_lookup nt_prods tk; val tk_prods' = if not lambda then p :: tk_prods else insert (op =) p tk_prods; (*if production depends on lambda NT we have to look for duplicates*) in prods_update (tk, tk_prods') nt_prods end; val result = if update then (tk_prods, Tokens.fold copy new_tks nt_prods) else if key = unknown_start then (p :: tk_prods, nt_prods) else (tk_prods, nt_prods); in update_prods ps result end; (*copy existing productions for new starting tokens*) fun process_nts nt = let val ((nts, tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt); val tk_prods = prods_lookup nt_prods key; (*associate productions with new lookahead tokens*) val (tk_prods', nt_prods') = update_prods tk_prods ([], nt_prods); val nt_prods'' = if key = unknown_start then prods_update (key, tk_prods') nt_prods' else nt_prods'; val added_tks = Tokens.subtract tks new_tks; val tks' = Tokens.merge (tks, added_tks); val _ = Array.update (prods, nt, ((nts, tks'), nt_prods'')); in tokens_add (nt, added_tks) end; val ((dependent, _), _) = Array.sub (prods, changed_nt); in add_starts (starts @ nts_fold process_nts dependent []) end; in add_starts added_starts' end; in (chains', lambdas') end; (* pretty_gram *) fun pretty_gram (Gram {tags, prods, chains, ...}) = let val print_nt = tags_name tags; fun print_pri p = if p < 0 then "" else Symbol.make_sup ("(" ^ string_of_int p ^ ")"); fun pretty_symb (Terminal tok) = if Lexicon.is_literal tok then Pretty.quote (Pretty.keyword1 (Lexicon.str_of_token tok)) else Pretty.str (Lexicon.str_of_token tok) | pretty_symb (Nonterminal (tag, p)) = Pretty.str (print_nt tag ^ print_pri p); fun pretty_const "" = [] | pretty_const c = [Pretty.str ("\<^bold>\ " ^ quote c)]; fun prod_of_chain from = ([Nonterminal (from, ~1)], "", ~1); fun pretty_prod (name, tag) = - (prods_content (#2 (Vector.sub (prods, tag))) @ map prod_of_chain (chains_preds chains tag)) + (prods_content (#2 (Vector.nth prods tag)) @ map prod_of_chain (chains_preds chains tag)) |> map (fn (symbs, const, p) => Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (Pretty.str (name ^ print_pri p ^ " =") :: map pretty_symb symbs @ pretty_const const))); in maps pretty_prod (tags_content tags) end; (** operations on grammars **) val empty_gram = Gram {nt_count = 0, prod_count = 0, tags = tags_empty, chains = chains_empty, lambdas = nts_empty, prods = Vector.fromList [nt_gram_empty]}; (*Add productions to a grammar*) fun extend_gram [] gram = gram | extend_gram xprods (Gram {nt_count, prod_count, tags, chains, lambdas, prods}) = let (*Get tag for existing nonterminal or create a new one*) fun get_tag nt_count tags nt = (case tags_lookup tags nt of SOME tag => (nt_count, tags, tag) | NONE => (nt_count + 1, tags_insert (nt, nt_count) tags, nt_count)); (*Convert symbols to the form used by the parser; delimiters and predefined terms are stored as terminals, nonterminals are converted to integer tags*) fun symb_of [] nt_count tags result = (nt_count, tags, rev result) | symb_of (Syntax_Ext.Delim s :: ss) nt_count tags result = symb_of ss nt_count tags (Terminal (Lexicon.literal s) :: result) | symb_of (Syntax_Ext.Argument (s, p) :: ss) nt_count tags result = let val (nt_count', tags', new_symb) = (case Lexicon.get_terminal s of NONE => let val (nt_count', tags', s_tag) = get_tag nt_count tags s; in (nt_count', tags', Nonterminal (s_tag, p)) end | SOME tk => (nt_count, tags, Terminal tk)); in symb_of ss nt_count' tags' (new_symb :: result) end | symb_of (_ :: ss) nt_count tags result = symb_of ss nt_count tags result; (*Convert list of productions by invoking symb_of for each of them*) fun prod_of [] nt_count prod_count tags result = (nt_count, prod_count, tags, result) | prod_of (Syntax_Ext.XProd (lhs, xsymbs, const, pri) :: ps) nt_count prod_count tags result = let val (nt_count', tags', lhs_tag) = get_tag nt_count tags lhs; val (nt_count'', tags'', prods) = symb_of xsymbs nt_count' tags' []; in prod_of ps nt_count'' (prod_count + 1) tags'' ((lhs_tag, (prods, const, pri)) :: result) end; val (nt_count', prod_count', tags', xprods') = prod_of xprods nt_count prod_count tags []; (*Copy array containing productions of old grammar; this has to be done to preserve the old grammar while being able to change the array's content*) val prods' = let fun get_prod i = - if i < nt_count then Vector.sub (prods, i) + if i < nt_count then Vector.nth prods i else nt_gram_empty; in Array.tabulate (nt_count', get_prod) end; val (chains', lambdas') = (chains, lambdas) |> fold (add_production prods') xprods'; in Gram {nt_count = nt_count', prod_count = prod_count', tags = tags', chains = chains', lambdas = lambdas', prods = Array.vector prods'} end; fun make_gram xprods = extend_gram xprods empty_gram; (** parser **) (* parsetree *) datatype parsetree = Node of string * parsetree list | Tip of Lexicon.token; exception PARSETREE of parsetree; fun pretty_parsetree parsetree = let fun pretty (Node (c, pts)) = [Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (Pretty.quote (Pretty.str c) :: maps pretty pts))] | pretty (Tip tok) = if Lexicon.valued_token tok then [Pretty.str (Lexicon.str_of_token tok)] else []; in (case pretty parsetree of [prt] => prt | _ => raise PARSETREE parsetree) end; (* parser state *) type state = nt * int * (*identification and production precedence*) parsetree list * (*already parsed nonterminals on rhs*) symb list * (*rest of rhs*) string * (*name of production*) int; (*index for previous state list*) (*Get all rhss with precedence >= min_prec*) fun get_RHS min_prec = filter (fn (_, _, prec: int) => prec >= min_prec); (*Get all rhss with precedence >= min_prec and < max_prec*) fun get_RHS' min_prec max_prec = filter (fn (_, _, prec: int) => prec >= min_prec andalso prec < max_prec); (*Make states using a list of rhss*) fun mk_states i lhs_ID rhss = let fun mk_state (rhs, id, prod_prec) = (lhs_ID, prod_prec, [], rhs, id, i); in map mk_state rhss end; (*Add parse tree to list and eliminate duplicates saving the maximum precedence*) fun conc (t: parsetree list, prec: int) [] = (NONE, [(t, prec)]) | conc (t, prec) ((t', prec') :: ts) = if t = t' then (SOME prec', if prec' >= prec then (t', prec') :: ts else (t, prec) :: ts) else let val (n, ts') = conc (t, prec) ts in (n, (t', prec') :: ts') end; (*Update entry in used*) fun update_trees (A, t) used = let val (i, ts) = the (Inttab.lookup used A); val (n, ts') = conc t ts; in (n, Inttab.update (A, (i, ts')) used) end; (*Replace entry in used*) fun update_prec (A, prec) = Inttab.map_entry A (fn (_, ts) => (prec, ts)); fun getS A max_prec NONE Si = filter (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso prec <= max_prec | _ => false) Si | getS A max_prec (SOME min_prec) Si = filter (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso prec > min_prec andalso prec <= max_prec | _ => false) Si; fun get_states Estate j A max_prec = filter (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso prec <= max_prec | _ => false) (Array.sub (Estate, j)); fun movedot_term c (A, j, ts, Terminal a :: sa, id, i) = if Lexicon.valued_token c orelse id <> "" then (A, j, Tip c :: ts, sa, id, i) else (A, j, ts, sa, id, i); fun movedot_nonterm tt (A, j, ts, Nonterminal _ :: sa, id, i) = (A, j, tt @ ts, sa, id, i); fun movedot_lambda [] _ = [] | movedot_lambda ((t, ki) :: ts) (state as (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i)) = if k <= ki then (B, j, t @ tss, sa, id, i) :: movedot_lambda ts state else movedot_lambda ts state; (*trigger value for warnings*) val branching_level = Config.declare_int ("syntax_branching_level", \<^here>) (K 600); (*get all productions of a NT and NTs chained to it which can be started by specified token*) fun prods_for (Gram {prods, chains, ...}) tk nt = let fun token_prods prods = fold cons (prods_lookup prods tk) #> fold cons (prods_lookup prods Lexicon.dummy); - fun nt_prods nt = #2 (Vector.sub (prods, nt)); + fun nt_prods nt = #2 (Vector.nth prods nt); in fold (token_prods o nt_prods) (chains_all_preds chains [nt]) [] end; fun PROCESSS gram Estate i c states = let fun processS _ [] (Si, Sii) = (Si, Sii) | processS used (S :: States) (Si, Sii) = (case S of (_, _, _, Nonterminal (nt, min_prec) :: _, _, _) => let (*predictor operation*) val (used', new_states) = (case Inttab.lookup used nt of SOME (used_prec, l) => (*nonterminal has been processed*) if used_prec <= min_prec then (*wanted precedence has been processed*) (used, movedot_lambda l S) else (*wanted precedence hasn't been parsed yet*) let val tk_prods = prods_for gram c nt; val States' = mk_states i nt (get_RHS' min_prec used_prec tk_prods); in (update_prec (nt, min_prec) used, movedot_lambda l S @ States') end | NONE => (*nonterminal is parsed for the first time*) let val tk_prods = prods_for gram c nt; val States' = mk_states i nt (get_RHS min_prec tk_prods); in (Inttab.update (nt, (min_prec, [])) used, States') end); in processS used' (new_states @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end | (_, _, _, Terminal a :: _, _, _) => (*scanner operation*) processS used States (S :: Si, if Lexicon.tokens_match_ord (a, c) = EQUAL then movedot_term c S :: Sii else Sii) | (A, prec, ts, [], id, j) => (*completer operation*) let val tt = if id = "" then ts else [Node (id, rev ts)] in if j = i then (*lambda production?*) let val (prec', used') = update_trees (A, (tt, prec)) used; val Slist = getS A prec prec' Si; val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist; in processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end else let val Slist = get_states Estate j A prec in processS used (map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end end) in processS Inttab.empty states ([], []) end; fun produce gram stateset i indata prev_token = (case Array.sub (stateset, i) of [] => let val toks = if Lexicon.is_eof prev_token then indata else prev_token :: indata; val pos = Position.here (Lexicon.pos_of_token prev_token); in if null toks then error ("Inner syntax error: unexpected end of input" ^ pos) else error ("Inner syntax error" ^ pos ^ Markup.markup Markup.no_report ("\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block [ Pretty.str "at", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.block (Pretty.str "\"" :: Pretty.breaks (map (Pretty.str o Lexicon.str_of_token) (#1 (split_last toks))) @ [Pretty.str "\""])]))) end | s => (case indata of [] => s | c :: cs => let val (si, sii) = PROCESSS gram stateset i c s; val _ = Array.update (stateset, i, si); val _ = Array.update (stateset, i + 1, sii); in produce gram stateset (i + 1) cs c end)); fun get_trees states = map_filter (fn (_, _, [pt], _, _, _) => SOME pt | _ => NONE) states; fun earley (gram as Gram {tags, ...}) startsymbol indata = let val start_tag = (case tags_lookup tags startsymbol of SOME tag => tag | NONE => error ("Inner syntax: bad grammar root symbol " ^ quote startsymbol)); val S0 = [(~1, 0, [], [Nonterminal (start_tag, 0), Terminal Lexicon.eof], "", 0)]; val s = length indata + 1; val Estate = Array.array (s, []); val _ = Array.update (Estate, 0, S0); in get_trees (produce gram Estate 0 indata Lexicon.eof) end; fun parse gram start toks = let val end_pos = (case try List.last toks of NONE => Position.none | SOME tok => Lexicon.end_pos_of_token tok); val r = (case earley gram start (toks @ [Lexicon.mk_eof end_pos]) of [] => raise Fail "Inner syntax: no parse trees" | pts => pts); in r end; end; diff --git a/src/Pure/library.ML b/src/Pure/library.ML --- a/src/Pure/library.ML +++ b/src/Pure/library.ML @@ -1,1110 +1,1110 @@ (* Title: Pure/library.ML Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen Basic library: functions, pairs, booleans, lists, integers, strings, lists as sets, orders, current directory, misc. See also General/basics.ML for the most fundamental concepts. *) infixr 0 ||| infix 2 ? infix 3 o oo ooo oooo infix 4 ~~ upto downto infix orf andf signature BASIC_LIBRARY = sig (*functions*) val undefined: 'a -> 'b val I: 'a -> 'a val K: 'a -> 'b -> 'a val curry: ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c val uncurry: ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c val ? : bool * ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a val oo: ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'd -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'd -> 'b val ooo: ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'b val oooo: ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'b val funpow: int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a val funpow_yield: int -> ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a (*pairs*) val pair: 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b val rpair: 'a -> 'b -> 'b * 'a val fst: 'a * 'b -> 'a val snd: 'a * 'b -> 'b val eq_fst: ('a * 'c -> bool) -> ('a * 'b) * ('c * 'd) -> bool val eq_snd: ('b * 'd -> bool) -> ('a * 'b) * ('c * 'd) -> bool val eq_pair: ('a * 'c -> bool) -> ('b * 'd -> bool) -> ('a * 'b) * ('c * 'd) -> bool val swap: 'a * 'b -> 'b * 'a val apfst: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a * 'c -> 'b * 'c val apsnd: ('a -> 'b) -> 'c * 'a -> 'c * 'b val apply2: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a * 'a -> 'b * 'b (*booleans*) val equal: ''a -> ''a -> bool val not_equal: ''a -> ''a -> bool val orf: ('a -> bool) * ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> bool val andf: ('a -> bool) * ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> bool val exists: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool val forall: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool (*lists*) val build: ('a list -> 'a list) -> 'a list val build_rev: ('a list -> 'a list) -> 'a list val single: 'a -> 'a list val the_single: 'a list -> 'a val singleton: ('a list -> 'b list) -> 'a -> 'b val yield_singleton: ('a list -> 'c -> 'b list * 'c) -> 'a -> 'c -> 'b * 'c val perhaps_apply: ('a -> 'a option) list -> 'a -> 'a option val perhaps_loop: ('a -> 'a option) -> 'a -> 'a option val foldl1: ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a val foldr1: ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a val eq_list: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list * 'a list -> bool val maps: ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list val filter: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val filter_out: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val map_filter: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list val take: int -> 'a list -> 'a list val drop: int -> 'a list -> 'a list val chop: int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list val chop_groups: int -> 'a list -> 'a list list val nth: 'a list -> int -> 'a val nth_list: 'a list list -> int -> 'a list val nth_map: int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list val nth_drop: int -> 'a list -> 'a list val map_index: (int * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list val fold_index: (int * 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b val map_range: (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list val fold_range: (int -> 'a -> 'a) -> int -> 'a -> 'a val split_last: 'a list -> 'a list * 'a val find_first: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a option val find_index: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int val get_first: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b option val get_index: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> (int * 'b) option val flat: 'a list list -> 'a list val unflat: 'a list list -> 'b list -> 'b list list val grouped: int -> (('a list -> 'b list) -> 'c list list -> 'd list list) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'c list -> 'd list val burrow: ('a list -> 'b list) -> 'a list list -> 'b list list val burrow_options: ('a list -> 'b list) -> 'a option list -> 'b option list val fold_burrow: ('a list -> 'c -> 'b list * 'd) -> 'a list list -> 'c -> 'b list list * 'd val separate: 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list val surround: 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list val replicate: int -> 'a -> 'a list val map_product: ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list val fold_product: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c -> 'c val map2: ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list val fold2: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c -> 'c val map_split: ('a -> 'b * 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list * 'c list val zip_options: 'a list -> 'b option list -> ('a * 'b) list val ~~ : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list val split_list: ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list val burrow_fst: ('a list -> 'b list) -> ('a * 'c) list -> ('b * 'c) list val take_prefix: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val drop_prefix: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val chop_prefix: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list val take_suffix: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val drop_suffix: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val chop_suffix: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list val is_prefix: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> bool val chop_common_prefix: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'a list * ('a list * 'b list) val prefixes1: 'a list -> 'a list list val prefixes: 'a list -> 'a list list val suffixes1: 'a list -> 'a list list val suffixes: 'a list -> 'a list list val trim: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list (*integers*) val upto: int * int -> int list val downto: int * int -> int list val hex_digit: int -> string val radixpand: int * int -> int list val radixstring: int * string * int -> string val string_of_int: int -> string val signed_string_of_int: int -> string val string_of_indexname: string * int -> string val read_radix_int: int -> string list -> int * string list val read_int: string list -> int * string list val oct_char: string -> string (*strings*) val nth_string: string -> int -> string val fold_string: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> string -> 'a -> 'a val exists_string: (string -> bool) -> string -> bool val forall_string: (string -> bool) -> string -> bool val member_string: string -> string -> bool val last_string: string -> string option val first_field: string -> string -> (string * string) option val enclose: string -> string -> string -> string val unenclose: string -> string val quote: string -> string val cartouche: string -> string val space_implode: string -> string list -> string val commas: string list -> string val commas_quote: string list -> string val cat_lines: string list -> string val space_explode: string -> string -> string list val split_lines: string -> string list val plain_words: string -> string val prefix_lines: string -> string -> string val prefix: string -> string -> string val suffix: string -> string -> string val unprefix: string -> string -> string val unsuffix: string -> string -> string val trim_line: string -> string val trim_split_lines: string -> string list val normalize_lines: string -> string val replicate_string: int -> string -> string val translate_string: (string -> string) -> string -> string val encode_lines: string -> string val decode_lines: string -> string val align_right: string -> int -> string -> string val match_string: string -> string -> bool (*reals*) val string_of_real: real -> string val signed_string_of_real: real -> string (*lists as sets -- see also Pure/General/ord_list.ML*) val member: ('b * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b -> bool val insert: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list val remove: ('b * 'a -> bool) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'a list val update: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list val union: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list val subtract: ('b * 'a -> bool) -> 'b list -> 'a list -> 'a list val inter: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'b list -> 'a list -> 'a list val merge: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list val subset: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool val eq_set: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list * 'a list -> bool val distinct: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val duplicates: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val has_duplicates: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool val map_transpose: ('a list -> 'b) -> 'a list list -> 'b list (*lists as multisets*) val remove1: ('b * 'a -> bool) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'a list val combine: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list val submultiset: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool (*orders*) type 'a ord = 'a * 'a -> order val is_equal: order -> bool val is_less: order -> bool val is_less_equal: order -> bool val is_greater: order -> bool val is_greater_equal: order -> bool val rev_order: order -> order val make_ord: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a ord val pointer_eq_ord: ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a * 'a -> order val bool_ord: bool ord val int_ord: int ord val string_ord: string ord val size_ord: string ord val fast_string_ord: string ord val option_ord: ('a * 'b -> order) -> 'a option * 'b option -> order val ||| : ('a -> order) * ('a -> order) -> 'a -> order val prod_ord: ('a * 'b -> order) -> ('c * 'd -> order) -> ('a * 'c) * ('b * 'd) -> order val dict_ord: ('a * 'b -> order) -> 'a list * 'b list -> order val length_ord: 'a list * 'b list -> order val list_ord: ('a * 'b -> order) -> 'a list * 'b list -> order val sort: 'a ord -> 'a list -> 'a list val sort_distinct: 'a ord -> 'a list -> 'a list val sort_strings: string list -> string list val sort_by: ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> 'a list val tag_list: int -> 'a list -> (int * 'a) list val untag_list: (int * 'a) list -> 'a list val order_list: (int * 'a) list -> 'a list (*misc*) val divide_and_conquer: ('a -> 'a list * ('b list -> 'b)) -> 'a -> 'b val divide_and_conquer': ('a -> 'b -> ('a list * ('c list * 'b -> 'c * 'b)) * 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c * 'b val partition_eq: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list list val partition_list: (int -> 'a -> bool) -> int -> int -> 'a list -> 'a list list type serial = int val serial: unit -> serial val serial_string: unit -> string eqtype stamp val stamp: unit -> stamp structure Any: sig type T = exn end val getenv: string -> string val getenv_strict: string -> string end; signature LIBRARY = sig include BASIC_LIBRARY val foldl: ('a * 'b -> 'a) -> 'a * 'b list -> 'a val foldr: ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list * 'b -> 'b end; structure Library: LIBRARY = struct (* functions *) fun undefined _ = raise Match; fun I x = x; fun K x = fn _ => x; fun curry f x y = f (x, y); fun uncurry f (x, y) = f x y; (*conditional application*) fun b ? f = fn x => if b then f x else x; (*composition with multiple args*) fun (f oo g) x y = f (g x y); fun (f ooo g) x y z = f (g x y z); fun (f oooo g) x y z w = f (g x y z w); (*function exponentiation: f (... (f x) ...) with n applications of f*) fun funpow (0: int) _ x = x | funpow n f x = funpow (n - 1) f (f x); fun funpow_yield (0 : int) _ x = ([], x) | funpow_yield n f x = x |> f ||>> funpow_yield (n - 1) f |>> op ::; (* pairs *) fun pair x y = (x, y); fun rpair x y = (y, x); fun fst (x, y) = x; fun snd (x, y) = y; fun eq_fst eq ((x1, _), (x2, _)) = eq (x1, x2); fun eq_snd eq ((_, y1), (_, y2)) = eq (y1, y2); fun eq_pair eqx eqy ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = eqx (x1, x2) andalso eqy (y1, y2); fun swap (x, y) = (y, x); fun apfst f (x, y) = (f x, y); fun apsnd f (x, y) = (x, f y); fun apply2 f (x, y) = (f x, f y); (* booleans *) (*polymorphic equality*) fun equal x y = x = y; fun not_equal x y = x <> y; (*combining predicates*) fun p orf q = fn x => p x orelse q x; fun p andf q = fn x => p x andalso q x; val exists = List.exists; val forall = List.all; (** lists **) fun build (f: 'a list -> 'a list) = f []; fun build_rev f = build f |> rev; fun single x = [x]; fun the_single [x] = x | the_single _ = raise List.Empty; fun singleton f x = the_single (f [x]); fun yield_singleton f x = f [x] #>> the_single; fun perhaps_apply funs arg = let fun app [] res = res | app (f :: fs) (changed, x) = (case f x of NONE => app fs (changed, x) | SOME x' => app fs (true, x')); in (case app funs (false, arg) of (false, _) => NONE | (true, arg') => SOME arg') end; fun perhaps_loop f arg = let fun loop (changed, x) = (case f x of NONE => (changed, x) | SOME x' => loop (true, x')); in (case loop (false, arg) of (false, _) => NONE | (true, arg') => SOME arg') end; (* fold -- old versions *) (*the following versions of fold are designed to fit nicely with infixes*) (* (op @) (e, [x1, ..., xn]) ===> ((e @ x1) @ x2) ... @ xn for operators that associate to the left (TAIL RECURSIVE)*) fun foldl (f: 'a * 'b -> 'a) : 'a * 'b list -> 'a = let fun itl (e, []) = e | itl (e, a::l) = itl (f(e, a), l) in itl end; (* (op @) ([x1, ..., xn], e) ===> x1 @ (x2 ... @ (xn @ e)) for operators that associate to the right (not tail recursive)*) fun foldr f (l, e) = let fun itr [] = e | itr (a::l) = f(a, itr l) in itr l end; (* (op @) [x1, ..., xn] ===> ((x1 @ x2) @ x3) ... @ xn for operators that associate to the left (TAIL RECURSIVE)*) fun foldl1 f [] = raise List.Empty | foldl1 f (x :: xs) = foldl f (x, xs); (* (op @) [x1, ..., xn] ===> x1 @ (x2 ... @ (x[n-1] @ xn)) for n > 0, operators that associate to the right (not tail recursive)*) fun foldr1 f [] = raise List.Empty | foldr1 f l = let fun itr [x] = x | itr (x::l) = f(x, itr l) in itr l end; (* basic list functions *) fun eq_list eq (list1, list2) = pointer_eq (list1, list2) orelse let fun eq_lst (x :: xs, y :: ys) = eq (x, y) andalso eq_lst (xs, ys) | eq_lst _ = true; in length list1 = length list2 andalso eq_lst (list1, list2) end; fun maps f [] = [] | maps f (x :: xs) = f x @ maps f xs; val filter = List.filter; fun filter_out f = filter (not o f); val map_filter = List.mapPartial; fun take (0: int) xs = [] | take _ [] = [] | take n (x :: xs) = x :: take (n - 1) xs; fun drop (0: int) xs = xs | drop _ [] = [] | drop n (x :: xs) = drop (n - 1) xs; fun chop (0: int) xs = ([], xs) | chop _ [] = ([], []) | chop n (x :: xs) = chop (n - 1) xs |>> cons x; fun chop_groups n list = (case chop (Int.max (n, 1)) list of ([], _) => [] | (g, rest) => g :: chop_groups n rest); (*return nth element of a list, where 0 designates the first element; raise Subscript if list too short*) fun nth xs i = List.nth (xs, i); fun nth_list xss i = nth xss i handle General.Subscript => []; fun nth_map 0 f (x :: xs) = f x :: xs | nth_map n f (x :: xs) = x :: nth_map (n - 1) f xs | nth_map (_: int) _ [] = raise Subscript; fun nth_drop n xs = List.take (xs, n) @ List.drop (xs, n + 1); fun map_index f = let fun map_aux (_: int) [] = [] | map_aux i (x :: xs) = f (i, x) :: map_aux (i + 1) xs in map_aux 0 end; fun fold_index f = let fun fold_aux (_: int) [] y = y | fold_aux i (x :: xs) y = fold_aux (i + 1) xs (f (i, x) y) in fold_aux 0 end; fun map_range f i = let fun map_aux (k: int) = if k < i then f k :: map_aux (k + 1) else [] in map_aux 0 end; fun fold_range f i = let fun fold_aux (k: int) y = if k < i then fold_aux (k + 1) (f k y) else y in fold_aux 0 end; (*rear decomposition*) fun split_last [] = raise List.Empty | split_last [x] = ([], x) | split_last (x :: xs) = apfst (cons x) (split_last xs); (*find first element satisfying predicate*) val find_first = List.find; (*find position of first element satisfying a predicate*) fun find_index pred = let fun find (_: int) [] = ~1 | find n (x :: xs) = if pred x then n else find (n + 1) xs; in find 0 end; (*get first element by lookup function*) fun get_first _ [] = NONE | get_first f (x :: xs) = (case f x of NONE => get_first f xs | some => some); fun get_index f = let fun get_aux (_: int) [] = NONE | get_aux i (x :: xs) = (case f x of NONE => get_aux (i + 1) xs | SOME y => SOME (i, y)) in get_aux 0 end; val flat = List.concat; fun unflat (xs :: xss) ys = let val (ps, qs) = chop (length xs) ys in ps :: unflat xss qs end | unflat [] [] = [] | unflat _ _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths; fun grouped n comb f = chop_groups n #> comb (map f) #> flat; fun burrow f xss = unflat xss (f (flat xss)); fun burrow_options f os = map (try hd) (burrow f (map the_list os)); fun fold_burrow f xss s = apfst (unflat xss) (f (flat xss) s); (*separate s [x1, x2, ..., xn] ===> [x1, s, x2, s, ..., s, xn]*) fun separate s (x :: (xs as _ :: _)) = x :: s :: separate s xs | separate _ xs = xs; fun surround s (x :: xs) = s :: x :: surround s xs | surround s [] = [s]; (*make the list [x, x, ..., x] of length n*) fun replicate (n: int) x = let fun rep (0, xs) = xs | rep (n, xs) = rep (n - 1, x :: xs) in if n < 0 then raise Subscript else rep (n, []) end; (* direct product *) fun map_product f _ [] = [] | map_product f [] _ = [] | map_product f (x :: xs) ys = map (f x) ys @ map_product f xs ys; fun fold_product f _ [] z = z | fold_product f [] _ z = z | fold_product f (x :: xs) ys z = z |> fold (f x) ys |> fold_product f xs ys; (* lists of pairs *) fun map2 _ [] [] = [] | map2 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = f x y :: map2 f xs ys | map2 _ _ _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths; fun fold2 _ [] [] z = z | fold2 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) z = fold2 f xs ys (f x y z) | fold2 _ _ _ _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths; fun map_split _ [] = ([], []) | map_split f (x :: xs) = let val (y, w) = f x; val (ys, ws) = map_split f xs; in (y :: ys, w :: ws) end; fun zip_options (x :: xs) (SOME y :: ys) = (x, y) :: zip_options xs ys | zip_options (_ :: xs) (NONE :: ys) = zip_options xs ys | zip_options _ [] = [] | zip_options [] _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths; (*combine two lists forming a list of pairs: [x1, ..., xn] ~~ [y1, ..., yn] ===> [(x1, y1), ..., (xn, yn)]*) fun [] ~~ [] = [] | (x :: xs) ~~ (y :: ys) = (x, y) :: (xs ~~ ys) | _ ~~ _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths; (*inverse of ~~; the old 'split': [(x1, y1), ..., (xn, yn)] ===> ([x1, ..., xn], [y1, ..., yn])*) val split_list = ListPair.unzip; fun burrow_fst f xs = split_list xs |>> f |> op ~~; (* take, drop, chop, trim according to predicate *) fun take_prefix pred list = let fun take res (x :: xs) = if pred x then take (x :: res) xs else rev res | take res [] = rev res; in take [] list end; fun drop_prefix pred list = let fun drop (x :: xs) = if pred x then drop xs else x :: xs | drop [] = []; in drop list end; fun chop_prefix pred list = let val prfx = take_prefix pred list; val sffx = drop (length prfx) list; in (prfx, sffx) end; fun take_suffix pred list = let fun take res (x :: xs) = if pred x then take (x :: res) xs else res | take res [] = res; in take [] (rev list) end; fun drop_suffix pred list = let fun drop (x :: xs) = if pred x then drop xs else rev (x :: xs) | drop [] = []; in drop (rev list) end; fun chop_suffix pred list = let val prfx = drop_suffix pred list; val sffx = drop (length prfx) list; in (prfx, sffx) end; fun trim pred = drop_prefix pred #> drop_suffix pred; (* prefixes, suffixes *) fun is_prefix _ [] _ = true | is_prefix eq (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = eq (x, y) andalso is_prefix eq xs ys | is_prefix eq _ _ = false; fun chop_common_prefix eq ([], ys) = ([], ([], ys)) | chop_common_prefix eq (xs, []) = ([], (xs, [])) | chop_common_prefix eq (xs as x :: xs', ys as y :: ys') = if eq (x, y) then let val (ps', xys'') = chop_common_prefix eq (xs', ys') in (x :: ps', xys'') end else ([], (xs, ys)); fun prefixes1 [] = [] | prefixes1 (x :: xs) = map (cons x) ([] :: prefixes1 xs); fun prefixes xs = [] :: prefixes1 xs; fun suffixes1 xs = map rev (prefixes1 (rev xs)); fun suffixes xs = [] :: suffixes1 xs; (** integers **) (* lists of integers *) (*make the list [from, from + 1, ..., to]*) fun ((i: int) upto j) = if i > j then [] else i :: (i + 1 upto j); (*make the list [from, from - 1, ..., to]*) fun ((i: int) downto j) = if i < j then [] else i :: (i - 1 downto j); (* convert integers to strings *) (*hexadecimal*) fun hex_digit i = if i < 10 then chr (Char.ord #"0" + i) else chr (Char.ord #"a" + i - 10); (*expand the number in the given base; example: radixpand (2, 8) gives [1, 0, 0, 0]*) fun radixpand (base, num) : int list = let fun radix (n, tail) = if n < base then n :: tail else radix (n div base, (n mod base) :: tail) in radix (num, []) end; (*expands a number into a string of characters starting from "zerochar"; example: radixstring (2, "0", 8) gives "1000"*) fun radixstring (base, zerochar, num) = let val offset = ord zerochar; fun chrof n = chr (offset + n) in implode (map chrof (radixpand (base, num))) end; local val zero = Char.ord #"0"; val small_int = 10000: int; val small_int_table = Vector.tabulate (small_int, Int.toString); in fun string_of_int i = if i < 0 then Int.toString i else if i < 10 then chr (zero + i) - else if i < small_int then Vector.sub (small_int_table, i) + else if i < small_int then Vector.nth small_int_table i else Int.toString i; end; fun signed_string_of_int i = if i < 0 then "-" ^ string_of_int (~ i) else string_of_int i; fun string_of_indexname (a, 0) = a | string_of_indexname (a, i) = a ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i; (* read integers *) fun read_radix_int radix cs = let val zero = Char.ord #"0"; val limit = zero + radix; fun scan (num, []) = (num, []) | scan (num, c :: cs) = if zero <= ord c andalso ord c < limit then scan (radix * num + (ord c - zero), cs) else (num, c :: cs); in scan (0, cs) end; val read_int = read_radix_int 10; fun oct_char s = chr (#1 (read_radix_int 8 (raw_explode s))); (** strings **) (* functions tuned for strings, avoiding explode *) fun nth_string str i = (case try String.substring (str, i, 1) of SOME s => s | NONE => raise Subscript); fun fold_string f str x0 = let val n = size str; fun iter (x, i) = if i < n then iter (f (String.substring (str, i, 1)) x, i + 1) else x; in iter (x0, 0) end; fun exists_string pred str = let val n = size str; fun ex i = i < n andalso (pred (String.substring (str, i, 1)) orelse ex (i + 1)); in ex 0 end; fun forall_string pred = not o exists_string (not o pred); fun member_string str s = exists_string (fn s' => s = s') str; fun last_string "" = NONE | last_string s = SOME (str (String.sub (s, size s - 1))); fun first_field sep str = let val n = size sep; val len = size str; fun find i = if i + n > len then NONE else if String.substring (str, i, n) = sep then SOME i else find (i + 1); in (case find 0 of NONE => NONE | SOME i => SOME (String.substring (str, 0, i), String.extract (str, i + n, NONE))) end; (*enclose in brackets*) fun enclose lpar rpar str = lpar ^ str ^ rpar; fun unenclose str = String.substring (str, 1, size str - 2); (*simple quoting (does not escape special chars)*) val quote = enclose "\"" "\""; val cartouche = enclose "\" "\"; val space_implode = String.concatWith; val commas = space_implode ", "; val commas_quote = commas o map quote; val cat_lines = space_implode "\n"; (*space_explode "." "h.e..l.lo" = ["h", "e", "", "l", "lo"]*) fun space_explode _ "" = [] | space_explode sep s = String.fields (fn c => str c = sep) s; val split_lines = space_explode "\n"; fun plain_words s = space_explode "_" s |> space_implode " "; fun prefix_lines "" txt = txt | prefix_lines prfx txt = txt |> split_lines |> map (fn s => prfx ^ s) |> cat_lines; fun prefix prfx s = prfx ^ s; fun suffix sffx s = s ^ sffx; fun unprefix prfx s = if String.isPrefix prfx s then String.substring (s, size prfx, size s - size prfx) else raise Fail "unprefix"; fun unsuffix sffx s = if String.isSuffix sffx s then String.substring (s, 0, size s - size sffx) else raise Fail "unsuffix"; fun trim_line s = if String.isSuffix "\r\n" s then String.substring (s, 0, size s - 2) else if String.isSuffix "\r" s orelse String.isSuffix "\n" s then String.substring (s, 0, size s - 1) else s; val trim_split_lines = trim_line #> split_lines #> map trim_line; fun normalize_lines str = if exists_string (fn s => s = "\r") str then split_lines str |> map trim_line |> cat_lines else str; fun replicate_string (0: int) _ = "" | replicate_string 1 a = a | replicate_string k a = if k mod 2 = 0 then replicate_string (k div 2) (a ^ a) else replicate_string (k div 2) (a ^ a) ^ a; fun translate_string f = String.translate (f o String.str); val encode_lines = translate_string (fn "\n" => "\v" | c => c); val decode_lines = translate_string (fn "\v" => "\n" | c => c); fun align_right c k s = let val _ = if size c <> 1 orelse size s > k then raise Fail "align_right" else () in replicate_string (k - size s) c ^ s end; (*crude matching of str against simple glob pat*) fun match_string pat str = let fun match [] _ = true | match (p :: ps) s = size p <= size s andalso (case try (unprefix p) s of SOME s' => match ps s' | NONE => match (p :: ps) (String.substring (s, 1, size s - 1))); in match (space_explode "*" pat) str end; (** reals **) val string_of_real = Real.fmt (StringCvt.GEN NONE); fun signed_string_of_real x = if x < 0.0 then "-" ^ string_of_real (~ x) else string_of_real x; (** lists as sets -- see also Pure/General/ord_list.ML **) (* canonical operations *) fun member eq list x = let fun memb [] = false | memb (y :: ys) = eq (x, y) orelse memb ys; in memb list end; fun insert eq x xs = if member eq xs x then xs else x :: xs; fun remove eq x xs = if member eq xs x then filter_out (fn y => eq (x, y)) xs else xs; fun update eq x xs = cons x (remove eq x xs); fun inter eq xs = filter (member eq xs); fun union eq = fold (insert eq); fun subtract eq = fold (remove eq); fun merge eq (xs, ys) = if pointer_eq (xs, ys) then xs else if null xs then ys else fold_rev (insert eq) ys xs; (* subset and set equality *) fun subset eq (xs, ys) = forall (member eq ys) xs; fun eq_set eq (xs, ys) = eq_list eq (xs, ys) orelse (subset eq (xs, ys) andalso subset (eq o swap) (ys, xs)); (*makes a list of the distinct members of the input; preserves order, takes first of equal elements*) fun distinct eq lst = let fun dist (rev_seen, []) = rev rev_seen | dist (rev_seen, x :: xs) = if member eq rev_seen x then dist (rev_seen, xs) else dist (x :: rev_seen, xs); in dist ([], lst) end; (*returns a list containing all repeated elements exactly once; preserves order, takes first of equal elements*) fun duplicates eq lst = let fun dups (rev_dups, []) = rev rev_dups | dups (rev_dups, x :: xs) = if member eq rev_dups x orelse not (member eq xs x) then dups (rev_dups, xs) else dups (x :: rev_dups, xs); in dups ([], lst) end; fun has_duplicates eq = let fun dups [] = false | dups (x :: xs) = member eq xs x orelse dups xs; in dups end; (* matrices *) fun map_transpose f xss = let val n = (case distinct (op =) (map length xss) of [] => 0 | [n] => n | _ => raise ListPair.UnequalLengths); in map_range (fn m => f (map (fn xs => nth xs m) xss)) n end; (** lists as multisets **) fun remove1 eq x [] = [] | remove1 eq x (y :: ys) = if eq (x, y) then ys else y :: remove1 eq x ys; fun combine eq xs ys = fold (remove1 eq) ys xs @ ys; fun submultiset _ ([], _) = true | submultiset eq (x :: xs, ys) = member eq ys x andalso submultiset eq (xs, remove1 eq x ys); (** orders **) type 'a ord = 'a * 'a -> order; fun is_equal ord = ord = EQUAL; fun is_less ord = ord = LESS; fun is_less_equal ord = ord = LESS orelse ord = EQUAL; fun is_greater ord = ord = GREATER; fun is_greater_equal ord = ord = GREATER orelse ord = EQUAL; fun rev_order LESS = GREATER | rev_order EQUAL = EQUAL | rev_order GREATER = LESS; (*compose orders*) fun (a_ord ||| b_ord) p = (case a_ord p of EQUAL => b_ord p | ord => ord); (*assume rel is a linear strict order*) fun make_ord rel (x, y) = if rel (x, y) then LESS else if rel (y, x) then GREATER else EQUAL; fun pointer_eq_ord ord (x, y) = if pointer_eq (x, y) then EQUAL else ord (x, y); fun bool_ord (false, true) = LESS | bool_ord (true, false) = GREATER | bool_ord _ = EQUAL; val int_ord = Int.compare; val string_ord = String.compare; val size_ord = int_ord o apply2 size; val fast_string_ord = pointer_eq_ord (size_ord ||| string_ord); fun option_ord ord (SOME x, SOME y) = ord (x, y) | option_ord _ (NONE, NONE) = EQUAL | option_ord _ (NONE, SOME _) = LESS | option_ord _ (SOME _, NONE) = GREATER; (*lexicographic product*) fun prod_ord a_ord b_ord ((x, y), (x', y')) = (case a_ord (x, x') of EQUAL => b_ord (y, y') | ord => ord); (*dictionary order -- in general NOT well-founded!*) fun dict_ord elem_ord (x :: xs, y :: ys) = (case elem_ord (x, y) of EQUAL => dict_ord elem_ord (xs, ys) | ord => ord) | dict_ord _ ([], []) = EQUAL | dict_ord _ ([], _ :: _) = LESS | dict_ord _ (_ :: _, []) = GREATER; (*lexicographic product of lists*) fun length_ord (xs, ys) = int_ord (length xs, length ys); fun list_ord elem_ord = length_ord ||| dict_ord elem_ord; (* sorting *) (*stable mergesort -- preserves order of equal elements*) fun mergesort unique ord = let fun merge (xs as x :: xs') (ys as y :: ys') = (case ord (x, y) of LESS => x :: merge xs' ys | EQUAL => if unique then merge xs ys' else x :: merge xs' ys | GREATER => y :: merge xs ys') | merge [] ys = ys | merge xs [] = xs; fun merge_all [xs] = xs | merge_all xss = merge_all (merge_pairs xss) and merge_pairs (xs :: ys :: xss) = merge xs ys :: merge_pairs xss | merge_pairs xss = xss; fun runs (x :: y :: xs) = (case ord (x, y) of LESS => ascending y [x] xs | EQUAL => if unique then runs (x :: xs) else ascending y [x] xs | GREATER => descending y [x] xs) | runs xs = [xs] and ascending x xs (zs as y :: ys) = (case ord (x, y) of LESS => ascending y (x :: xs) ys | EQUAL => if unique then ascending x xs ys else ascending y (x :: xs) ys | GREATER => rev (x :: xs) :: runs zs) | ascending x xs [] = [rev (x :: xs)] and descending x xs (zs as y :: ys) = (case ord (x, y) of GREATER => descending y (x :: xs) ys | EQUAL => if unique then descending x xs ys else (x :: xs) :: runs zs | LESS => (x :: xs) :: runs zs) | descending x xs [] = [x :: xs]; in merge_all o runs end; fun sort ord = mergesort false ord; fun sort_distinct ord = mergesort true ord; val sort_strings = sort string_ord; fun sort_by key xs = sort (string_ord o apply2 key) xs; (* items tagged by integer index *) (*insert tags*) fun tag_list k [] = [] | tag_list k (x :: xs) = (k:int, x) :: tag_list (k + 1) xs; (*remove tags and suppress duplicates -- list is assumed sorted!*) fun untag_list [] = [] | untag_list [(k: int, x)] = [x] | untag_list ((k, x) :: (rest as (k', x') :: _)) = if k = k' then untag_list rest else x :: untag_list rest; (*return list elements in original order*) fun order_list list = untag_list (sort (int_ord o apply2 fst) list); (** misc **) fun divide_and_conquer decomp x = let val (ys, recomb) = decomp x in recomb (map (divide_and_conquer decomp) ys) end; fun divide_and_conquer' decomp x s = let val ((ys, recomb), s') = decomp x s in recomb (fold_map (divide_and_conquer' decomp) ys s') end; (*Partition a list into buckets [ bi, b(i+1), ..., bj ] putting x in bk if p(k)(x) holds. Preserve order of elements if possible.*) fun partition_list p i j = let fun part (k: int) xs = if k > j then (case xs of [] => [] | _ => raise Fail "partition_list") else let val (ns, rest) = List.partition (p k) xs in ns :: part (k + 1) rest end; in part (i: int) end; fun partition_eq (eq: 'a * 'a -> bool) = let fun part [] = [] | part (x :: ys) = let val (xs, xs') = List.partition (fn y => eq (x, y)) ys in (x :: xs) :: part xs' end; in part end; (* serial numbers and abstract stamps *) type serial = int; val serial = Counter.make (); val serial_string = string_of_int o serial; datatype stamp = Stamp of serial; fun stamp () = Stamp (serial ()); (* values of any type *) (*note that the builtin exception datatype may be extended by new constructors at any time*) structure Any = struct type T = exn end; (* getenv *) fun getenv x = (case OS.Process.getEnv x of NONE => "" | SOME y => y); fun getenv_strict x = (case getenv x of "" => error ("Undefined Isabelle environment variable: " ^ quote x) | y => y); end; structure Basic_Library: BASIC_LIBRARY = Library; open Basic_Library; diff --git a/src/Pure/name.ML b/src/Pure/name.ML --- a/src/Pure/name.ML +++ b/src/Pure/name.ML @@ -1,189 +1,189 @@ (* Title: Pure/name.ML Author: Makarius Names of basic logical entities (variables etc.). *) signature NAME = sig val uu: string val uu_: string val aT: string val bound: int -> string val is_bound: string -> bool val internal: string -> string val dest_internal: string -> string val is_internal: string -> bool val reject_internal: string * Position.T list -> unit val skolem: string -> string val dest_skolem: string -> string val is_skolem: string -> bool val reject_skolem: string * Position.T list -> unit val clean_index: string * int -> string * int val clean: string -> string type context val context: context val build_context: (context -> context) -> context val make_context: string list -> context val declare: string -> context -> context val is_declared: context -> string -> bool val invent: context -> string -> int -> string list val invent_names: context -> string -> 'a list -> (string * 'a) list val invent_list: string list -> string -> int -> string list val variant: string -> context -> string * context val variant_list: string list -> string list -> string list val enforce_case: bool -> string -> string val desymbolize: bool option -> string -> string end; structure Name: NAME = struct (** common defaults **) val uu = "uu"; val uu_ = "uu_"; val aT = "'a"; (** special variable names **) (* encoded bounds *) (*names for numbered variables -- preserves order wrt. int_ord vs. string_ord, avoids allocating new strings*) val small_int = Vector.tabulate (1000, fn i => let val leading = if i < 10 then "00" else if i < 100 then "0" else "" in ":" ^ leading ^ string_of_int i end); fun bound n = - if n < 1000 then Vector.sub (small_int, n) - else ":" ^ bound (n div 1000) ^ Vector.sub (small_int, n mod 1000); + if n < 1000 then Vector.nth small_int n + else ":" ^ bound (n div 1000) ^ Vector.nth small_int (n mod 1000); val is_bound = String.isPrefix ":"; (* internal names -- NB: internal subsumes skolem *) val internal = suffix "_"; val dest_internal = unsuffix "_"; val is_internal = String.isSuffix "_"; fun reject_internal (x, ps) = if is_internal x then error ("Bad name: " ^ quote x ^ Position.here_list ps) else (); val skolem = suffix "__"; val dest_skolem = unsuffix "__"; val is_skolem = String.isSuffix "__"; fun reject_skolem (x, ps) = if is_skolem x then error ("Bad name: " ^ quote x ^ Position.here_list ps) else (); fun clean_index (x, i) = (case try dest_internal x of NONE => (x, i) | SOME x' => clean_index (x', i + 1)); fun clean x = #1 (clean_index (x, 0)); (** generating fresh names **) (* context *) datatype context = Context of string option Symtab.table; (*declared names with latest renaming*) fun declare x (Context tab) = Context (Symtab.default (clean x, NONE) tab); fun declare_renaming (x, x') (Context tab) = Context (Symtab.update (clean x, SOME (clean x')) tab); fun is_declared (Context tab) = Symtab.defined tab; fun declared (Context tab) = Symtab.lookup tab; val context = Context Symtab.empty |> fold declare ["", "'"]; fun build_context (f: context -> context) = f context; val make_context = build_context o fold declare; (* invent names *) fun invent ctxt = let fun invs _ 0 = [] | invs x n = let val x' = Symbol.bump_string x in if is_declared ctxt x then invs x' n else x :: invs x' (n - 1) end; in invs o clean end; fun invent_names ctxt x xs = invent ctxt x (length xs) ~~ xs; val invent_list = invent o make_context; (* variants *) (*makes a variant of a name distinct from already used names in a context; preserves a suffix of underscores "_"*) fun variant name ctxt = let fun vary x = (case declared ctxt x of NONE => x | SOME x' => vary (Symbol.bump_string (the_default x x'))); val (x, n) = clean_index (name, 0); val (x', ctxt') = if not (is_declared ctxt x) then (x, declare x ctxt) else let val x0 = Symbol.bump_init x; val x' = vary x0; val ctxt' = ctxt |> x0 <> x' ? declare_renaming (x0, x') |> declare x'; in (x', ctxt') end; in (x' ^ replicate_string n "_", ctxt') end; fun variant_list used names = #1 (make_context used |> fold_map variant names); (* names conforming to typical requirements of identifiers in the world outside *) fun enforce_case' false cs = (if forall Symbol.is_ascii_upper cs then map else nth_map 0) Symbol.to_ascii_lower cs | enforce_case' true cs = nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_upper cs; fun enforce_case upper = implode o enforce_case' upper o raw_explode; fun desymbolize perhaps_upper "" = if the_default false perhaps_upper then "X" else "x" | desymbolize perhaps_upper s = let val xs as (x :: _) = Symbol.explode s; val ys = if Symbol.is_ascii_letter x orelse Symbol.is_symbolic x then xs else "x" :: xs; fun is_valid x = Symbol.is_ascii_letter x orelse Symbol.is_ascii_digit x; fun sep [] = [] | sep (xs as "_" :: _) = xs | sep xs = "_" :: xs; fun desep ("_" :: xs) = xs | desep xs = xs; fun desymb x xs = if is_valid x then x :: xs else (case Symbol.decode x of Symbol.Sym name => "_" :: raw_explode name @ sep xs | _ => sep xs); val upper_lower = Option.map enforce_case' perhaps_upper |> the_default I; in fold_rev desymb ys [] |> desep |> upper_lower |> implode end; end;

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