diff --git a/src/Doc/Isar_Ref/Generic.thy b/src/Doc/Isar_Ref/Generic.thy --- a/src/Doc/Isar_Ref/Generic.thy +++ b/src/Doc/Isar_Ref/Generic.thy @@ -1,1826 +1,1826 @@ (*:maxLineLen=78:*) theory Generic imports Main Base begin chapter \Generic tools and packages \label{ch:gen-tools}\ section \Configuration options \label{sec:config}\ text \ Isabelle/Pure maintains a record of named configuration options within the theory or proof context, with values of type \<^ML_type>\bool\, \<^ML_type>\int\, \<^ML_type>\real\, or \<^ML_type>\string\. Tools may declare options in ML, and then refer to these values (relative to the context). Thus global reference variables are easily avoided. The user may change the value of a configuration option by means of an associated attribute of the same name. This form of context declaration works particularly well with commands such as @{command "declare"} or @{command "using"} like this: \ (*<*)experiment begin(*>*) declare [[show_main_goal = false]] notepad begin note [[show_main_goal = true]] end (*<*)end(*>*) text \ \begin{matharray}{rcll} @{command_def "print_options"} & : & \context \\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ @@{command print_options} ('!'?) ; @{syntax name} ('=' ('true' | 'false' | @{syntax int} | @{syntax float} | @{syntax name}))? \ \<^descr> @{command "print_options"} prints the available configuration options, with names, types, and current values; the ``\!\'' option indicates extra verbosity. \<^descr> \name = value\ as an attribute expression modifies the named option, with the syntax of the value depending on the option's type. For \<^ML_type>\bool\ the default value is \true\. Any attempt to change a global option in a local context is ignored. \ section \Basic proof tools\ subsection \Miscellaneous methods and attributes \label{sec:misc-meth-att}\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{method_def unfold} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def fold} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def insert} & : & \method\ \\[0.5ex] @{method_def erule}\\<^sup>*\ & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def drule}\\<^sup>*\ & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def frule}\\<^sup>*\ & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def intro} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def elim} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def fail} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def succeed} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def sleep} & : & \method\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ (@@{method fold} | @@{method unfold} | @@{method insert}) @{syntax thms} ; (@@{method erule} | @@{method drule} | @@{method frule}) ('(' @{syntax nat} ')')? @{syntax thms} ; (@@{method intro} | @@{method elim}) @{syntax thms}? ; @@{method sleep} @{syntax real} \ \<^descr> @{method unfold}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ and @{method fold}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ expand (or fold back) the given definitions throughout all goals; any chained facts provided are inserted into the goal and subject to rewriting as well. Unfolding works in two stages: first, the given equations are used directly for rewriting; second, the equations are passed through the attribute @{attribute_ref abs_def} before rewriting --- to ensure that definitions are fully expanded, regardless of the actual parameters that are provided. \<^descr> @{method insert}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ inserts theorems as facts into all goals of the proof state. Note that current facts indicated for forward chaining are ignored. \<^descr> @{method erule}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\, @{method drule}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\, and @{method frule}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ are similar to the basic @{method rule} method (see \secref{sec:pure-meth-att}), but apply rules by elim-resolution, destruct-resolution, and forward-resolution, respectively \<^cite>\"isabelle-implementation"\. The optional natural number argument (default 0) specifies additional assumption steps to be performed here. Note that these methods are improper ones, mainly serving for experimentation and tactic script emulation. Different modes of basic rule application are usually expressed in Isar at the proof language level, rather than via implicit proof state manipulations. For example, a proper single-step elimination would be done using the plain @{method rule} method, with forward chaining of current facts. \<^descr> @{method intro} and @{method elim} repeatedly refine some goal by intro- or elim-resolution, after having inserted any chained facts. Exactly the rules given as arguments are taken into account; this allows fine-tuned decomposition of a proof problem, in contrast to common automated tools. \<^descr> @{method fail} yields an empty result sequence; it is the identity of the ``\|\'' method combinator (cf.\ \secref{sec:proof-meth}). \<^descr> @{method succeed} yields a single (unchanged) result; it is the identity of the ``\,\'' method combinator (cf.\ \secref{sec:proof-meth}). \<^descr> @{method sleep}~\s\ succeeds after a real-time delay of \s\ seconds. This is occasionally useful for demonstration and testing purposes. \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{attribute_def tagged} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def untagged} & : & \attribute\ \\[0.5ex] @{attribute_def THEN} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def unfolded} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def folded} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def abs_def} & : & \attribute\ \\[0.5ex] @{attribute_def rotated} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def (Pure) elim_format} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def no_vars}\\<^sup>*\ & : & \attribute\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ @@{attribute tagged} @{syntax name} @{syntax name} ; @@{attribute untagged} @{syntax name} ; @@{attribute THEN} ('[' @{syntax nat} ']')? @{syntax thm} ; (@@{attribute unfolded} | @@{attribute folded}) @{syntax thms} ; @@{attribute rotated} @{syntax int}? \ \<^descr> @{attribute tagged}~\name value\ and @{attribute untagged}~\name\ add and remove \<^emph>\tags\ of some theorem. Tags may be any list of string pairs that serve as formal comment. The first string is considered the tag name, the second its value. Note that @{attribute untagged} removes any tags of the same name. \<^descr> @{attribute THEN}~\a\ composes rules by resolution; it resolves with the first premise of \a\ (an alternative position may be also specified). See also \<^ML_infix>\RS\ in \<^cite>\"isabelle-implementation"\. \<^descr> @{attribute unfolded}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ and @{attribute folded}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ expand and fold back again the given definitions throughout a rule. \<^descr> @{attribute abs_def} turns an equation of the form \<^prop>\f x y \ t\ into \<^prop>\f \ \x y. t\, which ensures that @{method simp} steps always expand it. This also works for object-logic equality. \<^descr> @{attribute rotated}~\n\ rotate the premises of a theorem by \n\ (default 1). \<^descr> @{attribute (Pure) elim_format} turns a destruction rule into elimination rule format, by resolving with the rule \<^prop>\PROP A \ (PROP A \ PROP B) \ PROP B\. Note that the Classical Reasoner (\secref{sec:classical}) provides its own version of this operation. \<^descr> @{attribute no_vars} replaces schematic variables by free ones; this is mainly for tuning output of pretty printed theorems. \ subsection \Low-level equational reasoning\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{method_def subst} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def hypsubst} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def split} & : & \method\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ @@{method subst} ('(' 'asm' ')')? \ ('(' (@{syntax nat}+) ')')? @{syntax thm} ; @@{method split} @{syntax thms} \ These methods provide low-level facilities for equational reasoning that are intended for specialized applications only. Normally, single step calculations would be performed in a structured text (see also \secref{sec:calculation}), while the Simplifier methods provide the canonical way for automated normalization (see \secref{sec:simplifier}). \<^descr> @{method subst}~\eq\ performs a single substitution step using rule \eq\, which may be either a meta or object equality. \<^descr> @{method subst}~\(asm) eq\ substitutes in an assumption. \<^descr> @{method subst}~\(i \ j) eq\ performs several substitutions in the conclusion. The numbers \i\ to \j\ indicate the positions to substitute at. Positions are ordered from the top of the term tree moving down from left to right. For example, in \(a + b) + (c + d)\ there are three positions where commutativity of \+\ is applicable: 1 refers to \a + b\, 2 to the whole term, and 3 to \c + d\. If the positions in the list \(i \ j)\ are non-overlapping (e.g.\ \(2 3)\ in \(a + b) + (c + d)\) you may assume all substitutions are performed simultaneously. Otherwise the behaviour of \subst\ is not specified. \<^descr> @{method subst}~\(asm) (i \ j) eq\ performs the substitutions in the assumptions. The positions refer to the assumptions in order from left to right. For example, given in a goal of the form \P (a + b) \ P (c + d) \ \\, position 1 of commutativity of \+\ is the subterm \a + b\ and position 2 is the subterm \c + d\. \<^descr> @{method hypsubst} performs substitution using some assumption; this only works for equations of the form \x = t\ where \x\ is a free or bound variable. \<^descr> @{method split}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ performs single-step case splitting using the given rules. Splitting is performed in the conclusion or some assumption of the subgoal, depending of the structure of the rule. Note that the @{method simp} method already involves repeated application of split rules as declared in the current context, using @{attribute split}, for example. \ section \The Simplifier \label{sec:simplifier}\ text \ The Simplifier performs conditional and unconditional rewriting and uses contextual information: rule declarations in the background theory or local proof context are taken into account, as well as chained facts and subgoal premises (``local assumptions''). There are several general hooks that allow to modify the simplification strategy, or incorporate other proof tools that solve sub-problems, produce rewrite rules on demand etc. The rewriting strategy is always strictly bottom up, except for congruence rules, which are applied while descending into a term. Conditions in conditional rewrite rules are solved recursively before the rewrite rule is applied. The default Simplifier setup of major object logics (HOL, HOLCF, FOL, ZF) makes the Simplifier ready for immediate use, without engaging into the internal structures. Thus it serves as general-purpose proof tool with the main focus on equational reasoning, and a bit more than that. \ subsection \Simplification methods \label{sec:simp-meth}\ text \ \begin{tabular}{rcll} @{method_def simp} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def simp_all} & : & \method\ \\ \Pure.\@{method_def (Pure) simp} & : & \method\ \\ \Pure.\@{method_def (Pure) simp_all} & : & \method\ \\ @{attribute_def simp_depth_limit} & : & \attribute\ & default \100\ \\ \end{tabular} \<^medskip> \<^rail>\ (@@{method simp} | @@{method simp_all}) opt? (@{syntax simpmod} * ) ; opt: '(' ('no_asm' | 'no_asm_simp' | 'no_asm_use' | 'asm_lr' ) ')' ; @{syntax_def simpmod}: ('add' | 'del' | 'flip' | 'only' | 'split' (() | '!' | 'del') | 'cong' (() | 'add' | 'del')) ':' @{syntax thms} \ \<^descr> @{method simp} invokes the Simplifier on the first subgoal, after inserting chained facts as additional goal premises; further rule declarations may be included via \(simp add: facts)\. The proof method fails if the subgoal remains unchanged after simplification. Note that the original goal premises and chained facts are subject to simplification themselves, while declarations via \add\/\del\ merely follow the policies of the object-logic to extract rewrite rules from theorems, without further simplification. This may lead to slightly different behavior in either case, which might be required precisely like that in some boundary situations to perform the intended simplification step! \<^medskip> Modifier \flip\ deletes the following theorems from the simpset and adds their symmetric version (i.e.\ lhs and rhs exchanged). No warning is shown if the original theorem was not present. \<^medskip> The \only\ modifier first removes all other rewrite rules, looper tactics (including split rules), congruence rules, and then behaves like \add\. Implicit solvers remain, which means that trivial rules like reflexivity or introduction of \True\ are available to solve the simplified subgoals, but also non-trivial tools like linear arithmetic in HOL. The latter may lead to some surprise of the meaning of ``only'' in Isabelle/HOL compared to English! \<^medskip> The \split\ modifiers add or delete rules for the Splitter (see also \secref{sec:simp-strategies} on the looper). This works only if the Simplifier method has been properly setup to include the Splitter (all major object logics such HOL, HOLCF, FOL, ZF do this already). The \!\ option causes the split rules to be used aggressively: after each application of a split rule in the conclusion, the \safe\ tactic of the classical reasoner (see \secref{sec:classical:partial}) is applied to the new goal. The net effect is that the goal is split into the different cases. This option can speed up simplification of goals with many nested conditional or case expressions significantly. There is also a separate @{method_ref split} method available for single-step case splitting. The effect of repeatedly applying \(split thms)\ can be imitated by ``\(simp only: split: thms)\''. \<^medskip> The \cong\ modifiers add or delete Simplifier congruence rules (see also \secref{sec:simp-rules}); the default is to add. \<^descr> @{method simp_all} is similar to @{method simp}, but acts on all goals, working backwards from the last to the first one as usual in Isabelle.\<^footnote>\The order is irrelevant for goals without schematic variables, so simplification might actually be performed in parallel here.\ Chained facts are inserted into all subgoals, before the simplification process starts. Further rule declarations are the same as for @{method simp}. The proof method fails if all subgoals remain unchanged after simplification. \<^descr> @{attribute simp_depth_limit} limits the number of recursive invocations of the Simplifier during conditional rewriting. By default the Simplifier methods above take local assumptions fully into account, using equational assumptions in the subsequent normalization process, or simplifying assumptions themselves. Further options allow to fine-tune the behavior of the Simplifier in this respect, corresponding to a variety of ML tactics as follows.\<^footnote>\Unlike the corresponding Isar proof methods, the ML tactics do not insist in changing the goal state.\ \begin{center} \small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|p{0.3\textwidth}|} \hline Isar method & ML tactic & behavior \\\hline \(simp (no_asm))\ & \<^ML>\simp_tac\ & assumptions are ignored completely \\\hline \(simp (no_asm_simp))\ & \<^ML>\asm_simp_tac\ & assumptions are used in the simplification of the conclusion but are not themselves simplified \\\hline \(simp (no_asm_use))\ & \<^ML>\full_simp_tac\ & assumptions are simplified but are not used in the simplification of each other or the conclusion \\\hline \(simp)\ & \<^ML>\asm_full_simp_tac\ & assumptions are used in the simplification of the conclusion and to simplify other assumptions \\\hline \(simp (asm_lr))\ & \<^ML>\asm_lr_simp_tac\ & compatibility mode: an assumption is only used for simplifying assumptions which are to the right of it \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \<^medskip> In Isabelle/Pure, proof methods @{method (Pure) simp} and @{method (Pure) simp_all} only know about meta-equality \\\. Any new object-logic needs to re-define these methods via \<^ML>\Simplifier.method_setup\ in ML: Isabelle/FOL or Isabelle/HOL may serve as blue-prints. \ subsubsection \Examples\ text \ We consider basic algebraic simplifications in Isabelle/HOL. The rather trivial goal \<^prop>\0 + (x + 0) = x + 0 + 0\ looks like a good candidate to be solved by a single call of @{method simp}: \ lemma "0 + (x + 0) = x + 0 + 0" apply simp? oops text \ The above attempt \<^emph>\fails\, because \<^term>\0\ and \<^term>\(+)\ in the HOL library are declared as generic type class operations, without stating any algebraic laws yet. More specific types are required to get access to certain standard simplifications of the theory context, e.g.\ like this:\ lemma fixes x :: nat shows "0 + (x + 0) = x + 0 + 0" by simp lemma fixes x :: int shows "0 + (x + 0) = x + 0 + 0" by simp lemma fixes x :: "'a :: monoid_add" shows "0 + (x + 0) = x + 0 + 0" by simp text \ \<^medskip> In many cases, assumptions of a subgoal are also needed in the simplification process. For example: \ lemma fixes x :: nat shows "x = 0 \ x + x = 0" by simp lemma fixes x :: nat assumes "x = 0" shows "x + x = 0" apply simp oops lemma fixes x :: nat assumes "x = 0" shows "x + x = 0" using assms by simp text \ As seen above, local assumptions that shall contribute to simplification need to be part of the subgoal already, or indicated explicitly for use by the subsequent method invocation. Both too little or too much information can make simplification fail, for different reasons. In the next example the malicious assumption \<^prop>\\x::nat. f x = g (f (g x))\ does not contribute to solve the problem, but makes the default @{method simp} method loop: the rewrite rule \f ?x \ g (f (g ?x))\ extracted from the assumption does not terminate. The Simplifier notices certain simple forms of nontermination, but not this one. The problem can be solved nonetheless, by ignoring assumptions via special options as explained before: \ lemma "(\x::nat. f x = g (f (g x))) \ f 0 = f 0 + 0" by (simp (no_asm)) text \ The latter form is typical for long unstructured proof scripts, where the control over the goal content is limited. In structured proofs it is usually better to avoid pushing too many facts into the goal state in the first place. Assumptions in the Isar proof context do not intrude the reasoning if not used explicitly. This is illustrated for a toplevel statement and a local proof body as follows: \ lemma assumes "\x::nat. f x = g (f (g x))" shows "f 0 = f 0 + 0" by simp notepad begin assume "\x::nat. f x = g (f (g x))" have "f 0 = f 0 + 0" by simp end text \ \<^medskip> Because assumptions may simplify each other, there can be very subtle cases of nontermination. For example, the regular @{method simp} method applied to \<^prop>\P (f x) \ y = x \ f x = f y \ Q\ gives rise to the infinite reduction sequence \[ \P (f x)\ \stackrel{\f x \ f y\}{\longmapsto} \P (f y)\ \stackrel{\y \ x\}{\longmapsto} \P (f x)\ \stackrel{\f x \ f y\}{\longmapsto} \cdots \] whereas applying the same to \<^prop>\y = x \ f x = f y \ P (f x) \ Q\ terminates (without solving the goal): \ lemma "y = x \ f x = f y \ P (f x) \ Q" apply simp oops text \ See also \secref{sec:simp-trace} for options to enable Simplifier trace mode, which often helps to diagnose problems with rewrite systems. \ subsection \Declaring rules \label{sec:simp-rules}\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{attribute_def simp} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def split} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def cong} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{command_def "print_simpset"}\\<^sup>*\ & : & \context \\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ (@@{attribute simp} | @@{attribute cong}) (() | 'add' | 'del') | @@{attribute split} (() | '!' | 'del') ; @@{command print_simpset} ('!'?) \ \<^descr> @{attribute simp} declares rewrite rules, by adding or deleting them from the simpset within the theory or proof context. Rewrite rules are theorems expressing some form of equality, for example: \Suc ?m + ?n = ?m + Suc ?n\ \\ \?P \ ?P \ ?P\ \\ \?A \ ?B \ {x. x \ ?A \ x \ ?B}\ \<^medskip> Conditional rewrites such as \?m < ?n \ ?m div ?n = 0\ are also permitted; the conditions can be arbitrary formulas. \<^medskip> Internally, all rewrite rules are translated into Pure equalities, theorems with conclusion \lhs \ rhs\. The simpset contains a function for extracting equalities from arbitrary theorems, which is usually installed when the object-logic is configured initially. For example, \\ ?x \ {}\ could be turned into \?x \ {} \ False\. Theorems that are declared as @{attribute simp} and local assumptions within a goal are treated uniformly in this respect. The Simplifier accepts the following formats for the \lhs\ term: \<^enum> First-order patterns, considering the sublanguage of application of constant operators to variable operands, without \\\-abstractions or functional variables. For example: \(?x + ?y) + ?z \ ?x + (?y + ?z)\ \\ \f (f ?x ?y) ?z \ f ?x (f ?y ?z)\ \<^enum> Higher-order patterns in the sense of \<^cite>\"nipkow-patterns"\. These are terms in \\\-normal form (this will always be the case unless you have done something strange) where each occurrence of an unknown is of the form \?F x\<^sub>1 \ x\<^sub>n\, where the \x\<^sub>i\ are distinct bound variables. For example, \(\x. ?P x \ ?Q x) \ (\x. ?P x) \ (\x. ?Q x)\ or its symmetric form, since the \rhs\ is also a higher-order pattern. \<^enum> Physical first-order patterns over raw \\\-term structure without \\\\\-equality; abstractions and bound variables are treated like quasi-constant term material. For example, the rule \?f ?x \ range ?f = True\ rewrites the term \g a \ range g\ to \True\, but will fail to match \g (h b) \ range (\x. g (h x))\. However, offending subterms (in our case \?f ?x\, which is not a pattern) can be replaced by adding new variables and conditions like this: \?y = ?f ?x \ ?y \ range ?f = True\ is acceptable as a conditional rewrite rule of the second category since conditions can be arbitrary terms. \<^descr> @{attribute split} declares case split rules. \<^descr> @{attribute cong} declares congruence rules to the Simplifier context. Congruence rules are equalities of the form @{text [display] "\ \ f ?x\<^sub>1 \ ?x\<^sub>n = f ?y\<^sub>1 \ ?y\<^sub>n"} This controls the simplification of the arguments of \f\. For example, some arguments can be simplified under additional assumptions: @{text [display] "?P\<^sub>1 \ ?Q\<^sub>1 \ (?Q\<^sub>1 \ ?P\<^sub>2 \ ?Q\<^sub>2) \ (?P\<^sub>1 \ ?P\<^sub>2) \ (?Q\<^sub>1 \ ?Q\<^sub>2)"} Given this rule, the Simplifier assumes \?Q\<^sub>1\ and extracts rewrite rules from it when simplifying \?P\<^sub>2\. Such local assumptions are effective for rewriting formulae such as \x = 0 \ y + x = y\. %FIXME %The local assumptions are also provided as theorems to the solver; %see \secref{sec:simp-solver} below. \<^medskip> The following congruence rule for bounded quantifiers also supplies contextual information --- about the bound variable: @{text [display] "(?A = ?B) \ (\x. x \ ?B \ ?P x \ ?Q x) \ (\x \ ?A. ?P x) \ (\x \ ?B. ?Q x)"} \<^medskip> This congruence rule for conditional expressions can supply contextual information for simplifying the arms: @{text [display] "?p = ?q \ (?q \ ?a = ?c) \ (\ ?q \ ?b = ?d) \ (if ?p then ?a else ?b) = (if ?q then ?c else ?d)"} A congruence rule can also \<^emph>\prevent\ simplification of some arguments. Here is an alternative congruence rule for conditional expressions that conforms to non-strict functional evaluation: @{text [display] "?p = ?q \ (if ?p then ?a else ?b) = (if ?q then ?a else ?b)"} Only the first argument is simplified; the others remain unchanged. This can make simplification much faster, but may require an extra case split over the condition \?q\ to prove the goal. \<^descr> @{command "print_simpset"} prints the collection of rules declared to the Simplifier, which is also known as ``simpset'' internally; the ``\!\'' option indicates extra verbosity. The implicit simpset of the theory context is propagated monotonically through the theory hierarchy: forming a new theory, the union of the simpsets of its imports are taken as starting point. Also note that definitional packages like @{command "datatype"}, @{command "primrec"}, @{command "fun"} routinely declare Simplifier rules to the target context, while plain @{command "definition"} is an exception in \<^emph>\not\ declaring anything. \<^medskip> It is up the user to manipulate the current simpset further by explicitly adding or deleting theorems as simplification rules, or installing other tools via simplification procedures (\secref{sec:simproc}). Good simpsets are hard to design. Rules that obviously simplify, like \?n + 0 \ ?n\ are good candidates for the implicit simpset, unless a special non-normalizing behavior of certain operations is intended. More specific rules (such as distributive laws, which duplicate subterms) should be added only for specific proof steps. Conversely, sometimes a rule needs to be deleted just for some part of a proof. The need of frequent additions or deletions may indicate a poorly designed simpset. \begin{warn} The union of simpsets from theory imports (as described above) is not always a good starting point for the new theory. If some ancestors have deleted simplification rules because they are no longer wanted, while others have left those rules in, then the union will contain the unwanted rules, and thus have to be deleted again in the theory body. \end{warn} \ subsection \Ordered rewriting with permutative rules\ text \ A rewrite rule is \<^emph>\permutative\ if the left-hand side and right-hand side are the equal up to renaming of variables. The most common permutative rule is commutativity: \?x + ?y = ?y + ?x\. Other examples include \(?x - ?y) - ?z = (?x - ?z) - ?y\ in arithmetic and \insert ?x (insert ?y ?A) = insert ?y (insert ?x ?A)\ for sets. Such rules are common enough to merit special attention. Because ordinary rewriting loops given such rules, the Simplifier employs a special strategy, called \<^emph>\ordered rewriting\. Permutative rules are detected and only applied if the rewriting step decreases the redex wrt.\ a given term ordering. For example, commutativity rewrites \b + a\ to \a + b\, but then stops, because the redex cannot be decreased further in the sense of the term ordering. The default is lexicographic ordering of term structure, but this could be also changed locally for special applications via @{define_ML Simplifier.set_term_ord} in Isabelle/ML. \<^medskip> Permutative rewrite rules are declared to the Simplifier just like other rewrite rules. Their special status is recognized automatically, and their application is guarded by the term ordering accordingly. \ subsubsection \Rewriting with AC operators\ text \ Ordered rewriting is particularly effective in the case of associative-commutative operators. (Associativity by itself is not permutative.) When dealing with an AC-operator \f\, keep the following points in mind: \<^item> The associative law must always be oriented from left to right, namely \f (f x y) z = f x (f y z)\. The opposite orientation, if used with commutativity, leads to looping in conjunction with the standard term order. \<^item> To complete your set of rewrite rules, you must add not just associativity (A) and commutativity (C) but also a derived rule \<^emph>\left-commutativity\ (LC): \f x (f y z) = f y (f x z)\. Ordered rewriting with the combination of A, C, and LC sorts a term lexicographically --- the rewriting engine imitates bubble-sort. \ experiment fixes f :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infix "\" 60) assumes assoc: "(x \ y) \ z = x \ (y \ z)" assumes commute: "x \ y = y \ x" begin lemma left_commute: "x \ (y \ z) = y \ (x \ z)" proof - have "(x \ y) \ z = (y \ x) \ z" by (simp only: commute) then show ?thesis by (simp only: assoc) qed lemmas AC_rules = assoc commute left_commute text \ Thus the Simplifier is able to establish equalities with arbitrary permutations of subterms, by normalizing to a common standard form. For example: \ lemma "(b \ c) \ a = xxx" apply (simp only: AC_rules) txt \\<^subgoals>\ oops lemma "(b \ c) \ a = a \ (b \ c)" by (simp only: AC_rules) lemma "(b \ c) \ a = c \ (b \ a)" by (simp only: AC_rules) lemma "(b \ c) \ a = (c \ b) \ a" by (simp only: AC_rules) end text \ Martin and Nipkow \<^cite>\"martin-nipkow"\ discuss the theory and give many examples; other algebraic structures are amenable to ordered rewriting, such as Boolean rings. The Boyer-Moore theorem prover \<^cite>\bm88book\ also employs ordered rewriting. \ subsubsection \Re-orienting equalities\ text \Another application of ordered rewriting uses the derived rule @{thm [source] eq_commute}: @{thm [source = false] eq_commute} to reverse equations. This is occasionally useful to re-orient local assumptions according to the term ordering, when other built-in mechanisms of reorientation and mutual simplification fail to apply.\ subsection \Simplifier tracing and debugging \label{sec:simp-trace}\ text \ \begin{tabular}{rcll} @{attribute_def simp_trace} & : & \attribute\ & default \false\ \\ @{attribute_def simp_trace_depth_limit} & : & \attribute\ & default \1\ \\ @{attribute_def simp_debug} & : & \attribute\ & default \false\ \\ @{attribute_def simp_trace_new} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def simp_break} & : & \attribute\ \\ \end{tabular} \<^medskip> \<^rail>\ @@{attribute simp_trace_new} ('interactive')? \ ('mode' '=' ('full' | 'normal'))? \ ('depth' '=' @{syntax nat})? ; @@{attribute simp_break} (@{syntax term}*) \ These attributes and configurations options control various aspects of Simplifier tracing and debugging. \<^descr> @{attribute simp_trace} makes the Simplifier output internal operations. This includes rewrite steps, but also bookkeeping like modifications of the simpset. \<^descr> @{attribute simp_trace_depth_limit} limits the effect of @{attribute simp_trace} to the given depth of recursive Simplifier invocations (when solving conditions of rewrite rules). \<^descr> @{attribute simp_debug} makes the Simplifier output some extra information about internal operations. This includes any attempted invocation of simplification procedures. \<^descr> @{attribute simp_trace_new} controls Simplifier tracing within Isabelle/PIDE applications, notably Isabelle/jEdit \<^cite>\"isabelle-jedit"\. This provides a hierarchical representation of the rewriting steps performed by the Simplifier. Users can configure the behaviour by specifying breakpoints, verbosity and enabling or disabling the interactive mode. In normal verbosity (the default), only rule applications matching a breakpoint will be shown to the user. In full verbosity, all rule applications will be logged. Interactive mode interrupts the normal flow of the Simplifier and defers the decision how to continue to the user via some GUI dialog. \<^descr> @{attribute simp_break} declares term or theorem breakpoints for @{attribute simp_trace_new} as described above. Term breakpoints are patterns which are checked for matches on the redex of a rule application. Theorem breakpoints trigger when the corresponding theorem is applied in a rewrite step. For example: \ (*<*)experiment begin(*>*) declare conjI [simp_break] declare [[simp_break "?x \ ?y"]] (*<*)end(*>*) subsection \Simplification procedures \label{sec:simproc}\ text \ Simplification procedures are ML functions that produce proven rewrite rules on demand. They are associated with higher-order patterns that approximate the left-hand sides of equations. The Simplifier first matches the current redex against one of the LHS patterns; if this succeeds, the corresponding ML function is invoked, passing the Simplifier context and redex term. Thus rules may be specifically fashioned for particular situations, resulting in a more powerful mechanism than term rewriting by a fixed set of rules. Any successful result needs to be a (possibly conditional) rewrite rule \t \ u\ that is applicable to the current redex. The rule will be applied just as any ordinary rewrite rule. It is expected to be already in \<^emph>\internal form\, bypassing the automatic preprocessing of object-level equivalences. \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{command_def "simproc_setup"} & : & \local_theory \ local_theory\ \\ simproc & : & \attribute\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ @@{command simproc_setup} @{syntax name} '(' (@{syntax term} + '|') ')' '=' @{syntax text}; @@{attribute simproc} (('add' ':')? | 'del' ':') (@{syntax name}+) \ \<^descr> @{command "simproc_setup"} defines a named simplification procedure that is invoked by the Simplifier whenever any of the given term patterns match the current redex. The implementation, which is provided as ML source text, needs to be of type \<^ML_type>\morphism -> Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option\, where the \<^ML_type>\cterm\ represents the current redex \r\ and the result is supposed to be some proven rewrite rule \r \ r'\ (or a generalized version), or \<^ML>\NONE\ to indicate failure. The \<^ML_type>\Proof.context\ argument holds the full context of the current Simplifier invocation. The \<^ML_type>\morphism\ informs about the difference of the original compilation context wrt.\ the one of the actual application later on. Morphisms are only relevant for simprocs that are defined within a local target context, e.g.\ in a locale. \<^descr> \simproc add: name\ and \simproc del: name\ add or delete named simprocs to the current Simplifier context. The default is to add a simproc. Note that @{command "simproc_setup"} already adds the new simproc to the subsequent context. \ subsubsection \Example\ text \ The following simplification procedure for @{thm [source = false, show_types] unit_eq} in HOL performs fine-grained control over rule application, beyond higher-order pattern matching. Declaring @{thm unit_eq} as @{attribute simp} directly would make the Simplifier loop! Note that a version of this simplification procedure is already active in Isabelle/HOL. \ (*<*)experiment begin(*>*) simproc_setup unit ("x::unit") = - \fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + \K (K (fn ct => if HOLogic.is_unit (Thm.term_of ct) then NONE - else SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm unit_eq})\ + else SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm unit_eq})))\ (*<*)end(*>*) text \ Since the Simplifier applies simplification procedures frequently, it is important to make the failure check in ML reasonably fast.\ subsection \Configurable Simplifier strategies \label{sec:simp-strategies}\ text \ The core term-rewriting engine of the Simplifier is normally used in combination with some add-on components that modify the strategy and allow to integrate other non-Simplifier proof tools. These may be reconfigured in ML as explained below. Even if the default strategies of object-logics like Isabelle/HOL are used unchanged, it helps to understand how the standard Simplifier strategies work.\ subsubsection \The subgoaler\ text \ \begin{mldecls} @{define_ML Simplifier.set_subgoaler: "(Proof.context -> int -> tactic) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML Simplifier.prems_of: "Proof.context -> thm list"} \\ \end{mldecls} The subgoaler is the tactic used to solve subgoals arising out of conditional rewrite rules or congruence rules. The default should be simplification itself. In rare situations, this strategy may need to be changed. For example, if the premise of a conditional rule is an instance of its conclusion, as in \Suc ?m < ?n \ ?m < ?n\, the default strategy could loop. % FIXME !?? \<^descr> \<^ML>\Simplifier.set_subgoaler\~\tac ctxt\ sets the subgoaler of the context to \tac\. The tactic will be applied to the context of the running Simplifier instance. \<^descr> \<^ML>\Simplifier.prems_of\~\ctxt\ retrieves the current set of premises from the context. This may be non-empty only if the Simplifier has been told to utilize local assumptions in the first place (cf.\ the options in \secref{sec:simp-meth}). As an example, consider the following alternative subgoaler: \ ML_val \ fun subgoaler_tac ctxt = assume_tac ctxt ORELSE' resolve_tac ctxt (Simplifier.prems_of ctxt) ORELSE' asm_simp_tac ctxt \ text \ This tactic first tries to solve the subgoal by assumption or by resolving with with one of the premises, calling simplification only if that fails.\ subsubsection \The solver\ text \ \begin{mldecls} @{define_ML_type solver} \\ @{define_ML Simplifier.mk_solver: "string -> (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) -> solver"} \\ @{define_ML_infix setSolver: "Proof.context * solver -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix addSolver: "Proof.context * solver -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix setSSolver: "Proof.context * solver -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix addSSolver: "Proof.context * solver -> Proof.context"} \\ \end{mldecls} A solver is a tactic that attempts to solve a subgoal after simplification. Its core functionality is to prove trivial subgoals such as \<^prop>\True\ and \t = t\, but object-logics might be more ambitious. For example, Isabelle/HOL performs a restricted version of linear arithmetic here. Solvers are packaged up in abstract type \<^ML_type>\solver\, with \<^ML>\Simplifier.mk_solver\ as the only operation to create a solver. \<^medskip> Rewriting does not instantiate unknowns. For example, rewriting alone cannot prove \a \ ?A\ since this requires instantiating \?A\. The solver, however, is an arbitrary tactic and may instantiate unknowns as it pleases. This is the only way the Simplifier can handle a conditional rewrite rule whose condition contains extra variables. When a simplification tactic is to be combined with other provers, especially with the Classical Reasoner, it is important whether it can be considered safe or not. For this reason a simpset contains two solvers: safe and unsafe. The standard simplification strategy solely uses the unsafe solver, which is appropriate in most cases. For special applications where the simplification process is not allowed to instantiate unknowns within the goal, simplification starts with the safe solver, but may still apply the ordinary unsafe one in nested simplifications for conditional rules or congruences. Note that in this way the overall tactic is not totally safe: it may instantiate unknowns that appear also in other subgoals. \<^descr> \<^ML>\Simplifier.mk_solver\~\name tac\ turns \tac\ into a solver; the \name\ is only attached as a comment and has no further significance. \<^descr> \ctxt setSSolver solver\ installs \solver\ as the safe solver of \ctxt\. \<^descr> \ctxt addSSolver solver\ adds \solver\ as an additional safe solver; it will be tried after the solvers which had already been present in \ctxt\. \<^descr> \ctxt setSolver solver\ installs \solver\ as the unsafe solver of \ctxt\. \<^descr> \ctxt addSolver solver\ adds \solver\ as an additional unsafe solver; it will be tried after the solvers which had already been present in \ctxt\. \<^medskip> The solver tactic is invoked with the context of the running Simplifier. Further operations may be used to retrieve relevant information, such as the list of local Simplifier premises via \<^ML>\Simplifier.prems_of\ --- this list may be non-empty only if the Simplifier runs in a mode that utilizes local assumptions (see also \secref{sec:simp-meth}). The solver is also presented the full goal including its assumptions in any case. Thus it can use these (e.g.\ by calling \<^ML>\assume_tac\), even if the Simplifier proper happens to ignore local premises at the moment. \<^medskip> As explained before, the subgoaler is also used to solve the premises of congruence rules. These are usually of the form \s = ?x\, where \s\ needs to be simplified and \?x\ needs to be instantiated with the result. Typically, the subgoaler will invoke the Simplifier at some point, which will eventually call the solver. For this reason, solver tactics must be prepared to solve goals of the form \t = ?x\, usually by reflexivity. In particular, reflexivity should be tried before any of the fancy automated proof tools. It may even happen that due to simplification the subgoal is no longer an equality. For example, \False \ ?Q\ could be rewritten to \\ ?Q\. To cover this case, the solver could try resolving with the theorem \\ False\ of the object-logic. \<^medskip> \begin{warn} If a premise of a congruence rule cannot be proved, then the congruence is ignored. This should only happen if the rule is \<^emph>\conditional\ --- that is, contains premises not of the form \t = ?x\. Otherwise it indicates that some congruence rule, or possibly the subgoaler or solver, is faulty. \end{warn} \ subsubsection \The looper\ text \ \begin{mldecls} @{define_ML_infix setloop: "Proof.context * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix addloop: "Proof.context * (string * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic)) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix delloop: "Proof.context * string -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML Splitter.add_split: "thm -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML Splitter.add_split: "thm -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML Splitter.add_split_bang: " thm -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML Splitter.del_split: "thm -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\ \end{mldecls} The looper is a list of tactics that are applied after simplification, in case the solver failed to solve the simplified goal. If the looper succeeds, the simplification process is started all over again. Each of the subgoals generated by the looper is attacked in turn, in reverse order. A typical looper is \<^emph>\case splitting\: the expansion of a conditional. Another possibility is to apply an elimination rule on the assumptions. More adventurous loopers could start an induction. \<^descr> \ctxt setloop tac\ installs \tac\ as the only looper tactic of \ctxt\. \<^descr> \ctxt addloop (name, tac)\ adds \tac\ as an additional looper tactic with name \name\, which is significant for managing the collection of loopers. The tactic will be tried after the looper tactics that had already been present in \ctxt\. \<^descr> \ctxt delloop name\ deletes the looper tactic that was associated with \name\ from \ctxt\. \<^descr> \<^ML>\Splitter.add_split\~\thm ctxt\ adds split tactic for \thm\ as additional looper tactic of \ctxt\ (overwriting previous split tactic for the same constant). \<^descr> \<^ML>\Splitter.add_split_bang\~\thm ctxt\ adds aggressive (see \S\ref{sec:simp-meth}) split tactic for \thm\ as additional looper tactic of \ctxt\ (overwriting previous split tactic for the same constant). \<^descr> \<^ML>\Splitter.del_split\~\thm ctxt\ deletes the split tactic corresponding to \thm\ from the looper tactics of \ctxt\. The splitter replaces applications of a given function; the right-hand side of the replacement can be anything. For example, here is a splitting rule for conditional expressions: @{text [display] "?P (if ?Q ?x ?y) \ (?Q \ ?P ?x) \ (\ ?Q \ ?P ?y)"} Another example is the elimination operator for Cartesian products (which happens to be called \<^const>\case_prod\ in Isabelle/HOL: @{text [display] "?P (case_prod ?f ?p) \ (\a b. ?p = (a, b) \ ?P (f a b))"} For technical reasons, there is a distinction between case splitting in the conclusion and in the premises of a subgoal. The former is done by \<^ML>\Splitter.split_tac\ with rules like @{thm [source] if_split} or @{thm [source] option.split}, which do not split the subgoal, while the latter is done by \<^ML>\Splitter.split_asm_tac\ with rules like @{thm [source] if_split_asm} or @{thm [source] option.split_asm}, which split the subgoal. The function \<^ML>\Splitter.add_split\ automatically takes care of which tactic to call, analyzing the form of the rules given as argument; it is the same operation behind \split\ attribute or method modifier syntax in the Isar source language. Case splits should be allowed only when necessary; they are expensive and hard to control. Case-splitting on if-expressions in the conclusion is usually beneficial, so it is enabled by default in Isabelle/HOL and Isabelle/FOL/ZF. \begin{warn} With \<^ML>\Splitter.split_asm_tac\ as looper component, the Simplifier may split subgoals! This might cause unexpected problems in tactic expressions that silently assume 0 or 1 subgoals after simplification. \end{warn} \ subsection \Forward simplification \label{sec:simp-forward}\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{attribute_def simplified} & : & \attribute\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ @@{attribute simplified} opt? @{syntax thms}? ; opt: '(' ('no_asm' | 'no_asm_simp' | 'no_asm_use') ')' \ \<^descr> @{attribute simplified}~\a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>n\ causes a theorem to be simplified, either by exactly the specified rules \a\<^sub>1, \, a\<^sub>n\, or the implicit Simplifier context if no arguments are given. The result is fully simplified by default, including assumptions and conclusion; the options \no_asm\ etc.\ tune the Simplifier in the same way as the for the \simp\ method. Note that forward simplification restricts the Simplifier to its most basic operation of term rewriting; solver and looper tactics (\secref{sec:simp-strategies}) are \<^emph>\not\ involved here. The @{attribute simplified} attribute should be only rarely required under normal circumstances. \ section \The Classical Reasoner \label{sec:classical}\ subsection \Basic concepts\ text \Although Isabelle is generic, many users will be working in some extension of classical first-order logic. Isabelle/ZF is built upon theory FOL, while Isabelle/HOL conceptually contains first-order logic as a fragment. Theorem-proving in predicate logic is undecidable, but many automated strategies have been developed to assist in this task. Isabelle's classical reasoner is a generic package that accepts certain information about a logic and delivers a suite of automatic proof tools, based on rules that are classified and declared in the context. These proof procedures are slow and simplistic compared with high-end automated theorem provers, but they can save considerable time and effort in practice. They can prove theorems such as Pelletier's \<^cite>\pelletier86\ problems 40 and 41 in a few milliseconds (including full proof reconstruction):\ lemma "(\y. \x. F x y \ F x x) \ \ (\x. \y. \z. F z y \ \ F z x)" by blast lemma "(\z. \y. \x. f x y \ f x z \ \ f x x) \ \ (\z. \x. f x z)" by blast text \The proof tools are generic. They are not restricted to first-order logic, and have been heavily used in the development of the Isabelle/HOL library and applications. The tactics can be traced, and their components can be called directly; in this manner, any proof can be viewed interactively.\ subsubsection \The sequent calculus\ text \Isabelle supports natural deduction, which is easy to use for interactive proof. But natural deduction does not easily lend itself to automation, and has a bias towards intuitionism. For certain proofs in classical logic, it can not be called natural. The \<^emph>\sequent calculus\, a generalization of natural deduction, is easier to automate. A \<^bold>\sequent\ has the form \\ \ \\, where \\\ and \\\ are sets of formulae.\<^footnote>\For first-order logic, sequents can equivalently be made from lists or multisets of formulae.\ The sequent \P\<^sub>1, \, P\<^sub>m \ Q\<^sub>1, \, Q\<^sub>n\ is \<^bold>\valid\ if \P\<^sub>1 \ \ \ P\<^sub>m\ implies \Q\<^sub>1 \ \ \ Q\<^sub>n\. Thus \P\<^sub>1, \, P\<^sub>m\ represent assumptions, each of which is true, while \Q\<^sub>1, \, Q\<^sub>n\ represent alternative goals. A sequent is \<^bold>\basic\ if its left and right sides have a common formula, as in \P, Q \ Q, R\; basic sequents are trivially valid. Sequent rules are classified as \<^bold>\right\ or \<^bold>\left\, indicating which side of the \\\ symbol they operate on. Rules that operate on the right side are analogous to natural deduction's introduction rules, and left rules are analogous to elimination rules. The sequent calculus analogue of \(\I)\ is the rule \[ \infer[\(\R)\]{\\ \ \, P \ Q\}{\P, \ \ \, Q\} \] Applying the rule backwards, this breaks down some implication on the right side of a sequent; \\\ and \\\ stand for the sets of formulae that are unaffected by the inference. The analogue of the pair \(\I1)\ and \(\I2)\ is the single rule \[ \infer[\(\R)\]{\\ \ \, P \ Q\}{\\ \ \, P, Q\} \] This breaks down some disjunction on the right side, replacing it by both disjuncts. Thus, the sequent calculus is a kind of multiple-conclusion logic. To illustrate the use of multiple formulae on the right, let us prove the classical theorem \(P \ Q) \ (Q \ P)\. Working backwards, we reduce this formula to a basic sequent: \[ \infer[\(\R)\]{\\ (P \ Q) \ (Q \ P)\} {\infer[\(\R)\]{\\ (P \ Q), (Q \ P)\} {\infer[\(\R)\]{\P \ Q, (Q \ P)\} {\P, Q \ Q, P\}}} \] This example is typical of the sequent calculus: start with the desired theorem and apply rules backwards in a fairly arbitrary manner. This yields a surprisingly effective proof procedure. Quantifiers add only few complications, since Isabelle handles parameters and schematic variables. See \<^cite>\\Chapter 10\ in "paulson-ml2"\ for further discussion.\ subsubsection \Simulating sequents by natural deduction\ text \Isabelle can represent sequents directly, as in the object-logic LK. But natural deduction is easier to work with, and most object-logics employ it. Fortunately, we can simulate the sequent \P\<^sub>1, \, P\<^sub>m \ Q\<^sub>1, \, Q\<^sub>n\ by the Isabelle formula \P\<^sub>1 \ \ \ P\<^sub>m \ \ Q\<^sub>2 \ ... \ \ Q\<^sub>n \ Q\<^sub>1\ where the order of the assumptions and the choice of \Q\<^sub>1\ are arbitrary. Elim-resolution plays a key role in simulating sequent proofs. We can easily handle reasoning on the left. Elim-resolution with the rules \(\E)\, \(\E)\ and \(\E)\ achieves a similar effect as the corresponding sequent rules. For the other connectives, we use sequent-style elimination rules instead of destruction rules such as \(\E1, 2)\ and \(\E)\. But note that the rule \(\L)\ has no effect under our representation of sequents! \[ \infer[\(\L)\]{\\ P, \ \ \\}{\\ \ \, P\} \] What about reasoning on the right? Introduction rules can only affect the formula in the conclusion, namely \Q\<^sub>1\. The other right-side formulae are represented as negated assumptions, \\ Q\<^sub>2, \, \ Q\<^sub>n\. In order to operate on one of these, it must first be exchanged with \Q\<^sub>1\. Elim-resolution with the \swap\ rule has this effect: \\ P \ (\ R \ P) \ R\ To ensure that swaps occur only when necessary, each introduction rule is converted into a swapped form: it is resolved with the second premise of \(swap)\. The swapped form of \(\I)\, which might be called \(\\E)\, is @{text [display] "\ (P \ Q) \ (\ R \ P) \ (\ R \ Q) \ R"} Similarly, the swapped form of \(\I)\ is @{text [display] "\ (P \ Q) \ (\ R \ P \ Q) \ R"} Swapped introduction rules are applied using elim-resolution, which deletes the negated formula. Our representation of sequents also requires the use of ordinary introduction rules. If we had no regard for readability of intermediate goal states, we could treat the right side more uniformly by representing sequents as @{text [display] "P\<^sub>1 \ \ \ P\<^sub>m \ \ Q\<^sub>1 \ \ \ \ Q\<^sub>n \ \"} \ subsubsection \Extra rules for the sequent calculus\ text \As mentioned, destruction rules such as \(\E1, 2)\ and \(\E)\ must be replaced by sequent-style elimination rules. In addition, we need rules to embody the classical equivalence between \P \ Q\ and \\ P \ Q\. The introduction rules \(\I1, 2)\ are replaced by a rule that simulates \(\R)\: @{text [display] "(\ Q \ P) \ P \ Q"} The destruction rule \(\E)\ is replaced by @{text [display] "(P \ Q) \ (\ P \ R) \ (Q \ R) \ R"} Quantifier replication also requires special rules. In classical logic, \\x. P x\ is equivalent to \\ (\x. \ P x)\; the rules \(\R)\ and \(\L)\ are dual: \[ \infer[\(\R)\]{\\ \ \, \x. P x\}{\\ \ \, \x. P x, P t\} \qquad \infer[\(\L)\]{\\x. P x, \ \ \\}{\P t, \x. P x, \ \ \\} \] Thus both kinds of quantifier may be replicated. Theorems requiring multiple uses of a universal formula are easy to invent; consider @{text [display] "(\x. P x \ P (f x)) \ P a \ P (f\<^sup>n a)"} for any \n > 1\. Natural examples of the multiple use of an existential formula are rare; a standard one is \\x. \y. P x \ P y\. Forgoing quantifier replication loses completeness, but gains decidability, since the search space becomes finite. Many useful theorems can be proved without replication, and the search generally delivers its verdict in a reasonable time. To adopt this approach, represent the sequent rules \(\R)\, \(\L)\ and \(\R)\ by \(\I)\, \(\E)\ and \(\I)\, respectively, and put \(\E)\ into elimination form: @{text [display] "\x. P x \ (P t \ Q) \ Q"} Elim-resolution with this rule will delete the universal formula after a single use. To replicate universal quantifiers, replace the rule by @{text [display] "\x. P x \ (P t \ \x. P x \ Q) \ Q"} To replicate existential quantifiers, replace \(\I)\ by @{text [display] "(\ (\x. P x) \ P t) \ \x. P x"} All introduction rules mentioned above are also useful in swapped form. Replication makes the search space infinite; we must apply the rules with care. The classical reasoner distinguishes between safe and unsafe rules, applying the latter only when there is no alternative. Depth-first search may well go down a blind alley; best-first search is better behaved in an infinite search space. However, quantifier replication is too expensive to prove any but the simplest theorems. \ subsection \Rule declarations\ text \The proof tools of the Classical Reasoner depend on collections of rules declared in the context, which are classified as introduction, elimination or destruction and as \<^emph>\safe\ or \<^emph>\unsafe\. In general, safe rules can be attempted blindly, while unsafe rules must be used with care. A safe rule must never reduce a provable goal to an unprovable set of subgoals. The rule \P \ P \ Q\ is unsafe because it reduces \P \ Q\ to \P\, which might turn out as premature choice of an unprovable subgoal. Any rule whose premises contain new unknowns is unsafe. The elimination rule \\x. P x \ (P t \ Q) \ Q\ is unsafe, since it is applied via elim-resolution, which discards the assumption \\x. P x\ and replaces it by the weaker assumption \P t\. The rule \P t \ \x. P x\ is unsafe for similar reasons. The quantifier duplication rule \\x. P x \ (P t \ \x. P x \ Q) \ Q\ is unsafe in a different sense: since it keeps the assumption \\x. P x\, it is prone to looping. In classical first-order logic, all rules are safe except those mentioned above. The safe~/ unsafe distinction is vague, and may be regarded merely as a way of giving some rules priority over others. One could argue that \(\E)\ is unsafe, because repeated application of it could generate exponentially many subgoals. Induction rules are unsafe because inductive proofs are difficult to set up automatically. Any inference that instantiates an unknown in the proof state is unsafe --- thus matching must be used, rather than unification. Even proof by assumption is unsafe if it instantiates unknowns shared with other subgoals. \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{command_def "print_claset"}\\<^sup>*\ & : & \context \\ \\ @{attribute_def intro} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def elim} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def dest} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def rule} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def iff} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def swapped} & : & \attribute\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ (@@{attribute intro} | @@{attribute elim} | @@{attribute dest}) ('!' | () | '?') @{syntax nat}? ; @@{attribute rule} 'del' ; @@{attribute iff} (((() | 'add') '?'?) | 'del') \ \<^descr> @{command "print_claset"} prints the collection of rules declared to the Classical Reasoner, i.e.\ the \<^ML_type>\claset\ within the context. \<^descr> @{attribute intro}, @{attribute elim}, and @{attribute dest} declare introduction, elimination, and destruction rules, respectively. By default, rules are considered as \<^emph>\unsafe\ (i.e.\ not applied blindly without backtracking), while ``\!\'' classifies as \<^emph>\safe\. Rule declarations marked by ``\?\'' coincide with those of Isabelle/Pure, cf.\ \secref{sec:pure-meth-att} (i.e.\ are only applied in single steps of the @{method rule} method). The optional natural number specifies an explicit weight argument, which is ignored by the automated reasoning tools, but determines the search order of single rule steps. Introduction rules are those that can be applied using ordinary resolution. Their swapped forms are generated internally, which will be applied using elim-resolution. Elimination rules are applied using elim-resolution. Rules are sorted by the number of new subgoals they will yield; rules that generate the fewest subgoals will be tried first. Otherwise, later declarations take precedence over earlier ones. Rules already present in the context with the same classification are ignored. A warning is printed if the rule has already been added with some other classification, but the rule is added anyway as requested. \<^descr> @{attribute rule}~\del\ deletes all occurrences of a rule from the classical context, regardless of its classification as introduction~/ elimination~/ destruction and safe~/ unsafe. \<^descr> @{attribute iff} declares logical equivalences to the Simplifier and the Classical reasoner at the same time. Non-conditional rules result in a safe introduction and elimination pair; conditional ones are considered unsafe. Rules with negative conclusion are automatically inverted (using \\\-elimination internally). The ``\?\'' version of @{attribute iff} declares rules to the Isabelle/Pure context only, and omits the Simplifier declaration. \<^descr> @{attribute swapped} turns an introduction rule into an elimination, by resolving with the classical swap principle \\ P \ (\ R \ P) \ R\ in the second position. This is mainly for illustrative purposes: the Classical Reasoner already swaps rules internally as explained above. \ subsection \Structured methods\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{method_def rule} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def contradiction} & : & \method\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ @@{method rule} @{syntax thms}? \ \<^descr> @{method rule} as offered by the Classical Reasoner is a refinement over the Pure one (see \secref{sec:pure-meth-att}). Both versions work the same, but the classical version observes the classical rule context in addition to that of Isabelle/Pure. Common object logics (HOL, ZF, etc.) declare a rich collection of classical rules (even if these would qualify as intuitionistic ones), but only few declarations to the rule context of Isabelle/Pure (\secref{sec:pure-meth-att}). \<^descr> @{method contradiction} solves some goal by contradiction, deriving any result from both \\ A\ and \A\. Chained facts, which are guaranteed to participate, may appear in either order. \ subsection \Fully automated methods\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{method_def blast} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def auto} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def force} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def fast} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def slow} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def best} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def fastforce} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def slowsimp} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def bestsimp} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def deepen} & : & \method\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ @@{method blast} @{syntax nat}? (@{syntax clamod} * ) ; @@{method auto} (@{syntax nat} @{syntax nat})? (@{syntax clasimpmod} * ) ; @@{method force} (@{syntax clasimpmod} * ) ; (@@{method fast} | @@{method slow} | @@{method best}) (@{syntax clamod} * ) ; (@@{method fastforce} | @@{method slowsimp} | @@{method bestsimp}) (@{syntax clasimpmod} * ) ; @@{method deepen} (@{syntax nat} ?) (@{syntax clamod} * ) ; @{syntax_def clamod}: (('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?') | 'del') ':' @{syntax thms} ; @{syntax_def clasimpmod}: ('simp' (() | 'add' | 'del' | 'only') | 'cong' (() | 'add' | 'del') | 'split' (() | '!' | 'del') | 'iff' (((() | 'add') '?'?) | 'del') | (('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?') | 'del')) ':' @{syntax thms} \ \<^descr> @{method blast} is a separate classical tableau prover that uses the same classical rule declarations as explained before. Proof search is coded directly in ML using special data structures. A successful proof is then reconstructed using regular Isabelle inferences. It is faster and more powerful than the other classical reasoning tools, but has major limitations too. \<^item> It does not use the classical wrapper tacticals, such as the integration with the Simplifier of @{method fastforce}. \<^item> It does not perform higher-order unification, as needed by the rule @{thm [source=false] rangeI} in HOL. There are often alternatives to such rules, for example @{thm [source=false] range_eqI}. \<^item> Function variables may only be applied to parameters of the subgoal. (This restriction arises because the prover does not use higher-order unification.) If other function variables are present then the prover will fail with the message @{verbatim [display] \Function unknown's argument not a bound variable\} \<^item> Its proof strategy is more general than @{method fast} but can be slower. If @{method blast} fails or seems to be running forever, try @{method fast} and the other proof tools described below. The optional integer argument specifies a bound for the number of unsafe steps used in a proof. By default, @{method blast} starts with a bound of 0 and increases it successively to 20. In contrast, \(blast lim)\ tries to prove the goal using a search bound of \lim\. Sometimes a slow proof using @{method blast} can be made much faster by supplying the successful search bound to this proof method instead. \<^descr> @{method auto} combines classical reasoning with simplification. It is intended for situations where there are a lot of mostly trivial subgoals; it proves all the easy ones, leaving the ones it cannot prove. Occasionally, attempting to prove the hard ones may take a long time. The optional depth arguments in \(auto m n)\ refer to its builtin classical reasoning procedures: \m\ (default 4) is for @{method blast}, which is tried first, and \n\ (default 2) is for a slower but more general alternative that also takes wrappers into account. \<^descr> @{method force} is intended to prove the first subgoal completely, using many fancy proof tools and performing a rather exhaustive search. As a result, proof attempts may take rather long or diverge easily. \<^descr> @{method fast}, @{method best}, @{method slow} attempt to prove the first subgoal using sequent-style reasoning as explained before. Unlike @{method blast}, they construct proofs directly in Isabelle. There is a difference in search strategy and back-tracking: @{method fast} uses depth-first search and @{method best} uses best-first search (guided by a heuristic function: normally the total size of the proof state). Method @{method slow} is like @{method fast}, but conducts a broader search: it may, when backtracking from a failed proof attempt, undo even the step of proving a subgoal by assumption. \<^descr> @{method fastforce}, @{method slowsimp}, @{method bestsimp} are like @{method fast}, @{method slow}, @{method best}, respectively, but use the Simplifier as additional wrapper. The name @{method fastforce}, reflects the behaviour of this popular method better without requiring an understanding of its implementation. \<^descr> @{method deepen} works by exhaustive search up to a certain depth. The start depth is 4 (unless specified explicitly), and the depth is increased iteratively up to 10. Unsafe rules are modified to preserve the formula they act on, so that it be used repeatedly. This method can prove more goals than @{method fast}, but is much slower, for example if the assumptions have many universal quantifiers. Any of the above methods support additional modifiers of the context of classical (and simplifier) rules, but the ones related to the Simplifier are explicitly prefixed by \simp\ here. The semantics of these ad-hoc rule declarations is analogous to the attributes given before. Facts provided by forward chaining are inserted into the goal before commencing proof search. \ subsection \Partially automated methods\label{sec:classical:partial}\ text \These proof methods may help in situations when the fully-automated tools fail. The result is a simpler subgoal that can be tackled by other means, such as by manual instantiation of quantifiers. \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{method_def safe} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def clarify} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def clarsimp} & : & \method\ \\ \end{matharray} \<^rail>\ (@@{method safe} | @@{method clarify}) (@{syntax clamod} * ) ; @@{method clarsimp} (@{syntax clasimpmod} * ) \ \<^descr> @{method safe} repeatedly performs safe steps on all subgoals. It is deterministic, with at most one outcome. \<^descr> @{method clarify} performs a series of safe steps without splitting subgoals; see also @{method clarify_step}. \<^descr> @{method clarsimp} acts like @{method clarify}, but also does simplification. Note that if the Simplifier context includes a splitter for the premises, the subgoal may still be split. \ subsection \Single-step tactics\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{method_def safe_step} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def inst_step} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def step} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def slow_step} & : & \method\ \\ @{method_def clarify_step} & : & \method\ \\ \end{matharray} These are the primitive tactics behind the automated proof methods of the Classical Reasoner. By calling them yourself, you can execute these procedures one step at a time. \<^descr> @{method safe_step} performs a safe step on the first subgoal. The safe wrapper tacticals are applied to a tactic that may include proof by assumption or Modus Ponens (taking care not to instantiate unknowns), or substitution. \<^descr> @{method inst_step} is like @{method safe_step}, but allows unknowns to be instantiated. \<^descr> @{method step} is the basic step of the proof procedure, it operates on the first subgoal. The unsafe wrapper tacticals are applied to a tactic that tries @{method safe}, @{method inst_step}, or applies an unsafe rule from the context. \<^descr> @{method slow_step} resembles @{method step}, but allows backtracking between using safe rules with instantiation (@{method inst_step}) and using unsafe rules. The resulting search space is larger. \<^descr> @{method clarify_step} performs a safe step on the first subgoal; no splitting step is applied. For example, the subgoal \A \ B\ is left as a conjunction. Proof by assumption, Modus Ponens, etc., may be performed provided they do not instantiate unknowns. Assumptions of the form \x = t\ may be eliminated. The safe wrapper tactical is applied. \ subsection \Modifying the search step\ text \ \begin{mldecls} @{define_ML_type wrapper = "(int -> tactic) -> (int -> tactic)"} \\[0.5ex] @{define_ML_infix addSWrapper: "Proof.context * (string * (Proof.context -> wrapper)) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix addSbefore: "Proof.context * (string * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic)) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix addSafter: "Proof.context * (string * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic)) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix delSWrapper: "Proof.context * string -> Proof.context"} \\[0.5ex] @{define_ML_infix addWrapper: "Proof.context * (string * (Proof.context -> wrapper)) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix addbefore: "Proof.context * (string * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic)) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix addafter: "Proof.context * (string * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic)) -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML_infix delWrapper: "Proof.context * string -> Proof.context"} \\[0.5ex] @{define_ML addSss: "Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\ @{define_ML addss: "Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\ \end{mldecls} The proof strategy of the Classical Reasoner is simple. Perform as many safe inferences as possible; or else, apply certain safe rules, allowing instantiation of unknowns; or else, apply an unsafe rule. The tactics also eliminate assumptions of the form \x = t\ by substitution if they have been set up to do so. They may perform a form of Modus Ponens: if there are assumptions \P \ Q\ and \P\, then replace \P \ Q\ by \Q\. The classical reasoning tools --- except @{method blast} --- allow to modify this basic proof strategy by applying two lists of arbitrary \<^emph>\wrapper tacticals\ to it. The first wrapper list, which is considered to contain safe wrappers only, affects @{method safe_step} and all the tactics that call it. The second one, which may contain unsafe wrappers, affects the unsafe parts of @{method step}, @{method slow_step}, and the tactics that call them. A wrapper transforms each step of the search, for example by attempting other tactics before or after the original step tactic. All members of a wrapper list are applied in turn to the respective step tactic. Initially the two wrapper lists are empty, which means no modification of the step tactics. Safe and unsafe wrappers are added to the context with the functions given below, supplying them with wrapper names. These names may be used to selectively delete wrappers. \<^descr> \ctxt addSWrapper (name, wrapper)\ adds a new wrapper, which should yield a safe tactic, to modify the existing safe step tactic. \<^descr> \ctxt addSbefore (name, tac)\ adds the given tactic as a safe wrapper, such that it is tried \<^emph>\before\ each safe step of the search. \<^descr> \ctxt addSafter (name, tac)\ adds the given tactic as a safe wrapper, such that it is tried when a safe step of the search would fail. \<^descr> \ctxt delSWrapper name\ deletes the safe wrapper with the given name. \<^descr> \ctxt addWrapper (name, wrapper)\ adds a new wrapper to modify the existing (unsafe) step tactic. \<^descr> \ctxt addbefore (name, tac)\ adds the given tactic as an unsafe wrapper, such that it its result is concatenated \<^emph>\before\ the result of each unsafe step. \<^descr> \ctxt addafter (name, tac)\ adds the given tactic as an unsafe wrapper, such that it its result is concatenated \<^emph>\after\ the result of each unsafe step. \<^descr> \ctxt delWrapper name\ deletes the unsafe wrapper with the given name. \<^descr> \addSss\ adds the simpset of the context to its classical set. The assumptions and goal will be simplified, in a rather safe way, after each safe step of the search. \<^descr> \addss\ adds the simpset of the context to its classical set. The assumptions and goal will be simplified, before the each unsafe step of the search. \ section \Object-logic setup \label{sec:object-logic}\ text \ \begin{matharray}{rcl} @{command_def "judgment"} & : & \theory \ theory\ \\ @{method_def atomize} & : & \method\ \\ @{attribute_def atomize} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def rule_format} & : & \attribute\ \\ @{attribute_def rulify} & : & \attribute\ \\ \end{matharray} The very starting point for any Isabelle object-logic is a ``truth judgment'' that links object-level statements to the meta-logic (with its minimal language of \prop\ that covers universal quantification \\\ and implication \\\). Common object-logics are sufficiently expressive to internalize rule statements over \\\ and \\\ within their own language. This is useful in certain situations where a rule needs to be viewed as an atomic statement from the meta-level perspective, e.g.\ \\x. x \ A \ P x\ versus \\x \ A. P x\. From the following language elements, only the @{method atomize} method and @{attribute rule_format} attribute are occasionally required by end-users, the rest is for those who need to setup their own object-logic. In the latter case existing formulations of Isabelle/FOL or Isabelle/HOL may be taken as realistic examples. Generic tools may refer to the information provided by object-logic declarations internally. \<^rail>\ @@{command judgment} @{syntax name} '::' @{syntax type} @{syntax mixfix}? ; @@{attribute atomize} ('(' 'full' ')')? ; @@{attribute rule_format} ('(' 'noasm' ')')? \ \<^descr> @{command "judgment"}~\c :: \ (mx)\ declares constant \c\ as the truth judgment of the current object-logic. Its type \\\ should specify a coercion of the category of object-level propositions to \prop\ of the Pure meta-logic; the mixfix annotation \(mx)\ would typically just link the object language (internally of syntactic category \logic\) with that of \prop\. Only one @{command "judgment"} declaration may be given in any theory development. \<^descr> @{method atomize} (as a method) rewrites any non-atomic premises of a sub-goal, using the meta-level equations declared via @{attribute atomize} (as an attribute) beforehand. As a result, heavily nested goals become amenable to fundamental operations such as resolution (cf.\ the @{method (Pure) rule} method). Giving the ``\(full)\'' option here means to turn the whole subgoal into an object-statement (if possible), including the outermost parameters and assumptions as well. A typical collection of @{attribute atomize} rules for a particular object-logic would provide an internalization for each of the connectives of \\\, \\\, and \\\. Meta-level conjunction should be covered as well (this is particularly important for locales, see \secref{sec:locale}). \<^descr> @{attribute rule_format} rewrites a theorem by the equalities declared as @{attribute rulify} rules in the current object-logic. By default, the result is fully normalized, including assumptions and conclusions at any depth. The \(no_asm)\ option restricts the transformation to the conclusion of a rule. In common object-logics (HOL, FOL, ZF), the effect of @{attribute rule_format} is to replace (bounded) universal quantification (\\\) and implication (\\\) by the corresponding rule statements over \\\ and \\\. \ section \Tracing higher-order unification\ text \ \begin{tabular}{rcll} @{attribute_def unify_trace_simp} & : & \attribute\ & default \false\ \\ @{attribute_def unify_trace_types} & : & \attribute\ & default \false\ \\ @{attribute_def unify_trace_bound} & : & \attribute\ & default \50\ \\ @{attribute_def unify_search_bound} & : & \attribute\ & default \60\ \\ \end{tabular} \<^medskip> Higher-order unification works well in most practical situations, but sometimes needs extra care to identify problems. These tracing options may help. \<^descr> @{attribute unify_trace_simp} controls tracing of the simplification phase of higher-order unification. \<^descr> @{attribute unify_trace_types} controls warnings of incompleteness, when unification is not considering all possible instantiations of schematic type variables. \<^descr> @{attribute unify_trace_bound} determines the depth where unification starts to print tracing information once it reaches depth; 0 for full tracing. At the default value, tracing information is almost never printed in practice. \<^descr> @{attribute unify_search_bound} prevents unification from searching past the given depth. Because of this bound, higher-order unification cannot return an infinite sequence, though it can return an exponentially long one. The search rarely approaches the default value in practice. If the search is cut off, unification prints a warning ``Unification bound exceeded''. \begin{warn} Options for unification cannot be modified in a local context. Only the global theory content is taken into account. \end{warn} \ end diff --git a/src/HOL/Bali/Eval.thy b/src/HOL/Bali/Eval.thy --- a/src/HOL/Bali/Eval.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Bali/Eval.thy @@ -1,1179 +1,1179 @@ (* Title: HOL/Bali/Eval.thy Author: David von Oheimb *) subsection \Operational evaluation (big-step) semantics of Java expressions and statements \ theory Eval imports State DeclConcepts begin text \ improvements over Java Specification 1.0: \begin{itemize} \item dynamic method lookup does not need to consider the return type (cf. \item throw raises a NullPointer exception if a null reference is given, and each throw of a standard exception yield a fresh exception object (was not specified) \item if there is not enough memory even to allocate an OutOfMemory exception, evaluation/execution fails, i.e. simply stops (was not specified) \item array assignment checks lhs (and may throw exceptions) before evaluating rhs \item fixed exact positions of class initializations (immediate at first active use) \end{itemize} design issues: \begin{itemize} \item evaluation vs. (single-step) transition semantics evaluation semantics chosen, because: \begin{itemize} \item[++] less verbose and therefore easier to read (and to handle in proofs) \item[+] more abstract \item[+] intermediate values (appearing in recursive rules) need not be stored explicitly, e.g. no call body construct or stack of invocation frames containing local variables and return addresses for method calls needed \item[+] convenient rule induction for subject reduction theorem \item[-] no interleaving (for parallelism) can be described \item[-] stating a property of infinite executions requires the meta-level argument that this property holds for any finite prefixes of it (e.g. stopped using a counter that is decremented to zero and then throwing an exception) \end{itemize} \item unified evaluation for variables, expressions, expression lists, statements \item the value entry in statement rules is redundant \item the value entry in rules is irrelevant in case of exceptions, but its full inclusion helps to make the rule structure independent of exception occurrence. \item as irrelevant value entries are ignored, it does not matter if they are unique. For simplicity, (fixed) arbitrary values are preferred over "free" values. \item the rule format is such that the start state may contain an exception. \begin{itemize} \item[++] faciliates exception handling \item[+] symmetry \end{itemize} \item the rules are defined carefully in order to be applicable even in not type-correct situations (yielding undefined values), e.g. \the_Addr (Val (Bool b)) = undefined\. \begin{itemize} \item[++] fewer rules \item[-] less readable because of auxiliary functions like \the_Addr\ \end{itemize} Alternative: "defensive" evaluation throwing some InternalError exception in case of (impossible, for correct programs) type mismatches \item there is exactly one rule per syntactic construct \begin{itemize} \item[+] no redundancy in case distinctions \end{itemize} \item halloc fails iff there is no free heap address. When there is only one free heap address left, it returns an OutOfMemory exception. In this way it is guaranteed that when an OutOfMemory exception is thrown for the first time, there is a free location on the heap to allocate it. \item the allocation of objects that represent standard exceptions is deferred until execution of any enclosing catch clause, which is transparent to the program. \begin{itemize} \item[-] requires an auxiliary execution relation \item[++] avoids copies of allocation code and awkward case distinctions (whether there is enough memory to allocate the exception) in evaluation rules \end{itemize} \item unfortunately \new_Addr\ is not directly executable because of Hilbert operator. \end{itemize} simplifications: \begin{itemize} \item local variables are initialized with default values (no definite assignment) \item garbage collection not considered, therefore also no finalizers \item stack overflow and memory overflow during class initialization not modelled \item exceptions in initializations not replaced by ExceptionInInitializerError \end{itemize} \ type_synonym vvar = "val \ (val \ state \ state)" type_synonym vals = "(val, vvar, val list) sum3" translations (type) "vvar" <= (type) "val \ (val \ state \ state)" (type) "vals" <= (type) "(val, vvar, val list) sum3" text \To avoid redundancy and to reduce the number of rules, there is only one evaluation rule for each syntactic term. This is also true for variables (e.g. see the rules below for \LVar\, \FVar\ and \AVar\). So evaluation of a variable must capture both possible further uses: read (rule \Acc\) or write (rule \Ass\) to the variable. Therefor a variable evaluates to a special value \<^term>\vvar\, which is a pair, consisting of the current value (for later read access) and an update function (for later write access). Because during assignment to an array variable an exception may occur if the types don't match, the update function is very generic: it transforms the full state. This generic update function causes some technical trouble during some proofs (e.g. type safety, correctness of definite assignment). There we need to prove some additional invariant on this update function to prove the assignment correct, since the update function could potentially alter the whole state in an arbitrary manner. This invariant must be carried around through the whole induction. So for future approaches it may be better not to take such a generic update function, but only to store the address and the kind of variable (array (+ element type), local variable or field) for later assignment. \ abbreviation dummy_res :: "vals" ("\") where "\ == In1 Unit" abbreviation (input) val_inj_vals ("\_\\<^sub>e" 1000) where "\e\\<^sub>e == In1 e" abbreviation (input) var_inj_vals ("\_\\<^sub>v" 1000) where "\v\\<^sub>v == In2 v" abbreviation (input) lst_inj_vals ("\_\\<^sub>l" 1000) where "\es\\<^sub>l == In3 es" definition undefined3 :: "('al + 'ar, 'b, 'c) sum3 \ vals" where "undefined3 = case_sum3 (In1 \ case_sum (\x. undefined) (\x. Unit)) (\x. In2 undefined) (\x. In3 undefined)" lemma [simp]: "undefined3 (In1l x) = In1 undefined" by (simp add: undefined3_def) lemma [simp]: "undefined3 (In1r x) = \" by (simp add: undefined3_def) lemma [simp]: "undefined3 (In2 x) = In2 undefined" by (simp add: undefined3_def) lemma [simp]: "undefined3 (In3 x) = In3 undefined" by (simp add: undefined3_def) subsubsection "exception throwing and catching" definition throw :: "val \ abopt \ abopt" where "throw a' x = abrupt_if True (Some (Xcpt (Loc (the_Addr a')))) (np a' x)" lemma throw_def2: "throw a' x = abrupt_if True (Some (Xcpt (Loc (the_Addr a')))) (np a' x)" apply (unfold throw_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done definition fits :: "prog \ st \ val \ ty \ bool" ("_,_\_ fits _"[61,61,61,61]60) where "G,s\a' fits T = ((\rt. T=RefT rt) \ a'=Null \ G\obj_ty(lookup_obj s a')\T)" lemma fits_Null [simp]: "G,s\Null fits T" by (simp add: fits_def) lemma fits_Addr_RefT [simp]: "G,s\Addr a fits RefT t = G\obj_ty (the (heap s a))\RefT t" by (simp add: fits_def) lemma fitsD: "\X. G,s\a' fits T \ (\pt. T = PrimT pt) \ (\t. T = RefT t) \ a' = Null \ (\t. T = RefT t) \ a' \ Null \ G\obj_ty (lookup_obj s a')\T" apply (unfold fits_def) apply (case_tac "\pt. T = PrimT pt") apply simp_all apply (case_tac "T") defer apply (case_tac "a' = Null") apply simp_all done definition catch :: "prog \ state \ qtname \ bool" ("_,_\catch _"[61,61,61]60) where "G,s\catch C = (\xc. abrupt s=Some (Xcpt xc) \ G,store s\Addr (the_Loc xc) fits Class C)" lemma catch_Norm [simp]: "\G,Norm s\catch tn" apply (unfold catch_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done lemma catch_XcptLoc [simp]: "G,(Some (Xcpt (Loc a)),s)\catch C = G,s\Addr a fits Class C" apply (unfold catch_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done lemma catch_Jump [simp]: "\G,(Some (Jump j),s)\catch tn" apply (unfold catch_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done lemma catch_Error [simp]: "\G,(Some (Error e),s)\catch tn" apply (unfold catch_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done definition new_xcpt_var :: "vname \ state \ state" where "new_xcpt_var vn = (\(x,s). Norm (lupd(VName vn\Addr (the_Loc (the_Xcpt (the x)))) s))" lemma new_xcpt_var_def2 [simp]: "new_xcpt_var vn (x,s) = Norm (lupd(VName vn\Addr (the_Loc (the_Xcpt (the x)))) s)" apply (unfold new_xcpt_var_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done subsubsection "misc" definition assign :: "('a \ state \ state) \ 'a \ state \ state" where "assign f v = (\(x,s). let (x',s') = (if x = None then f v else id) (x,s) in (x',if x' = None then s' else s))" (* lemma assign_Norm_Norm [simp]: "f v \abrupt=None,store=s\ = \abrupt=None,store=s'\ \ assign f v \abrupt=None,store=s\ = \abrupt=None,store=s'\" by (simp add: assign_def Let_def) *) lemma assign_Norm_Norm [simp]: "f v (Norm s) = Norm s' \ assign f v (Norm s) = Norm s'" by (simp add: assign_def Let_def) (* lemma assign_Norm_Some [simp]: "\abrupt (f v \abrupt=None,store=s\) = Some y\ \ assign f v \abrupt=None,store=s\ = \abrupt=Some y,store =s\" by (simp add: assign_def Let_def split_beta) *) lemma assign_Norm_Some [simp]: "\abrupt (f v (Norm s)) = Some y\ \ assign f v (Norm s) = (Some y,s)" by (simp add: assign_def Let_def split_beta) lemma assign_Some [simp]: "assign f v (Some x,s) = (Some x,s)" by (simp add: assign_def Let_def split_beta) lemma assign_Some1 [simp]: "\ normal s \ assign f v s = s" by (auto simp add: assign_def Let_def split_beta) lemma assign_supd [simp]: "assign (\v. supd (f v)) v (x,s) = (x, if x = None then f v s else s)" apply auto done lemma assign_raise_if [simp]: "assign (\v (x,s). ((raise_if (b s v) xcpt) x, f v s)) v (x, s) = (raise_if (b s v) xcpt x, if x=None \ \b s v then f v s else s)" apply (case_tac "x = None") apply auto done (* lemma assign_raise_if [simp]: "assign (\v s. \abrupt=(raise_if (b (store s) v) xcpt) (abrupt s), store = f v (store s)\) v s = \abrupt=raise_if (b (store s) v) xcpt (abrupt s), store= if (abrupt s)=None \ \b (store s) v then f v (store s) else (store s)\" apply (case_tac "abrupt s = None") apply auto done *) definition init_comp_ty :: "ty \ stmt" where "init_comp_ty T = (if (\C. T = Class C) then Init (the_Class T) else Skip)" lemma init_comp_ty_PrimT [simp]: "init_comp_ty (PrimT pt) = Skip" apply (unfold init_comp_ty_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done definition invocation_class :: "inv_mode \ st \ val \ ref_ty \ qtname" where "invocation_class m s a' statT = (case m of Static \ if (\ statC. statT = ClassT statC) then the_Class (RefT statT) else Object | SuperM \ the_Class (RefT statT) | IntVir \ obj_class (lookup_obj s a'))" definition invocation_declclass :: "prog \ inv_mode \ st \ val \ ref_ty \ sig \ qtname" where "invocation_declclass G m s a' statT sig = declclass (the (dynlookup G statT (invocation_class m s a' statT) sig))" lemma invocation_class_IntVir [simp]: "invocation_class IntVir s a' statT = obj_class (lookup_obj s a')" by (simp add: invocation_class_def) lemma dynclass_SuperM [simp]: "invocation_class SuperM s a' statT = the_Class (RefT statT)" by (simp add: invocation_class_def) lemma invocation_class_Static [simp]: "invocation_class Static s a' statT = (if (\ statC. statT = ClassT statC) then the_Class (RefT statT) else Object)" by (simp add: invocation_class_def) definition init_lvars :: "prog \ qtname \ sig \ inv_mode \ val \ val list \ state \ state" where "init_lvars G C sig mode a' pvs = (\(x,s). let m = mthd (the (methd G C sig)); l = \ k. (case k of EName e \ (case e of VNam v \ (Map.empty ((pars m)[\]pvs)) v | Res \ None) | This \ (if mode=Static then None else Some a')) in set_lvars l (if mode = Static then x else np a' x,s))" lemma init_lvars_def2: \ \better suited for simplification\ "init_lvars G C sig mode a' pvs (x,s) = set_lvars (\ k. (case k of EName e \ (case e of VNam v \ (Map.empty ((pars (mthd (the (methd G C sig))))[\]pvs)) v | Res \ None) | This \ (if mode=Static then None else Some a'))) (if mode = Static then x else np a' x,s)" apply (unfold init_lvars_def) apply (simp (no_asm) add: Let_def) done definition body :: "prog \ qtname \ sig \ expr" where "body G C sig = (let m = the (methd G C sig) in Body (declclass m) (stmt (mbody (mthd m))))" lemma body_def2: \ \better suited for simplification\ "body G C sig = Body (declclass (the (methd G C sig))) (stmt (mbody (mthd (the (methd G C sig)))))" apply (unfold body_def Let_def) apply auto done subsubsection "variables" definition lvar :: "lname \ st \ vvar" where "lvar vn s = (the (locals s vn), \v. supd (lupd(vn\v)))" definition fvar :: "qtname \ bool \ vname \ val \ state \ vvar \ state" where "fvar C stat fn a' s = (let (oref,xf) = if stat then (Stat C,id) else (Heap (the_Addr a'),np a'); n = Inl (fn,C); f = (\v. supd (upd_gobj oref n v)) in ((the (values (the (globs (store s) oref)) n),f),abupd xf s))" definition avar :: "prog \ val \ val \ state \ vvar \ state" where "avar G i' a' s = (let oref = Heap (the_Addr a'); i = the_Intg i'; n = Inr i; (T,k,cs) = the_Arr (globs (store s) oref); f = (\v (x,s). (raise_if (\G,s\v fits T) ArrStore x ,upd_gobj oref n v s)) in ((the (cs n),f),abupd (raise_if (\i in_bounds k) IndOutBound \ np a') s))" lemma fvar_def2: \ \better suited for simplification\ "fvar C stat fn a' s = ((the (values (the (globs (store s) (if stat then Stat C else Heap (the_Addr a')))) (Inl (fn,C))) ,(\v. supd (upd_gobj (if stat then Stat C else Heap (the_Addr a')) (Inl (fn,C)) v))) ,abupd (if stat then id else np a') s) " apply (unfold fvar_def) apply (simp (no_asm) add: Let_def split_beta) done lemma avar_def2: \ \better suited for simplification\ "avar G i' a' s = ((the ((snd(snd(the_Arr (globs (store s) (Heap (the_Addr a')))))) (Inr (the_Intg i'))) ,(\v (x,s'). (raise_if (\G,s'\v fits (fst(the_Arr (globs (store s) (Heap (the_Addr a')))))) ArrStore x ,upd_gobj (Heap (the_Addr a')) (Inr (the_Intg i')) v s'))) ,abupd (raise_if (\(the_Intg i') in_bounds (fst(snd(the_Arr (globs (store s) (Heap (the_Addr a'))))))) IndOutBound \ np a') s)" apply (unfold avar_def) apply (simp (no_asm) add: Let_def split_beta) done definition check_field_access :: "prog \ qtname \ qtname \ vname \ bool \ val \ state \ state" where "check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a' s = (let oref = if stat then Stat statDeclC else Heap (the_Addr a'); dynC = case oref of Heap a \ obj_class (the (globs (store s) oref)) | Stat C \ C; f = (the (table_of (DeclConcepts.fields G dynC) (fn,statDeclC))) in abupd (error_if (\ G\Field fn (statDeclC,f) in dynC dyn_accessible_from accC) AccessViolation) s)" definition check_method_access :: "prog \ qtname \ ref_ty \ inv_mode \ sig \ val \ state \ state" where "check_method_access G accC statT mode sig a' s = (let invC = invocation_class mode (store s) a' statT; dynM = the (dynlookup G statT invC sig) in abupd (error_if (\ G\Methd sig dynM in invC dyn_accessible_from accC) AccessViolation) s)" subsubsection "evaluation judgments" inductive halloc :: "[prog,state,obj_tag,loc,state]\bool" ("_\_ \halloc _\_\ _"[61,61,61,61,61]60) for G::prog where \ \allocating objects on the heap, cf. 12.5\ Abrupt: "G\(Some x,s) \halloc oi\undefined\ (Some x,s)" | New: "\new_Addr (heap s) = Some a; (x,oi') = (if atleast_free (heap s) (Suc (Suc 0)) then (None,oi) else (Some (Xcpt (Loc a)),CInst (SXcpt OutOfMemory)))\ \ G\Norm s \halloc oi\a\ (x,init_obj G oi' (Heap a) s)" inductive sxalloc :: "[prog,state,state]\bool" ("_\_ \sxalloc\ _"[61,61,61]60) for G::prog where \ \allocating exception objects for standard exceptions (other than OutOfMemory)\ Norm: "G\ Norm s \sxalloc\ Norm s" | Jmp: "G\(Some (Jump j), s) \sxalloc\ (Some (Jump j), s)" | Error: "G\(Some (Error e), s) \sxalloc\ (Some (Error e), s)" | XcptL: "G\(Some (Xcpt (Loc a) ),s) \sxalloc\ (Some (Xcpt (Loc a)),s)" | SXcpt: "\G\Norm s0 \halloc (CInst (SXcpt xn))\a\ (x,s1)\ \ G\(Some (Xcpt (Std xn)),s0) \sxalloc\ (Some (Xcpt (Loc a)),s1)" inductive eval :: "[prog,state,term,vals,state]\bool" ("_\_ \_\\ '(_, _')" [61,61,80,0,0]60) and exec ::"[prog,state,stmt ,state]\bool"("_\_ \_\ _" [61,61,65, 61]60) and evar ::"[prog,state,var ,vvar,state]\bool"("_\_ \_=\_\ _"[61,61,90,61,61]60) and eval'::"[prog,state,expr ,val ,state]\bool"("_\_ \_-\_\ _"[61,61,80,61,61]60) and evals::"[prog,state,expr list , val list ,state]\bool"("_\_ \_\\_\ _"[61,61,61,61,61]60) for G::prog where "G\s \c \ s' \ G\s \In1r c\\ (\, s')" | "G\s \e-\v \ s' \ G\s \In1l e\\ (In1 v, s')" | "G\s \e=\vf\ s' \ G\s \In2 e\\ (In2 vf, s')" | "G\s \e\\v \ s' \ G\s \In3 e\\ (In3 v, s')" \ \propagation of abrupt completion\ \ \cf. 14.1, 15.5\ | Abrupt: "G\(Some xc,s) \t\\ (undefined3 t, (Some xc, s))" \ \execution of statements\ \ \cf. 14.5\ | Skip: "G\Norm s \Skip\ Norm s" \ \cf. 14.7\ | Expr: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Expr e\ s1" | Lab: "\G\Norm s0 \c \ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \l\ c\ abupd (absorb l) s1" \ \cf. 14.2\ | Comp: "\G\Norm s0 \c1 \ s1; G\ s1 \c2 \ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \c1;; c2\ s2" \ \cf. 14.8.2\ | If: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\b\ s1; G\ s1\(if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \If(e) c1 Else c2 \ s2" \ \cf. 14.10, 14.10.1\ \ \A continue jump from the while body \<^term>\c\ is handled by this rule. If a continue jump with the proper label was invoked inside \<^term>\c\ this label (Cont l) is deleted out of the abrupt component of the state before the iterative evaluation of the while statement. A break jump is handled by the Lab Statement \Lab l (while\)\.\ | Loop: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\b\ s1; if the_Bool b then (G\s1 \c\ s2 \ G\(abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) \l\ While(e) c\ s3) else s3 = s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \l\ While(e) c\ s3" | Jmp: "G\Norm s \Jmp j\ (Some (Jump j), s)" \ \cf. 14.16\ | Throw: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Throw e\ abupd (throw a') s1" \ \cf. 14.18.1\ | Try: "\G\Norm s0 \c1\ s1; G\s1 \sxalloc\ s2; if G,s2\catch C then G\new_xcpt_var vn s2 \c2\ s3 else s3 = s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2\ s3" \ \cf. 14.18.2\ | Fin: "\G\Norm s0 \c1\ (x1,s1); G\Norm s1 \c2\ s2; s3=(if (\ err. x1=Some (Error err)) then (x1,s1) else abupd (abrupt_if (x1\None) x1) s2) \ \ G\Norm s0 \c1 Finally c2\ s3" \ \cf. 12.4.2, 8.5\ | Init: "\the (class G C) = c; if inited C (globs s0) then s3 = Norm s0 else (G\Norm (init_class_obj G C s0) \(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\ s1 \ G\set_lvars Map.empty s1 \init c\ s2 \ s3 = restore_lvars s1 s2)\ \ G\Norm s0 \Init C\ s3" \ \This class initialisation rule is a little bit inaccurate. Look at the exact sequence: (1) The current class object (the static fields) are initialised (\init_class_obj\), (2) the superclasses are initialised, (3) the static initialiser of the current class is invoked. More precisely we should expect another ordering, namely 2 1 3. But we can't just naively toggle 1 and 2. By calling \init_class_obj\ before initialising the superclasses, we also implicitly record that we have started to initialise the current class (by setting an value for the class object). This becomes crucial for the completeness proof of the axiomatic semantics \AxCompl.thy\. Static initialisation requires an induction on the number of classes not yet initialised (or to be more precise, classes were the initialisation has not yet begun). So we could first assign a dummy value to the class before superclass initialisation and afterwards set the correct values. But as long as we don't take memory overflow into account when allocating class objects, we can leave things as they are for convenience.\ \ \evaluation of expressions\ \ \cf. 15.8.1, 12.4.1\ | NewC: "\G\Norm s0 \Init C\ s1; G\ s1 \halloc (CInst C)\a\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \NewC C-\Addr a\ s2" \ \cf. 15.9.1, 12.4.1\ | NewA: "\G\Norm s0 \init_comp_ty T\ s1; G\s1 \e-\i'\ s2; G\abupd (check_neg i') s2 \halloc (Arr T (the_Intg i'))\a\ s3\ \ G\Norm s0 \New T[e]-\Addr a\ s3" \ \cf. 15.15\ | Cast: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\ s1; s2 = abupd (raise_if (\G,store s1\v fits T) ClassCast) s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Cast T e-\v\ s2" \ \cf. 15.19.2\ | Inst: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\ s1; b = (v\Null \ G,store s1\v fits RefT T)\ \ G\Norm s0 \e InstOf T-\Bool b\ s1" \ \cf. 15.7.1\ | Lit: "G\Norm s \Lit v-\v\ Norm s" | UnOp: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \UnOp unop e-\(eval_unop unop v)\ s1" | BinOp: "\G\Norm s0 \e1-\v1\ s1; G\s1 \(if need_second_arg binop v1 then (In1l e2) else (In1r Skip)) \\ (In1 v2, s2) \ \ G\Norm s0 \BinOp binop e1 e2-\(eval_binop binop v1 v2)\ s2" \ \cf. 15.10.2\ | Super: "G\Norm s \Super-\val_this s\ Norm s" \ \cf. 15.2\ | Acc: "\G\Norm s0 \va=\(v,f)\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Acc va-\v\ s1" \ \cf. 15.25.1\ | Ass: "\G\Norm s0 \va=\(w,f)\ s1; G\ s1 \e-\v \ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \va:=e-\v\ assign f v s2" \ \cf. 15.24\ | Cond: "\G\Norm s0 \e0-\b\ s1; G\ s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \e0 ? e1 : e2-\v\ s2" \ \The interplay of \<^term>\Call\, \<^term>\Methd\ and \<^term>\Body\: Method invocation is split up into these three rules: \begin{itemize} \item [\<^term>\Call\] Calculates the target address and evaluates the arguments of the method, and then performs dynamic or static lookup of the method, corresponding to the call mode. Then the \<^term>\Methd\ rule is evaluated on the calculated declaration class of the method invocation. \item [\<^term>\Methd\] A syntactic bridge for the folded method body. It is used by the axiomatic semantics to add the proper hypothesis for recursive calls of the method. \item [\<^term>\Body\] An extra syntactic entity for the unfolded method body was introduced to properly trigger class initialisation. Without class initialisation we could just evaluate the body statement. \end{itemize}\ \ \cf.,,,\ | Call: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\ s1; G\s1 \args\\vs\ s2; D = invocation_declclass G mode (store s2) a' statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs\; s3=init_lvars G D \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ mode a' vs s2; s3' = check_method_access G accC statT mode \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ a' s3; G\s3' \Methd D \name=mn,parTs=pTs\-\v\ s4\ \ G\Norm s0 \{accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pTs}args)-\v\ (restore_lvars s2 s4)" \ \The accessibility check is after \<^term>\init_lvars\, to keep it simple. \<^term>\init_lvars\ already tests for the absence of a null-pointer reference in case of an instance method invocation.\ | Methd: "\G\Norm s0 \body G D sig-\v\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Methd D sig-\v\ s1" | Body: "\G\Norm s0 \Init D\ s1; G\s1 \c\ s2; s3 = (if (\ l. abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \ abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))) then abupd (\ x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2 else s2)\ \ G\Norm s0 \Body D c-\the (locals (store s2) Result) \abupd (absorb Ret) s3" \ \cf. 14.15, 12.4.1\ \ \We filter out a break/continue in \<^term>\s2\, so that we can proof definite assignment correct, without the need of conformance of the state. By this the different parts of the typesafety proof can be disentangled a little.\ \ \evaluation of variables\ \ \cf. 15.13.1, 15.7.2\ | LVar: "G\Norm s \LVar vn=\lvar vn s\ Norm s" \ \cf. 15.10.1, 12.4.1\ | FVar: "\G\Norm s0 \Init statDeclC\ s1; G\s1 \e-\a\ s2; (v,s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2; s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2' \ \ G\Norm s0 \{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn=\v\ s3" \ \The accessibility check is after \<^term>\fvar\, to keep it simple. \<^term>\fvar\ already tests for the absence of a null-pointer reference in case of an instance field\ \ \cf. 15.12.1, 15.25.1\ | AVar: "\G\ Norm s0 \e1-\a\ s1; G\s1 \e2-\i\ s2; (v,s2') = avar G i a s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \e1.[e2]=\v\ s2'" \ \evaluation of expression lists\ \ \cf.\ | Nil: "G\Norm s0 \[]\\[]\ Norm s0" \ \cf. 15.6.4\ | Cons: "\G\Norm s0 \e -\ v \ s1; G\ s1 \es\\vs\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \e#es\\v#vs\ s2" (* Rearrangement of premisses: [0,1(Abrupt),2(Skip),8(Jmp),4(Lab),30(Nil),31(Cons),27(LVar),17(Cast),18(Inst), 17(Lit),18(UnOp),19(BinOp),20(Super),21(Acc),3(Expr),5(Comp),25(Methd),26(Body),23(Cond),6(If), 7(Loop),11(Fin),9(Throw),13(NewC),14(NewA),12(Init),22(Ass),10(Try),28(FVar), 29(AVar),24(Call)] *) ML \ ML_Thms.bind_thm ("eval_induct", rearrange_prems [0,1,2,8,4,30,31,27,15,16, 17,18,19,20,21,3,5,25,26,23,6, 7,11,9,13,14,12,22,10,28, 29,24] @{thm eval.induct}) \ declare if_split [split del] if_split_asm [split del] option.split [split del] option.split_asm [split del] inductive_cases halloc_elim_cases: "G\(Some xc,s) \halloc oi\a\ s'" "G\(Norm s) \halloc oi\a\ s'" inductive_cases sxalloc_elim_cases: "G\ Norm s \sxalloc\ s'" "G\(Some (Jump j),s) \sxalloc\ s'" "G\(Some (Error e),s) \sxalloc\ s'" "G\(Some (Xcpt (Loc a )),s) \sxalloc\ s'" "G\(Some (Xcpt (Std xn)),s) \sxalloc\ s'" inductive_cases sxalloc_cases: "G\s \sxalloc\ s'" lemma sxalloc_elim_cases2: "\G\s \sxalloc\ s'; \s. \s' = Norm s\ \ P; \j s. \s' = (Some (Jump j),s)\ \ P; \e s. \s' = (Some (Error e),s)\ \ P; \a s. \s' = (Some (Xcpt (Loc a)),s)\ \ P \ \ P" apply cut_tac apply (erule sxalloc_cases) apply blast+ done declare not_None_eq [simp del] (* IntDef.Zero_def [simp del] *) declare split_paired_All [simp del] split_paired_Ex [simp del] setup \map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt delloop "split_all_tac")\ inductive_cases eval_cases: "G\s \t\\ (v, s')" inductive_cases eval_elim_cases [cases set]: "G\(Some xc,s) \t \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r Skip \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Jmp j) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (l\ c) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In3 ([]) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In3 (e#es) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Lit w) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (UnOp unop e) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (BinOp binop e1 e2) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In2 (LVar vn) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Cast T e) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (e InstOf T) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Super) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Acc va) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Expr e) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (c1;; c2) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Methd C sig) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Body D c) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (e0 ? e1 : e2) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (If(e) c1 Else c2) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (l\ While(e) c) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (c1 Finally c2) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Throw e) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (NewC C) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (New T[e]) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Ass va e) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Try c1 Catch(tn vn) c2) \\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In2 ({accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In2 (e1.[e2]) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l ({accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pT}p)) \\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Init C) \\ (x, s')" declare not_None_eq [simp] (* IntDef.Zero_def [simp] *) declare split_paired_All [simp] split_paired_Ex [simp] declaration \K (Simplifier.map_ss (fn ss => ss addloop ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac)))\ declare if_split [split] if_split_asm [split] option.split [split] option.split_asm [split] lemma eval_Inj_elim: "G\s \t\\ (w,s') \ case t of In1 ec \ (case ec of Inl e \ (\v. w = In1 v) | Inr c \ w = \) | In2 e \ (\v. w = In2 v) | In3 e \ (\v. w = In3 v)" apply (erule eval_cases) apply auto apply (induct_tac "t") apply (rename_tac a, induct_tac "a") apply auto done text \The following simplification procedures set up the proper injections of terms and their corresponding values in the evaluation relation: E.g. an expression (injection \<^term>\In1l\ into terms) always evaluates to ordinary values (injection \<^term>\In1\ into generalised values \<^term>\vals\). \ lemma eval_expr_eq: "G\s \In1l t\\ (w, s') = (\v. w=In1 v \ G\s \t-\v \ s')" by (auto, frule eval_Inj_elim, auto) lemma eval_var_eq: "G\s \In2 t\\ (w, s') = (\vf. w=In2 vf \ G\s \t=\vf\ s')" by (auto, frule eval_Inj_elim, auto) lemma eval_exprs_eq: "G\s \In3 t\\ (w, s') = (\vs. w=In3 vs \ G\s \t\\vs\ s')" by (auto, frule eval_Inj_elim, auto) lemma eval_stmt_eq: "G\s \In1r t\\ (w, s') = (w=\ \ G\s \t \ s')" by (auto, frule eval_Inj_elim, auto, frule eval_Inj_elim, auto) simproc_setup eval_expr ("G\s \In1l t\\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => - (case Thm.term_of ct of - (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_expr_eq}))\ - -simproc_setup eval_var ("G\s \In2 t\\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_var_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_expr_eq}))))\ -simproc_setup eval_exprs ("G\s \In3 t\\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => +simproc_setup eval_var ("G\s \In2 t\\ (w, s')") = \ + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_exprs_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_var_eq}))))\ + +simproc_setup eval_exprs ("G\s \In3 t\\ (w, s')") = \ + K (K (fn ct => + (case Thm.term_of ct of + (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_exprs_eq}))))\ simproc_setup eval_stmt ("G\s \In1r t\\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_stmt_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_stmt_eq}))))\ ML \ ML_Thms.bind_thms ("AbruptIs", sum3_instantiate \<^context> @{thm eval.Abrupt}) \ declare halloc.Abrupt [intro!] eval.Abrupt [intro!] AbruptIs [intro!] text\\Callee\,\InsInitE\, \InsInitV\, \FinA\ are only used in smallstep semantics, not in the bigstep semantics. So their is no valid evaluation of these terms \ lemma eval_Callee: "G\Norm s\Callee l e-\v\ s' = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In1l (Callee l e)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma eval_InsInitE: "G\Norm s\InsInitE c e-\v\ s' = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In1l (InsInitE c e)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma eval_InsInitV: "G\Norm s\InsInitV c w=\v\ s' = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In2 (InsInitV c w)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma eval_FinA: "G\Norm s\FinA a c\ s' = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In1r (FinA a c)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma eval_no_abrupt_lemma: "\s s'. G\s \t\\ (w,s') \ normal s' \ normal s" by (erule eval_cases, auto) lemma eval_no_abrupt: "G\(x,s) \t\\ (w,Norm s') = (x = None \ G\Norm s \t\\ (w,Norm s'))" apply auto apply (frule eval_no_abrupt_lemma, auto)+ done simproc_setup eval_no_abrupt ("G\(x,s) \e\\ (w,Norm s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\Pair\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\None\, _)) $ _) $ _ $ _ $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_no_abrupt})) + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_no_abrupt})))) \ lemma eval_abrupt_lemma: "G\s \t\\ (v,s') \ abrupt s=Some xc \ s'= s \ v = undefined3 t" by (erule eval_cases, auto) lemma eval_abrupt: " G\(Some xc,s) \t\\ (w,s') = (s'=(Some xc,s) \ w=undefined3 t \ G\(Some xc,s) \t\\ (undefined3 t,(Some xc,s)))" apply auto apply (frule eval_abrupt_lemma, auto)+ done simproc_setup eval_abrupt ("G\(Some xc,s) \e\\ (w,s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\Pair\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\Some\, _) $ _)$ _)) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_abrupt})) + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm eval_abrupt})))) \ lemma LitI: "G\s \Lit v-\(if normal s then v else undefined)\ s" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: eval.Lit) lemma SkipI [intro!]: "G\s \Skip\ s" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: eval.Skip) lemma ExprI: "G\s \e-\v\ s' \ G\s \Expr e\ s'" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: eval.Expr) lemma CompI: "\G\s \c1\ s1; G\s1 \c2\ s2\ \ G\s \c1;; c2\ s2" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: eval.Comp) lemma CondI: "\s1. \G\s \e-\b\ s1; G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\ s2\ \ G\s \e ? e1 : e2-\(if normal s1 then v else undefined)\ s2" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: eval.Cond) lemma IfI: "\G\s \e-\v\ s1; G\s1 \(if the_Bool v then c1 else c2)\ s2\ \ G\s \If(e) c1 Else c2\ s2" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: eval.If) lemma MethdI: "G\s \body G C sig-\v\ s' \ G\s \Methd C sig-\v\ s'" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: eval.Methd) lemma eval_Call: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\ s1; G\s1 \ps\\pvs\ s2; D = invocation_declclass G mode (store s2) a' statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs\; s3 = init_lvars G D \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ mode a' pvs s2; s3' = check_method_access G accC statT mode \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ a' s3; G\s3'\Methd D \name=mn,parTs=pTs\-\ v\ s4; s4' = restore_lvars s2 s4\ \ G\Norm s0 \{accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pTs}ps)-\v\ s4'" apply (drule eval.Call, assumption) apply (rule HOL.refl) apply simp+ done lemma eval_Init: "\if inited C (globs s0) then s3 = Norm s0 else G\Norm (init_class_obj G C s0) \(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super (the (class G C))))\ s1 \ G\set_lvars Map.empty s1 \(init (the (class G C)))\ s2 \ s3 = restore_lvars s1 s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \Init C\ s3" apply (rule eval.Init) apply auto done lemma init_done: "initd C s \ G\s \Init C\ s" apply (case_tac "s", simp) apply (case_tac "a") apply safe apply (rule eval_Init) apply auto done lemma eval_StatRef: "G\s \StatRef rt-\(if abrupt s=None then Null else undefined)\ s" apply (case_tac "s", simp) apply (case_tac "a = None") apply (auto del: eval.Abrupt intro!: eval.intros) done lemma SkipD [dest!]: "G\s \Skip\ s' \ s' = s" apply (erule eval_cases) by auto lemma Skip_eq [simp]: "G\s \Skip\ s' = (s = s')" by auto (*unused*) lemma init_retains_locals [rule_format (no_asm)]: "G\s \t\\ (w,s') \ (\C. t=In1r (Init C) \ locals (store s) = locals (store s'))" apply (erule eval.induct) apply (simp (no_asm_use) split del: if_split_asm option.split_asm)+ apply auto done lemma halloc_xcpt [dest!]: "\s'. G\(Some xc,s) \halloc oi\a\ s' \ s'=(Some xc,s)" apply (erule_tac halloc_elim_cases) by auto (* G\(x,(h,l)) \e\v\ (x',(h',l'))) \ l This = l' This" G\(x,(h,l)) \s \ (x',(h',l'))) \ l This = l' This" *) lemma eval_Methd: "G\s \In1l(body G C sig)\\ (w,s') \ G\s \In1l(Methd C sig)\\ (w,s')" apply (case_tac "s") apply (case_tac "a") apply clarsimp+ apply (erule eval.Methd) apply (drule eval_abrupt_lemma) apply force done lemma eval_Body: "\G\Norm s0 \Init D\ s1; G\s1 \c\ s2; res=the (locals (store s2) Result); s3 = (if (\ l. abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \ abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))) then abupd (\ x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2 else s2); s4=abupd (absorb Ret) s3\ \ G\Norm s0 \Body D c-\res\s4" by (auto elim: eval.Body) lemma eval_binop_arg2_indep: "\ need_second_arg binop v1 \ eval_binop binop v1 x = eval_binop binop v1 y" by (cases binop) (simp_all add: need_second_arg_def) lemma eval_BinOp_arg2_indepI: assumes eval_e1: "G\Norm s0 \e1-\v1\ s1" and no_need: "\ need_second_arg binop v1" shows "G\Norm s0 \BinOp binop e1 e2-\(eval_binop binop v1 v2)\ s1" (is "?EvalBinOp v2") proof - from eval_e1 have "?EvalBinOp Unit" by (rule eval.BinOp) (simp add: no_need) moreover from no_need have "eval_binop binop v1 Unit = eval_binop binop v1 v2" by (simp add: eval_binop_arg2_indep) ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed subsubsection "single valued" lemma unique_halloc [rule_format (no_asm)]: "G\s \halloc oi\a \ s' \ G\s \halloc oi\a' \ s'' \ a' = a \ s'' = s'" apply (erule halloc.induct) apply (auto elim!: halloc_elim_cases split del: if_split if_split_asm) apply (drule trans [THEN sym], erule sym) defer apply (drule trans [THEN sym], erule sym) apply auto done lemma single_valued_halloc: "single_valued {((s,oi),(a,s')). G\s \halloc oi\a \ s'}" apply (unfold single_valued_def) by (clarsimp, drule (1) unique_halloc, auto) lemma unique_sxalloc [rule_format (no_asm)]: "G\s \sxalloc\ s' \ G\s \sxalloc\ s'' \ s'' = s'" apply (erule sxalloc.induct) apply (auto dest: unique_halloc elim!: sxalloc_elim_cases split del: if_split if_split_asm) done lemma single_valued_sxalloc: "single_valued {(s,s'). G\s \sxalloc\ s'}" apply (unfold single_valued_def) apply (blast dest: unique_sxalloc) done lemma split_pairD: "(x,y) = p \ x = fst p & y = snd p" by auto lemma unique_eval [rule_format (no_asm)]: "G\s \t\\ (w, s') \ (\w' s''. G\s \t\\ (w', s'') \ w' = w \ s'' = s')" apply (erule eval_induct) apply (tactic \ALLGOALS (EVERY' [strip_tac \<^context>, rotate_tac ~1, eresolve_tac \<^context> @{thms eval_elim_cases}])\) (* 31 subgoals *) prefer 28 (* Try *) apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: split: if_split_asm) (* 34 subgoals *) prefer 30 (* Init *) apply (case_tac "inited C (globs s0)", (simp only: if_True if_False simp_thms)+) prefer 26 (* While *) apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: split: if_split_asm, blast) (* 36 subgoals *) apply (blast dest: unique_sxalloc unique_halloc split_pairD)+ done (* unused *) lemma single_valued_eval: "single_valued {((s, t), (v, s')). G\s \t\\ (v, s')}" apply (unfold single_valued_def) by (clarify, drule (1) unique_eval, auto) end diff --git a/src/HOL/Bali/Evaln.thy b/src/HOL/Bali/Evaln.thy --- a/src/HOL/Bali/Evaln.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Bali/Evaln.thy @@ -1,832 +1,832 @@ (* Title: HOL/Bali/Evaln.thy Author: David von Oheimb and Norbert Schirmer *) subsection \Operational evaluation (big-step) semantics of Java expressions and statements \ theory Evaln imports TypeSafe begin text \ Variant of \<^term>\eval\ relation with counter for bounded recursive depth. In principal \<^term>\evaln\ could replace \<^term>\eval\. Validity of the axiomatic semantics builds on \<^term>\evaln\. For recursive method calls the axiomatic semantics rule assumes the method ok to derive a proof for the body. To prove the method rule sound we need to perform induction on the recursion depth. For the completeness proof of the axiomatic semantics the notion of the most general formula is used. The most general formula right now builds on the ordinary evaluation relation \<^term>\eval\. So sometimes we have to switch between \<^term>\evaln\ and \<^term>\eval\ and vice versa. To make this switch easy \<^term>\evaln\ also does all the technical accessibility tests \<^term>\check_field_access\ and \<^term>\check_method_access\ like \<^term>\eval\. If it would omit them \<^term>\evaln\ and \<^term>\eval\ would only be equivalent for welltyped, and definitely assigned terms. \ inductive evaln :: "[prog, state, term, nat, vals, state] \ bool" ("_\_ \_\\_\ '(_, _')" [61,61,80,61,0,0] 60) and evarn :: "[prog, state, var, vvar, nat, state] \ bool" ("_\_ \_=\_\_\ _" [61,61,90,61,61,61] 60) and eval_n:: "[prog, state, expr, val, nat, state] \ bool" ("_\_ \_-\_\_\ _" [61,61,80,61,61,61] 60) and evalsn :: "[prog, state, expr list, val list, nat, state] \ bool" ("_\_ \_\\_\_\ _" [61,61,61,61,61,61] 60) and execn :: "[prog, state, stmt, nat, state] \ bool" ("_\_ \_\_\ _" [61,61,65, 61,61] 60) for G :: prog where "G\s \c \n\ s' \ G\s \In1r c\\n\ (\ , s')" | "G\s \e-\v \n\ s' \ G\s \In1l e\\n\ (In1 v , s')" | "G\s \e=\vf \n\ s' \ G\s \In2 e\\n\ (In2 vf, s')" | "G\s \e\\v \n\ s' \ G\s \In3 e\\n\ (In3 v , s')" \ \propagation of abrupt completion\ | Abrupt: "G\(Some xc,s) \t\\n\ (undefined3 t,(Some xc,s))" \ \evaluation of variables\ | LVar: "G\Norm s \LVar vn=\lvar vn s\n\ Norm s" | FVar: "\G\Norm s0 \Init statDeclC\n\ s1; G\s1 \e-\a\n\ s2; (v,s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2; s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'\ \ G\Norm s0 \{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn=\v\n\ s3" | AVar: "\G\ Norm s0 \e1-\a\n\ s1 ; G\s1 \e2-\i\n\ s2; (v,s2') = avar G i a s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \e1.[e2]=\v\n\ s2'" \ \evaluation of expressions\ | NewC: "\G\Norm s0 \Init C\n\ s1; G\ s1 \halloc (CInst C)\a\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \NewC C-\Addr a\n\ s2" | NewA: "\G\Norm s0 \init_comp_ty T\n\ s1; G\s1 \e-\i'\n\ s2; G\abupd (check_neg i') s2 \halloc (Arr T (the_Intg i'))\a\ s3\ \ G\Norm s0 \New T[e]-\Addr a\n\ s3" | Cast: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1; s2 = abupd (raise_if (\G,snd s1\v fits T) ClassCast) s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Cast T e-\v\n\ s2" | Inst: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1; b = (v\Null \ G,store s1\v fits RefT T)\ \ G\Norm s0 \e InstOf T-\Bool b\n\ s1" | Lit: "G\Norm s \Lit v-\v\n\ Norm s" | UnOp: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \UnOp unop e-\(eval_unop unop v)\n\ s1" | BinOp: "\G\Norm s0 \e1-\v1\n\ s1; G\s1 \(if need_second_arg binop v1 then (In1l e2) else (In1r Skip)) \\n\ (In1 v2,s2)\ \ G\Norm s0 \BinOp binop e1 e2-\(eval_binop binop v1 v2)\n\ s2" | Super: "G\Norm s \Super-\val_this s\n\ Norm s" | Acc: "\G\Norm s0 \va=\(v,f)\n\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Acc va-\v\n\ s1" | Ass: "\G\Norm s0 \va=\(w,f)\n\ s1; G\ s1 \e-\v \n\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \va:=e-\v\n\ assign f v s2" | Cond: "\G\Norm s0 \e0-\b\n\ s1; G\ s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\n\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \e0 ? e1 : e2-\v\n\ s2" | Call: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\n\ s1; G\s1 \args\\vs\n\ s2; D = invocation_declclass G mode (store s2) a' statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs\; s3=init_lvars G D \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ mode a' vs s2; s3' = check_method_access G accC statT mode \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ a' s3; G\s3'\Methd D \name=mn,parTs=pTs\-\v\n\ s4 \ \ G\Norm s0 \{accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pTs}args)-\v\n\ (restore_lvars s2 s4)" | Methd:"\G\Norm s0 \body G D sig-\v\n\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Methd D sig-\v\Suc n\ s1" | Body: "\G\Norm s0\Init D\n\ s1; G\s1 \c\n\ s2; s3 = (if (\ l. abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \ abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))) then abupd (\ x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2 else s2)\\ G\Norm s0 \Body D c -\the (locals (store s2) Result)\n\abupd (absorb Ret) s3" \ \evaluation of expression lists\ | Nil: "G\Norm s0 \[]\\[]\n\ Norm s0" | Cons: "\G\Norm s0 \e -\ v \n\ s1; G\ s1 \es\\vs\n\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \e#es\\v#vs\n\ s2" \ \execution of statements\ | Skip: "G\Norm s \Skip\n\ Norm s" | Expr: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Expr e\n\ s1" | Lab: "\G\Norm s0 \c \n\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \l\ c\n\ abupd (absorb l) s1" | Comp: "\G\Norm s0 \c1 \n\ s1; G\ s1 \c2 \n\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \c1;; c2\n\ s2" | If: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n\ s1; G\ s1\(if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)\n\ s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \If(e) c1 Else c2 \n\ s2" | Loop: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n\ s1; if the_Bool b then (G\s1 \c\n\ s2 \ G\(abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) \l\ While(e) c\n\ s3) else s3 = s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \l\ While(e) c\n\ s3" | Jmp: "G\Norm s \Jmp j\n\ (Some (Jump j), s)" | Throw:"\G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\n\ s1\ \ G\Norm s0 \Throw e\n\ abupd (throw a') s1" | Try: "\G\Norm s0 \c1\n\ s1; G\s1 \sxalloc\ s2; if G,s2\catch tn then G\new_xcpt_var vn s2 \c2\n\ s3 else s3 = s2\ \ G\Norm s0 \Try c1 Catch(tn vn) c2\n\ s3" | Fin: "\G\Norm s0 \c1\n\ (x1,s1); G\Norm s1 \c2\n\ s2; s3=(if (\ err. x1=Some (Error err)) then (x1,s1) else abupd (abrupt_if (x1\None) x1) s2)\ \ G\Norm s0 \c1 Finally c2\n\ s3" | Init: "\the (class G C) = c; if inited C (globs s0) then s3 = Norm s0 else (G\Norm (init_class_obj G C s0) \(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\n\ s1 \ G\set_lvars Map.empty s1 \init c\n\ s2 \ s3 = restore_lvars s1 s2)\ \ G\Norm s0 \Init C\n\ s3" monos if_bool_eq_conj declare if_split [split del] if_split_asm [split del] option.split [split del] option.split_asm [split del] not_None_eq [simp del] split_paired_All [simp del] split_paired_Ex [simp del] setup \map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt delloop "split_all_tac")\ inductive_cases evaln_cases: "G\s \t\\n\ (v, s')" inductive_cases evaln_elim_cases: "G\(Some xc, s) \t \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r Skip \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Jmp j) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (l\ c) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In3 ([]) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In3 (e#es) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Lit w) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (UnOp unop e) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (BinOp binop e1 e2) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In2 (LVar vn) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Cast T e) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (e InstOf T) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Super) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Acc va) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Expr e) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (c1;; c2) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Methd C sig) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Body D c) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (e0 ? e1 : e2) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (If(e) c1 Else c2) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (l\ While(e) c) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (c1 Finally c2) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Throw e) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (NewC C) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (New T[e]) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l (Ass va e) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Try c1 Catch(tn vn) c2) \\n\ (x, s')" "G\Norm s \In2 ({accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In2 (e1.[e2]) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1l ({accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pT}p)) \\n\ (v, s')" "G\Norm s \In1r (Init C) \\n\ (x, s')" declare if_split [split] if_split_asm [split] option.split [split] option.split_asm [split] not_None_eq [simp] split_paired_All [simp] split_paired_Ex [simp] declaration \K (Simplifier.map_ss (fn ss => ss addloop ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac)))\ lemma evaln_Inj_elim: "G\s \t\\n\ (w,s') \ case t of In1 ec \ (case ec of Inl e \ (\v. w = In1 v) | Inr c \ w = \) | In2 e \ (\v. w = In2 v) | In3 e \ (\v. w = In3 v)" apply (erule evaln_cases , auto) apply (induct_tac "t") apply (rename_tac a, induct_tac "a") apply auto done text \The following simplification procedures set up the proper injections of terms and their corresponding values in the evaluation relation: E.g. an expression (injection \<^term>\In1l\ into terms) always evaluates to ordinary values (injection \<^term>\In1\ into generalised values \<^term>\vals\). \ lemma evaln_expr_eq: "G\s \In1l t\\n\ (w, s') = (\v. w=In1 v \ G\s \t-\v \n\ s')" by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto) lemma evaln_var_eq: "G\s \In2 t\\n\ (w, s') = (\vf. w=In2 vf \ G\s \t=\vf\n\ s')" by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto) lemma evaln_exprs_eq: "G\s \In3 t\\n\ (w, s') = (\vs. w=In3 vs \ G\s \t\\vs\n\ s')" by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto) lemma evaln_stmt_eq: "G\s \In1r t\\n\ (w, s') = (w=\ \ G\s \t \n\ s')" by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto) simproc_setup evaln_expr ("G\s \In1l t\\n\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => - (case Thm.term_of ct of - (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_expr_eq}))\ - -simproc_setup evaln_var ("G\s \In2 t\\n\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_var_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_expr_eq}))))\ -simproc_setup evaln_exprs ("G\s \In3 t\\n\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => +simproc_setup evaln_var ("G\s \In2 t\\n\ (w, s')") = \ + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_exprs_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_var_eq}))))\ + +simproc_setup evaln_exprs ("G\s \In3 t\\n\ (w, s')") = \ + K (K (fn ct => + (case Thm.term_of ct of + (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_exprs_eq}))))\ simproc_setup evaln_stmt ("G\s \In1r t\\n\ (w, s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_stmt_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_stmt_eq}))))\ ML \ML_Thms.bind_thms ("evaln_AbruptIs", sum3_instantiate \<^context> @{thm evaln.Abrupt})\ declare evaln_AbruptIs [intro!] lemma evaln_Callee: "G\Norm s\In1l (Callee l e)\\n\ (v,s') = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In1l (Callee l e)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma evaln_InsInitE: "G\Norm s\In1l (InsInitE c e)\\n\ (v,s') = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In1l (InsInitE c e)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma evaln_InsInitV: "G\Norm s\In2 (InsInitV c w)\\n\ (v,s') = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In2 (InsInitV c w)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma evaln_FinA: "G\Norm s\In1r (FinA a c)\\n\ (v,s') = False" proof - { fix s t v s' assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and normal: "normal s" and callee: "t=In1r (FinA a c)" then have "False" by induct auto } then show ?thesis by (cases s') fastforce qed lemma evaln_abrupt_lemma: "G\s \e\\n\ (v,s') \ fst s = Some xc \ s' = s \ v = undefined3 e" apply (erule evaln_cases , auto) done lemma evaln_abrupt: "\s'. G\(Some xc,s) \e\\n\ (w,s') = (s' = (Some xc,s) \ w=undefined3 e \ G\(Some xc,s) \e\\n\ (undefined3 e,(Some xc,s)))" apply auto apply (frule evaln_abrupt_lemma, auto)+ done simproc_setup evaln_abrupt ("G\(Some xc,s) \e\\n\ (w,s')") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\Pair\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\Some\,_) $ _)$ _)) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_abrupt})) + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_abrupt})))) \ lemma evaln_LitI: "G\s \Lit v-\(if normal s then v else undefined)\n\ s" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: evaln.Lit) lemma CondI: "\s1. \G\s \e-\b\n\ s1; G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\n\ s2\ \ G\s \e ? e1 : e2-\(if normal s1 then v else undefined)\n\ s2" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: evaln.Cond) lemma evaln_SkipI [intro!]: "G\s \Skip\n\ s" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: evaln.Skip) lemma evaln_ExprI: "G\s \e-\v\n\ s' \ G\s \Expr e\n\ s'" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: evaln.Expr) lemma evaln_CompI: "\G\s \c1\n\ s1; G\s1 \c2\n\ s2\ \ G\s \c1;; c2\n\ s2" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: evaln.Comp) lemma evaln_IfI: "\G\s \e-\v\n\ s1; G\s1 \(if the_Bool v then c1 else c2)\n\ s2\ \ G\s \If(e) c1 Else c2\n\ s2" apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None") by (auto intro!: evaln.If) lemma evaln_SkipD [dest!]: "G\s \Skip\n\ s' \ s' = s" by (erule evaln_cases, auto) lemma evaln_Skip_eq [simp]: "G\s \Skip\n\ s' = (s = s')" apply auto done subsubsection \evaln implies eval\ lemma evaln_eval: assumes evaln: "G\s0 \t\\n\ (v,s1)" shows "G\s0 \t\\ (v,s1)" using evaln proof (induct) case (Loop s0 e b n s1 c s2 l s3) note \G\Norm s0 \e-\b\ s1\ moreover have "if the_Bool b then (G\s1 \c\ s2) \ G\abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2 \l\ While(e) c\ s3 else s3 = s1" using Loop.hyps by simp ultimately show ?case by (rule eval.Loop) next case (Try s0 c1 n s1 s2 C vn c2 s3) note \G\Norm s0 \c1\ s1\ moreover note \G\s1 \sxalloc\ s2\ moreover have "if G,s2\catch C then G\new_xcpt_var vn s2 \c2\ s3 else s3 = s2" using Try.hyps by simp ultimately show ?case by (rule eval.Try) next case (Init C c s0 s3 n s1 s2) note \the (class G C) = c\ moreover have "if inited C (globs s0) then s3 = Norm s0 else G\Norm ((init_class_obj G C) s0) \(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\ s1 \ G\(set_lvars Map.empty) s1 \init c\ s2 \ s3 = (set_lvars (locals (store s1))) s2" using Init.hyps by simp ultimately show ?case by (rule eval.Init) qed (rule eval.intros,(assumption+ | assumption?))+ lemma Suc_le_D_lemma: "\Suc n <= m'; (\m. n <= m \ P (Suc m)) \ \ P m'" apply (frule Suc_le_D) apply fast done lemma evaln_nonstrict [rule_format (no_asm), elim]: "G\s \t\\n\ (w, s') \ \m. n\m \ G\s \t\\m\ (w, s')" apply (erule evaln.induct) apply (tactic \ALLGOALS (EVERY' [strip_tac \<^context>, TRY o eresolve_tac \<^context> @{thms Suc_le_D_lemma}, REPEAT o smp_tac \<^context> 1, resolve_tac \<^context> @{thms evaln.intros} THEN_ALL_NEW TRY o assume_tac \<^context>])\) (* 3 subgoals *) apply (auto split del: if_split) done lemmas evaln_nonstrict_Suc = evaln_nonstrict [OF _ le_refl [THEN le_SucI]] lemma evaln_max2: "\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2')\ \ G\s1 \t1\\max n1 n2\ (w1, s1') \ G\s2 \t2\\max n1 n2\ (w2, s2')" by (fast intro: max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2) corollary evaln_max2E [consumes 2]: "\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2'); \G\s1 \t1\\max n1 n2\ (w1, s1');G\s2 \t2\\max n1 n2\ (w2, s2') \ \ P \ \ P" by (drule (1) evaln_max2) simp lemma evaln_max3: "\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2'); G\s3 \t3\\n3\ (w3, s3')\ \ G\s1 \t1\\max (max n1 n2) n3\ (w1, s1') \ G\s2 \t2\\max (max n1 n2) n3\ (w2, s2') \ G\s3 \t3\\max (max n1 n2) n3\ (w3, s3')" apply (drule (1) evaln_max2, erule thin_rl) apply (fast intro!: max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2) done corollary evaln_max3E: "\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2'); G\s3 \t3\\n3\ (w3, s3'); \G\s1 \t1\\max (max n1 n2) n3\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\max (max n1 n2) n3\ (w2, s2'); G\s3 \t3\\max (max n1 n2) n3\ (w3, s3') \ \ P \ \ P" by (drule (2) evaln_max3) simp lemma le_max3I1: "(n2::nat) \ max n1 (max n2 n3)" proof - have "n2 \ max n2 n3" by (rule max.cobounded1) also have "max n2 n3 \ max n1 (max n2 n3)" by (rule max.cobounded2) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma le_max3I2: "(n3::nat) \ max n1 (max n2 n3)" proof - have "n3 \ max n2 n3" by (rule max.cobounded2) also have "max n2 n3 \ max n1 (max n2 n3)" by (rule max.cobounded2) finally show ?thesis . qed declare [[simproc del: wt_expr wt_var wt_exprs wt_stmt]] subsubsection \eval implies evaln\ lemma eval_evaln: assumes eval: "G\s0 \t\\ (v,s1)" shows "\n. G\s0 \t\\n\ (v,s1)" using eval proof (induct) case (Abrupt xc s t) obtain n where "G\(Some xc, s) \t\\n\ (undefined3 t, (Some xc, s))" by (iprover intro: evaln.Abrupt) then show ?case .. next case Skip show ?case by (blast intro: evaln.Skip) next case (Expr s0 e v s1) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \Expr e\n\ s1" by (rule evaln.Expr) then show ?case .. next case (Lab s0 c s1 l) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \c\n\ s1" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \l\ c\n\ abupd (absorb l) s1" by (rule evaln.Lab) then show ?case .. next case (Comp s0 c1 s1 c2 s2) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \c1\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \c2\n2\ s2" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \c1;; c2\max n1 n2\ s2" by (blast intro: evaln.Comp dest: evaln_max2 ) then show ?case .. next case (If s0 e b s1 c1 c2 s2) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)\n2\ s2" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \If(e) c1 Else c2\max n1 n2\ s2" by (blast intro: evaln.If dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (Loop s0 e b s1 c s2 l s3) from Loop.hyps obtain n1 where "G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n1\ s1" by (iprover) moreover from Loop.hyps obtain n2 where "if the_Bool b then (G\s1 \c\n2\ s2 \ G\(abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)\l\ While(e) c\n2\ s3) else s3 = s1" by simp (iprover intro: evaln_nonstrict max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2) ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \l\ While(e) c\max n1 n2\ s3" apply - apply (rule evaln.Loop) apply (iprover intro: evaln_nonstrict intro: max.cobounded1) apply (auto intro: evaln_nonstrict intro: max.cobounded2) done then show ?case .. next case (Jmp s j) fix n have "G\Norm s \Jmp j\n\ (Some (Jump j), s)" by (rule evaln.Jmp) then show ?case .. next case (Throw s0 e a s1) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \e-\a\n\ s1" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \Throw e\n\ abupd (throw a) s1" by (rule evaln.Throw) then show ?case .. next case (Try s0 c1 s1 s2 catchC vn c2 s3) from Try.hyps obtain n1 where "G\Norm s0 \c1\n1\ s1" by (iprover) moreover note sxalloc = \G\s1 \sxalloc\ s2\ moreover from Try.hyps obtain n2 where "if G,s2\catch catchC then G\new_xcpt_var vn s2 \c2\n2\ s3 else s3 = s2" by fastforce ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \Try c1 Catch(catchC vn) c2\max n1 n2\ s3" by (auto intro!: evaln.Try max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2) then show ?case .. next case (Fin s0 c1 x1 s1 c2 s2 s3) from Fin obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \c1\n1\ (x1, s1)" "G\Norm s1 \c2\n2\ s2" by iprover moreover note s3 = \s3 = (if \err. x1 = Some (Error err) then (x1, s1) else abupd (abrupt_if (x1 \ None) x1) s2)\ ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \c1 Finally c2\max n1 n2\ s3" by (blast intro: evaln.Fin dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (Init C c s0 s3 s1 s2) note cls = \the (class G C) = c\ moreover from Init.hyps obtain n where "if inited C (globs s0) then s3 = Norm s0 else (G\Norm (init_class_obj G C s0) \(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\n\ s1 \ G\set_lvars Map.empty s1 \init c\n\ s2 \ s3 = restore_lvars s1 s2)" by (auto intro: evaln_nonstrict max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2) ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \Init C\n\ s3" by (rule evaln.Init) then show ?case .. next case (NewC s0 C s1 a s2) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \Init C\n\ s1" by (iprover) with NewC have "G\Norm s0 \NewC C-\Addr a\n\ s2" by (iprover intro: evaln.NewC) then show ?case .. next case (NewA s0 T s1 e i s2 a s3) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \init_comp_ty T\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \e-\i\n2\ s2" by (iprover) moreover note \G\abupd (check_neg i) s2 \halloc Arr T (the_Intg i)\a\ s3\ ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \New T[e]-\Addr a\max n1 n2\ s3" by (blast intro: evaln.NewA dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (Cast s0 e v s1 s2 castT) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1" by (iprover) moreover note \s2 = abupd (raise_if (\ G,snd s1\v fits castT) ClassCast) s1\ ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \Cast castT e-\v\n\ s2" by (rule evaln.Cast) then show ?case .. next case (Inst s0 e v s1 b T) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1" by (iprover) moreover note \b = (v \ Null \ G,snd s1\v fits RefT T)\ ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \e InstOf T-\Bool b\n\ s1" by (rule evaln.Inst) then show ?case .. next case (Lit s v) fix n have "G\Norm s \Lit v-\v\n\ Norm s" by (rule evaln.Lit) then show ?case .. next case (UnOp s0 e v s1 unop) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1" by (iprover) hence "G\Norm s0 \UnOp unop e-\eval_unop unop v\n\ s1" by (rule evaln.UnOp) then show ?case .. next case (BinOp s0 e1 v1 s1 binop e2 v2 s2) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \e1-\v1\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \(if need_second_arg binop v1 then In1l e2 else In1r Skip)\\n2\ (In1 v2, s2)" by (iprover) hence "G\Norm s0 \BinOp binop e1 e2-\(eval_binop binop v1 v2)\max n1 n2 \ s2" by (blast intro!: evaln.BinOp dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (Super s ) fix n have "G\Norm s \Super-\val_this s\n\ Norm s" by (rule evaln.Super) then show ?case .. next case (Acc s0 va v f s1) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \va=\(v, f)\n\ s1" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \Acc va-\v\n\ s1" by (rule evaln.Acc) then show ?case .. next case (Ass s0 var w f s1 e v s2) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \var=\(w, f)\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \e-\v\n2\ s2" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \var:=e-\v\max n1 n2\ assign f v s2" by (blast intro: evaln.Ass dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (Cond s0 e0 b s1 e1 e2 v s2) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \e0-\b\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\n2\ s2" by (iprover) then have "G\Norm s0 \e0 ? e1 : e2-\v\max n1 n2\ s2" by (blast intro: evaln.Cond dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (Call s0 e a' s1 args vs s2 invDeclC mode statT mn pTs' s3 s3' accC' v s4) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \args\\vs\n2\ s2" by iprover moreover note \invDeclC = invocation_declclass G mode (store s2) a' statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs'\\ moreover note \s3 = init_lvars G invDeclC \name=mn,parTs=pTs'\ mode a' vs s2\ moreover note \s3'=check_method_access G accC' statT mode \name=mn,parTs=pTs'\ a' s3\ moreover from Call.hyps obtain m where "G\s3' \Methd invDeclC \name=mn, parTs=pTs'\-\v\m\ s4" by iprover ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \{accC',statT,mode}e\mn( {pTs'}args)-\v\max n1 (max n2 m)\ (set_lvars (locals (store s2))) s4" by (auto intro!: evaln.Call max.cobounded1 le_max3I1 le_max3I2) thus ?case .. next case (Methd s0 D sig v s1) then obtain n where "G\Norm s0 \body G D sig-\v\n\ s1" by iprover then have "G\Norm s0 \Methd D sig-\v\Suc n\ s1" by (rule evaln.Methd) then show ?case .. next case (Body s0 D s1 c s2 s3) from Body.hyps obtain n1 n2 where evaln_init: "G\Norm s0 \Init D\n1\ s1" and evaln_c: "G\s1 \c\n2\ s2" by (iprover) moreover note \s3 = (if \l. fst s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \ fst s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l)) then abupd (\x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2 else s2)\ ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \Body D c-\the (locals (store s2) Result)\max n1 n2 \ abupd (absorb Ret) s3" by (iprover intro: evaln.Body dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (LVar s vn ) obtain n where "G\Norm s \LVar vn=\lvar vn s\n\ Norm s" by (iprover intro: evaln.LVar) then show ?case .. next case (FVar s0 statDeclC s1 e a s2 v s2' stat fn s3 accC) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \Init statDeclC\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \e-\a\n2\ s2" by iprover moreover note \s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'\ and \(v, s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2\ ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn=\v\max n1 n2\ s3" by (iprover intro: evaln.FVar dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (AVar s0 e1 a s1 e2 i s2 v s2') then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \e1-\a\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \e2-\i\n2\ s2" by iprover moreover note \(v, s2') = avar G i a s2\ ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \e1.[e2]=\v\max n1 n2\ s2'" by (blast intro!: evaln.AVar dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. next case (Nil s0) show ?case by (iprover intro: evaln.Nil) next case (Cons s0 e v s1 es vs s2) then obtain n1 n2 where "G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n1\ s1" "G\s1 \es\\vs\n2\ s2" by iprover then have "G\Norm s0 \e # es\\v # vs\max n1 n2\ s2" by (blast intro!: evaln.Cons dest: evaln_max2) then show ?case .. qed end diff --git a/src/HOL/Bali/WellType.thy b/src/HOL/Bali/WellType.thy --- a/src/HOL/Bali/WellType.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Bali/WellType.thy @@ -1,686 +1,686 @@ (* Title: HOL/Bali/WellType.thy Author: David von Oheimb *) subsection \Well-typedness of Java programs\ theory WellType imports DeclConcepts begin text \ improvements over Java Specification 1.0: \begin{itemize} \item methods of Object can be called upon references of interface or array type \end{itemize} simplifications: \begin{itemize} \item the type rules include all static checks on statements and expressions, e.g. definedness of names (of parameters, locals, fields, methods) \end{itemize} design issues: \begin{itemize} \item unified type judgment for statements, variables, expressions, expression lists \item statements are typed like expressions with dummy type Void \item the typing rules take an extra argument that is capable of determining the dynamic type of objects. Therefore, they can be used for both checking static types and determining runtime types in transition semantics. \end{itemize} \ type_synonym lenv = "(lname, ty) table" \ \local variables, including This and Result\ record env = prg:: "prog" \ \program\ cls:: "qtname" \ \current package and class name\ lcl:: "lenv" \ \local environment\ translations (type) "lenv" <= (type) "(lname, ty) table" (type) "lenv" <= (type) "lname \ ty option" (type) "env" <= (type) "\prg::prog,cls::qtname,lcl::lenv\" (type) "env" <= (type) "\prg::prog,cls::qtname,lcl::lenv,\::'a\" abbreviation pkg :: "env \ pname" \ \select the current package from an environment\ where "pkg e == pid (cls e)" subsubsection "Static overloading: maximally specific methods " type_synonym emhead = "ref_ty \ mhead" \ \Some mnemotic selectors for emhead\ definition "declrefT" :: "emhead \ ref_ty" where "declrefT = fst" definition "mhd" :: "emhead \ mhead" where "mhd \ snd" lemma declrefT_simp[simp]:"declrefT (r,m) = r" by (simp add: declrefT_def) lemma mhd_simp[simp]:"mhd (r,m) = m" by (simp add: mhd_def) lemma static_mhd_simp[simp]: "static (mhd m) = is_static m" by (cases m) (simp add: member_is_static_simp mhd_def) lemma mhd_resTy_simp [simp]: "resTy (mhd m) = resTy m" by (cases m) simp lemma mhd_is_static_simp [simp]: "is_static (mhd m) = is_static m" by (cases m) simp lemma mhd_accmodi_simp [simp]: "accmodi (mhd m) = accmodi m" by (cases m) simp definition cmheads :: "prog \ qtname \ qtname \ sig \ emhead set" where "cmheads G S C = (\sig. (\(Cls,mthd). (ClassT Cls,(mhead mthd))) ` set_option (accmethd G S C sig))" definition Objectmheads :: "prog \ qtname \ sig \ emhead set" where "Objectmheads G S = (\sig. (\(Cls,mthd). (ClassT Cls,(mhead mthd))) ` set_option (filter_tab (\sig m. accmodi m \ Private) (accmethd G S Object) sig))" definition accObjectmheads :: "prog \ qtname \ ref_ty \ sig \ emhead set" where "accObjectmheads G S T = (if G\RefT T accessible_in (pid S) then Objectmheads G S else (\sig. {}))" primrec mheads :: "prog \ qtname \ ref_ty \ sig \ emhead set" where "mheads G S NullT = (\sig. {})" | "mheads G S (IfaceT I) = (\sig. (\(I,h).(IfaceT I,h)) ` accimethds G (pid S) I sig \ accObjectmheads G S (IfaceT I) sig)" | "mheads G S (ClassT C) = cmheads G S C" | "mheads G S (ArrayT T) = accObjectmheads G S (ArrayT T)" definition \ \applicable methods, cf.\ appl_methds :: "prog \ qtname \ ref_ty \ sig \ (emhead \ ty list) set" where "appl_methds G S rt = (\ sig. {(mh,pTs') |mh pTs'. mh \ mheads G S rt \name=name sig,parTs=pTs'\ \ G\(parTs sig)[\]pTs'})" definition \ \more specific methods, cf.\ more_spec :: "prog \ emhead \ ty list \ emhead \ ty list \ bool" where "more_spec G = (\(mh,pTs). \(mh',pTs'). G\pTs[\]pTs')" (*more_spec G \\((d,h),pTs). \((d',h'),pTs'). G\RefT d\RefT d'\G\pTs[\]pTs'*) definition \ \maximally specific methods, cf.\ max_spec :: "prog \ qtname \ ref_ty \ sig \ (emhead \ ty list) set" where "max_spec G S rt sig = {m. m \appl_methds G S rt sig \ (\m'\appl_methds G S rt sig. more_spec G m' m \ m'=m)}" lemma max_spec2appl_meths: "x \ max_spec G S T sig \ x \ appl_methds G S T sig" by (auto simp: max_spec_def) lemma appl_methsD: "(mh,pTs')\appl_methds G S T \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ \ mh \ mheads G S T \name=mn,parTs=pTs'\ \ G\pTs[\]pTs'" by (auto simp: appl_methds_def) lemma max_spec2mheads: "max_spec G S rt \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ = insert (mh, pTs') A \ mh \ mheads G S rt \name=mn,parTs=pTs'\ \ G\pTs[\]pTs'" apply (auto dest: equalityD2 subsetD max_spec2appl_meths appl_methsD) done definition empty_dt :: "dyn_ty" where "empty_dt = (\a. None)" definition invmode :: "('a::type)member_scheme \ expr \ inv_mode" where "invmode m e = (if is_static m then Static else if e=Super then SuperM else IntVir)" lemma invmode_nonstatic [simp]: "invmode \access=a,static=False,\=x\ (Acc (LVar e)) = IntVir" apply (unfold invmode_def) apply (simp (no_asm) add: member_is_static_simp) done lemma invmode_Static_eq [simp]: "(invmode m e = Static) = is_static m" apply (unfold invmode_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done lemma invmode_IntVir_eq: "(invmode m e = IntVir) = (\(is_static m) \ e\Super)" apply (unfold invmode_def) apply (simp (no_asm)) done lemma Null_staticD: "a'=Null \ (is_static m) \ invmode m e = IntVir \ a' \ Null" apply (clarsimp simp add: invmode_IntVir_eq) done subsubsection "Typing for unary operations" primrec unop_type :: "unop \ prim_ty" where "unop_type UPlus = Integer" | "unop_type UMinus = Integer" | "unop_type UBitNot = Integer" | "unop_type UNot = Boolean" primrec wt_unop :: "unop \ ty \ bool" where "wt_unop UPlus t = (t = PrimT Integer)" | "wt_unop UMinus t = (t = PrimT Integer)" | "wt_unop UBitNot t = (t = PrimT Integer)" | "wt_unop UNot t = (t = PrimT Boolean)" subsubsection "Typing for binary operations" primrec binop_type :: "binop \ prim_ty" where "binop_type Mul = Integer" | "binop_type Div = Integer" | "binop_type Mod = Integer" | "binop_type Plus = Integer" | "binop_type Minus = Integer" | "binop_type LShift = Integer" | "binop_type RShift = Integer" | "binop_type RShiftU = Integer" | "binop_type Less = Boolean" | "binop_type Le = Boolean" | "binop_type Greater = Boolean" | "binop_type Ge = Boolean" | "binop_type Eq = Boolean" | "binop_type Neq = Boolean" | "binop_type BitAnd = Integer" | "binop_type And = Boolean" | "binop_type BitXor = Integer" | "binop_type Xor = Boolean" | "binop_type BitOr = Integer" | "binop_type Or = Boolean" | "binop_type CondAnd = Boolean" | "binop_type CondOr = Boolean" primrec wt_binop :: "prog \ binop \ ty \ ty \ bool" where "wt_binop G Mul t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Div t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Mod t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Plus t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Minus t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G LShift t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G RShift t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G RShiftU t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Less t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Le t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Greater t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Ge t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Eq t1 t2 = (G\t1\t2 \ G\t2\t1)" | "wt_binop G Neq t1 t2 = (G\t1\t2 \ G\t2\t1)" | "wt_binop G BitAnd t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G And t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Boolean) \ (t2 = PrimT Boolean))" | "wt_binop G BitXor t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Xor t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Boolean) \ (t2 = PrimT Boolean))" | "wt_binop G BitOr t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Integer) \ (t2 = PrimT Integer))" | "wt_binop G Or t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Boolean) \ (t2 = PrimT Boolean))" | "wt_binop G CondAnd t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Boolean) \ (t2 = PrimT Boolean))" | "wt_binop G CondOr t1 t2 = ((t1 = PrimT Boolean) \ (t2 = PrimT Boolean))" subsubsection "Typing for terms" type_synonym tys = "ty + ty list" translations (type) "tys" <= (type) "ty + ty list" inductive wt :: "env \ dyn_ty \ [term,tys] \ bool" ("_,_\_\_" [51,51,51,51] 50) and wt_stmt :: "env \ dyn_ty \ stmt \ bool" ("_,_\_\\" [51,51,51] 50) and ty_expr :: "env \ dyn_ty \ [expr ,ty ] \ bool" ("_,_\_\-_" [51,51,51,51] 50) and ty_var :: "env \ dyn_ty \ [var ,ty ] \ bool" ("_,_\_\=_" [51,51,51,51] 50) and ty_exprs :: "env \ dyn_ty \ [expr list, ty list] \ bool" ("_,_\_\\_" [51,51,51,51] 50) where "E,dt\s\\ \ E,dt\In1r s\Inl (PrimT Void)" | "E,dt\e\-T \ E,dt\In1l e\Inl T" | "E,dt\e\=T \ E,dt\In2 e\Inl T" | "E,dt\e\\T \ E,dt\In3 e\Inr T" \ \well-typed statements\ | Skip: "E,dt\Skip\\" | Expr: "\E,dt\e\-T\ \ E,dt\Expr e\\" \ \cf. 14.6\ | Lab: "E,dt\c\\ \ E,dt\l\ c\\" | Comp: "\E,dt\c1\\; E,dt\c2\\\ \ E,dt\c1;; c2\\" \ \cf. 14.8\ | If: "\E,dt\e\-PrimT Boolean; E,dt\c1\\; E,dt\c2\\\ \ E,dt\If(e) c1 Else c2\\" \ \cf. 14.10\ | Loop: "\E,dt\e\-PrimT Boolean; E,dt\c\\\ \ E,dt\l\ While(e) c\\" \ \cf. 14.13, 14.15, 14.16\ | Jmp: "E,dt\Jmp jump\\" \ \cf. 14.16\ | Throw: "\E,dt\e\-Class tn; prg E\tn\\<^sub>C SXcpt Throwable\ \ E,dt\Throw e\\" \ \cf. 14.18\ | Try: "\E,dt\c1\\; prg E\tn\\<^sub>C SXcpt Throwable; lcl E (VName vn)=None; E \lcl := (lcl E)(VName vn\Class tn)\,dt\c2\\\ \ E,dt\Try c1 Catch(tn vn) c2\\" \ \cf. 14.18\ | Fin: "\E,dt\c1\\; E,dt\c2\\\ \ E,dt\c1 Finally c2\\" | Init: "\is_class (prg E) C\ \ E,dt\Init C\\" \ \\<^term>\Init\ is created on the fly during evaluation (see Eval.thy). The class isn't necessarily accessible from the points \<^term>\Init\ is called. Therefor we only demand \<^term>\is_class\ and not \<^term>\is_acc_class\ here.\ \ \well-typed expressions\ \ \cf. 15.8\ | NewC: "\is_acc_class (prg E) (pkg E) C\ \ E,dt\NewC C\-Class C" \ \cf. 15.9\ | NewA: "\is_acc_type (prg E) (pkg E) T; E,dt\i\-PrimT Integer\ \ E,dt\New T[i]\-T.[]" \ \cf. 15.15\ | Cast: "\E,dt\e\-T; is_acc_type (prg E) (pkg E) T'; prg E\T\? T'\ \ E,dt\Cast T' e\-T'" \ \cf. 15.19.2\ | Inst: "\E,dt\e\-RefT T; is_acc_type (prg E) (pkg E) (RefT T'); prg E\RefT T\? RefT T'\ \ E,dt\e InstOf T'\-PrimT Boolean" \ \cf. 15.7.1\ | Lit: "\typeof dt x = Some T\ \ E,dt\Lit x\-T" | UnOp: "\E,dt\e\-Te; wt_unop unop Te; T=PrimT (unop_type unop)\ \ E,dt\UnOp unop e\-T" | BinOp: "\E,dt\e1\-T1; E,dt\e2\-T2; wt_binop (prg E) binop T1 T2; T=PrimT (binop_type binop)\ \ E,dt\BinOp binop e1 e2\-T" \ \cf. 15.10.2, 15.11.1\ | Super: "\lcl E This = Some (Class C); C \ Object; class (prg E) C = Some c\ \ E,dt\Super\-Class (super c)" \ \cf. 15.13.1, 15.10.1, 15.12\ | Acc: "\E,dt\va\=T\ \ E,dt\Acc va\-T" \ \cf. 15.25, 15.25.1\ | Ass: "\E,dt\va\=T; va \ LVar This; E,dt\v \-T'; prg E\T'\T\ \ E,dt\va:=v\-T'" \ \cf. 15.24\ | Cond: "\E,dt\e0\-PrimT Boolean; E,dt\e1\-T1; E,dt\e2\-T2; prg E\T1\T2 \ T = T2 \ prg E\T2\T1 \ T = T1\ \ E,dt\e0 ? e1 : e2\-T" \ \cf. 15.11.1, 15.11.2, 15.11.3\ | Call: "\E,dt\e\-RefT statT; E,dt\ps\\pTs; max_spec (prg E) (cls E) statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ = {((statDeclT,m),pTs')} \ \ E,dt\{cls E,statT,invmode m e}e\mn({pTs'}ps)\-(resTy m)" | Methd: "\is_class (prg E) C; methd (prg E) C sig = Some m; E,dt\Body (declclass m) (stmt (mbody (mthd m)))\-T\ \ E,dt\Methd C sig\-T" \ \The class \<^term>\C\ is the dynamic class of the method call (cf. Eval.thy). It hasn't got to be directly accessible from the current package \<^term>\(pkg E)\. Only the static class must be accessible (enshured indirectly by \<^term>\Call\). Note that l is just a dummy value. It is only used in the smallstep semantics. To proof typesafety directly for the smallstep semantics we would have to assume conformance of l here!\ | Body: "\is_class (prg E) D; E,dt\blk\\; (lcl E) Result = Some T; is_type (prg E) T\ \ E,dt\Body D blk\-T" \ \The class \<^term>\D\ implementing the method must not directly be accessible from the current package \<^term>\(pkg E)\, but can also be indirectly accessible due to inheritance (enshured in \<^term>\Call\) The result type hasn't got to be accessible in Java! (If it is not accessible you can only assign it to Object). For dummy value l see rule \<^term>\Methd\.\ \ \well-typed variables\ \ \cf. 15.13.1\ | LVar: "\lcl E vn = Some T; is_acc_type (prg E) (pkg E) T\ \ E,dt\LVar vn\=T" \ \cf. 15.10.1\ | FVar: "\E,dt\e\-Class C; accfield (prg E) (cls E) C fn = Some (statDeclC,f)\ \ E,dt\{cls E,statDeclC,is_static f}e..fn\=(type f)" \ \cf. 15.12\ | AVar: "\E,dt\e\-T.[]; E,dt\i\-PrimT Integer\ \ E,dt\e.[i]\=T" \ \well-typed expression lists\ \ \cf. 15.11.???\ | Nil: "E,dt\[]\\[]" \ \cf. 15.11.???\ | Cons: "\E,dt\e \-T; E,dt\es\\Ts\ \ E,dt\e#es\\T#Ts" (* for purely static typing *) abbreviation wt_syntax :: "env \ [term,tys] \ bool" ("_\_\_" [51,51,51] 50) where "E\t\T == E,empty_dt\t\ T" abbreviation wt_stmt_syntax :: "env \ stmt \ bool" ("_\_\\" [51,51 ] 50) where "E\s\\ == E\In1r s \ Inl (PrimT Void)" abbreviation ty_expr_syntax :: "env \ [expr, ty] \ bool" ("_\_\-_" [51,51,51] 50) where "E\e\-T == E\In1l e \ Inl T" abbreviation ty_var_syntax :: "env \ [var, ty] \ bool" ("_\_\=_" [51,51,51] 50) where "E\e\=T == E\In2 e \ Inl T" abbreviation ty_exprs_syntax :: "env \ [expr list, ty list] \ bool" ("_\_\\_" [51,51,51] 50) where "E\e\\T == E\In3 e \ Inr T" notation (ASCII) wt_syntax ("_|-_::_" [51,51,51] 50) and wt_stmt_syntax ("_|-_:<>" [51,51 ] 50) and ty_expr_syntax ("_|-_:-_" [51,51,51] 50) and ty_var_syntax ("_|-_:=_" [51,51,51] 50) and ty_exprs_syntax ("_|-_:#_" [51,51,51] 50) declare not_None_eq [simp del] declare if_split [split del] if_split_asm [split del] declare split_paired_All [simp del] split_paired_Ex [simp del] setup \map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt delloop "split_all_tac")\ inductive_cases wt_elim_cases [cases set]: "E,dt\In2 (LVar vn) \T" "E,dt\In2 ({accC,statDeclC,s}e..fn)\T" "E,dt\In2 (e.[i]) \T" "E,dt\In1l (NewC C) \T" "E,dt\In1l (New T'[i]) \T" "E,dt\In1l (Cast T' e) \T" "E,dt\In1l (e InstOf T') \T" "E,dt\In1l (Lit x) \T" "E,dt\In1l (UnOp unop e) \T" "E,dt\In1l (BinOp binop e1 e2) \T" "E,dt\In1l (Super) \T" "E,dt\In1l (Acc va) \T" "E,dt\In1l (Ass va v) \T" "E,dt\In1l (e0 ? e1 : e2) \T" "E,dt\In1l ({accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pT'}p))\T" "E,dt\In1l (Methd C sig) \T" "E,dt\In1l (Body D blk) \T" "E,dt\In3 ([]) \Ts" "E,dt\In3 (e#es) \Ts" "E,dt\In1r Skip \x" "E,dt\In1r (Expr e) \x" "E,dt\In1r (c1;; c2) \x" "E,dt\In1r (l\ c) \x" "E,dt\In1r (If(e) c1 Else c2) \x" "E,dt\In1r (l\ While(e) c) \x" "E,dt\In1r (Jmp jump) \x" "E,dt\In1r (Throw e) \x" "E,dt\In1r (Try c1 Catch(tn vn) c2)\x" "E,dt\In1r (c1 Finally c2) \x" "E,dt\In1r (Init C) \x" declare not_None_eq [simp] declare if_split [split] if_split_asm [split] declare split_paired_All [simp] split_paired_Ex [simp] setup \map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt addloop ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac))\ lemma is_acc_class_is_accessible: "is_acc_class G P C \ G\(Class C) accessible_in P" by (auto simp add: is_acc_class_def) lemma is_acc_iface_is_iface: "is_acc_iface G P I \ is_iface G I" by (auto simp add: is_acc_iface_def) lemma is_acc_iface_Iface_is_accessible: "is_acc_iface G P I \ G\(Iface I) accessible_in P" by (auto simp add: is_acc_iface_def) lemma is_acc_type_is_type: "is_acc_type G P T \ is_type G T" by (auto simp add: is_acc_type_def) lemma is_acc_iface_is_accessible: "is_acc_type G P T \ G\T accessible_in P" by (auto simp add: is_acc_type_def) lemma wt_Methd_is_methd: "E\In1l (Methd C sig)\T \ is_methd (prg E) C sig" apply (erule_tac wt_elim_cases) apply clarsimp apply (erule is_methdI, assumption) done text \Special versions of some typing rules, better suited to pattern match the conclusion (no selectors in the conclusion) \ lemma wt_Call: "\E,dt\e\-RefT statT; E,dt\ps\\pTs; max_spec (prg E) (cls E) statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ = {((statDeclC,m),pTs')};rT=(resTy m);accC=cls E; mode = invmode m e\ \ E,dt\{accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pTs'}ps)\-rT" by (auto elim: wt.Call) lemma invocationTypeExpr_noClassD: "\ E\e\-RefT statT\ \ (\ statC. statT \ ClassT statC) \ invmode m e \ SuperM" proof - assume wt: "E\e\-RefT statT" show ?thesis proof (cases "e=Super") case True with wt obtain "C" where "statT = ClassT C" by (blast elim: wt_elim_cases) then show ?thesis by blast next case False then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: invmode_def) qed qed lemma wt_Super: "\lcl E This = Some (Class C); C \ Object; class (prg E) C = Some c; D=super c\ \ E,dt\Super\-Class D" by (auto elim: wt.Super) lemma wt_FVar: "\E,dt\e\-Class C; accfield (prg E) (cls E) C fn = Some (statDeclC,f); sf=is_static f; fT=(type f); accC=cls E\ \ E,dt\{accC,statDeclC,sf}e..fn\=fT" by (auto dest: wt.FVar) lemma wt_init [iff]: "E,dt\Init C\\ = is_class (prg E) C" by (auto elim: wt_elim_cases intro: "wt.Init") declare wt.Skip [iff] lemma wt_StatRef: "is_acc_type (prg E) (pkg E) (RefT rt) \ E\StatRef rt\-RefT rt" apply (rule wt.Cast) apply (rule wt.Lit) apply (simp (no_asm)) apply (simp (no_asm_simp)) apply (rule cast.widen) apply (simp (no_asm)) done lemma wt_Inj_elim: "\E. E,dt\t\U \ case t of In1 ec \ (case ec of Inl e \ \T. U=Inl T | Inr s \ U=Inl (PrimT Void)) | In2 e \ (\T. U=Inl T) | In3 e \ (\T. U=Inr T)" apply (erule wt.induct) apply auto done \ \In the special syntax to distinguish the typing judgements for expressions, statements, variables and expression lists the kind of term corresponds to the kind of type in the end e.g. An statement (injection \<^term>\In3\ into terms, always has type void (injection \<^term>\Inl\ into the generalised types. The following simplification procedures establish these kinds of correlation.\ lemma wt_expr_eq: "E,dt\In1l t\U = (\T. U=Inl T \ E,dt\t\-T)" by (auto, frule wt_Inj_elim, auto) lemma wt_var_eq: "E,dt\In2 t\U = (\T. U=Inl T \ E,dt\t\=T)" by (auto, frule wt_Inj_elim, auto) lemma wt_exprs_eq: "E,dt\In3 t\U = (\Ts. U=Inr Ts \ E,dt\t\\Ts)" by (auto, frule wt_Inj_elim, auto) lemma wt_stmt_eq: "E,dt\In1r t\U = (U=Inl(PrimT Void)\E,dt\t\\)" by (auto, frule wt_Inj_elim, auto, frule wt_Inj_elim, auto) simproc_setup wt_expr ("E,dt\In1l t\U") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => - (case Thm.term_of ct of - (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _)) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_expr_eq}))\ - -simproc_setup wt_var ("E,dt\In2 t\U") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _)) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_var_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_expr_eq}))))\ -simproc_setup wt_exprs ("E,dt\In3 t\U") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => +simproc_setup wt_var ("E,dt\In2 t\U") = \ + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _)) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_exprs_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_var_eq}))))\ + +simproc_setup wt_exprs ("E,dt\In3 t\U") = \ + K (K (fn ct => + (case Thm.term_of ct of + (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _)) => NONE + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_exprs_eq}))))\ simproc_setup wt_stmt ("E,dt\In1r t\U") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _)) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_stmt_eq}))\ + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm wt_stmt_eq}))))\ lemma wt_elim_BinOp: "\E,dt\In1l (BinOp binop e1 e2)\T; \T1 T2 T3. \E,dt\e1\-T1; E,dt\e2\-T2; wt_binop (prg E) binop T1 T2; E,dt\(if b then In1l e2 else In1r Skip)\T3; T = Inl (PrimT (binop_type binop))\ \ P\ \ P" apply (erule wt_elim_cases) apply (cases b) apply auto done lemma Inj_eq_lemma [simp]: "(\T. (\T'. T = Inj T' \ P T') \ Q T) = (\T'. P T' \ Q (Inj T'))" by auto (* unused *) lemma single_valued_tys_lemma [rule_format (no_asm)]: "\S T. G\S\T \ G\T\S \ S = T \ E,dt\t\T \ G = prg E \ (\T'. E,dt\t\T' \ T = T')" apply (cases "E", erule wt.induct) apply (safe del: disjE) apply (simp_all (no_asm_use) split del: if_split_asm) apply (safe del: disjE) (* 17 subgoals *) apply (tactic \ALLGOALS (fn i => if i = 11 then EVERY' [Rule_Insts.thin_tac \<^context> "E,dt\e0\-PrimT Boolean" [(\<^binding>\E\, NONE, NoSyn)], Rule_Insts.thin_tac \<^context> "E,dt\e1\-T1" [(\<^binding>\E\, NONE, NoSyn), (\<^binding>\T1\, NONE, NoSyn)], Rule_Insts.thin_tac \<^context> "E,dt\e2\-T2" [(\<^binding>\E\, NONE, NoSyn), (\<^binding>\T2\, NONE, NoSyn)]] i else Rule_Insts.thin_tac \<^context> "All P" [(\<^binding>\P\, NONE, NoSyn)] i)\) (*apply (safe del: disjE elim!: wt_elim_cases)*) apply (tactic \ALLGOALS (eresolve_tac \<^context> @{thms wt_elim_cases})\) apply (simp_all (no_asm_use) split del: if_split_asm) apply (erule_tac [12] V = "All P" for P in thin_rl) (* Call *) apply (blast del: equalityCE dest: sym [THEN trans])+ done (* unused *) lemma single_valued_tys: "ws_prog (prg E) \ single_valued {(t,T). E,dt\t\T}" apply (unfold single_valued_def) apply clarsimp apply (rule single_valued_tys_lemma) apply (auto intro!: widen_antisym) done lemma typeof_empty_is_type: "typeof (\a. None) v = Some T \ is_type G T" by (induct v) auto (* unused *) lemma typeof_is_type: "(\a. v \ Addr a) \ \T. typeof dt v = Some T \ is_type G T" by (induct v) auto end diff --git a/src/HOL/Boolean_Algebras.thy b/src/HOL/Boolean_Algebras.thy --- a/src/HOL/Boolean_Algebras.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Boolean_Algebras.thy @@ -1,573 +1,573 @@ (* Title: HOL/Boolean_Algebras.thy Author: Brian Huffman Author: Florian Haftmann *) section \Boolean Algebras\ theory Boolean_Algebras imports Lattices begin subsection \Abstract boolean algebra\ locale abstract_boolean_algebra = conj: abel_semigroup \(\<^bold>\)\ + disj: abel_semigroup \(\<^bold>\)\ for conj :: \'a \ 'a \ 'a\ (infixr \\<^bold>\\ 70) and disj :: \'a \ 'a \ 'a\ (infixr \\<^bold>\\ 65) + fixes compl :: \'a \ 'a\ (\\<^bold>- _\ [81] 80) and zero :: \'a\ (\\<^bold>0\) and one :: \'a\ (\\<^bold>1\) assumes conj_disj_distrib: \x \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ z) = (x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ z)\ and disj_conj_distrib: \x \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ z) = (x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ z)\ and conj_one_right: \x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1 = x\ and disj_zero_right: \x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>0 = x\ and conj_cancel_right [simp]: \x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x = \<^bold>0\ and disj_cancel_right [simp]: \x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x = \<^bold>1\ begin sublocale conj: semilattice_neutr \(\<^bold>\)\ \\<^bold>1\ proof show "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1 = x" for x by (fact conj_one_right) show "x \<^bold>\ x = x" for x proof - have "x \<^bold>\ x = (x \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ \<^bold>0" by (simp add: disj_zero_right) also have "\ = (x \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x)" by simp also have "\ = x \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x)" by (simp only: conj_disj_distrib) also have "\ = x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1" by simp also have "\ = x" by (simp add: conj_one_right) finally show ?thesis . qed qed sublocale disj: semilattice_neutr \(\<^bold>\)\ \\<^bold>0\ proof show "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>0 = x" for x by (fact disj_zero_right) show "x \<^bold>\ x = x" for x proof - have "x \<^bold>\ x = (x \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1" by simp also have "\ = (x \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x)" by simp also have "\ = x \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x)" by (simp only: disj_conj_distrib) also have "\ = x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>0" by simp also have "\ = x" by (simp add: disj_zero_right) finally show ?thesis . qed qed subsubsection \Complement\ lemma complement_unique: assumes 1: "a \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>0" assumes 2: "a \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>1" assumes 3: "a \<^bold>\ y = \<^bold>0" assumes 4: "a \<^bold>\ y = \<^bold>1" shows "x = y" proof - from 1 3 have "(a \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ y) = (a \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ y)" by simp then have "(x \<^bold>\ a) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ y) = (y \<^bold>\ a) \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ x)" by (simp add: ac_simps) then have "x \<^bold>\ (a \<^bold>\ y) = y \<^bold>\ (a \<^bold>\ x)" by (simp add: conj_disj_distrib) with 2 4 have "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1 = y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1" by simp then show "x = y" by simp qed lemma compl_unique: "x \<^bold>\ y = \<^bold>0 \ x \<^bold>\ y = \<^bold>1 \ \<^bold>- x = y" by (rule complement_unique [OF conj_cancel_right disj_cancel_right]) lemma double_compl [simp]: "\<^bold>- (\<^bold>- x) = x" proof (rule compl_unique) show "\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>0" by (simp only: conj_cancel_right conj.commute) show "\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>1" by (simp only: disj_cancel_right disj.commute) qed lemma compl_eq_compl_iff [simp]: \\<^bold>- x = \<^bold>- y \ x = y\ (is \?P \ ?Q\) proof assume \?Q\ then show ?P by simp next assume \?P\ then have \\<^bold>- (\<^bold>- x) = \<^bold>- (\<^bold>- y)\ by simp then show ?Q by simp qed subsubsection \Conjunction\ lemma conj_zero_right [simp]: "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>0 = \<^bold>0" using conj.left_idem conj_cancel_right by fastforce lemma compl_one [simp]: "\<^bold>- \<^bold>1 = \<^bold>0" by (rule compl_unique [OF conj_zero_right disj_zero_right]) lemma conj_zero_left [simp]: "\<^bold>0 \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>0" by (subst conj.commute) (rule conj_zero_right) lemma conj_cancel_left [simp]: "\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>0" by (subst conj.commute) (rule conj_cancel_right) lemma conj_disj_distrib2: "(y \<^bold>\ z) \<^bold>\ x = (y \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ (z \<^bold>\ x)" by (simp only: conj.commute conj_disj_distrib) lemmas conj_disj_distribs = conj_disj_distrib conj_disj_distrib2 subsubsection \Disjunction\ context begin interpretation dual: abstract_boolean_algebra \(\<^bold>\)\ \(\<^bold>\)\ compl \\<^bold>1\ \\<^bold>0\ apply standard apply (rule disj_conj_distrib) apply (rule conj_disj_distrib) apply simp_all done lemma disj_one_right [simp]: "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1 = \<^bold>1" by (fact dual.conj_zero_right) lemma compl_zero [simp]: "\<^bold>- \<^bold>0 = \<^bold>1" by (fact dual.compl_one) lemma disj_one_left [simp]: "\<^bold>1 \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>1" by (fact dual.conj_zero_left) lemma disj_cancel_left [simp]: "\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>1" by (fact dual.conj_cancel_left) lemma disj_conj_distrib2: "(y \<^bold>\ z) \<^bold>\ x = (y \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ (z \<^bold>\ x)" by (fact dual.conj_disj_distrib2) lemmas disj_conj_distribs = disj_conj_distrib disj_conj_distrib2 end subsubsection \De Morgan's Laws\ lemma de_Morgan_conj [simp]: "\<^bold>- (x \<^bold>\ y) = \<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y" proof (rule compl_unique) have "(x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y) = ((x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x) \<^bold>\ ((x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y)" by (rule conj_disj_distrib) also have "\ = (y \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x)) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y))" by (simp only: ac_simps) finally show "(x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y) = \<^bold>0" by (simp only: conj_cancel_right conj_zero_right disj_zero_right) next have "(x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y) = (x \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y)) \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y))" by (rule disj_conj_distrib2) also have "\ = (\<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x)) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y))" by (simp only: ac_simps) finally show "(x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y) = \<^bold>1" by (simp only: disj_cancel_right disj_one_right conj_one_right) qed context begin interpretation dual: abstract_boolean_algebra \(\<^bold>\)\ \(\<^bold>\)\ compl \\<^bold>1\ \\<^bold>0\ apply standard apply (rule disj_conj_distrib) apply (rule conj_disj_distrib) apply simp_all done lemma de_Morgan_disj [simp]: "\<^bold>- (x \<^bold>\ y) = \<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y" by (fact dual.de_Morgan_conj) end end subsection \Symmetric Difference\ locale abstract_boolean_algebra_sym_diff = abstract_boolean_algebra + fixes xor :: \'a \ 'a \ 'a\ (infixr \\<^bold>\\ 65) assumes xor_def : \x \<^bold>\ y = (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ y)\ begin sublocale xor: comm_monoid xor \\<^bold>0\ proof fix x y z :: 'a let ?t = "(x \<^bold>\ y \<^bold>\ z) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- z) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- z) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ z)" have "?t \<^bold>\ (z \<^bold>\ x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x) \<^bold>\ (z \<^bold>\ y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y) = ?t \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ z \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- z)" by (simp only: conj_cancel_right conj_zero_right) then show "(x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ z = x \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ z)" by (simp only: xor_def de_Morgan_disj de_Morgan_conj double_compl) (simp only: conj_disj_distribs conj_ac ac_simps) show "x \<^bold>\ y = y \<^bold>\ x" by (simp only: xor_def ac_simps) show "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>0 = x" by (simp add: xor_def) qed lemma xor_def2: \x \<^bold>\ y = (x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y)\ proof - note xor_def [of x y] also have \x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ y = ((x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x)) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ y)\ by (simp add: ac_simps disj_conj_distribs) also have \\ = (x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y)\ by (simp add: ac_simps) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma xor_one_right [simp]: "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>1 = \<^bold>- x" by (simp only: xor_def compl_one conj_zero_right conj_one_right disj.left_neutral) lemma xor_one_left [simp]: "\<^bold>1 \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>- x" using xor_one_right [of x] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma xor_self [simp]: "x \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>0" by (simp only: xor_def conj_cancel_right conj_cancel_left disj_zero_right) lemma xor_left_self [simp]: "x \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ y) = y" by (simp only: xor.assoc [symmetric] xor_self xor.left_neutral) lemma xor_compl_left [simp]: "\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ y = \<^bold>- (x \<^bold>\ y)" by (simp add: ac_simps flip: xor_one_left) lemma xor_compl_right [simp]: "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y = \<^bold>- (x \<^bold>\ y)" using xor.commute xor_compl_left by auto lemma xor_cancel_right [simp]: "x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x = \<^bold>1" by (simp only: xor_compl_right xor_self compl_zero) lemma xor_cancel_left [simp]: "\<^bold>- x \<^bold>\ x = \<^bold>1" by (simp only: xor_compl_left xor_self compl_zero) lemma conj_xor_distrib: "x \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ z) = (x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ z)" proof - have *: "(x \<^bold>\ y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- z) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ z) = (y \<^bold>\ x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x) \<^bold>\ (z \<^bold>\ x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- x) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ y \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- z) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ \<^bold>- y \<^bold>\ z)" by (simp only: conj_cancel_right conj_zero_right disj.left_neutral) then show "x \<^bold>\ (y \<^bold>\ z) = (x \<^bold>\ y) \<^bold>\ (x \<^bold>\ z)" by (simp (no_asm_use) only: xor_def de_Morgan_disj de_Morgan_conj double_compl conj_disj_distribs ac_simps) qed lemma conj_xor_distrib2: "(y \<^bold>\ z) \<^bold>\ x = (y \<^bold>\ x) \<^bold>\ (z \<^bold>\ x)" by (simp add: conj.commute conj_xor_distrib) lemmas conj_xor_distribs = conj_xor_distrib conj_xor_distrib2 end subsection \Type classes\ class boolean_algebra = distrib_lattice + bounded_lattice + minus + uminus + assumes inf_compl_bot: \x \ - x = \\ and sup_compl_top: \x \ - x = \\ assumes diff_eq: \x - y = x \ - y\ begin sublocale boolean_algebra: abstract_boolean_algebra \(\)\ \(\)\ uminus \ \ apply standard apply (rule inf_sup_distrib1) apply (rule sup_inf_distrib1) apply (simp_all add: ac_simps inf_compl_bot sup_compl_top) done lemma compl_inf_bot: "- x \ x = \" by (fact boolean_algebra.conj_cancel_left) lemma compl_sup_top: "- x \ x = \" by (fact boolean_algebra.disj_cancel_left) lemma compl_unique: assumes "x \ y = \" and "x \ y = \" shows "- x = y" using assms by (rule boolean_algebra.compl_unique) lemma double_compl: "- (- x) = x" by (fact boolean_algebra.double_compl) lemma compl_eq_compl_iff: "- x = - y \ x = y" by (fact boolean_algebra.compl_eq_compl_iff) lemma compl_bot_eq: "- \ = \" by (fact boolean_algebra.compl_zero) lemma compl_top_eq: "- \ = \" by (fact boolean_algebra.compl_one) lemma compl_inf: "- (x \ y) = - x \ - y" by (fact boolean_algebra.de_Morgan_conj) lemma compl_sup: "- (x \ y) = - x \ - y" by (fact boolean_algebra.de_Morgan_disj) lemma compl_mono: assumes "x \ y" shows "- y \ - x" proof - from assms have "x \ y = y" by (simp only: le_iff_sup) then have "- (x \ y) = - y" by simp then have "- x \ - y = - y" by simp then have "- y \ - x = - y" by (simp only: inf_commute) then show ?thesis by (simp only: le_iff_inf) qed lemma compl_le_compl_iff [simp]: "- x \ - y \ y \ x" by (auto dest: compl_mono) lemma compl_le_swap1: assumes "y \ - x" shows "x \ -y" proof - from assms have "- (- x) \ - y" by (simp only: compl_le_compl_iff) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma compl_le_swap2: assumes "- y \ x" shows "- x \ y" proof - from assms have "- x \ - (- y)" by (simp only: compl_le_compl_iff) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma compl_less_compl_iff [simp]: "- x < - y \ y < x" by (auto simp add: less_le) lemma compl_less_swap1: assumes "y < - x" shows "x < - y" proof - from assms have "- (- x) < - y" by (simp only: compl_less_compl_iff) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma compl_less_swap2: assumes "- y < x" shows "- x < y" proof - from assms have "- x < - (- y)" by (simp only: compl_less_compl_iff) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma sup_cancel_left1: \x \ a \ (- x \ b) = \\ by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma sup_cancel_left2: \- x \ a \ (x \ b) = \\ by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma inf_cancel_left1: \x \ a \ (- x \ b) = \\ by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma inf_cancel_left2: \- x \ a \ (x \ b) = \\ by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma sup_compl_top_left1 [simp]: \- x \ (x \ y) = \\ by (simp add: sup_assoc [symmetric]) lemma sup_compl_top_left2 [simp]: \x \ (- x \ y) = \\ using sup_compl_top_left1 [of "- x" y] by simp lemma inf_compl_bot_left1 [simp]: \- x \ (x \ y) = \\ by (simp add: inf_assoc [symmetric]) lemma inf_compl_bot_left2 [simp]: \x \ (- x \ y) = \\ using inf_compl_bot_left1 [of "- x" y] by simp lemma inf_compl_bot_right [simp]: \x \ (y \ - x) = \\ by (subst inf_left_commute) simp end subsection \Lattice on \<^typ>\bool\\ instantiation bool :: boolean_algebra begin definition bool_Compl_def [simp]: "uminus = Not" definition bool_diff_def [simp]: "A - B \ A \ \ B" definition [simp]: "P \ Q \ P \ Q" definition [simp]: "P \ Q \ P \ Q" instance by standard auto end lemma sup_boolI1: "P \ P \ Q" by simp lemma sup_boolI2: "Q \ P \ Q" by simp lemma sup_boolE: "P \ Q \ (P \ R) \ (Q \ R) \ R" by auto instance "fun" :: (type, boolean_algebra) boolean_algebra by standard (rule ext, simp_all add: inf_compl_bot sup_compl_top diff_eq)+ subsection \Lattice on unary and binary predicates\ lemma inf1I: "A x \ B x \ (A \ B) x" by (simp add: inf_fun_def) lemma inf2I: "A x y \ B x y \ (A \ B) x y" by (simp add: inf_fun_def) lemma inf1E: "(A \ B) x \ (A x \ B x \ P) \ P" by (simp add: inf_fun_def) lemma inf2E: "(A \ B) x y \ (A x y \ B x y \ P) \ P" by (simp add: inf_fun_def) lemma inf1D1: "(A \ B) x \ A x" by (rule inf1E) lemma inf2D1: "(A \ B) x y \ A x y" by (rule inf2E) lemma inf1D2: "(A \ B) x \ B x" by (rule inf1E) lemma inf2D2: "(A \ B) x y \ B x y" by (rule inf2E) lemma sup1I1: "A x \ (A \ B) x" by (simp add: sup_fun_def) lemma sup2I1: "A x y \ (A \ B) x y" by (simp add: sup_fun_def) lemma sup1I2: "B x \ (A \ B) x" by (simp add: sup_fun_def) lemma sup2I2: "B x y \ (A \ B) x y" by (simp add: sup_fun_def) lemma sup1E: "(A \ B) x \ (A x \ P) \ (B x \ P) \ P" by (simp add: sup_fun_def) iprover lemma sup2E: "(A \ B) x y \ (A x y \ P) \ (B x y \ P) \ P" by (simp add: sup_fun_def) iprover text \ \<^medskip> Classical introduction rule: no commitment to \A\ vs \B\.\ lemma sup1CI: "(\ B x \ A x) \ (A \ B) x" by (auto simp add: sup_fun_def) lemma sup2CI: "(\ B x y \ A x y) \ (A \ B) x y" by (auto simp add: sup_fun_def) subsection \Simproc setup\ locale boolean_algebra_cancel begin lemma sup1: "(A::'a::semilattice_sup) \ sup k a \ sup A b \ sup k (sup a b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma sup2: "(B::'a::semilattice_sup) \ sup k b \ sup a B \ sup k (sup a b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma sup0: "(a::'a::bounded_semilattice_sup_bot) \ sup a bot" by simp lemma inf1: "(A::'a::semilattice_inf) \ inf k a \ inf A b \ inf k (inf a b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma inf2: "(B::'a::semilattice_inf) \ inf k b \ inf a B \ inf k (inf a b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma inf0: "(a::'a::bounded_semilattice_inf_top) \ inf a top" by simp end ML_file \Tools/boolean_algebra_cancel.ML\ simproc_setup boolean_algebra_cancel_sup ("sup a b::'a::boolean_algebra") = - \fn phi => fn ss => try Boolean_Algebra_Cancel.cancel_sup_conv\ + \K (K (try Boolean_Algebra_Cancel.cancel_sup_conv))\ simproc_setup boolean_algebra_cancel_inf ("inf a b::'a::boolean_algebra") = - \fn phi => fn ss => try Boolean_Algebra_Cancel.cancel_inf_conv\ + \K (K (try Boolean_Algebra_Cancel.cancel_inf_conv))\ context boolean_algebra begin lemma shunt1: "(x \ y \ z) \ (x \ -y \ z)" proof assume "x \ y \ z" hence "-y \ (x \ y) \ -y \ z" using sup.mono by blast hence "-y \ x \ -y \ z" by (simp add: sup_inf_distrib1) thus "x \ -y \ z" by simp next assume "x \ -y \ z" hence "x \ y \ (-y \ z) \ y" using inf_mono by auto thus "x \ y \ z" using inf.boundedE inf_sup_distrib2 by auto qed lemma shunt2: "(x \ -y \ z) \ (x \ y \ z)" by (simp add: shunt1) lemma inf_shunt: "(x \ y = \) \ (x \ - y)" by (simp add: order.eq_iff shunt1) lemma sup_shunt: "(x \ y = \) \ (- x \ y)" using inf_shunt [of \- x\ \- y\, symmetric] by (simp flip: compl_sup compl_top_eq) lemma diff_shunt_var: "(x - y = \) \ (x \ y)" by (simp add: diff_eq inf_shunt) lemma sup_neg_inf: \p \ q \ r \ p \ -q \ r\ (is \?P \ ?Q\) proof assume ?P then have \p \ - q \ (q \ r) \ - q\ by (rule inf_mono) simp then show ?Q by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2) next assume ?Q then have \p \ - q \ q \ r \ q\ by (rule sup_mono) simp then show ?P by (simp add: sup_inf_distrib ac_simps) qed end end diff --git a/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Less_False.thy b/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Less_False.thy --- a/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Less_False.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Less_False.thy @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ (* Author: Tobias Nipkow *) section \Improved Simproc for $<$\ theory Less_False imports Main begin -simproc_setup less_False ("(x::'a::order) < y") = \fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct => +simproc_setup less_False ("(x::'a::order) < y") = \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => let fun prp t thm = Thm.full_prop_of thm aconv t; val eq_False_if_not = @{thm eq_False} RS iffD2 fun prove_less_False ((less as Const(_,T)) $ r $ s) = let val prems = Simplifier.prems_of ctxt; val le = Const (\<^const_name>\less_eq\, T); val t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(le $ s $ r); in case find_first (prp t) prems of NONE => let val t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(less $ s $ r) in case find_first (prp t) prems of NONE => NONE | SOME thm => SOME(mk_meta_eq((thm RS @{thm less_not_sym}) RS eq_False_if_not)) end | SOME thm => NONE end; - in prove_less_False (Thm.term_of ct) end + in prove_less_False (Thm.term_of ct) end) \ end diff --git a/src/HOL/Enum.thy b/src/HOL/Enum.thy --- a/src/HOL/Enum.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Enum.thy @@ -1,1160 +1,1160 @@ (* Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen *) section \Finite types as explicit enumerations\ theory Enum imports Map Groups_List begin subsection \Class \enum\\ class enum = fixes enum :: "'a list" fixes enum_all :: "('a \ bool) \ bool" fixes enum_ex :: "('a \ bool) \ bool" assumes UNIV_enum: "UNIV = set enum" and enum_distinct: "distinct enum" assumes enum_all_UNIV: "enum_all P \ Ball UNIV P" assumes enum_ex_UNIV: "enum_ex P \ Bex UNIV P" \ \tailored towards simple instantiation\ begin subclass finite proof qed (simp add: UNIV_enum) lemma enum_UNIV: "set enum = UNIV" by (simp only: UNIV_enum) lemma in_enum: "x \ set enum" by (simp add: enum_UNIV) lemma enum_eq_I: assumes "\x. x \ set xs" shows "set enum = set xs" proof - from assms UNIV_eq_I have "UNIV = set xs" by auto with enum_UNIV show ?thesis by simp qed lemma card_UNIV_length_enum: "card (UNIV :: 'a set) = length enum" by (simp add: UNIV_enum distinct_card enum_distinct) lemma enum_all [simp]: "enum_all = HOL.All" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff enum_all_UNIV) lemma enum_ex [simp]: "enum_ex = HOL.Ex" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff enum_ex_UNIV) end subsection \Implementations using \<^class>\enum\\ subsubsection \Unbounded operations and quantifiers\ lemma Collect_code [code]: "Collect P = set (filter P enum)" by (simp add: enum_UNIV) lemma vimage_code [code]: "f -` B = set (filter (\x. f x \ B) enum_class.enum)" unfolding vimage_def Collect_code .. definition card_UNIV :: "'a itself \ nat" where [code del]: "card_UNIV TYPE('a) = card (UNIV :: 'a set)" lemma [code]: "card_UNIV TYPE('a :: enum) = card (set (Enum.enum :: 'a list))" by (simp only: card_UNIV_def enum_UNIV) lemma all_code [code]: "(\x. P x) \ enum_all P" by simp lemma exists_code [code]: "(\x. P x) \ enum_ex P" by simp lemma exists1_code [code]: "(\!x. P x) \ list_ex1 P enum" by (auto simp add: list_ex1_iff enum_UNIV) subsubsection \An executable choice operator\ definition [code del]: "enum_the = The" lemma [code]: "The P = (case filter P enum of [x] \ x | _ \ enum_the P)" proof - { fix a assume filter_enum: "filter P enum = [a]" have "The P = a" proof (rule the_equality) fix x assume "P x" show "x = a" proof (rule ccontr) assume "x \ a" from filter_enum obtain us vs where enum_eq: "enum = us @ [a] @ vs" and "\ x \ set us. \ P x" and "\ x \ set vs. \ P x" and "P a" by (auto simp add: filter_eq_Cons_iff) (simp only: filter_empty_conv[symmetric]) with \P x\ in_enum[of x, unfolded enum_eq] \x \ a\ show "False" by auto qed next from filter_enum show "P a" by (auto simp add: filter_eq_Cons_iff) qed } from this show ?thesis unfolding enum_the_def by (auto split: list.split) qed declare [[code abort: enum_the]] code_printing constant enum_the \ (Eval) "(fn '_ => raise Match)" subsubsection \Equality and order on functions\ instantiation "fun" :: (enum, equal) equal begin definition "HOL.equal f g \ (\x \ set enum. f x = g x)" instance proof qed (simp_all add: equal_fun_def fun_eq_iff enum_UNIV) end lemma [code]: "HOL.equal f g \ enum_all (%x. f x = g x)" by (auto simp add: equal fun_eq_iff) lemma [code nbe]: "HOL.equal (f :: _ \ _) f \ True" by (fact equal_refl) lemma order_fun [code]: fixes f g :: "'a::enum \ 'b::order" shows "f \ g \ enum_all (\x. f x \ g x)" and "f < g \ f \ g \ enum_ex (\x. f x \ g x)" by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff le_fun_def order_less_le) subsubsection \Operations on relations\ lemma [code]: "Id = image (\x. (x, x)) (set Enum.enum)" by (auto intro: imageI in_enum) lemma tranclp_unfold [code]: "tranclp r a b \ (a, b) \ trancl {(x, y). r x y}" by (simp add: trancl_def) lemma rtranclp_rtrancl_eq [code]: "rtranclp r x y \ (x, y) \ rtrancl {(x, y). r x y}" by (simp add: rtrancl_def) lemma max_ext_eq [code]: "max_ext R = {(X, Y). finite X \ finite Y \ Y \ {} \ (\x. x \ X \ (\xa \ Y. (x, xa) \ R))}" by (auto simp add: max_ext.simps) lemma max_extp_eq [code]: "max_extp r x y \ (x, y) \ max_ext {(x, y). r x y}" by (simp add: max_ext_def) lemma mlex_eq [code]: "f <*mlex*> R = {(x, y). f x < f y \ (f x \ f y \ (x, y) \ R)}" by (auto simp add: mlex_prod_def) subsubsection \Bounded accessible part\ primrec bacc :: "('a \ 'a) set \ nat \ 'a set" where "bacc r 0 = {x. \ y. (y, x) \ r}" | "bacc r (Suc n) = (bacc r n \ {x. \y. (y, x) \ r \ y \ bacc r n})" lemma bacc_subseteq_acc: "bacc r n \ Wellfounded.acc r" by (induct n) (auto intro: acc.intros) lemma bacc_mono: "n \ m \ bacc r n \ bacc r m" by (induct rule: dec_induct) auto lemma bacc_upper_bound: "bacc (r :: ('a \ 'a) set) (card (UNIV :: 'a::finite set)) = (\n. bacc r n)" proof - have "mono (bacc r)" unfolding mono_def by (simp add: bacc_mono) moreover have "\n. bacc r n = bacc r (Suc n) \ bacc r (Suc n) = bacc r (Suc (Suc n))" by auto moreover have "finite (range (bacc r))" by auto ultimately show ?thesis by (intro finite_mono_strict_prefix_implies_finite_fixpoint) (auto intro: finite_mono_remains_stable_implies_strict_prefix) qed lemma acc_subseteq_bacc: assumes "finite r" shows "Wellfounded.acc r \ (\n. bacc r n)" proof fix x assume "x \ Wellfounded.acc r" then have "\n. x \ bacc r n" proof (induct x arbitrary: rule: acc.induct) case (accI x) then have "\y. \ n. (y, x) \ r \ y \ bacc r n" by simp from choice[OF this] obtain n where n: "\y. (y, x) \ r \ y \ bacc r (n y)" .. obtain n where "\y. (y, x) \ r \ y \ bacc r n" proof fix y assume y: "(y, x) \ r" with n have "y \ bacc r (n y)" by auto moreover have "n y <= Max ((\(y, x). n y) ` r)" using y \finite r\ by (auto intro!: Max_ge) note bacc_mono[OF this, of r] ultimately show "y \ bacc r (Max ((\(y, x). n y) ` r))" by auto qed then show ?case by (auto simp add: Let_def intro!: exI[of _ "Suc n"]) qed then show "x \ (\n. bacc r n)" by auto qed lemma acc_bacc_eq: fixes A :: "('a :: finite \ 'a) set" assumes "finite A" shows "Wellfounded.acc A = bacc A (card (UNIV :: 'a set))" using assms by (metis acc_subseteq_bacc bacc_subseteq_acc bacc_upper_bound order_eq_iff) lemma [code]: fixes xs :: "('a::finite \ 'a) list" shows "Wellfounded.acc (set xs) = bacc (set xs) (card_UNIV TYPE('a))" by (simp add: card_UNIV_def acc_bacc_eq) subsection \Default instances for \<^class>\enum\\ lemma map_of_zip_enum_is_Some: assumes "length ys = length (enum :: 'a::enum list)" shows "\y. map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) ys) x = Some y" proof - from assms have "x \ set (enum :: 'a::enum list) \ (\y. map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) ys) x = Some y)" by (auto intro!: map_of_zip_is_Some) then show ?thesis using enum_UNIV by auto qed lemma map_of_zip_enum_inject: fixes xs ys :: "'b::enum list" assumes length: "length xs = length (enum :: 'a::enum list)" "length ys = length (enum :: 'a::enum list)" and map_of: "the \ map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) xs) = the \ map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) ys)" shows "xs = ys" proof - have "map_of (zip (enum :: 'a list) xs) = map_of (zip (enum :: 'a list) ys)" proof fix x :: 'a from length map_of_zip_enum_is_Some obtain y1 y2 where "map_of (zip (enum :: 'a list) xs) x = Some y1" and "map_of (zip (enum :: 'a list) ys) x = Some y2" by blast moreover from map_of have "the (map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) xs) x) = the (map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) ys) x)" by (auto dest: fun_cong) ultimately show "map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) xs) x = map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) ys) x" by simp qed with length enum_distinct show "xs = ys" by (rule map_of_zip_inject) qed definition all_n_lists :: "(('a :: enum) list \ bool) \ nat \ bool" where "all_n_lists P n \ (\xs \ set (List.n_lists n enum). P xs)" lemma [code]: "all_n_lists P n \ (if n = 0 then P [] else enum_all (%x. all_n_lists (%xs. P (x # xs)) (n - 1)))" unfolding all_n_lists_def enum_all by (cases n) (auto simp add: enum_UNIV) definition ex_n_lists :: "(('a :: enum) list \ bool) \ nat \ bool" where "ex_n_lists P n \ (\xs \ set (List.n_lists n enum). P xs)" lemma [code]: "ex_n_lists P n \ (if n = 0 then P [] else enum_ex (%x. ex_n_lists (%xs. P (x # xs)) (n - 1)))" unfolding ex_n_lists_def enum_ex by (cases n) (auto simp add: enum_UNIV) instantiation "fun" :: (enum, enum) enum begin definition "enum = map (\ys. the \ map_of (zip (enum::'a list) ys)) (List.n_lists (length (enum::'a::enum list)) enum)" definition "enum_all P = all_n_lists (\bs. P (the \ map_of (zip enum bs))) (length (enum :: 'a list))" definition "enum_ex P = ex_n_lists (\bs. P (the \ map_of (zip enum bs))) (length (enum :: 'a list))" instance proof show "UNIV = set (enum :: ('a \ 'b) list)" proof (rule UNIV_eq_I) fix f :: "'a \ 'b" have "f = the \ map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) (map f enum))" by (auto simp add: map_of_zip_map fun_eq_iff intro: in_enum) then show "f \ set enum" by (auto simp add: enum_fun_def set_n_lists intro: in_enum) qed next from map_of_zip_enum_inject show "distinct (enum :: ('a \ 'b) list)" by (auto intro!: inj_onI simp add: enum_fun_def distinct_map distinct_n_lists enum_distinct set_n_lists) next fix P show "enum_all (P :: ('a \ 'b) \ bool) = Ball UNIV P" proof assume "enum_all P" show "Ball UNIV P" proof fix f :: "'a \ 'b" have f: "f = the \ map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) (map f enum))" by (auto simp add: map_of_zip_map fun_eq_iff intro: in_enum) from \enum_all P\ have "P (the \ map_of (zip enum (map f enum)))" unfolding enum_all_fun_def all_n_lists_def apply (simp add: set_n_lists) apply (erule_tac x="map f enum" in allE) apply (auto intro!: in_enum) done from this f show "P f" by auto qed next assume "Ball UNIV P" from this show "enum_all P" unfolding enum_all_fun_def all_n_lists_def by auto qed next fix P show "enum_ex (P :: ('a \ 'b) \ bool) = Bex UNIV P" proof assume "enum_ex P" from this show "Bex UNIV P" unfolding enum_ex_fun_def ex_n_lists_def by auto next assume "Bex UNIV P" from this obtain f where "P f" .. have f: "f = the \ map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) (map f enum))" by (auto simp add: map_of_zip_map fun_eq_iff intro: in_enum) from \P f\ this have "P (the \ map_of (zip (enum :: 'a::enum list) (map f enum)))" by auto from this show "enum_ex P" unfolding enum_ex_fun_def ex_n_lists_def apply (auto simp add: set_n_lists) apply (rule_tac x="map f enum" in exI) apply (auto intro!: in_enum) done qed qed end lemma enum_fun_code [code]: "enum = (let enum_a = (enum :: 'a::{enum, equal} list) in map (\ys. the \ map_of (zip enum_a ys)) (List.n_lists (length enum_a) enum))" by (simp add: enum_fun_def Let_def) lemma enum_all_fun_code [code]: "enum_all P = (let enum_a = (enum :: 'a::{enum, equal} list) in all_n_lists (\bs. P (the \ map_of (zip enum_a bs))) (length enum_a))" by (simp only: enum_all_fun_def Let_def) lemma enum_ex_fun_code [code]: "enum_ex P = (let enum_a = (enum :: 'a::{enum, equal} list) in ex_n_lists (\bs. P (the \ map_of (zip enum_a bs))) (length enum_a))" by (simp only: enum_ex_fun_def Let_def) instantiation set :: (enum) enum begin definition "enum = map set (subseqs enum)" definition "enum_all P \ (\A\set enum. P (A::'a set))" definition "enum_ex P \ (\A\set enum. P (A::'a set))" instance proof qed (simp_all add: enum_set_def enum_all_set_def enum_ex_set_def subseqs_powset distinct_set_subseqs enum_distinct enum_UNIV) end instantiation unit :: enum begin definition "enum = [()]" definition "enum_all P = P ()" definition "enum_ex P = P ()" instance proof qed (auto simp add: enum_unit_def enum_all_unit_def enum_ex_unit_def) end instantiation bool :: enum begin definition "enum = [False, True]" definition "enum_all P \ P False \ P True" definition "enum_ex P \ P False \ P True" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_bool_def enum_all_bool_def enum_ex_bool_def UNIV_bool, simp_all) end instantiation prod :: (enum, enum) enum begin definition "enum = List.product enum enum" definition "enum_all P = enum_all (%x. enum_all (%y. P (x, y)))" definition "enum_ex P = enum_ex (%x. enum_ex (%y. P (x, y)))" instance by standard (simp_all add: enum_prod_def distinct_product enum_UNIV enum_distinct enum_all_prod_def enum_ex_prod_def) end instantiation sum :: (enum, enum) enum begin definition "enum = map Inl enum @ map Inr enum" definition "enum_all P \ enum_all (\x. P (Inl x)) \ enum_all (\x. P (Inr x))" definition "enum_ex P \ enum_ex (\x. P (Inl x)) \ enum_ex (\x. P (Inr x))" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_sum_def enum_all_sum_def enum_ex_sum_def UNIV_sum, auto simp add: enum_UNIV distinct_map enum_distinct) end instantiation option :: (enum) enum begin definition "enum = None # map Some enum" definition "enum_all P \ P None \ enum_all (\x. P (Some x))" definition "enum_ex P \ P None \ enum_ex (\x. P (Some x))" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_option_def enum_all_option_def enum_ex_option_def UNIV_option_conv, auto simp add: distinct_map enum_UNIV enum_distinct) end subsection \Small finite types\ text \We define small finite types for use in Quickcheck\ datatype (plugins only: code "quickcheck" extraction) finite_1 = a\<^sub>1 notation (output) a\<^sub>1 ("a\<^sub>1") lemma UNIV_finite_1: "UNIV = {a\<^sub>1}" by (auto intro: finite_1.exhaust) instantiation finite_1 :: enum begin definition "enum = [a\<^sub>1]" definition "enum_all P = P a\<^sub>1" definition "enum_ex P = P a\<^sub>1" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_finite_1_def enum_all_finite_1_def enum_ex_finite_1_def UNIV_finite_1, simp_all) end instantiation finite_1 :: linorder begin definition less_finite_1 :: "finite_1 \ finite_1 \ bool" where "x < (y :: finite_1) \ False" definition less_eq_finite_1 :: "finite_1 \ finite_1 \ bool" where "x \ (y :: finite_1) \ True" instance apply (intro_classes) apply (auto simp add: less_finite_1_def less_eq_finite_1_def) apply (metis (full_types) finite_1.exhaust) done end instance finite_1 :: "{dense_linorder, wellorder}" by intro_classes (simp_all add: less_finite_1_def) instantiation finite_1 :: complete_lattice begin definition [simp]: "Inf = (\_. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "Sup = (\_. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "bot = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "top = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "inf = (\_ _. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "sup = (\_ _. a\<^sub>1)" instance by intro_classes(simp_all add: less_eq_finite_1_def) end instance finite_1 :: complete_distrib_lattice by standard simp_all instance finite_1 :: complete_linorder .. lemma finite_1_eq: "x = a\<^sub>1" by(cases x) simp simproc_setup finite_1_eq ("x::finite_1") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of Const (\<^const_name>\a\<^sub>1\, _) => NONE - | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm finite_1_eq})) + | _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm finite_1_eq})))) \ instantiation finite_1 :: complete_boolean_algebra begin definition [simp]: "(-) = (\_ _. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "uminus = (\_. a\<^sub>1)" instance by intro_classes simp_all end instantiation finite_1 :: "{linordered_ring_strict, linordered_comm_semiring_strict, ordered_comm_ring, ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff, comm_monoid_mult, ordered_ring_abs, one, modulo, sgn, inverse}" begin definition [simp]: "Groups.zero = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "Groups.one = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "(+) = (\_ _. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "(*) = (\_ _. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "(mod) = (\_ _. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "abs = (\_. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "sgn = (\_. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "inverse = (\_. a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "divide = (\_ _. a\<^sub>1)" instance by intro_classes(simp_all add: less_finite_1_def) end declare [[simproc del: finite_1_eq]] hide_const (open) a\<^sub>1 datatype (plugins only: code "quickcheck" extraction) finite_2 = a\<^sub>1 | a\<^sub>2 notation (output) a\<^sub>1 ("a\<^sub>1") notation (output) a\<^sub>2 ("a\<^sub>2") lemma UNIV_finite_2: "UNIV = {a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2}" by (auto intro: finite_2.exhaust) instantiation finite_2 :: enum begin definition "enum = [a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2]" definition "enum_all P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2" definition "enum_ex P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_finite_2_def enum_all_finite_2_def enum_ex_finite_2_def UNIV_finite_2, simp_all) end instantiation finite_2 :: linorder begin definition less_finite_2 :: "finite_2 \ finite_2 \ bool" where "x < y \ x = a\<^sub>1 \ y = a\<^sub>2" definition less_eq_finite_2 :: "finite_2 \ finite_2 \ bool" where "x \ y \ x = y \ x < (y :: finite_2)" instance apply (intro_classes) apply (auto simp add: less_finite_2_def less_eq_finite_2_def) apply (metis finite_2.nchotomy)+ done end instance finite_2 :: wellorder by(rule wf_wellorderI)(simp add: less_finite_2_def, intro_classes) instantiation finite_2 :: complete_lattice begin definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>1 \ A then a\<^sub>1 else a\<^sub>2)" definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>2 \ A then a\<^sub>2 else a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "bot = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "top = a\<^sub>2" definition "x \ y = (if x = a\<^sub>1 \ y = a\<^sub>1 then a\<^sub>1 else a\<^sub>2)" definition "x \ y = (if x = a\<^sub>2 \ y = a\<^sub>2 then a\<^sub>2 else a\<^sub>1)" lemma neq_finite_2_a\<^sub>1_iff [simp]: "x \ a\<^sub>1 \ x = a\<^sub>2" by(cases x) simp_all lemma neq_finite_2_a\<^sub>1_iff' [simp]: "a\<^sub>1 \ x \ x = a\<^sub>2" by(cases x) simp_all lemma neq_finite_2_a\<^sub>2_iff [simp]: "x \ a\<^sub>2 \ x = a\<^sub>1" by(cases x) simp_all lemma neq_finite_2_a\<^sub>2_iff' [simp]: "a\<^sub>2 \ x \ x = a\<^sub>1" by(cases x) simp_all instance proof fix x :: finite_2 and A assume "x \ A" then show "\A \ x" "x \ \A" by(cases x; auto simp add: less_eq_finite_2_def less_finite_2_def Inf_finite_2_def Sup_finite_2_def)+ qed(auto simp add: less_eq_finite_2_def less_finite_2_def inf_finite_2_def sup_finite_2_def Inf_finite_2_def Sup_finite_2_def) end instance finite_2 :: complete_linorder .. instance finite_2 :: complete_distrib_lattice .. instantiation finite_2 :: "{field, idom_abs_sgn, idom_modulo}" begin definition [simp]: "0 = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "1 = a\<^sub>2" definition "x + y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>1) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>1 | _ \ a\<^sub>2)" definition "uminus = (\x :: finite_2. x)" definition "(-) = ((+) :: finite_2 \ _)" definition "x * y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>2 | _ \ a\<^sub>1)" definition "inverse = (\x :: finite_2. x)" definition "divide = ((*) :: finite_2 \ _)" definition "x mod y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>1) \ a\<^sub>2 | _ \ a\<^sub>1)" definition "abs = (\x :: finite_2. x)" definition "sgn = (\x :: finite_2. x)" instance by standard (subproofs \simp_all add: plus_finite_2_def uminus_finite_2_def minus_finite_2_def times_finite_2_def inverse_finite_2_def divide_finite_2_def modulo_finite_2_def abs_finite_2_def sgn_finite_2_def split: finite_2.splits\) end lemma two_finite_2 [simp]: "2 = a\<^sub>1" by (simp add: numeral.simps plus_finite_2_def) lemma dvd_finite_2_unfold: "x dvd y \ x = a\<^sub>2 \ y = a\<^sub>1" by (auto simp add: dvd_def times_finite_2_def split: finite_2.splits) instantiation finite_2 :: "{normalization_semidom, unique_euclidean_semiring}" begin definition [simp]: "normalize = (id :: finite_2 \ _)" definition [simp]: "unit_factor = (id :: finite_2 \ _)" definition [simp]: "euclidean_size x = (case x of a\<^sub>1 \ 0 | a\<^sub>2 \ 1)" definition [simp]: "division_segment (x :: finite_2) = 1" instance by standard (subproofs \auto simp add: divide_finite_2_def times_finite_2_def dvd_finite_2_unfold split: finite_2.splits\) end hide_const (open) a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2 datatype (plugins only: code "quickcheck" extraction) finite_3 = a\<^sub>1 | a\<^sub>2 | a\<^sub>3 notation (output) a\<^sub>1 ("a\<^sub>1") notation (output) a\<^sub>2 ("a\<^sub>2") notation (output) a\<^sub>3 ("a\<^sub>3") lemma UNIV_finite_3: "UNIV = {a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3}" by (auto intro: finite_3.exhaust) instantiation finite_3 :: enum begin definition "enum = [a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3]" definition "enum_all P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2 \ P a\<^sub>3" definition "enum_ex P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2 \ P a\<^sub>3" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_finite_3_def enum_all_finite_3_def enum_ex_finite_3_def UNIV_finite_3, simp_all) end lemma finite_3_not_eq_unfold: "x \ a\<^sub>1 \ x \ {a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3}" "x \ a\<^sub>2 \ x \ {a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>3}" "x \ a\<^sub>3 \ x \ {a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2}" by (cases x; simp)+ instantiation finite_3 :: linorder begin definition less_finite_3 :: "finite_3 \ finite_3 \ bool" where "x < y = (case x of a\<^sub>1 \ y \ a\<^sub>1 | a\<^sub>2 \ y = a\<^sub>3 | a\<^sub>3 \ False)" definition less_eq_finite_3 :: "finite_3 \ finite_3 \ bool" where "x \ y \ x = y \ x < (y :: finite_3)" instance proof (intro_classes) qed (auto simp add: less_finite_3_def less_eq_finite_3_def split: finite_3.split_asm) end instance finite_3 :: wellorder proof(rule wf_wellorderI) have "inv_image less_than (case_finite_3 0 1 2) = {(x, y). x < y}" by(auto simp add: less_finite_3_def split: finite_3.splits) from this[symmetric] show "wf \" by simp qed intro_classes class finite_lattice = finite + lattice + Inf + Sup + bot + top + assumes Inf_finite_empty: "Inf {} = Sup UNIV" assumes Inf_finite_insert: "Inf (insert a A) = a \ Inf A" assumes Sup_finite_empty: "Sup {} = Inf UNIV" assumes Sup_finite_insert: "Sup (insert a A) = a \ Sup A" assumes bot_finite_def: "bot = Inf UNIV" assumes top_finite_def: "top = Sup UNIV" begin subclass complete_lattice proof fix x A show "x \ A \ \A \ x" by (metis Set.set_insert abel_semigroup.commute local.Inf_finite_insert local.inf.abel_semigroup_axioms local.inf.left_idem local.inf.orderI) show "x \ A \ x \ \A" by (metis Set.set_insert insert_absorb2 local.Sup_finite_insert local.sup.absorb_iff2) next fix A z have "\ UNIV = z \ \UNIV" by (subst Sup_finite_insert [symmetric], simp add: insert_UNIV) from this have [simp]: "z \ \UNIV" using local.le_iff_sup by auto have "(\ x. x \ A \ z \ x) \ z \ \A" by (rule finite_induct [of A "\ A . (\ x. x \ A \ z \ x) \ z \ \A"]) (simp_all add: Inf_finite_empty Inf_finite_insert) from this show "(\x. x \ A \ z \ x) \ z \ \A" by simp have "\ UNIV = z \ \UNIV" by (subst Inf_finite_insert [symmetric], simp add: insert_UNIV) from this have [simp]: "\UNIV \ z" by (simp add: local.inf.absorb_iff2) have "(\ x. x \ A \ x \ z) \ \A \ z" by (rule finite_induct [of A "\ A . (\ x. x \ A \ x \ z) \ \A \ z" ], simp_all add: Sup_finite_empty Sup_finite_insert) from this show " (\x. x \ A \ x \ z) \ \A \ z" by blast next show "\{} = \" by (simp add: Inf_finite_empty top_finite_def) show " \{} = \" by (simp add: Sup_finite_empty bot_finite_def) qed end class finite_distrib_lattice = finite_lattice + distrib_lattice begin lemma finite_inf_Sup: "a \ (Sup A) = Sup {a \ b | b . b \ A}" proof (rule finite_induct [of A "\ A . a \ (Sup A) = Sup {a \ b | b . b \ A}"], simp_all) fix x::"'a" fix F assume "x \ F" assume [simp]: "a \ \F = \{a \ b |b. b \ F}" have [simp]: " insert (a \ x) {a \ b |b. b \ F} = {a \ b |b. b = x \ b \ F}" by blast have "a \ (x \ \F) = a \ x \ a \ \F" by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib1) also have "... = a \ x \ \{a \ b |b. b \ F}" by simp also have "... = \{a \ b |b. b = x \ b \ F}" by (unfold Sup_insert[THEN sym], simp) finally show "a \ (x \ \F) = \{a \ b |b. b = x \ b \ F}" by simp qed lemma finite_Inf_Sup: "\(Sup ` A) \ \(Inf ` {f ` A |f. \Y\A. f Y \ Y})" proof (rule finite_induct [of A "\A. \(Sup ` A) \ \(Inf ` {f ` A |f. \Y\A. f Y \ Y})"], simp_all add: finite_UnionD) fix x::"'a set" fix F assume "x \ F" have [simp]: "{\x \ b |b . b \ Inf ` {f ` F |f. \Y\F. f Y \ Y} } = {\x \ (Inf (f ` F)) |f . (\Y\F. f Y \ Y)}" by auto define fa where "fa = (\ (b::'a) f Y . (if Y = x then b else f Y))" have "\f b. \Y\F. f Y \ Y \ b \ x \ insert b (f ` (F \ {Y. Y \ x})) = insert (fa b f x) (fa b f ` F) \ fa b f x \ x \ (\Y\F. fa b f Y \ Y)" by (auto simp add: fa_def) from this have B: "\f b. \Y\F. f Y \ Y \ b \ x \ fa b f ` ({x} \ F) \ {insert (f x) (f ` F) |f. f x \ x \ (\Y\F. f Y \ Y)}" by blast have [simp]: "\f b. \Y\F. f Y \ Y \ b \ x \ b \ (\x\F. f x) \ \(Inf ` {insert (f x) (f ` F) |f. f x \ x \ (\Y\F. f Y \ Y)})" using B apply (rule SUP_upper2) using \x \ F\ apply (simp_all add: fa_def Inf_union_distrib) apply (simp add: image_mono Inf_superset_mono inf.coboundedI2) done assume "\(Sup ` F) \ \(Inf ` {f ` F |f. \Y\F. f Y \ Y})" from this have "\x \ \(Sup ` F) \ \x \ \(Inf ` {f ` F |f. \Y\F. f Y \ Y})" using inf.coboundedI2 by auto also have "... = Sup {\x \ (Inf (f ` F)) |f . (\Y\F. f Y \ Y)}" by (simp add: finite_inf_Sup) also have "... = Sup {Sup {Inf (f ` F) \ b | b . b \ x} |f . (\Y\F. f Y \ Y)}" by (subst inf_commute) (simp add: finite_inf_Sup) also have "... \ \(Inf ` {insert (f x) (f ` F) |f. f x \ x \ (\Y\F. f Y \ Y)})" apply (rule Sup_least, clarsimp)+ apply (subst inf_commute, simp) done finally show "\x \ \(Sup ` F) \ \(Inf ` {insert (f x) (f ` F) |f. f x \ x \ (\Y\F. f Y \ Y)})" by simp qed subclass complete_distrib_lattice by (standard, rule finite_Inf_Sup) end instantiation finite_3 :: finite_lattice begin definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>1 \ A then a\<^sub>1 else if a\<^sub>2 \ A then a\<^sub>2 else a\<^sub>3)" definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>3 \ A then a\<^sub>3 else if a\<^sub>2 \ A then a\<^sub>2 else a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "bot = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "top = a\<^sub>3" definition [simp]: "inf = (min :: finite_3 \ _)" definition [simp]: "sup = (max :: finite_3 \ _)" instance proof qed (auto simp add: Inf_finite_3_def Sup_finite_3_def max_def min_def less_eq_finite_3_def less_finite_3_def split: finite_3.split) end instance finite_3 :: complete_lattice .. instance finite_3 :: finite_distrib_lattice proof qed (auto simp add: min_def max_def) instance finite_3 :: complete_distrib_lattice .. instance finite_3 :: complete_linorder .. instantiation finite_3 :: "{field, idom_abs_sgn, idom_modulo}" begin definition [simp]: "0 = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "1 = a\<^sub>2" definition "x + y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>1) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>1) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>2 | _ \ a\<^sub>3)" definition "- x = (case x of a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>1 | a\<^sub>2 \ a\<^sub>3 | a\<^sub>3 \ a\<^sub>2)" definition "x - y = x + (- y :: finite_3)" definition "x * y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>3 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>3 | _ \ a\<^sub>1)" definition "inverse = (\x :: finite_3. x)" definition "x div y = x * inverse (y :: finite_3)" definition "x mod y = (case y of a\<^sub>1 \ x | _ \ a\<^sub>1)" definition "abs = (\x. case x of a\<^sub>3 \ a\<^sub>2 | _ \ x)" definition "sgn = (\x :: finite_3. x)" instance by standard (subproofs \simp_all add: plus_finite_3_def uminus_finite_3_def minus_finite_3_def times_finite_3_def inverse_finite_3_def divide_finite_3_def modulo_finite_3_def abs_finite_3_def sgn_finite_3_def less_finite_3_def split: finite_3.splits\) end lemma two_finite_3 [simp]: "2 = a\<^sub>3" by (simp add: numeral.simps plus_finite_3_def) lemma dvd_finite_3_unfold: "x dvd y \ x = a\<^sub>2 \ x = a\<^sub>3 \ y = a\<^sub>1" by (cases x) (auto simp add: dvd_def times_finite_3_def split: finite_3.splits) instantiation finite_3 :: "{normalization_semidom, unique_euclidean_semiring}" begin definition [simp]: "normalize x = (case x of a\<^sub>3 \ a\<^sub>2 | _ \ x)" definition [simp]: "unit_factor = (id :: finite_3 \ _)" definition [simp]: "euclidean_size x = (case x of a\<^sub>1 \ 0 | _ \ 1)" definition [simp]: "division_segment (x :: finite_3) = 1" instance proof fix x :: finite_3 assume "x \ 0" then show "is_unit (unit_factor x)" by (cases x) (simp_all add: dvd_finite_3_unfold) qed (subproofs \auto simp add: divide_finite_3_def times_finite_3_def dvd_finite_3_unfold inverse_finite_3_def plus_finite_3_def split: finite_3.splits\) end hide_const (open) a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2 a\<^sub>3 datatype (plugins only: code "quickcheck" extraction) finite_4 = a\<^sub>1 | a\<^sub>2 | a\<^sub>3 | a\<^sub>4 notation (output) a\<^sub>1 ("a\<^sub>1") notation (output) a\<^sub>2 ("a\<^sub>2") notation (output) a\<^sub>3 ("a\<^sub>3") notation (output) a\<^sub>4 ("a\<^sub>4") lemma UNIV_finite_4: "UNIV = {a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4}" by (auto intro: finite_4.exhaust) instantiation finite_4 :: enum begin definition "enum = [a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4]" definition "enum_all P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2 \ P a\<^sub>3 \ P a\<^sub>4" definition "enum_ex P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2 \ P a\<^sub>3 \ P a\<^sub>4" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_finite_4_def enum_all_finite_4_def enum_ex_finite_4_def UNIV_finite_4, simp_all) end instantiation finite_4 :: finite_distrib_lattice begin text \\<^term>\a\<^sub>1\ $<$ \<^term>\a\<^sub>2\,\<^term>\a\<^sub>3\ $<$ \<^term>\a\<^sub>4\, but \<^term>\a\<^sub>2\ and \<^term>\a\<^sub>3\ are incomparable.\ definition "x < y \ (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>1) \ False | (a\<^sub>1, _) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>4) \ True | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4) \ True | _ \ False)" definition "x \ y \ (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, _) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>2) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>4) \ True | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>3) \ True | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4) \ True | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>4) \ True | _ \ False)" definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>1 \ A \ a\<^sub>2 \ A \ a\<^sub>3 \ A then a\<^sub>1 else if a\<^sub>2 \ A then a\<^sub>2 else if a\<^sub>3 \ A then a\<^sub>3 else a\<^sub>4)" definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>4 \ A \ a\<^sub>2 \ A \ a\<^sub>3 \ A then a\<^sub>4 else if a\<^sub>2 \ A then a\<^sub>2 else if a\<^sub>3 \ A then a\<^sub>3 else a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "bot = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "top = a\<^sub>4" definition "x \ y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, _) \ a\<^sub>1 | (_, a\<^sub>1) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>2, _) \ a\<^sub>2 | (_, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>3, _) \ a\<^sub>3 | (_, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>3 | _ \ a\<^sub>4)" definition "x \ y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>4, _) \ a\<^sub>4 | (_, a\<^sub>4) \ a\<^sub>4 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>4 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>4 | (a\<^sub>2, _) \ a\<^sub>2 | (_, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>3, _) \ a\<^sub>3 | (_, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>3 | _ \ a\<^sub>1)" instance by standard (subproofs \auto simp add: less_finite_4_def less_eq_finite_4_def Inf_finite_4_def Sup_finite_4_def inf_finite_4_def sup_finite_4_def split: finite_4.splits\) end instance finite_4 :: complete_lattice .. instance finite_4 :: complete_distrib_lattice .. instantiation finite_4 :: complete_boolean_algebra begin definition "- x = (case x of a\<^sub>1 \ a\<^sub>4 | a\<^sub>2 \ a\<^sub>3 | a\<^sub>3 \ a\<^sub>2 | a\<^sub>4 \ a\<^sub>1)" definition "x - y = x \ - (y :: finite_4)" instance by standard (subproofs \simp_all add: inf_finite_4_def sup_finite_4_def uminus_finite_4_def minus_finite_4_def split: finite_4.splits\) end hide_const (open) a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2 a\<^sub>3 a\<^sub>4 datatype (plugins only: code "quickcheck" extraction) finite_5 = a\<^sub>1 | a\<^sub>2 | a\<^sub>3 | a\<^sub>4 | a\<^sub>5 notation (output) a\<^sub>1 ("a\<^sub>1") notation (output) a\<^sub>2 ("a\<^sub>2") notation (output) a\<^sub>3 ("a\<^sub>3") notation (output) a\<^sub>4 ("a\<^sub>4") notation (output) a\<^sub>5 ("a\<^sub>5") lemma UNIV_finite_5: "UNIV = {a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>5}" by (auto intro: finite_5.exhaust) instantiation finite_5 :: enum begin definition "enum = [a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>5]" definition "enum_all P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2 \ P a\<^sub>3 \ P a\<^sub>4 \ P a\<^sub>5" definition "enum_ex P \ P a\<^sub>1 \ P a\<^sub>2 \ P a\<^sub>3 \ P a\<^sub>4 \ P a\<^sub>5" instance proof qed (simp_all only: enum_finite_5_def enum_all_finite_5_def enum_ex_finite_5_def UNIV_finite_5, simp_all) end instantiation finite_5 :: finite_lattice begin text \The non-distributive pentagon lattice $N_5$\ definition "x < y \ (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, a\<^sub>1) \ False | (a\<^sub>1, _) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>5) \ True | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>5) \ True | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>5) \ True | _ \ False)" definition "x \ y \ (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, _) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>2) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>3) \ True | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>5) \ True | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>3) \ True | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>5) \ True | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>4) \ True | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>5) \ True | (a\<^sub>5, a\<^sub>5) \ True | _ \ False)" definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>1 \ A \ a\<^sub>4 \ A \ (a\<^sub>2 \ A \ a\<^sub>3 \ A) then a\<^sub>1 else if a\<^sub>2 \ A then a\<^sub>2 else if a\<^sub>3 \ A then a\<^sub>3 else if a\<^sub>4 \ A then a\<^sub>4 else a\<^sub>5)" definition "\A = (if a\<^sub>5 \ A \ a\<^sub>4 \ A \ (a\<^sub>2 \ A \ a\<^sub>3 \ A) then a\<^sub>5 else if a\<^sub>3 \ A then a\<^sub>3 else if a\<^sub>2 \ A then a\<^sub>2 else if a\<^sub>4 \ A then a\<^sub>4 else a\<^sub>1)" definition [simp]: "bot = a\<^sub>1" definition [simp]: "top = a\<^sub>5" definition "x \ y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>1, _) \ a\<^sub>1 | (_, a\<^sub>1) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>4) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>1 | (a\<^sub>2, _) \ a\<^sub>2 | (_, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>3, _) \ a\<^sub>3 | (_, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>3 | (a\<^sub>4, _) \ a\<^sub>4 | (_, a\<^sub>4) \ a\<^sub>4 | _ \ a\<^sub>5)" definition "x \ y = (case (x, y) of (a\<^sub>5, _) \ a\<^sub>5 | (_, a\<^sub>5) \ a\<^sub>5 | (a\<^sub>2, a\<^sub>4) \ a\<^sub>5 | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>5 | (a\<^sub>3, a\<^sub>4) \ a\<^sub>5 | (a\<^sub>4, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>5 | (a\<^sub>3, _) \ a\<^sub>3 | (_, a\<^sub>3) \ a\<^sub>3 | (a\<^sub>2, _) \ a\<^sub>2 | (_, a\<^sub>2) \ a\<^sub>2 | (a\<^sub>4, _) \ a\<^sub>4 | (_, a\<^sub>4) \ a\<^sub>4 | _ \ a\<^sub>1)" instance by standard (subproofs \auto simp add: less_eq_finite_5_def less_finite_5_def inf_finite_5_def sup_finite_5_def Inf_finite_5_def Sup_finite_5_def split: finite_5.splits if_split_asm\) end instance finite_5 :: complete_lattice .. hide_const (open) a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2 a\<^sub>3 a\<^sub>4 a\<^sub>5 subsection \Closing up\ hide_type (open) finite_1 finite_2 finite_3 finite_4 finite_5 hide_const (open) enum enum_all enum_ex all_n_lists ex_n_lists ntrancl end diff --git a/src/HOL/Finite_Set.thy b/src/HOL/Finite_Set.thy --- a/src/HOL/Finite_Set.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Finite_Set.thy @@ -1,3044 +1,3044 @@ (* Title: HOL/Finite_Set.thy Author: Tobias Nipkow Author: Lawrence C Paulson Author: Markus Wenzel Author: Jeremy Avigad Author: Andrei Popescu *) section \Finite sets\ theory Finite_Set imports Product_Type Sum_Type Fields Relation begin subsection \Predicate for finite sets\ context notes [[inductive_internals]] begin inductive finite :: "'a set \ bool" where emptyI [simp, intro!]: "finite {}" | insertI [simp, intro!]: "finite A \ finite (insert a A)" end simproc_setup finite_Collect ("finite (Collect P)") = \K Set_Comprehension_Pointfree.simproc\ declare [[simproc del: finite_Collect]] lemma finite_induct [case_names empty insert, induct set: finite]: \ \Discharging \x \ F\ entails extra work.\ assumes "finite F" assumes "P {}" and insert: "\x F. finite F \ x \ F \ P F \ P (insert x F)" shows "P F" using \finite F\ proof induct show "P {}" by fact next fix x F assume F: "finite F" and P: "P F" show "P (insert x F)" proof cases assume "x \ F" then have "insert x F = F" by (rule insert_absorb) with P show ?thesis by (simp only:) next assume "x \ F" from F this P show ?thesis by (rule insert) qed qed lemma infinite_finite_induct [case_names infinite empty insert]: assumes infinite: "\A. \ finite A \ P A" and empty: "P {}" and insert: "\x F. finite F \ x \ F \ P F \ P (insert x F)" shows "P A" proof (cases "finite A") case False with infinite show ?thesis . next case True then show ?thesis by (induct A) (fact empty insert)+ qed subsubsection \Choice principles\ lemma ex_new_if_finite: \ \does not depend on def of finite at all\ assumes "\ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" and "finite A" shows "\a::'a. a \ A" proof - from assms have "A \ UNIV" by blast then show ?thesis by blast qed text \A finite choice principle. Does not need the SOME choice operator.\ lemma finite_set_choice: "finite A \ \x\A. \y. P x y \ \f. \x\A. P x (f x)" proof (induct rule: finite_induct) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert a A) then obtain f b where f: "\x\A. P x (f x)" and ab: "P a b" by auto show ?case (is "\f. ?P f") proof show "?P (\x. if x = a then b else f x)" using f ab by auto qed qed subsubsection \Finite sets are the images of initial segments of natural numbers\ lemma finite_imp_nat_seg_image_inj_on: assumes "finite A" shows "\(n::nat) f. A = f ` {i. i < n} \ inj_on f {i. i < n}" using assms proof induct case empty show ?case proof show "\f. {} = f ` {i::nat. i < 0} \ inj_on f {i. i < 0}" by simp qed next case (insert a A) have notinA: "a \ A" by fact from insert.hyps obtain n f where "A = f ` {i::nat. i < n}" "inj_on f {i. i < n}" by blast then have "insert a A = f(n:=a) ` {i. i < Suc n}" and "inj_on (f(n:=a)) {i. i < Suc n}" using notinA by (auto simp add: image_def Ball_def inj_on_def less_Suc_eq) then show ?case by blast qed lemma nat_seg_image_imp_finite: "A = f ` {i::nat. i < n} \ finite A" proof (induct n arbitrary: A) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc n) let ?B = "f ` {i. i < n}" have finB: "finite ?B" by (rule Suc.hyps[OF refl]) show ?case proof (cases "\k (\n f. A = f ` {i::nat. i < n})" by (blast intro: nat_seg_image_imp_finite dest: finite_imp_nat_seg_image_inj_on) lemma finite_imp_inj_to_nat_seg: assumes "finite A" shows "\f n. f ` A = {i::nat. i < n} \ inj_on f A" proof - from finite_imp_nat_seg_image_inj_on [OF \finite A\] obtain f and n :: nat where bij: "bij_betw f {i. i ?f ` A = {i. i k}" by (simp add: le_eq_less_or_eq Collect_disj_eq) subsection \Finiteness and common set operations\ lemma rev_finite_subset: "finite B \ A \ B \ finite A" proof (induct arbitrary: A rule: finite_induct) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert x F A) have A: "A \ insert x F" and r: "A - {x} \ F \ finite (A - {x})" by fact+ show "finite A" proof cases assume x: "x \ A" with A have "A - {x} \ F" by (simp add: subset_insert_iff) with r have "finite (A - {x})" . then have "finite (insert x (A - {x}))" .. also have "insert x (A - {x}) = A" using x by (rule insert_Diff) finally show ?thesis . next show ?thesis when "A \ F" using that by fact assume "x \ A" with A show "A \ F" by (simp add: subset_insert_iff) qed qed lemma finite_subset: "A \ B \ finite B \ finite A" by (rule rev_finite_subset) -simproc_setup finite ("finite A") = \fn _ => +simproc_setup finite ("finite A") = \ let val finite_subset = @{thm finite_subset} val Eq_TrueI = @{thm Eq_TrueI} fun is_subset A th = case Thm.prop_of th of (_ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\less_eq\, Type (\<^type_name>\fun\, [Type (\<^type_name>\set\, _), _])) $ A' $ B)) => if A aconv A' then SOME(B,th) else NONE | _ => NONE; fun is_finite th = case Thm.prop_of th of (_ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\finite\, _) $ A)) => SOME(A,th) | _ => NONE; fun comb (A,sub_th) (A',fin_th) ths = if A aconv A' then (sub_th,fin_th) :: ths else ths - fun proc ss ct = + fun proc ctxt ct = (let val _ $ A = Thm.term_of ct - val prems = Simplifier.prems_of ss + val prems = Simplifier.prems_of ctxt val fins = map_filter is_finite prems val subsets = map_filter (is_subset A) prems in case fold_product comb subsets fins [] of (sub_th,fin_th) :: _ => SOME((fin_th RS (sub_th RS finite_subset)) RS Eq_TrueI) | _ => NONE end) -in proc end +in K proc end \ (* Needs to be used with care *) declare [[simproc del: finite]] lemma finite_UnI: assumes "finite F" and "finite G" shows "finite (F \ G)" using assms by induct simp_all lemma finite_Un [iff]: "finite (F \ G) \ finite F \ finite G" by (blast intro: finite_UnI finite_subset [of _ "F \ G"]) lemma finite_insert [simp]: "finite (insert a A) \ finite A" proof - have "finite {a} \ finite A \ finite A" by simp then have "finite ({a} \ A) \ finite A" by (simp only: finite_Un) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma finite_Int [simp, intro]: "finite F \ finite G \ finite (F \ G)" by (blast intro: finite_subset) lemma finite_Collect_conjI [simp, intro]: "finite {x. P x} \ finite {x. Q x} \ finite {x. P x \ Q x}" by (simp add: Collect_conj_eq) lemma finite_Collect_disjI [simp]: "finite {x. P x \ Q x} \ finite {x. P x} \ finite {x. Q x}" by (simp add: Collect_disj_eq) lemma finite_Diff [simp, intro]: "finite A \ finite (A - B)" by (rule finite_subset, rule Diff_subset) lemma finite_Diff2 [simp]: assumes "finite B" shows "finite (A - B) \ finite A" proof - have "finite A \ finite ((A - B) \ (A \ B))" by (simp add: Un_Diff_Int) also have "\ \ finite (A - B)" using \finite B\ by simp finally show ?thesis .. qed lemma finite_Diff_insert [iff]: "finite (A - insert a B) \ finite (A - B)" proof - have "finite (A - B) \ finite (A - B - {a})" by simp moreover have "A - insert a B = A - B - {a}" by auto ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed lemma finite_compl [simp]: "finite (A :: 'a set) \ finite (- A) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" by (simp add: Compl_eq_Diff_UNIV) lemma finite_Collect_not [simp]: "finite {x :: 'a. P x} \ finite {x. \ P x} \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" by (simp add: Collect_neg_eq) lemma finite_Union [simp, intro]: "finite A \ (\M. M \ A \ finite M) \ finite (\A)" by (induct rule: finite_induct) simp_all lemma finite_UN_I [intro]: "finite A \ (\a. a \ A \ finite (B a)) \ finite (\a\A. B a)" by (induct rule: finite_induct) simp_all lemma finite_UN [simp]: "finite A \ finite (\(B ` A)) \ (\x\A. finite (B x))" by (blast intro: finite_subset) lemma finite_Inter [intro]: "\A\M. finite A \ finite (\M)" by (blast intro: Inter_lower finite_subset) lemma finite_INT [intro]: "\x\I. finite (A x) \ finite (\x\I. A x)" by (blast intro: INT_lower finite_subset) lemma finite_imageI [simp, intro]: "finite F \ finite (h ` F)" by (induct rule: finite_induct) simp_all lemma finite_image_set [simp]: "finite {x. P x} \ finite {f x |x. P x}" by (simp add: image_Collect [symmetric]) lemma finite_image_set2: "finite {x. P x} \ finite {y. Q y} \ finite {f x y |x y. P x \ Q y}" by (rule finite_subset [where B = "\x \ {x. P x}. \y \ {y. Q y}. {f x y}"]) auto lemma finite_imageD: assumes "finite (f ` A)" and "inj_on f A" shows "finite A" using assms proof (induct "f ` A" arbitrary: A) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert x B) then have B_A: "insert x B = f ` A" by simp then obtain y where "x = f y" and "y \ A" by blast from B_A \x \ B\ have "B = f ` A - {x}" by blast with B_A \x \ B\ \x = f y\ \inj_on f A\ \y \ A\ have "B = f ` (A - {y})" by (simp add: inj_on_image_set_diff) moreover from \inj_on f A\ have "inj_on f (A - {y})" by (rule inj_on_diff) ultimately have "finite (A - {y})" by (rule insert.hyps) then show "finite A" by simp qed lemma finite_image_iff: "inj_on f A \ finite (f ` A) \ finite A" using finite_imageD by blast lemma finite_surj: "finite A \ B \ f ` A \ finite B" by (erule finite_subset) (rule finite_imageI) lemma finite_range_imageI: "finite (range g) \ finite (range (\x. f (g x)))" by (drule finite_imageI) (simp add: range_composition) lemma finite_subset_image: assumes "finite B" shows "B \ f ` A \ \C\A. finite C \ B = f ` C" using assms proof induct case empty then show ?case by simp next case insert then show ?case by (clarsimp simp del: image_insert simp add: image_insert [symmetric]) blast qed lemma all_subset_image: "(\B. B \ f ` A \ P B) \ (\B. B \ A \ P(f ` B))" by (safe elim!: subset_imageE) (use image_mono in \blast+\) (* slow *) lemma all_finite_subset_image: "(\B. finite B \ B \ f ` A \ P B) \ (\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B))" proof safe fix B :: "'a set" assume B: "finite B" "B \ f ` A" and P: "\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B)" show "P B" using finite_subset_image [OF B] P by blast qed blast lemma ex_finite_subset_image: "(\B. finite B \ B \ f ` A \ P B) \ (\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B))" proof safe fix B :: "'a set" assume B: "finite B" "B \ f ` A" and "P B" show "\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B)" using finite_subset_image [OF B] \P B\ by blast qed blast lemma finite_vimage_IntI: "finite F \ inj_on h A \ finite (h -` F \ A)" proof (induct rule: finite_induct) case (insert x F) then show ?case by (simp add: vimage_insert [of h x F] finite_subset [OF inj_on_vimage_singleton] Int_Un_distrib2) qed simp lemma finite_finite_vimage_IntI: assumes "finite F" and "\y. y \ F \ finite ((h -` {y}) \ A)" shows "finite (h -` F \ A)" proof - have *: "h -` F \ A = (\ y\F. (h -` {y}) \ A)" by blast show ?thesis by (simp only: * assms finite_UN_I) qed lemma finite_vimageI: "finite F \ inj h \ finite (h -` F)" using finite_vimage_IntI[of F h UNIV] by auto lemma finite_vimageD': "finite (f -` A) \ A \ range f \ finite A" by (auto simp add: subset_image_iff intro: finite_subset[rotated]) lemma finite_vimageD: "finite (h -` F) \ surj h \ finite F" by (auto dest: finite_vimageD') lemma finite_vimage_iff: "bij h \ finite (h -` F) \ finite F" unfolding bij_def by (auto elim: finite_vimageD finite_vimageI) lemma finite_inverse_image_gen: assumes "finite A" "inj_on f D" shows "finite {j\D. f j \ A}" using finite_vimage_IntI [OF assms] by (simp add: Collect_conj_eq inf_commute vimage_def) lemma finite_inverse_image: assumes "finite A" "inj f" shows "finite {j. f j \ A}" using finite_inverse_image_gen [OF assms] by simp lemma finite_Collect_bex [simp]: assumes "finite A" shows "finite {x. \y\A. Q x y} \ (\y\A. finite {x. Q x y})" proof - have "{x. \y\A. Q x y} = (\y\A. {x. Q x y})" by auto with assms show ?thesis by simp qed lemma finite_Collect_bounded_ex [simp]: assumes "finite {y. P y}" shows "finite {x. \y. P y \ Q x y} \ (\y. P y \ finite {x. Q x y})" proof - have "{x. \y. P y \ Q x y} = (\y\{y. P y}. {x. Q x y})" by auto with assms show ?thesis by simp qed lemma finite_Plus: "finite A \ finite B \ finite (A <+> B)" by (simp add: Plus_def) lemma finite_PlusD: fixes A :: "'a set" and B :: "'b set" assumes fin: "finite (A <+> B)" shows "finite A" "finite B" proof - have "Inl ` A \ A <+> B" by auto then have "finite (Inl ` A :: ('a + 'b) set)" using fin by (rule finite_subset) then show "finite A" by (rule finite_imageD) (auto intro: inj_onI) next have "Inr ` B \ A <+> B" by auto then have "finite (Inr ` B :: ('a + 'b) set)" using fin by (rule finite_subset) then show "finite B" by (rule finite_imageD) (auto intro: inj_onI) qed lemma finite_Plus_iff [simp]: "finite (A <+> B) \ finite A \ finite B" by (auto intro: finite_PlusD finite_Plus) lemma finite_Plus_UNIV_iff [simp]: "finite (UNIV :: ('a + 'b) set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'b set)" by (subst UNIV_Plus_UNIV [symmetric]) (rule finite_Plus_iff) lemma finite_SigmaI [simp, intro]: "finite A \ (\a. a\A \ finite (B a)) \ finite (SIGMA a:A. B a)" unfolding Sigma_def by blast lemma finite_SigmaI2: assumes "finite {x\A. B x \ {}}" and "\a. a \ A \ finite (B a)" shows "finite (Sigma A B)" proof - from assms have "finite (Sigma {x\A. B x \ {}} B)" by auto also have "Sigma {x:A. B x \ {}} B = Sigma A B" by auto finally show ?thesis . qed lemma finite_cartesian_product: "finite A \ finite B \ finite (A \ B)" by (rule finite_SigmaI) lemma finite_Prod_UNIV: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'b set) \ finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set)" by (simp only: UNIV_Times_UNIV [symmetric] finite_cartesian_product) lemma finite_cartesian_productD1: assumes "finite (A \ B)" and "B \ {}" shows "finite A" proof - from assms obtain n f where "A \ B = f ` {i::nat. i < n}" by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image) then have "fst ` (A \ B) = fst ` f ` {i::nat. i < n}" by simp with \B \ {}\ have "A = (fst \ f) ` {i::nat. i < n}" by (simp add: image_comp) then have "\n f. A = f ` {i::nat. i < n}" by blast then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image) qed lemma finite_cartesian_productD2: assumes "finite (A \ B)" and "A \ {}" shows "finite B" proof - from assms obtain n f where "A \ B = f ` {i::nat. i < n}" by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image) then have "snd ` (A \ B) = snd ` f ` {i::nat. i < n}" by simp with \A \ {}\ have "B = (snd \ f) ` {i::nat. i < n}" by (simp add: image_comp) then have "\n f. B = f ` {i::nat. i < n}" by blast then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image) qed lemma finite_cartesian_product_iff: "finite (A \ B) \ (A = {} \ B = {} \ (finite A \ finite B))" by (auto dest: finite_cartesian_productD1 finite_cartesian_productD2 finite_cartesian_product) lemma finite_prod: "finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'b set)" using finite_cartesian_product_iff[of UNIV UNIV] by simp lemma finite_Pow_iff [iff]: "finite (Pow A) \ finite A" proof assume "finite (Pow A)" then have "finite ((\x. {x}) ` A)" by (blast intro: finite_subset) (* somewhat slow *) then show "finite A" by (rule finite_imageD [unfolded inj_on_def]) simp next assume "finite A" then show "finite (Pow A)" by induct (simp_all add: Pow_insert) qed corollary finite_Collect_subsets [simp, intro]: "finite A \ finite {B. B \ A}" by (simp add: Pow_def [symmetric]) lemma finite_set: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" by (simp only: finite_Pow_iff Pow_UNIV[symmetric]) lemma finite_UnionD: "finite (\A) \ finite A" by (blast intro: finite_subset [OF subset_Pow_Union]) lemma finite_bind: assumes "finite S" assumes "\x \ S. finite (f x)" shows "finite (Set.bind S f)" using assms by (simp add: bind_UNION) lemma finite_filter [simp]: "finite S \ finite (Set.filter P S)" unfolding Set.filter_def by simp lemma finite_set_of_finite_funs: assumes "finite A" "finite B" shows "finite {f. \x. (x \ A \ f x \ B) \ (x \ A \ f x = d)}" (is "finite ?S") proof - let ?F = "\f. {(a,b). a \ A \ b = f a}" have "?F ` ?S \ Pow(A \ B)" by auto from finite_subset[OF this] assms have 1: "finite (?F ` ?S)" by simp have 2: "inj_on ?F ?S" by (fastforce simp add: inj_on_def set_eq_iff fun_eq_iff) (* somewhat slow *) show ?thesis by (rule finite_imageD [OF 1 2]) qed lemma not_finite_existsD: assumes "\ finite {a. P a}" shows "\a. P a" proof (rule classical) assume "\ ?thesis" with assms show ?thesis by auto qed lemma finite_converse [iff]: "finite (r\) \ finite r" unfolding converse_def conversep_iff using [[simproc add: finite_Collect]] by (auto elim: finite_imageD simp: inj_on_def) lemma finite_Domain: "finite r \ finite (Domain r)" by (induct set: finite) auto lemma finite_Range: "finite r \ finite (Range r)" by (induct set: finite) auto lemma finite_Field: "finite r \ finite (Field r)" by (simp add: Field_def finite_Domain finite_Range) lemma finite_Image[simp]: "finite R \ finite (R `` A)" by(rule finite_subset[OF _ finite_Range]) auto subsection \Further induction rules on finite sets\ lemma finite_ne_induct [case_names singleton insert, consumes 2]: assumes "finite F" and "F \ {}" assumes "\x. P {x}" and "\x F. finite F \ F \ {} \ x \ F \ P F \ P (insert x F)" shows "P F" using assms proof induct case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert x F) then show ?case by cases auto qed lemma finite_subset_induct [consumes 2, case_names empty insert]: assumes "finite F" and "F \ A" and empty: "P {}" and insert: "\a F. finite F \ a \ A \ a \ F \ P F \ P (insert a F)" shows "P F" using \finite F\ \F \ A\ proof induct show "P {}" by fact next fix x F assume "finite F" and "x \ F" and P: "F \ A \ P F" and i: "insert x F \ A" show "P (insert x F)" proof (rule insert) from i show "x \ A" by blast from i have "F \ A" by blast with P show "P F" . show "finite F" by fact show "x \ F" by fact qed qed lemma finite_empty_induct: assumes "finite A" and "P A" and remove: "\a A. finite A \ a \ A \ P A \ P (A - {a})" shows "P {}" proof - have "P (A - B)" if "B \ A" for B :: "'a set" proof - from \finite A\ that have "finite B" by (rule rev_finite_subset) from this \B \ A\ show "P (A - B)" proof induct case empty from \P A\ show ?case by simp next case (insert b B) have "P (A - B - {b})" proof (rule remove) from \finite A\ show "finite (A - B)" by induct auto from insert show "b \ A - B" by simp from insert show "P (A - B)" by simp qed also have "A - B - {b} = A - insert b B" by (rule Diff_insert [symmetric]) finally show ?case . qed qed then have "P (A - A)" by blast then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma finite_update_induct [consumes 1, case_names const update]: assumes finite: "finite {a. f a \ c}" and const: "P (\a. c)" and update: "\a b f. finite {a. f a \ c} \ f a = c \ b \ c \ P f \ P (f(a := b))" shows "P f" using finite proof (induct "{a. f a \ c}" arbitrary: f) case empty with const show ?case by simp next case (insert a A) then have "A = {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \ c}" and "f a \ c" by auto with \finite A\ have "finite {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \ c}" by simp have "(f(a := c)) a = c" by simp from insert \A = {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \ c}\ have "P (f(a := c))" by simp with \finite {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \ c}\ \(f(a := c)) a = c\ \f a \ c\ have "P ((f(a := c))(a := f a))" by (rule update) then show ?case by simp qed lemma finite_subset_induct' [consumes 2, case_names empty insert]: assumes "finite F" and "F \ A" and empty: "P {}" and insert: "\a F. \finite F; a \ A; F \ A; a \ F; P F \ \ P (insert a F)" shows "P F" using assms(1,2) proof induct show "P {}" by fact next fix x F assume "finite F" and "x \ F" and P: "F \ A \ P F" and i: "insert x F \ A" show "P (insert x F)" proof (rule insert) from i show "x \ A" by blast from i have "F \ A" by blast with P show "P F" . show "finite F" by fact show "x \ F" by fact show "F \ A" by fact qed qed subsection \Class \finite\\ class finite = assumes finite_UNIV: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" begin lemma finite [simp]: "finite (A :: 'a set)" by (rule subset_UNIV finite_UNIV finite_subset)+ lemma finite_code [code]: "finite (A :: 'a set) \ True" by simp end instance prod :: (finite, finite) finite by standard (simp only: UNIV_Times_UNIV [symmetric] finite_cartesian_product finite) lemma inj_graph: "inj (\f. {(x, y). y = f x})" by (rule inj_onI) (auto simp add: set_eq_iff fun_eq_iff) instance "fun" :: (finite, finite) finite proof show "finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set)" proof (rule finite_imageD) let ?graph = "\f::'a \ 'b. {(x, y). y = f x}" have "range ?graph \ Pow UNIV" by simp moreover have "finite (Pow (UNIV :: ('a * 'b) set))" by (simp only: finite_Pow_iff finite) ultimately show "finite (range ?graph)" by (rule finite_subset) show "inj ?graph" by (rule inj_graph) qed qed instance bool :: finite by standard (simp add: UNIV_bool) instance set :: (finite) finite by standard (simp only: Pow_UNIV [symmetric] finite_Pow_iff finite) instance unit :: finite by standard (simp add: UNIV_unit) instance sum :: (finite, finite) finite by standard (simp only: UNIV_Plus_UNIV [symmetric] finite_Plus finite) subsection \A basic fold functional for finite sets\ text \ The intended behaviour is \fold f z {x\<^sub>1, \, x\<^sub>n} = f x\<^sub>1 (\ (f x\<^sub>n z)\)\ if \f\ is ``left-commutative''. The commutativity requirement is relativised to the carrier set \S\: \ locale comp_fun_commute_on = fixes S :: "'a set" fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" assumes comp_fun_commute_on: "x \ S \ y \ S \ f y \ f x = f x \ f y" begin lemma fun_left_comm: "x \ S \ y \ S \ f y (f x z) = f x (f y z)" using comp_fun_commute_on by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma commute_left_comp: "x \ S \ y \ S \ f y \ (f x \ g) = f x \ (f y \ g)" by (simp add: o_assoc comp_fun_commute_on) end inductive fold_graph :: "('a \ 'b \ 'b) \ 'b \ 'a set \ 'b \ bool" for f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" and z :: 'b where emptyI [intro]: "fold_graph f z {} z" | insertI [intro]: "x \ A \ fold_graph f z A y \ fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x y)" inductive_cases empty_fold_graphE [elim!]: "fold_graph f z {} x" lemma fold_graph_closed_lemma: "fold_graph f z A x \ x \ B" if "fold_graph g z A x" "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ f a b = g a b" "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ g a b \ B" "z \ B" using that(1-3) proof (induction rule: fold_graph.induct) case (insertI x A y) have "fold_graph f z A y" "y \ B" unfolding atomize_conj by (rule insertI.IH) (auto intro: insertI.prems) then have "g x y \ B" and f_eq: "f x y = g x y" by (auto simp: insertI.prems) moreover have "fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x y)" by (rule fold_graph.insertI; fact) ultimately show ?case by (simp add: f_eq) qed (auto intro!: that) lemma fold_graph_closed_eq: "fold_graph f z A = fold_graph g z A" if "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ f a b = g a b" "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ g a b \ B" "z \ B" using fold_graph_closed_lemma[of f z A _ B g] fold_graph_closed_lemma[of g z A _ B f] that by auto definition fold :: "('a \ 'b \ 'b) \ 'b \ 'a set \ 'b" where "fold f z A = (if finite A then (THE y. fold_graph f z A y) else z)" lemma fold_closed_eq: "fold f z A = fold g z A" if "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ f a b = g a b" "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ g a b \ B" "z \ B" unfolding Finite_Set.fold_def by (subst fold_graph_closed_eq[where B=B and g=g]) (auto simp: that) text \ A tempting alternative for the definition is \<^term>\if finite A then THE y. fold_graph f z A y else e\. It allows the removal of finiteness assumptions from the theorems \fold_comm\, \fold_reindex\ and \fold_distrib\. The proofs become ugly. It is not worth the effort. (???) \ lemma finite_imp_fold_graph: "finite A \ \x. fold_graph f z A x" by (induct rule: finite_induct) auto subsubsection \From \<^const>\fold_graph\ to \<^term>\fold\\ context comp_fun_commute_on begin lemma fold_graph_finite: assumes "fold_graph f z A y" shows "finite A" using assms by induct simp_all lemma fold_graph_insertE_aux: assumes "A \ S" assumes "fold_graph f z A y" "a \ A" shows "\y'. y = f a y' \ fold_graph f z (A - {a}) y'" using assms(2-,1) proof (induct set: fold_graph) case emptyI then show ?case by simp next case (insertI x A y) show ?case proof (cases "x = a") case True with insertI show ?thesis by auto next case False then obtain y' where y: "y = f a y'" and y': "fold_graph f z (A - {a}) y'" using insertI by auto from insertI have "x \ S" "a \ S" by auto then have "f x y = f a (f x y')" unfolding y by (intro fun_left_comm; simp) moreover have "fold_graph f z (insert x A - {a}) (f x y')" using y' and \x \ a\ and \x \ A\ by (simp add: insert_Diff_if fold_graph.insertI) ultimately show ?thesis by fast qed qed lemma fold_graph_insertE: assumes "insert x A \ S" assumes "fold_graph f z (insert x A) v" and "x \ A" obtains y where "v = f x y" and "fold_graph f z A y" using assms by (auto dest: fold_graph_insertE_aux[OF \insert x A \ S\ _ insertI1]) lemma fold_graph_determ: assumes "A \ S" assumes "fold_graph f z A x" "fold_graph f z A y" shows "y = x" using assms(2-,1) proof (induct arbitrary: y set: fold_graph) case emptyI then show ?case by fast next case (insertI x A y v) from \insert x A \ S\ and \fold_graph f z (insert x A) v\ and \x \ A\ obtain y' where "v = f x y'" and "fold_graph f z A y'" by (rule fold_graph_insertE) from \fold_graph f z A y'\ insertI have "y' = y" by simp with \v = f x y'\ show "v = f x y" by simp qed lemma fold_equality: "A \ S \ fold_graph f z A y \ fold f z A = y" by (cases "finite A") (auto simp add: fold_def intro: fold_graph_determ dest: fold_graph_finite) lemma fold_graph_fold: assumes "A \ S" assumes "finite A" shows "fold_graph f z A (fold f z A)" proof - from \finite A\ have "\x. fold_graph f z A x" by (rule finite_imp_fold_graph) moreover note fold_graph_determ[OF \A \ S\] ultimately have "\!x. fold_graph f z A x" by (rule ex_ex1I) then have "fold_graph f z A (The (fold_graph f z A))" by (rule theI') with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: fold_def) qed text \The base case for \fold\:\ lemma (in -) fold_infinite [simp]: "\ finite A \ fold f z A = z" by (auto simp: fold_def) lemma (in -) fold_empty [simp]: "fold f z {} = z" by (auto simp: fold_def) text \The various recursion equations for \<^const>\fold\:\ lemma fold_insert [simp]: assumes "insert x A \ S" assumes "finite A" and "x \ A" shows "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z A)" proof (rule fold_equality[OF \insert x A \ S\]) fix z from \insert x A \ S\ \finite A\ have "fold_graph f z A (fold f z A)" by (blast intro: fold_graph_fold) with \x \ A\ have "fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x (fold f z A))" by (rule fold_graph.insertI) then show "fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x (fold f z A))" by simp qed declare (in -) empty_fold_graphE [rule del] fold_graph.intros [rule del] \ \No more proofs involve these.\ lemma fold_fun_left_comm: assumes "insert x A \ S" "finite A" shows "f x (fold f z A) = fold f (f x z) A" using assms(2,1) proof (induct rule: finite_induct) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert y F) then have "fold f (f x z) (insert y F) = f y (fold f (f x z) F)" by simp also have "\ = f x (f y (fold f z F))" using insert by (simp add: fun_left_comm[where ?y=x]) also have "\ = f x (fold f z (insert y F))" proof - from insert have "insert y F \ S" by simp from fold_insert[OF this] insert show ?thesis by simp qed finally show ?case .. qed lemma fold_insert2: "insert x A \ S \ finite A \ x \ A \ fold f z (insert x A) = fold f (f x z) A" by (simp add: fold_fun_left_comm) lemma fold_rec: assumes "A \ S" assumes "finite A" and "x \ A" shows "fold f z A = f x (fold f z (A - {x}))" proof - have A: "A = insert x (A - {x})" using \x \ A\ by blast then have "fold f z A = fold f z (insert x (A - {x}))" by simp also have "\ = f x (fold f z (A - {x}))" by (rule fold_insert) (use assms in \auto\) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma fold_insert_remove: assumes "insert x A \ S" assumes "finite A" shows "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z (A - {x}))" proof - from \finite A\ have "finite (insert x A)" by auto moreover have "x \ insert x A" by auto ultimately have "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z (insert x A - {x}))" using \insert x A \ S\ by (blast intro: fold_rec) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma fold_set_union_disj: assumes "A \ S" "B \ S" assumes "finite A" "finite B" "A \ B = {}" shows "Finite_Set.fold f z (A \ B) = Finite_Set.fold f (Finite_Set.fold f z A) B" using \finite B\ assms(1,2,3,5) proof induct case (insert x F) have "fold f z (A \ insert x F) = f x (fold f (fold f z A) F)" using insert by auto also have "\ = fold f (fold f z A) (insert x F)" using insert by (blast intro: fold_insert[symmetric]) finally show ?case . qed simp end text \Other properties of \<^const>\fold\:\ lemma fold_graph_image: assumes "inj_on g A" shows "fold_graph f z (g ` A) = fold_graph (f \ g) z A" proof fix w show "fold_graph f z (g ` A) w = fold_graph (f o g) z A w" proof assume "fold_graph f z (g ` A) w" then show "fold_graph (f \ g) z A w" using assms proof (induct "g ` A" w arbitrary: A) case emptyI then show ?case by (auto intro: fold_graph.emptyI) next case (insertI x A r B) from \inj_on g B\ \x \ A\ \insert x A = image g B\ obtain x' A' where "x' \ A'" and [simp]: "B = insert x' A'" "x = g x'" "A = g ` A'" by (rule inj_img_insertE) from insertI.prems have "fold_graph (f \ g) z A' r" by (auto intro: insertI.hyps) with \x' \ A'\ have "fold_graph (f \ g) z (insert x' A') ((f \ g) x' r)" by (rule fold_graph.insertI) then show ?case by simp qed next assume "fold_graph (f \ g) z A w" then show "fold_graph f z (g ` A) w" using assms proof induct case emptyI then show ?case by (auto intro: fold_graph.emptyI) next case (insertI x A r) from \x \ A\ insertI.prems have "g x \ g ` A" by auto moreover from insertI have "fold_graph f z (g ` A) r" by simp ultimately have "fold_graph f z (insert (g x) (g ` A)) (f (g x) r)" by (rule fold_graph.insertI) then show ?case by simp qed qed qed lemma fold_image: assumes "inj_on g A" shows "fold f z (g ` A) = fold (f \ g) z A" proof (cases "finite A") case False with assms show ?thesis by (auto dest: finite_imageD simp add: fold_def) next case True then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: fold_def fold_graph_image[OF assms]) qed lemma fold_cong: assumes "comp_fun_commute_on S f" "comp_fun_commute_on S g" and "A \ S" "finite A" and cong: "\x. x \ A \ f x = g x" and "s = t" and "A = B" shows "fold f s A = fold g t B" proof - have "fold f s A = fold g s A" using \finite A\ \A \ S\ cong proof (induct A) case empty then show ?case by simp next case insert interpret f: comp_fun_commute_on S f by (fact \comp_fun_commute_on S f\) interpret g: comp_fun_commute_on S g by (fact \comp_fun_commute_on S g\) from insert show ?case by simp qed with assms show ?thesis by simp qed text \A simplified version for idempotent functions:\ locale comp_fun_idem_on = comp_fun_commute_on + assumes comp_fun_idem_on: "x \ S \ f x \ f x = f x" begin lemma fun_left_idem: "x \ S \ f x (f x z) = f x z" using comp_fun_idem_on by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma fold_insert_idem: assumes "insert x A \ S" assumes fin: "finite A" shows "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z A)" proof cases assume "x \ A" then obtain B where "A = insert x B" and "x \ B" by (rule set_insert) then show ?thesis using assms by (simp add: comp_fun_idem_on fun_left_idem) next assume "x \ A" then show ?thesis using assms by auto qed declare fold_insert [simp del] fold_insert_idem [simp] lemma fold_insert_idem2: "insert x A \ S \ finite A \ fold f z (insert x A) = fold f (f x z) A" by (simp add: fold_fun_left_comm) end subsubsection \Liftings to \comp_fun_commute_on\ etc.\ lemma (in comp_fun_commute_on) comp_comp_fun_commute_on: "range g \ S \ comp_fun_commute_on R (f \ g)" by standard (force intro: comp_fun_commute_on) lemma (in comp_fun_idem_on) comp_comp_fun_idem_on: assumes "range g \ S" shows "comp_fun_idem_on R (f \ g)" proof interpret f_g: comp_fun_commute_on R "f o g" by (fact comp_comp_fun_commute_on[OF \range g \ S\]) show "x \ R \ y \ R \ (f \ g) y \ (f \ g) x = (f \ g) x \ (f \ g) y" for x y by (fact f_g.comp_fun_commute_on) qed (use \range g \ S\ in \force intro: comp_fun_idem_on\) lemma (in comp_fun_commute_on) comp_fun_commute_on_funpow: "comp_fun_commute_on S (\x. f x ^^ g x)" proof fix x y assume "x \ S" "y \ S" show "f y ^^ g y \ f x ^^ g x = f x ^^ g x \ f y ^^ g y" proof (cases "x = y") case True then show ?thesis by simp next case False show ?thesis proof (induct "g x" arbitrary: g) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc n g) have hyp1: "f y ^^ g y \ f x = f x \ f y ^^ g y" proof (induct "g y" arbitrary: g) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc n g) define h where "h z = g z - 1" for z with Suc have "n = h y" by simp with Suc have hyp: "f y ^^ h y \ f x = f x \ f y ^^ h y" by auto from Suc h_def have "g y = Suc (h y)" by simp with \x \ S\ \y \ S\ show ?case by (simp add: comp_assoc hyp) (simp add: o_assoc comp_fun_commute_on) qed define h where "h z = (if z = x then g x - 1 else g z)" for z with Suc have "n = h x" by simp with Suc have "f y ^^ h y \ f x ^^ h x = f x ^^ h x \ f y ^^ h y" by auto with False h_def have hyp2: "f y ^^ g y \ f x ^^ h x = f x ^^ h x \ f y ^^ g y" by simp from Suc h_def have "g x = Suc (h x)" by simp then show ?case by (simp del: funpow.simps add: funpow_Suc_right o_assoc hyp2) (simp add: comp_assoc hyp1) qed qed qed subsubsection \\<^term>\UNIV\ as carrier set\ locale comp_fun_commute = fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" assumes comp_fun_commute: "f y \ f x = f x \ f y" begin lemma (in -) comp_fun_commute_def': "comp_fun_commute f = comp_fun_commute_on UNIV f" unfolding comp_fun_commute_def comp_fun_commute_on_def by blast text \ We abuse the \rewrites\ functionality of locales to remove trivial assumptions that result from instantiating the carrier set to \<^term>\UNIV\. \ sublocale comp_fun_commute_on UNIV f rewrites "\X. (X \ UNIV) \ True" and "\x. x \ UNIV \ True" and "\P. (True \ P) \ Trueprop P" and "\P Q. (True \ PROP P \ PROP Q) \ (PROP P \ True \ PROP Q)" proof - show "comp_fun_commute_on UNIV f" by standard (simp add: comp_fun_commute) qed simp_all end lemma (in comp_fun_commute) comp_comp_fun_commute: "comp_fun_commute (f o g)" unfolding comp_fun_commute_def' by (fact comp_comp_fun_commute_on) lemma (in comp_fun_commute) comp_fun_commute_funpow: "comp_fun_commute (\x. f x ^^ g x)" unfolding comp_fun_commute_def' by (fact comp_fun_commute_on_funpow) locale comp_fun_idem = comp_fun_commute + assumes comp_fun_idem: "f x o f x = f x" begin lemma (in -) comp_fun_idem_def': "comp_fun_idem f = comp_fun_idem_on UNIV f" unfolding comp_fun_idem_on_def comp_fun_idem_def comp_fun_commute_def' unfolding comp_fun_idem_axioms_def comp_fun_idem_on_axioms_def by blast text \ Again, we abuse the \rewrites\ functionality of locales to remove trivial assumptions that result from instantiating the carrier set to \<^term>\UNIV\. \ sublocale comp_fun_idem_on UNIV f rewrites "\X. (X \ UNIV) \ True" and "\x. x \ UNIV \ True" and "\P. (True \ P) \ Trueprop P" and "\P Q. (True \ PROP P \ PROP Q) \ (PROP P \ True \ PROP Q)" proof - show "comp_fun_idem_on UNIV f" by standard (simp_all add: comp_fun_idem comp_fun_commute) qed simp_all end lemma (in comp_fun_idem) comp_comp_fun_idem: "comp_fun_idem (f o g)" unfolding comp_fun_idem_def' by (fact comp_comp_fun_idem_on) subsubsection \Expressing set operations via \<^const>\fold\\ lemma comp_fun_commute_const: "comp_fun_commute (\_. f)" by standard (rule refl) lemma comp_fun_idem_insert: "comp_fun_idem insert" by standard auto lemma comp_fun_idem_remove: "comp_fun_idem Set.remove" by standard auto lemma (in semilattice_inf) comp_fun_idem_inf: "comp_fun_idem inf" by standard (auto simp add: inf_left_commute) lemma (in semilattice_sup) comp_fun_idem_sup: "comp_fun_idem sup" by standard (auto simp add: sup_left_commute) lemma union_fold_insert: assumes "finite A" shows "A \ B = fold insert B A" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem insert by (fact comp_fun_idem_insert) from \finite A\ show ?thesis by (induct A arbitrary: B) simp_all qed lemma minus_fold_remove: assumes "finite A" shows "B - A = fold Set.remove B A" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem Set.remove by (fact comp_fun_idem_remove) from \finite A\ have "fold Set.remove B A = B - A" by (induct A arbitrary: B) auto (* slow *) then show ?thesis .. qed lemma comp_fun_commute_filter_fold: "comp_fun_commute (\x A'. if P x then Set.insert x A' else A')" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem Set.insert by (fact comp_fun_idem_insert) show ?thesis by standard (auto simp: fun_eq_iff) qed lemma Set_filter_fold: assumes "finite A" shows "Set.filter P A = fold (\x A'. if P x then Set.insert x A' else A') {} A" using assms proof - interpret commute_insert: comp_fun_commute "(\x A'. if P x then Set.insert x A' else A')" by (fact comp_fun_commute_filter_fold) from \finite A\ show ?thesis by induct (auto simp add: Set.filter_def) qed lemma inter_Set_filter: assumes "finite B" shows "A \ B = Set.filter (\x. x \ A) B" using assms by induct (auto simp: Set.filter_def) lemma image_fold_insert: assumes "finite A" shows "image f A = fold (\k A. Set.insert (f k) A) {} A" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "\k A. Set.insert (f k) A" by standard auto show ?thesis using assms by (induct A) auto qed lemma Ball_fold: assumes "finite A" shows "Ball A P = fold (\k s. s \ P k) True A" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "\k s. s \ P k" by standard auto show ?thesis using assms by (induct A) auto qed lemma Bex_fold: assumes "finite A" shows "Bex A P = fold (\k s. s \ P k) False A" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "\k s. s \ P k" by standard auto show ?thesis using assms by (induct A) auto qed lemma comp_fun_commute_Pow_fold: "comp_fun_commute (\x A. A \ Set.insert x ` A)" by (clarsimp simp: fun_eq_iff comp_fun_commute_def) blast lemma Pow_fold: assumes "finite A" shows "Pow A = fold (\x A. A \ Set.insert x ` A) {{}} A" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "\x A. A \ Set.insert x ` A" by (rule comp_fun_commute_Pow_fold) show ?thesis using assms by (induct A) (auto simp: Pow_insert) qed lemma fold_union_pair: assumes "finite B" shows "(\y\B. {(x, y)}) \ A = fold (\y. Set.insert (x, y)) A B" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "\y. Set.insert (x, y)" by standard auto show ?thesis using assms by (induct arbitrary: A) simp_all qed lemma comp_fun_commute_product_fold: "finite B \ comp_fun_commute (\x z. fold (\y. Set.insert (x, y)) z B)" by standard (auto simp: fold_union_pair [symmetric]) lemma product_fold: assumes "finite A" "finite B" shows "A \ B = fold (\x z. fold (\y. Set.insert (x, y)) z B) {} A" proof - interpret commute_product: comp_fun_commute "(\x z. fold (\y. Set.insert (x, y)) z B)" by (fact comp_fun_commute_product_fold[OF \finite B\]) from assms show ?thesis unfolding Sigma_def by (induct A) (simp_all add: fold_union_pair) qed context complete_lattice begin lemma inf_Inf_fold_inf: assumes "finite A" shows "inf (Inf A) B = fold inf B A" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem inf by (fact comp_fun_idem_inf) from \finite A\ fold_fun_left_comm show ?thesis by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: inf_commute fun_eq_iff) qed lemma sup_Sup_fold_sup: assumes "finite A" shows "sup (Sup A) B = fold sup B A" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem sup by (fact comp_fun_idem_sup) from \finite A\ fold_fun_left_comm show ?thesis by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: sup_commute fun_eq_iff) qed lemma Inf_fold_inf: "finite A \ Inf A = fold inf top A" using inf_Inf_fold_inf [of A top] by (simp add: inf_absorb2) lemma Sup_fold_sup: "finite A \ Sup A = fold sup bot A" using sup_Sup_fold_sup [of A bot] by (simp add: sup_absorb2) lemma inf_INF_fold_inf: assumes "finite A" shows "inf B (\(f ` A)) = fold (inf \ f) B A" (is "?inf = ?fold") proof - interpret comp_fun_idem inf by (fact comp_fun_idem_inf) interpret comp_fun_idem "inf \ f" by (fact comp_comp_fun_idem) from \finite A\ have "?fold = ?inf" by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: inf_left_commute) then show ?thesis .. qed lemma sup_SUP_fold_sup: assumes "finite A" shows "sup B (\(f ` A)) = fold (sup \ f) B A" (is "?sup = ?fold") proof - interpret comp_fun_idem sup by (fact comp_fun_idem_sup) interpret comp_fun_idem "sup \ f" by (fact comp_comp_fun_idem) from \finite A\ have "?fold = ?sup" by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: sup_left_commute) then show ?thesis .. qed lemma INF_fold_inf: "finite A \ \(f ` A) = fold (inf \ f) top A" using inf_INF_fold_inf [of A top] by simp lemma SUP_fold_sup: "finite A \ \(f ` A) = fold (sup \ f) bot A" using sup_SUP_fold_sup [of A bot] by simp lemma finite_Inf_in: assumes "finite A" "A\{}" and inf: "\x y. \x \ A; y \ A\ \ inf x y \ A" shows "Inf A \ A" proof - have "Inf B \ A" if "B \ A" "B\{}" for B using finite_subset [OF \B \ A\ \finite A\] that by (induction B) (use inf in \force+\) then show ?thesis by (simp add: assms) qed lemma finite_Sup_in: assumes "finite A" "A\{}" and sup: "\x y. \x \ A; y \ A\ \ sup x y \ A" shows "Sup A \ A" proof - have "Sup B \ A" if "B \ A" "B\{}" for B using finite_subset [OF \B \ A\ \finite A\] that by (induction B) (use sup in \force+\) then show ?thesis by (simp add: assms) qed end subsubsection \Expressing relation operations via \<^const>\fold\\ lemma Id_on_fold: assumes "finite A" shows "Id_on A = Finite_Set.fold (\x. Set.insert (Pair x x)) {} A" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "\x. Set.insert (Pair x x)" by standard auto from assms show ?thesis unfolding Id_on_def by (induct A) simp_all qed lemma comp_fun_commute_Image_fold: "comp_fun_commute (\(x,y) A. if x \ S then Set.insert y A else A)" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem Set.insert by (fact comp_fun_idem_insert) show ?thesis by standard (auto simp: fun_eq_iff comp_fun_commute split: prod.split) qed lemma Image_fold: assumes "finite R" shows "R `` S = Finite_Set.fold (\(x,y) A. if x \ S then Set.insert y A else A) {} R" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "(\(x,y) A. if x \ S then Set.insert y A else A)" by (rule comp_fun_commute_Image_fold) have *: "\x F. Set.insert x F `` S = (if fst x \ S then Set.insert (snd x) (F `` S) else (F `` S))" by (force intro: rev_ImageI) show ?thesis using assms by (induct R) (auto simp: * ) qed lemma insert_relcomp_union_fold: assumes "finite S" shows "{x} O S \ X = Finite_Set.fold (\(w,z) A'. if snd x = w then Set.insert (fst x,z) A' else A') X S" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "\(w,z) A'. if snd x = w then Set.insert (fst x,z) A' else A'" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem Set.insert by (fact comp_fun_idem_insert) show "comp_fun_commute (\(w,z) A'. if snd x = w then Set.insert (fst x,z) A' else A')" by standard (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.split) qed have *: "{x} O S = {(x', z). x' = fst x \ (snd x, z) \ S}" by (auto simp: relcomp_unfold intro!: exI) show ?thesis unfolding * using \finite S\ by (induct S) (auto split: prod.split) qed lemma insert_relcomp_fold: assumes "finite S" shows "Set.insert x R O S = Finite_Set.fold (\(w,z) A'. if snd x = w then Set.insert (fst x,z) A' else A') (R O S) S" proof - have "Set.insert x R O S = ({x} O S) \ (R O S)" by auto then show ?thesis by (auto simp: insert_relcomp_union_fold [OF assms]) qed lemma comp_fun_commute_relcomp_fold: assumes "finite S" shows "comp_fun_commute (\(x,y) A. Finite_Set.fold (\(w,z) A'. if y = w then Set.insert (x,z) A' else A') A S)" proof - have *: "\a b A. Finite_Set.fold (\(w, z) A'. if b = w then Set.insert (a, z) A' else A') A S = {(a,b)} O S \ A" by (auto simp: insert_relcomp_union_fold[OF assms] cong: if_cong) show ?thesis by standard (auto simp: * ) qed lemma relcomp_fold: assumes "finite R" "finite S" shows "R O S = Finite_Set.fold (\(x,y) A. Finite_Set.fold (\(w,z) A'. if y = w then Set.insert (x,z) A' else A') A S) {} R" proof - interpret commute_relcomp_fold: comp_fun_commute "(\(x, y) A. Finite_Set.fold (\(w, z) A'. if y = w then insert (x, z) A' else A') A S)" by (fact comp_fun_commute_relcomp_fold[OF \finite S\]) from assms show ?thesis by (induct R) (auto simp: comp_fun_commute_relcomp_fold insert_relcomp_fold cong: if_cong) qed subsection \Locales as mini-packages for fold operations\ subsubsection \The natural case\ locale folding_on = fixes S :: "'a set" fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" and z :: "'b" assumes comp_fun_commute_on: "x \ S \ y \ S \ f y o f x = f x o f y" begin interpretation fold?: comp_fun_commute_on S f by standard (simp add: comp_fun_commute_on) definition F :: "'a set \ 'b" where eq_fold: "F A = Finite_Set.fold f z A" lemma empty [simp]: "F {} = z" by (simp add: eq_fold) lemma infinite [simp]: "\ finite A \ F A = z" by (simp add: eq_fold) lemma insert [simp]: assumes "insert x A \ S" and "finite A" and "x \ A" shows "F (insert x A) = f x (F A)" proof - from fold_insert assms have "Finite_Set.fold f z (insert x A) = f x (Finite_Set.fold f z A)" by simp with \finite A\ show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_fold fun_eq_iff) qed lemma remove: assumes "A \ S" and "finite A" and "x \ A" shows "F A = f x (F (A - {x}))" proof - from \x \ A\ obtain B where A: "A = insert x B" and "x \ B" by (auto dest: mk_disjoint_insert) moreover from \finite A\ A have "finite B" by simp ultimately show ?thesis using \A \ S\ by auto qed lemma insert_remove: assumes "insert x A \ S" and "finite A" shows "F (insert x A) = f x (F (A - {x}))" using assms by (cases "x \ A") (simp_all add: remove insert_absorb) end subsubsection \With idempotency\ locale folding_idem_on = folding_on + assumes comp_fun_idem_on: "x \ S \ y \ S \ f x \ f x = f x" begin declare insert [simp del] interpretation fold?: comp_fun_idem_on S f by standard (simp_all add: comp_fun_commute_on comp_fun_idem_on) lemma insert_idem [simp]: assumes "insert x A \ S" and "finite A" shows "F (insert x A) = f x (F A)" proof - from fold_insert_idem assms have "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z A)" by simp with \finite A\ show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_fold fun_eq_iff) qed end subsubsection \\<^term>\UNIV\ as the carrier set\ locale folding = fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" and z :: "'b" assumes comp_fun_commute: "f y \ f x = f x \ f y" begin lemma (in -) folding_def': "folding f = folding_on UNIV f" unfolding folding_def folding_on_def by blast text \ Again, we abuse the \rewrites\ functionality of locales to remove trivial assumptions that result from instantiating the carrier set to \<^term>\UNIV\. \ sublocale folding_on UNIV f rewrites "\X. (X \ UNIV) \ True" and "\x. x \ UNIV \ True" and "\P. (True \ P) \ Trueprop P" and "\P Q. (True \ PROP P \ PROP Q) \ (PROP P \ True \ PROP Q)" proof - show "folding_on UNIV f" by standard (simp add: comp_fun_commute) qed simp_all end locale folding_idem = folding + assumes comp_fun_idem: "f x \ f x = f x" begin lemma (in -) folding_idem_def': "folding_idem f = folding_idem_on UNIV f" unfolding folding_idem_def folding_def' folding_idem_on_def unfolding folding_idem_axioms_def folding_idem_on_axioms_def by blast text \ Again, we abuse the \rewrites\ functionality of locales to remove trivial assumptions that result from instantiating the carrier set to \<^term>\UNIV\. \ sublocale folding_idem_on UNIV f rewrites "\X. (X \ UNIV) \ True" and "\x. x \ UNIV \ True" and "\P. (True \ P) \ Trueprop P" and "\P Q. (True \ PROP P \ PROP Q) \ (PROP P \ True \ PROP Q)" proof - show "folding_idem_on UNIV f" by standard (simp add: comp_fun_idem) qed simp_all end subsection \Finite cardinality\ text \ The traditional definition \<^prop>\card A \ LEAST n. \f. A = {f i |i. i < n}\ is ugly to work with. But now that we have \<^const>\fold\ things are easy: \ global_interpretation card: folding "\_. Suc" 0 defines card = "folding_on.F (\_. Suc) 0" by standard (rule refl) lemma card_insert_disjoint: "finite A \ x \ A \ card (insert x A) = Suc (card A)" by (fact card.insert) lemma card_insert_if: "finite A \ card (insert x A) = (if x \ A then card A else Suc (card A))" by auto (simp add: card.insert_remove card.remove) lemma card_ge_0_finite: "card A > 0 \ finite A" by (rule ccontr) simp lemma card_0_eq [simp]: "finite A \ card A = 0 \ A = {}" by (auto dest: mk_disjoint_insert) lemma finite_UNIV_card_ge_0: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ card (UNIV :: 'a set) > 0" by (rule ccontr) simp lemma card_eq_0_iff: "card A = 0 \ A = {} \ \ finite A" by auto lemma card_range_greater_zero: "finite (range f) \ card (range f) > 0" by (rule ccontr) (simp add: card_eq_0_iff) lemma card_gt_0_iff: "0 < card A \ A \ {} \ finite A" by (simp add: neq0_conv [symmetric] card_eq_0_iff) lemma card_Suc_Diff1: assumes "finite A" "x \ A" shows "Suc (card (A - {x})) = card A" proof - have "Suc (card (A - {x})) = card (insert x (A - {x}))" using assms by (simp add: card.insert_remove) also have "... = card A" using assms by (simp add: card_insert_if) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma card_insert_le_m1: assumes "n > 0" "card y \ n - 1" shows "card (insert x y) \ n" using assms by (cases "finite y") (auto simp: card_insert_if) lemma card_Diff_singleton: assumes "x \ A" shows "card (A - {x}) = card A - 1" proof (cases "finite A") case True with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: card_Suc_Diff1 [symmetric]) qed auto lemma card_Diff_singleton_if: "card (A - {x}) = (if x \ A then card A - 1 else card A)" by (simp add: card_Diff_singleton) lemma card_Diff_insert[simp]: assumes "a \ A" and "a \ B" shows "card (A - insert a B) = card (A - B) - 1" proof - have "A - insert a B = (A - B) - {a}" using assms by blast then show ?thesis using assms by (simp add: card_Diff_singleton) qed lemma card_insert_le: "card A \ card (insert x A)" proof (cases "finite A") case True then show ?thesis by (simp add: card_insert_if) qed auto lemma card_Collect_less_nat[simp]: "card {i::nat. i < n} = n" by (induct n) (simp_all add:less_Suc_eq Collect_disj_eq) lemma card_Collect_le_nat[simp]: "card {i::nat. i \ n} = Suc n" using card_Collect_less_nat[of "Suc n"] by (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le) lemma card_mono: assumes "finite B" and "A \ B" shows "card A \ card B" proof - from assms have "finite A" by (auto intro: finite_subset) then show ?thesis using assms proof (induct A arbitrary: B) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert x A) then have "x \ B" by simp from insert have "A \ B - {x}" and "finite (B - {x})" by auto with insert.hyps have "card A \ card (B - {x})" by auto with \finite A\ \x \ A\ \finite B\ \x \ B\ show ?case by simp (simp only: card.remove) qed qed lemma card_seteq: assumes "finite B" and A: "A \ B" "card B \ card A" shows "A = B" using assms proof (induction arbitrary: A rule: finite_induct) case (insert b B) then have A: "finite A" "A - {b} \ B" by force+ then have "card B \ card (A - {b})" using insert by (auto simp add: card_Diff_singleton_if) then have "A - {b} = B" using A insert.IH by auto then show ?case using insert.hyps insert.prems by auto qed auto lemma psubset_card_mono: "finite B \ A < B \ card A < card B" using card_seteq [of B A] by (auto simp add: psubset_eq) lemma card_Un_Int: assumes "finite A" "finite B" shows "card A + card B = card (A \ B) + card (A \ B)" using assms proof (induct A) case empty then show ?case by simp next case insert then show ?case by (auto simp add: insert_absorb Int_insert_left) qed lemma card_Un_disjoint: "finite A \ finite B \ A \ B = {} \ card (A \ B) = card A + card B" using card_Un_Int [of A B] by simp lemma card_Un_disjnt: "\finite A; finite B; disjnt A B\ \ card (A \ B) = card A + card B" by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint disjnt_def) lemma card_Un_le: "card (A \ B) \ card A + card B" proof (cases "finite A \ finite B") case True then show ?thesis using le_iff_add card_Un_Int [of A B] by auto qed auto lemma card_Diff_subset: assumes "finite B" and "B \ A" shows "card (A - B) = card A - card B" using assms proof (cases "finite A") case False with assms show ?thesis by simp next case True with assms show ?thesis by (induct B arbitrary: A) simp_all qed lemma card_Diff_subset_Int: assumes "finite (A \ B)" shows "card (A - B) = card A - card (A \ B)" proof - have "A - B = A - A \ B" by auto with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: card_Diff_subset) qed lemma diff_card_le_card_Diff: assumes "finite B" shows "card A - card B \ card (A - B)" proof - have "card A - card B \ card A - card (A \ B)" using card_mono[OF assms Int_lower2, of A] by arith also have "\ = card (A - B)" using assms by (simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma card_le_sym_Diff: assumes "finite A" "finite B" "card A \ card B" shows "card(A - B) \ card(B - A)" proof - have "card(A - B) = card A - card (A \ B)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int) also have "\ \ card B - card (A \ B)" using assms(3) by linarith also have "\ = card(B - A)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int Int_commute) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma card_less_sym_Diff: assumes "finite A" "finite B" "card A < card B" shows "card(A - B) < card(B - A)" proof - have "card(A - B) = card A - card (A \ B)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int) also have "\ < card B - card (A \ B)" using assms(1,3) by (simp add: card_mono diff_less_mono) also have "\ = card(B - A)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int Int_commute) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma card_Diff1_less_iff: "card (A - {x}) < card A \ finite A \ x \ A" proof (cases "finite A \ x \ A") case True then show ?thesis by (auto simp: card_gt_0_iff intro: diff_less) qed auto lemma card_Diff1_less: "finite A \ x \ A \ card (A - {x}) < card A" unfolding card_Diff1_less_iff by auto lemma card_Diff2_less: assumes "finite A" "x \ A" "y \ A" shows "card (A - {x} - {y}) < card A" proof (cases "x = y") case True with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: card_Diff1_less del: card_Diff_insert) next case False then have "card (A - {x} - {y}) < card (A - {x})" "card (A - {x}) < card A" using assms by (intro card_Diff1_less; simp)+ then show ?thesis by (blast intro: less_trans) qed lemma card_Diff1_le: "card (A - {x}) \ card A" proof (cases "finite A") case True then show ?thesis by (cases "x \ A") (simp_all add: card_Diff1_less less_imp_le) qed auto lemma card_psubset: "finite B \ A \ B \ card A < card B \ A < B" by (erule psubsetI) blast lemma card_le_inj: assumes fA: "finite A" and fB: "finite B" and c: "card A \ card B" shows "\f. f ` A \ B \ inj_on f A" using fA fB c proof (induct arbitrary: B rule: finite_induct) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert x s t) then show ?case proof (induct rule: finite_induct [OF insert.prems(1)]) case 1 then show ?case by simp next case (2 y t) from "2.prems"(1,2,5) "2.hyps"(1,2) have cst: "card s \ card t" by simp from "2.prems"(3) [OF "2.hyps"(1) cst] obtain f where *: "f ` s \ t" "inj_on f s" by blast let ?g = "(\a. if a = x then y else f a)" have "?g ` insert x s \ insert y t \ inj_on ?g (insert x s)" using * "2.prems"(2) "2.hyps"(2) unfolding inj_on_def by auto then show ?case by (rule exI[where ?x="?g"]) qed qed lemma card_subset_eq: assumes fB: "finite B" and AB: "A \ B" and c: "card A = card B" shows "A = B" proof - from fB AB have fA: "finite A" by (auto intro: finite_subset) from fA fB have fBA: "finite (B - A)" by auto have e: "A \ (B - A) = {}" by blast have eq: "A \ (B - A) = B" using AB by blast from card_Un_disjoint[OF fA fBA e, unfolded eq c] have "card (B - A) = 0" by arith then have "B - A = {}" unfolding card_eq_0_iff using fA fB by simp with AB show "A = B" by blast qed lemma insert_partition: "x \ F \ \c1 \ insert x F. \c2 \ insert x F. c1 \ c2 \ c1 \ c2 = {} \ x \ \F = {}" by auto lemma finite_psubset_induct [consumes 1, case_names psubset]: assumes finite: "finite A" and major: "\A. finite A \ (\B. B \ A \ P B) \ P A" shows "P A" using finite proof (induct A taking: card rule: measure_induct_rule) case (less A) have fin: "finite A" by fact have ih: "card B < card A \ finite B \ P B" for B by fact have "P B" if "B \ A" for B proof - from that have "card B < card A" using psubset_card_mono fin by blast moreover from that have "B \ A" by auto then have "finite B" using fin finite_subset by blast ultimately show ?thesis using ih by simp qed with fin show "P A" using major by blast qed lemma finite_induct_select [consumes 1, case_names empty select]: assumes "finite S" and "P {}" and select: "\T. T \ S \ P T \ \s\S - T. P (insert s T)" shows "P S" proof - have "0 \ card S" by simp then have "\T \ S. card T = card S \ P T" proof (induct rule: dec_induct) case base with \P {}\ show ?case by (intro exI[of _ "{}"]) auto next case (step n) then obtain T where T: "T \ S" "card T = n" "P T" by auto with \n < card S\ have "T \ S" "P T" by auto with select[of T] obtain s where "s \ S" "s \ T" "P (insert s T)" by auto with step(2) T \finite S\ show ?case by (intro exI[of _ "insert s T"]) (auto dest: finite_subset) qed with \finite S\ show "P S" by (auto dest: card_subset_eq) qed lemma remove_induct [case_names empty infinite remove]: assumes empty: "P ({} :: 'a set)" and infinite: "\ finite B \ P B" and remove: "\A. finite A \ A \ {} \ A \ B \ (\x. x \ A \ P (A - {x})) \ P A" shows "P B" proof (cases "finite B") case False then show ?thesis by (rule infinite) next case True define A where "A = B" with True have "finite A" "A \ B" by simp_all then show "P A" proof (induct "card A" arbitrary: A) case 0 then have "A = {}" by auto with empty show ?case by simp next case (Suc n A) from \A \ B\ and \finite B\ have "finite A" by (rule finite_subset) moreover from Suc.hyps have "A \ {}" by auto moreover note \A \ B\ moreover have "P (A - {x})" if x: "x \ A" for x using x Suc.prems \Suc n = card A\ by (intro Suc) auto ultimately show ?case by (rule remove) qed qed lemma finite_remove_induct [consumes 1, case_names empty remove]: fixes P :: "'a set \ bool" assumes "finite B" and "P {}" and "\A. finite A \ A \ {} \ A \ B \ (\x. x \ A \ P (A - {x})) \ P A" defines "B' \ B" shows "P B'" by (induct B' rule: remove_induct) (simp_all add: assms) text \Main cardinality theorem.\ lemma card_partition [rule_format]: "finite C \ finite (\C) \ (\c\C. card c = k) \ (\c1 \ C. \c2 \ C. c1 \ c2 \ c1 \ c2 = {}) \ k * card C = card (\C)" proof (induct rule: finite_induct) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert x F) then show ?case by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint insert_partition finite_subset [of _ "\(insert _ _)"]) qed lemma card_eq_UNIV_imp_eq_UNIV: assumes fin: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" and card: "card A = card (UNIV :: 'a set)" shows "A = (UNIV :: 'a set)" proof show "A \ UNIV" by simp show "UNIV \ A" proof show "x \ A" for x proof (rule ccontr) assume "x \ A" then have "A \ UNIV" by auto with fin have "card A < card (UNIV :: 'a set)" by (fact psubset_card_mono) with card show False by simp qed qed qed text \The form of a finite set of given cardinality\ lemma card_eq_SucD: assumes "card A = Suc k" shows "\b B. A = insert b B \ b \ B \ card B = k \ (k = 0 \ B = {})" proof - have fin: "finite A" using assms by (auto intro: ccontr) moreover have "card A \ 0" using assms by auto ultimately obtain b where b: "b \ A" by auto show ?thesis proof (intro exI conjI) show "A = insert b (A - {b})" using b by blast show "b \ A - {b}" by blast show "card (A - {b}) = k" and "k = 0 \ A - {b} = {}" using assms b fin by (fastforce dest: mk_disjoint_insert)+ qed qed lemma card_Suc_eq: "card A = Suc k \ (\b B. A = insert b B \ b \ B \ card B = k \ (k = 0 \ B = {}))" by (auto simp: card_insert_if card_gt_0_iff elim!: card_eq_SucD) lemma card_Suc_eq_finite: "card A = Suc k \ (\b B. A = insert b B \ b \ B \ card B = k \ finite B)" unfolding card_Suc_eq using card_gt_0_iff by fastforce lemma card_1_singletonE: assumes "card A = 1" obtains x where "A = {x}" using assms by (auto simp: card_Suc_eq) lemma is_singleton_altdef: "is_singleton A \ card A = 1" unfolding is_singleton_def by (auto elim!: card_1_singletonE is_singletonE simp del: One_nat_def) lemma card_1_singleton_iff: "card A = Suc 0 \ (\x. A = {x})" by (simp add: card_Suc_eq) lemma card_le_Suc0_iff_eq: assumes "finite A" shows "card A \ Suc 0 \ (\a1 \ A. \a2 \ A. a1 = a2)" (is "?C = ?A") proof assume ?C thus ?A using assms by (auto simp: le_Suc_eq dest: card_eq_SucD) next assume ?A show ?C proof cases assume "A = {}" thus ?C using \?A\ by simp next assume "A \ {}" then obtain a where "A = {a}" using \?A\ by blast thus ?C by simp qed qed lemma card_le_Suc_iff: "Suc n \ card A = (\a B. A = insert a B \ a \ B \ n \ card B \ finite B)" proof (cases "finite A") case True then show ?thesis by (fastforce simp: card_Suc_eq less_eq_nat.simps split: nat.splits) qed auto lemma finite_fun_UNIVD2: assumes fin: "finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set)" shows "finite (UNIV :: 'b set)" proof - from fin have "finite (range (\f :: 'a \ 'b. f arbitrary))" for arbitrary by (rule finite_imageI) moreover have "UNIV = range (\f :: 'a \ 'b. f arbitrary)" for arbitrary by (rule UNIV_eq_I) auto ultimately show "finite (UNIV :: 'b set)" by simp qed lemma card_UNIV_unit [simp]: "card (UNIV :: unit set) = 1" unfolding UNIV_unit by simp lemma infinite_arbitrarily_large: assumes "\ finite A" shows "\B. finite B \ card B = n \ B \ A" proof (induction n) case 0 show ?case by (intro exI[of _ "{}"]) auto next case (Suc n) then obtain B where B: "finite B \ card B = n \ B \ A" .. with \\ finite A\ have "A \ B" by auto with B have "B \ A" by auto then have "\x. x \ A - B" by (elim psubset_imp_ex_mem) then obtain x where x: "x \ A - B" .. with B have "finite (insert x B) \ card (insert x B) = Suc n \ insert x B \ A" by auto then show "\B. finite B \ card B = Suc n \ B \ A" .. qed text \Sometimes, to prove that a set is finite, it is convenient to work with finite subsets and to show that their cardinalities are uniformly bounded. This possibility is formalized in the next criterion.\ lemma finite_if_finite_subsets_card_bdd: assumes "\G. G \ F \ finite G \ card G \ C" shows "finite F \ card F \ C" proof (cases "finite F") case False obtain n::nat where n: "n > max C 0" by auto obtain G where G: "G \ F" "card G = n" using infinite_arbitrarily_large[OF False] by auto hence "finite G" using \n > max C 0\ using card.infinite gr_implies_not0 by blast hence False using assms G n not_less by auto thus ?thesis .. next case True thus ?thesis using assms[of F] by auto qed lemma obtain_subset_with_card_n: assumes "n \ card S" obtains T where "T \ S" "card T = n" "finite T" proof - obtain n' where "card S = n + n'" using le_Suc_ex[OF assms] by blast with that show thesis proof (induct n' arbitrary: S) case 0 thus ?case by (cases "finite S") auto next case Suc thus ?case by (auto simp add: card_Suc_eq) qed qed lemma exists_subset_between: assumes "card A \ n" "n \ card C" "A \ C" "finite C" shows "\B. A \ B \ B \ C \ card B = n" using assms proof (induct n arbitrary: A C) case 0 thus ?case using finite_subset[of A C] by (intro exI[of _ "{}"], auto) next case (Suc n A C) show ?case proof (cases "A = {}") case True from obtain_subset_with_card_n[OF Suc(3)] obtain B where "B \ C" "card B = Suc n" by blast thus ?thesis unfolding True by blast next case False then obtain a where a: "a \ A" by auto let ?A = "A - {a}" let ?C = "C - {a}" have 1: "card ?A \ n" using Suc(2-) a using finite_subset by fastforce have 2: "card ?C \ n" using Suc(2-) a by auto from Suc(1)[OF 1 2 _ finite_subset[OF _ Suc(5)]] Suc(2-) obtain B where "?A \ B" "B \ ?C" "card B = n" by blast thus ?thesis using a Suc(2-) by (intro exI[of _ "insert a B"], auto intro!: card_insert_disjoint finite_subset[of B C]) qed qed subsubsection \Cardinality of image\ lemma card_image_le: "finite A \ card (f ` A) \ card A" by (induct rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: le_SucI card_insert_if) lemma card_image: "inj_on f A \ card (f ` A) = card A" proof (induct A rule: infinite_finite_induct) case (infinite A) then have "\ finite (f ` A)" by (auto dest: finite_imageD) with infinite show ?case by simp qed simp_all lemma bij_betw_same_card: "bij_betw f A B \ card A = card B" by (auto simp: card_image bij_betw_def) lemma endo_inj_surj: "finite A \ f ` A \ A \ inj_on f A \ f ` A = A" by (simp add: card_seteq card_image) lemma eq_card_imp_inj_on: assumes "finite A" "card(f ` A) = card A" shows "inj_on f A" using assms proof (induct rule:finite_induct) case empty show ?case by simp next case (insert x A) then show ?case using card_image_le [of A f] by (simp add: card_insert_if split: if_splits) qed lemma inj_on_iff_eq_card: "finite A \ inj_on f A \ card (f ` A) = card A" by (blast intro: card_image eq_card_imp_inj_on) lemma card_inj_on_le: assumes "inj_on f A" "f ` A \ B" "finite B" shows "card A \ card B" proof - have "finite A" using assms by (blast intro: finite_imageD dest: finite_subset) then show ?thesis using assms by (force intro: card_mono simp: card_image [symmetric]) qed lemma inj_on_iff_card_le: "\ finite A; finite B \ \ (\f. inj_on f A \ f ` A \ B) = (card A \ card B)" using card_inj_on_le[of _ A B] card_le_inj[of A B] by blast lemma surj_card_le: "finite A \ B \ f ` A \ card B \ card A" by (blast intro: card_image_le card_mono le_trans) lemma card_bij_eq: "inj_on f A \ f ` A \ B \ inj_on g B \ g ` B \ A \ finite A \ finite B \ card A = card B" by (auto intro: le_antisym card_inj_on_le) lemma bij_betw_finite: "bij_betw f A B \ finite A \ finite B" unfolding bij_betw_def using finite_imageD [of f A] by auto lemma inj_on_finite: "inj_on f A \ f ` A \ B \ finite B \ finite A" using finite_imageD finite_subset by blast lemma card_vimage_inj_on_le: assumes "inj_on f D" "finite A" shows "card (f-`A \ D) \ card A" proof (rule card_inj_on_le) show "inj_on f (f -` A \ D)" by (blast intro: assms inj_on_subset) qed (use assms in auto) lemma card_vimage_inj: "inj f \ A \ range f \ card (f -` A) = card A" by (auto 4 3 simp: subset_image_iff inj_vimage_image_eq intro: card_image[symmetric, OF subset_inj_on]) lemma card_inverse[simp]: "card (R\) = card R" proof - have *: "\R. prod.swap ` R = R\" by auto { assume "\finite R" hence ?thesis by auto } moreover { assume "finite R" with card_image_le[of R prod.swap] card_image_le[of "R\" prod.swap] have ?thesis by (auto simp: * ) } ultimately show ?thesis by blast qed subsubsection \Pigeonhole Principles\ lemma pigeonhole: "card A > card (f ` A) \ \ inj_on f A " by (auto dest: card_image less_irrefl_nat) lemma pigeonhole_infinite: assumes "\ finite A" and "finite (f`A)" shows "\a0\A. \ finite {a\A. f a = f a0}" using assms(2,1) proof (induct "f`A" arbitrary: A rule: finite_induct) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (insert b F) show ?case proof (cases "finite {a\A. f a = b}") case True with \\ finite A\ have "\ finite (A - {a\A. f a = b})" by simp also have "A - {a\A. f a = b} = {a\A. f a \ b}" by blast finally have "\ finite {a\A. f a \ b}" . from insert(3)[OF _ this] insert(2,4) show ?thesis by simp (blast intro: rev_finite_subset) next case False then have "{a \ A. f a = b} \ {}" by force with False show ?thesis by blast qed qed lemma pigeonhole_infinite_rel: assumes "\ finite A" and "finite B" and "\a\A. \b\B. R a b" shows "\b\B. \ finite {a:A. R a b}" proof - let ?F = "\a. {b\B. R a b}" from finite_Pow_iff[THEN iffD2, OF \finite B\] have "finite (?F ` A)" by (blast intro: rev_finite_subset) from pigeonhole_infinite [where f = ?F, OF assms(1) this] obtain a0 where "a0 \ A" and infinite: "\ finite {a\A. ?F a = ?F a0}" .. obtain b0 where "b0 \ B" and "R a0 b0" using \a0 \ A\ assms(3) by blast have "finite {a\A. ?F a = ?F a0}" if "finite {a\A. R a b0}" using \b0 \ B\ \R a0 b0\ that by (blast intro: rev_finite_subset) with infinite \b0 \ B\ show ?thesis by blast qed subsubsection \Cardinality of sums\ lemma card_Plus: assumes "finite A" "finite B" shows "card (A <+> B) = card A + card B" proof - have "Inl`A \ Inr`B = {}" by fast with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: Plus_def card_Un_disjoint card_image) qed lemma card_Plus_conv_if: "card (A <+> B) = (if finite A \ finite B then card A + card B else 0)" by (auto simp add: card_Plus) text \Relates to equivalence classes. Based on a theorem of F. Kammüller.\ lemma dvd_partition: assumes f: "finite (\C)" and "\c\C. k dvd card c" "\c1\C. \c2\C. c1 \ c2 \ c1 \ c2 = {}" shows "k dvd card (\C)" proof - have "finite C" by (rule finite_UnionD [OF f]) then show ?thesis using assms proof (induct rule: finite_induct) case empty show ?case by simp next case (insert c C) then have "c \ \C = {}" by auto with insert show ?case by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint) qed qed subsection \Minimal and maximal elements of finite sets\ context begin qualified lemma assumes "finite A" and "asymp_on A R" and "transp_on A R" and "\x \ A. P x" shows bex_min_element_with_property: "\x \ A. P x \ (\y \ A. R y x \ \ P y)" and bex_max_element_with_property: "\x \ A. P x \ (\y \ A. R x y \ \ P y)" unfolding atomize_conj using assms proof (induction A rule: finite_induct) case empty hence False by simp_all thus ?case .. next case (insert x F) from insert.prems have "asymp_on F R" using asymp_on_subset by blast from insert.prems have "transp_on F R" using transp_on_subset by blast show ?case proof (cases "P x") case True show ?thesis proof (cases "\a\F. P a") case True with insert.IH obtain min max where "min \ F" and "P min" and "\z \ F. R z min \ \ P z" "max \ F" and "P max" and "\z \ F. R max z \ \ P z" using \asymp_on F R\ \transp_on F R\ by auto show ?thesis proof (rule conjI) show "\y \ insert x F. P y \ (\z \ insert x F. R y z \ \ P z)" proof (cases "R max x") case True show ?thesis proof (intro bexI conjI ballI impI) show "x \ insert x F" by simp next show "P x" using \P x\ by simp next fix z assume "z \ insert x F" and "R x z" hence "z = x \ z \ F" by simp thus "\ P z" proof (rule disjE) assume "z = x" hence "R x x" using \R x z\ by simp moreover have "\ R x x" using \asymp_on (insert x F) R\[THEN irreflp_on_if_asymp_on, THEN irreflp_onD] by simp ultimately have False by simp thus ?thesis .. next assume "z \ F" moreover have "R max z" using \R max x\ \R x z\ using \transp_on (insert x F) R\[THEN transp_onD, of max x z] using \max \ F\ \z \ F\ by simp ultimately show ?thesis using \\z \ F. R max z \ \ P z\ by simp qed qed next case False show ?thesis proof (intro bexI conjI ballI impI) show "max \ insert x F" using \max \ F\ by simp next show "P max" using \P max\ by simp next fix z assume "z \ insert x F" and "R max z" hence "z = x \ z \ F" by simp thus "\ P z" proof (rule disjE) assume "z = x" hence False using \\ R max x\ \R max z\ by simp thus ?thesis .. next assume "z \ F" thus ?thesis using \R max z\ \\z\F. R max z \ \ P z\ by simp qed qed qed next show "\y \ insert x F. P y \ (\z \ insert x F. R z y \ \ P z)" proof (cases "R x min") case True show ?thesis proof (intro bexI conjI ballI impI) show "x \ insert x F" by simp next show "P x" using \P x\ by simp next fix z assume "z \ insert x F" and "R z x" hence "z = x \ z \ F" by simp thus "\ P z" proof (rule disjE) assume "z = x" hence "R x x" using \R z x\ by simp moreover have "\ R x x" using \asymp_on (insert x F) R\[THEN irreflp_on_if_asymp_on, THEN irreflp_onD] by simp ultimately have False by simp thus ?thesis .. next assume "z \ F" moreover have "R z min" using \R z x\ \R x min\ using \transp_on (insert x F) R\[THEN transp_onD, of z x min] using \min \ F\ \z \ F\ by simp ultimately show ?thesis using \\z \ F. R z min \ \ P z\ by simp qed qed next case False show ?thesis proof (intro bexI conjI ballI impI) show "min \ insert x F" using \min \ F\ by simp next show "P min" using \P min\ by simp next fix z assume "z \ insert x F" and "R z min" hence "z = x \ z \ F" by simp thus "\ P z" proof (rule disjE) assume "z = x" hence False using \\ R x min\ \R z min\ by simp thus ?thesis .. next assume "z \ F" thus ?thesis using \R z min\ \\z\F. R z min \ \ P z\ by simp qed qed qed qed next case False then show ?thesis using \\a\insert x F. P a\ using \asymp_on (insert x F) R\[THEN asymp_onD, of x] insert_iff[of _ x F] by blast qed next case False with insert.prems have "\x \ F. P x" by simp with insert.IH have "\y \ F. P y \ (\z\F. R z y \ \ P z)" "\y \ F. P y \ (\z\F. R y z \ \ P z)" using \asymp_on F R\ \transp_on F R\ by auto thus ?thesis using False by auto qed qed qualified lemma assumes "finite A" and "asymp_on A R" and "transp_on A R" and "A \ {}" shows bex_min_element: "\m \ A. \x \ A. x \ m \ \ R x m" and bex_max_element: "\m \ A. \x \ A. x \ m \ \ R m x" using \A \ {}\ bex_min_element_with_property[OF assms(1,2,3), of "\_. True", simplified] bex_max_element_with_property[OF assms(1,2,3), of "\_. True", simplified] by blast+ end text \The following alternative form might sometimes be easier to work with.\ lemma is_min_element_in_set_iff: "asymp_on A R \ (\y \ A. y \ x \ \ R y x) \ (\y. R y x \ y \ A)" by (auto dest: asymp_onD) lemma is_max_element_in_set_iff: "asymp_on A R \ (\y \ A. y \ x \ \ R x y) \ (\y. R x y \ y \ A)" by (auto dest: asymp_onD) context begin qualified lemma assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}" and "transp_on A R" and "totalp_on A R" shows bex_least_element: "\l \ A. \x \ A. x \ l \ R l x" and bex_greatest_element: "\g \ A. \x \ A. x \ g \ R x g" unfolding atomize_conj using assms proof (induction A rule: finite_induct) case empty hence False by simp thus ?case .. next case (insert a A') from insert.prems(2) have transp_on_A': "transp_on A' R" by (auto intro: transp_onI dest: transp_onD) from insert.prems(3) have totalp_on_a_A'_raw: "\y \ A'. a \ y \ R a y \ R y a" and totalp_on_A': "totalp_on A' R" by (simp_all add: totalp_on_def) show ?case proof (cases "A' = {}") case True thus ?thesis by simp next case False then obtain least greatest where "least \ A'" and least_of_A': "\x\A'. x \ least \ R least x" and "greatest \ A'" and greatest_of_A': "\x\A'. x \ greatest \ R x greatest" using insert.IH[OF _ transp_on_A' totalp_on_A'] by auto show ?thesis proof (rule conjI) show "\l\insert a A'. \x\insert a A'. x \ l \ R l x" proof (cases "R a least") case True show ?thesis proof (intro bexI ballI impI) show "a \ insert a A'" by simp next fix x show "\x. x \ insert a A' \ x \ a \ R a x" using True \least \ A'\ least_of_A' using insert.prems(2)[THEN transp_onD, of a least] by auto qed next case False show ?thesis proof (intro bexI ballI impI) show "least \ insert a A'" using \least \ A'\ by simp next fix x show "x \ insert a A' \ x \ least \ R least x" using False \least \ A'\ least_of_A' totalp_on_a_A'_raw by (cases "x = a") auto qed qed next show "\g \ insert a A'. \x \ insert a A'. x \ g \ R x g" proof (cases "R greatest a") case True show ?thesis proof (intro bexI ballI impI) show "a \ insert a A'" by simp next fix x show "\x. x \ insert a A' \ x \ a \ R x a" using True \greatest \ A'\ greatest_of_A' using insert.prems(2)[THEN transp_onD, of _ greatest a] by auto qed next case False show ?thesis proof (intro bexI ballI impI) show "greatest \ insert a A'" using \greatest \ A'\ by simp next fix x show "x \ insert a A' \ x \ greatest \ R x greatest" using False \greatest \ A'\ greatest_of_A' totalp_on_a_A'_raw by (cases "x = a") auto qed qed qed qed qed end subsubsection \Finite orders\ context order begin lemma finite_has_maximal: assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}" shows "\ m \ A. \ b \ A. m \ b \ m = b" proof - obtain m where "m \ A" and m_is_max: "\x\A. x \ m \ \ m < x" using Finite_Set.bex_max_element[OF \finite A\ _ _ \A \ {}\, of "(<)"] by auto moreover have "\b \ A. m \ b \ m = b" using m_is_max by (auto simp: le_less) ultimately show ?thesis by auto qed lemma finite_has_maximal2: "\ finite A; a \ A \ \ \ m \ A. a \ m \ (\ b \ A. m \ b \ m = b)" using finite_has_maximal[of "{b \ A. a \ b}"] by fastforce lemma finite_has_minimal: assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}" shows "\ m \ A. \ b \ A. b \ m \ m = b" proof - obtain m where "m \ A" and m_is_min: "\x\A. x \ m \ \ x < m" using Finite_Set.bex_min_element[OF \finite A\ _ _ \A \ {}\, of "(<)"] by auto moreover have "\b \ A. b \ m \ m = b" using m_is_min by (auto simp: le_less) ultimately show ?thesis by auto qed lemma finite_has_minimal2: "\ finite A; a \ A \ \ \ m \ A. m \ a \ (\ b \ A. b \ m \ m = b)" using finite_has_minimal[of "{b \ A. b \ a}"] by fastforce end subsubsection \Relating injectivity and surjectivity\ lemma finite_surj_inj: assumes "finite A" "A \ f ` A" shows "inj_on f A" proof - have "f ` A = A" by (rule card_seteq [THEN sym]) (auto simp add: assms card_image_le) then show ?thesis using assms by (simp add: eq_card_imp_inj_on) qed lemma finite_UNIV_surj_inj: "finite(UNIV:: 'a set) \ surj f \ inj f" for f :: "'a \ 'a" by (blast intro: finite_surj_inj subset_UNIV) lemma finite_UNIV_inj_surj: "finite(UNIV:: 'a set) \ inj f \ surj f" for f :: "'a \ 'a" by (fastforce simp:surj_def dest!: endo_inj_surj) lemma surjective_iff_injective_gen: assumes fS: "finite S" and fT: "finite T" and c: "card S = card T" and ST: "f ` S \ T" shows "(\y \ T. \x \ S. f x = y) \ inj_on f S" (is "?lhs \ ?rhs") proof assume h: "?lhs" { fix x y assume x: "x \ S" assume y: "y \ S" assume f: "f x = f y" from x fS have S0: "card S \ 0" by auto have "x = y" proof (rule ccontr) assume xy: "\ ?thesis" have th: "card S \ card (f ` (S - {y}))" unfolding c proof (rule card_mono) show "finite (f ` (S - {y}))" by (simp add: fS) have "\x \ y; x \ S; z \ S; f x = f y\ \ \x \ S. x \ y \ f z = f x" for z by (cases "z = y \ z = x") auto then show "T \ f ` (S - {y})" using h xy x y f by fastforce qed also have " \ \ card (S - {y})" by (simp add: card_image_le fS) also have "\ \ card S - 1" using y fS by simp finally show False using S0 by arith qed } then show ?rhs unfolding inj_on_def by blast next assume h: ?rhs have "f ` S = T" by (simp add: ST c card_image card_subset_eq fT h) then show ?lhs by blast qed hide_const (open) Finite_Set.fold subsection \Infinite Sets\ text \ Some elementary facts about infinite sets, mostly by Stephan Merz. Beware! Because "infinite" merely abbreviates a negation, these lemmas may not work well with \blast\. \ abbreviation infinite :: "'a set \ bool" where "infinite S \ \ finite S" text \ Infinite sets are non-empty, and if we remove some elements from an infinite set, the result is still infinite. \ lemma infinite_UNIV_nat [iff]: "infinite (UNIV :: nat set)" proof assume "finite (UNIV :: nat set)" with finite_UNIV_inj_surj [of Suc] show False by simp (blast dest: Suc_neq_Zero surjD) qed lemma infinite_UNIV_char_0: "infinite (UNIV :: 'a::semiring_char_0 set)" proof assume "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" with subset_UNIV have "finite (range of_nat :: 'a set)" by (rule finite_subset) moreover have "inj (of_nat :: nat \ 'a)" by (simp add: inj_on_def) ultimately have "finite (UNIV :: nat set)" by (rule finite_imageD) then show False by simp qed lemma infinite_imp_nonempty: "infinite S \ S \ {}" by auto lemma infinite_remove: "infinite S \ infinite (S - {a})" by simp lemma Diff_infinite_finite: assumes "finite T" "infinite S" shows "infinite (S - T)" using \finite T\ proof induct from \infinite S\ show "infinite (S - {})" by auto next fix T x assume ih: "infinite (S - T)" have "S - (insert x T) = (S - T) - {x}" by (rule Diff_insert) with ih show "infinite (S - (insert x T))" by (simp add: infinite_remove) qed lemma Un_infinite: "infinite S \ infinite (S \ T)" by simp lemma infinite_Un: "infinite (S \ T) \ infinite S \ infinite T" by simp lemma infinite_super: assumes "S \ T" and "infinite S" shows "infinite T" proof assume "finite T" with \S \ T\ have "finite S" by (simp add: finite_subset) with \infinite S\ show False by simp qed proposition infinite_coinduct [consumes 1, case_names infinite]: assumes "X A" and step: "\A. X A \ \x\A. X (A - {x}) \ infinite (A - {x})" shows "infinite A" proof assume "finite A" then show False using \X A\ proof (induction rule: finite_psubset_induct) case (psubset A) then obtain x where "x \ A" "X (A - {x}) \ infinite (A - {x})" using local.step psubset.prems by blast then have "X (A - {x})" using psubset.hyps by blast show False proof (rule psubset.IH [where B = "A - {x}"]) show "A - {x} \ A" using \x \ A\ by blast qed fact qed qed text \ For any function with infinite domain and finite range there is some element that is the image of infinitely many domain elements. In particular, any infinite sequence of elements from a finite set contains some element that occurs infinitely often. \ lemma inf_img_fin_dom': assumes img: "finite (f ` A)" and dom: "infinite A" shows "\y \ f ` A. infinite (f -` {y} \ A)" proof (rule ccontr) have "A \ (\y\f ` A. f -` {y} \ A)" by auto moreover assume "\ ?thesis" with img have "finite (\y\f ` A. f -` {y} \ A)" by blast ultimately have "finite A" by (rule finite_subset) with dom show False by contradiction qed lemma inf_img_fin_domE': assumes "finite (f ` A)" and "infinite A" obtains y where "y \ f`A" and "infinite (f -` {y} \ A)" using assms by (blast dest: inf_img_fin_dom') lemma inf_img_fin_dom: assumes img: "finite (f`A)" and dom: "infinite A" shows "\y \ f`A. infinite (f -` {y})" using inf_img_fin_dom'[OF assms] by auto lemma inf_img_fin_domE: assumes "finite (f`A)" and "infinite A" obtains y where "y \ f`A" and "infinite (f -` {y})" using assms by (blast dest: inf_img_fin_dom) proposition finite_image_absD: "finite (abs ` S) \ finite S" for S :: "'a::linordered_ring set" by (rule ccontr) (auto simp: abs_eq_iff vimage_def dest: inf_img_fin_dom) subsection \The finite powerset operator\ definition Fpow :: "'a set \ 'a set set" where "Fpow A \ {X. X \ A \ finite X}" lemma Fpow_mono: "A \ B \ Fpow A \ Fpow B" unfolding Fpow_def by auto lemma empty_in_Fpow: "{} \ Fpow A" unfolding Fpow_def by auto lemma Fpow_not_empty: "Fpow A \ {}" using empty_in_Fpow by blast lemma Fpow_subset_Pow: "Fpow A \ Pow A" unfolding Fpow_def by auto lemma Fpow_Pow_finite: "Fpow A = Pow A Int {A. finite A}" unfolding Fpow_def Pow_def by blast lemma inj_on_image_Fpow: assumes "inj_on f A" shows "inj_on (image f) (Fpow A)" using assms Fpow_subset_Pow[of A] subset_inj_on[of "image f" "Pow A"] inj_on_image_Pow by blast lemma image_Fpow_mono: assumes "f ` A \ B" shows "(image f) ` (Fpow A) \ Fpow B" using assms by(unfold Fpow_def, auto) end diff --git a/src/HOL/Fun.thy b/src/HOL/Fun.thy --- a/src/HOL/Fun.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Fun.thy @@ -1,1410 +1,1410 @@ (* Title: HOL/Fun.thy Author: Tobias Nipkow, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Author: Andrei Popescu, TU Muenchen Copyright 1994, 2012 *) section \Notions about functions\ theory Fun imports Set keywords "functor" :: thy_goal_defn begin lemma apply_inverse: "f x = u \ (\x. P x \ g (f x) = x) \ P x \ x = g u" by auto text \Uniqueness, so NOT the axiom of choice.\ lemma uniq_choice: "\x. \!y. Q x y \ \f. \x. Q x (f x)" by (force intro: theI') lemma b_uniq_choice: "\x\S. \!y. Q x y \ \f. \x\S. Q x (f x)" by (force intro: theI') subsection \The Identity Function \id\\ definition id :: "'a \ 'a" where "id = (\x. x)" lemma id_apply [simp]: "id x = x" by (simp add: id_def) lemma image_id [simp]: "image id = id" by (simp add: id_def fun_eq_iff) lemma vimage_id [simp]: "vimage id = id" by (simp add: id_def fun_eq_iff) lemma eq_id_iff: "(\x. f x = x) \ f = id" by auto code_printing constant id \ (Haskell) "id" subsection \The Composition Operator \f \ g\\ definition comp :: "('b \ 'c) \ ('a \ 'b) \ 'a \ 'c" (infixl "\" 55) where "f \ g = (\x. f (g x))" notation (ASCII) comp (infixl "o" 55) lemma comp_apply [simp]: "(f \ g) x = f (g x)" by (simp add: comp_def) lemma comp_assoc: "(f \ g) \ h = f \ (g \ h)" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma id_comp [simp]: "id \ g = g" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma comp_id [simp]: "f \ id = f" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma comp_eq_dest: "a \ b = c \ d \ a (b v) = c (d v)" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma comp_eq_elim: "a \ b = c \ d \ ((\v. a (b v) = c (d v)) \ R) \ R" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma comp_eq_dest_lhs: "a \ b = c \ a (b v) = c v" by clarsimp lemma comp_eq_id_dest: "a \ b = id \ c \ a (b v) = c v" by clarsimp lemma image_comp: "f ` (g ` r) = (f \ g) ` r" by auto lemma vimage_comp: "f -` (g -` x) = (g \ f) -` x" by auto lemma image_eq_imp_comp: "f ` A = g ` B \ (h \ f) ` A = (h \ g) ` B" by (auto simp: comp_def elim!: equalityE) lemma image_bind: "f ` (Set.bind A g) = Set.bind A ((`) f \ g)" by (auto simp add: Set.bind_def) lemma bind_image: "Set.bind (f ` A) g = Set.bind A (g \ f)" by (auto simp add: Set.bind_def) lemma (in group_add) minus_comp_minus [simp]: "uminus \ uminus = id" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma (in boolean_algebra) minus_comp_minus [simp]: "uminus \ uminus = id" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) code_printing constant comp \ (SML) infixl 5 "o" and (Haskell) infixr 9 "." subsection \The Forward Composition Operator \fcomp\\ definition fcomp :: "('a \ 'b) \ ('b \ 'c) \ 'a \ 'c" (infixl "\>" 60) where "f \> g = (\x. g (f x))" lemma fcomp_apply [simp]: "(f \> g) x = g (f x)" by (simp add: fcomp_def) lemma fcomp_assoc: "(f \> g) \> h = f \> (g \> h)" by (simp add: fcomp_def) lemma id_fcomp [simp]: "id \> g = g" by (simp add: fcomp_def) lemma fcomp_id [simp]: "f \> id = f" by (simp add: fcomp_def) lemma fcomp_comp: "fcomp f g = comp g f" by (simp add: ext) code_printing constant fcomp \ (Eval) infixl 1 "#>" no_notation fcomp (infixl "\>" 60) subsection \Mapping functions\ definition map_fun :: "('c \ 'a) \ ('b \ 'd) \ ('a \ 'b) \ 'c \ 'd" where "map_fun f g h = g \ h \ f" lemma map_fun_apply [simp]: "map_fun f g h x = g (h (f x))" by (simp add: map_fun_def) subsection \Injectivity and Bijectivity\ definition inj_on :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a set \ bool" \ \injective\ where "inj_on f A \ (\x\A. \y\A. f x = f y \ x = y)" definition bij_betw :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a set \ 'b set \ bool" \ \bijective\ where "bij_betw f A B \ inj_on f A \ f ` A = B" text \ A common special case: functions injective, surjective or bijective over the entire domain type. \ abbreviation inj :: "('a \ 'b) \ bool" where "inj f \ inj_on f UNIV" abbreviation surj :: "('a \ 'b) \ bool" where "surj f \ range f = UNIV" translations \ \The negated case:\ "\ CONST surj f" \ "CONST range f \ CONST UNIV" abbreviation bij :: "('a \ 'b) \ bool" where "bij f \ bij_betw f UNIV UNIV" lemma inj_def: "inj f \ (\x y. f x = f y \ x = y)" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma injI: "(\x y. f x = f y \ x = y) \ inj f" unfolding inj_def by blast theorem range_ex1_eq: "inj f \ b \ range f \ (\!x. b = f x)" unfolding inj_def by blast lemma injD: "inj f \ f x = f y \ x = y" by (simp add: inj_def) lemma inj_on_eq_iff: "inj_on f A \ x \ A \ y \ A \ f x = f y \ x = y" by (auto simp: inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_cong: "(\a. a \ A \ f a = g a) \ inj_on f A \ inj_on g A" by (auto simp: inj_on_def) lemma image_strict_mono: "inj_on f B \ A \ B \ f ` A \ f ` B" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma inj_compose: "inj f \ inj g \ inj (f \ g)" by (simp add: inj_def) lemma inj_fun: "inj f \ inj (\x y. f x)" by (simp add: inj_def fun_eq_iff) lemma inj_eq: "inj f \ f x = f y \ x = y" by (simp add: inj_on_eq_iff) lemma inj_on_iff_Uniq: "inj_on f A \ (\x\A. \\<^sub>\\<^sub>1y. y\A \ f x = f y)" by (auto simp: Uniq_def inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_id[simp]: "inj_on id A" by (simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_id2[simp]: "inj_on (\x. x) A" by (simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_Int: "inj_on f A \ inj_on f B \ inj_on f (A \ B)" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma surj_id: "surj id" by simp lemma bij_id[simp]: "bij id" by (simp add: bij_betw_def) lemma bij_uminus: "bij (uminus :: 'a \ 'a::group_add)" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by (force intro: minus_minus [symmetric]) lemma bij_betwE: "bij_betw f A B \ \a\A. f a \ B" unfolding bij_betw_def by auto lemma inj_onI [intro?]: "(\x y. x \ A \ y \ A \ f x = f y \ x = y) \ inj_on f A" by (simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_inverseI: "(\x. x \ A \ g (f x) = x) \ inj_on f A" by (auto dest: arg_cong [of concl: g] simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_onD: "inj_on f A \ f x = f y \ x \ A \ y \ A \ x = y" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma inj_on_subset: assumes "inj_on f A" and "B \ A" shows "inj_on f B" proof (rule inj_onI) fix a b assume "a \ B" and "b \ B" with assms have "a \ A" and "b \ A" by auto moreover assume "f a = f b" ultimately show "a = b" using assms by (auto dest: inj_onD) qed lemma comp_inj_on: "inj_on f A \ inj_on g (f ` A) \ inj_on (g \ f) A" by (simp add: comp_def inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_imageI: "inj_on (g \ f) A \ inj_on g (f ` A)" by (auto simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_image_iff: "\x\A. \y\A. g (f x) = g (f y) \ g x = g y \ inj_on f A \ inj_on g (f ` A) \ inj_on g A" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma inj_on_contraD: "inj_on f A \ x \ y \ x \ A \ y \ A \ f x \ f y" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma inj_singleton [simp]: "inj_on (\x. {x}) A" by (simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_empty[iff]: "inj_on f {}" by (simp add: inj_on_def) lemma subset_inj_on: "inj_on f B \ A \ B \ inj_on f A" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma inj_on_Un: "inj_on f (A \ B) \ inj_on f A \ inj_on f B \ f ` (A - B) \ f ` (B - A) = {}" unfolding inj_on_def by (blast intro: sym) lemma inj_on_insert [iff]: "inj_on f (insert a A) \ inj_on f A \ f a \ f ` (A - {a})" unfolding inj_on_def by (blast intro: sym) lemma inj_on_diff: "inj_on f A \ inj_on f (A - B)" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma comp_inj_on_iff: "inj_on f A \ inj_on f' (f ` A) \ inj_on (f' \ f) A" by (auto simp: comp_inj_on inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_imageI2: "inj_on (f' \ f) A \ inj_on f A" by (auto simp: comp_inj_on inj_on_def) lemma inj_img_insertE: assumes "inj_on f A" assumes "x \ B" and "insert x B = f ` A" obtains x' A' where "x' \ A'" and "A = insert x' A'" and "x = f x'" and "B = f ` A'" proof - from assms have "x \ f ` A" by auto then obtain x' where *: "x' \ A" "x = f x'" by auto then have A: "A = insert x' (A - {x'})" by auto with assms * have B: "B = f ` (A - {x'})" by (auto dest: inj_on_contraD) have "x' \ A - {x'}" by simp from this A \x = f x'\ B show ?thesis .. qed lemma linorder_inj_onI: fixes A :: "'a::order set" assumes ne: "\x y. \x < y; x\A; y\A\ \ f x \ f y" and lin: "\x y. \x\A; y\A\ \ x\y \ y\x" shows "inj_on f A" proof (rule inj_onI) fix x y assume eq: "f x = f y" and "x\A" "y\A" then show "x = y" using lin [of x y] ne by (force simp: dual_order.order_iff_strict) qed lemma linorder_inj_onI': fixes A :: "'a :: linorder set" assumes "\i j. i \ A \ j \ A \ i < j \ f i \ f j" shows "inj_on f A" by (intro linorder_inj_onI) (auto simp add: assms) lemma linorder_injI: assumes "\x y::'a::linorder. x < y \ f x \ f y" shows "inj f" \ \Courtesy of Stephan Merz\ using assms by (simp add: linorder_inj_onI') lemma inj_on_image_Pow: "inj_on f A \inj_on (image f) (Pow A)" unfolding Pow_def inj_on_def by blast lemma bij_betw_image_Pow: "bij_betw f A B \ bij_betw (image f) (Pow A) (Pow B)" by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def inj_on_image_Pow image_Pow_surj) lemma surj_def: "surj f \ (\y. \x. y = f x)" by auto lemma surjI: assumes "\x. g (f x) = x" shows "surj g" using assms [symmetric] by auto lemma surjD: "surj f \ \x. y = f x" by (simp add: surj_def) lemma surjE: "surj f \ (\x. y = f x \ C) \ C" by (simp add: surj_def) blast lemma comp_surj: "surj f \ surj g \ surj (g \ f)" using image_comp [of g f UNIV] by simp lemma bij_betw_imageI: "inj_on f A \ f ` A = B \ bij_betw f A B" unfolding bij_betw_def by clarify lemma bij_betw_imp_surj_on: "bij_betw f A B \ f ` A = B" unfolding bij_betw_def by clarify lemma bij_betw_imp_surj: "bij_betw f A UNIV \ surj f" unfolding bij_betw_def by auto lemma bij_betw_empty1: "bij_betw f {} A \ A = {}" unfolding bij_betw_def by blast lemma bij_betw_empty2: "bij_betw f A {} \ A = {}" unfolding bij_betw_def by blast lemma inj_on_imp_bij_betw: "inj_on f A \ bij_betw f A (f ` A)" unfolding bij_betw_def by simp lemma bij_betw_DiffI: assumes "bij_betw f A B" "bij_betw f C D" "C \ A" "D \ B" shows "bij_betw f (A - C) (B - D)" using assms unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by auto lemma bij_betw_singleton_iff [simp]: "bij_betw f {x} {y} \ f x = y" by (auto simp: bij_betw_def) lemma bij_betw_singletonI [intro]: "f x = y \ bij_betw f {x} {y}" by auto lemma bij_betw_apply: "\bij_betw f A B; a \ A\ \ f a \ B" unfolding bij_betw_def by auto lemma bij_def: "bij f \ inj f \ surj f" by (rule bij_betw_def) lemma bijI: "inj f \ surj f \ bij f" by (rule bij_betw_imageI) lemma bij_is_inj: "bij f \ inj f" by (simp add: bij_def) lemma bij_is_surj: "bij f \ surj f" by (simp add: bij_def) lemma bij_betw_imp_inj_on: "bij_betw f A B \ inj_on f A" by (simp add: bij_betw_def) lemma bij_betw_trans: "bij_betw f A B \ bij_betw g B C \ bij_betw (g \ f) A C" by (auto simp add:bij_betw_def comp_inj_on) lemma bij_comp: "bij f \ bij g \ bij (g \ f)" by (rule bij_betw_trans) lemma bij_betw_comp_iff: "bij_betw f A A' \ bij_betw f' A' A'' \ bij_betw (f' \ f) A A''" by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def inj_on_def) lemma bij_betw_comp_iff2: assumes bij: "bij_betw f' A' A''" and img: "f ` A \ A'" shows "bij_betw f A A' \ bij_betw (f' \ f) A A''" (is "?L \ ?R") proof assume "?L" then show "?R" using assms by (auto simp add: bij_betw_comp_iff) next assume *: "?R" have "inj_on (f' \ f) A \ inj_on f A" using inj_on_imageI2 by blast moreover have "A' \ f ` A" proof fix a' assume **: "a' \ A'" with bij have "f' a' \ A''" unfolding bij_betw_def by auto with * obtain a where 1: "a \ A \ f' (f a) = f' a'" unfolding bij_betw_def by force with img have "f a \ A'" by auto with bij ** 1 have "f a = a'" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by auto with 1 show "a' \ f ` A" by auto qed ultimately show "?L" using img * by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def) qed lemma bij_betw_inv: assumes "bij_betw f A B" shows "\g. bij_betw g B A" proof - have i: "inj_on f A" and s: "f ` A = B" using assms by (auto simp: bij_betw_def) let ?P = "\b a. a \ A \ f a = b" let ?g = "\b. The (?P b)" have g: "?g b = a" if P: "?P b a" for a b proof - from that s have ex1: "\a. ?P b a" by blast then have uex1: "\!a. ?P b a" by (blast dest:inj_onD[OF i]) then show ?thesis using the1_equality[OF uex1, OF P] P by simp qed have "inj_on ?g B" proof (rule inj_onI) fix x y assume "x \ B" "y \ B" "?g x = ?g y" from s \x \ B\ obtain a1 where a1: "?P x a1" by blast from s \y \ B\ obtain a2 where a2: "?P y a2" by blast from g [OF a1] a1 g [OF a2] a2 \?g x = ?g y\ show "x = y" by simp qed moreover have "?g ` B = A" proof safe fix b assume "b \ B" with s obtain a where P: "?P b a" by blast with g[OF P] show "?g b \ A" by auto next fix a assume "a \ A" with s obtain b where P: "?P b a" by blast with s have "b \ B" by blast with g[OF P] have "\b\B. a = ?g b" by blast then show "a \ ?g ` B" by auto qed ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp: bij_betw_def) qed lemma bij_betw_cong: "(\a. a \ A \ f a = g a) \ bij_betw f A A' = bij_betw g A A'" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by safe force+ (* somewhat slow *) lemma bij_betw_id[intro, simp]: "bij_betw id A A" unfolding bij_betw_def id_def by auto lemma bij_betw_id_iff: "bij_betw id A B \ A = B" by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def) lemma bij_betw_combine: "bij_betw f A B \ bij_betw f C D \ B \ D = {} \ bij_betw f (A \ C) (B \ D)" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_Un image_Un by auto lemma bij_betw_subset: "bij_betw f A A' \ B \ A \ f ` B = B' \ bij_betw f B B'" by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def inj_on_def) lemma bij_betw_ball: "bij_betw f A B \ (\b \ B. phi b) = (\a \ A. phi (f a))" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by blast lemma bij_pointE: assumes "bij f" obtains x where "y = f x" and "\x'. y = f x' \ x' = x" proof - from assms have "inj f" by (rule bij_is_inj) moreover from assms have "surj f" by (rule bij_is_surj) then have "y \ range f" by simp ultimately have "\!x. y = f x" by (simp add: range_ex1_eq) with that show thesis by blast qed lemma bij_iff: \<^marker>\contributor \Amine Chaieb\\ \bij f \ (\x. \!y. f y = x)\ (is \?P \ ?Q\) proof assume ?P then have \inj f\ \surj f\ by (simp_all add: bij_def) show ?Q proof fix y from \surj f\ obtain x where \y = f x\ by (auto simp add: surj_def) with \inj f\ show \\!x. f x = y\ by (auto simp add: inj_def) qed next assume ?Q then have \inj f\ by (auto simp add: inj_def) moreover have \\x. y = f x\ for y proof - from \?Q\ obtain x where \f x = y\ by blast then have \y = f x\ by simp then show ?thesis .. qed then have \surj f\ by (auto simp add: surj_def) ultimately show ?P by (rule bijI) qed lemma bij_betw_partition: \bij_betw f A B\ if \bij_betw f (A \ C) (B \ D)\ \bij_betw f C D\ \A \ C = {}\ \B \ D = {}\ proof - from that have \inj_on f (A \ C)\ \inj_on f C\ \f ` (A \ C) = B \ D\ \f ` C = D\ by (simp_all add: bij_betw_def) then have \inj_on f A\ and \f ` (A - C) \ f ` (C - A) = {}\ by (simp_all add: inj_on_Un) with \A \ C = {}\ have \f ` A \ f ` C = {}\ by auto with \f ` (A \ C) = B \ D\ \f ` C = D\ \B \ D = {}\ have \f ` A = B\ by blast with \inj_on f A\ show ?thesis by (simp add: bij_betw_def) qed lemma surj_image_vimage_eq: "surj f \ f ` (f -` A) = A" by simp lemma surj_vimage_empty: assumes "surj f" shows "f -` A = {} \ A = {}" using surj_image_vimage_eq [OF \surj f\, of A] by (intro iffI) fastforce+ lemma inj_vimage_image_eq: "inj f \ f -` (f ` A) = A" unfolding inj_def by blast lemma vimage_subsetD: "surj f \ f -` B \ A \ B \ f ` A" by (blast intro: sym) lemma vimage_subsetI: "inj f \ B \ f ` A \ f -` B \ A" unfolding inj_def by blast lemma vimage_subset_eq: "bij f \ f -` B \ A \ B \ f ` A" unfolding bij_def by (blast del: subsetI intro: vimage_subsetI vimage_subsetD) lemma inj_on_image_eq_iff: "inj_on f C \ A \ C \ B \ C \ f ` A = f ` B \ A = B" by (fastforce simp: inj_on_def) lemma inj_on_Un_image_eq_iff: "inj_on f (A \ B) \ f ` A = f ` B \ A = B" by (erule inj_on_image_eq_iff) simp_all lemma inj_on_image_Int: "inj_on f C \ A \ C \ B \ C \ f ` (A \ B) = f ` A \ f ` B" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma inj_on_image_set_diff: "inj_on f C \ A - B \ C \ B \ C \ f ` (A - B) = f ` A - f ` B" unfolding inj_on_def by blast lemma image_Int: "inj f \ f ` (A \ B) = f ` A \ f ` B" unfolding inj_def by blast lemma image_set_diff: "inj f \ f ` (A - B) = f ` A - f ` B" unfolding inj_def by blast lemma inj_on_image_mem_iff: "inj_on f B \ a \ B \ A \ B \ f a \ f ` A \ a \ A" by (auto simp: inj_on_def) lemma inj_image_mem_iff: "inj f \ f a \ f ` A \ a \ A" by (blast dest: injD) lemma inj_image_subset_iff: "inj f \ f ` A \ f ` B \ A \ B" by (blast dest: injD) lemma inj_image_eq_iff: "inj f \ f ` A = f ` B \ A = B" by (blast dest: injD) lemma surj_Compl_image_subset: "surj f \ - (f ` A) \ f ` (- A)" by auto lemma inj_image_Compl_subset: "inj f \ f ` (- A) \ - (f ` A)" by (auto simp: inj_def) lemma bij_image_Compl_eq: "bij f \ f ` (- A) = - (f ` A)" by (simp add: bij_def inj_image_Compl_subset surj_Compl_image_subset equalityI) lemma inj_vimage_singleton: "inj f \ f -` {a} \ {THE x. f x = a}" \ \The inverse image of a singleton under an injective function is included in a singleton.\ by (simp add: inj_def) (blast intro: the_equality [symmetric]) lemma inj_on_vimage_singleton: "inj_on f A \ f -` {a} \ A \ {THE x. x \ A \ f x = a}" by (auto simp add: inj_on_def intro: the_equality [symmetric]) lemma bij_betw_byWitness: assumes left: "\a \ A. f' (f a) = a" and right: "\a' \ A'. f (f' a') = a'" and "f ` A \ A'" and img2: "f' ` A' \ A" shows "bij_betw f A A'" using assms unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def proof safe fix a b assume "a \ A" "b \ A" with left have "a = f' (f a) \ b = f' (f b)" by simp moreover assume "f a = f b" ultimately show "a = b" by simp next fix a' assume *: "a' \ A'" with img2 have "f' a' \ A" by blast moreover from * right have "a' = f (f' a')" by simp ultimately show "a' \ f ` A" by blast qed corollary notIn_Un_bij_betw: assumes "b \ A" and "f b \ A'" and "bij_betw f A A'" shows "bij_betw f (A \ {b}) (A' \ {f b})" proof - have "bij_betw f {b} {f b}" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by simp with assms show ?thesis using bij_betw_combine[of f A A' "{b}" "{f b}"] by blast qed lemma notIn_Un_bij_betw3: assumes "b \ A" and "f b \ A'" shows "bij_betw f A A' = bij_betw f (A \ {b}) (A' \ {f b})" proof assume "bij_betw f A A'" then show "bij_betw f (A \ {b}) (A' \ {f b})" using assms notIn_Un_bij_betw [of b A f A'] by blast next assume *: "bij_betw f (A \ {b}) (A' \ {f b})" have "f ` A = A'" proof safe fix a assume **: "a \ A" then have "f a \ A' \ {f b}" using * unfolding bij_betw_def by blast moreover have False if "f a = f b" proof - have "a = b" using * ** that unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by blast with \b \ A\ ** show ?thesis by blast qed ultimately show "f a \ A'" by blast next fix a' assume **: "a' \ A'" then have "a' \ f ` (A \ {b})" using * by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def) then obtain a where 1: "a \ A \ {b} \ f a = a'" by blast moreover have False if "a = b" using 1 ** \f b \ A'\ that by blast ultimately have "a \ A" by blast with 1 show "a' \ f ` A" by blast qed then show "bij_betw f A A'" using * bij_betw_subset[of f "A \ {b}" _ A] by blast qed lemma inj_on_disjoint_Un: assumes "inj_on f A" and "inj_on g B" and "f ` A \ g ` B = {}" shows "inj_on (\x. if x \ A then f x else g x) (A \ B)" using assms by (simp add: inj_on_def disjoint_iff) (blast) lemma bij_betw_disjoint_Un: assumes "bij_betw f A C" and "bij_betw g B D" and "A \ B = {}" and "C \ D = {}" shows "bij_betw (\x. if x \ A then f x else g x) (A \ B) (C \ D)" using assms by (auto simp: inj_on_disjoint_Un bij_betw_def) lemma involuntory_imp_bij: \bij f\ if \\x. f (f x) = x\ proof (rule bijI) from that show \surj f\ by (rule surjI) show \inj f\ proof (rule injI) fix x y assume \f x = f y\ then have \f (f x) = f (f y)\ by simp then show \x = y\ by (simp add: that) qed qed subsubsection \Inj/surj/bij of Algebraic Operations\ context cancel_semigroup_add begin lemma inj_on_add [simp]: "inj_on ((+) a) A" by (rule inj_onI) simp lemma inj_on_add' [simp]: "inj_on (\b. b + a) A" by (rule inj_onI) simp lemma bij_betw_add [simp]: "bij_betw ((+) a) A B \ (+) a ` A = B" by (simp add: bij_betw_def) end context group_add begin lemma diff_left_imp_eq: "a - b = a - c \ b = c" unfolding add_uminus_conv_diff[symmetric] by(drule local.add_left_imp_eq) simp lemma inj_uminus[simp, intro]: "inj_on uminus A" by (auto intro!: inj_onI) lemma surj_uminus[simp]: "surj uminus" using surjI minus_minus by blast lemma surj_plus [simp]: "surj ((+) a)" proof (standard, simp, standard, simp) fix x have "x = a + (-a + x)" by (simp add: add.assoc) thus "x \ range ((+) a)" by blast qed lemma surj_plus_right [simp]: "surj (\b. b+a)" proof (standard, simp, standard, simp) fix b show "b \ range (\b. b+a)" using diff_add_cancel[of b a, symmetric] by blast qed lemma inj_on_diff_left [simp]: \inj_on ((-) a) A\ by (auto intro: inj_onI dest!: diff_left_imp_eq) lemma inj_on_diff_right [simp]: \inj_on (\b. b - a) A\ by (auto intro: inj_onI simp add: algebra_simps) lemma surj_diff [simp]: "surj ((-) a)" proof (standard, simp, standard, simp) fix x have "x = a - (- x + a)" by (simp add: algebra_simps) thus "x \ range ((-) a)" by blast qed lemma surj_diff_right [simp]: "surj (\x. x - a)" proof (standard, simp, standard, simp) fix x have "x = x + a - a" by simp thus "x \ range (\x. x - a)" by fast qed lemma shows bij_plus: "bij ((+) a)" and bij_plus_right: "bij (\x. x + a)" and bij_uminus: "bij uminus" and bij_diff: "bij ((-) a)" and bij_diff_right: "bij (\x. x - a)" by(simp_all add: bij_def) lemma translation_subtract_Compl: "(\x. x - a) ` (- t) = - ((\x. x - a) ` t)" by(rule bij_image_Compl_eq) (auto simp add: bij_def surj_def inj_def diff_eq_eq intro!: add_diff_cancel[symmetric]) lemma translation_diff: "(+) a ` (s - t) = ((+) a ` s) - ((+) a ` t)" by auto lemma translation_subtract_diff: "(\x. x - a) ` (s - t) = ((\x. x - a) ` s) - ((\x. x - a) ` t)" by(rule image_set_diff)(simp add: inj_on_def diff_eq_eq) lemma translation_Int: "(+) a ` (s \ t) = ((+) a ` s) \ ((+) a ` t)" by auto lemma translation_subtract_Int: "(\x. x - a) ` (s \ t) = ((\x. x - a) ` s) \ ((\x. x - a) ` t)" by(rule image_Int)(simp add: inj_on_def diff_eq_eq) end (* TODO: prove in group_add *) context ab_group_add begin lemma translation_Compl: "(+) a ` (- t) = - ((+) a ` t)" proof (rule set_eqI) fix b show "b \ (+) a ` (- t) \ b \ - (+) a ` t" by (auto simp: image_iff algebra_simps intro!: bexI [of _ "b - a"]) qed end subsection \Function Updating\ definition fun_upd :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a \ 'b \ ('a \ 'b)" where "fun_upd f a b = (\x. if x = a then b else f x)" nonterminal updbinds and updbind syntax "_updbind" :: "'a \ 'a \ updbind" ("(2_ :=/ _)") "" :: "updbind \ updbinds" ("_") "_updbinds":: "updbind \ updbinds \ updbinds" ("_,/ _") "_Update" :: "'a \ updbinds \ 'a" ("_/'((_)')" [1000, 0] 900) translations "_Update f (_updbinds b bs)" \ "_Update (_Update f b) bs" "f(x:=y)" \ "CONST fun_upd f x y" (* Hint: to define the sum of two functions (or maps), use case_sum. A nice infix syntax could be defined by notation case_sum (infixr "'(+')"80) *) lemma fun_upd_idem_iff: "f(x:=y) = f \ f x = y" unfolding fun_upd_def apply safe apply (erule subst) apply auto done lemma fun_upd_idem: "f x = y \ f(x := y) = f" by (simp only: fun_upd_idem_iff) lemma fun_upd_triv [iff]: "f(x := f x) = f" by (simp only: fun_upd_idem) lemma fun_upd_apply [simp]: "(f(x := y)) z = (if z = x then y else f z)" by (simp add: fun_upd_def) (* fun_upd_apply supersedes these two, but they are useful if fun_upd_apply is intentionally removed from the simpset *) lemma fun_upd_same: "(f(x := y)) x = y" by simp lemma fun_upd_other: "z \ x \ (f(x := y)) z = f z" by simp lemma fun_upd_upd [simp]: "f(x := y, x := z) = f(x := z)" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma fun_upd_twist: "a \ c \ (m(a := b))(c := d) = (m(c := d))(a := b)" by auto lemma inj_on_fun_updI: "inj_on f A \ y \ f ` A \ inj_on (f(x := y)) A" by (auto simp: inj_on_def) lemma fun_upd_image: "f(x := y) ` A = (if x \ A then insert y (f ` (A - {x})) else f ` A)" by auto lemma fun_upd_comp: "f \ (g(x := y)) = (f \ g)(x := f y)" by auto lemma fun_upd_eqD: "f(x := y) = g(x := z) \ y = z" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: if_split_asm) subsection \\override_on\\ definition override_on :: "('a \ 'b) \ ('a \ 'b) \ 'a set \ 'a \ 'b" where "override_on f g A = (\a. if a \ A then g a else f a)" lemma override_on_emptyset[simp]: "override_on f g {} = f" by (simp add: override_on_def) lemma override_on_apply_notin[simp]: "a \ A \ (override_on f g A) a = f a" by (simp add: override_on_def) lemma override_on_apply_in[simp]: "a \ A \ (override_on f g A) a = g a" by (simp add: override_on_def) lemma override_on_insert: "override_on f g (insert x X) = (override_on f g X)(x:=g x)" by (simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff) lemma override_on_insert': "override_on f g (insert x X) = (override_on (f(x:=g x)) g X)" by (simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff) subsection \Inversion of injective functions\ definition the_inv_into :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'b) \ ('b \ 'a)" where "the_inv_into A f = (\x. THE y. y \ A \ f y = x)" lemma the_inv_into_f_f: "inj_on f A \ x \ A \ the_inv_into A f (f x) = x" unfolding the_inv_into_def inj_on_def by blast lemma f_the_inv_into_f: "inj_on f A \ y \ f ` A \ f (the_inv_into A f y) = y" unfolding the_inv_into_def by (rule the1I2; blast dest: inj_onD) lemma f_the_inv_into_f_bij_betw: "bij_betw f A B \ (bij_betw f A B \ x \ B) \ f (the_inv_into A f x) = x" unfolding bij_betw_def by (blast intro: f_the_inv_into_f) lemma the_inv_into_into: "inj_on f A \ x \ f ` A \ A \ B \ the_inv_into A f x \ B" unfolding the_inv_into_def by (rule the1I2; blast dest: inj_onD) lemma the_inv_into_onto [simp]: "inj_on f A \ the_inv_into A f ` (f ` A) = A" by (fast intro: the_inv_into_into the_inv_into_f_f [symmetric]) lemma the_inv_into_f_eq: "inj_on f A \ f x = y \ x \ A \ the_inv_into A f y = x" by (force simp add: the_inv_into_f_f) lemma the_inv_into_comp: "inj_on f (g ` A) \ inj_on g A \ x \ f ` g ` A \ the_inv_into A (f \ g) x = (the_inv_into A g \ the_inv_into (g ` A) f) x" apply (rule the_inv_into_f_eq) apply (fast intro: comp_inj_on) apply (simp add: f_the_inv_into_f the_inv_into_into) apply (simp add: the_inv_into_into) done lemma inj_on_the_inv_into: "inj_on f A \ inj_on (the_inv_into A f) (f ` A)" by (auto intro: inj_onI simp: the_inv_into_f_f) lemma bij_betw_the_inv_into: "bij_betw f A B \ bij_betw (the_inv_into A f) B A" by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def inj_on_the_inv_into the_inv_into_into) lemma bij_betw_iff_bijections: "bij_betw f A B \ (\g. (\x \ A. f x \ B \ g(f x) = x) \ (\y \ B. g y \ A \ f(g y) = y))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof show "?lhs \ ?rhs" by (auto simp: bij_betw_def f_the_inv_into_f the_inv_into_f_f the_inv_into_into exI[where ?x="the_inv_into A f"]) next show "?rhs \ ?lhs" by (force intro: bij_betw_byWitness) qed abbreviation the_inv :: "('a \ 'b) \ ('b \ 'a)" where "the_inv f \ the_inv_into UNIV f" lemma the_inv_f_f: "the_inv f (f x) = x" if "inj f" using that UNIV_I by (rule the_inv_into_f_f) subsection \Monotonicity\ definition monotone_on :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'a \ bool) \ ('b \ 'b \ bool) \ ('a \ 'b) \ bool" where "monotone_on A orda ordb f \ (\x\A. \y\A. orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y))" abbreviation monotone :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ ('b \ 'b \ bool) \ ('a \ 'b) \ bool" where "monotone \ monotone_on UNIV" lemma monotone_def[no_atp]: "monotone orda ordb f \ (\x y. orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y))" by (simp add: monotone_on_def) text \Lemma @{thm [source] monotone_def} is provided for backward compatibility.\ lemma monotone_onI: "(\x y. x \ A \ y \ A \ orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y)) \ monotone_on A orda ordb f" by (simp add: monotone_on_def) lemma monotoneI[intro?]: "(\x y. orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y)) \ monotone orda ordb f" by (rule monotone_onI) lemma monotone_onD: "monotone_on A orda ordb f \ x \ A \ y \ A \ orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y)" by (simp add: monotone_on_def) lemma monotoneD[dest?]: "monotone orda ordb f \ orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y)" by (rule monotone_onD[of UNIV, simplified]) lemma monotone_on_subset: "monotone_on A orda ordb f \ B \ A \ monotone_on B orda ordb f" by (auto intro: monotone_onI dest: monotone_onD) lemma monotone_on_empty[simp]: "monotone_on {} orda ordb f" by (auto intro: monotone_onI dest: monotone_onD) lemma monotone_on_o: assumes mono_f: "monotone_on A orda ordb f" and mono_g: "monotone_on B ordc orda g" and "g ` B \ A" shows "monotone_on B ordc ordb (f \ g)" proof (rule monotone_onI) fix x y assume "x \ B" and "y \ B" and "ordc x y" hence "orda (g x) (g y)" by (rule mono_g[THEN monotone_onD]) moreover from \g ` B \ A\ \x \ B\ \y \ B\ have "g x \ A" and "g y \ A" unfolding image_subset_iff by simp_all ultimately show "ordb ((f \ g) x) ((f \ g) y)" using mono_f[THEN monotone_onD] by simp qed subsubsection \Specializations For @{class ord} Type Class And More\ context ord begin abbreviation mono_on :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'b :: ord) \ bool" where "mono_on A \ monotone_on A (\) (\)" abbreviation strict_mono_on :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'b :: ord) \ bool" where "strict_mono_on A \ monotone_on A (<) (<)" abbreviation antimono_on :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'b :: ord) \ bool" where "antimono_on A \ monotone_on A (\) (\)" abbreviation strict_antimono_on :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'b :: ord) \ bool" where "strict_antimono_on A \ monotone_on A (<) (>)" lemma mono_on_def[no_atp]: "mono_on A f \ (\r s. r \ A \ s \ A \ r \ s \ f r \ f s)" by (auto simp add: monotone_on_def) lemma strict_mono_on_def[no_atp]: "strict_mono_on A f \ (\r s. r \ A \ s \ A \ r < s \ f r < f s)" by (auto simp add: monotone_on_def) text \Lemmas @{thm [source] mono_on_def} and @{thm [source] strict_mono_on_def} are provided for backward compatibility.\ lemma mono_onI: "(\r s. r \ A \ s \ A \ r \ s \ f r \ f s) \ mono_on A f" by (rule monotone_onI) lemma strict_mono_onI: "(\r s. r \ A \ s \ A \ r < s \ f r < f s) \ strict_mono_on A f" by (rule monotone_onI) lemma mono_onD: "\mono_on A f; r \ A; s \ A; r \ s\ \ f r \ f s" by (rule monotone_onD) lemma strict_mono_onD: "\strict_mono_on A f; r \ A; s \ A; r < s\ \ f r < f s" by (rule monotone_onD) lemma mono_on_subset: "mono_on A f \ B \ A \ mono_on B f" by (rule monotone_on_subset) end lemma mono_on_greaterD: assumes "mono_on A g" "x \ A" "y \ A" "g x > (g (y::_::linorder) :: _ :: linorder)" shows "x > y" proof (rule ccontr) assume "\x > y" hence "x \ y" by (simp add: not_less) from assms(1-3) and this have "g x \ g y" by (rule mono_onD) with assms(4) show False by simp qed context order begin abbreviation mono :: "('a \ 'b::order) \ bool" where "mono \ mono_on UNIV" abbreviation strict_mono :: "('a \ 'b::order) \ bool" where "strict_mono \ strict_mono_on UNIV" abbreviation antimono :: "('a \ 'b::order) \ bool" where "antimono \ monotone (\) (\x y. y \ x)" lemma mono_def[no_atp]: "mono f \ (\x y. x \ y \ f x \ f y)" by (simp add: monotone_on_def) lemma strict_mono_def[no_atp]: "strict_mono f \ (\x y. x < y \ f x < f y)" by (simp add: monotone_on_def) lemma antimono_def[no_atp]: "antimono f \ (\x y. x \ y \ f x \ f y)" by (simp add: monotone_on_def) text \Lemmas @{thm [source] mono_def}, @{thm [source] strict_mono_def}, and @{thm [source] antimono_def} are provided for backward compatibility.\ lemma monoI [intro?]: "(\x y. x \ y \ f x \ f y) \ mono f" by (rule monotoneI) lemma strict_monoI [intro?]: "(\x y. x < y \ f x < f y) \ strict_mono f" by (rule monotoneI) lemma antimonoI [intro?]: "(\x y. x \ y \ f x \ f y) \ antimono f" by (rule monotoneI) lemma monoD [dest?]: "mono f \ x \ y \ f x \ f y" by (rule monotoneD) lemma strict_monoD [dest?]: "strict_mono f \ x < y \ f x < f y" by (rule monotoneD) lemma antimonoD [dest?]: "antimono f \ x \ y \ f x \ f y" by (rule monotoneD) lemma monoE: assumes "mono f" assumes "x \ y" obtains "f x \ f y" proof from assms show "f x \ f y" by (simp add: mono_def) qed lemma antimonoE: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b::order" assumes "antimono f" assumes "x \ y" obtains "f x \ f y" proof from assms show "f x \ f y" by (simp add: antimono_def) qed lemma mono_imp_mono_on: "mono f \ mono_on A f" by (rule monotone_on_subset[OF _ subset_UNIV]) lemma strict_mono_mono [dest?]: assumes "strict_mono f" shows "mono f" proof (rule monoI) fix x y assume "x \ y" show "f x \ f y" proof (cases "x = y") case True then show ?thesis by simp next case False with \x \ y\ have "x < y" by simp with assms strict_monoD have "f x < f y" by auto then show ?thesis by simp qed qed end context linorder begin lemma mono_invE: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b::order" assumes "mono f" assumes "f x < f y" obtains "x \ y" proof show "x \ y" proof (rule ccontr) assume "\ x \ y" then have "y \ x" by simp with \mono f\ obtain "f y \ f x" by (rule monoE) with \f x < f y\ show False by simp qed qed lemma mono_strict_invE: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b::order" assumes "mono f" assumes "f x < f y" obtains "x < y" proof show "x < y" proof (rule ccontr) assume "\ x < y" then have "y \ x" by simp with \mono f\ obtain "f y \ f x" by (rule monoE) with \f x < f y\ show False by simp qed qed lemma strict_mono_eq: assumes "strict_mono f" shows "f x = f y \ x = y" proof assume "f x = f y" show "x = y" proof (cases x y rule: linorder_cases) case less with assms strict_monoD have "f x < f y" by auto with \f x = f y\ show ?thesis by simp next case equal then show ?thesis . next case greater with assms strict_monoD have "f y < f x" by auto with \f x = f y\ show ?thesis by simp qed qed simp lemma strict_mono_less_eq: assumes "strict_mono f" shows "f x \ f y \ x \ y" proof assume "x \ y" with assms strict_mono_mono monoD show "f x \ f y" by auto next assume "f x \ f y" show "x \ y" proof (rule ccontr) assume "\ x \ y" then have "y < x" by simp with assms strict_monoD have "f y < f x" by auto with \f x \ f y\ show False by simp qed qed lemma strict_mono_less: assumes "strict_mono f" shows "f x < f y \ x < y" using assms by (auto simp add: less_le Orderings.less_le strict_mono_eq strict_mono_less_eq) end lemma strict_mono_inv: fixes f :: "('a::linorder) \ ('b::linorder)" assumes "strict_mono f" and "surj f" and inv: "\x. g (f x) = x" shows "strict_mono g" proof fix x y :: 'b assume "x < y" from \surj f\ obtain x' y' where [simp]: "x = f x'" "y = f y'" by blast with \x < y\ and \strict_mono f\ have "x' < y'" by (simp add: strict_mono_less) with inv show "g x < g y" by simp qed lemma strict_mono_on_imp_inj_on: assumes "strict_mono_on A (f :: (_ :: linorder) \ (_ :: preorder))" shows "inj_on f A" proof (rule inj_onI) fix x y assume "x \ A" "y \ A" "f x = f y" thus "x = y" by (cases x y rule: linorder_cases) (auto dest: strict_mono_onD[OF assms, of x y] strict_mono_onD[OF assms, of y x]) qed lemma strict_mono_on_leD: assumes "strict_mono_on A (f :: (_ :: linorder) \ _ :: preorder)" "x \ A" "y \ A" "x \ y" shows "f x \ f y" proof (cases "x = y") case True then show ?thesis by simp next case False with assms have "f x < f y" using strict_mono_onD[OF assms(1)] by simp then show ?thesis by (rule less_imp_le) qed lemma strict_mono_on_eqD: fixes f :: "(_ :: linorder) \ (_ :: preorder)" assumes "strict_mono_on A f" "f x = f y" "x \ A" "y \ A" shows "y = x" using assms by (cases rule: linorder_cases) (auto dest: strict_mono_onD) lemma strict_mono_on_imp_mono_on: "strict_mono_on A (f :: (_ :: linorder) \ _ :: preorder) \ mono_on A f" by (rule mono_onI, rule strict_mono_on_leD) lemma mono_imp_strict_mono: fixes f :: "'a::order \ 'b::order" shows "\mono_on S f; inj_on f S\ \ strict_mono_on S f" by (auto simp add: monotone_on_def order_less_le inj_on_eq_iff) lemma strict_mono_iff_mono: fixes f :: "'a::linorder \ 'b::order" shows "strict_mono_on S f \ mono_on S f \ inj_on f S" proof show "strict_mono_on S f \ mono_on S f \ inj_on f S" by (simp add: strict_mono_on_imp_inj_on strict_mono_on_imp_mono_on) qed (auto intro: mono_imp_strict_mono) lemma antimono_imp_strict_antimono: fixes f :: "'a::order \ 'b::order" shows "\antimono_on S f; inj_on f S\ \ strict_antimono_on S f" by (auto simp add: monotone_on_def order_less_le inj_on_eq_iff) lemma strict_antimono_iff_antimono: fixes f :: "'a::linorder \ 'b::order" shows "strict_antimono_on S f \ antimono_on S f \ inj_on f S" proof show "strict_antimono_on S f \ antimono_on S f \ inj_on f S" by (force simp add: monotone_on_def intro: linorder_inj_onI) qed (auto intro: antimono_imp_strict_antimono) lemma mono_compose: "mono Q \ mono (\i x. Q i (f x))" unfolding mono_def le_fun_def by auto lemma mono_add: fixes a :: "'a::ordered_ab_semigroup_add" shows "mono ((+) a)" by (simp add: add_left_mono monoI) lemma (in semilattice_inf) mono_inf: "mono f \ f (A \ B) \ f A \ f B" for f :: "'a \ 'b::semilattice_inf" by (auto simp add: mono_def intro: Lattices.inf_greatest) lemma (in semilattice_sup) mono_sup: "mono f \ f A \ f B \ f (A \ B)" for f :: "'a \ 'b::semilattice_sup" by (auto simp add: mono_def intro: Lattices.sup_least) lemma (in linorder) min_of_mono: "mono f \ min (f m) (f n) = f (min m n)" by (auto simp: mono_def Orderings.min_def min_def intro: Orderings.antisym) lemma (in linorder) max_of_mono: "mono f \ max (f m) (f n) = f (max m n)" by (auto simp: mono_def Orderings.max_def max_def intro: Orderings.antisym) lemma (in linorder) max_of_antimono: "antimono f \ max (f x) (f y) = f (min x y)" and min_of_antimono: "antimono f \ min (f x) (f y) = f (max x y)" by (auto simp: antimono_def Orderings.max_def max_def Orderings.min_def min_def intro!: antisym) lemma (in linorder) strict_mono_imp_inj_on: "strict_mono f \ inj_on f A" by (auto intro!: inj_onI dest: strict_mono_eq) lemma mono_Int: "mono f \ f (A \ B) \ f A \ f B" by (fact mono_inf) lemma mono_Un: "mono f \ f A \ f B \ f (A \ B)" by (fact mono_sup) subsubsection \Least value operator\ lemma Least_mono: "mono f \ \x\S. \y\S. x \ y \ (LEAST y. y \ f ` S) = f (LEAST x. x \ S)" for f :: "'a::order \ 'b::order" \ \Courtesy of Stephan Merz\ apply clarify apply (erule_tac P = "\x. x \ S" in LeastI2_order) apply fast apply (rule LeastI2_order) apply (auto elim: monoD intro!: order_antisym) done subsection \Setup\ subsubsection \Proof tools\ text \Simplify terms of the form \f(\,x:=y,\,x:=z,\)\ to \f(\,x:=z,\)\\ -simproc_setup fun_upd2 ("f(v := w, x := y)") = \fn _ => +simproc_setup fun_upd2 ("f(v := w, x := y)") = \ let fun gen_fun_upd NONE T _ _ = NONE | gen_fun_upd (SOME f) T x y = SOME (Const (\<^const_name>\fun_upd\, T) $ f $ x $ y) fun dest_fun_T1 (Type (_, T :: Ts)) = T fun find_double (t as Const (\<^const_name>\fun_upd\,T) $ f $ x $ y) = let fun find (Const (\<^const_name>\fun_upd\,T) $ g $ v $ w) = if v aconv x then SOME g else gen_fun_upd (find g) T v w | find t = NONE in (dest_fun_T1 T, gen_fun_upd (find f) T x y) end val ss = simpset_of \<^context> fun proc ctxt ct = let val t = Thm.term_of ct in (case find_double t of (T, NONE) => NONE | (T, SOME rhs) => SOME (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] (Logic.mk_equals (t, rhs)) (fn _ => resolve_tac ctxt [eq_reflection] 1 THEN resolve_tac ctxt @{thms ext} 1 THEN simp_tac (put_simpset ss ctxt) 1))) end - in proc end + in K proc end \ subsubsection \Functorial structure of types\ ML_file \Tools/functor.ML\ functor map_fun: map_fun by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff) functor vimage by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff vimage_comp) text \Legacy theorem names\ lemmas o_def = comp_def lemmas o_apply = comp_apply lemmas o_assoc = comp_assoc [symmetric] lemmas id_o = id_comp lemmas o_id = comp_id lemmas o_eq_dest = comp_eq_dest lemmas o_eq_elim = comp_eq_elim lemmas o_eq_dest_lhs = comp_eq_dest_lhs lemmas o_eq_id_dest = comp_eq_id_dest end diff --git a/src/HOL/Groups.thy b/src/HOL/Groups.thy --- a/src/HOL/Groups.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Groups.thy @@ -1,1495 +1,1495 @@ (* Title: HOL/Groups.thy Author: Gertrud Bauer Author: Steven Obua Author: Lawrence C Paulson Author: Markus Wenzel Author: Jeremy Avigad *) section \Groups, also combined with orderings\ theory Groups imports Orderings begin subsection \Dynamic facts\ named_theorems ac_simps "associativity and commutativity simplification rules" and algebra_simps "algebra simplification rules for rings" and algebra_split_simps "algebra simplification rules for rings, with potential goal splitting" and field_simps "algebra simplification rules for fields" and field_split_simps "algebra simplification rules for fields, with potential goal splitting" text \ The rewrites accumulated in \algebra_simps\ deal with the classical algebraic structures of groups, rings and family. They simplify terms by multiplying everything out (in case of a ring) and bringing sums and products into a canonical form (by ordered rewriting). As a result it decides group and ring equalities but also helps with inequalities. Of course it also works for fields, but it knows nothing about multiplicative inverses or division. This is catered for by \field_simps\. Facts in \field_simps\ multiply with denominators in (in)equations if they can be proved to be non-zero (for equations) or positive/negative (for inequalities). Can be too aggressive and is therefore separate from the more benign \algebra_simps\. Collections \algebra_split_simps\ and \field_split_simps\ correspond to \algebra_simps\ and \field_simps\ but contain more aggresive rules that may lead to goal splitting. \ subsection \Abstract structures\ text \ These locales provide basic structures for interpretation into bigger structures; extensions require careful thinking, otherwise undesired effects may occur due to interpretation. \ locale semigroup = fixes f :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixl "\<^bold>*" 70) assumes assoc [ac_simps]: "a \<^bold>* b \<^bold>* c = a \<^bold>* (b \<^bold>* c)" locale abel_semigroup = semigroup + assumes commute [ac_simps]: "a \<^bold>* b = b \<^bold>* a" begin lemma left_commute [ac_simps]: "b \<^bold>* (a \<^bold>* c) = a \<^bold>* (b \<^bold>* c)" proof - have "(b \<^bold>* a) \<^bold>* c = (a \<^bold>* b) \<^bold>* c" by (simp only: commute) then show ?thesis by (simp only: assoc) qed end locale monoid = semigroup + fixes z :: 'a ("\<^bold>1") assumes left_neutral [simp]: "\<^bold>1 \<^bold>* a = a" assumes right_neutral [simp]: "a \<^bold>* \<^bold>1 = a" locale comm_monoid = abel_semigroup + fixes z :: 'a ("\<^bold>1") assumes comm_neutral: "a \<^bold>* \<^bold>1 = a" begin sublocale monoid by standard (simp_all add: commute comm_neutral) end locale group = semigroup + fixes z :: 'a ("\<^bold>1") fixes inverse :: "'a \ 'a" assumes group_left_neutral: "\<^bold>1 \<^bold>* a = a" assumes left_inverse [simp]: "inverse a \<^bold>* a = \<^bold>1" begin lemma left_cancel: "a \<^bold>* b = a \<^bold>* c \ b = c" proof assume "a \<^bold>* b = a \<^bold>* c" then have "inverse a \<^bold>* (a \<^bold>* b) = inverse a \<^bold>* (a \<^bold>* c)" by simp then have "(inverse a \<^bold>* a) \<^bold>* b = (inverse a \<^bold>* a) \<^bold>* c" by (simp only: assoc) then show "b = c" by (simp add: group_left_neutral) qed simp sublocale monoid proof fix a have "inverse a \<^bold>* a = \<^bold>1" by simp then have "inverse a \<^bold>* (a \<^bold>* \<^bold>1) = inverse a \<^bold>* a" by (simp add: group_left_neutral assoc [symmetric]) with left_cancel show "a \<^bold>* \<^bold>1 = a" by (simp only: left_cancel) qed (fact group_left_neutral) lemma inverse_unique: assumes "a \<^bold>* b = \<^bold>1" shows "inverse a = b" proof - from assms have "inverse a \<^bold>* (a \<^bold>* b) = inverse a" by simp then show ?thesis by (simp add: assoc [symmetric]) qed lemma inverse_neutral [simp]: "inverse \<^bold>1 = \<^bold>1" by (rule inverse_unique) simp lemma inverse_inverse [simp]: "inverse (inverse a) = a" by (rule inverse_unique) simp lemma right_inverse [simp]: "a \<^bold>* inverse a = \<^bold>1" proof - have "a \<^bold>* inverse a = inverse (inverse a) \<^bold>* inverse a" by simp also have "\ = \<^bold>1" by (rule left_inverse) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma inverse_distrib_swap: "inverse (a \<^bold>* b) = inverse b \<^bold>* inverse a" proof (rule inverse_unique) have "a \<^bold>* b \<^bold>* (inverse b \<^bold>* inverse a) = a \<^bold>* (b \<^bold>* inverse b) \<^bold>* inverse a" by (simp only: assoc) also have "\ = \<^bold>1" by simp finally show "a \<^bold>* b \<^bold>* (inverse b \<^bold>* inverse a) = \<^bold>1" . qed lemma right_cancel: "b \<^bold>* a = c \<^bold>* a \ b = c" proof assume "b \<^bold>* a = c \<^bold>* a" then have "b \<^bold>* a \<^bold>* inverse a= c \<^bold>* a \<^bold>* inverse a" by simp then show "b = c" by (simp add: assoc) qed simp end subsection \Generic operations\ class zero = fixes zero :: 'a ("0") class one = fixes one :: 'a ("1") hide_const (open) zero one lemma Let_0 [simp]: "Let 0 f = f 0" unfolding Let_def .. lemma Let_1 [simp]: "Let 1 f = f 1" unfolding Let_def .. setup \ Reorient_Proc.add (fn Const(\<^const_name>\Groups.zero\, _) => true | Const(\<^const_name>\Groups.one\, _) => true | _ => false) \ -simproc_setup reorient_zero ("0 = x") = Reorient_Proc.proc -simproc_setup reorient_one ("1 = x") = Reorient_Proc.proc +simproc_setup reorient_zero ("0 = x") = \K Reorient_Proc.proc\ +simproc_setup reorient_one ("1 = x") = \K Reorient_Proc.proc\ typed_print_translation \ let fun tr' c = (c, fn ctxt => fn T => fn ts => if null ts andalso Printer.type_emphasis ctxt T then Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_constrain\ $ Syntax.const c $ Syntax_Phases.term_of_typ ctxt T else raise Match); in map tr' [\<^const_syntax>\Groups.one\, \<^const_syntax>\Groups.zero\] end \ \ \show types that are presumably too general\ class plus = fixes plus :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixl "+" 65) class minus = fixes minus :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixl "-" 65) class uminus = fixes uminus :: "'a \ 'a" ("- _" [81] 80) class times = fixes times :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixl "*" 70) subsection \Semigroups and Monoids\ class semigroup_add = plus + assumes add_assoc [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)" begin sublocale add: semigroup plus by standard (fact add_assoc) end hide_fact add_assoc class ab_semigroup_add = semigroup_add + assumes add_commute [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a + b = b + a" begin sublocale add: abel_semigroup plus by standard (fact add_commute) declare add.left_commute [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps] lemmas add_ac = add.assoc add.commute add.left_commute end hide_fact add_commute lemmas add_ac = add.assoc add.commute add.left_commute class semigroup_mult = times + assumes mult_assoc [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)" begin sublocale mult: semigroup times by standard (fact mult_assoc) end hide_fact mult_assoc class ab_semigroup_mult = semigroup_mult + assumes mult_commute [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a * b = b * a" begin sublocale mult: abel_semigroup times by standard (fact mult_commute) declare mult.left_commute [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps] lemmas mult_ac = mult.assoc mult.commute mult.left_commute end hide_fact mult_commute lemmas mult_ac = mult.assoc mult.commute mult.left_commute class monoid_add = zero + semigroup_add + assumes add_0_left: "0 + a = a" and add_0_right: "a + 0 = a" begin sublocale add: monoid plus 0 by standard (fact add_0_left add_0_right)+ end lemma zero_reorient: "0 = x \ x = 0" by (fact eq_commute) class comm_monoid_add = zero + ab_semigroup_add + assumes add_0: "0 + a = a" begin subclass monoid_add by standard (simp_all add: add_0 add.commute [of _ 0]) sublocale add: comm_monoid plus 0 by standard (simp add: ac_simps) end class monoid_mult = one + semigroup_mult + assumes mult_1_left: "1 * a = a" and mult_1_right: "a * 1 = a" begin sublocale mult: monoid times 1 by standard (fact mult_1_left mult_1_right)+ end lemma one_reorient: "1 = x \ x = 1" by (fact eq_commute) class comm_monoid_mult = one + ab_semigroup_mult + assumes mult_1: "1 * a = a" begin subclass monoid_mult by standard (simp_all add: mult_1 mult.commute [of _ 1]) sublocale mult: comm_monoid times 1 by standard (simp add: ac_simps) end class cancel_semigroup_add = semigroup_add + assumes add_left_imp_eq: "a + b = a + c \ b = c" assumes add_right_imp_eq: "b + a = c + a \ b = c" begin lemma add_left_cancel [simp]: "a + b = a + c \ b = c" by (blast dest: add_left_imp_eq) lemma add_right_cancel [simp]: "b + a = c + a \ b = c" by (blast dest: add_right_imp_eq) end class cancel_ab_semigroup_add = ab_semigroup_add + minus + assumes add_diff_cancel_left' [simp]: "(a + b) - a = b" assumes diff_diff_add [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a - b - c = a - (b + c)" begin lemma add_diff_cancel_right' [simp]: "(a + b) - b = a" using add_diff_cancel_left' [of b a] by (simp add: ac_simps) subclass cancel_semigroup_add proof fix a b c :: 'a assume "a + b = a + c" then have "a + b - a = a + c - a" by simp then show "b = c" by simp next fix a b c :: 'a assume "b + a = c + a" then have "b + a - a = c + a - a" by simp then show "b = c" by simp qed lemma add_diff_cancel_left [simp]: "(c + a) - (c + b) = a - b" unfolding diff_diff_add [symmetric] by simp lemma add_diff_cancel_right [simp]: "(a + c) - (b + c) = a - b" using add_diff_cancel_left [symmetric] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma diff_right_commute: "a - c - b = a - b - c" by (simp add: diff_diff_add add.commute) end class cancel_comm_monoid_add = cancel_ab_semigroup_add + comm_monoid_add begin lemma diff_zero [simp]: "a - 0 = a" using add_diff_cancel_right' [of a 0] by simp lemma diff_cancel [simp]: "a - a = 0" proof - have "(a + 0) - (a + 0) = 0" by (simp only: add_diff_cancel_left diff_zero) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma add_implies_diff: assumes "c + b = a" shows "c = a - b" proof - from assms have "(b + c) - (b + 0) = a - b" by (simp add: add.commute) then show "c = a - b" by simp qed lemma add_cancel_right_right [simp]: "a = a + b \ b = 0" (is "?P \ ?Q") proof assume ?Q then show ?P by simp next assume ?P then have "a - a = a + b - a" by simp then show ?Q by simp qed lemma add_cancel_right_left [simp]: "a = b + a \ b = 0" using add_cancel_right_right [of a b] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma add_cancel_left_right [simp]: "a + b = a \ b = 0" by (auto dest: sym) lemma add_cancel_left_left [simp]: "b + a = a \ b = 0" by (auto dest: sym) end class comm_monoid_diff = cancel_comm_monoid_add + assumes zero_diff [simp]: "0 - a = 0" begin lemma diff_add_zero [simp]: "a - (a + b) = 0" proof - have "a - (a + b) = (a + 0) - (a + b)" by simp also have "\ = 0" by (simp only: add_diff_cancel_left zero_diff) finally show ?thesis . qed end subsection \Groups\ class group_add = minus + uminus + monoid_add + assumes left_minus: "- a + a = 0" assumes add_uminus_conv_diff [simp]: "a + (- b) = a - b" begin lemma diff_conv_add_uminus: "a - b = a + (- b)" by simp sublocale add: group plus 0 uminus by standard (simp_all add: left_minus) lemma minus_unique: "a + b = 0 \ - a = b" by (fact add.inverse_unique) lemma minus_zero: "- 0 = 0" by (fact add.inverse_neutral) lemma minus_minus: "- (- a) = a" by (fact add.inverse_inverse) lemma right_minus: "a + - a = 0" by (fact add.right_inverse) lemma diff_self [simp]: "a - a = 0" using right_minus [of a] by simp subclass cancel_semigroup_add by standard (simp_all add: add.left_cancel add.right_cancel) lemma minus_add_cancel [simp]: "- a + (a + b) = b" by (simp add: add.assoc [symmetric]) lemma add_minus_cancel [simp]: "a + (- a + b) = b" by (simp add: add.assoc [symmetric]) lemma diff_add_cancel [simp]: "a - b + b = a" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus add.assoc) simp lemma add_diff_cancel [simp]: "a + b - b = a" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus add.assoc) simp lemma minus_add: "- (a + b) = - b + - a" by (fact add.inverse_distrib_swap) lemma right_minus_eq [simp]: "a - b = 0 \ a = b" proof assume "a - b = 0" have "a = (a - b) + b" by (simp add: add.assoc) also have "\ = b" using \a - b = 0\ by simp finally show "a = b" . next assume "a = b" then show "a - b = 0" by simp qed lemma eq_iff_diff_eq_0: "a = b \ a - b = 0" by (fact right_minus_eq [symmetric]) lemma diff_0 [simp]: "0 - a = - a" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus add_0_left) lemma diff_0_right [simp]: "a - 0 = a" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus minus_zero add_0_right) lemma diff_minus_eq_add [simp]: "a - - b = a + b" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus minus_minus) lemma neg_equal_iff_equal [simp]: "- a = - b \ a = b" proof assume "- a = - b" then have "- (- a) = - (- b)" by simp then show "a = b" by simp next assume "a = b" then show "- a = - b" by simp qed lemma neg_equal_0_iff_equal [simp]: "- a = 0 \ a = 0" by (subst neg_equal_iff_equal [symmetric]) simp lemma neg_0_equal_iff_equal [simp]: "0 = - a \ 0 = a" by (subst neg_equal_iff_equal [symmetric]) simp text \The next two equations can make the simplifier loop!\ lemma equation_minus_iff: "a = - b \ b = - a" proof - have "- (- a) = - b \ - a = b" by (rule neg_equal_iff_equal) then show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_commute) qed lemma minus_equation_iff: "- a = b \ - b = a" proof - have "- a = - (- b) \ a = -b" by (rule neg_equal_iff_equal) then show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_commute) qed lemma eq_neg_iff_add_eq_0: "a = - b \ a + b = 0" proof assume "a = - b" then show "a + b = 0" by simp next assume "a + b = 0" moreover have "a + (b + - b) = (a + b) + - b" by (simp only: add.assoc) ultimately show "a = - b" by simp qed lemma add_eq_0_iff2: "a + b = 0 \ a = - b" by (fact eq_neg_iff_add_eq_0 [symmetric]) lemma neg_eq_iff_add_eq_0: "- a = b \ a + b = 0" by (auto simp add: add_eq_0_iff2) lemma add_eq_0_iff: "a + b = 0 \ b = - a" by (auto simp add: neg_eq_iff_add_eq_0 [symmetric]) lemma minus_diff_eq [simp]: "- (a - b) = b - a" by (simp only: neg_eq_iff_add_eq_0 diff_conv_add_uminus add.assoc minus_add_cancel) simp lemma add_diff_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a + (b - c) = (a + b) - c" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus add.assoc) lemma diff_add_eq_diff_diff_swap: "a - (b + c) = a - c - b" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus add.assoc minus_add) lemma diff_eq_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a - b = c \ a = c + b" by auto lemma eq_diff_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a = c - b \ a + b = c" by auto lemma diff_diff_eq2 [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a - (b - c) = (a + c) - b" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus add.assoc) simp lemma diff_eq_diff_eq: "a - b = c - d \ a = b \ c = d" by (simp only: eq_iff_diff_eq_0 [of a b] eq_iff_diff_eq_0 [of c d]) end class ab_group_add = minus + uminus + comm_monoid_add + assumes ab_left_minus: "- a + a = 0" assumes ab_diff_conv_add_uminus: "a - b = a + (- b)" begin subclass group_add by standard (simp_all add: ab_left_minus ab_diff_conv_add_uminus) subclass cancel_comm_monoid_add proof fix a b c :: 'a have "b + a - a = b" by simp then show "a + b - a = b" by (simp add: ac_simps) show "a - b - c = a - (b + c)" by (simp add: algebra_simps) qed lemma uminus_add_conv_diff [simp]: "- a + b = b - a" by (simp add: add.commute) lemma minus_add_distrib [simp]: "- (a + b) = - a + - b" by (simp add: algebra_simps) lemma diff_add_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "(a - b) + c = (a + c) - b" by (simp add: algebra_simps) lemma minus_diff_commute: "- b - a = - a - b" by (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus add.commute) end subsection \(Partially) Ordered Groups\ text \ The theory of partially ordered groups is taken from the books: \<^item> \<^emph>\Lattice Theory\ by Garret Birkhoff, American Mathematical Society, 1979 \<^item> \<^emph>\Partially Ordered Algebraic Systems\, Pergamon Press, 1963 Most of the used notions can also be looked up in \<^item> \<^url>\http://www.mathworld.com\ by Eric Weisstein et. al. \<^item> \<^emph>\Algebra I\ by van der Waerden, Springer \ class ordered_ab_semigroup_add = order + ab_semigroup_add + assumes add_left_mono: "a \ b \ c + a \ c + b" begin lemma add_right_mono: "a \ b \ a + c \ b + c" by (simp add: add.commute [of _ c] add_left_mono) text \non-strict, in both arguments\ lemma add_mono: "a \ b \ c \ d \ a + c \ b + d" by (simp add: add.commute add_left_mono add_right_mono [THEN order_trans]) end text \Strict monotonicity in both arguments\ class strict_ordered_ab_semigroup_add = ordered_ab_semigroup_add + assumes add_strict_mono: "a < b \ c < d \ a + c < b + d" class ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add = ordered_ab_semigroup_add + cancel_ab_semigroup_add begin lemma add_strict_left_mono: "a < b \ c + a < c + b" by (auto simp add: less_le add_left_mono) lemma add_strict_right_mono: "a < b \ a + c < b + c" by (simp add: add.commute [of _ c] add_strict_left_mono) subclass strict_ordered_ab_semigroup_add proof show "\a b c d. \a < b; c < d\ \ a + c < b + d" by (iprover intro: add_strict_left_mono add_strict_right_mono less_trans) qed lemma add_less_le_mono: "a < b \ c \ d \ a + c < b + d" by (iprover intro: add_left_mono add_strict_right_mono less_le_trans) lemma add_le_less_mono: "a \ b \ c < d \ a + c < b + d" by (iprover intro: add_strict_left_mono add_right_mono less_le_trans) end class ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le = ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add + assumes add_le_imp_le_left: "c + a \ c + b \ a \ b" begin lemma add_less_imp_less_left: assumes less: "c + a < c + b" shows "a < b" proof - from less have le: "c + a \ c + b" by (simp add: order_le_less) have "a \ b" using add_le_imp_le_left [OF le] . moreover have "a \ b" proof (rule ccontr) assume "\ ?thesis" then have "a = b" by simp then have "c + a = c + b" by simp with less show "False" by simp qed ultimately show "a < b" by (simp add: order_le_less) qed lemma add_less_imp_less_right: "a + c < b + c \ a < b" by (rule add_less_imp_less_left [of c]) (simp add: add.commute) lemma add_less_cancel_left [simp]: "c + a < c + b \ a < b" by (blast intro: add_less_imp_less_left add_strict_left_mono) lemma add_less_cancel_right [simp]: "a + c < b + c \ a < b" by (blast intro: add_less_imp_less_right add_strict_right_mono) lemma add_le_cancel_left [simp]: "c + a \ c + b \ a \ b" by (auto simp: dest: add_le_imp_le_left add_left_mono) lemma add_le_cancel_right [simp]: "a + c \ b + c \ a \ b" by (simp add: add.commute [of a c] add.commute [of b c]) lemma add_le_imp_le_right: "a + c \ b + c \ a \ b" by simp lemma max_add_distrib_left: "max x y + z = max (x + z) (y + z)" unfolding max_def by auto lemma min_add_distrib_left: "min x y + z = min (x + z) (y + z)" unfolding min_def by auto lemma max_add_distrib_right: "x + max y z = max (x + y) (x + z)" unfolding max_def by auto lemma min_add_distrib_right: "x + min y z = min (x + y) (x + z)" unfolding min_def by auto end subsection \Support for reasoning about signs\ class ordered_comm_monoid_add = comm_monoid_add + ordered_ab_semigroup_add begin lemma add_nonneg_nonneg [simp]: "0 \ a \ 0 \ b \ 0 \ a + b" using add_mono[of 0 a 0 b] by simp lemma add_nonpos_nonpos: "a \ 0 \ b \ 0 \ a + b \ 0" using add_mono[of a 0 b 0] by simp lemma add_nonneg_eq_0_iff: "0 \ x \ 0 \ y \ x + y = 0 \ x = 0 \ y = 0" using add_left_mono[of 0 y x] add_right_mono[of 0 x y] by auto lemma add_nonpos_eq_0_iff: "x \ 0 \ y \ 0 \ x + y = 0 \ x = 0 \ y = 0" using add_left_mono[of y 0 x] add_right_mono[of x 0 y] by auto lemma add_increasing: "0 \ a \ b \ c \ b \ a + c" using add_mono [of 0 a b c] by simp lemma add_increasing2: "0 \ c \ b \ a \ b \ a + c" by (simp add: add_increasing add.commute [of a]) lemma add_decreasing: "a \ 0 \ c \ b \ a + c \ b" using add_mono [of a 0 c b] by simp lemma add_decreasing2: "c \ 0 \ a \ b \ a + c \ b" using add_mono[of a b c 0] by simp lemma add_pos_nonneg: "0 < a \ 0 \ b \ 0 < a + b" using less_le_trans[of 0 a "a + b"] by (simp add: add_increasing2) lemma add_pos_pos: "0 < a \ 0 < b \ 0 < a + b" by (intro add_pos_nonneg less_imp_le) lemma add_nonneg_pos: "0 \ a \ 0 < b \ 0 < a + b" using add_pos_nonneg[of b a] by (simp add: add_commute) lemma add_neg_nonpos: "a < 0 \ b \ 0 \ a + b < 0" using le_less_trans[of "a + b" a 0] by (simp add: add_decreasing2) lemma add_neg_neg: "a < 0 \ b < 0 \ a + b < 0" by (intro add_neg_nonpos less_imp_le) lemma add_nonpos_neg: "a \ 0 \ b < 0 \ a + b < 0" using add_neg_nonpos[of b a] by (simp add: add_commute) lemmas add_sign_intros = add_pos_nonneg add_pos_pos add_nonneg_pos add_nonneg_nonneg add_neg_nonpos add_neg_neg add_nonpos_neg add_nonpos_nonpos end class strict_ordered_comm_monoid_add = comm_monoid_add + strict_ordered_ab_semigroup_add begin lemma pos_add_strict: "0 < a \ b < c \ b < a + c" using add_strict_mono [of 0 a b c] by simp end class ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add = ordered_comm_monoid_add + cancel_ab_semigroup_add begin subclass ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add .. subclass strict_ordered_comm_monoid_add .. lemma add_strict_increasing: "0 < a \ b \ c \ b < a + c" using add_less_le_mono [of 0 a b c] by simp lemma add_strict_increasing2: "0 \ a \ b < c \ b < a + c" using add_le_less_mono [of 0 a b c] by simp end class ordered_ab_semigroup_monoid_add_imp_le = monoid_add + ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le begin lemma add_less_same_cancel1 [simp]: "b + a < b \ a < 0" using add_less_cancel_left [of _ _ 0] by simp lemma add_less_same_cancel2 [simp]: "a + b < b \ a < 0" using add_less_cancel_right [of _ _ 0] by simp lemma less_add_same_cancel1 [simp]: "a < a + b \ 0 < b" using add_less_cancel_left [of _ 0] by simp lemma less_add_same_cancel2 [simp]: "a < b + a \ 0 < b" using add_less_cancel_right [of 0] by simp lemma add_le_same_cancel1 [simp]: "b + a \ b \ a \ 0" using add_le_cancel_left [of _ _ 0] by simp lemma add_le_same_cancel2 [simp]: "a + b \ b \ a \ 0" using add_le_cancel_right [of _ _ 0] by simp lemma le_add_same_cancel1 [simp]: "a \ a + b \ 0 \ b" using add_le_cancel_left [of _ 0] by simp lemma le_add_same_cancel2 [simp]: "a \ b + a \ 0 \ b" using add_le_cancel_right [of 0] by simp subclass cancel_comm_monoid_add by standard auto subclass ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add by standard end class ordered_ab_group_add = ab_group_add + ordered_ab_semigroup_add begin subclass ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add .. subclass ordered_ab_semigroup_monoid_add_imp_le proof fix a b c :: 'a assume "c + a \ c + b" then have "(-c) + (c + a) \ (-c) + (c + b)" by (rule add_left_mono) then have "((-c) + c) + a \ ((-c) + c) + b" by (simp only: add.assoc) then show "a \ b" by simp qed lemma max_diff_distrib_left: "max x y - z = max (x - z) (y - z)" using max_add_distrib_left [of x y "- z"] by simp lemma min_diff_distrib_left: "min x y - z = min (x - z) (y - z)" using min_add_distrib_left [of x y "- z"] by simp lemma le_imp_neg_le: assumes "a \ b" shows "- b \ - a" proof - from assms have "- a + a \ - a + b" by (rule add_left_mono) then have "0 \ - a + b" by simp then have "0 + (- b) \ (- a + b) + (- b)" by (rule add_right_mono) then show ?thesis by (simp add: algebra_simps) qed lemma neg_le_iff_le [simp]: "- b \ - a \ a \ b" proof assume "- b \ - a" then have "- (- a) \ - (- b)" by (rule le_imp_neg_le) then show "a \ b" by simp next assume "a \ b" then show "- b \ - a" by (rule le_imp_neg_le) qed lemma neg_le_0_iff_le [simp]: "- a \ 0 \ 0 \ a" by (subst neg_le_iff_le [symmetric]) simp lemma neg_0_le_iff_le [simp]: "0 \ - a \ a \ 0" by (subst neg_le_iff_le [symmetric]) simp lemma neg_less_iff_less [simp]: "- b < - a \ a < b" by (auto simp add: less_le) lemma neg_less_0_iff_less [simp]: "- a < 0 \ 0 < a" by (subst neg_less_iff_less [symmetric]) simp lemma neg_0_less_iff_less [simp]: "0 < - a \ a < 0" by (subst neg_less_iff_less [symmetric]) simp text \The next several equations can make the simplifier loop!\ lemma less_minus_iff: "a < - b \ b < - a" proof - have "- (- a) < - b \ b < - a" by (rule neg_less_iff_less) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma minus_less_iff: "- a < b \ - b < a" proof - have "- a < - (- b) \ - b < a" by (rule neg_less_iff_less) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma le_minus_iff: "a \ - b \ b \ - a" by (auto simp: order.order_iff_strict less_minus_iff) lemma minus_le_iff: "- a \ b \ - b \ a" by (auto simp add: le_less minus_less_iff) lemma diff_less_0_iff_less [simp]: "a - b < 0 \ a < b" proof - have "a - b < 0 \ a + (- b) < b + (- b)" by simp also have "\ \ a < b" by (simp only: add_less_cancel_right) finally show ?thesis . qed lemmas less_iff_diff_less_0 = diff_less_0_iff_less [symmetric] lemma diff_less_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a - b < c \ a < c + b" proof (subst less_iff_diff_less_0 [of a]) show "(a - b < c) = (a - (c + b) < 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps less_iff_diff_less_0 [of _ c]) qed lemma less_diff_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a < c - b \ a + b < c" proof (subst less_iff_diff_less_0 [of "a + b"]) show "(a < c - b) = (a + b - c < 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps less_iff_diff_less_0 [of a]) qed lemma diff_gt_0_iff_gt [simp]: "a - b > 0 \ a > b" by (simp add: less_diff_eq) lemma diff_le_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a - b \ c \ a \ c + b" by (auto simp add: le_less diff_less_eq ) lemma le_diff_eq [algebra_simps, algebra_split_simps, field_simps, field_split_simps]: "a \ c - b \ a + b \ c" by (auto simp add: le_less less_diff_eq) lemma diff_le_0_iff_le [simp]: "a - b \ 0 \ a \ b" by (simp add: algebra_simps) lemmas le_iff_diff_le_0 = diff_le_0_iff_le [symmetric] lemma diff_ge_0_iff_ge [simp]: "a - b \ 0 \ a \ b" by (simp add: le_diff_eq) lemma diff_eq_diff_less: "a - b = c - d \ a < b \ c < d" by (auto simp only: less_iff_diff_less_0 [of a b] less_iff_diff_less_0 [of c d]) lemma diff_eq_diff_less_eq: "a - b = c - d \ a \ b \ c \ d" by (auto simp only: le_iff_diff_le_0 [of a b] le_iff_diff_le_0 [of c d]) lemma diff_mono: "a \ b \ d \ c \ a - c \ b - d" by (simp add: field_simps add_mono) lemma diff_left_mono: "b \ a \ c - a \ c - b" by (simp add: field_simps) lemma diff_right_mono: "a \ b \ a - c \ b - c" by (simp add: field_simps) lemma diff_strict_mono: "a < b \ d < c \ a - c < b - d" by (simp add: field_simps add_strict_mono) lemma diff_strict_left_mono: "b < a \ c - a < c - b" by (simp add: field_simps) lemma diff_strict_right_mono: "a < b \ a - c < b - c" by (simp add: field_simps) end locale group_cancel begin lemma add1: "(A::'a::comm_monoid_add) \ k + a \ A + b \ k + (a + b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma add2: "(B::'a::comm_monoid_add) \ k + b \ a + B \ k + (a + b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma sub1: "(A::'a::ab_group_add) \ k + a \ A - b \ k + (a - b)" by (simp only: add_diff_eq) lemma sub2: "(B::'a::ab_group_add) \ k + b \ a - B \ - k + (a - b)" by (simp only: minus_add diff_conv_add_uminus ac_simps) lemma neg1: "(A::'a::ab_group_add) \ k + a \ - A \ - k + - a" by (simp only: minus_add_distrib) lemma rule0: "(a::'a::comm_monoid_add) \ a + 0" by (simp only: add_0_right) end ML_file \Tools/group_cancel.ML\ simproc_setup group_cancel_add ("a + b::'a::ab_group_add") = \fn phi => fn ss => try Group_Cancel.cancel_add_conv\ simproc_setup group_cancel_diff ("a - b::'a::ab_group_add") = \fn phi => fn ss => try Group_Cancel.cancel_diff_conv\ simproc_setup group_cancel_eq ("a = (b::'a::ab_group_add)") = \fn phi => fn ss => try Group_Cancel.cancel_eq_conv\ simproc_setup group_cancel_le ("a \ (b::'a::ordered_ab_group_add)") = \fn phi => fn ss => try Group_Cancel.cancel_le_conv\ simproc_setup group_cancel_less ("a < (b::'a::ordered_ab_group_add)") = \fn phi => fn ss => try Group_Cancel.cancel_less_conv\ class linordered_ab_semigroup_add = linorder + ordered_ab_semigroup_add class linordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add = linorder + ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add begin subclass linordered_ab_semigroup_add .. subclass ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le proof fix a b c :: 'a assume le1: "c + a \ c + b" show "a \ b" proof (rule ccontr) assume *: "\ ?thesis" then have "b \ a" by (simp add: linorder_not_le) then have "c + b \ c + a" by (rule add_left_mono) then have "c + a = c + b" using le1 by (iprover intro: order.antisym) then have "a = b" by simp with * show False by (simp add: linorder_not_le [symmetric]) qed qed end class linordered_ab_group_add = linorder + ordered_ab_group_add begin subclass linordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add .. lemma equal_neg_zero [simp]: "a = - a \ a = 0" proof assume "a = 0" then show "a = - a" by simp next assume A: "a = - a" show "a = 0" proof (cases "0 \ a") case True with A have "0 \ - a" by auto with le_minus_iff have "a \ 0" by simp with True show ?thesis by (auto intro: order_trans) next case False then have B: "a \ 0" by auto with A have "- a \ 0" by auto with B show ?thesis by (auto intro: order_trans) qed qed lemma neg_equal_zero [simp]: "- a = a \ a = 0" by (auto dest: sym) lemma neg_less_eq_nonneg [simp]: "- a \ a \ 0 \ a" proof assume *: "- a \ a" show "0 \ a" proof (rule classical) assume "\ ?thesis" then have "a < 0" by auto with * have "- a < 0" by (rule le_less_trans) then show ?thesis by auto qed next assume *: "0 \ a" then have "- a \ 0" by (simp add: minus_le_iff) from this * show "- a \ a" by (rule order_trans) qed lemma neg_less_pos [simp]: "- a < a \ 0 < a" by (auto simp add: less_le) lemma less_eq_neg_nonpos [simp]: "a \ - a \ a \ 0" using neg_less_eq_nonneg [of "- a"] by simp lemma less_neg_neg [simp]: "a < - a \ a < 0" using neg_less_pos [of "- a"] by simp lemma double_zero [simp]: "a + a = 0 \ a = 0" proof assume "a + a = 0" then have a: "- a = a" by (rule minus_unique) then show "a = 0" by (simp only: neg_equal_zero) next assume "a = 0" then show "a + a = 0" by simp qed lemma double_zero_sym [simp]: "0 = a + a \ a = 0" using double_zero [of a] by (simp only: eq_commute) lemma zero_less_double_add_iff_zero_less_single_add [simp]: "0 < a + a \ 0 < a" proof assume "0 < a + a" then have "0 - a < a" by (simp only: diff_less_eq) then have "- a < a" by simp then show "0 < a" by simp next assume "0 < a" with this have "0 + 0 < a + a" by (rule add_strict_mono) then show "0 < a + a" by simp qed lemma zero_le_double_add_iff_zero_le_single_add [simp]: "0 \ a + a \ 0 \ a" by (auto simp add: le_less) lemma double_add_less_zero_iff_single_add_less_zero [simp]: "a + a < 0 \ a < 0" proof - have "\ a + a < 0 \ \ a < 0" by (simp add: not_less) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma double_add_le_zero_iff_single_add_le_zero [simp]: "a + a \ 0 \ a \ 0" proof - have "\ a + a \ 0 \ \ a \ 0" by (simp add: not_le) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma minus_max_eq_min: "- max x y = min (- x) (- y)" by (auto simp add: max_def min_def) lemma minus_min_eq_max: "- min x y = max (- x) (- y)" by (auto simp add: max_def min_def) end class abs = fixes abs :: "'a \ 'a" ("\_\") class sgn = fixes sgn :: "'a \ 'a" class ordered_ab_group_add_abs = ordered_ab_group_add + abs + assumes abs_ge_zero [simp]: "\a\ \ 0" and abs_ge_self: "a \ \a\" and abs_leI: "a \ b \ - a \ b \ \a\ \ b" and abs_minus_cancel [simp]: "\-a\ = \a\" and abs_triangle_ineq: "\a + b\ \ \a\ + \b\" begin lemma abs_minus_le_zero: "- \a\ \ 0" unfolding neg_le_0_iff_le by simp lemma abs_of_nonneg [simp]: assumes nonneg: "0 \ a" shows "\a\ = a" proof (rule order.antisym) show "a \ \a\" by (rule abs_ge_self) from nonneg le_imp_neg_le have "- a \ 0" by simp from this nonneg have "- a \ a" by (rule order_trans) then show "\a\ \ a" by (auto intro: abs_leI) qed lemma abs_idempotent [simp]: "\\a\\ = \a\" by (rule order.antisym) (auto intro!: abs_ge_self abs_leI order_trans [of "- \a\" 0 "\a\"]) lemma abs_eq_0 [simp]: "\a\ = 0 \ a = 0" proof - have "\a\ = 0 \ a = 0" proof (rule order.antisym) assume zero: "\a\ = 0" with abs_ge_self show "a \ 0" by auto from zero have "\-a\ = 0" by simp with abs_ge_self [of "- a"] have "- a \ 0" by auto with neg_le_0_iff_le show "0 \ a" by auto qed then show ?thesis by auto qed lemma abs_zero [simp]: "\0\ = 0" by simp lemma abs_0_eq [simp]: "0 = \a\ \ a = 0" proof - have "0 = \a\ \ \a\ = 0" by (simp only: eq_ac) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma abs_le_zero_iff [simp]: "\a\ \ 0 \ a = 0" proof assume "\a\ \ 0" then have "\a\ = 0" by (rule order.antisym) simp then show "a = 0" by simp next assume "a = 0" then show "\a\ \ 0" by simp qed lemma abs_le_self_iff [simp]: "\a\ \ a \ 0 \ a" proof - have "0 \ \a\" using abs_ge_zero by blast then have "\a\ \ a \ 0 \ a" using order.trans by blast then show ?thesis using abs_of_nonneg eq_refl by blast qed lemma zero_less_abs_iff [simp]: "0 < \a\ \ a \ 0" by (simp add: less_le) lemma abs_not_less_zero [simp]: "\ \a\ < 0" proof - have "x \ y \ \ y < x" for x y by auto then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma abs_ge_minus_self: "- a \ \a\" proof - have "- a \ \-a\" by (rule abs_ge_self) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma abs_minus_commute: "\a - b\ = \b - a\" proof - have "\a - b\ = \- (a - b)\" by (simp only: abs_minus_cancel) also have "\ = \b - a\" by simp finally show ?thesis . qed lemma abs_of_pos: "0 < a \ \a\ = a" by (rule abs_of_nonneg) (rule less_imp_le) lemma abs_of_nonpos [simp]: assumes "a \ 0" shows "\a\ = - a" proof - let ?b = "- a" have "- ?b \ 0 \ \- ?b\ = - (- ?b)" unfolding abs_minus_cancel [of ?b] unfolding neg_le_0_iff_le [of ?b] unfolding minus_minus by (erule abs_of_nonneg) then show ?thesis using assms by auto qed lemma abs_of_neg: "a < 0 \ \a\ = - a" by (rule abs_of_nonpos) (rule less_imp_le) lemma abs_le_D1: "\a\ \ b \ a \ b" using abs_ge_self by (blast intro: order_trans) lemma abs_le_D2: "\a\ \ b \ - a \ b" using abs_le_D1 [of "- a"] by simp lemma abs_le_iff: "\a\ \ b \ a \ b \ - a \ b" by (blast intro: abs_leI dest: abs_le_D1 abs_le_D2) lemma abs_triangle_ineq2: "\a\ - \b\ \ \a - b\" proof - have "\a\ = \b + (a - b)\" by (simp add: algebra_simps) then have "\a\ \ \b\ + \a - b\" by (simp add: abs_triangle_ineq) then show ?thesis by (simp add: algebra_simps) qed lemma abs_triangle_ineq2_sym: "\a\ - \b\ \ \b - a\" by (simp only: abs_minus_commute [of b] abs_triangle_ineq2) lemma abs_triangle_ineq3: "\\a\ - \b\\ \ \a - b\" by (simp add: abs_le_iff abs_triangle_ineq2 abs_triangle_ineq2_sym) lemma abs_triangle_ineq4: "\a - b\ \ \a\ + \b\" proof - have "\a - b\ = \a + - b\" by (simp add: algebra_simps) also have "\ \ \a\ + \- b\" by (rule abs_triangle_ineq) finally show ?thesis by simp qed lemma abs_diff_triangle_ineq: "\a + b - (c + d)\ \ \a - c\ + \b - d\" proof - have "\a + b - (c + d)\ = \(a - c) + (b - d)\" by (simp add: algebra_simps) also have "\ \ \a - c\ + \b - d\" by (rule abs_triangle_ineq) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma abs_add_abs [simp]: "\\a\ + \b\\ = \a\ + \b\" (is "?L = ?R") proof (rule order.antisym) show "?L \ ?R" by (rule abs_ge_self) have "?L \ \\a\\ + \\b\\" by (rule abs_triangle_ineq) also have "\ = ?R" by simp finally show "?L \ ?R" . qed end lemma dense_eq0_I: fixes x::"'a::{dense_linorder,ordered_ab_group_add_abs}" assumes "\e. 0 < e \ \x\ \ e" shows "x = 0" proof (cases "\x\ = 0") case False then have "\x\ > 0" by simp then obtain z where "0 < z" "z < \x\" using dense by force then show ?thesis using assms by (simp flip: not_less) qed auto hide_fact (open) ab_diff_conv_add_uminus add_0 mult_1 ab_left_minus lemmas add_0 = add_0_left (* FIXME duplicate *) lemmas mult_1 = mult_1_left (* FIXME duplicate *) lemmas ab_left_minus = left_minus (* FIXME duplicate *) lemmas diff_diff_eq = diff_diff_add (* FIXME duplicate *) subsection \Canonically ordered monoids\ text \Canonically ordered monoids are never groups.\ class canonically_ordered_monoid_add = comm_monoid_add + order + assumes le_iff_add: "a \ b \ (\c. b = a + c)" begin lemma zero_le[simp]: "0 \ x" by (auto simp: le_iff_add) lemma le_zero_eq[simp]: "n \ 0 \ n = 0" by (auto intro: order.antisym) lemma not_less_zero[simp]: "\ n < 0" by (auto simp: less_le) lemma zero_less_iff_neq_zero: "0 < n \ n \ 0" by (auto simp: less_le) text \This theorem is useful with \blast\\ lemma gr_zeroI: "(n = 0 \ False) \ 0 < n" by (rule zero_less_iff_neq_zero[THEN iffD2]) iprover lemma not_gr_zero[simp]: "\ 0 < n \ n = 0" by (simp add: zero_less_iff_neq_zero) subclass ordered_comm_monoid_add proof qed (auto simp: le_iff_add add_ac) lemma gr_implies_not_zero: "m < n \ n \ 0" by auto lemma add_eq_0_iff_both_eq_0[simp]: "x + y = 0 \ x = 0 \ y = 0" by (intro add_nonneg_eq_0_iff zero_le) lemma zero_eq_add_iff_both_eq_0[simp]: "0 = x + y \ x = 0 \ y = 0" using add_eq_0_iff_both_eq_0[of x y] unfolding eq_commute[of 0] . lemma less_eqE: assumes \a \ b\ obtains c where \b = a + c\ using assms by (auto simp add: le_iff_add) lemma lessE: assumes \a < b\ obtains c where \b = a + c\ and \c \ 0\ proof - from assms have \a \ b\ \a \ b\ by simp_all from \a \ b\ obtain c where \b = a + c\ by (rule less_eqE) moreover have \c \ 0\ using \a \ b\ \b = a + c\ by auto ultimately show ?thesis by (rule that) qed lemmas zero_order = zero_le le_zero_eq not_less_zero zero_less_iff_neq_zero not_gr_zero \ \This should be attributed with \[iff]\, but then \blast\ fails in \Set\.\ end class ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff = canonically_ordered_monoid_add + comm_monoid_diff + ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le begin context fixes a b :: 'a assumes le: "a \ b" begin lemma add_diff_inverse: "a + (b - a) = b" using le by (auto simp add: le_iff_add) lemma add_diff_assoc: "c + (b - a) = c + b - a" using le by (auto simp add: le_iff_add add.left_commute [of c]) lemma add_diff_assoc2: "b - a + c = b + c - a" using le by (auto simp add: le_iff_add add.assoc) lemma diff_add_assoc: "c + b - a = c + (b - a)" using le by (simp add: add.commute add_diff_assoc) lemma diff_add_assoc2: "b + c - a = b - a + c" using le by (simp add: add.commute add_diff_assoc) lemma diff_diff_right: "c - (b - a) = c + a - b" by (simp add: add_diff_inverse add_diff_cancel_left [of a c "b - a", symmetric] add.commute) lemma diff_add: "b - a + a = b" by (simp add: add.commute add_diff_inverse) lemma le_add_diff: "c \ b + c - a" by (auto simp add: add.commute diff_add_assoc2 le_iff_add) lemma le_imp_diff_is_add: "a \ b \ b - a = c \ b = c + a" by (auto simp add: add.commute add_diff_inverse) lemma le_diff_conv2: "c \ b - a \ c + a \ b" (is "?P \ ?Q") proof assume ?P then have "c + a \ b - a + a" by (rule add_right_mono) then show ?Q by (simp add: add_diff_inverse add.commute) next assume ?Q then have "a + c \ a + (b - a)" by (simp add: add_diff_inverse add.commute) then show ?P by simp qed end end subsection \Tools setup\ lemma add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring: fixes i j k :: "'a::ordered_ab_semigroup_add" shows "i \ j \ k \ l \ i + k \ j + l" and "i = j \ k \ l \ i + k \ j + l" and "i \ j \ k = l \ i + k \ j + l" and "i = j \ k = l \ i + k = j + l" by (rule add_mono, clarify+)+ lemma add_mono_thms_linordered_field: fixes i j k :: "'a::ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add" shows "i < j \ k = l \ i + k < j + l" and "i = j \ k < l \ i + k < j + l" and "i < j \ k \ l \ i + k < j + l" and "i \ j \ k < l \ i + k < j + l" and "i < j \ k < l \ i + k < j + l" by (auto intro: add_strict_right_mono add_strict_left_mono add_less_le_mono add_le_less_mono add_strict_mono) code_identifier code_module Groups \ (SML) Arith and (OCaml) Arith and (Haskell) Arith end diff --git a/src/HOL/HOL.thy b/src/HOL/HOL.thy --- a/src/HOL/HOL.thy +++ b/src/HOL/HOL.thy @@ -1,2177 +1,2177 @@ (* Title: HOL/HOL.thy Author: Tobias Nipkow, Markus Wenzel, and Larry Paulson *) section \The basis of Higher-Order Logic\ theory HOL imports Pure Tools.Code_Generator keywords "try" "solve_direct" "quickcheck" "print_coercions" "print_claset" "print_induct_rules" :: diag and "quickcheck_params" :: thy_decl abbrevs "?<" = "\\<^sub>\\<^sub>1" begin ML_file \~~/src/Tools/misc_legacy.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/try.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/solve_direct.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/IsaPlanner/zipper.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/IsaPlanner/isand.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/hypsubst.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/splitter.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/classical.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/blast.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/clasimp.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/eqsubst.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/quantifier1.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/atomize_elim.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/cong_tac.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/intuitionistic.ML\ setup \Intuitionistic.method_setup \<^binding>\iprover\\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/project_rule.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/subtyping.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/case_product.ML\ ML \Plugin_Name.declare_setup \<^binding>\extraction\\ ML \ Plugin_Name.declare_setup \<^binding>\quickcheck_random\; Plugin_Name.declare_setup \<^binding>\quickcheck_exhaustive\; Plugin_Name.declare_setup \<^binding>\quickcheck_bounded_forall\; Plugin_Name.declare_setup \<^binding>\quickcheck_full_exhaustive\; Plugin_Name.declare_setup \<^binding>\quickcheck_narrowing\; \ ML \ Plugin_Name.define_setup \<^binding>\quickcheck\ [\<^plugin>\quickcheck_exhaustive\, \<^plugin>\quickcheck_random\, \<^plugin>\quickcheck_bounded_forall\, \<^plugin>\quickcheck_full_exhaustive\, \<^plugin>\quickcheck_narrowing\] \ subsection \Primitive logic\ text \ The definition of the logic is based on Mike Gordon's technical report \<^cite>\"Gordon-TR68"\ that describes the first implementation of HOL. However, there are a number of differences. In particular, we start with the definite description operator and introduce Hilbert's \\\ operator only much later. Moreover, axiom \(P \ Q) \ (Q \ P) \ (P = Q)\ is derived from the other axioms. The fact that this axiom is derivable was first noticed by Bruno Barras (for Mike Gordon's line of HOL systems) and later independently by Alexander Maletzky (for Isabelle/HOL). \ subsubsection \Core syntax\ setup \Axclass.class_axiomatization (\<^binding>\type\, [])\ default_sort type setup \Object_Logic.add_base_sort \<^sort>\type\\ setup \Proofterm.set_preproc (Proof_Rewrite_Rules.standard_preproc [])\ axiomatization where fun_arity: "OFCLASS('a \ 'b, type_class)" instance "fun" :: (type, type) type by (rule fun_arity) axiomatization where itself_arity: "OFCLASS('a itself, type_class)" instance itself :: (type) type by (rule itself_arity) typedecl bool judgment Trueprop :: "bool \ prop" ("(_)" 5) axiomatization implies :: "[bool, bool] \ bool" (infixr "\" 25) and eq :: "['a, 'a] \ bool" and The :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a" notation (input) eq (infixl "=" 50) notation (output) eq (infix "=" 50) text \The input syntax for \eq\ is more permissive than the output syntax because of the large amount of material that relies on infixl.\ subsubsection \Defined connectives and quantifiers\ definition True :: bool where "True \ ((\x::bool. x) = (\x. x))" definition All :: "('a \ bool) \ bool" (binder "\" 10) where "All P \ (P = (\x. True))" definition Ex :: "('a \ bool) \ bool" (binder "\" 10) where "Ex P \ \Q. (\x. P x \ Q) \ Q" definition False :: bool where "False \ (\P. P)" definition Not :: "bool \ bool" ("\ _" [40] 40) where not_def: "\ P \ P \ False" definition conj :: "[bool, bool] \ bool" (infixr "\" 35) where and_def: "P \ Q \ \R. (P \ Q \ R) \ R" definition disj :: "[bool, bool] \ bool" (infixr "\" 30) where or_def: "P \ Q \ \R. (P \ R) \ (Q \ R) \ R" definition Uniq :: "('a \ bool) \ bool" where "Uniq P \ (\x y. P x \ P y \ y = x)" definition Ex1 :: "('a \ bool) \ bool" where "Ex1 P \ \x. P x \ (\y. P y \ y = x)" subsubsection \Additional concrete syntax\ syntax (ASCII) "_Uniq" :: "pttrn \ bool \ bool" ("(4?< _./ _)" [0, 10] 10) syntax "_Uniq" :: "pttrn \ bool \ bool" ("(2\\<^sub>\\<^sub>1 _./ _)" [0, 10] 10) translations "\\<^sub>\\<^sub>1x. P" \ "CONST Uniq (\x. P)" print_translation \ [Syntax_Trans.preserve_binder_abs_tr' \<^const_syntax>\Uniq\ \<^syntax_const>\_Uniq\] \ \ \to avoid eta-contraction of body\ syntax (ASCII) "_Ex1" :: "pttrn \ bool \ bool" ("(3EX! _./ _)" [0, 10] 10) syntax (input) "_Ex1" :: "pttrn \ bool \ bool" ("(3?! _./ _)" [0, 10] 10) syntax "_Ex1" :: "pttrn \ bool \ bool" ("(3\!_./ _)" [0, 10] 10) translations "\!x. P" \ "CONST Ex1 (\x. P)" print_translation \ [Syntax_Trans.preserve_binder_abs_tr' \<^const_syntax>\Ex1\ \<^syntax_const>\_Ex1\] \ \ \to avoid eta-contraction of body\ syntax "_Not_Ex" :: "idts \ bool \ bool" ("(3\_./ _)" [0, 10] 10) "_Not_Ex1" :: "pttrn \ bool \ bool" ("(3\!_./ _)" [0, 10] 10) translations "\x. P" \ "\ (\x. P)" "\!x. P" \ "\ (\!x. P)" abbreviation not_equal :: "['a, 'a] \ bool" (infix "\" 50) where "x \ y \ \ (x = y)" notation (ASCII) Not ("~ _" [40] 40) and conj (infixr "&" 35) and disj (infixr "|" 30) and implies (infixr "-->" 25) and not_equal (infix "~=" 50) abbreviation (iff) iff :: "[bool, bool] \ bool" (infixr "\" 25) where "A \ B \ A = B" syntax "_The" :: "[pttrn, bool] \ 'a" ("(3THE _./ _)" [0, 10] 10) translations "THE x. P" \ "CONST The (\x. P)" print_translation \ [(\<^const_syntax>\The\, fn _ => fn [Abs abs] => let val (x, t) = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' abs in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_The\ $ x $ t end)] \ \ \To avoid eta-contraction of body\ nonterminal letbinds and letbind syntax "_bind" :: "[pttrn, 'a] \ letbind" ("(2_ =/ _)" 10) "" :: "letbind \ letbinds" ("_") "_binds" :: "[letbind, letbinds] \ letbinds" ("_;/ _") "_Let" :: "[letbinds, 'a] \ 'a" ("(let (_)/ in (_))" [0, 10] 10) nonterminal case_syn and cases_syn syntax "_case_syntax" :: "['a, cases_syn] \ 'b" ("(case _ of/ _)" 10) "_case1" :: "['a, 'b] \ case_syn" ("(2_ \/ _)" 10) "" :: "case_syn \ cases_syn" ("_") "_case2" :: "[case_syn, cases_syn] \ cases_syn" ("_/ | _") syntax (ASCII) "_case1" :: "['a, 'b] \ case_syn" ("(2_ =>/ _)" 10) notation (ASCII) All (binder "ALL " 10) and Ex (binder "EX " 10) notation (input) All (binder "! " 10) and Ex (binder "? " 10) subsubsection \Axioms and basic definitions\ axiomatization where refl: "t = (t::'a)" and subst: "s = t \ P s \ P t" and ext: "(\x::'a. (f x ::'b) = g x) \ (\x. f x) = (\x. g x)" \ \Extensionality is built into the meta-logic, and this rule expresses a related property. It is an eta-expanded version of the traditional rule, and similar to the ABS rule of HOL\ and the_eq_trivial: "(THE x. x = a) = (a::'a)" axiomatization where impI: "(P \ Q) \ P \ Q" and mp: "\P \ Q; P\ \ Q" and True_or_False: "(P = True) \ (P = False)" definition If :: "bool \ 'a \ 'a \ 'a" ("(if (_)/ then (_)/ else (_))" [0, 0, 10] 10) where "If P x y \ (THE z::'a. (P = True \ z = x) \ (P = False \ z = y))" definition Let :: "'a \ ('a \ 'b) \ 'b" where "Let s f \ f s" translations "_Let (_binds b bs) e" \ "_Let b (_Let bs e)" "let x = a in e" \ "CONST Let a (\x. e)" axiomatization undefined :: 'a class default = fixes default :: 'a subsection \Fundamental rules\ subsubsection \Equality\ lemma sym: "s = t \ t = s" by (erule subst) (rule refl) lemma ssubst: "t = s \ P s \ P t" by (drule sym) (erule subst) lemma trans: "\r = s; s = t\ \ r = t" by (erule subst) lemma trans_sym [Pure.elim?]: "r = s \ t = s \ r = t" by (rule trans [OF _ sym]) lemma meta_eq_to_obj_eq: assumes "A \ B" shows "A = B" unfolding assms by (rule refl) text \Useful with \erule\ for proving equalities from known equalities.\ (* a = b | | c = d *) lemma box_equals: "\a = b; a = c; b = d\ \ c = d" by (iprover intro: sym trans) text \For calculational reasoning:\ lemma forw_subst: "a = b \ P b \ P a" by (rule ssubst) lemma back_subst: "P a \ a = b \ P b" by (rule subst) subsubsection \Congruence rules for application\ text \Similar to \AP_THM\ in Gordon's HOL.\ lemma fun_cong: "(f :: 'a \ 'b) = g \ f x = g x" by (iprover intro: refl elim: subst) text \Similar to \AP_TERM\ in Gordon's HOL and FOL's \subst_context\.\ lemma arg_cong: "x = y \ f x = f y" by (iprover intro: refl elim: subst) lemma arg_cong2: "\a = b; c = d\ \ f a c = f b d" by (iprover intro: refl elim: subst) lemma cong: "\f = g; (x::'a) = y\ \ f x = g y" by (iprover intro: refl elim: subst) ML \fun cong_tac ctxt = Cong_Tac.cong_tac ctxt @{thm cong}\ subsubsection \Equality of booleans -- iff\ lemma iffD2: "\P = Q; Q\ \ P" by (erule ssubst) lemma rev_iffD2: "\Q; P = Q\ \ P" by (erule iffD2) lemma iffD1: "Q = P \ Q \ P" by (drule sym) (rule iffD2) lemma rev_iffD1: "Q \ Q = P \ P" by (drule sym) (rule rev_iffD2) lemma iffE: assumes major: "P = Q" and minor: "\P \ Q; Q \ P\ \ R" shows R by (iprover intro: minor impI major [THEN iffD2] major [THEN iffD1]) subsubsection \True (1)\ lemma TrueI: True unfolding True_def by (rule refl) lemma eqTrueE: "P = True \ P" by (erule iffD2) (rule TrueI) subsubsection \Universal quantifier (1)\ lemma spec: "\x::'a. P x \ P x" unfolding All_def by (iprover intro: eqTrueE fun_cong) lemma allE: assumes major: "\x. P x" and minor: "P x \ R" shows R by (iprover intro: minor major [THEN spec]) lemma all_dupE: assumes major: "\x. P x" and minor: "\P x; \x. P x\ \ R" shows R by (iprover intro: minor major major [THEN spec]) subsubsection \False\ text \ Depends upon \spec\; it is impossible to do propositional logic before quantifiers! \ lemma FalseE: "False \ P" unfolding False_def by (erule spec) lemma False_neq_True: "False = True \ P" by (erule eqTrueE [THEN FalseE]) subsubsection \Negation\ lemma notI: assumes "P \ False" shows "\ P" unfolding not_def by (iprover intro: impI assms) lemma False_not_True: "False \ True" by (iprover intro: notI elim: False_neq_True) lemma True_not_False: "True \ False" by (iprover intro: notI dest: sym elim: False_neq_True) lemma notE: "\\ P; P\ \ R" unfolding not_def by (iprover intro: mp [THEN FalseE]) subsubsection \Implication\ lemma impE: assumes "P \ Q" P "Q \ R" shows R by (iprover intro: assms mp) text \Reduces \Q\ to \P \ Q\, allowing substitution in \P\.\ lemma rev_mp: "\P; P \ Q\ \ Q" by (rule mp) lemma contrapos_nn: assumes major: "\ Q" and minor: "P \ Q" shows "\ P" by (iprover intro: notI minor major [THEN notE]) text \Not used at all, but we already have the other 3 combinations.\ lemma contrapos_pn: assumes major: "Q" and minor: "P \ \ Q" shows "\ P" by (iprover intro: notI minor major notE) lemma not_sym: "t \ s \ s \ t" by (erule contrapos_nn) (erule sym) lemma eq_neq_eq_imp_neq: "\x = a; a \ b; b = y\ \ x \ y" by (erule subst, erule ssubst, assumption) subsubsection \Disjunction (1)\ lemma disjE: assumes major: "P \ Q" and minorP: "P \ R" and minorQ: "Q \ R" shows R by (iprover intro: minorP minorQ impI major [unfolded or_def, THEN spec, THEN mp, THEN mp]) subsubsection \Derivation of \iffI\\ text \In an intuitionistic version of HOL \iffI\ needs to be an axiom.\ lemma iffI: assumes "P \ Q" and "Q \ P" shows "P = Q" proof (rule disjE[OF True_or_False[of P]]) assume 1: "P = True" note Q = assms(1)[OF eqTrueE[OF this]] from 1 show ?thesis proof (rule ssubst) from True_or_False[of Q] show "True = Q" proof (rule disjE) assume "Q = True" thus ?thesis by(rule sym) next assume "Q = False" with Q have False by (rule rev_iffD1) thus ?thesis by (rule FalseE) qed qed next assume 2: "P = False" thus ?thesis proof (rule ssubst) from True_or_False[of Q] show "False = Q" proof (rule disjE) assume "Q = True" from 2 assms(2)[OF eqTrueE[OF this]] have False by (rule iffD1) thus ?thesis by (rule FalseE) next assume "Q = False" thus ?thesis by(rule sym) qed qed qed subsubsection \True (2)\ lemma eqTrueI: "P \ P = True" by (iprover intro: iffI TrueI) subsubsection \Universal quantifier (2)\ lemma allI: assumes "\x::'a. P x" shows "\x. P x" unfolding All_def by (iprover intro: ext eqTrueI assms) subsubsection \Existential quantifier\ lemma exI: "P x \ \x::'a. P x" unfolding Ex_def by (iprover intro: allI allE impI mp) lemma exE: assumes major: "\x::'a. P x" and minor: "\x. P x \ Q" shows "Q" by (rule major [unfolded Ex_def, THEN spec, THEN mp]) (iprover intro: impI [THEN allI] minor) subsubsection \Conjunction\ lemma conjI: "\P; Q\ \ P \ Q" unfolding and_def by (iprover intro: impI [THEN allI] mp) lemma conjunct1: "\P \ Q\ \ P" unfolding and_def by (iprover intro: impI dest: spec mp) lemma conjunct2: "\P \ Q\ \ Q" unfolding and_def by (iprover intro: impI dest: spec mp) lemma conjE: assumes major: "P \ Q" and minor: "\P; Q\ \ R" shows R proof (rule minor) show P by (rule major [THEN conjunct1]) show Q by (rule major [THEN conjunct2]) qed lemma context_conjI: assumes P "P \ Q" shows "P \ Q" by (iprover intro: conjI assms) subsubsection \Disjunction (2)\ lemma disjI1: "P \ P \ Q" unfolding or_def by (iprover intro: allI impI mp) lemma disjI2: "Q \ P \ Q" unfolding or_def by (iprover intro: allI impI mp) subsubsection \Classical logic\ lemma classical: assumes "\ P \ P" shows P proof (rule True_or_False [THEN disjE]) show P if "P = True" using that by (iprover intro: eqTrueE) show P if "P = False" proof (intro notI assms) assume P with that show False by (iprover elim: subst) qed qed lemmas ccontr = FalseE [THEN classical] text \\notE\ with premises exchanged; it discharges \\ R\ so that it can be used to make elimination rules.\ lemma rev_notE: assumes premp: P and premnot: "\ R \ \ P" shows R by (iprover intro: ccontr notE [OF premnot premp]) text \Double negation law.\ lemma notnotD: "\\ P \ P" by (iprover intro: ccontr notE ) lemma contrapos_pp: assumes p1: Q and p2: "\ P \ \ Q" shows P by (iprover intro: classical p1 p2 notE) subsubsection \Unique existence\ lemma Uniq_I [intro?]: assumes "\x y. \P x; P y\ \ y = x" shows "Uniq P" unfolding Uniq_def by (iprover intro: assms allI impI) lemma Uniq_D [dest?]: "\Uniq P; P a; P b\ \ a=b" unfolding Uniq_def by (iprover dest: spec mp) lemma ex1I: assumes "P a" "\x. P x \ x = a" shows "\!x. P x" unfolding Ex1_def by (iprover intro: assms exI conjI allI impI) text \Sometimes easier to use: the premises have no shared variables. Safe!\ lemma ex_ex1I: assumes ex_prem: "\x. P x" and eq: "\x y. \P x; P y\ \ x = y" shows "\!x. P x" by (iprover intro: ex_prem [THEN exE] ex1I eq) lemma ex1E: assumes major: "\!x. P x" and minor: "\x. \P x; \y. P y \ y = x\ \ R" shows R proof (rule major [unfolded Ex1_def, THEN exE]) show "\x. P x \ (\y. P y \ y = x) \ R" by (iprover intro: minor elim: conjE) qed lemma ex1_implies_ex: "\!x. P x \ \x. P x" by (iprover intro: exI elim: ex1E) subsubsection \Classical intro rules for disjunction and existential quantifiers\ lemma disjCI: assumes "\ Q \ P" shows "P \ Q" by (rule classical) (iprover intro: assms disjI1 disjI2 notI elim: notE) lemma excluded_middle: "\ P \ P" by (iprover intro: disjCI) text \ case distinction as a natural deduction rule. Note that \\ P\ is the second case, not the first. \ lemma case_split [case_names True False]: assumes "P \ Q" "\ P \ Q" shows Q using excluded_middle [of P] by (iprover intro: assms elim: disjE) text \Classical implies (\\\) elimination.\ lemma impCE: assumes major: "P \ Q" and minor: "\ P \ R" "Q \ R" shows R using excluded_middle [of P] by (iprover intro: minor major [THEN mp] elim: disjE)+ text \ This version of \\\ elimination works on \Q\ before \P\. It works best for those cases in which \P\ holds "almost everywhere". Can't install as default: would break old proofs. \ lemma impCE': assumes major: "P \ Q" and minor: "Q \ R" "\ P \ R" shows R using assms by (elim impCE) text \Classical \\\ elimination.\ lemma iffCE: assumes major: "P = Q" and minor: "\P; Q\ \ R" "\\ P; \ Q\ \ R" shows R by (rule major [THEN iffE]) (iprover intro: minor elim: impCE notE) lemma exCI: assumes "\x. \ P x \ P a" shows "\x. P x" by (rule ccontr) (iprover intro: assms exI allI notI notE [of "\x. P x"]) subsubsection \Intuitionistic Reasoning\ lemma impE': assumes 1: "P \ Q" and 2: "Q \ R" and 3: "P \ Q \ P" shows R proof - from 3 and 1 have P . with 1 have Q by (rule impE) with 2 show R . qed lemma allE': assumes 1: "\x. P x" and 2: "P x \ \x. P x \ Q" shows Q proof - from 1 have "P x" by (rule spec) from this and 1 show Q by (rule 2) qed lemma notE': assumes 1: "\ P" and 2: "\ P \ P" shows R proof - from 2 and 1 have P . with 1 show R by (rule notE) qed lemma TrueE: "True \ P \ P" . lemma notFalseE: "\ False \ P \ P" . lemmas [Pure.elim!] = disjE iffE FalseE conjE exE TrueE notFalseE and [Pure.intro!] = iffI conjI impI TrueI notI allI refl and [Pure.elim 2] = allE notE' impE' and [Pure.intro] = exI disjI2 disjI1 lemmas [trans] = trans and [sym] = sym not_sym and [Pure.elim?] = iffD1 iffD2 impE subsubsection \Atomizing meta-level connectives\ axiomatization where eq_reflection: "x = y \ x \ y" \ \admissible axiom\ lemma atomize_all [atomize]: "(\x. P x) \ Trueprop (\x. P x)" proof assume "\x. P x" then show "\x. P x" .. next assume "\x. P x" then show "\x. P x" by (rule allE) qed lemma atomize_imp [atomize]: "(A \ B) \ Trueprop (A \ B)" proof assume r: "A \ B" show "A \ B" by (rule impI) (rule r) next assume "A \ B" and A then show B by (rule mp) qed lemma atomize_not: "(A \ False) \ Trueprop (\ A)" proof assume r: "A \ False" show "\ A" by (rule notI) (rule r) next assume "\ A" and A then show False by (rule notE) qed lemma atomize_eq [atomize, code]: "(x \ y) \ Trueprop (x = y)" proof assume "x \ y" show "x = y" by (unfold \x \ y\) (rule refl) next assume "x = y" then show "x \ y" by (rule eq_reflection) qed lemma atomize_conj [atomize]: "(A &&& B) \ Trueprop (A \ B)" proof assume conj: "A &&& B" show "A \ B" proof (rule conjI) from conj show A by (rule conjunctionD1) from conj show B by (rule conjunctionD2) qed next assume conj: "A \ B" show "A &&& B" proof - from conj show A .. from conj show B .. qed qed lemmas [symmetric, rulify] = atomize_all atomize_imp and [symmetric, defn] = atomize_all atomize_imp atomize_eq subsubsection \Atomizing elimination rules\ lemma atomize_exL[atomize_elim]: "(\x. P x \ Q) \ ((\x. P x) \ Q)" by (rule equal_intr_rule) iprover+ lemma atomize_conjL[atomize_elim]: "(A \ B \ C) \ (A \ B \ C)" by (rule equal_intr_rule) iprover+ lemma atomize_disjL[atomize_elim]: "((A \ C) \ (B \ C) \ C) \ ((A \ B \ C) \ C)" by (rule equal_intr_rule) iprover+ lemma atomize_elimL[atomize_elim]: "(\B. (A \ B) \ B) \ Trueprop A" .. subsection \Package setup\ ML_file \Tools/hologic.ML\ ML_file \Tools/rewrite_hol_proof.ML\ setup \Proofterm.set_preproc (Proof_Rewrite_Rules.standard_preproc Rewrite_HOL_Proof.rews)\ subsubsection \Sledgehammer setup\ text \ Theorems blacklisted to Sledgehammer. These theorems typically produce clauses that are prolific (match too many equality or membership literals) and relate to seldom-used facts. Some duplicate other rules. \ named_theorems no_atp "theorems that should be filtered out by Sledgehammer" subsubsection \Classical Reasoner setup\ lemma imp_elim: "P \ Q \ (\ R \ P) \ (Q \ R) \ R" by (rule classical) iprover lemma swap: "\ P \ (\ R \ P) \ R" by (rule classical) iprover lemma thin_refl: "\x = x; PROP W\ \ PROP W" . ML \ structure Hypsubst = Hypsubst ( val dest_eq = HOLogic.dest_eq val dest_Trueprop = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop val dest_imp = HOLogic.dest_imp val eq_reflection = @{thm eq_reflection} val rev_eq_reflection = @{thm meta_eq_to_obj_eq} val imp_intr = @{thm impI} val rev_mp = @{thm rev_mp} val subst = @{thm subst} val sym = @{thm sym} val thin_refl = @{thm thin_refl}; ); open Hypsubst; structure Classical = Classical ( val imp_elim = @{thm imp_elim} val not_elim = @{thm notE} val swap = @{thm swap} val classical = @{thm classical} val sizef = Drule.size_of_thm val hyp_subst_tacs = [Hypsubst.hyp_subst_tac] ); structure Basic_Classical: BASIC_CLASSICAL = Classical; open Basic_Classical; \ setup \ (*prevent substitution on bool*) let fun non_bool_eq (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, Type (_, [T, _])) = T <> \<^typ>\bool\ | non_bool_eq _ = false; fun hyp_subst_tac' ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) => if Term.exists_Const non_bool_eq goal then Hypsubst.hyp_subst_tac ctxt i else no_tac); in Context_Rules.addSWrapper (fn ctxt => fn tac => hyp_subst_tac' ctxt ORELSE' tac) end \ declare iffI [intro!] and notI [intro!] and impI [intro!] and disjCI [intro!] and conjI [intro!] and TrueI [intro!] and refl [intro!] declare iffCE [elim!] and FalseE [elim!] and impCE [elim!] and disjE [elim!] and conjE [elim!] declare ex_ex1I [intro!] and allI [intro!] and exI [intro] declare exE [elim!] allE [elim] ML \val HOL_cs = claset_of \<^context>\ lemma contrapos_np: "\ Q \ (\ P \ Q) \ P" by (erule swap) declare ex_ex1I [rule del, intro! 2] and ex1I [intro] declare ext [intro] lemmas [intro?] = ext and [elim?] = ex1_implies_ex text \Better than \ex1E\ for classical reasoner: needs no quantifier duplication!\ lemma alt_ex1E [elim!]: assumes major: "\!x. P x" and minor: "\x. \P x; \y y'. P y \ P y' \ y = y'\ \ R" shows R proof (rule ex1E [OF major minor]) show "\y y'. P y \ P y' \ y = y'" if "P x" and \
: "\y. P y \ y = x" for x using \P x\ \
by fast qed assumption text \And again using Uniq\ lemma alt_ex1E': assumes "\!x. P x" "\x. \P x; \\<^sub>\\<^sub>1x. P x\ \ R" shows R using assms unfolding Uniq_def by fast lemma ex1_iff_ex_Uniq: "(\!x. P x) \ (\x. P x) \ (\\<^sub>\\<^sub>1x. P x)" unfolding Uniq_def by fast ML \ structure Blast = Blast ( structure Classical = Classical val Trueprop_const = dest_Const \<^Const>\Trueprop\ val equality_name = \<^const_name>\HOL.eq\ val not_name = \<^const_name>\Not\ val notE = @{thm notE} val ccontr = @{thm ccontr} val hyp_subst_tac = Hypsubst.blast_hyp_subst_tac ); val blast_tac = Blast.blast_tac; \ subsubsection \THE: definite description operator\ lemma the_equality [intro]: assumes "P a" and "\x. P x \ x = a" shows "(THE x. P x) = a" by (blast intro: assms trans [OF arg_cong [where f=The] the_eq_trivial]) lemma theI: assumes "P a" and "\x. P x \ x = a" shows "P (THE x. P x)" by (iprover intro: assms the_equality [THEN ssubst]) lemma theI': "\!x. P x \ P (THE x. P x)" by (blast intro: theI) text \Easier to apply than \theI\: only one occurrence of \P\.\ lemma theI2: assumes "P a" "\x. P x \ x = a" "\x. P x \ Q x" shows "Q (THE x. P x)" by (iprover intro: assms theI) lemma the1I2: assumes "\!x. P x" "\x. P x \ Q x" shows "Q (THE x. P x)" by (iprover intro: assms(2) theI2[where P=P and Q=Q] ex1E[OF assms(1)] elim: allE impE) lemma the1_equality [elim?]: "\\!x. P x; P a\ \ (THE x. P x) = a" by blast lemma the1_equality': "\\\<^sub>\\<^sub>1x. P x; P a\ \ (THE x. P x) = a" unfolding Uniq_def by blast lemma the_sym_eq_trivial: "(THE y. x = y) = x" by blast subsubsection \Simplifier\ lemma eta_contract_eq: "(\s. f s) = f" .. lemma subst_all: \(\x. x = a \ PROP P x) \ PROP P a\ \(\x. a = x \ PROP P x) \ PROP P a\ proof - show \(\x. x = a \ PROP P x) \ PROP P a\ proof (rule equal_intr_rule) assume *: \\x. x = a \ PROP P x\ show \PROP P a\ by (rule *) (rule refl) next fix x assume \PROP P a\ and \x = a\ from \x = a\ have \x \ a\ by (rule eq_reflection) with \PROP P a\ show \PROP P x\ by simp qed show \(\x. a = x \ PROP P x) \ PROP P a\ proof (rule equal_intr_rule) assume *: \\x. a = x \ PROP P x\ show \PROP P a\ by (rule *) (rule refl) next fix x assume \PROP P a\ and \a = x\ from \a = x\ have \a \ x\ by (rule eq_reflection) with \PROP P a\ show \PROP P x\ by simp qed qed lemma simp_thms: shows not_not: "(\ \ P) = P" and Not_eq_iff: "((\ P) = (\ Q)) = (P = Q)" and "(P \ Q) = (P = (\ Q))" "(P \ \P) = True" "(\ P \ P) = True" "(x = x) = True" and not_True_eq_False [code]: "(\ True) = False" and not_False_eq_True [code]: "(\ False) = True" and "(\ P) \ P" "P \ (\ P)" "(True = P) = P" and eq_True: "(P = True) = P" and "(False = P) = (\ P)" and eq_False: "(P = False) = (\ P)" and "(True \ P) = P" "(False \ P) = True" "(P \ True) = True" "(P \ P) = True" "(P \ False) = (\ P)" "(P \ \ P) = (\ P)" "(P \ True) = P" "(True \ P) = P" "(P \ False) = False" "(False \ P) = False" "(P \ P) = P" "(P \ (P \ Q)) = (P \ Q)" "(P \ \ P) = False" "(\ P \ P) = False" "(P \ True) = True" "(True \ P) = True" "(P \ False) = P" "(False \ P) = P" "(P \ P) = P" "(P \ (P \ Q)) = (P \ Q)" and "(\x. P) = P" "(\x. P) = P" "\x. x = t" "\x. t = x" and "\P. (\x. x = t \ P x) = P t" "\P. (\x. t = x \ P x) = P t" "\P. (\x. x = t \ P x) = P t" "\P. (\x. t = x \ P x) = P t" "(\x. x \ t) = False" "(\x. t \ x) = False" by (blast, blast, blast, blast, blast, iprover+) lemma disj_absorb: "A \ A \ A" by blast lemma disj_left_absorb: "A \ (A \ B) \ A \ B" by blast lemma conj_absorb: "A \ A \ A" by blast lemma conj_left_absorb: "A \ (A \ B) \ A \ B" by blast lemma eq_ac: shows eq_commute: "a = b \ b = a" and iff_left_commute: "(P \ (Q \ R)) \ (Q \ (P \ R))" and iff_assoc: "((P \ Q) \ R) \ (P \ (Q \ R))" by (iprover, blast+) lemma neq_commute: "a \ b \ b \ a" by iprover lemma conj_comms: shows conj_commute: "P \ Q \ Q \ P" and conj_left_commute: "P \ (Q \ R) \ Q \ (P \ R)" by iprover+ lemma conj_assoc: "(P \ Q) \ R \ P \ (Q \ R)" by iprover lemmas conj_ac = conj_commute conj_left_commute conj_assoc lemma disj_comms: shows disj_commute: "P \ Q \ Q \ P" and disj_left_commute: "P \ (Q \ R) \ Q \ (P \ R)" by iprover+ lemma disj_assoc: "(P \ Q) \ R \ P \ (Q \ R)" by iprover lemmas disj_ac = disj_commute disj_left_commute disj_assoc lemma conj_disj_distribL: "P \ (Q \ R) \ P \ Q \ P \ R" by iprover lemma conj_disj_distribR: "(P \ Q) \ R \ P \ R \ Q \ R" by iprover lemma disj_conj_distribL: "P \ (Q \ R) \ (P \ Q) \ (P \ R)" by iprover lemma disj_conj_distribR: "(P \ Q) \ R \ (P \ R) \ (Q \ R)" by iprover lemma imp_conjR: "(P \ (Q \ R)) = ((P \ Q) \ (P \ R))" by iprover lemma imp_conjL: "((P \ Q) \ R) = (P \ (Q \ R))" by iprover lemma imp_disjL: "((P \ Q) \ R) = ((P \ R) \ (Q \ R))" by iprover text \These two are specialized, but \imp_disj_not1\ is useful in \Auth/Yahalom\.\ lemma imp_disj_not1: "(P \ Q \ R) \ (\ Q \ P \ R)" by blast lemma imp_disj_not2: "(P \ Q \ R) \ (\ R \ P \ Q)" by blast lemma imp_disj1: "((P \ Q) \ R) \ (P \ Q \ R)" by blast lemma imp_disj2: "(Q \ (P \ R)) \ (P \ Q \ R)" by blast lemma imp_cong: "(P = P') \ (P' \ (Q = Q')) \ ((P \ Q) \ (P' \ Q'))" by iprover lemma de_Morgan_disj: "\ (P \ Q) \ \ P \ \ Q" by iprover lemma de_Morgan_conj: "\ (P \ Q) \ \ P \ \ Q" by blast lemma not_imp: "\ (P \ Q) \ P \ \ Q" by blast lemma not_iff: "P \ Q \ (P \ \ Q)" by blast lemma disj_not1: "\ P \ Q \ (P \ Q)" by blast lemma disj_not2: "P \ \ Q \ (Q \ P)" by blast \ \changes orientation :-(\ lemma imp_conv_disj: "(P \ Q) \ (\ P) \ Q" by blast lemma disj_imp: "P \ Q \ \ P \ Q" by blast lemma iff_conv_conj_imp: "(P \ Q) \ (P \ Q) \ (Q \ P)" by iprover lemma cases_simp: "(P \ Q) \ (\ P \ Q) \ Q" \ \Avoids duplication of subgoals after \if_split\, when the true and false\ \ \cases boil down to the same thing.\ by blast lemma not_all: "\ (\x. P x) \ (\x. \ P x)" by blast lemma imp_all: "((\x. P x) \ Q) \ (\x. P x \ Q)" by blast lemma not_ex: "\ (\x. P x) \ (\x. \ P x)" by iprover lemma imp_ex: "((\x. P x) \ Q) \ (\x. P x \ Q)" by iprover lemma all_not_ex: "(\x. P x) \ \ (\x. \ P x)" by blast declare All_def [no_atp] lemma ex_disj_distrib: "(\x. P x \ Q x) \ (\x. P x) \ (\x. Q x)" by iprover lemma all_conj_distrib: "(\x. P x \ Q x) \ (\x. P x) \ (\x. Q x)" by iprover text \ \<^medskip> The \\\ congruence rule: not included by default! May slow rewrite proofs down by as much as 50\%\ lemma conj_cong: "P = P' \ (P' \ Q = Q') \ (P \ Q) = (P' \ Q')" by iprover lemma rev_conj_cong: "Q = Q' \ (Q' \ P = P') \ (P \ Q) = (P' \ Q')" by iprover text \The \|\ congruence rule: not included by default!\ lemma disj_cong: "P = P' \ (\ P' \ Q = Q') \ (P \ Q) = (P' \ Q')" by blast text \\<^medskip> if-then-else rules\ lemma if_True [code]: "(if True then x else y) = x" unfolding If_def by blast lemma if_False [code]: "(if False then x else y) = y" unfolding If_def by blast lemma if_P: "P \ (if P then x else y) = x" unfolding If_def by blast lemma if_not_P: "\ P \ (if P then x else y) = y" unfolding If_def by blast lemma if_split: "P (if Q then x else y) = ((Q \ P x) \ (\ Q \ P y))" proof (rule case_split [of Q]) show ?thesis if Q using that by (simplesubst if_P) blast+ show ?thesis if "\ Q" using that by (simplesubst if_not_P) blast+ qed lemma if_split_asm: "P (if Q then x else y) = (\ ((Q \ \ P x) \ (\ Q \ \ P y)))" by (simplesubst if_split) blast lemmas if_splits [no_atp] = if_split if_split_asm lemma if_cancel: "(if c then x else x) = x" by (simplesubst if_split) blast lemma if_eq_cancel: "(if x = y then y else x) = x" by (simplesubst if_split) blast lemma if_bool_eq_conj: "(if P then Q else R) = ((P \ Q) \ (\ P \ R))" \ \This form is useful for expanding \if\s on the RIGHT of the \\\ symbol.\ by (rule if_split) lemma if_bool_eq_disj: "(if P then Q else R) = ((P \ Q) \ (\ P \ R))" \ \And this form is useful for expanding \if\s on the LEFT.\ by (simplesubst if_split) blast lemma Eq_TrueI: "P \ P \ True" unfolding atomize_eq by iprover lemma Eq_FalseI: "\ P \ P \ False" unfolding atomize_eq by iprover text \\<^medskip> let rules for simproc\ lemma Let_folded: "f x \ g x \ Let x f \ Let x g" by (unfold Let_def) lemma Let_unfold: "f x \ g \ Let x f \ g" by (unfold Let_def) text \ The following copy of the implication operator is useful for fine-tuning congruence rules. It instructs the simplifier to simplify its premise. \ definition simp_implies :: "prop \ prop \ prop" (infixr "=simp=>" 1) where "simp_implies \ (\)" lemma simp_impliesI: assumes PQ: "(PROP P \ PROP Q)" shows "PROP P =simp=> PROP Q" unfolding simp_implies_def by (iprover intro: PQ) lemma simp_impliesE: assumes PQ: "PROP P =simp=> PROP Q" and P: "PROP P" and QR: "PROP Q \ PROP R" shows "PROP R" by (iprover intro: QR P PQ [unfolded simp_implies_def]) lemma simp_implies_cong: assumes PP' :"PROP P \ PROP P'" and P'QQ': "PROP P' \ (PROP Q \ PROP Q')" shows "(PROP P =simp=> PROP Q) \ (PROP P' =simp=> PROP Q')" unfolding simp_implies_def proof (rule equal_intr_rule) assume PQ: "PROP P \ PROP Q" and P': "PROP P'" from PP' [symmetric] and P' have "PROP P" by (rule equal_elim_rule1) then have "PROP Q" by (rule PQ) with P'QQ' [OF P'] show "PROP Q'" by (rule equal_elim_rule1) next assume P'Q': "PROP P' \ PROP Q'" and P: "PROP P" from PP' and P have P': "PROP P'" by (rule equal_elim_rule1) then have "PROP Q'" by (rule P'Q') with P'QQ' [OF P', symmetric] show "PROP Q" by (rule equal_elim_rule1) qed lemma uncurry: assumes "P \ Q \ R" shows "P \ Q \ R" using assms by blast lemma iff_allI: assumes "\x. P x = Q x" shows "(\x. P x) = (\x. Q x)" using assms by blast lemma iff_exI: assumes "\x. P x = Q x" shows "(\x. P x) = (\x. Q x)" using assms by blast lemma all_comm: "(\x y. P x y) = (\y x. P x y)" by blast lemma ex_comm: "(\x y. P x y) = (\y x. P x y)" by blast ML_file \Tools/simpdata.ML\ ML \open Simpdata\ setup \ map_theory_simpset (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss) #> Simplifier.method_setup Splitter.split_modifiers \ simproc_setup defined_Ex ("\x. P x") = \K Quantifier1.rearrange_Ex\ simproc_setup defined_All ("\x. P x") = \K Quantifier1.rearrange_All\ simproc_setup defined_all("\x. PROP P x") = \K Quantifier1.rearrange_all\ text \Simproc for proving \(y = x) \ False\ from premise \\ (x = y)\:\ -simproc_setup neq ("x = y") = \fn _ => +simproc_setup neq ("x = y") = \ let val neq_to_EQ_False = @{thm not_sym} RS @{thm Eq_FalseI}; fun is_neq eq lhs rhs thm = (case Thm.prop_of thm of _ $ (Not $ (eq' $ l' $ r')) => Not = HOLogic.Not andalso eq' = eq andalso r' aconv lhs andalso l' aconv rhs | _ => false); fun proc ss ct = (case Thm.term_of ct of eq $ lhs $ rhs => (case find_first (is_neq eq lhs rhs) (Simplifier.prems_of ss) of SOME thm => SOME (thm RS neq_to_EQ_False) | NONE => NONE) | _ => NONE); - in proc end + in K proc end \ simproc_setup let_simp ("Let x f") = \ let fun count_loose (Bound i) k = if i >= k then 1 else 0 | count_loose (s $ t) k = count_loose s k + count_loose t k | count_loose (Abs (_, _, t)) k = count_loose t (k + 1) | count_loose _ _ = 0; fun is_trivial_let (Const (\<^const_name>\Let\, _) $ x $ t) = (case t of Abs (_, _, t') => count_loose t' 0 <= 1 | _ => true); in - fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct => + K (fn ctxt => fn ct => if is_trivial_let (Thm.term_of ct) then SOME @{thm Let_def} (*no or one ocurrence of bound variable*) else let (*Norbert Schirmer's case*) val t = Thm.term_of ct; val (t', ctxt') = yield_singleton (Variable.import_terms false) t ctxt; in Option.map (hd o Variable.export ctxt' ctxt o single) (case t' of Const (\<^const_name>\Let\,_) $ x $ f => (* x and f are already in normal form *) if is_Free x orelse is_Bound x orelse is_Const x then SOME @{thm Let_def} else let val n = case f of (Abs (x, _, _)) => x | _ => "x"; val cx = Thm.cterm_of ctxt x; val xT = Thm.typ_of_cterm cx; val cf = Thm.cterm_of ctxt f; val fx_g = Simplifier.rewrite ctxt (Thm.apply cf cx); val (_ $ _ $ g) = Thm.prop_of fx_g; val g' = abstract_over (x, g); val abs_g'= Abs (n, xT, g'); in if g aconv g' then let val rl = infer_instantiate ctxt [(("f", 0), cf), (("x", 0), cx)] @{thm Let_unfold}; in SOME (rl OF [fx_g]) end else if (Envir.beta_eta_contract f) aconv (Envir.beta_eta_contract abs_g') then NONE (*avoid identity conversion*) else let val g'x = abs_g' $ x; val g_g'x = Thm.symmetric (Thm.beta_conversion false (Thm.cterm_of ctxt g'x)); val rl = @{thm Let_folded} |> infer_instantiate ctxt [(("f", 0), Thm.cterm_of ctxt f), (("x", 0), cx), (("g", 0), Thm.cterm_of ctxt abs_g')]; in SOME (rl OF [Thm.transitive fx_g g_g'x]) end end | _ => NONE) - end + end) end \ lemma True_implies_equals: "(True \ PROP P) \ PROP P" proof assume "True \ PROP P" from this [OF TrueI] show "PROP P" . next assume "PROP P" then show "PROP P" . qed lemma implies_True_equals: "(PROP P \ True) \ Trueprop True" by standard (intro TrueI) lemma False_implies_equals: "(False \ P) \ Trueprop True" by standard simp_all (* It seems that making this a simp rule is slower than using the simproc below *) lemma implies_False_swap: "(False \ PROP P \ PROP Q) \ (PROP P \ False \ PROP Q)" by (rule swap_prems_eq) ML \ fun eliminate_false_implies ct = let val (prems, concl) = Logic.strip_horn (Thm.term_of ct) fun go n = if n > 1 then Conv.rewr_conv @{thm Pure.swap_prems_eq} then_conv Conv.arg_conv (go (n - 1)) then_conv Conv.rewr_conv @{thm HOL.implies_True_equals} else Conv.rewr_conv @{thm HOL.False_implies_equals} in case concl of Const (@{const_name HOL.Trueprop}, _) $ _ => SOME (go (length prems) ct) | _ => NONE end \ simproc_setup eliminate_false_implies ("False \ PROP P") = \K (K eliminate_false_implies)\ lemma ex_simps: "\P Q. (\x. P x \ Q) = ((\x. P x) \ Q)" "\P Q. (\x. P \ Q x) = (P \ (\x. Q x))" "\P Q. (\x. P x \ Q) = ((\x. P x) \ Q)" "\P Q. (\x. P \ Q x) = (P \ (\x. Q x))" "\P Q. (\x. P x \ Q) = ((\x. P x) \ Q)" "\P Q. (\x. P \ Q x) = (P \ (\x. Q x))" \ \Miniscoping: pushing in existential quantifiers.\ by (iprover | blast)+ lemma all_simps: "\P Q. (\x. P x \ Q) = ((\x. P x) \ Q)" "\P Q. (\x. P \ Q x) = (P \ (\x. Q x))" "\P Q. (\x. P x \ Q) = ((\x. P x) \ Q)" "\P Q. (\x. P \ Q x) = (P \ (\x. Q x))" "\P Q. (\x. P x \ Q) = ((\x. P x) \ Q)" "\P Q. (\x. P \ Q x) = (P \ (\x. Q x))" \ \Miniscoping: pushing in universal quantifiers.\ by (iprover | blast)+ lemmas [simp] = triv_forall_equality \ \prunes params\ True_implies_equals implies_True_equals \ \prune \True\ in asms\ False_implies_equals \ \prune \False\ in asms\ if_True if_False if_cancel if_eq_cancel imp_disjL \ \In general it seems wrong to add distributive laws by default: they might cause exponential blow-up. But \imp_disjL\ has been in for a while and cannot be removed without affecting existing proofs. Moreover, rewriting by \(P \ Q \ R) = ((P \ R) \ (Q \ R))\ might be justified on the grounds that it allows simplification of \R\ in the two cases.\ conj_assoc disj_assoc de_Morgan_conj de_Morgan_disj imp_disj1 imp_disj2 not_imp disj_not1 not_all not_ex cases_simp the_eq_trivial the_sym_eq_trivial ex_simps all_simps simp_thms subst_all lemmas [cong] = imp_cong simp_implies_cong lemmas [split] = if_split ML \val HOL_ss = simpset_of \<^context>\ text \Simplifies \x\ assuming \c\ and \y\ assuming \\ c\.\ lemma if_cong: assumes "b = c" and "c \ x = u" and "\ c \ y = v" shows "(if b then x else y) = (if c then u else v)" using assms by simp text \Prevents simplification of \x\ and \y\: faster and allows the execution of functional programs.\ lemma if_weak_cong [cong]: assumes "b = c" shows "(if b then x else y) = (if c then x else y)" using assms by (rule arg_cong) text \Prevents simplification of t: much faster\ lemma let_weak_cong: assumes "a = b" shows "(let x = a in t x) = (let x = b in t x)" using assms by (rule arg_cong) text \To tidy up the result of a simproc. Only the RHS will be simplified.\ lemma eq_cong2: assumes "u = u'" shows "(t \ u) \ (t \ u')" using assms by simp lemma if_distrib: "f (if c then x else y) = (if c then f x else f y)" by simp lemma if_distribR: "(if b then f else g) x = (if b then f x else g x)" by simp lemma all_if_distrib: "(\x. if x = a then P x else Q x) \ P a \ (\x. x\a \ Q x)" by auto lemma ex_if_distrib: "(\x. if x = a then P x else Q x) \ P a \ (\x. x\a \ Q x)" by auto lemma if_if_eq_conj: "(if P then if Q then x else y else y) = (if P \ Q then x else y)" by simp text \As a simplification rule, it replaces all function equalities by first-order equalities.\ lemma fun_eq_iff: "f = g \ (\x. f x = g x)" by auto subsubsection \Generic cases and induction\ text \Rule projections:\ ML \ structure Project_Rule = Project_Rule ( val conjunct1 = @{thm conjunct1} val conjunct2 = @{thm conjunct2} val mp = @{thm mp} ); \ context begin qualified definition "induct_forall P \ \x. P x" qualified definition "induct_implies A B \ A \ B" qualified definition "induct_equal x y \ x = y" qualified definition "induct_conj A B \ A \ B" qualified definition "induct_true \ True" qualified definition "induct_false \ False" lemma induct_forall_eq: "(\x. P x) \ Trueprop (induct_forall (\x. P x))" by (unfold atomize_all induct_forall_def) lemma induct_implies_eq: "(A \ B) \ Trueprop (induct_implies A B)" by (unfold atomize_imp induct_implies_def) lemma induct_equal_eq: "(x \ y) \ Trueprop (induct_equal x y)" by (unfold atomize_eq induct_equal_def) lemma induct_conj_eq: "(A &&& B) \ Trueprop (induct_conj A B)" by (unfold atomize_conj induct_conj_def) lemmas induct_atomize' = induct_forall_eq induct_implies_eq induct_conj_eq lemmas induct_atomize = induct_atomize' induct_equal_eq lemmas induct_rulify' [symmetric] = induct_atomize' lemmas induct_rulify [symmetric] = induct_atomize lemmas induct_rulify_fallback = induct_forall_def induct_implies_def induct_equal_def induct_conj_def induct_true_def induct_false_def lemma induct_forall_conj: "induct_forall (\x. induct_conj (A x) (B x)) = induct_conj (induct_forall A) (induct_forall B)" by (unfold induct_forall_def induct_conj_def) iprover lemma induct_implies_conj: "induct_implies C (induct_conj A B) = induct_conj (induct_implies C A) (induct_implies C B)" by (unfold induct_implies_def induct_conj_def) iprover lemma induct_conj_curry: "(induct_conj A B \ PROP C) \ (A \ B \ PROP C)" proof assume r: "induct_conj A B \ PROP C" assume ab: A B show "PROP C" by (rule r) (simp add: induct_conj_def ab) next assume r: "A \ B \ PROP C" assume ab: "induct_conj A B" show "PROP C" by (rule r) (simp_all add: ab [unfolded induct_conj_def]) qed lemmas induct_conj = induct_forall_conj induct_implies_conj induct_conj_curry lemma induct_trueI: "induct_true" by (simp add: induct_true_def) text \Method setup.\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/induct.ML\ ML \ structure Induct = Induct ( val cases_default = @{thm case_split} val atomize = @{thms induct_atomize} val rulify = @{thms induct_rulify'} val rulify_fallback = @{thms induct_rulify_fallback} val equal_def = @{thm induct_equal_def} fun dest_def (Const (\<^const_name>\induct_equal\, _) $ t $ u) = SOME (t, u) | dest_def _ = NONE fun trivial_tac ctxt = match_tac ctxt @{thms induct_trueI} ) \ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/induction.ML\ declaration \ fn _ => Induct.map_simpset (fn ss => ss addsimprocs [Simplifier.make_simproc \<^context> "swap_induct_false" {lhss = [\<^term>\induct_false \ PROP P \ PROP Q\], proc = fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of _ $ (P as _ $ \<^Const_>\induct_false\) $ (_ $ Q $ _) => if P <> Q then SOME Drule.swap_prems_eq else NONE | _ => NONE)}, Simplifier.make_simproc \<^context> "induct_equal_conj_curry" {lhss = [\<^term>\induct_conj P Q \ PROP R\], proc = fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of _ $ (_ $ P) $ _ => let fun is_conj \<^Const_>\induct_conj for P Q\ = is_conj P andalso is_conj Q | is_conj \<^Const_>\induct_equal _ for _ _\ = true | is_conj \<^Const_>\induct_true\ = true | is_conj \<^Const_>\induct_false\ = true | is_conj _ = false in if is_conj P then SOME @{thm induct_conj_curry} else NONE end | _ => NONE)}] |> Simplifier.set_mksimps (fn ctxt => Simpdata.mksimps Simpdata.mksimps_pairs ctxt #> map (rewrite_rule ctxt (map Thm.symmetric @{thms induct_rulify_fallback})))) \ text \Pre-simplification of induction and cases rules\ lemma [induct_simp]: "(\x. induct_equal x t \ PROP P x) \ PROP P t" unfolding induct_equal_def proof assume r: "\x. x = t \ PROP P x" show "PROP P t" by (rule r [OF refl]) next fix x assume "PROP P t" "x = t" then show "PROP P x" by simp qed lemma [induct_simp]: "(\x. induct_equal t x \ PROP P x) \ PROP P t" unfolding induct_equal_def proof assume r: "\x. t = x \ PROP P x" show "PROP P t" by (rule r [OF refl]) next fix x assume "PROP P t" "t = x" then show "PROP P x" by simp qed lemma [induct_simp]: "(induct_false \ P) \ Trueprop induct_true" unfolding induct_false_def induct_true_def by (iprover intro: equal_intr_rule) lemma [induct_simp]: "(induct_true \ PROP P) \ PROP P" unfolding induct_true_def proof assume "True \ PROP P" then show "PROP P" using TrueI . next assume "PROP P" then show "PROP P" . qed lemma [induct_simp]: "(PROP P \ induct_true) \ Trueprop induct_true" unfolding induct_true_def by (iprover intro: equal_intr_rule) lemma [induct_simp]: "(\x::'a::{}. induct_true) \ Trueprop induct_true" unfolding induct_true_def by (iprover intro: equal_intr_rule) lemma [induct_simp]: "induct_implies induct_true P \ P" by (simp add: induct_implies_def induct_true_def) lemma [induct_simp]: "x = x \ True" by (rule simp_thms) end ML_file \~~/src/Tools/induct_tacs.ML\ subsubsection \Coherent logic\ ML_file \~~/src/Tools/coherent.ML\ ML \ structure Coherent = Coherent ( val atomize_elimL = @{thm atomize_elimL}; val atomize_exL = @{thm atomize_exL}; val atomize_conjL = @{thm atomize_conjL}; val atomize_disjL = @{thm atomize_disjL}; val operator_names = [\<^const_name>\HOL.disj\, \<^const_name>\HOL.conj\, \<^const_name>\Ex\]; ); \ subsubsection \Reorienting equalities\ ML \ signature REORIENT_PROC = sig val add : (term -> bool) -> theory -> theory - val proc : morphism -> Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option + val proc : Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option end; structure Reorient_Proc : REORIENT_PROC = struct structure Data = Theory_Data ( type T = ((term -> bool) * stamp) list; val empty = []; fun merge data : T = Library.merge (eq_snd (op =)) data; ); fun add m = Data.map (cons (m, stamp ())); fun matches thy t = exists (fn (m, _) => m t) (Data.get thy); val meta_reorient = @{thm eq_commute [THEN eq_reflection]}; - fun proc phi ctxt ct = + fun proc ctxt ct = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt; in case Thm.term_of ct of (_ $ t $ u) => if matches thy u then NONE else SOME meta_reorient | _ => NONE end; end; \ subsection \Other simple lemmas and lemma duplicates\ lemma eq_iff_swap: "(x = y \ P) \ (y = x \ P)" by blast lemma all_cong1: "(\x. P x = P' x) \ (\x. P x) = (\x. P' x)" by auto lemma ex_cong1: "(\x. P x = P' x) \ (\x. P x) = (\x. P' x)" by auto lemma all_cong: "(\x. Q x \ P x = P' x) \ (\x. Q x \ P x) = (\x. Q x \ P' x)" by auto lemma ex_cong: "(\x. Q x \ P x = P' x) \ (\x. Q x \ P x) = (\x. Q x \ P' x)" by auto lemma ex1_eq [iff]: "\!x. x = t" "\!x. t = x" by blast+ lemma choice_eq: "(\x. \!y. P x y) = (\!f. \x. P x (f x))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof (intro iffI allI) assume L: ?lhs then have \
: "\x. P x (THE y. P x y)" by (best intro: theI') show ?rhs by (rule ex1I) (use L \
in \fast+\) next fix x assume R: ?rhs then obtain f where f: "\x. P x (f x)" and f1: "\y. (\x. P x (y x)) \ y = f" by (blast elim: ex1E) show "\!y. P x y" proof (rule ex1I) show "P x (f x)" using f by blast show "y = f x" if "P x y" for y proof - have "P z (if z = x then y else f z)" for z using f that by (auto split: if_split) with f1 [of "\z. if z = x then y else f z"] f show ?thesis by (auto simp add: split: if_split_asm dest: fun_cong) qed qed qed lemmas eq_sym_conv = eq_commute lemma nnf_simps: "(\ (P \ Q)) = (\ P \ \ Q)" "(\ (P \ Q)) = (\ P \ \ Q)" "(P \ Q) = (\ P \ Q)" "(P = Q) = ((P \ Q) \ (\ P \ \ Q))" "(\ (P = Q)) = ((P \ \ Q) \ (\ P \ Q))" "(\ \ P) = P" by blast+ subsection \Basic ML bindings\ ML \ val FalseE = @{thm FalseE} val Let_def = @{thm Let_def} val TrueI = @{thm TrueI} val allE = @{thm allE} val allI = @{thm allI} val all_dupE = @{thm all_dupE} val arg_cong = @{thm arg_cong} val box_equals = @{thm box_equals} val ccontr = @{thm ccontr} val classical = @{thm classical} val conjE = @{thm conjE} val conjI = @{thm conjI} val conjunct1 = @{thm conjunct1} val conjunct2 = @{thm conjunct2} val disjCI = @{thm disjCI} val disjE = @{thm disjE} val disjI1 = @{thm disjI1} val disjI2 = @{thm disjI2} val eq_reflection = @{thm eq_reflection} val ex1E = @{thm ex1E} val ex1I = @{thm ex1I} val ex1_implies_ex = @{thm ex1_implies_ex} val exE = @{thm exE} val exI = @{thm exI} val excluded_middle = @{thm excluded_middle} val ext = @{thm ext} val fun_cong = @{thm fun_cong} val iffD1 = @{thm iffD1} val iffD2 = @{thm iffD2} val iffI = @{thm iffI} val impE = @{thm impE} val impI = @{thm impI} val meta_eq_to_obj_eq = @{thm meta_eq_to_obj_eq} val mp = @{thm mp} val notE = @{thm notE} val notI = @{thm notI} val not_all = @{thm not_all} val not_ex = @{thm not_ex} val not_iff = @{thm not_iff} val not_not = @{thm not_not} val not_sym = @{thm not_sym} val refl = @{thm refl} val rev_mp = @{thm rev_mp} val spec = @{thm spec} val ssubst = @{thm ssubst} val subst = @{thm subst} val sym = @{thm sym} val trans = @{thm trans} \ locale cnf begin lemma clause2raw_notE: "\P; \P\ \ False" by auto lemma clause2raw_not_disj: "\\ P; \ Q\ \ \ (P \ Q)" by auto lemma clause2raw_not_not: "P \ \\ P" by auto lemma iff_refl: "(P::bool) = P" by auto lemma iff_trans: "[| (P::bool) = Q; Q = R |] ==> P = R" by auto lemma conj_cong: "[| P = P'; Q = Q' |] ==> (P \ Q) = (P' \ Q')" by auto lemma disj_cong: "[| P = P'; Q = Q' |] ==> (P \ Q) = (P' \ Q')" by auto lemma make_nnf_imp: "[| (\P) = P'; Q = Q' |] ==> (P \ Q) = (P' \ Q')" by auto lemma make_nnf_iff: "[| P = P'; (\P) = NP; Q = Q'; (\Q) = NQ |] ==> (P = Q) = ((P' \ NQ) \ (NP \ Q'))" by auto lemma make_nnf_not_false: "(\False) = True" by auto lemma make_nnf_not_true: "(\True) = False" by auto lemma make_nnf_not_conj: "[| (\P) = P'; (\Q) = Q' |] ==> (\(P \ Q)) = (P' \ Q')" by auto lemma make_nnf_not_disj: "[| (\P) = P'; (\Q) = Q' |] ==> (\(P \ Q)) = (P' \ Q')" by auto lemma make_nnf_not_imp: "[| P = P'; (\Q) = Q' |] ==> (\(P \ Q)) = (P' \ Q')" by auto lemma make_nnf_not_iff: "[| P = P'; (\P) = NP; Q = Q'; (\Q) = NQ |] ==> (\(P = Q)) = ((P' \ Q') \ (NP \ NQ))" by auto lemma make_nnf_not_not: "P = P' ==> (\\P) = P'" by auto lemma simp_TF_conj_True_l: "[| P = True; Q = Q' |] ==> (P \ Q) = Q'" by auto lemma simp_TF_conj_True_r: "[| P = P'; Q = True |] ==> (P \ Q) = P'" by auto lemma simp_TF_conj_False_l: "P = False ==> (P \ Q) = False" by auto lemma simp_TF_conj_False_r: "Q = False ==> (P \ Q) = False" by auto lemma simp_TF_disj_True_l: "P = True ==> (P \ Q) = True" by auto lemma simp_TF_disj_True_r: "Q = True ==> (P \ Q) = True" by auto lemma simp_TF_disj_False_l: "[| P = False; Q = Q' |] ==> (P \ Q) = Q'" by auto lemma simp_TF_disj_False_r: "[| P = P'; Q = False |] ==> (P \ Q) = P'" by auto lemma make_cnf_disj_conj_l: "[| (P \ R) = PR; (Q \ R) = QR |] ==> ((P \ Q) \ R) = (PR \ QR)" by auto lemma make_cnf_disj_conj_r: "[| (P \ Q) = PQ; (P \ R) = PR |] ==> (P \ (Q \ R)) = (PQ \ PR)" by auto lemma make_cnfx_disj_ex_l: "((\(x::bool). P x) \ Q) = (\x. P x \ Q)" by auto lemma make_cnfx_disj_ex_r: "(P \ (\(x::bool). Q x)) = (\x. P \ Q x)" by auto lemma make_cnfx_newlit: "(P \ Q) = (\x. (P \ x) \ (Q \ \x))" by auto lemma make_cnfx_ex_cong: "(\(x::bool). P x = Q x) \ (\x. P x) = (\x. Q x)" by auto lemma weakening_thm: "[| P; Q |] ==> Q" by auto lemma cnftac_eq_imp: "[| P = Q; P |] ==> Q" by auto end ML_file \Tools/cnf.ML\ section \\NO_MATCH\ simproc\ text \ The simplification procedure can be used to avoid simplification of terms of a certain form. \ definition NO_MATCH :: "'a \ 'b \ bool" where "NO_MATCH pat val \ True" lemma NO_MATCH_cong[cong]: "NO_MATCH pat val = NO_MATCH pat val" by (rule refl) declare [[coercion_args NO_MATCH - -]] -simproc_setup NO_MATCH ("NO_MATCH pat val") = \fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct => +simproc_setup NO_MATCH ("NO_MATCH pat val") = \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt val dest_binop = Term.dest_comb #> apfst (Term.dest_comb #> snd) val m = Pattern.matches thy (dest_binop (Thm.term_of ct)) - in if m then NONE else SOME @{thm NO_MATCH_def} end + in if m then NONE else SOME @{thm NO_MATCH_def} end) \ text \ This setup ensures that a rewrite rule of the form \<^term>\NO_MATCH pat val \ t\ is only applied, if the pattern \pat\ does not match the value \val\. \ text\ Tagging a premise of a simp rule with ASSUMPTION forces the simplifier not to simplify the argument and to solve it by an assumption. \ definition ASSUMPTION :: "bool \ bool" where "ASSUMPTION A \ A" lemma ASSUMPTION_cong[cong]: "ASSUMPTION A = ASSUMPTION A" by (rule refl) lemma ASSUMPTION_I: "A \ ASSUMPTION A" by (simp add: ASSUMPTION_def) lemma ASSUMPTION_D: "ASSUMPTION A \ A" by (simp add: ASSUMPTION_def) setup \ let val asm_sol = mk_solver "ASSUMPTION" (fn ctxt => resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm ASSUMPTION_I}] THEN' resolve_tac ctxt (Simplifier.prems_of ctxt)) in map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => Simplifier.addSolver (ctxt,asm_sol)) end \ subsection \Code generator setup\ subsubsection \Generic code generator preprocessor setup\ lemma conj_left_cong: "P \ Q \ P \ R \ Q \ R" by (fact arg_cong) lemma disj_left_cong: "P \ Q \ P \ R \ Q \ R" by (fact arg_cong) setup \ Code_Preproc.map_pre (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss) #> Code_Preproc.map_post (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss) #> Code_Simp.map_ss (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss #> Simplifier.add_cong @{thm conj_left_cong} #> Simplifier.add_cong @{thm disj_left_cong}) \ subsubsection \Equality\ class equal = fixes equal :: "'a \ 'a \ bool" assumes equal_eq: "equal x y \ x = y" begin lemma equal: "equal = (=)" by (rule ext equal_eq)+ lemma equal_refl: "equal x x \ True" unfolding equal by (rule iffI TrueI refl)+ lemma eq_equal: "(=) \ equal" by (rule eq_reflection) (rule ext, rule ext, rule sym, rule equal_eq) end declare eq_equal [symmetric, code_post] declare eq_equal [code] setup \ Code_Preproc.map_pre (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimprocs [Simplifier.make_simproc \<^context> "equal" {lhss = [\<^term>\HOL.eq\], proc = fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of Const (_, Type (\<^type_name>\fun\, [Type _, _])) => SOME @{thm eq_equal} | _ => NONE)}]) \ subsubsection \Generic code generator foundation\ text \Datatype \<^typ>\bool\\ code_datatype True False lemma [code]: shows "False \ P \ False" and "True \ P \ P" and "P \ False \ False" and "P \ True \ P" by simp_all lemma [code]: shows "False \ P \ P" and "True \ P \ True" and "P \ False \ P" and "P \ True \ True" by simp_all lemma [code]: shows "(False \ P) \ True" and "(True \ P) \ P" and "(P \ False) \ \ P" and "(P \ True) \ True" by simp_all text \More about \<^typ>\prop\\ lemma [code nbe]: shows "(True \ PROP Q) \ PROP Q" and "(PROP Q \ True) \ Trueprop True" and "(P \ R) \ Trueprop (P \ R)" by (auto intro!: equal_intr_rule) lemma Trueprop_code [code]: "Trueprop True \ Code_Generator.holds" by (auto intro!: equal_intr_rule holds) declare Trueprop_code [symmetric, code_post] text \Equality\ declare simp_thms(6) [code nbe] instantiation itself :: (type) equal begin definition equal_itself :: "'a itself \ 'a itself \ bool" where "equal_itself x y \ x = y" instance by standard (fact equal_itself_def) end lemma equal_itself_code [code]: "equal TYPE('a) TYPE('a) \ True" by (simp add: equal) setup \Sign.add_const_constraint (\<^const_name>\equal\, SOME \<^typ>\'a::type \ 'a \ bool\)\ lemma equal_alias_cert: "OFCLASS('a, equal_class) \ (((=) :: 'a \ 'a \ bool) \ equal)" (is "?ofclass \ ?equal") proof assume "PROP ?ofclass" show "PROP ?equal" by (tactic \ALLGOALS (resolve_tac \<^context> [Thm.unconstrainT @{thm eq_equal}])\) (fact \PROP ?ofclass\) next assume "PROP ?equal" show "PROP ?ofclass" proof qed (simp add: \PROP ?equal\) qed setup \Sign.add_const_constraint (\<^const_name>\equal\, SOME \<^typ>\'a::equal \ 'a \ bool\)\ setup \Nbe.add_const_alias @{thm equal_alias_cert}\ text \Cases\ lemma Let_case_cert: assumes "CASE \ (\x. Let x f)" shows "CASE x \ f x" using assms by simp_all setup \ Code.declare_case_global @{thm Let_case_cert} #> Code.declare_undefined_global \<^const_name>\undefined\ \ declare [[code abort: undefined]] subsubsection \Generic code generator target languages\ text \type \<^typ>\bool\\ code_printing type_constructor bool \ (SML) "bool" and (OCaml) "bool" and (Haskell) "Bool" and (Scala) "Boolean" | constant True \ (SML) "true" and (OCaml) "true" and (Haskell) "True" and (Scala) "true" | constant False \ (SML) "false" and (OCaml) "false" and (Haskell) "False" and (Scala) "false" code_reserved SML bool true false code_reserved OCaml bool code_reserved Scala Boolean code_printing constant Not \ (SML) "not" and (OCaml) "not" and (Haskell) "not" and (Scala) "'! _" | constant HOL.conj \ (SML) infixl 1 "andalso" and (OCaml) infixl 3 "&&" and (Haskell) infixr 3 "&&" and (Scala) infixl 3 "&&" | constant HOL.disj \ (SML) infixl 0 "orelse" and (OCaml) infixl 2 "||" and (Haskell) infixl 2 "||" and (Scala) infixl 1 "||" | constant HOL.implies \ (SML) "!(if (_)/ then (_)/ else true)" and (OCaml) "!(if (_)/ then (_)/ else true)" and (Haskell) "!(if (_)/ then (_)/ else True)" and (Scala) "!(if ((_))/ (_)/ else true)" | constant If \ (SML) "!(if (_)/ then (_)/ else (_))" and (OCaml) "!(if (_)/ then (_)/ else (_))" and (Haskell) "!(if (_)/ then (_)/ else (_))" and (Scala) "!(if ((_))/ (_)/ else (_))" code_reserved SML not code_reserved OCaml not code_identifier code_module Pure \ (SML) HOL and (OCaml) HOL and (Haskell) HOL and (Scala) HOL text \Using built-in Haskell equality.\ code_printing type_class equal \ (Haskell) "Eq" | constant HOL.equal \ (Haskell) infix 4 "==" | constant HOL.eq \ (Haskell) infix 4 "==" text \\undefined\\ code_printing constant undefined \ (SML) "!(raise/ Fail/ \"undefined\")" and (OCaml) "failwith/ \"undefined\"" and (Haskell) "error/ \"undefined\"" and (Scala) "!sys.error(\"undefined\")" subsubsection \Evaluation and normalization by evaluation\ method_setup eval = \ let fun eval_tac ctxt = let val conv = Code_Runtime.dynamic_holds_conv in CONVERSION (Conv.params_conv ~1 (Conv.concl_conv ~1 o conv) ctxt) THEN' resolve_tac ctxt [TrueI] end in Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o eval_tac) end \ "solve goal by evaluation" method_setup normalization = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (CHANGED_PROP o (CONVERSION (Nbe.dynamic_conv ctxt) THEN_ALL_NEW (TRY o resolve_tac ctxt [TrueI])))) \ "solve goal by normalization" subsection \Counterexample Search Units\ subsubsection \Quickcheck\ quickcheck_params [size = 5, iterations = 50] subsubsection \Nitpick setup\ named_theorems nitpick_unfold "alternative definitions of constants as needed by Nitpick" and nitpick_simp "equational specification of constants as needed by Nitpick" and nitpick_psimp "partial equational specification of constants as needed by Nitpick" and nitpick_choice_spec "choice specification of constants as needed by Nitpick" declare if_bool_eq_conj [nitpick_unfold, no_atp] and if_bool_eq_disj [no_atp] subsection \Preprocessing for the predicate compiler\ named_theorems code_pred_def "alternative definitions of constants for the Predicate Compiler" and code_pred_inline "inlining definitions for the Predicate Compiler" and code_pred_simp "simplification rules for the optimisations in the Predicate Compiler" subsection \Legacy tactics and ML bindings\ ML \ (* combination of (spec RS spec RS ...(j times) ... spec RS mp) *) local fun wrong_prem (Const (\<^const_name>\All\, _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) = wrong_prem t | wrong_prem (Bound _) = true | wrong_prem _ = false; val filter_right = filter (not o wrong_prem o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o hd o Thm.prems_of); fun smp i = funpow i (fn m => filter_right ([spec] RL m)) [mp]; in fun smp_tac ctxt j = EVERY' [dresolve_tac ctxt (smp j), assume_tac ctxt]; end; local val nnf_ss = simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps @{thms simp_thms nnf_simps}); in fun nnf_conv ctxt = Simplifier.rewrite (put_simpset nnf_ss ctxt); end \ hide_const (open) eq equal end diff --git a/src/HOL/HOLCF/Cfun.thy b/src/HOL/HOLCF/Cfun.thy --- a/src/HOL/HOLCF/Cfun.thy +++ b/src/HOL/HOLCF/Cfun.thy @@ -1,523 +1,523 @@ (* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Cfun.thy Author: Franz Regensburger Author: Brian Huffman *) section \The type of continuous functions\ theory Cfun imports Cpodef Fun_Cpo Product_Cpo begin default_sort cpo subsection \Definition of continuous function type\ definition "cfun = {f::'a \ 'b. cont f}" cpodef ('a, 'b) cfun ("(_ \/ _)" [1, 0] 0) = "cfun :: ('a \ 'b) set" by (auto simp: cfun_def intro: cont_const adm_cont) type_notation (ASCII) cfun (infixr "->" 0) notation (ASCII) Rep_cfun ("(_$/_)" [999,1000] 999) notation Rep_cfun ("(_\/_)" [999,1000] 999) subsection \Syntax for continuous lambda abstraction\ syntax "_cabs" :: "[logic, logic] \ logic" parse_translation \ (* rewrite (_cabs x t) => (Abs_cfun (%x. t)) *) [Syntax_Trans.mk_binder_tr (\<^syntax_const>\_cabs\, \<^const_syntax>\Abs_cfun\)] \ print_translation \ [(\<^const_syntax>\Abs_cfun\, fn _ => fn [Abs abs] => let val (x, t) = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' abs in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_cabs\ $ x $ t end)] \ \ \To avoid eta-contraction of body\ text \Syntax for nested abstractions\ syntax (ASCII) "_Lambda" :: "[cargs, logic] \ logic" ("(3LAM _./ _)" [1000, 10] 10) syntax "_Lambda" :: "[cargs, logic] \ logic" ("(3\ _./ _)" [1000, 10] 10) parse_ast_translation \ (* rewrite (LAM x y z. t) => (_cabs x (_cabs y (_cabs z t))) *) (* cf. Syntax.lambda_ast_tr from src/Pure/Syntax/syn_trans.ML *) let fun Lambda_ast_tr [pats, body] = Ast.fold_ast_p \<^syntax_const>\_cabs\ (Ast.unfold_ast \<^syntax_const>\_cargs\ (Ast.strip_positions pats), body) | Lambda_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("Lambda_ast_tr", asts); in [(\<^syntax_const>\_Lambda\, K Lambda_ast_tr)] end \ print_ast_translation \ (* rewrite (_cabs x (_cabs y (_cabs z t))) => (LAM x y z. t) *) (* cf. Syntax.abs_ast_tr' from src/Pure/Syntax/syn_trans.ML *) let fun cabs_ast_tr' asts = (case Ast.unfold_ast_p \<^syntax_const>\_cabs\ (Ast.Appl (Ast.Constant \<^syntax_const>\_cabs\ :: asts)) of ([], _) => raise Ast.AST ("cabs_ast_tr'", asts) | (xs, body) => Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant \<^syntax_const>\_Lambda\, Ast.fold_ast \<^syntax_const>\_cargs\ xs, body]); in [(\<^syntax_const>\_cabs\, K cabs_ast_tr')] end \ text \Dummy patterns for continuous abstraction\ translations "\ _. t" \ "CONST Abs_cfun (\_. t)" subsection \Continuous function space is pointed\ lemma bottom_cfun: "\ \ cfun" by (simp add: cfun_def inst_fun_pcpo) instance cfun :: (cpo, discrete_cpo) discrete_cpo by intro_classes (simp add: below_cfun_def Rep_cfun_inject) instance cfun :: (cpo, pcpo) pcpo by (rule typedef_pcpo [OF type_definition_cfun below_cfun_def bottom_cfun]) lemmas Rep_cfun_strict = typedef_Rep_strict [OF type_definition_cfun below_cfun_def bottom_cfun] lemmas Abs_cfun_strict = typedef_Abs_strict [OF type_definition_cfun below_cfun_def bottom_cfun] text \function application is strict in its first argument\ lemma Rep_cfun_strict1 [simp]: "\\x = \" by (simp add: Rep_cfun_strict) lemma LAM_strict [simp]: "(\ x. \) = \" by (simp add: inst_fun_pcpo [symmetric] Abs_cfun_strict) text \for compatibility with old HOLCF-Version\ lemma inst_cfun_pcpo: "\ = (\ x. \)" by simp subsection \Basic properties of continuous functions\ text \Beta-equality for continuous functions\ lemma Abs_cfun_inverse2: "cont f \ Rep_cfun (Abs_cfun f) = f" by (simp add: Abs_cfun_inverse cfun_def) lemma beta_cfun: "cont f \ (\ x. f x)\u = f u" by (simp add: Abs_cfun_inverse2) subsubsection \Beta-reduction simproc\ text \ Given the term \<^term>\(\ x. f x)\y\, the procedure tries to construct the theorem \<^term>\(\ x. f x)\y \ f y\. If this theorem cannot be completely solved by the cont2cont rules, then the procedure returns the ordinary conditional \beta_cfun\ rule. The simproc does not solve any more goals that would be solved by using \beta_cfun\ as a simp rule. The advantage of the simproc is that it can avoid deeply-nested calls to the simplifier that would otherwise be caused by large continuity side conditions. Update: The simproc now uses rule \Abs_cfun_inverse2\ instead of \beta_cfun\, to avoid problems with eta-contraction. \ simproc_setup beta_cfun_proc ("Rep_cfun (Abs_cfun f)") = \ - fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => + K (fn ctxt => fn ct => let val f = #2 (Thm.dest_comb (#2 (Thm.dest_comb ct))); val [T, U] = Thm.dest_ctyp (Thm.ctyp_of_cterm f); val tr = Thm.instantiate' [SOME T, SOME U] [SOME f] (mk_meta_eq @{thm Abs_cfun_inverse2}); val rules = Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\cont2cont\; val tac = SOLVED' (REPEAT_ALL_NEW (match_tac ctxt (rev rules))); - in SOME (perhaps (SINGLE (tac 1)) tr) end + in SOME (perhaps (SINGLE (tac 1)) tr) end) \ text \Eta-equality for continuous functions\ lemma eta_cfun: "(\ x. f\x) = f" by (rule Rep_cfun_inverse) text \Extensionality for continuous functions\ lemma cfun_eq_iff: "f = g \ (\x. f\x = g\x)" by (simp add: Rep_cfun_inject [symmetric] fun_eq_iff) lemma cfun_eqI: "(\x. f\x = g\x) \ f = g" by (simp add: cfun_eq_iff) text \Extensionality wrt. ordering for continuous functions\ lemma cfun_below_iff: "f \ g \ (\x. f\x \ g\x)" by (simp add: below_cfun_def fun_below_iff) lemma cfun_belowI: "(\x. f\x \ g\x) \ f \ g" by (simp add: cfun_below_iff) text \Congruence for continuous function application\ lemma cfun_cong: "f = g \ x = y \ f\x = g\y" by simp lemma cfun_fun_cong: "f = g \ f\x = g\x" by simp lemma cfun_arg_cong: "x = y \ f\x = f\y" by simp subsection \Continuity of application\ lemma cont_Rep_cfun1: "cont (\f. f\x)" by (rule cont_Rep_cfun [OF cont_id, THEN cont2cont_fun]) lemma cont_Rep_cfun2: "cont (\x. f\x)" using Rep_cfun [where x = f] by (simp add: cfun_def) lemmas monofun_Rep_cfun = cont_Rep_cfun [THEN cont2mono] lemmas monofun_Rep_cfun1 = cont_Rep_cfun1 [THEN cont2mono] lemmas monofun_Rep_cfun2 = cont_Rep_cfun2 [THEN cont2mono] text \contlub, cont properties of \<^term>\Rep_cfun\ in each argument\ lemma contlub_cfun_arg: "chain Y \ f\(\i. Y i) = (\i. f\(Y i))" by (rule cont_Rep_cfun2 [THEN cont2contlubE]) lemma contlub_cfun_fun: "chain F \ (\i. F i)\x = (\i. F i\x)" by (rule cont_Rep_cfun1 [THEN cont2contlubE]) text \monotonicity of application\ lemma monofun_cfun_fun: "f \ g \ f\x \ g\x" by (simp add: cfun_below_iff) lemma monofun_cfun_arg: "x \ y \ f\x \ f\y" by (rule monofun_Rep_cfun2 [THEN monofunE]) lemma monofun_cfun: "f \ g \ x \ y \ f\x \ g\y" by (rule below_trans [OF monofun_cfun_fun monofun_cfun_arg]) text \ch2ch - rules for the type \<^typ>\'a \ 'b\\ lemma chain_monofun: "chain Y \ chain (\i. f\(Y i))" by (erule monofun_Rep_cfun2 [THEN ch2ch_monofun]) lemma ch2ch_Rep_cfunR: "chain Y \ chain (\i. f\(Y i))" by (rule monofun_Rep_cfun2 [THEN ch2ch_monofun]) lemma ch2ch_Rep_cfunL: "chain F \ chain (\i. (F i)\x)" by (rule monofun_Rep_cfun1 [THEN ch2ch_monofun]) lemma ch2ch_Rep_cfun [simp]: "chain F \ chain Y \ chain (\i. (F i)\(Y i))" by (simp add: chain_def monofun_cfun) lemma ch2ch_LAM [simp]: "(\x. chain (\i. S i x)) \ (\i. cont (\x. S i x)) \ chain (\i. \ x. S i x)" by (simp add: chain_def cfun_below_iff) text \contlub, cont properties of \<^term>\Rep_cfun\ in both arguments\ lemma lub_APP: "chain F \ chain Y \ (\i. F i\(Y i)) = (\i. F i)\(\i. Y i)" by (simp add: contlub_cfun_fun contlub_cfun_arg diag_lub) lemma lub_LAM: assumes "\x. chain (\i. F i x)" and "\i. cont (\x. F i x)" shows "(\i. \ x. F i x) = (\ x. \i. F i x)" using assms by (simp add: lub_cfun lub_fun ch2ch_lambda) lemmas lub_distribs = lub_APP lub_LAM text \strictness\ lemma strictI: "f\x = \ \ f\\ = \" apply (rule bottomI) apply (erule subst) apply (rule minimal [THEN monofun_cfun_arg]) done text \type \<^typ>\'a \ 'b\ is chain complete\ lemma lub_cfun: "chain F \ (\i. F i) = (\ x. \i. F i\x)" by (simp add: lub_cfun lub_fun ch2ch_lambda) subsection \Continuity simplification procedure\ text \cont2cont lemma for \<^term>\Rep_cfun\\ lemma cont2cont_APP [simp, cont2cont]: assumes f: "cont (\x. f x)" assumes t: "cont (\x. t x)" shows "cont (\x. (f x)\(t x))" proof - from cont_Rep_cfun1 f have "cont (\x. (f x)\y)" for y by (rule cont_compose) with t cont_Rep_cfun2 show "cont (\x. (f x)\(t x))" by (rule cont_apply) qed text \ Two specific lemmas for the combination of LCF and HOL terms. These lemmas are needed in theories that use types like \<^typ>\'a \ 'b \ 'c\. \ lemma cont_APP_app [simp]: "cont f \ cont g \ cont (\x. ((f x)\(g x)) s)" by (rule cont2cont_APP [THEN cont2cont_fun]) lemma cont_APP_app_app [simp]: "cont f \ cont g \ cont (\x. ((f x)\(g x)) s t)" by (rule cont_APP_app [THEN cont2cont_fun]) text \cont2mono Lemma for \<^term>\\x. LAM y. c1(x)(y)\\ lemma cont2mono_LAM: "\\x. cont (\y. f x y); \y. monofun (\x. f x y)\ \ monofun (\x. \ y. f x y)" by (simp add: monofun_def cfun_below_iff) text \cont2cont Lemma for \<^term>\\x. LAM y. f x y\\ text \ Not suitable as a cont2cont rule, because on nested lambdas it causes exponential blow-up in the number of subgoals. \ lemma cont2cont_LAM: assumes f1: "\x. cont (\y. f x y)" assumes f2: "\y. cont (\x. f x y)" shows "cont (\x. \ y. f x y)" proof (rule cont_Abs_cfun) from f1 show "f x \ cfun" for x by (simp add: cfun_def) from f2 show "cont f" by (rule cont2cont_lambda) qed text \ This version does work as a cont2cont rule, since it has only a single subgoal. \ lemma cont2cont_LAM' [simp, cont2cont]: fixes f :: "'a::cpo \ 'b::cpo \ 'c::cpo" assumes f: "cont (\p. f (fst p) (snd p))" shows "cont (\x. \ y. f x y)" using assms by (simp add: cont2cont_LAM prod_cont_iff) lemma cont2cont_LAM_discrete [simp, cont2cont]: "(\y::'a::discrete_cpo. cont (\x. f x y)) \ cont (\x. \ y. f x y)" by (simp add: cont2cont_LAM) subsection \Miscellaneous\ text \Monotonicity of \<^term>\Abs_cfun\\ lemma monofun_LAM: "cont f \ cont g \ (\x. f x \ g x) \ (\ x. f x) \ (\ x. g x)" by (simp add: cfun_below_iff) text \some lemmata for functions with flat/chfin domain/range types\ lemma chfin_Rep_cfunR: "chain Y \ \s. \n. (LUB i. Y i)\s = Y n\s" for Y :: "nat \ 'a::cpo \ 'b::chfin" apply (rule allI) apply (subst contlub_cfun_fun) apply assumption apply (fast intro!: lub_eqI chfin lub_finch2 chfin2finch ch2ch_Rep_cfunL) done lemma adm_chfindom: "adm (\(u::'a::cpo \ 'b::chfin). P(u\s))" by (rule adm_subst, simp, rule adm_chfin) subsection \Continuous injection-retraction pairs\ text \Continuous retractions are strict.\ lemma retraction_strict: "\x. f\(g\x) = x \ f\\ = \" apply (rule bottomI) apply (drule_tac x="\" in spec) apply (erule subst) apply (rule monofun_cfun_arg) apply (rule minimal) done lemma injection_eq: "\x. f\(g\x) = x \ (g\x = g\y) = (x = y)" apply (rule iffI) apply (drule_tac f=f in cfun_arg_cong) apply simp apply simp done lemma injection_below: "\x. f\(g\x) = x \ (g\x \ g\y) = (x \ y)" apply (rule iffI) apply (drule_tac f=f in monofun_cfun_arg) apply simp apply (erule monofun_cfun_arg) done lemma injection_defined_rev: "\x. f\(g\x) = x \ g\z = \ \ z = \" apply (drule_tac f=f in cfun_arg_cong) apply (simp add: retraction_strict) done lemma injection_defined: "\x. f\(g\x) = x \ z \ \ \ g\z \ \" by (erule contrapos_nn, rule injection_defined_rev) text \a result about functions with flat codomain\ lemma flat_eqI: "x \ y \ x \ \ \ x = y" for x y :: "'a::flat" by (drule ax_flat) simp lemma flat_codom: "f\x = c \ f\\ = \ \ (\z. f\z = c)" for c :: "'b::flat" apply (cases "f\x = \") apply (rule disjI1) apply (rule bottomI) apply (erule_tac t="\" in subst) apply (rule minimal [THEN monofun_cfun_arg]) apply clarify apply (rule_tac a = "f\\" in refl [THEN box_equals]) apply (erule minimal [THEN monofun_cfun_arg, THEN flat_eqI]) apply (erule minimal [THEN monofun_cfun_arg, THEN flat_eqI]) done subsection \Identity and composition\ definition ID :: "'a \ 'a" where "ID = (\ x. x)" definition cfcomp :: "('b \ 'c) \ ('a \ 'b) \ 'a \ 'c" where oo_def: "cfcomp = (\ f g x. f\(g\x))" abbreviation cfcomp_syn :: "['b \ 'c, 'a \ 'b] \ 'a \ 'c" (infixr "oo" 100) where "f oo g == cfcomp\f\g" lemma ID1 [simp]: "ID\x = x" by (simp add: ID_def) lemma cfcomp1: "(f oo g) = (\ x. f\(g\x))" by (simp add: oo_def) lemma cfcomp2 [simp]: "(f oo g)\x = f\(g\x)" by (simp add: cfcomp1) lemma cfcomp_LAM: "cont g \ f oo (\ x. g x) = (\ x. f\(g x))" by (simp add: cfcomp1) lemma cfcomp_strict [simp]: "\ oo f = \" by (simp add: cfun_eq_iff) text \ Show that interpretation of (pcpo, \_\_\) is a category. \<^item> The class of objects is interpretation of syntactical class pcpo. \<^item> The class of arrows between objects \<^typ>\'a\ and \<^typ>\'b\ is interpret. of \<^typ>\'a \ 'b\. \<^item> The identity arrow is interpretation of \<^term>\ID\. \<^item> The composition of f and g is interpretation of \oo\. \ lemma ID2 [simp]: "f oo ID = f" by (rule cfun_eqI, simp) lemma ID3 [simp]: "ID oo f = f" by (rule cfun_eqI) simp lemma assoc_oo: "f oo (g oo h) = (f oo g) oo h" by (rule cfun_eqI) simp subsection \Strictified functions\ default_sort pcpo definition seq :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" where "seq = (\ x. if x = \ then \ else ID)" lemma cont2cont_if_bottom [cont2cont, simp]: assumes f: "cont (\x. f x)" and g: "cont (\x. g x)" shows "cont (\x. if f x = \ then \ else g x)" proof (rule cont_apply [OF f]) show "cont (\y. if y = \ then \ else g x)" for x unfolding cont_def is_lub_def is_ub_def ball_simps by (simp add: lub_eq_bottom_iff) show "cont (\x. if y = \ then \ else g x)" for y by (simp add: g) qed lemma seq_conv_if: "seq\x = (if x = \ then \ else ID)" by (simp add: seq_def) lemma seq_simps [simp]: "seq\\ = \" "seq\x\\ = \" "x \ \ \ seq\x = ID" by (simp_all add: seq_conv_if) definition strictify :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a \ 'b" where "strictify = (\ f x. seq\x\(f\x))" lemma strictify_conv_if: "strictify\f\x = (if x = \ then \ else f\x)" by (simp add: strictify_def) lemma strictify1 [simp]: "strictify\f\\ = \" by (simp add: strictify_conv_if) lemma strictify2 [simp]: "x \ \ \ strictify\f\x = f\x" by (simp add: strictify_conv_if) subsection \Continuity of let-bindings\ lemma cont2cont_Let: assumes f: "cont (\x. f x)" assumes g1: "\y. cont (\x. g x y)" assumes g2: "\x. cont (\y. g x y)" shows "cont (\x. let y = f x in g x y)" unfolding Let_def using f g2 g1 by (rule cont_apply) lemma cont2cont_Let' [simp, cont2cont]: assumes f: "cont (\x. f x)" assumes g: "cont (\p. g (fst p) (snd p))" shows "cont (\x. let y = f x in g x y)" using f proof (rule cont2cont_Let) from g show "cont (\y. g x y)" for x by (simp add: prod_cont_iff) from g show "cont (\x. g x y)" for y by (simp add: prod_cont_iff) qed text \The simple version (suggested by Joachim Breitner) is needed if the type of the defined term is not a cpo.\ lemma cont2cont_Let_simple [simp, cont2cont]: assumes "\y. cont (\x. g x y)" shows "cont (\x. let y = t in g x y)" unfolding Let_def using assms . end diff --git a/src/HOL/HOLCF/Pcpo.thy b/src/HOL/HOLCF/Pcpo.thy --- a/src/HOL/HOLCF/Pcpo.thy +++ b/src/HOL/HOLCF/Pcpo.thy @@ -1,258 +1,258 @@ (* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Pcpo.thy Author: Franz Regensburger *) section \Classes cpo and pcpo\ theory Pcpo imports Porder begin subsection \Complete partial orders\ text \The class cpo of chain complete partial orders\ class cpo = po + assumes cpo: "chain S \ \x. range S <<| x" begin text \in cpo's everthing equal to THE lub has lub properties for every chain\ lemma cpo_lubI: "chain S \ range S <<| (\i. S i)" by (fast dest: cpo elim: is_lub_lub) lemma thelubE: "\chain S; (\i. S i) = l\ \ range S <<| l" by (blast dest: cpo intro: is_lub_lub) text \Properties of the lub\ lemma is_ub_thelub: "chain S \ S x \ (\i. S i)" by (blast dest: cpo intro: is_lub_lub [THEN is_lub_rangeD1]) lemma is_lub_thelub: "\chain S; range S <| x\ \ (\i. S i) \ x" by (blast dest: cpo intro: is_lub_lub [THEN is_lubD2]) lemma lub_below_iff: "chain S \ (\i. S i) \ x \ (\i. S i \ x)" by (simp add: is_lub_below_iff [OF cpo_lubI] is_ub_def) lemma lub_below: "\chain S; \i. S i \ x\ \ (\i. S i) \ x" by (simp add: lub_below_iff) lemma below_lub: "\chain S; x \ S i\ \ x \ (\i. S i)" by (erule below_trans, erule is_ub_thelub) lemma lub_range_mono: "\range X \ range Y; chain Y; chain X\ \ (\i. X i) \ (\i. Y i)" apply (erule lub_below) apply (subgoal_tac "\j. X i = Y j") apply clarsimp apply (erule is_ub_thelub) apply auto done lemma lub_range_shift: "chain Y \ (\i. Y (i + j)) = (\i. Y i)" apply (rule below_antisym) apply (rule lub_range_mono) apply fast apply assumption apply (erule chain_shift) apply (rule lub_below) apply assumption apply (rule_tac i="i" in below_lub) apply (erule chain_shift) apply (erule chain_mono) apply (rule le_add1) done lemma maxinch_is_thelub: "chain Y \ max_in_chain i Y = ((\i. Y i) = Y i)" apply (rule iffI) apply (fast intro!: lub_eqI lub_finch1) apply (unfold max_in_chain_def) apply (safe intro!: below_antisym) apply (fast elim!: chain_mono) apply (drule sym) apply (force elim!: is_ub_thelub) done text \the \\\ relation between two chains is preserved by their lubs\ lemma lub_mono: "\chain X; chain Y; \i. X i \ Y i\ \ (\i. X i) \ (\i. Y i)" by (fast elim: lub_below below_lub) text \the = relation between two chains is preserved by their lubs\ lemma lub_eq: "(\i. X i = Y i) \ (\i. X i) = (\i. Y i)" by simp lemma ch2ch_lub: assumes 1: "\j. chain (\i. Y i j)" assumes 2: "\i. chain (\j. Y i j)" shows "chain (\i. \j. Y i j)" apply (rule chainI) apply (rule lub_mono [OF 2 2]) apply (rule chainE [OF 1]) done lemma diag_lub: assumes 1: "\j. chain (\i. Y i j)" assumes 2: "\i. chain (\j. Y i j)" shows "(\i. \j. Y i j) = (\i. Y i i)" proof (rule below_antisym) have 3: "chain (\i. Y i i)" apply (rule chainI) apply (rule below_trans) apply (rule chainE [OF 1]) apply (rule chainE [OF 2]) done have 4: "chain (\i. \j. Y i j)" by (rule ch2ch_lub [OF 1 2]) show "(\i. \j. Y i j) \ (\i. Y i i)" apply (rule lub_below [OF 4]) apply (rule lub_below [OF 2]) apply (rule below_lub [OF 3]) apply (rule below_trans) apply (rule chain_mono [OF 1 max.cobounded1]) apply (rule chain_mono [OF 2 max.cobounded2]) done show "(\i. Y i i) \ (\i. \j. Y i j)" apply (rule lub_mono [OF 3 4]) apply (rule is_ub_thelub [OF 2]) done qed lemma ex_lub: assumes 1: "\j. chain (\i. Y i j)" assumes 2: "\i. chain (\j. Y i j)" shows "(\i. \j. Y i j) = (\j. \i. Y i j)" by (simp add: diag_lub 1 2) end subsection \Pointed cpos\ text \The class pcpo of pointed cpos\ class pcpo = cpo + assumes least: "\x. \y. x \ y" begin definition bottom :: "'a" ("\") where "bottom = (THE x. \y. x \ y)" lemma minimal [iff]: "\ \ x" unfolding bottom_def apply (rule the1I2) apply (rule ex_ex1I) apply (rule least) apply (blast intro: below_antisym) apply simp done end text \Old "UU" syntax:\ syntax UU :: logic translations "UU" \ "CONST bottom" text \Simproc to rewrite \<^term>\\ = x\ to \<^term>\x = \\.\ setup \Reorient_Proc.add (fn \<^Const_>\bottom _\ => true | _ => false)\ -simproc_setup reorient_bottom ("\ = x") = Reorient_Proc.proc +simproc_setup reorient_bottom ("\ = x") = \K Reorient_Proc.proc\ text \useful lemmas about \<^term>\\\\ lemma below_bottom_iff [simp]: "x \ \ \ x = \" by (simp add: po_eq_conv) lemma eq_bottom_iff: "x = \ \ x \ \" by simp lemma bottomI: "x \ \ \ x = \" by (subst eq_bottom_iff) lemma lub_eq_bottom_iff: "chain Y \ (\i. Y i) = \ \ (\i. Y i = \)" by (simp only: eq_bottom_iff lub_below_iff) subsection \Chain-finite and flat cpos\ text \further useful classes for HOLCF domains\ class chfin = po + assumes chfin: "chain Y \ \n. max_in_chain n Y" begin subclass cpo apply standard apply (frule chfin) apply (blast intro: lub_finch1) done lemma chfin2finch: "chain Y \ finite_chain Y" by (simp add: chfin finite_chain_def) end class flat = pcpo + assumes ax_flat: "x \ y \ x = \ \ x = y" begin subclass chfin proof fix Y assume *: "chain Y" show "\n. max_in_chain n Y" apply (unfold max_in_chain_def) apply (cases "\i. Y i = \") apply simp apply simp apply (erule exE) apply (rule_tac x="i" in exI) apply clarify using * apply (blast dest: chain_mono ax_flat) done qed lemma flat_below_iff: "x \ y \ x = \ \ x = y" by (safe dest!: ax_flat) lemma flat_eq: "a \ \ \ a \ b = (a = b)" by (safe dest!: ax_flat) end subsection \Discrete cpos\ class discrete_cpo = below + assumes discrete_cpo [simp]: "x \ y \ x = y" begin subclass po by standard simp_all text \In a discrete cpo, every chain is constant\ lemma discrete_chain_const: assumes S: "chain S" shows "\x. S = (\i. x)" proof (intro exI ext) fix i :: nat from S le0 have "S 0 \ S i" by (rule chain_mono) then have "S 0 = S i" by simp then show "S i = S 0" by (rule sym) qed subclass chfin proof fix S :: "nat \ 'a" assume S: "chain S" then have "\x. S = (\i. x)" by (rule discrete_chain_const) then have "max_in_chain 0 S" by (auto simp: max_in_chain_def) then show "\i. max_in_chain i S" .. qed end end diff --git a/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nat.thy b/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nat.thy --- a/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nat.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nat.thy @@ -1,707 +1,707 @@ (* Title: HOL/Library/Extended_Nat.thy Author: David von Oheimb, TU Muenchen; Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen Contributions: David Trachtenherz, TU Muenchen *) section \Extended natural numbers (i.e. with infinity)\ theory Extended_Nat imports Main Countable Order_Continuity begin class infinity = fixes infinity :: "'a" ("\") context fixes f :: "nat \ 'a::{canonically_ordered_monoid_add, linorder_topology, complete_linorder}" begin lemma sums_SUP[simp, intro]: "f sums (SUP n. \iiType definition\ text \ We extend the standard natural numbers by a special value indicating infinity. \ typedef enat = "UNIV :: nat option set" .. text \TODO: introduce enat as coinductive datatype, enat is just \<^const>\of_nat\\ definition enat :: "nat \ enat" where "enat n = Abs_enat (Some n)" instantiation enat :: infinity begin definition "\ = Abs_enat None" instance .. end instance enat :: countable proof show "\to_nat::enat \ nat. inj to_nat" by (rule exI[of _ "to_nat \ Rep_enat"]) (simp add: inj_on_def Rep_enat_inject) qed old_rep_datatype enat "\ :: enat" proof - fix P i assume "\j. P (enat j)" "P \" then show "P i" proof induct case (Abs_enat y) then show ?case by (cases y rule: option.exhaust) (auto simp: enat_def infinity_enat_def) qed qed (auto simp add: enat_def infinity_enat_def Abs_enat_inject) declare [[coercion "enat::nat\enat"]] lemmas enat2_cases = enat.exhaust[case_product enat.exhaust] lemmas enat3_cases = enat.exhaust[case_product enat.exhaust enat.exhaust] lemma not_infinity_eq [iff]: "(x \ \) = (\i. x = enat i)" by (cases x) auto lemma not_enat_eq [iff]: "(\y. x \ enat y) = (x = \)" by (cases x) auto lemma enat_ex_split: "(\c::enat. P c) \ P \ \ (\c::nat. P c)" by (metis enat.exhaust) primrec the_enat :: "enat \ nat" where "the_enat (enat n) = n" subsection \Constructors and numbers\ instantiation enat :: zero_neq_one begin definition "0 = enat 0" definition "1 = enat 1" instance proof qed (simp add: zero_enat_def one_enat_def) end definition eSuc :: "enat \ enat" where "eSuc i = (case i of enat n \ enat (Suc n) | \ \ \)" lemma enat_0 [code_post]: "enat 0 = 0" by (simp add: zero_enat_def) lemma enat_1 [code_post]: "enat 1 = 1" by (simp add: one_enat_def) lemma enat_0_iff: "enat x = 0 \ x = 0" "0 = enat x \ x = 0" by (auto simp add: zero_enat_def) lemma enat_1_iff: "enat x = 1 \ x = 1" "1 = enat x \ x = 1" by (auto simp add: one_enat_def) lemma one_eSuc: "1 = eSuc 0" by (simp add: zero_enat_def one_enat_def eSuc_def) lemma infinity_ne_i0 [simp]: "(\::enat) \ 0" by (simp add: zero_enat_def) lemma i0_ne_infinity [simp]: "0 \ (\::enat)" by (simp add: zero_enat_def) lemma zero_one_enat_neq: "\ 0 = (1::enat)" "\ 1 = (0::enat)" unfolding zero_enat_def one_enat_def by simp_all lemma infinity_ne_i1 [simp]: "(\::enat) \ 1" by (simp add: one_enat_def) lemma i1_ne_infinity [simp]: "1 \ (\::enat)" by (simp add: one_enat_def) lemma eSuc_enat: "eSuc (enat n) = enat (Suc n)" by (simp add: eSuc_def) lemma eSuc_infinity [simp]: "eSuc \ = \" by (simp add: eSuc_def) lemma eSuc_ne_0 [simp]: "eSuc n \ 0" by (simp add: eSuc_def zero_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma zero_ne_eSuc [simp]: "0 \ eSuc n" by (rule eSuc_ne_0 [symmetric]) lemma eSuc_inject [simp]: "eSuc m = eSuc n \ m = n" by (simp add: eSuc_def split: enat.splits) lemma eSuc_enat_iff: "eSuc x = enat y \ (\n. y = Suc n \ x = enat n)" by (cases y) (auto simp: enat_0 eSuc_enat[symmetric]) lemma enat_eSuc_iff: "enat y = eSuc x \ (\n. y = Suc n \ enat n = x)" by (cases y) (auto simp: enat_0 eSuc_enat[symmetric]) subsection \Addition\ instantiation enat :: comm_monoid_add begin definition [nitpick_simp]: "m + n = (case m of \ \ \ | enat m \ (case n of \ \ \ | enat n \ enat (m + n)))" lemma plus_enat_simps [simp, code]: fixes q :: enat shows "enat m + enat n = enat (m + n)" and "\ + q = \" and "q + \ = \" by (simp_all add: plus_enat_def split: enat.splits) instance proof fix n m q :: enat show "n + m + q = n + (m + q)" by (cases n m q rule: enat3_cases) auto show "n + m = m + n" by (cases n m rule: enat2_cases) auto show "0 + n = n" by (cases n) (simp_all add: zero_enat_def) qed end lemma eSuc_plus_1: "eSuc n = n + 1" by (cases n) (simp_all add: eSuc_enat one_enat_def) lemma plus_1_eSuc: "1 + q = eSuc q" "q + 1 = eSuc q" by (simp_all add: eSuc_plus_1 ac_simps) lemma iadd_Suc: "eSuc m + n = eSuc (m + n)" by (simp_all add: eSuc_plus_1 ac_simps) lemma iadd_Suc_right: "m + eSuc n = eSuc (m + n)" by (simp only: add.commute[of m] iadd_Suc) subsection \Multiplication\ instantiation enat :: "{comm_semiring_1, semiring_no_zero_divisors}" begin definition times_enat_def [nitpick_simp]: "m * n = (case m of \ \ if n = 0 then 0 else \ | enat m \ (case n of \ \ if m = 0 then 0 else \ | enat n \ enat (m * n)))" lemma times_enat_simps [simp, code]: "enat m * enat n = enat (m * n)" "\ * \ = (\::enat)" "\ * enat n = (if n = 0 then 0 else \)" "enat m * \ = (if m = 0 then 0 else \)" unfolding times_enat_def zero_enat_def by (simp_all split: enat.split) instance proof fix a b c :: enat show "(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)" unfolding times_enat_def zero_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) show comm: "a * b = b * a" unfolding times_enat_def zero_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) show "1 * a = a" unfolding times_enat_def zero_enat_def one_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) show distr: "(a + b) * c = a * c + b * c" unfolding times_enat_def zero_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split add: distrib_right) show "0 * a = 0" unfolding times_enat_def zero_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) show "a * 0 = 0" unfolding times_enat_def zero_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) show "a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c" by (cases a b c rule: enat3_cases) (auto simp: times_enat_def zero_enat_def distrib_left) show "a \ 0 \ b \ 0 \ a * b \ 0" by (cases a b rule: enat2_cases) (auto simp: times_enat_def zero_enat_def) qed end lemma mult_eSuc: "eSuc m * n = n + m * n" unfolding eSuc_plus_1 by (simp add: algebra_simps) lemma mult_eSuc_right: "m * eSuc n = m + m * n" unfolding eSuc_plus_1 by (simp add: algebra_simps) lemma of_nat_eq_enat: "of_nat n = enat n" apply (induct n) apply (simp add: enat_0) apply (simp add: plus_1_eSuc eSuc_enat) done instance enat :: semiring_char_0 proof have "inj enat" by (rule injI) simp then show "inj (\n. of_nat n :: enat)" by (simp add: of_nat_eq_enat) qed lemma imult_is_infinity: "((a::enat) * b = \) = (a = \ \ b \ 0 \ b = \ \ a \ 0)" by (auto simp add: times_enat_def zero_enat_def split: enat.split) subsection \Numerals\ lemma numeral_eq_enat: "numeral k = enat (numeral k)" using of_nat_eq_enat [of "numeral k"] by simp lemma enat_numeral [code_abbrev]: "enat (numeral k) = numeral k" using numeral_eq_enat .. lemma infinity_ne_numeral [simp]: "(\::enat) \ numeral k" by (simp add: numeral_eq_enat) lemma numeral_ne_infinity [simp]: "numeral k \ (\::enat)" by (simp add: numeral_eq_enat) lemma eSuc_numeral [simp]: "eSuc (numeral k) = numeral (k + Num.One)" by (simp only: eSuc_plus_1 numeral_plus_one) subsection \Subtraction\ instantiation enat :: minus begin definition diff_enat_def: "a - b = (case a of (enat x) \ (case b of (enat y) \ enat (x - y) | \ \ 0) | \ \ \)" instance .. end lemma idiff_enat_enat [simp, code]: "enat a - enat b = enat (a - b)" by (simp add: diff_enat_def) lemma idiff_infinity [simp, code]: "\ - n = (\::enat)" by (simp add: diff_enat_def) lemma idiff_infinity_right [simp, code]: "enat a - \ = 0" by (simp add: diff_enat_def) lemma idiff_0 [simp]: "(0::enat) - n = 0" by (cases n, simp_all add: zero_enat_def) lemmas idiff_enat_0 [simp] = idiff_0 [unfolded zero_enat_def] lemma idiff_0_right [simp]: "(n::enat) - 0 = n" by (cases n) (simp_all add: zero_enat_def) lemmas idiff_enat_0_right [simp] = idiff_0_right [unfolded zero_enat_def] lemma idiff_self [simp]: "n \ \ \ (n::enat) - n = 0" by (auto simp: zero_enat_def) lemma eSuc_minus_eSuc [simp]: "eSuc n - eSuc m = n - m" by (simp add: eSuc_def split: enat.split) lemma eSuc_minus_1 [simp]: "eSuc n - 1 = n" by (simp add: one_enat_def flip: eSuc_enat zero_enat_def) (*lemmas idiff_self_eq_0_enat = idiff_self_eq_0[unfolded zero_enat_def]*) subsection \Ordering\ instantiation enat :: linordered_ab_semigroup_add begin definition [nitpick_simp]: "m \ n = (case n of enat n1 \ (case m of enat m1 \ m1 \ n1 | \ \ False) | \ \ True)" definition [nitpick_simp]: "m < n = (case m of enat m1 \ (case n of enat n1 \ m1 < n1 | \ \ True) | \ \ False)" lemma enat_ord_simps [simp]: "enat m \ enat n \ m \ n" "enat m < enat n \ m < n" "q \ (\::enat)" "q < (\::enat) \ q \ \" "(\::enat) \ q \ q = \" "(\::enat) < q \ False" by (simp_all add: less_eq_enat_def less_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma numeral_le_enat_iff[simp]: shows "numeral m \ enat n \ numeral m \ n" by (auto simp: numeral_eq_enat) lemma numeral_less_enat_iff[simp]: shows "numeral m < enat n \ numeral m < n" by (auto simp: numeral_eq_enat) lemma enat_ord_code [code]: "enat m \ enat n \ m \ n" "enat m < enat n \ m < n" "q \ (\::enat) \ True" "enat m < \ \ True" "\ \ enat n \ False" "(\::enat) < q \ False" by simp_all instance by standard (auto simp add: less_eq_enat_def less_enat_def plus_enat_def split: enat.splits) end instance enat :: dioid proof fix a b :: enat show "(a \ b) = (\c. b = a + c)" by (cases a b rule: enat2_cases) (auto simp: le_iff_add enat_ex_split) qed instance enat :: "{linordered_nonzero_semiring, strict_ordered_comm_monoid_add}" proof fix a b c :: enat show "a \ b \ 0 \ c \c * a \ c * b" unfolding times_enat_def less_eq_enat_def zero_enat_def by (simp split: enat.splits) show "a < b \ c < d \ a + c < b + d" for a b c d :: enat by (cases a b c d rule: enat2_cases[case_product enat2_cases]) auto show "a < b \ a + 1 < b + 1" by (metis add_right_mono eSuc_minus_1 eSuc_plus_1 less_le) qed (simp add: zero_enat_def one_enat_def) (* BH: These equations are already proven generally for any type in class linordered_semidom. However, enat is not in that class because it does not have the cancellation property. Would it be worthwhile to a generalize linordered_semidom to a new class that includes enat? *) lemma add_diff_assoc_enat: "z \ y \ x + (y - z) = x + y - (z::enat)" by(cases x)(auto simp add: diff_enat_def split: enat.split) lemma enat_ord_number [simp]: "(numeral m :: enat) \ numeral n \ (numeral m :: nat) \ numeral n" "(numeral m :: enat) < numeral n \ (numeral m :: nat) < numeral n" by (simp_all add: numeral_eq_enat) lemma infinity_ileE [elim!]: "\ \ enat m \ R" by (simp add: zero_enat_def less_eq_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma infinity_ilessE [elim!]: "\ < enat m \ R" by simp lemma eSuc_ile_mono [simp]: "eSuc n \ eSuc m \ n \ m" by (simp add: eSuc_def less_eq_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma eSuc_mono [simp]: "eSuc n < eSuc m \ n < m" by (simp add: eSuc_def less_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma ile_eSuc [simp]: "n \ eSuc n" by (simp add: eSuc_def less_eq_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma not_eSuc_ilei0 [simp]: "\ eSuc n \ 0" by (simp add: zero_enat_def eSuc_def less_eq_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma i0_iless_eSuc [simp]: "0 < eSuc n" by (simp add: zero_enat_def eSuc_def less_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma iless_eSuc0[simp]: "(n < eSuc 0) = (n = 0)" by (simp add: zero_enat_def eSuc_def less_enat_def split: enat.split) lemma ileI1: "m < n \ eSuc m \ n" by (simp add: eSuc_def less_eq_enat_def less_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma Suc_ile_eq: "enat (Suc m) \ n \ enat m < n" by (cases n) auto lemma iless_Suc_eq [simp]: "enat m < eSuc n \ enat m \ n" by (auto simp add: eSuc_def less_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma imult_infinity: "(0::enat) < n \ \ * n = \" by (simp add: zero_enat_def less_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma imult_infinity_right: "(0::enat) < n \ n * \ = \" by (simp add: zero_enat_def less_enat_def split: enat.splits) lemma enat_0_less_mult_iff: "(0 < (m::enat) * n) = (0 < m \ 0 < n)" by (simp only: zero_less_iff_neq_zero mult_eq_0_iff, simp) lemma mono_eSuc: "mono eSuc" by (simp add: mono_def) lemma min_enat_simps [simp]: "min (enat m) (enat n) = enat (min m n)" "min q 0 = 0" "min 0 q = 0" "min q (\::enat) = q" "min (\::enat) q = q" by (auto simp add: min_def) lemma max_enat_simps [simp]: "max (enat m) (enat n) = enat (max m n)" "max q 0 = q" "max 0 q = q" "max q \ = (\::enat)" "max \ q = (\::enat)" by (simp_all add: max_def) lemma enat_ile: "n \ enat m \ \k. n = enat k" by (cases n) simp_all lemma enat_iless: "n < enat m \ \k. n = enat k" by (cases n) simp_all lemma iadd_le_enat_iff: "x + y \ enat n \ (\y' x'. x = enat x' \ y = enat y' \ x' + y' \ n)" by(cases x y rule: enat.exhaust[case_product enat.exhaust]) simp_all lemma chain_incr: "\i. \j. Y i < Y j \ \j. enat k < Y j" apply (induct_tac k) apply (simp (no_asm) only: enat_0) apply (fast intro: le_less_trans [OF zero_le]) apply (erule exE) apply (drule spec) apply (erule exE) apply (drule ileI1) apply (rule eSuc_enat [THEN subst]) apply (rule exI) apply (erule (1) le_less_trans) done lemma eSuc_max: "eSuc (max x y) = max (eSuc x) (eSuc y)" by (simp add: eSuc_def split: enat.split) lemma eSuc_Max: assumes "finite A" "A \ {}" shows "eSuc (Max A) = Max (eSuc ` A)" using assms proof induction case (insert x A) thus ?case by(cases "A = {}")(simp_all add: eSuc_max) qed simp instantiation enat :: "{order_bot, order_top}" begin definition bot_enat :: enat where "bot_enat = 0" definition top_enat :: enat where "top_enat = \" instance by standard (simp_all add: bot_enat_def top_enat_def) end lemma finite_enat_bounded: assumes le_fin: "\y. y \ A \ y \ enat n" shows "finite A" proof (rule finite_subset) show "finite (enat ` {..n})" by blast have "A \ {..enat n}" using le_fin by fastforce also have "\ \ enat ` {..n}" apply (rule subsetI) subgoal for x by (cases x) auto done finally show "A \ enat ` {..n}" . qed subsection \Cancellation simprocs\ lemma add_diff_cancel_enat[simp]: "x \ \ \ x + y - x = (y::enat)" by (metis add.commute add.right_neutral add_diff_assoc_enat idiff_self order_refl) lemma enat_add_left_cancel: "a + b = a + c \ a = (\::enat) \ b = c" unfolding plus_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) lemma enat_add_left_cancel_le: "a + b \ a + c \ a = (\::enat) \ b \ c" unfolding plus_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) lemma enat_add_left_cancel_less: "a + b < a + c \ a \ (\::enat) \ b < c" unfolding plus_enat_def by (simp split: enat.split) lemma plus_eq_infty_iff_enat: "(m::enat) + n = \ \ m=\ \ n=\" using enat_add_left_cancel by fastforce ML \ structure Cancel_Enat_Common = struct (* copied from src/HOL/Tools/nat_numeral_simprocs.ML *) fun find_first_t _ _ [] = raise TERM("find_first_t", []) | find_first_t past u (t::terms) = if u aconv t then (rev past @ terms) else find_first_t (t::past) u terms fun dest_summing (Const (\<^const_name>\Groups.plus\, _) $ t $ u, ts) = dest_summing (t, dest_summing (u, ts)) | dest_summing (t, ts) = t :: ts val mk_sum = Arith_Data.long_mk_sum fun dest_sum t = dest_summing (t, []) val find_first = find_first_t [] val trans_tac = Numeral_Simprocs.trans_tac val norm_ss = simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps @{thms ac_simps add_0_left add_0_right}) fun norm_tac ctxt = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (put_simpset norm_ss ctxt)) fun simplify_meta_eq ctxt cancel_th th = Arith_Data.simplify_meta_eq [] ctxt ([th, cancel_th] MRS trans) fun mk_eq (a, b) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (a, b)) end structure Eq_Enat_Cancel = ExtractCommonTermFun (open Cancel_Enat_Common val mk_bal = HOLogic.mk_eq val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin \<^const_name>\HOL.eq\ \<^typ>\enat\ fun simp_conv _ _ = SOME @{thm enat_add_left_cancel} ) structure Le_Enat_Cancel = ExtractCommonTermFun (open Cancel_Enat_Common val mk_bal = HOLogic.mk_binrel \<^const_name>\Orderings.less_eq\ val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin \<^const_name>\Orderings.less_eq\ \<^typ>\enat\ fun simp_conv _ _ = SOME @{thm enat_add_left_cancel_le} ) structure Less_Enat_Cancel = ExtractCommonTermFun (open Cancel_Enat_Common val mk_bal = HOLogic.mk_binrel \<^const_name>\Orderings.less\ val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin \<^const_name>\Orderings.less\ \<^typ>\enat\ fun simp_conv _ _ = SOME @{thm enat_add_left_cancel_less} ) \ simproc_setup enat_eq_cancel ("(l::enat) + m = n" | "(l::enat) = m + n") = - \fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => Eq_Enat_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => Eq_Enat_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ simproc_setup enat_le_cancel ("(l::enat) + m \ n" | "(l::enat) \ m + n") = - \fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => Le_Enat_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => Le_Enat_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ simproc_setup enat_less_cancel ("(l::enat) + m < n" | "(l::enat) < m + n") = - \fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => Less_Enat_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => Less_Enat_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ text \TODO: add regression tests for these simprocs\ text \TODO: add simprocs for combining and cancelling numerals\ subsection \Well-ordering\ lemma less_enatE: "[| n < enat m; !!k. n = enat k ==> k < m ==> P |] ==> P" by (induct n) auto lemma less_infinityE: "[| n < \; !!k. n = enat k ==> P |] ==> P" by (induct n) auto lemma enat_less_induct: assumes prem: "\n. \m::enat. m < n \ P m \ P n" shows "P n" proof - have P_enat: "\k. P (enat k)" apply (rule nat_less_induct) apply (rule prem, clarify) apply (erule less_enatE, simp) done show ?thesis proof (induct n) fix nat show "P (enat nat)" by (rule P_enat) next show "P \" apply (rule prem, clarify) apply (erule less_infinityE) apply (simp add: P_enat) done qed qed instance enat :: wellorder proof fix P and n assume hyp: "(\n::enat. (\m::enat. m < n \ P m) \ P n)" show "P n" by (blast intro: enat_less_induct hyp) qed subsection \Complete Lattice\ instantiation enat :: complete_lattice begin definition inf_enat :: "enat \ enat \ enat" where "inf_enat = min" definition sup_enat :: "enat \ enat \ enat" where "sup_enat = max" definition Inf_enat :: "enat set \ enat" where "Inf_enat A = (if A = {} then \ else (LEAST x. x \ A))" definition Sup_enat :: "enat set \ enat" where "Sup_enat A = (if A = {} then 0 else if finite A then Max A else \)" instance proof fix x :: "enat" and A :: "enat set" { assume "x \ A" then show "Inf A \ x" unfolding Inf_enat_def by (auto intro: Least_le) } { assume "\y. y \ A \ x \ y" then show "x \ Inf A" unfolding Inf_enat_def by (cases "A = {}") (auto intro: LeastI2_ex) } { assume "x \ A" then show "x \ Sup A" unfolding Sup_enat_def by (cases "finite A") auto } { assume "\y. y \ A \ y \ x" then show "Sup A \ x" unfolding Sup_enat_def using finite_enat_bounded by auto } qed (simp_all add: inf_enat_def sup_enat_def bot_enat_def top_enat_def Inf_enat_def Sup_enat_def) end instance enat :: complete_linorder .. lemma eSuc_Sup: "A \ {} \ eSuc (Sup A) = Sup (eSuc ` A)" by(auto simp add: Sup_enat_def eSuc_Max inj_on_def dest: finite_imageD) lemma sup_continuous_eSuc: "sup_continuous f \ sup_continuous (\x. eSuc (f x))" using eSuc_Sup [of "_ ` UNIV"] by (auto simp: sup_continuous_def image_comp) subsection \Traditional theorem names\ lemmas enat_defs = zero_enat_def one_enat_def eSuc_def plus_enat_def less_eq_enat_def less_enat_def lemma iadd_is_0: "(m + n = (0::enat)) = (m = 0 \ n = 0)" by (rule add_eq_0_iff_both_eq_0) lemma i0_lb : "(0::enat) \ n" by (rule zero_le) lemma ile0_eq: "n \ (0::enat) \ n = 0" by (rule le_zero_eq) lemma not_iless0: "\ n < (0::enat)" by (rule not_less_zero) lemma i0_less[simp]: "(0::enat) < n \ n \ 0" by (rule zero_less_iff_neq_zero) lemma imult_is_0: "((m::enat) * n = 0) = (m = 0 \ n = 0)" by (rule mult_eq_0_iff) end diff --git a/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nonnegative_Real.thy b/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nonnegative_Real.thy --- a/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nonnegative_Real.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Library/Extended_Nonnegative_Real.thy @@ -1,2047 +1,2047 @@ (* Title: HOL/Library/Extended_Nonnegative_Real.thy Author: Johannes Hölzl *) section \The type of non-negative extended real numbers\ theory Extended_Nonnegative_Real imports Extended_Real Indicator_Function begin lemma ereal_ineq_diff_add: assumes "b \ (-\::ereal)" "a \ b" shows "a = b + (a-b)" by (metis add.commute assms ereal_eq_minus_iff ereal_minus_le_iff ereal_plus_eq_PInfty) lemma Limsup_const_add: fixes c :: "'a::{complete_linorder, linorder_topology, topological_monoid_add, ordered_ab_semigroup_add}" shows "F \ bot \ Limsup F (\x. c + f x) = c + Limsup F f" by (rule Limsup_compose_continuous_mono) (auto intro!: monoI add_mono continuous_on_add continuous_on_id continuous_on_const) lemma Liminf_const_add: fixes c :: "'a::{complete_linorder, linorder_topology, topological_monoid_add, ordered_ab_semigroup_add}" shows "F \ bot \ Liminf F (\x. c + f x) = c + Liminf F f" by (rule Liminf_compose_continuous_mono) (auto intro!: monoI add_mono continuous_on_add continuous_on_id continuous_on_const) lemma Liminf_add_const: fixes c :: "'a::{complete_linorder, linorder_topology, topological_monoid_add, ordered_ab_semigroup_add}" shows "F \ bot \ Liminf F (\x. f x + c) = Liminf F f + c" by (rule Liminf_compose_continuous_mono) (auto intro!: monoI add_mono continuous_on_add continuous_on_id continuous_on_const) lemma sums_offset: fixes f g :: "nat \ 'a :: {t2_space, topological_comm_monoid_add}" assumes "(\n. f (n + i)) sums l" shows "f sums (l + (\jk. (\nj l + (\jjj=i..j=0..j=i..j\(\n. n + i)`{0..jnjk. (\n l + (\j 'a :: {t2_space, topological_comm_monoid_add}" shows "summable (\j. f (j + i)) \ suminf f = (\j. f (j + i)) + (\jz::real. 0 < z \ z < 1 \ P z) \ eventually P (at_left 1)" by (subst eventually_at_left[of 0]) (auto intro: exI[of _ 0]) lemma mult_eq_1: fixes a b :: "'a :: {ordered_semiring, comm_monoid_mult}" shows "0 \ a \ a \ 1 \ b \ 1 \ a * b = 1 \ (a = 1 \ b = 1)" by (metis mult.left_neutral eq_iff mult.commute mult_right_mono) lemma ereal_add_diff_cancel: fixes a b :: ereal shows "\b\ \ \ \ (a + b) - b = a" by (cases a b rule: ereal2_cases) auto lemma add_top: fixes x :: "'a::{order_top, ordered_comm_monoid_add}" shows "0 \ x \ x + top = top" by (intro top_le add_increasing order_refl) lemma top_add: fixes x :: "'a::{order_top, ordered_comm_monoid_add}" shows "0 \ x \ top + x = top" by (intro top_le add_increasing2 order_refl) lemma le_lfp: "mono f \ x \ lfp f \ f x \ lfp f" by (subst lfp_unfold) (auto dest: monoD) lemma lfp_transfer: assumes \: "sup_continuous \" and f: "sup_continuous f" and mg: "mono g" assumes bot: "\ bot \ lfp g" and eq: "\x. x \ lfp f \ \ (f x) = g (\ x)" shows "\ (lfp f) = lfp g" proof (rule antisym) note mf = sup_continuous_mono[OF f] have f_le_lfp: "(f ^^ i) bot \ lfp f" for i by (induction i) (auto intro: le_lfp mf) have "\ ((f ^^ i) bot) \ lfp g" for i by (induction i) (auto simp: bot eq f_le_lfp intro!: le_lfp mg) then show "\ (lfp f) \ lfp g" unfolding sup_continuous_lfp[OF f] by (subst \[THEN sup_continuousD]) (auto intro!: mono_funpow sup_continuous_mono[OF f] SUP_least) show "lfp g \ \ (lfp f)" by (rule lfp_lowerbound) (simp add: eq[symmetric] lfp_fixpoint[OF mf]) qed lemma sup_continuous_applyD: "sup_continuous f \ sup_continuous (\x. f x h)" using sup_continuous_apply[THEN sup_continuous_compose] . lemma sup_continuous_SUP[order_continuous_intros]: fixes M :: "_ \ _ \ 'a::complete_lattice" assumes M: "\i. i \ I \ sup_continuous (M i)" shows "sup_continuous (SUP i\I. M i)" unfolding sup_continuous_def by (auto simp add: sup_continuousD [OF M] image_comp intro: SUP_commute) lemma sup_continuous_apply_SUP[order_continuous_intros]: fixes M :: "_ \ _ \ 'a::complete_lattice" shows "(\i. i \ I \ sup_continuous (M i)) \ sup_continuous (\x. SUP i\I. M i x)" unfolding SUP_apply[symmetric] by (rule sup_continuous_SUP) lemma sup_continuous_lfp'[order_continuous_intros]: assumes 1: "sup_continuous f" assumes 2: "\g. sup_continuous g \ sup_continuous (f g)" shows "sup_continuous (lfp f)" proof - have "sup_continuous ((f ^^ i) bot)" for i proof (induction i) case (Suc i) then show ?case by (auto intro!: 2) qed (simp add: bot_fun_def sup_continuous_const) then show ?thesis unfolding sup_continuous_lfp[OF 1] by (intro order_continuous_intros) qed lemma sup_continuous_lfp''[order_continuous_intros]: assumes 1: "\s. sup_continuous (f s)" assumes 2: "\g. sup_continuous g \ sup_continuous (\s. f s (g s))" shows "sup_continuous (\x. lfp (f x))" proof - have "sup_continuous (\x. (f x ^^ i) bot)" for i proof (induction i) case (Suc i) then show ?case by (auto intro!: 2) qed (simp add: bot_fun_def sup_continuous_const) then show ?thesis unfolding sup_continuous_lfp[OF 1] by (intro order_continuous_intros) qed lemma mono_INF_fun: "(\x y. mono (F x y)) \ mono (\z x. INF y \ X x. F x y z :: 'a :: complete_lattice)" by (auto intro!: INF_mono[OF bexI] simp: le_fun_def mono_def) lemma continuous_on_cmult_ereal: "\c::ereal\ \ \ \ continuous_on A f \ continuous_on A (\x. c * f x)" using tendsto_cmult_ereal[of c f "f x" "at x within A" for x] by (auto simp: continuous_on_def simp del: tendsto_cmult_ereal) lemma real_of_nat_Sup: assumes "A \ {}" "bdd_above A" shows "of_nat (Sup A) = (SUP a\A. of_nat a :: real)" proof (intro antisym) show "(SUP a\A. of_nat a::real) \ of_nat (Sup A)" using assms by (intro cSUP_least of_nat_mono) (auto intro: cSup_upper) have "Sup A \ A" using assms by (auto simp: Sup_nat_def bdd_above_nat) then show "of_nat (Sup A) \ (SUP a\A. of_nat a::real)" by (intro cSUP_upper bdd_above_image_mono assms) (auto simp: mono_def) qed lemma (in complete_lattice) SUP_sup_const1: "I \ {} \ (SUP i\I. sup c (f i)) = sup c (SUP i\I. f i)" using SUP_sup_distrib[of "\_. c" I f] by simp lemma (in complete_lattice) SUP_sup_const2: "I \ {} \ (SUP i\I. sup (f i) c) = sup (SUP i\I. f i) c" using SUP_sup_distrib[of f I "\_. c"] by simp lemma one_less_of_natD: assumes "(1::'a::linordered_semidom) < of_nat n" shows "1 < n" by (cases n) (use assms in auto) subsection \Defining the extended non-negative reals\ text \Basic definitions and type class setup\ typedef ennreal = "{x :: ereal. 0 \ x}" morphisms enn2ereal e2ennreal' by auto definition "e2ennreal x = e2ennreal' (max 0 x)" lemma enn2ereal_range: "e2ennreal ` {0..} = UNIV" proof - have "\y\0. x = e2ennreal y" for x by (cases x) (auto simp: e2ennreal_def max_absorb2) then show ?thesis by (auto simp: image_iff Bex_def) qed lemma type_definition_ennreal': "type_definition enn2ereal e2ennreal {x. 0 \ x}" using type_definition_ennreal by (auto simp: type_definition_def e2ennreal_def max_absorb2) setup_lifting type_definition_ennreal' declare [[coercion e2ennreal]] instantiation ennreal :: complete_linorder begin lift_definition top_ennreal :: ennreal is top by (rule top_greatest) lift_definition bot_ennreal :: ennreal is 0 by (rule order_refl) lift_definition sup_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal" is sup by (rule le_supI1) lift_definition inf_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal" is inf by (rule le_infI) lift_definition Inf_ennreal :: "ennreal set \ ennreal" is "Inf" by (rule Inf_greatest) lift_definition Sup_ennreal :: "ennreal set \ ennreal" is "sup 0 \ Sup" by auto lift_definition less_eq_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ bool" is "(\)" . lift_definition less_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ bool" is "(<)" . instance by standard (transfer ; auto simp: Inf_lower Inf_greatest Sup_upper Sup_least le_max_iff_disj max.absorb1)+ end lemma pcr_ennreal_enn2ereal[simp]: "pcr_ennreal (enn2ereal x) x" by (simp add: ennreal.pcr_cr_eq cr_ennreal_def) lemma rel_fun_eq_pcr_ennreal: "rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal f g \ f = enn2ereal \ g" by (auto simp: rel_fun_def ennreal.pcr_cr_eq cr_ennreal_def) instantiation ennreal :: infinity begin definition infinity_ennreal :: ennreal where [simp]: "\ = (top::ennreal)" instance .. end instantiation ennreal :: "{semiring_1_no_zero_divisors, comm_semiring_1}" begin lift_definition one_ennreal :: ennreal is 1 by simp lift_definition zero_ennreal :: ennreal is 0 by simp lift_definition plus_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal" is "(+)" by simp lift_definition times_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal" is "(*)" by simp instance by standard (transfer; auto simp: field_simps ereal_right_distrib)+ end instantiation ennreal :: minus begin lift_definition minus_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal" is "\a b. max 0 (a - b)" by simp instance .. end instance ennreal :: numeral .. instantiation ennreal :: inverse begin lift_definition inverse_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal" is inverse by (rule inverse_ereal_ge0I) definition divide_ennreal :: "ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal" where "x div y = x * inverse (y :: ennreal)" instance .. end lemma ennreal_zero_less_one: "0 < (1::ennreal)" \ \TODO: remove\ by transfer auto instance ennreal :: dioid proof (standard; transfer) fix a b :: ereal assume "0 \ a" "0 \ b" then show "(a \ b) = (\c\Collect ((\) 0). b = a + c)" unfolding ereal_ex_split Bex_def by (cases a b rule: ereal2_cases) (auto intro!: exI[of _ "real_of_ereal (b - a)"]) qed instance ennreal :: ordered_comm_semiring by standard (transfer ; auto intro: add_mono mult_mono mult_ac ereal_left_distrib ereal_mult_left_mono)+ instance ennreal :: linordered_nonzero_semiring proof fix a b::ennreal show "a < b \ a + 1 < b + 1" by transfer (simp add: add_right_mono ereal_add_cancel_right less_le) qed (transfer; simp) instance ennreal :: strict_ordered_ab_semigroup_add proof fix a b c d :: ennreal show "a < b \ c < d \ a + c < b + d" by transfer (auto intro!: ereal_add_strict_mono) qed declare [[coercion "of_nat :: nat \ ennreal"]] lemma e2ennreal_neg: "x \ 0 \ e2ennreal x = 0" unfolding zero_ennreal_def e2ennreal_def by (simp add: max_absorb1) lemma e2ennreal_mono: "x \ y \ e2ennreal x \ e2ennreal y" by (cases "0 \ x" "0 \ y" rule: bool.exhaust[case_product bool.exhaust]) (auto simp: e2ennreal_neg less_eq_ennreal.abs_eq eq_onp_def) lemma enn2ereal_nonneg[simp]: "0 \ enn2ereal x" using ennreal.enn2ereal[of x] by simp lemma ereal_ennreal_cases: obtains b where "0 \ a" "a = enn2ereal b" | "a < 0" using e2ennreal'_inverse[of a, symmetric] by (cases "0 \ a") (auto intro: enn2ereal_nonneg) lemma rel_fun_liminf[transfer_rule]: "rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) pcr_ennreal liminf liminf" proof - have "rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) pcr_ennreal (\x. sup 0 (liminf x)) liminf" unfolding liminf_SUP_INF[abs_def] by (transfer_prover_start, transfer_step+; simp) then show ?thesis apply (subst (asm) (2) rel_fun_def) apply (subst (2) rel_fun_def) apply (auto simp: comp_def max.absorb2 Liminf_bounded rel_fun_eq_pcr_ennreal) done qed lemma rel_fun_limsup[transfer_rule]: "rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) pcr_ennreal limsup limsup" proof - have "rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) pcr_ennreal (\x. INF n. sup 0 (SUP i\{n..}. x i)) limsup" unfolding limsup_INF_SUP[abs_def] by (transfer_prover_start, transfer_step+; simp) then show ?thesis unfolding limsup_INF_SUP[abs_def] apply (subst (asm) (2) rel_fun_def) apply (subst (2) rel_fun_def) apply (auto simp: comp_def max.absorb2 Sup_upper2 rel_fun_eq_pcr_ennreal) apply (subst (asm) max.absorb2) apply (auto intro: SUP_upper2) done qed lemma sum_enn2ereal[simp]: "(\i. i \ I \ 0 \ f i) \ (\i\I. enn2ereal (f i)) = enn2ereal (sum f I)" by (induction I rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp: sum_nonneg zero_ennreal.rep_eq plus_ennreal.rep_eq) lemma transfer_e2ennreal_sum [transfer_rule]: "rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) sum sum" by (auto intro!: rel_funI simp: rel_fun_eq_pcr_ennreal comp_def) lemma enn2ereal_of_nat[simp]: "enn2ereal (of_nat n) = ereal n" by (induction n) (auto simp: zero_ennreal.rep_eq one_ennreal.rep_eq plus_ennreal.rep_eq) lemma enn2ereal_numeral[simp]: "enn2ereal (numeral a) = numeral a" by (metis enn2ereal_of_nat numeral_eq_ereal of_nat_numeral) lemma transfer_numeral[transfer_rule]: "pcr_ennreal (numeral a) (numeral a)" unfolding cr_ennreal_def pcr_ennreal_def by auto subsection \Cancellation simprocs\ lemma ennreal_add_left_cancel: "a + b = a + c \ a = (\::ennreal) \ b = c" unfolding infinity_ennreal_def by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def ereal_add_cancel_left) lemma ennreal_add_left_cancel_le: "a + b \ a + c \ a = (\::ennreal) \ b \ c" unfolding infinity_ennreal_def by transfer (simp add: ereal_add_le_add_iff top_ereal_def disj_commute) lemma ereal_add_left_cancel_less: fixes a b c :: ereal shows "0 \ a \ 0 \ b \ a + b < a + c \ a \ \ \ b < c" by (cases a b c rule: ereal3_cases) auto lemma ennreal_add_left_cancel_less: "a + b < a + c \ a \ (\::ennreal) \ b < c" unfolding infinity_ennreal_def by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def ereal_add_left_cancel_less) ML \ structure Cancel_Ennreal_Common = struct (* copied from src/HOL/Tools/nat_numeral_simprocs.ML *) fun find_first_t _ _ [] = raise TERM("find_first_t", []) | find_first_t past u (t::terms) = if u aconv t then (rev past @ terms) else find_first_t (t::past) u terms fun dest_summing (Const (\<^const_name>\Groups.plus\, _) $ t $ u, ts) = dest_summing (t, dest_summing (u, ts)) | dest_summing (t, ts) = t :: ts val mk_sum = Arith_Data.long_mk_sum fun dest_sum t = dest_summing (t, []) val find_first = find_first_t [] val trans_tac = Numeral_Simprocs.trans_tac val norm_ss = simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps @{thms ac_simps add_0_left add_0_right}) fun norm_tac ctxt = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (put_simpset norm_ss ctxt)) fun simplify_meta_eq ctxt cancel_th th = Arith_Data.simplify_meta_eq [] ctxt ([th, cancel_th] MRS trans) fun mk_eq (a, b) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (a, b)) end structure Eq_Ennreal_Cancel = ExtractCommonTermFun (open Cancel_Ennreal_Common val mk_bal = HOLogic.mk_eq val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin \<^const_name>\HOL.eq\ \<^typ>\ennreal\ fun simp_conv _ _ = SOME @{thm ennreal_add_left_cancel} ) structure Le_Ennreal_Cancel = ExtractCommonTermFun (open Cancel_Ennreal_Common val mk_bal = HOLogic.mk_binrel \<^const_name>\Orderings.less_eq\ val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin \<^const_name>\Orderings.less_eq\ \<^typ>\ennreal\ fun simp_conv _ _ = SOME @{thm ennreal_add_left_cancel_le} ) structure Less_Ennreal_Cancel = ExtractCommonTermFun (open Cancel_Ennreal_Common val mk_bal = HOLogic.mk_binrel \<^const_name>\Orderings.less\ val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin \<^const_name>\Orderings.less\ \<^typ>\ennreal\ fun simp_conv _ _ = SOME @{thm ennreal_add_left_cancel_less} ) \ simproc_setup ennreal_eq_cancel ("(l::ennreal) + m = n" | "(l::ennreal) = m + n") = - \fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => Eq_Ennreal_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => Eq_Ennreal_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ simproc_setup ennreal_le_cancel ("(l::ennreal) + m \ n" | "(l::ennreal) \ m + n") = - \fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => Le_Ennreal_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => Le_Ennreal_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ simproc_setup ennreal_less_cancel ("(l::ennreal) + m < n" | "(l::ennreal) < m + n") = - \fn phi => fn ctxt => fn ct => Less_Ennreal_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => Less_Ennreal_Cancel.proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ subsection \Order with top\ lemma ennreal_zero_less_top[simp]: "0 < (top::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_one_less_top[simp]: "1 < (top::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_zero_neq_top[simp]: "0 \ (top::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_top_neq_zero[simp]: "(top::ennreal) \ 0" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_top_neq_one[simp]: "top \ (1::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def one_ereal_def flip: ereal_max) lemma ennreal_one_neq_top[simp]: "1 \ (top::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def one_ereal_def flip: ereal_max) lemma ennreal_add_less_top[simp]: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a + b < top \ a < top \ b < top" by transfer (auto simp: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_add_eq_top[simp]: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a + b = top \ a = top \ b = top" by transfer (auto simp: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_sum_less_top[simp]: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "finite I \ (\i\I. f i) < top \ (\i\I. f i < top)" by (induction I rule: finite_induct) auto lemma ennreal_sum_eq_top[simp]: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "finite I \ (\i\I. f i) = top \ (\i\I. f i = top)" by (induction I rule: finite_induct) auto lemma ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a * b = top \ (a = top \ b \ 0) \ (b = top \ a \ 0)" by transfer (auto simp: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_top_eq_mult_iff: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "top = a * b \ (a = top \ b \ 0) \ (b = top \ a \ 0)" using ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff[of a b] by auto lemma ennreal_mult_less_top: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a * b < top \ (a = 0 \ b = 0 \ (a < top \ b < top))" by transfer (auto simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma top_power_ennreal: "top ^ n = (if n = 0 then 1 else top :: ennreal)" by (induction n) (simp_all add: ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) lemma ennreal_prod_eq_0[simp]: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "(prod f A = 0) = (finite A \ (\i\A. f i = 0))" by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto lemma ennreal_prod_eq_top: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "(\i\I. f i) = top \ (finite I \ ((\i\I. f i \ 0) \ (\i\I. f i = top)))" by (induction I rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp: ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) lemma ennreal_top_mult: "top * a = (if a = 0 then 0 else top :: ennreal)" by (simp add: ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) lemma ennreal_mult_top: "a * top = (if a = 0 then 0 else top :: ennreal)" by (simp add: ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) lemma enn2ereal_eq_top_iff[simp]: "enn2ereal x = \ \ x = top" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma enn2ereal_top[simp]: "enn2ereal top = \" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma e2ennreal_infty[simp]: "e2ennreal \ = top" by (simp add: top_ennreal.abs_eq top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_top_minus[simp]: "top - x = (top::ennreal)" by transfer (auto simp: top_ereal_def max_def) lemma minus_top_ennreal: "x - top = (if x = top then top else 0:: ennreal)" by transfer (use ereal_eq_minus_iff top_ereal_def in force) lemma bot_ennreal: "bot = (0::ennreal)" by transfer rule lemma ennreal_of_nat_neq_top[simp]: "of_nat i \ (top::ennreal)" by (induction i) auto lemma numeral_eq_of_nat: "(numeral a::ennreal) = of_nat (numeral a)" by simp lemma of_nat_less_top: "of_nat i < (top::ennreal)" using less_le_trans[of "of_nat i" "of_nat (Suc i)" "top::ennreal"] by simp lemma top_neq_numeral[simp]: "top \ (numeral i::ennreal)" using of_nat_less_top[of "numeral i"] by simp lemma ennreal_numeral_less_top[simp]: "numeral i < (top::ennreal)" using of_nat_less_top[of "numeral i"] by simp lemma ennreal_add_bot[simp]: "bot + x = (x::ennreal)" by transfer simp lemma add_top_right_ennreal [simp]: "x + top = (top :: ennreal)" by (cases x) auto lemma add_top_left_ennreal [simp]: "top + x = (top :: ennreal)" by (cases x) auto lemma ennreal_top_mult_left [simp]: "x \ 0 \ x * top = (top :: ennreal)" by (subst ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) auto lemma ennreal_top_mult_right [simp]: "x \ 0 \ top * x = (top :: ennreal)" by (subst ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) auto lemma power_top_ennreal [simp]: "n > 0 \ top ^ n = (top :: ennreal)" by (induction n) auto lemma power_eq_top_ennreal_iff: "x ^ n = top \ x = (top :: ennreal) \ n > 0" by (induction n) (auto simp: ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) lemma ennreal_mult_le_mult_iff: "c \ 0 \ c \ top \ c * a \ c * b \ a \ (b :: ennreal)" including ennreal.lifting by (transfer, subst ereal_mult_le_mult_iff) (auto simp: top_ereal_def) lemma power_mono_ennreal: "x \ y \ x ^ n \ (y ^ n :: ennreal)" by (induction n) (auto intro!: mult_mono) instance ennreal :: semiring_char_0 proof (standard, safe intro!: linorder_injI) have *: "1 + of_nat k \ (0::ennreal)" for k using add_pos_nonneg[OF zero_less_one, of "of_nat k :: ennreal"] by auto fix x y :: nat assume "x < y" "of_nat x = (of_nat y::ennreal)" then show False by (auto simp add: less_iff_Suc_add *) qed subsection \Arithmetic\ lemma ennreal_minus_zero[simp]: "a - (0::ennreal) = a" by transfer (auto simp: max_def) lemma ennreal_add_diff_cancel_right[simp]: fixes x y z :: ennreal shows "y \ top \ (x + y) - y = x" by transfer (metis ereal_eq_minus_iff max_absorb2 not_MInfty_nonneg top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_add_diff_cancel_left[simp]: fixes x y z :: ennreal shows "y \ top \ (y + x) - y = x" by (simp add: add.commute) lemma fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a - b = 0 \ a \ b" by transfer (metis ereal_diff_gr0 le_cases max.absorb2 not_less) lemma ennreal_minus_cancel: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "c \ top \ a \ c \ b \ c \ c - a = c - b \ a = b" by (metis ennreal_add_diff_cancel_left ennreal_add_diff_cancel_right ennreal_add_eq_top less_eqE) lemma sup_const_add_ennreal: fixes a b c :: "ennreal" shows "sup (c + a) (c + b) = c + sup a b" by transfer (metis add_left_mono le_cases sup.absorb2 sup.orderE) lemma ennreal_diff_add_assoc: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "a \ b \ c + b - a = c + (b - a)" by (metis add.left_commute ennreal_add_diff_cancel_left ennreal_add_eq_top ennreal_top_minus less_eqE) lemma mult_divide_eq_ennreal: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "b \ 0 \ b \ top \ (a * b) / b = a" unfolding divide_ennreal_def apply transfer by (metis abs_ereal_ge0 divide_ereal_def ereal_divide_eq ereal_times_divide_eq top_ereal_def) lemma divide_mult_eq: "a \ 0 \ a \ \ \ x * a / (b * a) = x / (b::ennreal)" unfolding divide_ennreal_def infinity_ennreal_def apply transfer subgoal for a b c apply (cases a b c rule: ereal3_cases) apply (auto simp: top_ereal_def) done done lemma ennreal_mult_divide_eq: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "b \ 0 \ b \ top \ (a * b) / b = a" by (fact mult_divide_eq_ennreal) lemma ennreal_add_diff_cancel: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "b \ \ \ (a + b) - b = a" by simp lemma ennreal_minus_eq_0: "a - b = 0 \ a \ (b::ennreal)" by transfer (metis ereal_diff_gr0 le_cases max.absorb2 not_less) lemma ennreal_mono_minus_cancel: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "a - b \ a - c \ a < top \ b \ a \ c \ a \ c \ b" by transfer (auto simp add: max.absorb2 ereal_diff_positive top_ereal_def dest: ereal_mono_minus_cancel) lemma ennreal_mono_minus: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "c \ b \ a - b \ a - c" by transfer (meson ereal_minus_mono max.mono order_refl) lemma ennreal_minus_pos_iff: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a < top \ b < top \ 0 < a - b \ b < a" by transfer (use add.left_neutral ereal_minus_le_iff less_irrefl not_less in fastforce) lemma ennreal_inverse_top[simp]: "inverse top = (0::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def ereal_inverse_eq_0) lemma ennreal_inverse_zero[simp]: "inverse 0 = (top::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def ereal_inverse_eq_0) lemma ennreal_top_divide: "top / (x::ennreal) = (if x = top then 0 else top)" unfolding divide_ennreal_def by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def ereal_inverse_eq_0 ereal_0_gt_inverse) lemma ennreal_zero_divide[simp]: "0 / (x::ennreal) = 0" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def) lemma ennreal_divide_zero[simp]: "x / (0::ennreal) = (if x = 0 then 0 else top)" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def ennreal_mult_top) lemma ennreal_divide_top[simp]: "x / (top::ennreal) = 0" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def ennreal_top_mult) lemma ennreal_times_divide: "a * (b / c) = a * b / (c::ennreal)" unfolding divide_ennreal_def by transfer (simp add: divide_ereal_def[symmetric] ereal_times_divide_eq) lemma ennreal_zero_less_divide: "0 < a / b \ (0 < a \ b < (top::ennreal))" unfolding divide_ennreal_def by transfer (auto simp: ereal_zero_less_0_iff top_ereal_def ereal_0_gt_inverse) lemma add_divide_distrib_ennreal: "(a + b) / c = a / c + b / (c :: ennreal)" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def ring_distribs) lemma divide_right_mono_ennreal: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "a \ b \ a / c \ b / c" unfolding divide_ennreal_def by (intro mult_mono) auto lemma ennreal_mult_strict_right_mono: "(a::ennreal) < c \ 0 < b \ b < top \ a * b < c * b" by transfer (auto intro!: ereal_mult_strict_right_mono) lemma ennreal_indicator_less[simp]: "indicator A x \ (indicator B x::ennreal) \ (x \ A \ x \ B)" by (simp add: indicator_def not_le) lemma ennreal_inverse_positive: "0 < inverse x \ (x::ennreal) \ top" by transfer (simp add: ereal_0_gt_inverse top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_inverse_mult': "((0 < b \ a < top) \ (0 < a \ b < top)) \ inverse (a * b::ennreal) = inverse a * inverse b" apply transfer subgoal for a b by (cases a b rule: ereal2_cases) (auto simp: top_ereal_def) done lemma ennreal_inverse_mult: "a < top \ b < top \ inverse (a * b::ennreal) = inverse a * inverse b" apply transfer subgoal for a b by (cases a b rule: ereal2_cases) (auto simp: top_ereal_def) done lemma ennreal_inverse_1[simp]: "inverse (1::ennreal) = 1" by transfer simp lemma ennreal_inverse_eq_0_iff[simp]: "inverse (a::ennreal) = 0 \ a = top" by transfer (simp add: ereal_inverse_eq_0 top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_inverse_eq_top_iff[simp]: "inverse (a::ennreal) = top \ a = 0" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_divide_eq_0_iff[simp]: "(a::ennreal) / b = 0 \ (a = 0 \ b = top)" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def) lemma ennreal_divide_eq_top_iff: "(a::ennreal) / b = top \ ((a \ 0 \ b = 0) \ (a = top \ b \ top))" by (auto simp add: divide_ennreal_def ennreal_mult_eq_top_iff) lemma one_divide_one_divide_ennreal[simp]: "1 / (1 / c) = (c::ennreal)" including ennreal.lifting unfolding divide_ennreal_def by transfer auto lemma ennreal_mult_left_cong: "((a::ennreal) \ 0 \ b = c) \ a * b = a * c" by (cases "a = 0") simp_all lemma ennreal_mult_right_cong: "((a::ennreal) \ 0 \ b = c) \ b * a = c * a" by (cases "a = 0") simp_all lemma ennreal_zero_less_mult_iff: "0 < a * b \ 0 < a \ 0 < (b::ennreal)" by transfer (auto simp add: ereal_zero_less_0_iff le_less) lemma less_diff_eq_ennreal: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "b < top \ c < top \ a < b - c \ a + c < b" apply transfer subgoal for a b c by (cases a b c rule: ereal3_cases) (auto split: split_max) done lemma diff_add_cancel_ennreal: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a \ b \ b - a + a = b" unfolding infinity_ennreal_def by transfer (metis (no_types) add.commute ereal_diff_positive ereal_ineq_diff_add max_def not_MInfty_nonneg) lemma ennreal_diff_self[simp]: "a \ top \ a - a = (0::ennreal)" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_minus_mono: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "a \ c \ d \ b \ a - b \ c - d" by transfer (meson ereal_minus_mono max.mono order_refl) lemma ennreal_minus_eq_top[simp]: "a - (b::ennreal) = top \ a = top" by (metis add_top diff_add_cancel_ennreal ennreal_mono_minus ennreal_top_minus zero_le) lemma ennreal_divide_self[simp]: "a \ 0 \ a < top \ a / a = (1::ennreal)" by (metis mult_1 mult_divide_eq_ennreal top.not_eq_extremum) subsection \Coercion from \<^typ>\real\ to \<^typ>\ennreal\\ lift_definition ennreal :: "real \ ennreal" is "sup 0 \ ereal" by simp declare [[coercion ennreal]] lemma ennreal_cong: "x = y \ ennreal x = ennreal y" by simp lemma ennreal_cases[cases type: ennreal]: fixes x :: ennreal obtains (real) r :: real where "0 \ r" "x = ennreal r" | (top) "x = top" apply transfer subgoal for x thesis by (cases x) (auto simp: max.absorb2 top_ereal_def) done lemmas ennreal2_cases = ennreal_cases[case_product ennreal_cases] lemmas ennreal3_cases = ennreal_cases[case_product ennreal2_cases] lemma ennreal_neq_top[simp]: "ennreal r \ top" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def zero_ereal_def flip: ereal_max) lemma top_neq_ennreal[simp]: "top \ ennreal r" using ennreal_neq_top[of r] by (auto simp del: ennreal_neq_top) lemma ennreal_less_top[simp]: "ennreal x < top" by transfer (simp add: top_ereal_def max_def) lemma ennreal_neg: "x \ 0 \ ennreal x = 0" by transfer (simp add: max.absorb1) lemma ennreal_inj[simp]: "0 \ a \ 0 \ b \ ennreal a = ennreal b \ a = b" by (transfer fixing: a b) (auto simp: max_absorb2) lemma ennreal_le_iff[simp]: "0 \ y \ ennreal x \ ennreal y \ x \ y" by (auto simp: ennreal_def zero_ereal_def less_eq_ennreal.abs_eq eq_onp_def split: split_max) lemma le_ennreal_iff: "0 \ r \ x \ ennreal r \ (\q\0. x = ennreal q \ q \ r)" by (cases x) (auto simp: top_unique) lemma ennreal_less_iff: "0 \ r \ ennreal r < ennreal q \ r < q" unfolding not_le[symmetric] by auto lemma ennreal_eq_zero_iff[simp]: "0 \ x \ ennreal x = 0 \ x = 0" by transfer (auto simp: max_absorb2) lemma ennreal_less_zero_iff[simp]: "0 < ennreal x \ 0 < x" by transfer (auto simp: max_def) lemma ennreal_lessI: "0 < q \ r < q \ ennreal r < ennreal q" by (cases "0 \ r") (auto simp: ennreal_less_iff ennreal_neg) lemma ennreal_leI: "x \ y \ ennreal x \ ennreal y" by (cases "0 \ y") (auto simp: ennreal_neg) lemma enn2ereal_ennreal[simp]: "0 \ x \ enn2ereal (ennreal x) = x" by transfer (simp add: max_absorb2) lemma e2ennreal_enn2ereal[simp]: "e2ennreal (enn2ereal x) = x" by (simp add: e2ennreal_def max_absorb2 ennreal.enn2ereal_inverse) lemma enn2ereal_e2ennreal: "x \ 0 \ enn2ereal (e2ennreal x) = x" by (metis e2ennreal_enn2ereal ereal_ennreal_cases not_le) lemma e2ennreal_ereal [simp]: "e2ennreal (ereal x) = ennreal x" by (metis e2ennreal_def enn2ereal_inverse ennreal.rep_eq sup_ereal_def) lemma ennreal_0[simp]: "ennreal 0 = 0" by (simp add: ennreal_def max.absorb1 zero_ennreal.abs_eq) lemma ennreal_1[simp]: "ennreal 1 = 1" by transfer (simp add: max_absorb2) lemma ennreal_eq_0_iff: "ennreal x = 0 \ x \ 0" by (cases "0 \ x") (auto simp: ennreal_neg) lemma ennreal_le_iff2: "ennreal x \ ennreal y \ ((0 \ y \ x \ y) \ (x \ 0 \ y \ 0))" by (cases "0 \ y") (auto simp: ennreal_eq_0_iff ennreal_neg) lemma ennreal_eq_1[simp]: "ennreal x = 1 \ x = 1" by (cases "0 \ x") (auto simp: ennreal_neg simp flip: ennreal_1) lemma ennreal_le_1[simp]: "ennreal x \ 1 \ x \ 1" by (cases "0 \ x") (auto simp: ennreal_neg simp flip: ennreal_1) lemma ennreal_ge_1[simp]: "ennreal x \ 1 \ x \ 1" by (cases "0 \ x") (auto simp: ennreal_neg simp flip: ennreal_1) lemma one_less_ennreal[simp]: "1 < ennreal x \ 1 < x" by (meson ennreal_le_1 linorder_not_le) lemma ennreal_plus[simp]: "0 \ a \ 0 \ b \ ennreal (a + b) = ennreal a + ennreal b" by (transfer fixing: a b) (auto simp: max_absorb2) lemma add_mono_ennreal: "x < ennreal y \ x' < ennreal y' \ x + x' < ennreal (y + y')" by (metis (full_types) add_strict_mono ennreal_less_zero_iff ennreal_plus less_le not_less zero_le) lemma sum_ennreal[simp]: "(\i. i \ I \ 0 \ f i) \ (\i\I. ennreal (f i)) = ennreal (sum f I)" by (induction I rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp: sum_nonneg) lemma sum_list_ennreal[simp]: assumes "\x. x \ set xs \ f x \ 0" shows "sum_list (map (\x. ennreal (f x)) xs) = ennreal (sum_list (map f xs))" using assms proof (induction xs) case (Cons x xs) from Cons have "(\x\x # xs. ennreal (f x)) = ennreal (f x) + ennreal (sum_list (map f xs))" by simp also from Cons.prems have "\ = ennreal (f x + sum_list (map f xs))" by (intro ennreal_plus [symmetric] sum_list_nonneg) auto finally show ?case by simp qed simp_all lemma ennreal_of_nat_eq_real_of_nat: "of_nat i = ennreal (of_nat i)" by (induction i) simp_all lemma of_nat_le_ennreal_iff[simp]: "0 \ r \ of_nat i \ ennreal r \ of_nat i \ r" by (simp add: ennreal_of_nat_eq_real_of_nat) lemma ennreal_le_of_nat_iff[simp]: "ennreal r \ of_nat i \ r \ of_nat i" by (simp add: ennreal_of_nat_eq_real_of_nat) lemma ennreal_indicator: "ennreal (indicator A x) = indicator A x" by (auto split: split_indicator) lemma ennreal_numeral[simp]: "ennreal (numeral n) = numeral n" using ennreal_of_nat_eq_real_of_nat[of "numeral n"] by simp lemma ennreal_less_numeral_iff [simp]: "ennreal n < numeral w \ n < numeral w" by (metis ennreal_less_iff ennreal_numeral less_le not_less zero_less_numeral) lemma numeral_less_ennreal_iff [simp]: "numeral w < ennreal n \ numeral w < n" using ennreal_less_iff zero_le_numeral by fastforce lemma numeral_le_ennreal_iff [simp]: "numeral n \ ennreal m \ numeral n \ m" by (metis not_le ennreal_less_numeral_iff) lemma min_ennreal: "0 \ x \ 0 \ y \ min (ennreal x) (ennreal y) = ennreal (min x y)" by (auto split: split_min) lemma ennreal_half[simp]: "ennreal (1/2) = inverse 2" by transfer (simp add: max.absorb2) lemma ennreal_minus: "0 \ q \ ennreal r - ennreal q = ennreal (r - q)" by transfer (simp add: max.absorb2 zero_ereal_def flip: ereal_max) lemma ennreal_minus_top[simp]: "ennreal a - top = 0" by (simp add: minus_top_ennreal) lemma e2eenreal_enn2ereal_diff [simp]: "e2ennreal(enn2ereal x - enn2ereal y) = x - y" for x y by (cases x, cases y, auto simp add: ennreal_minus e2ennreal_neg) lemma ennreal_mult: "0 \ a \ 0 \ b \ ennreal (a * b) = ennreal a * ennreal b" by transfer (simp add: max_absorb2) lemma ennreal_mult': "0 \ a \ ennreal (a * b) = ennreal a * ennreal b" by (cases "0 \ b") (auto simp: ennreal_mult ennreal_neg mult_nonneg_nonpos) lemma indicator_mult_ennreal: "indicator A x * ennreal r = ennreal (indicator A x * r)" by (simp split: split_indicator) lemma ennreal_mult'': "0 \ b \ ennreal (a * b) = ennreal a * ennreal b" by (cases "0 \ a") (auto simp: ennreal_mult ennreal_neg mult_nonpos_nonneg) lemma numeral_mult_ennreal: "0 \ x \ numeral b * ennreal x = ennreal (numeral b * x)" by (simp add: ennreal_mult) lemma ennreal_power: "0 \ r \ ennreal r ^ n = ennreal (r ^ n)" by (induction n) (auto simp: ennreal_mult) lemma power_eq_top_ennreal: "x ^ n = top \ (n \ 0 \ (x::ennreal) = top)" by (cases x rule: ennreal_cases) (auto simp: ennreal_power top_power_ennreal) lemma inverse_ennreal: "0 < r \ inverse (ennreal r) = ennreal (inverse r)" by transfer (simp add: max.absorb2) lemma divide_ennreal: "0 \ r \ 0 < q \ ennreal r / ennreal q = ennreal (r / q)" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def inverse_ennreal ennreal_mult[symmetric] inverse_eq_divide) lemma ennreal_inverse_power: "inverse (x ^ n :: ennreal) = inverse x ^ n" proof (cases x rule: ennreal_cases) case top with power_eq_top_ennreal[of x n] show ?thesis by (cases "n = 0") auto next case (real r) then show ?thesis proof (cases "x = 0") case False then show ?thesis by (smt (verit, best) ennreal_0 ennreal_power inverse_ennreal inverse_nonnegative_iff_nonnegative power_inverse real zero_less_power) qed (simp add: top_power_ennreal) qed lemma power_divide_distrib_ennreal [algebra_simps]: "(x / y) ^ n = x ^ n / (y ^ n :: ennreal)" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def algebra_simps ennreal_inverse_power) lemma ennreal_divide_numeral: "0 \ x \ ennreal x / numeral b = ennreal (x / numeral b)" by (subst divide_ennreal[symmetric]) auto lemma prod_ennreal: "(\i. i \ A \ 0 \ f i) \ (\i\A. ennreal (f i)) = ennreal (prod f A)" by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp: ennreal_mult prod_nonneg) lemma prod_mono_ennreal: assumes "\x. x \ A \ f x \ (g x :: ennreal)" shows "prod f A \ prod g A" using assms by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto intro!: mult_mono) lemma mult_right_ennreal_cancel: "a * ennreal c = b * ennreal c \ (a = b \ c \ 0)" proof (cases "0 \ c") case True then show ?thesis by (metis ennreal_eq_0_iff ennreal_mult_right_cong ennreal_neq_top mult_divide_eq_ennreal) qed (use ennreal_neg in auto) lemma ennreal_le_epsilon: "(\e::real. y < top \ 0 < e \ x \ y + ennreal e) \ x \ y" apply (cases y rule: ennreal_cases) apply (cases x rule: ennreal_cases) apply (auto simp flip: ennreal_plus simp add: top_unique intro: zero_less_one field_le_epsilon) done lemma ennreal_rat_dense: fixes x y :: ennreal shows "x < y \ \r::rat. x < real_of_rat r \ real_of_rat r < y" proof transfer fix x y :: ereal assume xy: "0 \ x" "0 \ y" "x < y" moreover from ereal_dense3[OF \x < y\] obtain r where r: "x < ereal (real_of_rat r)" "ereal (real_of_rat r) < y" by auto then have "0 \ r" using le_less_trans[OF \0 \ x\ \x < ereal (real_of_rat r)\] by auto with r show "\r. x < (sup 0 \ ereal) (real_of_rat r) \ (sup 0 \ ereal) (real_of_rat r) < y" by (intro exI[of _ r]) (auto simp: max_absorb2) qed lemma ennreal_Ex_less_of_nat: "(x::ennreal) < top \ \n. x < of_nat n" by (cases x rule: ennreal_cases) (auto simp: ennreal_of_nat_eq_real_of_nat ennreal_less_iff reals_Archimedean2) subsection \Coercion from \<^typ>\ennreal\ to \<^typ>\real\\ definition "enn2real x = real_of_ereal (enn2ereal x)" lemma enn2real_nonneg[simp]: "0 \ enn2real x" by (auto simp: enn2real_def intro!: real_of_ereal_pos enn2ereal_nonneg) lemma enn2real_mono: "a \ b \ b < top \ enn2real a \ enn2real b" by (auto simp add: enn2real_def less_eq_ennreal.rep_eq intro!: real_of_ereal_positive_mono enn2ereal_nonneg) lemma enn2real_of_nat[simp]: "enn2real (of_nat n) = n" by (auto simp: enn2real_def) lemma enn2real_ennreal[simp]: "0 \ r \ enn2real (ennreal r) = r" by (simp add: enn2real_def) lemma ennreal_enn2real[simp]: "r < top \ ennreal (enn2real r) = r" by (cases r rule: ennreal_cases) auto lemma real_of_ereal_enn2ereal[simp]: "real_of_ereal (enn2ereal x) = enn2real x" by (simp add: enn2real_def) lemma enn2real_top[simp]: "enn2real top = 0" unfolding enn2real_def top_ennreal.rep_eq top_ereal_def by simp lemma enn2real_0[simp]: "enn2real 0 = 0" unfolding enn2real_def zero_ennreal.rep_eq by simp lemma enn2real_1[simp]: "enn2real 1 = 1" unfolding enn2real_def one_ennreal.rep_eq by simp lemma enn2real_numeral[simp]: "enn2real (numeral n) = (numeral n)" unfolding enn2real_def by simp lemma enn2real_mult: "enn2real (a * b) = enn2real a * enn2real b" unfolding enn2real_def by (simp del: real_of_ereal_enn2ereal add: times_ennreal.rep_eq) lemma enn2real_leI: "0 \ B \ x \ ennreal B \ enn2real x \ B" by (cases x rule: ennreal_cases) (auto simp: top_unique) lemma enn2real_positive_iff: "0 < enn2real x \ (0 < x \ x < top)" by (cases x rule: ennreal_cases) auto lemma enn2real_eq_posreal_iff[simp]: "c > 0 \ enn2real x = c \ x = c" by (cases x) auto lemma ennreal_enn2real_if: "ennreal (enn2real r) = (if r = top then 0 else r)" by(auto intro!: ennreal_enn2real simp add: less_top) subsection \Coercion from \<^typ>\enat\ to \<^typ>\ennreal\\ definition ennreal_of_enat :: "enat \ ennreal" where "ennreal_of_enat n = (case n of \ \ top | enat n \ of_nat n)" declare [[coercion ennreal_of_enat]] declare [[coercion "of_nat :: nat \ ennreal"]] lemma ennreal_of_enat_infty[simp]: "ennreal_of_enat \ = \" by (simp add: ennreal_of_enat_def) lemma ennreal_of_enat_enat[simp]: "ennreal_of_enat (enat n) = of_nat n" by (simp add: ennreal_of_enat_def) lemma ennreal_of_enat_0[simp]: "ennreal_of_enat 0 = 0" using ennreal_of_enat_enat[of 0] unfolding enat_0 by simp lemma ennreal_of_enat_1[simp]: "ennreal_of_enat 1 = 1" using ennreal_of_enat_enat[of 1] unfolding enat_1 by simp lemma ennreal_top_neq_of_nat[simp]: "(top::ennreal) \ of_nat i" using ennreal_of_nat_neq_top[of i] by metis lemma ennreal_of_enat_inj[simp]: "ennreal_of_enat i = ennreal_of_enat j \ i = j" by (cases i j rule: enat.exhaust[case_product enat.exhaust]) auto lemma ennreal_of_enat_le_iff[simp]: "ennreal_of_enat m \ ennreal_of_enat n \ m \ n" by (auto simp: ennreal_of_enat_def top_unique split: enat.split) lemma of_nat_less_ennreal_of_nat[simp]: "of_nat n \ ennreal_of_enat x \ of_nat n \ x" by (cases x) (auto simp: of_nat_eq_enat) lemma ennreal_of_enat_Sup: "ennreal_of_enat (Sup X) = (SUP x\X. ennreal_of_enat x)" proof - have "ennreal_of_enat (Sup X) \ (SUP x \ X. ennreal_of_enat x)" unfolding Sup_enat_def proof (clarsimp, intro conjI impI) fix x assume "finite X" "X \ {}" then show "ennreal_of_enat (Max X) \ (SUP x \ X. ennreal_of_enat x)" by (intro SUP_upper Max_in) next assume "infinite X" "X \ {}" have "\y\X. r < ennreal_of_enat y" if r: "r < top" for r proof - obtain n where n: "r < of_nat n" using ennreal_Ex_less_of_nat[OF r] .. have "\ (X \ enat ` {.. n})" using \infinite X\ by (auto dest: finite_subset) then obtain x where x: "x \ X" "x \ enat ` {..n}" by blast then have "of_nat n \ x" by (cases x) (auto simp: of_nat_eq_enat) with x show ?thesis by (auto intro!: bexI[of _ x] less_le_trans[OF n]) qed then have "(SUP x \ X. ennreal_of_enat x) = top" by simp then show "top \ (SUP x \ X. ennreal_of_enat x)" unfolding top_unique by simp qed then show ?thesis by (auto intro!: antisym Sup_least intro: Sup_upper) qed lemma ennreal_of_enat_eSuc[simp]: "ennreal_of_enat (eSuc x) = 1 + ennreal_of_enat x" by (cases x) (auto simp: eSuc_enat) (* Contributed by Dominique Unruh *) lemma ennreal_of_enat_plus[simp]: \ennreal_of_enat (a+b) = ennreal_of_enat a + ennreal_of_enat b\ apply (induct a) apply (metis enat.exhaust ennreal_add_eq_top ennreal_of_enat_enat ennreal_of_enat_infty infinity_ennreal_def of_nat_add plus_enat_simps(1) plus_eq_infty_iff_enat) apply simp done (* Contributed by Dominique Unruh *) lemma sum_ennreal_of_enat[simp]: "(\i\I. ennreal_of_enat (f i)) = ennreal_of_enat (sum f I)" by (induct I rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp: sum_nonneg) subsection \Topology on \<^typ>\ennreal\\ lemma enn2ereal_Iio: "enn2ereal -` {.. a then {..< e2ennreal a} else {})" using enn2ereal_nonneg by (cases a rule: ereal_ennreal_cases) (auto simp add: vimage_def set_eq_iff ennreal.enn2ereal_inverse less_ennreal.rep_eq e2ennreal_def max_absorb2 simp del: enn2ereal_nonneg intro: le_less_trans less_imp_le) lemma enn2ereal_Ioi: "enn2ereal -` {a <..} = (if 0 \ a then {e2ennreal a <..} else UNIV)" by (cases a rule: ereal_ennreal_cases) (auto simp add: vimage_def set_eq_iff ennreal.enn2ereal_inverse less_ennreal.rep_eq e2ennreal_def max_absorb2 intro: less_le_trans) instantiation ennreal :: linear_continuum_topology begin definition open_ennreal :: "ennreal set \ bool" where "(open :: ennreal set \ bool) = generate_topology (range lessThan \ range greaterThan)" instance proof show "\a b::ennreal. a \ b" using zero_neq_one by (intro exI) show "\x y::ennreal. x < y \ \z>x. z < y" proof transfer fix x y :: ereal assume *: "0 \ x" assume "x < y" from dense[OF this] obtain z where "x < z \ z < y" .. with * show "\z\Collect ((\) 0). x < z \ z < y" by (intro bexI[of _ z]) auto qed qed (rule open_ennreal_def) end lemma continuous_on_e2ennreal: "continuous_on A e2ennreal" proof (rule continuous_on_subset) show "continuous_on ({0..} \ {..0}) e2ennreal" proof (rule continuous_on_closed_Un) show "continuous_on {0 ..} e2ennreal" by (rule continuous_onI_mono) (auto simp add: less_eq_ennreal.abs_eq eq_onp_def enn2ereal_range) show "continuous_on {.. 0} e2ennreal" by (subst continuous_on_cong[OF refl, of _ _ "\_. 0"]) (auto simp add: e2ennreal_neg continuous_on_const) qed auto show "A \ {0..} \ {..0::ereal}" by auto qed lemma continuous_at_e2ennreal: "continuous (at x within A) e2ennreal" by (rule continuous_on_imp_continuous_within[OF continuous_on_e2ennreal, of _ UNIV]) auto lemma continuous_on_enn2ereal: "continuous_on UNIV enn2ereal" by (rule continuous_on_generate_topology[OF open_generated_order]) (auto simp add: enn2ereal_Iio enn2ereal_Ioi) lemma continuous_at_enn2ereal: "continuous (at x within A) enn2ereal" by (rule continuous_on_imp_continuous_within[OF continuous_on_enn2ereal]) auto lemma sup_continuous_e2ennreal[order_continuous_intros]: assumes f: "sup_continuous f" shows "sup_continuous (\x. e2ennreal (f x))" proof (rule sup_continuous_compose[OF _ f]) show "sup_continuous e2ennreal" by (simp add: continuous_at_e2ennreal continuous_at_left_imp_sup_continuous e2ennreal_mono mono_def) qed lemma sup_continuous_enn2ereal[order_continuous_intros]: assumes f: "sup_continuous f" shows "sup_continuous (\x. enn2ereal (f x))" proof (rule sup_continuous_compose[OF _ f]) show "sup_continuous enn2ereal" by (simp add: continuous_at_enn2ereal continuous_at_left_imp_sup_continuous less_eq_ennreal.rep_eq mono_def) qed lemma sup_continuous_mult_left_ennreal': fixes c :: "ennreal" shows "sup_continuous (\x. c * x)" unfolding sup_continuous_def by transfer (auto simp: SUP_ereal_mult_left max.absorb2 SUP_upper2) lemma sup_continuous_mult_left_ennreal[order_continuous_intros]: "sup_continuous f \ sup_continuous (\x. c * f x :: ennreal)" by (rule sup_continuous_compose[OF sup_continuous_mult_left_ennreal']) lemma sup_continuous_mult_right_ennreal[order_continuous_intros]: "sup_continuous f \ sup_continuous (\x. f x * c :: ennreal)" using sup_continuous_mult_left_ennreal[of f c] by (simp add: mult.commute) lemma sup_continuous_divide_ennreal[order_continuous_intros]: fixes f g :: "'a::complete_lattice \ ennreal" shows "sup_continuous f \ sup_continuous (\x. f x / c)" unfolding divide_ennreal_def by (rule sup_continuous_mult_right_ennreal) lemma transfer_enn2ereal_continuous_on [transfer_rule]: "rel_fun (=) (rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) (=)) continuous_on continuous_on" proof - have "continuous_on A f" if "continuous_on A (\x. enn2ereal (f x))" for A and f :: "'a \ ennreal" using continuous_on_compose2[OF continuous_on_e2ennreal[of "{0..}"] that] by (auto simp: ennreal.enn2ereal_inverse subset_eq e2ennreal_def max_absorb2) moreover have "continuous_on A (\x. enn2ereal (f x))" if "continuous_on A f" for A and f :: "'a \ ennreal" using continuous_on_compose2[OF continuous_on_enn2ereal that] by auto ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: rel_fun_def ennreal.pcr_cr_eq cr_ennreal_def) qed lemma transfer_sup_continuous[transfer_rule]: "(rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) (=)) sup_continuous sup_continuous" proof (safe intro!: rel_funI dest!: rel_fun_eq_pcr_ennreal[THEN iffD1]) show "sup_continuous (enn2ereal \ f) \ sup_continuous f" for f :: "'a \ _" using sup_continuous_e2ennreal[of "enn2ereal \ f"] by simp show "sup_continuous f \ sup_continuous (enn2ereal \ f)" for f :: "'a \ _" using sup_continuous_enn2ereal[of f] by (simp add: comp_def) qed lemma continuous_on_ennreal[tendsto_intros]: "continuous_on A f \ continuous_on A (\x. ennreal (f x))" by transfer (auto intro!: continuous_on_max continuous_on_const continuous_on_ereal) lemma tendsto_ennrealD: assumes lim: "((\x. ennreal (f x)) \ ennreal x) F" assumes *: "\\<^sub>F x in F. 0 \ f x" and x: "0 \ x" shows "(f \ x) F" proof - have "((\x. enn2ereal (ennreal (f x))) \ enn2ereal (ennreal x)) F \ (f \ enn2ereal (ennreal x)) F" using "*" eventually_mono by (intro tendsto_cong) fastforce then show ?thesis using assms(1) continuous_at_enn2ereal isCont_tendsto_compose x by fastforce qed lemma tendsto_ennreal_iff [simp]: \((\x. ennreal (f x)) \ ennreal x) F \ (f \ x) F\ (is \?P \ ?Q\) if \\\<^sub>F x in F. 0 \ f x\ \0 \ x\ proof assume \?P\ then show \?Q\ using that by (rule tendsto_ennrealD) next assume \?Q\ have \continuous_on UNIV ereal\ using continuous_on_ereal [of _ id] by simp then have \continuous_on UNIV (e2ennreal \ ereal)\ by (rule continuous_on_compose) (simp_all add: continuous_on_e2ennreal) then have \((\x. (e2ennreal \ ereal) (f x)) \ (e2ennreal \ ereal) x) F\ using \?Q\ by (rule continuous_on_tendsto_compose) simp_all then show \?P\ by (simp flip: e2ennreal_ereal) qed lemma tendsto_enn2ereal_iff[simp]: "((\i. enn2ereal (f i)) \ enn2ereal x) F \ (f \ x) F" using continuous_on_enn2ereal[THEN continuous_on_tendsto_compose, of f x F] continuous_on_e2ennreal[THEN continuous_on_tendsto_compose, of "\x. enn2ereal (f x)" "enn2ereal x" F UNIV] by auto lemma ennreal_tendsto_0_iff: "(\n. f n \ 0) \ ((\n. ennreal (f n)) \ 0) \ (f \ 0)" by (metis (mono_tags) ennreal_0 eventuallyI order_refl tendsto_ennreal_iff) lemma continuous_on_add_ennreal: fixes f g :: "'a::topological_space \ ennreal" shows "continuous_on A f \ continuous_on A g \ continuous_on A (\x. f x + g x)" by (transfer fixing: A) (auto intro!: tendsto_add_ereal_nonneg simp: continuous_on_def) lemma continuous_on_inverse_ennreal[continuous_intros]: fixes f :: "'a::topological_space \ ennreal" shows "continuous_on A f \ continuous_on A (\x. inverse (f x))" proof (transfer fixing: A) show "pred_fun top ((\) 0) f \ continuous_on A (\x. inverse (f x))" if "continuous_on A f" for f :: "'a \ ereal" using continuous_on_compose2[OF continuous_on_inverse_ereal that] by (auto simp: subset_eq) qed instance ennreal :: topological_comm_monoid_add proof show "((\x. fst x + snd x) \ a + b) (nhds a \\<^sub>F nhds b)" for a b :: ennreal using continuous_on_add_ennreal[of UNIV fst snd] using tendsto_at_iff_tendsto_nhds[symmetric, of "\x::(ennreal \ ennreal). fst x + snd x"] by (auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_at) (simp add: isCont_def nhds_prod[symmetric]) qed lemma sup_continuous_add_ennreal[order_continuous_intros]: fixes f g :: "'a::complete_lattice \ ennreal" shows "sup_continuous f \ sup_continuous g \ sup_continuous (\x. f x + g x)" by transfer (auto intro!: sup_continuous_add) lemma ennreal_suminf_lessD: "(\i. f i :: ennreal) < x \ f i < x" using le_less_trans[OF sum_le_suminf[OF summableI, of "{i}" f]] by simp lemma sums_ennreal[simp]: "(\i. 0 \ f i) \ 0 \ x \ (\i. ennreal (f i)) sums ennreal x \ f sums x" unfolding sums_def by (simp add: always_eventually sum_nonneg) lemma summable_suminf_not_top: "(\i. 0 \ f i) \ (\i. ennreal (f i)) \ top \ summable f" using summable_sums[OF summableI, of "\i. ennreal (f i)"] by (cases "\i. ennreal (f i)" rule: ennreal_cases) (auto simp: summable_def) lemma suminf_ennreal[simp]: "(\i. 0 \ f i) \ (\i. ennreal (f i)) \ top \ (\i. ennreal (f i)) = ennreal (\i. f i)" by (rule sums_unique[symmetric]) (simp add: summable_suminf_not_top suminf_nonneg summable_sums) lemma sums_enn2ereal[simp]: "(\i. enn2ereal (f i)) sums enn2ereal x \ f sums x" unfolding sums_def by (simp add: always_eventually sum_nonneg) lemma suminf_enn2ereal[simp]: "(\i. enn2ereal (f i)) = enn2ereal (suminf f)" by (rule sums_unique[symmetric]) (simp add: summable_sums) lemma transfer_e2ennreal_suminf [transfer_rule]: "rel_fun (rel_fun (=) pcr_ennreal) pcr_ennreal suminf suminf" by (auto simp: rel_funI rel_fun_eq_pcr_ennreal comp_def) lemma ennreal_suminf_cmult[simp]: "(\i. r * f i) = r * (\i. f i::ennreal)" by transfer (auto intro!: suminf_cmult_ereal) lemma ennreal_suminf_multc[simp]: "(\i. f i * r) = (\i. f i::ennreal) * r" using ennreal_suminf_cmult[of r f] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma ennreal_suminf_divide[simp]: "(\i. f i / r) = (\i. f i::ennreal) / r" by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def) lemma ennreal_suminf_neq_top: "summable f \ (\i. 0 \ f i) \ (\i. ennreal (f i)) \ top" using sums_ennreal[of f "suminf f"] by (simp add: suminf_nonneg flip: sums_unique summable_sums_iff del: sums_ennreal) lemma suminf_ennreal_eq: "(\i. 0 \ f i) \ f sums x \ (\i. ennreal (f i)) = ennreal x" using suminf_nonneg[of f] sums_unique[of f x] by (intro sums_unique[symmetric]) (auto simp: summable_sums_iff) lemma ennreal_suminf_bound_add: fixes f :: "nat \ ennreal" shows "(\N. (\n x) \ suminf f + y \ x" by transfer (auto intro!: suminf_bound_add) lemma ennreal_suminf_SUP_eq_directed: fixes f :: "'a \ nat \ ennreal" assumes *: "\N i j. i \ I \ j \ I \ finite N \ \k\I. \n\N. f i n \ f k n \ f j n \ f k n" shows "(\n. SUP i\I. f i n) = (SUP i\I. \n. f i n)" proof cases assume "I \ {}" then obtain i where "i \ I" by auto from * show ?thesis by (transfer fixing: I) (auto simp: max_absorb2 SUP_upper2[OF \i \ I\] suminf_nonneg summable_ereal_pos \I \ {}\ intro!: suminf_SUP_eq_directed) qed (simp add: bot_ennreal) lemma INF_ennreal_add_const: fixes f g :: "nat \ ennreal" shows "(INF i. f i + c) = (INF i. f i) + c" using continuous_at_Inf_mono[of "\x. x + c" "f`UNIV"] using continuous_add[of "at_right (Inf (range f))", of "\x. x" "\x. c"] by (auto simp: mono_def image_comp) lemma INF_ennreal_const_add: fixes f g :: "nat \ ennreal" shows "(INF i. c + f i) = c + (INF i. f i)" using INF_ennreal_add_const[of f c] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma SUP_mult_left_ennreal: "c * (SUP i\I. f i) = (SUP i\I. c * f i ::ennreal)" proof cases assume "I \ {}" then show ?thesis by transfer (auto simp add: SUP_ereal_mult_left max_absorb2 SUP_upper2) qed (simp add: bot_ennreal) lemma SUP_mult_right_ennreal: "(SUP i\I. f i) * c = (SUP i\I. f i * c ::ennreal)" using SUP_mult_left_ennreal by (simp add: mult.commute) lemma SUP_divide_ennreal: "(SUP i\I. f i) / c = (SUP i\I. f i / c ::ennreal)" using SUP_mult_right_ennreal by (simp add: divide_ennreal_def) lemma ennreal_SUP_of_nat_eq_top: "(SUP x. of_nat x :: ennreal) = top" proof (intro antisym top_greatest le_SUP_iff[THEN iffD2] allI impI) fix y :: ennreal assume "y < top" then obtain r where "y = ennreal r" by (cases y rule: ennreal_cases) auto then show "\i\UNIV. y < of_nat i" using reals_Archimedean2[of "max 1 r"] zero_less_one by (simp add: ennreal_Ex_less_of_nat) qed lemma ennreal_SUP_eq_top: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" assumes "\n. \i\I. of_nat n \ f i" shows "(SUP i \ I. f i) = top" proof - have "(SUP x. of_nat x :: ennreal) \ (SUP i \ I. f i)" using assms by (auto intro!: SUP_least intro: SUP_upper2) then show ?thesis by (auto simp: ennreal_SUP_of_nat_eq_top top_unique) qed lemma ennreal_INF_const_minus: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "I \ {} \ (SUP x\I. c - f x) = c - (INF x\I. f x)" by (transfer fixing: I) (simp add: sup_max[symmetric] SUP_sup_const1 SUP_ereal_minus_right del: sup_ereal_def) lemma of_nat_Sup_ennreal: assumes "A \ {}" "bdd_above A" shows "of_nat (Sup A) = (SUP a\A. of_nat a :: ennreal)" proof (intro antisym) show "(SUP a\A. of_nat a::ennreal) \ of_nat (Sup A)" by (intro SUP_least of_nat_mono) (auto intro: cSup_upper assms) have "Sup A \ A" using assms by (auto simp: Sup_nat_def bdd_above_nat) then show "of_nat (Sup A) \ (SUP a\A. of_nat a::ennreal)" by (intro SUP_upper) qed lemma ennreal_tendsto_const_minus: fixes g :: "'a \ ennreal" assumes ae: "\\<^sub>F x in F. g x \ c" assumes g: "((\x. c - g x) \ 0) F" shows "(g \ c) F" proof (cases c rule: ennreal_cases) case top with tendsto_unique[OF _ g, of "top"] show ?thesis by (cases "F = bot") auto next case (real r) then have "\x. \q\0. g x \ c \ (g x = ennreal q \ q \ r)" by (auto simp: le_ennreal_iff) then obtain f where *: "0 \ f x" "g x = ennreal (f x)" "f x \ r" if "g x \ c" for x by metis from ae have ae2: "\\<^sub>F x in F. c - g x = ennreal (r - f x) \ f x \ r \ g x = ennreal (f x) \ 0 \ f x" proof eventually_elim fix x assume "g x \ c" with *[of x] \0 \ r\ show "c - g x = ennreal (r - f x) \ f x \ r \ g x = ennreal (f x) \ 0 \ f x" by (auto simp: real ennreal_minus) qed with g have "((\x. ennreal (r - f x)) \ ennreal 0) F" by (auto simp add: tendsto_cong eventually_conj_iff) with ae2 have "((\x. r - f x) \ 0) F" by (subst (asm) tendsto_ennreal_iff) (auto elim: eventually_mono) then have "(f \ r) F" by (rule Lim_transform2[OF tendsto_const]) with ae2 have "((\x. ennreal (f x)) \ ennreal r) F" by (subst tendsto_ennreal_iff) (auto elim: eventually_mono simp: real) with ae2 show ?thesis by (auto simp: real tendsto_cong eventually_conj_iff) qed lemma ennreal_SUP_add: fixes f g :: "nat \ ennreal" shows "incseq f \ incseq g \ (SUP i. f i + g i) = Sup (f ` UNIV) + Sup (g ` UNIV)" unfolding incseq_def le_fun_def by transfer (simp add: SUP_ereal_add incseq_def le_fun_def max_absorb2 SUP_upper2) lemma ennreal_SUP_sum: fixes f :: "'a \ nat \ ennreal" shows "(\i. i \ I \ incseq (f i)) \ (SUP n. \i\I. f i n) = (\i\I. SUP n. f i n)" unfolding incseq_def by transfer (simp add: SUP_ereal_sum incseq_def SUP_upper2 max_absorb2 sum_nonneg) lemma ennreal_liminf_minus: fixes f :: "nat \ ennreal" shows "(\n. f n \ c) \ liminf (\n. c - f n) = c - limsup f" apply transfer apply (simp add: ereal_diff_positive liminf_ereal_cminus) by (metis max.absorb2 ereal_diff_positive Limsup_bounded eventually_sequentiallyI) lemma ennreal_continuous_on_cmult: "(c::ennreal) < top \ continuous_on A f \ continuous_on A (\x. c * f x)" by (transfer fixing: A) (auto intro: continuous_on_cmult_ereal) lemma ennreal_tendsto_cmult: "(c::ennreal) < top \ (f \ x) F \ ((\x. c * f x) \ c * x) F" by (rule continuous_on_tendsto_compose[where g=f, OF ennreal_continuous_on_cmult, where s=UNIV]) (auto simp: continuous_on_id) lemma tendsto_ennrealI[intro, simp, tendsto_intros]: "(f \ x) F \ ((\x. ennreal (f x)) \ ennreal x) F" by (auto simp: ennreal_def intro!: continuous_on_tendsto_compose[OF continuous_on_e2ennreal[of UNIV]] tendsto_max) lemma tendsto_enn2erealI [tendsto_intros]: assumes "(f \ l) F" shows "((\i. enn2ereal(f i)) \ enn2ereal l) F" using tendsto_enn2ereal_iff assms by auto lemma tendsto_e2ennrealI [tendsto_intros]: assumes "(f \ l) F" shows "((\i. e2ennreal(f i)) \ e2ennreal l) F" proof - have *: "e2ennreal (max x 0) = e2ennreal x" for x by (simp add: e2ennreal_def max.commute) have "((\i. max (f i) 0) \ max l 0) F" apply (intro tendsto_intros) using assms by auto then have "((\i. enn2ereal(e2ennreal (max (f i) 0))) \ enn2ereal (e2ennreal (max l 0))) F" by (subst enn2ereal_e2ennreal, auto)+ then have "((\i. e2ennreal (max (f i) 0)) \ e2ennreal (max l 0)) F" using tendsto_enn2ereal_iff by auto then show ?thesis unfolding * by auto qed lemma ennreal_suminf_minus: fixes f g :: "nat \ ennreal" shows "(\i. g i \ f i) \ suminf f \ top \ suminf g \ top \ (\i. f i - g i) = suminf f - suminf g" by transfer (auto simp add: max.absorb2 ereal_diff_positive suminf_le_pos top_ereal_def intro!: suminf_ereal_minus) lemma ennreal_Sup_countable_SUP: "A \ {} \ \f::nat \ ennreal. incseq f \ range f \ A \ Sup A = (SUP i. f i)" unfolding incseq_def apply transfer subgoal for A using Sup_countable_SUP[of A] by (force simp add: incseq_def[symmetric] SUP_upper2 max.absorb2 image_subset_iff Sup_upper2 cong: conj_cong) done lemma ennreal_Inf_countable_INF: "A \ {} \ \f::nat \ ennreal. decseq f \ range f \ A \ Inf A = (INF i. f i)" unfolding decseq_def apply transfer subgoal for A using Inf_countable_INF[of A] apply (clarsimp simp flip: decseq_def) subgoal for f by (intro exI[of _ f]) auto done done lemma ennreal_SUP_countable_SUP: "A \ {} \ \f::nat \ ennreal. range f \ g`A \ Sup (g ` A) = Sup (f ` UNIV)" using ennreal_Sup_countable_SUP [of "g`A"] by auto lemma of_nat_tendsto_top_ennreal: "(\n::nat. of_nat n :: ennreal) \ top" using LIMSEQ_SUP[of "of_nat :: nat \ ennreal"] by (simp add: ennreal_SUP_of_nat_eq_top incseq_def) lemma SUP_sup_continuous_ennreal: fixes f :: "ennreal \ 'a::complete_lattice" assumes f: "sup_continuous f" and "I \ {}" shows "(SUP i\I. f (g i)) = f (SUP i\I. g i)" proof (rule antisym) show "(SUP i\I. f (g i)) \ f (SUP i\I. g i)" by (rule mono_SUP[OF sup_continuous_mono[OF f]]) from ennreal_Sup_countable_SUP[of "g`I"] \I \ {}\ obtain M :: "nat \ ennreal" where "incseq M" and M: "range M \ g ` I" and eq: "(SUP i \ I. g i) = (SUP i. M i)" by auto have "f (SUP i \ I. g i) = (SUP i \ range M. f i)" unfolding eq sup_continuousD[OF f \mono M\] by (simp add: image_comp) also have "\ \ (SUP i \ I. f (g i))" by (insert M, drule SUP_subset_mono) (auto simp add: image_comp) finally show "f (SUP i \ I. g i) \ (SUP i \ I. f (g i))" . qed lemma ennreal_suminf_SUP_eq: fixes f :: "nat \ nat \ ennreal" shows "(\i. incseq (\n. f n i)) \ (\i. SUP n. f n i) = (SUP n. \i. f n i)" apply (rule ennreal_suminf_SUP_eq_directed) subgoal for N n j by (auto simp: incseq_def intro!:exI[of _ "max n j"]) done lemma ennreal_SUP_add_left: fixes c :: ennreal shows "I \ {} \ (SUP i\I. f i + c) = (SUP i\I. f i) + c" apply transfer apply (simp add: SUP_ereal_add_left) by (metis SUP_upper all_not_in_conv ereal_le_add_mono1 max.absorb2 max.bounded_iff) lemma ennreal_SUP_const_minus: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "I \ {} \ c < top \ (INF x\I. c - f x) = c - (SUP x\I. f x)" apply (transfer fixing: I) unfolding ex_in_conv[symmetric] apply (auto simp add: SUP_upper2 sup_absorb2 simp flip: sup_ereal_def) apply (subst INF_ereal_minus_right[symmetric]) apply (auto simp del: sup_ereal_def simp add: sup_INF) done (* Contributed by Dominique Unruh *) lemma isCont_ennreal[simp]: \isCont ennreal x\ apply (auto intro!: sequentially_imp_eventually_within simp: continuous_within tendsto_def) by (metis tendsto_def tendsto_ennrealI) (* Contributed by Dominique Unruh *) lemma isCont_ennreal_of_enat[simp]: \isCont ennreal_of_enat x\ proof - have continuous_at_open: \ \Copied lemma from \<^session>\HOL-Analysis\ to avoid dependency.\ "continuous (at x) f \ (\t. open t \ f x \ t --> (\s. open s \ x \ s \ (\x' \ s. (f x') \ t)))" for f :: \enat \ 'z::topological_space\ unfolding continuous_within_topological [of x UNIV f] unfolding imp_conjL by (intro all_cong imp_cong ex_cong conj_cong refl) auto show ?thesis proof (subst continuous_at_open, intro allI impI, cases \x = \\) case True fix t assume \open t \ ennreal_of_enat x \ t\ then have \\y<\. {y <.. \} \ t\ by (rule_tac open_left[where y=0]) (auto simp: True) then obtain y where \{y<..} \ t\ and \y \ \\ by fastforce from \y \ \\ obtain x' where x'y: \ennreal_of_enat x' > y\ and \x' \ \\ by (metis enat.simps(3) ennreal_Ex_less_of_nat ennreal_of_enat_enat infinity_ennreal_def top.not_eq_extremum) define s where \s = {x'<..}\ have \open s\ by (simp add: s_def) moreover have \x \ s\ by (simp add: \x' \ \\ s_def True) moreover have \ennreal_of_enat z \ t\ if \z \ s\ for z by (metis x'y \{y<..} \ t\ ennreal_of_enat_le_iff greaterThan_iff le_less_trans less_imp_le not_less s_def subsetD that) ultimately show \\s. open s \ x \ s \ (\z\s. ennreal_of_enat z \ t)\ by auto next case False fix t assume asm: \open t \ ennreal_of_enat x \ t\ define s where \s = {x}\ have \open s\ using False open_enat_iff s_def by blast moreover have \x \ s\ using s_def by auto moreover have \ennreal_of_enat z \ t\ if \z \ s\ for z using asm s_def that by blast ultimately show \\s. open s \ x \ s \ (\z\s. ennreal_of_enat z \ t)\ by auto qed qed subsection \Approximation lemmas\ lemma INF_approx_ennreal: fixes x::ennreal and e::real assumes "e > 0" assumes INF: "x = (INF i \ A. f i)" assumes "x \ \" shows "\i \ A. f i < x + e" proof - have "(INF i \ A. f i) < x + e" unfolding INF[symmetric] using \0 \x \ \\ by (cases x) auto then show ?thesis unfolding INF_less_iff . qed lemma SUP_approx_ennreal: fixes x::ennreal and e::real assumes "e > 0" "A \ {}" assumes SUP: "x = (SUP i \ A. f i)" assumes "x \ \" shows "\i \ A. x < f i + e" proof - have "x < x + e" using \0 \x \ \\ by (cases x) auto also have "x + e = (SUP i \ A. f i + e)" unfolding SUP ennreal_SUP_add_left[OF \A \ {}\] .. finally show ?thesis unfolding less_SUP_iff . qed lemma ennreal_approx_SUP: fixes x::ennreal assumes f_bound: "\i. i \ A \ f i \ x" assumes approx: "\e. (e::real) > 0 \ \i \ A. x \ f i + e" shows "x = (SUP i \ A. f i)" proof (rule antisym) show "x \ (SUP i\A. f i)" proof (rule ennreal_le_epsilon) fix e :: real assume "0 < e" from approx[OF this] obtain i where "i \ A" and *: "x \ f i + ennreal e" by blast from * have "x \ f i + e" by simp also have "\ \ (SUP i\A. f i) + e" by (intro add_mono \i \ A\ SUP_upper order_refl) finally show "x \ (SUP i\A. f i) + e" . qed qed (intro SUP_least f_bound) lemma ennreal_approx_INF: fixes x::ennreal assumes f_bound: "\i. i \ A \ x \ f i" assumes approx: "\e. (e::real) > 0 \ \i \ A. f i \ x + e" shows "x = (INF i \ A. f i)" proof (rule antisym) show "(INF i\A. f i) \ x" proof (rule ennreal_le_epsilon) fix e :: real assume "0 < e" from approx[OF this] obtain i where "i\A" "f i \ x + ennreal e" by blast then have "(INF i\A. f i) \ f i" by (intro INF_lower) also have "\ \ x + e" by fact finally show "(INF i\A. f i) \ x + e" . qed qed (intro INF_greatest f_bound) lemma ennreal_approx_unit: "(\a::ennreal. 0 < a \ a < 1 \ a * z \ y) \ z \ y" apply (subst SUP_mult_right_ennreal[of "\x. x" "{0 <..< 1}" z, simplified]) apply (auto intro: SUP_least) done lemma suminf_ennreal2: "(\i. 0 \ f i) \ summable f \ (\i. ennreal (f i)) = ennreal (\i. f i)" using suminf_ennreal_eq by blast lemma less_top_ennreal: "x < top \ (\r\0. x = ennreal r)" by (cases x) auto lemma enn2real_less_iff[simp]: "x < top \ enn2real x < c \ x < c" using ennreal_less_iff less_top_ennreal by auto lemma enn2real_le_iff[simp]: "\x < top; c > 0\ \ enn2real x \ c \ x \ c" by (cases x) auto lemma enn2real_less: assumes "enn2real e < r" "e \ top" shows "e < ennreal r" using enn2real_less_iff assms top.not_eq_extremum by blast lemma enn2real_le: assumes "enn2real e \ r" "e \ top" shows "e \ ennreal r" by (metis assms enn2real_less ennreal_enn2real_if eq_iff less_le) lemma tendsto_top_iff_ennreal: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "(f \ top) F \ (\l\0. eventually (\x. ennreal l < f x) F)" by (auto simp: less_top_ennreal order_tendsto_iff ) lemma ennreal_tendsto_top_eq_at_top: "((\z. ennreal (f z)) \ top) F \ (LIM z F. f z :> at_top)" unfolding filterlim_at_top_dense tendsto_top_iff_ennreal apply (auto simp: ennreal_less_iff) subgoal for y by (auto elim!: eventually_mono allE[of _ "max 0 y"]) done lemma tendsto_0_if_Limsup_eq_0_ennreal: fixes f :: "_ \ ennreal" shows "Limsup F f = 0 \ (f \ 0) F" using Liminf_le_Limsup[of F f] tendsto_iff_Liminf_eq_Limsup[of F f 0] by (cases "F = bot") auto lemma diff_le_self_ennreal[simp]: "a - b \ (a::ennreal)" by (cases a b rule: ennreal2_cases) (auto simp: ennreal_minus) lemma ennreal_ineq_diff_add: "b \ a \ a = b + (a - b::ennreal)" by transfer (auto simp: ereal_diff_positive max.absorb2 ereal_ineq_diff_add) lemma ennreal_mult_strict_left_mono: "(a::ennreal) < c \ 0 < b \ b < top \ b * a < b * c" by transfer (auto intro!: ereal_mult_strict_left_mono) lemma ennreal_between: "0 < e \ 0 < x \ x < top \ x - e < (x::ennreal)" by transfer (auto intro!: ereal_between) lemma minus_less_iff_ennreal: "b < top \ b \ a \ a - b < c \ a < c + (b::ennreal)" by transfer (auto simp: top_ereal_def ereal_minus_less le_less) lemma tendsto_zero_ennreal: assumes ev: "\r. 0 < r \ \\<^sub>F x in F. f x < ennreal r" shows "(f \ 0) F" proof (rule order_tendstoI) fix e::ennreal assume "e > 0" obtain e'::real where "e' > 0" "ennreal e' < e" using \0 < e\ dense[of 0 "if e = top then 1 else (enn2real e)"] by (cases e) (auto simp: ennreal_less_iff) from ev[OF \e' > 0\] show "\\<^sub>F x in F. f x < e" by eventually_elim (insert \ennreal e' < e\, auto) qed simp lifting_update ennreal.lifting lifting_forget ennreal.lifting subsection \\<^typ>\ennreal\ theorems\ lemma neq_top_trans: fixes x y :: ennreal shows "\ y \ top; x \ y \ \ x \ top" by (auto simp: top_unique) lemma diff_diff_ennreal: fixes a b :: ennreal shows "a \ b \ b \ \ \ b - (b - a) = a" by (cases a b rule: ennreal2_cases) (auto simp: ennreal_minus top_unique) lemma ennreal_less_one_iff[simp]: "ennreal x < 1 \ x < 1" by (cases "0 \ x") (auto simp: ennreal_neg ennreal_less_iff simp flip: ennreal_1) lemma SUP_const_minus_ennreal: fixes f :: "'a \ ennreal" shows "I \ {} \ (SUP x\I. c - f x) = c - (INF x\I. f x)" including ennreal.lifting by (transfer fixing: I) (simp add: SUP_sup_distrib[symmetric] SUP_ereal_minus_right flip: sup_ereal_def) lemma zero_minus_ennreal[simp]: "0 - (a::ennreal) = 0" including ennreal.lifting by transfer (simp split: split_max) lemma diff_diff_commute_ennreal: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "a - b - c = a - c - b" by (cases a b c rule: ennreal3_cases) (simp_all add: ennreal_minus field_simps) lemma diff_gr0_ennreal: "b < (a::ennreal) \ 0 < a - b" including ennreal.lifting by transfer (auto simp: ereal_diff_gr0 ereal_diff_positive split: split_max) lemma divide_le_posI_ennreal: fixes x y z :: ennreal shows "x > 0 \ z \ x * y \ z / x \ y" by (cases x y z rule: ennreal3_cases) (auto simp: divide_ennreal ennreal_mult[symmetric] field_simps top_unique) lemma add_diff_eq_ennreal: fixes x y z :: ennreal shows "z \ y \ x + (y - z) = x + y - z" using ennreal_diff_add_assoc by auto lemma add_diff_inverse_ennreal: fixes x y :: ennreal shows "x \ y \ x + (y - x) = y" by (cases x) (simp_all add: top_unique add_diff_eq_ennreal) lemma add_diff_eq_iff_ennreal[simp]: fixes x y :: ennreal shows "x + (y - x) = y \ x \ y" proof assume *: "x + (y - x) = y" show "x \ y" by (subst *[symmetric]) simp qed (simp add: add_diff_inverse_ennreal) lemma add_diff_le_ennreal: "a + b - c \ a + (b - c::ennreal)" apply (cases a b c rule: ennreal3_cases) subgoal for a' b' c' by (cases "0 \ b' - c'") (simp_all add: ennreal_minus top_add ennreal_neg flip: ennreal_plus) apply (simp_all add: top_add flip: ennreal_plus) done lemma diff_eq_0_ennreal: "a < top \ a \ b \ a - b = (0::ennreal)" using ennreal_minus_pos_iff gr_zeroI not_less by blast lemma diff_diff_ennreal': fixes x y z :: ennreal shows "z \ y \ y - z \ x \ x - (y - z) = x + z - y" by (cases x; cases y; cases z) (auto simp add: top_add add_top minus_top_ennreal ennreal_minus top_unique simp flip: ennreal_plus) lemma diff_diff_ennreal'': fixes x y z :: ennreal shows "z \ y \ x - (y - z) = (if y - z \ x then x + z - y else 0)" by (cases x; cases y; cases z) (auto simp add: top_add add_top minus_top_ennreal ennreal_minus top_unique ennreal_neg simp flip: ennreal_plus) lemma power_less_top_ennreal: fixes x :: ennreal shows "x ^ n < top \ x < top \ n = 0" using power_eq_top_ennreal[of x n] by (auto simp: less_top) lemma ennreal_divide_times: "(a / b) * c = a * (c / b :: ennreal)" by (simp add: mult.commute ennreal_times_divide) lemma diff_less_top_ennreal: "a - b < top \ a < (top :: ennreal)" by (cases a; cases b) (auto simp: ennreal_minus) lemma divide_less_ennreal: "b \ 0 \ b < top \ a / b < c \ a < (c * b :: ennreal)" by (cases a; cases b; cases c) (auto simp: divide_ennreal ennreal_mult[symmetric] ennreal_less_iff field_simps ennreal_top_mult ennreal_top_divide) lemma one_less_numeral[simp]: "1 < (numeral n::ennreal) \ (num.One < n)" by (simp flip: ennreal_1 ennreal_numeral add: ennreal_less_iff) lemma divide_eq_1_ennreal: "a / b = (1::ennreal) \ (b \ top \ b \ 0 \ b = a)" by (cases a ; cases b; cases "b = 0") (auto simp: ennreal_top_divide divide_ennreal split: if_split_asm) lemma ennreal_mult_cancel_left: "(a * b = a * c) = (a = top \ b \ 0 \ c \ 0 \ a = 0 \ b = (c::ennreal))" by (cases a; cases b; cases c) (auto simp: ennreal_mult[symmetric] ennreal_mult_top ennreal_top_mult) lemma ennreal_minus_if: "ennreal a - ennreal b = ennreal (if 0 \ b then (if b \ a then a - b else 0) else a)" by (auto simp: ennreal_minus ennreal_neg) lemma ennreal_plus_if: "ennreal a + ennreal b = ennreal (if 0 \ a then (if 0 \ b then a + b else a) else b)" by (auto simp: ennreal_neg) lemma power_le_one_iff: "0 \ (a::real) \ a ^ n \ 1 \ (n = 0 \ a \ 1)" by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) le_less neq0_conv not_le one_le_power power_0 power_eq_imp_eq_base power_le_one zero_le_one) lemma ennreal_diff_le_mono_left: "a \ b \ a - c \ (b::ennreal)" using ennreal_mono_minus[of 0 c a, THEN order_trans, of b] by simp lemma ennreal_minus_le_iff: "a - b \ c \ (a \ b + (c::ennreal) \ (a = top \ b = top \ c = top))" by (cases a; cases b; cases c) (auto simp: top_unique top_add add_top ennreal_minus simp flip: ennreal_plus) lemma ennreal_le_minus_iff: "a \ b - c \ (a + c \ (b::ennreal) \ (a = 0 \ b \ c))" by (cases a; cases b; cases c) (auto simp: top_unique top_add add_top ennreal_minus ennreal_le_iff2 simp flip: ennreal_plus) lemma diff_add_eq_diff_diff_swap_ennreal: "x - (y + z :: ennreal) = x - y - z" by (cases x; cases y; cases z) (auto simp: ennreal_minus_if add_top top_add simp flip: ennreal_plus) lemma diff_add_assoc2_ennreal: "b \ a \ (a - b + c::ennreal) = a + c - b" by (cases a; cases b; cases c) (auto simp add: ennreal_minus_if ennreal_plus_if add_top top_add top_unique simp del: ennreal_plus) lemma diff_gt_0_iff_gt_ennreal: "0 < a - b \ (a = top \ b = top \ b < (a::ennreal))" by (cases a; cases b) (auto simp: ennreal_minus_if ennreal_less_iff) lemma diff_eq_0_iff_ennreal: "(a - b::ennreal) = 0 \ (a < top \ a \ b)" by (cases a) (auto simp: ennreal_minus_eq_0 diff_eq_0_ennreal) lemma add_diff_self_ennreal: "a + (b - a::ennreal) = (if a \ b then b else a)" by (auto simp: diff_eq_0_iff_ennreal less_top) lemma diff_add_self_ennreal: "(b - a + a::ennreal) = (if a \ b then b else a)" by (auto simp: diff_add_cancel_ennreal diff_eq_0_iff_ennreal less_top) lemma ennreal_minus_cancel_iff: fixes a b c :: ennreal shows "a - b = a - c \ (b = c \ (a \ b \ a \ c) \ a = top)" by (cases a; cases b; cases c) (auto simp: ennreal_minus_if) text \The next lemma is wrong for $a = top$, for $b = c = 1$ for instance.\ lemma ennreal_right_diff_distrib: fixes a b c :: ennreal assumes "a \ top" shows "a * (b - c) = a * b - a * c" apply (cases a; cases b; cases c) apply (use assms in \auto simp add: ennreal_mult_top ennreal_minus ennreal_mult' [symmetric]\) apply (simp add: algebra_simps) done lemma SUP_diff_ennreal: "c < top \ (SUP i\I. f i - c :: ennreal) = (SUP i\I. f i) - c" by (auto intro!: SUP_eqI ennreal_minus_mono SUP_least intro: SUP_upper simp: ennreal_minus_cancel_iff ennreal_minus_le_iff less_top[symmetric]) lemma ennreal_SUP_add_right: fixes c :: ennreal shows "I \ {} \ c + (SUP i\I. f i) = (SUP i\I. c + f i)" using ennreal_SUP_add_left[of I f c] by (simp add: add.commute) lemma SUP_add_directed_ennreal: fixes f g :: "_ \ ennreal" assumes directed: "\i j. i \ I \ j \ I \ \k\I. f i + g j \ f k + g k" shows "(SUP i\I. f i + g i) = (SUP i\I. f i) + (SUP i\I. g i)" proof (cases "I = {}") case False show ?thesis proof (rule antisym) show "(SUP i\I. f i + g i) \ (SUP i\I. f i) + (SUP i\I. g i)" by (rule SUP_least; intro add_mono SUP_upper) next have "(SUP i\I. f i) + (SUP i\I. g i) = (SUP i\I. f i + (SUP i\I. g i))" by (intro ennreal_SUP_add_left[symmetric] \I \ {}\) also have "\ = (SUP i\I. (SUP j\I. f i + g j))" using \I \ {}\ by (simp add: ennreal_SUP_add_right) also have "\ \ (SUP i\I. f i + g i)" using directed by (intro SUP_least) (blast intro: SUP_upper2) finally show "(SUP i\I. f i) + (SUP i\I. g i) \ (SUP i\I. f i + g i)" . qed qed (simp add: bot_ereal_def) lemma enn2real_eq_0_iff: "enn2real x = 0 \ x = 0 \ x = top" by (cases x) auto lemma continuous_on_diff_ennreal: "continuous_on A f \ continuous_on A g \ (\x. x \ A \ f x \ top) \ (\x. x \ A \ g x \ top) \ continuous_on A (\z. f z - g z::ennreal)" including ennreal.lifting proof (transfer fixing: A, simp add: top_ereal_def) fix f g :: "'a \ ereal" assume "\x. 0 \ f x" "\x. 0 \ g x" "continuous_on A f" "continuous_on A g" moreover assume "f x \ \" "g x \ \" if "x \ A" for x ultimately show "continuous_on A (\z. max 0 (f z - g z))" by (intro continuous_on_max continuous_on_const continuous_on_diff_ereal) auto qed lemma tendsto_diff_ennreal: "(f \ x) F \ (g \ y) F \ x \ top \ y \ top \ ((\z. f z - g z::ennreal) \ x - y) F" using continuous_on_tendsto_compose[where f="\x. fst x - snd x::ennreal" and s="{(x, y). x \ top \ y \ top}" and g="\x. (f x, g x)" and l="(x, y)" and F="F", OF continuous_on_diff_ennreal] by (auto simp: tendsto_Pair eventually_conj_iff less_top order_tendstoD continuous_on_fst continuous_on_snd continuous_on_id) declare lim_real_of_ereal [tendsto_intros] lemma tendsto_enn2real [tendsto_intros]: assumes "(u \ ennreal l) F" "l \ 0" shows "((\n. enn2real (u n)) \ l) F" unfolding enn2real_def by (metis assms enn2ereal_ennreal lim_real_of_ereal tendsto_enn2erealI) end diff --git a/src/HOL/Library/Multiset.thy b/src/HOL/Library/Multiset.thy --- a/src/HOL/Library/Multiset.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Library/Multiset.thy @@ -1,4526 +1,4526 @@ (* Title: HOL/Library/Multiset.thy Author: Tobias Nipkow, Markus Wenzel, Lawrence C Paulson, Norbert Voelker Author: Andrei Popescu, TU Muenchen Author: Jasmin Blanchette, Inria, LORIA, MPII Author: Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen Author: Mathias Fleury, MPII Author: Martin Desharnais, MPI-INF Saarbruecken *) section \(Finite) Multisets\ theory Multiset imports Cancellation begin subsection \The type of multisets\ typedef 'a multiset = \{f :: 'a \ nat. finite {x. f x > 0}}\ morphisms count Abs_multiset proof show \(\x. 0::nat) \ {f. finite {x. f x > 0}}\ by simp qed setup_lifting type_definition_multiset lemma count_Abs_multiset: \count (Abs_multiset f) = f\ if \finite {x. f x > 0}\ by (rule Abs_multiset_inverse) (simp add: that) lemma multiset_eq_iff: "M = N \ (\a. count M a = count N a)" by (simp only: count_inject [symmetric] fun_eq_iff) lemma multiset_eqI: "(\x. count A x = count B x) \ A = B" using multiset_eq_iff by auto text \Preservation of the representing set \<^term>\multiset\.\ lemma diff_preserves_multiset: \finite {x. 0 < M x - N x}\ if \finite {x. 0 < M x}\ for M N :: \'a \ nat\ using that by (rule rev_finite_subset) auto lemma filter_preserves_multiset: \finite {x. 0 < (if P x then M x else 0)}\ if \finite {x. 0 < M x}\ for M N :: \'a \ nat\ using that by (rule rev_finite_subset) auto lemmas in_multiset = diff_preserves_multiset filter_preserves_multiset subsection \Representing multisets\ text \Multiset enumeration\ instantiation multiset :: (type) cancel_comm_monoid_add begin lift_definition zero_multiset :: \'a multiset\ is \\a. 0\ by simp abbreviation empty_mset :: \'a multiset\ (\{#}\) where \empty_mset \ 0\ lift_definition plus_multiset :: \'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset\ is \\M N a. M a + N a\ by simp lift_definition minus_multiset :: \'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset\ is \\M N a. M a - N a\ by (rule diff_preserves_multiset) instance by (standard; transfer) (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff) end context begin qualified definition is_empty :: "'a multiset \ bool" where [code_abbrev]: "is_empty A \ A = {#}" end lemma add_mset_in_multiset: \finite {x. 0 < (if x = a then Suc (M x) else M x)}\ if \finite {x. 0 < M x}\ using that by (simp add: flip: insert_Collect) lift_definition add_mset :: "'a \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset" is "\a M b. if b = a then Suc (M b) else M b" by (rule add_mset_in_multiset) syntax "_multiset" :: "args \ 'a multiset" ("{#(_)#}") translations "{#x, xs#}" == "CONST add_mset x {#xs#}" "{#x#}" == "CONST add_mset x {#}" lemma count_empty [simp]: "count {#} a = 0" by (simp add: zero_multiset.rep_eq) lemma count_add_mset [simp]: "count (add_mset b A) a = (if b = a then Suc (count A a) else count A a)" by (simp add: add_mset.rep_eq) lemma count_single: "count {#b#} a = (if b = a then 1 else 0)" by simp lemma add_mset_not_empty [simp]: \add_mset a A \ {#}\ and empty_not_add_mset [simp]: "{#} \ add_mset a A" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma add_mset_add_mset_same_iff [simp]: "add_mset a A = add_mset a B \ A = B" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma add_mset_commute: "add_mset x (add_mset y M) = add_mset y (add_mset x M)" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) subsection \Basic operations\ subsubsection \Conversion to set and membership\ definition set_mset :: \'a multiset \ 'a set\ where \set_mset M = {x. count M x > 0}\ abbreviation member_mset :: \'a \ 'a multiset \ bool\ where \member_mset a M \ a \ set_mset M\ notation member_mset (\'(\#')\) and member_mset (\(_/ \# _)\ [50, 51] 50) notation (ASCII) member_mset (\'(:#')\) and member_mset (\(_/ :# _)\ [50, 51] 50) abbreviation not_member_mset :: \'a \ 'a multiset \ bool\ where \not_member_mset a M \ a \ set_mset M\ notation not_member_mset (\'(\#')\) and not_member_mset (\(_/ \# _)\ [50, 51] 50) notation (ASCII) not_member_mset (\'(~:#')\) and not_member_mset (\(_/ ~:# _)\ [50, 51] 50) context begin qualified abbreviation Ball :: "'a multiset \ ('a \ bool) \ bool" where "Ball M \ Set.Ball (set_mset M)" qualified abbreviation Bex :: "'a multiset \ ('a \ bool) \ bool" where "Bex M \ Set.Bex (set_mset M)" end syntax "_MBall" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3\_\#_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_MBex" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3\_\#_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) syntax (ASCII) "_MBall" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3\_:#_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_MBex" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3\_:#_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) translations "\x\#A. P" \ "CONST Multiset.Ball A (\x. P)" "\x\#A. P" \ "CONST Multiset.Bex A (\x. P)" print_translation \ [Syntax_Trans.preserve_binder_abs2_tr' \<^const_syntax>\Multiset.Ball\ \<^syntax_const>\_MBall\, Syntax_Trans.preserve_binder_abs2_tr' \<^const_syntax>\Multiset.Bex\ \<^syntax_const>\_MBex\] \ \ \to avoid eta-contraction of body\ lemma count_eq_zero_iff: "count M x = 0 \ x \# M" by (auto simp add: set_mset_def) lemma not_in_iff: "x \# M \ count M x = 0" by (auto simp add: count_eq_zero_iff) lemma count_greater_zero_iff [simp]: "count M x > 0 \ x \# M" by (auto simp add: set_mset_def) lemma count_inI: assumes "count M x = 0 \ False" shows "x \# M" proof (rule ccontr) assume "x \# M" with assms show False by (simp add: not_in_iff) qed lemma in_countE: assumes "x \# M" obtains n where "count M x = Suc n" proof - from assms have "count M x > 0" by simp then obtain n where "count M x = Suc n" using gr0_conv_Suc by blast with that show thesis . qed lemma count_greater_eq_Suc_zero_iff [simp]: "count M x \ Suc 0 \ x \# M" by (simp add: Suc_le_eq) lemma count_greater_eq_one_iff [simp]: "count M x \ 1 \ x \# M" by simp lemma set_mset_empty [simp]: "set_mset {#} = {}" by (simp add: set_mset_def) lemma set_mset_single: "set_mset {#b#} = {b}" by (simp add: set_mset_def) lemma set_mset_eq_empty_iff [simp]: "set_mset M = {} \ M = {#}" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff count_eq_zero_iff) lemma finite_set_mset [iff]: "finite (set_mset M)" using count [of M] by simp lemma set_mset_add_mset_insert [simp]: \set_mset (add_mset a A) = insert a (set_mset A)\ by (auto simp flip: count_greater_eq_Suc_zero_iff split: if_splits) lemma multiset_nonemptyE [elim]: assumes "A \ {#}" obtains x where "x \# A" proof - have "\x. x \# A" by (rule ccontr) (insert assms, auto) with that show ?thesis by blast qed subsubsection \Union\ lemma count_union [simp]: "count (M + N) a = count M a + count N a" by (simp add: plus_multiset.rep_eq) lemma set_mset_union [simp]: "set_mset (M + N) = set_mset M \ set_mset N" by (simp only: set_eq_iff count_greater_zero_iff [symmetric] count_union) simp lemma union_mset_add_mset_left [simp]: "add_mset a A + B = add_mset a (A + B)" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma union_mset_add_mset_right [simp]: "A + add_mset a B = add_mset a (A + B)" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma add_mset_add_single: \add_mset a A = A + {#a#}\ by (subst union_mset_add_mset_right, subst add.comm_neutral) standard subsubsection \Difference\ instance multiset :: (type) comm_monoid_diff by standard (transfer; simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma count_diff [simp]: "count (M - N) a = count M a - count N a" by (simp add: minus_multiset.rep_eq) lemma add_mset_diff_bothsides: \add_mset a M - add_mset a A = M - A\ by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma in_diff_count: "a \# M - N \ count N a < count M a" by (simp add: set_mset_def) lemma count_in_diffI: assumes "\n. count N x = n + count M x \ False" shows "x \# M - N" proof (rule ccontr) assume "x \# M - N" then have "count N x = (count N x - count M x) + count M x" by (simp add: in_diff_count not_less) with assms show False by auto qed lemma in_diff_countE: assumes "x \# M - N" obtains n where "count M x = Suc n + count N x" proof - from assms have "count M x - count N x > 0" by (simp add: in_diff_count) then have "count M x > count N x" by simp then obtain n where "count M x = Suc n + count N x" using less_iff_Suc_add by auto with that show thesis . qed lemma in_diffD: assumes "a \# M - N" shows "a \# M" proof - have "0 \ count N a" by simp also from assms have "count N a < count M a" by (simp add: in_diff_count) finally show ?thesis by simp qed lemma set_mset_diff: "set_mset (M - N) = {a. count N a < count M a}" by (simp add: set_mset_def) lemma diff_empty [simp]: "M - {#} = M \ {#} - M = {#}" by rule (fact Groups.diff_zero, fact Groups.zero_diff) lemma diff_cancel: "A - A = {#}" by (fact Groups.diff_cancel) lemma diff_union_cancelR: "M + N - N = (M::'a multiset)" by (fact add_diff_cancel_right') lemma diff_union_cancelL: "N + M - N = (M::'a multiset)" by (fact add_diff_cancel_left') lemma diff_right_commute: fixes M N Q :: "'a multiset" shows "M - N - Q = M - Q - N" by (fact diff_right_commute) lemma diff_add: fixes M N Q :: "'a multiset" shows "M - (N + Q) = M - N - Q" by (rule sym) (fact diff_diff_add) lemma insert_DiffM [simp]: "x \# M \ add_mset x (M - {#x#}) = M" by (clarsimp simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma insert_DiffM2: "x \# M \ (M - {#x#}) + {#x#} = M" by simp lemma diff_union_swap: "a \ b \ add_mset b (M - {#a#}) = add_mset b M - {#a#}" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma diff_add_mset_swap [simp]: "b \# A \ add_mset b M - A = add_mset b (M - A)" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff simp: not_in_iff) lemma diff_union_swap2 [simp]: "y \# M \ add_mset x M - {#y#} = add_mset x (M - {#y#})" by (metis add_mset_diff_bothsides diff_union_swap diff_zero insert_DiffM) lemma diff_diff_add_mset [simp]: "(M::'a multiset) - N - P = M - (N + P)" by (rule diff_diff_add) lemma diff_union_single_conv: "a \# J \ I + J - {#a#} = I + (J - {#a#})" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff Suc_le_eq) lemma mset_add [elim?]: assumes "a \# A" obtains B where "A = add_mset a B" proof - from assms have "A = add_mset a (A - {#a#})" by simp with that show thesis . qed lemma union_iff: "a \# A + B \ a \# A \ a \# B" by auto lemma count_minus_inter_lt_count_minus_inter_iff: "count (M2 - M1) y < count (M1 - M2) y \ y \# M1 - M2" by (meson count_greater_zero_iff gr_implies_not_zero in_diff_count leI order.strict_trans2 order_less_asym) lemma minus_inter_eq_minus_inter_iff: "(M1 - M2) = (M2 - M1) \ set_mset (M1 - M2) = set_mset (M2 - M1)" by (metis add.commute count_diff count_eq_zero_iff diff_add_zero in_diff_countE multiset_eq_iff) subsubsection \Min and Max\ abbreviation Min_mset :: "'a::linorder multiset \ 'a" where "Min_mset m \ Min (set_mset m)" abbreviation Max_mset :: "'a::linorder multiset \ 'a" where "Max_mset m \ Max (set_mset m)" subsubsection \Equality of multisets\ lemma single_eq_single [simp]: "{#a#} = {#b#} \ a = b" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma union_eq_empty [iff]: "M + N = {#} \ M = {#} \ N = {#}" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma empty_eq_union [iff]: "{#} = M + N \ M = {#} \ N = {#}" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma multi_self_add_other_not_self [simp]: "M = add_mset x M \ False" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma add_mset_remove_trivial [simp]: \add_mset x M - {#x#} = M\ by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma diff_single_trivial: "\ x \# M \ M - {#x#} = M" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff not_in_iff) lemma diff_single_eq_union: "x \# M \ M - {#x#} = N \ M = add_mset x N" by auto lemma union_single_eq_diff: "add_mset x M = N \ M = N - {#x#}" unfolding add_mset_add_single[of _ M] by (fact add_implies_diff) lemma union_single_eq_member: "add_mset x M = N \ x \# N" by auto lemma add_mset_remove_trivial_If: "add_mset a (N - {#a#}) = (if a \# N then N else add_mset a N)" by (simp add: diff_single_trivial) lemma add_mset_remove_trivial_eq: \N = add_mset a (N - {#a#}) \ a \# N\ by (auto simp: add_mset_remove_trivial_If) lemma union_is_single: "M + N = {#a#} \ M = {#a#} \ N = {#} \ M = {#} \ N = {#a#}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof show ?lhs if ?rhs using that by auto show ?rhs if ?lhs by (metis Multiset.diff_cancel add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' diff_add_zero diff_single_trivial insert_DiffM that) qed lemma single_is_union: "{#a#} = M + N \ {#a#} = M \ N = {#} \ M = {#} \ {#a#} = N" by (auto simp add: eq_commute [of "{#a#}" "M + N"] union_is_single) lemma add_eq_conv_diff: "add_mset a M = add_mset b N \ M = N \ a = b \ M = add_mset b (N - {#a#}) \ N = add_mset a (M - {#b#})" (is "?lhs \ ?rhs") (* shorter: by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff) fastforce *) proof show ?lhs if ?rhs using that by (auto simp add: add_mset_commute[of a b]) show ?rhs if ?lhs proof (cases "a = b") case True with \?lhs\ show ?thesis by simp next case False from \?lhs\ have "a \# add_mset b N" by (rule union_single_eq_member) with False have "a \# N" by auto moreover from \?lhs\ have "M = add_mset b N - {#a#}" by (rule union_single_eq_diff) moreover note False ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: diff_right_commute [of _ "{#a#}"]) qed qed lemma add_mset_eq_single [iff]: "add_mset b M = {#a#} \ b = a \ M = {#}" by (auto simp: add_eq_conv_diff) lemma single_eq_add_mset [iff]: "{#a#} = add_mset b M \ b = a \ M = {#}" by (auto simp: add_eq_conv_diff) lemma insert_noteq_member: assumes BC: "add_mset b B = add_mset c C" and bnotc: "b \ c" shows "c \# B" proof - have "c \# add_mset c C" by simp have nc: "\ c \# {#b#}" using bnotc by simp then have "c \# add_mset b B" using BC by simp then show "c \# B" using nc by simp qed lemma add_eq_conv_ex: "(add_mset a M = add_mset b N) = (M = N \ a = b \ (\K. M = add_mset b K \ N = add_mset a K))" by (auto simp add: add_eq_conv_diff) lemma multi_member_split: "x \# M \ \A. M = add_mset x A" by (rule exI [where x = "M - {#x#}"]) simp lemma multiset_add_sub_el_shuffle: assumes "c \# B" and "b \ c" shows "add_mset b (B - {#c#}) = add_mset b B - {#c#}" proof - from \c \# B\ obtain A where B: "B = add_mset c A" by (blast dest: multi_member_split) have "add_mset b A = add_mset c (add_mset b A) - {#c#}" by simp then have "add_mset b A = add_mset b (add_mset c A) - {#c#}" by (simp add: \b \ c\) then show ?thesis using B by simp qed lemma add_mset_eq_singleton_iff[iff]: "add_mset x M = {#y#} \ M = {#} \ x = y" by auto subsubsection \Pointwise ordering induced by count\ definition subseteq_mset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" (infix "\#" 50) where "A \# B \ (\a. count A a \ count B a)" definition subset_mset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" (infix "\#" 50) where "A \# B \ A \# B \ A \ B" abbreviation (input) supseteq_mset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" (infix "\#" 50) where "supseteq_mset A B \ B \# A" abbreviation (input) supset_mset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" (infix "\#" 50) where "supset_mset A B \ B \# A" notation (input) subseteq_mset (infix "\#" 50) and supseteq_mset (infix "\#" 50) notation (ASCII) subseteq_mset (infix "<=#" 50) and subset_mset (infix "<#" 50) and supseteq_mset (infix ">=#" 50) and supset_mset (infix ">#" 50) global_interpretation subset_mset: ordering \(\#)\ \(\#)\ by standard (auto simp add: subset_mset_def subseteq_mset_def multiset_eq_iff intro: order.trans order.antisym) interpretation subset_mset: ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le \(+)\ \(-)\ \(\#)\ \(\#)\ by standard (auto simp add: subset_mset_def subseteq_mset_def multiset_eq_iff intro: order_trans antisym) \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ interpretation subset_mset: ordered_ab_semigroup_monoid_add_imp_le "(+)" 0 "(-)" "(\#)" "(\#)" by standard \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ lemma mset_subset_eqI: "(\a. count A a \ count B a) \ A \# B" by (simp add: subseteq_mset_def) lemma mset_subset_eq_count: "A \# B \ count A a \ count B a" by (simp add: subseteq_mset_def) lemma mset_subset_eq_exists_conv: "(A::'a multiset) \# B \ (\C. B = A + C)" unfolding subseteq_mset_def apply (rule iffI) apply (rule exI [where x = "B - A"]) apply (auto intro: multiset_eq_iff [THEN iffD2]) done interpretation subset_mset: ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff "(+)" 0 "(\#)" "(\#)" "(-)" by standard (simp, fact mset_subset_eq_exists_conv) \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ declare subset_mset.add_diff_assoc[simp] subset_mset.add_diff_assoc2[simp] lemma mset_subset_eq_mono_add_right_cancel: "(A::'a multiset) + C \# B + C \ A \# B" by (fact subset_mset.add_le_cancel_right) lemma mset_subset_eq_mono_add_left_cancel: "C + (A::'a multiset) \# C + B \ A \# B" by (fact subset_mset.add_le_cancel_left) lemma mset_subset_eq_mono_add: "(A::'a multiset) \# B \ C \# D \ A + C \# B + D" by (fact subset_mset.add_mono) lemma mset_subset_eq_add_left: "(A::'a multiset) \# A + B" by simp lemma mset_subset_eq_add_right: "B \# (A::'a multiset) + B" by simp lemma single_subset_iff [simp]: "{#a#} \# M \ a \# M" by (auto simp add: subseteq_mset_def Suc_le_eq) lemma mset_subset_eq_single: "a \# B \ {#a#} \# B" by simp lemma mset_subset_eq_add_mset_cancel: \add_mset a A \# add_mset a B \ A \# B\ unfolding add_mset_add_single[of _ A] add_mset_add_single[of _ B] by (rule mset_subset_eq_mono_add_right_cancel) lemma multiset_diff_union_assoc: fixes A B C D :: "'a multiset" shows "C \# B \ A + B - C = A + (B - C)" by (fact subset_mset.diff_add_assoc) lemma mset_subset_eq_multiset_union_diff_commute: fixes A B C D :: "'a multiset" shows "B \# A \ A - B + C = A + C - B" by (fact subset_mset.add_diff_assoc2) lemma diff_subset_eq_self[simp]: "(M::'a multiset) - N \# M" by (simp add: subseteq_mset_def) lemma mset_subset_eqD: assumes "A \# B" and "x \# A" shows "x \# B" proof - from \x \# A\ have "count A x > 0" by simp also from \A \# B\ have "count A x \ count B x" by (simp add: subseteq_mset_def) finally show ?thesis by simp qed lemma mset_subsetD: "A \# B \ x \# A \ x \# B" by (auto intro: mset_subset_eqD [of A]) lemma set_mset_mono: "A \# B \ set_mset A \ set_mset B" by (metis mset_subset_eqD subsetI) lemma mset_subset_eq_insertD: "add_mset x A \# B \ x \# B \ A \# B" apply (rule conjI) apply (simp add: mset_subset_eqD) apply (clarsimp simp: subset_mset_def subseteq_mset_def) apply safe apply (erule_tac x = a in allE) apply (auto split: if_split_asm) done lemma mset_subset_insertD: "add_mset x A \# B \ x \# B \ A \# B" by (rule mset_subset_eq_insertD) simp lemma mset_subset_of_empty[simp]: "A \# {#} \ False" by (simp only: subset_mset.not_less_zero) lemma empty_subset_add_mset[simp]: "{#} \# add_mset x M" by (auto intro: subset_mset.gr_zeroI) lemma empty_le: "{#} \# A" by (fact subset_mset.zero_le) lemma insert_subset_eq_iff: "add_mset a A \# B \ a \# B \ A \# B - {#a#}" using le_diff_conv2 [of "Suc 0" "count B a" "count A a"] apply (auto simp add: subseteq_mset_def not_in_iff Suc_le_eq) apply (rule ccontr) apply (auto simp add: not_in_iff) done lemma insert_union_subset_iff: "add_mset a A \# B \ a \# B \ A \# B - {#a#}" by (auto simp add: insert_subset_eq_iff subset_mset_def) lemma subset_eq_diff_conv: "A - C \# B \ A \# B + C" by (simp add: subseteq_mset_def le_diff_conv) lemma multi_psub_of_add_self [simp]: "A \# add_mset x A" by (auto simp: subset_mset_def subseteq_mset_def) lemma multi_psub_self: "A \# A = False" by simp lemma mset_subset_add_mset [simp]: "add_mset x N \# add_mset x M \ N \# M" unfolding add_mset_add_single[of _ N] add_mset_add_single[of _ M] by (fact subset_mset.add_less_cancel_right) lemma mset_subset_diff_self: "c \# B \ B - {#c#} \# B" by (auto simp: subset_mset_def elim: mset_add) lemma Diff_eq_empty_iff_mset: "A - B = {#} \ A \# B" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff subseteq_mset_def) lemma add_mset_subseteq_single_iff[iff]: "add_mset a M \# {#b#} \ M = {#} \ a = b" proof assume A: "add_mset a M \# {#b#}" then have \a = b\ by (auto dest: mset_subset_eq_insertD) then show "M={#} \ a=b" using A by (simp add: mset_subset_eq_add_mset_cancel) qed simp subsubsection \Intersection and bounded union\ definition inter_mset :: \'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset\ (infixl \\#\ 70) where \A \# B = A - (A - B)\ lemma count_inter_mset [simp]: \count (A \# B) x = min (count A x) (count B x)\ by (simp add: inter_mset_def) (*global_interpretation subset_mset: semilattice_order \(\#)\ \(\#)\ \(\#)\ by standard (simp_all add: multiset_eq_iff subseteq_mset_def subset_mset_def min_def)*) interpretation subset_mset: semilattice_inf \(\#)\ \(\#)\ \(\#)\ by standard (simp_all add: multiset_eq_iff subseteq_mset_def) \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ definition union_mset :: \'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset\ (infixl \\#\ 70) where \A \# B = A + (B - A)\ lemma count_union_mset [simp]: \count (A \# B) x = max (count A x) (count B x)\ by (simp add: union_mset_def) global_interpretation subset_mset: semilattice_neutr_order \(\#)\ \{#}\ \(\#)\ \(\#)\ apply standard apply (simp_all add: multiset_eq_iff subseteq_mset_def subset_mset_def max_def) apply (auto simp add: le_antisym dest: sym) apply (metis nat_le_linear)+ done interpretation subset_mset: semilattice_sup \(\#)\ \(\#)\ \(\#)\ proof - have [simp]: "m \ n \ q \ n \ m + (q - m) \ n" for m n q :: nat by arith show "class.semilattice_sup (\#) (\#) (\#)" by standard (auto simp add: union_mset_def subseteq_mset_def) qed \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ interpretation subset_mset: bounded_lattice_bot "(\#)" "(\#)" "(\#)" "(\#)" "{#}" by standard auto \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ subsubsection \Additional intersection facts\ lemma set_mset_inter [simp]: "set_mset (A \# B) = set_mset A \ set_mset B" by (simp only: set_mset_def) auto lemma diff_intersect_left_idem [simp]: "M - M \# N = M - N" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff min_def) lemma diff_intersect_right_idem [simp]: "M - N \# M = M - N" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff min_def) lemma multiset_inter_single[simp]: "a \ b \ {#a#} \# {#b#} = {#}" by (rule multiset_eqI) auto lemma multiset_union_diff_commute: assumes "B \# C = {#}" shows "A + B - C = A - C + B" proof (rule multiset_eqI) fix x from assms have "min (count B x) (count C x) = 0" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) then have "count B x = 0 \ count C x = 0" unfolding min_def by (auto split: if_splits) then show "count (A + B - C) x = count (A - C + B) x" by auto qed lemma disjunct_not_in: "A \# B = {#} \ (\a. a \# A \ a \# B)" (is "?P \ ?Q") proof assume ?P show ?Q proof fix a from \?P\ have "min (count A a) (count B a) = 0" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff) then have "count A a = 0 \ count B a = 0" by (cases "count A a \ count B a") (simp_all add: min_def) then show "a \# A \ a \# B" by (simp add: not_in_iff) qed next assume ?Q show ?P proof (rule multiset_eqI) fix a from \?Q\ have "count A a = 0 \ count B a = 0" by (auto simp add: not_in_iff) then show "count (A \# B) a = count {#} a" by auto qed qed lemma inter_mset_empty_distrib_right: "A \# (B + C) = {#} \ A \# B = {#} \ A \# C = {#}" by (meson disjunct_not_in union_iff) lemma inter_mset_empty_distrib_left: "(A + B) \# C = {#} \ A \# C = {#} \ B \# C = {#}" by (meson disjunct_not_in union_iff) lemma add_mset_inter_add_mset [simp]: "add_mset a A \# add_mset a B = add_mset a (A \# B)" by (rule multiset_eqI) simp lemma add_mset_disjoint [simp]: "add_mset a A \# B = {#} \ a \# B \ A \# B = {#}" "{#} = add_mset a A \# B \ a \# B \ {#} = A \# B" by (auto simp: disjunct_not_in) lemma disjoint_add_mset [simp]: "B \# add_mset a A = {#} \ a \# B \ B \# A = {#}" "{#} = A \# add_mset b B \ b \# A \ {#} = A \# B" by (auto simp: disjunct_not_in) lemma inter_add_left1: "\ x \# N \ (add_mset x M) \# N = M \# N" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff not_in_iff) lemma inter_add_left2: "x \# N \ (add_mset x M) \# N = add_mset x (M \# (N - {#x#}))" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff elim: mset_add) lemma inter_add_right1: "\ x \# N \ N \# (add_mset x M) = N \# M" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff not_in_iff) lemma inter_add_right2: "x \# N \ N \# (add_mset x M) = add_mset x ((N - {#x#}) \# M)" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff elim: mset_add) lemma disjunct_set_mset_diff: assumes "M \# N = {#}" shows "set_mset (M - N) = set_mset M" proof (rule set_eqI) fix a from assms have "a \# M \ a \# N" by (simp add: disjunct_not_in) then show "a \# M - N \ a \# M" by (auto dest: in_diffD) (simp add: in_diff_count not_in_iff) qed lemma at_most_one_mset_mset_diff: assumes "a \# M - {#a#}" shows "set_mset (M - {#a#}) = set_mset M - {a}" using assms by (auto simp add: not_in_iff in_diff_count set_eq_iff) lemma more_than_one_mset_mset_diff: assumes "a \# M - {#a#}" shows "set_mset (M - {#a#}) = set_mset M" proof (rule set_eqI) fix b have "Suc 0 < count M b \ count M b > 0" by arith then show "b \# M - {#a#} \ b \# M" using assms by (auto simp add: in_diff_count) qed lemma inter_iff: "a \# A \# B \ a \# A \ a \# B" by simp lemma inter_union_distrib_left: "A \# B + C = (A + C) \# (B + C)" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff min_add_distrib_left) lemma inter_union_distrib_right: "C + A \# B = (C + A) \# (C + B)" using inter_union_distrib_left [of A B C] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma inter_subset_eq_union: "A \# B \# A + B" by (auto simp add: subseteq_mset_def) subsubsection \Additional bounded union facts\ lemma set_mset_sup [simp]: \set_mset (A \# B) = set_mset A \ set_mset B\ by (simp only: set_mset_def) (auto simp add: less_max_iff_disj) lemma sup_union_left1 [simp]: "\ x \# N \ (add_mset x M) \# N = add_mset x (M \# N)" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff not_in_iff) lemma sup_union_left2: "x \# N \ (add_mset x M) \# N = add_mset x (M \# (N - {#x#}))" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma sup_union_right1 [simp]: "\ x \# N \ N \# (add_mset x M) = add_mset x (N \# M)" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff not_in_iff) lemma sup_union_right2: "x \# N \ N \# (add_mset x M) = add_mset x ((N - {#x#}) \# M)" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma sup_union_distrib_left: "A \# B + C = (A + C) \# (B + C)" by (simp add: multiset_eq_iff max_add_distrib_left) lemma union_sup_distrib_right: "C + A \# B = (C + A) \# (C + B)" using sup_union_distrib_left [of A B C] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma union_diff_inter_eq_sup: "A + B - A \# B = A \# B" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma union_diff_sup_eq_inter: "A + B - A \# B = A \# B" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma add_mset_union: \add_mset a A \# add_mset a B = add_mset a (A \# B)\ by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff max_def) subsection \Replicate and repeat operations\ definition replicate_mset :: "nat \ 'a \ 'a multiset" where "replicate_mset n x = (add_mset x ^^ n) {#}" lemma replicate_mset_0[simp]: "replicate_mset 0 x = {#}" unfolding replicate_mset_def by simp lemma replicate_mset_Suc [simp]: "replicate_mset (Suc n) x = add_mset x (replicate_mset n x)" unfolding replicate_mset_def by (induct n) (auto intro: add.commute) lemma count_replicate_mset[simp]: "count (replicate_mset n x) y = (if y = x then n else 0)" unfolding replicate_mset_def by (induct n) auto lift_definition repeat_mset :: \nat \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset\ is \\n M a. n * M a\ by simp lemma count_repeat_mset [simp]: "count (repeat_mset i A) a = i * count A a" by transfer rule lemma repeat_mset_0 [simp]: \repeat_mset 0 M = {#}\ by transfer simp lemma repeat_mset_Suc [simp]: \repeat_mset (Suc n) M = M + repeat_mset n M\ by transfer simp lemma repeat_mset_right [simp]: "repeat_mset a (repeat_mset b A) = repeat_mset (a * b) A" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff left_diff_distrib') lemma left_diff_repeat_mset_distrib': \repeat_mset (i - j) u = repeat_mset i u - repeat_mset j u\ by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff left_diff_distrib') lemma left_add_mult_distrib_mset: "repeat_mset i u + (repeat_mset j u + k) = repeat_mset (i+j) u + k" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff add_mult_distrib) lemma repeat_mset_distrib: "repeat_mset (m + n) A = repeat_mset m A + repeat_mset n A" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff Nat.add_mult_distrib) lemma repeat_mset_distrib2[simp]: "repeat_mset n (A + B) = repeat_mset n A + repeat_mset n B" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff add_mult_distrib2) lemma repeat_mset_replicate_mset[simp]: "repeat_mset n {#a#} = replicate_mset n a" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma repeat_mset_distrib_add_mset[simp]: "repeat_mset n (add_mset a A) = replicate_mset n a + repeat_mset n A" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma repeat_mset_empty[simp]: "repeat_mset n {#} = {#}" by transfer simp subsubsection \Simprocs\ lemma repeat_mset_iterate_add: \repeat_mset n M = iterate_add n M\ unfolding iterate_add_def by (induction n) auto lemma mset_subseteq_add_iff1: "j \ (i::nat) \ (repeat_mset i u + m \# repeat_mset j u + n) = (repeat_mset (i-j) u + m \# n)" by (auto simp add: subseteq_mset_def nat_le_add_iff1) lemma mset_subseteq_add_iff2: "i \ (j::nat) \ (repeat_mset i u + m \# repeat_mset j u + n) = (m \# repeat_mset (j-i) u + n)" by (auto simp add: subseteq_mset_def nat_le_add_iff2) lemma mset_subset_add_iff1: "j \ (i::nat) \ (repeat_mset i u + m \# repeat_mset j u + n) = (repeat_mset (i-j) u + m \# n)" unfolding subset_mset_def repeat_mset_iterate_add by (simp add: iterate_add_eq_add_iff1 mset_subseteq_add_iff1[unfolded repeat_mset_iterate_add]) lemma mset_subset_add_iff2: "i \ (j::nat) \ (repeat_mset i u + m \# repeat_mset j u + n) = (m \# repeat_mset (j-i) u + n)" unfolding subset_mset_def repeat_mset_iterate_add by (simp add: iterate_add_eq_add_iff2 mset_subseteq_add_iff2[unfolded repeat_mset_iterate_add]) ML_file \multiset_simprocs.ML\ lemma add_mset_replicate_mset_safe[cancelation_simproc_pre]: \NO_MATCH {#} M \ add_mset a M = {#a#} + M\ by simp declare repeat_mset_iterate_add[cancelation_simproc_pre] declare iterate_add_distrib[cancelation_simproc_pre] declare repeat_mset_iterate_add[symmetric, cancelation_simproc_post] declare add_mset_not_empty[cancelation_simproc_eq_elim] empty_not_add_mset[cancelation_simproc_eq_elim] subset_mset.le_zero_eq[cancelation_simproc_eq_elim] empty_not_add_mset[cancelation_simproc_eq_elim] add_mset_not_empty[cancelation_simproc_eq_elim] subset_mset.le_zero_eq[cancelation_simproc_eq_elim] le_zero_eq[cancelation_simproc_eq_elim] simproc_setup mseteq_cancel ("(l::'a multiset) + m = n" | "(l::'a multiset) = m + n" | "add_mset a m = n" | "m = add_mset a n" | "replicate_mset p a = n" | "m = replicate_mset p a" | "repeat_mset p m = n" | "m = repeat_mset p m") = - \fn phi => Cancel_Simprocs.eq_cancel\ + \K Cancel_Simprocs.eq_cancel\ simproc_setup msetsubset_cancel ("(l::'a multiset) + m \# n" | "(l::'a multiset) \# m + n" | "add_mset a m \# n" | "m \# add_mset a n" | "replicate_mset p r \# n" | "m \# replicate_mset p r" | "repeat_mset p m \# n" | "m \# repeat_mset p m") = - \fn phi => Multiset_Simprocs.subset_cancel_msets\ + \K Multiset_Simprocs.subset_cancel_msets\ simproc_setup msetsubset_eq_cancel ("(l::'a multiset) + m \# n" | "(l::'a multiset) \# m + n" | "add_mset a m \# n" | "m \# add_mset a n" | "replicate_mset p r \# n" | "m \# replicate_mset p r" | "repeat_mset p m \# n" | "m \# repeat_mset p m") = - \fn phi => Multiset_Simprocs.subseteq_cancel_msets\ + \K Multiset_Simprocs.subseteq_cancel_msets\ simproc_setup msetdiff_cancel ("((l::'a multiset) + m) - n" | "(l::'a multiset) - (m + n)" | "add_mset a m - n" | "m - add_mset a n" | "replicate_mset p r - n" | "m - replicate_mset p r" | "repeat_mset p m - n" | "m - repeat_mset p m") = - \fn phi => Cancel_Simprocs.diff_cancel\ + \K Cancel_Simprocs.diff_cancel\ subsubsection \Conditionally complete lattice\ instantiation multiset :: (type) Inf begin lift_definition Inf_multiset :: "'a multiset set \ 'a multiset" is "\A i. if A = {} then 0 else Inf ((\f. f i) ` A)" proof - fix A :: "('a \ nat) set" assume *: "\f. f \ A \ finite {x. 0 < f x}" show \finite {i. 0 < (if A = {} then 0 else INF f\A. f i)}\ proof (cases "A = {}") case False then obtain f where "f \ A" by blast hence "{i. Inf ((\f. f i) ` A) > 0} \ {i. f i > 0}" by (auto intro: less_le_trans[OF _ cInf_lower]) moreover from \f \ A\ * have "finite \" by simp ultimately have "finite {i. Inf ((\f. f i) ` A) > 0}" by (rule finite_subset) with False show ?thesis by simp qed simp_all qed instance .. end lemma Inf_multiset_empty: "Inf {} = {#}" by transfer simp_all lemma count_Inf_multiset_nonempty: "A \ {} \ count (Inf A) x = Inf ((\X. count X x) ` A)" by transfer simp_all instantiation multiset :: (type) Sup begin definition Sup_multiset :: "'a multiset set \ 'a multiset" where "Sup_multiset A = (if A \ {} \ subset_mset.bdd_above A then Abs_multiset (\i. Sup ((\X. count X i) ` A)) else {#})" lemma Sup_multiset_empty: "Sup {} = {#}" by (simp add: Sup_multiset_def) lemma Sup_multiset_unbounded: "\ subset_mset.bdd_above A \ Sup A = {#}" by (simp add: Sup_multiset_def) instance .. end lemma bdd_above_multiset_imp_bdd_above_count: assumes "subset_mset.bdd_above (A :: 'a multiset set)" shows "bdd_above ((\X. count X x) ` A)" proof - from assms obtain Y where Y: "\X\A. X \# Y" by (meson subset_mset.bdd_above.E) hence "count X x \ count Y x" if "X \ A" for X using that by (auto intro: mset_subset_eq_count) thus ?thesis by (intro bdd_aboveI[of _ "count Y x"]) auto qed lemma bdd_above_multiset_imp_finite_support: assumes "A \ {}" "subset_mset.bdd_above (A :: 'a multiset set)" shows "finite (\X\A. {x. count X x > 0})" proof - from assms obtain Y where Y: "\X\A. X \# Y" by (meson subset_mset.bdd_above.E) hence "count X x \ count Y x" if "X \ A" for X x using that by (auto intro: mset_subset_eq_count) hence "(\X\A. {x. count X x > 0}) \ {x. count Y x > 0}" by safe (erule less_le_trans) moreover have "finite \" by simp ultimately show ?thesis by (rule finite_subset) qed lemma Sup_multiset_in_multiset: \finite {i. 0 < (SUP M\A. count M i)}\ if \A \ {}\ \subset_mset.bdd_above A\ proof - have "{i. Sup ((\X. count X i) ` A) > 0} \ (\X\A. {i. 0 < count X i})" proof safe fix i assume pos: "(SUP X\A. count X i) > 0" show "i \ (\X\A. {i. 0 < count X i})" proof (rule ccontr) assume "i \ (\X\A. {i. 0 < count X i})" hence "\X\A. count X i \ 0" by (auto simp: count_eq_zero_iff) with that have "(SUP X\A. count X i) \ 0" by (intro cSup_least bdd_above_multiset_imp_bdd_above_count) auto with pos show False by simp qed qed moreover from that have "finite \" by (rule bdd_above_multiset_imp_finite_support) ultimately show "finite {i. Sup ((\X. count X i) ` A) > 0}" by (rule finite_subset) qed lemma count_Sup_multiset_nonempty: \count (Sup A) x = (SUP X\A. count X x)\ if \A \ {}\ \subset_mset.bdd_above A\ using that by (simp add: Sup_multiset_def Sup_multiset_in_multiset count_Abs_multiset) interpretation subset_mset: conditionally_complete_lattice Inf Sup "(\#)" "(\#)" "(\#)" "(\#)" proof fix X :: "'a multiset" and A assume "X \ A" show "Inf A \# X" proof (rule mset_subset_eqI) fix x from \X \ A\ have "A \ {}" by auto hence "count (Inf A) x = (INF X\A. count X x)" by (simp add: count_Inf_multiset_nonempty) also from \X \ A\ have "\ \ count X x" by (intro cInf_lower) simp_all finally show "count (Inf A) x \ count X x" . qed next fix X :: "'a multiset" and A assume nonempty: "A \ {}" and le: "\Y. Y \ A \ X \# Y" show "X \# Inf A" proof (rule mset_subset_eqI) fix x from nonempty have "count X x \ (INF X\A. count X x)" by (intro cInf_greatest) (auto intro: mset_subset_eq_count le) also from nonempty have "\ = count (Inf A) x" by (simp add: count_Inf_multiset_nonempty) finally show "count X x \ count (Inf A) x" . qed next fix X :: "'a multiset" and A assume X: "X \ A" and bdd: "subset_mset.bdd_above A" show "X \# Sup A" proof (rule mset_subset_eqI) fix x from X have "A \ {}" by auto have "count X x \ (SUP X\A. count X x)" by (intro cSUP_upper X bdd_above_multiset_imp_bdd_above_count bdd) also from count_Sup_multiset_nonempty[OF \A \ {}\ bdd] have "(SUP X\A. count X x) = count (Sup A) x" by simp finally show "count X x \ count (Sup A) x" . qed next fix X :: "'a multiset" and A assume nonempty: "A \ {}" and ge: "\Y. Y \ A \ Y \# X" from ge have bdd: "subset_mset.bdd_above A" by blast show "Sup A \# X" proof (rule mset_subset_eqI) fix x from count_Sup_multiset_nonempty[OF \A \ {}\ bdd] have "count (Sup A) x = (SUP X\A. count X x)" . also from nonempty have "\ \ count X x" by (intro cSup_least) (auto intro: mset_subset_eq_count ge) finally show "count (Sup A) x \ count X x" . qed qed \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ lemma set_mset_Inf: assumes "A \ {}" shows "set_mset (Inf A) = (\X\A. set_mset X)" proof safe fix x X assume "x \# Inf A" "X \ A" hence nonempty: "A \ {}" by (auto simp: Inf_multiset_empty) from \x \# Inf A\ have "{#x#} \# Inf A" by auto also from \X \ A\ have "\ \# X" by (rule subset_mset.cInf_lower) simp_all finally show "x \# X" by simp next fix x assume x: "x \ (\X\A. set_mset X)" hence "{#x#} \# X" if "X \ A" for X using that by auto from assms and this have "{#x#} \# Inf A" by (rule subset_mset.cInf_greatest) thus "x \# Inf A" by simp qed lemma in_Inf_multiset_iff: assumes "A \ {}" shows "x \# Inf A \ (\X\A. x \# X)" proof - from assms have "set_mset (Inf A) = (\X\A. set_mset X)" by (rule set_mset_Inf) also have "x \ \ \ (\X\A. x \# X)" by simp finally show ?thesis . qed lemma in_Inf_multisetD: "x \# Inf A \ X \ A \ x \# X" by (subst (asm) in_Inf_multiset_iff) auto lemma set_mset_Sup: assumes "subset_mset.bdd_above A" shows "set_mset (Sup A) = (\X\A. set_mset X)" proof safe fix x assume "x \# Sup A" hence nonempty: "A \ {}" by (auto simp: Sup_multiset_empty) show "x \ (\X\A. set_mset X)" proof (rule ccontr) assume x: "x \ (\X\A. set_mset X)" have "count X x \ count (Sup A) x" if "X \ A" for X x using that by (intro mset_subset_eq_count subset_mset.cSup_upper assms) with x have "X \# Sup A - {#x#}" if "X \ A" for X using that by (auto simp: subseteq_mset_def algebra_simps not_in_iff) hence "Sup A \# Sup A - {#x#}" by (intro subset_mset.cSup_least nonempty) with \x \# Sup A\ show False by (auto simp: subseteq_mset_def simp flip: count_greater_zero_iff dest!: spec[of _ x]) qed next fix x X assume "x \ set_mset X" "X \ A" hence "{#x#} \# X" by auto also have "X \# Sup A" by (intro subset_mset.cSup_upper \X \ A\ assms) finally show "x \ set_mset (Sup A)" by simp qed lemma in_Sup_multiset_iff: assumes "subset_mset.bdd_above A" shows "x \# Sup A \ (\X\A. x \# X)" proof - from assms have "set_mset (Sup A) = (\X\A. set_mset X)" by (rule set_mset_Sup) also have "x \ \ \ (\X\A. x \# X)" by simp finally show ?thesis . qed lemma in_Sup_multisetD: assumes "x \# Sup A" shows "\X\A. x \# X" proof - have "subset_mset.bdd_above A" by (rule ccontr) (insert assms, simp_all add: Sup_multiset_unbounded) with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: in_Sup_multiset_iff) qed interpretation subset_mset: distrib_lattice "(\#)" "(\#)" "(\#)" "(\#)" proof fix A B C :: "'a multiset" show "A \# (B \# C) = A \# B \# (A \# C)" by (intro multiset_eqI) simp_all qed \ \FIXME: avoid junk stemming from type class interpretation\ subsubsection \Filter (with comprehension syntax)\ text \Multiset comprehension\ lift_definition filter_mset :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset" is "\P M. \x. if P x then M x else 0" by (rule filter_preserves_multiset) syntax (ASCII) "_MCollect" :: "pttrn \ 'a multiset \ bool \ 'a multiset" ("(1{#_ :# _./ _#})") syntax "_MCollect" :: "pttrn \ 'a multiset \ bool \ 'a multiset" ("(1{#_ \# _./ _#})") translations "{#x \# M. P#}" == "CONST filter_mset (\x. P) M" lemma count_filter_mset [simp]: "count (filter_mset P M) a = (if P a then count M a else 0)" by (simp add: filter_mset.rep_eq) lemma set_mset_filter [simp]: "set_mset (filter_mset P M) = {a \ set_mset M. P a}" by (simp only: set_eq_iff count_greater_zero_iff [symmetric] count_filter_mset) simp lemma filter_empty_mset [simp]: "filter_mset P {#} = {#}" by (rule multiset_eqI) simp lemma filter_single_mset: "filter_mset P {#x#} = (if P x then {#x#} else {#})" by (rule multiset_eqI) simp lemma filter_union_mset [simp]: "filter_mset P (M + N) = filter_mset P M + filter_mset P N" by (rule multiset_eqI) simp lemma filter_diff_mset [simp]: "filter_mset P (M - N) = filter_mset P M - filter_mset P N" by (rule multiset_eqI) simp lemma filter_inter_mset [simp]: "filter_mset P (M \# N) = filter_mset P M \# filter_mset P N" by (rule multiset_eqI) simp lemma filter_sup_mset[simp]: "filter_mset P (A \# B) = filter_mset P A \# filter_mset P B" by (rule multiset_eqI) simp lemma filter_mset_add_mset [simp]: "filter_mset P (add_mset x A) = (if P x then add_mset x (filter_mset P A) else filter_mset P A)" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma multiset_filter_subset[simp]: "filter_mset f M \# M" by (simp add: mset_subset_eqI) lemma multiset_filter_mono: assumes "A \# B" shows "filter_mset f A \# filter_mset f B" proof - from assms[unfolded mset_subset_eq_exists_conv] obtain C where B: "B = A + C" by auto show ?thesis unfolding B by auto qed lemma filter_mset_eq_conv: "filter_mset P M = N \ N \# M \ (\b\#N. P b) \ (\a\#M - N. \ P a)" (is "?P \ ?Q") proof assume ?P then show ?Q by auto (simp add: multiset_eq_iff in_diff_count) next assume ?Q then obtain Q where M: "M = N + Q" by (auto simp add: mset_subset_eq_exists_conv) then have MN: "M - N = Q" by simp show ?P proof (rule multiset_eqI) fix a from \?Q\ MN have *: "\ P a \ a \# N" "P a \ a \# Q" by auto show "count (filter_mset P M) a = count N a" proof (cases "a \# M") case True with * show ?thesis by (simp add: not_in_iff M) next case False then have "count M a = 0" by (simp add: not_in_iff) with M show ?thesis by simp qed qed qed lemma filter_filter_mset: "filter_mset P (filter_mset Q M) = {#x \# M. Q x \ P x#}" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma filter_mset_True[simp]: "{#y \# M. True#} = M" and filter_mset_False[simp]: "{#y \# M. False#} = {#}" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma filter_mset_cong0: assumes "\x. x \# M \ f x \ g x" shows "filter_mset f M = filter_mset g M" proof (rule subset_mset.antisym; unfold subseteq_mset_def; rule allI) fix x show "count (filter_mset f M) x \ count (filter_mset g M) x" using assms by (cases "x \# M") (simp_all add: not_in_iff) next fix x show "count (filter_mset g M) x \ count (filter_mset f M) x" using assms by (cases "x \# M") (simp_all add: not_in_iff) qed lemma filter_mset_cong: assumes "M = M'" and "\x. x \# M' \ f x \ g x" shows "filter_mset f M = filter_mset g M'" unfolding \M = M'\ using assms by (auto intro: filter_mset_cong0) subsubsection \Size\ definition wcount where "wcount f M = (\x. count M x * Suc (f x))" lemma wcount_union: "wcount f (M + N) a = wcount f M a + wcount f N a" by (auto simp: wcount_def add_mult_distrib) lemma wcount_add_mset: "wcount f (add_mset x M) a = (if x = a then Suc (f a) else 0) + wcount f M a" unfolding add_mset_add_single[of _ M] wcount_union by (auto simp: wcount_def) definition size_multiset :: "('a \ nat) \ 'a multiset \ nat" where "size_multiset f M = sum (wcount f M) (set_mset M)" lemmas size_multiset_eq = size_multiset_def[unfolded wcount_def] instantiation multiset :: (type) size begin definition size_multiset where size_multiset_overloaded_def: "size_multiset = Multiset.size_multiset (\_. 0)" instance .. end lemmas size_multiset_overloaded_eq = size_multiset_overloaded_def[THEN fun_cong, unfolded size_multiset_eq, simplified] lemma size_multiset_empty [simp]: "size_multiset f {#} = 0" by (simp add: size_multiset_def) lemma size_empty [simp]: "size {#} = 0" by (simp add: size_multiset_overloaded_def) lemma size_multiset_single : "size_multiset f {#b#} = Suc (f b)" by (simp add: size_multiset_eq) lemma size_single: "size {#b#} = 1" by (simp add: size_multiset_overloaded_def size_multiset_single) lemma sum_wcount_Int: "finite A \ sum (wcount f N) (A \ set_mset N) = sum (wcount f N) A" by (induct rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: Int_insert_left wcount_def count_eq_zero_iff) lemma size_multiset_union [simp]: "size_multiset f (M + N::'a multiset) = size_multiset f M + size_multiset f N" apply (simp add: size_multiset_def sum_Un_nat sum.distrib sum_wcount_Int wcount_union) apply (subst Int_commute) apply (simp add: sum_wcount_Int) done lemma size_multiset_add_mset [simp]: "size_multiset f (add_mset a M) = Suc (f a) + size_multiset f M" unfolding add_mset_add_single[of _ M] size_multiset_union by (auto simp: size_multiset_single) lemma size_add_mset [simp]: "size (add_mset a A) = Suc (size A)" by (simp add: size_multiset_overloaded_def wcount_add_mset) lemma size_union [simp]: "size (M + N::'a multiset) = size M + size N" by (auto simp add: size_multiset_overloaded_def) lemma size_multiset_eq_0_iff_empty [iff]: "size_multiset f M = 0 \ M = {#}" by (auto simp add: size_multiset_eq count_eq_zero_iff) lemma size_eq_0_iff_empty [iff]: "(size M = 0) = (M = {#})" by (auto simp add: size_multiset_overloaded_def) lemma nonempty_has_size: "(S \ {#}) = (0 < size S)" by (metis gr0I gr_implies_not0 size_empty size_eq_0_iff_empty) lemma size_eq_Suc_imp_elem: "size M = Suc n \ \a. a \# M" apply (unfold size_multiset_overloaded_eq) apply (drule sum_SucD) apply auto done lemma size_eq_Suc_imp_eq_union: assumes "size M = Suc n" shows "\a N. M = add_mset a N" proof - from assms obtain a where "a \# M" by (erule size_eq_Suc_imp_elem [THEN exE]) then have "M = add_mset a (M - {#a#})" by simp then show ?thesis by blast qed lemma size_mset_mono: fixes A B :: "'a multiset" assumes "A \# B" shows "size A \ size B" proof - from assms[unfolded mset_subset_eq_exists_conv] obtain C where B: "B = A + C" by auto show ?thesis unfolding B by (induct C) auto qed lemma size_filter_mset_lesseq[simp]: "size (filter_mset f M) \ size M" by (rule size_mset_mono[OF multiset_filter_subset]) lemma size_Diff_submset: "M \# M' \ size (M' - M) = size M' - size(M::'a multiset)" by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' size_union mset_subset_eq_exists_conv) subsection \Induction and case splits\ theorem multiset_induct [case_names empty add, induct type: multiset]: assumes empty: "P {#}" assumes add: "\x M. P M \ P (add_mset x M)" shows "P M" proof (induct "size M" arbitrary: M) case 0 thus "P M" by (simp add: empty) next case (Suc k) obtain N x where "M = add_mset x N" using \Suc k = size M\ [symmetric] using size_eq_Suc_imp_eq_union by fast with Suc add show "P M" by simp qed lemma multiset_induct_min[case_names empty add]: fixes M :: "'a::linorder multiset" assumes empty: "P {#}" and add: "\x M. P M \ (\y \# M. y \ x) \ P (add_mset x M)" shows "P M" proof (induct "size M" arbitrary: M) case (Suc k) note ih = this(1) and Sk_eq_sz_M = this(2) let ?y = "Min_mset M" let ?N = "M - {#?y#}" have M: "M = add_mset ?y ?N" by (metis Min_in Sk_eq_sz_M finite_set_mset insert_DiffM lessI not_less_zero set_mset_eq_empty_iff size_empty) show ?case by (subst M, rule add, rule ih, metis M Sk_eq_sz_M nat.inject size_add_mset, meson Min_le finite_set_mset in_diffD) qed (simp add: empty) lemma multiset_induct_max[case_names empty add]: fixes M :: "'a::linorder multiset" assumes empty: "P {#}" and add: "\x M. P M \ (\y \# M. y \ x) \ P (add_mset x M)" shows "P M" proof (induct "size M" arbitrary: M) case (Suc k) note ih = this(1) and Sk_eq_sz_M = this(2) let ?y = "Max_mset M" let ?N = "M - {#?y#}" have M: "M = add_mset ?y ?N" by (metis Max_in Sk_eq_sz_M finite_set_mset insert_DiffM lessI not_less_zero set_mset_eq_empty_iff size_empty) show ?case by (subst M, rule add, rule ih, metis M Sk_eq_sz_M nat.inject size_add_mset, meson Max_ge finite_set_mset in_diffD) qed (simp add: empty) lemma multi_nonempty_split: "M \ {#} \ \A a. M = add_mset a A" by (induct M) auto lemma multiset_cases [cases type]: obtains (empty) "M = {#}" | (add) x N where "M = add_mset x N" by (induct M) simp_all lemma multi_drop_mem_not_eq: "c \# B \ B - {#c#} \ B" by (cases "B = {#}") (auto dest: multi_member_split) lemma union_filter_mset_complement[simp]: "\x. P x = (\ Q x) \ filter_mset P M + filter_mset Q M = M" by (subst multiset_eq_iff) auto lemma multiset_partition: "M = {#x \# M. P x#} + {#x \# M. \ P x#}" by simp lemma mset_subset_size: "A \# B \ size A < size B" proof (induct A arbitrary: B) case empty then show ?case using nonempty_has_size by auto next case (add x A) have "add_mset x A \# B" by (meson add.prems subset_mset_def) then show ?case by (metis (no_types) add.prems add.right_neutral add_diff_cancel_left' leD nat_neq_iff size_Diff_submset size_eq_0_iff_empty size_mset_mono subset_mset.le_iff_add subset_mset_def) qed lemma size_1_singleton_mset: "size M = 1 \ \a. M = {#a#}" by (cases M) auto subsubsection \Strong induction and subset induction for multisets\ text \Well-foundedness of strict subset relation\ lemma wf_subset_mset_rel: "wf {(M, N :: 'a multiset). M \# N}" apply (rule wf_measure [THEN wf_subset, where f1=size]) apply (clarsimp simp: measure_def inv_image_def mset_subset_size) done lemma wfP_subset_mset[simp]: "wfP (\#)" by (rule wf_subset_mset_rel[to_pred]) lemma full_multiset_induct [case_names less]: assumes ih: "\B. \(A::'a multiset). A \# B \ P A \ P B" shows "P B" apply (rule wf_subset_mset_rel [THEN wf_induct]) apply (rule ih, auto) done lemma multi_subset_induct [consumes 2, case_names empty add]: assumes "F \# A" and empty: "P {#}" and insert: "\a F. a \# A \ P F \ P (add_mset a F)" shows "P F" proof - from \F \# A\ show ?thesis proof (induct F) show "P {#}" by fact next fix x F assume P: "F \# A \ P F" and i: "add_mset x F \# A" show "P (add_mset x F)" proof (rule insert) from i show "x \# A" by (auto dest: mset_subset_eq_insertD) from i have "F \# A" by (auto dest: mset_subset_eq_insertD) with P show "P F" . qed qed qed subsection \Least and greatest elements\ context begin qualified lemma assumes "M \ {#}" and "transp_on (set_mset M) R" and "totalp_on (set_mset M) R" shows bex_least_element: "(\l \# M. \x \# M. x \ l \ R l x)" and bex_greatest_element: "(\g \# M. \x \# M. x \ g \ R x g)" using assms by (auto intro: Finite_Set.bex_least_element Finite_Set.bex_greatest_element) end subsection \The fold combinator\ definition fold_mset :: "('a \ 'b \ 'b) \ 'b \ 'a multiset \ 'b" where "fold_mset f s M = Finite_Set.fold (\x. f x ^^ count M x) s (set_mset M)" lemma fold_mset_empty [simp]: "fold_mset f s {#} = s" by (simp add: fold_mset_def) context comp_fun_commute begin lemma fold_mset_add_mset [simp]: "fold_mset f s (add_mset x M) = f x (fold_mset f s M)" proof - interpret mset: comp_fun_commute "\y. f y ^^ count M y" by (fact comp_fun_commute_funpow) interpret mset_union: comp_fun_commute "\y. f y ^^ count (add_mset x M) y" by (fact comp_fun_commute_funpow) show ?thesis proof (cases "x \ set_mset M") case False then have *: "count (add_mset x M) x = 1" by (simp add: not_in_iff) from False have "Finite_Set.fold (\y. f y ^^ count (add_mset x M) y) s (set_mset M) = Finite_Set.fold (\y. f y ^^ count M y) s (set_mset M)" by (auto intro!: Finite_Set.fold_cong comp_fun_commute_on_funpow) with False * show ?thesis by (simp add: fold_mset_def del: count_add_mset) next case True define N where "N = set_mset M - {x}" from N_def True have *: "set_mset M = insert x N" "x \ N" "finite N" by auto then have "Finite_Set.fold (\y. f y ^^ count (add_mset x M) y) s N = Finite_Set.fold (\y. f y ^^ count M y) s N" by (auto intro!: Finite_Set.fold_cong comp_fun_commute_on_funpow) with * show ?thesis by (simp add: fold_mset_def del: count_add_mset) simp qed qed corollary fold_mset_single: "fold_mset f s {#x#} = f x s" by simp lemma fold_mset_fun_left_comm: "f x (fold_mset f s M) = fold_mset f (f x s) M" by (induct M) (simp_all add: fun_left_comm) lemma fold_mset_union [simp]: "fold_mset f s (M + N) = fold_mset f (fold_mset f s M) N" by (induct M) (simp_all add: fold_mset_fun_left_comm) lemma fold_mset_fusion: assumes "comp_fun_commute g" and *: "\x y. h (g x y) = f x (h y)" shows "h (fold_mset g w A) = fold_mset f (h w) A" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute g by (fact assms) from * show ?thesis by (induct A) auto qed end lemma union_fold_mset_add_mset: "A + B = fold_mset add_mset A B" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute add_mset by standard auto show ?thesis by (induction B) auto qed text \ A note on code generation: When defining some function containing a subterm \<^term>\fold_mset F\, code generation is not automatic. When interpreting locale \left_commutative\ with \F\, the would be code thms for \<^const>\fold_mset\ become thms like \<^term>\fold_mset F z {#} = z\ where \F\ is not a pattern but contains defined symbols, i.e.\ is not a code thm. Hence a separate constant with its own code thms needs to be introduced for \F\. See the image operator below. \ subsection \Image\ definition image_mset :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a multiset \ 'b multiset" where "image_mset f = fold_mset (add_mset \ f) {#}" lemma comp_fun_commute_mset_image: "comp_fun_commute (add_mset \ f)" by unfold_locales (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma image_mset_empty [simp]: "image_mset f {#} = {#}" by (simp add: image_mset_def) lemma image_mset_single: "image_mset f {#x#} = {#f x#}" by (simp add: comp_fun_commute.fold_mset_add_mset comp_fun_commute_mset_image image_mset_def) lemma image_mset_union [simp]: "image_mset f (M + N) = image_mset f M + image_mset f N" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute "add_mset \ f" by (fact comp_fun_commute_mset_image) show ?thesis by (induct N) (simp_all add: image_mset_def) qed corollary image_mset_add_mset [simp]: "image_mset f (add_mset a M) = add_mset (f a) (image_mset f M)" unfolding image_mset_union add_mset_add_single[of a M] by (simp add: image_mset_single) lemma set_image_mset [simp]: "set_mset (image_mset f M) = image f (set_mset M)" by (induct M) simp_all lemma size_image_mset [simp]: "size (image_mset f M) = size M" by (induct M) simp_all lemma image_mset_is_empty_iff [simp]: "image_mset f M = {#} \ M = {#}" by (cases M) auto lemma image_mset_If: "image_mset (\x. if P x then f x else g x) A = image_mset f (filter_mset P A) + image_mset g (filter_mset (\x. \P x) A)" by (induction A) auto lemma image_mset_Diff: assumes "B \# A" shows "image_mset f (A - B) = image_mset f A - image_mset f B" proof - have "image_mset f (A - B + B) = image_mset f (A - B) + image_mset f B" by simp also from assms have "A - B + B = A" by (simp add: subset_mset.diff_add) finally show ?thesis by simp qed lemma count_image_mset: \count (image_mset f A) x = (\y\f -` {x} \ set_mset A. count A y)\ proof (induction A) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (add x A) moreover have *: "(if x = y then Suc n else n) = n + (if x = y then 1 else 0)" for n y by simp ultimately show ?case by (auto simp: sum.distrib intro!: sum.mono_neutral_left) qed lemma count_image_mset': \count (image_mset f X) y = (\x | x \# X \ y = f x. count X x)\ by (auto simp add: count_image_mset simp flip: singleton_conv2 simp add: Collect_conj_eq ac_simps) lemma image_mset_subseteq_mono: "A \# B \ image_mset f A \# image_mset f B" by (metis image_mset_union subset_mset.le_iff_add) lemma image_mset_subset_mono: "M \# N \ image_mset f M \# image_mset f N" by (metis (no_types) Diff_eq_empty_iff_mset image_mset_Diff image_mset_is_empty_iff image_mset_subseteq_mono subset_mset.less_le_not_le) syntax (ASCII) "_comprehension_mset" :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b multiset \ 'a multiset" ("({#_/. _ :# _#})") syntax "_comprehension_mset" :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b multiset \ 'a multiset" ("({#_/. _ \# _#})") translations "{#e. x \# M#}" \ "CONST image_mset (\x. e) M" syntax (ASCII) "_comprehension_mset'" :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b multiset \ bool \ 'a multiset" ("({#_/ | _ :# _./ _#})") syntax "_comprehension_mset'" :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b multiset \ bool \ 'a multiset" ("({#_/ | _ \# _./ _#})") translations "{#e | x\#M. P#}" \ "{#e. x \# {# x\#M. P#}#}" text \ This allows to write not just filters like \<^term>\{#x\#M. x but also images like \<^term>\{#x+x. x\#M #}\ and @{term [source] "{#x+x|x\#M. x\{#x+x|x\#M. x. \ lemma in_image_mset: "y \# {#f x. x \# M#} \ y \ f ` set_mset M" by simp functor image_mset: image_mset proof - fix f g show "image_mset f \ image_mset g = image_mset (f \ g)" proof fix A show "(image_mset f \ image_mset g) A = image_mset (f \ g) A" by (induct A) simp_all qed show "image_mset id = id" proof fix A show "image_mset id A = id A" by (induct A) simp_all qed qed declare image_mset.id [simp] image_mset.identity [simp] lemma image_mset_id[simp]: "image_mset id x = x" unfolding id_def by auto lemma image_mset_cong: "(\x. x \# M \ f x = g x) \ {#f x. x \# M#} = {#g x. x \# M#}" by (induct M) auto lemma image_mset_cong_pair: "(\x y. (x, y) \# M \ f x y = g x y) \ {#f x y. (x, y) \# M#} = {#g x y. (x, y) \# M#}" by (metis image_mset_cong split_cong) lemma image_mset_const_eq: "{#c. a \# M#} = replicate_mset (size M) c" by (induct M) simp_all lemma image_mset_filter_mset_swap: "image_mset f (filter_mset (\x. P (f x)) M) = filter_mset P (image_mset f M)" by (induction M rule: multiset_induct) simp_all lemma image_mset_eq_plusD: "image_mset f A = B + C \ \B' C'. A = B' + C' \ B = image_mset f B' \ C = image_mset f C'" proof (induction A arbitrary: B C) case empty thus ?case by simp next case (add x A) show ?case proof (cases "f x \# B") case True with add.prems have "image_mset f A = (B - {#f x#}) + C" by (metis add_mset_remove_trivial image_mset_add_mset mset_subset_eq_single subset_mset.add_diff_assoc2) thus ?thesis using add.IH add.prems by force next case False with add.prems have "image_mset f A = B + (C - {#f x#})" by (metis diff_single_eq_union diff_union_single_conv image_mset_add_mset union_iff union_single_eq_member) then show ?thesis using add.IH add.prems by force qed qed lemma image_mset_eq_image_mset_plusD: assumes "image_mset f A = image_mset f B + C" and inj_f: "inj_on f (set_mset A \ set_mset B)" shows "\C'. A = B + C' \ C = image_mset f C'" using assms proof (induction A arbitrary: B C) case empty thus ?case by simp next case (add x A) show ?case proof (cases "x \# B") case True with add.prems have "image_mset f A = image_mset f (B - {#x#}) + C" by (smt (verit, del_insts) add.left_commute add_cancel_right_left diff_union_cancelL diff_union_single_conv image_mset_union union_mset_add_mset_left union_mset_add_mset_right) with add.IH have "\M3'. A = B - {#x#} + M3' \ image_mset f M3' = C" by (smt (verit, del_insts) True Un_insert_left Un_insert_right add.prems(2) inj_on_insert insert_DiffM set_mset_add_mset_insert) with True show ?thesis by auto next case False with add.prems(2) have "f x \# image_mset f B" by auto with add.prems(1) have "image_mset f A = image_mset f B + (C - {#f x#})" by (metis (no_types, lifting) diff_union_single_conv image_eqI image_mset_Diff image_mset_single mset_subset_eq_single set_image_mset union_iff union_single_eq_diff union_single_eq_member) with add.prems(2) add.IH have "\M3'. A = B + M3' \ C - {#f x#} = image_mset f M3'" by auto then show ?thesis by (metis add.prems(1) add_diff_cancel_left' image_mset_Diff mset_subset_eq_add_left union_mset_add_mset_right) qed qed lemma image_mset_eq_plus_image_msetD: "image_mset f A = B + image_mset f C \ inj_on f (set_mset A \ set_mset C) \ \B'. A = B' + C \ B = image_mset f B'" unfolding add.commute[of B] add.commute[of _ C] by (rule image_mset_eq_image_mset_plusD; assumption) subsection \Further conversions\ primrec mset :: "'a list \ 'a multiset" where "mset [] = {#}" | "mset (a # x) = add_mset a (mset x)" lemma in_multiset_in_set: "x \# mset xs \ x \ set xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma count_mset: "count (mset xs) x = length (filter (\y. x = y) xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma mset_zero_iff[simp]: "(mset x = {#}) = (x = [])" by (induct x) auto lemma mset_zero_iff_right[simp]: "({#} = mset x) = (x = [])" by (induct x) auto lemma count_mset_gt_0: "x \ set xs \ count (mset xs) x > 0" by (induction xs) auto lemma count_mset_0_iff [simp]: "count (mset xs) x = 0 \ x \ set xs" by (induction xs) auto lemma mset_single_iff[iff]: "mset xs = {#x#} \ xs = [x]" by (cases xs) auto lemma mset_single_iff_right[iff]: "{#x#} = mset xs \ xs = [x]" by (cases xs) auto lemma set_mset_mset[simp]: "set_mset (mset xs) = set xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_mset_comp_mset [simp]: "set_mset \ mset = set" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma size_mset [simp]: "size (mset xs) = length xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma mset_append [simp]: "mset (xs @ ys) = mset xs + mset ys" by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) auto lemma mset_filter[simp]: "mset (filter P xs) = {#x \# mset xs. P x #}" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma mset_rev [simp]: "mset (rev xs) = mset xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma surj_mset: "surj mset" unfolding surj_def proof (rule allI) fix M show "\xs. M = mset xs" by (induction M) (auto intro: exI[of _ "_ # _"]) qed lemma distinct_count_atmost_1: "distinct x = (\a. count (mset x) a = (if a \ set x then 1 else 0))" proof (induct x) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) show ?case (is "?lhs \ ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs then show ?rhs using Cons by simp next assume ?rhs then have "x \ set xs" by (simp split: if_splits) moreover from \?rhs\ have "(\a. count (mset xs) a = (if a \ set xs then 1 else 0))" by (auto split: if_splits simp add: count_eq_zero_iff) ultimately show ?lhs using Cons by simp qed qed lemma mset_eq_setD: assumes "mset xs = mset ys" shows "set xs = set ys" proof - from assms have "set_mset (mset xs) = set_mset (mset ys)" by simp then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma set_eq_iff_mset_eq_distinct: \distinct x \ distinct y \ set x = set y \ mset x = mset y\ by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff distinct_count_atmost_1) lemma set_eq_iff_mset_remdups_eq: \set x = set y \ mset (remdups x) = mset (remdups y)\ apply (rule iffI) apply (simp add: set_eq_iff_mset_eq_distinct[THEN iffD1]) apply (drule distinct_remdups [THEN distinct_remdups [THEN set_eq_iff_mset_eq_distinct [THEN iffD2]]]) apply simp done lemma mset_eq_imp_distinct_iff: \distinct xs \ distinct ys\ if \mset xs = mset ys\ using that by (auto simp add: distinct_count_atmost_1 dest: mset_eq_setD) lemma nth_mem_mset: "i < length ls \ (ls ! i) \# mset ls" proof (induct ls arbitrary: i) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases i) auto qed lemma mset_remove1[simp]: "mset (remove1 a xs) = mset xs - {#a#}" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma mset_eq_length: assumes "mset xs = mset ys" shows "length xs = length ys" using assms by (metis size_mset) lemma mset_eq_length_filter: assumes "mset xs = mset ys" shows "length (filter (\x. z = x) xs) = length (filter (\y. z = y) ys)" using assms by (metis count_mset) lemma fold_multiset_equiv: \List.fold f xs = List.fold f ys\ if f: \\x y. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ f x \ f y = f y \ f x\ and \mset xs = mset ys\ using f \mset xs = mset ys\ [symmetric] proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) then have *: \set ys = set (x # xs)\ by (blast dest: mset_eq_setD) have \\x y. x \ set ys \ y \ set ys \ f x \ f y = f y \ f x\ by (rule Cons.prems(1)) (simp_all add: *) moreover from * have \x \ set ys\ by simp ultimately have \List.fold f ys = List.fold f (remove1 x ys) \ f x\ by (fact fold_remove1_split) moreover from Cons.prems have \List.fold f xs = List.fold f (remove1 x ys)\ by (auto intro: Cons.IH) ultimately show ?case by simp qed lemma fold_permuted_eq: \List.fold (\) xs z = List.fold (\) ys z\ if \mset xs = mset ys\ and \P z\ and P: \\x z. x \ set xs \ P z \ P (x \ z)\ and f: \\x y z. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ P z \ x \ (y \ z) = y \ (x \ z)\ for f (infixl \\\ 70) using \P z\ P f \mset xs = mset ys\ [symmetric] proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys z) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) then have *: \set ys = set (x # xs)\ by (blast dest: mset_eq_setD) have \P z\ by (fact Cons.prems(1)) moreover have \\x z. x \ set ys \ P z \ P (x \ z)\ by (rule Cons.prems(2)) (simp_all add: *) moreover have \\x y z. x \ set ys \ y \ set ys \ P z \ x \ (y \ z) = y \ (x \ z)\ by (rule Cons.prems(3)) (simp_all add: *) moreover from * have \x \ set ys\ by simp ultimately have \fold (\) ys z = fold (\) (remove1 x ys) (x \ z)\ by (induction ys arbitrary: z) auto moreover from Cons.prems have \fold (\) xs (x \ z) = fold (\) (remove1 x ys) (x \ z)\ by (auto intro: Cons.IH) ultimately show ?case by simp qed lemma mset_shuffles: "zs \ shuffles xs ys \ mset zs = mset xs + mset ys" by (induction xs ys arbitrary: zs rule: shuffles.induct) auto lemma mset_insort [simp]: "mset (insort x xs) = add_mset x (mset xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma mset_map[simp]: "mset (map f xs) = image_mset f (mset xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all global_interpretation mset_set: folding add_mset "{#}" defines mset_set = "folding_on.F add_mset {#}" by standard (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma sum_multiset_singleton [simp]: "sum (\n. {#n#}) A = mset_set A" by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto lemma count_mset_set [simp]: "finite A \ x \ A \ count (mset_set A) x = 1" (is "PROP ?P") "\ finite A \ count (mset_set A) x = 0" (is "PROP ?Q") "x \ A \ count (mset_set A) x = 0" (is "PROP ?R") proof - have *: "count (mset_set A) x = 0" if "x \ A" for A proof (cases "finite A") case False then show ?thesis by simp next case True from True \x \ A\ show ?thesis by (induct A) auto qed then show "PROP ?P" "PROP ?Q" "PROP ?R" by (auto elim!: Set.set_insert) qed \ \TODO: maybe define \<^const>\mset_set\ also in terms of \<^const>\Abs_multiset\\ lemma elem_mset_set[simp, intro]: "finite A \ x \# mset_set A \ x \ A" by (induct A rule: finite_induct) simp_all lemma mset_set_Union: "finite A \ finite B \ A \ B = {} \ mset_set (A \ B) = mset_set A + mset_set B" by (induction A rule: finite_induct) auto lemma filter_mset_mset_set [simp]: "finite A \ filter_mset P (mset_set A) = mset_set {x\A. P x}" proof (induction A rule: finite_induct) case (insert x A) from insert.hyps have "filter_mset P (mset_set (insert x A)) = filter_mset P (mset_set A) + mset_set (if P x then {x} else {})" by simp also have "filter_mset P (mset_set A) = mset_set {x\A. P x}" by (rule insert.IH) also from insert.hyps have "\ + mset_set (if P x then {x} else {}) = mset_set ({x \ A. P x} \ (if P x then {x} else {}))" (is "_ = mset_set ?A") by (intro mset_set_Union [symmetric]) simp_all also from insert.hyps have "?A = {y\insert x A. P y}" by auto finally show ?case . qed simp_all lemma mset_set_Diff: assumes "finite A" "B \ A" shows "mset_set (A - B) = mset_set A - mset_set B" proof - from assms have "mset_set ((A - B) \ B) = mset_set (A - B) + mset_set B" by (intro mset_set_Union) (auto dest: finite_subset) also from assms have "A - B \ B = A" by blast finally show ?thesis by simp qed lemma mset_set_set: "distinct xs \ mset_set (set xs) = mset xs" by (induction xs) simp_all lemma count_mset_set': "count (mset_set A) x = (if finite A \ x \ A then 1 else 0)" by auto lemma subset_imp_msubset_mset_set: assumes "A \ B" "finite B" shows "mset_set A \# mset_set B" proof (rule mset_subset_eqI) fix x :: 'a from assms have "finite A" by (rule finite_subset) with assms show "count (mset_set A) x \ count (mset_set B) x" by (cases "x \ A"; cases "x \ B") auto qed lemma mset_set_set_mset_msubset: "mset_set (set_mset A) \# A" proof (rule mset_subset_eqI) fix x show "count (mset_set (set_mset A)) x \ count A x" by (cases "x \# A") simp_all qed lemma mset_set_upto_eq_mset_upto: \mset_set {.. by (induction n) (auto simp: ac_simps lessThan_Suc) context linorder begin definition sorted_list_of_multiset :: "'a multiset \ 'a list" where "sorted_list_of_multiset M = fold_mset insort [] M" lemma sorted_list_of_multiset_empty [simp]: "sorted_list_of_multiset {#} = []" by (simp add: sorted_list_of_multiset_def) lemma sorted_list_of_multiset_singleton [simp]: "sorted_list_of_multiset {#x#} = [x]" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute insort by (fact comp_fun_commute_insort) show ?thesis by (simp add: sorted_list_of_multiset_def) qed lemma sorted_list_of_multiset_insert [simp]: "sorted_list_of_multiset (add_mset x M) = List.insort x (sorted_list_of_multiset M)" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute insort by (fact comp_fun_commute_insort) show ?thesis by (simp add: sorted_list_of_multiset_def) qed end lemma mset_sorted_list_of_multiset[simp]: "mset (sorted_list_of_multiset M) = M" by (induct M) simp_all lemma sorted_list_of_multiset_mset[simp]: "sorted_list_of_multiset (mset xs) = sort xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma finite_set_mset_mset_set[simp]: "finite A \ set_mset (mset_set A) = A" by auto lemma mset_set_empty_iff: "mset_set A = {#} \ A = {} \ infinite A" using finite_set_mset_mset_set by fastforce lemma infinite_set_mset_mset_set: "\ finite A \ set_mset (mset_set A) = {}" by simp lemma set_sorted_list_of_multiset [simp]: "set (sorted_list_of_multiset M) = set_mset M" by (induct M) (simp_all add: set_insort_key) lemma sorted_list_of_mset_set [simp]: "sorted_list_of_multiset (mset_set A) = sorted_list_of_set A" by (cases "finite A") (induct A rule: finite_induct, simp_all) lemma mset_upt [simp]: "mset [m.. {#the (map_of xs i). i \# mset (map fst xs)#} = mset (map snd xs)" proof (induction xs) case (Cons x xs) have "{#the (map_of (x # xs) i). i \# mset (map fst (x # xs))#} = add_mset (snd x) {#the (if i = fst x then Some (snd x) else map_of xs i). i \# mset (map fst xs)#}" (is "_ = add_mset _ ?A") by simp also from Cons.prems have "?A = {#the (map_of xs i). i :# mset (map fst xs)#}" by (cases x, intro image_mset_cong) (auto simp: in_multiset_in_set) also from Cons.prems have "\ = mset (map snd xs)" by (intro Cons.IH) simp_all finally show ?case by simp qed simp_all lemma msubset_mset_set_iff[simp]: assumes "finite A" "finite B" shows "mset_set A \# mset_set B \ A \ B" using assms set_mset_mono subset_imp_msubset_mset_set by fastforce lemma mset_set_eq_iff[simp]: assumes "finite A" "finite B" shows "mset_set A = mset_set B \ A = B" using assms by (fastforce dest: finite_set_mset_mset_set) lemma image_mset_mset_set: \<^marker>\contributor \Lukas Bulwahn\\ assumes "inj_on f A" shows "image_mset f (mset_set A) = mset_set (f ` A)" proof cases assume "finite A" from this \inj_on f A\ show ?thesis by (induct A) auto next assume "infinite A" from this \inj_on f A\ have "infinite (f ` A)" using finite_imageD by blast from \infinite A\ \infinite (f ` A)\ show ?thesis by simp qed subsection \More properties of the replicate and repeat operations\ lemma in_replicate_mset[simp]: "x \# replicate_mset n y \ n > 0 \ x = y" unfolding replicate_mset_def by (induct n) auto lemma set_mset_replicate_mset_subset[simp]: "set_mset (replicate_mset n x) = (if n = 0 then {} else {x})" by (auto split: if_splits) lemma size_replicate_mset[simp]: "size (replicate_mset n M) = n" by (induct n, simp_all) lemma count_le_replicate_mset_subset_eq: "n \ count M x \ replicate_mset n x \# M" by (auto simp add: mset_subset_eqI) (metis count_replicate_mset subseteq_mset_def) lemma filter_eq_replicate_mset: "{#y \# D. y = x#} = replicate_mset (count D x) x" by (induct D) simp_all lemma replicate_count_mset_eq_filter_eq: "replicate (count (mset xs) k) k = filter (HOL.eq k) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma replicate_mset_eq_empty_iff [simp]: "replicate_mset n a = {#} \ n = 0" by (induct n) simp_all lemma replicate_mset_eq_iff: "replicate_mset m a = replicate_mset n b \ m = 0 \ n = 0 \ m = n \ a = b" by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff) lemma repeat_mset_cancel1: "repeat_mset a A = repeat_mset a B \ A = B \ a = 0" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma repeat_mset_cancel2: "repeat_mset a A = repeat_mset b A \ a = b \ A = {#}" by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff) lemma repeat_mset_eq_empty_iff: "repeat_mset n A = {#} \ n = 0 \ A = {#}" by (cases n) auto lemma image_replicate_mset [simp]: "image_mset f (replicate_mset n a) = replicate_mset n (f a)" by (induct n) simp_all lemma replicate_mset_msubseteq_iff: "replicate_mset m a \# replicate_mset n b \ m = 0 \ a = b \ m \ n" by (cases m) (auto simp: insert_subset_eq_iff simp flip: count_le_replicate_mset_subset_eq) lemma msubseteq_replicate_msetE: assumes "A \# replicate_mset n a" obtains m where "m \ n" and "A = replicate_mset m a" proof (cases "n = 0") case True with assms that show thesis by simp next case False from assms have "set_mset A \ set_mset (replicate_mset n a)" by (rule set_mset_mono) with False have "set_mset A \ {a}" by simp then have "\m. A = replicate_mset m a" proof (induction A) case empty then show ?case by simp next case (add b A) then obtain m where "A = replicate_mset m a" by auto with add.prems show ?case by (auto intro: exI [of _ "Suc m"]) qed then obtain m where A: "A = replicate_mset m a" .. with assms have "m \ n" by (auto simp add: replicate_mset_msubseteq_iff) then show thesis using A .. qed subsection \Big operators\ locale comm_monoid_mset = comm_monoid begin interpretation comp_fun_commute f by standard (simp add: fun_eq_iff left_commute) interpretation comp?: comp_fun_commute "f \ g" by (fact comp_comp_fun_commute) context begin definition F :: "'a multiset \ 'a" where eq_fold: "F M = fold_mset f \<^bold>1 M" lemma empty [simp]: "F {#} = \<^bold>1" by (simp add: eq_fold) lemma singleton [simp]: "F {#x#} = x" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute by standard (simp add: fun_eq_iff left_commute) show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_fold) qed lemma union [simp]: "F (M + N) = F M \<^bold>* F N" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute f by standard (simp add: fun_eq_iff left_commute) show ?thesis by (induct N) (simp_all add: left_commute eq_fold) qed lemma add_mset [simp]: "F (add_mset x N) = x \<^bold>* F N" unfolding add_mset_add_single[of x N] union by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma insert [simp]: shows "F (image_mset g (add_mset x A)) = g x \<^bold>* F (image_mset g A)" by (simp add: eq_fold) lemma remove: assumes "x \# A" shows "F A = x \<^bold>* F (A - {#x#})" using multi_member_split[OF assms] by auto lemma neutral: "\x\#A. x = \<^bold>1 \ F A = \<^bold>1" by (induct A) simp_all lemma neutral_const [simp]: "F (image_mset (\_. \<^bold>1) A) = \<^bold>1" by (simp add: neutral) private lemma F_image_mset_product: "F {#g x j \<^bold>* F {#g i j. i \# A#}. j \# B#} = F (image_mset (g x) B) \<^bold>* F {#F {#g i j. i \# A#}. j \# B#}" by (induction B) (simp_all add: left_commute semigroup.assoc semigroup_axioms) lemma swap: "F (image_mset (\i. F (image_mset (g i) B)) A) = F (image_mset (\j. F (image_mset (\i. g i j) A)) B)" apply (induction A, simp) apply (induction B, auto simp add: F_image_mset_product ac_simps) done lemma distrib: "F (image_mset (\x. g x \<^bold>* h x) A) = F (image_mset g A) \<^bold>* F (image_mset h A)" by (induction A) (auto simp: ac_simps) lemma union_disjoint: "A \# B = {#} \ F (image_mset g (A \# B)) = F (image_mset g A) \<^bold>* F (image_mset g B)" by (induction A) (auto simp: ac_simps) end end lemma comp_fun_commute_plus_mset[simp]: "comp_fun_commute ((+) :: 'a multiset \ _ \ _)" by standard (simp add: add_ac comp_def) declare comp_fun_commute.fold_mset_add_mset[OF comp_fun_commute_plus_mset, simp] lemma in_mset_fold_plus_iff[iff]: "x \# fold_mset (+) M NN \ x \# M \ (\N. N \# NN \ x \# N)" by (induct NN) auto context comm_monoid_add begin sublocale sum_mset: comm_monoid_mset plus 0 defines sum_mset = sum_mset.F .. lemma sum_unfold_sum_mset: "sum f A = sum_mset (image_mset f (mset_set A))" by (cases "finite A") (induct A rule: finite_induct, simp_all) end notation sum_mset ("\\<^sub>#") syntax (ASCII) "_sum_mset_image" :: "pttrn \ 'b set \ 'a \ 'a::comm_monoid_add" ("(3SUM _:#_. _)" [0, 51, 10] 10) syntax "_sum_mset_image" :: "pttrn \ 'b set \ 'a \ 'a::comm_monoid_add" ("(3\_\#_. _)" [0, 51, 10] 10) translations "\i \# A. b" \ "CONST sum_mset (CONST image_mset (\i. b) A)" context comm_monoid_add begin lemma sum_mset_sum_list: "sum_mset (mset xs) = sum_list xs" by (induction xs) auto end context canonically_ordered_monoid_add begin lemma sum_mset_0_iff [simp]: "sum_mset M = 0 \ (\x \ set_mset M. x = 0)" by (induction M) auto end context ordered_comm_monoid_add begin lemma sum_mset_mono: "sum_mset (image_mset f K) \ sum_mset (image_mset g K)" if "\i. i \# K \ f i \ g i" using that by (induction K) (simp_all add: add_mono) end context cancel_comm_monoid_add begin lemma sum_mset_diff: "sum_mset (M - N) = sum_mset M - sum_mset N" if "N \# M" for M N :: "'a multiset" using that by (auto simp add: subset_mset.le_iff_add) end context semiring_0 begin lemma sum_mset_distrib_left: "c * (\x \# M. f x) = (\x \# M. c * f(x))" by (induction M) (simp_all add: algebra_simps) lemma sum_mset_distrib_right: "(\x \# M. f x) * c = (\x \# M. f x * c)" by (induction M) (simp_all add: algebra_simps) end lemma sum_mset_product: fixes f :: "'a::{comm_monoid_add,times} \ 'b::semiring_0" shows "(\i \# A. f i) * (\i \# B. g i) = (\i\#A. \j\#B. f i * g j)" by (subst sum_mset.swap) (simp add: sum_mset_distrib_left sum_mset_distrib_right) context semiring_1 begin lemma sum_mset_replicate_mset [simp]: "sum_mset (replicate_mset n a) = of_nat n * a" by (induction n) (simp_all add: algebra_simps) lemma sum_mset_delta: "sum_mset (image_mset (\x. if x = y then c else 0) A) = c * of_nat (count A y)" by (induction A) (simp_all add: algebra_simps) lemma sum_mset_delta': "sum_mset (image_mset (\x. if y = x then c else 0) A) = c * of_nat (count A y)" by (induction A) (simp_all add: algebra_simps) end lemma of_nat_sum_mset [simp]: "of_nat (sum_mset A) = sum_mset (image_mset of_nat A)" by (induction A) auto lemma size_eq_sum_mset: "size M = (\a\#M. 1)" using image_mset_const_eq [of "1::nat" M] by simp lemma size_mset_set [simp]: "size (mset_set A) = card A" by (simp only: size_eq_sum_mset card_eq_sum sum_unfold_sum_mset) lemma sum_mset_constant [simp]: fixes y :: "'b::semiring_1" shows \(\x\#A. y) = of_nat (size A) * y\ by (induction A) (auto simp: algebra_simps) lemma set_mset_Union_mset[simp]: "set_mset (\\<^sub># MM) = (\M \ set_mset MM. set_mset M)" by (induct MM) auto lemma in_Union_mset_iff[iff]: "x \# \\<^sub># MM \ (\M. M \# MM \ x \# M)" by (induct MM) auto lemma count_sum: "count (sum f A) x = sum (\a. count (f a) x) A" by (induct A rule: infinite_finite_induct) simp_all lemma sum_eq_empty_iff: assumes "finite A" shows "sum f A = {#} \ (\a\A. f a = {#})" using assms by induct simp_all lemma Union_mset_empty_conv[simp]: "\\<^sub># M = {#} \ (\i\#M. i = {#})" by (induction M) auto lemma Union_image_single_mset[simp]: "\\<^sub># (image_mset (\x. {#x#}) m) = m" by(induction m) auto context comm_monoid_mult begin sublocale prod_mset: comm_monoid_mset times 1 defines prod_mset = prod_mset.F .. lemma prod_mset_empty: "prod_mset {#} = 1" by (fact prod_mset.empty) lemma prod_mset_singleton: "prod_mset {#x#} = x" by (fact prod_mset.singleton) lemma prod_mset_Un: "prod_mset (A + B) = prod_mset A * prod_mset B" by (fact prod_mset.union) lemma prod_mset_prod_list: "prod_mset (mset xs) = prod_list xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma prod_mset_replicate_mset [simp]: "prod_mset (replicate_mset n a) = a ^ n" by (induct n) simp_all lemma prod_unfold_prod_mset: "prod f A = prod_mset (image_mset f (mset_set A))" by (cases "finite A") (induct A rule: finite_induct, simp_all) lemma prod_mset_multiplicity: "prod_mset M = prod (\x. x ^ count M x) (set_mset M)" by (simp add: fold_mset_def prod.eq_fold prod_mset.eq_fold funpow_times_power comp_def) lemma prod_mset_delta: "prod_mset (image_mset (\x. if x = y then c else 1) A) = c ^ count A y" by (induction A) simp_all lemma prod_mset_delta': "prod_mset (image_mset (\x. if y = x then c else 1) A) = c ^ count A y" by (induction A) simp_all lemma prod_mset_subset_imp_dvd: assumes "A \# B" shows "prod_mset A dvd prod_mset B" proof - from assms have "B = (B - A) + A" by (simp add: subset_mset.diff_add) also have "prod_mset \ = prod_mset (B - A) * prod_mset A" by simp also have "prod_mset A dvd \" by simp finally show ?thesis . qed lemma dvd_prod_mset: assumes "x \# A" shows "x dvd prod_mset A" using assms prod_mset_subset_imp_dvd [of "{#x#}" A] by simp end notation prod_mset ("\\<^sub>#") syntax (ASCII) "_prod_mset_image" :: "pttrn \ 'b set \ 'a \ 'a::comm_monoid_mult" ("(3PROD _:#_. _)" [0, 51, 10] 10) syntax "_prod_mset_image" :: "pttrn \ 'b set \ 'a \ 'a::comm_monoid_mult" ("(3\_\#_. _)" [0, 51, 10] 10) translations "\i \# A. b" \ "CONST prod_mset (CONST image_mset (\i. b) A)" lemma prod_mset_constant [simp]: "(\_\#A. c) = c ^ size A" by (simp add: image_mset_const_eq) lemma (in semidom) prod_mset_zero_iff [iff]: "prod_mset A = 0 \ 0 \# A" by (induct A) auto lemma (in semidom_divide) prod_mset_diff: assumes "B \# A" and "0 \# B" shows "prod_mset (A - B) = prod_mset A div prod_mset B" proof - from assms obtain C where "A = B + C" by (metis subset_mset.add_diff_inverse) with assms show ?thesis by simp qed lemma (in semidom_divide) prod_mset_minus: assumes "a \# A" and "a \ 0" shows "prod_mset (A - {#a#}) = prod_mset A div a" using assms prod_mset_diff [of "{#a#}" A] by auto lemma (in normalization_semidom) normalize_prod_mset_normalize: "normalize (prod_mset (image_mset normalize A)) = normalize (prod_mset A)" proof (induction A) case (add x A) have "normalize (prod_mset (image_mset normalize (add_mset x A))) = normalize (x * normalize (prod_mset (image_mset normalize A)))" by simp also note add.IH finally show ?case by simp qed auto lemma (in algebraic_semidom) is_unit_prod_mset_iff: "is_unit (prod_mset A) \ (\x \# A. is_unit x)" by (induct A) (auto simp: is_unit_mult_iff) lemma (in normalization_semidom_multiplicative) normalize_prod_mset: "normalize (prod_mset A) = prod_mset (image_mset normalize A)" by (induct A) (simp_all add: normalize_mult) lemma (in normalization_semidom_multiplicative) normalized_prod_msetI: assumes "\a. a \# A \ normalize a = a" shows "normalize (prod_mset A) = prod_mset A" proof - from assms have "image_mset normalize A = A" by (induct A) simp_all then show ?thesis by (simp add: normalize_prod_mset) qed subsection \Multiset as order-ignorant lists\ context linorder begin lemma mset_insort [simp]: "mset (insort_key k x xs) = add_mset x (mset xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma mset_sort [simp]: "mset (sort_key k xs) = mset xs" by (induct xs) simp_all text \ This lemma shows which properties suffice to show that a function \f\ with \f xs = ys\ behaves like sort. \ lemma properties_for_sort_key: assumes "mset ys = mset xs" and "\k. k \ set ys \ filter (\x. f k = f x) ys = filter (\x. f k = f x) xs" and "sorted (map f ys)" shows "sort_key f xs = ys" using assms proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) from Cons.prems(2) have "\k \ set ys. filter (\x. f k = f x) (remove1 x ys) = filter (\x. f k = f x) xs" by (simp add: filter_remove1) with Cons.prems have "sort_key f xs = remove1 x ys" by (auto intro!: Cons.hyps simp add: sorted_map_remove1) moreover from Cons.prems have "x \# mset ys" by auto then have "x \ set ys" by simp ultimately show ?case using Cons.prems by (simp add: insort_key_remove1) qed lemma properties_for_sort: assumes multiset: "mset ys = mset xs" and "sorted ys" shows "sort xs = ys" proof (rule properties_for_sort_key) from multiset show "mset ys = mset xs" . from \sorted ys\ show "sorted (map (\x. x) ys)" by simp from multiset have "length (filter (\y. k = y) ys) = length (filter (\x. k = x) xs)" for k by (rule mset_eq_length_filter) then have "replicate (length (filter (\y. k = y) ys)) k = replicate (length (filter (\x. k = x) xs)) k" for k by simp then show "k \ set ys \ filter (\y. k = y) ys = filter (\x. k = x) xs" for k by (simp add: replicate_length_filter) qed lemma sort_key_inj_key_eq: assumes mset_equal: "mset xs = mset ys" and "inj_on f (set xs)" and "sorted (map f ys)" shows "sort_key f xs = ys" proof (rule properties_for_sort_key) from mset_equal show "mset ys = mset xs" by simp from \sorted (map f ys)\ show "sorted (map f ys)" . show "[x\ys . f k = f x] = [x\xs . f k = f x]" if "k \ set ys" for k proof - from mset_equal have set_equal: "set xs = set ys" by (rule mset_eq_setD) with that have "insert k (set ys) = set ys" by auto with \inj_on f (set xs)\ have inj: "inj_on f (insert k (set ys))" by (simp add: set_equal) from inj have "[x\ys . f k = f x] = filter (HOL.eq k) ys" by (auto intro!: inj_on_filter_key_eq) also have "\ = replicate (count (mset ys) k) k" by (simp add: replicate_count_mset_eq_filter_eq) also have "\ = replicate (count (mset xs) k) k" using mset_equal by simp also have "\ = filter (HOL.eq k) xs" by (simp add: replicate_count_mset_eq_filter_eq) also have "\ = [x\xs . f k = f x]" using inj by (auto intro!: inj_on_filter_key_eq [symmetric] simp add: set_equal) finally show ?thesis . qed qed lemma sort_key_eq_sort_key: assumes "mset xs = mset ys" and "inj_on f (set xs)" shows "sort_key f xs = sort_key f ys" by (rule sort_key_inj_key_eq) (simp_all add: assms) lemma sort_key_by_quicksort: "sort_key f xs = sort_key f [x\xs. f x < f (xs ! (length xs div 2))] @ [x\xs. f x = f (xs ! (length xs div 2))] @ sort_key f [x\xs. f x > f (xs ! (length xs div 2))]" (is "sort_key f ?lhs = ?rhs") proof (rule properties_for_sort_key) show "mset ?rhs = mset ?lhs" by (rule multiset_eqI) auto show "sorted (map f ?rhs)" by (auto simp add: sorted_append intro: sorted_map_same) next fix l assume "l \ set ?rhs" let ?pivot = "f (xs ! (length xs div 2))" have *: "\x. f l = f x \ f x = f l" by auto have "[x \ sort_key f xs . f x = f l] = [x \ xs. f x = f l]" unfolding filter_sort by (rule properties_for_sort_key) (auto intro: sorted_map_same) with * have **: "[x \ sort_key f xs . f l = f x] = [x \ xs. f l = f x]" by simp have "\x P. P (f x) ?pivot \ f l = f x \ P (f l) ?pivot \ f l = f x" by auto then have "\P. [x \ sort_key f xs . P (f x) ?pivot \ f l = f x] = [x \ sort_key f xs. P (f l) ?pivot \ f l = f x]" by simp note *** = this [of "(<)"] this [of "(>)"] this [of "(=)"] show "[x \ ?rhs. f l = f x] = [x \ ?lhs. f l = f x]" proof (cases "f l" ?pivot rule: linorder_cases) case less then have "f l \ ?pivot" and "\ f l > ?pivot" by auto with less show ?thesis by (simp add: filter_sort [symmetric] ** ***) next case equal then show ?thesis by (simp add: * less_le) next case greater then have "f l \ ?pivot" and "\ f l < ?pivot" by auto with greater show ?thesis by (simp add: filter_sort [symmetric] ** ***) qed qed lemma sort_by_quicksort: "sort xs = sort [x\xs. x < xs ! (length xs div 2)] @ [x\xs. x = xs ! (length xs div 2)] @ sort [x\xs. x > xs ! (length xs div 2)]" (is "sort ?lhs = ?rhs") using sort_key_by_quicksort [of "\x. x", symmetric] by simp text \A stable parameterized quicksort\ definition part :: "('b \ 'a) \ 'a \ 'b list \ 'b list \ 'b list \ 'b list" where "part f pivot xs = ([x \ xs. f x < pivot], [x \ xs. f x = pivot], [x \ xs. pivot < f x])" lemma part_code [code]: "part f pivot [] = ([], [], [])" "part f pivot (x # xs) = (let (lts, eqs, gts) = part f pivot xs; x' = f x in if x' < pivot then (x # lts, eqs, gts) else if x' > pivot then (lts, eqs, x # gts) else (lts, x # eqs, gts))" by (auto simp add: part_def Let_def split_def) lemma sort_key_by_quicksort_code [code]: "sort_key f xs = (case xs of [] \ [] | [x] \ xs | [x, y] \ (if f x \ f y then xs else [y, x]) | _ \ let (lts, eqs, gts) = part f (f (xs ! (length xs div 2))) xs in sort_key f lts @ eqs @ sort_key f gts)" proof (cases xs) case Nil then show ?thesis by simp next case (Cons _ ys) note hyps = Cons show ?thesis proof (cases ys) case Nil with hyps show ?thesis by simp next case (Cons _ zs) note hyps = hyps Cons show ?thesis proof (cases zs) case Nil with hyps show ?thesis by auto next case Cons from sort_key_by_quicksort [of f xs] have "sort_key f xs = (let (lts, eqs, gts) = part f (f (xs ! (length xs div 2))) xs in sort_key f lts @ eqs @ sort_key f gts)" by (simp only: split_def Let_def part_def fst_conv snd_conv) with hyps Cons show ?thesis by (simp only: list.cases) qed qed qed end hide_const (open) part lemma mset_remdups_subset_eq: "mset (remdups xs) \# mset xs" by (induct xs) (auto intro: subset_mset.order_trans) lemma mset_update: "i < length ls \ mset (ls[i := v]) = add_mset v (mset ls - {#ls ! i#})" proof (induct ls arbitrary: i) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) show ?case proof (cases i) case 0 then show ?thesis by simp next case (Suc i') with Cons show ?thesis by (cases \x = xs ! i'\) auto qed qed lemma mset_swap: "i < length ls \ j < length ls \ mset (ls[j := ls ! i, i := ls ! j]) = mset ls" by (cases "i = j") (simp_all add: mset_update nth_mem_mset) lemma mset_eq_finite: \finite {ys. mset ys = mset xs}\ proof - have \{ys. mset ys = mset xs} \ {ys. set ys \ set xs \ length ys \ length xs}\ by (auto simp add: dest: mset_eq_setD mset_eq_length) moreover have \finite {ys. set ys \ set xs \ length ys \ length xs}\ using finite_lists_length_le by blast ultimately show ?thesis by (rule finite_subset) qed subsection \The multiset order\ definition mult1 :: "('a \ 'a) set \ ('a multiset \ 'a multiset) set" where "mult1 r = {(N, M). \a M0 K. M = add_mset a M0 \ N = M0 + K \ (\b. b \# K \ (b, a) \ r)}" definition mult :: "('a \ 'a) set \ ('a multiset \ 'a multiset) set" where "mult r = (mult1 r)\<^sup>+" definition multp :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" where "multp r M N \ (M, N) \ mult {(x, y). r x y}" declare multp_def[pred_set_conv] lemma mult1I: assumes "M = add_mset a M0" and "N = M0 + K" and "\b. b \# K \ (b, a) \ r" shows "(N, M) \ mult1 r" using assms unfolding mult1_def by blast lemma mult1E: assumes "(N, M) \ mult1 r" obtains a M0 K where "M = add_mset a M0" "N = M0 + K" "\b. b \# K \ (b, a) \ r" using assms unfolding mult1_def by blast lemma mono_mult1: assumes "r \ r'" shows "mult1 r \ mult1 r'" unfolding mult1_def using assms by blast lemma mono_mult: assumes "r \ r'" shows "mult r \ mult r'" unfolding mult_def using mono_mult1[OF assms] trancl_mono by blast lemma mono_multp[mono]: "r \ r' \ multp r \ multp r'" unfolding le_fun_def le_bool_def proof (intro allI impI) fix M N :: "'a multiset" assume "\x xa. r x xa \ r' x xa" hence "{(x, y). r x y} \ {(x, y). r' x y}" by blast thus "multp r M N \ multp r' M N" unfolding multp_def by (fact mono_mult[THEN subsetD, rotated]) qed lemma not_less_empty [iff]: "(M, {#}) \ mult1 r" by (simp add: mult1_def) subsubsection \Well-foundedness\ lemma less_add: assumes mult1: "(N, add_mset a M0) \ mult1 r" shows "(\M. (M, M0) \ mult1 r \ N = add_mset a M) \ (\K. (\b. b \# K \ (b, a) \ r) \ N = M0 + K)" proof - let ?r = "\K a. \b. b \# K \ (b, a) \ r" let ?R = "\N M. \a M0 K. M = add_mset a M0 \ N = M0 + K \ ?r K a" obtain a' M0' K where M0: "add_mset a M0 = add_mset a' M0'" and N: "N = M0' + K" and r: "?r K a'" using mult1 unfolding mult1_def by auto show ?thesis (is "?case1 \ ?case2") proof - from M0 consider "M0 = M0'" "a = a'" | K' where "M0 = add_mset a' K'" "M0' = add_mset a K'" by atomize_elim (simp only: add_eq_conv_ex) then show ?thesis proof cases case 1 with N r have "?r K a \ N = M0 + K" by simp then have ?case2 .. then show ?thesis .. next case 2 from N 2(2) have n: "N = add_mset a (K' + K)" by simp with r 2(1) have "?R (K' + K) M0" by blast with n have ?case1 by (simp add: mult1_def) then show ?thesis .. qed qed qed lemma all_accessible: assumes "wf r" shows "\M. M \ Wellfounded.acc (mult1 r)" proof let ?R = "mult1 r" let ?W = "Wellfounded.acc ?R" { fix M M0 a assume M0: "M0 \ ?W" and wf_hyp: "\b. (b, a) \ r \ (\M \ ?W. add_mset b M \ ?W)" and acc_hyp: "\M. (M, M0) \ ?R \ add_mset a M \ ?W" have "add_mset a M0 \ ?W" proof (rule accI [of "add_mset a M0"]) fix N assume "(N, add_mset a M0) \ ?R" then consider M where "(M, M0) \ ?R" "N = add_mset a M" | K where "\b. b \# K \ (b, a) \ r" "N = M0 + K" by atomize_elim (rule less_add) then show "N \ ?W" proof cases case 1 from acc_hyp have "(M, M0) \ ?R \ add_mset a M \ ?W" .. from this and \(M, M0) \ ?R\ have "add_mset a M \ ?W" .. then show "N \ ?W" by (simp only: \N = add_mset a M\) next case 2 from this(1) have "M0 + K \ ?W" proof (induct K) case empty from M0 show "M0 + {#} \ ?W" by simp next case (add x K) from add.prems have "(x, a) \ r" by simp with wf_hyp have "\M \ ?W. add_mset x M \ ?W" by blast moreover from add have "M0 + K \ ?W" by simp ultimately have "add_mset x (M0 + K) \ ?W" .. then show "M0 + (add_mset x K) \ ?W" by simp qed then show "N \ ?W" by (simp only: 2(2)) qed qed } note tedious_reasoning = this show "M \ ?W" for M proof (induct M) show "{#} \ ?W" proof (rule accI) fix b assume "(b, {#}) \ ?R" with not_less_empty show "b \ ?W" by contradiction qed fix M a assume "M \ ?W" from \wf r\ have "\M \ ?W. add_mset a M \ ?W" proof induct fix a assume r: "\b. (b, a) \ r \ (\M \ ?W. add_mset b M \ ?W)" show "\M \ ?W. add_mset a M \ ?W" proof fix M assume "M \ ?W" then show "add_mset a M \ ?W" by (rule acc_induct) (rule tedious_reasoning [OF _ r]) qed qed from this and \M \ ?W\ show "add_mset a M \ ?W" .. qed qed lemma wf_mult1: "wf r \ wf (mult1 r)" by (rule acc_wfI) (rule all_accessible) lemma wf_mult: "wf r \ wf (mult r)" unfolding mult_def by (rule wf_trancl) (rule wf_mult1) lemma wfP_multp: "wfP r \ wfP (multp r)" unfolding multp_def wfP_def by (simp add: wf_mult) subsubsection \Closure-free presentation\ text \One direction.\ lemma mult_implies_one_step: assumes trans: "trans r" and MN: "(M, N) \ mult r" shows "\I J K. N = I + J \ M = I + K \ J \ {#} \ (\k \ set_mset K. \j \ set_mset J. (k, j) \ r)" using MN unfolding mult_def mult1_def proof (induction rule: converse_trancl_induct) case (base y) then show ?case by force next case (step y z) note yz = this(1) and zN = this(2) and N_decomp = this(3) obtain I J K where N: "N = I + J" "z = I + K" "J \ {#}" "\k\#K. \j\#J. (k, j) \ r" using N_decomp by blast obtain a M0 K' where z: "z = add_mset a M0" and y: "y = M0 + K'" and K: "\b. b \# K' \ (b, a) \ r" using yz by blast show ?case proof (cases "a \# K") case True moreover have "\j\#J. (k, j) \ r" if "k \# K'" for k using K N trans True by (meson that transE) ultimately show ?thesis by (rule_tac x = I in exI, rule_tac x = J in exI, rule_tac x = "(K - {#a#}) + K'" in exI) (use z y N in \auto simp del: subset_mset.add_diff_assoc2 dest: in_diffD\) next case False then have "a \# I" by (metis N(2) union_iff union_single_eq_member z) moreover have "M0 = I + K - {#a#}" using N(2) z by force ultimately show ?thesis by (rule_tac x = "I - {#a#}" in exI, rule_tac x = "add_mset a J" in exI, rule_tac x = "K + K'" in exI) (use z y N False K in \auto simp: add.assoc\) qed qed lemma multp_implies_one_step: "transp R \ multp R M N \ \I J K. N = I + J \ M = I + K \ J \ {#} \ (\k\#K. \x\#J. R k x)" by (rule mult_implies_one_step[to_pred]) lemma one_step_implies_mult: assumes "J \ {#}" and "\k \ set_mset K. \j \ set_mset J. (k, j) \ r" shows "(I + K, I + J) \ mult r" using assms proof (induction "size J" arbitrary: I J K) case 0 then show ?case by auto next case (Suc n) note IH = this(1) and size_J = this(2)[THEN sym] obtain J' a where J: "J = add_mset a J'" using size_J by (blast dest: size_eq_Suc_imp_eq_union) show ?case proof (cases "J' = {#}") case True then show ?thesis using J Suc by (fastforce simp add: mult_def mult1_def) next case [simp]: False have K: "K = {#x \# K. (x, a) \ r#} + {#x \# K. (x, a) \ r#}" by simp have "(I + K, (I + {# x \# K. (x, a) \ r #}) + J') \ mult r" using IH[of J' "{# x \# K. (x, a) \ r#}" "I + {# x \# K. (x, a) \ r#}"] J Suc.prems K size_J by (auto simp: ac_simps) moreover have "(I + {#x \# K. (x, a) \ r#} + J', I + J) \ mult r" by (fastforce simp: J mult1_def mult_def) ultimately show ?thesis unfolding mult_def by simp qed qed lemma one_step_implies_multp: "J \ {#} \ \k\#K. \j\#J. R k j \ multp R (I + K) (I + J)" by (rule one_step_implies_mult[of _ _ "{(x, y). r x y}" for r, folded multp_def, simplified]) lemma subset_implies_mult: assumes sub: "A \# B" shows "(A, B) \ mult r" proof - have ApBmA: "A + (B - A) = B" using sub by simp have BmA: "B - A \ {#}" using sub by (simp add: Diff_eq_empty_iff_mset subset_mset.less_le_not_le) thus ?thesis by (rule one_step_implies_mult[of "B - A" "{#}" _ A, unfolded ApBmA, simplified]) qed lemma subset_implies_multp: "A \# B \ multp r A B" by (rule subset_implies_mult[of _ _ "{(x, y). r x y}" for r, folded multp_def]) lemma multp_repeat_mset_repeat_msetI: assumes "transp R" and "multp R A B" and "n \ 0" shows "multp R (repeat_mset n A) (repeat_mset n B)" proof - from \transp R\ \multp R A B\ obtain I J K where "B = I + J" and "A = I + K" and "J \ {#}" and "\k \# K. \x \# J. R k x" by (auto dest: multp_implies_one_step) have repeat_n_A_eq: "repeat_mset n A = repeat_mset n I + repeat_mset n K" using \A = I + K\ by simp have repeat_n_B_eq: "repeat_mset n B = repeat_mset n I + repeat_mset n J" using \B = I + J\ by simp show ?thesis unfolding repeat_n_A_eq repeat_n_B_eq proof (rule one_step_implies_multp) from \n \ 0\ show "repeat_mset n J \ {#}" using \J \ {#}\ by (simp add: repeat_mset_eq_empty_iff) next show "\k \# repeat_mset n K. \j \# repeat_mset n J. R k j" using \\k \# K. \x \# J. R k x\ by (metis count_greater_zero_iff nat_0_less_mult_iff repeat_mset.rep_eq) qed qed subsubsection \Monotonicity\ lemma multp_mono_strong: assumes "multp R M1 M2" and "transp R" and S_if_R: "\x y. x \ set_mset M1 \ y \ set_mset M2 \ R x y \ S x y" shows "multp S M1 M2" proof - obtain I J K where "M2 = I + J" and "M1 = I + K" and "J \ {#}" and "\k\#K. \x\#J. R k x" using multp_implies_one_step[OF \transp R\ \multp R M1 M2\] by auto show ?thesis unfolding \M2 = I + J\ \M1 = I + K\ proof (rule one_step_implies_multp[OF \J \ {#}\]) show "\k\#K. \j\#J. S k j" using S_if_R by (metis \M1 = I + K\ \M2 = I + J\ \\k\#K. \x\#J. R k x\ union_iff) qed qed lemma mult_mono_strong: assumes "(M1, M2) \ mult r" and "trans r" and S_if_R: "\x y. x \ set_mset M1 \ y \ set_mset M2 \ (x, y) \ r \ (x, y) \ s" shows "(M1, M2) \ mult s" using assms multp_mono_strong[of "\x y. (x, y) \ r" M1 M2 "\x y. (x, y) \ s", unfolded multp_def transp_trans_eq, simplified] by blast lemma monotone_on_multp_multp_image_mset: assumes "monotone_on A orda ordb f" and "transp orda" shows "monotone_on {M. set_mset M \ A} (multp orda) (multp ordb) (image_mset f)" proof (rule monotone_onI) fix M1 M2 assume M1_in: "M1 \ {M. set_mset M \ A}" and M2_in: "M2 \ {M. set_mset M \ A}" and M1_lt_M2: "multp orda M1 M2" from multp_implies_one_step[OF \transp orda\ M1_lt_M2] obtain I J K where M2_eq: "M2 = I + J" and M1_eq: "M1 = I + K" and J_neq_mempty: "J \ {#}" and ball_K_less: "\k\#K. \x\#J. orda k x" by metis have "multp ordb (image_mset f I + image_mset f K) (image_mset f I + image_mset f J)" proof (intro one_step_implies_multp ballI) show "image_mset f J \ {#}" using J_neq_mempty by simp next fix k' assume "k'\#image_mset f K" then obtain k where "k' = f k" and k_in: "k \# K" by auto then obtain j where j_in: "j\#J" and "orda k j" using ball_K_less by auto have "ordb (f k) (f j)" proof (rule \monotone_on A orda ordb f\[THEN monotone_onD, OF _ _ \orda k j\]) show "k \ A" using M1_eq M1_in k_in by auto next show "j \ A" using M2_eq M2_in j_in by auto qed thus "\j\#image_mset f J. ordb k' j" using \j \# J\ \k' = f k\ by auto qed thus "multp ordb (image_mset f M1) (image_mset f M2)" by (simp add: M1_eq M2_eq) qed lemma monotone_multp_multp_image_mset: assumes "monotone orda ordb f" and "transp orda" shows "monotone (multp orda) (multp ordb) (image_mset f)" by (rule monotone_on_multp_multp_image_mset[OF assms, simplified]) lemma multp_image_mset_image_msetI: assumes "multp (\x y. R (f x) (f y)) M1 M2" and "transp R" shows "multp R (image_mset f M1) (image_mset f M2)" proof - from \transp R\ have "transp (\x y. R (f x) (f y))" by (auto intro: transpI dest: transpD) with \multp (\x y. R (f x) (f y)) M1 M2\ obtain I J K where "M2 = I + J" and "M1 = I + K" and "J \ {#}" and "\k\#K. \x\#J. R (f k) (f x)" using multp_implies_one_step by blast have "multp R (image_mset f I + image_mset f K) (image_mset f I + image_mset f J)" proof (rule one_step_implies_multp) show "image_mset f J \ {#}" by (simp add: \J \ {#}\) next show "\k\#image_mset f K. \j\#image_mset f J. R k j" by (simp add: \\k\#K. \x\#J. R (f k) (f x)\) qed thus ?thesis by (simp add: \M1 = I + K\ \M2 = I + J\) qed lemma multp_image_mset_image_msetD: assumes "multp R (image_mset f A) (image_mset f B)" and "transp R" and inj_on_f: "inj_on f (set_mset A \ set_mset B)" shows "multp (\x y. R (f x) (f y)) A B" proof - from assms(1,2) obtain I J K where f_B_eq: "image_mset f B = I + J" and f_A_eq: "image_mset f A = I + K" and J_neq_mempty: "J \ {#}" and ball_K_less: "\k\#K. \x\#J. R k x" by (auto dest: multp_implies_one_step) from f_B_eq obtain I' J' where B_def: "B = I' + J'" and I_def: "I = image_mset f I'" and J_def: "J = image_mset f J'" using image_mset_eq_plusD by blast from inj_on_f have inj_on_f': "inj_on f (set_mset A \ set_mset I')" by (rule inj_on_subset) (auto simp add: B_def) from f_A_eq obtain K' where A_def: "A = I' + K'" and K_def: "K = image_mset f K'" by (auto simp: I_def dest: image_mset_eq_image_mset_plusD[OF _ inj_on_f']) show ?thesis unfolding A_def B_def proof (intro one_step_implies_multp ballI) from J_neq_mempty show "J' \ {#}" by (simp add: J_def) next fix k assume "k \# K'" with ball_K_less obtain j' where "j' \# J" and "R (f k) j'" using K_def by auto moreover then obtain j where "j \# J'" and "f j = j'" using J_def by auto ultimately show "\j\#J'. R (f k) (f j)" by blast qed qed subsubsection \The multiset extension is cancellative for multiset union\ lemma mult_cancel: assumes "trans s" and "irrefl_on (set_mset Z) s" shows "(X + Z, Y + Z) \ mult s \ (X, Y) \ mult s" (is "?L \ ?R") proof assume ?L thus ?R using \irrefl_on (set_mset Z) s\ proof (induct Z) case (add z Z) obtain X' Y' Z' where *: "add_mset z X + Z = Z' + X'" "add_mset z Y + Z = Z' + Y'" "Y' \ {#}" "\x \ set_mset X'. \y \ set_mset Y'. (x, y) \ s" using mult_implies_one_step[OF \trans s\ add(2)] by auto consider Z2 where "Z' = add_mset z Z2" | X2 Y2 where "X' = add_mset z X2" "Y' = add_mset z Y2" using *(1,2) by (metis add_mset_remove_trivial_If insert_iff set_mset_add_mset_insert union_iff) thus ?case proof (cases) case 1 thus ?thesis using * one_step_implies_mult[of Y' X' s Z2] add(3) by (auto simp: add.commute[of _ "{#_#}"] add.assoc intro: add(1) elim: irrefl_on_subset) next case 2 then obtain y where "y \ set_mset Y2" "(z, y) \ s" using *(4) \irrefl_on (set_mset (add_mset z Z)) s\ by (auto simp: irrefl_on_def) moreover from this transD[OF \trans s\ _ this(2)] have "x' \ set_mset X2 \ \y \ set_mset Y2. (x', y) \ s" for x' using 2 *(4)[rule_format, of x'] by auto ultimately show ?thesis using * one_step_implies_mult[of Y2 X2 s Z'] 2 add(3) by (force simp: add.commute[of "{#_#}"] add.assoc[symmetric] intro: add(1) elim: irrefl_on_subset) qed qed auto next assume ?R then obtain I J K where "Y = I + J" "X = I + K" "J \ {#}" "\k \ set_mset K. \j \ set_mset J. (k, j) \ s" using mult_implies_one_step[OF \trans s\] by blast thus ?L using one_step_implies_mult[of J K s "I + Z"] by (auto simp: ac_simps) qed lemma multp_cancel: "transp R \ irreflp_on (set_mset Z) R \ multp R (X + Z) (Y + Z) \ multp R X Y" by (rule mult_cancel[to_pred]) lemma mult_cancel_add_mset: "trans r \ irrefl_on {z} r \ ((add_mset z X, add_mset z Y) \ mult r) = ((X, Y) \ mult r)" by (rule mult_cancel[of _ "{#_#}", simplified]) lemma multp_cancel_add_mset: "transp R \ irreflp_on {z} R \ multp R (add_mset z X) (add_mset z Y) = multp R X Y" by (rule mult_cancel_add_mset[to_pred, folded bot_set_def]) lemma mult_cancel_max0: assumes "trans s" and "irrefl_on (set_mset X \ set_mset Y) s" shows "(X, Y) \ mult s \ (X - X \# Y, Y - X \# Y) \ mult s" (is "?L \ ?R") proof - have "(X - X \# Y + X \# Y, Y - X \# Y + X \# Y) \ mult s \ (X - X \# Y, Y - X \# Y) \ mult s" proof (rule mult_cancel) from assms show "trans s" by simp next from assms show "irrefl_on (set_mset (X \# Y)) s" by simp qed moreover have "X - X \# Y + X \# Y = X" "Y - X \# Y + X \# Y = Y" by (auto simp flip: count_inject) ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed lemma mult_cancel_max: "trans r \ irrefl_on (set_mset X \ set_mset Y) r \ (X, Y) \ mult r \ (X - Y, Y - X) \ mult r" by (rule mult_cancel_max0[simplified]) lemma multp_cancel_max: "transp R \ irreflp_on (set_mset X \ set_mset Y) R \ multp R X Y \ multp R (X - Y) (Y - X)" by (rule mult_cancel_max[to_pred]) subsubsection \Strict partial-order properties\ lemma mult1_lessE: assumes "(N, M) \ mult1 {(a, b). r a b}" and "asymp r" obtains a M0 K where "M = add_mset a M0" "N = M0 + K" "a \# K" "\b. b \# K \ r b a" proof - from assms obtain a M0 K where "M = add_mset a M0" "N = M0 + K" and *: "b \# K \ r b a" for b by (blast elim: mult1E) moreover from * [of a] have "a \# K" using \asymp r\ by (meson asympD) ultimately show thesis by (auto intro: that) qed lemma trans_mult: "trans r \ trans (mult r)" by (simp add: mult_def) lemma transp_multp: "transp r \ transp (multp r)" unfolding multp_def transp_trans_eq by (fact trans_mult[of "{(x, y). r x y}" for r, folded transp_trans]) lemma irrefl_mult: assumes "trans r" "irrefl r" shows "irrefl (mult r)" proof (intro irreflI notI) fix M assume "(M, M) \ mult r" then obtain I J K where "M = I + J" and "M = I + K" and "J \ {#}" and "(\k\set_mset K. \j\set_mset J. (k, j) \ r)" using mult_implies_one_step[OF \trans r\] by blast then have *: "K \ {#}" and **: "\k\set_mset K. \j\set_mset K. (k, j) \ r" by auto have "finite (set_mset K)" by simp hence "set_mset K = {}" using ** proof (induction rule: finite_induct) case empty thus ?case by simp next case (insert x F) have False using \irrefl r\[unfolded irrefl_def, rule_format] using \trans r\[THEN transD] by (metis equals0D insert.IH insert.prems insertE insertI1 insertI2) thus ?case .. qed with * show False by simp qed lemma irreflp_multp: "transp R \ irreflp R \ irreflp (multp R)" by (rule irrefl_mult[of "{(x, y). r x y}" for r, folded transp_trans_eq irreflp_irrefl_eq, simplified, folded multp_def]) instantiation multiset :: (preorder) order begin definition less_multiset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" where "M < N \ multp (<) M N" definition less_eq_multiset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" where "less_eq_multiset M N \ M < N \ M = N" instance proof intro_classes fix M N :: "'a multiset" show "(M < N) = (M \ N \ \ N \ M)" unfolding less_eq_multiset_def less_multiset_def by (metis irreflp_def irreflp_on_less irreflp_multp transpE transp_on_less transp_multp) next fix M :: "'a multiset" show "M \ M" unfolding less_eq_multiset_def by simp next fix M1 M2 M3 :: "'a multiset" show "M1 \ M2 \ M2 \ M3 \ M1 \ M3" unfolding less_eq_multiset_def less_multiset_def using transp_multp[OF transp_on_less, THEN transpD] by blast next fix M N :: "'a multiset" show "M \ N \ N \ M \ M = N" unfolding less_eq_multiset_def less_multiset_def using transp_multp[OF transp_on_less, THEN transpD] using irreflp_multp[OF transp_on_less irreflp_on_less, unfolded irreflp_def, rule_format] by blast qed end lemma mset_le_irrefl [elim!]: fixes M :: "'a::preorder multiset" shows "M < M \ R" by simp lemma wfP_less_multiset[simp]: assumes wfP_less: "wfP ((<) :: ('a :: preorder) \ 'a \ bool)" shows "wfP ((<) :: 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool)" using wfP_multp[OF wfP_less] less_multiset_def by (metis wfPUNIVI wfP_induct) subsubsection \Strict total-order properties\ lemma total_on_mult: assumes "total_on A r" and "trans r" and "\M. M \ B \ set_mset M \ A" shows "total_on B (mult r)" proof (rule total_onI) fix M1 M2 assume "M1 \ B" and "M2 \ B" and "M1 \ M2" let ?I = "M1 \# M2" show "(M1, M2) \ mult r \ (M2, M1) \ mult r" proof (cases "M1 - ?I = {#} \ M2 - ?I = {#}") case True with \M1 \ M2\ show ?thesis by (metis Diff_eq_empty_iff_mset diff_intersect_left_idem diff_intersect_right_idem subset_implies_mult subset_mset.less_le) next case False from assms(1) have "total_on (set_mset (M1 - ?I)) r" by (meson \M1 \ B\ assms(3) diff_subset_eq_self set_mset_mono total_on_subset) with False obtain greatest1 where greatest1_in: "greatest1 \# M1 - ?I" and greatest1_greatest: "\x \# M1 - ?I. greatest1 \ x \ (x, greatest1) \ r" using Multiset.bex_greatest_element[to_set, of "M1 - ?I" r] by (metis assms(2) subset_UNIV trans_on_subset) from assms(1) have "total_on (set_mset (M2 - ?I)) r" by (meson \M2 \ B\ assms(3) diff_subset_eq_self set_mset_mono total_on_subset) with False obtain greatest2 where greatest2_in: "greatest2 \# M2 - ?I" and greatest2_greatest: "\x \# M2 - ?I. greatest2 \ x \ (x, greatest2) \ r" using Multiset.bex_greatest_element[to_set, of "M2 - ?I" r] by (metis assms(2) subset_UNIV trans_on_subset) have "greatest1 \ greatest2" using greatest1_in \greatest2 \# M2 - ?I\ by (metis diff_intersect_left_idem diff_intersect_right_idem dual_order.eq_iff in_diff_count in_diff_countE le_add_same_cancel2 less_irrefl zero_le) hence "(greatest1, greatest2) \ r \ (greatest2, greatest1) \ r" using \total_on A r\[unfolded total_on_def, rule_format, of greatest1 greatest2] \M1 \ B\ \M2 \ B\ greatest1_in greatest2_in assms(3) by (meson in_diffD in_mono) thus ?thesis proof (elim disjE) assume "(greatest1, greatest2) \ r" have "(?I + (M1 - ?I), ?I + (M2 - ?I)) \ mult r" proof (rule one_step_implies_mult[of "M2 - ?I" "M1 - ?I" r ?I]) show "M2 - ?I \ {#}" using False by force next show "\k\#M1 - ?I. \j\#M2 - ?I. (k, j) \ r" using \(greatest1, greatest2) \ r\ greatest2_in greatest1_greatest by (metis assms(2) transD) qed hence "(M1, M2) \ mult r" by (metis subset_mset.add_diff_inverse subset_mset.inf.cobounded1 subset_mset.inf.cobounded2) thus "(M1, M2) \ mult r \ (M2, M1) \ mult r" .. next assume "(greatest2, greatest1) \ r" have "(?I + (M2 - ?I), ?I + (M1 - ?I)) \ mult r" proof (rule one_step_implies_mult[of "M1 - ?I" "M2 - ?I" r ?I]) show "M1 - M1 \# M2 \ {#}" using False by force next show "\k\#M2 - ?I. \j\#M1 - ?I. (k, j) \ r" using \(greatest2, greatest1) \ r\ greatest1_in greatest2_greatest by (metis assms(2) transD) qed hence "(M2, M1) \ mult r" by (metis subset_mset.add_diff_inverse subset_mset.inf.cobounded1 subset_mset.inf.cobounded2) thus "(M1, M2) \ mult r \ (M2, M1) \ mult r" .. qed qed qed lemma total_mult: "total r \ trans r \ total (mult r)" by (rule total_on_mult[of UNIV r UNIV, simplified]) lemma totalp_on_multp: "totalp_on A R \ transp R \ (\M. M \ B \ set_mset M \ A) \ totalp_on B (multp R)" using total_on_mult[of A "{(x,y). R x y}" B, to_pred] by (simp add: multp_def total_on_def totalp_on_def) lemma totalp_multp: "totalp R \ transp R \ totalp (multp R)" by (rule totalp_on_multp[of UNIV R UNIV, simplified]) subsection \Quasi-executable version of the multiset extension\ text \ Predicate variants of \mult\ and the reflexive closure of \mult\, which are executable whenever the given predicate \P\ is. Together with the standard code equations for \(\#\) and \(-\) this should yield quadratic (with respect to calls to \P\) implementations of \multp_code\ and \multeqp_code\. \ definition multp_code :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" where "multp_code P N M = (let Z = M \# N; X = M - Z in X \ {#} \ (let Y = N - Z in (\y \ set_mset Y. \x \ set_mset X. P y x)))" definition multeqp_code :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool" where "multeqp_code P N M = (let Z = M \# N; X = M - Z; Y = N - Z in (\y \ set_mset Y. \x \ set_mset X. P y x))" lemma multp_code_iff_mult: assumes "irrefl_on (set_mset N \ set_mset M) R" and "trans R" and [simp]: "\x y. P x y \ (x, y) \ R" shows "multp_code P N M \ (N, M) \ mult R" (is "?L \ ?R") proof - have *: "M \# N + (N - M \# N) = N" "M \# N + (M - M \# N) = M" "(M - M \# N) \# (N - M \# N) = {#}" by (auto simp flip: count_inject) show ?thesis proof assume ?L thus ?R using one_step_implies_mult[of "M - M \# N" "N - M \# N" R "M \# N"] * by (auto simp: multp_code_def Let_def) next { fix I J K :: "'a multiset" assume "(I + J) \# (I + K) = {#}" then have "I = {#}" by (metis inter_union_distrib_right union_eq_empty) } note [dest!] = this assume ?R thus ?L using mult_cancel_max using mult_implies_one_step[OF assms(2), of "N - M \# N" "M - M \# N"] mult_cancel_max[OF assms(2,1)] * by (auto simp: multp_code_def) qed qed lemma multp_code_iff_multp: "irreflp_on (set_mset M \ set_mset N) R \ transp R \ multp_code R M N \ multp R M N" using multp_code_iff_mult[simplified, to_pred, of M N R R] by simp lemma multp_code_eq_multp: assumes "irreflp R" and "transp R" shows "multp_code R = multp R" proof (intro ext) fix M N show "multp_code R M N = multp R M N" proof (rule multp_code_iff_multp) from assms show "irreflp_on (set_mset M \ set_mset N) R" by (auto intro: irreflp_on_subset) next from assms show "transp R" by simp qed qed lemma multeqp_code_iff_reflcl_mult: assumes "irrefl_on (set_mset N \ set_mset M) R" and "trans R" and "\x y. P x y \ (x, y) \ R" shows "multeqp_code P N M \ (N, M) \ (mult R)\<^sup>=" proof - { assume "N \ M" "M - M \# N = {#}" then obtain y where "count N y \ count M y" by (auto simp flip: count_inject) then have "\y. count M y < count N y" using \M - M \# N = {#}\ by (auto simp flip: count_inject dest!: le_neq_implies_less fun_cong[of _ _ y]) } then have "multeqp_code P N M \ multp_code P N M \ N = M" by (auto simp: multeqp_code_def multp_code_def Let_def in_diff_count) thus ?thesis using multp_code_iff_mult[OF assms] by simp qed lemma multeqp_code_iff_reflclp_multp: "irreflp_on (set_mset M \ set_mset N) R \ transp R \ multeqp_code R M N \ (multp R)\<^sup>=\<^sup>= M N" using multeqp_code_iff_reflcl_mult[simplified, to_pred, of M N R R] by simp lemma multeqp_code_eq_reflclp_multp: assumes "irreflp R" and "transp R" shows "multeqp_code R = (multp R)\<^sup>=\<^sup>=" proof (intro ext) fix M N show "multeqp_code R M N \ (multp R)\<^sup>=\<^sup>= M N" proof (rule multeqp_code_iff_reflclp_multp) from assms show "irreflp_on (set_mset M \ set_mset N) R" by (auto intro: irreflp_on_subset) next from assms show "transp R" by simp qed qed subsubsection \Monotonicity of multiset union\ lemma mult1_union: "(B, D) \ mult1 r \ (C + B, C + D) \ mult1 r" by (force simp: mult1_def) lemma union_le_mono2: "B < D \ C + B < C + (D::'a::preorder multiset)" apply (unfold less_multiset_def multp_def mult_def) apply (erule trancl_induct) apply (blast intro: mult1_union) apply (blast intro: mult1_union trancl_trans) done lemma union_le_mono1: "B < D \ B + C < D + (C::'a::preorder multiset)" apply (subst add.commute [of B C]) apply (subst add.commute [of D C]) apply (erule union_le_mono2) done lemma union_less_mono: fixes A B C D :: "'a::preorder multiset" shows "A < C \ B < D \ A + B < C + D" by (blast intro!: union_le_mono1 union_le_mono2 less_trans) instantiation multiset :: (preorder) ordered_ab_semigroup_add begin instance by standard (auto simp add: less_eq_multiset_def intro: union_le_mono2) end subsubsection \Termination proofs with multiset orders\ lemma multi_member_skip: "x \# XS \ x \# {# y #} + XS" and multi_member_this: "x \# {# x #} + XS" and multi_member_last: "x \# {# x #}" by auto definition "ms_strict = mult pair_less" definition "ms_weak = ms_strict \ Id" lemma ms_reduction_pair: "reduction_pair (ms_strict, ms_weak)" unfolding reduction_pair_def ms_strict_def ms_weak_def pair_less_def by (auto intro: wf_mult1 wf_trancl simp: mult_def) lemma smsI: "(set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict \ (Z + A, Z + B) \ ms_strict" unfolding ms_strict_def by (rule one_step_implies_mult) (auto simp add: max_strict_def pair_less_def elim!:max_ext.cases) lemma wmsI: "(set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict \ A = {#} \ B = {#} \ (Z + A, Z + B) \ ms_weak" unfolding ms_weak_def ms_strict_def by (auto simp add: pair_less_def max_strict_def elim!:max_ext.cases intro: one_step_implies_mult) inductive pw_leq where pw_leq_empty: "pw_leq {#} {#}" | pw_leq_step: "\(x,y) \ pair_leq; pw_leq X Y \ \ pw_leq ({#x#} + X) ({#y#} + Y)" lemma pw_leq_lstep: "(x, y) \ pair_leq \ pw_leq {#x#} {#y#}" by (drule pw_leq_step) (rule pw_leq_empty, simp) lemma pw_leq_split: assumes "pw_leq X Y" shows "\A B Z. X = A + Z \ Y = B + Z \ ((set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict \ (B = {#} \ A = {#}))" using assms proof induct case pw_leq_empty thus ?case by auto next case (pw_leq_step x y X Y) then obtain A B Z where [simp]: "X = A + Z" "Y = B + Z" and 1[simp]: "(set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict \ (B = {#} \ A = {#})" by auto from pw_leq_step consider "x = y" | "(x, y) \ pair_less" unfolding pair_leq_def by auto thus ?case proof cases case [simp]: 1 have "{#x#} + X = A + ({#y#}+Z) \ {#y#} + Y = B + ({#y#}+Z) \ ((set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict \ (B = {#} \ A = {#}))" by auto thus ?thesis by blast next case 2 let ?A' = "{#x#} + A" and ?B' = "{#y#} + B" have "{#x#} + X = ?A' + Z" "{#y#} + Y = ?B' + Z" by auto moreover have "(set_mset ?A', set_mset ?B') \ max_strict" using 1 2 unfolding max_strict_def by (auto elim!: max_ext.cases) ultimately show ?thesis by blast qed qed lemma assumes pwleq: "pw_leq Z Z'" shows ms_strictI: "(set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict \ (Z + A, Z' + B) \ ms_strict" and ms_weakI1: "(set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict \ (Z + A, Z' + B) \ ms_weak" and ms_weakI2: "(Z + {#}, Z' + {#}) \ ms_weak" proof - from pw_leq_split[OF pwleq] obtain A' B' Z'' where [simp]: "Z = A' + Z''" "Z' = B' + Z''" and mx_or_empty: "(set_mset A', set_mset B') \ max_strict \ (A' = {#} \ B' = {#})" by blast { assume max: "(set_mset A, set_mset B) \ max_strict" from mx_or_empty have "(Z'' + (A + A'), Z'' + (B + B')) \ ms_strict" proof assume max': "(set_mset A', set_mset B') \ max_strict" with max have "(set_mset (A + A'), set_mset (B + B')) \ max_strict" by (auto simp: max_strict_def intro: max_ext_additive) thus ?thesis by (rule smsI) next assume [simp]: "A' = {#} \ B' = {#}" show ?thesis by (rule smsI) (auto intro: max) qed thus "(Z + A, Z' + B) \ ms_strict" by (simp add: ac_simps) thus "(Z + A, Z' + B) \ ms_weak" by (simp add: ms_weak_def) } from mx_or_empty have "(Z'' + A', Z'' + B') \ ms_weak" by (rule wmsI) thus "(Z + {#}, Z' + {#}) \ ms_weak" by (simp add: ac_simps) qed lemma empty_neutral: "{#} + x = x" "x + {#} = x" and nonempty_plus: "{# x #} + rs \ {#}" and nonempty_single: "{# x #} \ {#}" by auto setup \ let fun msetT T = \<^Type>\multiset T\; fun mk_mset T [] = \<^instantiate>\'a = T in term \{#}\\ | mk_mset T [x] = \<^instantiate>\'a = T and x in term \{#x#}\\ | mk_mset T (x :: xs) = \<^Const>\plus \msetT T\ for \mk_mset T [x]\ \mk_mset T xs\\ fun mset_member_tac ctxt m i = if m <= 0 then resolve_tac ctxt @{thms multi_member_this} i ORELSE resolve_tac ctxt @{thms multi_member_last} i else resolve_tac ctxt @{thms multi_member_skip} i THEN mset_member_tac ctxt (m - 1) i fun mset_nonempty_tac ctxt = resolve_tac ctxt @{thms nonempty_plus} ORELSE' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms nonempty_single} fun regroup_munion_conv ctxt = Function_Lib.regroup_conv ctxt \<^const_abbrev>\empty_mset\ \<^const_name>\plus\ (map (fn t => t RS eq_reflection) (@{thms ac_simps} @ @{thms empty_neutral})) fun unfold_pwleq_tac ctxt i = (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms pw_leq_step} i THEN (fn st => unfold_pwleq_tac ctxt (i + 1) st)) ORELSE (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms pw_leq_lstep} i) ORELSE (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms pw_leq_empty} i) val set_mset_simps = [@{thm set_mset_empty}, @{thm set_mset_single}, @{thm set_mset_union}, @{thm Un_insert_left}, @{thm Un_empty_left}] in ScnpReconstruct.multiset_setup (ScnpReconstruct.Multiset { msetT=msetT, mk_mset=mk_mset, mset_regroup_conv=regroup_munion_conv, mset_member_tac=mset_member_tac, mset_nonempty_tac=mset_nonempty_tac, mset_pwleq_tac=unfold_pwleq_tac, set_of_simps=set_mset_simps, smsI'= @{thm ms_strictI}, wmsI2''= @{thm ms_weakI2}, wmsI1= @{thm ms_weakI1}, reduction_pair = @{thm ms_reduction_pair} }) end \ subsection \Legacy theorem bindings\ lemmas multi_count_eq = multiset_eq_iff [symmetric] lemma union_commute: "M + N = N + (M::'a multiset)" by (fact add.commute) lemma union_assoc: "(M + N) + K = M + (N + (K::'a multiset))" by (fact add.assoc) lemma union_lcomm: "M + (N + K) = N + (M + (K::'a multiset))" by (fact add.left_commute) lemmas union_ac = union_assoc union_commute union_lcomm add_mset_commute lemma union_right_cancel: "M + K = N + K \ M = (N::'a multiset)" by (fact add_right_cancel) lemma union_left_cancel: "K + M = K + N \ M = (N::'a multiset)" by (fact add_left_cancel) lemma multi_union_self_other_eq: "(A::'a multiset) + X = A + Y \ X = Y" by (fact add_left_imp_eq) lemma mset_subset_trans: "(M::'a multiset) \# K \ K \# N \ M \# N" by (fact subset_mset.less_trans) lemma multiset_inter_commute: "A \# B = B \# A" by (fact subset_mset.inf.commute) lemma multiset_inter_assoc: "A \# (B \# C) = A \# B \# C" by (fact subset_mset.inf.assoc [symmetric]) lemma multiset_inter_left_commute: "A \# (B \# C) = B \# (A \# C)" by (fact subset_mset.inf.left_commute) lemmas multiset_inter_ac = multiset_inter_commute multiset_inter_assoc multiset_inter_left_commute lemma mset_le_not_refl: "\ M < (M::'a::preorder multiset)" by (fact less_irrefl) lemma mset_le_trans: "K < M \ M < N \ K < (N::'a::preorder multiset)" by (fact less_trans) lemma mset_le_not_sym: "M < N \ \ N < (M::'a::preorder multiset)" by (fact less_not_sym) lemma mset_le_asym: "M < N \ (\ P \ N < (M::'a::preorder multiset)) \ P" by (fact less_asym) declaration \ let fun multiset_postproc _ maybe_name all_values (T as Type (_, [elem_T])) (Const _ $ t') = let val (maybe_opt, ps) = Nitpick_Model.dest_plain_fun t' ||> (~~) ||> map (apsnd (snd o HOLogic.dest_number)) fun elems_for t = (case AList.lookup (=) ps t of SOME n => replicate n t | NONE => [Const (maybe_name, elem_T --> elem_T) $ t]) in (case maps elems_for (all_values elem_T) @ (if maybe_opt then [Const (Nitpick_Model.unrep_mixfix (), elem_T)] else []) of [] => \<^Const>\Groups.zero T\ | ts => foldl1 (fn (s, t) => \<^Const>\add_mset elem_T for s t\) ts) end | multiset_postproc _ _ _ _ t = t in Nitpick_Model.register_term_postprocessor \<^typ>\'a multiset\ multiset_postproc end \ subsection \Naive implementation using lists\ code_datatype mset lemma [code]: "{#} = mset []" by simp lemma [code]: "add_mset x (mset xs) = mset (x # xs)" by simp lemma [code]: "Multiset.is_empty (mset xs) \ List.null xs" by (simp add: Multiset.is_empty_def List.null_def) lemma union_code [code]: "mset xs + mset ys = mset (xs @ ys)" by simp lemma [code]: "image_mset f (mset xs) = mset (map f xs)" by simp lemma [code]: "filter_mset f (mset xs) = mset (filter f xs)" by simp lemma [code]: "mset xs - mset ys = mset (fold remove1 ys xs)" by (rule sym, induct ys arbitrary: xs) (simp_all add: diff_add diff_right_commute diff_diff_add) lemma [code]: "mset xs \# mset ys = mset (snd (fold (\x (ys, zs). if x \ set ys then (remove1 x ys, x # zs) else (ys, zs)) xs (ys, [])))" proof - have "\zs. mset (snd (fold (\x (ys, zs). if x \ set ys then (remove1 x ys, x # zs) else (ys, zs)) xs (ys, zs))) = (mset xs \# mset ys) + mset zs" by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (auto simp add: inter_add_right1 inter_add_right2 ac_simps) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma [code]: "mset xs \# mset ys = mset (case_prod append (fold (\x (ys, zs). (remove1 x ys, x # zs)) xs (ys, [])))" proof - have "\zs. mset (case_prod append (fold (\x (ys, zs). (remove1 x ys, x # zs)) xs (ys, zs))) = (mset xs \# mset ys) + mset zs" by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (simp_all add: multiset_eq_iff) then show ?thesis by simp qed declare in_multiset_in_set [code_unfold] lemma [code]: "count (mset xs) x = fold (\y. if x = y then Suc else id) xs 0" proof - have "\n. fold (\y. if x = y then Suc else id) xs n = count (mset xs) x + n" by (induct xs) simp_all then show ?thesis by simp qed declare set_mset_mset [code] declare sorted_list_of_multiset_mset [code] lemma [code]: \ \not very efficient, but representation-ignorant!\ "mset_set A = mset (sorted_list_of_set A)" apply (cases "finite A") apply simp_all apply (induct A rule: finite_induct) apply simp_all done declare size_mset [code] fun subset_eq_mset_impl :: "'a list \ 'a list \ bool option" where "subset_eq_mset_impl [] ys = Some (ys \ [])" | "subset_eq_mset_impl (Cons x xs) ys = (case List.extract ((=) x) ys of None \ None | Some (ys1,_,ys2) \ subset_eq_mset_impl xs (ys1 @ ys2))" lemma subset_eq_mset_impl: "(subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys = None \ \ mset xs \# mset ys) \ (subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys = Some True \ mset xs \# mset ys) \ (subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys = Some False \ mset xs = mset ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case (Nil ys) show ?case by (auto simp: subset_mset.zero_less_iff_neq_zero) next case (Cons x xs ys) show ?case proof (cases "List.extract ((=) x) ys") case None hence x: "x \ set ys" by (simp add: extract_None_iff) { assume "mset (x # xs) \# mset ys" from set_mset_mono[OF this] x have False by simp } note nle = this moreover { assume "mset (x # xs) \# mset ys" hence "mset (x # xs) \# mset ys" by auto from nle[OF this] have False . } ultimately show ?thesis using None by auto next case (Some res) obtain ys1 y ys2 where res: "res = (ys1,y,ys2)" by (cases res, auto) note Some = Some[unfolded res] from extract_SomeE[OF Some] have "ys = ys1 @ x # ys2" by simp hence id: "mset ys = add_mset x (mset (ys1 @ ys2))" by auto show ?thesis unfolding subset_eq_mset_impl.simps unfolding Some option.simps split unfolding id using Cons[of "ys1 @ ys2"] unfolding subset_mset_def subseteq_mset_def by auto qed qed lemma [code]: "mset xs \# mset ys \ subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys \ None" using subset_eq_mset_impl[of xs ys] by (cases "subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys", auto) lemma [code]: "mset xs \# mset ys \ subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys = Some True" using subset_eq_mset_impl[of xs ys] by (cases "subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys", auto) instantiation multiset :: (equal) equal begin definition [code del]: "HOL.equal A (B :: 'a multiset) \ A = B" lemma [code]: "HOL.equal (mset xs) (mset ys) \ subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys = Some False" unfolding equal_multiset_def using subset_eq_mset_impl[of xs ys] by (cases "subset_eq_mset_impl xs ys", auto) instance by standard (simp add: equal_multiset_def) end declare sum_mset_sum_list [code] lemma [code]: "prod_mset (mset xs) = fold times xs 1" proof - have "\x. fold times xs x = prod_mset (mset xs) * x" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: ac_simps) then show ?thesis by simp qed text \ Exercise for the casual reader: add implementations for \<^term>\(\)\ and \<^term>\(<)\ (multiset order). \ text \Quickcheck generators\ context includes term_syntax begin definition msetify :: "'a::typerep list \ (unit \ Code_Evaluation.term) \ 'a multiset \ (unit \ Code_Evaluation.term)" where [code_unfold]: "msetify xs = Code_Evaluation.valtermify mset {\} xs" end instantiation multiset :: (random) random begin context includes state_combinator_syntax begin definition "Quickcheck_Random.random i = Quickcheck_Random.random i \\ (\xs. Pair (msetify xs))" instance .. end end instantiation multiset :: (full_exhaustive) full_exhaustive begin definition full_exhaustive_multiset :: "('a multiset \ (unit \ term) \ (bool \ term list) option) \ natural \ (bool \ term list) option" where "full_exhaustive_multiset f i = Quickcheck_Exhaustive.full_exhaustive (\xs. f (msetify xs)) i" instance .. end hide_const (open) msetify subsection \BNF setup\ definition rel_mset where "rel_mset R X Y \ (\xs ys. mset xs = X \ mset ys = Y \ list_all2 R xs ys)" lemma mset_zip_take_Cons_drop_twice: assumes "length xs = length ys" "j \ length xs" shows "mset (zip (take j xs @ x # drop j xs) (take j ys @ y # drop j ys)) = add_mset (x,y) (mset (zip xs ys))" using assms proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: x y j rule: list_induct2) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs y ys) thus ?case proof (cases "j = 0") case True thus ?thesis by simp next case False then obtain k where k: "j = Suc k" by (cases j) simp hence "k \ length xs" using Cons.prems by auto hence "mset (zip (take k xs @ x # drop k xs) (take k ys @ y # drop k ys)) = add_mset (x,y) (mset (zip xs ys))" by (rule Cons.hyps(2)) thus ?thesis unfolding k by auto qed qed lemma ex_mset_zip_left: assumes "length xs = length ys" "mset xs' = mset xs" shows "\ys'. length ys' = length xs' \ mset (zip xs' ys') = mset (zip xs ys)" using assms proof (induct xs ys arbitrary: xs' rule: list_induct2) case Nil thus ?case by auto next case (Cons x xs y ys xs') obtain j where j_len: "j < length xs'" and nth_j: "xs' ! j = x" by (metis Cons.prems in_set_conv_nth list.set_intros(1) mset_eq_setD) define xsa where "xsa = take j xs' @ drop (Suc j) xs'" have "mset xs' = {#x#} + mset xsa" unfolding xsa_def using j_len nth_j by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc union_mset_add_mset_right add_mset_remove_trivial add_diff_cancel_left' append_take_drop_id mset.simps(2) mset_append) hence ms_x: "mset xsa = mset xs" by (simp add: Cons.prems) then obtain ysa where len_a: "length ysa = length xsa" and ms_a: "mset (zip xsa ysa) = mset (zip xs ys)" using Cons.hyps(2) by blast define ys' where "ys' = take j ysa @ y # drop j ysa" have xs': "xs' = take j xsa @ x # drop j xsa" using ms_x j_len nth_j Cons.prems xsa_def by (metis append_eq_append_conv append_take_drop_id diff_Suc_Suc Cons_nth_drop_Suc length_Cons length_drop size_mset) have j_len': "j \ length xsa" using j_len xs' xsa_def by (metis add_Suc_right append_take_drop_id length_Cons length_append less_eq_Suc_le not_less) have "length ys' = length xs'" unfolding ys'_def using Cons.prems len_a ms_x by (metis add_Suc_right append_take_drop_id length_Cons length_append mset_eq_length) moreover have "mset (zip xs' ys') = mset (zip (x # xs) (y # ys))" unfolding xs' ys'_def by (rule trans[OF mset_zip_take_Cons_drop_twice]) (auto simp: len_a ms_a j_len') ultimately show ?case by blast qed lemma list_all2_reorder_left_invariance: assumes rel: "list_all2 R xs ys" and ms_x: "mset xs' = mset xs" shows "\ys'. list_all2 R xs' ys' \ mset ys' = mset ys" proof - have len: "length xs = length ys" using rel list_all2_conv_all_nth by auto obtain ys' where len': "length xs' = length ys'" and ms_xy: "mset (zip xs' ys') = mset (zip xs ys)" using len ms_x by (metis ex_mset_zip_left) have "list_all2 R xs' ys'" using assms(1) len' ms_xy unfolding list_all2_iff by (blast dest: mset_eq_setD) moreover have "mset ys' = mset ys" using len len' ms_xy map_snd_zip mset_map by metis ultimately show ?thesis by blast qed lemma ex_mset: "\xs. mset xs = X" by (induct X) (simp, metis mset.simps(2)) inductive pred_mset :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a multiset \ bool" where "pred_mset P {#}" | "\P a; pred_mset P M\ \ pred_mset P (add_mset a M)" lemma pred_mset_iff: \ \TODO: alias for \<^const>\Multiset.Ball\\ \pred_mset P M \ Multiset.Ball M P\ (is \?P \ ?Q\) proof assume ?P then show ?Q by induction simp_all next assume ?Q then show ?P by (induction M) (auto intro: pred_mset.intros) qed bnf "'a multiset" map: image_mset sets: set_mset bd: natLeq wits: "{#}" rel: rel_mset pred: pred_mset proof - show "image_mset id = id" by (rule image_mset.id) show "image_mset (g \ f) = image_mset g \ image_mset f" for f g unfolding comp_def by (rule ext) (simp add: comp_def image_mset.compositionality) show "(\z. z \ set_mset X \ f z = g z) \ image_mset f X = image_mset g X" for f g X by (induct X) simp_all show "set_mset \ image_mset f = (`) f \ set_mset" for f by auto show "card_order natLeq" by (rule natLeq_card_order) show "BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.cinfinite natLeq" by (rule natLeq_cinfinite) show "regularCard natLeq" by (rule regularCard_natLeq) show "ordLess2 (card_of (set_mset X)) natLeq" for X by transfer (auto simp: finite_iff_ordLess_natLeq[symmetric]) show "rel_mset R OO rel_mset S \ rel_mset (R OO S)" for R S unfolding rel_mset_def[abs_def] OO_def apply clarify subgoal for X Z Y xs ys' ys zs apply (drule list_all2_reorder_left_invariance [where xs = ys' and ys = zs and xs' = ys]) apply (auto intro: list_all2_trans) done done show "rel_mset R = (\x y. \z. set_mset z \ {(x, y). R x y} \ image_mset fst z = x \ image_mset snd z = y)" for R unfolding rel_mset_def[abs_def] apply (rule ext)+ apply safe apply (rule_tac x = "mset (zip xs ys)" in exI; auto simp: in_set_zip list_all2_iff simp flip: mset_map) apply (rename_tac XY) apply (cut_tac X = XY in ex_mset) apply (erule exE) apply (rename_tac xys) apply (rule_tac x = "map fst xys" in exI) apply (auto simp: mset_map) apply (rule_tac x = "map snd xys" in exI) apply (auto simp: mset_map list_all2I subset_eq zip_map_fst_snd) done show "z \ set_mset {#} \ False" for z by auto show "pred_mset P = (\x. Ball (set_mset x) P)" for P by (simp add: fun_eq_iff pred_mset_iff) qed inductive rel_mset' :: \('a \ 'b \ bool) \ 'a multiset \ 'b multiset \ bool\ where Zero[intro]: "rel_mset' R {#} {#}" | Plus[intro]: "\R a b; rel_mset' R M N\ \ rel_mset' R (add_mset a M) (add_mset b N)" lemma rel_mset_Zero: "rel_mset R {#} {#}" unfolding rel_mset_def Grp_def by auto declare multiset.count[simp] declare count_Abs_multiset[simp] declare multiset.count_inverse[simp] lemma rel_mset_Plus: assumes ab: "R a b" and MN: "rel_mset R M N" shows "rel_mset R (add_mset a M) (add_mset b N)" proof - have "\ya. add_mset a (image_mset fst y) = image_mset fst ya \ add_mset b (image_mset snd y) = image_mset snd ya \ set_mset ya \ {(x, y). R x y}" if "R a b" and "set_mset y \ {(x, y). R x y}" for y using that by (intro exI[of _ "add_mset (a,b) y"]) auto thus ?thesis using assms unfolding multiset.rel_compp_Grp Grp_def by blast qed lemma rel_mset'_imp_rel_mset: "rel_mset' R M N \ rel_mset R M N" by (induct rule: rel_mset'.induct) (auto simp: rel_mset_Zero rel_mset_Plus) lemma rel_mset_size: "rel_mset R M N \ size M = size N" unfolding multiset.rel_compp_Grp Grp_def by auto lemma rel_mset_Zero_iff [simp]: shows "rel_mset rel {#} Y \ Y = {#}" and "rel_mset rel X {#} \ X = {#}" by (auto simp add: rel_mset_Zero dest: rel_mset_size) lemma multiset_induct2[case_names empty addL addR]: assumes empty: "P {#} {#}" and addL: "\a M N. P M N \ P (add_mset a M) N" and addR: "\a M N. P M N \ P M (add_mset a N)" shows "P M N" apply(induct N rule: multiset_induct) apply(induct M rule: multiset_induct, rule empty, erule addL) apply(induct M rule: multiset_induct, erule addR, erule addR) done lemma multiset_induct2_size[consumes 1, case_names empty add]: assumes c: "size M = size N" and empty: "P {#} {#}" and add: "\a b M N a b. P M N \ P (add_mset a M) (add_mset b N)" shows "P M N" using c proof (induct M arbitrary: N rule: measure_induct_rule[of size]) case (less M) show ?case proof(cases "M = {#}") case True hence "N = {#}" using less.prems by auto thus ?thesis using True empty by auto next case False then obtain M1 a where M: "M = add_mset a M1" by (metis multi_nonempty_split) have "N \ {#}" using False less.prems by auto then obtain N1 b where N: "N = add_mset b N1" by (metis multi_nonempty_split) have "size M1 = size N1" using less.prems unfolding M N by auto thus ?thesis using M N less.hyps add by auto qed qed lemma msed_map_invL: assumes "image_mset f (add_mset a M) = N" shows "\N1. N = add_mset (f a) N1 \ image_mset f M = N1" proof - have "f a \# N" using assms multiset.set_map[of f "add_mset a M"] by auto then obtain N1 where N: "N = add_mset (f a) N1" using multi_member_split by metis have "image_mset f M = N1" using assms unfolding N by simp thus ?thesis using N by blast qed lemma msed_map_invR: assumes "image_mset f M = add_mset b N" shows "\M1 a. M = add_mset a M1 \ f a = b \ image_mset f M1 = N" proof - obtain a where a: "a \# M" and fa: "f a = b" using multiset.set_map[of f M] unfolding assms by (metis image_iff union_single_eq_member) then obtain M1 where M: "M = add_mset a M1" using multi_member_split by metis have "image_mset f M1 = N" using assms unfolding M fa[symmetric] by simp thus ?thesis using M fa by blast qed lemma msed_rel_invL: assumes "rel_mset R (add_mset a M) N" shows "\N1 b. N = add_mset b N1 \ R a b \ rel_mset R M N1" proof - obtain K where KM: "image_mset fst K = add_mset a M" and KN: "image_mset snd K = N" and sK: "set_mset K \ {(a, b). R a b}" using assms unfolding multiset.rel_compp_Grp Grp_def by auto obtain K1 ab where K: "K = add_mset ab K1" and a: "fst ab = a" and K1M: "image_mset fst K1 = M" using msed_map_invR[OF KM] by auto obtain N1 where N: "N = add_mset (snd ab) N1" and K1N1: "image_mset snd K1 = N1" using msed_map_invL[OF KN[unfolded K]] by auto have Rab: "R a (snd ab)" using sK a unfolding K by auto have "rel_mset R M N1" using sK K1M K1N1 unfolding K multiset.rel_compp_Grp Grp_def by auto thus ?thesis using N Rab by auto qed lemma msed_rel_invR: assumes "rel_mset R M (add_mset b N)" shows "\M1 a. M = add_mset a M1 \ R a b \ rel_mset R M1 N" proof - obtain K where KN: "image_mset snd K = add_mset b N" and KM: "image_mset fst K = M" and sK: "set_mset K \ {(a, b). R a b}" using assms unfolding multiset.rel_compp_Grp Grp_def by auto obtain K1 ab where K: "K = add_mset ab K1" and b: "snd ab = b" and K1N: "image_mset snd K1 = N" using msed_map_invR[OF KN] by auto obtain M1 where M: "M = add_mset (fst ab) M1" and K1M1: "image_mset fst K1 = M1" using msed_map_invL[OF KM[unfolded K]] by auto have Rab: "R (fst ab) b" using sK b unfolding K by auto have "rel_mset R M1 N" using sK K1N K1M1 unfolding K multiset.rel_compp_Grp Grp_def by auto thus ?thesis using M Rab by auto qed lemma rel_mset_imp_rel_mset': assumes "rel_mset R M N" shows "rel_mset' R M N" using assms proof(induct M arbitrary: N rule: measure_induct_rule[of size]) case (less M) have c: "size M = size N" using rel_mset_size[OF less.prems] . show ?case proof(cases "M = {#}") case True hence "N = {#}" using c by simp thus ?thesis using True rel_mset'.Zero by auto next case False then obtain M1 a where M: "M = add_mset a M1" by (metis multi_nonempty_split) obtain N1 b where N: "N = add_mset b N1" and R: "R a b" and ms: "rel_mset R M1 N1" using msed_rel_invL[OF less.prems[unfolded M]] by auto have "rel_mset' R M1 N1" using less.hyps[of M1 N1] ms unfolding M by simp thus ?thesis using rel_mset'.Plus[of R a b, OF R] unfolding M N by simp qed qed lemma rel_mset_rel_mset': "rel_mset R M N = rel_mset' R M N" using rel_mset_imp_rel_mset' rel_mset'_imp_rel_mset by auto text \The main end product for \<^const>\rel_mset\: inductive characterization:\ lemmas rel_mset_induct[case_names empty add, induct pred: rel_mset] = rel_mset'.induct[unfolded rel_mset_rel_mset'[symmetric]] subsection \Size setup\ lemma size_multiset_o_map: "size_multiset g \ image_mset f = size_multiset (g \ f)" apply (rule ext) subgoal for x by (induct x) auto done setup \ BNF_LFP_Size.register_size_global \<^type_name>\multiset\ \<^const_name>\size_multiset\ @{thm size_multiset_overloaded_def} @{thms size_multiset_empty size_multiset_single size_multiset_union size_empty size_single size_union} @{thms size_multiset_o_map} \ subsection \Lemmas about Size\ lemma size_mset_SucE: "size A = Suc n \ (\a B. A = {#a#} + B \ size B = n \ P) \ P" by (cases A) (auto simp add: ac_simps) lemma size_Suc_Diff1: "x \# M \ Suc (size (M - {#x#})) = size M" using arg_cong[OF insert_DiffM, of _ _ size] by simp lemma size_Diff_singleton: "x \# M \ size (M - {#x#}) = size M - 1" by (simp flip: size_Suc_Diff1) lemma size_Diff_singleton_if: "size (A - {#x#}) = (if x \# A then size A - 1 else size A)" by (simp add: diff_single_trivial size_Diff_singleton) lemma size_Un_Int: "size A + size B = size (A \# B) + size (A \# B)" by (metis inter_subset_eq_union size_union subset_mset.diff_add union_diff_inter_eq_sup) lemma size_Un_disjoint: "A \# B = {#} \ size (A \# B) = size A + size B" using size_Un_Int[of A B] by simp lemma size_Diff_subset_Int: "size (M - M') = size M - size (M \# M')" by (metis diff_intersect_left_idem size_Diff_submset subset_mset.inf_le1) lemma diff_size_le_size_Diff: "size (M :: _ multiset) - size M' \ size (M - M')" by (simp add: diff_le_mono2 size_Diff_subset_Int size_mset_mono) lemma size_Diff1_less: "x\# M \ size (M - {#x#}) < size M" by (rule Suc_less_SucD) (simp add: size_Suc_Diff1) lemma size_Diff2_less: "x\# M \ y\# M \ size (M - {#x#} - {#y#}) < size M" by (metis less_imp_diff_less size_Diff1_less size_Diff_subset_Int) lemma size_Diff1_le: "size (M - {#x#}) \ size M" by (cases "x \# M") (simp_all add: size_Diff1_less less_imp_le diff_single_trivial) lemma size_psubset: "M \# M' \ size M < size M' \ M \# M'" using less_irrefl subset_mset_def by blast lifting_update multiset.lifting lifting_forget multiset.lifting hide_const (open) wcount end diff --git a/src/HOL/Library/Multiset_Order.thy b/src/HOL/Library/Multiset_Order.thy --- a/src/HOL/Library/Multiset_Order.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Library/Multiset_Order.thy @@ -1,856 +1,856 @@ (* Title: HOL/Library/Multiset_Order.thy Author: Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen Author: Jasmin Blanchette, Inria, LORIA, MPII Author: Martin Desharnais, MPI-INF Saarbruecken *) section \More Theorems about the Multiset Order\ theory Multiset_Order imports Multiset begin subsection \Alternative Characterizations\ subsubsection \The Dershowitz--Manna Ordering\ definition multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M where "multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M r M N \ (\X Y. X \ {#} \ X \# N \ M = (N - X) + Y \ (\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ r k a)))" lemma multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_imp_multp: "multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M r M N \ multp r M N" proof - assume "multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M r M N" then obtain X Y where "X \ {#}" and "X \# N" and "M = N - X + Y" and "\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ r k a)" unfolding multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def by blast then have "multp r (N - X + Y) (N - X + X)" by (intro one_step_implies_multp) (auto simp: Bex_def trans_def) with \M = N - X + Y\ \X \# N\ show "multp r M N" by (metis subset_mset.diff_add) qed subsubsection \The Huet--Oppen Ordering\ definition multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O where "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O r M N \ M \ N \ (\y. count N y < count M y \ (\x. r y x \ count M x < count N x))" lemma multp_imp_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: assumes "asymp r" and "transp r" shows "multp r M N \ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O r M N" unfolding multp_def mult_def proof (induction rule: trancl_induct) case (base P) then show ?case using \asymp r\ by (auto elim!: mult1_lessE simp: count_eq_zero_iff multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def split: if_splits dest!: Suc_lessD) next case (step N P) from step(3) have "M \ N" and **: "\y. count N y < count M y \ (\x. r y x \ count M x < count N x)" by (simp_all add: multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) from step(2) obtain M0 a K where *: "P = add_mset a M0" "N = M0 + K" "a \# K" "\b. b \# K \ r b a" using \asymp r\ by (auto elim: mult1_lessE) from \M \ N\ ** *(1,2,3) have "M \ P" using *(4) \asymp r\ by (metis asympD add_cancel_right_right add_diff_cancel_left' add_mset_add_single count_inI count_union diff_diff_add_mset diff_single_trivial in_diff_count multi_member_last) moreover { assume "count P a \ count M a" with \a \# K\ have "count N a < count M a" unfolding *(1,2) by (auto simp add: not_in_iff) with ** obtain z where z: "r a z" "count M z < count N z" by blast with * have "count N z \ count P z" using \asymp r\ by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' add_mset_add_single asympD diff_diff_add_mset diff_single_trivial in_diff_count not_le_imp_less) with z have "\z. r a z \ count M z < count P z" by auto } note count_a = this { fix y assume count_y: "count P y < count M y" have "\x. r y x \ count M x < count P x" proof (cases "y = a") case True with count_y count_a show ?thesis by auto next case False show ?thesis proof (cases "y \# K") case True with *(4) have "r y a" by simp then show ?thesis by (cases "count P a \ count M a") (auto dest: count_a intro: \transp r\[THEN transpD]) next case False with \y \ a\ have "count P y = count N y" unfolding *(1,2) by (simp add: not_in_iff) with count_y ** obtain z where z: "r y z" "count M z < count N z" by auto show ?thesis proof (cases "z \# K") case True with *(4) have "r z a" by simp with z(1) show ?thesis by (cases "count P a \ count M a") (auto dest!: count_a intro: \transp r\[THEN transpD]) next case False with \a \# K\ have "count N z \ count P z" unfolding * by (auto simp add: not_in_iff) with z show ?thesis by auto qed qed qed } ultimately show ?case unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by blast qed lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_imp_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O r M N \ multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M r M N" unfolding multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def proof (intro iffI exI conjI) assume "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O r M N" then obtain z where z: "count M z < count N z" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff nat_neq_iff) define X where "X = N - M" define Y where "Y = M - N" from z show "X \ {#}" unfolding X_def by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff not_less_eq_eq Suc_le_eq) from z show "X \# N" unfolding X_def by auto show "M = (N - X) + Y" unfolding X_def Y_def multiset_eq_iff count_union count_diff by force show "\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ r k a)" proof (intro allI impI) fix k assume "k \# Y" then have "count N k < count M k" unfolding Y_def by (auto simp add: in_diff_count) with \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O r M N\ obtain a where "r k a" and "count M a < count N a" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by blast then show "\a. a \# X \ r k a" unfolding X_def by (auto simp add: in_diff_count) qed qed lemma multp_eq_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "asymp r \ transp r \ multp r = multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M r" using multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_imp_multp multp_imp_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[THEN multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_imp_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M] by blast lemma multp_eq_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "asymp r \ transp r \ multp r = multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O r" using multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_imp_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M[THEN multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_imp_multp] multp_imp_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by blast lemma multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_plus_plusI[simp]: assumes "multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M R M1 M2" shows "multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M R (M + M1) (M + M2)" proof - from assms obtain X Y where "X \ {#}" and "X \# M2" and "M1 = M2 - X + Y" and "\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ R k a)" unfolding multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def by auto show "multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M R (M + M1) (M + M2)" unfolding multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def proof (intro exI conjI) show "X \ {#}" using \X \ {#}\ by simp next show "X \# M + M2" using \X \# M2\ by (simp add: subset_mset.add_increasing) next show "M + M1 = M + M2 - X + Y" using \X \# M2\ \M1 = M2 - X + Y\ by (metis multiset_diff_union_assoc union_assoc) next show "\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ R k a)" using \\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ R k a)\ by simp qed qed lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_plus_plus[simp]: "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R (M + M1) (M + M2) \ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by simp lemma strict_subset_implies_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "A \# B \ multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M r A B" unfolding multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def by (metis add.right_neutral add_diff_cancel_right' empty_iff mset_subset_eq_add_right set_mset_empty subset_mset.lessE) lemma strict_subset_implies_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "A \# B \ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O r A B" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by (simp add: leD mset_subset_eq_count) lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_implies_one_step_strong: assumes "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R A B" defines "J \ B - A" and "K \ A - B" shows "J \ {#}" and "\k \# K. \x \# J. R k x" proof - show "J \ {#}" using \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R A B\ by (metis Diff_eq_empty_iff_mset J_def add.right_neutral multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_imp_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_plus_plus subset_mset.add_diff_inverse subset_mset.le_zero_eq) show "\k\#K. \x\#J. R k x" using \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R A B\ by (metis J_def K_def in_diff_count multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) qed lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_minus_inter_minus_inter_iff: fixes M1 M2 :: "_ multiset" shows "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R (M1 - M2) (M2 - M1) \ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2" by (metis diff_intersect_left_idem multiset_inter_commute multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_plus_plus subset_mset.add_diff_inverse subset_mset.inf.cobounded1) lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_iff_set_mset_less\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_set_mset: "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2 \ (set_mset (M1 - M2) \ set_mset (M2 - M1) \ (\y \# M1 - M2. (\x \# M2 - M1. R y x)))" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_minus_inter_minus_inter_iff[of R M1 M2, symmetric] unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def unfolding count_minus_inter_lt_count_minus_inter_iff unfolding minus_inter_eq_minus_inter_iff by auto subsubsection \Monotonicity\ lemma multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_mono_strong: "multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M R M1 M2 \ (\x y. x \# M1 \ y \# M2 \ R x y \ S x y) \ multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M S M1 M2" unfolding multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' in_diffD subset_mset.diff_add) lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_mono_strong: "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2 \ (\x y. x \# M1 \ y \# M2 \ R x y \ S x y) \ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O S M1 M2" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by (metis count_inI less_zeroE) subsubsection \Properties of Orders\ paragraph \Asymmetry\ text \The following lemma is a negative result stating that asymmetry of an arbitrary binary relation cannot be simply lifted to @{const multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O}. It suffices to have four distinct values to build a counterexample.\ lemma asymp_not_liftable_to_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: fixes a b c d :: 'a assumes "distinct [a, b, c, d]" shows "\ (\(R :: 'a \ 'a \ bool). asymp R \ asymp (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R))" proof - define R :: "'a \ 'a \ bool" where "R = (\x y. x = a \ y = c \ x = b \ y = d \ x = c \ y = b \ x = d \ y = a)" from assms(1) have "{#a, b#} \ {#c, d#}" by (metis add_mset_add_single distinct.simps(2) list.set(1) list.simps(15) multi_member_this set_mset_add_mset_insert set_mset_single) from assms(1) have "asymp R" by (auto simp: R_def intro: asymp_onI) moreover have "\ asymp (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" unfolding asymp_on_def Set.ball_simps not_all not_imp not_not proof (intro exI conjI) show "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R {#a, b#} {#c, d#}" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def using \{#a, b#} \ {#c, d#}\ R_def assms by auto next show "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R {#c, d#} {#a, b#}" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def using \{#a, b#} \ {#c, d#}\ R_def assms by auto qed ultimately show ?thesis unfolding not_all not_imp by auto qed text \However, if the binary relation is both asymmetric and transitive, then @{const multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O} is also asymmetric.\ lemma asymp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: assumes "asymp_on A R" and "transp_on A R" and B_sub_A: "\M. M \ B \ set_mset M \ A" shows "asymp_on B (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" proof (rule asymp_onI) fix M1 M2 :: "'a multiset" assume "M1 \ B" "M2 \ B" "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2" from \transp_on A R\ B_sub_A have tran: "transp_on (set_mset (M1 - M2)) R" using \M1 \ B\ by (meson in_diffD subset_eq transp_on_subset) from \asymp_on A R\ B_sub_A have asym: "asymp_on (set_mset (M1 - M2)) R" using \M1 \ B\ by (meson in_diffD subset_eq asymp_on_subset) show "\ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M2 M1" proof (cases "M1 - M2 = {#}") case True then show ?thesis using multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_implies_one_step_strong(1) by metis next case False hence "\m\#M1 - M2. \x\#M1 - M2. x \ m \ \ R m x" using Finite_Set.bex_max_element[of "set_mset (M1 - M2)" R, OF finite_set_mset asym tran] by simp with \transp_on A R\ B_sub_A have "\y\#M2 - M1. \x\#M1 - M2. \ R y x" using \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2\[THEN multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_implies_one_step_strong(2)] using asym[THEN irreflp_on_if_asymp_on, THEN irreflp_onD] by (metis \M1 \ B\ \M2 \ B\ in_diffD subsetD transp_onD) thus ?thesis unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_iff_set_mset_less\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_set_mset by simp qed qed lemma asymp_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: assumes "asymp R" and "transp R" shows "asymp (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" using assms asymp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[of UNIV, simplified] by metis paragraph \Irreflexivity\ lemma irreflp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[simp]: "irreflp_on B (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" by (simp add: irreflp_onI multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) paragraph \Transitivity\ lemma transp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: assumes "asymp_on A R" and "transp_on A R" and B_sub_A: "\M. M \ B \ set_mset M \ A" shows "transp_on B (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" proof (rule transp_onI) from assms have "asymp_on B (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" using asymp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by metis fix M1 M2 M3 assume hyps: "M1 \ B" "M2 \ B" "M3 \ B" "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2" "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M2 M3" from assms have [intro]: "asymp_on (set_mset M1 \ set_mset M2) R" "transp_on (set_mset M1 \ set_mset M2) R" using \M1 \ B\ \M2 \ B\ by (simp_all add: asymp_on_subset transp_on_subset) from assms have "transp_on (set_mset M1) R" by (meson transp_on_subset hyps(1)) from \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2\ have "M1 \ M2" and "\y. count M2 y < count M1 y \ (\x. R y x \ count M1 x < count M2 x)" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by simp_all from \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M2 M3\ have "M2 \ M3" and "\y. count M3 y < count M2 y \ (\x. R y x \ count M2 x < count M3 x)" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by simp_all show "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M3" proof (rule ccontr) let ?P = "\x. count M3 x < count M1 x \ (\y. R x y \ count M1 y \ count M3 y)" assume "\ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M3" hence "M1 = M3 \ (\x. ?P x)" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by force thus False proof (elim disjE) assume "M1 = M3" thus False using \asymp_on B (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)\[THEN asymp_onD] using \M2 \ B\ \M3 \ B\ \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2\ \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M2 M3\ by metis next assume "\x. ?P x" hence "\x \# M1 + M2. ?P x" by (auto simp: count_inI) have "\y \# M1 + M2. ?P y \ (\z \# M1 + M2. R y z \ \ ?P z)" proof (rule Finite_Set.bex_max_element_with_property) show "\x \# M1 + M2. ?P x" using \\x. ?P x\ by (auto simp: count_inI) qed auto then obtain x where "x \# M1 + M2" and "count M3 x < count M1 x" and "\y. R x y \ count M1 y \ count M3 y" and "\y \# M1 + M2. R x y \ count M3 y < count M1 y \ (\z. R y z \ count M1 z < count M3 z)" by force let ?Q = "\x'. R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x x' \ count M3 x' < count M2 x'" show False proof (cases "\x'. ?Q x'") case True have "\y \# M1 + M2. ?Q y \ (\z \# M1 + M2. R y z \ \ ?Q z)" proof (rule Finite_Set.bex_max_element_with_property) show "\x \# M1 + M2. ?Q x" using \\x. ?Q x\ by (auto simp: count_inI) qed auto then obtain x' where "x' \# M1 + M2" and "R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x x'" and "count M3 x' < count M2 x'" and maximality_x': "\z \# M1 + M2. R x' z \ \ (R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x z) \ count M3 z \ count M2 z" by (auto simp: linorder_not_less) with \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M2 M3\ obtain y' where "R x' y'" and "count M2 y' < count M3 y'" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by auto hence "count M2 y' < count M1 y'" by (smt (verit) \R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x x'\ \\y. R x y \ count M3 y \ count M1 y\ \count M3 x < count M1 x\ \count M3 x' < count M2 x'\ assms(2) count_inI dual_order.strict_trans1 hyps(1) hyps(2) hyps(3) less_nat_zero_code B_sub_A subsetD sup2E transp_onD) with \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2\ obtain y'' where "R y' y''" and "count M1 y'' < count M2 y''" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by auto hence "count M3 y'' < count M2 y''" by (smt (verit, del_insts) \R x' y'\ \R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x x'\ \\y. R x y \ count M3 y \ count M1 y\ \count M2 y' < count M3 y'\ \count M3 x < count M1 x\ \count M3 x' < count M2 x'\ assms(2) count_greater_zero_iff dual_order.strict_trans1 hyps(1) hyps(2) hyps(3) less_nat_zero_code linorder_not_less B_sub_A subset_iff sup2E transp_onD) moreover have "count M2 y'' \ count M3 y''" proof - have "y'' \# M1 + M2" by (metis \count M1 y'' < count M2 y''\ count_inI not_less_iff_gr_or_eq union_iff) moreover have "R x' y''" by (metis \R x' y'\ \R y' y''\ \count M2 y' < count M1 y'\ \transp_on (set_mset M1 \ set_mset M2) R\ \x' \# M1 + M2\ calculation count_inI nat_neq_iff set_mset_union transp_onD union_iff) moreover have "R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x y''" using \R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x x'\ by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) \transp_on (set_mset M1 \ set_mset M2) R\ \x \# M1 + M2\ \x' \# M1 + M2\ calculation(1) calculation(2) set_mset_union sup2I1 transp_onD transp_on_reflclp) ultimately show ?thesis using maximality_x'[rule_format, of y''] by metis qed ultimately show ?thesis by linarith next case False hence "\x'. R\<^sup>=\<^sup>= x x' \ count M2 x' \ count M3 x'" by auto hence "count M2 x \ count M3 x" by simp hence "count M2 x < count M1 x" using \count M3 x < count M1 x\ by linarith with \multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R M1 M2\ obtain y where "R x y" and "count M1 y < count M2 y" unfolding multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def by auto hence "count M3 y < count M2 y" using \\y. R x y \ count M3 y \ count M1 y\ dual_order.strict_trans2 by metis then show ?thesis using False \R x y\ by auto qed qed qed qed lemma transp_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: assumes "asymp R" and "transp R" shows "transp (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" using assms transp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[of UNIV, simplified] by metis paragraph \Totality\ lemma totalp_on_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "totalp_on A R \ (\M. M \ B \ set_mset M \ A) \ totalp_on B (multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M R)" by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) count_inI in_mono multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_imp_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M not_less_iff_gr_or_eq totalp_onD totalp_onI) lemma totalp_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "totalp R \ totalp (multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M R)" by (rule totalp_on_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M[of UNIV R UNIV, simplified]) lemma totalp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "totalp_on A R \ (\M. M \ B \ set_mset M \ A) \ totalp_on B (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) count_inI in_mono multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def not_less_iff_gr_or_eq totalp_onD totalp_onI) lemma totalp_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "totalp R \ totalp (multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R)" by (rule totalp_on_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[of UNIV R UNIV, simplified]) paragraph \Type Classes\ context preorder begin lemma order_mult: "class.order (\M N. (M, N) \ mult {(x, y). x < y} \ M = N) (\M N. (M, N) \ mult {(x, y). x < y})" (is "class.order ?le ?less") proof - have irrefl: "\M :: 'a multiset. \ ?less M M" proof fix M :: "'a multiset" have "trans {(x'::'a, x). x' < x}" by (rule transI) (blast intro: less_trans) moreover assume "(M, M) \ mult {(x, y). x < y}" ultimately have "\I J K. M = I + J \ M = I + K \ J \ {#} \ (\k\set_mset K. \j\set_mset J. (k, j) \ {(x, y). x < y})" by (rule mult_implies_one_step) then obtain I J K where "M = I + J" and "M = I + K" and "J \ {#}" and "(\k\set_mset K. \j\set_mset J. (k, j) \ {(x, y). x < y})" by blast then have aux1: "K \ {#}" and aux2: "\k\set_mset K. \j\set_mset K. k < j" by auto have "finite (set_mset K)" by simp moreover note aux2 ultimately have "set_mset K = {}" by (induct rule: finite_induct) (simp, metis (mono_tags) insert_absorb insert_iff insert_not_empty less_irrefl less_trans) with aux1 show False by simp qed have trans: "\K M N :: 'a multiset. ?less K M \ ?less M N \ ?less K N" unfolding mult_def by (blast intro: trancl_trans) show "class.order ?le ?less" by standard (auto simp add: less_eq_multiset_def irrefl dest: trans) qed text \The Dershowitz--Manna ordering:\ definition less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M where "less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M M N \ (\X Y. X \ {#} \ X \# N \ M = (N - X) + Y \ (\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ k < a)))" text \The Huet--Oppen ordering:\ definition less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O where "less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O M N \ M \ N \ (\y. count N y < count M y \ (\x. y < x \ count M x < count N x))" lemma mult_imp_less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "(M, N) \ mult {(x, y). x < y} \ less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O M N" unfolding multp_def[of "(<)", symmetric] using multp_imp_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[of "(<)"] by (simp add: less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) lemma less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_imp_mult: "less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M M N \ (M, N) \ mult {(x, y). x < y}" unfolding multp_def[of "(<)", symmetric] by (rule multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_imp_multp[of "(<)" M N]) (simp add: less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def) lemma less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_imp_less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O M N \ less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M M N" unfolding less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def unfolding multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def[symmetric] multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def[symmetric] by (rule multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_imp_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M) lemma mult_less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "(M, N) \ mult {(x, y). x < y} \ less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M M N" unfolding multp_def[of "(<)", symmetric] using multp_eq_multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M[of "(<)", simplified] by (simp add: multp\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def) lemma mult_less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "(M, N) \ mult {(x, y). x < y} \ less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O M N" unfolding multp_def[of "(<)", symmetric] using multp_eq_multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[of "(<)", simplified] by (simp add: multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) lemmas mult\<^sub>D\<^sub>M = mult_less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M[unfolded less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M_def] lemmas mult\<^sub>H\<^sub>O = mult_less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[unfolded less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def] end lemma less_multiset_less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "M < N \ less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O M N" unfolding less_multiset_def multp_def mult\<^sub>H\<^sub>O less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def .. lemma less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M: "M < N \ (\X Y. X \ {#} \ X \# N \ M = N - X + Y \ (\k. k \# Y \ (\a. a \# X \ k < a)))" by (rule mult\<^sub>D\<^sub>M[folded multp_def less_multiset_def]) lemma less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "M < N \ M \ N \ (\y. count N y < count M y \ (\x>y. count M x < count N x))" by (rule mult\<^sub>H\<^sub>O[folded multp_def less_multiset_def]) lemma subset_eq_imp_le_multiset: shows "M \# N \ M \ N" unfolding less_eq_multiset_def less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by (simp add: less_le_not_le subseteq_mset_def) (* FIXME: "le" should be "less" in this and other names *) lemma le_multiset_right_total: "M < add_mset x M" unfolding less_eq_multiset_def less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by simp lemma less_eq_multiset_empty_left[simp]: shows "{#} \ M" by (simp add: subset_eq_imp_le_multiset) lemma ex_gt_imp_less_multiset: "(\y. y \# N \ (\x. x \# M \ x < y)) \ M < N" unfolding less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by (metis count_eq_zero_iff count_greater_zero_iff less_le_not_le) lemma less_eq_multiset_empty_right[simp]: "M \ {#} \ \ M \ {#}" by (metis less_eq_multiset_empty_left antisym) (* FIXME: "le" should be "less" in this and other names *) lemma le_multiset_empty_left[simp]: "M \ {#} \ {#} < M" by (simp add: less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O) (* FIXME: "le" should be "less" in this and other names *) lemma le_multiset_empty_right[simp]: "\ M < {#}" using subset_mset.le_zero_eq less_multiset_def multp_def less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M by blast (* FIXME: "le" should be "less" in this and other names *) lemma union_le_diff_plus: "P \# M \ N < P \ M - P + N < M" by (drule subset_mset.diff_add[symmetric]) (metis union_le_mono2) instantiation multiset :: (preorder) ordered_ab_semigroup_monoid_add_imp_le begin lemma less_eq_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O: "M \ N \ (\y. count N y < count M y \ (\x. y < x \ count M x < count N x))" by (auto simp: less_eq_multiset_def less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O) instance by standard (auto simp: less_eq_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O) lemma fixes M N :: "'a multiset" shows less_eq_multiset_plus_left: "N \ (M + N)" and less_eq_multiset_plus_right: "M \ (M + N)" by simp_all lemma fixes M N :: "'a multiset" shows le_multiset_plus_left_nonempty: "M \ {#} \ N < M + N" and le_multiset_plus_right_nonempty: "N \ {#} \ M < M + N" by simp_all end lemma all_lt_Max_imp_lt_mset: "N \ {#} \ (\a \# M. a < Max (set_mset N)) \ M < N" by (meson Max_in[OF finite_set_mset] ex_gt_imp_less_multiset set_mset_eq_empty_iff) lemma lt_imp_ex_count_lt: "M < N \ \y. count M y < count N y" by (meson less_eq_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O less_le_not_le) lemma subset_imp_less_mset: "A \# B \ A < B" by (simp add: order.not_eq_order_implies_strict subset_eq_imp_le_multiset) lemma image_mset_strict_mono: assumes mono_f: "\x \ set_mset M. \y \ set_mset N. x < y \ f x < f y" and less: "M < N" shows "image_mset f M < image_mset f N" proof - obtain Y X where y_nemp: "Y \ {#}" and y_sub_N: "Y \# N" and M_eq: "M = N - Y + X" and ex_y: "\x. x \# X \ (\y. y \# Y \ x < y)" using less[unfolded less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M] by blast have x_sub_M: "X \# M" using M_eq by simp let ?fY = "image_mset f Y" let ?fX = "image_mset f X" show ?thesis unfolding less_multiset\<^sub>D\<^sub>M proof (intro exI conjI) show "image_mset f M = image_mset f N - ?fY + ?fX" using M_eq[THEN arg_cong, of "image_mset f"] y_sub_N by (metis image_mset_Diff image_mset_union) next obtain y where y: "\x. x \# X \ y x \# Y \ x < y x" using ex_y by moura show "\fx. fx \# ?fX \ (\fy. fy \# ?fY \ fx < fy)" proof (intro allI impI) fix fx assume "fx \# ?fX" then obtain x where fx: "fx = f x" and x_in: "x \# X" by auto hence y_in: "y x \# Y" and y_gt: "x < y x" using y[rule_format, OF x_in] by blast+ hence "f (y x) \# ?fY \ f x < f (y x)" using mono_f y_sub_N x_sub_M x_in by (metis image_eqI in_image_mset mset_subset_eqD) thus "\fy. fy \# ?fY \ fx < fy" unfolding fx by auto qed qed (auto simp: y_nemp y_sub_N image_mset_subseteq_mono) qed lemma image_mset_mono: assumes mono_f: "\x \ set_mset M. \y \ set_mset N. x < y \ f x < f y" and less: "M \ N" shows "image_mset f M \ image_mset f N" by (metis eq_iff image_mset_strict_mono less less_imp_le mono_f order.not_eq_order_implies_strict) lemma mset_lt_single_right_iff[simp]: "M < {#y#} \ (\x \# M. x < y)" for y :: "'a::linorder" proof (rule iffI) assume M_lt_y: "M < {#y#}" show "\x \# M. x < y" proof fix x assume x_in: "x \# M" hence M: "M - {#x#} + {#x#} = M" by (meson insert_DiffM2) hence "\ {#x#} < {#y#} \ x < y" using x_in M_lt_y by (metis diff_single_eq_union le_multiset_empty_left less_add_same_cancel2 mset_le_trans) also have "\ {#y#} < M" using M_lt_y mset_le_not_sym by blast ultimately show "x < y" by (metis (no_types) Max_ge all_lt_Max_imp_lt_mset empty_iff finite_set_mset insertE less_le_trans linorder_less_linear mset_le_not_sym set_mset_add_mset_insert set_mset_eq_empty_iff x_in) qed next assume y_max: "\x \# M. x < y" show "M < {#y#}" by (rule all_lt_Max_imp_lt_mset) (auto intro!: y_max) qed lemma mset_le_single_right_iff[simp]: "M \ {#y#} \ M = {#y#} \ (\x \# M. x < y)" for y :: "'a::linorder" by (meson less_eq_multiset_def mset_lt_single_right_iff) subsubsection \Simplifications\ lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_repeat_mset_repeat_mset[simp]: assumes "n \ 0" shows "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R (repeat_mset n A) (repeat_mset n B) \ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R A B" proof (rule iffI) assume hyp: "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R (repeat_mset n A) (repeat_mset n B)" hence 1: "repeat_mset n A \ repeat_mset n B" and 2: "\y. n * count B y < n * count A y \ (\x. R y x \ n * count A x < n * count B x)" by (simp_all add: multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) from 1 \n \ 0\ have "A \ B" by auto moreover from 2 \n \ 0\ have "\y. count B y < count A y \ (\x. R y x \ count A x < count B x)" by auto ultimately show "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R A B" by (simp add: multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) next assume "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R A B" hence 1: "A \ B" and 2: "\y. count B y < count A y \ (\x. R y x \ count A x < count B x)" by (simp_all add: multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) from 1 have "repeat_mset n A \ repeat_mset n B" by (simp add: assms repeat_mset_cancel1) moreover from 2 have "\y. n * count B y < n * count A y \ (\x. R y x \ n * count A x < n * count B x)" by auto ultimately show "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R (repeat_mset n A) (repeat_mset n B)" by (simp add: multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_def) qed lemma multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_double_double[simp]: "multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R (A + A) (B + B) \ multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O R A B" using multp\<^sub>H\<^sub>O_repeat_mset_repeat_mset[of 2] by (simp add: numeral_Bit0) subsection \Simprocs\ lemma mset_le_add_iff1: "j \ (i::nat) \ (repeat_mset i u + m \ repeat_mset j u + n) = (repeat_mset (i-j) u + m \ n)" proof - assume "j \ i" then have "j + (i - j) = i" using le_add_diff_inverse by blast then show ?thesis by (metis (no_types) add_le_cancel_left left_add_mult_distrib_mset) qed lemma mset_le_add_iff2: "i \ (j::nat) \ (repeat_mset i u + m \ repeat_mset j u + n) = (m \ repeat_mset (j-i) u + n)" proof - assume "i \ j" then have "i + (j - i) = j" using le_add_diff_inverse by blast then show ?thesis by (metis (no_types) add_le_cancel_left left_add_mult_distrib_mset) qed simproc_setup msetless_cancel ("(l::'a::preorder multiset) + m < n" | "(l::'a multiset) < m + n" | "add_mset a m < n" | "m < add_mset a n" | "replicate_mset p a < n" | "m < replicate_mset p a" | "repeat_mset p m < n" | "m < repeat_mset p n") = - \fn phi => Cancel_Simprocs.less_cancel\ + \K Cancel_Simprocs.less_cancel\ simproc_setup msetle_cancel ("(l::'a::preorder multiset) + m \ n" | "(l::'a multiset) \ m + n" | "add_mset a m \ n" | "m \ add_mset a n" | "replicate_mset p a \ n" | "m \ replicate_mset p a" | "repeat_mset p m \ n" | "m \ repeat_mset p n") = - \fn phi => Cancel_Simprocs.less_eq_cancel\ + \K Cancel_Simprocs.less_eq_cancel\ subsection \Additional facts and instantiations\ lemma ex_gt_count_imp_le_multiset: "(\y :: 'a :: order. y \# M + N \ y \ x) \ count M x < count N x \ M < N" unfolding less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by (metis count_greater_zero_iff le_imp_less_or_eq less_imp_not_less not_gr_zero union_iff) lemma mset_lt_single_iff[iff]: "{#x#} < {#y#} \ x < y" unfolding less_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by simp lemma mset_le_single_iff[iff]: "{#x#} \ {#y#} \ x \ y" for x y :: "'a::order" unfolding less_eq_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O by force instance multiset :: (linorder) linordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add by standard (metis less_eq_multiset\<^sub>H\<^sub>O not_less_iff_gr_or_eq) lemma less_eq_multiset_total: fixes M N :: "'a :: linorder multiset" shows "\ M \ N \ N \ M" by simp instantiation multiset :: (wellorder) wellorder begin lemma wf_less_multiset: "wf {(M :: 'a multiset, N). M < N}" unfolding less_multiset_def multp_def by (auto intro: wf_mult wf) instance by standard (metis less_multiset_def multp_def wf wf_def wf_mult) end instantiation multiset :: (preorder) order_bot begin definition bot_multiset :: "'a multiset" where "bot_multiset = {#}" instance by standard (simp add: bot_multiset_def) end instance multiset :: (preorder) no_top proof standard fix x :: "'a multiset" obtain a :: 'a where True by simp have "x < x + (x + {#a#})" by simp then show "\y. x < y" by blast qed instance multiset :: (preorder) ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add by standard instantiation multiset :: (linorder) distrib_lattice begin definition inf_multiset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset" where "inf_multiset A B = (if A < B then A else B)" definition sup_multiset :: "'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset" where "sup_multiset A B = (if B > A then B else A)" instance by intro_classes (auto simp: inf_multiset_def sup_multiset_def) end end diff --git a/src/HOL/List.thy b/src/HOL/List.thy --- a/src/HOL/List.thy +++ b/src/HOL/List.thy @@ -1,8354 +1,8354 @@ (* Title: HOL/List.thy Author: Tobias Nipkow; proofs tidied by LCP *) section \The datatype of finite lists\ theory List imports Sledgehammer Lifting_Set begin datatype (set: 'a) list = Nil ("[]") | Cons (hd: 'a) (tl: "'a list") (infixr "#" 65) for map: map rel: list_all2 pred: list_all where "tl [] = []" datatype_compat list lemma [case_names Nil Cons, cases type: list]: \ \for backward compatibility -- names of variables differ\ "(y = [] \ P) \ (\a list. y = a # list \ P) \ P" by (rule list.exhaust) lemma [case_names Nil Cons, induct type: list]: \ \for backward compatibility -- names of variables differ\ "P [] \ (\a list. P list \ P (a # list)) \ P list" by (rule list.induct) text \Compatibility:\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "list"\ lemmas inducts = list.induct lemmas recs = list.rec lemmas cases = list.case setup \Sign.parent_path\ lemmas set_simps = list.set (* legacy *) syntax \ \list Enumeration\ "_list" :: "args => 'a list" ("[(_)]") translations "[x, xs]" == "x#[xs]" "[x]" == "x#[]" subsection \Basic list processing functions\ primrec (nonexhaustive) last :: "'a list \ 'a" where "last (x # xs) = (if xs = [] then x else last xs)" primrec butlast :: "'a list \ 'a list" where "butlast [] = []" | "butlast (x # xs) = (if xs = [] then [] else x # butlast xs)" lemma set_rec: "set xs = rec_list {} (\x _. insert x) xs" by (induct xs) auto definition coset :: "'a list \ 'a set" where [simp]: "coset xs = - set xs" primrec append :: "'a list \ 'a list \ 'a list" (infixr "@" 65) where append_Nil: "[] @ ys = ys" | append_Cons: "(x#xs) @ ys = x # xs @ ys" primrec rev :: "'a list \ 'a list" where "rev [] = []" | "rev (x # xs) = rev xs @ [x]" primrec filter:: "('a \ bool) \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "filter P [] = []" | "filter P (x # xs) = (if P x then x # filter P xs else filter P xs)" text \Special input syntax for filter:\ syntax (ASCII) "_filter" :: "[pttrn, 'a list, bool] => 'a list" ("(1[_<-_./ _])") syntax "_filter" :: "[pttrn, 'a list, bool] => 'a list" ("(1[_\_ ./ _])") translations "[x<-xs . P]" \ "CONST filter (\x. P) xs" primrec fold :: "('a \ 'b \ 'b) \ 'a list \ 'b \ 'b" where fold_Nil: "fold f [] = id" | fold_Cons: "fold f (x # xs) = fold f xs \ f x" primrec foldr :: "('a \ 'b \ 'b) \ 'a list \ 'b \ 'b" where foldr_Nil: "foldr f [] = id" | foldr_Cons: "foldr f (x # xs) = f x \ foldr f xs" primrec foldl :: "('b \ 'a \ 'b) \ 'b \ 'a list \ 'b" where foldl_Nil: "foldl f a [] = a" | foldl_Cons: "foldl f a (x # xs) = foldl f (f a x) xs" primrec concat:: "'a list list \ 'a list" where "concat [] = []" | "concat (x # xs) = x @ concat xs" primrec drop:: "nat \ 'a list \ 'a list" where drop_Nil: "drop n [] = []" | drop_Cons: "drop n (x # xs) = (case n of 0 \ x # xs | Suc m \ drop m xs)" \ \Warning: simpset does not contain this definition, but separate theorems for \n = 0\ and \n = Suc k\\ primrec take:: "nat \ 'a list \ 'a list" where take_Nil:"take n [] = []" | take_Cons: "take n (x # xs) = (case n of 0 \ [] | Suc m \ x # take m xs)" \ \Warning: simpset does not contain this definition, but separate theorems for \n = 0\ and \n = Suc k\\ primrec (nonexhaustive) nth :: "'a list => nat => 'a" (infixl "!" 100) where nth_Cons: "(x # xs) ! n = (case n of 0 \ x | Suc k \ xs ! k)" \ \Warning: simpset does not contain this definition, but separate theorems for \n = 0\ and \n = Suc k\\ primrec list_update :: "'a list \ nat \ 'a \ 'a list" where "list_update [] i v = []" | "list_update (x # xs) i v = (case i of 0 \ v # xs | Suc j \ x # list_update xs j v)" nonterminal lupdbinds and lupdbind syntax "_lupdbind":: "['a, 'a] => lupdbind" ("(2_ :=/ _)") "" :: "lupdbind => lupdbinds" ("_") "_lupdbinds" :: "[lupdbind, lupdbinds] => lupdbinds" ("_,/ _") "_LUpdate" :: "['a, lupdbinds] => 'a" ("_/[(_)]" [1000,0] 900) translations "_LUpdate xs (_lupdbinds b bs)" == "_LUpdate (_LUpdate xs b) bs" "xs[i:=x]" == "CONST list_update xs i x" primrec takeWhile :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "takeWhile P [] = []" | "takeWhile P (x # xs) = (if P x then x # takeWhile P xs else [])" primrec dropWhile :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "dropWhile P [] = []" | "dropWhile P (x # xs) = (if P x then dropWhile P xs else x # xs)" primrec zip :: "'a list \ 'b list \ ('a \ 'b) list" where "zip xs [] = []" | zip_Cons: "zip xs (y # ys) = (case xs of [] \ [] | z # zs \ (z, y) # zip zs ys)" \ \Warning: simpset does not contain this definition, but separate theorems for \xs = []\ and \xs = z # zs\\ abbreviation map2 :: "('a \ 'b \ 'c) \ 'a list \ 'b list \ 'c list" where "map2 f xs ys \ map (\(x,y). f x y) (zip xs ys)" primrec product :: "'a list \ 'b list \ ('a \ 'b) list" where "product [] _ = []" | "product (x#xs) ys = map (Pair x) ys @ product xs ys" hide_const (open) product primrec product_lists :: "'a list list \ 'a list list" where "product_lists [] = [[]]" | "product_lists (xs # xss) = concat (map (\x. map (Cons x) (product_lists xss)) xs)" primrec upt :: "nat \ nat \ nat list" ("(1[_.. j then [i.. 'a list \ 'a list" where "insert x xs = (if x \ set xs then xs else x # xs)" definition union :: "'a list \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "union = fold insert" hide_const (open) insert union hide_fact (open) insert_def union_def primrec find :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a list \ 'a option" where "find _ [] = None" | "find P (x#xs) = (if P x then Some x else find P xs)" text \In the context of multisets, \count_list\ is equivalent to \<^term>\count \ mset\ and it it advisable to use the latter.\ primrec count_list :: "'a list \ 'a \ nat" where "count_list [] y = 0" | "count_list (x#xs) y = (if x=y then count_list xs y + 1 else count_list xs y)" definition "extract" :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a list \ ('a list * 'a * 'a list) option" where "extract P xs = (case dropWhile (Not \ P) xs of [] \ None | y#ys \ Some(takeWhile (Not \ P) xs, y, ys))" hide_const (open) "extract" primrec those :: "'a option list \ 'a list option" where "those [] = Some []" | "those (x # xs) = (case x of None \ None | Some y \ map_option (Cons y) (those xs))" primrec remove1 :: "'a \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "remove1 x [] = []" | "remove1 x (y # xs) = (if x = y then xs else y # remove1 x xs)" primrec removeAll :: "'a \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "removeAll x [] = []" | "removeAll x (y # xs) = (if x = y then removeAll x xs else y # removeAll x xs)" primrec distinct :: "'a list \ bool" where "distinct [] \ True" | "distinct (x # xs) \ x \ set xs \ distinct xs" fun successively :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a list \ bool" where "successively P [] = True" | "successively P [x] = True" | "successively P (x # y # xs) = (P x y \ successively P (y#xs))" definition distinct_adj where "distinct_adj = successively (\)" primrec remdups :: "'a list \ 'a list" where "remdups [] = []" | "remdups (x # xs) = (if x \ set xs then remdups xs else x # remdups xs)" fun remdups_adj :: "'a list \ 'a list" where "remdups_adj [] = []" | "remdups_adj [x] = [x]" | "remdups_adj (x # y # xs) = (if x = y then remdups_adj (x # xs) else x # remdups_adj (y # xs))" primrec replicate :: "nat \ 'a \ 'a list" where replicate_0: "replicate 0 x = []" | replicate_Suc: "replicate (Suc n) x = x # replicate n x" text \ Function \size\ is overloaded for all datatypes. Users may refer to the list version as \length\.\ abbreviation length :: "'a list \ nat" where "length \ size" definition enumerate :: "nat \ 'a list \ (nat \ 'a) list" where enumerate_eq_zip: "enumerate n xs = zip [n.. 'a list" where "rotate1 [] = []" | "rotate1 (x # xs) = xs @ [x]" definition rotate :: "nat \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "rotate n = rotate1 ^^ n" definition nths :: "'a list => nat set => 'a list" where "nths xs A = map fst (filter (\p. snd p \ A) (zip xs [0.. 'a list list" where "subseqs [] = [[]]" | "subseqs (x#xs) = (let xss = subseqs xs in map (Cons x) xss @ xss)" primrec n_lists :: "nat \ 'a list \ 'a list list" where "n_lists 0 xs = [[]]" | "n_lists (Suc n) xs = concat (map (\ys. map (\y. y # ys) xs) (n_lists n xs))" hide_const (open) n_lists function splice :: "'a list \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "splice [] ys = ys" | "splice (x#xs) ys = x # splice ys xs" by pat_completeness auto termination by(relation "measure(\(xs,ys). size xs + size ys)") auto function shuffles where "shuffles [] ys = {ys}" | "shuffles xs [] = {xs}" | "shuffles (x # xs) (y # ys) = (#) x ` shuffles xs (y # ys) \ (#) y ` shuffles (x # xs) ys" by pat_completeness simp_all termination by lexicographic_order text\Use only if you cannot use \<^const>\Min\ instead:\ fun min_list :: "'a::ord list \ 'a" where "min_list (x # xs) = (case xs of [] \ x | _ \ min x (min_list xs))" text\Returns first minimum:\ fun arg_min_list :: "('a \ ('b::linorder)) \ 'a list \ 'a" where "arg_min_list f [x] = x" | "arg_min_list f (x#y#zs) = (let m = arg_min_list f (y#zs) in if f x \ f m then x else m)" text\ \begin{figure}[htbp] \fbox{ \begin{tabular}{l} @{lemma "[a,b]@[c,d] = [a,b,c,d]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "length [a,b,c] = 3" by simp}\\ @{lemma "set [a,b,c] = {a,b,c}" by simp}\\ @{lemma "map f [a,b,c] = [f a, f b, f c]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "rev [a,b,c] = [c,b,a]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "hd [a,b,c,d] = a" by simp}\\ @{lemma "tl [a,b,c,d] = [b,c,d]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "last [a,b,c,d] = d" by simp}\\ @{lemma "butlast [a,b,c,d] = [a,b,c]" by simp}\\ @{lemma[source] "filter (\n::nat. n<2) [0,2,1] = [0,1]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "concat [[a,b],[c,d,e],[],[f]] = [a,b,c,d,e,f]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "fold f [a,b,c] x = f c (f b (f a x))" by simp}\\ @{lemma "foldr f [a,b,c] x = f a (f b (f c x))" by simp}\\ @{lemma "foldl f x [a,b,c] = f (f (f x a) b) c" by simp}\\ @{lemma "successively (\) [True,False,True,False]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "zip [a,b,c] [x,y,z] = [(a,x),(b,y),(c,z)]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "zip [a,b] [x,y,z] = [(a,x),(b,y)]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "enumerate 3 [a,b,c] = [(3,a),(4,b),(5,c)]" by normalization}\\ @{lemma "List.product [a,b] [c,d] = [(a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d)]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "product_lists [[a,b], [c], [d,e]] = [[a,c,d], [a,c,e], [b,c,d], [b,c,e]]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "splice [a,b,c] [x,y,z] = [a,x,b,y,c,z]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "splice [a,b,c,d] [x,y] = [a,x,b,y,c,d]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "shuffles [a,b] [c,d] = {[a,b,c,d],[a,c,b,d],[a,c,d,b],[c,a,b,d],[c,a,d,b],[c,d,a,b]}" by (simp add: insert_commute)}\\ @{lemma "take 2 [a,b,c,d] = [a,b]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "take 6 [a,b,c,d] = [a,b,c,d]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "drop 2 [a,b,c,d] = [c,d]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "drop 6 [a,b,c,d] = []" by simp}\\ @{lemma "takeWhile (%n::nat. n<3) [1,2,3,0] = [1,2]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "dropWhile (%n::nat. n<3) [1,2,3,0] = [3,0]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "distinct [2,0,1::nat]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "remdups [2,0,2,1::nat,2] = [0,1,2]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "remdups_adj [2,2,3,1,1::nat,2,1] = [2,3,1,2,1]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "List.insert 2 [0::nat,1,2] = [0,1,2]" by (simp add: List.insert_def)}\\ @{lemma "List.insert 3 [0::nat,1,2] = [3,0,1,2]" by (simp add: List.insert_def)}\\ @{lemma "List.union [2,3,4] [0::int,1,2] = [4,3,0,1,2]" by (simp add: List.insert_def List.union_def)}\\ @{lemma "List.find (%i::int. i>0) [0,0] = None" by simp}\\ @{lemma "List.find (%i::int. i>0) [0,1,0,2] = Some 1" by simp}\\ @{lemma "count_list [0,1,0,2::int] 0 = 2" by (simp)}\\ @{lemma "List.extract (%i::int. i>0) [0,0] = None" by(simp add: extract_def)}\\ @{lemma "List.extract (%i::int. i>0) [0,1,0,2] = Some([0], 1, [0,2])" by(simp add: extract_def)}\\ @{lemma "remove1 2 [2,0,2,1::nat,2] = [0,2,1,2]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "removeAll 2 [2,0,2,1::nat,2] = [0,1]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "nth [a,b,c,d] 2 = c" by simp}\\ @{lemma "[a,b,c,d][2 := x] = [a,b,x,d]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "nths [a,b,c,d,e] {0,2,3} = [a,c,d]" by (simp add:nths_def)}\\ @{lemma "subseqs [a,b] = [[a, b], [a], [b], []]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "List.n_lists 2 [a,b,c] = [[a, a], [b, a], [c, a], [a, b], [b, b], [c, b], [a, c], [b, c], [c, c]]" by (simp add: eval_nat_numeral)}\\ @{lemma "rotate1 [a,b,c,d] = [b,c,d,a]" by simp}\\ @{lemma "rotate 3 [a,b,c,d] = [d,a,b,c]" by (simp add:rotate_def eval_nat_numeral)}\\ @{lemma "replicate 4 a = [a,a,a,a]" by (simp add:eval_nat_numeral)}\\ @{lemma "[2..<5] = [2,3,4]" by (simp add:eval_nat_numeral)}\\ @{lemma "min_list [3,1,-2::int] = -2" by (simp)}\\ @{lemma "arg_min_list (\i. i*i) [3,-1,1,-2::int] = -1" by (simp)} \end{tabular}} \caption{Characteristic examples} \label{fig:Characteristic} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:Characteristic} shows characteristic examples that should give an intuitive understanding of the above functions. \ text\The following simple sort(ed) functions are intended for proofs, not for efficient implementations.\ text \A sorted predicate w.r.t. a relation:\ fun sorted_wrt :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a list \ bool" where "sorted_wrt P [] = True" | "sorted_wrt P (x # ys) = ((\y \ set ys. P x y) \ sorted_wrt P ys)" text \A class-based sorted predicate:\ context linorder begin abbreviation sorted :: "'a list \ bool" where "sorted \ sorted_wrt (\)" lemma sorted_simps: "sorted [] = True" "sorted (x # ys) = ((\y \ set ys. x\y) \ sorted ys)" by auto lemma strict_sorted_simps: "sorted_wrt (<) [] = True" "sorted_wrt (<) (x # ys) = ((\y \ set ys. x sorted_wrt (<) ys)" by auto primrec insort_key :: "('b \ 'a) \ 'b \ 'b list \ 'b list" where "insort_key f x [] = [x]" | "insort_key f x (y#ys) = (if f x \ f y then (x#y#ys) else y#(insort_key f x ys))" definition sort_key :: "('b \ 'a) \ 'b list \ 'b list" where "sort_key f xs = foldr (insort_key f) xs []" definition insort_insert_key :: "('b \ 'a) \ 'b \ 'b list \ 'b list" where "insort_insert_key f x xs = (if f x \ f ` set xs then xs else insort_key f x xs)" abbreviation "sort \ sort_key (\x. x)" abbreviation "insort \ insort_key (\x. x)" abbreviation "insort_insert \ insort_insert_key (\x. x)" definition stable_sort_key :: "(('b \ 'a) \ 'b list \ 'b list) \ bool" where "stable_sort_key sk = (\f xs k. filter (\y. f y = k) (sk f xs) = filter (\y. f y = k) xs)" lemma strict_sorted_iff: "sorted_wrt (<) l \ sorted l \ distinct l" by (induction l) (auto iff: antisym_conv1) lemma strict_sorted_imp_sorted: "sorted_wrt (<) xs \ sorted xs" by (auto simp: strict_sorted_iff) end subsubsection \List comprehension\ text\Input syntax for Haskell-like list comprehension notation. Typical example: \[(x,y). x \ xs, y \ ys, x \ y]\, the list of all pairs of distinct elements from \xs\ and \ys\. The syntax is as in Haskell, except that \|\ becomes a dot (like in Isabelle's set comprehension): \[e. x \ xs, \]\ rather than \verb![e| x <- xs, ...]!. The qualifiers after the dot are \begin{description} \item[generators] \p \ xs\, where \p\ is a pattern and \xs\ an expression of list type, or \item[guards] \b\, where \b\ is a boolean expression. %\item[local bindings] @ {text"let x = e"}. \end{description} Just like in Haskell, list comprehension is just a shorthand. To avoid misunderstandings, the translation into desugared form is not reversed upon output. Note that the translation of \[e. x \ xs]\ is optmized to \<^term>\map (%x. e) xs\. It is easy to write short list comprehensions which stand for complex expressions. During proofs, they may become unreadable (and mangled). In such cases it can be advisable to introduce separate definitions for the list comprehensions in question.\ nonterminal lc_qual and lc_quals syntax "_listcompr" :: "'a \ lc_qual \ lc_quals \ 'a list" ("[_ . __") "_lc_gen" :: "'a \ 'a list \ lc_qual" ("_ \ _") "_lc_test" :: "bool \ lc_qual" ("_") (*"_lc_let" :: "letbinds => lc_qual" ("let _")*) "_lc_end" :: "lc_quals" ("]") "_lc_quals" :: "lc_qual \ lc_quals \ lc_quals" (", __") syntax (ASCII) "_lc_gen" :: "'a \ 'a list \ lc_qual" ("_ <- _") parse_translation \ let val NilC = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\Nil\; val ConsC = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\Cons\; val mapC = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\map\; val concatC = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\concat\; val IfC = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\If\; val dummyC = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\Pure.dummy_pattern\ fun single x = ConsC $ x $ NilC; fun pat_tr ctxt p e opti = (* %x. case x of p => e | _ => [] *) let (* FIXME proper name context!? *) val x = Free (singleton (Name.variant_list (fold Term.add_free_names [p, e] [])) "x", dummyT); val e = if opti then single e else e; val case1 = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_case1\ $ p $ e; val case2 = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_case1\ $ dummyC $ NilC; val cs = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_case2\ $ case1 $ case2; in Syntax_Trans.abs_tr [x, Case_Translation.case_tr false ctxt [x, cs]] end; fun pair_pat_tr (x as Free _) e = Syntax_Trans.abs_tr [x, e] | pair_pat_tr (_ $ p1 $ p2) e = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\case_prod\ $ pair_pat_tr p1 (pair_pat_tr p2 e) | pair_pat_tr dummy e = Syntax_Trans.abs_tr [Syntax.const "_idtdummy", e] fun pair_pat ctxt (Const (\<^const_syntax>\Pair\,_) $ s $ t) = pair_pat ctxt s andalso pair_pat ctxt t | pair_pat ctxt (Free (s,_)) = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt; val s' = Proof_Context.intern_const ctxt s; in not (Sign.declared_const thy s') end | pair_pat _ t = (t = dummyC); fun abs_tr ctxt p e opti = let val p = Term_Position.strip_positions p in if pair_pat ctxt p then (pair_pat_tr p e, true) else (pat_tr ctxt p e opti, false) end fun lc_tr ctxt [e, Const (\<^syntax_const>\_lc_test\, _) $ b, qs] = let val res = (case qs of Const (\<^syntax_const>\_lc_end\, _) => single e | Const (\<^syntax_const>\_lc_quals\, _) $ q $ qs => lc_tr ctxt [e, q, qs]); in IfC $ b $ res $ NilC end | lc_tr ctxt [e, Const (\<^syntax_const>\_lc_gen\, _) $ p $ es, Const(\<^syntax_const>\_lc_end\, _)] = (case abs_tr ctxt p e true of (f, true) => mapC $ f $ es | (f, false) => concatC $ (mapC $ f $ es)) | lc_tr ctxt [e, Const (\<^syntax_const>\_lc_gen\, _) $ p $ es, Const (\<^syntax_const>\_lc_quals\, _) $ q $ qs] = let val e' = lc_tr ctxt [e, q, qs]; in concatC $ (mapC $ (fst (abs_tr ctxt p e' false)) $ es) end; in [(\<^syntax_const>\_listcompr\, lc_tr)] end \ ML_val \ let val read = Syntax.read_term \<^context> o Syntax.implode_input; fun check s1 s2 = read s1 aconv read s2 orelse error ("Check failed: " ^ quote (#1 (Input.source_content s1)) ^ Position.here_list [Input.pos_of s1, Input.pos_of s2]); in check \[(x,y,z). b]\ \if b then [(x, y, z)] else []\; check \[(x,y,z). (x,_,y)\xs]\ \map (\(x,_,y). (x, y, z)) xs\; check \[e x y. (x,_)\xs, y\ys]\ \concat (map (\(x,_). map (\y. e x y) ys) xs)\; check \[(x,y,z). xb]\ \if x < a then if b < x then [(x, y, z)] else [] else []\; check \[(x,y,z). x\xs, x>b]\ \concat (map (\x. if b < x then [(x, y, z)] else []) xs)\; check \[(x,y,z). xxs]\ \if x < a then map (\x. (x, y, z)) xs else []\; check \[(x,y). Cons True x \ xs]\ \concat (map (\xa. case xa of [] \ [] | True # x \ [(x, y)] | False # x \ []) xs)\; check \[(x,y,z). Cons x [] \ xs]\ \concat (map (\xa. case xa of [] \ [] | [x] \ [(x, y, z)] | x # aa # lista \ []) xs)\; check \[(x,y,z). xb, x=d]\ \if x < a then if b < x then if x = d then [(x, y, z)] else [] else [] else []\; check \[(x,y,z). xb, y\ys]\ \if x < a then if b < x then map (\y. (x, y, z)) ys else [] else []\; check \[(x,y,z). xxs,y>b]\ \if x < a then concat (map (\(_,x). if b < y then [(x, y, z)] else []) xs) else []\; check \[(x,y,z). xxs, y\ys]\ \if x < a then concat (map (\x. map (\y. (x, y, z)) ys) xs) else []\; check \[(x,y,z). x\xs, x>b, y \concat (map (\x. if b < x then if y < a then [(x, y, z)] else [] else []) xs)\; check \[(x,y,z). x\xs, x>b, y\ys]\ \concat (map (\x. if b < x then map (\y. (x, y, z)) ys else []) xs)\; check \[(x,y,z). x\xs, (y,_)\ys,y>x]\ \concat (map (\x. concat (map (\(y,_). if x < y then [(x, y, z)] else []) ys)) xs)\; check \[(x,y,z). x\xs, y\ys,z\zs]\ \concat (map (\x. concat (map (\y. map (\z. (x, y, z)) zs) ys)) xs)\ end; \ ML \ (* Simproc for rewriting list comprehensions applied to List.set to set comprehension. *) signature LIST_TO_SET_COMPREHENSION = sig val simproc : Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option end structure List_to_Set_Comprehension : LIST_TO_SET_COMPREHENSION = struct (* conversion *) fun all_exists_conv cv ctxt ct = (case Thm.term_of ct of Const (\<^const_name>\Ex\, _) $ Abs _ => Conv.arg_conv (Conv.abs_conv (all_exists_conv cv o #2) ctxt) ct | _ => cv ctxt ct) fun all_but_last_exists_conv cv ctxt ct = (case Thm.term_of ct of Const (\<^const_name>\Ex\, _) $ Abs (_, _, Const (\<^const_name>\Ex\, _) $ _) => Conv.arg_conv (Conv.abs_conv (all_but_last_exists_conv cv o #2) ctxt) ct | _ => cv ctxt ct) fun Collect_conv cv ctxt ct = (case Thm.term_of ct of Const (\<^const_name>\Collect\, _) $ Abs _ => Conv.arg_conv (Conv.abs_conv cv ctxt) ct | _ => raise CTERM ("Collect_conv", [ct])) fun rewr_conv' th = Conv.rewr_conv (mk_meta_eq th) fun conjunct_assoc_conv ct = Conv.try_conv (rewr_conv' @{thm conj_assoc} then_conv HOLogic.conj_conv Conv.all_conv conjunct_assoc_conv) ct fun right_hand_set_comprehension_conv conv ctxt = HOLogic.Trueprop_conv (HOLogic.eq_conv Conv.all_conv (Collect_conv (all_exists_conv conv o #2) ctxt)) (* term abstraction of list comprehension patterns *) datatype termlets = If | Case of typ * int local val set_Nil_I = @{lemma "set [] = {x. False}" by (simp add: empty_def [symmetric])} val set_singleton = @{lemma "set [a] = {x. x = a}" by simp} val inst_Collect_mem_eq = @{lemma "set A = {x. x \ set A}" by simp} val del_refl_eq = @{lemma "(t = t \ P) \ P" by simp} fun mk_set T = Const (\<^const_name>\set\, HOLogic.listT T --> HOLogic.mk_setT T) fun dest_set (Const (\<^const_name>\set\, _) $ xs) = xs fun dest_singleton_list (Const (\<^const_name>\Cons\, _) $ t $ (Const (\<^const_name>\Nil\, _))) = t | dest_singleton_list t = raise TERM ("dest_singleton_list", [t]) (*We check that one case returns a singleton list and all other cases return [], and return the index of the one singleton list case.*) fun possible_index_of_singleton_case cases = let fun check (i, case_t) s = (case strip_abs_body case_t of (Const (\<^const_name>\Nil\, _)) => s | _ => (case s of SOME NONE => SOME (SOME i) | _ => NONE)) in fold_index check cases (SOME NONE) |> the_default NONE end (*returns condition continuing term option*) fun dest_if (Const (\<^const_name>\If\, _) $ cond $ then_t $ Const (\<^const_name>\Nil\, _)) = SOME (cond, then_t) | dest_if _ = NONE (*returns (case_expr type index chosen_case constr_name) option*) fun dest_case ctxt case_term = let val (case_const, args) = strip_comb case_term in (case try dest_Const case_const of SOME (c, T) => (case Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar_of_case ctxt c of SOME {ctrs, ...} => (case possible_index_of_singleton_case (fst (split_last args)) of SOME i => let val constr_names = map (fst o dest_Const) ctrs val (Ts, _) = strip_type T val T' = List.last Ts in SOME (List.last args, T', i, nth args i, nth constr_names i) end | NONE => NONE) | NONE => NONE) | NONE => NONE) end fun tac ctxt [] = resolve_tac ctxt [set_singleton] 1 ORELSE resolve_tac ctxt [inst_Collect_mem_eq] 1 | tac ctxt (If :: cont) = Splitter.split_tac ctxt @{thms if_split} 1 THEN resolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjI} 1 THEN resolve_tac ctxt @{thms impI} 1 THEN Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, context = ctxt', ...} => CONVERSION (right_hand_set_comprehension_conv (K (HOLogic.conj_conv (Conv.rewr_conv (List.last prems RS @{thm Eq_TrueI})) Conv.all_conv then_conv rewr_conv' @{lemma "(True \ P) = P" by simp})) ctxt') 1) ctxt 1 THEN tac ctxt cont THEN resolve_tac ctxt @{thms impI} 1 THEN Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, context = ctxt', ...} => CONVERSION (right_hand_set_comprehension_conv (K (HOLogic.conj_conv (Conv.rewr_conv (List.last prems RS @{thm Eq_FalseI})) Conv.all_conv then_conv rewr_conv' @{lemma "(False \ P) = False" by simp})) ctxt') 1) ctxt 1 THEN resolve_tac ctxt [set_Nil_I] 1 | tac ctxt (Case (T, i) :: cont) = let val SOME {injects, distincts, case_thms, split, ...} = Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar_of ctxt (fst (dest_Type T)) in (* do case distinction *) Splitter.split_tac ctxt [split] 1 THEN EVERY (map_index (fn (i', _) => (if i' < length case_thms - 1 then resolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjI} 1 else all_tac) THEN REPEAT_DETERM (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms allI} 1) THEN resolve_tac ctxt @{thms impI} 1 THEN (if i' = i then (* continue recursively *) Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, context = ctxt', ...} => CONVERSION (Thm.eta_conversion then_conv right_hand_set_comprehension_conv (K ((HOLogic.conj_conv (HOLogic.eq_conv Conv.all_conv (rewr_conv' (List.last prems)) then_conv (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewrs_conv (map mk_meta_eq injects)))) Conv.all_conv) then_conv (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv del_refl_eq)) then_conv conjunct_assoc_conv)) ctxt' then_conv (HOLogic.Trueprop_conv (HOLogic.eq_conv Conv.all_conv (Collect_conv (fn (_, ctxt'') => Conv.repeat_conv (all_but_last_exists_conv (K (rewr_conv' @{lemma "(\x. x = t \ P x) = P t" by simp})) ctxt'')) ctxt')))) 1) ctxt 1 THEN tac ctxt cont else Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, context = ctxt', ...} => CONVERSION (right_hand_set_comprehension_conv (K (HOLogic.conj_conv ((HOLogic.eq_conv Conv.all_conv (rewr_conv' (List.last prems))) then_conv (Conv.rewrs_conv (map (fn th => th RS @{thm Eq_FalseI}) distincts))) Conv.all_conv then_conv (rewr_conv' @{lemma "(False \ P) = False" by simp}))) ctxt' then_conv HOLogic.Trueprop_conv (HOLogic.eq_conv Conv.all_conv (Collect_conv (fn (_, ctxt'') => Conv.repeat_conv (Conv.bottom_conv (K (rewr_conv' @{lemma "(\x. P) = P" by simp})) ctxt'')) ctxt'))) 1) ctxt 1 THEN resolve_tac ctxt [set_Nil_I] 1)) case_thms) end in fun simproc ctxt redex = let fun make_inner_eqs bound_vs Tis eqs t = (case dest_case ctxt t of SOME (x, T, i, cont, constr_name) => let val (vs, body) = strip_abs (Envir.eta_long (map snd bound_vs) cont) val x' = incr_boundvars (length vs) x val eqs' = map (incr_boundvars (length vs)) eqs val constr_t = list_comb (Const (constr_name, map snd vs ---> T), map Bound (((length vs) - 1) downto 0)) val constr_eq = Const (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, T --> T --> \<^typ>\bool\) $ constr_t $ x' in make_inner_eqs (rev vs @ bound_vs) (Case (T, i) :: Tis) (constr_eq :: eqs') body end | NONE => (case dest_if t of SOME (condition, cont) => make_inner_eqs bound_vs (If :: Tis) (condition :: eqs) cont | NONE => if null eqs then NONE (*no rewriting, nothing to be done*) else let val Type (\<^type_name>\list\, [rT]) = fastype_of1 (map snd bound_vs, t) val pat_eq = (case try dest_singleton_list t of SOME t' => Const (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, rT --> rT --> \<^typ>\bool\) $ Bound (length bound_vs) $ t' | NONE => Const (\<^const_name>\Set.member\, rT --> HOLogic.mk_setT rT --> \<^typ>\bool\) $ Bound (length bound_vs) $ (mk_set rT $ t)) val reverse_bounds = curry subst_bounds ((map Bound ((length bound_vs - 1) downto 0)) @ [Bound (length bound_vs)]) val eqs' = map reverse_bounds eqs val pat_eq' = reverse_bounds pat_eq val inner_t = fold (fn (_, T) => fn t => HOLogic.exists_const T $ absdummy T t) (rev bound_vs) (fold (curry HOLogic.mk_conj) eqs' pat_eq') val lhs = Thm.term_of redex val rhs = HOLogic.mk_Collect ("x", rT, inner_t) val rewrite_rule_t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (lhs, rhs)) in SOME ((Goal.prove ctxt [] [] rewrite_rule_t (fn {context = ctxt', ...} => tac ctxt' (rev Tis))) RS @{thm eq_reflection}) end)) in make_inner_eqs [] [] [] (dest_set (Thm.term_of redex)) end end end \ simproc_setup list_to_set_comprehension ("set xs") = \K List_to_Set_Comprehension.simproc\ code_datatype set coset hide_const (open) coset subsubsection \\<^const>\Nil\ and \<^const>\Cons\\ lemma not_Cons_self [simp]: "xs \ x # xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma not_Cons_self2 [simp]: "x # xs \ xs" by (rule not_Cons_self [symmetric]) lemma neq_Nil_conv: "(xs \ []) = (\y ys. xs = y # ys)" by (induct xs) auto lemma tl_Nil: "tl xs = [] \ xs = [] \ (\x. xs = [x])" by (cases xs) auto lemmas Nil_tl = tl_Nil[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma length_induct: "(\xs. \ys. length ys < length xs \ P ys \ P xs) \ P xs" by (fact measure_induct) lemma induct_list012: "\P []; \x. P [x]; \x y zs. \ P zs; P (y # zs) \ \ P (x # y # zs)\ \ P xs" by induction_schema (pat_completeness, lexicographic_order) lemma list_nonempty_induct [consumes 1, case_names single cons]: "\ xs \ []; \x. P [x]; \x xs. xs \ [] \ P xs \ P (x # xs)\ \ P xs" by(induction xs rule: induct_list012) auto lemma inj_split_Cons: "inj_on (\(xs, n). n#xs) X" by (auto intro!: inj_onI) lemma inj_on_Cons1 [simp]: "inj_on ((#) x) A" by(simp add: inj_on_def) subsubsection \\<^const>\length\\ text \ Needs to come before \@\ because of theorem \append_eq_append_conv\. \ lemma length_append [simp]: "length (xs @ ys) = length xs + length ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_map [simp]: "length (map f xs) = length xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_rev [simp]: "length (rev xs) = length xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_tl [simp]: "length (tl xs) = length xs - 1" by (cases xs) auto lemma length_0_conv [iff]: "(length xs = 0) = (xs = [])" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_greater_0_conv [iff]: "(0 < length xs) = (xs \ [])" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_pos_if_in_set: "x \ set xs \ length xs > 0" by auto lemma length_Suc_conv: "(length xs = Suc n) = (\y ys. xs = y # ys \ length ys = n)" by (induct xs) auto lemmas Suc_length_conv = length_Suc_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma Suc_le_length_iff: "(Suc n \ length xs) = (\x ys. xs = x # ys \ n \ length ys)" by (metis Suc_le_D[of n] Suc_le_mono[of n] Suc_length_conv[of _ xs]) lemma impossible_Cons: "length xs \ length ys \ xs = x # ys = False" by (induct xs) auto lemma list_induct2 [consumes 1, case_names Nil Cons]: "length xs = length ys \ P [] [] \ (\x xs y ys. length xs = length ys \ P xs ys \ P (x#xs) (y#ys)) \ P xs ys" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case (Cons x xs ys) then show ?case by (cases ys) simp_all qed simp lemma list_induct3 [consumes 2, case_names Nil Cons]: "length xs = length ys \ length ys = length zs \ P [] [] [] \ (\x xs y ys z zs. length xs = length ys \ length ys = length zs \ P xs ys zs \ P (x#xs) (y#ys) (z#zs)) \ P xs ys zs" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys zs) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs ys zs) then show ?case by (cases ys, simp_all) (cases zs, simp_all) qed lemma list_induct4 [consumes 3, case_names Nil Cons]: "length xs = length ys \ length ys = length zs \ length zs = length ws \ P [] [] [] [] \ (\x xs y ys z zs w ws. length xs = length ys \ length ys = length zs \ length zs = length ws \ P xs ys zs ws \ P (x#xs) (y#ys) (z#zs) (w#ws)) \ P xs ys zs ws" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys zs ws) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs ys zs ws) then show ?case by ((cases ys, simp_all), (cases zs,simp_all)) (cases ws, simp_all) qed lemma list_induct2': "\ P [] []; \x xs. P (x#xs) []; \y ys. P [] (y#ys); \x xs y ys. P xs ys \ P (x#xs) (y#ys) \ \ P xs ys" by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (case_tac x, auto)+ lemma list_all2_iff: "list_all2 P xs ys \ length xs = length ys \ (\(x, y) \ set (zip xs ys). P x y)" by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') auto lemma neq_if_length_neq: "length xs \ length ys \ (xs = ys) == False" by (rule Eq_FalseI) auto subsubsection \\@\ -- append\ global_interpretation append: monoid append Nil proof fix xs ys zs :: "'a list" show "(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)" by (induct xs) simp_all show "xs @ [] = xs" by (induct xs) simp_all qed simp lemma append_assoc [simp]: "(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)" by (fact append.assoc) lemma append_Nil2: "xs @ [] = xs" by (fact append.right_neutral) lemma append_is_Nil_conv [iff]: "(xs @ ys = []) = (xs = [] \ ys = [])" by (induct xs) auto lemmas Nil_is_append_conv [iff] = append_is_Nil_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma append_self_conv [iff]: "(xs @ ys = xs) = (ys = [])" by (induct xs) auto lemmas self_append_conv [iff] = append_self_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma append_eq_append_conv [simp]: "length xs = length ys \ length us = length vs \ (xs@us = ys@vs) = (xs=ys \ us=vs)" by (induct xs arbitrary: ys; case_tac ys; force) lemma append_eq_append_conv2: "(xs @ ys = zs @ ts) = (\us. xs = zs @ us \ us @ ys = ts \ xs @ us = zs \ ys = us @ ts)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys zs ts) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case by (cases zs) auto qed fastforce lemma same_append_eq [iff, induct_simp]: "(xs @ ys = xs @ zs) = (ys = zs)" by simp lemma append1_eq_conv [iff]: "(xs @ [x] = ys @ [y]) = (xs = ys \ x = y)" by simp lemma append_same_eq [iff, induct_simp]: "(ys @ xs = zs @ xs) = (ys = zs)" by simp lemma append_self_conv2 [iff]: "(xs @ ys = ys) = (xs = [])" using append_same_eq [of _ _ "[]"] by auto lemmas self_append_conv2 [iff] = append_self_conv2[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma hd_Cons_tl: "xs \ [] \ hd xs # tl xs = xs" by (fact list.collapse) lemma hd_append: "hd (xs @ ys) = (if xs = [] then hd ys else hd xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma hd_append2 [simp]: "xs \ [] \ hd (xs @ ys) = hd xs" by (simp add: hd_append split: list.split) lemma tl_append: "tl (xs @ ys) = (case xs of [] \ tl ys | z#zs \ zs @ ys)" by (simp split: list.split) lemma tl_append2 [simp]: "xs \ [] \ tl (xs @ ys) = tl xs @ ys" by (simp add: tl_append split: list.split) lemma tl_append_if: "tl (xs @ ys) = (if xs = [] then tl ys else tl xs @ ys)" by (simp) lemma Cons_eq_append_conv: "x#xs = ys@zs = (ys = [] \ x#xs = zs \ (\ys'. x#ys' = ys \ xs = ys'@zs))" by(cases ys) auto lemma append_eq_Cons_conv: "(ys@zs = x#xs) = (ys = [] \ zs = x#xs \ (\ys'. ys = x#ys' \ ys'@zs = xs))" by(cases ys) auto lemma longest_common_prefix: "\ps xs' ys'. xs = ps @ xs' \ ys = ps @ ys' \ (xs' = [] \ ys' = [] \ hd xs' \ hd ys')" by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') (blast, blast, blast, metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil list.sel(1)) text \Trivial rules for solving \@\-equations automatically.\ lemma eq_Nil_appendI: "xs = ys \ xs = [] @ ys" by simp lemma Cons_eq_appendI: "\x # xs1 = ys; xs = xs1 @ zs\ \ x # xs = ys @ zs" by auto lemma append_eq_appendI: "\xs @ xs1 = zs; ys = xs1 @ us\ \ xs @ ys = zs @ us" by auto text \ Simplification procedure for all list equalities. Currently only tries to rearrange \@\ to see if - both lists end in a singleton list, - or both lists end in the same list. \ simproc_setup list_eq ("(xs::'a list) = ys") = \ let fun last (cons as Const (\<^const_name>\Cons\, _) $ _ $ xs) = (case xs of Const (\<^const_name>\Nil\, _) => cons | _ => last xs) | last (Const(\<^const_name>\append\,_) $ _ $ ys) = last ys | last t = t; fun list1 (Const(\<^const_name>\Cons\,_) $ _ $ Const(\<^const_name>\Nil\,_)) = true | list1 _ = false; fun butlast ((cons as Const(\<^const_name>\Cons\,_) $ x) $ xs) = (case xs of Const (\<^const_name>\Nil\, _) => xs | _ => cons $ butlast xs) | butlast ((app as Const (\<^const_name>\append\, _) $ xs) $ ys) = app $ butlast ys | butlast xs = Const(\<^const_name>\Nil\, fastype_of xs); val rearr_ss = simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps [@{thm append_assoc}, @{thm append_Nil}, @{thm append_Cons}]); fun list_eq ctxt (F as (eq as Const(_,eqT)) $ lhs $ rhs) = let val lastl = last lhs and lastr = last rhs; fun rearr conv = let val lhs1 = butlast lhs and rhs1 = butlast rhs; val Type(_,listT::_) = eqT val appT = [listT,listT] ---> listT val app = Const(\<^const_name>\append\,appT) val F2 = eq $ (app$lhs1$lastl) $ (app$rhs1$lastr) val eq = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (F,F2)); val thm = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] eq (K (simp_tac (put_simpset rearr_ss ctxt) 1)); in SOME ((conv RS (thm RS trans)) RS eq_reflection) end; in if list1 lastl andalso list1 lastr then rearr @{thm append1_eq_conv} else if lastl aconv lastr then rearr @{thm append_same_eq} else NONE end; - in fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct => list_eq ctxt (Thm.term_of ct) end + in K (fn ctxt => fn ct => list_eq ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)) end \ subsubsection \\<^const>\map\\ lemma hd_map: "xs \ [] \ hd (map f xs) = f (hd xs)" by (cases xs) simp_all lemma map_tl: "map f (tl xs) = tl (map f xs)" by (cases xs) simp_all lemma map_ext: "(\x. x \ set xs \ f x = g x) \ map f xs = map g xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma map_ident [simp]: "map (\x. x) = (\xs. xs)" by (rule ext, induct_tac xs) auto lemma map_append [simp]: "map f (xs @ ys) = map f xs @ map f ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma map_map [simp]: "map f (map g xs) = map (f \ g) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma map_comp_map[simp]: "((map f) \ (map g)) = map(f \ g)" by (rule ext) simp lemma rev_map: "rev (map f xs) = map f (rev xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma map_eq_conv[simp]: "(map f xs = map g xs) = (\x \ set xs. f x = g x)" by (induct xs) auto lemma map_cong [fundef_cong]: "xs = ys \ (\x. x \ set ys \ f x = g x) \ map f xs = map g ys" by simp lemma map_is_Nil_conv [iff]: "(map f xs = []) = (xs = [])" by (rule list.map_disc_iff) lemmas Nil_is_map_conv [iff] = map_is_Nil_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma map_eq_Cons_conv: "(map f xs = y#ys) = (\z zs. xs = z#zs \ f z = y \ map f zs = ys)" by (cases xs) auto lemma Cons_eq_map_conv: "(x#xs = map f ys) = (\z zs. ys = z#zs \ x = f z \ xs = map f zs)" by (cases ys) auto lemmas map_eq_Cons_D = map_eq_Cons_conv [THEN iffD1] lemmas Cons_eq_map_D = Cons_eq_map_conv [THEN iffD1] declare map_eq_Cons_D [dest!] Cons_eq_map_D [dest!] lemma ex_map_conv: "(\xs. ys = map f xs) = (\y \ set ys. \x. y = f x)" by(induct ys, auto simp add: Cons_eq_map_conv) lemma map_eq_imp_length_eq: assumes "map f xs = map g ys" shows "length xs = length ys" using assms proof (induct ys arbitrary: xs) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons y ys) then obtain z zs where xs: "xs = z # zs" by auto from Cons xs have "map f zs = map g ys" by simp with Cons have "length zs = length ys" by blast with xs show ?case by simp qed lemma map_inj_on: assumes map: "map f xs = map f ys" and inj: "inj_on f (set xs Un set ys)" shows "xs = ys" using map_eq_imp_length_eq [OF map] assms proof (induct rule: list_induct2) case (Cons x xs y ys) then show ?case by (auto intro: sym) qed auto lemma inj_on_map_eq_map: "inj_on f (set xs Un set ys) \ (map f xs = map f ys) = (xs = ys)" by(blast dest:map_inj_on) lemma map_injective: "map f xs = map f ys \ inj f \ xs = ys" by (induct ys arbitrary: xs) (auto dest!:injD) lemma inj_map_eq_map[simp]: "inj f \ (map f xs = map f ys) = (xs = ys)" by(blast dest:map_injective) lemma inj_mapI: "inj f \ inj (map f)" by (iprover dest: map_injective injD intro: inj_onI) lemma inj_mapD: "inj (map f) \ inj f" by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) injI list.inject list.simps(9) the_inv_f_f) lemma inj_map[iff]: "inj (map f) = inj f" by (blast dest: inj_mapD intro: inj_mapI) lemma inj_on_mapI: "inj_on f (\(set ` A)) \ inj_on (map f) A" by (blast intro:inj_onI dest:inj_onD map_inj_on) lemma map_idI: "(\x. x \ set xs \ f x = x) \ map f xs = xs" by (induct xs, auto) lemma map_fun_upd [simp]: "y \ set xs \ map (f(y:=v)) xs = map f xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma map_fst_zip[simp]: "length xs = length ys \ map fst (zip xs ys) = xs" by (induct rule:list_induct2, simp_all) lemma map_snd_zip[simp]: "length xs = length ys \ map snd (zip xs ys) = ys" by (induct rule:list_induct2, simp_all) lemma map_fst_zip_take: "map fst (zip xs ys) = take (min (length xs) (length ys)) xs" by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') simp_all lemma map_snd_zip_take: "map snd (zip xs ys) = take (min (length xs) (length ys)) ys" by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') simp_all lemma map2_map_map: "map2 h (map f xs) (map g xs) = map (\x. h (f x) (g x)) xs" by (induction xs) (auto) functor map: map by (simp_all add: id_def) declare map.id [simp] subsubsection \\<^const>\rev\\ lemma rev_append [simp]: "rev (xs @ ys) = rev ys @ rev xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma rev_rev_ident [simp]: "rev (rev xs) = xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma rev_swap: "(rev xs = ys) = (xs = rev ys)" by auto lemma rev_is_Nil_conv [iff]: "(rev xs = []) = (xs = [])" by (induct xs) auto lemmas Nil_is_rev_conv [iff] = rev_is_Nil_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma rev_singleton_conv [simp]: "(rev xs = [x]) = (xs = [x])" by (cases xs) auto lemma singleton_rev_conv [simp]: "([x] = rev xs) = ([x] = xs)" by (cases xs) auto lemma rev_is_rev_conv [iff]: "(rev xs = rev ys) = (xs = ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by force next case Cons then show ?case by (cases ys) auto qed lemma inj_on_rev[iff]: "inj_on rev A" by(simp add:inj_on_def) lemma rev_induct [case_names Nil snoc]: assumes "P []" and "\x xs. P xs \ P (xs @ [x])" shows "P xs" proof - have "P (rev (rev xs))" by (rule_tac list = "rev xs" in list.induct, simp_all add: assms) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma rev_exhaust [case_names Nil snoc]: "(xs = [] \ P) \(\ys y. xs = ys @ [y] \ P) \ P" by (induct xs rule: rev_induct) auto lemmas rev_cases = rev_exhaust lemma rev_nonempty_induct [consumes 1, case_names single snoc]: assumes "xs \ []" and single: "\x. P [x]" and snoc': "\x xs. xs \ [] \ P xs \ P (xs@[x])" shows "P xs" using \xs \ []\ proof (induct xs rule: rev_induct) case (snoc x xs) then show ?case proof (cases xs) case Nil thus ?thesis by (simp add: single) next case Cons with snoc show ?thesis by (fastforce intro!: snoc') qed qed simp lemma rev_eq_Cons_iff[iff]: "(rev xs = y#ys) = (xs = rev ys @ [y])" by(rule rev_cases[of xs]) auto lemma length_Suc_conv_rev: "(length xs = Suc n) = (\y ys. xs = ys @ [y] \ length ys = n)" by (induct xs rule: rev_induct) auto subsubsection \\<^const>\set\\ declare list.set[code_post] \ \pretty output\ lemma finite_set [iff]: "finite (set xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_append [simp]: "set (xs @ ys) = (set xs \ set ys)" by (induct xs) auto lemma hd_in_set[simp]: "xs \ [] \ hd xs \ set xs" by(cases xs) auto lemma set_subset_Cons: "set xs \ set (x # xs)" by auto lemma set_ConsD: "y \ set (x # xs) \ y=x \ y \ set xs" by auto lemma set_empty [iff]: "(set xs = {}) = (xs = [])" by (induct xs) auto lemmas set_empty2[iff] = set_empty[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma set_rev [simp]: "set (rev xs) = set xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_map [simp]: "set (map f xs) = f`(set xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_filter [simp]: "set (filter P xs) = {x. x \ set xs \ P x}" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_upt [simp]: "set[i.. set xs \ \ys zs. xs = ys @ x # zs" proof (induct xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case Cons thus ?case by (auto intro: Cons_eq_appendI) qed lemma in_set_conv_decomp: "x \ set xs \ (\ys zs. xs = ys @ x # zs)" by (auto elim: split_list) lemma split_list_first: "x \ set xs \ \ys zs. xs = ys @ x # zs \ x \ set ys" proof (induct xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons a xs) show ?case proof cases assume "x = a" thus ?case using Cons by fastforce next assume "x \ a" thus ?case using Cons by(fastforce intro!: Cons_eq_appendI) qed qed lemma in_set_conv_decomp_first: "(x \ set xs) = (\ys zs. xs = ys @ x # zs \ x \ set ys)" by (auto dest!: split_list_first) lemma split_list_last: "x \ set xs \ \ys zs. xs = ys @ x # zs \ x \ set zs" proof (induct xs rule: rev_induct) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (snoc a xs) show ?case proof cases assume "x = a" thus ?case using snoc by (auto intro!: exI) next assume "x \ a" thus ?case using snoc by fastforce qed qed lemma in_set_conv_decomp_last: "(x \ set xs) = (\ys zs. xs = ys @ x # zs \ x \ set zs)" by (auto dest!: split_list_last) lemma split_list_prop: "\x \ set xs. P x \ \ys x zs. xs = ys @ x # zs \ P x" proof (induct xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case Cons thus ?case by(simp add:Bex_def)(metis append_Cons append.simps(1)) qed lemma split_list_propE: assumes "\x \ set xs. P x" obtains ys x zs where "xs = ys @ x # zs" and "P x" using split_list_prop [OF assms] by blast lemma split_list_first_prop: "\x \ set xs. P x \ \ys x zs. xs = ys@x#zs \ P x \ (\y \ set ys. \ P y)" proof (induct xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) show ?case proof cases assume "P x" hence "x # xs = [] @ x # xs \ P x \ (\y\set []. \ P y)" by simp thus ?thesis by fast next assume "\ P x" hence "\x\set xs. P x" using Cons(2) by simp thus ?thesis using \\ P x\ Cons(1) by (metis append_Cons set_ConsD) qed qed lemma split_list_first_propE: assumes "\x \ set xs. P x" obtains ys x zs where "xs = ys @ x # zs" and "P x" and "\y \ set ys. \ P y" using split_list_first_prop [OF assms] by blast lemma split_list_first_prop_iff: "(\x \ set xs. P x) \ (\ys x zs. xs = ys@x#zs \ P x \ (\y \ set ys. \ P y))" by (rule, erule split_list_first_prop) auto lemma split_list_last_prop: "\x \ set xs. P x \ \ys x zs. xs = ys@x#zs \ P x \ (\z \ set zs. \ P z)" proof(induct xs rule:rev_induct) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (snoc x xs) show ?case proof cases assume "P x" thus ?thesis by (auto intro!: exI) next assume "\ P x" hence "\x\set xs. P x" using snoc(2) by simp thus ?thesis using \\ P x\ snoc(1) by fastforce qed qed lemma split_list_last_propE: assumes "\x \ set xs. P x" obtains ys x zs where "xs = ys @ x # zs" and "P x" and "\z \ set zs. \ P z" using split_list_last_prop [OF assms] by blast lemma split_list_last_prop_iff: "(\x \ set xs. P x) \ (\ys x zs. xs = ys@x#zs \ P x \ (\z \ set zs. \ P z))" by rule (erule split_list_last_prop, auto) lemma finite_list: "finite A \ \xs. set xs = A" by (erule finite_induct) (auto simp add: list.set(2)[symmetric] simp del: list.set(2)) lemma card_length: "card (set xs) \ length xs" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: card_insert_if) lemma set_minus_filter_out: "set xs - {y} = set (filter (\x. \ (x = y)) xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma append_Cons_eq_iff: "\ x \ set xs; x \ set ys \ \ xs @ x # ys = xs' @ x # ys' \ (xs = xs' \ ys = ys')" by(auto simp: append_eq_Cons_conv Cons_eq_append_conv append_eq_append_conv2) subsubsection \\<^const>\concat\\ lemma concat_append [simp]: "concat (xs @ ys) = concat xs @ concat ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma concat_eq_Nil_conv [simp]: "(concat xss = []) = (\xs \ set xss. xs = [])" by (induct xss) auto lemmas Nil_eq_concat_conv [simp] = concat_eq_Nil_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma set_concat [simp]: "set (concat xs) = (\x\set xs. set x)" by (induct xs) auto lemma concat_map_singleton[simp]: "concat(map (%x. [f x]) xs) = map f xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma map_concat: "map f (concat xs) = concat (map (map f) xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma rev_concat: "rev (concat xs) = concat (map rev (rev xs))" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_concat_rev[simp]: "length (concat (rev xs)) = length (concat xs)" by (induction xs) auto lemma concat_eq_concat_iff: "\(x, y) \ set (zip xs ys). length x = length y \ length xs = length ys \ (concat xs = concat ys) = (xs = ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case (Cons x xs ys) thus ?case by (cases ys) auto qed (auto) lemma concat_injective: "concat xs = concat ys \ length xs = length ys \ \(x, y) \ set (zip xs ys). length x = length y \ xs = ys" by (simp add: concat_eq_concat_iff) lemma concat_eq_appendD: assumes "concat xss = ys @ zs" "xss \ []" shows "\xss1 xs xs' xss2. xss = xss1 @ (xs @ xs') # xss2 \ ys = concat xss1 @ xs \ zs = xs' @ concat xss2" using assms proof(induction xss arbitrary: ys) case (Cons xs xss) from Cons.prems consider us where "xs @ us = ys" "concat xss = us @ zs" | us where "xs = ys @ us" "us @ concat xss = zs" by(auto simp add: append_eq_append_conv2) then show ?case proof cases case 1 then show ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF 1(2)] by(cases xss)(auto intro: exI[where x="[]"], metis append.assoc append_Cons concat.simps(2)) qed(auto intro: exI[where x="[]"]) qed simp lemma concat_eq_append_conv: "concat xss = ys @ zs \ (if xss = [] then ys = [] \ zs = [] else \xss1 xs xs' xss2. xss = xss1 @ (xs @ xs') # xss2 \ ys = concat xss1 @ xs \ zs = xs' @ concat xss2)" by(auto dest: concat_eq_appendD) lemma hd_concat: "\xs \ []; hd xs \ []\ \ hd (concat xs) = hd (hd xs)" by (metis concat.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl hd_append2) simproc_setup list_neq ("(xs::'a list) = ys") = \ (* Reduces xs=ys to False if xs and ys cannot be of the same length. This is the case if the atomic sublists of one are a submultiset of those of the other list and there are fewer Cons's in one than the other. *) let fun len (Const(\<^const_name>\Nil\,_)) acc = acc | len (Const(\<^const_name>\Cons\,_) $ _ $ xs) (ts,n) = len xs (ts,n+1) | len (Const(\<^const_name>\append\,_) $ xs $ ys) acc = len xs (len ys acc) | len (Const(\<^const_name>\rev\,_) $ xs) acc = len xs acc | len (Const(\<^const_name>\map\,_) $ _ $ xs) acc = len xs acc | len (Const(\<^const_name>\concat\,T) $ (Const(\<^const_name>\rev\,_) $ xss)) acc = len (Const(\<^const_name>\concat\,T) $ xss) acc | len t (ts,n) = (t::ts,n); val ss = simpset_of \<^context>; fun list_neq ctxt ct = let val (Const(_,eqT) $ lhs $ rhs) = Thm.term_of ct; val (ls,m) = len lhs ([],0) and (rs,n) = len rhs ([],0); fun prove_neq() = let val Type(_,listT::_) = eqT; val size = HOLogic.size_const listT; val eq_len = HOLogic.mk_eq (size $ lhs, size $ rhs); val neq_len = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.Not $ eq_len); val thm = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] neq_len (K (simp_tac (put_simpset ss ctxt) 1)); in SOME (thm RS @{thm neq_if_length_neq}) end in if m < n andalso submultiset (op aconv) (ls,rs) orelse n < m andalso submultiset (op aconv) (rs,ls) then prove_neq() else NONE end; in K list_neq end \ subsubsection \\<^const>\filter\\ lemma filter_append [simp]: "filter P (xs @ ys) = filter P xs @ filter P ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma rev_filter: "rev (filter P xs) = filter P (rev xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma filter_filter [simp]: "filter P (filter Q xs) = filter (\x. Q x \ P x) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma filter_concat: "filter p (concat xs) = concat (map (filter p) xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_filter_le [simp]: "length (filter P xs) \ length xs" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: le_SucI) lemma sum_length_filter_compl: "length(filter P xs) + length(filter (\x. \P x) xs) = length xs" by(induct xs) simp_all lemma filter_True [simp]: "\x \ set xs. P x \ filter P xs = xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma filter_False [simp]: "\x \ set xs. \ P x \ filter P xs = []" by (induct xs) auto lemma filter_empty_conv: "(filter P xs = []) = (\x\set xs. \ P x)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemmas empty_filter_conv = filter_empty_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma filter_id_conv: "(filter P xs = xs) = (\x\set xs. P x)" proof (induct xs) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case using length_filter_le by (simp add: impossible_Cons) qed auto lemma filter_map: "filter P (map f xs) = map f (filter (P \ f) xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma length_filter_map[simp]: "length (filter P (map f xs)) = length(filter (P \ f) xs)" by (simp add:filter_map) lemma filter_is_subset [simp]: "set (filter P xs) \ set xs" by auto lemma length_filter_less: "\ x \ set xs; \ P x \ \ length(filter P xs) < length xs" proof (induct xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) thus ?case using Suc_le_eq by fastforce qed lemma length_filter_conv_card: "length(filter p xs) = card{i. i < length xs \ p(xs!i)}" proof (induct xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) let ?S = "{i. i < length xs \ p(xs!i)}" have fin: "finite ?S" by(fast intro: bounded_nat_set_is_finite) show ?case (is "?l = card ?S'") proof (cases) assume "p x" hence eq: "?S' = insert 0 (Suc ` ?S)" by(auto simp: image_def split:nat.split dest:gr0_implies_Suc) have "length (filter p (x # xs)) = Suc(card ?S)" using Cons \p x\ by simp also have "\ = Suc(card(Suc ` ?S))" using fin by (simp add: card_image) also have "\ = card ?S'" using eq fin by (simp add:card_insert_if) finally show ?thesis . next assume "\ p x" hence eq: "?S' = Suc ` ?S" by(auto simp add: image_def split:nat.split elim:lessE) have "length (filter p (x # xs)) = card ?S" using Cons \\ p x\ by simp also have "\ = card(Suc ` ?S)" using fin by (simp add: card_image) also have "\ = card ?S'" using eq fin by (simp add:card_insert_if) finally show ?thesis . qed qed lemma Cons_eq_filterD: "x#xs = filter P ys \ \us vs. ys = us @ x # vs \ (\u\set us. \ P u) \ P x \ xs = filter P vs" (is "_ \ \us vs. ?P ys us vs") proof(induct ys) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons y ys) show ?case (is "\x. ?Q x") proof cases assume Py: "P y" show ?thesis proof cases assume "x = y" with Py Cons.prems have "?Q []" by simp then show ?thesis .. next assume "x \ y" with Py Cons.prems show ?thesis by simp qed next assume "\ P y" with Cons obtain us vs where "?P (y#ys) (y#us) vs" by fastforce then have "?Q (y#us)" by simp then show ?thesis .. qed qed lemma filter_eq_ConsD: "filter P ys = x#xs \ \us vs. ys = us @ x # vs \ (\u\set us. \ P u) \ P x \ xs = filter P vs" by(rule Cons_eq_filterD) simp lemma filter_eq_Cons_iff: "(filter P ys = x#xs) = (\us vs. ys = us @ x # vs \ (\u\set us. \ P u) \ P x \ xs = filter P vs)" by(auto dest:filter_eq_ConsD) lemmas Cons_eq_filter_iff = filter_eq_Cons_iff[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma inj_on_filter_key_eq: assumes "inj_on f (insert y (set xs))" shows "filter (\x. f y = f x) xs = filter (HOL.eq y) xs" using assms by (induct xs) auto lemma filter_cong[fundef_cong]: "xs = ys \ (\x. x \ set ys \ P x = Q x) \ filter P xs = filter Q ys" by (induct ys arbitrary: xs) auto subsubsection \List partitioning\ primrec partition :: "('a \ bool) \'a list \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "partition P [] = ([], [])" | "partition P (x # xs) = (let (yes, no) = partition P xs in if P x then (x # yes, no) else (yes, x # no))" lemma partition_filter1: "fst (partition P xs) = filter P xs" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: Let_def split_def) lemma partition_filter2: "snd (partition P xs) = filter (Not \ P) xs" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: Let_def split_def) lemma partition_P: assumes "partition P xs = (yes, no)" shows "(\p \ set yes. P p) \ (\p \ set no. \ P p)" proof - from assms have "yes = fst (partition P xs)" and "no = snd (partition P xs)" by simp_all then show ?thesis by (simp_all add: partition_filter1 partition_filter2) qed lemma partition_set: assumes "partition P xs = (yes, no)" shows "set yes \ set no = set xs" proof - from assms have "yes = fst (partition P xs)" and "no = snd (partition P xs)" by simp_all then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: partition_filter1 partition_filter2) qed lemma partition_filter_conv[simp]: "partition f xs = (filter f xs,filter (Not \ f) xs)" unfolding partition_filter2[symmetric] unfolding partition_filter1[symmetric] by simp declare partition.simps[simp del] subsubsection \\<^const>\nth\\ lemma nth_Cons_0 [simp, code]: "(x # xs)!0 = x" by auto lemma nth_Cons_Suc [simp, code]: "(x # xs)!(Suc n) = xs!n" by auto declare nth.simps [simp del] lemma nth_Cons_pos[simp]: "0 < n \ (x#xs) ! n = xs ! (n - 1)" by(auto simp: Nat.gr0_conv_Suc) lemma nth_append: "(xs @ ys)!n = (if n < length xs then xs!n else ys!(n - length xs))" proof (induct xs arbitrary: n) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case using less_Suc_eq_0_disj by auto qed simp lemma nth_append_length [simp]: "(xs @ x # ys) ! length xs = x" by (induct xs) auto lemma nth_append_length_plus[simp]: "(xs @ ys) ! (length xs + n) = ys ! n" by (induct xs) auto lemma nth_map [simp]: "n < length xs \ (map f xs)!n = f(xs!n)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: n) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case using less_Suc_eq_0_disj by auto qed simp lemma nth_tl: "n < length (tl xs) \ tl xs ! n = xs ! Suc n" by (induction xs) auto lemma hd_conv_nth: "xs \ [] \ hd xs = xs!0" by(cases xs) simp_all lemma list_eq_iff_nth_eq: "(xs = ys) = (length xs = length ys \ (\i length xs = length ys \ (\i ?R" by force show "?R \ ?L" using less_Suc_eq_0_disj by auto qed with Cons show ?case by simp qed simp lemma in_set_conv_nth: "(x \ set xs) = (\i < length xs. xs!i = x)" by(auto simp:set_conv_nth) lemma nth_equal_first_eq: assumes "x \ set xs" assumes "n \ length xs" shows "(x # xs) ! n = x \ n = 0" (is "?lhs \ ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs show ?rhs proof (rule ccontr) assume "n \ 0" then have "n > 0" by simp with \?lhs\ have "xs ! (n - 1) = x" by simp moreover from \n > 0\ \n \ length xs\ have "n - 1 < length xs" by simp ultimately have "\ix \ set xs\ in_set_conv_nth [of x xs] show False by simp qed next assume ?rhs then show ?lhs by simp qed lemma nth_non_equal_first_eq: assumes "x \ y" shows "(x # xs) ! n = y \ xs ! (n - 1) = y \ n > 0" (is "?lhs \ ?rhs") proof assume "?lhs" with assms have "n > 0" by (cases n) simp_all with \?lhs\ show ?rhs by simp next assume "?rhs" then show "?lhs" by simp qed lemma list_ball_nth: "\n < length xs; \x \ set xs. P x\ \ P(xs!n)" by (auto simp add: set_conv_nth) lemma nth_mem [simp]: "n < length xs \ xs!n \ set xs" by (auto simp add: set_conv_nth) lemma all_nth_imp_all_set: "\\i < length xs. P(xs!i); x \ set xs\ \ P x" by (auto simp add: set_conv_nth) lemma all_set_conv_all_nth: "(\x \ set xs. P x) = (\i. i < length xs \ P (xs ! i))" by (auto simp add: set_conv_nth) lemma rev_nth: "n < size xs \ rev xs ! n = xs ! (length xs - Suc n)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: n) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) hence n: "n < Suc (length xs)" by simp moreover { assume "n < length xs" with n obtain n' where n': "length xs - n = Suc n'" by (cases "length xs - n", auto) moreover from n' have "length xs - Suc n = n'" by simp ultimately have "xs ! (length xs - Suc n) = (x # xs) ! (length xs - n)" by simp } ultimately show ?case by (clarsimp simp add: Cons nth_append) qed lemma Skolem_list_nth: "(\ix. P i x) = (\xs. size xs = k \ (\ixs. ?P k xs)") proof(induct k) case 0 show ?case by simp next case (Suc k) show ?case (is "?L = ?R" is "_ = (\xs. ?P' xs)") proof assume "?R" thus "?L" using Suc by auto next assume "?L" with Suc obtain x xs where "?P k xs \ P k x" by (metis less_Suc_eq) hence "?P'(xs@[x])" by(simp add:nth_append less_Suc_eq) thus "?R" .. qed qed subsubsection \\<^const>\list_update\\ lemma length_list_update [simp]: "length(xs[i:=x]) = length xs" by (induct xs arbitrary: i) (auto split: nat.split) lemma nth_list_update: "i < length xs\ (xs[i:=x])!j = (if i = j then x else xs!j)" by (induct xs arbitrary: i j) (auto simp add: nth_Cons split: nat.split) lemma nth_list_update_eq [simp]: "i < length xs \ (xs[i:=x])!i = x" by (simp add: nth_list_update) lemma nth_list_update_neq [simp]: "i \ j \ xs[i:=x]!j = xs!j" by (induct xs arbitrary: i j) (auto simp add: nth_Cons split: nat.split) lemma list_update_id[simp]: "xs[i := xs!i] = xs" by (induct xs arbitrary: i) (simp_all split:nat.splits) lemma list_update_beyond[simp]: "length xs \ i \ xs[i:=x] = xs" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case (Cons x xs i) then show ?case by (metis leD length_list_update list_eq_iff_nth_eq nth_list_update_neq) qed simp lemma list_update_nonempty[simp]: "xs[k:=x] = [] \ xs=[]" by (simp only: length_0_conv[symmetric] length_list_update) lemma list_update_same_conv: "i < length xs \ (xs[i := x] = xs) = (xs!i = x)" by (induct xs arbitrary: i) (auto split: nat.split) lemma list_update_append1: "i < size xs \ (xs @ ys)[i:=x] = xs[i:=x] @ ys" by (induct xs arbitrary: i)(auto split:nat.split) lemma list_update_append: "(xs @ ys) [n:= x] = (if n < length xs then xs[n:= x] @ ys else xs @ (ys [n-length xs:= x]))" by (induct xs arbitrary: n) (auto split:nat.splits) lemma list_update_length [simp]: "(xs @ x # ys)[length xs := y] = (xs @ y # ys)" by (induct xs, auto) lemma map_update: "map f (xs[k:= y]) = (map f xs)[k := f y]" by(induct xs arbitrary: k)(auto split:nat.splits) lemma rev_update: "k < length xs \ rev (xs[k:= y]) = (rev xs)[length xs - k - 1 := y]" by (induct xs arbitrary: k) (auto simp: list_update_append split:nat.splits) lemma update_zip: "(zip xs ys)[i:=xy] = zip (xs[i:=fst xy]) (ys[i:=snd xy])" by (induct ys arbitrary: i xy xs) (auto, case_tac xs, auto split: nat.split) lemma set_update_subset_insert: "set(xs[i:=x]) \ insert x (set xs)" by (induct xs arbitrary: i) (auto split: nat.split) lemma set_update_subsetI: "\set xs \ A; x \ A\ \ set(xs[i := x]) \ A" by (blast dest!: set_update_subset_insert [THEN subsetD]) lemma set_update_memI: "n < length xs \ x \ set (xs[n := x])" by (induct xs arbitrary: n) (auto split:nat.splits) lemma list_update_overwrite[simp]: "xs [i := x, i := y] = xs [i := y]" by (induct xs arbitrary: i) (simp_all split: nat.split) lemma list_update_swap: "i \ i' \ xs [i := x, i' := x'] = xs [i' := x', i := x]" by (induct xs arbitrary: i i') (simp_all split: nat.split) lemma list_update_code [code]: "[][i := y] = []" "(x # xs)[0 := y] = y # xs" "(x # xs)[Suc i := y] = x # xs[i := y]" by simp_all subsubsection \\<^const>\last\ and \<^const>\butlast\\ lemma hd_Nil_eq_last: "hd Nil = last Nil" unfolding hd_def last_def by simp lemma last_snoc [simp]: "last (xs @ [x]) = x" by (induct xs) auto lemma butlast_snoc [simp]: "butlast (xs @ [x]) = xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma last_ConsL: "xs = [] \ last(x#xs) = x" by simp lemma last_ConsR: "xs \ [] \ last(x#xs) = last xs" by simp lemma last_append: "last(xs @ ys) = (if ys = [] then last xs else last ys)" by (induct xs) (auto) lemma last_appendL[simp]: "ys = [] \ last(xs @ ys) = last xs" by(simp add:last_append) lemma last_appendR[simp]: "ys \ [] \ last(xs @ ys) = last ys" by(simp add:last_append) lemma last_tl: "xs = [] \ tl xs \ [] \last (tl xs) = last xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma butlast_tl: "butlast (tl xs) = tl (butlast xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma hd_rev: "hd(rev xs) = last xs" by (metis hd_Cons_tl hd_Nil_eq_last last_snoc rev_eq_Cons_iff rev_is_Nil_conv) lemma last_rev: "last(rev xs) = hd xs" by (metis hd_rev rev_swap) lemma last_in_set[simp]: "as \ [] \ last as \ set as" by (induct as) auto lemma length_butlast [simp]: "length (butlast xs) = length xs - 1" by (induct xs rule: rev_induct) auto lemma butlast_append: "butlast (xs @ ys) = (if ys = [] then butlast xs else xs @ butlast ys)" by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) auto lemma append_butlast_last_id [simp]: "xs \ [] \ butlast xs @ [last xs] = xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma in_set_butlastD: "x \ set (butlast xs) \ x \ set xs" by (induct xs) (auto split: if_split_asm) lemma in_set_butlast_appendI: "x \ set (butlast xs) \ x \ set (butlast ys) \ x \ set (butlast (xs @ ys))" by (auto dest: in_set_butlastD simp add: butlast_append) lemma last_drop[simp]: "n < length xs \ last (drop n xs) = last xs" by (induct xs arbitrary: n)(auto split:nat.split) lemma nth_butlast: assumes "n < length (butlast xs)" shows "butlast xs ! n = xs ! n" proof (cases xs) case (Cons y ys) moreover from assms have "butlast xs ! n = (butlast xs @ [last xs]) ! n" by (simp add: nth_append) ultimately show ?thesis using append_butlast_last_id by simp qed simp lemma last_conv_nth: "xs\[] \ last xs = xs!(length xs - 1)" by(induct xs)(auto simp:neq_Nil_conv) lemma butlast_conv_take: "butlast xs = take (length xs - 1) xs" by (induction xs rule: induct_list012) simp_all lemma last_list_update: "xs \ [] \ last(xs[k:=x]) = (if k = size xs - 1 then x else last xs)" by (auto simp: last_conv_nth) lemma butlast_list_update: "butlast(xs[k:=x]) = (if k = size xs - 1 then butlast xs else (butlast xs)[k:=x])" by(cases xs rule:rev_cases)(auto simp: list_update_append split: nat.splits) lemma last_map: "xs \ [] \ last (map f xs) = f (last xs)" by (cases xs rule: rev_cases) simp_all lemma map_butlast: "map f (butlast xs) = butlast (map f xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma snoc_eq_iff_butlast: "xs @ [x] = ys \ (ys \ [] \ butlast ys = xs \ last ys = x)" by fastforce corollary longest_common_suffix: "\ss xs' ys'. xs = xs' @ ss \ ys = ys' @ ss \ (xs' = [] \ ys' = [] \ last xs' \ last ys')" using longest_common_prefix[of "rev xs" "rev ys"] unfolding rev_swap rev_append by (metis last_rev rev_is_Nil_conv) lemma butlast_rev [simp]: "butlast (rev xs) = rev (tl xs)" by (cases xs) simp_all subsubsection \\<^const>\take\ and \<^const>\drop\\ lemma take_0: "take 0 xs = []" by (induct xs) auto lemma drop_0: "drop 0 xs = xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma take0[simp]: "take 0 = (\xs. [])" by(rule ext) (rule take_0) lemma drop0[simp]: "drop 0 = (\x. x)" by(rule ext) (rule drop_0) lemma take_Suc_Cons [simp]: "take (Suc n) (x # xs) = x # take n xs" by simp lemma drop_Suc_Cons [simp]: "drop (Suc n) (x # xs) = drop n xs" by simp declare take_Cons [simp del] and drop_Cons [simp del] lemma take_Suc: "xs \ [] \ take (Suc n) xs = hd xs # take n (tl xs)" by(clarsimp simp add:neq_Nil_conv) lemma drop_Suc: "drop (Suc n) xs = drop n (tl xs)" by(cases xs, simp_all) lemma hd_take[simp]: "j > 0 \ hd (take j xs) = hd xs" by (metis gr0_conv_Suc list.sel(1) take.simps(1) take_Suc) lemma take_tl: "take n (tl xs) = tl (take (Suc n) xs)" by (induct xs arbitrary: n) simp_all lemma drop_tl: "drop n (tl xs) = tl(drop n xs)" by(induct xs arbitrary: n, simp_all add:drop_Cons drop_Suc split:nat.split) lemma tl_take: "tl (take n xs) = take (n - 1) (tl xs)" by (cases n, simp, cases xs, auto) lemma tl_drop: "tl (drop n xs) = drop n (tl xs)" by (simp only: drop_tl) lemma nth_via_drop: "drop n xs = y#ys \ xs!n = y" by (induct xs arbitrary: n, simp)(auto simp: drop_Cons nth_Cons split: nat.splits) lemma take_Suc_conv_app_nth: "i < length xs \ take (Suc i) xs = take i xs @ [xs!i]" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases i) auto qed lemma Cons_nth_drop_Suc: "i < length xs \ (xs!i) # (drop (Suc i) xs) = drop i xs" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases i) auto qed lemma length_take [simp]: "length (take n xs) = min (length xs) n" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (auto, case_tac xs, auto) lemma length_drop [simp]: "length (drop n xs) = (length xs - n)" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (auto, case_tac xs, auto) lemma take_all [simp]: "length xs \ n \ take n xs = xs" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (auto, case_tac xs, auto) lemma drop_all [simp]: "length xs \ n \ drop n xs = []" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (auto, case_tac xs, auto) lemma take_all_iff [simp]: "take n xs = xs \ length xs \ n" by (metis length_take min.order_iff take_all) (* Looks like a good simp rule but can cause looping; too much interaction between take and length lemmas take_all_iff2[simp] = take_all_iff[THEN eq_iff_swap] *) lemma take_eq_Nil[simp]: "(take n xs = []) = (n = 0 \ xs = [])" by(induct xs arbitrary: n)(auto simp: take_Cons split:nat.split) lemmas take_eq_Nil2[simp] = take_eq_Nil[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma drop_eq_Nil [simp]: "drop n xs = [] \ length xs \ n" by (metis diff_is_0_eq drop_all length_drop list.size(3)) lemmas drop_eq_Nil2 [simp] = drop_eq_Nil[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma take_append [simp]: "take n (xs @ ys) = (take n xs @ take (n - length xs) ys)" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (auto, case_tac xs, auto) lemma drop_append [simp]: "drop n (xs @ ys) = drop n xs @ drop (n - length xs) ys" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (auto, case_tac xs, auto) lemma take_take [simp]: "take n (take m xs) = take (min n m) xs" proof (induct m arbitrary: xs n) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs; cases n) simp_all qed lemma drop_drop [simp]: "drop n (drop m xs) = drop (n + m) xs" proof (induct m arbitrary: xs) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs) simp_all qed lemma take_drop: "take n (drop m xs) = drop m (take (n + m) xs)" proof (induct m arbitrary: xs n) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs; cases n) simp_all qed lemma drop_take: "drop n (take m xs) = take (m-n) (drop n xs)" by(induct xs arbitrary: m n)(auto simp: take_Cons drop_Cons split: nat.split) lemma append_take_drop_id [simp]: "take n xs @ drop n xs = xs" proof (induct n arbitrary: xs) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs) simp_all qed lemma take_map: "take n (map f xs) = map f (take n xs)" proof (induct n arbitrary: xs) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs) simp_all qed lemma drop_map: "drop n (map f xs) = map f (drop n xs)" proof (induct n arbitrary: xs) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs) simp_all qed lemma rev_take: "rev (take i xs) = drop (length xs - i) (rev xs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases i) auto qed lemma rev_drop: "rev (drop i xs) = take (length xs - i) (rev xs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases i) auto qed lemma drop_rev: "drop n (rev xs) = rev (take (length xs - n) xs)" by (cases "length xs < n") (auto simp: rev_take) lemma take_rev: "take n (rev xs) = rev (drop (length xs - n) xs)" by (cases "length xs < n") (auto simp: rev_drop) lemma nth_take [simp]: "i < n \ (take n xs)!i = xs!i" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i n) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases n; cases i) simp_all qed lemma nth_drop [simp]: "n \ length xs \ (drop n xs)!i = xs!(n + i)" proof (induct n arbitrary: xs) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs) simp_all qed lemma butlast_take: "n \ length xs \ butlast (take n xs) = take (n - 1) xs" by (simp add: butlast_conv_take) lemma butlast_drop: "butlast (drop n xs) = drop n (butlast xs)" by (simp add: butlast_conv_take drop_take ac_simps) lemma take_butlast: "n < length xs \ take n (butlast xs) = take n xs" by (simp add: butlast_conv_take) lemma drop_butlast: "drop n (butlast xs) = butlast (drop n xs)" by (simp add: butlast_conv_take drop_take ac_simps) lemma butlast_power: "(butlast ^^ n) xs = take (length xs - n) xs" by (induct n) (auto simp: butlast_take) lemma hd_drop_conv_nth: "n < length xs \ hd(drop n xs) = xs!n" by(simp add: hd_conv_nth) lemma set_take_subset_set_take: "m \ n \ set(take m xs) \ set(take n xs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: m n) case (Cons x xs m n) then show ?case by (cases n) (auto simp: take_Cons) qed simp lemma set_take_subset: "set(take n xs) \ set xs" by(induct xs arbitrary: n)(auto simp:take_Cons split:nat.split) lemma set_drop_subset: "set(drop n xs) \ set xs" by(induct xs arbitrary: n)(auto simp:drop_Cons split:nat.split) lemma set_drop_subset_set_drop: "m \ n \ set(drop m xs) \ set(drop n xs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: m n) case (Cons x xs m n) then show ?case by (clarsimp simp: drop_Cons split: nat.split) (metis set_drop_subset subset_iff) qed simp lemma in_set_takeD: "x \ set(take n xs) \ x \ set xs" using set_take_subset by fast lemma in_set_dropD: "x \ set(drop n xs) \ x \ set xs" using set_drop_subset by fast lemma append_eq_conv_conj: "(xs @ ys = zs) = (xs = take (length xs) zs \ ys = drop (length xs) zs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: zs) case (Cons x xs zs) then show ?case by (cases zs, auto) qed auto lemma map_eq_append_conv: "map f xs = ys @ zs \ (\us vs. xs = us @ vs \ ys = map f us \ zs = map f vs)" proof - have "map f xs \ ys @ zs \ map f xs \ ys @ zs \ map f xs \ ys @ zs \ map f xs = ys @ zs \ (\bs bsa. xs = bs @ bsa \ ys = map f bs \ zs = map f bsa)" by (metis append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id drop_map take_map) then show ?thesis using map_append by blast qed lemmas append_eq_map_conv = map_eq_append_conv[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma take_add: "take (i+j) xs = take i xs @ take j (drop i xs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case (Cons x xs i) then show ?case by (cases i, auto) qed auto lemma append_eq_append_conv_if: "(xs\<^sub>1 @ xs\<^sub>2 = ys\<^sub>1 @ ys\<^sub>2) = (if size xs\<^sub>1 \ size ys\<^sub>1 then xs\<^sub>1 = take (size xs\<^sub>1) ys\<^sub>1 \ xs\<^sub>2 = drop (size xs\<^sub>1) ys\<^sub>1 @ ys\<^sub>2 else take (size ys\<^sub>1) xs\<^sub>1 = ys\<^sub>1 \ drop (size ys\<^sub>1) xs\<^sub>1 @ xs\<^sub>2 = ys\<^sub>2)" proof (induct xs\<^sub>1 arbitrary: ys\<^sub>1) case (Cons a xs\<^sub>1 ys\<^sub>1) then show ?case by (cases ys\<^sub>1, auto) qed auto lemma take_hd_drop: "n < length xs \ take n xs @ [hd (drop n xs)] = take (Suc n) xs" by (induct xs arbitrary: n) (simp_all add:drop_Cons split:nat.split) lemma id_take_nth_drop: "i < length xs \ xs = take i xs @ xs!i # drop (Suc i) xs" proof - assume si: "i < length xs" hence "xs = take (Suc i) xs @ drop (Suc i) xs" by auto moreover from si have "take (Suc i) xs = take i xs @ [xs!i]" using take_Suc_conv_app_nth by blast ultimately show ?thesis by auto qed lemma take_update_cancel[simp]: "n \ m \ take n (xs[m := y]) = take n xs" by(simp add: list_eq_iff_nth_eq) lemma drop_update_cancel[simp]: "n < m \ drop m (xs[n := x]) = drop m xs" by(simp add: list_eq_iff_nth_eq) lemma upd_conv_take_nth_drop: "i < length xs \ xs[i:=a] = take i xs @ a # drop (Suc i) xs" proof - assume i: "i < length xs" have "xs[i:=a] = (take i xs @ xs!i # drop (Suc i) xs)[i:=a]" by(rule arg_cong[OF id_take_nth_drop[OF i]]) also have "\ = take i xs @ a # drop (Suc i) xs" using i by (simp add: list_update_append) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma take_update_swap: "take m (xs[n := x]) = (take m xs)[n := x]" proof (cases "n \ length xs") case False then show ?thesis by (simp add: upd_conv_take_nth_drop take_Cons drop_take min_def diff_Suc split: nat.split) qed auto lemma drop_update_swap: assumes "m \ n" shows "drop m (xs[n := x]) = (drop m xs)[n-m := x]" proof (cases "n \ length xs") case False with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: upd_conv_take_nth_drop drop_take) qed auto lemma nth_image: "l \ size xs \ nth xs ` {0..\<^const>\takeWhile\ and \<^const>\dropWhile\\ lemma length_takeWhile_le: "length (takeWhile P xs) \ length xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_dropWhile_id [simp]: "takeWhile P xs @ dropWhile P xs = xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_append1 [simp]: "\x \ set xs; \P(x)\ \ takeWhile P (xs @ ys) = takeWhile P xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_append2 [simp]: "(\x. x \ set xs \ P x) \ takeWhile P (xs @ ys) = xs @ takeWhile P ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_append: "takeWhile P (xs @ ys) = (if \x\set xs. P x then xs @ takeWhile P ys else takeWhile P xs)" using takeWhile_append1[of _ xs P ys] takeWhile_append2[of xs P ys] by auto lemma takeWhile_tail: "\ P x \ takeWhile P (xs @ (x#l)) = takeWhile P xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_eq_Nil_iff: "takeWhile P xs = [] \ xs = [] \ \P (hd xs)" by (cases xs) auto lemma takeWhile_nth: "j < length (takeWhile P xs) \ takeWhile P xs ! j = xs ! j" by (metis nth_append takeWhile_dropWhile_id) lemma takeWhile_takeWhile: "takeWhile Q (takeWhile P xs) = takeWhile (\x. P x \ Q x) xs" by(induct xs) simp_all lemma dropWhile_nth: "j < length (dropWhile P xs) \ dropWhile P xs ! j = xs ! (j + length (takeWhile P xs))" by (metis add.commute nth_append_length_plus takeWhile_dropWhile_id) lemma length_dropWhile_le: "length (dropWhile P xs) \ length xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma dropWhile_append1 [simp]: "\x \ set xs; \P(x)\ \ dropWhile P (xs @ ys) = (dropWhile P xs)@ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma dropWhile_append2 [simp]: "(\x. x \ set xs \ P(x)) \ dropWhile P (xs @ ys) = dropWhile P ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma dropWhile_append3: "\ P y \dropWhile P (xs @ y # ys) = dropWhile P xs @ y # ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma dropWhile_append: "dropWhile P (xs @ ys) = (if \x\set xs. P x then dropWhile P ys else dropWhile P xs @ ys)" using dropWhile_append1[of _ xs P ys] dropWhile_append2[of xs P ys] by auto lemma dropWhile_last: "x \ set xs \ \ P x \ last (dropWhile P xs) = last xs" by (auto simp add: dropWhile_append3 in_set_conv_decomp) lemma set_dropWhileD: "x \ set (dropWhile P xs) \ x \ set xs" by (induct xs) (auto split: if_split_asm) lemma set_takeWhileD: "x \ set (takeWhile P xs) \ x \ set xs \ P x" by (induct xs) (auto split: if_split_asm) lemma takeWhile_eq_all_conv[simp]: "(takeWhile P xs = xs) = (\x \ set xs. P x)" by(induct xs, auto) lemma dropWhile_eq_Nil_conv[simp]: "(dropWhile P xs = []) = (\x \ set xs. P x)" by(induct xs, auto) lemma dropWhile_eq_Cons_conv: "(dropWhile P xs = y#ys) = (xs = takeWhile P xs @ y # ys \ \ P y)" by(induct xs, auto) lemma dropWhile_eq_self_iff: "dropWhile P xs = xs \ xs = [] \ \P (hd xs)" by (cases xs) (auto simp: dropWhile_eq_Cons_conv) lemma dropWhile_dropWhile1: "(\x. Q x \ P x) \ dropWhile Q (dropWhile P xs) = dropWhile P xs" by(induct xs) simp_all lemma dropWhile_dropWhile2: "(\x. P x \ Q x) \ takeWhile P (takeWhile Q xs) = takeWhile P xs" by(induct xs) simp_all lemma dropWhile_takeWhile: "(\x. P x \ Q x) \ dropWhile P (takeWhile Q xs) = takeWhile Q (dropWhile P xs)" by (induction xs) auto lemma distinct_takeWhile[simp]: "distinct xs \ distinct (takeWhile P xs)" by (induct xs) (auto dest: set_takeWhileD) lemma distinct_dropWhile[simp]: "distinct xs \ distinct (dropWhile P xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_map: "takeWhile P (map f xs) = map f (takeWhile (P \ f) xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma dropWhile_map: "dropWhile P (map f xs) = map f (dropWhile (P \ f) xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_eq_take: "takeWhile P xs = take (length (takeWhile P xs)) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma dropWhile_eq_drop: "dropWhile P xs = drop (length (takeWhile P xs)) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma hd_dropWhile: "dropWhile P xs \ [] \ \ P (hd (dropWhile P xs))" by (induct xs) auto lemma takeWhile_eq_filter: assumes "\ x. x \ set (dropWhile P xs) \ \ P x" shows "takeWhile P xs = filter P xs" proof - have A: "filter P xs = filter P (takeWhile P xs @ dropWhile P xs)" by simp have B: "filter P (dropWhile P xs) = []" unfolding filter_empty_conv using assms by blast have "filter P xs = takeWhile P xs" unfolding A filter_append B by (auto simp add: filter_id_conv dest: set_takeWhileD) thus ?thesis .. qed lemma takeWhile_eq_take_P_nth: "\ \ i. \ i < n ; i < length xs \ \ P (xs ! i) ; n < length xs \ \ P (xs ! n) \ \ takeWhile P xs = take n xs" proof (induct xs arbitrary: n) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) show ?case proof (cases n) case 0 with Cons show ?thesis by simp next case [simp]: (Suc n') have "P x" using Cons.prems(1)[of 0] by simp moreover have "takeWhile P xs = take n' xs" proof (rule Cons.hyps) fix i assume "i < n'" "i < length xs" thus "P (xs ! i)" using Cons.prems(1)[of "Suc i"] by simp next assume "n' < length xs" thus "\ P (xs ! n')" using Cons by auto qed ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed qed lemma nth_length_takeWhile: "length (takeWhile P xs) < length xs \ \ P (xs ! length (takeWhile P xs))" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_takeWhile_less_P_nth: assumes all: "\ i. i < j \ P (xs ! i)" and "j \ length xs" shows "j \ length (takeWhile P xs)" proof (rule classical) assume "\ ?thesis" hence "length (takeWhile P xs) < length xs" using assms by simp thus ?thesis using all \\ ?thesis\ nth_length_takeWhile[of P xs] by auto qed lemma takeWhile_neq_rev: "\distinct xs; x \ set xs\ \ takeWhile (\y. y \ x) (rev xs) = rev (tl (dropWhile (\y. y \ x) xs))" by(induct xs) (auto simp: takeWhile_tail[where l="[]"]) lemma dropWhile_neq_rev: "\distinct xs; x \ set xs\ \ dropWhile (\y. y \ x) (rev xs) = x # rev (takeWhile (\y. y \ x) xs)" proof (induct xs) case (Cons a xs) then show ?case by(auto, subst dropWhile_append2, auto) qed simp lemma takeWhile_not_last: "distinct xs \ takeWhile (\y. y \ last xs) xs = butlast xs" by(induction xs rule: induct_list012) auto lemma takeWhile_cong [fundef_cong]: "\l = k; \x. x \ set l \ P x = Q x\ \ takeWhile P l = takeWhile Q k" by (induct k arbitrary: l) (simp_all) lemma dropWhile_cong [fundef_cong]: "\l = k; \x. x \ set l \ P x = Q x\ \ dropWhile P l = dropWhile Q k" by (induct k arbitrary: l, simp_all) lemma takeWhile_idem [simp]: "takeWhile P (takeWhile P xs) = takeWhile P xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma dropWhile_idem [simp]: "dropWhile P (dropWhile P xs) = dropWhile P xs" by (induct xs) auto subsubsection \\<^const>\zip\\ lemma zip_Nil [simp]: "zip [] ys = []" by (induct ys) auto lemma zip_Cons_Cons [simp]: "zip (x # xs) (y # ys) = (x, y) # zip xs ys" by simp declare zip_Cons [simp del] lemma [code]: "zip [] ys = []" "zip xs [] = []" "zip (x # xs) (y # ys) = (x, y) # zip xs ys" by (fact zip_Nil zip.simps(1) zip_Cons_Cons)+ lemma zip_Cons1: "zip (x#xs) ys = (case ys of [] \ [] | y#ys \ (x,y)#zip xs ys)" by(auto split:list.split) lemma length_zip [simp]: "length (zip xs ys) = min (length xs) (length ys)" by (induct xs ys rule:list_induct2') auto lemma zip_obtain_same_length: assumes "\zs ws n. length zs = length ws \ n = min (length xs) (length ys) \ zs = take n xs \ ws = take n ys \ P (zip zs ws)" shows "P (zip xs ys)" proof - let ?n = "min (length xs) (length ys)" have "P (zip (take ?n xs) (take ?n ys))" by (rule assms) simp_all moreover have "zip xs ys = zip (take ?n xs) (take ?n ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) then show ?case by (cases ys) simp_all qed ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed lemma zip_append1: "zip (xs @ ys) zs = zip xs (take (length xs) zs) @ zip ys (drop (length xs) zs)" by (induct xs zs rule:list_induct2') auto lemma zip_append2: "zip xs (ys @ zs) = zip (take (length ys) xs) ys @ zip (drop (length ys) xs) zs" by (induct xs ys rule:list_induct2') auto lemma zip_append [simp]: "\length xs = length us\ \ zip (xs@ys) (us@vs) = zip xs us @ zip ys vs" by (simp add: zip_append1) lemma zip_rev: "length xs = length ys \ zip (rev xs) (rev ys) = rev (zip xs ys)" by (induct rule:list_induct2, simp_all) lemma zip_map_map: "zip (map f xs) (map g ys) = map (\ (x, y). (f x, g y)) (zip xs ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case (Cons x xs) note Cons_x_xs = Cons.hyps show ?case proof (cases ys) case (Cons y ys') show ?thesis unfolding Cons using Cons_x_xs by simp qed simp qed simp lemma zip_map1: "zip (map f xs) ys = map (\(x, y). (f x, y)) (zip xs ys)" using zip_map_map[of f xs "\x. x" ys] by simp lemma zip_map2: "zip xs (map f ys) = map (\(x, y). (x, f y)) (zip xs ys)" using zip_map_map[of "\x. x" xs f ys] by simp lemma map_zip_map: "map f (zip (map g xs) ys) = map (%(x,y). f(g x, y)) (zip xs ys)" by (auto simp: zip_map1) lemma map_zip_map2: "map f (zip xs (map g ys)) = map (%(x,y). f(x, g y)) (zip xs ys)" by (auto simp: zip_map2) text\Courtesy of Andreas Lochbihler:\ lemma zip_same_conv_map: "zip xs xs = map (\x. (x, x)) xs" by(induct xs) auto lemma nth_zip [simp]: "\i < length xs; i < length ys\ \ (zip xs ys)!i = (xs!i, ys!i)" proof (induct ys arbitrary: i xs) case (Cons y ys) then show ?case by (cases xs) (simp_all add: nth.simps split: nat.split) qed auto lemma set_zip: "set (zip xs ys) = {(xs!i, ys!i) | i. i < min (length xs) (length ys)}" by(simp add: set_conv_nth cong: rev_conj_cong) lemma zip_same: "((a,b) \ set (zip xs xs)) = (a \ set xs \ a = b)" by(induct xs) auto lemma zip_update: "zip (xs[i:=x]) (ys[i:=y]) = (zip xs ys)[i:=(x,y)]" by (simp add: update_zip) lemma zip_replicate [simp]: "zip (replicate i x) (replicate j y) = replicate (min i j) (x,y)" proof (induct i arbitrary: j) case (Suc i) then show ?case by (cases j, auto) qed auto lemma zip_replicate1: "zip (replicate n x) ys = map (Pair x) (take n ys)" by(induction ys arbitrary: n)(case_tac [2] n, simp_all) lemma take_zip: "take n (zip xs ys) = zip (take n xs) (take n ys)" proof (induct n arbitrary: xs ys) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs; cases ys) simp_all qed lemma drop_zip: "drop n (zip xs ys) = zip (drop n xs) (drop n ys)" proof (induct n arbitrary: xs ys) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (cases xs; cases ys) simp_all qed lemma zip_takeWhile_fst: "zip (takeWhile P xs) ys = takeWhile (P \ fst) (zip xs ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases ys) auto qed lemma zip_takeWhile_snd: "zip xs (takeWhile P ys) = takeWhile (P \ snd) (zip xs ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case Cons then show ?case by (cases ys) auto qed lemma set_zip_leftD: "(x,y)\ set (zip xs ys) \ x \ set xs" by (induct xs ys rule:list_induct2') auto lemma set_zip_rightD: "(x,y)\ set (zip xs ys) \ y \ set ys" by (induct xs ys rule:list_induct2') auto lemma in_set_zipE: "(x,y) \ set(zip xs ys) \ (\ x \ set xs; y \ set ys \ \ R) \ R" by(blast dest: set_zip_leftD set_zip_rightD) lemma zip_map_fst_snd: "zip (map fst zs) (map snd zs) = zs" by (induct zs) simp_all lemma zip_eq_conv: "length xs = length ys \ zip xs ys = zs \ map fst zs = xs \ map snd zs = ys" by (auto simp add: zip_map_fst_snd) lemma in_set_zip: "p \ set (zip xs ys) \ (\n. xs ! n = fst p \ ys ! n = snd p \ n < length xs \ n < length ys)" by (cases p) (auto simp add: set_zip) lemma in_set_impl_in_set_zip1: assumes "length xs = length ys" assumes "x \ set xs" obtains y where "(x, y) \ set (zip xs ys)" proof - from assms have "x \ set (map fst (zip xs ys))" by simp from this that show ?thesis by fastforce qed lemma in_set_impl_in_set_zip2: assumes "length xs = length ys" assumes "y \ set ys" obtains x where "(x, y) \ set (zip xs ys)" proof - from assms have "y \ set (map snd (zip xs ys))" by simp from this that show ?thesis by fastforce qed lemma zip_eq_Nil_iff[simp]: "zip xs ys = [] \ xs = [] \ ys = []" by (cases xs; cases ys) simp_all lemmas Nil_eq_zip_iff[simp] = zip_eq_Nil_iff[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma zip_eq_ConsE: assumes "zip xs ys = xy # xys" obtains x xs' y ys' where "xs = x # xs'" and "ys = y # ys'" and "xy = (x, y)" and "xys = zip xs' ys'" proof - from assms have "xs \ []" and "ys \ []" using zip_eq_Nil_iff [of xs ys] by simp_all then obtain x xs' y ys' where xs: "xs = x # xs'" and ys: "ys = y # ys'" by (cases xs; cases ys) auto with assms have "xy = (x, y)" and "xys = zip xs' ys'" by simp_all with xs ys show ?thesis .. qed lemma semilattice_map2: "semilattice (map2 (\<^bold>*))" if "semilattice (\<^bold>*)" for f (infixl "\<^bold>*" 70) proof - from that interpret semilattice f . show ?thesis proof show "map2 (\<^bold>*) (map2 (\<^bold>*) xs ys) zs = map2 (\<^bold>*) xs (map2 (\<^bold>*) ys zs)" for xs ys zs :: "'a list" proof (induction "zip xs (zip ys zs)" arbitrary: xs ys zs) case Nil from Nil [symmetric] show ?case by auto next case (Cons xyz xyzs) from Cons.hyps(2) [symmetric] show ?case by (rule zip_eq_ConsE) (erule zip_eq_ConsE, auto intro: Cons.hyps(1) simp add: ac_simps) qed show "map2 (\<^bold>*) xs ys = map2 (\<^bold>*) ys xs" for xs ys :: "'a list" proof (induction "zip xs ys" arbitrary: xs ys) case Nil then show ?case by auto next case (Cons xy xys) from Cons.hyps(2) [symmetric] show ?case by (rule zip_eq_ConsE) (auto intro: Cons.hyps(1) simp add: ac_simps) qed show "map2 (\<^bold>*) xs xs = xs" for xs :: "'a list" by (induction xs) simp_all qed qed lemma pair_list_eqI: assumes "map fst xs = map fst ys" and "map snd xs = map snd ys" shows "xs = ys" proof - from assms(1) have "length xs = length ys" by (rule map_eq_imp_length_eq) from this assms show ?thesis by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2) (simp_all add: prod_eqI) qed lemma hd_zip: \hd (zip xs ys) = (hd xs, hd ys)\ if \xs \ []\ and \ys \ []\ using that by (cases xs; cases ys) simp_all lemma last_zip: \last (zip xs ys) = (last xs, last ys)\ if \xs \ []\ and \ys \ []\ and \length xs = length ys\ using that by (cases xs rule: rev_cases; cases ys rule: rev_cases) simp_all subsubsection \\<^const>\list_all2\\ lemma list_all2_lengthD [intro?]: "list_all2 P xs ys \ length xs = length ys" by (simp add: list_all2_iff) lemma list_all2_Nil [iff, code]: "list_all2 P [] ys = (ys = [])" by (simp add: list_all2_iff) lemma list_all2_Nil2 [iff, code]: "list_all2 P xs [] = (xs = [])" by (simp add: list_all2_iff) lemma list_all2_Cons [iff, code]: "list_all2 P (x # xs) (y # ys) = (P x y \ list_all2 P xs ys)" by (auto simp add: list_all2_iff) lemma list_all2_Cons1: "list_all2 P (x # xs) ys = (\z zs. ys = z # zs \ P x z \ list_all2 P xs zs)" by (cases ys) auto lemma list_all2_Cons2: "list_all2 P xs (y # ys) = (\z zs. xs = z # zs \ P z y \ list_all2 P zs ys)" by (cases xs) auto lemma list_all2_induct [consumes 1, case_names Nil Cons, induct set: list_all2]: assumes P: "list_all2 P xs ys" assumes Nil: "R [] []" assumes Cons: "\x xs y ys. \P x y; list_all2 P xs ys; R xs ys\ \ R (x # xs) (y # ys)" shows "R xs ys" using P by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (auto simp add: list_all2_Cons1 Nil Cons) lemma list_all2_rev [iff]: "list_all2 P (rev xs) (rev ys) = list_all2 P xs ys" by (simp add: list_all2_iff zip_rev cong: conj_cong) lemma list_all2_rev1: "list_all2 P (rev xs) ys = list_all2 P xs (rev ys)" by (subst list_all2_rev [symmetric]) simp lemma list_all2_append1: "list_all2 P (xs @ ys) zs = (\us vs. zs = us @ vs \ length us = length xs \ length vs = length ys \ list_all2 P xs us \ list_all2 P ys vs)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs then show ?rhs apply (rule_tac x = "take (length xs) zs" in exI) apply (rule_tac x = "drop (length xs) zs" in exI) apply (force split: nat_diff_split simp add: list_all2_iff zip_append1) done next assume ?rhs then show ?lhs by (auto simp add: list_all2_iff) qed lemma list_all2_append2: "list_all2 P xs (ys @ zs) = (\us vs. xs = us @ vs \ length us = length ys \ length vs = length zs \ list_all2 P us ys \ list_all2 P vs zs)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs then show ?rhs apply (rule_tac x = "take (length ys) xs" in exI) apply (rule_tac x = "drop (length ys) xs" in exI) apply (force split: nat_diff_split simp add: list_all2_iff zip_append2) done next assume ?rhs then show ?lhs by (auto simp add: list_all2_iff) qed lemma list_all2_append: "length xs = length ys \ list_all2 P (xs@us) (ys@vs) = (list_all2 P xs ys \ list_all2 P us vs)" by (induct rule:list_induct2, simp_all) lemma list_all2_appendI [intro?, trans]: "\ list_all2 P a b; list_all2 P c d \ \ list_all2 P (a@c) (b@d)" by (simp add: list_all2_append list_all2_lengthD) lemma list_all2_conv_all_nth: "list_all2 P xs ys = (length xs = length ys \ (\i < length xs. P (xs!i) (ys!i)))" by (force simp add: list_all2_iff set_zip) lemma list_all2_trans: assumes tr: "!!a b c. P1 a b \ P2 b c \ P3 a c" shows "!!bs cs. list_all2 P1 as bs \ list_all2 P2 bs cs \ list_all2 P3 as cs" (is "!!bs cs. PROP ?Q as bs cs") proof (induct as) fix x xs bs assume I1: "!!bs cs. PROP ?Q xs bs cs" show "!!cs. PROP ?Q (x # xs) bs cs" proof (induct bs) fix y ys cs assume I2: "!!cs. PROP ?Q (x # xs) ys cs" show "PROP ?Q (x # xs) (y # ys) cs" by (induct cs) (auto intro: tr I1 I2) qed simp qed simp lemma list_all2_all_nthI [intro?]: "length a = length b \ (\n. n < length a \ P (a!n) (b!n)) \ list_all2 P a b" by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth) lemma list_all2I: "\x \ set (zip a b). case_prod P x \ length a = length b \ list_all2 P a b" by (simp add: list_all2_iff) lemma list_all2_nthD: "\ list_all2 P xs ys; p < size xs \ \ P (xs!p) (ys!p)" by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth) lemma list_all2_nthD2: "\list_all2 P xs ys; p < size ys\ \ P (xs!p) (ys!p)" by (frule list_all2_lengthD) (auto intro: list_all2_nthD) lemma list_all2_map1: "list_all2 P (map f as) bs = list_all2 (\x y. P (f x) y) as bs" by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth) lemma list_all2_map2: "list_all2 P as (map f bs) = list_all2 (\x y. P x (f y)) as bs" by (auto simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth) lemma list_all2_refl [intro?]: "(\x. P x x) \ list_all2 P xs xs" by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth) lemma list_all2_update_cong: "\ list_all2 P xs ys; P x y \ \ list_all2 P (xs[i:=x]) (ys[i:=y])" by (cases "i < length ys") (auto simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth nth_list_update) lemma list_all2_takeI [simp,intro?]: "list_all2 P xs ys \ list_all2 P (take n xs) (take n ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: n ys) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case by (cases n) (auto simp: list_all2_Cons1) qed auto lemma list_all2_dropI [simp,intro?]: "list_all2 P xs ys \ list_all2 P (drop n xs) (drop n ys)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: n ys) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case by (cases n) (auto simp: list_all2_Cons1) qed auto lemma list_all2_mono [intro?]: "list_all2 P xs ys \ (\xs ys. P xs ys \ Q xs ys) \ list_all2 Q xs ys" by (rule list.rel_mono_strong) lemma list_all2_eq: "xs = ys \ list_all2 (=) xs ys" by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') auto lemma list_eq_iff_zip_eq: "xs = ys \ length xs = length ys \ (\(x,y) \ set (zip xs ys). x = y)" by(auto simp add: set_zip list_all2_eq list_all2_conv_all_nth cong: conj_cong) lemma list_all2_same: "list_all2 P xs xs \ (\x\set xs. P x x)" by(auto simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth set_conv_nth) lemma zip_assoc: "zip xs (zip ys zs) = map (\((x, y), z). (x, y, z)) (zip (zip xs ys) zs)" by(rule list_all2_all_nthI[where P="(=)", unfolded list.rel_eq]) simp_all lemma zip_commute: "zip xs ys = map (\(x, y). (y, x)) (zip ys xs)" by(rule list_all2_all_nthI[where P="(=)", unfolded list.rel_eq]) simp_all lemma zip_left_commute: "zip xs (zip ys zs) = map (\(y, (x, z)). (x, y, z)) (zip ys (zip xs zs))" by(rule list_all2_all_nthI[where P="(=)", unfolded list.rel_eq]) simp_all lemma zip_replicate2: "zip xs (replicate n y) = map (\x. (x, y)) (take n xs)" by(subst zip_commute)(simp add: zip_replicate1) subsubsection \\<^const>\List.product\ and \<^const>\product_lists\\ lemma product_concat_map: "List.product xs ys = concat (map (\x. map (\y. (x,y)) ys) xs)" by(induction xs) (simp)+ lemma set_product[simp]: "set (List.product xs ys) = set xs \ set ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_product [simp]: "length (List.product xs ys) = length xs * length ys" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma product_nth: assumes "n < length xs * length ys" shows "List.product xs ys ! n = (xs ! (n div length ys), ys ! (n mod length ys))" using assms proof (induct xs arbitrary: n) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs n) then have "length ys > 0" by auto with Cons show ?case by (auto simp add: nth_append not_less le_mod_geq le_div_geq) qed lemma in_set_product_lists_length: "xs \ set (product_lists xss) \ length xs = length xss" by (induct xss arbitrary: xs) auto lemma product_lists_set: "set (product_lists xss) = {xs. list_all2 (\x ys. x \ set ys) xs xss}" (is "?L = Collect ?R") proof (intro equalityI subsetI, unfold mem_Collect_eq) fix xs assume "xs \ ?L" then have "length xs = length xss" by (rule in_set_product_lists_length) from this \xs \ ?L\ show "?R xs" by (induct xs xss rule: list_induct2) auto next fix xs assume "?R xs" then show "xs \ ?L" by induct auto qed subsubsection \\<^const>\fold\ with natural argument order\ lemma fold_simps [code]: \ \eta-expanded variant for generated code -- enables tail-recursion optimisation in Scala\ "fold f [] s = s" "fold f (x # xs) s = fold f xs (f x s)" by simp_all lemma fold_remove1_split: "\ \x y. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ f x \ f y = f y \ f x; x \ set xs \ \ fold f xs = fold f (remove1 x xs) \ f x" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: comp_assoc) lemma fold_cong [fundef_cong]: "a = b \ xs = ys \ (\x. x \ set xs \ f x = g x) \ fold f xs a = fold g ys b" by (induct ys arbitrary: a b xs) simp_all lemma fold_id: "(\x. x \ set xs \ f x = id) \ fold f xs = id" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma fold_commute: "(\x. x \ set xs \ h \ g x = f x \ h) \ h \ fold g xs = fold f xs \ h" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff) lemma fold_commute_apply: assumes "\x. x \ set xs \ h \ g x = f x \ h" shows "h (fold g xs s) = fold f xs (h s)" proof - from assms have "h \ fold g xs = fold f xs \ h" by (rule fold_commute) then show ?thesis by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) qed lemma fold_invariant: "\ \x. x \ set xs \ Q x; P s; \x s. Q x \ P s \ P (f x s) \ \ P (fold f xs s)" by (induct xs arbitrary: s) simp_all lemma fold_append [simp]: "fold f (xs @ ys) = fold f ys \ fold f xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma fold_map [code_unfold]: "fold g (map f xs) = fold (g \ f) xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma fold_filter: "fold f (filter P xs) = fold (\x. if P x then f x else id) xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma fold_rev: "(\x y. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ f y \ f x = f x \ f y) \ fold f (rev xs) = fold f xs" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: fold_commute_apply fun_eq_iff) lemma fold_Cons_rev: "fold Cons xs = append (rev xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma rev_conv_fold [code]: "rev xs = fold Cons xs []" by (simp add: fold_Cons_rev) lemma fold_append_concat_rev: "fold append xss = append (concat (rev xss))" by (induct xss) simp_all text \\<^const>\Finite_Set.fold\ and \<^const>\fold\\ lemma (in comp_fun_commute_on) fold_set_fold_remdups: assumes "set xs \ S" shows "Finite_Set.fold f y (set xs) = fold f (remdups xs) y" by (rule sym, use assms in \induct xs arbitrary: y\) (simp_all add: insert_absorb fold_fun_left_comm) lemma (in comp_fun_idem_on) fold_set_fold: assumes "set xs \ S" shows "Finite_Set.fold f y (set xs) = fold f xs y" by (rule sym, use assms in \induct xs arbitrary: y\) (simp_all add: fold_fun_left_comm) lemma union_set_fold [code]: "set xs \ A = fold Set.insert xs A" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem Set.insert by (fact comp_fun_idem_insert) show ?thesis by (simp add: union_fold_insert fold_set_fold) qed lemma union_coset_filter [code]: "List.coset xs \ A = List.coset (List.filter (\x. x \ A) xs)" by auto lemma minus_set_fold [code]: "A - set xs = fold Set.remove xs A" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem Set.remove by (fact comp_fun_idem_remove) show ?thesis by (simp add: minus_fold_remove [of _ A] fold_set_fold) qed lemma minus_coset_filter [code]: "A - List.coset xs = set (List.filter (\x. x \ A) xs)" by auto lemma inter_set_filter [code]: "A \ set xs = set (List.filter (\x. x \ A) xs)" by auto lemma inter_coset_fold [code]: "A \ List.coset xs = fold Set.remove xs A" by (simp add: Diff_eq [symmetric] minus_set_fold) lemma (in semilattice_set) set_eq_fold [code]: "F (set (x # xs)) = fold f xs x" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem f by standard (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff left_commute) show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_fold fold_set_fold) qed lemma (in complete_lattice) Inf_set_fold: "Inf (set xs) = fold inf xs top" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem "inf :: 'a \ 'a \ 'a" by (fact comp_fun_idem_inf) show ?thesis by (simp add: Inf_fold_inf fold_set_fold inf_commute) qed declare Inf_set_fold [where 'a = "'a set", code] lemma (in complete_lattice) Sup_set_fold: "Sup (set xs) = fold sup xs bot" proof - interpret comp_fun_idem "sup :: 'a \ 'a \ 'a" by (fact comp_fun_idem_sup) show ?thesis by (simp add: Sup_fold_sup fold_set_fold sup_commute) qed declare Sup_set_fold [where 'a = "'a set", code] lemma (in complete_lattice) INF_set_fold: "\(f ` set xs) = fold (inf \ f) xs top" using Inf_set_fold [of "map f xs"] by (simp add: fold_map) lemma (in complete_lattice) SUP_set_fold: "\(f ` set xs) = fold (sup \ f) xs bot" using Sup_set_fold [of "map f xs"] by (simp add: fold_map) subsubsection \Fold variants: \<^const>\foldr\ and \<^const>\foldl\\ text \Correspondence\ lemma foldr_conv_fold [code_abbrev]: "foldr f xs = fold f (rev xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma foldl_conv_fold: "foldl f s xs = fold (\x s. f s x) xs s" by (induct xs arbitrary: s) simp_all lemma foldr_conv_foldl: \ \The ``Third Duality Theorem'' in Bird \& Wadler:\ "foldr f xs a = foldl (\x y. f y x) a (rev xs)" by (simp add: foldr_conv_fold foldl_conv_fold) lemma foldl_conv_foldr: "foldl f a xs = foldr (\x y. f y x) (rev xs) a" by (simp add: foldr_conv_fold foldl_conv_fold) lemma foldr_fold: "(\x y. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ f y \ f x = f x \ f y) \ foldr f xs = fold f xs" unfolding foldr_conv_fold by (rule fold_rev) lemma foldr_cong [fundef_cong]: "a = b \ l = k \ (\a x. x \ set l \ f x a = g x a) \ foldr f l a = foldr g k b" by (auto simp add: foldr_conv_fold intro!: fold_cong) lemma foldl_cong [fundef_cong]: "a = b \ l = k \ (\a x. x \ set l \ f a x = g a x) \ foldl f a l = foldl g b k" by (auto simp add: foldl_conv_fold intro!: fold_cong) lemma foldr_append [simp]: "foldr f (xs @ ys) a = foldr f xs (foldr f ys a)" by (simp add: foldr_conv_fold) lemma foldl_append [simp]: "foldl f a (xs @ ys) = foldl f (foldl f a xs) ys" by (simp add: foldl_conv_fold) lemma foldr_map [code_unfold]: "foldr g (map f xs) a = foldr (g \ f) xs a" by (simp add: foldr_conv_fold fold_map rev_map) lemma foldr_filter: "foldr f (filter P xs) = foldr (\x. if P x then f x else id) xs" by (simp add: foldr_conv_fold rev_filter fold_filter) lemma foldl_map [code_unfold]: "foldl g a (map f xs) = foldl (\a x. g a (f x)) a xs" by (simp add: foldl_conv_fold fold_map comp_def) lemma concat_conv_foldr [code]: "concat xss = foldr append xss []" by (simp add: fold_append_concat_rev foldr_conv_fold) subsubsection \\<^const>\upt\\ lemma upt_rec[code]: "[i.. \simp does not terminate!\ by (induct j) auto lemmas upt_rec_numeral[simp] = upt_rec[of "numeral m" "numeral n"] for m n lemma upt_conv_Nil [simp]: "j \ i \ [i.. j \ i)" by(induct j)simp_all lemma upt_eq_Cons_conv: "([i.. i = x \ [i+1.. j \ [i..<(Suc j)] = [i.. \Only needed if \upt_Suc\ is deleted from the simpset.\ by simp lemma upt_conv_Cons: "i < j \ [i.. \no precondition\ "m # n # ns = [m.. n # ns = [Suc m.. [i.. \LOOPS as a simprule, since \j \ j\.\ by (induct k) auto lemma length_upt [simp]: "length [i.. [i.. hd[i.. last[i.. n \ take m [i..i. i + n) [0.. (map f [m..n. n - Suc 0) [Suc m..i. f (Suc i)) [0 ..< n]" by (induct n arbitrary: f) auto lemma nth_take_lemma: "k \ length xs \ k \ length ys \ (\i. i < k \ xs!i = ys!i) \ take k xs = take k ys" proof (induct k arbitrary: xs ys) case (Suc k) then show ?case apply (simp add: less_Suc_eq_0_disj) by (simp add: Suc.prems(3) take_Suc_conv_app_nth) qed simp lemma nth_equalityI: "\length xs = length ys; \i. i < length xs \ xs!i = ys!i\ \ xs = ys" by (frule nth_take_lemma [OF le_refl eq_imp_le]) simp_all lemma map_nth: "map (\i. xs ! i) [0.. (\x y. \P x y; Q y x\ \ x = y); list_all2 P xs ys; list_all2 Q ys xs \ \ xs = ys" by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth nth_equalityI) lemma take_equalityI: "(\i. take i xs = take i ys) \ xs = ys" \ \The famous take-lemma.\ by (metis length_take min.commute order_refl take_all) lemma take_Cons': "take n (x # xs) = (if n = 0 then [] else x # take (n - 1) xs)" by (cases n) simp_all lemma drop_Cons': "drop n (x # xs) = (if n = 0 then x # xs else drop (n - 1) xs)" by (cases n) simp_all lemma nth_Cons': "(x # xs)!n = (if n = 0 then x else xs!(n - 1))" by (cases n) simp_all lemma take_Cons_numeral [simp]: "take (numeral v) (x # xs) = x # take (numeral v - 1) xs" by (simp add: take_Cons') lemma drop_Cons_numeral [simp]: "drop (numeral v) (x # xs) = drop (numeral v - 1) xs" by (simp add: drop_Cons') lemma nth_Cons_numeral [simp]: "(x # xs) ! numeral v = xs ! (numeral v - 1)" by (simp add: nth_Cons') lemma map_upt_eqI: \map f [m.. if \length xs = n - m\ \\i. i < length xs \ xs ! i = f (m + i)\ proof (rule nth_equalityI) from \length xs = n - m\ show \length (map f [m.. by simp next fix i assume \i < length (map f [m.. then have \i < n - m\ by simp with that have \xs ! i = f (m + i)\ by simp with \i < n - m\ show \map f [m.. by simp qed subsubsection \\upto\: interval-list on \<^typ>\int\\ function upto :: "int \ int \ int list" ("(1[_../_])") where "upto i j = (if i \ j then i # [i+1..j] else [])" by auto termination by(relation "measure(%(i::int,j). nat(j - i + 1))") auto declare upto.simps[simp del] lemmas upto_rec_numeral [simp] = upto.simps[of "numeral m" "numeral n"] upto.simps[of "numeral m" "- numeral n"] upto.simps[of "- numeral m" "numeral n"] upto.simps[of "- numeral m" "- numeral n"] for m n lemma upto_empty[simp]: "j < i \ [i..j] = []" by(simp add: upto.simps) lemma upto_single[simp]: "[i..i] = [i]" by(simp add: upto.simps) lemma upto_Nil[simp]: "[i..j] = [] \ j < i" by (simp add: upto.simps) lemmas upto_Nil2[simp] = upto_Nil[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma upto_rec1: "i \ j \ [i..j] = i#[i+1..j]" by(simp add: upto.simps) lemma upto_rec2: "i \ j \ [i..j] = [i..j - 1]@[j]" proof(induct "nat(j-i)" arbitrary: i j) case 0 thus ?case by(simp add: upto.simps) next case (Suc n) hence "n = nat (j - (i + 1))" "i < j" by linarith+ from this(2) Suc.hyps(1)[OF this(1)] Suc(2,3) upto_rec1 show ?case by simp qed lemma length_upto[simp]: "length [i..j] = nat(j - i + 1)" by(induction i j rule: upto.induct) (auto simp: upto.simps) lemma set_upto[simp]: "set[i..j] = {i..j}" proof(induct i j rule:upto.induct) case (1 i j) from this show ?case unfolding upto.simps[of i j] by auto qed lemma nth_upto[simp]: "i + int k \ j \ [i..j] ! k = i + int k" proof(induction i j arbitrary: k rule: upto.induct) case (1 i j) then show ?case by (auto simp add: upto_rec1 [of i j] nth_Cons') qed lemma upto_split1: "i \ j \ j \ k \ [i..k] = [i..j-1] @ [j..k]" proof (induction j rule: int_ge_induct) case base thus ?case by (simp add: upto_rec1) next case step thus ?case using upto_rec1 upto_rec2 by simp qed lemma upto_split2: "i \ j \ j \ k \ [i..k] = [i..j] @ [j+1..k]" using upto_rec1 upto_rec2 upto_split1 by auto lemma upto_split3: "\ i \ j; j \ k \ \ [i..k] = [i..j-1] @ j # [j+1..k]" using upto_rec1 upto_split1 by auto text\Tail recursive version for code generation:\ definition upto_aux :: "int \ int \ int list \ int list" where "upto_aux i j js = [i..j] @ js" lemma upto_aux_rec [code]: "upto_aux i j js = (if j\<^const>\successively\\ lemma successively_Cons: "successively P (x # xs) \ xs = [] \ P x (hd xs) \ successively P xs" by (cases xs) auto lemma successively_cong [cong]: assumes "\x y. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ P x y \ Q x y" "xs = ys" shows "successively P xs \ successively Q ys" unfolding assms(2) [symmetric] using assms(1) by (induction xs) (auto simp: successively_Cons) lemma successively_append_iff: "successively P (xs @ ys) \ successively P xs \ successively P ys \ (xs = [] \ ys = [] \ P (last xs) (hd ys))" by (induction xs) (auto simp: successively_Cons) lemma successively_if_sorted_wrt: "sorted_wrt P xs \ successively P xs" by (induction xs rule: induct_list012) auto lemma successively_iff_sorted_wrt_strong: assumes "\x y z. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ z \ set xs \ P x y \ P y z \ P x z" shows "successively P xs \ sorted_wrt P xs" proof assume "successively P xs" from this and assms show "sorted_wrt P xs" proof (induction xs rule: induct_list012) case (3 x y xs) from "3.prems" have "P x y" by auto have IH: "sorted_wrt P (y # xs)" using "3.prems" by(intro "3.IH"(2) list.set_intros(2))(simp, blast intro: list.set_intros(2)) have "P x z" if asm: "z \ set xs" for z proof - from IH and asm have "P y z" by auto with \P x y\ show "P x z" using "3.prems" asm by auto qed with IH and \P x y\ show ?case by auto qed auto qed (use successively_if_sorted_wrt in blast) lemma successively_conv_sorted_wrt: assumes "transp P" shows "successively P xs \ sorted_wrt P xs" using assms unfolding transp_def by (intro successively_iff_sorted_wrt_strong) blast lemma successively_rev [simp]: "successively P (rev xs) \ successively (\x y. P y x) xs" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) (auto simp: successively_append_iff successively_Cons) lemma successively_map: "successively P (map f xs) \ successively (\x y. P (f x) (f y)) xs" by (induction xs rule: induct_list012) auto lemma successively_mono: assumes "successively P xs" assumes "\x y. x \ set xs \ y \ set xs \ P x y \ Q x y" shows "successively Q xs" using assms by (induction Q xs rule: successively.induct) auto lemma successively_altdef: "successively = (\P. rec_list True (\x xs b. case xs of [] \ True | y # _ \ P x y \ b))" proof (intro ext) fix P and xs :: "'a list" show "successively P xs = rec_list True (\x xs b. case xs of [] \ True | y # _ \ P x y \ b) xs" by (induction xs) (auto simp: successively_Cons split: list.splits) qed subsubsection \\<^const>\distinct\ and \<^const>\remdups\ and \<^const>\remdups_adj\\ lemma distinct_tl: "distinct xs \ distinct (tl xs)" by (cases xs) simp_all lemma distinct_append [simp]: "distinct (xs @ ys) = (distinct xs \ distinct ys \ set xs \ set ys = {})" by (induct xs) auto lemma distinct_rev[simp]: "distinct(rev xs) = distinct xs" by(induct xs) auto lemma set_remdups [simp]: "set (remdups xs) = set xs" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: insert_absorb) lemma distinct_remdups [iff]: "distinct (remdups xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma distinct_remdups_id: "distinct xs \ remdups xs = xs" by (induct xs, auto) lemma remdups_id_iff_distinct [simp]: "remdups xs = xs \ distinct xs" by (metis distinct_remdups distinct_remdups_id) lemma finite_distinct_list: "finite A \ \xs. set xs = A \ distinct xs" by (metis distinct_remdups finite_list set_remdups) lemma remdups_eq_nil_iff [simp]: "(remdups x = []) = (x = [])" by (induct x, auto) lemmas remdups_eq_nil_right_iff [simp] = remdups_eq_nil_iff[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma length_remdups_leq[iff]: "length(remdups xs) \ length xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_remdups_eq[iff]: "(length (remdups xs) = length xs) = (remdups xs = xs)" proof (induct xs) case (Cons a xs) then show ?case by simp (metis Suc_n_not_le_n impossible_Cons length_remdups_leq) qed auto lemma remdups_filter: "remdups(filter P xs) = filter P (remdups xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma distinct_map: "distinct(map f xs) = (distinct xs \ inj_on f (set xs))" by (induct xs) auto lemma distinct_map_filter: "distinct (map f xs) \ distinct (map f (filter P xs))" by (induct xs) auto lemma distinct_filter [simp]: "distinct xs \ distinct (filter P xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma distinct_upt[simp]: "distinct[i.. distinct (take i xs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case (Cons a xs) then show ?case by (metis Cons.prems append_take_drop_id distinct_append) qed auto lemma distinct_drop[simp]: "distinct xs \ distinct (drop i xs)" proof (induct xs arbitrary: i) case (Cons a xs) then show ?case by (metis Cons.prems append_take_drop_id distinct_append) qed auto lemma distinct_list_update: assumes d: "distinct xs" and a: "a \ set xs - {xs!i}" shows "distinct (xs[i:=a])" proof (cases "i < length xs") case True with a have anot: "a \ set (take i xs @ xs ! i # drop (Suc i) xs) - {xs!i}" by simp (metis in_set_dropD in_set_takeD) show ?thesis proof (cases "a = xs!i") case True with d show ?thesis by auto next case False have "set (take i xs) \ set (drop (Suc i) xs) = {}" by (metis True d disjoint_insert(1) distinct_append id_take_nth_drop list.set(2)) then show ?thesis using d False anot \i < length xs\ by (simp add: upd_conv_take_nth_drop) qed next case False with d show ?thesis by auto qed lemma distinct_concat: "\ distinct xs; \ ys. ys \ set xs \ distinct ys; \ ys zs. \ ys \ set xs ; zs \ set xs ; ys \ zs \ \ set ys \ set zs = {} \ \ distinct (concat xs)" by (induct xs) auto text \An iff-version of @{thm distinct_concat} is available further down as \distinct_concat_iff\.\ text \It is best to avoid the following indexed version of distinct, but sometimes it is useful.\ lemma distinct_conv_nth: "distinct xs = (\i < size xs. \j < size xs. i \ j \ xs!i \ xs!j)" proof (induct xs) case (Cons x xs) show ?case apply (auto simp add: Cons nth_Cons less_Suc_eq_le split: nat.split_asm) apply (metis Suc_leI in_set_conv_nth length_pos_if_in_set lessI less_imp_le_nat less_nat_zero_code) apply (metis Suc_le_eq) done qed auto lemma nth_eq_iff_index_eq: "\ distinct xs; i < length xs; j < length xs \ \ (xs!i = xs!j) = (i = j)" by(auto simp: distinct_conv_nth) lemma distinct_Ex1: "distinct xs \ x \ set xs \ (\!i. i < length xs \ xs ! i = x)" by (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_eq_iff_index_eq) lemma inj_on_nth: "distinct xs \ \i \ I. i < length xs \ inj_on (nth xs) I" by (rule inj_onI) (simp add: nth_eq_iff_index_eq) lemma bij_betw_nth: assumes "distinct xs" "A = {.. distinct xs; n < length xs \ \ set(xs[n := x]) = insert x (set xs - {xs!n})" by(auto simp: set_eq_iff in_set_conv_nth nth_list_update nth_eq_iff_index_eq) lemma distinct_swap[simp]: "\ i < size xs; j < size xs\ \ distinct(xs[i := xs!j, j := xs!i]) = distinct xs" apply (simp add: distinct_conv_nth nth_list_update) apply (safe; metis) done lemma set_swap[simp]: "\ i < size xs; j < size xs \ \ set(xs[i := xs!j, j := xs!i]) = set xs" by(simp add: set_conv_nth nth_list_update) metis lemma distinct_card: "distinct xs \ card (set xs) = size xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma card_distinct: "card (set xs) = size xs \ distinct xs" proof (induct xs) case (Cons x xs) show ?case proof (cases "x \ set xs") case False with Cons show ?thesis by simp next case True with Cons.prems have "card (set xs) = Suc (length xs)" by (simp add: card_insert_if split: if_split_asm) moreover have "card (set xs) \ length xs" by (rule card_length) ultimately have False by simp thus ?thesis .. qed qed simp lemma distinct_length_filter: "distinct xs \ length (filter P xs) = card ({x. P x} Int set xs)" by (induct xs) (auto) lemma not_distinct_decomp: "\ distinct ws \ \xs ys zs y. ws = xs@[y]@ys@[y]@zs" proof (induct n == "length ws" arbitrary:ws) case (Suc n ws) then show ?case using length_Suc_conv [of ws n] apply (auto simp: eq_commute) apply (metis append_Nil in_set_conv_decomp_first) by (metis append_Cons) qed simp lemma not_distinct_conv_prefix: defines "dec as xs y ys \ y \ set xs \ distinct xs \ as = xs @ y # ys" shows "\distinct as \ (\xs y ys. dec as xs y ys)" (is "?L = ?R") proof assume "?L" then show "?R" proof (induct "length as" arbitrary: as rule: less_induct) case less obtain xs ys zs y where decomp: "as = (xs @ y # ys) @ y # zs" using not_distinct_decomp[OF less.prems] by auto show ?case proof (cases "distinct (xs @ y # ys)") case True with decomp have "dec as (xs @ y # ys) y zs" by (simp add: dec_def) then show ?thesis by blast next case False with less decomp obtain xs' y' ys' where "dec (xs @ y # ys) xs' y' ys'" by atomize_elim auto with decomp have "dec as xs' y' (ys' @ y # zs)" by (simp add: dec_def) then show ?thesis by blast qed qed qed (auto simp: dec_def) lemma distinct_product: "distinct xs \ distinct ys \ distinct (List.product xs ys)" by (induct xs) (auto intro: inj_onI simp add: distinct_map) lemma distinct_product_lists: assumes "\xs \ set xss. distinct xs" shows "distinct (product_lists xss)" using assms proof (induction xss) case (Cons xs xss) note * = this then show ?case proof (cases "product_lists xss") case Nil then show ?thesis by (induct xs) simp_all next case (Cons ps pss) with * show ?thesis by (auto intro!: inj_onI distinct_concat simp add: distinct_map) qed qed simp lemma length_remdups_concat: "length (remdups (concat xss)) = card (\xs\set xss. set xs)" by (simp add: distinct_card [symmetric]) lemma remdups_append2: "remdups (xs @ remdups ys) = remdups (xs @ ys)" by(induction xs) auto lemma length_remdups_card_conv: "length(remdups xs) = card(set xs)" proof - have xs: "concat[xs] = xs" by simp from length_remdups_concat[of "[xs]"] show ?thesis unfolding xs by simp qed lemma remdups_remdups: "remdups (remdups xs) = remdups xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma distinct_butlast: assumes "distinct xs" shows "distinct (butlast xs)" proof (cases "xs = []") case False from \xs \ []\ obtain ys y where "xs = ys @ [y]" by (cases xs rule: rev_cases) auto with \distinct xs\ show ?thesis by simp qed (auto) lemma remdups_map_remdups: "remdups (map f (remdups xs)) = remdups (map f xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma distinct_zipI1: assumes "distinct xs" shows "distinct (zip xs ys)" proof (rule zip_obtain_same_length) fix xs' :: "'a list" and ys' :: "'b list" and n assume "length xs' = length ys'" assume "xs' = take n xs" with assms have "distinct xs'" by simp with \length xs' = length ys'\ show "distinct (zip xs' ys')" by (induct xs' ys' rule: list_induct2) (auto elim: in_set_zipE) qed lemma distinct_zipI2: assumes "distinct ys" shows "distinct (zip xs ys)" proof (rule zip_obtain_same_length) fix xs' :: "'b list" and ys' :: "'a list" and n assume "length xs' = length ys'" assume "ys' = take n ys" with assms have "distinct ys'" by simp with \length xs' = length ys'\ show "distinct (zip xs' ys')" by (induct xs' ys' rule: list_induct2) (auto elim: in_set_zipE) qed lemma set_take_disj_set_drop_if_distinct: "distinct vs \ i \ j \ set (take i vs) \ set (drop j vs) = {}" by (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth distinct_conv_nth) (* The next two lemmas help Sledgehammer. *) lemma distinct_singleton: "distinct [x]" by simp lemma distinct_length_2_or_more: "distinct (a # b # xs) \ (a \ b \ distinct (a # xs) \ distinct (b # xs))" by force lemma remdups_adj_altdef: "(remdups_adj xs = ys) \ (\f::nat => nat. mono f \ f ` {0 ..< size xs} = {0 ..< size ys} \ (\i < size xs. xs!i = ys!(f i)) \ (\i. i + 1 < size xs \ (xs!i = xs!(i+1) \ f i = f(i+1))))" (is "?L \ (\f. ?p f xs ys)") proof assume ?L then show "\f. ?p f xs ys" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys rule: remdups_adj.induct) case (1 ys) thus ?case by (intro exI[of _ id]) (auto simp: mono_def) next case (2 x ys) thus ?case by (intro exI[of _ id]) (auto simp: mono_def) next case (3 x1 x2 xs ys) let ?xs = "x1 # x2 # xs" let ?cond = "x1 = x2" define zs where "zs = remdups_adj (x2 # xs)" from 3(1-2)[of zs] obtain f where p: "?p f (x2 # xs) zs" unfolding zs_def by (cases ?cond) auto then have f0: "f 0 = 0" by (intro mono_image_least[where f=f]) blast+ from p have mono: "mono f" and f_xs_zs: "f ` {0.. []" unfolding zs_def by (induct xs) auto let ?Succ = "if ?cond then id else Suc" let ?x1 = "if ?cond then id else Cons x1" let ?f = "\ i. if i = 0 then 0 else ?Succ (f (i - 1))" have ys: "ys = ?x1 zs" unfolding ys by (cases ?cond, auto) have mono: "mono ?f" using \mono f\ unfolding mono_def by auto show ?case unfolding ys proof (intro exI[of _ ?f] conjI allI impI) show "mono ?f" by fact next fix i assume i: "i < length ?xs" with p show "?xs ! i = ?x1 zs ! (?f i)" using zs0 by auto next fix i assume i: "i + 1 < length ?xs" with p show "(?xs ! i = ?xs ! (i + 1)) = (?f i = ?f (i + 1))" by (cases i) (auto simp: f0) next have id: "{0 ..< length (?x1 zs)} = insert 0 (?Succ ` {0 ..< length zs})" using zsne by (cases ?cond, auto) { fix i assume "i < Suc (length xs)" hence "Suc i \ {0.. Collect ((<) 0)" by auto from imageI[OF this, of "\i. ?Succ (f (i - Suc 0))"] have "?Succ (f i) \ (\i. ?Succ (f (i - Suc 0))) ` ({0.. Collect ((<) 0))" by auto } then show "?f ` {0 ..< length ?xs} = {0 ..< length (?x1 zs)}" unfolding id f_xs_zs[symmetric] by auto qed qed next assume "\ f. ?p f xs ys" then show ?L proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys rule: remdups_adj.induct) case 1 then show ?case by auto next case (2 x) then obtain f where f_img: "f ` {0 ..< size [x]} = {0 ..< size ys}" and f_nth: "\i. i < size [x] \ [x]!i = ys!(f i)" by blast have "length ys = card (f ` {0 ..< size [x]})" using f_img by auto then have *: "length ys = 1" by auto then have "f 0 = 0" using f_img by auto with * show ?case using f_nth by (cases ys) auto next case (3 x1 x2 xs) from "3.prems" obtain f where f_mono: "mono f" and f_img: "f ` {0..i. i < length (x1 # x2 # xs) \ (x1 # x2 # xs) ! i = ys ! f i" "\i. i + 1 < length (x1 # x2 #xs) \ ((x1 # x2 # xs) ! i = (x1 # x2 # xs) ! (i + 1)) = (f i = f (i + 1))" by blast show ?case proof cases assume "x1 = x2" let ?f' = "f \ Suc" have "remdups_adj (x1 # xs) = ys" proof (intro "3.hyps" exI conjI impI allI) show "mono ?f'" using f_mono by (simp add: mono_iff_le_Suc) next have "?f' ` {0 ..< length (x1 # xs)} = f ` {Suc 0 ..< length (x1 # x2 # xs)}" using less_Suc_eq_0_disj by auto also have "\ = f ` {0 ..< length (x1 # x2 # xs)}" proof - have "f 0 = f (Suc 0)" using \x1 = x2\ f_nth[of 0] by simp then show ?thesis using less_Suc_eq_0_disj by auto qed also have "\ = {0 ..< length ys}" by fact finally show "?f' ` {0 ..< length (x1 # xs)} = {0 ..< length ys}" . qed (insert f_nth[of "Suc i" for i], auto simp: \x1 = x2\) then show ?thesis using \x1 = x2\ by simp next assume "x1 \ x2" have two: "Suc (Suc 0) \ length ys" proof - have "2 = card {f 0, f 1}" using \x1 \ x2\ f_nth[of 0] by auto also have "\ \ card (f ` {0..< length (x1 # x2 # xs)})" by (rule card_mono) auto finally show ?thesis using f_img by simp qed have "f 0 = 0" using f_mono f_img by (rule mono_image_least) simp have "f (Suc 0) = Suc 0" proof (rule ccontr) assume "f (Suc 0) \ Suc 0" then have "Suc 0 < f (Suc 0)" using f_nth[of 0] \x1 \ x2\ \f 0 = 0\ by auto then have "\i. Suc 0 < f (Suc i)" using f_mono by (meson Suc_le_mono le0 less_le_trans monoD) then have "Suc 0 \ f i" for i using \f 0 = 0\ by (cases i) fastforce+ then have "Suc 0 \ f ` {0 ..< length (x1 # x2 # xs)}" by auto then show False using f_img two by auto qed obtain ys' where "ys = x1 # x2 # ys'" using two f_nth[of 0] f_nth[of 1] by (auto simp: Suc_le_length_iff \f 0 = 0\ \f (Suc 0) = Suc 0\) have Suc0_le_f_Suc: "Suc 0 \ f (Suc i)" for i by (metis Suc_le_mono \f (Suc 0) = Suc 0\ f_mono le0 mono_def) define f' where "f' x = f (Suc x) - 1" for x have f_Suc: "f (Suc i) = Suc (f' i)" for i using Suc0_le_f_Suc[of i] by (auto simp: f'_def) have "remdups_adj (x2 # xs) = (x2 # ys')" proof (intro "3.hyps" exI conjI impI allI) show "mono f'" using Suc0_le_f_Suc f_mono by (auto simp: f'_def mono_iff_le_Suc le_diff_iff) next have "f' ` {0 ..< length (x2 # xs)} = (\x. f x - 1) ` {0 ..< length (x1 # x2 #xs)}" by (auto simp: f'_def \f 0 = 0\ \f (Suc 0) = Suc 0\ image_def Bex_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj) also have "\ = (\x. x - 1) ` f ` {0 ..< length (x1 # x2 #xs)}" by (auto simp: image_comp) also have "\ = (\x. x - 1) ` {0 ..< length ys}" by (simp only: f_img) also have "\ = {0 ..< length (x2 # ys')}" using \ys = _\ by (fastforce intro: rev_image_eqI) finally show "f' ` {0 ..< length (x2 # xs)} = {0 ..< length (x2 # ys')}" . qed (insert f_nth[of "Suc i" for i] \x1 \ x2\, auto simp add: f_Suc \ys = _\) then show ?case using \ys = _\ \x1 \ x2\ by simp qed qed qed lemma hd_remdups_adj[simp]: "hd (remdups_adj xs) = hd xs" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) simp_all lemma remdups_adj_Cons: "remdups_adj (x # xs) = (case remdups_adj xs of [] \ [x] | y # xs \ if x = y then y # xs else x # y # xs)" by (induct xs arbitrary: x) (auto split: list.splits) lemma remdups_adj_append_two: "remdups_adj (xs @ [x,y]) = remdups_adj (xs @ [x]) @ (if x = y then [] else [y])" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all) lemma remdups_adj_adjacent: "Suc i < length (remdups_adj xs) \ remdups_adj xs ! i \ remdups_adj xs ! Suc i" proof (induction xs arbitrary: i rule: remdups_adj.induct) case (3 x y xs i) thus ?case by (cases i, cases "x = y") (simp, auto simp: hd_conv_nth[symmetric]) qed simp_all lemma remdups_adj_rev[simp]: "remdups_adj (rev xs) = rev (remdups_adj xs)" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all add: remdups_adj_append_two) lemma remdups_adj_length[simp]: "length (remdups_adj xs) \ length xs" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, auto) lemma remdups_adj_length_ge1[simp]: "xs \ [] \ length (remdups_adj xs) \ Suc 0" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all) lemma remdups_adj_Nil_iff[simp]: "remdups_adj xs = [] \ xs = []" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all) lemma remdups_adj_set[simp]: "set (remdups_adj xs) = set xs" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all) lemma last_remdups_adj [simp]: "last (remdups_adj xs) = last xs" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) auto lemma remdups_adj_Cons_alt[simp]: "x # tl (remdups_adj (x # xs)) = remdups_adj (x # xs)" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, auto) lemma remdups_adj_distinct: "distinct xs \ remdups_adj xs = xs" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all) lemma remdups_adj_append: "remdups_adj (xs\<^sub>1 @ x # xs\<^sub>2) = remdups_adj (xs\<^sub>1 @ [x]) @ tl (remdups_adj (x # xs\<^sub>2))" by (induct xs\<^sub>1 rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all) lemma remdups_adj_singleton: "remdups_adj xs = [x] \ xs = replicate (length xs) x" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, auto split: if_split_asm) lemma remdups_adj_map_injective: assumes "inj f" shows "remdups_adj (map f xs) = map f (remdups_adj xs)" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) (auto simp add: injD[OF assms]) lemma remdups_adj_replicate: "remdups_adj (replicate n x) = (if n = 0 then [] else [x])" by (induction n) (auto simp: remdups_adj_Cons) lemma remdups_upt [simp]: "remdups [m.. n") case False then show ?thesis by simp next case True then obtain q where "n = m + q" by (auto simp add: le_iff_add) moreover have "remdups [m.. successively P (remdups_adj xs)" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) (auto simp: successively_Cons) lemma successively_remdups_adj_iff: "(\x. x \ set xs \ P x x) \ successively P (remdups_adj xs) \ successively P xs" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct)(auto simp: successively_Cons) lemma remdups_adj_Cons': "remdups_adj (x # xs) = x # remdups_adj (dropWhile (\y. y = x) xs)" by (induction xs) auto lemma remdups_adj_singleton_iff: "length (remdups_adj xs) = Suc 0 \ xs \ [] \ xs = replicate (length xs) (hd xs)" proof safe assume *: "xs = replicate (length xs) (hd xs)" and [simp]: "xs \ []" show "length (remdups_adj xs) = Suc 0" by (subst *) (auto simp: remdups_adj_replicate) next assume "length (remdups_adj xs) = Suc 0" thus "xs = replicate (length xs) (hd xs)" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) (auto split: if_splits) qed auto lemma tl_remdups_adj: "ys \ [] \ tl (remdups_adj ys) = remdups_adj (dropWhile (\x. x = hd ys) (tl ys))" by (cases ys) (simp_all add: remdups_adj_Cons') lemma remdups_adj_append_dropWhile: "remdups_adj (xs @ y # ys) = remdups_adj (xs @ [y]) @ remdups_adj (dropWhile (\x. x = y) ys)" by (subst remdups_adj_append) (simp add: tl_remdups_adj) lemma remdups_adj_append': assumes "xs = [] \ ys = [] \ last xs \ hd ys" shows "remdups_adj (xs @ ys) = remdups_adj xs @ remdups_adj ys" proof - have ?thesis if [simp]: "xs \ []" "ys \ []" and "last xs \ hd ys" proof - obtain x xs' where xs: "xs = xs' @ [x]" by (cases xs rule: rev_cases) auto have "remdups_adj (xs' @ x # ys) = remdups_adj (xs' @ [x]) @ remdups_adj ys" using \last xs \ hd ys\ unfolding xs by (metis (full_types) dropWhile_eq_self_iff last_snoc remdups_adj_append_dropWhile) thus ?thesis by (simp add: xs) qed thus ?thesis using assms by (cases "xs = []"; cases "ys = []") auto qed lemma remdups_adj_append'': "xs \ [] \ remdups_adj (xs @ ys) = remdups_adj xs @ remdups_adj (dropWhile (\y. y = last xs) ys)" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) (auto simp: remdups_adj_Cons') subsection \@{const distinct_adj}\ lemma distinct_adj_Nil [simp]: "distinct_adj []" and distinct_adj_singleton [simp]: "distinct_adj [x]" and distinct_adj_Cons_Cons [simp]: "distinct_adj (x # y # xs) \ x \ y \ distinct_adj (y # xs)" by (auto simp: distinct_adj_def) lemma distinct_adj_Cons: "distinct_adj (x # xs) \ xs = [] \ x \ hd xs \ distinct_adj xs" by (cases xs) auto lemma distinct_adj_ConsD: "distinct_adj (x # xs) \ distinct_adj xs" by (cases xs) auto lemma distinct_adj_remdups_adj[simp]: "distinct_adj (remdups_adj xs)" by (induction xs rule: remdups_adj.induct) (auto simp: distinct_adj_Cons) lemma distinct_adj_altdef: "distinct_adj xs \ remdups_adj xs = xs" proof assume "remdups_adj xs = xs" with distinct_adj_remdups_adj[of xs] show "distinct_adj xs" by simp next assume "distinct_adj xs" thus "remdups_adj xs = xs" by (induction xs rule: induct_list012) auto qed lemma distinct_adj_rev [simp]: "distinct_adj (rev xs) \ distinct_adj xs" by (simp add: distinct_adj_def eq_commute) lemma distinct_adj_append_iff: "distinct_adj (xs @ ys) \ distinct_adj xs \ distinct_adj ys \ (xs = [] \ ys = [] \ last xs \ hd ys)" by (auto simp: distinct_adj_def successively_append_iff) lemma distinct_adj_appendD1 [dest]: "distinct_adj (xs @ ys) \ distinct_adj xs" and distinct_adj_appendD2 [dest]: "distinct_adj (xs @ ys) \ distinct_adj ys" by (auto simp: distinct_adj_append_iff) lemma distinct_adj_mapI: "distinct_adj xs \ inj_on f (set xs) \ distinct_adj (map f xs)" unfolding distinct_adj_def successively_map by (erule successively_mono) (auto simp: inj_on_def) lemma distinct_adj_mapD: "distinct_adj (map f xs) \ distinct_adj xs" unfolding distinct_adj_def successively_map by (erule successively_mono) auto lemma distinct_adj_map_iff: "inj_on f (set xs) \ distinct_adj (map f xs) \ distinct_adj xs" using distinct_adj_mapD distinct_adj_mapI by blast subsubsection \\<^const>\insert\\ lemma in_set_insert [simp]: "x \ set xs \ List.insert x xs = xs" by (simp add: List.insert_def) lemma not_in_set_insert [simp]: "x \ set xs \ List.insert x xs = x # xs" by (simp add: List.insert_def) lemma insert_Nil [simp]: "List.insert x [] = [x]" by simp lemma set_insert [simp]: "set (List.insert x xs) = insert x (set xs)" by (auto simp add: List.insert_def) lemma distinct_insert [simp]: "distinct (List.insert x xs) = distinct xs" by (simp add: List.insert_def) lemma insert_remdups: "List.insert x (remdups xs) = remdups (List.insert x xs)" by (simp add: List.insert_def) subsubsection \\<^const>\List.union\\ text\This is all one should need to know about union:\ lemma set_union[simp]: "set (List.union xs ys) = set xs \ set ys" unfolding List.union_def by(induct xs arbitrary: ys) simp_all lemma distinct_union[simp]: "distinct(List.union xs ys) = distinct ys" unfolding List.union_def by(induct xs arbitrary: ys) simp_all subsubsection \\<^const>\List.find\\ lemma find_None_iff: "List.find P xs = None \ \ (\x. x \ set xs \ P x)" proof (induction xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) thus ?case by (fastforce split: if_splits) qed lemmas find_None_iff2 = find_None_iff[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma find_Some_iff: "List.find P xs = Some x \ (\i x = xs!i \ (\j P (xs!j)))" proof (induction xs) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) thus ?case apply(auto simp: nth_Cons' split: if_splits) using diff_Suc_1[unfolded One_nat_def] less_Suc_eq_0_disj by fastforce qed lemmas find_Some_iff2 = find_Some_iff[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma find_cong[fundef_cong]: assumes "xs = ys" and "\x. x \ set ys \ P x = Q x" shows "List.find P xs = List.find Q ys" proof (cases "List.find P xs") case None thus ?thesis by (metis find_None_iff assms) next case (Some x) hence "List.find Q ys = Some x" using assms by (auto simp add: find_Some_iff) thus ?thesis using Some by auto qed lemma find_dropWhile: "List.find P xs = (case dropWhile (Not \ P) xs of [] \ None | x # _ \ Some x)" by (induct xs) simp_all subsubsection \\<^const>\count_list\\ text \This library is intentionally minimal. See the remark about multisets at the point above where @{const count_list} is defined.\ lemma count_list_append[simp]: "count_list (xs @ ys) x = count_list xs x + count_list ys x" by (induction xs) simp_all lemma count_list_0_iff: "count_list xs x = 0 \ x \ set xs" by (induction xs) simp_all lemma count_notin[simp]: "x \ set xs \ count_list xs x = 0" by(simp add: count_list_0_iff) lemma count_le_length: "count_list xs x \ length xs" by (induction xs) auto lemma count_list_map_ge: "count_list xs x \ count_list (map f xs) (f x)" by (induction xs) auto lemma count_list_inj_map: "\ inj_on f (set xs); x \ set xs \ \ count_list (map f xs) (f x) = count_list xs x" by (induction xs) (simp, fastforce) lemma count_list_rev[simp]: "count_list (rev xs) x = count_list xs x" by (induction xs) auto lemma sum_count_set: "set xs \ X \ finite X \ sum (count_list xs) X = length xs" proof (induction xs arbitrary: X) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case using sum.remove [of X x "count_list xs"] by (auto simp: sum.If_cases simp flip: diff_eq) qed simp subsubsection \\<^const>\List.extract\\ lemma extract_None_iff: "List.extract P xs = None \ \ (\ x\set xs. P x)" by(auto simp: extract_def dropWhile_eq_Cons_conv split: list.splits) (metis in_set_conv_decomp) lemma extract_SomeE: "List.extract P xs = Some (ys, y, zs) \ xs = ys @ y # zs \ P y \ \ (\ y \ set ys. P y)" by(auto simp: extract_def dropWhile_eq_Cons_conv split: list.splits) lemma extract_Some_iff: "List.extract P xs = Some (ys, y, zs) \ xs = ys @ y # zs \ P y \ \ (\ y \ set ys. P y)" by(auto simp: extract_def dropWhile_eq_Cons_conv dest: set_takeWhileD split: list.splits) lemma extract_Nil_code[code]: "List.extract P [] = None" by(simp add: extract_def) lemma extract_Cons_code[code]: "List.extract P (x # xs) = (if P x then Some ([], x, xs) else (case List.extract P xs of None \ None | Some (ys, y, zs) \ Some (x#ys, y, zs)))" by(auto simp add: extract_def comp_def split: list.splits) (metis dropWhile_eq_Nil_conv list.distinct(1)) subsubsection \\<^const>\remove1\\ lemma remove1_append: "remove1 x (xs @ ys) = (if x \ set xs then remove1 x xs @ ys else xs @ remove1 x ys)" by (induct xs) auto lemma remove1_commute: "remove1 x (remove1 y zs) = remove1 y (remove1 x zs)" by (induct zs) auto lemma in_set_remove1[simp]: "a \ b \ a \ set(remove1 b xs) = (a \ set xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_remove1_subset: "set(remove1 x xs) \ set xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_remove1_eq [simp]: "distinct xs \ set(remove1 x xs) = set xs - {x}" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_remove1: "length(remove1 x xs) = (if x \ set xs then length xs - 1 else length xs)" by (induct xs) (auto dest!:length_pos_if_in_set) lemma remove1_filter_not[simp]: "\ P x \ remove1 x (filter P xs) = filter P xs" by(induct xs) auto lemma filter_remove1: "filter Q (remove1 x xs) = remove1 x (filter Q xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma notin_set_remove1[simp]: "x \ set xs \ x \ set(remove1 y xs)" by(insert set_remove1_subset) fast lemma distinct_remove1[simp]: "distinct xs \ distinct(remove1 x xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma remove1_remdups: "distinct xs \ remove1 x (remdups xs) = remdups (remove1 x xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma remove1_idem: "x \ set xs \ remove1 x xs = xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma remove1_split: "a \ set xs \ remove1 a xs = ys \ (\ls rs. xs = ls @ a # rs \ a \ set ls \ ys = ls @ rs)" by (metis remove1.simps(2) remove1_append split_list_first) subsubsection \\<^const>\removeAll\\ lemma removeAll_filter_not_eq: "removeAll x = filter (\y. x \ y)" proof fix xs show "removeAll x xs = filter (\y. x \ y) xs" by (induct xs) auto qed lemma removeAll_append[simp]: "removeAll x (xs @ ys) = removeAll x xs @ removeAll x ys" by (induct xs) auto lemma set_removeAll[simp]: "set(removeAll x xs) = set xs - {x}" by (induct xs) auto lemma removeAll_id[simp]: "x \ set xs \ removeAll x xs = xs" by (induct xs) auto (* Needs count:: 'a \ 'a list \ nat lemma length_removeAll: "length(removeAll x xs) = length xs - count x xs" *) lemma removeAll_filter_not[simp]: "\ P x \ removeAll x (filter P xs) = filter P xs" by(induct xs) auto lemma distinct_removeAll: "distinct xs \ distinct (removeAll x xs)" by (simp add: removeAll_filter_not_eq) lemma distinct_remove1_removeAll: "distinct xs \ remove1 x xs = removeAll x xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma map_removeAll_inj_on: "inj_on f (insert x (set xs)) \ map f (removeAll x xs) = removeAll (f x) (map f xs)" by (induct xs) (simp_all add:inj_on_def) lemma map_removeAll_inj: "inj f \ map f (removeAll x xs) = removeAll (f x) (map f xs)" by (rule map_removeAll_inj_on, erule subset_inj_on, rule subset_UNIV) lemma length_removeAll_less_eq [simp]: "length (removeAll x xs) \ length xs" by (simp add: removeAll_filter_not_eq) lemma length_removeAll_less [termination_simp]: "x \ set xs \ length (removeAll x xs) < length xs" by (auto dest: length_filter_less simp add: removeAll_filter_not_eq) lemma distinct_concat_iff: "distinct (concat xs) \ distinct (removeAll [] xs) \ (\ys. ys \ set xs \ distinct ys) \ (\ys zs. ys \ set xs \ zs \ set xs \ ys \ zs \ set ys \ set zs = {})" apply (induct xs) apply(simp_all, safe, auto) by (metis Int_iff UN_I empty_iff equals0I set_empty) subsubsection \\<^const>\replicate\\ lemma length_replicate [simp]: "length (replicate n x) = n" by (induct n) auto lemma replicate_eqI: assumes "length xs = n" and "\y. y \ set xs \ y = x" shows "xs = replicate n x" using assms proof (induct xs arbitrary: n) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) then show ?case by (cases n) simp_all qed lemma Ex_list_of_length: "\xs. length xs = n" by (rule exI[of _ "replicate n undefined"]) simp lemma map_replicate [simp]: "map f (replicate n x) = replicate n (f x)" by (induct n) auto lemma map_replicate_const: "map (\ x. k) lst = replicate (length lst) k" by (induct lst) auto lemma replicate_app_Cons_same: "(replicate n x) @ (x # xs) = x # replicate n x @ xs" by (induct n) auto lemma rev_replicate [simp]: "rev (replicate n x) = replicate n x" by (induct n) (auto simp: replicate_app_Cons_same) lemma replicate_add: "replicate (n + m) x = replicate n x @ replicate m x" by (induct n) auto text\Courtesy of Matthias Daum:\ lemma append_replicate_commute: "replicate n x @ replicate k x = replicate k x @ replicate n x" by (metis add.commute replicate_add) text\Courtesy of Andreas Lochbihler:\ lemma filter_replicate: "filter P (replicate n x) = (if P x then replicate n x else [])" by(induct n) auto lemma hd_replicate [simp]: "n \ 0 \ hd (replicate n x) = x" by (induct n) auto lemma tl_replicate [simp]: "tl (replicate n x) = replicate (n - 1) x" by (induct n) auto lemma last_replicate [simp]: "n \ 0 \ last (replicate n x) = x" by (atomize (full), induct n) auto lemma nth_replicate[simp]: "i < n \ (replicate n x)!i = x" by (induct n arbitrary: i)(auto simp: nth_Cons split: nat.split) text\Courtesy of Matthias Daum (2 lemmas):\ lemma take_replicate[simp]: "take i (replicate k x) = replicate (min i k) x" proof (cases "k \ i") case True then show ?thesis by (simp add: min_def) next case False then have "replicate k x = replicate i x @ replicate (k - i) x" by (simp add: replicate_add [symmetric]) then show ?thesis by (simp add: min_def) qed lemma drop_replicate[simp]: "drop i (replicate k x) = replicate (k-i) x" proof (induct k arbitrary: i) case (Suc k) then show ?case by (simp add: drop_Cons') qed simp lemma set_replicate_Suc: "set (replicate (Suc n) x) = {x}" by (induct n) auto lemma set_replicate [simp]: "n \ 0 \ set (replicate n x) = {x}" by (fast dest!: not0_implies_Suc intro!: set_replicate_Suc) lemma set_replicate_conv_if: "set (replicate n x) = (if n = 0 then {} else {x})" by auto lemma in_set_replicate[simp]: "(x \ set (replicate n y)) = (x = y \ n \ 0)" by (simp add: set_replicate_conv_if) lemma card_set_1_iff_replicate: "card(set xs) = Suc 0 \ xs \ [] \ (\x. xs = replicate (length xs) x)" by (metis card_1_singleton_iff empty_iff insert_iff replicate_eqI set_empty2 set_replicate) lemma Ball_set_replicate[simp]: "(\x \ set(replicate n a). P x) = (P a \ n=0)" by(simp add: set_replicate_conv_if) lemma Bex_set_replicate[simp]: "(\x \ set(replicate n a). P x) = (P a \ n\0)" by(simp add: set_replicate_conv_if) lemma replicate_append_same: "replicate i x @ [x] = x # replicate i x" by (induct i) simp_all lemma map_replicate_trivial: "map (\i. x) [0.. n=0" by (induct n) auto lemmas empty_replicate[simp] = replicate_empty[THEN eq_iff_swap] lemma replicate_eq_replicate[simp]: "(replicate m x = replicate n y) \ (m=n \ (m\0 \ x=y))" proof (induct m arbitrary: n) case (Suc m n) then show ?case by (induct n) auto qed simp lemma takeWhile_replicate[simp]: "takeWhile P (replicate n x) = (if P x then replicate n x else [])" using takeWhile_eq_Nil_iff by fastforce lemma dropWhile_replicate[simp]: "dropWhile P (replicate n x) = (if P x then [] else replicate n x)" using dropWhile_eq_self_iff by fastforce lemma replicate_length_filter: "replicate (length (filter (\y. x = y) xs)) x = filter (\y. x = y) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma comm_append_are_replicate: "xs @ ys = ys @ xs \ \m n zs. concat (replicate m zs) = xs \ concat (replicate n zs) = ys" proof (induction "length (xs @ ys) + length xs" arbitrary: xs ys rule: less_induct) case less consider (1) "length ys < length xs" | (2) "xs = []" | (3) "length xs \ length ys \ xs \ []" by linarith then show ?case proof (cases) case 1 then show ?thesis using less.hyps[OF _ less.prems[symmetric]] nat_add_left_cancel_less by auto next case 2 then have "concat (replicate 0 ys) = xs \ concat (replicate 1 ys) = ys" by simp then show ?thesis by blast next case 3 then have "length xs \ length ys" and "xs \ []" by blast+ from \length xs \ length ys\ and \xs @ ys = ys @ xs\ obtain ws where "ys = xs @ ws" by (auto simp: append_eq_append_conv2) from this and \xs \ []\ have "length ws < length ys" by simp from \xs @ ys = ys @ xs\[unfolded \ys = xs @ ws\] have "xs @ ws = ws @ xs" by simp from less.hyps[OF _ this] \length ws < length ys\ obtain m n' zs where "concat (replicate m zs) = xs" and "concat (replicate n' zs) = ws" by auto then have "concat (replicate (m+n') zs) = ys" using \ys = xs @ ws\ by (simp add: replicate_add) then show ?thesis using \concat (replicate m zs) = xs\ by blast qed qed lemma comm_append_is_replicate: fixes xs ys :: "'a list" assumes "xs \ []" "ys \ []" assumes "xs @ ys = ys @ xs" shows "\n zs. n > 1 \ concat (replicate n zs) = xs @ ys" proof - obtain m n zs where "concat (replicate m zs) = xs" and "concat (replicate n zs) = ys" using comm_append_are_replicate[OF assms(3)] by blast then have "m + n > 1" and "concat (replicate (m+n) zs) = xs @ ys" using \xs \ []\ and \ys \ []\ by (auto simp: replicate_add) then show ?thesis by blast qed lemma Cons_replicate_eq: "x # xs = replicate n y \ x = y \ n > 0 \ xs = replicate (n - 1) x" by (induct n) auto lemma replicate_length_same: "(\y\set xs. y = x) \ replicate (length xs) x = xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma foldr_replicate [simp]: "foldr f (replicate n x) = f x ^^ n" by (induct n) (simp_all) lemma fold_replicate [simp]: "fold f (replicate n x) = f x ^^ n" by (subst foldr_fold [symmetric]) simp_all subsubsection \\<^const>\enumerate\\ lemma enumerate_simps [simp, code]: "enumerate n [] = []" "enumerate n (x # xs) = (n, x) # enumerate (Suc n) xs" by (simp_all add: enumerate_eq_zip upt_rec) lemma length_enumerate [simp]: "length (enumerate n xs) = length xs" by (simp add: enumerate_eq_zip) lemma map_fst_enumerate [simp]: "map fst (enumerate n xs) = [n.. set (enumerate n xs) \ n \ fst p \ fst p < length xs + n \ nth xs (fst p - n) = snd p" proof - { fix m assume "n \ m" moreover assume "m < length xs + n" ultimately have "[n.. xs ! (m - n) = xs ! (m - n) \ m - n < length xs" by auto then have "\q. [n.. xs ! q = xs ! (m - n) \ q < length xs" .. } then show ?thesis by (cases p) (auto simp add: enumerate_eq_zip in_set_zip) qed lemma nth_enumerate_eq: "m < length xs \ enumerate n xs ! m = (n + m, xs ! m)" by (simp add: enumerate_eq_zip) lemma enumerate_replicate_eq: "enumerate n (replicate m a) = map (\q. (q, a)) [n..k. (k, f k)) [n.. m") (simp_all add: zip_map2 zip_same_conv_map enumerate_eq_zip) subsubsection \\<^const>\rotate1\ and \<^const>\rotate\\ lemma rotate0[simp]: "rotate 0 = id" by(simp add:rotate_def) lemma rotate_Suc[simp]: "rotate (Suc n) xs = rotate1(rotate n xs)" by(simp add:rotate_def) lemma rotate_add: "rotate (m+n) = rotate m \ rotate n" by(simp add:rotate_def funpow_add) lemma rotate_rotate: "rotate m (rotate n xs) = rotate (m+n) xs" by(simp add:rotate_add) lemma rotate1_map: "rotate1 (map f xs) = map f (rotate1 xs)" by(cases xs) simp_all lemma rotate1_rotate_swap: "rotate1 (rotate n xs) = rotate n (rotate1 xs)" by(simp add:rotate_def funpow_swap1) lemma rotate1_length01[simp]: "length xs \ 1 \ rotate1 xs = xs" by(cases xs) simp_all lemma rotate_length01[simp]: "length xs \ 1 \ rotate n xs = xs" by (induct n) (simp_all add:rotate_def) lemma rotate1_hd_tl: "xs \ [] \ rotate1 xs = tl xs @ [hd xs]" by (cases xs) simp_all lemma rotate_drop_take: "rotate n xs = drop (n mod length xs) xs @ take (n mod length xs) xs" proof (induct n) case (Suc n) show ?case proof (cases "xs = []") case False then show ?thesis proof (cases "n mod length xs = 0") case True then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: mod_Suc False Suc.hyps drop_Suc rotate1_hd_tl take_Suc Suc_length_conv) next case False with \xs \ []\ Suc show ?thesis by (simp add: rotate_def mod_Suc rotate1_hd_tl drop_Suc[symmetric] drop_tl[symmetric] take_hd_drop linorder_not_le) qed qed simp qed simp lemma rotate_conv_mod: "rotate n xs = rotate (n mod length xs) xs" by(simp add:rotate_drop_take) lemma rotate_id[simp]: "n mod length xs = 0 \ rotate n xs = xs" by(simp add:rotate_drop_take) lemma length_rotate1[simp]: "length(rotate1 xs) = length xs" by (cases xs) simp_all lemma length_rotate[simp]: "length(rotate n xs) = length xs" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (simp_all add:rotate_def) lemma distinct1_rotate[simp]: "distinct(rotate1 xs) = distinct xs" by (cases xs) auto lemma distinct_rotate[simp]: "distinct(rotate n xs) = distinct xs" by (induct n) (simp_all add:rotate_def) lemma rotate_map: "rotate n (map f xs) = map f (rotate n xs)" by(simp add:rotate_drop_take take_map drop_map) lemma set_rotate1[simp]: "set(rotate1 xs) = set xs" by (cases xs) auto lemma set_rotate[simp]: "set(rotate n xs) = set xs" by (induct n) (simp_all add:rotate_def) lemma rotate1_replicate[simp]: "rotate1 (replicate n a) = replicate n a" by (cases n) (simp_all add: replicate_append_same) lemma rotate1_is_Nil_conv[simp]: "(rotate1 xs = []) = (xs = [])" by (cases xs) auto lemma rotate_is_Nil_conv[simp]: "(rotate n xs = []) = (xs = [])" by (induct n) (simp_all add:rotate_def) lemma rotate_rev: "rotate n (rev xs) = rev(rotate (length xs - (n mod length xs)) xs)" proof (cases "length xs = 0 \ n mod length xs = 0") case False then show ?thesis by(simp add:rotate_drop_take rev_drop rev_take) qed force lemma hd_rotate_conv_nth: assumes "xs \ []" shows "hd(rotate n xs) = xs!(n mod length xs)" proof - have "n mod length xs < length xs" using assms by simp then show ?thesis by (metis drop_eq_Nil hd_append2 hd_drop_conv_nth leD rotate_drop_take) qed lemma rotate_append: "rotate (length l) (l @ q) = q @ l" by (induct l arbitrary: q) (auto simp add: rotate1_rotate_swap) lemma nth_rotate: \rotate m xs ! n = xs ! ((m + n) mod length xs)\ if \n < length xs\ using that apply (auto simp add: rotate_drop_take nth_append not_less less_diff_conv ac_simps dest!: le_Suc_ex) apply (metis add.commute mod_add_right_eq mod_less) apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Nat.diff_diff_right add.commute add_diff_cancel_right' diff_le_self dual_order.strict_trans2 length_greater_0_conv less_nat_zero_code list.size(3) mod_add_right_eq mod_add_self2 mod_le_divisor mod_less) done lemma nth_rotate1: \rotate1 xs ! n = xs ! (Suc n mod length xs)\ if \n < length xs\ using that nth_rotate [of n xs 1] by simp lemma inj_rotate1: "inj rotate1" proof fix xs ys :: "'a list" show "rotate1 xs = rotate1 ys \ xs = ys" by (cases xs; cases ys; simp) qed lemma surj_rotate1: "surj rotate1" proof (safe, simp_all) fix xs :: "'a list" show "xs \ range rotate1" proof (cases xs rule: rev_exhaust) case Nil hence "xs = rotate1 []" by auto thus ?thesis by fast next case (snoc as a) hence "xs = rotate1 (a#as)" by force thus ?thesis by fast qed qed lemma bij_rotate1: "bij (rotate1 :: 'a list \ 'a list)" using bijI inj_rotate1 surj_rotate1 by blast lemma rotate1_fixpoint_card: "rotate1 xs = xs \ xs = [] \ card(set xs) = 1" by(induction xs) (auto simp: card_insert_if[OF finite_set] append_eq_Cons_conv) subsubsection \\<^const>\nths\ --- a generalization of \<^const>\nth\ to sets\ lemma nths_empty [simp]: "nths xs {} = []" by (auto simp add: nths_def) lemma nths_nil [simp]: "nths [] A = []" by (auto simp add: nths_def) lemma nths_all: "\i < length xs. i \ I \ nths xs I = xs" apply (simp add: nths_def) apply (subst filter_True) apply (auto simp: in_set_zip subset_iff) done lemma length_nths: "length (nths xs I) = card{i. i < length xs \ i \ I}" by(simp add: nths_def length_filter_conv_card cong:conj_cong) lemma nths_shift_lemma_Suc: "map fst (filter (\p. P(Suc(snd p))) (zip xs is)) = map fst (filter (\p. P(snd p)) (zip xs (map Suc is)))" proof (induct xs arbitrary: "is") case (Cons x xs "is") show ?case by (cases "is") (auto simp add: Cons.hyps) qed simp lemma nths_shift_lemma: "map fst (filter (\p. snd p \ A) (zip xs [i..p. snd p + i \ A) (zip xs [0.. A}" unfolding nths_def proof (induct l' rule: rev_induct) case (snoc x xs) then show ?case by (simp add: upt_add_eq_append[of 0] nths_shift_lemma add.commute) qed auto lemma nths_Cons: "nths (x # l) A = (if 0 \ A then [x] else []) @ nths l {j. Suc j \ A}" proof (induct l rule: rev_induct) case (snoc x xs) then show ?case by (simp flip: append_Cons add: nths_append) qed (auto simp: nths_def) lemma nths_map: "nths (map f xs) I = map f (nths xs I)" by(induction xs arbitrary: I) (simp_all add: nths_Cons) lemma set_nths: "set(nths xs I) = {xs!i|i. i i \ I}" by (induct xs arbitrary: I) (auto simp: nths_Cons nth_Cons split:nat.split dest!: gr0_implies_Suc) lemma set_nths_subset: "set(nths xs I) \ set xs" by(auto simp add:set_nths) lemma notin_set_nthsI[simp]: "x \ set xs \ x \ set(nths xs I)" by(auto simp add:set_nths) lemma in_set_nthsD: "x \ set(nths xs I) \ x \ set xs" by(auto simp add:set_nths) lemma nths_singleton [simp]: "nths [x] A = (if 0 \ A then [x] else [])" by (simp add: nths_Cons) lemma distinct_nthsI[simp]: "distinct xs \ distinct (nths xs I)" by (induct xs arbitrary: I) (auto simp: nths_Cons) lemma nths_upt_eq_take [simp]: "nths l {.. A. \j \ B. card {i' \ A. i' < i} = j}" by (induction xs arbitrary: A B) (auto simp add: nths_Cons card_less_Suc card_less_Suc2) lemma drop_eq_nths: "drop n xs = nths xs {i. i \ n}" by (induction xs arbitrary: n) (auto simp add: nths_Cons nths_all drop_Cons' intro: arg_cong2[where f=nths, OF refl]) lemma nths_drop: "nths (drop n xs) I = nths xs ((+) n ` I)" by(force simp: drop_eq_nths nths_nths simp flip: atLeastLessThan_iff intro: arg_cong2[where f=nths, OF refl]) lemma filter_eq_nths: "filter P xs = nths xs {i. i P(xs!i)}" by(induction xs) (auto simp: nths_Cons) lemma filter_in_nths: "distinct xs \ filter (%x. x \ set (nths xs s)) xs = nths xs s" proof (induct xs arbitrary: s) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case (Cons a xs) then have "\x. x \ set xs \ x \ a" by auto with Cons show ?case by(simp add: nths_Cons cong:filter_cong) qed subsubsection \\<^const>\subseqs\ and \<^const>\List.n_lists\\ lemma length_subseqs: "length (subseqs xs) = 2 ^ length xs" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: Let_def) lemma subseqs_powset: "set ` set (subseqs xs) = Pow (set xs)" proof - have aux: "\x A. set ` Cons x ` A = insert x ` set ` A" by (auto simp add: image_def) have "set (map set (subseqs xs)) = Pow (set xs)" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: aux Let_def Pow_insert Un_commute comp_def del: map_map) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma distinct_set_subseqs: assumes "distinct xs" shows "distinct (map set (subseqs xs))" by (simp add: assms card_Pow card_distinct distinct_card length_subseqs subseqs_powset) lemma n_lists_Nil [simp]: "List.n_lists n [] = (if n = 0 then [[]] else [])" by (induct n) simp_all lemma length_n_lists_elem: "ys \ set (List.n_lists n xs) \ length ys = n" by (induct n arbitrary: ys) auto lemma set_n_lists: "set (List.n_lists n xs) = {ys. length ys = n \ set ys \ set xs}" proof (rule set_eqI) fix ys :: "'a list" show "ys \ set (List.n_lists n xs) \ ys \ {ys. length ys = n \ set ys \ set xs}" proof - have "ys \ set (List.n_lists n xs) \ length ys = n" by (induct n arbitrary: ys) auto moreover have "\x. ys \ set (List.n_lists n xs) \ x \ set ys \ x \ set xs" by (induct n arbitrary: ys) auto moreover have "set ys \ set xs \ ys \ set (List.n_lists (length ys) xs)" by (induct ys) auto ultimately show ?thesis by auto qed qed lemma subseqs_refl: "xs \ set (subseqs xs)" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: Let_def) lemma subset_subseqs: "X \ set xs \ X \ set ` set (subseqs xs)" unfolding subseqs_powset by simp lemma Cons_in_subseqsD: "y # ys \ set (subseqs xs) \ ys \ set (subseqs xs)" by (induct xs) (auto simp: Let_def) lemma subseqs_distinctD: "\ ys \ set (subseqs xs); distinct xs \ \ distinct ys" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case (Cons x xs ys) then show ?case by (auto simp: Let_def) (metis Pow_iff contra_subsetD image_eqI subseqs_powset) qed simp subsubsection \\<^const>\splice\\ lemma splice_Nil2 [simp]: "splice xs [] = xs" by (cases xs) simp_all lemma length_splice[simp]: "length(splice xs ys) = length xs + length ys" by (induct xs ys rule: splice.induct) auto lemma split_Nil_iff[simp]: "splice xs ys = [] \ xs = [] \ ys = []" by (induct xs ys rule: splice.induct) auto lemma splice_replicate[simp]: "splice (replicate m x) (replicate n x) = replicate (m+n) x" proof (induction "replicate m x" "replicate n x" arbitrary: m n rule: splice.induct) case (2 x xs) then show ?case by (auto simp add: Cons_replicate_eq dest: gr0_implies_Suc) qed auto subsubsection \\<^const>\shuffles\\ lemma shuffles_commutes: "shuffles xs ys = shuffles ys xs" by (induction xs ys rule: shuffles.induct) (simp_all add: Un_commute) lemma Nil_in_shuffles[simp]: "[] \ shuffles xs ys \ xs = [] \ ys = []" by (induct xs ys rule: shuffles.induct) auto lemma shufflesE: "zs \ shuffles xs ys \ (zs = xs \ ys = [] \ P) \ (zs = ys \ xs = [] \ P) \ (\x xs' z zs'. xs = x # xs' \ zs = z # zs' \ x = z \ zs' \ shuffles xs' ys \ P) \ (\y ys' z zs'. ys = y # ys' \ zs = z # zs' \ y = z \ zs' \ shuffles xs ys' \ P) \ P" by (induct xs ys rule: shuffles.induct) auto lemma Cons_in_shuffles_iff: "z # zs \ shuffles xs ys \ (xs \ [] \ hd xs = z \ zs \ shuffles (tl xs) ys \ ys \ [] \ hd ys = z \ zs \ shuffles xs (tl ys))" by (induct xs ys rule: shuffles.induct) auto lemma splice_in_shuffles [simp, intro]: "splice xs ys \ shuffles xs ys" by (induction xs ys rule: splice.induct) (simp_all add: Cons_in_shuffles_iff shuffles_commutes) lemma Nil_in_shufflesI: "xs = [] \ ys = [] \ [] \ shuffles xs ys" by simp lemma Cons_in_shuffles_leftI: "zs \ shuffles xs ys \ z # zs \ shuffles (z # xs) ys" by (cases ys) auto lemma Cons_in_shuffles_rightI: "zs \ shuffles xs ys \ z # zs \ shuffles xs (z # ys)" by (cases xs) auto lemma finite_shuffles [simp, intro]: "finite (shuffles xs ys)" by (induction xs ys rule: shuffles.induct) simp_all lemma length_shuffles: "zs \ shuffles xs ys \ length zs = length xs + length ys" by (induction xs ys arbitrary: zs rule: shuffles.induct) auto lemma set_shuffles: "zs \ shuffles xs ys \ set zs = set xs \ set ys" by (induction xs ys arbitrary: zs rule: shuffles.induct) auto lemma distinct_disjoint_shuffles: assumes "distinct xs" "distinct ys" "set xs \ set ys = {}" "zs \ shuffles xs ys" shows "distinct zs" using assms proof (induction xs ys arbitrary: zs rule: shuffles.induct) case (3 x xs y ys) show ?case proof (cases zs) case (Cons z zs') with "3.prems" and "3.IH"[of zs'] show ?thesis by (force dest: set_shuffles) qed simp_all qed simp_all lemma Cons_shuffles_subset1: "(#) x ` shuffles xs ys \ shuffles (x # xs) ys" by (cases ys) auto lemma Cons_shuffles_subset2: "(#) y ` shuffles xs ys \ shuffles xs (y # ys)" by (cases xs) auto lemma filter_shuffles: "filter P ` shuffles xs ys = shuffles (filter P xs) (filter P ys)" proof - have *: "filter P ` (#) x ` A = (if P x then (#) x ` filter P ` A else filter P ` A)" for x A by (auto simp: image_image) show ?thesis by (induction xs ys rule: shuffles.induct) (simp_all split: if_splits add: image_Un * Un_absorb1 Un_absorb2 Cons_shuffles_subset1 Cons_shuffles_subset2) qed lemma filter_shuffles_disjoint1: assumes "set xs \ set ys = {}" "zs \ shuffles xs ys" shows "filter (\x. x \ set xs) zs = xs" (is "filter ?P _ = _") and "filter (\x. x \ set xs) zs = ys" (is "filter ?Q _ = _") using assms proof - from assms have "filter ?P zs \ filter ?P ` shuffles xs ys" by blast also have "filter ?P ` shuffles xs ys = shuffles (filter ?P xs) (filter ?P ys)" by (rule filter_shuffles) also have "filter ?P xs = xs" by (rule filter_True) simp_all also have "filter ?P ys = []" by (rule filter_False) (insert assms(1), auto) also have "shuffles xs [] = {xs}" by simp finally show "filter ?P zs = xs" by simp next from assms have "filter ?Q zs \ filter ?Q ` shuffles xs ys" by blast also have "filter ?Q ` shuffles xs ys = shuffles (filter ?Q xs) (filter ?Q ys)" by (rule filter_shuffles) also have "filter ?Q ys = ys" by (rule filter_True) (insert assms(1), auto) also have "filter ?Q xs = []" by (rule filter_False) (insert assms(1), auto) also have "shuffles [] ys = {ys}" by simp finally show "filter ?Q zs = ys" by simp qed lemma filter_shuffles_disjoint2: assumes "set xs \ set ys = {}" "zs \ shuffles xs ys" shows "filter (\x. x \ set ys) zs = ys" "filter (\x. x \ set ys) zs = xs" using filter_shuffles_disjoint1[of ys xs zs] assms by (simp_all add: shuffles_commutes Int_commute) lemma partition_in_shuffles: "xs \ shuffles (filter P xs) (filter (\x. \P x) xs)" proof (induction xs) case (Cons x xs) show ?case proof (cases "P x") case True hence "x # xs \ (#) x ` shuffles (filter P xs) (filter (\x. \P x) xs)" by (intro imageI Cons.IH) also have "\ \ shuffles (filter P (x # xs)) (filter (\x. \P x) (x # xs))" by (simp add: True Cons_shuffles_subset1) finally show ?thesis . next case False hence "x # xs \ (#) x ` shuffles (filter P xs) (filter (\x. \P x) xs)" by (intro imageI Cons.IH) also have "\ \ shuffles (filter P (x # xs)) (filter (\x. \P x) (x # xs))" by (simp add: False Cons_shuffles_subset2) finally show ?thesis . qed qed auto lemma inv_image_partition: assumes "\x. x \ set xs \ P x" "\y. y \ set ys \ \P y" shows "partition P -` {(xs, ys)} = shuffles xs ys" proof (intro equalityI subsetI) fix zs assume zs: "zs \ shuffles xs ys" hence [simp]: "set zs = set xs \ set ys" by (rule set_shuffles) from assms have "filter P zs = filter (\x. x \ set xs) zs" "filter (\x. \P x) zs = filter (\x. x \ set ys) zs" by (intro filter_cong refl; force)+ moreover from assms have "set xs \ set ys = {}" by auto ultimately show "zs \ partition P -` {(xs, ys)}" using zs by (simp add: o_def filter_shuffles_disjoint1 filter_shuffles_disjoint2) next fix zs assume "zs \ partition P -` {(xs, ys)}" thus "zs \ shuffles xs ys" using partition_in_shuffles[of zs] by (auto simp: o_def) qed subsubsection \Transpose\ function transpose where "transpose [] = []" | "transpose ([] # xss) = transpose xss" | "transpose ((x#xs) # xss) = (x # [h. (h#t) \ xss]) # transpose (xs # [t. (h#t) \ xss])" by pat_completeness auto lemma transpose_aux_filter_head: "concat (map (case_list [] (\h t. [h])) xss) = map (\xs. hd xs) (filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss)" by (induct xss) (auto split: list.split) lemma transpose_aux_filter_tail: "concat (map (case_list [] (\h t. [t])) xss) = map (\xs. tl xs) (filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss)" by (induct xss) (auto split: list.split) lemma transpose_aux_max: "max (Suc (length xs)) (foldr (\xs. max (length xs)) xss 0) = Suc (max (length xs) (foldr (\x. max (length x - Suc 0)) (filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss) 0))" (is "max _ ?foldB = Suc (max _ ?foldA)") proof (cases "(filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss) = []") case True hence "foldr (\xs. max (length xs)) xss 0 = 0" proof (induct xss) case (Cons x xs) then have "x = []" by (cases x) auto with Cons show ?case by auto qed simp thus ?thesis using True by simp next case False have foldA: "?foldA = foldr (\x. max (length x)) (filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss) 0 - 1" by (induct xss) auto have foldB: "?foldB = foldr (\x. max (length x)) (filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss) 0" by (induct xss) auto have "0 < ?foldB" proof - from False obtain z zs where zs: "(filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss) = z#zs" by (auto simp: neq_Nil_conv) hence "z \ set (filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss)" by auto hence "z \ []" by auto thus ?thesis unfolding foldB zs by (auto simp: max_def intro: less_le_trans) qed thus ?thesis unfolding foldA foldB max_Suc_Suc[symmetric] by simp qed termination transpose by (relation "measure (\xs. foldr (\xs. max (length xs)) xs 0 + length xs)") (auto simp: transpose_aux_filter_tail foldr_map comp_def transpose_aux_max less_Suc_eq_le) lemma transpose_empty: "(transpose xs = []) \ (\x \ set xs. x = [])" by (induct rule: transpose.induct) simp_all lemma length_transpose: fixes xs :: "'a list list" shows "length (transpose xs) = foldr (\xs. max (length xs)) xs 0" by (induct rule: transpose.induct) (auto simp: transpose_aux_filter_tail foldr_map comp_def transpose_aux_max max_Suc_Suc[symmetric] simp del: max_Suc_Suc) lemma nth_transpose: fixes xs :: "'a list list" assumes "i < length (transpose xs)" shows "transpose xs ! i = map (\xs. xs ! i) (filter (\ys. i < length ys) xs)" using assms proof (induct arbitrary: i rule: transpose.induct) case (3 x xs xss) define XS where "XS = (x # xs) # xss" hence [simp]: "XS \ []" by auto thus ?case proof (cases i) case 0 thus ?thesis by (simp add: transpose_aux_filter_head hd_conv_nth) next case (Suc j) have *: "\xss. xs # map tl xss = map tl ((x#xs)#xss)" by simp have **: "\xss. (x#xs) # filter (\ys. ys \ []) xss = filter (\ys. ys \ []) ((x#xs)#xss)" by simp { fix xs :: \'a list\ have "Suc j < length xs \ xs \ [] \ j < length xs - Suc 0" by (cases xs) simp_all } note *** = this have j_less: "j < length (transpose (xs # concat (map (case_list [] (\h t. [t])) xss)))" using "3.prems" by (simp add: transpose_aux_filter_tail length_transpose Suc) show ?thesis unfolding transpose.simps \i = Suc j\ nth_Cons_Suc "3.hyps"[OF j_less] apply (auto simp: transpose_aux_filter_tail filter_map comp_def length_transpose * ** *** XS_def[symmetric]) by (simp add: nth_tl) qed qed simp_all lemma transpose_map_map: "transpose (map (map f) xs) = map (map f) (transpose xs)" proof (rule nth_equalityI) have [simp]: "length (transpose (map (map f) xs)) = length (transpose xs)" by (simp add: length_transpose foldr_map comp_def) show "length (transpose (map (map f) xs)) = length (map (map f) (transpose xs))" by simp fix i assume "i < length (transpose (map (map f) xs))" thus "transpose (map (map f) xs) ! i = map (map f) (transpose xs) ! i" by (simp add: nth_transpose filter_map comp_def) qed subsubsection \\<^const>\min\ and \<^const>\arg_min\\ lemma min_list_Min: "xs \ [] \ min_list xs = Min (set xs)" by (induction xs rule: induct_list012)(auto) lemma f_arg_min_list_f: "xs \ [] \ f (arg_min_list f xs) = Min (f ` (set xs))" by(induction f xs rule: arg_min_list.induct) (auto simp: min_def intro!: antisym) lemma arg_min_list_in: "xs \ [] \ arg_min_list f xs \ set xs" by(induction xs rule: induct_list012) (auto simp: Let_def) subsubsection \(In)finiteness\ lemma finite_maxlen: "finite (M::'a list set) \ \n. \s\M. size s < n" proof (induct rule: finite.induct) case emptyI show ?case by simp next case (insertI M xs) then obtain n where "\s\M. length s < n" by blast hence "\s\insert xs M. size s < max n (size xs) + 1" by auto thus ?case .. qed lemma lists_length_Suc_eq: "{xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = Suc n} = (\(xs, n). n#xs) ` ({xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = n} \ A)" by (auto simp: length_Suc_conv) lemma assumes "finite A" shows finite_lists_length_eq: "finite {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = n}" and card_lists_length_eq: "card {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = n} = (card A)^n" using \finite A\ by (induct n) (auto simp: card_image inj_split_Cons lists_length_Suc_eq cong: conj_cong) lemma finite_lists_length_le: assumes "finite A" shows "finite {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs \ n}" (is "finite ?S") proof- have "?S = (\n\{0..n}. {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = n})" by auto thus ?thesis by (auto intro!: finite_lists_length_eq[OF \finite A\] simp only:) qed lemma card_lists_length_le: assumes "finite A" shows "card {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs \ n} = (\i\n. card A^i)" proof - have "(\i\n. card A^i) = card (\i\n. {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = i})" using \finite A\ by (subst card_UN_disjoint) (auto simp add: card_lists_length_eq finite_lists_length_eq) also have "(\i\n. {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = i}) = {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs \ n}" by auto finally show ?thesis by simp qed lemma finite_lists_distinct_length_eq [intro]: assumes "finite A" shows "finite {xs. length xs = n \ distinct xs \ set xs \ A}" (is "finite ?S") proof - have "finite {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = n}" using \finite A\ by (rule finite_lists_length_eq) moreover have "?S \ {xs. set xs \ A \ length xs = n}" by auto ultimately show ?thesis using finite_subset by auto qed lemma card_lists_distinct_length_eq: assumes "finite A" "k \ card A" shows "card {xs. length xs = k \ distinct xs \ set xs \ A} = \{card A - k + 1 .. card A}" using assms proof (induct k) case 0 then have "{xs. length xs = 0 \ distinct xs \ set xs \ A} = {[]}" by auto then show ?case by simp next case (Suc k) let "?k_list" = "\k xs. length xs = k \ distinct xs \ set xs \ A" have inj_Cons: "\A. inj_on (\(xs, n). n # xs) A" by (rule inj_onI) auto from Suc have "k \ card A" by simp moreover note \finite A\ moreover have "finite {xs. ?k_list k xs}" by (rule finite_subset) (use finite_lists_length_eq[OF \finite A\, of k] in auto) moreover have "\i j. i \ j \ {i} \ (A - set i) \ {j} \ (A - set j) = {}" by auto moreover have "\i. i \ {xs. ?k_list k xs} \ card (A - set i) = card A - k" by (simp add: card_Diff_subset distinct_card) moreover have "{xs. ?k_list (Suc k) xs} = (\(xs, n). n#xs) ` \((\xs. {xs} \ (A - set xs)) ` {xs. ?k_list k xs})" by (auto simp: length_Suc_conv) moreover have "Suc (card A - Suc k) = card A - k" using Suc.prems by simp then have "(card A - k) * \{Suc (card A - k)..card A} = \{Suc (card A - Suc k)..card A}" by (subst prod.insert[symmetric]) (simp add: atLeastAtMost_insertL)+ ultimately show ?case by (simp add: card_image inj_Cons card_UN_disjoint Suc.hyps algebra_simps) qed lemma card_lists_distinct_length_eq': assumes "k < card A" shows "card {xs. length xs = k \ distinct xs \ set xs \ A} = \{card A - k + 1 .. card A}" proof - from \k < card A\ have "finite A" and "k \ card A" using card.infinite by force+ from this show ?thesis by (rule card_lists_distinct_length_eq) qed lemma infinite_UNIV_listI: "\ finite(UNIV::'a list set)" by (metis UNIV_I finite_maxlen length_replicate less_irrefl) lemma same_length_different: assumes "xs \ ys" and "length xs = length ys" shows "\pre x xs' y ys'. x\y \ xs = pre @ [x] @ xs' \ ys = pre @ [y] @ ys'" using assms proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by auto next case (Cons x xs) then obtain z zs where ys: "ys = Cons z zs" by (metis length_Suc_conv) show ?case proof (cases "x=z") case True then have "xs \ zs" "length xs = length zs" using Cons.prems ys by auto then obtain pre u xs' v ys' where "u\v" and xs: "xs = pre @ [u] @ xs'" and zs: "zs = pre @ [v] @ys'" using Cons.IH by meson then have "x # xs = (z#pre) @ [u] @ xs' \ ys = (z#pre) @ [v] @ ys'" by (simp add: True ys) with \u\v\ show ?thesis by blast next case False then have "x # xs = [] @ [x] @ xs \ ys = [] @ [z] @ zs" by (simp add: ys) then show ?thesis using False by blast qed qed subsection \Sorting\ subsubsection \\<^const>\sorted_wrt\\ text \Sometimes the second equation in the definition of \<^const>\sorted_wrt\ is too aggressive because it relates each list element to \emph{all} its successors. Then this equation should be removed and \sorted_wrt2_simps\ should be added instead.\ lemma sorted_wrt1: "sorted_wrt P [x] = True" by(simp) lemma sorted_wrt2: "transp P \ sorted_wrt P (x # y # zs) = (P x y \ sorted_wrt P (y # zs))" proof (induction zs arbitrary: x y) case (Cons z zs) then show ?case by simp (meson transpD)+ qed auto lemmas sorted_wrt2_simps = sorted_wrt1 sorted_wrt2 lemma sorted_wrt_true [simp]: "sorted_wrt (\_ _. True) xs" by (induction xs) simp_all lemma sorted_wrt_append: "sorted_wrt P (xs @ ys) \ sorted_wrt P xs \ sorted_wrt P ys \ (\x\set xs. \y\set ys. P x y)" by (induction xs) auto lemma sorted_wrt_map: "sorted_wrt R (map f xs) = sorted_wrt (\x y. R (f x) (f y)) xs" by (induction xs) simp_all lemma assumes "sorted_wrt f xs" shows sorted_wrt_take: "sorted_wrt f (take n xs)" and sorted_wrt_drop: "sorted_wrt f (drop n xs)" proof - from assms have "sorted_wrt f (take n xs @ drop n xs)" by simp thus "sorted_wrt f (take n xs)" and "sorted_wrt f (drop n xs)" unfolding sorted_wrt_append by simp_all qed lemma sorted_wrt_filter: "sorted_wrt f xs \ sorted_wrt f (filter P xs)" by (induction xs) auto lemma sorted_wrt_rev: "sorted_wrt P (rev xs) = sorted_wrt (\x y. P y x) xs" by (induction xs) (auto simp add: sorted_wrt_append) lemma sorted_wrt_mono_rel: "(\x y. \ x \ set xs; y \ set xs; P x y \ \ Q x y) \ sorted_wrt P xs \ sorted_wrt Q xs" by(induction xs)(auto) lemma sorted_wrt01: "length xs \ 1 \ sorted_wrt P xs" by(auto simp: le_Suc_eq length_Suc_conv) lemma sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less: "sorted_wrt P xs = (\i j. i < j \ j < length xs \ P (xs ! i) (xs ! j))" by (induction xs) (auto simp add: in_set_conv_nth Ball_def nth_Cons split: nat.split) lemma sorted_wrt_nth_less: "\ sorted_wrt P xs; i < j; j < length xs \ \ P (xs ! i) (xs ! j)" by(auto simp: sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less) lemma sorted_wrt_iff_nth_Suc_transp: assumes "transp P" shows "sorted_wrt P xs \ (\i. Suc i < length xs \ P (xs!i) (xs!(Suc i)))" (is "?L = ?R") proof assume ?L thus ?R by (simp add: sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less) next assume ?R have "i < j \ j < length xs \ P (xs ! i) (xs ! j)" for i j by(induct i j rule: less_Suc_induct)(simp add: \?R\, meson assms transpE transp_on_less) thus ?L by (simp add: sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less) qed lemma sorted_wrt_upt[simp]: "sorted_wrt (<) [m..Each element is greater or equal to its index:\ lemma sorted_wrt_less_idx: "sorted_wrt (<) ns \ i < length ns \ i \ ns!i" proof (induction ns arbitrary: i rule: rev_induct) case Nil thus ?case by simp next case snoc thus ?case by (simp add: nth_append sorted_wrt_append) (metis less_antisym not_less nth_mem) qed subsubsection \\<^const>\sorted\\ context linorder begin text \Sometimes the second equation in the definition of \<^const>\sorted\ is too aggressive because it relates each list element to \emph{all} its successors. Then this equation should be removed and \sorted2_simps\ should be added instead. Executable code is one such use case.\ lemma sorted0: "sorted [] = True" by simp lemma sorted1: "sorted [x] = True" by simp lemma sorted2: "sorted (x # y # zs) = (x \ y \ sorted (y # zs))" by auto lemmas sorted2_simps = sorted1 sorted2 lemma sorted_append: "sorted (xs@ys) = (sorted xs \ sorted ys \ (\x \ set xs. \y \ set ys. x\y))" by (simp add: sorted_wrt_append) lemma sorted_map: "sorted (map f xs) = sorted_wrt (\x y. f x \ f y) xs" by (simp add: sorted_wrt_map) lemma sorted01: "length xs \ 1 \ sorted xs" by (simp add: sorted_wrt01) lemma sorted_tl: "sorted xs \ sorted (tl xs)" by (cases xs) (simp_all) lemma sorted_iff_nth_mono_less: "sorted xs = (\i j. i < j \ j < length xs \ xs ! i \ xs ! j)" by (simp add: sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less) lemma sorted_iff_nth_mono: "sorted xs = (\i j. i \ j \ j < length xs \ xs ! i \ xs ! j)" by (auto simp: sorted_iff_nth_mono_less nat_less_le) lemma sorted_nth_mono: "sorted xs \ i \ j \ j < length xs \ xs!i \ xs!j" by (auto simp: sorted_iff_nth_mono) lemma sorted_iff_nth_Suc: "sorted xs \ (\i. Suc i < length xs \ xs!i \ xs!(Suc i))" by(simp add: sorted_wrt_iff_nth_Suc_transp) lemma sorted_rev_nth_mono: "sorted (rev xs) \ i \ j \ j < length xs \ xs!j \ xs!i" by (metis local.nle_le order_class.antisym_conv1 sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less sorted_wrt_rev) lemma sorted_rev_iff_nth_mono: "sorted (rev xs) \ (\ i j. i \ j \ j < length xs \ xs!j \ xs!i)" (is "?L = ?R") proof assume ?L thus ?R by (blast intro: sorted_rev_nth_mono) next assume ?R have "rev xs ! k \ rev xs ! l" if asms: "k \ l" "l < length(rev xs)" for k l proof - have "k < length xs" "l < length xs" "length xs - Suc l \ length xs - Suc k" "length xs - Suc k < length xs" using asms by auto thus "rev xs ! k \ rev xs ! l" by (simp add: \?R\ rev_nth) qed thus ?L by (simp add: sorted_iff_nth_mono) qed lemma sorted_rev_iff_nth_Suc: "sorted (rev xs) \ (\i. Suc i < length xs \ xs!(Suc i) \ xs!i)" proof- interpret dual: linorder "(\x y. y \ x)" "(\x y. y < x)" using dual_linorder . show ?thesis using dual_linorder dual.sorted_iff_nth_Suc dual.sorted_iff_nth_mono unfolding sorted_rev_iff_nth_mono by simp qed lemma sorted_map_remove1: "sorted (map f xs) \ sorted (map f (remove1 x xs))" by (induct xs) (auto) lemma sorted_remove1: "sorted xs \ sorted (remove1 a xs)" using sorted_map_remove1 [of "\x. x"] by simp lemma sorted_butlast: assumes "sorted xs" shows "sorted (butlast xs)" by (simp add: assms butlast_conv_take sorted_wrt_take) lemma sorted_replicate [simp]: "sorted(replicate n x)" by(induction n) (auto) lemma sorted_remdups[simp]: "sorted xs \ sorted (remdups xs)" by (induct xs) (auto) lemma sorted_remdups_adj[simp]: "sorted xs \ sorted (remdups_adj xs)" by (induct xs rule: remdups_adj.induct, simp_all split: if_split_asm) lemma sorted_nths: "sorted xs \ sorted (nths xs I)" by(induction xs arbitrary: I)(auto simp: nths_Cons) lemma sorted_distinct_set_unique: assumes "sorted xs" "distinct xs" "sorted ys" "distinct ys" "set xs = set ys" shows "xs = ys" proof - from assms have 1: "length xs = length ys" by (auto dest!: distinct_card) from assms show ?thesis proof(induct rule:list_induct2[OF 1]) case 1 show ?case by simp next case (2 x xs y ys) then show ?case by (cases \x = y\) (auto simp add: insert_eq_iff) qed qed lemma map_sorted_distinct_set_unique: assumes "inj_on f (set xs \ set ys)" assumes "sorted (map f xs)" "distinct (map f xs)" "sorted (map f ys)" "distinct (map f ys)" assumes "set xs = set ys" shows "xs = ys" using assms map_inj_on sorted_distinct_set_unique by fastforce lemma sorted_dropWhile: "sorted xs \ sorted (dropWhile P xs)" by (auto dest: sorted_wrt_drop simp add: dropWhile_eq_drop) lemma sorted_takeWhile: "sorted xs \ sorted (takeWhile P xs)" by (subst takeWhile_eq_take) (auto dest: sorted_wrt_take) lemma sorted_filter: "sorted (map f xs) \ sorted (map f (filter P xs))" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma foldr_max_sorted: assumes "sorted (rev xs)" shows "foldr max xs y = (if xs = [] then y else max (xs ! 0) y)" using assms proof (induct xs) case (Cons x xs) then have "sorted (rev xs)" using sorted_append by auto with Cons show ?case by (cases xs) (auto simp add: sorted_append max_def) qed simp lemma filter_equals_takeWhile_sorted_rev: assumes sorted: "sorted (rev (map f xs))" shows "filter (\x. t < f x) xs = takeWhile (\ x. t < f x) xs" (is "filter ?P xs = ?tW") proof (rule takeWhile_eq_filter[symmetric]) let "?dW" = "dropWhile ?P xs" fix x assume x: "x \ set ?dW" then obtain i where i: "i < length ?dW" and nth_i: "x = ?dW ! i" unfolding in_set_conv_nth by auto hence "length ?tW + i < length (?tW @ ?dW)" unfolding length_append by simp hence i': "length (map f ?tW) + i < length (map f xs)" by simp have "(map f ?tW @ map f ?dW) ! (length (map f ?tW) + i) \ (map f ?tW @ map f ?dW) ! (length (map f ?tW) + 0)" using sorted_rev_nth_mono[OF sorted _ i', of "length ?tW"] unfolding map_append[symmetric] by simp hence "f x \ f (?dW ! 0)" unfolding nth_append_length_plus nth_i using i preorder_class.le_less_trans[OF le0 i] by simp also have "... \ t" by (metis hd_conv_nth hd_dropWhile length_greater_0_conv length_pos_if_in_set local.leI x) finally show "\ t < f x" by simp qed lemma sorted_map_same: "sorted (map f (filter (\x. f x = g xs) xs))" proof (induct xs arbitrary: g) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) then have "sorted (map f (filter (\y. f y = (\xs. f x) xs) xs))" . moreover from Cons have "sorted (map f (filter (\y. f y = (g \ Cons x) xs) xs))" . ultimately show ?case by simp_all qed lemma sorted_same: "sorted (filter (\x. x = g xs) xs)" using sorted_map_same [of "\x. x"] by simp end lemma sorted_upt[simp]: "sorted [m..Sorting functions\ text\Currently it is not shown that \<^const>\sort\ returns a permutation of its input because the nicest proof is via multisets, which are not part of Main. Alternatively one could define a function that counts the number of occurrences of an element in a list and use that instead of multisets to state the correctness property.\ context linorder begin lemma set_insort_key: "set (insort_key f x xs) = insert x (set xs)" by (induct xs) auto lemma length_insort [simp]: "length (insort_key f x xs) = Suc (length xs)" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma insort_key_left_comm: assumes "f x \ f y" shows "insort_key f y (insort_key f x xs) = insort_key f x (insort_key f y xs)" by (induct xs) (auto simp add: assms dest: order.antisym) lemma insort_left_comm: "insort x (insort y xs) = insort y (insort x xs)" by (cases "x = y") (auto intro: insort_key_left_comm) lemma comp_fun_commute_insort: "comp_fun_commute insort" proof qed (simp add: insort_left_comm fun_eq_iff) lemma sort_key_simps [simp]: "sort_key f [] = []" "sort_key f (x#xs) = insort_key f x (sort_key f xs)" by (simp_all add: sort_key_def) lemma sort_key_conv_fold: assumes "inj_on f (set xs)" shows "sort_key f xs = fold (insort_key f) xs []" proof - have "fold (insort_key f) (rev xs) = fold (insort_key f) xs" proof (rule fold_rev, rule ext) fix zs fix x y assume "x \ set xs" "y \ set xs" with assms have *: "f y = f x \ y = x" by (auto dest: inj_onD) have **: "x = y \ y = x" by auto show "(insort_key f y \ insort_key f x) zs = (insort_key f x \ insort_key f y) zs" by (induct zs) (auto intro: * simp add: **) qed then show ?thesis by (simp add: sort_key_def foldr_conv_fold) qed lemma sort_conv_fold: "sort xs = fold insort xs []" by (rule sort_key_conv_fold) simp lemma length_sort[simp]: "length (sort_key f xs) = length xs" by (induct xs, auto) lemma set_sort[simp]: "set(sort_key f xs) = set xs" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: set_insort_key) lemma distinct_insort: "distinct (insort_key f x xs) = (x \ set xs \ distinct xs)" by(induct xs)(auto simp: set_insort_key) lemma distinct_insort_key: "distinct (map f (insort_key f x xs)) = (f x \ f ` set xs \ (distinct (map f xs)))" by (induct xs) (auto simp: set_insort_key) lemma distinct_sort[simp]: "distinct (sort_key f xs) = distinct xs" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: distinct_insort) lemma sorted_insort_key: "sorted (map f (insort_key f x xs)) = sorted (map f xs)" by (induct xs) (auto simp: set_insort_key) lemma sorted_insort: "sorted (insort x xs) = sorted xs" using sorted_insort_key [where f="\x. x"] by simp theorem sorted_sort_key [simp]: "sorted (map f (sort_key f xs))" by (induct xs) (auto simp:sorted_insort_key) theorem sorted_sort [simp]: "sorted (sort xs)" using sorted_sort_key [where f="\x. x"] by simp lemma insort_not_Nil [simp]: "insort_key f a xs \ []" by (induction xs) simp_all lemma insort_is_Cons: "\x\set xs. f a \ f x \ insort_key f a xs = a # xs" by (cases xs) auto lemma sort_key_id_if_sorted: "sorted (map f xs) \ sort_key f xs = xs" by (induction xs) (auto simp add: insort_is_Cons) text \Subsumed by @{thm sort_key_id_if_sorted} but easier to find:\ lemma sorted_sort_id: "sorted xs \ sort xs = xs" by (simp add: sort_key_id_if_sorted) lemma insort_key_remove1: assumes "a \ set xs" and "sorted (map f xs)" and "hd (filter (\x. f a = f x) xs) = a" shows "insort_key f a (remove1 a xs) = xs" using assms proof (induct xs) case (Cons x xs) then show ?case proof (cases "x = a") case False then have "f x \ f a" using Cons.prems by auto then have "f x < f a" using Cons.prems by auto with \f x \ f a\ show ?thesis using Cons by (auto simp: insort_is_Cons) qed (auto simp: insort_is_Cons) qed simp lemma insort_remove1: assumes "a \ set xs" and "sorted xs" shows "insort a (remove1 a xs) = xs" proof (rule insort_key_remove1) define n where "n = length (filter ((=) a) xs) - 1" from \a \ set xs\ show "a \ set xs" . from \sorted xs\ show "sorted (map (\x. x) xs)" by simp from \a \ set xs\ have "a \ set (filter ((=) a) xs)" by auto then have "set (filter ((=) a) xs) \ {}" by auto then have "filter ((=) a) xs \ []" by (auto simp only: set_empty) then have "length (filter ((=) a) xs) > 0" by simp then have n: "Suc n = length (filter ((=) a) xs)" by (simp add: n_def) moreover have "replicate (Suc n) a = a # replicate n a" by simp ultimately show "hd (filter ((=) a) xs) = a" by (simp add: replicate_length_filter) qed lemma finite_sorted_distinct_unique: assumes "finite A" shows "\!xs. set xs = A \ sorted xs \ distinct xs" proof - obtain xs where "distinct xs" "A = set xs" using finite_distinct_list [OF assms] by metis then show ?thesis by (rule_tac a="sort xs" in ex1I) (auto simp: sorted_distinct_set_unique) qed lemma insort_insert_key_triv: "f x \ f ` set xs \ insort_insert_key f x xs = xs" by (simp add: insort_insert_key_def) lemma insort_insert_triv: "x \ set xs \ insort_insert x xs = xs" using insort_insert_key_triv [of "\x. x"] by simp lemma insort_insert_insort_key: "f x \ f ` set xs \ insort_insert_key f x xs = insort_key f x xs" by (simp add: insort_insert_key_def) lemma insort_insert_insort: "x \ set xs \ insort_insert x xs = insort x xs" using insort_insert_insort_key [of "\x. x"] by simp lemma set_insort_insert: "set (insort_insert x xs) = insert x (set xs)" by (auto simp add: insort_insert_key_def set_insort_key) lemma distinct_insort_insert: assumes "distinct xs" shows "distinct (insort_insert_key f x xs)" using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp add: insort_insert_key_def set_insort_key) lemma sorted_insort_insert_key: assumes "sorted (map f xs)" shows "sorted (map f (insort_insert_key f x xs))" using assms by (simp add: insort_insert_key_def sorted_insort_key) lemma sorted_insort_insert: assumes "sorted xs" shows "sorted (insort_insert x xs)" using assms sorted_insort_insert_key [of "\x. x"] by simp lemma filter_insort_triv: "\ P x \ filter P (insort_key f x xs) = filter P xs" by (induct xs) simp_all lemma filter_insort: "sorted (map f xs) \ P x \ filter P (insort_key f x xs) = insort_key f x (filter P xs)" by (induct xs) (auto, subst insort_is_Cons, auto) lemma filter_sort: "filter P (sort_key f xs) = sort_key f (filter P xs)" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: filter_insort_triv filter_insort) lemma remove1_insort_key [simp]: "remove1 x (insort_key f x xs) = xs" by (induct xs) simp_all end lemma sort_upt [simp]: "sort [m.. \x \ set xs. P x \ List.find P xs = Some (Min {x\set xs. P x})" proof (induct xs) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) show ?case proof (cases "P x") case True with Cons show ?thesis by (auto intro: Min_eqI [symmetric]) next case False then have "{y. (y = x \ y \ set xs) \ P y} = {y \ set xs. P y}" by auto with Cons False show ?thesis by (simp_all) qed qed lemma sorted_enumerate [simp]: "sorted (map fst (enumerate n xs))" by (simp add: enumerate_eq_zip) lemma sorted_insort_is_snoc: "sorted xs \ \x \ set xs. a \ x \ insort a xs = xs @ [a]" by (induct xs) (auto dest!: insort_is_Cons) text \Stability of \<^const>\sort_key\:\ lemma sort_key_stable: "filter (\y. f y = k) (sort_key f xs) = filter (\y. f y = k) xs" by (induction xs) (auto simp: filter_insort insort_is_Cons filter_insort_triv) corollary stable_sort_key_sort_key: "stable_sort_key sort_key" by(simp add: stable_sort_key_def sort_key_stable) lemma sort_key_const: "sort_key (\x. c) xs = xs" by (metis (mono_tags) filter_True sort_key_stable) subsubsection \\<^const>\transpose\ on sorted lists\ lemma sorted_transpose[simp]: "sorted (rev (map length (transpose xs)))" by (auto simp: sorted_iff_nth_mono rev_nth nth_transpose length_filter_conv_card intro: card_mono) lemma transpose_max_length: "foldr (\xs. max (length xs)) (transpose xs) 0 = length (filter (\x. x \ []) xs)" (is "?L = ?R") proof (cases "transpose xs = []") case False have "?L = foldr max (map length (transpose xs)) 0" by (simp add: foldr_map comp_def) also have "... = length (transpose xs ! 0)" using False sorted_transpose by (simp add: foldr_max_sorted) finally show ?thesis using False by (simp add: nth_transpose) next case True hence "filter (\x. x \ []) xs = []" by (auto intro!: filter_False simp: transpose_empty) thus ?thesis by (simp add: transpose_empty True) qed lemma length_transpose_sorted: fixes xs :: "'a list list" assumes sorted: "sorted (rev (map length xs))" shows "length (transpose xs) = (if xs = [] then 0 else length (xs ! 0))" proof (cases "xs = []") case False thus ?thesis using foldr_max_sorted[OF sorted] False unfolding length_transpose foldr_map comp_def by simp qed simp lemma nth_nth_transpose_sorted[simp]: fixes xs :: "'a list list" assumes sorted: "sorted (rev (map length xs))" and i: "i < length (transpose xs)" and j: "j < length (filter (\ys. i < length ys) xs)" shows "transpose xs ! i ! j = xs ! j ! i" using j filter_equals_takeWhile_sorted_rev[OF sorted, of i] nth_transpose[OF i] nth_map[OF j] by (simp add: takeWhile_nth) lemma transpose_column_length: fixes xs :: "'a list list" assumes sorted: "sorted (rev (map length xs))" and "i < length xs" shows "length (filter (\ys. i < length ys) (transpose xs)) = length (xs ! i)" proof - have "xs \ []" using \i < length xs\ by auto note filter_equals_takeWhile_sorted_rev[OF sorted, simp] { fix j assume "j \ i" note sorted_rev_nth_mono[OF sorted, of j i, simplified, OF this \i < length xs\] } note sortedE = this[consumes 1] have "{j. j < length (transpose xs) \ i < length (transpose xs ! j)} = {..< length (xs ! i)}" proof safe fix j assume "j < length (transpose xs)" and "i < length (transpose xs ! j)" with this(2) nth_transpose[OF this(1)] have "i < length (takeWhile (\ys. j < length ys) xs)" by simp from nth_mem[OF this] takeWhile_nth[OF this] show "j < length (xs ! i)" by (auto dest: set_takeWhileD) next fix j assume "j < length (xs ! i)" thus "j < length (transpose xs)" using foldr_max_sorted[OF sorted] \xs \ []\ sortedE[OF le0] by (auto simp: length_transpose comp_def foldr_map) have "Suc i \ length (takeWhile (\ys. j < length ys) xs)" using \i < length xs\ \j < length (xs ! i)\ less_Suc_eq_le by (auto intro!: length_takeWhile_less_P_nth dest!: sortedE) with nth_transpose[OF \j < length (transpose xs)\] show "i < length (transpose xs ! j)" by simp qed thus ?thesis by (simp add: length_filter_conv_card) qed lemma transpose_column: fixes xs :: "'a list list" assumes sorted: "sorted (rev (map length xs))" and "i < length xs" shows "map (\ys. ys ! i) (filter (\ys. i < length ys) (transpose xs)) = xs ! i" (is "?R = _") proof (rule nth_equalityI) show length: "length ?R = length (xs ! i)" using transpose_column_length[OF assms] by simp fix j assume j: "j < length ?R" note * = less_le_trans[OF this, unfolded length_map, OF length_filter_le] from j have j_less: "j < length (xs ! i)" using length by simp have i_less_tW: "Suc i \ length (takeWhile (\ys. Suc j \ length ys) xs)" proof (rule length_takeWhile_less_P_nth) show "Suc i \ length xs" using \i < length xs\ by simp fix k assume "k < Suc i" hence "k \ i" by auto with sorted_rev_nth_mono[OF sorted this] \i < length xs\ have "length (xs ! i) \ length (xs ! k)" by simp thus "Suc j \ length (xs ! k)" using j_less by simp qed have i_less_filter: "i < length (filter (\ys. j < length ys) xs) " unfolding filter_equals_takeWhile_sorted_rev[OF sorted, of j] using i_less_tW by (simp_all add: Suc_le_eq) from j show "?R ! j = xs ! i ! j" unfolding filter_equals_takeWhile_sorted_rev[OF sorted_transpose, of i] by (simp add: takeWhile_nth nth_nth_transpose_sorted[OF sorted * i_less_filter]) qed lemma transpose_transpose: fixes xs :: "'a list list" assumes sorted: "sorted (rev (map length xs))" shows "transpose (transpose xs) = takeWhile (\x. x \ []) xs" (is "?L = ?R") proof - have len: "length ?L = length ?R" unfolding length_transpose transpose_max_length using filter_equals_takeWhile_sorted_rev[OF sorted, of 0] by simp { fix i assume "i < length ?R" with less_le_trans[OF _ length_takeWhile_le[of _ xs]] have "i < length xs" by simp } note * = this show ?thesis by (rule nth_equalityI) (simp_all add: len nth_transpose transpose_column[OF sorted] * takeWhile_nth) qed theorem transpose_rectangle: assumes "xs = [] \ n = 0" assumes rect: "\ i. i < length xs \ length (xs ! i) = n" shows "transpose xs = map (\ i. map (\ j. xs ! j ! i) [0..ys. i < length ys) xs = xs" using rect by (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth intro!: filter_True) } ultimately show "\i. i < length (transpose xs) \ ?trans ! i = ?map ! i" by (auto simp: nth_transpose intro: nth_equalityI) qed subsubsection \\sorted_key_list_of_set\\ text\ This function maps (finite) linearly ordered sets to sorted lists. The linear order is obtained by a key function that maps the elements of the set to a type that is linearly ordered. Warning: in most cases it is not a good idea to convert from sets to lists but one should convert in the other direction (via \<^const>\set\). Note: this is a generalisation of the older \sorted_list_of_set\ that is obtained by setting the key function to the identity. Consequently, new theorems should be added to the locale below. They should also be aliased to more convenient names for use with \sorted_list_of_set\ as seen further below. \ definition (in linorder) sorted_key_list_of_set :: "('b \ 'a) \ 'b set \ 'b list" where "sorted_key_list_of_set f \ folding_on.F (insort_key f) []" locale folding_insort_key = lo?: linorder "less_eq :: 'a \ 'a \ bool" less for less_eq (infix "\" 50) and less (infix "\" 50) + fixes S fixes f :: "'b \ 'a" assumes inj_on: "inj_on f S" begin lemma insort_key_commute: "x \ S \ y \ S \ insort_key f y o insort_key f x = insort_key f x o insort_key f y" proof(rule ext, goal_cases) case (1 xs) with inj_on show ?case by (induction xs) (auto simp: inj_onD) qed sublocale fold_insort_key: folding_on S "insort_key f" "[]" rewrites "folding_on.F (insort_key f) [] = sorted_key_list_of_set f" proof - show "folding_on S (insort_key f)" by standard (simp add: insort_key_commute) qed (simp add: sorted_key_list_of_set_def) lemma idem_if_sorted_distinct: assumes "set xs \ S" and "sorted (map f xs)" "distinct xs" shows "sorted_key_list_of_set f (set xs) = xs" proof(cases "S = {}") case True then show ?thesis using \set xs \ S\ by auto next case False with assms show ?thesis proof(induction xs) case (Cons a xs) with Cons show ?case by (cases xs) auto qed simp qed lemma sorted_key_list_of_set_empty: "sorted_key_list_of_set f {} = []" by (fact fold_insort_key.empty) lemma sorted_key_list_of_set_insert: assumes "insert x A \ S" and "finite A" "x \ A" shows "sorted_key_list_of_set f (insert x A) = insort_key f x (sorted_key_list_of_set f A)" using assms by (fact fold_insort_key.insert) lemma sorted_key_list_of_set_insert_remove [simp]: assumes "insert x A \ S" and "finite A" shows "sorted_key_list_of_set f (insert x A) = insort_key f x (sorted_key_list_of_set f (A - {x}))" using assms by (fact fold_insort_key.insert_remove) lemma sorted_key_list_of_set_eq_Nil_iff [simp]: assumes "A \ S" and "finite A" shows "sorted_key_list_of_set f A = [] \ A = {}" using assms by (auto simp: fold_insort_key.remove) lemma set_sorted_key_list_of_set [simp]: assumes "A \ S" and "finite A" shows "set (sorted_key_list_of_set f A) = A" using assms(2,1) by (induct A rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: set_insort_key) lemma sorted_sorted_key_list_of_set [simp]: assumes "A \ S" shows "sorted (map f (sorted_key_list_of_set f A))" proof (cases "finite A") case True thus ?thesis using \A \ S\ by (induction A) (simp_all add: sorted_insort_key) next case False thus ?thesis by simp qed lemma distinct_if_distinct_map: "distinct (map f xs) \ distinct xs" using inj_on by (simp add: distinct_map) lemma distinct_sorted_key_list_of_set [simp]: assumes "A \ S" shows "distinct (map f (sorted_key_list_of_set f A))" proof (cases "finite A") case True thus ?thesis using \A \ S\ inj_on by (induction A) (force simp: distinct_insort_key dest: inj_onD)+ next case False thus ?thesis by simp qed lemma length_sorted_key_list_of_set [simp]: assumes "A \ S" shows "length (sorted_key_list_of_set f A) = card A" proof (cases "finite A") case True with assms inj_on show ?thesis using distinct_card[symmetric, OF distinct_sorted_key_list_of_set] by (auto simp: subset_inj_on intro!: card_image) qed auto lemmas sorted_key_list_of_set = set_sorted_key_list_of_set sorted_sorted_key_list_of_set distinct_sorted_key_list_of_set lemma sorted_key_list_of_set_remove: assumes "insert x A \ S" and "finite A" shows "sorted_key_list_of_set f (A - {x}) = remove1 x (sorted_key_list_of_set f A)" proof (cases "x \ A") case False with assms have "x \ set (sorted_key_list_of_set f A)" by simp with False show ?thesis by (simp add: remove1_idem) next case True then obtain B where A: "A = insert x B" by (rule Set.set_insert) with assms show ?thesis by simp qed lemma strict_sorted_key_list_of_set [simp]: "A \ S \ sorted_wrt (\) (map f (sorted_key_list_of_set f A))" by (cases "finite A") (auto simp: strict_sorted_iff subset_inj_on[OF inj_on]) lemma finite_set_strict_sorted: assumes "A \ S" and "finite A" obtains l where "sorted_wrt (\) (map f l)" "set l = A" "length l = card A" using assms by (meson length_sorted_key_list_of_set set_sorted_key_list_of_set strict_sorted_key_list_of_set) lemma (in linorder) strict_sorted_equal: assumes "sorted_wrt (<) xs" and "sorted_wrt (<) ys" and "set ys = set xs" shows "ys = xs" using assms proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys) case (Cons x xs) show ?case proof (cases ys) case Nil then show ?thesis using Cons.prems by auto next case (Cons y ys') then have "xs = ys'" by (metis Cons.prems list.inject sorted_distinct_set_unique strict_sorted_iff) moreover have "x = y" using Cons.prems \xs = ys'\ local.Cons by fastforce ultimately show ?thesis using local.Cons by blast qed qed auto lemma (in linorder) strict_sorted_equal_Uniq: "\\<^sub>\\<^sub>1xs. sorted_wrt (<) xs \ set xs = A" by (simp add: Uniq_def strict_sorted_equal) lemma sorted_key_list_of_set_inject: assumes "A \ S" "B \ S" assumes "sorted_key_list_of_set f A = sorted_key_list_of_set f B" "finite A" "finite B" shows "A = B" using assms set_sorted_key_list_of_set by metis lemma sorted_key_list_of_set_unique: assumes "A \ S" and "finite A" shows "sorted_wrt (\) (map f l) \ set l = A \ length l = card A \ sorted_key_list_of_set f A = l" using assms by (auto simp: strict_sorted_iff card_distinct idem_if_sorted_distinct) end context linorder begin definition "sorted_list_of_set \ sorted_key_list_of_set (\x::'a. x)" text \ We abuse the \rewrites\ functionality of locales to remove trivial assumptions that result from instantiating the key function to the identity. \ sublocale sorted_list_of_set: folding_insort_key "(\)" "(<)" UNIV "(\x. x)" rewrites "sorted_key_list_of_set (\x. x) = sorted_list_of_set" and "\xs. map (\x. x) xs \ xs" and "\X. (X \ UNIV) \ True" and "\x. x \ UNIV \ True" and "\P. (True \ P) \ Trueprop P" and "\P Q. (True \ PROP P \ PROP Q) \ (PROP P \ True \ PROP Q)" proof - show "folding_insort_key (\) (<) UNIV (\x. x)" by standard simp qed (simp_all add: sorted_list_of_set_def) text \Alias theorems for backwards compatibility and ease of use.\ lemmas sorted_list_of_set = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set and sorted_list_of_set_empty = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_empty and sorted_list_of_set_insert = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_insert and sorted_list_of_set_insert_remove = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_insert_remove and sorted_list_of_set_eq_Nil_iff = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_eq_Nil_iff and set_sorted_list_of_set = sorted_list_of_set.set_sorted_key_list_of_set and sorted_sorted_list_of_set = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_sorted_key_list_of_set and distinct_sorted_list_of_set = sorted_list_of_set.distinct_sorted_key_list_of_set and length_sorted_list_of_set = sorted_list_of_set.length_sorted_key_list_of_set and sorted_list_of_set_remove = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_remove and strict_sorted_list_of_set = sorted_list_of_set.strict_sorted_key_list_of_set and sorted_list_of_set_inject = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_inject and sorted_list_of_set_unique = sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_unique and finite_set_strict_sorted = sorted_list_of_set.finite_set_strict_sorted lemma sorted_list_of_set_sort_remdups [code]: "sorted_list_of_set (set xs) = sort (remdups xs)" proof - interpret comp_fun_commute insort by (fact comp_fun_commute_insort) show ?thesis by (simp add: sorted_list_of_set.fold_insort_key.eq_fold sort_conv_fold fold_set_fold_remdups) qed end lemma sorted_list_of_set_range [simp]: "sorted_list_of_set {m.. {}" shows "sorted_list_of_set A = Min A # sorted_list_of_set (A - {Min A})" using assms by (auto simp: less_le simp flip: sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_unique intro: Min_in) lemma sorted_list_of_set_greaterThanLessThan: assumes "Suc i < j" shows "sorted_list_of_set {i<.. j" shows "sorted_list_of_set {i<..j} = Suc i # sorted_list_of_set {Suc i<..j}" using sorted_list_of_set_greaterThanLessThan [of i "Suc j"] by (metis assms greaterThanAtMost_def greaterThanLessThan_eq le_imp_less_Suc lessThan_Suc_atMost) lemma nth_sorted_list_of_set_greaterThanLessThan: "n < j - Suc i \ sorted_list_of_set {i<.. sorted_list_of_set {i<..j} ! n = Suc (i+n)" using nth_sorted_list_of_set_greaterThanLessThan [of n "Suc j" i] by (simp add: greaterThanAtMost_def greaterThanLessThan_eq lessThan_Suc_atMost) subsubsection \\lists\: the list-forming operator over sets\ inductive_set lists :: "'a set => 'a list set" for A :: "'a set" where Nil [intro!, simp]: "[] \ lists A" | Cons [intro!, simp]: "\a \ A; l \ lists A\ \ a#l \ lists A" inductive_cases listsE [elim!]: "x#l \ lists A" inductive_cases listspE [elim!]: "listsp A (x # l)" inductive_simps listsp_simps[code]: "listsp A []" "listsp A (x # xs)" lemma listsp_mono [mono]: "A \ B \ listsp A \ listsp B" by (rule predicate1I, erule listsp.induct, blast+) lemmas lists_mono = listsp_mono [to_set] lemma listsp_infI: assumes l: "listsp A l" shows "listsp B l \ listsp (inf A B) l" using l by induct blast+ lemmas lists_IntI = listsp_infI [to_set] lemma listsp_inf_eq [simp]: "listsp (inf A B) = inf (listsp A) (listsp B)" proof (rule mono_inf [where f=listsp, THEN order_antisym]) show "mono listsp" by (simp add: mono_def listsp_mono) show "inf (listsp A) (listsp B) \ listsp (inf A B)" by (blast intro!: listsp_infI) qed lemmas listsp_conj_eq [simp] = listsp_inf_eq [simplified inf_fun_def inf_bool_def] lemmas lists_Int_eq [simp] = listsp_inf_eq [to_set] lemma Cons_in_lists_iff[simp]: "x#xs \ lists A \ x \ A \ xs \ lists A" by auto lemma append_in_listsp_conv [iff]: "(listsp A (xs @ ys)) = (listsp A xs \ listsp A ys)" by (induct xs) auto lemmas append_in_lists_conv [iff] = append_in_listsp_conv [to_set] lemma in_listsp_conv_set: "(listsp A xs) = (\x \ set xs. A x)" \ \eliminate \listsp\ in favour of \set\\ by (induct xs) auto lemmas in_lists_conv_set [code_unfold] = in_listsp_conv_set [to_set] lemma in_listspD [dest!]: "listsp A xs \ \x\set xs. A x" by (rule in_listsp_conv_set [THEN iffD1]) lemmas in_listsD [dest!] = in_listspD [to_set] lemma in_listspI [intro!]: "\x\set xs. A x \ listsp A xs" by (rule in_listsp_conv_set [THEN iffD2]) lemmas in_listsI [intro!] = in_listspI [to_set] lemma lists_eq_set: "lists A = {xs. set xs \ A}" by auto lemma lists_empty [simp]: "lists {} = {[]}" by auto lemma lists_UNIV [simp]: "lists UNIV = UNIV" by auto lemma lists_image: "lists (f`A) = map f ` lists A" proof - { fix xs have "\x\set xs. x \ f ` A \ xs \ map f ` lists A" by (induct xs) (auto simp del: list.map simp add: list.map[symmetric] intro!: imageI) } then show ?thesis by auto qed subsubsection \Inductive definition for membership\ inductive ListMem :: "'a \ 'a list \ bool" where elem: "ListMem x (x # xs)" | insert: "ListMem x xs \ ListMem x (y # xs)" lemma ListMem_iff: "(ListMem x xs) = (x \ set xs)" proof show "ListMem x xs \ x \ set xs" by (induct set: ListMem) auto show "x \ set xs \ ListMem x xs" by (induct xs) (auto intro: ListMem.intros) qed subsubsection \Lists as Cartesian products\ text\\set_Cons A Xs\: the set of lists with head drawn from \<^term>\A\ and tail drawn from \<^term>\Xs\.\ definition set_Cons :: "'a set \ 'a list set \ 'a list set" where "set_Cons A XS = {z. \x xs. z = x # xs \ x \ A \ xs \ XS}" lemma set_Cons_sing_Nil [simp]: "set_Cons A {[]} = (%x. [x])`A" by (auto simp add: set_Cons_def) text\Yields the set of lists, all of the same length as the argument and with elements drawn from the corresponding element of the argument.\ primrec listset :: "'a set list \ 'a list set" where "listset [] = {[]}" | "listset (A # As) = set_Cons A (listset As)" subsection \Relations on Lists\ subsubsection \Length Lexicographic Ordering\ text\These orderings preserve well-foundedness: shorter lists precede longer lists. These ordering are not used in dictionaries.\ primrec \ \The lexicographic ordering for lists of the specified length\ lexn :: "('a \ 'a) set \ nat \ ('a list \ 'a list) set" where "lexn r 0 = {}" | "lexn r (Suc n) = (map_prod (%(x, xs). x#xs) (%(x, xs). x#xs) ` (r <*lex*> lexn r n)) Int {(xs, ys). length xs = Suc n \ length ys = Suc n}" definition lex :: "('a \ 'a) set \ ('a list \ 'a list) set" where "lex r = (\n. lexn r n)" \ \Holds only between lists of the same length\ definition lenlex :: "('a \ 'a) set => ('a list \ 'a list) set" where "lenlex r = inv_image (less_than <*lex*> lex r) (\xs. (length xs, xs))" \ \Compares lists by their length and then lexicographically\ lemma wf_lexn: assumes "wf r" shows "wf (lexn r n)" proof (induct n) case (Suc n) have inj: "inj (\(x, xs). x # xs)" using assms by (auto simp: inj_on_def) have wf: "wf (map_prod (\(x, xs). x # xs) (\(x, xs). x # xs) ` (r <*lex*> lexn r n))" by (simp add: Suc.hyps assms wf_lex_prod wf_map_prod_image [OF _ inj]) then show ?case by (rule wf_subset) auto qed auto lemma lexn_length: "(xs, ys) \ lexn r n \ length xs = n \ length ys = n" by (induct n arbitrary: xs ys) auto lemma wf_lex [intro!]: assumes "wf r" shows "wf (lex r)" unfolding lex_def proof (rule wf_UN) show "wf (lexn r i)" for i by (simp add: assms wf_lexn) show "\i j. lexn r i \ lexn r j \ Domain (lexn r i) \ Range (lexn r j) = {}" by (metis DomainE Int_emptyI RangeE lexn_length) qed lemma lexn_conv: "lexn r n = {(xs,ys). length xs = n \ length ys = n \ (\xys x y xs' ys'. xs= xys @ x#xs' \ ys= xys @ y # ys' \ (x, y) \ r)}" proof (induction n) case (Suc n) then show ?case apply (simp add: image_Collect lex_prod_def, safe, blast) apply (rule_tac x = "ab # xys" in exI, simp) apply (case_tac xys; force) done qed auto text\By Mathias Fleury:\ proposition lexn_transI: assumes "trans r" shows "trans (lexn r n)" unfolding trans_def proof (intro allI impI) fix as bs cs assume asbs: "(as, bs) \ lexn r n" and bscs: "(bs, cs) \ lexn r n" obtain abs a b as' bs' where n: "length as = n" and "length bs = n" and as: "as = abs @ a # as'" and bs: "bs = abs @ b # bs'" and abr: "(a, b) \ r" using asbs unfolding lexn_conv by blast obtain bcs b' c' cs' bs' where n': "length cs = n" and "length bs = n" and bs': "bs = bcs @ b' # bs'" and cs: "cs = bcs @ c' # cs'" and b'c'r: "(b', c') \ r" using bscs unfolding lexn_conv by blast consider (le) "length bcs < length abs" | (eq) "length bcs = length abs" | (ge) "length bcs > length abs" by linarith thus "(as, cs) \ lexn r n" proof cases let ?k = "length bcs" case le hence "as ! ?k = bs ! ?k" unfolding as bs by (simp add: nth_append) hence "(as ! ?k, cs ! ?k) \ r" using b'c'r unfolding bs' cs by auto moreover have "length bcs < length as" using le unfolding as by simp from id_take_nth_drop[OF this] have "as = take ?k as @ as ! ?k # drop (Suc ?k) as" . moreover have "length bcs < length cs" unfolding cs by simp from id_take_nth_drop[OF this] have "cs = take ?k cs @ cs ! ?k # drop (Suc ?k) cs" . moreover have "take ?k as = take ?k cs" using le arg_cong[OF bs, of "take (length bcs)"] unfolding cs as bs' by auto ultimately show ?thesis using n n' unfolding lexn_conv by auto next let ?k = "length abs" case ge hence "bs ! ?k = cs ! ?k" unfolding bs' cs by (simp add: nth_append) hence "(as ! ?k, cs ! ?k) \ r" using abr unfolding as bs by auto moreover have "length abs < length as" using ge unfolding as by simp from id_take_nth_drop[OF this] have "as = take ?k as @ as ! ?k # drop (Suc ?k) as" . moreover have "length abs < length cs" using n n' unfolding as by simp from id_take_nth_drop[OF this] have "cs = take ?k cs @ cs ! ?k # drop (Suc ?k) cs" . moreover have "take ?k as = take ?k cs" using ge arg_cong[OF bs', of "take (length abs)"] unfolding cs as bs by auto ultimately show ?thesis using n n' unfolding lexn_conv by auto next let ?k = "length abs" case eq hence *: "abs = bcs" "b = b'" using bs bs' by auto hence "(a, c') \ r" using abr b'c'r assms unfolding trans_def by blast with * show ?thesis using n n' unfolding lexn_conv as bs cs by auto qed qed corollary lex_transI: assumes "trans r" shows "trans (lex r)" using lexn_transI [OF assms] by (clarsimp simp add: lex_def trans_def) (metis lexn_length) lemma lex_conv: "lex r = {(xs,ys). length xs = length ys \ (\xys x y xs' ys'. xs = xys @ x # xs' \ ys = xys @ y # ys' \ (x, y) \ r)}" by (force simp add: lex_def lexn_conv) lemma wf_lenlex [intro!]: "wf r \ wf (lenlex r)" by (unfold lenlex_def) blast lemma lenlex_conv: "lenlex r = {(xs,ys). length xs < length ys \ length xs = length ys \ (xs, ys) \ lex r}" by (auto simp add: lenlex_def Id_on_def lex_prod_def inv_image_def) lemma total_lenlex: assumes "total r" shows "total (lenlex r)" proof - have "(xs,ys) \ lexn r (length xs) \ (ys,xs) \ lexn r (length xs)" if "xs \ ys" and len: "length xs = length ys" for xs ys proof - obtain pre x xs' y ys' where "x\y" and xs: "xs = pre @ [x] @ xs'" and ys: "ys = pre @ [y] @ys'" by (meson len \xs \ ys\ same_length_different) then consider "(x,y) \ r" | "(y,x) \ r" by (meson UNIV_I assms total_on_def) then show ?thesis by cases (use len in \(force simp add: lexn_conv xs ys)+\) qed then show ?thesis by (fastforce simp: lenlex_def total_on_def lex_def) qed lemma lenlex_transI [intro]: "trans r \ trans (lenlex r)" unfolding lenlex_def by (meson lex_transI trans_inv_image trans_less_than trans_lex_prod) lemma Nil_notin_lex [iff]: "([], ys) \ lex r" by (simp add: lex_conv) lemma Nil2_notin_lex [iff]: "(xs, []) \ lex r" by (simp add:lex_conv) lemma Cons_in_lex [simp]: "(x # xs, y # ys) \ lex r \ (x, y) \ r \ length xs = length ys \ x = y \ (xs, ys) \ lex r" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs then show ?rhs by (simp add: lex_conv) (metis hd_append list.sel(1) list.sel(3) tl_append2) next assume ?rhs then show ?lhs by (simp add: lex_conv) (blast intro: Cons_eq_appendI) qed lemma Nil_lenlex_iff1 [simp]: "([], ns) \ lenlex r \ ns \ []" and Nil_lenlex_iff2 [simp]: "(ns,[]) \ lenlex r" by (auto simp: lenlex_def) lemma Cons_lenlex_iff: "((m # ms, n # ns) \ lenlex r) \ length ms < length ns \ length ms = length ns \ (m,n) \ r \ (m = n \ (ms,ns) \ lenlex r)" by (auto simp: lenlex_def) lemma lenlex_irreflexive: "(\x. (x,x) \ r) \ (xs,xs) \ lenlex r" by (induction xs) (auto simp add: Cons_lenlex_iff) lemma lenlex_trans: "\(x,y) \ lenlex r; (y,z) \ lenlex r; trans r\ \ (x,z) \ lenlex r" by (meson lenlex_transI transD) lemma lenlex_length: "(ms, ns) \ lenlex r \ length ms \ length ns" by (auto simp: lenlex_def) lemma lex_append_rightI: "(xs, ys) \ lex r \ length vs = length us \ (xs @ us, ys @ vs) \ lex r" by (fastforce simp: lex_def lexn_conv) lemma lex_append_leftI: "(ys, zs) \ lex r \ (xs @ ys, xs @ zs) \ lex r" by (induct xs) auto lemma lex_append_leftD: "\x. (x,x) \ r \ (xs @ ys, xs @ zs) \ lex r \ (ys, zs) \ lex r" by (induct xs) auto lemma lex_append_left_iff: "\x. (x,x) \ r \ (xs @ ys, xs @ zs) \ lex r \ (ys, zs) \ lex r" by(metis lex_append_leftD lex_append_leftI) lemma lex_take_index: assumes "(xs, ys) \ lex r" obtains i where "i < length xs" and "i < length ys" and "take i xs = take i ys" and "(xs ! i, ys ! i) \ r" proof - obtain n us x xs' y ys' where "(xs, ys) \ lexn r n" and "length xs = n" and "length ys = n" and "xs = us @ x # xs'" and "ys = us @ y # ys'" and "(x, y) \ r" using assms by (fastforce simp: lex_def lexn_conv) then show ?thesis by (intro that [of "length us"]) auto qed lemma irrefl_lex: "irrefl r \ irrefl (lex r)" by (meson irrefl_def lex_take_index) lemma lexl_not_refl [simp]: "irrefl r \ (x,x) \ lex r" by (meson irrefl_def lex_take_index) subsubsection \Lexicographic Ordering\ text \Classical lexicographic ordering on lists, ie. "a" < "ab" < "b". This ordering does \emph{not} preserve well-foundedness. Author: N. Voelker, March 2005.\ definition lexord :: "('a \ 'a) set \ ('a list \ 'a list) set" where "lexord r = {(x,y). \ a v. y = x @ a # v \ (\ u a b v w. (a,b) \ r \ x = u @ (a # v) \ y = u @ (b # w))}" lemma lexord_Nil_left[simp]: "([],y) \ lexord r = (\ a x. y = a # x)" by (unfold lexord_def, induct_tac y, auto) lemma lexord_Nil_right[simp]: "(x,[]) \ lexord r" by (unfold lexord_def, induct_tac x, auto) lemma lexord_cons_cons[simp]: "(a # x, b # y) \ lexord r \ (a,b)\ r \ (a = b \ (x,y)\ lexord r)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs then show ?rhs apply (simp add: lexord_def) apply (metis hd_append list.sel(1) list.sel(3) tl_append2) done qed (auto simp add: lexord_def; (blast | meson Cons_eq_appendI)) lemmas lexord_simps = lexord_Nil_left lexord_Nil_right lexord_cons_cons lemma lexord_same_pref_iff: "(xs @ ys, xs @ zs) \ lexord r \ (\x \ set xs. (x,x) \ r) \ (ys, zs) \ lexord r" by(induction xs) auto lemma lexord_same_pref_if_irrefl[simp]: "irrefl r \ (xs @ ys, xs @ zs) \ lexord r \ (ys, zs) \ lexord r" by (simp add: irrefl_def lexord_same_pref_iff) lemma lexord_append_rightI: "\ b z. y = b # z \ (x, x @ y) \ lexord r" by (metis append_Nil2 lexord_Nil_left lexord_same_pref_iff) lemma lexord_append_left_rightI: "(a,b) \ r \ (u @ a # x, u @ b # y) \ lexord r" by (simp add: lexord_same_pref_iff) lemma lexord_append_leftI: "(u,v) \ lexord r \ (x @ u, x @ v) \ lexord r" by (simp add: lexord_same_pref_iff) lemma lexord_append_leftD: "\(x @ u, x @ v) \ lexord r; (\a. (a,a) \ r) \ \ (u,v) \ lexord r" by (simp add: lexord_same_pref_iff) lemma lexord_take_index_conv: "((x,y) \ lexord r) = ((length x < length y \ take (length x) y = x) \ (\i. i < min(length x)(length y) \ take i x = take i y \ (x!i,y!i) \ r))" proof - have "(\a v. y = x @ a # v) = (length x < length y \ take (length x) y = x)" by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc append_eq_conv_conj drop_all list.simps(3) not_le) moreover have "(\u a b. (a, b) \ r \ (\v. x = u @ a # v) \ (\w. y = u @ b # w)) = (\i take i x = take i y \ (x ! i, y ! i) \ r)" apply safe using less_iff_Suc_add apply auto[1] by (metis id_take_nth_drop) ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp: lexord_def Let_def) qed \ \lexord is extension of partial ordering List.lex\ lemma lexord_lex: "(x,y) \ lex r = ((x,y) \ lexord r \ length x = length y)" proof (induction x arbitrary: y) case (Cons a x y) then show ?case by (cases y) (force+) qed auto lemma lexord_sufI: assumes "(u,w) \ lexord r" "length w \ length u" shows "(u@v,w@z) \ lexord r" proof- from leD[OF assms(2)] assms(1)[unfolded lexord_take_index_conv[of u w r] min_absorb2[OF assms(2)]] obtain i where "take i u = take i w" and "(u!i,w!i) \ r" and "i < length w" by blast hence "((u@v)!i, (w@z)!i) \ r" unfolding nth_append using less_le_trans[OF \i < length w\ assms(2)] \(u!i,w!i) \ r\ by presburger moreover have "i < min (length (u@v)) (length (w@z))" using assms(2) \i < length w\ by simp moreover have "take i (u@v) = take i (w@z)" using assms(2) \i < length w\ \take i u = take i w\ by simp ultimately show ?thesis using lexord_take_index_conv by blast qed lemma lexord_sufE: assumes "(xs@zs,ys@qs) \ lexord r" "xs \ ys" "length xs = length ys" "length zs = length qs" shows "(xs,ys) \ lexord r" proof- obtain i where "i < length (xs@zs)" and "i < length (ys@qs)" and "take i (xs@zs) = take i (ys@qs)" and "((xs@zs) ! i, (ys@qs) ! i) \ r" using assms(1) lex_take_index[unfolded lexord_lex,of "xs @ zs" "ys @ qs" r] length_append[of xs zs, unfolded assms(3,4), folded length_append[of ys qs]] by blast have "length (take i xs) = length (take i ys)" by (simp add: assms(3)) have "i < length xs" using assms(2,3) le_less_linear take_all[of xs i] take_all[of ys i] \take i (xs @ zs) = take i (ys @ qs)\ append_eq_append_conv take_append by metis hence "(xs ! i, ys ! i) \ r" using \((xs @ zs) ! i, (ys @ qs) ! i) \ r\ assms(3) by (simp add: nth_append) moreover have "take i xs = take i ys" using assms(3) \take i (xs @ zs) = take i (ys @ qs)\ by auto ultimately show ?thesis unfolding lexord_take_index_conv using \i < length xs\ assms(3) by fastforce qed lemma lexord_irreflexive: "\x. (x,x) \ r \ (xs,xs) \ lexord r" by (induct xs) auto text\By Ren\'e Thiemann:\ lemma lexord_partial_trans: "(\x y z. x \ set xs \ (x,y) \ r \ (y,z) \ r \ (x,z) \ r) \ (xs,ys) \ lexord r \ (ys,zs) \ lexord r \ (xs,zs) \ lexord r" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys zs) case Nil from Nil(3) show ?case unfolding lexord_def by (cases zs, auto) next case (Cons x xs yys zzs) from Cons(3) obtain y ys where yys: "yys = y # ys" unfolding lexord_def by (cases yys, auto) note Cons = Cons[unfolded yys] from Cons(3) have one: "(x,y) \ r \ x = y \ (xs,ys) \ lexord r" by auto from Cons(4) obtain z zs where zzs: "zzs = z # zs" unfolding lexord_def by (cases zzs, auto) note Cons = Cons[unfolded zzs] from Cons(4) have two: "(y,z) \ r \ y = z \ (ys,zs) \ lexord r" by auto { assume "(xs,ys) \ lexord r" and "(ys,zs) \ lexord r" from Cons(1)[OF _ this] Cons(2) have "(xs,zs) \ lexord r" by auto } note ind1 = this { assume "(x,y) \ r" and "(y,z) \ r" from Cons(2)[OF _ this] have "(x,z) \ r" by auto } note ind2 = this from one two ind1 ind2 have "(x,z) \ r \ x = z \ (xs,zs) \ lexord r" by blast thus ?case unfolding zzs by auto qed lemma lexord_trans: "\ (x, y) \ lexord r; (y, z) \ lexord r; trans r \ \ (x, z) \ lexord r" by(auto simp: trans_def intro:lexord_partial_trans) lemma lexord_transI: "trans r \ trans (lexord r)" by (meson lexord_trans transI) lemma total_lexord: "total r \ total (lexord r)" unfolding total_on_def proof clarsimp fix x y assume "\x y. x \ y \ (x, y) \ r \ (y, x) \ r" and "(x::'a list) \ y" and "(y, x) \ lexord r" then show "(x, y) \ lexord r" proof (induction x arbitrary: y) case Nil then show ?case by (metis lexord_Nil_left list.exhaust) next case (Cons a x y) then show ?case by (cases y) (force+) qed qed corollary lexord_linear: "(\a b. (a,b) \ r \ a = b \ (b,a) \ r) \ (x,y) \ lexord r \ x = y \ (y,x) \ lexord r" using total_lexord by (metis UNIV_I total_on_def) lemma lexord_irrefl: "irrefl R \ irrefl (lexord R)" by (simp add: irrefl_def lexord_irreflexive) lemma lexord_asym: assumes "asym R" shows "asym (lexord R)" proof fix xs ys assume "(xs, ys) \ lexord R" then show "(ys, xs) \ lexord R" proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys) case Nil then show ?case by simp next case (Cons x xs) then obtain z zs where ys: "ys = z # zs" by (cases ys) auto with assms Cons show ?case by (auto dest: asymD) qed qed lemma lexord_asymmetric: assumes "asym R" assumes hyp: "(a, b) \ lexord R" shows "(b, a) \ lexord R" proof - from \asym R\ have "asym (lexord R)" by (rule lexord_asym) then show ?thesis by (auto simp: hyp dest: asymD) qed lemma asym_lex: "asym R \ asym (lex R)" by (meson asymI asymD irrefl_lex lexord_asym lexord_lex) lemma asym_lenlex: "asym R \ asym (lenlex R)" by (simp add: lenlex_def asym_inv_image asym_less_than asym_lex asym_lex_prod) lemma lenlex_append1: assumes len: "(us,xs) \ lenlex R" and eq: "length vs = length ys" shows "(us @ vs, xs @ ys) \ lenlex R" using len proof (induction us) case Nil then show ?case by (simp add: lenlex_def eq) next case (Cons u us) with lex_append_rightI show ?case by (fastforce simp add: lenlex_def eq) qed lemma lenlex_append2 [simp]: assumes "irrefl R" shows "(us @ xs, us @ ys) \ lenlex R \ (xs, ys) \ lenlex R" proof (induction us) case Nil then show ?case by (simp add: lenlex_def) next case (Cons u us) with assms show ?case by (auto simp: lenlex_def irrefl_def) qed text \ Predicate version of lexicographic order integrated with Isabelle's order type classes. Author: Andreas Lochbihler \ context ord begin context notes [[inductive_internals]] begin inductive lexordp :: "'a list \ 'a list \ bool" where Nil: "lexordp [] (y # ys)" | Cons: "x < y \ lexordp (x # xs) (y # ys)" | Cons_eq: "\ \ x < y; \ y < x; lexordp xs ys \ \ lexordp (x # xs) (y # ys)" end lemma lexordp_simps [simp, code]: "lexordp [] ys = (ys \ [])" "lexordp xs [] = False" "lexordp (x # xs) (y # ys) \ x < y \ \ y < x \ lexordp xs ys" by(subst lexordp.simps, fastforce simp add: neq_Nil_conv)+ inductive lexordp_eq :: "'a list \ 'a list \ bool" where Nil: "lexordp_eq [] ys" | Cons: "x < y \ lexordp_eq (x # xs) (y # ys)" | Cons_eq: "\ \ x < y; \ y < x; lexordp_eq xs ys \ \ lexordp_eq (x # xs) (y # ys)" lemma lexordp_eq_simps [simp, code]: "lexordp_eq [] ys = True" "lexordp_eq xs [] \ xs = []" "lexordp_eq (x # xs) [] = False" "lexordp_eq (x # xs) (y # ys) \ x < y \ \ y < x \ lexordp_eq xs ys" by(subst lexordp_eq.simps, fastforce)+ lemma lexordp_append_rightI: "ys \ Nil \ lexordp xs (xs @ ys)" by(induct xs)(auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv) lemma lexordp_append_left_rightI: "x < y \ lexordp (us @ x # xs) (us @ y # ys)" by(induct us) auto lemma lexordp_eq_refl: "lexordp_eq xs xs" by(induct xs) simp_all lemma lexordp_append_leftI: "lexordp us vs \ lexordp (xs @ us) (xs @ vs)" by(induct xs) auto lemma lexordp_append_leftD: "\ lexordp (xs @ us) (xs @ vs); \a. \ a < a \ \ lexordp us vs" by(induct xs) auto lemma lexordp_irreflexive: assumes irrefl: "\x. \ x < x" shows "\ lexordp xs xs" proof assume "lexordp xs xs" thus False by(induct xs ys\xs)(simp_all add: irrefl) qed lemma lexordp_into_lexordp_eq: "lexordp xs ys \ lexordp_eq xs ys" by (induction rule: lexordp.induct) simp_all lemma lexordp_eq_pref: "lexordp_eq u (u @ v)" by (metis append_Nil2 lexordp_append_rightI lexordp_eq_refl lexordp_into_lexordp_eq) end declare ord.lexordp_simps [simp, code] declare ord.lexordp_eq_simps [simp, code] context order begin lemma lexordp_antisym: assumes "lexordp xs ys" "lexordp ys xs" shows False using assms by induct auto lemma lexordp_irreflexive': "\ lexordp xs xs" by(rule lexordp_irreflexive) simp end context linorder begin lemma lexordp_cases [consumes 1, case_names Nil Cons Cons_eq, cases pred: lexordp]: assumes "lexordp xs ys" obtains (Nil) y ys' where "xs = []" "ys = y # ys'" | (Cons) x xs' y ys' where "xs = x # xs'" "ys = y # ys'" "x < y" | (Cons_eq) x xs' ys' where "xs = x # xs'" "ys = x # ys'" "lexordp xs' ys'" using assms by cases (fastforce simp add: not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)+ lemma lexordp_induct [consumes 1, case_names Nil Cons Cons_eq, induct pred: lexordp]: assumes major: "lexordp xs ys" and Nil: "\y ys. P [] (y # ys)" and Cons: "\x xs y ys. x < y \ P (x # xs) (y # ys)" and Cons_eq: "\x xs ys. \ lexordp xs ys; P xs ys \ \ P (x # xs) (x # ys)" shows "P xs ys" using major by induct (simp_all add: Nil Cons not_less_iff_gr_or_eq Cons_eq) lemma lexordp_iff: "lexordp xs ys \ (\x vs. ys = xs @ x # vs) \ (\us a b vs ws. a < b \ xs = us @ a # vs \ ys = us @ b # ws)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs thus ?rhs proof induct case Cons_eq thus ?case by simp (metis append.simps(2)) qed(fastforce intro: disjI2 del: disjCI intro: exI[where x="[]"])+ next assume ?rhs thus ?lhs by(auto intro: lexordp_append_leftI[where us="[]", simplified] lexordp_append_leftI) qed lemma lexordp_conv_lexord: "lexordp xs ys \ (xs, ys) \ lexord {(x, y). x < y}" by(simp add: lexordp_iff lexord_def) lemma lexordp_eq_antisym: assumes "lexordp_eq xs ys" "lexordp_eq ys xs" shows "xs = ys" using assms by induct simp_all lemma lexordp_eq_trans: assumes "lexordp_eq xs ys" and "lexordp_eq ys zs" shows "lexordp_eq xs zs" using assms by (induct arbitrary: zs) (case_tac zs; auto)+ lemma lexordp_trans: assumes "lexordp xs ys" "lexordp ys zs" shows "lexordp xs zs" using assms by (induct arbitrary: zs) (case_tac zs; auto)+ lemma lexordp_linear: "lexordp xs ys \ xs = ys \ lexordp ys xs" by(induct xs arbitrary: ys; case_tac ys; fastforce) lemma lexordp_conv_lexordp_eq: "lexordp xs ys \ lexordp_eq xs ys \ \ lexordp_eq ys xs" (is "?lhs \ ?rhs") proof assume ?lhs hence "\ lexordp_eq ys xs" by induct simp_all with \?lhs\ show ?rhs by (simp add: lexordp_into_lexordp_eq) next assume ?rhs hence "lexordp_eq xs ys" "\ lexordp_eq ys xs" by simp_all thus ?lhs by induct simp_all qed lemma lexordp_eq_conv_lexord: "lexordp_eq xs ys \ xs = ys \ lexordp xs ys" by(auto simp add: lexordp_conv_lexordp_eq lexordp_eq_refl dest: lexordp_eq_antisym) lemma lexordp_eq_linear: "lexordp_eq xs ys \ lexordp_eq ys xs" by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (case_tac ys; auto)+ lemma lexordp_linorder: "class.linorder lexordp_eq lexordp" by unfold_locales (auto simp add: lexordp_conv_lexordp_eq lexordp_eq_refl lexordp_eq_antisym intro: lexordp_eq_trans del: disjCI intro: lexordp_eq_linear) end subsubsection \Lexicographic combination of measure functions\ text \These are useful for termination proofs\ definition "measures fs = inv_image (lex less_than) (%a. map (%f. f a) fs)" lemma wf_measures[simp]: "wf (measures fs)" unfolding measures_def by blast lemma in_measures[simp]: "(x, y) \ measures [] = False" "(x, y) \ measures (f # fs) = (f x < f y \ (f x = f y \ (x, y) \ measures fs))" unfolding measures_def by auto lemma measures_less: "f x < f y \ (x, y) \ measures (f#fs)" by simp lemma measures_lesseq: "f x \ f y \ (x, y) \ measures fs \ (x, y) \ measures (f#fs)" by auto subsubsection \Lifting Relations to Lists: one element\ definition listrel1 :: "('a \ 'a) set \ ('a list \ 'a list) set" where "listrel1 r = {(xs,ys). \us z z' vs. xs = us @ z # vs \ (z,z') \ r \ ys = us @ z' # vs}" lemma listrel1I: "\ (x, y) \ r; xs = us @ x # vs; ys = us @ y # vs \ \ (xs, ys) \ listrel1 r" unfolding listrel1_def by auto lemma listrel1E: "\ (xs, ys) \ listrel1 r; !!x y us vs. \ (x, y) \ r; xs = us @ x # vs; ys = us @ y # vs \ \ P \ \ P" unfolding listrel1_def by auto lemma not_Nil_listrel1 [iff]: "([], xs) \ listrel1 r" unfolding listrel1_def by blast lemma not_listrel1_Nil [iff]: "(xs, []) \ listrel1 r" unfolding listrel1_def by blast lemma Cons_listrel1_Cons [iff]: "(x # xs, y # ys) \ listrel1 r \ (x,y) \ r \ xs = ys \ x = y \ (xs, ys) \ listrel1 r" by (simp add: listrel1_def Cons_eq_append_conv) (blast) lemma listrel1I1: "(x,y) \ r \ (x # xs, y # xs) \ listrel1 r" by fast lemma listrel1I2: "(xs, ys) \ listrel1 r \ (x # xs, x # ys) \ listrel1 r" by fast lemma append_listrel1I: "(xs, ys) \ listrel1 r \ us = vs \ xs = ys \ (us, vs) \ listrel1 r \ (xs @ us, ys @ vs) \ listrel1 r" unfolding listrel1_def by auto (blast intro: append_eq_appendI)+ lemma Cons_listrel1E1[elim!]: assumes "(x # xs, ys) \ listrel1 r" and "\y. ys = y # xs \ (x, y) \ r \ R" and "\zs. ys = x # zs \ (xs, zs) \ listrel1 r \ R" shows R using assms by (cases ys) blast+ lemma Cons_listrel1E2[elim!]: assumes "(xs, y # ys) \ listrel1 r" and "\x. xs = x # ys \ (x, y) \ r \ R" and "\zs. xs = y # zs \ (zs, ys) \ listrel1 r \ R" shows R using assms by (cases xs) blast+ lemma snoc_listrel1_snoc_iff: "(xs @ [x], ys @ [y]) \ listrel1 r \ (xs, ys) \ listrel1 r \ x = y \ xs = ys \ (x,y) \ r" (is "?L \ ?R") proof assume ?L thus ?R by (fastforce simp: listrel1_def snoc_eq_iff_butlast butlast_append) next assume ?R then show ?L unfolding listrel1_def by force qed lemma listrel1_eq_len: "(xs,ys) \ listrel1 r \ length xs = length ys" unfolding listrel1_def by auto lemma listrel1_mono: "r \ s \ listrel1 r \ listrel1 s" unfolding listrel1_def by blast lemma listrel1_converse: "listrel1 (r\) = (listrel1 r)\" unfolding listrel1_def by blast lemma in_listrel1_converse: "(x,y) \ listrel1 (r\) \ (x,y) \ (listrel1 r)\" unfolding listrel1_def by blast lemma listrel1_iff_update: "(xs,ys) \ (listrel1 r) \ (\y n. (xs ! n, y) \ r \ n < length xs \ ys = xs[n:=y])" (is "?L \ ?R") proof assume "?L" then obtain x y u v where "xs = u @ x # v" "ys = u @ y # v" "(x,y) \ r" unfolding listrel1_def by auto then have "ys = xs[length u := y]" and "length u < length xs" and "(xs ! length u, y) \ r" by auto then show "?R" by auto next assume "?R" then obtain x y n where "(xs!n, y) \ r" "n < size xs" "ys = xs[n:=y]" "x = xs!n" by auto then obtain u v where "xs = u @ x # v" and "ys = u @ y # v" and "(x, y) \ r" by (auto intro: upd_conv_take_nth_drop id_take_nth_drop) then show "?L" by (auto simp: listrel1_def) qed text\Accessible part and wellfoundedness:\ lemma Cons_acc_listrel1I [intro!]: "x \ Wellfounded.acc r \ xs \ Wellfounded.acc (listrel1 r) \ (x # xs) \ Wellfounded.acc (listrel1 r)" proof (induction arbitrary: xs set: Wellfounded.acc) case outer: (1 u) show ?case proof (induct xs rule: acc_induct) case 1 show "xs \ Wellfounded.acc (listrel1 r)" by (simp add: outer.prems) qed (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_listrel1E2 acc.simps outer.IH) qed lemma lists_accD: "xs \ lists (Wellfounded.acc r) \ xs \ Wellfounded.acc (listrel1 r)" proof (induct set: lists) case Nil then show ?case by (meson acc.intros not_listrel1_Nil) next case (Cons a l) then show ?case by blast qed lemma lists_accI: "xs \ Wellfounded.acc (listrel1 r) \ xs \ lists (Wellfounded.acc r)" proof (induction set: Wellfounded.acc) case (1 x) then have "\u v. \u \ set x; (v, u) \ r\ \ v \ Wellfounded.acc r" by (metis in_lists_conv_set in_set_conv_decomp listrel1I) then show ?case by (meson acc.intros in_listsI) qed lemma wf_listrel1_iff[simp]: "wf(listrel1 r) = wf r" by (auto simp: wf_acc_iff intro: lists_accD lists_accI[THEN Cons_in_lists_iff[THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1]]) subsubsection \Lifting Relations to Lists: all elements\ inductive_set listrel :: "('a \ 'b) set \ ('a list \ 'b list) set" for r :: "('a \ 'b) set" where Nil: "([],[]) \ listrel r" | Cons: "\(x,y) \ r; (xs,ys) \ listrel r\ \ (x#xs, y#ys) \ listrel r" inductive_cases listrel_Nil1 [elim!]: "([],xs) \ listrel r" inductive_cases listrel_Nil2 [elim!]: "(xs,[]) \ listrel r" inductive_cases listrel_Cons1 [elim!]: "(y#ys,xs) \ listrel r" inductive_cases listrel_Cons2 [elim!]: "(xs,y#ys) \ listrel r" lemma listrel_eq_len: "(xs, ys) \ listrel r \ length xs = length ys" by(induct rule: listrel.induct) auto lemma listrel_iff_zip [code_unfold]: "(xs,ys) \ listrel r \ length xs = length ys \ (\(x,y) \ set(zip xs ys). (x,y) \ r)" (is "?L \ ?R") proof assume ?L thus ?R by induct (auto intro: listrel_eq_len) next assume ?R thus ?L apply (clarify) by (induct rule: list_induct2) (auto intro: listrel.intros) qed lemma listrel_iff_nth: "(xs,ys) \ listrel r \ length xs = length ys \ (\n < length xs. (xs!n, ys!n) \ r)" (is "?L \ ?R") by (auto simp add: all_set_conv_all_nth listrel_iff_zip) lemma listrel_mono: "r \ s \ listrel r \ listrel s" by (meson listrel_iff_nth subrelI subset_eq) lemma listrel_subset: assumes "r \ A \ A" shows "listrel r \ lists A \ lists A" proof clarify show "a \ lists A \ b \ lists A" if "(a, b) \ listrel r" for a b using that assms by (induction rule: listrel.induct, auto) qed lemma listrel_refl_on: assumes "refl_on A r" shows "refl_on (lists A) (listrel r)" proof - have "l \ lists A \ (l, l) \ listrel r" for l using assms unfolding refl_on_def by (induction l, auto intro: listrel.intros) then show ?thesis by (meson assms listrel_subset refl_on_def) qed lemma listrel_sym: "sym r \ sym (listrel r)" by (simp add: listrel_iff_nth sym_def) lemma listrel_trans: assumes "trans r" shows "trans (listrel r)" proof - have "(x, z) \ listrel r" if "(x, y) \ listrel r" "(y, z) \ listrel r" for x y z using that proof induction case (Cons x y xs ys) then show ?case by clarsimp (metis assms listrel.Cons listrel_iff_nth transD) qed auto then show ?thesis using transI by blast qed theorem equiv_listrel: "equiv A r \ equiv (lists A) (listrel r)" by (simp add: equiv_def listrel_refl_on listrel_sym listrel_trans) lemma listrel_rtrancl_refl[iff]: "(xs,xs) \ listrel(r\<^sup>*)" using listrel_refl_on[of UNIV, OF refl_rtrancl] by(auto simp: refl_on_def) lemma listrel_rtrancl_trans: "\(xs,ys) \ listrel(r\<^sup>*); (ys,zs) \ listrel(r\<^sup>*)\ \ (xs,zs) \ listrel(r\<^sup>*)" by (metis listrel_trans trans_def trans_rtrancl) lemma listrel_Nil [simp]: "listrel r `` {[]} = {[]}" by (blast intro: listrel.intros) lemma listrel_Cons: "listrel r `` {x#xs} = set_Cons (r``{x}) (listrel r `` {xs})" by (auto simp add: set_Cons_def intro: listrel.intros) text \Relating \<^term>\listrel1\, \<^term>\listrel\ and closures:\ lemma listrel1_rtrancl_subset_rtrancl_listrel1: "listrel1 (r\<^sup>*) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" proof (rule subrelI) fix xs ys assume 1: "(xs,ys) \ listrel1 (r\<^sup>*)" { fix x y us vs have "(x,y) \ r\<^sup>* \ (us @ x # vs, us @ y # vs) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" proof(induct rule: rtrancl.induct) case rtrancl_refl show ?case by simp next case rtrancl_into_rtrancl thus ?case by (metis listrel1I rtrancl.rtrancl_into_rtrancl) qed } thus "(xs,ys) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" using 1 by(blast elim: listrel1E) qed lemma rtrancl_listrel1_eq_len: "(x,y) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>* \ length x = length y" by (induct rule: rtrancl.induct) (auto intro: listrel1_eq_len) lemma rtrancl_listrel1_ConsI1: "(xs,ys) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>* \ (x#xs,x#ys) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" proof (induction rule: rtrancl.induct) case (rtrancl_into_rtrancl a b c) then show ?case by (metis listrel1I2 rtrancl.rtrancl_into_rtrancl) qed auto lemma rtrancl_listrel1_ConsI2: "(x,y) \ r\<^sup>* \ (xs, ys) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>* \ (x # xs, y # ys) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" by (meson in_mono listrel1I1 listrel1_rtrancl_subset_rtrancl_listrel1 rtrancl_listrel1_ConsI1 rtrancl_trans) lemma listrel1_subset_listrel: "r \ r' \ refl r' \ listrel1 r \ listrel(r')" by(auto elim!: listrel1E simp add: listrel_iff_zip set_zip refl_on_def) lemma listrel_reflcl_if_listrel1: "(xs,ys) \ listrel1 r \ (xs,ys) \ listrel(r\<^sup>*)" by(erule listrel1E)(auto simp add: listrel_iff_zip set_zip) lemma listrel_rtrancl_eq_rtrancl_listrel1: "listrel (r\<^sup>*) = (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" proof { fix x y assume "(x,y) \ listrel (r\<^sup>*)" then have "(x,y) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" by induct (auto intro: rtrancl_listrel1_ConsI2) } then show "listrel (r\<^sup>*) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" by (rule subrelI) next show "listrel (r\<^sup>*) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" proof(rule subrelI) fix xs ys assume "(xs,ys) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" then show "(xs,ys) \ listrel (r\<^sup>*)" proof induct case base show ?case by(auto simp add: listrel_iff_zip set_zip) next case (step ys zs) thus ?case by (metis listrel_reflcl_if_listrel1 listrel_rtrancl_trans) qed qed qed lemma rtrancl_listrel1_if_listrel: "(xs,ys) \ listrel r \ (xs,ys) \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" by(metis listrel_rtrancl_eq_rtrancl_listrel1 subsetD[OF listrel_mono] r_into_rtrancl subsetI) lemma listrel_subset_rtrancl_listrel1: "listrel r \ (listrel1 r)\<^sup>*" by(fast intro:rtrancl_listrel1_if_listrel) subsection \Size function\ lemma [measure_function]: "is_measure f \ is_measure (size_list f)" by (rule is_measure_trivial) lemma [measure_function]: "is_measure f \ is_measure (size_option f)" by (rule is_measure_trivial) lemma size_list_estimation[termination_simp]: "x \ set xs \ y < f x \ y < size_list f xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma size_list_estimation'[termination_simp]: "x \ set xs \ y \ f x \ y \ size_list f xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma size_list_map[simp]: "size_list f (map g xs) = size_list (f \ g) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma size_list_append[simp]: "size_list f (xs @ ys) = size_list f xs + size_list f ys" by (induct xs, auto) lemma size_list_pointwise[termination_simp]: "(\x. x \ set xs \ f x \ g x) \ size_list f xs \ size_list g xs" by (induct xs) force+ subsection \Monad operation\ definition bind :: "'a list \ ('a \ 'b list) \ 'b list" where "bind xs f = concat (map f xs)" hide_const (open) bind lemma bind_simps [simp]: "List.bind [] f = []" "List.bind (x # xs) f = f x @ List.bind xs f" by (simp_all add: bind_def) lemma list_bind_cong [fundef_cong]: assumes "xs = ys" "(\x. x \ set xs \ f x = g x)" shows "List.bind xs f = List.bind ys g" proof - from assms(2) have "List.bind xs f = List.bind xs g" by (induction xs) simp_all with assms(1) show ?thesis by simp qed lemma set_list_bind: "set (List.bind xs f) = (\x\set xs. set (f x))" by (induction xs) simp_all subsection \Code generation\ text\Optional tail recursive version of \<^const>\map\. Can avoid stack overflow in some target languages.\ fun map_tailrec_rev :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a list \ 'b list \ 'b list" where "map_tailrec_rev f [] bs = bs" | "map_tailrec_rev f (a#as) bs = map_tailrec_rev f as (f a # bs)" lemma map_tailrec_rev: "map_tailrec_rev f as bs = rev(map f as) @ bs" by(induction as arbitrary: bs) simp_all definition map_tailrec :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a list \ 'b list" where "map_tailrec f as = rev (map_tailrec_rev f as [])" text\Code equation:\ lemma map_eq_map_tailrec: "map = map_tailrec" by(simp add: fun_eq_iff map_tailrec_def map_tailrec_rev) subsubsection \Counterparts for set-related operations\ definition member :: "'a list \ 'a \ bool" where [code_abbrev]: "member xs x \ x \ set xs" text \ Use \member\ only for generating executable code. Otherwise use \<^prop>\x \ set xs\ instead --- it is much easier to reason about. \ lemma member_rec [code]: "member (x # xs) y \ x = y \ member xs y" "member [] y \ False" by (auto simp add: member_def) lemma in_set_member (* FIXME delete candidate *): "x \ set xs \ member xs x" by (simp add: member_def) lemmas list_all_iff [code_abbrev] = fun_cong[OF list.pred_set] definition list_ex :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a list \ bool" where list_ex_iff [code_abbrev]: "list_ex P xs \ Bex (set xs) P" definition list_ex1 :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a list \ bool" where list_ex1_iff [code_abbrev]: "list_ex1 P xs \ (\! x. x \ set xs \ P x)" text \ Usually you should prefer \\x\set xs\, \\x\set xs\ and \\!x. x\set xs \ _\ over \<^const>\list_all\, \<^const>\list_ex\ and \<^const>\list_ex1\ in specifications. \ lemma list_all_simps [code]: "list_all P (x # xs) \ P x \ list_all P xs" "list_all P [] \ True" by (simp_all add: list_all_iff) lemma list_ex_simps [simp, code]: "list_ex P (x # xs) \ P x \ list_ex P xs" "list_ex P [] \ False" by (simp_all add: list_ex_iff) lemma list_ex1_simps [simp, code]: "list_ex1 P [] = False" "list_ex1 P (x # xs) = (if P x then list_all (\y. \ P y \ x = y) xs else list_ex1 P xs)" by (auto simp add: list_ex1_iff list_all_iff) lemma Ball_set_list_all: (* FIXME delete candidate *) "Ball (set xs) P \ list_all P xs" by (simp add: list_all_iff) lemma Bex_set_list_ex: (* FIXME delete candidate *) "Bex (set xs) P \ list_ex P xs" by (simp add: list_ex_iff) lemma list_all_append [simp]: "list_all P (xs @ ys) \ list_all P xs \ list_all P ys" by (auto simp add: list_all_iff) lemma list_ex_append [simp]: "list_ex P (xs @ ys) \ list_ex P xs \ list_ex P ys" by (auto simp add: list_ex_iff) lemma list_all_rev [simp]: "list_all P (rev xs) \ list_all P xs" by (simp add: list_all_iff) lemma list_ex_rev [simp]: "list_ex P (rev xs) \ list_ex P xs" by (simp add: list_ex_iff) lemma list_all_length: "list_all P xs \ (\n < length xs. P (xs ! n))" by (auto simp add: list_all_iff set_conv_nth) lemma list_ex_length: "list_ex P xs \ (\n < length xs. P (xs ! n))" by (auto simp add: list_ex_iff set_conv_nth) lemmas list_all_cong [fundef_cong] = list.pred_cong lemma list_ex_cong [fundef_cong]: "xs = ys \ (\x. x \ set ys \ f x = g x) \ list_ex f xs = list_ex g ys" by (simp add: list_ex_iff) definition can_select :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a set \ bool" where [code_abbrev]: "can_select P A = (\!x\A. P x)" lemma can_select_set_list_ex1 [code]: "can_select P (set A) = list_ex1 P A" by (simp add: list_ex1_iff can_select_def) text \Executable checks for relations on sets\ definition listrel1p :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a list \ 'a list \ bool" where "listrel1p r xs ys = ((xs, ys) \ listrel1 {(x, y). r x y})" lemma [code_unfold]: "(xs, ys) \ listrel1 r = listrel1p (\x y. (x, y) \ r) xs ys" unfolding listrel1p_def by auto lemma [code]: "listrel1p r [] xs = False" "listrel1p r xs [] = False" "listrel1p r (x # xs) (y # ys) \ r x y \ xs = ys \ x = y \ listrel1p r xs ys" by (simp add: listrel1p_def)+ definition lexordp :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a list \ 'a list \ bool" where "lexordp r xs ys = ((xs, ys) \ lexord {(x, y). r x y})" lemma [code_unfold]: "(xs, ys) \ lexord r = lexordp (\x y. (x, y) \ r) xs ys" unfolding lexordp_def by auto lemma [code]: "lexordp r xs [] = False" "lexordp r [] (y#ys) = True" "lexordp r (x # xs) (y # ys) = (r x y \ (x = y \ lexordp r xs ys))" unfolding lexordp_def by auto text \Bounded quantification and summation over nats.\ lemma atMost_upto [code_unfold]: "{..n} = set [0..m (\m \ {0..m (\m \ {0..m\n::nat. P m) \ (\m \ {0..n}. P m)" by auto lemma ex_nat_less [code_unfold]: "(\m\n::nat. P m) \ (\m \ {0..n}. P m)" by auto text\Bounded \LEAST\ operator:\ definition "Bleast S P = (LEAST x. x \ S \ P x)" definition "abort_Bleast S P = (LEAST x. x \ S \ P x)" declare [[code abort: abort_Bleast]] lemma Bleast_code [code]: "Bleast (set xs) P = (case filter P (sort xs) of x#xs \ x | [] \ abort_Bleast (set xs) P)" proof (cases "filter P (sort xs)") case Nil thus ?thesis by (simp add: Bleast_def abort_Bleast_def) next case (Cons x ys) have "(LEAST x. x \ set xs \ P x) = x" proof (rule Least_equality) show "x \ set xs \ P x" by (metis Cons Cons_eq_filter_iff in_set_conv_decomp set_sort) next fix y assume "y \ set xs \ P y" hence "y \ set (filter P xs)" by auto thus "x \ y" by (metis Cons eq_iff filter_sort set_ConsD set_sort sorted_wrt.simps(2) sorted_sort) qed thus ?thesis using Cons by (simp add: Bleast_def) qed declare Bleast_def[symmetric, code_unfold] text \Summation over ints.\ lemma greaterThanLessThan_upto [code_unfold]: "{i<..Optimizing by rewriting\ definition null :: "'a list \ bool" where [code_abbrev]: "null xs \ xs = []" text \ Efficient emptyness check is implemented by \<^const>\null\. \ lemma null_rec [code]: "null (x # xs) \ False" "null [] \ True" by (simp_all add: null_def) lemma eq_Nil_null: (* FIXME delete candidate *) "xs = [] \ null xs" by (simp add: null_def) lemma equal_Nil_null [code_unfold]: "HOL.equal xs [] \ null xs" "HOL.equal [] = null" by (auto simp add: equal null_def) definition maps :: "('a \ 'b list) \ 'a list \ 'b list" where [code_abbrev]: "maps f xs = concat (map f xs)" definition map_filter :: "('a \ 'b option) \ 'a list \ 'b list" where [code_post]: "map_filter f xs = map (the \ f) (filter (\x. f x \ None) xs)" text \ Operations \<^const>\maps\ and \<^const>\map_filter\ avoid intermediate lists on execution -- do not use for proving. \ lemma maps_simps [code]: "maps f (x # xs) = f x @ maps f xs" "maps f [] = []" by (simp_all add: maps_def) lemma map_filter_simps [code]: "map_filter f (x # xs) = (case f x of None \ map_filter f xs | Some y \ y # map_filter f xs)" "map_filter f [] = []" by (simp_all add: map_filter_def split: option.split) lemma concat_map_maps: (* FIXME delete candidate *) "concat (map f xs) = maps f xs" by (simp add: maps_def) lemma map_filter_map_filter [code_unfold]: "map f (filter P xs) = map_filter (\x. if P x then Some (f x) else None) xs" by (simp add: map_filter_def) text \Optimized code for \\i\{a..b::int}\ and \\n:{a.. and similiarly for \\\.\ definition all_interval_nat :: "(nat \ bool) \ nat \ nat \ bool" where "all_interval_nat P i j \ (\n \ {i.. i \ j \ P i \ all_interval_nat P (Suc i) j" proof - have *: "\n. P i \ \n\{Suc i.. i \ n \ n < j \ P n" using le_less_Suc_eq by fastforce show ?thesis by (auto simp add: all_interval_nat_def intro: *) qed lemma list_all_iff_all_interval_nat [code_unfold]: "list_all P [i.. all_interval_nat P i j" by (simp add: list_all_iff all_interval_nat_def) lemma list_ex_iff_not_all_inverval_nat [code_unfold]: "list_ex P [i.. \ (all_interval_nat (Not \ P) i j)" by (simp add: list_ex_iff all_interval_nat_def) definition all_interval_int :: "(int \ bool) \ int \ int \ bool" where "all_interval_int P i j \ (\k \ {i..j}. P k)" lemma [code]: "all_interval_int P i j \ i > j \ P i \ all_interval_int P (i + 1) j" proof - have *: "\k. P i \ \k\{i+1..j}. P k \ i \ k \ k \ j \ P k" by (smt (verit, best) atLeastAtMost_iff) show ?thesis by (auto simp add: all_interval_int_def intro: *) qed lemma list_all_iff_all_interval_int [code_unfold]: "list_all P [i..j] \ all_interval_int P i j" by (simp add: list_all_iff all_interval_int_def) lemma list_ex_iff_not_all_inverval_int [code_unfold]: "list_ex P [i..j] \ \ (all_interval_int (Not \ P) i j)" by (simp add: list_ex_iff all_interval_int_def) text \optimized code (tail-recursive) for \<^term>\length\\ definition gen_length :: "nat \ 'a list \ nat" where "gen_length n xs = n + length xs" lemma gen_length_code [code]: "gen_length n [] = n" "gen_length n (x # xs) = gen_length (Suc n) xs" by(simp_all add: gen_length_def) declare list.size(3-4)[code del] lemma length_code [code]: "length = gen_length 0" by(simp add: gen_length_def fun_eq_iff) hide_const (open) member null maps map_filter all_interval_nat all_interval_int gen_length subsubsection \Pretty lists\ ML \ (* Code generation for list literals. *) signature LIST_CODE = sig val add_literal_list: string -> theory -> theory end; structure List_Code : LIST_CODE = struct open Basic_Code_Thingol; fun implode_list t = let fun dest_cons (IConst { sym = Code_Symbol.Constant \<^const_name>\Cons\, ... } `$ t1 `$ t2) = SOME (t1, t2) | dest_cons _ = NONE; val (ts, t') = Code_Thingol.unfoldr dest_cons t; in case t' of IConst { sym = Code_Symbol.Constant \<^const_name>\Nil\, ... } => SOME ts | _ => NONE end; fun print_list (target_fxy, target_cons) pr fxy t1 t2 = Code_Printer.brackify_infix (target_fxy, Code_Printer.R) fxy ( pr (Code_Printer.INFX (target_fxy, Code_Printer.X)) t1, Code_Printer.str target_cons, pr (Code_Printer.INFX (target_fxy, Code_Printer.R)) t2 ); fun add_literal_list target = let fun pretty literals pr _ vars fxy [(t1, _), (t2, _)] = case Option.map (cons t1) (implode_list t2) of SOME ts => Code_Printer.literal_list literals (map (pr vars Code_Printer.NOBR) ts) | NONE => print_list (Code_Printer.infix_cons literals) (pr vars) fxy t1 t2; in Code_Target.set_printings (Code_Symbol.Constant (\<^const_name>\Cons\, [(target, SOME (Code_Printer.complex_const_syntax (2, pretty)))])) end end; \ code_printing type_constructor list \ (SML) "_ list" and (OCaml) "_ list" and (Haskell) "![(_)]" and (Scala) "List[(_)]" | constant Nil \ (SML) "[]" and (OCaml) "[]" and (Haskell) "[]" and (Scala) "!Nil" | class_instance list :: equal \ (Haskell) - | constant "HOL.equal :: 'a list \ 'a list \ bool" \ (Haskell) infix 4 "==" setup \fold (List_Code.add_literal_list) ["SML", "OCaml", "Haskell", "Scala"]\ code_reserved SML list code_reserved OCaml list subsubsection \Use convenient predefined operations\ code_printing constant "(@)" \ (SML) infixr 7 "@" and (OCaml) infixr 6 "@" and (Haskell) infixr 5 "++" and (Scala) infixl 7 "++" | constant map \ (Haskell) "map" | constant filter \ (Haskell) "filter" | constant concat \ (Haskell) "concat" | constant List.maps \ (Haskell) "concatMap" | constant rev \ (Haskell) "reverse" | constant zip \ (Haskell) "zip" | constant List.null \ (Haskell) "null" | constant takeWhile \ (Haskell) "takeWhile" | constant dropWhile \ (Haskell) "dropWhile" | constant list_all \ (Haskell) "all" | constant list_ex \ (Haskell) "any" subsubsection \Implementation of sets by lists\ lemma is_empty_set [code]: "Set.is_empty (set xs) \ List.null xs" by (simp add: Set.is_empty_def null_def) lemma empty_set [code]: "{} = set []" by simp lemma UNIV_coset [code]: "UNIV = List.coset []" by simp lemma compl_set [code]: "- set xs = List.coset xs" by simp lemma compl_coset [code]: "- List.coset xs = set xs" by simp lemma [code]: "x \ set xs \ List.member xs x" "x \ List.coset xs \ \ List.member xs x" by (simp_all add: member_def) lemma insert_code [code]: "insert x (set xs) = set (List.insert x xs)" "insert x (List.coset xs) = List.coset (removeAll x xs)" by simp_all lemma remove_code [code]: "Set.remove x (set xs) = set (removeAll x xs)" "Set.remove x (List.coset xs) = List.coset (List.insert x xs)" by (simp_all add: remove_def Compl_insert) lemma filter_set [code]: "Set.filter P (set xs) = set (filter P xs)" by auto lemma image_set [code]: "image f (set xs) = set (map f xs)" by simp lemma subset_code [code]: "set xs \ B \ (\x\set xs. x \ B)" "A \ List.coset ys \ (\y\set ys. y \ A)" "List.coset [] \ set [] \ False" by auto text \A frequent case -- avoid intermediate sets\ lemma [code_unfold]: "set xs \ set ys \ list_all (\x. x \ set ys) xs" by (auto simp: list_all_iff) lemma Ball_set [code]: "Ball (set xs) P \ list_all P xs" by (simp add: list_all_iff) lemma Bex_set [code]: "Bex (set xs) P \ list_ex P xs" by (simp add: list_ex_iff) lemma card_set [code]: "card (set xs) = length (remdups xs)" by (simp add: length_remdups_card_conv) lemma the_elem_set [code]: "the_elem (set [x]) = x" by simp lemma Pow_set [code]: "Pow (set []) = {{}}" "Pow (set (x # xs)) = (let A = Pow (set xs) in A \ insert x ` A)" by (simp_all add: Pow_insert Let_def) definition map_project :: "('a \ 'b option) \ 'a set \ 'b set" where "map_project f A = {b. \ a \ A. f a = Some b}" lemma [code]: "map_project f (set xs) = set (List.map_filter f xs)" by (auto simp add: map_project_def map_filter_def image_def) hide_const (open) map_project text \Operations on relations\ lemma product_code [code]: "Product_Type.product (set xs) (set ys) = set [(x, y). x \ xs, y \ ys]" by (auto simp add: Product_Type.product_def) lemma Id_on_set [code]: "Id_on (set xs) = set [(x, x). x \ xs]" by (auto simp add: Id_on_def) lemma [code]: "R `` S = List.map_project (\(x, y). if x \ S then Some y else None) R" unfolding map_project_def by (auto split: prod.split if_split_asm) lemma trancl_set_ntrancl [code]: "trancl (set xs) = ntrancl (card (set xs) - 1) (set xs)" by (simp add: finite_trancl_ntranl) lemma set_relcomp [code]: "set xys O set yzs = set ([(fst xy, snd yz). xy \ xys, yz \ yzs, snd xy = fst yz])" by auto (auto simp add: Bex_def image_def) lemma wf_set [code]: "wf (set xs) = acyclic (set xs)" by (simp add: wf_iff_acyclic_if_finite) subsection \Setup for Lifting/Transfer\ subsubsection \Transfer rules for the Transfer package\ context includes lifting_syntax begin lemma tl_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) tl tl" unfolding tl_def[abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma butlast_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) butlast butlast" by (rule rel_funI, erule list_all2_induct, auto) lemma map_rec: "map f xs = rec_list Nil (%x _ y. Cons (f x) y) xs" by (induct xs) auto lemma append_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) append append" unfolding List.append_def by transfer_prover lemma rev_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) rev rev" unfolding List.rev_def by transfer_prover lemma filter_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) filter filter" unfolding List.filter_def by transfer_prover lemma fold_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> B ===> B) ===> list_all2 A ===> B ===> B) fold fold" unfolding List.fold_def by transfer_prover lemma foldr_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> B ===> B) ===> list_all2 A ===> B ===> B) foldr foldr" unfolding List.foldr_def by transfer_prover lemma foldl_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((B ===> A ===> B) ===> B ===> list_all2 A ===> B) foldl foldl" unfolding List.foldl_def by transfer_prover lemma concat_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 (list_all2 A) ===> list_all2 A) concat concat" unfolding List.concat_def by transfer_prover lemma drop_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) drop drop" unfolding List.drop_def by transfer_prover lemma take_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) take take" unfolding List.take_def by transfer_prover lemma list_update_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> (=) ===> A ===> list_all2 A) list_update list_update" unfolding list_update_def by transfer_prover lemma takeWhile_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) takeWhile takeWhile" unfolding takeWhile_def by transfer_prover lemma dropWhile_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) dropWhile dropWhile" unfolding dropWhile_def by transfer_prover lemma zip_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 B ===> list_all2 (rel_prod A B)) zip zip" unfolding zip_def by transfer_prover lemma product_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 B ===> list_all2 (rel_prod A B)) List.product List.product" unfolding List.product_def by transfer_prover lemma product_lists_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 (list_all2 A) ===> list_all2 (list_all2 A)) product_lists product_lists" unfolding product_lists_def by transfer_prover lemma insert_transfer [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" shows "(A ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) List.insert List.insert" unfolding List.insert_def [abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma find_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> rel_option A) List.find List.find" unfolding List.find_def by transfer_prover lemma those_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 (rel_option P) ===> rel_option (list_all2 P)) those those" unfolding List.those_def by transfer_prover lemma remove1_transfer [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" shows "(A ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) remove1 remove1" unfolding remove1_def by transfer_prover lemma removeAll_transfer [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" shows "(A ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) removeAll removeAll" unfolding removeAll_def by transfer_prover lemma successively_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> (=)) successively successively" unfolding successively_altdef by transfer_prover lemma distinct_transfer [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" shows "(list_all2 A ===> (=)) distinct distinct" unfolding distinct_def by transfer_prover lemma distinct_adj_transfer [transfer_rule]: assumes "bi_unique A" shows "(list_all2 A ===> (=)) distinct_adj distinct_adj" unfolding rel_fun_def proof (intro allI impI) fix xs ys assume "list_all2 A xs ys" thus "distinct_adj xs \ distinct_adj ys" proof (induction rule: list_all2_induct) case (Cons x xs y ys) show ?case by (metis Cons assms bi_unique_def distinct_adj_Cons list.rel_sel) qed auto qed lemma remdups_transfer [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" shows "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) remdups remdups" unfolding remdups_def by transfer_prover lemma remdups_adj_transfer [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" shows "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) remdups_adj remdups_adj" proof (rule rel_funI, erule list_all2_induct) qed (auto simp: remdups_adj_Cons assms[unfolded bi_unique_def] split: list.splits) lemma replicate_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> A ===> list_all2 A) replicate replicate" unfolding replicate_def by transfer_prover lemma length_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> (=)) length length" unfolding size_list_overloaded_def size_list_def by transfer_prover lemma rotate1_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) rotate1 rotate1" unfolding rotate1_def by transfer_prover lemma rotate_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) rotate rotate" unfolding rotate_def [abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma nths_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> rel_set (=) ===> list_all2 A) nths nths" unfolding nths_def [abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma subseqs_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 (list_all2 A)) subseqs subseqs" unfolding subseqs_def [abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma partition_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> rel_prod (list_all2 A) (list_all2 A)) partition partition" unfolding partition_def by transfer_prover lemma lists_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(rel_set A ===> rel_set (list_all2 A)) lists lists" proof (rule rel_funI, rule rel_setI) show "\l \ lists X; rel_set A X Y\ \ \y\lists Y. list_all2 A l y" for X Y l proof (induction l rule: lists.induct) case (Cons a l) then show ?case by (simp only: rel_set_def list_all2_Cons1, metis lists.Cons) qed auto show "\l \ lists Y; rel_set A X Y\ \ \x\lists X. list_all2 A x l" for X Y l proof (induction l rule: lists.induct) case (Cons a l) then show ?case by (simp only: rel_set_def list_all2_Cons2, metis lists.Cons) qed auto qed lemma set_Cons_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(rel_set A ===> rel_set (list_all2 A) ===> rel_set (list_all2 A)) set_Cons set_Cons" unfolding rel_fun_def rel_set_def set_Cons_def by (fastforce simp add: list_all2_Cons1 list_all2_Cons2) lemma listset_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 (rel_set A) ===> rel_set (list_all2 A)) listset listset" unfolding listset_def by transfer_prover lemma null_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> (=)) List.null List.null" unfolding rel_fun_def List.null_def by auto lemma list_all_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> (=)) list_all list_all" unfolding list_all_iff [abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma list_ex_transfer [transfer_rule]: "((A ===> (=)) ===> list_all2 A ===> (=)) list_ex list_ex" unfolding list_ex_iff [abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma splice_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A) splice splice" apply (rule rel_funI, erule list_all2_induct, simp add: rel_fun_def, simp) apply (rule rel_funI) apply (erule_tac xs=x in list_all2_induct, simp, simp add: rel_fun_def) done lemma shuffles_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(list_all2 A ===> list_all2 A ===> rel_set (list_all2 A)) shuffles shuffles" proof (intro rel_funI, goal_cases) case (1 xs xs' ys ys') thus ?case proof (induction xs ys arbitrary: xs' ys' rule: shuffles.induct) case (3 x xs y ys xs' ys') from "3.prems" obtain x' xs'' where xs': "xs' = x' # xs''" by (cases xs') auto from "3.prems" obtain y' ys'' where ys': "ys' = y' # ys''" by (cases ys') auto have [transfer_rule]: "A x x'" "A y y'" "list_all2 A xs xs''" "list_all2 A ys ys''" using "3.prems" by (simp_all add: xs' ys') have [transfer_rule]: "rel_set (list_all2 A) (shuffles xs (y # ys)) (shuffles xs'' ys')" and [transfer_rule]: "rel_set (list_all2 A) (shuffles (x # xs) ys) (shuffles xs' ys'')" using "3.prems" by (auto intro!: "3.IH" simp: xs' ys') have "rel_set (list_all2 A) ((#) x ` shuffles xs (y # ys) \ (#) y ` shuffles (x # xs) ys) ((#) x' ` shuffles xs'' ys' \ (#) y' ` shuffles xs' ys'')" by transfer_prover thus ?case by (simp add: xs' ys') qed (auto simp: rel_set_def) qed lemma rtrancl_parametric [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" "bi_total A" shows "(rel_set (rel_prod A A) ===> rel_set (rel_prod A A)) rtrancl rtrancl" unfolding rtrancl_def by transfer_prover lemma monotone_parametric [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_total A" shows "((A ===> A ===> (=)) ===> (B ===> B ===> (=)) ===> (A ===> B) ===> (=)) monotone monotone" unfolding monotone_def[abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma fun_ord_parametric [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_total C" shows "((A ===> B ===> (=)) ===> (C ===> A) ===> (C ===> B) ===> (=)) fun_ord fun_ord" unfolding fun_ord_def[abs_def] by transfer_prover lemma fun_lub_parametric [transfer_rule]: assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_total A" "bi_unique A" shows "((rel_set A ===> B) ===> rel_set (C ===> A) ===> C ===> B) fun_lub fun_lub" unfolding fun_lub_def[abs_def] by transfer_prover end end diff --git a/src/HOL/Nat.thy b/src/HOL/Nat.thy --- a/src/HOL/Nat.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Nat.thy @@ -1,2572 +1,2572 @@ (* Title: HOL/Nat.thy Author: Tobias Nipkow Author: Lawrence C Paulson Author: Markus Wenzel *) section \Natural numbers\ theory Nat imports Inductive Typedef Fun Rings begin subsection \Type \ind\\ typedecl ind axiomatization Zero_Rep :: ind and Suc_Rep :: "ind \ ind" \ \The axiom of infinity in 2 parts:\ where Suc_Rep_inject: "Suc_Rep x = Suc_Rep y \ x = y" and Suc_Rep_not_Zero_Rep: "Suc_Rep x \ Zero_Rep" subsection \Type nat\ text \Type definition\ inductive Nat :: "ind \ bool" where Zero_RepI: "Nat Zero_Rep" | Suc_RepI: "Nat i \ Nat (Suc_Rep i)" typedef nat = "{n. Nat n}" morphisms Rep_Nat Abs_Nat using Nat.Zero_RepI by auto lemma Nat_Rep_Nat: "Nat (Rep_Nat n)" using Rep_Nat by simp lemma Nat_Abs_Nat_inverse: "Nat n \ Rep_Nat (Abs_Nat n) = n" using Abs_Nat_inverse by simp lemma Nat_Abs_Nat_inject: "Nat n \ Nat m \ Abs_Nat n = Abs_Nat m \ n = m" using Abs_Nat_inject by simp instantiation nat :: zero begin definition Zero_nat_def: "0 = Abs_Nat Zero_Rep" instance .. end definition Suc :: "nat \ nat" where "Suc n = Abs_Nat (Suc_Rep (Rep_Nat n))" lemma Suc_not_Zero: "Suc m \ 0" by (simp add: Zero_nat_def Suc_def Suc_RepI Zero_RepI Nat_Abs_Nat_inject Suc_Rep_not_Zero_Rep Nat_Rep_Nat) lemma Zero_not_Suc: "0 \ Suc m" by (rule not_sym) (rule Suc_not_Zero) lemma Suc_Rep_inject': "Suc_Rep x = Suc_Rep y \ x = y" by (rule iffI, rule Suc_Rep_inject) simp_all lemma nat_induct0: assumes "P 0" and "\n. P n \ P (Suc n)" shows "P n" proof - have "P (Abs_Nat (Rep_Nat n))" using assms unfolding Zero_nat_def Suc_def by (iprover intro: Nat_Rep_Nat [THEN Nat.induct] elim: Nat_Abs_Nat_inverse [THEN subst]) then show ?thesis by (simp add: Rep_Nat_inverse) qed free_constructors case_nat for "0 :: nat" | Suc pred where "pred (0 :: nat) = (0 :: nat)" proof atomize_elim fix n show "n = 0 \ (\m. n = Suc m)" by (induction n rule: nat_induct0) auto next fix n m show "(Suc n = Suc m) = (n = m)" by (simp add: Suc_def Nat_Abs_Nat_inject Nat_Rep_Nat Suc_RepI Suc_Rep_inject' Rep_Nat_inject) next fix n show "0 \ Suc n" by (simp add: Suc_not_Zero) qed \ \Avoid name clashes by prefixing the output of \old_rep_datatype\ with \old\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "old"\ old_rep_datatype "0 :: nat" Suc by (erule nat_induct0) auto setup \Sign.parent_path\ \ \But erase the prefix for properties that are not generated by \free_constructors\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "nat"\ declare old.nat.inject[iff del] and old.nat.distinct(1)[simp del, induct_simp del] lemmas induct = old.nat.induct lemmas inducts = old.nat.inducts lemmas rec = old.nat.rec lemmas simps = nat.inject nat.distinct nat.case nat.rec setup \Sign.parent_path\ abbreviation rec_nat :: "'a \ (nat \ 'a \ 'a) \ nat \ 'a" where "rec_nat \ old.rec_nat" declare nat.sel[code del] hide_const (open) Nat.pred \ \hide everything related to the selector\ hide_fact nat.case_eq_if nat.collapse nat.expand nat.sel nat.exhaust_sel nat.split_sel nat.split_sel_asm lemma nat_exhaust [case_names 0 Suc, cases type: nat]: "(y = 0 \ P) \ (\nat. y = Suc nat \ P) \ P" \ \for backward compatibility -- names of variables differ\ by (rule old.nat.exhaust) lemma nat_induct [case_names 0 Suc, induct type: nat]: fixes n assumes "P 0" and "\n. P n \ P (Suc n)" shows "P n" \ \for backward compatibility -- names of variables differ\ using assms by (rule nat.induct) hide_fact nat_exhaust nat_induct0 ML \ val nat_basic_lfp_sugar = let val ctr_sugar = the (Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar_of_global \<^theory> \<^type_name>\nat\); val recx = Logic.varify_types_global \<^term>\rec_nat\; val C = body_type (fastype_of recx); in {T = HOLogic.natT, fp_res_index = 0, C = C, fun_arg_Tsss = [[], [[HOLogic.natT, C]]], ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar, recx = recx, rec_thms = @{thms nat.rec}} end; \ setup \ let fun basic_lfp_sugars_of _ [\<^typ>\nat\] _ _ ctxt = ([], [0], [nat_basic_lfp_sugar], [], [], [], TrueI (*dummy*), [], false, ctxt) | basic_lfp_sugars_of bs arg_Ts callers callssss ctxt = BNF_LFP_Rec_Sugar.default_basic_lfp_sugars_of bs arg_Ts callers callssss ctxt; in BNF_LFP_Rec_Sugar.register_lfp_rec_extension {nested_simps = [], special_endgame_tac = K (K (K (K no_tac))), is_new_datatype = K (K true), basic_lfp_sugars_of = basic_lfp_sugars_of, rewrite_nested_rec_call = NONE} end \ text \Injectiveness and distinctness lemmas\ lemma inj_Suc [simp]: "inj_on Suc N" by (simp add: inj_on_def) lemma bij_betw_Suc [simp]: "bij_betw Suc M N \ Suc ` M = N" by (simp add: bij_betw_def) lemma Suc_neq_Zero: "Suc m = 0 \ R" by (rule notE) (rule Suc_not_Zero) lemma Zero_neq_Suc: "0 = Suc m \ R" by (rule Suc_neq_Zero) (erule sym) lemma Suc_inject: "Suc x = Suc y \ x = y" by (rule inj_Suc [THEN injD]) lemma n_not_Suc_n: "n \ Suc n" by (induct n) simp_all lemma Suc_n_not_n: "Suc n \ n" by (rule not_sym) (rule n_not_Suc_n) text \A special form of induction for reasoning about \<^term>\m < n\ and \<^term>\m - n\.\ lemma diff_induct: assumes "\x. P x 0" and "\y. P 0 (Suc y)" and "\x y. P x y \ P (Suc x) (Suc y)" shows "P m n" proof (induct n arbitrary: m) case 0 show ?case by (rule assms(1)) next case (Suc n) show ?case proof (induct m) case 0 show ?case by (rule assms(2)) next case (Suc m) from \P m n\ show ?case by (rule assms(3)) qed qed subsection \Arithmetic operators\ instantiation nat :: comm_monoid_diff begin primrec plus_nat where add_0: "0 + n = (n::nat)" | add_Suc: "Suc m + n = Suc (m + n)" lemma add_0_right [simp]: "m + 0 = m" for m :: nat by (induct m) simp_all lemma add_Suc_right [simp]: "m + Suc n = Suc (m + n)" by (induct m) simp_all declare add_0 [code] lemma add_Suc_shift [code]: "Suc m + n = m + Suc n" by simp primrec minus_nat where diff_0 [code]: "m - 0 = (m::nat)" | diff_Suc: "m - Suc n = (case m - n of 0 \ 0 | Suc k \ k)" declare diff_Suc [simp del] lemma diff_0_eq_0 [simp, code]: "0 - n = 0" for n :: nat by (induct n) (simp_all add: diff_Suc) lemma diff_Suc_Suc [simp, code]: "Suc m - Suc n = m - n" by (induct n) (simp_all add: diff_Suc) instance proof fix n m q :: nat show "(n + m) + q = n + (m + q)" by (induct n) simp_all show "n + m = m + n" by (induct n) simp_all show "m + n - m = n" by (induct m) simp_all show "n - m - q = n - (m + q)" by (induct q) (simp_all add: diff_Suc) show "0 + n = n" by simp show "0 - n = 0" by simp qed end hide_fact (open) add_0 add_0_right diff_0 instantiation nat :: comm_semiring_1_cancel begin definition One_nat_def [simp]: "1 = Suc 0" primrec times_nat where mult_0: "0 * n = (0::nat)" | mult_Suc: "Suc m * n = n + (m * n)" lemma mult_0_right [simp]: "m * 0 = 0" for m :: nat by (induct m) simp_all lemma mult_Suc_right [simp]: "m * Suc n = m + (m * n)" by (induct m) (simp_all add: add.left_commute) lemma add_mult_distrib: "(m + n) * k = (m * k) + (n * k)" for m n k :: nat by (induct m) (simp_all add: add.assoc) instance proof fix k n m q :: nat show "0 \ (1::nat)" by simp show "1 * n = n" by simp show "n * m = m * n" by (induct n) simp_all show "(n * m) * q = n * (m * q)" by (induct n) (simp_all add: add_mult_distrib) show "(n + m) * q = n * q + m * q" by (rule add_mult_distrib) show "k * (m - n) = (k * m) - (k * n)" by (induct m n rule: diff_induct) simp_all qed end subsubsection \Addition\ text \Reasoning about \m + 0 = 0\, etc.\ lemma add_is_0 [iff]: "m + n = 0 \ m = 0 \ n = 0" for m n :: nat by (cases m) simp_all lemma add_is_1: "m + n = Suc 0 \ m = Suc 0 \ n = 0 \ m = 0 \ n = Suc 0" by (cases m) simp_all lemma one_is_add: "Suc 0 = m + n \ m = Suc 0 \ n = 0 \ m = 0 \ n = Suc 0" by (rule trans, rule eq_commute, rule add_is_1) lemma add_eq_self_zero: "m + n = m \ n = 0" for m n :: nat by (induct m) simp_all lemma plus_1_eq_Suc: "plus 1 = Suc" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma Suc_eq_plus1: "Suc n = n + 1" by simp lemma Suc_eq_plus1_left: "Suc n = 1 + n" by simp subsubsection \Difference\ lemma Suc_diff_diff [simp]: "(Suc m - n) - Suc k = m - n - k" by (simp add: diff_diff_add) lemma diff_Suc_1 [simp]: "Suc n - 1 = n" by simp subsubsection \Multiplication\ lemma mult_is_0 [simp]: "m * n = 0 \ m = 0 \ n = 0" for m n :: nat by (induct m) auto lemma mult_eq_1_iff [simp]: "m * n = Suc 0 \ m = Suc 0 \ n = Suc 0" proof (induct m) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc m) then show ?case by (induct n) auto qed lemma one_eq_mult_iff [simp]: "Suc 0 = m * n \ m = Suc 0 \ n = Suc 0" by (simp add: eq_commute flip: mult_eq_1_iff) lemma nat_mult_eq_1_iff [simp]: "m * n = 1 \ m = 1 \ n = 1" and nat_1_eq_mult_iff [simp]: "1 = m * n \ m = 1 \ n = 1" for m n :: nat by auto lemma mult_cancel1 [simp]: "k * m = k * n \ m = n \ k = 0" for k m n :: nat proof - have "k \ 0 \ k * m = k * n \ m = n" proof (induct n arbitrary: m) case 0 then show "m = 0" by simp next case (Suc n) then show "m = Suc n" by (cases m) (simp_all add: eq_commute [of 0]) qed then show ?thesis by auto qed lemma mult_cancel2 [simp]: "m * k = n * k \ m = n \ k = 0" for k m n :: nat by (simp add: mult.commute) lemma Suc_mult_cancel1: "Suc k * m = Suc k * n \ m = n" by (subst mult_cancel1) simp subsection \Orders on \<^typ>\nat\\ subsubsection \Operation definition\ instantiation nat :: linorder begin primrec less_eq_nat where "(0::nat) \ n \ True" | "Suc m \ n \ (case n of 0 \ False | Suc n \ m \ n)" declare less_eq_nat.simps [simp del] lemma le0 [iff]: "0 \ n" for n :: nat by (simp add: less_eq_nat.simps) lemma [code]: "0 \ n \ True" for n :: nat by simp definition less_nat where less_eq_Suc_le: "n < m \ Suc n \ m" lemma Suc_le_mono [iff]: "Suc n \ Suc m \ n \ m" by (simp add: less_eq_nat.simps(2)) lemma Suc_le_eq [code]: "Suc m \ n \ m < n" unfolding less_eq_Suc_le .. lemma le_0_eq [iff]: "n \ 0 \ n = 0" for n :: nat by (induct n) (simp_all add: less_eq_nat.simps(2)) lemma not_less0 [iff]: "\ n < 0" for n :: nat by (simp add: less_eq_Suc_le) lemma less_nat_zero_code [code]: "n < 0 \ False" for n :: nat by simp lemma Suc_less_eq [iff]: "Suc m < Suc n \ m < n" by (simp add: less_eq_Suc_le) lemma less_Suc_eq_le [code]: "m < Suc n \ m \ n" by (simp add: less_eq_Suc_le) lemma Suc_less_eq2: "Suc n < m \ (\m'. m = Suc m' \ n < m')" by (cases m) auto lemma le_SucI: "m \ n \ m \ Suc n" by (induct m arbitrary: n) (simp_all add: less_eq_nat.simps(2) split: nat.splits) lemma Suc_leD: "Suc m \ n \ m \ n" by (cases n) (auto intro: le_SucI) lemma less_SucI: "m < n \ m < Suc n" by (simp add: less_eq_Suc_le) (erule Suc_leD) lemma Suc_lessD: "Suc m < n \ m < n" by (simp add: less_eq_Suc_le) (erule Suc_leD) instance proof fix n m q :: nat show "n < m \ n \ m \ \ m \ n" proof (induct n arbitrary: m) case 0 then show ?case by (cases m) (simp_all add: less_eq_Suc_le) next case (Suc n) then show ?case by (cases m) (simp_all add: less_eq_Suc_le) qed show "n \ n" by (induct n) simp_all then show "n = m" if "n \ m" and "m \ n" using that by (induct n arbitrary: m) (simp_all add: less_eq_nat.simps(2) split: nat.splits) show "n \ q" if "n \ m" and "m \ q" using that proof (induct n arbitrary: m q) case 0 show ?case by simp next case (Suc n) then show ?case by (simp_all (no_asm_use) add: less_eq_nat.simps(2) split: nat.splits, clarify, simp_all (no_asm_use) add: less_eq_nat.simps(2) split: nat.splits, clarify, simp_all (no_asm_use) add: less_eq_nat.simps(2) split: nat.splits) qed show "n \ m \ m \ n" by (induct n arbitrary: m) (simp_all add: less_eq_nat.simps(2) split: nat.splits) qed end instantiation nat :: order_bot begin definition bot_nat :: nat where "bot_nat = 0" instance by standard (simp add: bot_nat_def) end instance nat :: no_top by standard (auto intro: less_Suc_eq_le [THEN iffD2]) subsubsection \Introduction properties\ lemma lessI [iff]: "n < Suc n" by (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le) lemma zero_less_Suc [iff]: "0 < Suc n" by (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le) subsubsection \Elimination properties\ lemma less_not_refl: "\ n < n" for n :: nat by (rule order_less_irrefl) lemma less_not_refl2: "n < m \ m \ n" for m n :: nat by (rule not_sym) (rule less_imp_neq) lemma less_not_refl3: "s < t \ s \ t" for s t :: nat by (rule less_imp_neq) lemma less_irrefl_nat: "n < n \ R" for n :: nat by (rule notE, rule less_not_refl) lemma less_zeroE: "n < 0 \ R" for n :: nat by (rule notE) (rule not_less0) lemma less_Suc_eq: "m < Suc n \ m < n \ m = n" unfolding less_Suc_eq_le le_less .. lemma less_Suc0 [iff]: "(n < Suc 0) = (n = 0)" by (simp add: less_Suc_eq) lemma less_one [iff]: "n < 1 \ n = 0" for n :: nat unfolding One_nat_def by (rule less_Suc0) lemma Suc_mono: "m < n \ Suc m < Suc n" by simp text \"Less than" is antisymmetric, sort of.\ lemma less_antisym: "\ n < m \ n < Suc m \ m = n" unfolding not_less less_Suc_eq_le by (rule antisym) lemma nat_neq_iff: "m \ n \ m < n \ n < m" for m n :: nat by (rule linorder_neq_iff) subsubsection \Inductive (?) properties\ lemma Suc_lessI: "m < n \ Suc m \ n \ Suc m < n" unfolding less_eq_Suc_le [of m] le_less by simp lemma lessE: assumes major: "i < k" and 1: "k = Suc i \ P" and 2: "\j. i < j \ k = Suc j \ P" shows P proof - from major have "\j. i \ j \ k = Suc j" unfolding less_eq_Suc_le by (induct k) simp_all then have "(\j. i < j \ k = Suc j) \ k = Suc i" by (auto simp add: less_le) with 1 2 show P by auto qed lemma less_SucE: assumes major: "m < Suc n" and less: "m < n \ P" and eq: "m = n \ P" shows P proof (rule major [THEN lessE]) show "Suc n = Suc m \ P" using eq by blast show "\j. \m < j; Suc n = Suc j\ \ P" by (blast intro: less) qed lemma Suc_lessE: assumes major: "Suc i < k" and minor: "\j. i < j \ k = Suc j \ P" shows P proof (rule major [THEN lessE]) show "k = Suc (Suc i) \ P" using lessI minor by iprover show "\j. \Suc i < j; k = Suc j\ \ P" using Suc_lessD minor by iprover qed lemma Suc_less_SucD: "Suc m < Suc n \ m < n" by simp lemma less_trans_Suc: assumes le: "i < j" shows "j < k \ Suc i < k" proof (induct k) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc k) with le show ?case by simp (auto simp add: less_Suc_eq dest: Suc_lessD) qed text \Can be used with \less_Suc_eq\ to get \<^prop>\n = m \ n < m\.\ lemma not_less_eq: "\ m < n \ n < Suc m" by (simp only: not_less less_Suc_eq_le) lemma not_less_eq_eq: "\ m \ n \ Suc n \ m" by (simp only: not_le Suc_le_eq) text \Properties of "less than or equal".\ lemma le_imp_less_Suc: "m \ n \ m < Suc n" by (simp only: less_Suc_eq_le) lemma Suc_n_not_le_n: "\ Suc n \ n" by (simp add: not_le less_Suc_eq_le) lemma le_Suc_eq: "m \ Suc n \ m \ n \ m = Suc n" by (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le [symmetric] less_Suc_eq) lemma le_SucE: "m \ Suc n \ (m \ n \ R) \ (m = Suc n \ R) \ R" by (drule le_Suc_eq [THEN iffD1], iprover+) lemma Suc_leI: "m < n \ Suc m \ n" by (simp only: Suc_le_eq) text \Stronger version of \Suc_leD\.\ lemma Suc_le_lessD: "Suc m \ n \ m < n" by (simp only: Suc_le_eq) lemma less_imp_le_nat: "m < n \ m \ n" for m n :: nat unfolding less_eq_Suc_le by (rule Suc_leD) text \For instance, \(Suc m < Suc n) = (Suc m \ n) = (m < n)\\ lemmas le_simps = less_imp_le_nat less_Suc_eq_le Suc_le_eq text \Equivalence of \m \ n\ and \m < n \ m = n\\ lemma less_or_eq_imp_le: "m < n \ m = n \ m \ n" for m n :: nat unfolding le_less . lemma le_eq_less_or_eq: "m \ n \ m < n \ m = n" for m n :: nat by (rule le_less) text \Useful with \blast\.\ lemma eq_imp_le: "m = n \ m \ n" for m n :: nat by auto lemma le_refl: "n \ n" for n :: nat by simp lemma le_trans: "i \ j \ j \ k \ i \ k" for i j k :: nat by (rule order_trans) lemma le_antisym: "m \ n \ n \ m \ m = n" for m n :: nat by (rule antisym) lemma nat_less_le: "m < n \ m \ n \ m \ n" for m n :: nat by (rule less_le) lemma le_neq_implies_less: "m \ n \ m \ n \ m < n" for m n :: nat unfolding less_le .. lemma nat_le_linear: "m \ n \ n \ m" for m n :: nat by (rule linear) lemmas linorder_neqE_nat = linorder_neqE [where 'a = nat] lemma le_less_Suc_eq: "m \ n \ n < Suc m \ n = m" unfolding less_Suc_eq_le by auto lemma not_less_less_Suc_eq: "\ n < m \ n < Suc m \ n = m" unfolding not_less by (rule le_less_Suc_eq) lemmas not_less_simps = not_less_less_Suc_eq le_less_Suc_eq lemma not0_implies_Suc: "n \ 0 \ \m. n = Suc m" by (cases n) simp_all lemma gr0_implies_Suc: "n > 0 \ \m. n = Suc m" by (cases n) simp_all lemma gr_implies_not0: "m < n \ n \ 0" for m n :: nat by (cases n) simp_all lemma neq0_conv[iff]: "n \ 0 \ 0 < n" for n :: nat by (cases n) simp_all text \This theorem is useful with \blast\\ lemma gr0I: "(n = 0 \ False) \ 0 < n" for n :: nat by (rule neq0_conv[THEN iffD1]) iprover lemma gr0_conv_Suc: "0 < n \ (\m. n = Suc m)" by (fast intro: not0_implies_Suc) lemma not_gr0 [iff]: "\ 0 < n \ n = 0" for n :: nat using neq0_conv by blast lemma Suc_le_D: "Suc n \ m' \ \m. m' = Suc m" by (induct m') simp_all text \Useful in certain inductive arguments\ lemma less_Suc_eq_0_disj: "m < Suc n \ m = 0 \ (\j. m = Suc j \ j < n)" by (cases m) simp_all lemma All_less_Suc: "(\i < Suc n. P i) = (P n \ (\i < n. P i))" by (auto simp: less_Suc_eq) lemma All_less_Suc2: "(\i < Suc n. P i) = (P 0 \ (\i < n. P(Suc i)))" by (auto simp: less_Suc_eq_0_disj) lemma Ex_less_Suc: "(\i < Suc n. P i) = (P n \ (\i < n. P i))" by (auto simp: less_Suc_eq) lemma Ex_less_Suc2: "(\i < Suc n. P i) = (P 0 \ (\i < n. P(Suc i)))" by (auto simp: less_Suc_eq_0_disj) text \@{term mono} (non-strict) doesn't imply increasing, as the function could be constant\ lemma strict_mono_imp_increasing: fixes n::nat assumes "strict_mono f" shows "f n \ n" proof (induction n) case 0 then show ?case by auto next case (Suc n) then show ?case unfolding not_less_eq_eq [symmetric] using Suc_n_not_le_n assms order_trans strict_mono_less_eq by blast qed subsubsection \Monotonicity of Addition\ lemma Suc_pred [simp]: "n > 0 \ Suc (n - Suc 0) = n" by (simp add: diff_Suc split: nat.split) lemma Suc_diff_1 [simp]: "0 < n \ Suc (n - 1) = n" unfolding One_nat_def by (rule Suc_pred) lemma nat_add_left_cancel_le [simp]: "k + m \ k + n \ m \ n" for k m n :: nat by (induct k) simp_all lemma nat_add_left_cancel_less [simp]: "k + m < k + n \ m < n" for k m n :: nat by (induct k) simp_all lemma add_gr_0 [iff]: "m + n > 0 \ m > 0 \ n > 0" for m n :: nat by (auto dest: gr0_implies_Suc) text \strict, in 1st argument\ lemma add_less_mono1: "i < j \ i + k < j + k" for i j k :: nat by (induct k) simp_all text \strict, in both arguments\ lemma add_less_mono: fixes i j k l :: nat assumes "i < j" "k < l" shows "i + k < j + l" proof - have "i + k < j + k" by (simp add: add_less_mono1 assms) also have "... < j + l" using \i < j\ by (induction j) (auto simp: assms) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma less_imp_Suc_add: "m < n \ \k. n = Suc (m + k)" proof (induct n) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case Suc then show ?case by (simp add: order_le_less) (blast elim!: less_SucE intro!: Nat.add_0_right [symmetric] add_Suc_right [symmetric]) qed lemma le_Suc_ex: "k \ l \ (\n. l = k + n)" for k l :: nat by (auto simp: less_Suc_eq_le[symmetric] dest: less_imp_Suc_add) lemma less_natE: assumes \m < n\ obtains q where \n = Suc (m + q)\ using assms by (auto dest: less_imp_Suc_add intro: that) text \strict, in 1st argument; proof is by induction on \k > 0\\ lemma mult_less_mono2: fixes i j :: nat assumes "i < j" and "0 < k" shows "k * i < k * j" using \0 < k\ proof (induct k) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc k) with \i < j\ show ?case by (cases k) (simp_all add: add_less_mono) qed text \Addition is the inverse of subtraction: if \<^term>\n \ m\ then \<^term>\n + (m - n) = m\.\ lemma add_diff_inverse_nat: "\ m < n \ n + (m - n) = m" for m n :: nat by (induct m n rule: diff_induct) simp_all lemma nat_le_iff_add: "m \ n \ (\k. n = m + k)" for m n :: nat using nat_add_left_cancel_le[of m 0] by (auto dest: le_Suc_ex) text \The naturals form an ordered \semidom\ and a \dioid\.\ instance nat :: linordered_semidom proof fix m n q :: nat show "0 < (1::nat)" by simp show "m \ n \ q + m \ q + n" by simp show "m < n \ 0 < q \ q * m < q * n" by (simp add: mult_less_mono2) show "m \ 0 \ n \ 0 \ m * n \ 0" by simp show "n \ m \ (m - n) + n = m" by (simp add: add_diff_inverse_nat add.commute linorder_not_less) qed instance nat :: dioid by standard (rule nat_le_iff_add) declare le0[simp del] \ \This is now @{thm zero_le}\ declare le_0_eq[simp del] \ \This is now @{thm le_zero_eq}\ declare not_less0[simp del] \ \This is now @{thm not_less_zero}\ declare not_gr0[simp del] \ \This is now @{thm not_gr_zero}\ instance nat :: ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add .. instance nat :: ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff .. subsubsection \\<^term>\min\ and \<^term>\max\\ global_interpretation bot_nat_0: ordering_top \(\)\ \(>)\ \0::nat\ by standard simp global_interpretation max_nat: semilattice_neutr_order max \0::nat\ \(\)\ \(>)\ by standard (simp add: max_def) lemma mono_Suc: "mono Suc" by (rule monoI) simp lemma min_0L [simp]: "min 0 n = 0" for n :: nat by (rule min_absorb1) simp lemma min_0R [simp]: "min n 0 = 0" for n :: nat by (rule min_absorb2) simp lemma min_Suc_Suc [simp]: "min (Suc m) (Suc n) = Suc (min m n)" by (simp add: mono_Suc min_of_mono) lemma min_Suc1: "min (Suc n) m = (case m of 0 \ 0 | Suc m' \ Suc(min n m'))" by (simp split: nat.split) lemma min_Suc2: "min m (Suc n) = (case m of 0 \ 0 | Suc m' \ Suc(min m' n))" by (simp split: nat.split) lemma max_0L [simp]: "max 0 n = n" for n :: nat by (fact max_nat.left_neutral) lemma max_0R [simp]: "max n 0 = n" for n :: nat by (fact max_nat.right_neutral) lemma max_Suc_Suc [simp]: "max (Suc m) (Suc n) = Suc (max m n)" by (simp add: mono_Suc max_of_mono) lemma max_Suc1: "max (Suc n) m = (case m of 0 \ Suc n | Suc m' \ Suc (max n m'))" by (simp split: nat.split) lemma max_Suc2: "max m (Suc n) = (case m of 0 \ Suc n | Suc m' \ Suc (max m' n))" by (simp split: nat.split) lemma nat_mult_min_left: "min m n * q = min (m * q) (n * q)" for m n q :: nat by (simp add: min_def not_le) (auto dest: mult_right_le_imp_le mult_right_less_imp_less le_less_trans) lemma nat_mult_min_right: "m * min n q = min (m * n) (m * q)" for m n q :: nat by (simp add: min_def not_le) (auto dest: mult_left_le_imp_le mult_left_less_imp_less le_less_trans) lemma nat_add_max_left: "max m n + q = max (m + q) (n + q)" for m n q :: nat by (simp add: max_def) lemma nat_add_max_right: "m + max n q = max (m + n) (m + q)" for m n q :: nat by (simp add: max_def) lemma nat_mult_max_left: "max m n * q = max (m * q) (n * q)" for m n q :: nat by (simp add: max_def not_le) (auto dest: mult_right_le_imp_le mult_right_less_imp_less le_less_trans) lemma nat_mult_max_right: "m * max n q = max (m * n) (m * q)" for m n q :: nat by (simp add: max_def not_le) (auto dest: mult_left_le_imp_le mult_left_less_imp_less le_less_trans) subsubsection \Additional theorems about \<^term>\(\)\\ text \Complete induction, aka course-of-values induction\ instance nat :: wellorder proof fix P and n :: nat assume step: "(\m. m < n \ P m) \ P n" for n :: nat have "\q. q \ n \ P q" proof (induct n) case (0 n) have "P 0" by (rule step) auto with 0 show ?case by auto next case (Suc m n) then have "n \ m \ n = Suc m" by (simp add: le_Suc_eq) then show ?case proof assume "n \ m" then show "P n" by (rule Suc(1)) next assume n: "n = Suc m" show "P n" by (rule step) (rule Suc(1), simp add: n le_simps) qed qed then show "P n" by auto qed lemma Least_eq_0[simp]: "P 0 \ Least P = 0" for P :: "nat \ bool" by (rule Least_equality[OF _ le0]) lemma Least_Suc: assumes "P n" "\ P 0" shows "(LEAST n. P n) = Suc (LEAST m. P (Suc m))" proof (cases n) case (Suc m) show ?thesis proof (rule antisym) show "(LEAST x. P x) \ Suc (LEAST x. P (Suc x))" using assms Suc by (force intro: LeastI Least_le) have \
: "P (LEAST x. P x)" by (blast intro: LeastI assms) show "Suc (LEAST m. P (Suc m)) \ (LEAST n. P n)" proof (cases "(LEAST n. P n)") case 0 then show ?thesis using \
by (simp add: assms) next case Suc with \
show ?thesis by (auto simp: Least_le) qed qed qed (use assms in auto) lemma Least_Suc2: "P n \ Q m \ \ P 0 \ \k. P (Suc k) = Q k \ Least P = Suc (Least Q)" by (erule (1) Least_Suc [THEN ssubst]) simp lemma ex_least_nat_le: fixes P :: "nat \ bool" assumes "P n" "\ P 0" shows "\k\n. (\i P i) \ P k" proof (cases n) case (Suc m) with assms show ?thesis by (blast intro: Least_le LeastI_ex dest: not_less_Least) qed (use assms in auto) lemma ex_least_nat_less: fixes P :: "nat \ bool" assumes "P n" "\ P 0" shows "\ki\k. \ P i) \ P (Suc k)" proof (cases n) case (Suc m) then obtain k where k: "k \ n" "\i P i" "P k" using ex_least_nat_le [OF assms] by blast show ?thesis by (cases k) (use assms k less_eq_Suc_le in auto) qed (use assms in auto) lemma nat_less_induct: fixes P :: "nat \ bool" assumes "\n. \m. m < n \ P m \ P n" shows "P n" using assms less_induct by blast lemma measure_induct_rule [case_names less]: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b::wellorder" assumes step: "\x. (\y. f y < f x \ P y) \ P x" shows "P a" by (induct m \ "f a" arbitrary: a rule: less_induct) (auto intro: step) text \old style induction rules:\ lemma measure_induct: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b::wellorder" shows "(\x. \y. f y < f x \ P y \ P x) \ P a" by (rule measure_induct_rule [of f P a]) iprover lemma full_nat_induct: assumes step: "\n. (\m. Suc m \ n \ P m) \ P n" shows "P n" by (rule less_induct) (auto intro: step simp:le_simps) text\An induction rule for establishing binary relations\ lemma less_Suc_induct [consumes 1]: assumes less: "i < j" and step: "\i. P i (Suc i)" and trans: "\i j k. i < j \ j < k \ P i j \ P j k \ P i k" shows "P i j" proof - from less obtain k where j: "j = Suc (i + k)" by (auto dest: less_imp_Suc_add) have "P i (Suc (i + k))" proof (induct k) case 0 show ?case by (simp add: step) next case (Suc k) have "0 + i < Suc k + i" by (rule add_less_mono1) simp then have "i < Suc (i + k)" by (simp add: add.commute) from trans[OF this lessI Suc step] show ?case by simp qed then show "P i j" by (simp add: j) qed text \ The method of infinite descent, frequently used in number theory. Provided by Roelof Oosterhuis. \P n\ is true for all natural numbers if \<^item> case ``0'': given \n = 0\ prove \P n\ \<^item> case ``smaller'': given \n > 0\ and \\ P n\ prove there exists a smaller natural number \m\ such that \\ P m\. \ lemma infinite_descent: "(\n. \ P n \ \m P m) \ P n" for P :: "nat \ bool" \ \compact version without explicit base case\ by (induct n rule: less_induct) auto lemma infinite_descent0 [case_names 0 smaller]: fixes P :: "nat \ bool" assumes "P 0" and "\n. n > 0 \ \ P n \ \m. m < n \ \ P m" shows "P n" proof (rule infinite_descent) fix n show "\ P n \ \m P m" using assms by (cases "n > 0") auto qed text \ Infinite descent using a mapping to \nat\: \P x\ is true for all \x \ D\ if there exists a \V \ D \ nat\ and \<^item> case ``0'': given \V x = 0\ prove \P x\ \<^item> ``smaller'': given \V x > 0\ and \\ P x\ prove there exists a \y \ D\ such that \V y < V x\ and \\ P y\. \ corollary infinite_descent0_measure [case_names 0 smaller]: fixes V :: "'a \ nat" assumes 1: "\x. V x = 0 \ P x" and 2: "\x. V x > 0 \ \ P x \ \y. V y < V x \ \ P y" shows "P x" proof - obtain n where "n = V x" by auto moreover have "\x. V x = n \ P x" proof (induct n rule: infinite_descent0) case 0 with 1 show "P x" by auto next case (smaller n) then obtain x where *: "V x = n " and "V x > 0 \ \ P x" by auto with 2 obtain y where "V y < V x \ \ P y" by auto with * obtain m where "m = V y \ m < n \ \ P y" by auto then show ?case by auto qed ultimately show "P x" by auto qed text \Again, without explicit base case:\ lemma infinite_descent_measure: fixes V :: "'a \ nat" assumes "\x. \ P x \ \y. V y < V x \ \ P y" shows "P x" proof - from assms obtain n where "n = V x" by auto moreover have "\x. V x = n \ P x" proof - have "\m < V x. \y. V y = m \ \ P y" if "\ P x" for x using assms and that by auto then show "\x. V x = n \ P x" by (induct n rule: infinite_descent, auto) qed ultimately show "P x" by auto qed text \A (clumsy) way of lifting \<\ monotonicity to \\\ monotonicity\ lemma less_mono_imp_le_mono: fixes f :: "nat \ nat" and i j :: nat assumes "\i j::nat. i < j \ f i < f j" and "i \ j" shows "f i \ f j" using assms by (auto simp add: order_le_less) text \non-strict, in 1st argument\ lemma add_le_mono1: "i \ j \ i + k \ j + k" for i j k :: nat by (rule add_right_mono) text \non-strict, in both arguments\ lemma add_le_mono: "i \ j \ k \ l \ i + k \ j + l" for i j k l :: nat by (rule add_mono) lemma le_add2: "n \ m + n" for m n :: nat by simp lemma le_add1: "n \ n + m" for m n :: nat by simp lemma less_add_Suc1: "i < Suc (i + m)" by (rule le_less_trans, rule le_add1, rule lessI) lemma less_add_Suc2: "i < Suc (m + i)" by (rule le_less_trans, rule le_add2, rule lessI) lemma less_iff_Suc_add: "m < n \ (\k. n = Suc (m + k))" by (iprover intro!: less_add_Suc1 less_imp_Suc_add) lemma trans_le_add1: "i \ j \ i \ j + m" for i j m :: nat by (rule le_trans, assumption, rule le_add1) lemma trans_le_add2: "i \ j \ i \ m + j" for i j m :: nat by (rule le_trans, assumption, rule le_add2) lemma trans_less_add1: "i < j \ i < j + m" for i j m :: nat by (rule less_le_trans, assumption, rule le_add1) lemma trans_less_add2: "i < j \ i < m + j" for i j m :: nat by (rule less_le_trans, assumption, rule le_add2) lemma add_lessD1: "i + j < k \ i < k" for i j k :: nat by (rule le_less_trans [of _ "i+j"]) (simp_all add: le_add1) lemma not_add_less1 [iff]: "\ i + j < i" for i j :: nat by simp lemma not_add_less2 [iff]: "\ j + i < i" for i j :: nat by simp lemma add_leD1: "m + k \ n \ m \ n" for k m n :: nat by (rule order_trans [of _ "m + k"]) (simp_all add: le_add1) lemma add_leD2: "m + k \ n \ k \ n" for k m n :: nat by (force simp add: add.commute dest: add_leD1) lemma add_leE: "m + k \ n \ (m \ n \ k \ n \ R) \ R" for k m n :: nat by (blast dest: add_leD1 add_leD2) text \needs \\k\ for \ac_simps\ to work\ lemma less_add_eq_less: "\k. k < l \ m + l = k + n \ m < n" for l m n :: nat by (force simp del: add_Suc_right simp add: less_iff_Suc_add add_Suc_right [symmetric] ac_simps) subsubsection \More results about difference\ lemma Suc_diff_le: "n \ m \ Suc m - n = Suc (m - n)" by (induct m n rule: diff_induct) simp_all lemma diff_less_Suc: "m - n < Suc m" by (induct m n rule: diff_induct) (auto simp: less_Suc_eq) lemma diff_le_self [simp]: "m - n \ m" for m n :: nat by (induct m n rule: diff_induct) (simp_all add: le_SucI) lemma less_imp_diff_less: "j < k \ j - n < k" for j k n :: nat by (rule le_less_trans, rule diff_le_self) lemma diff_Suc_less [simp]: "0 < n \ n - Suc i < n" by (cases n) (auto simp add: le_simps) lemma diff_add_assoc: "k \ j \ (i + j) - k = i + (j - k)" for i j k :: nat by (fact ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.diff_add_assoc) lemma add_diff_assoc [simp]: "k \ j \ i + (j - k) = i + j - k" for i j k :: nat by (fact ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_assoc) lemma diff_add_assoc2: "k \ j \ (j + i) - k = (j - k) + i" for i j k :: nat by (fact ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.diff_add_assoc2) lemma add_diff_assoc2 [simp]: "k \ j \ j - k + i = j + i - k" for i j k :: nat by (fact ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_assoc2) lemma le_imp_diff_is_add: "i \ j \ (j - i = k) = (j = k + i)" for i j k :: nat by auto lemma diff_is_0_eq [simp]: "m - n = 0 \ m \ n" for m n :: nat by (induct m n rule: diff_induct) simp_all lemma diff_is_0_eq' [simp]: "m \ n \ m - n = 0" for m n :: nat by (rule iffD2, rule diff_is_0_eq) lemma zero_less_diff [simp]: "0 < n - m \ m < n" for m n :: nat by (induct m n rule: diff_induct) simp_all lemma less_imp_add_positive: assumes "i < j" shows "\k::nat. 0 < k \ i + k = j" proof from assms show "0 < j - i \ i + (j - i) = j" by (simp add: order_less_imp_le) qed text \a nice rewrite for bounded subtraction\ lemma nat_minus_add_max: "n - m + m = max n m" for m n :: nat by (simp add: max_def not_le order_less_imp_le) lemma nat_diff_split: "P (a - b) \ (a < b \ P 0) \ (\d. a = b + d \ P d)" for a b :: nat \ \elimination of \-\ on \nat\\ by (cases "a < b") (auto simp add: not_less le_less dest!: add_eq_self_zero [OF sym]) lemma nat_diff_split_asm: "P (a - b) \ \ (a < b \ \ P 0 \ (\d. a = b + d \ \ P d))" for a b :: nat \ \elimination of \-\ on \nat\ in assumptions\ by (auto split: nat_diff_split) lemma Suc_pred': "0 < n \ n = Suc(n - 1)" by simp lemma add_eq_if: "m + n = (if m = 0 then n else Suc ((m - 1) + n))" unfolding One_nat_def by (cases m) simp_all lemma mult_eq_if: "m * n = (if m = 0 then 0 else n + ((m - 1) * n))" for m n :: nat by (cases m) simp_all lemma Suc_diff_eq_diff_pred: "0 < n \ Suc m - n = m - (n - 1)" by (cases n) simp_all lemma diff_Suc_eq_diff_pred: "m - Suc n = (m - 1) - n" by (cases m) simp_all lemma Let_Suc [simp]: "Let (Suc n) f \ f (Suc n)" by (fact Let_def) subsubsection \Monotonicity of multiplication\ lemma mult_le_mono1: "i \ j \ i * k \ j * k" for i j k :: nat by (simp add: mult_right_mono) lemma mult_le_mono2: "i \ j \ k * i \ k * j" for i j k :: nat by (simp add: mult_left_mono) text \\\\ monotonicity, BOTH arguments\ lemma mult_le_mono: "i \ j \ k \ l \ i * k \ j * l" for i j k l :: nat by (simp add: mult_mono) lemma mult_less_mono1: "i < j \ 0 < k \ i * k < j * k" for i j k :: nat by (simp add: mult_strict_right_mono) text \Differs from the standard \zero_less_mult_iff\ in that there are no negative numbers.\ lemma nat_0_less_mult_iff [simp]: "0 < m * n \ 0 < m \ 0 < n" for m n :: nat proof (induct m) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc m) then show ?case by (cases n) simp_all qed lemma one_le_mult_iff [simp]: "Suc 0 \ m * n \ Suc 0 \ m \ Suc 0 \ n" proof (induct m) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc m) then show ?case by (cases n) simp_all qed lemma mult_less_cancel2 [simp]: "m * k < n * k \ 0 < k \ m < n" for k m n :: nat proof (intro iffI conjI) assume m: "m * k < n * k" then show "0 < k" by (cases k) auto show "m < n" proof (cases k) case 0 then show ?thesis using m by auto next case (Suc k') then show ?thesis using m by (simp flip: linorder_not_le) (blast intro: add_mono mult_le_mono1) qed next assume "0 < k \ m < n" then show "m * k < n * k" by (blast intro: mult_less_mono1) qed lemma mult_less_cancel1 [simp]: "k * m < k * n \ 0 < k \ m < n" for k m n :: nat by (simp add: mult.commute [of k]) lemma mult_le_cancel1 [simp]: "k * m \ k * n \ (0 < k \ m \ n)" for k m n :: nat by (simp add: linorder_not_less [symmetric], auto) lemma mult_le_cancel2 [simp]: "m * k \ n * k \ (0 < k \ m \ n)" for k m n :: nat by (simp add: linorder_not_less [symmetric], auto) lemma Suc_mult_less_cancel1: "Suc k * m < Suc k * n \ m < n" by (subst mult_less_cancel1) simp lemma Suc_mult_le_cancel1: "Suc k * m \ Suc k * n \ m \ n" by (subst mult_le_cancel1) simp lemma le_square: "m \ m * m" for m :: nat by (cases m) (auto intro: le_add1) lemma le_cube: "m \ m * (m * m)" for m :: nat by (cases m) (auto intro: le_add1) text \Lemma for \gcd\\ lemma mult_eq_self_implies_10: fixes m n :: nat assumes "m = m * n" shows "n = 1 \ m = 0" proof (rule disjCI) assume "m \ 0" show "n = 1" proof (cases n "1::nat" rule: linorder_cases) case greater show ?thesis using assms mult_less_mono2 [OF greater, of m] \m \ 0\ by auto qed (use assms \m \ 0\ in auto) qed lemma mono_times_nat: fixes n :: nat assumes "n > 0" shows "mono (times n)" proof fix m q :: nat assume "m \ q" with assms show "n * m \ n * q" by simp qed text \The lattice order on \<^typ>\nat\.\ instantiation nat :: distrib_lattice begin definition "(inf :: nat \ nat \ nat) = min" definition "(sup :: nat \ nat \ nat) = max" instance by intro_classes (auto simp add: inf_nat_def sup_nat_def max_def not_le min_def intro: order_less_imp_le antisym elim!: order_trans order_less_trans) end subsection \Natural operation of natural numbers on functions\ text \ We use the same logical constant for the power operations on functions and relations, in order to share the same syntax. \ consts compow :: "nat \ 'a \ 'a" abbreviation compower :: "'a \ nat \ 'a" (infixr "^^" 80) where "f ^^ n \ compow n f" notation (latex output) compower ("(_\<^bsup>_\<^esup>)" [1000] 1000) text \\f ^^ n = f \ \ \ f\, the \n\-fold composition of \f\\ overloading funpow \ "compow :: nat \ ('a \ 'a) \ ('a \ 'a)" begin primrec funpow :: "nat \ ('a \ 'a) \ 'a \ 'a" where "funpow 0 f = id" | "funpow (Suc n) f = f \ funpow n f" end lemma funpow_0 [simp]: "(f ^^ 0) x = x" by simp lemma funpow_Suc_right: "f ^^ Suc n = f ^^ n \ f" proof (induct n) case 0 then show ?case by simp next fix n assume "f ^^ Suc n = f ^^ n \ f" then show "f ^^ Suc (Suc n) = f ^^ Suc n \ f" by (simp add: o_assoc) qed lemmas funpow_simps_right = funpow.simps(1) funpow_Suc_right text \For code generation.\ context begin qualified definition funpow :: "nat \ ('a \ 'a) \ 'a \ 'a" where funpow_code_def [code_abbrev]: "funpow = compow" lemma [code]: "funpow (Suc n) f = f \ funpow n f" "funpow 0 f = id" by (simp_all add: funpow_code_def) end lemma funpow_add: "f ^^ (m + n) = f ^^ m \ f ^^ n" by (induct m) simp_all lemma funpow_mult: "(f ^^ m) ^^ n = f ^^ (m * n)" for f :: "'a \ 'a" by (induct n) (simp_all add: funpow_add) lemma funpow_swap1: "f ((f ^^ n) x) = (f ^^ n) (f x)" proof - have "f ((f ^^ n) x) = (f ^^ (n + 1)) x" by simp also have "\ = (f ^^ n \ f ^^ 1) x" by (simp only: funpow_add) also have "\ = (f ^^ n) (f x)" by simp finally show ?thesis . qed lemma comp_funpow: "comp f ^^ n = comp (f ^^ n)" for f :: "'a \ 'a" by (induct n) simp_all lemma Suc_funpow[simp]: "Suc ^^ n = ((+) n)" by (induct n) simp_all lemma id_funpow[simp]: "id ^^ n = id" by (induct n) simp_all lemma funpow_mono: "mono f \ A \ B \ (f ^^ n) A \ (f ^^ n) B" for f :: "'a \ ('a::order)" by (induct n arbitrary: A B) (auto simp del: funpow.simps(2) simp add: funpow_Suc_right mono_def) lemma funpow_mono2: assumes "mono f" and "i \ j" and "x \ y" and "x \ f x" shows "(f ^^ i) x \ (f ^^ j) y" using assms(2,3) proof (induct j arbitrary: y) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc j) show ?case proof(cases "i = Suc j") case True with assms(1) Suc show ?thesis by (simp del: funpow.simps add: funpow_simps_right monoD funpow_mono) next case False with assms(1,4) Suc show ?thesis by (simp del: funpow.simps add: funpow_simps_right le_eq_less_or_eq less_Suc_eq_le) (simp add: Suc.hyps monoD order_subst1) qed qed lemma inj_fn[simp]: fixes f::"'a \ 'a" assumes "inj f" shows "inj (f^^n)" proof (induction n) case Suc thus ?case using inj_compose[OF assms Suc.IH] by (simp del: comp_apply) qed simp lemma surj_fn[simp]: fixes f::"'a \ 'a" assumes "surj f" shows "surj (f^^n)" proof (induction n) case Suc thus ?case by (simp add: comp_surj[OF Suc.IH assms] del: comp_apply) qed simp lemma bij_fn[simp]: fixes f::"'a \ 'a" assumes "bij f" shows "bij (f^^n)" by (rule bijI[OF inj_fn[OF bij_is_inj[OF assms]] surj_fn[OF bij_is_surj[OF assms]]]) lemma bij_betw_funpow: \<^marker>\contributor \Lars Noschinski\\ assumes "bij_betw f S S" shows "bij_betw (f ^^ n) S S" proof (induct n) case 0 then show ?case by (auto simp: id_def[symmetric]) next case (Suc n) then show ?case unfolding funpow.simps using assms by (rule bij_betw_trans) qed subsection \Kleene iteration\ lemma Kleene_iter_lpfp: fixes f :: "'a::order_bot \ 'a" assumes "mono f" and "f p \ p" shows "(f ^^ k) bot \ p" proof (induct k) case 0 show ?case by simp next case Suc show ?case using monoD[OF assms(1) Suc] assms(2) by simp qed lemma lfp_Kleene_iter: assumes "mono f" and "(f ^^ Suc k) bot = (f ^^ k) bot" shows "lfp f = (f ^^ k) bot" proof (rule antisym) show "lfp f \ (f ^^ k) bot" proof (rule lfp_lowerbound) show "f ((f ^^ k) bot) \ (f ^^ k) bot" using assms(2) by simp qed show "(f ^^ k) bot \ lfp f" using Kleene_iter_lpfp[OF assms(1)] lfp_unfold[OF assms(1)] by simp qed lemma mono_pow: "mono f \ mono (f ^^ n)" for f :: "'a \ 'a::complete_lattice" by (induct n) (auto simp: mono_def) lemma lfp_funpow: assumes f: "mono f" shows "lfp (f ^^ Suc n) = lfp f" proof (rule antisym) show "lfp f \ lfp (f ^^ Suc n)" proof (rule lfp_lowerbound) have "f (lfp (f ^^ Suc n)) = lfp (\x. f ((f ^^ n) x))" unfolding funpow_Suc_right by (simp add: lfp_rolling f mono_pow comp_def) then show "f (lfp (f ^^ Suc n)) \ lfp (f ^^ Suc n)" by (simp add: comp_def) qed have "(f ^^ n) (lfp f) = lfp f" for n by (induct n) (auto intro: f lfp_fixpoint) then show "lfp (f ^^ Suc n) \ lfp f" by (intro lfp_lowerbound) (simp del: funpow.simps) qed lemma gfp_funpow: assumes f: "mono f" shows "gfp (f ^^ Suc n) = gfp f" proof (rule antisym) show "gfp f \ gfp (f ^^ Suc n)" proof (rule gfp_upperbound) have "f (gfp (f ^^ Suc n)) = gfp (\x. f ((f ^^ n) x))" unfolding funpow_Suc_right by (simp add: gfp_rolling f mono_pow comp_def) then show "f (gfp (f ^^ Suc n)) \ gfp (f ^^ Suc n)" by (simp add: comp_def) qed have "(f ^^ n) (gfp f) = gfp f" for n by (induct n) (auto intro: f gfp_fixpoint) then show "gfp (f ^^ Suc n) \ gfp f" by (intro gfp_upperbound) (simp del: funpow.simps) qed lemma Kleene_iter_gpfp: fixes f :: "'a::order_top \ 'a" assumes "mono f" and "p \ f p" shows "p \ (f ^^ k) top" proof (induct k) case 0 show ?case by simp next case Suc show ?case using monoD[OF assms(1) Suc] assms(2) by simp qed lemma gfp_Kleene_iter: assumes "mono f" and "(f ^^ Suc k) top = (f ^^ k) top" shows "gfp f = (f ^^ k) top" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof (rule antisym) have "?rhs \ f ?rhs" using assms(2) by simp then show "?rhs \ ?lhs" by (rule gfp_upperbound) show "?lhs \ ?rhs" using Kleene_iter_gpfp[OF assms(1)] gfp_unfold[OF assms(1)] by simp qed subsection \Embedding of the naturals into any \semiring_1\: \<^term>\of_nat\\ context semiring_1 begin definition of_nat :: "nat \ 'a" where "of_nat n = (plus 1 ^^ n) 0" lemma of_nat_simps [simp]: shows of_nat_0: "of_nat 0 = 0" and of_nat_Suc: "of_nat (Suc m) = 1 + of_nat m" by (simp_all add: of_nat_def) lemma of_nat_1 [simp]: "of_nat 1 = 1" by (simp add: of_nat_def) lemma of_nat_add [simp]: "of_nat (m + n) = of_nat m + of_nat n" by (induct m) (simp_all add: ac_simps) lemma of_nat_mult [simp]: "of_nat (m * n) = of_nat m * of_nat n" by (induct m) (simp_all add: ac_simps distrib_right) lemma mult_of_nat_commute: "of_nat x * y = y * of_nat x" by (induct x) (simp_all add: algebra_simps) primrec of_nat_aux :: "('a \ 'a) \ nat \ 'a \ 'a" where "of_nat_aux inc 0 i = i" | "of_nat_aux inc (Suc n) i = of_nat_aux inc n (inc i)" \ \tail recursive\ lemma of_nat_code: "of_nat n = of_nat_aux (\i. i + 1) n 0" proof (induct n) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc n) have "\i. of_nat_aux (\i. i + 1) n (i + 1) = of_nat_aux (\i. i + 1) n i + 1" by (induct n) simp_all from this [of 0] have "of_nat_aux (\i. i + 1) n 1 = of_nat_aux (\i. i + 1) n 0 + 1" by simp with Suc show ?case by (simp add: add.commute) qed lemma of_nat_of_bool [simp]: "of_nat (of_bool P) = of_bool P" by auto end declare of_nat_code [code] context semiring_1_cancel begin lemma of_nat_diff: \of_nat (m - n) = of_nat m - of_nat n\ if \n \ m\ proof - from that obtain q where \m = n + q\ by (blast dest: le_Suc_ex) then show ?thesis by simp qed end text \Class for unital semirings with characteristic zero. Includes non-ordered rings like the complex numbers.\ class semiring_char_0 = semiring_1 + assumes inj_of_nat: "inj of_nat" begin lemma of_nat_eq_iff [simp]: "of_nat m = of_nat n \ m = n" by (auto intro: inj_of_nat injD) text \Special cases where either operand is zero\ lemma of_nat_0_eq_iff [simp]: "0 = of_nat n \ 0 = n" by (fact of_nat_eq_iff [of 0 n, unfolded of_nat_0]) lemma of_nat_eq_0_iff [simp]: "of_nat m = 0 \ m = 0" by (fact of_nat_eq_iff [of m 0, unfolded of_nat_0]) lemma of_nat_1_eq_iff [simp]: "1 = of_nat n \ n=1" using of_nat_eq_iff by fastforce lemma of_nat_eq_1_iff [simp]: "of_nat n = 1 \ n=1" using of_nat_eq_iff by fastforce lemma of_nat_neq_0 [simp]: "of_nat (Suc n) \ 0" unfolding of_nat_eq_0_iff by simp lemma of_nat_0_neq [simp]: "0 \ of_nat (Suc n)" unfolding of_nat_0_eq_iff by simp end class ring_char_0 = ring_1 + semiring_char_0 context linordered_nonzero_semiring begin lemma of_nat_0_le_iff [simp]: "0 \ of_nat n" by (induct n) simp_all lemma of_nat_less_0_iff [simp]: "\ of_nat m < 0" by (simp add: not_less) lemma of_nat_mono[simp]: "i \ j \ of_nat i \ of_nat j" by (auto simp: le_iff_add intro!: add_increasing2) lemma of_nat_less_iff [simp]: "of_nat m < of_nat n \ m < n" proof(induct m n rule: diff_induct) case (1 m) then show ?case by auto next case (2 n) then show ?case by (simp add: add_pos_nonneg) next case (3 m n) then show ?case by (auto simp: add_commute [of 1] add_mono1 not_less add_right_mono leD) qed lemma of_nat_le_iff [simp]: "of_nat m \ of_nat n \ m \ n" by (simp add: not_less [symmetric] linorder_not_less [symmetric]) lemma less_imp_of_nat_less: "m < n \ of_nat m < of_nat n" by simp lemma of_nat_less_imp_less: "of_nat m < of_nat n \ m < n" by simp text \Every \linordered_nonzero_semiring\ has characteristic zero.\ subclass semiring_char_0 by standard (auto intro!: injI simp add: order.eq_iff) text \Special cases where either operand is zero\ lemma of_nat_le_0_iff [simp]: "of_nat m \ 0 \ m = 0" by (rule of_nat_le_iff [of _ 0, simplified]) lemma of_nat_0_less_iff [simp]: "0 < of_nat n \ 0 < n" by (rule of_nat_less_iff [of 0, simplified]) end context linordered_nonzero_semiring begin lemma of_nat_max: "of_nat (max x y) = max (of_nat x) (of_nat y)" by (auto simp: max_def ord_class.max_def) lemma of_nat_min: "of_nat (min x y) = min (of_nat x) (of_nat y)" by (auto simp: min_def ord_class.min_def) end context linordered_semidom begin subclass linordered_nonzero_semiring .. subclass semiring_char_0 .. end context linordered_idom begin lemma abs_of_nat [simp]: "\of_nat n\ = of_nat n" by (simp add: abs_if) lemma sgn_of_nat [simp]: "sgn (of_nat n) = of_bool (n > 0)" by simp end lemma of_nat_id [simp]: "of_nat n = n" by (induct n) simp_all lemma of_nat_eq_id [simp]: "of_nat = id" by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff) subsection \The set of natural numbers\ context semiring_1 begin definition Nats :: "'a set" ("\") where "\ = range of_nat" lemma of_nat_in_Nats [simp]: "of_nat n \ \" by (simp add: Nats_def) lemma Nats_0 [simp]: "0 \ \" using of_nat_0 [symmetric] unfolding Nats_def by (rule range_eqI) lemma Nats_1 [simp]: "1 \ \" using of_nat_1 [symmetric] unfolding Nats_def by (rule range_eqI) lemma Nats_add [simp]: "a \ \ \ b \ \ \ a + b \ \" unfolding Nats_def using of_nat_add [symmetric] by (blast intro: range_eqI) lemma Nats_mult [simp]: "a \ \ \ b \ \ \ a * b \ \" unfolding Nats_def using of_nat_mult [symmetric] by (blast intro: range_eqI) lemma Nats_cases [cases set: Nats]: assumes "x \ \" obtains (of_nat) n where "x = of_nat n" unfolding Nats_def proof - from \x \ \\ have "x \ range of_nat" unfolding Nats_def . then obtain n where "x = of_nat n" .. then show thesis .. qed lemma Nats_induct [case_names of_nat, induct set: Nats]: "x \ \ \ (\n. P (of_nat n)) \ P x" by (rule Nats_cases) auto end lemma Nats_diff [simp]: fixes a:: "'a::linordered_idom" assumes "a \ \" "b \ \" "b \ a" shows "a - b \ \" proof - obtain i where i: "a = of_nat i" using Nats_cases assms by blast obtain j where j: "b = of_nat j" using Nats_cases assms by blast have "j \ i" using \b \ a\ i j of_nat_le_iff by blast then have *: "of_nat i - of_nat j = (of_nat (i-j) :: 'a)" by (simp add: of_nat_diff) then show ?thesis by (simp add: * i j) qed subsection \Further arithmetic facts concerning the natural numbers\ lemma subst_equals: assumes "t = s" and "u = t" shows "u = s" using assms(2,1) by (rule trans) locale nat_arith begin lemma add1: "(A::'a::comm_monoid_add) \ k + a \ A + b \ k + (a + b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma add2: "(B::'a::comm_monoid_add) \ k + b \ a + B \ k + (a + b)" by (simp only: ac_simps) lemma suc1: "A == k + a \ Suc A \ k + Suc a" by (simp only: add_Suc_right) lemma rule0: "(a::'a::comm_monoid_add) \ a + 0" by (simp only: add_0_right) end ML_file \Tools/nat_arith.ML\ simproc_setup nateq_cancel_sums ("(l::nat) + m = n" | "(l::nat) = m + n" | "Suc m = n" | "m = Suc n") = - \fn phi => try o Nat_Arith.cancel_eq_conv\ + \K (try o Nat_Arith.cancel_eq_conv)\ simproc_setup natless_cancel_sums ("(l::nat) + m < n" | "(l::nat) < m + n" | "Suc m < n" | "m < Suc n") = - \fn phi => try o Nat_Arith.cancel_less_conv\ + \K (try o Nat_Arith.cancel_less_conv)\ simproc_setup natle_cancel_sums ("(l::nat) + m \ n" | "(l::nat) \ m + n" | "Suc m \ n" | "m \ Suc n") = - \fn phi => try o Nat_Arith.cancel_le_conv\ + \K (try o Nat_Arith.cancel_le_conv)\ simproc_setup natdiff_cancel_sums ("(l::nat) + m - n" | "(l::nat) - (m + n)" | "Suc m - n" | "m - Suc n") = - \fn phi => try o Nat_Arith.cancel_diff_conv\ + \K (try o Nat_Arith.cancel_diff_conv)\ context order begin lemma lift_Suc_mono_le: assumes mono: "\n. f n \ f (Suc n)" and "n \ n'" shows "f n \ f n'" proof (cases "n < n'") case True then show ?thesis by (induct n n' rule: less_Suc_induct) (auto intro: mono) next case False with \n \ n'\ show ?thesis by auto qed lemma lift_Suc_antimono_le: assumes mono: "\n. f n \ f (Suc n)" and "n \ n'" shows "f n \ f n'" proof (cases "n < n'") case True then show ?thesis by (induct n n' rule: less_Suc_induct) (auto intro: mono) next case False with \n \ n'\ show ?thesis by auto qed lemma lift_Suc_mono_less: assumes mono: "\n. f n < f (Suc n)" and "n < n'" shows "f n < f n'" using \n < n'\ by (induct n n' rule: less_Suc_induct) (auto intro: mono) lemma lift_Suc_mono_less_iff: "(\n. f n < f (Suc n)) \ f n < f m \ n < m" by (blast intro: less_asym' lift_Suc_mono_less [of f] dest: linorder_not_less[THEN iffD1] le_eq_less_or_eq [THEN iffD1]) end lemma mono_iff_le_Suc: "mono f \ (\n. f n \ f (Suc n))" unfolding mono_def by (auto intro: lift_Suc_mono_le [of f]) lemma antimono_iff_le_Suc: "antimono f \ (\n. f (Suc n) \ f n)" unfolding antimono_def by (auto intro: lift_Suc_antimono_le [of f]) lemma mono_nat_linear_lb: fixes f :: "nat \ nat" assumes "\m n. m < n \ f m < f n" shows "f m + k \ f (m + k)" proof (induct k) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc k) then have "Suc (f m + k) \ Suc (f (m + k))" by simp also from assms [of "m + k" "Suc (m + k)"] have "Suc (f (m + k)) \ f (Suc (m + k))" by (simp add: Suc_le_eq) finally show ?case by simp qed text \Subtraction laws, mostly by Clemens Ballarin\ lemma diff_less_mono: fixes a b c :: nat assumes "a < b" and "c \ a" shows "a - c < b - c" proof - from assms obtain d e where "b = c + (d + e)" and "a = c + e" and "d > 0" by (auto dest!: le_Suc_ex less_imp_Suc_add simp add: ac_simps) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma less_diff_conv: "i < j - k \ i + k < j" for i j k :: nat by (cases "k \ j") (auto simp add: not_le dest: less_imp_Suc_add le_Suc_ex) lemma less_diff_conv2: "k \ j \ j - k < i \ j < i + k" for j k i :: nat by (auto dest: le_Suc_ex) lemma le_diff_conv: "j - k \ i \ j \ i + k" for j k i :: nat by (cases "k \ j") (auto simp add: not_le dest!: less_imp_Suc_add le_Suc_ex) lemma diff_diff_cancel [simp]: "i \ n \ n - (n - i) = i" for i n :: nat by (auto dest: le_Suc_ex) lemma diff_less [simp]: "0 < n \ 0 < m \ m - n < m" for i n :: nat by (auto dest: less_imp_Suc_add) text \Simplification of relational expressions involving subtraction\ lemma diff_diff_eq: "k \ m \ k \ n \ m - k - (n - k) = m - n" for m n k :: nat by (auto dest!: le_Suc_ex) hide_fact (open) diff_diff_eq lemma eq_diff_iff: "k \ m \ k \ n \ m - k = n - k \ m = n" for m n k :: nat by (auto dest: le_Suc_ex) lemma less_diff_iff: "k \ m \ k \ n \ m - k < n - k \ m < n" for m n k :: nat by (auto dest!: le_Suc_ex) lemma le_diff_iff: "k \ m \ k \ n \ m - k \ n - k \ m \ n" for m n k :: nat by (auto dest!: le_Suc_ex) lemma le_diff_iff': "a \ c \ b \ c \ c - a \ c - b \ b \ a" for a b c :: nat by (force dest: le_Suc_ex) text \(Anti)Monotonicity of subtraction -- by Stephan Merz\ lemma diff_le_mono: "m \ n \ m - l \ n - l" for m n l :: nat by (auto dest: less_imp_le less_imp_Suc_add split: nat_diff_split) lemma diff_le_mono2: "m \ n \ l - n \ l - m" for m n l :: nat by (auto dest: less_imp_le le_Suc_ex less_imp_Suc_add less_le_trans split: nat_diff_split) lemma diff_less_mono2: "m < n \ m < l \ l - n < l - m" for m n l :: nat by (auto dest: less_imp_Suc_add split: nat_diff_split) lemma diffs0_imp_equal: "m - n = 0 \ n - m = 0 \ m = n" for m n :: nat by (simp split: nat_diff_split) lemma min_diff: "min (m - i) (n - i) = min m n - i" for m n i :: nat by (cases m n rule: le_cases) (auto simp add: not_le min.absorb1 min.absorb2 min.absorb_iff1 [symmetric] diff_le_mono) lemma inj_on_diff_nat: fixes k :: nat assumes "\n. n \ N \ k \ n" shows "inj_on (\n. n - k) N" proof (rule inj_onI) fix x y assume a: "x \ N" "y \ N" "x - k = y - k" with assms have "x - k + k = y - k + k" by auto with a assms show "x = y" by (auto simp add: eq_diff_iff) qed text \Rewriting to pull differences out\ lemma diff_diff_right [simp]: "k \ j \ i - (j - k) = i + k - j" for i j k :: nat by (fact diff_diff_right) lemma diff_Suc_diff_eq1 [simp]: assumes "k \ j" shows "i - Suc (j - k) = i + k - Suc j" proof - from assms have *: "Suc (j - k) = Suc j - k" by (simp add: Suc_diff_le) from assms have "k \ Suc j" by (rule order_trans) simp with diff_diff_right [of k "Suc j" i] * show ?thesis by simp qed lemma diff_Suc_diff_eq2 [simp]: assumes "k \ j" shows "Suc (j - k) - i = Suc j - (k + i)" proof - from assms obtain n where "j = k + n" by (auto dest: le_Suc_ex) moreover have "Suc n - i = (k + Suc n) - (k + i)" using add_diff_cancel_left [of k "Suc n" i] by simp ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed lemma Suc_diff_Suc: assumes "n < m" shows "Suc (m - Suc n) = m - n" proof - from assms obtain q where "m = n + Suc q" by (auto dest: less_imp_Suc_add) moreover define r where "r = Suc q" ultimately have "Suc (m - Suc n) = r" and "m = n + r" by simp_all then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma one_less_mult: "Suc 0 < n \ Suc 0 < m \ Suc 0 < m * n" using less_1_mult [of n m] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma n_less_m_mult_n: "0 < n \ Suc 0 < m \ n < m * n" using mult_strict_right_mono [of 1 m n] by simp lemma n_less_n_mult_m: "0 < n \ Suc 0 < m \ n < n * m" using mult_strict_left_mono [of 1 m n] by simp text \Induction starting beyond zero\ lemma nat_induct_at_least [consumes 1, case_names base Suc]: "P n" if "n \ m" "P m" "\n. n \ m \ P n \ P (Suc n)" proof - define q where "q = n - m" with \n \ m\ have "n = m + q" by simp moreover have "P (m + q)" by (induction q) (use that in simp_all) ultimately show "P n" by simp qed lemma nat_induct_non_zero [consumes 1, case_names 1 Suc]: "P n" if "n > 0" "P 1" "\n. n > 0 \ P n \ P (Suc n)" proof - from \n > 0\ have "n \ 1" by (cases n) simp_all moreover note \P 1\ moreover have "\n. n \ 1 \ P n \ P (Suc n)" using \\n. n > 0 \ P n \ P (Suc n)\ by (simp add: Suc_le_eq) ultimately show "P n" by (rule nat_induct_at_least) qed text \Specialized induction principles that work "backwards":\ lemma inc_induct [consumes 1, case_names base step]: assumes less: "i \ j" and base: "P j" and step: "\n. i \ n \ n < j \ P (Suc n) \ P n" shows "P i" using less step proof (induct "j - i" arbitrary: i) case (0 i) then have "i = j" by simp with base show ?case by simp next case (Suc d n) from Suc.hyps have "n \ j" by auto with Suc have "n < j" by (simp add: less_le) from \Suc d = j - n\ have "d + 1 = j - n" by simp then have "d + 1 - 1 = j - n - 1" by simp then have "d = j - n - 1" by simp then have "d = j - (n + 1)" by (simp add: diff_diff_eq) then have "d = j - Suc n" by simp moreover from \n < j\ have "Suc n \ j" by (simp add: Suc_le_eq) ultimately have "P (Suc n)" proof (rule Suc.hyps) fix q assume "Suc n \ q" then have "n \ q" by (simp add: Suc_le_eq less_imp_le) moreover assume "q < j" moreover assume "P (Suc q)" ultimately show "P q" by (rule Suc.prems) qed with order_refl \n < j\ show "P n" by (rule Suc.prems) qed lemma strict_inc_induct [consumes 1, case_names base step]: assumes less: "i < j" and base: "\i. j = Suc i \ P i" and step: "\i. i < j \ P (Suc i) \ P i" shows "P i" using less proof (induct "j - i - 1" arbitrary: i) case (0 i) from \i < j\ obtain n where "j = i + n" and "n > 0" by (auto dest!: less_imp_Suc_add) with 0 have "j = Suc i" by (auto intro: order_antisym simp add: Suc_le_eq) with base show ?case by simp next case (Suc d i) from \Suc d = j - i - 1\ have *: "Suc d = j - Suc i" by (simp add: diff_diff_add) then have "Suc d - 1 = j - Suc i - 1" by simp then have "d = j - Suc i - 1" by simp moreover from * have "j - Suc i \ 0" by auto then have "Suc i < j" by (simp add: not_le) ultimately have "P (Suc i)" by (rule Suc.hyps) with \i < j\ show "P i" by (rule step) qed lemma zero_induct_lemma: "P k \ (\n. P (Suc n) \ P n) \ P (k - i)" using inc_induct[of "k - i" k P, simplified] by blast lemma zero_induct: "P k \ (\n. P (Suc n) \ P n) \ P 0" using inc_induct[of 0 k P] by blast text \Further induction rule similar to @{thm inc_induct}.\ lemma dec_induct [consumes 1, case_names base step]: "i \ j \ P i \ (\n. i \ n \ n < j \ P n \ P (Suc n)) \ P j" proof (induct j arbitrary: i) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc j) from Suc.prems consider "i \ j" | "i = Suc j" by (auto simp add: le_Suc_eq) then show ?case proof cases case 1 moreover have "j < Suc j" by simp moreover have "P j" using \i \ j\ \P i\ proof (rule Suc.hyps) fix q assume "i \ q" moreover assume "q < j" then have "q < Suc j" by (simp add: less_Suc_eq) moreover assume "P q" ultimately show "P (Suc q)" by (rule Suc.prems) qed ultimately show "P (Suc j)" by (rule Suc.prems) next case 2 with \P i\ show "P (Suc j)" by simp qed qed lemma transitive_stepwise_le: assumes "m \ n" "\x. R x x" "\x y z. R x y \ R y z \ R x z" and "\n. R n (Suc n)" shows "R m n" using \m \ n\ by (induction rule: dec_induct) (use assms in blast)+ subsubsection \Greatest operator\ lemma ex_has_greatest_nat: "P (k::nat) \ \y. P y \ y \ b \ \x. P x \ (\y. P y \ y \ x)" proof (induction "b-k" arbitrary: b k rule: less_induct) case less show ?case proof cases assume "\n>k. P n" then obtain n where "n>k" "P n" by blast have "n \ b" using \P n\ less.prems(2) by auto hence "b-n < b-k" by(rule diff_less_mono2[OF \k less_le_trans[OF \k]]) from less.hyps[OF this \P n\ less.prems(2)] show ?thesis . next assume "\ (\n>k. P n)" hence "\y. P y \ y \ k" by (auto simp: not_less) thus ?thesis using less.prems(1) by auto qed qed lemma fixes k::nat assumes "P k" and minor: "\y. P y \ y \ b" shows GreatestI_nat: "P (Greatest P)" and Greatest_le_nat: "k \ Greatest P" proof - obtain x where "P x" "\y. P y \ y \ x" using assms ex_has_greatest_nat by blast with \P k\ show "P (Greatest P)" "k \ Greatest P" using GreatestI2_order by blast+ qed lemma GreatestI_ex_nat: "\ \k::nat. P k; \y. P y \ y \ b \ \ P (Greatest P)" by (blast intro: GreatestI_nat) subsection \Monotonicity of \funpow\\ lemma funpow_increasing: "m \ n \ mono f \ (f ^^ n) \ \ (f ^^ m) \" for f :: "'a::{lattice,order_top} \ 'a" by (induct rule: inc_induct) (auto simp del: funpow.simps(2) simp add: funpow_Suc_right intro: order_trans[OF _ funpow_mono]) lemma funpow_decreasing: "m \ n \ mono f \ (f ^^ m) \ \ (f ^^ n) \" for f :: "'a::{lattice,order_bot} \ 'a" by (induct rule: dec_induct) (auto simp del: funpow.simps(2) simp add: funpow_Suc_right intro: order_trans[OF _ funpow_mono]) lemma mono_funpow: "mono Q \ mono (\i. (Q ^^ i) \)" for Q :: "'a::{lattice,order_bot} \ 'a" by (auto intro!: funpow_decreasing simp: mono_def) lemma antimono_funpow: "mono Q \ antimono (\i. (Q ^^ i) \)" for Q :: "'a::{lattice,order_top} \ 'a" by (auto intro!: funpow_increasing simp: antimono_def) subsection \The divides relation on \<^typ>\nat\\ lemma dvd_1_left [iff]: "Suc 0 dvd k" by (simp add: dvd_def) lemma dvd_1_iff_1 [simp]: "m dvd Suc 0 \ m = Suc 0" by (simp add: dvd_def) lemma nat_dvd_1_iff_1 [simp]: "m dvd 1 \ m = 1" for m :: nat by (simp add: dvd_def) lemma dvd_antisym: "m dvd n \ n dvd m \ m = n" for m n :: nat unfolding dvd_def by (force dest: mult_eq_self_implies_10 simp add: mult.assoc) lemma dvd_diff_nat [simp]: "k dvd m \ k dvd n \ k dvd (m - n)" for k m n :: nat unfolding dvd_def by (blast intro: right_diff_distrib' [symmetric]) lemma dvd_diffD: fixes k m n :: nat assumes "k dvd m - n" "k dvd n" "n \ m" shows "k dvd m" proof - have "k dvd n + (m - n)" using assms by (blast intro: dvd_add) with assms show ?thesis by simp qed lemma dvd_diffD1: "k dvd m - n \ k dvd m \ n \ m \ k dvd n" for k m n :: nat by (drule_tac m = m in dvd_diff_nat) auto lemma dvd_mult_cancel: fixes m n k :: nat assumes "k * m dvd k * n" and "0 < k" shows "m dvd n" proof - from assms(1) obtain q where "k * n = (k * m) * q" .. then have "k * n = k * (m * q)" by (simp add: ac_simps) with \0 < k\ have "n = m * q" by (auto simp add: mult_left_cancel) then show ?thesis .. qed lemma dvd_mult_cancel1: fixes m n :: nat assumes "0 < m" shows "m * n dvd m \ n = 1" proof assume "m * n dvd m" then have "m * n dvd m * 1" by simp then have "n dvd 1" by (iprover intro: assms dvd_mult_cancel) then show "n = 1" by auto qed auto lemma dvd_mult_cancel2: "0 < m \ n * m dvd m \ n = 1" for m n :: nat using dvd_mult_cancel1 [of m n] by (simp add: ac_simps) lemma dvd_imp_le: "k dvd n \ 0 < n \ k \ n" for k n :: nat by (auto elim!: dvdE) (auto simp add: gr0_conv_Suc) lemma nat_dvd_not_less: "0 < m \ m < n \ \ n dvd m" for m n :: nat by (auto elim!: dvdE) (auto simp add: gr0_conv_Suc) lemma less_eq_dvd_minus: fixes m n :: nat assumes "m \ n" shows "m dvd n \ m dvd n - m" proof - from assms have "n = m + (n - m)" by simp then obtain q where "n = m + q" .. then show ?thesis by (simp add: add.commute [of m]) qed lemma dvd_minus_self: "m dvd n - m \ n < m \ m dvd n" for m n :: nat by (cases "n < m") (auto elim!: dvdE simp add: not_less le_imp_diff_is_add dest: less_imp_le) lemma dvd_minus_add: fixes m n q r :: nat assumes "q \ n" "q \ r * m" shows "m dvd n - q \ m dvd n + (r * m - q)" proof - have "m dvd n - q \ m dvd r * m + (n - q)" using dvd_add_times_triv_left_iff [of m r] by simp also from assms have "\ \ m dvd r * m + n - q" by simp also from assms have "\ \ m dvd (r * m - q) + n" by simp also have "\ \ m dvd n + (r * m - q)" by (simp add: add.commute) finally show ?thesis . qed subsection \Aliasses\ lemma nat_mult_1: "1 * n = n" for n :: nat by (fact mult_1_left) lemma nat_mult_1_right: "n * 1 = n" for n :: nat by (fact mult_1_right) lemma diff_mult_distrib: "(m - n) * k = (m * k) - (n * k)" for k m n :: nat by (fact left_diff_distrib') lemma diff_mult_distrib2: "k * (m - n) = (k * m) - (k * n)" for k m n :: nat by (fact right_diff_distrib') (*Used in AUTO2 and Groups.le_diff_conv2 (with variables renamed) doesn't work for some reason*) lemma le_diff_conv2: "k \ j \ (i \ j - k) = (i + k \ j)" for i j k :: nat by (fact le_diff_conv2) lemma diff_self_eq_0 [simp]: "m - m = 0" for m :: nat by (fact diff_cancel) lemma diff_diff_left [simp]: "i - j - k = i - (j + k)" for i j k :: nat by (fact diff_diff_add) lemma diff_commute: "i - j - k = i - k - j" for i j k :: nat by (fact diff_right_commute) lemma diff_add_inverse: "(n + m) - n = m" for m n :: nat by (fact add_diff_cancel_left') lemma diff_add_inverse2: "(m + n) - n = m" for m n :: nat by (fact add_diff_cancel_right') lemma diff_cancel: "(k + m) - (k + n) = m - n" for k m n :: nat by (fact add_diff_cancel_left) lemma diff_cancel2: "(m + k) - (n + k) = m - n" for k m n :: nat by (fact add_diff_cancel_right) lemma diff_add_0: "n - (n + m) = 0" for m n :: nat by (fact diff_add_zero) lemma add_mult_distrib2: "k * (m + n) = (k * m) + (k * n)" for k m n :: nat by (fact distrib_left) lemmas nat_distrib = add_mult_distrib distrib_left diff_mult_distrib diff_mult_distrib2 subsection \Size of a datatype value\ class size = fixes size :: "'a \ nat" \ \see further theory \Wellfounded\\ instantiation nat :: size begin definition size_nat where [simp, code]: "size (n::nat) = n" instance .. end lemmas size_nat = size_nat_def lemma size_neq_size_imp_neq: "size x \ size y \ x \ y" by (erule contrapos_nn) (rule arg_cong) subsection \Code module namespace\ code_identifier code_module Nat \ (SML) Arith and (OCaml) Arith and (Haskell) Arith hide_const (open) of_nat_aux end diff --git a/src/HOL/Nonstandard_Analysis/NSA.thy b/src/HOL/Nonstandard_Analysis/NSA.thy --- a/src/HOL/Nonstandard_Analysis/NSA.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Nonstandard_Analysis/NSA.thy @@ -1,1672 +1,1672 @@ (* Title: HOL/Nonstandard_Analysis/NSA.thy Author: Jacques D. Fleuriot, University of Cambridge Author: Lawrence C Paulson, University of Cambridge *) section \Infinite Numbers, Infinitesimals, Infinitely Close Relation\ theory NSA imports HyperDef "HOL-Library.Lub_Glb" begin definition hnorm :: "'a::real_normed_vector star \ real star" where [transfer_unfold]: "hnorm = *f* norm" definition Infinitesimal :: "('a::real_normed_vector) star set" where "Infinitesimal = {x. \r \ Reals. 0 < r \ hnorm x < r}" definition HFinite :: "('a::real_normed_vector) star set" where "HFinite = {x. \r \ Reals. hnorm x < r}" definition HInfinite :: "('a::real_normed_vector) star set" where "HInfinite = {x. \r \ Reals. r < hnorm x}" definition approx :: "'a::real_normed_vector star \ 'a star \ bool" (infixl "\" 50) where "x \ y \ x - y \ Infinitesimal" \ \the ``infinitely close'' relation\ definition st :: "hypreal \ hypreal" where "st = (\x. SOME r. x \ HFinite \ r \ \ \ r \ x)" \ \the standard part of a hyperreal\ definition monad :: "'a::real_normed_vector star \ 'a star set" where "monad x = {y. x \ y}" definition galaxy :: "'a::real_normed_vector star \ 'a star set" where "galaxy x = {y. (x + -y) \ HFinite}" lemma SReal_def: "\ \ {x. \r. x = hypreal_of_real r}" by (simp add: Reals_def image_def) subsection \Nonstandard Extension of the Norm Function\ definition scaleHR :: "real star \ 'a star \ 'a::real_normed_vector star" where [transfer_unfold]: "scaleHR = starfun2 scaleR" lemma Standard_hnorm [simp]: "x \ Standard \ hnorm x \ Standard" by (simp add: hnorm_def) lemma star_of_norm [simp]: "star_of (norm x) = hnorm (star_of x)" by transfer (rule refl) lemma hnorm_ge_zero [simp]: "\x::'a::real_normed_vector star. 0 \ hnorm x" by transfer (rule norm_ge_zero) lemma hnorm_eq_zero [simp]: "\x::'a::real_normed_vector star. hnorm x = 0 \ x = 0" by transfer (rule norm_eq_zero) lemma hnorm_triangle_ineq: "\x y::'a::real_normed_vector star. hnorm (x + y) \ hnorm x + hnorm y" by transfer (rule norm_triangle_ineq) lemma hnorm_triangle_ineq3: "\x y::'a::real_normed_vector star. \hnorm x - hnorm y\ \ hnorm (x - y)" by transfer (rule norm_triangle_ineq3) lemma hnorm_scaleR: "\x::'a::real_normed_vector star. hnorm (a *\<^sub>R x) = \star_of a\ * hnorm x" by transfer (rule norm_scaleR) lemma hnorm_scaleHR: "\a (x::'a::real_normed_vector star). hnorm (scaleHR a x) = \a\ * hnorm x" by transfer (rule norm_scaleR) lemma hnorm_mult_ineq: "\x y::'a::real_normed_algebra star. hnorm (x * y) \ hnorm x * hnorm y" by transfer (rule norm_mult_ineq) lemma hnorm_mult: "\x y::'a::real_normed_div_algebra star. hnorm (x * y) = hnorm x * hnorm y" by transfer (rule norm_mult) lemma hnorm_hyperpow: "\(x::'a::{real_normed_div_algebra} star) n. hnorm (x pow n) = hnorm x pow n" by transfer (rule norm_power) lemma hnorm_one [simp]: "hnorm (1::'a::real_normed_div_algebra star) = 1" by transfer (rule norm_one) lemma hnorm_zero [simp]: "hnorm (0::'a::real_normed_vector star) = 0" by transfer (rule norm_zero) lemma zero_less_hnorm_iff [simp]: "\x::'a::real_normed_vector star. 0 < hnorm x \ x \ 0" by transfer (rule zero_less_norm_iff) lemma hnorm_minus_cancel [simp]: "\x::'a::real_normed_vector star. hnorm (- x) = hnorm x" by transfer (rule norm_minus_cancel) lemma hnorm_minus_commute: "\a b::'a::real_normed_vector star. hnorm (a - b) = hnorm (b - a)" by transfer (rule norm_minus_commute) lemma hnorm_triangle_ineq2: "\a b::'a::real_normed_vector star. hnorm a - hnorm b \ hnorm (a - b)" by transfer (rule norm_triangle_ineq2) lemma hnorm_triangle_ineq4: "\a b::'a::real_normed_vector star. hnorm (a - b) \ hnorm a + hnorm b" by transfer (rule norm_triangle_ineq4) lemma abs_hnorm_cancel [simp]: "\a::'a::real_normed_vector star. \hnorm a\ = hnorm a" by transfer (rule abs_norm_cancel) lemma hnorm_of_hypreal [simp]: "\r. hnorm (of_hypreal r::'a::real_normed_algebra_1 star) = \r\" by transfer (rule norm_of_real) lemma nonzero_hnorm_inverse: "\a::'a::real_normed_div_algebra star. a \ 0 \ hnorm (inverse a) = inverse (hnorm a)" by transfer (rule nonzero_norm_inverse) lemma hnorm_inverse: "\a::'a::{real_normed_div_algebra, division_ring} star. hnorm (inverse a) = inverse (hnorm a)" by transfer (rule norm_inverse) lemma hnorm_divide: "\a b::'a::{real_normed_field, field} star. hnorm (a / b) = hnorm a / hnorm b" by transfer (rule norm_divide) lemma hypreal_hnorm_def [simp]: "\r::hypreal. hnorm r = \r\" by transfer (rule real_norm_def) lemma hnorm_add_less: "\(x::'a::real_normed_vector star) y r s. hnorm x < r \ hnorm y < s \ hnorm (x + y) < r + s" by transfer (rule norm_add_less) lemma hnorm_mult_less: "\(x::'a::real_normed_algebra star) y r s. hnorm x < r \ hnorm y < s \ hnorm (x * y) < r * s" by transfer (rule norm_mult_less) lemma hnorm_scaleHR_less: "\x\ < r \ hnorm y < s \ hnorm (scaleHR x y) < r * s" by (simp only: hnorm_scaleHR) (simp add: mult_strict_mono') subsection \Closure Laws for the Standard Reals\ lemma Reals_add_cancel: "x + y \ \ \ y \ \ \ x \ \" by (drule (1) Reals_diff) simp lemma SReal_hrabs: "x \ \ \ \x\ \ \" for x :: hypreal by (simp add: Reals_eq_Standard) lemma SReal_hypreal_of_real [simp]: "hypreal_of_real x \ \" by (simp add: Reals_eq_Standard) lemma SReal_divide_numeral: "r \ \ \ r / (numeral w::hypreal) \ \" by simp text \\\\ is not in Reals because it is an infinitesimal\ lemma SReal_epsilon_not_mem: "\ \ \" by (auto simp: SReal_def hypreal_of_real_not_eq_epsilon [symmetric]) lemma SReal_omega_not_mem: "\ \ \" by (auto simp: SReal_def hypreal_of_real_not_eq_omega [symmetric]) lemma SReal_UNIV_real: "{x. hypreal_of_real x \ \} = (UNIV::real set)" by simp lemma SReal_iff: "x \ \ \ (\y. x = hypreal_of_real y)" by (simp add: SReal_def) lemma hypreal_of_real_image: "hypreal_of_real `(UNIV::real set) = \" by (simp add: Reals_eq_Standard Standard_def) lemma inv_hypreal_of_real_image: "inv hypreal_of_real ` \ = UNIV" by (simp add: Reals_eq_Standard Standard_def inj_star_of) lemma SReal_dense: "x \ \ \ y \ \ \ x < y \ \r \ Reals. x < r \ r < y" for x y :: hypreal using dense by (fastforce simp add: SReal_def) subsection \Set of Finite Elements is a Subring of the Extended Reals\ lemma HFinite_add: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ x + y \ HFinite" unfolding HFinite_def by (blast intro!: Reals_add hnorm_add_less) lemma HFinite_mult: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ x * y \ HFinite" for x y :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" unfolding HFinite_def by (blast intro!: Reals_mult hnorm_mult_less) lemma HFinite_scaleHR: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ scaleHR x y \ HFinite" by (auto simp: HFinite_def intro!: Reals_mult hnorm_scaleHR_less) lemma HFinite_minus_iff: "- x \ HFinite \ x \ HFinite" by (simp add: HFinite_def) lemma HFinite_star_of [simp]: "star_of x \ HFinite" by (simp add: HFinite_def) (metis SReal_hypreal_of_real gt_ex star_of_less star_of_norm) lemma SReal_subset_HFinite: "(\::hypreal set) \ HFinite" by (auto simp add: SReal_def) lemma HFiniteD: "x \ HFinite \ \t \ Reals. hnorm x < t" by (simp add: HFinite_def) lemma HFinite_hrabs_iff [iff]: "\x\ \ HFinite \ x \ HFinite" for x :: hypreal by (simp add: HFinite_def) lemma HFinite_hnorm_iff [iff]: "hnorm x \ HFinite \ x \ HFinite" for x :: hypreal by (simp add: HFinite_def) lemma HFinite_numeral [simp]: "numeral w \ HFinite" unfolding star_numeral_def by (rule HFinite_star_of) text \As always with numerals, \0\ and \1\ are special cases.\ lemma HFinite_0 [simp]: "0 \ HFinite" unfolding star_zero_def by (rule HFinite_star_of) lemma HFinite_1 [simp]: "1 \ HFinite" unfolding star_one_def by (rule HFinite_star_of) lemma hrealpow_HFinite: "x \ HFinite \ x ^ n \ HFinite" for x :: "'a::{real_normed_algebra,monoid_mult} star" by (induct n) (auto intro: HFinite_mult) lemma HFinite_bounded: fixes x y :: hypreal assumes "x \ HFinite" and y: "y \ x" "0 \ y" shows "y \ HFinite" proof (cases "x \ 0") case True then have "y = 0" using y by auto then show ?thesis by simp next case False then show ?thesis using assms le_less_trans by (auto simp: HFinite_def) qed subsection \Set of Infinitesimals is a Subring of the Hyperreals\ lemma InfinitesimalI: "(\r. r \ \ \ 0 < r \ hnorm x < r) \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_def) lemma InfinitesimalD: "x \ Infinitesimal \ \r \ Reals. 0 < r \ hnorm x < r" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_def) lemma InfinitesimalI2: "(\r. 0 < r \ hnorm x < star_of r) \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (auto simp add: Infinitesimal_def SReal_def) lemma InfinitesimalD2: "x \ Infinitesimal \ 0 < r \ hnorm x < star_of r" by (auto simp add: Infinitesimal_def SReal_def) lemma Infinitesimal_zero [iff]: "0 \ Infinitesimal" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_def) lemma Infinitesimal_add: assumes "x \ Infinitesimal" "y \ Infinitesimal" shows "x + y \ Infinitesimal" proof (rule InfinitesimalI) show "hnorm (x + y) < r" if "r \ \" and "0 < r" for r :: "real star" proof - have "hnorm x < r/2" "hnorm y < r/2" using InfinitesimalD SReal_divide_numeral assms half_gt_zero that by blast+ then show ?thesis using hnorm_add_less by fastforce qed qed lemma Infinitesimal_minus_iff [simp]: "- x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_def) lemma Infinitesimal_hnorm_iff: "hnorm x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_def) lemma Infinitesimal_hrabs_iff [iff]: "\x\ \ Infinitesimal \ x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by (simp add: abs_if) lemma Infinitesimal_of_hypreal_iff [simp]: "(of_hypreal x::'a::real_normed_algebra_1 star) \ Infinitesimal \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (subst Infinitesimal_hnorm_iff [symmetric]) simp lemma Infinitesimal_diff: "x \ Infinitesimal \ y \ Infinitesimal \ x - y \ Infinitesimal" using Infinitesimal_add [of x "- y"] by simp lemma Infinitesimal_mult: fixes x y :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" assumes "x \ Infinitesimal" "y \ Infinitesimal" shows "x * y \ Infinitesimal" proof (rule InfinitesimalI) show "hnorm (x * y) < r" if "r \ \" and "0 < r" for r :: "real star" proof - have "hnorm x < 1" "hnorm y < r" using assms that by (auto simp add: InfinitesimalD) then show ?thesis using hnorm_mult_less by fastforce qed qed lemma Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult: fixes x y :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" assumes "x \ Infinitesimal" "y \ HFinite" shows "x * y \ Infinitesimal" proof (rule InfinitesimalI) obtain t where "hnorm y < t" "t \ Reals" using HFiniteD \y \ HFinite\ by blast then have "t > 0" using hnorm_ge_zero le_less_trans by blast show "hnorm (x * y) < r" if "r \ \" and "0 < r" for r :: "real star" proof - have "hnorm x < r/t" by (meson InfinitesimalD Reals_divide \hnorm y < t\ \t \ \\ assms(1) divide_pos_pos hnorm_ge_zero le_less_trans that) then have "hnorm (x * y) < (r / t) * t" using \hnorm y < t\ hnorm_mult_less by blast then show ?thesis using \0 < t\ by auto qed qed lemma Infinitesimal_HFinite_scaleHR: assumes "x \ Infinitesimal" "y \ HFinite" shows "scaleHR x y \ Infinitesimal" proof (rule InfinitesimalI) obtain t where "hnorm y < t" "t \ Reals" using HFiniteD \y \ HFinite\ by blast then have "t > 0" using hnorm_ge_zero le_less_trans by blast show "hnorm (scaleHR x y) < r" if "r \ \" and "0 < r" for r :: "real star" proof - have "\x\ * hnorm y < (r / t) * t" by (metis InfinitesimalD Reals_divide \0 < t\ \hnorm y < t\ \t \ \\ assms(1) divide_pos_pos hnorm_ge_zero hypreal_hnorm_def mult_strict_mono' that) then show ?thesis by (simp add: \0 < t\ hnorm_scaleHR less_imp_not_eq2) qed qed lemma Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult2: fixes x y :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" assumes "x \ Infinitesimal" "y \ HFinite" shows "y * x \ Infinitesimal" proof (rule InfinitesimalI) obtain t where "hnorm y < t" "t \ Reals" using HFiniteD \y \ HFinite\ by blast then have "t > 0" using hnorm_ge_zero le_less_trans by blast show "hnorm (y * x) < r" if "r \ \" and "0 < r" for r :: "real star" proof - have "hnorm x < r/t" by (meson InfinitesimalD Reals_divide \hnorm y < t\ \t \ \\ assms(1) divide_pos_pos hnorm_ge_zero le_less_trans that) then have "hnorm (y * x) < t * (r / t)" using \hnorm y < t\ hnorm_mult_less by blast then show ?thesis using \0 < t\ by auto qed qed lemma Infinitesimal_scaleR2: assumes "x \ Infinitesimal" shows "a *\<^sub>R x \ Infinitesimal" by (metis HFinite_star_of Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult2 Infinitesimal_hnorm_iff assms hnorm_scaleR hypreal_hnorm_def star_of_norm) lemma Compl_HFinite: "- HFinite = HInfinite" proof - have "r < hnorm x" if *: "\s. s \ \ \ s \ hnorm x" and "r \ \" for x :: "'a star" and r :: hypreal using * [of "r+1"] \r \ \\ by auto then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: HInfinite_def HFinite_def linorder_not_less) qed lemma HInfinite_inverse_Infinitesimal: "x \ HInfinite \ inverse x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (simp add: HInfinite_def InfinitesimalI hnorm_inverse inverse_less_imp_less) lemma inverse_Infinitesimal_iff_HInfinite: "x \ 0 \ inverse x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ HInfinite" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (metis Compl_HFinite Compl_iff HInfinite_inverse_Infinitesimal InfinitesimalD Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult Reals_1 hnorm_one left_inverse less_irrefl zero_less_one) lemma HInfiniteI: "(\r. r \ \ \ r < hnorm x) \ x \ HInfinite" by (simp add: HInfinite_def) lemma HInfiniteD: "x \ HInfinite \ r \ \ \ r < hnorm x" by (simp add: HInfinite_def) lemma HInfinite_mult: fixes x y :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" assumes "x \ HInfinite" "y \ HInfinite" shows "x * y \ HInfinite" proof (rule HInfiniteI, simp only: hnorm_mult) have "x \ 0" using Compl_HFinite HFinite_0 assms by blast show "r < hnorm x * hnorm y" if "r \ \" for r :: "real star" proof - have "r = r * 1" by simp also have "\ < hnorm x * hnorm y" by (meson HInfiniteD Reals_1 \x \ 0\ assms le_numeral_extra(1) mult_strict_mono that zero_less_hnorm_iff) finally show ?thesis . qed qed lemma hypreal_add_zero_less_le_mono: "r < x \ 0 \ y \ r < x + y" for r x y :: hypreal by simp lemma HInfinite_add_ge_zero: "x \ HInfinite \ 0 \ y \ 0 \ x \ x + y \ HInfinite" for x y :: hypreal by (auto simp: abs_if add.commute HInfinite_def) lemma HInfinite_add_ge_zero2: "x \ HInfinite \ 0 \ y \ 0 \ x \ y + x \ HInfinite" for x y :: hypreal by (auto intro!: HInfinite_add_ge_zero simp add: add.commute) lemma HInfinite_add_gt_zero: "x \ HInfinite \ 0 < y \ 0 < x \ x + y \ HInfinite" for x y :: hypreal by (blast intro: HInfinite_add_ge_zero order_less_imp_le) lemma HInfinite_minus_iff: "- x \ HInfinite \ x \ HInfinite" by (simp add: HInfinite_def) lemma HInfinite_add_le_zero: "x \ HInfinite \ y \ 0 \ x \ 0 \ x + y \ HInfinite" for x y :: hypreal by (metis (no_types, lifting) HInfinite_add_ge_zero2 HInfinite_minus_iff add.inverse_distrib_swap neg_0_le_iff_le) lemma HInfinite_add_lt_zero: "x \ HInfinite \ y < 0 \ x < 0 \ x + y \ HInfinite" for x y :: hypreal by (blast intro: HInfinite_add_le_zero order_less_imp_le) lemma not_Infinitesimal_not_zero: "x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ 0" by auto lemma HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal_hrabs: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ \x\ \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by blast lemma hnorm_le_Infinitesimal: "e \ Infinitesimal \ hnorm x \ e \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (auto simp: Infinitesimal_def abs_less_iff) lemma hnorm_less_Infinitesimal: "e \ Infinitesimal \ hnorm x < e \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (erule hnorm_le_Infinitesimal, erule order_less_imp_le) lemma hrabs_le_Infinitesimal: "e \ Infinitesimal \ \x\ \ e \ x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by (erule hnorm_le_Infinitesimal) simp lemma hrabs_less_Infinitesimal: "e \ Infinitesimal \ \x\ < e \ x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by (erule hnorm_less_Infinitesimal) simp lemma Infinitesimal_interval: "e \ Infinitesimal \ e' \ Infinitesimal \ e' < x \ x < e \ x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by (auto simp add: Infinitesimal_def abs_less_iff) lemma Infinitesimal_interval2: "e \ Infinitesimal \ e' \ Infinitesimal \ e' \ x \ x \ e \ x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by (auto intro: Infinitesimal_interval simp add: order_le_less) lemma lemma_Infinitesimal_hyperpow: "x \ Infinitesimal \ 0 < N \ \x pow N\ \ \x\" for x :: hypreal apply (clarsimp simp: Infinitesimal_def) by (metis Reals_1 abs_ge_zero hyperpow_Suc_le_self2 hyperpow_hrabs hypnat_gt_zero_iff2 zero_less_one) lemma Infinitesimal_hyperpow: "x \ Infinitesimal \ 0 < N \ x pow N \ Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal using hrabs_le_Infinitesimal lemma_Infinitesimal_hyperpow by blast lemma hrealpow_hyperpow_Infinitesimal_iff: "(x ^ n \ Infinitesimal) \ x pow (hypnat_of_nat n) \ Infinitesimal" by (simp only: hyperpow_hypnat_of_nat) lemma Infinitesimal_hrealpow: "x \ Infinitesimal \ 0 < n \ x ^ n \ Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by (simp add: hrealpow_hyperpow_Infinitesimal_iff Infinitesimal_hyperpow) lemma not_Infinitesimal_mult: "x \ Infinitesimal \ y \ Infinitesimal \ x * y \ Infinitesimal" for x y :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (metis (no_types, lifting) inverse_Infinitesimal_iff_HInfinite ComplI Compl_HFinite Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult divide_inverse eq_divide_imp inverse_inverse_eq mult_zero_right) lemma Infinitesimal_mult_disj: "x * y \ Infinitesimal \ x \ Infinitesimal \ y \ Infinitesimal" for x y :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" using not_Infinitesimal_mult by blast lemma HFinite_Infinitesimal_not_zero: "x \ HFinite-Infinitesimal \ x \ 0" by blast lemma HFinite_Infinitesimal_diff_mult: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ y \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ x * y \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" for x y :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (simp add: HFinite_mult not_Infinitesimal_mult) lemma Infinitesimal_subset_HFinite: "Infinitesimal \ HFinite" using HFinite_def InfinitesimalD Reals_1 zero_less_one by blast lemma Infinitesimal_star_of_mult: "x \ Infinitesimal \ x * star_of r \ Infinitesimal" for x :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (erule HFinite_star_of [THEN [2] Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult]) lemma Infinitesimal_star_of_mult2: "x \ Infinitesimal \ star_of r * x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (erule HFinite_star_of [THEN [2] Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult2]) subsection \The Infinitely Close Relation\ lemma mem_infmal_iff: "x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ 0" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_def approx_def) lemma approx_minus_iff: "x \ y \ x - y \ 0" by (simp add: approx_def) lemma approx_minus_iff2: "x \ y \ - y + x \ 0" by (simp add: approx_def add.commute) lemma approx_refl [iff]: "x \ x" by (simp add: approx_def Infinitesimal_def) lemma approx_sym: "x \ y \ y \ x" by (metis Infinitesimal_minus_iff approx_def minus_diff_eq) lemma approx_trans: assumes "x \ y" "y \ z" shows "x \ z" proof - have "x - y \ Infinitesimal" "z - y \ Infinitesimal" using assms approx_def approx_sym by auto then have "x - z \ Infinitesimal" using Infinitesimal_diff by force then show ?thesis by (simp add: approx_def) qed lemma approx_trans2: "r \ x \ s \ x \ r \ s" by (blast intro: approx_sym approx_trans) lemma approx_trans3: "x \ r \ x \ s \ r \ s" by (blast intro: approx_sym approx_trans) lemma approx_reorient: "x \ y \ y \ x" by (blast intro: approx_sym) text \Reorientation simplification procedure: reorients (polymorphic) \0 = x\, \1 = x\, \nnn = x\ provided \x\ isn't \0\, \1\ or a numeral.\ simproc_setup approx_reorient_simproc ("0 \ x" | "1 \ y" | "numeral w \ z" | "- 1 \ y" | "- numeral w \ r") = \ let val rule = @{thm approx_reorient} RS eq_reflection - fun proc phi ss ct = + fun proc ct = case Thm.term_of ct of _ $ t $ u => if can HOLogic.dest_number u then NONE else if can HOLogic.dest_number t then SOME rule else NONE | _ => NONE - in proc end + in K (K proc) end \ lemma Infinitesimal_approx_minus: "x - y \ Infinitesimal \ x \ y" by (simp add: approx_minus_iff [symmetric] mem_infmal_iff) lemma approx_monad_iff: "x \ y \ monad x = monad y" apply (simp add: monad_def set_eq_iff) using approx_reorient approx_trans by blast lemma Infinitesimal_approx: "x \ Infinitesimal \ y \ Infinitesimal \ x \ y" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_diff approx_def) lemma approx_add: "a \ b \ c \ d \ a + c \ b + d" proof (unfold approx_def) assume inf: "a - b \ Infinitesimal" "c - d \ Infinitesimal" have "a + c - (b + d) = (a - b) + (c - d)" by simp also have "... \ Infinitesimal" using inf by (rule Infinitesimal_add) finally show "a + c - (b + d) \ Infinitesimal" . qed lemma approx_minus: "a \ b \ - a \ - b" by (metis approx_def approx_sym minus_diff_eq minus_diff_minus) lemma approx_minus2: "- a \ - b \ a \ b" by (auto dest: approx_minus) lemma approx_minus_cancel [simp]: "- a \ - b \ a \ b" by (blast intro: approx_minus approx_minus2) lemma approx_add_minus: "a \ b \ c \ d \ a + - c \ b + - d" by (blast intro!: approx_add approx_minus) lemma approx_diff: "a \ b \ c \ d \ a - c \ b - d" using approx_add [of a b "- c" "- d"] by simp lemma approx_mult1: "a \ b \ c \ HFinite \ a * c \ b * c" for a b c :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (simp add: approx_def Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult left_diff_distrib [symmetric]) lemma approx_mult2: "a \ b \ c \ HFinite \ c * a \ c * b" for a b c :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (simp add: approx_def Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult2 right_diff_distrib [symmetric]) lemma approx_mult_subst: "u \ v * x \ x \ y \ v \ HFinite \ u \ v * y" for u v x y :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (blast intro: approx_mult2 approx_trans) lemma approx_mult_subst2: "u \ x * v \ x \ y \ v \ HFinite \ u \ y * v" for u v x y :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (blast intro: approx_mult1 approx_trans) lemma approx_mult_subst_star_of: "u \ x * star_of v \ x \ y \ u \ y * star_of v" for u x y :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (auto intro: approx_mult_subst2) lemma approx_eq_imp: "a = b \ a \ b" by (simp add: approx_def) lemma Infinitesimal_minus_approx: "x \ Infinitesimal \ - x \ x" by (blast intro: Infinitesimal_minus_iff [THEN iffD2] mem_infmal_iff [THEN iffD1] approx_trans2) lemma bex_Infinitesimal_iff: "(\y \ Infinitesimal. x - z = y) \ x \ z" by (simp add: approx_def) lemma bex_Infinitesimal_iff2: "(\y \ Infinitesimal. x = z + y) \ x \ z" by (force simp add: bex_Infinitesimal_iff [symmetric]) lemma Infinitesimal_add_approx: "y \ Infinitesimal \ x + y = z \ x \ z" using approx_sym bex_Infinitesimal_iff2 by blast lemma Infinitesimal_add_approx_self: "y \ Infinitesimal \ x \ x + y" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_add_approx) lemma Infinitesimal_add_approx_self2: "y \ Infinitesimal \ x \ y + x" by (auto dest: Infinitesimal_add_approx_self simp add: add.commute) lemma Infinitesimal_add_minus_approx_self: "y \ Infinitesimal \ x \ x + - y" by (blast intro!: Infinitesimal_add_approx_self Infinitesimal_minus_iff [THEN iffD2]) lemma Infinitesimal_add_cancel: "y \ Infinitesimal \ x + y \ z \ x \ z" using Infinitesimal_add_approx approx_trans by blast lemma Infinitesimal_add_right_cancel: "y \ Infinitesimal \ x \ z + y \ x \ z" by (metis Infinitesimal_add_approx_self approx_monad_iff) lemma approx_add_left_cancel: "d + b \ d + c \ b \ c" by (metis add_diff_cancel_left bex_Infinitesimal_iff) lemma approx_add_right_cancel: "b + d \ c + d \ b \ c" by (simp add: approx_def) lemma approx_add_mono1: "b \ c \ d + b \ d + c" by (simp add: approx_add) lemma approx_add_mono2: "b \ c \ b + a \ c + a" by (simp add: add.commute approx_add_mono1) lemma approx_add_left_iff [simp]: "a + b \ a + c \ b \ c" by (fast elim: approx_add_left_cancel approx_add_mono1) lemma approx_add_right_iff [simp]: "b + a \ c + a \ b \ c" by (simp add: add.commute) lemma approx_HFinite: "x \ HFinite \ x \ y \ y \ HFinite" by (metis HFinite_add Infinitesimal_subset_HFinite approx_sym subsetD bex_Infinitesimal_iff2) lemma approx_star_of_HFinite: "x \ star_of D \ x \ HFinite" by (rule approx_sym [THEN [2] approx_HFinite], auto) lemma approx_mult_HFinite: "a \ b \ c \ d \ b \ HFinite \ d \ HFinite \ a * c \ b * d" for a b c d :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (meson approx_HFinite approx_mult2 approx_mult_subst2 approx_sym) lemma scaleHR_left_diff_distrib: "\a b x. scaleHR (a - b) x = scaleHR a x - scaleHR b x" by transfer (rule scaleR_left_diff_distrib) lemma approx_scaleR1: "a \ star_of b \ c \ HFinite \ scaleHR a c \ b *\<^sub>R c" unfolding approx_def by (metis Infinitesimal_HFinite_scaleHR scaleHR_def scaleHR_left_diff_distrib star_scaleR_def starfun2_star_of) lemma approx_scaleR2: "a \ b \ c *\<^sub>R a \ c *\<^sub>R b" by (simp add: approx_def Infinitesimal_scaleR2 scaleR_right_diff_distrib [symmetric]) lemma approx_scaleR_HFinite: "a \ star_of b \ c \ d \ d \ HFinite \ scaleHR a c \ b *\<^sub>R d" by (meson approx_HFinite approx_scaleR1 approx_scaleR2 approx_sym approx_trans) lemma approx_mult_star_of: "a \ star_of b \ c \ star_of d \ a * c \ star_of b * star_of d" for a c :: "'a::real_normed_algebra star" by (blast intro!: approx_mult_HFinite approx_star_of_HFinite HFinite_star_of) lemma approx_SReal_mult_cancel_zero: fixes a x :: hypreal assumes "a \ \" "a \ 0" "a * x \ 0" shows "x \ 0" proof - have "inverse a \ HFinite" using Reals_inverse SReal_subset_HFinite assms(1) by blast then show ?thesis using assms by (auto dest: approx_mult2 simp add: mult.assoc [symmetric]) qed lemma approx_mult_SReal1: "a \ \ \ x \ 0 \ x * a \ 0" for a x :: hypreal by (auto dest: SReal_subset_HFinite [THEN subsetD] approx_mult1) lemma approx_mult_SReal2: "a \ \ \ x \ 0 \ a * x \ 0" for a x :: hypreal by (auto dest: SReal_subset_HFinite [THEN subsetD] approx_mult2) lemma approx_mult_SReal_zero_cancel_iff [simp]: "a \ \ \ a \ 0 \ a * x \ 0 \ x \ 0" for a x :: hypreal by (blast intro: approx_SReal_mult_cancel_zero approx_mult_SReal2) lemma approx_SReal_mult_cancel: fixes a w z :: hypreal assumes "a \ \" "a \ 0" "a * w \ a * z" shows "w \ z" proof - have "inverse a \ HFinite" using Reals_inverse SReal_subset_HFinite assms(1) by blast then show ?thesis using assms by (auto dest: approx_mult2 simp add: mult.assoc [symmetric]) qed lemma approx_SReal_mult_cancel_iff1 [simp]: "a \ \ \ a \ 0 \ a * w \ a * z \ w \ z" for a w z :: hypreal by (meson SReal_subset_HFinite approx_SReal_mult_cancel approx_mult2 subsetD) lemma approx_le_bound: fixes z :: hypreal assumes "z \ f" " f \ g" "g \ z" shows "f \ z" proof - obtain y where "z \ g + y" and "y \ Infinitesimal" "f = g + y" using assms bex_Infinitesimal_iff2 by auto then have "z - g \ Infinitesimal" using assms(3) hrabs_le_Infinitesimal by auto then show ?thesis by (metis approx_def approx_trans2 assms(2)) qed lemma approx_hnorm: "x \ y \ hnorm x \ hnorm y" for x y :: "'a::real_normed_vector star" proof (unfold approx_def) assume "x - y \ Infinitesimal" then have "hnorm (x - y) \ Infinitesimal" by (simp only: Infinitesimal_hnorm_iff) moreover have "(0::real star) \ Infinitesimal" by (rule Infinitesimal_zero) moreover have "0 \ \hnorm x - hnorm y\" by (rule abs_ge_zero) moreover have "\hnorm x - hnorm y\ \ hnorm (x - y)" by (rule hnorm_triangle_ineq3) ultimately have "\hnorm x - hnorm y\ \ Infinitesimal" by (rule Infinitesimal_interval2) then show "hnorm x - hnorm y \ Infinitesimal" by (simp only: Infinitesimal_hrabs_iff) qed subsection \Zero is the Only Infinitesimal that is also a Real\ lemma Infinitesimal_less_SReal: "x \ \ \ y \ Infinitesimal \ 0 < x \ y < x" for x y :: hypreal using InfinitesimalD by fastforce lemma Infinitesimal_less_SReal2: "y \ Infinitesimal \ \r \ Reals. 0 < r \ y < r" for y :: hypreal by (blast intro: Infinitesimal_less_SReal) lemma SReal_not_Infinitesimal: "0 < y \ y \ \ ==> y \ Infinitesimal" for y :: hypreal by (auto simp add: Infinitesimal_def abs_if) lemma SReal_minus_not_Infinitesimal: "y < 0 \ y \ \ \ y \ Infinitesimal" for y :: hypreal using Infinitesimal_minus_iff Reals_minus SReal_not_Infinitesimal neg_0_less_iff_less by blast lemma SReal_Int_Infinitesimal_zero: "\ Int Infinitesimal = {0::hypreal}" proof - have "x = 0" if "x \ \" "x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: "real star" using that SReal_minus_not_Infinitesimal SReal_not_Infinitesimal not_less_iff_gr_or_eq by blast then show ?thesis by auto qed lemma SReal_Infinitesimal_zero: "x \ \ \ x \ Infinitesimal \ x = 0" for x :: hypreal using SReal_Int_Infinitesimal_zero by blast lemma SReal_HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal: "x \ \ \ x \ 0 \ x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" for x :: hypreal by (auto dest: SReal_Infinitesimal_zero SReal_subset_HFinite [THEN subsetD]) lemma hypreal_of_real_HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal: "hypreal_of_real x \ 0 \ hypreal_of_real x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" by (rule SReal_HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal) auto lemma star_of_Infinitesimal_iff_0 [iff]: "star_of x \ Infinitesimal \ x = 0" proof show "x = 0" if "star_of x \ Infinitesimal" proof - have "hnorm (star_n (\n. x)) \ Standard" by (metis Reals_eq_Standard SReal_iff star_of_def star_of_norm) then show ?thesis by (metis InfinitesimalD2 less_irrefl star_of_norm that zero_less_norm_iff) qed qed auto lemma star_of_HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal: "x \ 0 \ star_of x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" by simp lemma numeral_not_Infinitesimal [simp]: "numeral w \ (0::hypreal) \ (numeral w :: hypreal) \ Infinitesimal" by (fast dest: Reals_numeral [THEN SReal_Infinitesimal_zero]) text \Again: \1\ is a special case, but not \0\ this time.\ lemma one_not_Infinitesimal [simp]: "(1::'a::{real_normed_vector,zero_neq_one} star) \ Infinitesimal" by (metis star_of_Infinitesimal_iff_0 star_one_def zero_neq_one) lemma approx_SReal_not_zero: "y \ \ \ x \ y \ y \ 0 \ x \ 0" for x y :: hypreal using SReal_Infinitesimal_zero approx_sym mem_infmal_iff by auto lemma HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal_approx: "x \ y \ y \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" by (meson Diff_iff approx_HFinite approx_sym approx_trans3 mem_infmal_iff) text \The premise \y \ 0\ is essential; otherwise \x / y = 0\ and we lose the \HFinite\ premise.\ lemma Infinitesimal_ratio: "y \ 0 \ y \ Infinitesimal \ x / y \ HFinite \ x \ Infinitesimal" for x y :: "'a::{real_normed_div_algebra,field} star" using Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult by fastforce lemma Infinitesimal_SReal_divide: "x \ Infinitesimal \ y \ \ \ x / y \ Infinitesimal" for x y :: hypreal by (metis HFinite_star_of Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult Reals_inverse SReal_iff divide_inverse) section \Standard Part Theorem\ text \ Every finite \x \ R*\ is infinitely close to a unique real number (i.e. a member of \Reals\). \ subsection \Uniqueness: Two Infinitely Close Reals are Equal\ lemma star_of_approx_iff [simp]: "star_of x \ star_of y \ x = y" by (metis approx_def right_minus_eq star_of_Infinitesimal_iff_0 star_of_simps(2)) lemma SReal_approx_iff: "x \ \ \ y \ \ \ x \ y \ x = y" for x y :: hypreal by (meson Reals_diff SReal_Infinitesimal_zero approx_def approx_refl right_minus_eq) lemma numeral_approx_iff [simp]: "(numeral v \ (numeral w :: 'a::{numeral,real_normed_vector} star)) = (numeral v = (numeral w :: 'a))" by (metis star_of_approx_iff star_of_numeral) text \And also for \0 \ #nn\ and \1 \ #nn\, \#nn \ 0\ and \#nn \ 1\.\ lemma [simp]: "(numeral w \ (0::'a::{numeral,real_normed_vector} star)) = (numeral w = (0::'a))" "((0::'a::{numeral,real_normed_vector} star) \ numeral w) = (numeral w = (0::'a))" "(numeral w \ (1::'b::{numeral,one,real_normed_vector} star)) = (numeral w = (1::'b))" "((1::'b::{numeral,one,real_normed_vector} star) \ numeral w) = (numeral w = (1::'b))" "\ (0 \ (1::'c::{zero_neq_one,real_normed_vector} star))" "\ (1 \ (0::'c::{zero_neq_one,real_normed_vector} star))" unfolding star_numeral_def star_zero_def star_one_def star_of_approx_iff by (auto intro: sym) lemma star_of_approx_numeral_iff [simp]: "star_of k \ numeral w \ k = numeral w" by (subst star_of_approx_iff [symmetric]) auto lemma star_of_approx_zero_iff [simp]: "star_of k \ 0 \ k = 0" by (simp_all add: star_of_approx_iff [symmetric]) lemma star_of_approx_one_iff [simp]: "star_of k \ 1 \ k = 1" by (simp_all add: star_of_approx_iff [symmetric]) lemma approx_unique_real: "r \ \ \ s \ \ \ r \ x \ s \ x \ r = s" for r s :: hypreal by (blast intro: SReal_approx_iff [THEN iffD1] approx_trans2) subsection \Existence of Unique Real Infinitely Close\ subsubsection \Lifting of the Ub and Lub Properties\ lemma hypreal_of_real_isUb_iff: "isUb \ (hypreal_of_real ` Q) (hypreal_of_real Y) = isUb UNIV Q Y" for Q :: "real set" and Y :: real by (simp add: isUb_def setle_def) lemma hypreal_of_real_isLub_iff: "isLub \ (hypreal_of_real ` Q) (hypreal_of_real Y) = isLub (UNIV :: real set) Q Y" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") for Q :: "real set" and Y :: real proof assume ?lhs then show ?rhs by (simp add: isLub_def leastP_def) (metis hypreal_of_real_isUb_iff mem_Collect_eq setge_def star_of_le) next assume ?rhs then show ?lhs apply (simp add: isLub_def leastP_def hypreal_of_real_isUb_iff setge_def) by (metis SReal_iff hypreal_of_real_isUb_iff isUb_def star_of_le) qed lemma lemma_isUb_hypreal_of_real: "isUb \ P Y \ \Yo. isUb \ P (hypreal_of_real Yo)" by (auto simp add: SReal_iff isUb_def) lemma lemma_isLub_hypreal_of_real: "isLub \ P Y \ \Yo. isLub \ P (hypreal_of_real Yo)" by (auto simp add: isLub_def leastP_def isUb_def SReal_iff) lemma SReal_complete: fixes P :: "hypreal set" assumes "isUb \ P Y" "P \ \" "P \ {}" shows "\t. isLub \ P t" proof - obtain Q where "P = hypreal_of_real ` Q" by (metis \P \ \\ hypreal_of_real_image subset_imageE) then show ?thesis by (metis assms(1) \P \ {}\ equals0I hypreal_of_real_isLub_iff hypreal_of_real_isUb_iff image_empty lemma_isUb_hypreal_of_real reals_complete) qed text \Lemmas about lubs.\ lemma lemma_st_part_lub: fixes x :: hypreal assumes "x \ HFinite" shows "\t. isLub \ {s. s \ \ \ s < x} t" proof - obtain t where t: "t \ \" "hnorm x < t" using HFiniteD assms by blast then have "isUb \ {s. s \ \ \ s < x} t" by (simp add: abs_less_iff isUbI le_less_linear less_imp_not_less setleI) moreover have "\y. y \ \ \ y < x" using t by (rule_tac x = "-t" in exI) (auto simp add: abs_less_iff) ultimately show ?thesis using SReal_complete by fastforce qed lemma hypreal_setle_less_trans: "S *<= x \ x < y \ S *<= y" for x y :: hypreal by (meson le_less_trans less_imp_le setle_def) lemma hypreal_gt_isUb: "isUb R S x \ x < y \ y \ R \ isUb R S y" for x y :: hypreal using hypreal_setle_less_trans isUb_def by blast lemma lemma_SReal_ub: "x \ \ \ isUb \ {s. s \ \ \ s < x} x" for x :: hypreal by (auto intro: isUbI setleI order_less_imp_le) lemma lemma_SReal_lub: fixes x :: hypreal assumes "x \ \" shows "isLub \ {s. s \ \ \ s < x} x" proof - have "x \ y" if "isUb \ {s \ \. s < x} y" for y proof - have "y \ \" using isUbD2a that by blast show ?thesis proof (cases x y rule: linorder_cases) case greater then obtain r where "y < r" "r < x" using dense by blast then show ?thesis using isUbD [OF that] by simp (meson SReal_dense \y \ \\ assms greater not_le) qed auto qed with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: isLubI2 isUbI setgeI setleI) qed lemma lemma_st_part_major: fixes x r t :: hypreal assumes x: "x \ HFinite" and r: "r \ \" "0 < r" and t: "isLub \ {s. s \ \ \ s < x} t" shows "\x - t\ < r" proof - have "t \ \" using isLubD1a t by blast have lemma_st_part_gt_ub: "x < r \ r \ \ \ isUb \ {s. s \ \ \ s < x} r" for r :: hypreal by (auto dest: order_less_trans intro: order_less_imp_le intro!: isUbI setleI) have "isUb \ {s \ \. s < x} t" by (simp add: t isLub_isUb) then have "\ r + t < x" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Reals_add \t \ \\ add_le_same_cancel2 isUbD leD mem_Collect_eq r) then have "x - t \ r" by simp moreover have "\ x < t - r" using lemma_st_part_gt_ub isLub_le_isUb \t \ \\ r t x by fastforce then have "- (x - t) \ r" by linarith moreover have False if "x - t = r \ - (x - t) = r" proof - have "x \ \" by (metis \t \ \\ \r \ \\ that Reals_add_cancel Reals_minus_iff add_uminus_conv_diff) then have "isLub \ {s \ \. s < x} x" by (rule lemma_SReal_lub) then show False using r t that x isLub_unique by force qed ultimately show ?thesis using abs_less_iff dual_order.order_iff_strict by blast qed lemma lemma_st_part_major2: "x \ HFinite \ isLub \ {s. s \ \ \ s < x} t \ \r \ Reals. 0 < r \ \x - t\ < r" for x t :: hypreal by (blast dest!: lemma_st_part_major) text\Existence of real and Standard Part Theorem.\ lemma lemma_st_part_Ex: "x \ HFinite \ \t\Reals. \r \ Reals. 0 < r \ \x - t\ < r" for x :: hypreal by (meson isLubD1a lemma_st_part_lub lemma_st_part_major2) lemma st_part_Ex: "x \ HFinite \ \t\Reals. x \ t" for x :: hypreal by (metis InfinitesimalI approx_def hypreal_hnorm_def lemma_st_part_Ex) text \There is a unique real infinitely close.\ lemma st_part_Ex1: "x \ HFinite \ \!t::hypreal. t \ \ \ x \ t" by (meson SReal_approx_iff approx_trans2 st_part_Ex) subsection \Finite, Infinite and Infinitesimal\ lemma HFinite_Int_HInfinite_empty [simp]: "HFinite Int HInfinite = {}" using Compl_HFinite by blast lemma HFinite_not_HInfinite: assumes x: "x \ HFinite" shows "x \ HInfinite" using Compl_HFinite x by blast lemma not_HFinite_HInfinite: "x \ HFinite \ x \ HInfinite" using Compl_HFinite by blast lemma HInfinite_HFinite_disj: "x \ HInfinite \ x \ HFinite" by (blast intro: not_HFinite_HInfinite) lemma HInfinite_HFinite_iff: "x \ HInfinite \ x \ HFinite" by (blast dest: HFinite_not_HInfinite not_HFinite_HInfinite) lemma HFinite_HInfinite_iff: "x \ HFinite \ x \ HInfinite" by (simp add: HInfinite_HFinite_iff) lemma HInfinite_diff_HFinite_Infinitesimal_disj: "x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ HInfinite \ x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" by (fast intro: not_HFinite_HInfinite) lemma HFinite_inverse: "x \ HFinite \ x \ Infinitesimal \ inverse x \ HFinite" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" using HInfinite_inverse_Infinitesimal not_HFinite_HInfinite by force lemma HFinite_inverse2: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ inverse x \ HFinite" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (blast intro: HFinite_inverse) text \Stronger statement possible in fact.\ lemma Infinitesimal_inverse_HFinite: "x \ Infinitesimal \ inverse x \ HFinite" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" using HFinite_HInfinite_iff HInfinite_inverse_Infinitesimal by fastforce lemma HFinite_not_Infinitesimal_inverse: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ inverse x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" using HFinite_Infinitesimal_not_zero HFinite_inverse2 Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult2 by fastforce lemma approx_inverse: fixes x y :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" assumes "x \ y" and y: "y \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" shows "inverse x \ inverse y" proof - have x: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal" using HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal_approx assms(1) y by blast with y HFinite_inverse2 have "inverse x \ HFinite" "inverse y \ HFinite" by blast+ then have "inverse y * x \ 1" by (metis Diff_iff approx_mult2 assms(1) left_inverse not_Infinitesimal_not_zero y) then show ?thesis by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffD2 HFinite_Infinitesimal_not_zero Infinitesimal_mult_disj x approx_def approx_sym left_diff_distrib left_inverse) qed (*Used for NSLIM_inverse, NSLIMSEQ_inverse*) lemmas star_of_approx_inverse = star_of_HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal [THEN [2] approx_inverse] lemmas hypreal_of_real_approx_inverse = hypreal_of_real_HFinite_diff_Infinitesimal [THEN [2] approx_inverse] lemma inverse_add_Infinitesimal_approx: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ h \ Infinitesimal \ inverse (x + h) \ inverse x" for x h :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (auto intro: approx_inverse approx_sym Infinitesimal_add_approx_self) lemma inverse_add_Infinitesimal_approx2: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ h \ Infinitesimal \ inverse (h + x) \ inverse x" for x h :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (metis add.commute inverse_add_Infinitesimal_approx) lemma inverse_add_Infinitesimal_approx_Infinitesimal: "x \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ h \ Infinitesimal \ inverse (x + h) - inverse x \ h" for x h :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (meson Infinitesimal_approx bex_Infinitesimal_iff inverse_add_Infinitesimal_approx) lemma Infinitesimal_square_iff: "x \ Infinitesimal \ x * x \ Infinitesimal" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" using Infinitesimal_mult Infinitesimal_mult_disj by auto declare Infinitesimal_square_iff [symmetric, simp] lemma HFinite_square_iff [simp]: "x * x \ HFinite \ x \ HFinite" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" using HFinite_HInfinite_iff HFinite_mult HInfinite_mult by blast lemma HInfinite_square_iff [simp]: "x * x \ HInfinite \ x \ HInfinite" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (auto simp add: HInfinite_HFinite_iff) lemma approx_HFinite_mult_cancel: "a \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ a * w \ a * z \ w \ z" for a w z :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (metis DiffD2 Infinitesimal_mult_disj bex_Infinitesimal_iff right_diff_distrib) lemma approx_HFinite_mult_cancel_iff1: "a \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ a * w \ a * z \ w \ z" for a w z :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (auto intro: approx_mult2 approx_HFinite_mult_cancel) lemma HInfinite_HFinite_add_cancel: "x + y \ HInfinite \ y \ HFinite \ x \ HInfinite" using HFinite_add HInfinite_HFinite_iff by blast lemma HInfinite_HFinite_add: "x \ HInfinite \ y \ HFinite \ x + y \ HInfinite" by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) HFinite_HInfinite_iff HFinite_add HFinite_minus_iff add.commute add_minus_cancel) lemma HInfinite_ge_HInfinite: "x \ HInfinite \ x \ y \ 0 \ x \ y \ HInfinite" for x y :: hypreal by (auto intro: HFinite_bounded simp add: HInfinite_HFinite_iff) lemma Infinitesimal_inverse_HInfinite: "x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ 0 \ inverse x \ HInfinite" for x :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (metis Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult not_HFinite_HInfinite one_not_Infinitesimal right_inverse) lemma HInfinite_HFinite_not_Infinitesimal_mult: "x \ HInfinite \ y \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ x * y \ HInfinite" for x y :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) HFinite_HInfinite_iff HFinite_Infinitesimal_not_zero HFinite_inverse2 HFinite_mult mult.assoc mult.right_neutral right_inverse) lemma HInfinite_HFinite_not_Infinitesimal_mult2: "x \ HInfinite \ y \ HFinite - Infinitesimal \ y * x \ HInfinite" for x y :: "'a::real_normed_div_algebra star" by (metis Diff_iff HInfinite_HFinite_iff HInfinite_inverse_Infinitesimal Infinitesimal_HFinite_mult2 divide_inverse mult_zero_right nonzero_eq_divide_eq) lemma HInfinite_gt_SReal: "x \ HInfinite \ 0 < x \ y \ \ \ y < x" for x y :: hypreal by (auto dest!: bspec simp add: HInfinite_def abs_if order_less_imp_le) lemma HInfinite_gt_zero_gt_one: "x \ HInfinite \ 0 < x \ 1 < x" for x :: hypreal by (auto intro: HInfinite_gt_SReal) lemma not_HInfinite_one [simp]: "1 \ HInfinite" by (simp add: HInfinite_HFinite_iff) lemma approx_hrabs_disj: "\x\ \ x \ \x\ \ -x" for x :: hypreal by (simp add: abs_if) subsection \Theorems about Monads\ lemma monad_hrabs_Un_subset: "monad \x\ \ monad x \ monad (- x)" for x :: hypreal by (simp add: abs_if) lemma Infinitesimal_monad_eq: "e \ Infinitesimal \ monad (x + e) = monad x" by (fast intro!: Infinitesimal_add_approx_self [THEN approx_sym] approx_monad_iff [THEN iffD1]) lemma mem_monad_iff: "u \ monad x \ - u \ monad (- x)" by (simp add: monad_def) lemma Infinitesimal_monad_zero_iff: "x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ monad 0" by (auto intro: approx_sym simp add: monad_def mem_infmal_iff) lemma monad_zero_minus_iff: "x \ monad 0 \ - x \ monad 0" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_monad_zero_iff [symmetric]) lemma monad_zero_hrabs_iff: "x \ monad 0 \ \x\ \ monad 0" for x :: hypreal using Infinitesimal_monad_zero_iff by blast lemma mem_monad_self [simp]: "x \ monad x" by (simp add: monad_def) subsection \Proof that \<^term>\x \ y\ implies \<^term>\\x\ \ \y\\\ lemma approx_subset_monad: "x \ y \ {x, y} \ monad x" by (simp (no_asm)) (simp add: approx_monad_iff) lemma approx_subset_monad2: "x \ y \ {x, y} \ monad y" using approx_subset_monad approx_sym by auto lemma mem_monad_approx: "u \ monad x \ x \ u" by (simp add: monad_def) lemma approx_mem_monad: "x \ u \ u \ monad x" by (simp add: monad_def) lemma approx_mem_monad2: "x \ u \ x \ monad u" using approx_mem_monad approx_sym by blast lemma approx_mem_monad_zero: "x \ y \ x \ monad 0 \ y \ monad 0" using approx_trans monad_def by blast lemma Infinitesimal_approx_hrabs: "x \ y \ x \ Infinitesimal \ \x\ \ \y\" for x y :: hypreal using approx_hnorm by fastforce lemma less_Infinitesimal_less: "0 < x \ x \ Infinitesimal \ e \ Infinitesimal \ e < x" for x :: hypreal using Infinitesimal_interval less_linear by blast lemma Ball_mem_monad_gt_zero: "0 < x \ x \ Infinitesimal \ u \ monad x \ 0 < u" for u x :: hypreal by (metis bex_Infinitesimal_iff2 less_Infinitesimal_less less_add_same_cancel2 mem_monad_approx) lemma Ball_mem_monad_less_zero: "x < 0 \ x \ Infinitesimal \ u \ monad x \ u < 0" for u x :: hypreal by (metis Ball_mem_monad_gt_zero approx_monad_iff less_asym linorder_neqE_linordered_idom mem_infmal_iff mem_monad_approx mem_monad_self) lemma lemma_approx_gt_zero: "0 < x \ x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ y \ 0 < y" for x y :: hypreal by (blast dest: Ball_mem_monad_gt_zero approx_subset_monad) lemma lemma_approx_less_zero: "x < 0 \ x \ Infinitesimal \ x \ y \ y < 0" for x y :: hypreal by (blast dest: Ball_mem_monad_less_zero approx_subset_monad) lemma approx_hrabs: "x \ y \ \x\ \ \y\" for x y :: hypreal by (drule approx_hnorm) simp lemma approx_hrabs_zero_cancel: "\x\ \ 0 \ x \ 0" for x :: hypreal using mem_infmal_iff by blast lemma approx_hrabs_add_Infinitesimal: "e \ Infinitesimal \ \x\ \ \x + e\" for e x :: hypreal by (fast intro: approx_hrabs Infinitesimal_add_approx_self) lemma approx_hrabs_add_minus_Infinitesimal: "e \ Infinitesimal ==> \x\ \ \x + -e\" for e x :: hypreal by (fast intro: approx_hrabs Infinitesimal_add_minus_approx_self) lemma hrabs_add_Infinitesimal_cancel: "e \ Infinitesimal \ e' \ Infinitesimal \ \x + e\ = \y + e'\ \ \x\ \ \y\" for e e' x y :: hypreal by (metis approx_hrabs_add_Infinitesimal approx_trans2) lemma hrabs_add_minus_Infinitesimal_cancel: "e \ Infinitesimal \ e' \ Infinitesimal \ \x + -e\ = \y + -e'\ \ \x\ \ \y\" for e e' x y :: hypreal by (meson Infinitesimal_minus_iff hrabs_add_Infinitesimal_cancel) subsection \More \<^term>\HFinite\ and \<^term>\Infinitesimal\ Theorems\ text \ Interesting slightly counterintuitive theorem: necessary for proving that an open interval is an NS open set. \ lemma Infinitesimal_add_hypreal_of_real_less: assumes "x < y" and u: "u \ Infinitesimal" shows "hypreal_of_real x + u < hypreal_of_real y" proof - have "\u\ < hypreal_of_real y - hypreal_of_real x" using InfinitesimalD \x < y\ u by fastforce then show ?thesis by (simp add: abs_less_iff) qed lemma Infinitesimal_add_hrabs_hypreal_of_real_less: "x \ Infinitesimal \ \hypreal_of_real r\ < hypreal_of_real y \ \hypreal_of_real r + x\ < hypreal_of_real y" by (metis Infinitesimal_add_hypreal_of_real_less approx_hrabs_add_Infinitesimal approx_sym bex_Infinitesimal_iff2 star_of_abs star_of_less) lemma Infinitesimal_add_hrabs_hypreal_of_real_less2: "x \ Infinitesimal \ \hypreal_of_real r\ < hypreal_of_real y \ \x + hypreal_of_real r\ < hypreal_of_real y" using Infinitesimal_add_hrabs_hypreal_of_real_less by fastforce lemma hypreal_of_real_le_add_Infininitesimal_cancel: assumes le: "hypreal_of_real x + u \ hypreal_of_real y + v" and u: "u \ Infinitesimal" and v: "v \ Infinitesimal" shows "hypreal_of_real x \ hypreal_of_real y" proof (rule ccontr) assume "\ hypreal_of_real x \ hypreal_of_real y" then have "hypreal_of_real y + (v - u) < hypreal_of_real x" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_add_hypreal_of_real_less Infinitesimal_diff u v) then show False by (simp add: add_diff_eq add_le_imp_le_diff le leD) qed lemma hypreal_of_real_le_add_Infininitesimal_cancel2: "u \ Infinitesimal \ v \ Infinitesimal \ hypreal_of_real x + u \ hypreal_of_real y + v \ x \ y" by (blast intro: star_of_le [THEN iffD1] intro!: hypreal_of_real_le_add_Infininitesimal_cancel) lemma hypreal_of_real_less_Infinitesimal_le_zero: "hypreal_of_real x < e \ e \ Infinitesimal \ hypreal_of_real x \ 0" by (metis Infinitesimal_interval eq_iff le_less_linear star_of_Infinitesimal_iff_0 star_of_eq_0) lemma Infinitesimal_add_not_zero: "h \ Infinitesimal \ x \ 0 \ star_of x + h \ 0" by (metis Infinitesimal_add_approx_self star_of_approx_zero_iff) lemma monad_hrabs_less: "y \ monad x \ 0 < hypreal_of_real e \ \y - x\ < hypreal_of_real e" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_approx_minus approx_sym less_Infinitesimal_less mem_monad_approx) lemma mem_monad_SReal_HFinite: "x \ monad (hypreal_of_real a) \ x \ HFinite" using HFinite_star_of approx_HFinite mem_monad_approx by blast subsection \Theorems about Standard Part\ lemma st_approx_self: "x \ HFinite \ st x \ x" by (metis (no_types, lifting) approx_refl approx_trans3 someI_ex st_def st_part_Ex st_part_Ex1) lemma st_SReal: "x \ HFinite \ st x \ \" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) approx_sym someI_ex st_def st_part_Ex) lemma st_HFinite: "x \ HFinite \ st x \ HFinite" by (erule st_SReal [THEN SReal_subset_HFinite [THEN subsetD]]) lemma st_unique: "r \ \ \ r \ x \ st x = r" by (meson SReal_subset_HFinite approx_HFinite approx_unique_real st_SReal st_approx_self subsetD) lemma st_SReal_eq: "x \ \ \ st x = x" by (metis approx_refl st_unique) lemma st_hypreal_of_real [simp]: "st (hypreal_of_real x) = hypreal_of_real x" by (rule SReal_hypreal_of_real [THEN st_SReal_eq]) lemma st_eq_approx: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ st x = st y \ x \ y" by (auto dest!: st_approx_self elim!: approx_trans3) lemma approx_st_eq: assumes x: "x \ HFinite" and y: "y \ HFinite" and xy: "x \ y" shows "st x = st y" proof - have "st x \ x" "st y \ y" "st x \ \" "st y \ \" by (simp_all add: st_approx_self st_SReal x y) with xy show ?thesis by (fast elim: approx_trans approx_trans2 SReal_approx_iff [THEN iffD1]) qed lemma st_eq_approx_iff: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ x \ y \ st x = st y" by (blast intro: approx_st_eq st_eq_approx) lemma st_Infinitesimal_add_SReal: "x \ \ \ e \ Infinitesimal \ st (x + e) = x" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_add_approx_self st_unique) lemma st_Infinitesimal_add_SReal2: "x \ \ \ e \ Infinitesimal \ st (e + x) = x" by (metis add.commute st_Infinitesimal_add_SReal) lemma HFinite_st_Infinitesimal_add: "x \ HFinite \ \e \ Infinitesimal. x = st(x) + e" by (blast dest!: st_approx_self [THEN approx_sym] bex_Infinitesimal_iff2 [THEN iffD2]) lemma st_add: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ st (x + y) = st x + st y" by (simp add: st_unique st_SReal st_approx_self approx_add) lemma st_numeral [simp]: "st (numeral w) = numeral w" by (rule Reals_numeral [THEN st_SReal_eq]) lemma st_neg_numeral [simp]: "st (- numeral w) = - numeral w" using st_unique by auto lemma st_0 [simp]: "st 0 = 0" by (simp add: st_SReal_eq) lemma st_1 [simp]: "st 1 = 1" by (simp add: st_SReal_eq) lemma st_neg_1 [simp]: "st (- 1) = - 1" by (simp add: st_SReal_eq) lemma st_minus: "x \ HFinite \ st (- x) = - st x" by (simp add: st_unique st_SReal st_approx_self approx_minus) lemma st_diff: "\x \ HFinite; y \ HFinite\ \ st (x - y) = st x - st y" by (simp add: st_unique st_SReal st_approx_self approx_diff) lemma st_mult: "\x \ HFinite; y \ HFinite\ \ st (x * y) = st x * st y" by (simp add: st_unique st_SReal st_approx_self approx_mult_HFinite) lemma st_Infinitesimal: "x \ Infinitesimal \ st x = 0" by (simp add: st_unique mem_infmal_iff) lemma st_not_Infinitesimal: "st(x) \ 0 \ x \ Infinitesimal" by (fast intro: st_Infinitesimal) lemma st_inverse: "x \ HFinite \ st x \ 0 \ st (inverse x) = inverse (st x)" by (simp add: approx_inverse st_SReal st_approx_self st_not_Infinitesimal st_unique) lemma st_divide [simp]: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ st y \ 0 \ st (x / y) = st x / st y" by (simp add: divide_inverse st_mult st_not_Infinitesimal HFinite_inverse st_inverse) lemma st_idempotent [simp]: "x \ HFinite \ st (st x) = st x" by (blast intro: st_HFinite st_approx_self approx_st_eq) lemma Infinitesimal_add_st_less: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ u \ Infinitesimal \ st x < st y \ st x + u < st y" by (metis Infinitesimal_add_hypreal_of_real_less SReal_iff st_SReal star_of_less) lemma Infinitesimal_add_st_le_cancel: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ u \ Infinitesimal \ st x \ st y + u \ st x \ st y" by (meson Infinitesimal_add_st_less leD le_less_linear) lemma st_le: "x \ HFinite \ y \ HFinite \ x \ y \ st x \ st y" by (metis approx_le_bound approx_sym linear st_SReal st_approx_self st_part_Ex1) lemma st_zero_le: "0 \ x \ x \ HFinite \ 0 \ st x" by (metis HFinite_0 st_0 st_le) lemma st_zero_ge: "x \ 0 \ x \ HFinite \ st x \ 0" by (metis HFinite_0 st_0 st_le) lemma st_hrabs: "x \ HFinite \ \st x\ = st \x\" by (simp add: order_class.order.antisym st_zero_ge linorder_not_le st_zero_le abs_if st_minus linorder_not_less) subsection \Alternative Definitions using Free Ultrafilter\ subsubsection \\<^term>\HFinite\\ lemma HFinite_FreeUltrafilterNat: assumes "star_n X \ HFinite" shows "\u. eventually (\n. norm (X n) < u) \" proof - obtain r where "hnorm (star_n X) < hypreal_of_real r" using HFiniteD SReal_iff assms by fastforce then have "\\<^sub>F n in \. norm (X n) < r" by (simp add: hnorm_def star_n_less star_of_def starfun_star_n) then show ?thesis .. qed lemma FreeUltrafilterNat_HFinite: assumes "eventually (\n. norm (X n) < u) \" shows "star_n X \ HFinite" proof - have "hnorm (star_n X) < hypreal_of_real u" by (simp add: assms hnorm_def star_n_less star_of_def starfun_star_n) then show ?thesis by (meson HInfiniteD SReal_hypreal_of_real less_asym not_HFinite_HInfinite) qed lemma HFinite_FreeUltrafilterNat_iff: "star_n X \ HFinite \ (\u. eventually (\n. norm (X n) < u) \)" using FreeUltrafilterNat_HFinite HFinite_FreeUltrafilterNat by blast subsubsection \\<^term>\HInfinite\\ text \Exclude this type of sets from free ultrafilter for Infinite numbers!\ lemma FreeUltrafilterNat_const_Finite: "eventually (\n. norm (X n) = u) \ \ star_n X \ HFinite" by (simp add: FreeUltrafilterNat_HFinite [where u = "u+1"] eventually_mono) lemma HInfinite_FreeUltrafilterNat: assumes "star_n X \ HInfinite" shows "\\<^sub>F n in \. u < norm (X n)" proof - have "\ (\\<^sub>F n in \. norm (X n) < u + 1)" using FreeUltrafilterNat_HFinite HFinite_HInfinite_iff assms by auto then show ?thesis by (auto simp flip: FreeUltrafilterNat.eventually_not_iff elim: eventually_mono) qed lemma FreeUltrafilterNat_HInfinite: assumes "\u. eventually (\n. u < norm (X n)) \" shows "star_n X \ HInfinite" proof - { fix u assume "\\<^sub>Fn in \. norm (X n) < u" "\\<^sub>Fn in \. u < norm (X n)" then have "\\<^sub>F x in \. False" by eventually_elim auto then have False by (simp add: eventually_False FreeUltrafilterNat.proper) } then show ?thesis using HFinite_FreeUltrafilterNat HInfinite_HFinite_iff assms by blast qed lemma HInfinite_FreeUltrafilterNat_iff: "star_n X \ HInfinite \ (\u. eventually (\n. u < norm (X n)) \)" using HInfinite_FreeUltrafilterNat FreeUltrafilterNat_HInfinite by blast subsubsection \\<^term>\Infinitesimal\\ lemma ball_SReal_eq: "(\x::hypreal \ Reals. P x) \ (\x::real. P (star_of x))" by (auto simp: SReal_def) lemma Infinitesimal_FreeUltrafilterNat_iff: "(star_n X \ Infinitesimal) = (\u>0. eventually (\n. norm (X n) < u) \)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs") proof - have "?lhs \ (\r>0. hnorm (star_n X) < hypreal_of_real r)" by (simp add: Infinitesimal_def ball_SReal_eq) also have "... \ ?rhs" by (simp add: hnorm_def starfun_star_n star_of_def star_less_def starP2_star_n) finally show ?thesis . qed text \Infinitesimals as smaller than \1/n\ for all \n::nat (> 0)\.\ lemma lemma_Infinitesimal: "(\r. 0 < r \ x < r) \ (\n. x < inverse (real (Suc n)))" by (meson inverse_positive_iff_positive less_trans of_nat_0_less_iff reals_Archimedean zero_less_Suc) lemma lemma_Infinitesimal2: "(\r \ Reals. 0 < r \ x < r) \ (\n. x < inverse(hypreal_of_nat (Suc n)))" (is "_ = ?rhs") proof (intro iffI strip) assume R: ?rhs fix r::hypreal assume "r \ \" "0 < r" then obtain n y where "inverse (real (Suc n)) < y" and r: "r = hypreal_of_real y" by (metis SReal_iff reals_Archimedean star_of_0_less) then have "inverse (1 + hypreal_of_nat n) < hypreal_of_real y" by (metis of_nat_Suc star_of_inverse star_of_less star_of_nat_def) then show "x < r" by (metis R r le_less_trans less_imp_le of_nat_Suc) qed (meson Reals_inverse Reals_of_nat of_nat_0_less_iff positive_imp_inverse_positive zero_less_Suc) lemma Infinitesimal_hypreal_of_nat_iff: "Infinitesimal = {x. \n. hnorm x < inverse (hypreal_of_nat (Suc n))}" using Infinitesimal_def lemma_Infinitesimal2 by auto subsection \Proof that \\\ is an infinite number\ text \It will follow that \\\ is an infinitesimal number.\ lemma Suc_Un_eq: "{n. n < Suc m} = {n. n < m} Un {n. n = m}" by (auto simp add: less_Suc_eq) text \Prove that any segment is finite and hence cannot belong to \\\.\ lemma finite_real_of_nat_segment: "finite {n::nat. real n < real (m::nat)}" by auto lemma finite_real_of_nat_less_real: "finite {n::nat. real n < u}" proof - obtain m where "u < real m" using reals_Archimedean2 by blast then have "{n. real n < u} \ {.. u}" by (metis infinite_nat_iff_unbounded leD le_nat_floor mem_Collect_eq) lemma finite_rabs_real_of_nat_le_real: "finite {n::nat. \real n\ \ u}" by (simp add: finite_real_of_nat_le_real) lemma rabs_real_of_nat_le_real_FreeUltrafilterNat: "\ eventually (\n. \real n\ \ u) \" by (blast intro!: FreeUltrafilterNat.finite finite_rabs_real_of_nat_le_real) lemma FreeUltrafilterNat_nat_gt_real: "eventually (\n. u < real n) \" proof - have "{n::nat. \ u < real n} = {n. real n \ u}" by auto then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: FreeUltrafilterNat.finite' finite_real_of_nat_le_real) qed text \The complement of \{n. \real n\ \ u} = {n. u < \real n\}\ is in \\\ by property of (free) ultrafilters.\ text \\<^term>\\\ is a member of \<^term>\HInfinite\.\ theorem HInfinite_omega [simp]: "\ \ HInfinite" proof - have "\\<^sub>F n in \. u < norm (1 + real n)" for u using FreeUltrafilterNat_nat_gt_real [of "u-1"] eventually_mono by fastforce then show ?thesis by (simp add: omega_def FreeUltrafilterNat_HInfinite) qed text \Epsilon is a member of Infinitesimal.\ lemma Infinitesimal_epsilon [simp]: "\ \ Infinitesimal" by (auto intro!: HInfinite_inverse_Infinitesimal HInfinite_omega simp add: epsilon_inverse_omega) lemma HFinite_epsilon [simp]: "\ \ HFinite" by (auto intro: Infinitesimal_subset_HFinite [THEN subsetD]) lemma epsilon_approx_zero [simp]: "\ \ 0" by (simp add: mem_infmal_iff [symmetric]) text \Needed for proof that we define a hyperreal \[ hypreal_of_real a\ given that \\n. |X n - a| < 1/n\. Used in proof of \NSLIM \ LIM\.\ lemma real_of_nat_less_inverse_iff: "0 < u \ u < inverse (real(Suc n)) \ real(Suc n) < inverse u" using less_imp_inverse_less by force lemma finite_inverse_real_of_posnat_gt_real: "0 < u \ finite {n. u < inverse (real (Suc n))}" proof (simp only: real_of_nat_less_inverse_iff) have "{n. 1 + real n < inverse u} = {n. real n < inverse u - 1}" by fastforce then show "finite {n. real (Suc n) < inverse u}" using finite_real_of_nat_less_real [of "inverse u - 1"] by auto qed lemma finite_inverse_real_of_posnat_ge_real: assumes "0 < u" shows "finite {n. u \ inverse (real (Suc n))}" proof - have "\na. u \ inverse (1 + real na) \ na \ ceiling (inverse u)" by (smt (verit, best) assms ceiling_less_cancel ceiling_of_nat inverse_inverse_eq inverse_le_iff_le) then show ?thesis apply (auto simp add: finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le) by (meson assms inverse_positive_iff_positive le_nat_iff less_imp_le zero_less_ceiling) qed lemma inverse_real_of_posnat_ge_real_FreeUltrafilterNat: "0 < u \ \ eventually (\n. u \ inverse(real(Suc n))) \" by (blast intro!: FreeUltrafilterNat.finite finite_inverse_real_of_posnat_ge_real) lemma FreeUltrafilterNat_inverse_real_of_posnat: "0 < u \ eventually (\n. inverse(real(Suc n)) < u) \" by (drule inverse_real_of_posnat_ge_real_FreeUltrafilterNat) (simp add: FreeUltrafilterNat.eventually_not_iff not_le[symmetric]) text \Example of an hypersequence (i.e. an extended standard sequence) whose term with an hypernatural suffix is an infinitesimal i.e. the whn'nth term of the hypersequence is a member of Infinitesimal\ lemma SEQ_Infinitesimal: "( *f* (\n::nat. inverse(real(Suc n)))) whn \ Infinitesimal" by (simp add: hypnat_omega_def starfun_star_n star_n_inverse Infinitesimal_FreeUltrafilterNat_iff FreeUltrafilterNat_inverse_real_of_posnat del: of_nat_Suc) text \Example where we get a hyperreal from a real sequence for which a particular property holds. The theorem is used in proofs about equivalence of nonstandard and standard neighbourhoods. Also used for equivalence of nonstandard ans standard definitions of pointwise limit.\ text \\|X(n) - x| < 1/n \ [] - hypreal_of_real x| \ Infinitesimal\\ lemma real_seq_to_hypreal_Infinitesimal: "\n. norm (X n - x) < inverse (real (Suc n)) \ star_n X - star_of x \ Infinitesimal" unfolding star_n_diff star_of_def Infinitesimal_FreeUltrafilterNat_iff star_n_inverse by (auto dest!: FreeUltrafilterNat_inverse_real_of_posnat intro: order_less_trans elim!: eventually_mono) lemma real_seq_to_hypreal_approx: "\n. norm (X n - x) < inverse (real (Suc n)) \ star_n X \ star_of x" by (metis bex_Infinitesimal_iff real_seq_to_hypreal_Infinitesimal) lemma real_seq_to_hypreal_approx2: "\n. norm (x - X n) < inverse(real(Suc n)) \ star_n X \ star_of x" by (metis norm_minus_commute real_seq_to_hypreal_approx) lemma real_seq_to_hypreal_Infinitesimal2: "\n. norm(X n - Y n) < inverse(real(Suc n)) \ star_n X - star_n Y \ Infinitesimal" unfolding Infinitesimal_FreeUltrafilterNat_iff star_n_diff by (auto dest!: FreeUltrafilterNat_inverse_real_of_posnat intro: order_less_trans elim!: eventually_mono) end diff --git a/src/HOL/Num.thy b/src/HOL/Num.thy --- a/src/HOL/Num.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Num.thy @@ -1,1553 +1,1553 @@ (* Title: HOL/Num.thy Author: Florian Haftmann Author: Brian Huffman *) section \Binary Numerals\ theory Num imports BNF_Least_Fixpoint Transfer begin subsection \The \num\ type\ datatype num = One | Bit0 num | Bit1 num text \Increment function for type \<^typ>\num\\ primrec inc :: "num \ num" where "inc One = Bit0 One" | "inc (Bit0 x) = Bit1 x" | "inc (Bit1 x) = Bit0 (inc x)" text \Converting between type \<^typ>\num\ and type \<^typ>\nat\\ primrec nat_of_num :: "num \ nat" where "nat_of_num One = Suc 0" | "nat_of_num (Bit0 x) = nat_of_num x + nat_of_num x" | "nat_of_num (Bit1 x) = Suc (nat_of_num x + nat_of_num x)" primrec num_of_nat :: "nat \ num" where "num_of_nat 0 = One" | "num_of_nat (Suc n) = (if 0 < n then inc (num_of_nat n) else One)" lemma nat_of_num_pos: "0 < nat_of_num x" by (induct x) simp_all lemma nat_of_num_neq_0: " nat_of_num x \ 0" by (induct x) simp_all lemma nat_of_num_inc: "nat_of_num (inc x) = Suc (nat_of_num x)" by (induct x) simp_all lemma num_of_nat_double: "0 < n \ num_of_nat (n + n) = Bit0 (num_of_nat n)" by (induct n) simp_all text \Type \<^typ>\num\ is isomorphic to the strictly positive natural numbers.\ lemma nat_of_num_inverse: "num_of_nat (nat_of_num x) = x" by (induct x) (simp_all add: num_of_nat_double nat_of_num_pos) lemma num_of_nat_inverse: "0 < n \ nat_of_num (num_of_nat n) = n" by (induct n) (simp_all add: nat_of_num_inc) lemma num_eq_iff: "x = y \ nat_of_num x = nat_of_num y" apply safe apply (drule arg_cong [where f=num_of_nat]) apply (simp add: nat_of_num_inverse) done lemma num_induct [case_names One inc]: fixes P :: "num \ bool" assumes One: "P One" and inc: "\x. P x \ P (inc x)" shows "P x" proof - obtain n where n: "Suc n = nat_of_num x" by (cases "nat_of_num x") (simp_all add: nat_of_num_neq_0) have "P (num_of_nat (Suc n))" proof (induct n) case 0 from One show ?case by simp next case (Suc n) then have "P (inc (num_of_nat (Suc n)))" by (rule inc) then show "P (num_of_nat (Suc (Suc n)))" by simp qed with n show "P x" by (simp add: nat_of_num_inverse) qed text \ From now on, there are two possible models for \<^typ>\num\: as positive naturals (rule \num_induct\) and as digit representation (rules \num.induct\, \num.cases\). \ subsection \Numeral operations\ instantiation num :: "{plus,times,linorder}" begin definition [code del]: "m + n = num_of_nat (nat_of_num m + nat_of_num n)" definition [code del]: "m * n = num_of_nat (nat_of_num m * nat_of_num n)" definition [code del]: "m \ n \ nat_of_num m \ nat_of_num n" definition [code del]: "m < n \ nat_of_num m < nat_of_num n" instance by standard (auto simp add: less_num_def less_eq_num_def num_eq_iff) end lemma nat_of_num_add: "nat_of_num (x + y) = nat_of_num x + nat_of_num y" unfolding plus_num_def by (intro num_of_nat_inverse add_pos_pos nat_of_num_pos) lemma nat_of_num_mult: "nat_of_num (x * y) = nat_of_num x * nat_of_num y" unfolding times_num_def by (intro num_of_nat_inverse mult_pos_pos nat_of_num_pos) lemma add_num_simps [simp, code]: "One + One = Bit0 One" "One + Bit0 n = Bit1 n" "One + Bit1 n = Bit0 (n + One)" "Bit0 m + One = Bit1 m" "Bit0 m + Bit0 n = Bit0 (m + n)" "Bit0 m + Bit1 n = Bit1 (m + n)" "Bit1 m + One = Bit0 (m + One)" "Bit1 m + Bit0 n = Bit1 (m + n)" "Bit1 m + Bit1 n = Bit0 (m + n + One)" by (simp_all add: num_eq_iff nat_of_num_add) lemma mult_num_simps [simp, code]: "m * One = m" "One * n = n" "Bit0 m * Bit0 n = Bit0 (Bit0 (m * n))" "Bit0 m * Bit1 n = Bit0 (m * Bit1 n)" "Bit1 m * Bit0 n = Bit0 (Bit1 m * n)" "Bit1 m * Bit1 n = Bit1 (m + n + Bit0 (m * n))" by (simp_all add: num_eq_iff nat_of_num_add nat_of_num_mult distrib_right distrib_left) lemma eq_num_simps: "One = One \ True" "One = Bit0 n \ False" "One = Bit1 n \ False" "Bit0 m = One \ False" "Bit1 m = One \ False" "Bit0 m = Bit0 n \ m = n" "Bit0 m = Bit1 n \ False" "Bit1 m = Bit0 n \ False" "Bit1 m = Bit1 n \ m = n" by simp_all lemma le_num_simps [simp, code]: "One \ n \ True" "Bit0 m \ One \ False" "Bit1 m \ One \ False" "Bit0 m \ Bit0 n \ m \ n" "Bit0 m \ Bit1 n \ m \ n" "Bit1 m \ Bit1 n \ m \ n" "Bit1 m \ Bit0 n \ m < n" using nat_of_num_pos [of n] nat_of_num_pos [of m] by (auto simp add: less_eq_num_def less_num_def) lemma less_num_simps [simp, code]: "m < One \ False" "One < Bit0 n \ True" "One < Bit1 n \ True" "Bit0 m < Bit0 n \ m < n" "Bit0 m < Bit1 n \ m \ n" "Bit1 m < Bit1 n \ m < n" "Bit1 m < Bit0 n \ m < n" using nat_of_num_pos [of n] nat_of_num_pos [of m] by (auto simp add: less_eq_num_def less_num_def) lemma le_num_One_iff: "x \ num.One \ x = num.One" by (simp add: antisym_conv) text \Rules using \One\ and \inc\ as constructors.\ lemma add_One: "x + One = inc x" by (simp add: num_eq_iff nat_of_num_add nat_of_num_inc) lemma add_One_commute: "One + n = n + One" by (induct n) simp_all lemma add_inc: "x + inc y = inc (x + y)" by (simp add: num_eq_iff nat_of_num_add nat_of_num_inc) lemma mult_inc: "x * inc y = x * y + x" by (simp add: num_eq_iff nat_of_num_mult nat_of_num_add nat_of_num_inc) text \The \<^const>\num_of_nat\ conversion.\ lemma num_of_nat_One: "n \ 1 \ num_of_nat n = One" by (cases n) simp_all lemma num_of_nat_plus_distrib: "0 < m \ 0 < n \ num_of_nat (m + n) = num_of_nat m + num_of_nat n" by (induct n) (auto simp add: add_One add_One_commute add_inc) text \A double-and-decrement function.\ primrec BitM :: "num \ num" where "BitM One = One" | "BitM (Bit0 n) = Bit1 (BitM n)" | "BitM (Bit1 n) = Bit1 (Bit0 n)" lemma BitM_plus_one: "BitM n + One = Bit0 n" by (induct n) simp_all lemma one_plus_BitM: "One + BitM n = Bit0 n" unfolding add_One_commute BitM_plus_one .. lemma BitM_inc_eq: \Num.BitM (Num.inc n) = Num.Bit1 n\ by (induction n) simp_all lemma inc_BitM_eq: \Num.inc (Num.BitM n) = num.Bit0 n\ by (simp add: BitM_plus_one[symmetric] add_One) text \Squaring and exponentiation.\ primrec sqr :: "num \ num" where "sqr One = One" | "sqr (Bit0 n) = Bit0 (Bit0 (sqr n))" | "sqr (Bit1 n) = Bit1 (Bit0 (sqr n + n))" primrec pow :: "num \ num \ num" where "pow x One = x" | "pow x (Bit0 y) = sqr (pow x y)" | "pow x (Bit1 y) = sqr (pow x y) * x" lemma nat_of_num_sqr: "nat_of_num (sqr x) = nat_of_num x * nat_of_num x" by (induct x) (simp_all add: algebra_simps nat_of_num_add) lemma sqr_conv_mult: "sqr x = x * x" by (simp add: num_eq_iff nat_of_num_sqr nat_of_num_mult) lemma num_double [simp]: "num.Bit0 num.One * n = num.Bit0 n" by (simp add: num_eq_iff nat_of_num_mult) subsection \Binary numerals\ text \ We embed binary representations into a generic algebraic structure using \numeral\. \ class numeral = one + semigroup_add begin primrec numeral :: "num \ 'a" where numeral_One: "numeral One = 1" | numeral_Bit0: "numeral (Bit0 n) = numeral n + numeral n" | numeral_Bit1: "numeral (Bit1 n) = numeral n + numeral n + 1" lemma numeral_code [code]: "numeral One = 1" "numeral (Bit0 n) = (let m = numeral n in m + m)" "numeral (Bit1 n) = (let m = numeral n in m + m + 1)" by (simp_all add: Let_def) lemma one_plus_numeral_commute: "1 + numeral x = numeral x + 1" proof (induct x) case One then show ?case by simp next case Bit0 then show ?case by (simp add: add.assoc [symmetric]) (simp add: add.assoc) next case Bit1 then show ?case by (simp add: add.assoc [symmetric]) (simp add: add.assoc) qed lemma numeral_inc: "numeral (inc x) = numeral x + 1" proof (induct x) case One then show ?case by simp next case Bit0 then show ?case by simp next case (Bit1 x) have "numeral x + (1 + numeral x) + 1 = numeral x + (numeral x + 1) + 1" by (simp only: one_plus_numeral_commute) with Bit1 show ?case by (simp add: add.assoc) qed declare numeral.simps [simp del] abbreviation "Numeral1 \ numeral One" declare numeral_One [code_post] end text \Numeral syntax.\ syntax "_Numeral" :: "num_const \ 'a" ("_") ML_file \Tools/numeral.ML\ parse_translation \ let fun numeral_tr [(c as Const (\<^syntax_const>\_constrain\, _)) $ t $ u] = c $ numeral_tr [t] $ u | numeral_tr [Const (num, _)] = (Numeral.mk_number_syntax o #value o Lexicon.read_num) num | numeral_tr ts = raise TERM ("numeral_tr", ts); in [(\<^syntax_const>\_Numeral\, K numeral_tr)] end \ typed_print_translation \ let fun num_tr' ctxt T [n] = let val k = Numeral.dest_num_syntax n; val t' = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_Numeral\ $ Syntax.free (string_of_int k); in (case T of Type (\<^type_name>\fun\, [_, T']) => if Printer.type_emphasis ctxt T' then Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_constrain\ $ t' $ Syntax_Phases.term_of_typ ctxt T' else t' | _ => if T = dummyT then t' else raise Match) end; in [(\<^const_syntax>\numeral\, num_tr')] end \ subsection \Class-specific numeral rules\ text \\<^const>\numeral\ is a morphism.\ subsubsection \Structures with addition: class \numeral\\ context numeral begin lemma numeral_add: "numeral (m + n) = numeral m + numeral n" by (induct n rule: num_induct) (simp_all only: numeral_One add_One add_inc numeral_inc add.assoc) lemma numeral_plus_numeral: "numeral m + numeral n = numeral (m + n)" by (rule numeral_add [symmetric]) lemma numeral_plus_one: "numeral n + 1 = numeral (n + One)" using numeral_add [of n One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma one_plus_numeral: "1 + numeral n = numeral (One + n)" using numeral_add [of One n] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma one_add_one: "1 + 1 = 2" using numeral_add [of One One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemmas add_numeral_special = numeral_plus_one one_plus_numeral one_add_one end subsubsection \Structures with negation: class \neg_numeral\\ class neg_numeral = numeral + group_add begin lemma uminus_numeral_One: "- Numeral1 = - 1" by (simp add: numeral_One) text \Numerals form an abelian subgroup.\ inductive is_num :: "'a \ bool" where "is_num 1" | "is_num x \ is_num (- x)" | "is_num x \ is_num y \ is_num (x + y)" lemma is_num_numeral: "is_num (numeral k)" by (induct k) (simp_all add: numeral.simps is_num.intros) lemma is_num_add_commute: "is_num x \ is_num y \ x + y = y + x" proof(induction x rule: is_num.induct) case 1 then show ?case proof (induction y rule: is_num.induct) case 1 then show ?case by simp next case (2 y) then have "y + (1 + - y) + y = y + (- y + 1) + y" by (simp add: add.assoc) then have "y + (1 + - y) = y + (- y + 1)" by simp then show ?case by (rule add_left_imp_eq[of y]) next case (3 x y) then have "1 + (x + y) = x + 1 + y" by (simp add: add.assoc [symmetric]) then show ?case using 3 by (simp add: add.assoc) qed next case (2 x) then have "x + (- x + y) + x = x + (y + - x) + x" by (simp add: add.assoc) then have "x + (- x + y) = x + (y + - x)" by simp then show ?case by (rule add_left_imp_eq[of x]) next case (3 x z) moreover have "x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z" by (simp add: add.assoc[symmetric]) ultimately show ?case by (simp add: add.assoc) qed lemma is_num_add_left_commute: "is_num x \ is_num y \ x + (y + z) = y + (x + z)" by (simp only: add.assoc [symmetric] is_num_add_commute) lemmas is_num_normalize = add.assoc is_num_add_commute is_num_add_left_commute is_num.intros is_num_numeral minus_add definition dbl :: "'a \ 'a" where "dbl x = x + x" definition dbl_inc :: "'a \ 'a" where "dbl_inc x = x + x + 1" definition dbl_dec :: "'a \ 'a" where "dbl_dec x = x + x - 1" definition sub :: "num \ num \ 'a" where "sub k l = numeral k - numeral l" lemma numeral_BitM: "numeral (BitM n) = numeral (Bit0 n) - 1" by (simp only: BitM_plus_one [symmetric] numeral_add numeral_One eq_diff_eq) lemma sub_inc_One_eq: \Num.sub (Num.inc n) num.One = numeral n\ by (simp_all add: sub_def diff_eq_eq numeral_inc numeral.numeral_One) lemma dbl_simps [simp]: "dbl (- numeral k) = - dbl (numeral k)" "dbl 0 = 0" "dbl 1 = 2" "dbl (- 1) = - 2" "dbl (numeral k) = numeral (Bit0 k)" by (simp_all add: dbl_def numeral.simps minus_add) lemma dbl_inc_simps [simp]: "dbl_inc (- numeral k) = - dbl_dec (numeral k)" "dbl_inc 0 = 1" "dbl_inc 1 = 3" "dbl_inc (- 1) = - 1" "dbl_inc (numeral k) = numeral (Bit1 k)" by (simp_all add: dbl_inc_def dbl_dec_def numeral.simps numeral_BitM is_num_normalize algebra_simps del: add_uminus_conv_diff) lemma dbl_dec_simps [simp]: "dbl_dec (- numeral k) = - dbl_inc (numeral k)" "dbl_dec 0 = - 1" "dbl_dec 1 = 1" "dbl_dec (- 1) = - 3" "dbl_dec (numeral k) = numeral (BitM k)" by (simp_all add: dbl_dec_def dbl_inc_def numeral.simps numeral_BitM is_num_normalize) lemma sub_num_simps [simp]: "sub One One = 0" "sub One (Bit0 l) = - numeral (BitM l)" "sub One (Bit1 l) = - numeral (Bit0 l)" "sub (Bit0 k) One = numeral (BitM k)" "sub (Bit1 k) One = numeral (Bit0 k)" "sub (Bit0 k) (Bit0 l) = dbl (sub k l)" "sub (Bit0 k) (Bit1 l) = dbl_dec (sub k l)" "sub (Bit1 k) (Bit0 l) = dbl_inc (sub k l)" "sub (Bit1 k) (Bit1 l) = dbl (sub k l)" by (simp_all add: dbl_def dbl_dec_def dbl_inc_def sub_def numeral.simps numeral_BitM is_num_normalize del: add_uminus_conv_diff add: diff_conv_add_uminus) lemma add_neg_numeral_simps: "numeral m + - numeral n = sub m n" "- numeral m + numeral n = sub n m" "- numeral m + - numeral n = - (numeral m + numeral n)" by (simp_all add: sub_def numeral_add numeral.simps is_num_normalize del: add_uminus_conv_diff add: diff_conv_add_uminus) lemma add_neg_numeral_special: "1 + - numeral m = sub One m" "- numeral m + 1 = sub One m" "numeral m + - 1 = sub m One" "- 1 + numeral n = sub n One" "- 1 + - numeral n = - numeral (inc n)" "- numeral m + - 1 = - numeral (inc m)" "1 + - 1 = 0" "- 1 + 1 = 0" "- 1 + - 1 = - 2" by (simp_all add: sub_def numeral_add numeral.simps is_num_normalize right_minus numeral_inc del: add_uminus_conv_diff add: diff_conv_add_uminus) lemma diff_numeral_simps: "numeral m - numeral n = sub m n" "numeral m - - numeral n = numeral (m + n)" "- numeral m - numeral n = - numeral (m + n)" "- numeral m - - numeral n = sub n m" by (simp_all add: sub_def numeral_add numeral.simps is_num_normalize del: add_uminus_conv_diff add: diff_conv_add_uminus) lemma diff_numeral_special: "1 - numeral n = sub One n" "numeral m - 1 = sub m One" "1 - - numeral n = numeral (One + n)" "- numeral m - 1 = - numeral (m + One)" "- 1 - numeral n = - numeral (inc n)" "numeral m - - 1 = numeral (inc m)" "- 1 - - numeral n = sub n One" "- numeral m - - 1 = sub One m" "1 - 1 = 0" "- 1 - 1 = - 2" "1 - - 1 = 2" "- 1 - - 1 = 0" by (simp_all add: sub_def numeral_add numeral.simps is_num_normalize numeral_inc del: add_uminus_conv_diff add: diff_conv_add_uminus) end subsubsection \Structures with multiplication: class \semiring_numeral\\ class semiring_numeral = semiring + monoid_mult begin subclass numeral .. lemma numeral_mult: "numeral (m * n) = numeral m * numeral n" by (induct n rule: num_induct) (simp_all add: numeral_One mult_inc numeral_inc numeral_add distrib_left) lemma numeral_times_numeral: "numeral m * numeral n = numeral (m * n)" by (rule numeral_mult [symmetric]) lemma mult_2: "2 * z = z + z" by (simp add: one_add_one [symmetric] distrib_right) lemma mult_2_right: "z * 2 = z + z" by (simp add: one_add_one [symmetric] distrib_left) lemma left_add_twice: "a + (a + b) = 2 * a + b" by (simp add: mult_2 ac_simps) end subsubsection \Structures with a zero: class \semiring_1\\ context semiring_1 begin subclass semiring_numeral .. lemma of_nat_numeral [simp]: "of_nat (numeral n) = numeral n" by (induct n) (simp_all only: numeral.simps numeral_class.numeral.simps of_nat_add of_nat_1) end lemma nat_of_num_numeral [code_abbrev]: "nat_of_num = numeral" proof fix n have "numeral n = nat_of_num n" by (induct n) (simp_all add: numeral.simps) then show "nat_of_num n = numeral n" by simp qed lemma nat_of_num_code [code]: "nat_of_num One = 1" "nat_of_num (Bit0 n) = (let m = nat_of_num n in m + m)" "nat_of_num (Bit1 n) = (let m = nat_of_num n in Suc (m + m))" by (simp_all add: Let_def) subsubsection \Equality: class \semiring_char_0\\ context semiring_char_0 begin lemma numeral_eq_iff: "numeral m = numeral n \ m = n" by (simp only: of_nat_numeral [symmetric] nat_of_num_numeral [symmetric] of_nat_eq_iff num_eq_iff) lemma numeral_eq_one_iff: "numeral n = 1 \ n = One" by (rule numeral_eq_iff [of n One, unfolded numeral_One]) lemma one_eq_numeral_iff: "1 = numeral n \ One = n" by (rule numeral_eq_iff [of One n, unfolded numeral_One]) lemma numeral_neq_zero: "numeral n \ 0" by (simp add: of_nat_numeral [symmetric] nat_of_num_numeral [symmetric] nat_of_num_pos) lemma zero_neq_numeral: "0 \ numeral n" unfolding eq_commute [of 0] by (rule numeral_neq_zero) lemmas eq_numeral_simps [simp] = numeral_eq_iff numeral_eq_one_iff one_eq_numeral_iff numeral_neq_zero zero_neq_numeral end subsubsection \Comparisons: class \linordered_nonzero_semiring\\ context linordered_nonzero_semiring begin lemma numeral_le_iff: "numeral m \ numeral n \ m \ n" proof - have "of_nat (numeral m) \ of_nat (numeral n) \ m \ n" by (simp only: less_eq_num_def nat_of_num_numeral of_nat_le_iff) then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma one_le_numeral: "1 \ numeral n" using numeral_le_iff [of num.One n] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma numeral_le_one_iff: "numeral n \ 1 \ n \ num.One" using numeral_le_iff [of n num.One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma numeral_less_iff: "numeral m < numeral n \ m < n" proof - have "of_nat (numeral m) < of_nat (numeral n) \ m < n" unfolding less_num_def nat_of_num_numeral of_nat_less_iff .. then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma not_numeral_less_one: "\ numeral n < 1" using numeral_less_iff [of n num.One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma one_less_numeral_iff: "1 < numeral n \ num.One < n" using numeral_less_iff [of num.One n] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma zero_le_numeral: "0 \ numeral n" using dual_order.trans one_le_numeral zero_le_one by blast lemma zero_less_numeral: "0 < numeral n" using less_linear not_numeral_less_one order.strict_trans zero_less_one by blast lemma not_numeral_le_zero: "\ numeral n \ 0" by (simp add: not_le zero_less_numeral) lemma not_numeral_less_zero: "\ numeral n < 0" by (simp add: not_less zero_le_numeral) lemmas le_numeral_extra = zero_le_one not_one_le_zero order_refl [of 0] order_refl [of 1] lemmas less_numeral_extra = zero_less_one not_one_less_zero less_irrefl [of 0] less_irrefl [of 1] lemmas le_numeral_simps [simp] = numeral_le_iff one_le_numeral numeral_le_one_iff zero_le_numeral not_numeral_le_zero lemmas less_numeral_simps [simp] = numeral_less_iff one_less_numeral_iff not_numeral_less_one zero_less_numeral not_numeral_less_zero lemma min_0_1 [simp]: fixes min' :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" defines "min' \ min" shows "min' 0 1 = 0" "min' 1 0 = 0" "min' 0 (numeral x) = 0" "min' (numeral x) 0 = 0" "min' 1 (numeral x) = 1" "min' (numeral x) 1 = 1" by (simp_all add: min'_def min_def le_num_One_iff) lemma max_0_1 [simp]: fixes max' :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" defines "max' \ max" shows "max' 0 1 = 1" "max' 1 0 = 1" "max' 0 (numeral x) = numeral x" "max' (numeral x) 0 = numeral x" "max' 1 (numeral x) = numeral x" "max' (numeral x) 1 = numeral x" by (simp_all add: max'_def max_def le_num_One_iff) end text \Unfold \min\ and \max\ on numerals.\ lemmas max_number_of [simp] = max_def [of "numeral u" "numeral v"] max_def [of "numeral u" "- numeral v"] max_def [of "- numeral u" "numeral v"] max_def [of "- numeral u" "- numeral v"] for u v lemmas min_number_of [simp] = min_def [of "numeral u" "numeral v"] min_def [of "numeral u" "- numeral v"] min_def [of "- numeral u" "numeral v"] min_def [of "- numeral u" "- numeral v"] for u v subsubsection \Multiplication and negation: class \ring_1\\ context ring_1 begin subclass neg_numeral .. lemma mult_neg_numeral_simps: "- numeral m * - numeral n = numeral (m * n)" "- numeral m * numeral n = - numeral (m * n)" "numeral m * - numeral n = - numeral (m * n)" by (simp_all only: mult_minus_left mult_minus_right minus_minus numeral_mult) lemma mult_minus1 [simp]: "- 1 * z = - z" by (simp add: numeral.simps) lemma mult_minus1_right [simp]: "z * - 1 = - z" by (simp add: numeral.simps) lemma minus_sub_one_diff_one [simp]: \- sub m One - 1 = - numeral m\ proof - have \sub m One + 1 = numeral m\ by (simp flip: eq_diff_eq add: diff_numeral_special) then have \- (sub m One + 1) = - numeral m\ by simp then show ?thesis by simp qed end subsubsection \Equality using \iszero\ for rings with non-zero characteristic\ context ring_1 begin definition iszero :: "'a \ bool" where "iszero z \ z = 0" lemma iszero_0 [simp]: "iszero 0" by (simp add: iszero_def) lemma not_iszero_1 [simp]: "\ iszero 1" by (simp add: iszero_def) lemma not_iszero_Numeral1: "\ iszero Numeral1" by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma not_iszero_neg_1 [simp]: "\ iszero (- 1)" by (simp add: iszero_def) lemma not_iszero_neg_Numeral1: "\ iszero (- Numeral1)" by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma iszero_neg_numeral [simp]: "iszero (- numeral w) \ iszero (numeral w)" unfolding iszero_def by (rule neg_equal_0_iff_equal) lemma eq_iff_iszero_diff: "x = y \ iszero (x - y)" unfolding iszero_def by (rule eq_iff_diff_eq_0) text \ The \eq_numeral_iff_iszero\ lemmas are not declared \[simp]\ by default, because for rings of characteristic zero, better simp rules are possible. For a type like integers mod \n\, type-instantiated versions of these rules should be added to the simplifier, along with a type-specific rule for deciding propositions of the form \iszero (numeral w)\. bh: Maybe it would not be so bad to just declare these as simp rules anyway? I should test whether these rules take precedence over the \ring_char_0\ rules in the simplifier. \ lemma eq_numeral_iff_iszero: "numeral x = numeral y \ iszero (sub x y)" "numeral x = - numeral y \ iszero (numeral (x + y))" "- numeral x = numeral y \ iszero (numeral (x + y))" "- numeral x = - numeral y \ iszero (sub y x)" "numeral x = 1 \ iszero (sub x One)" "1 = numeral y \ iszero (sub One y)" "- numeral x = 1 \ iszero (numeral (x + One))" "1 = - numeral y \ iszero (numeral (One + y))" "numeral x = 0 \ iszero (numeral x)" "0 = numeral y \ iszero (numeral y)" "- numeral x = 0 \ iszero (numeral x)" "0 = - numeral y \ iszero (numeral y)" unfolding eq_iff_iszero_diff diff_numeral_simps diff_numeral_special by simp_all end subsubsection \Equality and negation: class \ring_char_0\\ context ring_char_0 begin lemma not_iszero_numeral [simp]: "\ iszero (numeral w)" by (simp add: iszero_def) lemma neg_numeral_eq_iff: "- numeral m = - numeral n \ m = n" by simp lemma numeral_neq_neg_numeral: "numeral m \ - numeral n" by (simp add: eq_neg_iff_add_eq_0 numeral_plus_numeral) lemma neg_numeral_neq_numeral: "- numeral m \ numeral n" by (rule numeral_neq_neg_numeral [symmetric]) lemma zero_neq_neg_numeral: "0 \ - numeral n" by simp lemma neg_numeral_neq_zero: "- numeral n \ 0" by simp lemma one_neq_neg_numeral: "1 \ - numeral n" using numeral_neq_neg_numeral [of One n] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma neg_numeral_neq_one: "- numeral n \ 1" using neg_numeral_neq_numeral [of n One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma neg_one_neq_numeral: "- 1 \ numeral n" using neg_numeral_neq_numeral [of One n] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma numeral_neq_neg_one: "numeral n \ - 1" using numeral_neq_neg_numeral [of n One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma neg_one_eq_numeral_iff: "- 1 = - numeral n \ n = One" using neg_numeral_eq_iff [of One n] by (auto simp add: numeral_One) lemma numeral_eq_neg_one_iff: "- numeral n = - 1 \ n = One" using neg_numeral_eq_iff [of n One] by (auto simp add: numeral_One) lemma neg_one_neq_zero: "- 1 \ 0" by simp lemma zero_neq_neg_one: "0 \ - 1" by simp lemma neg_one_neq_one: "- 1 \ 1" using neg_numeral_neq_numeral [of One One] by (simp only: numeral_One not_False_eq_True) lemma one_neq_neg_one: "1 \ - 1" using numeral_neq_neg_numeral [of One One] by (simp only: numeral_One not_False_eq_True) lemmas eq_neg_numeral_simps [simp] = neg_numeral_eq_iff numeral_neq_neg_numeral neg_numeral_neq_numeral one_neq_neg_numeral neg_numeral_neq_one zero_neq_neg_numeral neg_numeral_neq_zero neg_one_neq_numeral numeral_neq_neg_one neg_one_eq_numeral_iff numeral_eq_neg_one_iff neg_one_neq_zero zero_neq_neg_one neg_one_neq_one one_neq_neg_one end subsubsection \Structures with negation and order: class \linordered_idom\\ context linordered_idom begin subclass ring_char_0 .. lemma neg_numeral_le_iff: "- numeral m \ - numeral n \ n \ m" by (simp only: neg_le_iff_le numeral_le_iff) lemma neg_numeral_less_iff: "- numeral m < - numeral n \ n < m" by (simp only: neg_less_iff_less numeral_less_iff) lemma neg_numeral_less_zero: "- numeral n < 0" by (simp only: neg_less_0_iff_less zero_less_numeral) lemma neg_numeral_le_zero: "- numeral n \ 0" by (simp only: neg_le_0_iff_le zero_le_numeral) lemma not_zero_less_neg_numeral: "\ 0 < - numeral n" by (simp only: not_less neg_numeral_le_zero) lemma not_zero_le_neg_numeral: "\ 0 \ - numeral n" by (simp only: not_le neg_numeral_less_zero) lemma neg_numeral_less_numeral: "- numeral m < numeral n" using neg_numeral_less_zero zero_less_numeral by (rule less_trans) lemma neg_numeral_le_numeral: "- numeral m \ numeral n" by (simp only: less_imp_le neg_numeral_less_numeral) lemma not_numeral_less_neg_numeral: "\ numeral m < - numeral n" by (simp only: not_less neg_numeral_le_numeral) lemma not_numeral_le_neg_numeral: "\ numeral m \ - numeral n" by (simp only: not_le neg_numeral_less_numeral) lemma neg_numeral_less_one: "- numeral m < 1" by (rule neg_numeral_less_numeral [of m One, unfolded numeral_One]) lemma neg_numeral_le_one: "- numeral m \ 1" by (rule neg_numeral_le_numeral [of m One, unfolded numeral_One]) lemma not_one_less_neg_numeral: "\ 1 < - numeral m" by (simp only: not_less neg_numeral_le_one) lemma not_one_le_neg_numeral: "\ 1 \ - numeral m" by (simp only: not_le neg_numeral_less_one) lemma not_numeral_less_neg_one: "\ numeral m < - 1" using not_numeral_less_neg_numeral [of m One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma not_numeral_le_neg_one: "\ numeral m \ - 1" using not_numeral_le_neg_numeral [of m One] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma neg_one_less_numeral: "- 1 < numeral m" using neg_numeral_less_numeral [of One m] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma neg_one_le_numeral: "- 1 \ numeral m" using neg_numeral_le_numeral [of One m] by (simp add: numeral_One) lemma neg_numeral_less_neg_one_iff: "- numeral m < - 1 \ m \ One" by (cases m) simp_all lemma neg_numeral_le_neg_one: "- numeral m \ - 1" by simp lemma not_neg_one_less_neg_numeral: "\ - 1 < - numeral m" by simp lemma not_neg_one_le_neg_numeral_iff: "\ - 1 \ - numeral m \ m \ One" by (cases m) simp_all lemma sub_non_negative: "sub n m \ 0 \ n \ m" by (simp only: sub_def le_diff_eq) simp lemma sub_positive: "sub n m > 0 \ n > m" by (simp only: sub_def less_diff_eq) simp lemma sub_non_positive: "sub n m \ 0 \ n \ m" by (simp only: sub_def diff_le_eq) simp lemma sub_negative: "sub n m < 0 \ n < m" by (simp only: sub_def diff_less_eq) simp lemmas le_neg_numeral_simps [simp] = neg_numeral_le_iff neg_numeral_le_numeral not_numeral_le_neg_numeral neg_numeral_le_zero not_zero_le_neg_numeral neg_numeral_le_one not_one_le_neg_numeral neg_one_le_numeral not_numeral_le_neg_one neg_numeral_le_neg_one not_neg_one_le_neg_numeral_iff lemma le_minus_one_simps [simp]: "- 1 \ 0" "- 1 \ 1" "\ 0 \ - 1" "\ 1 \ - 1" by simp_all lemmas less_neg_numeral_simps [simp] = neg_numeral_less_iff neg_numeral_less_numeral not_numeral_less_neg_numeral neg_numeral_less_zero not_zero_less_neg_numeral neg_numeral_less_one not_one_less_neg_numeral neg_one_less_numeral not_numeral_less_neg_one neg_numeral_less_neg_one_iff not_neg_one_less_neg_numeral lemma less_minus_one_simps [simp]: "- 1 < 0" "- 1 < 1" "\ 0 < - 1" "\ 1 < - 1" by (simp_all add: less_le) lemma abs_numeral [simp]: "\numeral n\ = numeral n" by simp lemma abs_neg_numeral [simp]: "\- numeral n\ = numeral n" by (simp only: abs_minus_cancel abs_numeral) lemma abs_neg_one [simp]: "\- 1\ = 1" by simp end subsubsection \Natural numbers\ lemma numeral_num_of_nat: "numeral (num_of_nat n) = n" if "n > 0" using that nat_of_num_numeral num_of_nat_inverse by simp lemma Suc_1 [simp]: "Suc 1 = 2" unfolding Suc_eq_plus1 by (rule one_add_one) lemma Suc_numeral [simp]: "Suc (numeral n) = numeral (n + One)" unfolding Suc_eq_plus1 by (rule numeral_plus_one) definition pred_numeral :: "num \ nat" where "pred_numeral k = numeral k - 1" declare [[code drop: pred_numeral]] lemma numeral_eq_Suc: "numeral k = Suc (pred_numeral k)" by (simp add: pred_numeral_def) lemma eval_nat_numeral: "numeral One = Suc 0" "numeral (Bit0 n) = Suc (numeral (BitM n))" "numeral (Bit1 n) = Suc (numeral (Bit0 n))" by (simp_all add: numeral.simps BitM_plus_one) lemma pred_numeral_simps [simp]: "pred_numeral One = 0" "pred_numeral (Bit0 k) = numeral (BitM k)" "pred_numeral (Bit1 k) = numeral (Bit0 k)" by (simp_all only: pred_numeral_def eval_nat_numeral diff_Suc_Suc diff_0) lemma pred_numeral_inc [simp]: "pred_numeral (Num.inc k) = numeral k" by (simp only: pred_numeral_def numeral_inc diff_add_inverse2) lemma numeral_2_eq_2: "2 = Suc (Suc 0)" by (simp add: eval_nat_numeral) lemma numeral_3_eq_3: "3 = Suc (Suc (Suc 0))" by (simp add: eval_nat_numeral) lemma numeral_1_eq_Suc_0: "Numeral1 = Suc 0" by (simp only: numeral_One One_nat_def) lemma Suc_nat_number_of_add: "Suc (numeral v + n) = numeral (v + One) + n" by simp lemma numerals: "Numeral1 = (1::nat)" "2 = Suc (Suc 0)" by (rule numeral_One) (rule numeral_2_eq_2) lemmas numeral_nat = eval_nat_numeral BitM.simps One_nat_def text \Comparisons involving \<^term>\Suc\.\ lemma eq_numeral_Suc [simp]: "numeral k = Suc n \ pred_numeral k = n" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma Suc_eq_numeral [simp]: "Suc n = numeral k \ n = pred_numeral k" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma less_numeral_Suc [simp]: "numeral k < Suc n \ pred_numeral k < n" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma less_Suc_numeral [simp]: "Suc n < numeral k \ n < pred_numeral k" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma le_numeral_Suc [simp]: "numeral k \ Suc n \ pred_numeral k \ n" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma le_Suc_numeral [simp]: "Suc n \ numeral k \ n \ pred_numeral k" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma diff_Suc_numeral [simp]: "Suc n - numeral k = n - pred_numeral k" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma diff_numeral_Suc [simp]: "numeral k - Suc n = pred_numeral k - n" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma max_Suc_numeral [simp]: "max (Suc n) (numeral k) = Suc (max n (pred_numeral k))" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma max_numeral_Suc [simp]: "max (numeral k) (Suc n) = Suc (max (pred_numeral k) n)" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma min_Suc_numeral [simp]: "min (Suc n) (numeral k) = Suc (min n (pred_numeral k))" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma min_numeral_Suc [simp]: "min (numeral k) (Suc n) = Suc (min (pred_numeral k) n)" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) text \For \<^term>\case_nat\ and \<^term>\rec_nat\.\ lemma case_nat_numeral [simp]: "case_nat a f (numeral v) = (let pv = pred_numeral v in f pv)" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma case_nat_add_eq_if [simp]: "case_nat a f ((numeral v) + n) = (let pv = pred_numeral v in f (pv + n))" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc) lemma rec_nat_numeral [simp]: "rec_nat a f (numeral v) = (let pv = pred_numeral v in f pv (rec_nat a f pv))" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc Let_def) lemma rec_nat_add_eq_if [simp]: "rec_nat a f (numeral v + n) = (let pv = pred_numeral v in f (pv + n) (rec_nat a f (pv + n)))" by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc Let_def) text \Case analysis on \<^term>\n < 2\.\ lemma less_2_cases: "n < 2 \ n = 0 \ n = Suc 0" by (auto simp add: numeral_2_eq_2) lemma less_2_cases_iff: "n < 2 \ n = 0 \ n = Suc 0" by (auto simp add: numeral_2_eq_2) text \Removal of Small Numerals: 0, 1 and (in additive positions) 2.\ text \bh: Are these rules really a good idea? LCP: well, it already happens for 0 and 1!\ lemma add_2_eq_Suc [simp]: "2 + n = Suc (Suc n)" by simp lemma add_2_eq_Suc' [simp]: "n + 2 = Suc (Suc n)" by simp text \Can be used to eliminate long strings of Sucs, but not by default.\ lemma Suc3_eq_add_3: "Suc (Suc (Suc n)) = 3 + n" by simp lemmas nat_1_add_1 = one_add_one [where 'a=nat] (* legacy *) context semiring_numeral begin lemma numeral_add_unfold_funpow: \numeral k + a = ((+) 1 ^^ numeral k) a\ proof (rule sym, induction k arbitrary: a) case One then show ?case by (simp add: numeral_One Num.numeral_One) next case (Bit0 k) then show ?case by (simp add: numeral_Bit0 Num.numeral_Bit0 ac_simps funpow_add) next case (Bit1 k) then show ?case by (simp add: numeral_Bit1 Num.numeral_Bit1 ac_simps funpow_add) qed end context semiring_1 begin lemma numeral_unfold_funpow: \numeral k = ((+) 1 ^^ numeral k) 0\ using numeral_add_unfold_funpow [of k 0] by simp end context includes lifting_syntax begin lemma transfer_rule_numeral: \((=) ===> R) numeral numeral\ if [transfer_rule]: \R 0 0\ \R 1 1\ \(R ===> R ===> R) (+) (+)\ for R :: \'a::{semiring_numeral,monoid_add} \ 'b::{semiring_numeral,monoid_add} \ bool\ proof - have "((=) ===> R) (\k. ((+) 1 ^^ numeral k) 0) (\k. ((+) 1 ^^ numeral k) 0)" by transfer_prover moreover have \numeral = (\k. ((+) (1::'a) ^^ numeral k) 0)\ using numeral_add_unfold_funpow [where ?'a = 'a, of _ 0] by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) moreover have \numeral = (\k. ((+) (1::'b) ^^ numeral k) 0)\ using numeral_add_unfold_funpow [where ?'a = 'b, of _ 0] by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed end subsection \Particular lemmas concerning \<^term>\2\\ context linordered_field begin subclass field_char_0 .. lemma half_gt_zero_iff: "0 < a / 2 \ 0 < a" by (auto simp add: field_simps) lemma half_gt_zero [simp]: "0 < a \ 0 < a / 2" by (simp add: half_gt_zero_iff) end subsection \Numeral equations as default simplification rules\ declare (in numeral) numeral_One [simp] declare (in numeral) numeral_plus_numeral [simp] declare (in numeral) add_numeral_special [simp] declare (in neg_numeral) add_neg_numeral_simps [simp] declare (in neg_numeral) add_neg_numeral_special [simp] declare (in neg_numeral) diff_numeral_simps [simp] declare (in neg_numeral) diff_numeral_special [simp] declare (in semiring_numeral) numeral_times_numeral [simp] declare (in ring_1) mult_neg_numeral_simps [simp] subsubsection \Special Simplification for Constants\ text \These distributive laws move literals inside sums and differences.\ lemmas distrib_right_numeral [simp] = distrib_right [of _ _ "numeral v"] for v lemmas distrib_left_numeral [simp] = distrib_left [of "numeral v"] for v lemmas left_diff_distrib_numeral [simp] = left_diff_distrib [of _ _ "numeral v"] for v lemmas right_diff_distrib_numeral [simp] = right_diff_distrib [of "numeral v"] for v text \These are actually for fields, like real\ lemmas zero_less_divide_iff_numeral [simp, no_atp] = zero_less_divide_iff [of "numeral w"] for w lemmas divide_less_0_iff_numeral [simp, no_atp] = divide_less_0_iff [of "numeral w"] for w lemmas zero_le_divide_iff_numeral [simp, no_atp] = zero_le_divide_iff [of "numeral w"] for w lemmas divide_le_0_iff_numeral [simp, no_atp] = divide_le_0_iff [of "numeral w"] for w text \Replaces \inverse #nn\ by \1/#nn\. It looks strange, but then other simprocs simplify the quotient.\ lemmas inverse_eq_divide_numeral [simp] = inverse_eq_divide [of "numeral w"] for w lemmas inverse_eq_divide_neg_numeral [simp] = inverse_eq_divide [of "- numeral w"] for w text \These laws simplify inequalities, moving unary minus from a term into the literal.\ lemmas equation_minus_iff_numeral [no_atp] = equation_minus_iff [of "numeral v"] for v lemmas minus_equation_iff_numeral [no_atp] = minus_equation_iff [of _ "numeral v"] for v lemmas le_minus_iff_numeral [no_atp] = le_minus_iff [of "numeral v"] for v lemmas minus_le_iff_numeral [no_atp] = minus_le_iff [of _ "numeral v"] for v lemmas less_minus_iff_numeral [no_atp] = less_minus_iff [of "numeral v"] for v lemmas minus_less_iff_numeral [no_atp] = minus_less_iff [of _ "numeral v"] for v (* FIXME maybe simproc *) text \Cancellation of constant factors in comparisons (\<\ and \\\)\ lemmas mult_less_cancel_left_numeral [simp, no_atp] = mult_less_cancel_left [of "numeral v"] for v lemmas mult_less_cancel_right_numeral [simp, no_atp] = mult_less_cancel_right [of _ "numeral v"] for v lemmas mult_le_cancel_left_numeral [simp, no_atp] = mult_le_cancel_left [of "numeral v"] for v lemmas mult_le_cancel_right_numeral [simp, no_atp] = mult_le_cancel_right [of _ "numeral v"] for v text \Multiplying out constant divisors in comparisons (\<\, \\\ and \=\)\ named_theorems divide_const_simps "simplification rules to simplify comparisons involving constant divisors" lemmas le_divide_eq_numeral1 [simp,divide_const_simps] = pos_le_divide_eq [of "numeral w", OF zero_less_numeral] neg_le_divide_eq [of "- numeral w", OF neg_numeral_less_zero] for w lemmas divide_le_eq_numeral1 [simp,divide_const_simps] = pos_divide_le_eq [of "numeral w", OF zero_less_numeral] neg_divide_le_eq [of "- numeral w", OF neg_numeral_less_zero] for w lemmas less_divide_eq_numeral1 [simp,divide_const_simps] = pos_less_divide_eq [of "numeral w", OF zero_less_numeral] neg_less_divide_eq [of "- numeral w", OF neg_numeral_less_zero] for w lemmas divide_less_eq_numeral1 [simp,divide_const_simps] = pos_divide_less_eq [of "numeral w", OF zero_less_numeral] neg_divide_less_eq [of "- numeral w", OF neg_numeral_less_zero] for w lemmas eq_divide_eq_numeral1 [simp,divide_const_simps] = eq_divide_eq [of _ _ "numeral w"] eq_divide_eq [of _ _ "- numeral w"] for w lemmas divide_eq_eq_numeral1 [simp,divide_const_simps] = divide_eq_eq [of _ "numeral w"] divide_eq_eq [of _ "- numeral w"] for w subsubsection \Optional Simplification Rules Involving Constants\ text \Simplify quotients that are compared with a literal constant.\ lemmas le_divide_eq_numeral [divide_const_simps] = le_divide_eq [of "numeral w"] le_divide_eq [of "- numeral w"] for w lemmas divide_le_eq_numeral [divide_const_simps] = divide_le_eq [of _ _ "numeral w"] divide_le_eq [of _ _ "- numeral w"] for w lemmas less_divide_eq_numeral [divide_const_simps] = less_divide_eq [of "numeral w"] less_divide_eq [of "- numeral w"] for w lemmas divide_less_eq_numeral [divide_const_simps] = divide_less_eq [of _ _ "numeral w"] divide_less_eq [of _ _ "- numeral w"] for w lemmas eq_divide_eq_numeral [divide_const_simps] = eq_divide_eq [of "numeral w"] eq_divide_eq [of "- numeral w"] for w lemmas divide_eq_eq_numeral [divide_const_simps] = divide_eq_eq [of _ _ "numeral w"] divide_eq_eq [of _ _ "- numeral w"] for w text \Not good as automatic simprules because they cause case splits.\ lemmas [divide_const_simps] = le_divide_eq_1 divide_le_eq_1 less_divide_eq_1 divide_less_eq_1 subsection \Setting up simprocs\ lemma mult_numeral_1: "Numeral1 * a = a" for a :: "'a::semiring_numeral" by simp lemma mult_numeral_1_right: "a * Numeral1 = a" for a :: "'a::semiring_numeral" by simp lemma divide_numeral_1: "a / Numeral1 = a" for a :: "'a::field" by simp lemma inverse_numeral_1: "inverse Numeral1 = (Numeral1::'a::division_ring)" by simp text \ Theorem lists for the cancellation simprocs. The use of a binary numeral for 1 reduces the number of special cases. \ lemma mult_1s_semiring_numeral: "Numeral1 * a = a" "a * Numeral1 = a" for a :: "'a::semiring_numeral" by simp_all lemma mult_1s_ring_1: "- Numeral1 * b = - b" "b * - Numeral1 = - b" for b :: "'a::ring_1" by simp_all lemmas mult_1s = mult_1s_semiring_numeral mult_1s_ring_1 setup \ Reorient_Proc.add (fn Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _ => true | Const (\<^const_name>\uminus\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _) => true | _ => false) \ simproc_setup reorient_numeral ("numeral w = x" | "- numeral w = y") = - Reorient_Proc.proc + \K Reorient_Proc.proc\ subsubsection \Simplification of arithmetic operations on integer constants\ lemmas arith_special = (* already declared simp above *) add_numeral_special add_neg_numeral_special diff_numeral_special lemmas arith_extra_simps = (* rules already in simpset *) numeral_plus_numeral add_neg_numeral_simps add_0_left add_0_right minus_zero diff_numeral_simps diff_0 diff_0_right numeral_times_numeral mult_neg_numeral_simps mult_zero_left mult_zero_right abs_numeral abs_neg_numeral text \ For making a minimal simpset, one must include these default simprules. Also include \simp_thms\. \ lemmas arith_simps = add_num_simps mult_num_simps sub_num_simps BitM.simps dbl_simps dbl_inc_simps dbl_dec_simps abs_zero abs_one arith_extra_simps lemmas more_arith_simps = neg_le_iff_le minus_zero left_minus right_minus mult_1_left mult_1_right mult_minus_left mult_minus_right minus_add_distrib minus_minus mult.assoc lemmas of_nat_simps = of_nat_0 of_nat_1 of_nat_Suc of_nat_add of_nat_mult text \Simplification of relational operations.\ lemmas eq_numeral_extra = zero_neq_one one_neq_zero lemmas rel_simps = le_num_simps less_num_simps eq_num_simps le_numeral_simps le_neg_numeral_simps le_minus_one_simps le_numeral_extra less_numeral_simps less_neg_numeral_simps less_minus_one_simps less_numeral_extra eq_numeral_simps eq_neg_numeral_simps eq_numeral_extra lemma Let_numeral [simp]: "Let (numeral v) f = f (numeral v)" \ \Unfold all \let\s involving constants\ unfolding Let_def .. lemma Let_neg_numeral [simp]: "Let (- numeral v) f = f (- numeral v)" \ \Unfold all \let\s involving constants\ unfolding Let_def .. declaration \ let fun number_of ctxt T n = if not (Sign.of_sort (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (T, \<^sort>\numeral\)) then raise CTERM ("number_of", []) else Numeral.mk_cnumber (Thm.ctyp_of ctxt T) n; in K ( Lin_Arith.set_number_of number_of #> Lin_Arith.add_simps @{thms arith_simps more_arith_simps rel_simps pred_numeral_simps arith_special numeral_One of_nat_simps uminus_numeral_One Suc_numeral Let_numeral Let_neg_numeral Let_0 Let_1 le_Suc_numeral le_numeral_Suc less_Suc_numeral less_numeral_Suc Suc_eq_numeral eq_numeral_Suc mult_Suc mult_Suc_right of_nat_numeral}) end \ subsubsection \Simplification of arithmetic when nested to the right\ lemma add_numeral_left [simp]: "numeral v + (numeral w + z) = (numeral(v + w) + z)" by (simp_all add: add.assoc [symmetric]) lemma add_neg_numeral_left [simp]: "numeral v + (- numeral w + y) = (sub v w + y)" "- numeral v + (numeral w + y) = (sub w v + y)" "- numeral v + (- numeral w + y) = (- numeral(v + w) + y)" by (simp_all add: add.assoc [symmetric]) lemma mult_numeral_left_semiring_numeral: "numeral v * (numeral w * z) = (numeral(v * w) * z :: 'a::semiring_numeral)" by (simp add: mult.assoc [symmetric]) lemma mult_numeral_left_ring_1: "- numeral v * (numeral w * y) = (- numeral(v * w) * y :: 'a::ring_1)" "numeral v * (- numeral w * y) = (- numeral(v * w) * y :: 'a::ring_1)" "- numeral v * (- numeral w * y) = (numeral(v * w) * y :: 'a::ring_1)" by (simp_all add: mult.assoc [symmetric]) lemmas mult_numeral_left [simp] = mult_numeral_left_semiring_numeral mult_numeral_left_ring_1 hide_const (open) One Bit0 Bit1 BitM inc pow sqr sub dbl dbl_inc dbl_dec subsection \Code module namespace\ code_identifier code_module Num \ (SML) Arith and (OCaml) Arith and (Haskell) Arith subsection \Printing of evaluated natural numbers as numerals\ lemma [code_post]: "Suc 0 = 1" "Suc 1 = 2" "Suc (numeral n) = numeral (Num.inc n)" by (simp_all add: numeral_inc) lemmas [code_post] = Num.inc.simps subsection \More on auxiliary conversion\ context semiring_1 begin lemma numeral_num_of_nat_unfold: \numeral (num_of_nat n) = (if n = 0 then 1 else of_nat n)\ by (induction n) (simp_all add: numeral_inc ac_simps) lemma num_of_nat_numeral_eq [simp]: \num_of_nat (numeral q) = q\ proof (induction q) case One then show ?case by simp next case (Bit0 q) then have "num_of_nat (numeral (num.Bit0 q)) = num_of_nat (numeral q + numeral q)" by (simp only: Num.numeral_Bit0 Num.numeral_add) also have "\ = num.Bit0 (num_of_nat (numeral q))" by (rule num_of_nat_double) simp finally show ?case using Bit0.IH by simp next case (Bit1 q) then have "num_of_nat (numeral (num.Bit1 q)) = num_of_nat (numeral q + numeral q + 1)" by (simp only: Num.numeral_Bit1 Num.numeral_add) also have "\ = num_of_nat (numeral q + numeral q) + num_of_nat 1" by (rule num_of_nat_plus_distrib) auto also have "\ = num.Bit0 (num_of_nat (numeral q)) + num_of_nat 1" by (subst num_of_nat_double) auto finally show ?case using Bit1.IH by simp qed end end diff --git a/src/HOL/Numeral_Simprocs.thy b/src/HOL/Numeral_Simprocs.thy --- a/src/HOL/Numeral_Simprocs.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Numeral_Simprocs.thy @@ -1,299 +1,299 @@ (* Author: Various *) section \Combination and Cancellation Simprocs for Numeral Expressions\ theory Numeral_Simprocs imports Parity begin ML_file \~~/src/Provers/Arith/assoc_fold.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_numerals.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/Arith/combine_numerals.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_numeral_factor.ML\ ML_file \~~/src/Provers/Arith/extract_common_term.ML\ lemmas semiring_norm = Let_def arith_simps diff_nat_numeral rel_simps if_False if_True add_Suc add_numeral_left add_neg_numeral_left mult_numeral_left numeral_One [symmetric] uminus_numeral_One [symmetric] Suc_eq_plus1 eq_numeral_iff_iszero not_iszero_Numeral1 text \For \combine_numerals\\ lemma left_add_mult_distrib: "i*u + (j*u + k) = (i+j)*u + (k::nat)" by (simp add: add_mult_distrib) text \For \cancel_numerals\\ lemma nat_diff_add_eq1: "j <= (i::nat) ==> ((i*u + m) - (j*u + n)) = (((i-j)*u + m) - n)" by (simp split: nat_diff_split add: add_mult_distrib) lemma nat_diff_add_eq2: "i <= (j::nat) ==> ((i*u + m) - (j*u + n)) = (m - ((j-i)*u + n))" by (simp split: nat_diff_split add: add_mult_distrib) lemma nat_eq_add_iff1: "j <= (i::nat) ==> (i*u + m = j*u + n) = ((i-j)*u + m = n)" by (auto split: nat_diff_split simp add: add_mult_distrib) lemma nat_eq_add_iff2: "i <= (j::nat) ==> (i*u + m = j*u + n) = (m = (j-i)*u + n)" by (auto split: nat_diff_split simp add: add_mult_distrib) lemma nat_less_add_iff1: "j <= (i::nat) ==> (i*u + m < j*u + n) = ((i-j)*u + m < n)" by (auto split: nat_diff_split simp add: add_mult_distrib) lemma nat_less_add_iff2: "i <= (j::nat) ==> (i*u + m < j*u + n) = (m < (j-i)*u + n)" by (auto split: nat_diff_split simp add: add_mult_distrib) lemma nat_le_add_iff1: "j <= (i::nat) ==> (i*u + m <= j*u + n) = ((i-j)*u + m <= n)" by (auto split: nat_diff_split simp add: add_mult_distrib) lemma nat_le_add_iff2: "i <= (j::nat) ==> (i*u + m <= j*u + n) = (m <= (j-i)*u + n)" by (auto split: nat_diff_split simp add: add_mult_distrib) text \For \cancel_numeral_factors\\ lemma nat_mult_le_cancel1: "(0::nat) < k ==> (k*m <= k*n) = (m<=n)" by auto lemma nat_mult_less_cancel1: "(0::nat) < k ==> (k*m < k*n) = (m (k*m = k*n) = (m=n)" by auto lemma nat_mult_div_cancel1: "(0::nat) < k ==> (k*m) div (k*n) = (m div n)" by auto lemma nat_mult_dvd_cancel_disj[simp]: "(k*m) dvd (k*n) = (k=0 \ m dvd (n::nat))" by (auto simp: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 mod_mult_mult1) lemma nat_mult_dvd_cancel1: "0 < k \ (k*m) dvd (k*n::nat) = (m dvd n)" by(auto) text \For \cancel_factor\\ lemmas nat_mult_le_cancel_disj = mult_le_cancel1 lemmas nat_mult_less_cancel_disj = mult_less_cancel1 lemma nat_mult_eq_cancel_disj: fixes k m n :: nat shows "k * m = k * n \ k = 0 \ m = n" by (fact mult_cancel_left) lemma nat_mult_div_cancel_disj: fixes k m n :: nat shows "(k * m) div (k * n) = (if k = 0 then 0 else m div n)" by (fact div_mult_mult1_if) lemma numeral_times_minus_swap: fixes x:: "'a::comm_ring_1" shows "numeral w * -x = x * - numeral w" by (simp add: ac_simps) ML_file \Tools/numeral_simprocs.ML\ simproc_setup semiring_assoc_fold ("(a::'a::comm_semiring_1_cancel) * b") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.assoc_fold\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.assoc_fold\ (* TODO: see whether the type class can be generalized further *) simproc_setup int_combine_numerals ("(i::'a::comm_ring_1) + j" | "(i::'a::comm_ring_1) - j") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals\ simproc_setup field_combine_numerals ("(i::'a::{field,ring_char_0}) + j" |"(i::'a::{field,ring_char_0}) - j") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.field_combine_numerals\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.field_combine_numerals\ simproc_setup inteq_cancel_numerals ("(l::'a::comm_ring_1) + m = n" |"(l::'a::comm_ring_1) = m + n" |"(l::'a::comm_ring_1) - m = n" |"(l::'a::comm_ring_1) = m - n" |"(l::'a::comm_ring_1) * m = n" |"(l::'a::comm_ring_1) = m * n" |"- (l::'a::comm_ring_1) = m" |"(l::'a::comm_ring_1) = - m") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numerals\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numerals\ simproc_setup intless_cancel_numerals ("(l::'a::linordered_idom) + m < n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) < m + n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) - m < n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) < m - n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) * m < n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) < m * n" |"- (l::'a::linordered_idom) < m" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) < - m") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numerals\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numerals\ simproc_setup intle_cancel_numerals ("(l::'a::linordered_idom) + m \ n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) \ m + n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) - m \ n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) \ m - n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) * m \ n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) \ m * n" |"- (l::'a::linordered_idom) \ m" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) \ - m") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numerals\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numerals\ simproc_setup ring_eq_cancel_numeral_factor ("(l::'a::{idom,ring_char_0}) * m = n" |"(l::'a::{idom,ring_char_0}) = m * n") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup ring_less_cancel_numeral_factor ("(l::'a::linordered_idom) * m < n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) < m * n") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup ring_le_cancel_numeral_factor ("(l::'a::linordered_idom) * m <= n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) <= m * n") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numeral_factor\ (* TODO: remove comm_ring_1 constraint if possible *) simproc_setup int_div_cancel_numeral_factors ("((l::'a::{euclidean_semiring_cancel,comm_ring_1,ring_char_0}) * m) div n" |"(l::'a::{euclidean_semiring_cancel,comm_ring_1,ring_char_0}) div (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup divide_cancel_numeral_factor ("((l::'a::{field,ring_char_0}) * m) / n" |"(l::'a::{field,ring_char_0}) / (m * n)" |"((numeral v)::'a::{field,ring_char_0}) / (numeral w)") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.divide_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.divide_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup ring_eq_cancel_factor ("(l::'a::idom) * m = n" | "(l::'a::idom) = m * n") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup linordered_ring_le_cancel_factor ("(l::'a::linordered_idom) * m <= n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) <= m * n") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup linordered_ring_less_cancel_factor ("(l::'a::linordered_idom) * m < n" |"(l::'a::linordered_idom) < m * n") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup int_div_cancel_factor ("((l::'a::euclidean_semiring_cancel) * m) div n" |"(l::'a::euclidean_semiring_cancel) div (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup int_mod_cancel_factor ("((l::'a::euclidean_semiring_cancel) * m) mod n" |"(l::'a::euclidean_semiring_cancel) mod (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.mod_cancel_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.mod_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup dvd_cancel_factor ("((l::'a::idom) * m) dvd n" |"(l::'a::idom) dvd (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.dvd_cancel_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.dvd_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup divide_cancel_factor ("((l::'a::field) * m) / n" |"(l::'a::field) / (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Numeral_Simprocs.divide_cancel_factor\ + \K Numeral_Simprocs.divide_cancel_factor\ ML_file \Tools/nat_numeral_simprocs.ML\ simproc_setup nat_combine_numerals ("(i::nat) + j" | "Suc (i + j)") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals\ simproc_setup nateq_cancel_numerals ("(l::nat) + m = n" | "(l::nat) = m + n" | "(l::nat) * m = n" | "(l::nat) = m * n" | "Suc m = n" | "m = Suc n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numerals\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numerals\ simproc_setup natless_cancel_numerals ("(l::nat) + m < n" | "(l::nat) < m + n" | "(l::nat) * m < n" | "(l::nat) < m * n" | "Suc m < n" | "m < Suc n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numerals\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numerals\ simproc_setup natle_cancel_numerals ("(l::nat) + m \ n" | "(l::nat) \ m + n" | "(l::nat) * m \ n" | "(l::nat) \ m * n" | "Suc m \ n" | "m \ Suc n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numerals\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numerals\ simproc_setup natdiff_cancel_numerals ("((l::nat) + m) - n" | "(l::nat) - (m + n)" | "(l::nat) * m - n" | "(l::nat) - m * n" | "Suc m - n" | "m - Suc n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.diff_cancel_numerals\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.diff_cancel_numerals\ simproc_setup nat_eq_cancel_numeral_factor ("(l::nat) * m = n" | "(l::nat) = m * n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup nat_less_cancel_numeral_factor ("(l::nat) * m < n" | "(l::nat) < m * n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup nat_le_cancel_numeral_factor ("(l::nat) * m <= n" | "(l::nat) <= m * n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup nat_div_cancel_numeral_factor ("((l::nat) * m) div n" | "(l::nat) div (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup nat_dvd_cancel_numeral_factor ("((l::nat) * m) dvd n" | "(l::nat) dvd (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.dvd_cancel_numeral_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.dvd_cancel_numeral_factor\ simproc_setup nat_eq_cancel_factor ("(l::nat) * m = n" | "(l::nat) = m * n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.eq_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup nat_less_cancel_factor ("(l::nat) * m < n" | "(l::nat) < m * n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.less_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup nat_le_cancel_factor ("(l::nat) * m <= n" | "(l::nat) <= m * n") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.le_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup nat_div_cancel_factor ("((l::nat) * m) div n" | "(l::nat) div (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.div_cancel_factor\ simproc_setup nat_dvd_cancel_factor ("((l::nat) * m) dvd n" | "(l::nat) dvd (m * n)") = - \fn phi => Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.dvd_cancel_factor\ + \K Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.dvd_cancel_factor\ declaration \ K (Lin_Arith.add_simprocs [\<^simproc>\semiring_assoc_fold\, \<^simproc>\int_combine_numerals\, \<^simproc>\inteq_cancel_numerals\, \<^simproc>\intless_cancel_numerals\, \<^simproc>\intle_cancel_numerals\, \<^simproc>\field_combine_numerals\, \<^simproc>\nat_combine_numerals\, \<^simproc>\nateq_cancel_numerals\, \<^simproc>\natless_cancel_numerals\, \<^simproc>\natle_cancel_numerals\, \<^simproc>\natdiff_cancel_numerals\, Numeral_Simprocs.field_divide_cancel_numeral_factor]) \ end diff --git a/src/HOL/Product_Type.thy b/src/HOL/Product_Type.thy --- a/src/HOL/Product_Type.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Product_Type.thy @@ -1,1376 +1,1376 @@ (* Title: HOL/Product_Type.thy Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge *) section \Cartesian products\ theory Product_Type imports Typedef Inductive Fun keywords "inductive_set" "coinductive_set" :: thy_defn begin subsection \\<^typ>\bool\ is a datatype\ free_constructors (discs_sels) case_bool for True | False by auto text \Avoid name clashes by prefixing the output of \old_rep_datatype\ with \old\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "old"\ old_rep_datatype True False by (auto intro: bool_induct) setup \Sign.parent_path\ text \But erase the prefix for properties that are not generated by \free_constructors\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "bool"\ lemmas induct = old.bool.induct lemmas inducts = old.bool.inducts lemmas rec = old.bool.rec lemmas simps = bool.distinct bool.case bool.rec setup \Sign.parent_path\ declare case_split [cases type: bool] \ \prefer plain propositional version\ lemma [code]: "HOL.equal False P \ \ P" and [code]: "HOL.equal True P \ P" and [code]: "HOL.equal P False \ \ P" and [code]: "HOL.equal P True \ P" and [code nbe]: "HOL.equal P P \ True" by (simp_all add: equal) lemma If_case_cert: assumes "CASE \ (\b. If b f g)" shows "(CASE True \ f) &&& (CASE False \ g)" using assms by simp_all setup \Code.declare_case_global @{thm If_case_cert}\ code_printing constant "HOL.equal :: bool \ bool \ bool" \ (Haskell) infix 4 "==" | class_instance "bool" :: "equal" \ (Haskell) - subsection \The \unit\ type\ typedef unit = "{True}" by auto definition Unity :: unit ("'(')") where "() = Abs_unit True" lemma unit_eq [no_atp]: "u = ()" by (induct u) (simp add: Unity_def) text \ Simplification procedure for @{thm [source] unit_eq}. Cannot use this rule directly --- it loops! \ simproc_setup unit_eq ("x::unit") = \ - fn _ => fn _ => fn ct => + K (K (fn ct => if HOLogic.is_unit (Thm.term_of ct) then NONE - else SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm unit_eq}) + else SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm unit_eq}))) \ free_constructors case_unit for "()" by auto text \Avoid name clashes by prefixing the output of \old_rep_datatype\ with \old\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "old"\ old_rep_datatype "()" by simp setup \Sign.parent_path\ text \But erase the prefix for properties that are not generated by \free_constructors\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "unit"\ lemmas induct = old.unit.induct lemmas inducts = old.unit.inducts lemmas rec = old.unit.rec lemmas simps = unit.case unit.rec setup \Sign.parent_path\ lemma unit_all_eq1: "(\x::unit. PROP P x) \ PROP P ()" by simp lemma unit_all_eq2: "(\x::unit. PROP P) \ PROP P" by (rule triv_forall_equality) text \ This rewrite counters the effect of simproc \unit_eq\ on @{term [source] "\u::unit. f u"}, replacing it by @{term [source] f} rather than by @{term [source] "\u. f ()"}. \ lemma unit_abs_eta_conv [simp]: "(\u::unit. f ()) = f" by (rule ext) simp lemma UNIV_unit: "UNIV = {()}" by auto instantiation unit :: default begin definition "default = ()" instance .. end instantiation unit :: "{complete_boolean_algebra,complete_linorder,wellorder}" begin definition less_eq_unit :: "unit \ unit \ bool" where "(_::unit) \ _ \ True" lemma less_eq_unit [iff]: "u \ v" for u v :: unit by (simp add: less_eq_unit_def) definition less_unit :: "unit \ unit \ bool" where "(_::unit) < _ \ False" lemma less_unit [iff]: "\ u < v" for u v :: unit by (simp_all add: less_eq_unit_def less_unit_def) definition bot_unit :: unit where [code_unfold]: "\ = ()" definition top_unit :: unit where [code_unfold]: "\ = ()" definition inf_unit :: "unit \ unit \ unit" where [simp]: "_ \ _ = ()" definition sup_unit :: "unit \ unit \ unit" where [simp]: "_ \ _ = ()" definition Inf_unit :: "unit set \ unit" where [simp]: "\_ = ()" definition Sup_unit :: "unit set \ unit" where [simp]: "\_ = ()" definition uminus_unit :: "unit \ unit" where [simp]: "- _ = ()" declare less_eq_unit_def [abs_def, code_unfold] less_unit_def [abs_def, code_unfold] inf_unit_def [abs_def, code_unfold] sup_unit_def [abs_def, code_unfold] Inf_unit_def [abs_def, code_unfold] Sup_unit_def [abs_def, code_unfold] uminus_unit_def [abs_def, code_unfold] instance by intro_classes auto end lemma [code]: "HOL.equal u v \ True" for u v :: unit unfolding equal unit_eq [of u] unit_eq [of v] by (rule iffI TrueI refl)+ code_printing type_constructor unit \ (SML) "unit" and (OCaml) "unit" and (Haskell) "()" and (Scala) "Unit" | constant Unity \ (SML) "()" and (OCaml) "()" and (Haskell) "()" and (Scala) "()" | class_instance unit :: equal \ (Haskell) - | constant "HOL.equal :: unit \ unit \ bool" \ (Haskell) infix 4 "==" code_reserved SML unit code_reserved OCaml unit code_reserved Scala Unit subsection \The product type\ subsubsection \Type definition\ definition Pair_Rep :: "'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ bool" where "Pair_Rep a b = (\x y. x = a \ y = b)" definition "prod = {f. \a b. f = Pair_Rep (a::'a) (b::'b)}" typedef ('a, 'b) prod ("(_ \/ _)" [21, 20] 20) = "prod :: ('a \ 'b \ bool) set" unfolding prod_def by auto type_notation (ASCII) prod (infixr "*" 20) definition Pair :: "'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b" where "Pair a b = Abs_prod (Pair_Rep a b)" lemma prod_cases: "(\a b. P (Pair a b)) \ P p" by (cases p) (auto simp add: prod_def Pair_def Pair_Rep_def) free_constructors case_prod for Pair fst snd proof - fix P :: bool and p :: "'a \ 'b" show "(\x1 x2. p = Pair x1 x2 \ P) \ P" by (cases p) (auto simp add: prod_def Pair_def Pair_Rep_def) next fix a c :: 'a and b d :: 'b have "Pair_Rep a b = Pair_Rep c d \ a = c \ b = d" by (auto simp add: Pair_Rep_def fun_eq_iff) moreover have "Pair_Rep a b \ prod" and "Pair_Rep c d \ prod" by (auto simp add: prod_def) ultimately show "Pair a b = Pair c d \ a = c \ b = d" by (simp add: Pair_def Abs_prod_inject) qed text \Avoid name clashes by prefixing the output of \old_rep_datatype\ with \old\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "old"\ old_rep_datatype Pair by (erule prod_cases) (rule prod.inject) setup \Sign.parent_path\ text \But erase the prefix for properties that are not generated by \free_constructors\.\ setup \Sign.mandatory_path "prod"\ declare old.prod.inject [iff del] lemmas induct = old.prod.induct lemmas inducts = old.prod.inducts lemmas rec = old.prod.rec lemmas simps = prod.inject prod.case prod.rec setup \Sign.parent_path\ declare prod.case [nitpick_simp del] declare old.prod.case_cong_weak [cong del] declare prod.case_eq_if [mono] declare prod.split [no_atp] declare prod.split_asm [no_atp] text \ @{thm [source] prod.split} could be declared as \[split]\ done after the Splitter has been speeded up significantly; precompute the constants involved and don't do anything unless the current goal contains one of those constants. \ subsubsection \Tuple syntax\ text \ Patterns -- extends pre-defined type \<^typ>\pttrn\ used in abstractions. \ nonterminal tuple_args and patterns syntax "_tuple" :: "'a \ tuple_args \ 'a \ 'b" ("(1'(_,/ _'))") "_tuple_arg" :: "'a \ tuple_args" ("_") "_tuple_args" :: "'a \ tuple_args \ tuple_args" ("_,/ _") "_pattern" :: "pttrn \ patterns \ pttrn" ("'(_,/ _')") "" :: "pttrn \ patterns" ("_") "_patterns" :: "pttrn \ patterns \ patterns" ("_,/ _") "_unit" :: pttrn ("'(')") translations "(x, y)" \ "CONST Pair x y" "_pattern x y" \ "CONST Pair x y" "_patterns x y" \ "CONST Pair x y" "_tuple x (_tuple_args y z)" \ "_tuple x (_tuple_arg (_tuple y z))" "\(x, y, zs). b" \ "CONST case_prod (\x (y, zs). b)" "\(x, y). b" \ "CONST case_prod (\x y. b)" "_abs (CONST Pair x y) t" \ "\(x, y). t" \ \This rule accommodates tuples in \case C \ (x, y) \ \ \\: The \(x, y)\ is parsed as \Pair x y\ because it is \logic\, not \pttrn\.\ "\(). b" \ "CONST case_unit b" "_abs (CONST Unity) t" \ "\(). t" text \print \<^term>\case_prod f\ as \<^term>\\(x, y). f x y\ and \<^term>\case_prod (\x. f x)\ as \<^term>\\(x, y). f x y\\ typed_print_translation \ let fun case_prod_guess_names_tr' T [Abs (x, _, Abs _)] = raise Match | case_prod_guess_names_tr' T [Abs (x, xT, t)] = (case (head_of t) of Const (\<^const_syntax>\case_prod\, _) => raise Match | _ => let val (_ :: yT :: _) = binder_types (domain_type T) handle Bind => raise Match; val (y, t') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' ("y", yT, incr_boundvars 1 t $ Bound 0); val (x', t'') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' (x, xT, t'); in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_abs\ $ (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_pattern\ $ x' $ y) $ t'' end) | case_prod_guess_names_tr' T [t] = (case head_of t of Const (\<^const_syntax>\case_prod\, _) => raise Match | _ => let val (xT :: yT :: _) = binder_types (domain_type T) handle Bind => raise Match; val (y, t') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' ("y", yT, incr_boundvars 2 t $ Bound 1 $ Bound 0); val (x', t'') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' ("x", xT, t'); in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_abs\ $ (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_pattern\ $ x' $ y) $ t'' end) | case_prod_guess_names_tr' _ _ = raise Match; in [(\<^const_syntax>\case_prod\, K case_prod_guess_names_tr')] end \ text \Reconstruct pattern from (nested) \<^const>\case_prod\s, avoiding eta-contraction of body; required for enclosing "let", if "let" does not avoid eta-contraction, which has been observed to occur.\ print_translation \ let fun case_prod_tr' [Abs (x, T, t as (Abs abs))] = (* case_prod (\x y. t) \ \(x, y) t *) let val (y, t') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' abs; val (x', t'') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' (x, T, t'); in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_abs\ $ (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_pattern\ $ x' $ y) $ t'' end | case_prod_tr' [Abs (x, T, (s as Const (\<^const_syntax>\case_prod\, _) $ t))] = (* case_prod (\x. (case_prod (\y z. t))) \ \(x, y, z). t *) let val Const (\<^syntax_const>\_abs\, _) $ (Const (\<^syntax_const>\_pattern\, _) $ y $ z) $ t' = case_prod_tr' [t]; val (x', t'') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' (x, T, t'); in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_abs\ $ (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_pattern\ $ x' $ (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_patterns\ $ y $ z)) $ t'' end | case_prod_tr' [Const (\<^const_syntax>\case_prod\, _) $ t] = (* case_prod (case_prod (\x y z. t)) \ \((x, y), z). t *) case_prod_tr' [(case_prod_tr' [t])] (* inner case_prod_tr' creates next pattern *) | case_prod_tr' [Const (\<^syntax_const>\_abs\, _) $ x_y $ Abs abs] = (* case_prod (\pttrn z. t) \ \(pttrn, z). t *) let val (z, t) = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' abs in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_abs\ $ (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_pattern\ $ x_y $ z) $ t end | case_prod_tr' _ = raise Match; in [(\<^const_syntax>\case_prod\, K case_prod_tr')] end \ subsubsection \Code generator setup\ code_printing type_constructor prod \ (SML) infix 2 "*" and (OCaml) infix 2 "*" and (Haskell) "!((_),/ (_))" and (Scala) "((_),/ (_))" | constant Pair \ (SML) "!((_),/ (_))" and (OCaml) "!((_),/ (_))" and (Haskell) "!((_),/ (_))" and (Scala) "!((_),/ (_))" | class_instance prod :: equal \ (Haskell) - | constant "HOL.equal :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ bool" \ (Haskell) infix 4 "==" | constant fst \ (Haskell) "fst" | constant snd \ (Haskell) "snd" subsubsection \Fundamental operations and properties\ lemma Pair_inject: "(a, b) = (a', b') \ (a = a' \ b = b' \ R) \ R" by simp lemma surj_pair [simp]: "\x y. p = (x, y)" by (cases p) simp lemma fst_eqD: "fst (x, y) = a \ x = a" by simp lemma snd_eqD: "snd (x, y) = a \ y = a" by simp lemma case_prod_unfold [nitpick_unfold]: "case_prod = (\c p. c (fst p) (snd p))" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.split) lemma case_prod_conv [simp, code]: "(case (a, b) of (c, d) \ f c d) = f a b" by (fact prod.case) lemmas surjective_pairing = prod.collapse [symmetric] lemma prod_eq_iff: "s = t \ fst s = fst t \ snd s = snd t" by (cases s, cases t) simp lemma prod_eqI [intro?]: "fst p = fst q \ snd p = snd q \ p = q" by (simp add: prod_eq_iff) lemma case_prodI: "f a b \ case (a, b) of (c, d) \ f c d" by (rule prod.case [THEN iffD2]) lemma case_prodD: "(case (a, b) of (c, d) \ f c d) \ f a b" by (rule prod.case [THEN iffD1]) lemma case_prod_Pair [simp]: "case_prod Pair = id" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.split) lemma case_prod_eta: "(\(x, y). f (x, y)) = f" \ \Subsumes the old \split_Pair\ when \<^term>\f\ is the identity function.\ by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: prod.split) (* This looks like a sensible simp-rule but appears to do more harm than good: lemma case_prod_const [simp]: "(\(_,_). c) = (\_. c)" by(rule case_prod_eta) *) lemma case_prod_comp: "(case x of (a, b) \ (f \ g) a b) = f (g (fst x)) (snd x)" by (cases x) simp lemma The_case_prod: "The (case_prod P) = (THE xy. P (fst xy) (snd xy))" by (simp add: case_prod_unfold) lemma cond_case_prod_eta: "(\x y. f x y = g (x, y)) \ (\(x, y). f x y) = g" by (simp add: case_prod_eta) lemma split_paired_all [no_atp]: "(\x. PROP P x) \ (\a b. PROP P (a, b))" proof fix a b assume "\x. PROP P x" then show "PROP P (a, b)" . next fix x assume "\a b. PROP P (a, b)" from \PROP P (fst x, snd x)\ show "PROP P x" by simp qed text \ The rule @{thm [source] split_paired_all} does not work with the Simplifier because it also affects premises in congrence rules, where this can lead to premises of the form \\a b. \ = ?P(a, b)\ which cannot be solved by reflexivity. \ lemmas split_tupled_all = split_paired_all unit_all_eq2 ML \ (* replace parameters of product type by individual component parameters *) local (* filtering with exists_paired_all is an essential optimization *) fun exists_paired_all (Const (\<^const_name>\Pure.all\, _) $ Abs (_, T, t)) = can HOLogic.dest_prodT T orelse exists_paired_all t | exists_paired_all (t $ u) = exists_paired_all t orelse exists_paired_all u | exists_paired_all (Abs (_, _, t)) = exists_paired_all t | exists_paired_all _ = false; val ss = simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps [@{thm split_paired_all}, @{thm unit_all_eq2}, @{thm unit_abs_eta_conv}] addsimprocs [\<^simproc>\unit_eq\]); in fun split_all_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => if exists_paired_all t then safe_full_simp_tac (put_simpset ss ctxt) i else no_tac); fun unsafe_split_all_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => if exists_paired_all t then full_simp_tac (put_simpset ss ctxt) i else no_tac); fun split_all ctxt th = if exists_paired_all (Thm.prop_of th) then full_simplify (put_simpset ss ctxt) th else th; end; \ setup \map_theory_claset (fn ctxt => ctxt addSbefore ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac))\ lemma split_paired_All [simp, no_atp]: "(\x. P x) \ (\a b. P (a, b))" \ \\[iff]\ is not a good idea because it makes \blast\ loop\ by fast lemma split_paired_Ex [simp, no_atp]: "(\x. P x) \ (\a b. P (a, b))" by fast lemma split_paired_The [no_atp]: "(THE x. P x) = (THE (a, b). P (a, b))" \ \Can't be added to simpset: loops!\ by (simp add: case_prod_eta) text \ Simplification procedure for @{thm [source] cond_case_prod_eta}. Using @{thm [source] case_prod_eta} as a rewrite rule is not general enough, and using @{thm [source] cond_case_prod_eta} directly would render some existing proofs very inefficient; similarly for \prod.case_eq_if\. \ ML \ local val cond_case_prod_eta_ss = simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps @{thms cond_case_prod_eta}); fun Pair_pat k 0 (Bound m) = (m = k) | Pair_pat k i (Const (\<^const_name>\Pair\, _) $ Bound m $ t) = i > 0 andalso m = k + i andalso Pair_pat k (i - 1) t | Pair_pat _ _ _ = false; fun no_args k i (Abs (_, _, t)) = no_args (k + 1) i t | no_args k i (t $ u) = no_args k i t andalso no_args k i u | no_args k i (Bound m) = m < k orelse m > k + i | no_args _ _ _ = true; fun split_pat tp i (Abs (_, _, t)) = if tp 0 i t then SOME (i, t) else NONE | split_pat tp i (Const (\<^const_name>\case_prod\, _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) = split_pat tp (i + 1) t | split_pat tp i _ = NONE; fun metaeq ctxt lhs rhs = mk_meta_eq (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (lhs, rhs))) (K (simp_tac (put_simpset cond_case_prod_eta_ss ctxt) 1))); fun beta_term_pat k i (Abs (_, _, t)) = beta_term_pat (k + 1) i t | beta_term_pat k i (t $ u) = Pair_pat k i (t $ u) orelse (beta_term_pat k i t andalso beta_term_pat k i u) | beta_term_pat k i t = no_args k i t; fun eta_term_pat k i (f $ arg) = no_args k i f andalso Pair_pat k i arg | eta_term_pat _ _ _ = false; fun subst arg k i (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, subst arg (k+1) i t) | subst arg k i (t $ u) = if Pair_pat k i (t $ u) then incr_boundvars k arg else (subst arg k i t $ subst arg k i u) | subst arg k i t = t; in fun beta_proc ctxt (s as Const (\<^const_name>\case_prod\, _) $ Abs (_, _, t) $ arg) = (case split_pat beta_term_pat 1 t of SOME (i, f) => SOME (metaeq ctxt s (subst arg 0 i f)) | NONE => NONE) | beta_proc _ _ = NONE; fun eta_proc ctxt (s as Const (\<^const_name>\case_prod\, _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) = (case split_pat eta_term_pat 1 t of SOME (_, ft) => SOME (metaeq ctxt s (let val f $ _ = ft in f end)) | NONE => NONE) | eta_proc _ _ = NONE; end; \ simproc_setup case_prod_beta ("case_prod f z") = - \fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct => beta_proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => beta_proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ simproc_setup case_prod_eta ("case_prod f") = - \fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct => eta_proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)\ + \K (fn ctxt => fn ct => eta_proc ctxt (Thm.term_of ct))\ lemma case_prod_beta': "(\(x,y). f x y) = (\x. f (fst x) (snd x))" by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff) text \ \<^medskip> \<^const>\case_prod\ used as a logical connective or set former. \<^medskip> These rules are for use with \blast\; could instead call \simp\ using @{thm [source] prod.split} as rewrite.\ lemma case_prodI2: "\p. (\a b. p = (a, b) \ c a b) \ case p of (a, b) \ c a b" by (simp add: split_tupled_all) lemma case_prodI2': "\p. (\a b. (a, b) = p \ c a b x) \ (case p of (a, b) \ c a b) x" by (simp add: split_tupled_all) lemma case_prodE [elim!]: "(case p of (a, b) \ c a b) \ (\x y. p = (x, y) \ c x y \ Q) \ Q" by (induct p) simp lemma case_prodE' [elim!]: "(case p of (a, b) \ c a b) z \ (\x y. p = (x, y) \ c x y z \ Q) \ Q" by (induct p) simp lemma case_prodE2: assumes q: "Q (case z of (a, b) \ P a b)" and r: "\x y. z = (x, y) \ Q (P x y) \ R" shows R proof (rule r) show "z = (fst z, snd z)" by simp then show "Q (P (fst z) (snd z))" using q by (simp add: case_prod_unfold) qed lemma case_prodD': "(case (a, b) of (c, d) \ R c d) c \ R a b c" by simp lemma mem_case_prodI: "z \ c a b \ z \ (case (a, b) of (d, e) \ c d e)" by simp lemma mem_case_prodI2 [intro!]: "\p. (\a b. p = (a, b) \ z \ c a b) \ z \ (case p of (a, b) \ c a b)" by (simp only: split_tupled_all) simp declare mem_case_prodI [intro!] \ \postponed to maintain traditional declaration order!\ declare case_prodI2' [intro!] \ \postponed to maintain traditional declaration order!\ declare case_prodI2 [intro!] \ \postponed to maintain traditional declaration order!\ declare case_prodI [intro!] \ \postponed to maintain traditional declaration order!\ lemma mem_case_prodE [elim!]: assumes "z \ case_prod c p" obtains x y where "p = (x, y)" and "z \ c x y" using assms by (rule case_prodE2) ML \ local (* filtering with exists_p_split is an essential optimization *) fun exists_p_split (Const (\<^const_name>\case_prod\,_) $ _ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\Pair\,_)$_$_)) = true | exists_p_split (t $ u) = exists_p_split t orelse exists_p_split u | exists_p_split (Abs (_, _, t)) = exists_p_split t | exists_p_split _ = false; in fun split_conv_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => if exists_p_split t then safe_full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms case_prod_conv}) i else no_tac); end; \ (* This prevents applications of splitE for already splitted arguments leading to quite time-consuming computations (in particular for nested tuples) *) setup \map_theory_claset (fn ctxt => ctxt addSbefore ("split_conv_tac", split_conv_tac))\ lemma split_eta_SetCompr [simp, no_atp]: "(\u. \x y. u = (x, y) \ P (x, y)) = P" by (rule ext) fast lemma split_eta_SetCompr2 [simp, no_atp]: "(\u. \x y. u = (x, y) \ P x y) = case_prod P" by (rule ext) fast lemma split_part [simp]: "(\(a,b). P \ Q a b) = (\ab. P \ case_prod Q ab)" \ \Allows simplifications of nested splits in case of independent predicates.\ by (rule ext) blast (* Do NOT make this a simp rule as it a) only helps in special situations b) can lead to nontermination in the presence of split_def *) lemma split_comp_eq: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'c" and g :: "'d \ 'a" shows "(\u. f (g (fst u)) (snd u)) = case_prod (\x. f (g x))" by (rule ext) auto lemma pair_imageI [intro]: "(a, b) \ A \ f a b \ (\(a, b). f a b) ` A" by (rule image_eqI [where x = "(a, b)"]) auto lemma Collect_const_case_prod[simp]: "{(a,b). P} = (if P then UNIV else {})" by auto lemma The_split_eq [simp]: "(THE (x',y'). x = x' \ y = y') = (x, y)" by blast (* the following would be slightly more general, but cannot be used as rewrite rule: ### Cannot add premise as rewrite rule because it contains (type) unknowns: ### ?y = .x Goal "[| P y; !!x. P x ==> x = y |] ==> (@(x',y). x = x' & P y) = (x,y)" by (rtac some_equality 1) by ( Simp_tac 1) by (split_all_tac 1) by (Asm_full_simp_tac 1) qed "The_split_eq"; *) lemma case_prod_beta: "case_prod f p = f (fst p) (snd p)" by (fact prod.case_eq_if) lemma prod_cases3 [cases type]: obtains (fields) a b c where "y = (a, b, c)" proof (cases y) case (Pair a b) with that show ?thesis by (cases b) blast qed lemma prod_induct3 [case_names fields, induct type]: "(\a b c. P (a, b, c)) \ P x" by (cases x) blast lemma prod_cases4 [cases type]: obtains (fields) a b c d where "y = (a, b, c, d)" proof (cases y) case (fields a b c) with that show ?thesis by (cases c) blast qed lemma prod_induct4 [case_names fields, induct type]: "(\a b c d. P (a, b, c, d)) \ P x" by (cases x) blast lemma prod_cases5 [cases type]: obtains (fields) a b c d e where "y = (a, b, c, d, e)" proof (cases y) case (fields a b c d) with that show ?thesis by (cases d) blast qed lemma prod_induct5 [case_names fields, induct type]: "(\a b c d e. P (a, b, c, d, e)) \ P x" by (cases x) blast lemma prod_cases6 [cases type]: obtains (fields) a b c d e f where "y = (a, b, c, d, e, f)" proof (cases y) case (fields a b c d e) with that show ?thesis by (cases e) blast qed lemma prod_induct6 [case_names fields, induct type]: "(\a b c d e f. P (a, b, c, d, e, f)) \ P x" by (cases x) blast lemma prod_cases7 [cases type]: obtains (fields) a b c d e f g where "y = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)" proof (cases y) case (fields a b c d e f) with that show ?thesis by (cases f) blast qed lemma prod_induct7 [case_names fields, induct type]: "(\a b c d e f g. P (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) \ P x" by (cases x) blast definition internal_case_prod :: "('a \ 'b \ 'c) \ 'a \ 'b \ 'c" where "internal_case_prod \ case_prod" lemma internal_case_prod_conv: "internal_case_prod c (a, b) = c a b" by (simp only: internal_case_prod_def case_prod_conv) ML_file \Tools/split_rule.ML\ hide_const internal_case_prod subsubsection \Derived operations\ definition curry :: "('a \ 'b \ 'c) \ 'a \ 'b \ 'c" where "curry = (\c x y. c (x, y))" lemma curry_conv [simp, code]: "curry f a b = f (a, b)" by (simp add: curry_def) lemma curryI [intro!]: "f (a, b) \ curry f a b" by (simp add: curry_def) lemma curryD [dest!]: "curry f a b \ f (a, b)" by (simp add: curry_def) lemma curryE: "curry f a b \ (f (a, b) \ Q) \ Q" by (simp add: curry_def) lemma curry_case_prod [simp]: "curry (case_prod f) = f" by (simp add: curry_def case_prod_unfold) lemma case_prod_curry [simp]: "case_prod (curry f) = f" by (simp add: curry_def case_prod_unfold) lemma curry_K: "curry (\x. c) = (\x y. c)" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) text \The composition-uncurry combinator.\ definition scomp :: "('a \ 'b \ 'c) \ ('b \ 'c \ 'd) \ 'a \ 'd" (infixl "\\" 60) where "f \\ g = (\x. case_prod g (f x))" no_notation scomp (infixl "\\" 60) bundle state_combinator_syntax begin notation fcomp (infixl "\>" 60) notation scomp (infixl "\\" 60) end context includes state_combinator_syntax begin lemma scomp_unfold: "(\\) = (\f g x. g (fst (f x)) (snd (f x)))" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff scomp_def case_prod_unfold) lemma scomp_apply [simp]: "(f \\ g) x = case_prod g (f x)" by (simp add: scomp_unfold case_prod_unfold) lemma Pair_scomp: "Pair x \\ f = f x" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma scomp_Pair: "x \\ Pair = x" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma scomp_scomp: "(f \\ g) \\ h = f \\ (\x. g x \\ h)" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff scomp_unfold) lemma scomp_fcomp: "(f \\ g) \> h = f \\ (\x. g x \> h)" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff scomp_unfold fcomp_def) lemma fcomp_scomp: "(f \> g) \\ h = f \> (g \\ h)" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff scomp_unfold) end code_printing constant scomp \ (Eval) infixl 3 "#->" text \ \<^term>\map_prod\ --- action of the product functor upon functions. \ definition map_prod :: "('a \ 'c) \ ('b \ 'd) \ 'a \ 'b \ 'c \ 'd" where "map_prod f g = (\(x, y). (f x, g y))" lemma map_prod_simp [simp, code]: "map_prod f g (a, b) = (f a, g b)" by (simp add: map_prod_def) functor map_prod: map_prod by (auto simp add: split_paired_all) lemma fst_map_prod [simp]: "fst (map_prod f g x) = f (fst x)" by (cases x) simp_all lemma snd_map_prod [simp]: "snd (map_prod f g x) = g (snd x)" by (cases x) simp_all lemma fst_comp_map_prod [simp]: "fst \ map_prod f g = f \ fst" by (rule ext) simp_all lemma snd_comp_map_prod [simp]: "snd \ map_prod f g = g \ snd" by (rule ext) simp_all lemma map_prod_compose: "map_prod (f1 \ f2) (g1 \ g2) = (map_prod f1 g1 \ map_prod f2 g2)" by (rule ext) (simp add: map_prod.compositionality comp_def) lemma map_prod_ident [simp]: "map_prod (\x. x) (\y. y) = (\z. z)" by (rule ext) (simp add: map_prod.identity) lemma map_prod_imageI [intro]: "(a, b) \ R \ (f a, g b) \ map_prod f g ` R" by (rule image_eqI) simp_all lemma prod_fun_imageE [elim!]: assumes major: "c \ map_prod f g ` R" and cases: "\x y. c = (f x, g y) \ (x, y) \ R \ P" shows P proof (rule major [THEN imageE]) fix x assume "c = map_prod f g x" "x \ R" then show P using cases by (cases x) simp qed definition apfst :: "('a \ 'c) \ 'a \ 'b \ 'c \ 'b" where "apfst f = map_prod f id" definition apsnd :: "('b \ 'c) \ 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'c" where "apsnd f = map_prod id f" lemma apfst_conv [simp, code]: "apfst f (x, y) = (f x, y)" by (simp add: apfst_def) lemma apsnd_conv [simp, code]: "apsnd f (x, y) = (x, f y)" by (simp add: apsnd_def) lemma fst_apfst [simp]: "fst (apfst f x) = f (fst x)" by (cases x) simp lemma fst_comp_apfst [simp]: "fst \ apfst f = f \ fst" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma fst_apsnd [simp]: "fst (apsnd f x) = fst x" by (cases x) simp lemma fst_comp_apsnd [simp]: "fst \ apsnd f = fst" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma snd_apfst [simp]: "snd (apfst f x) = snd x" by (cases x) simp lemma snd_comp_apfst [simp]: "snd \ apfst f = snd" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma snd_apsnd [simp]: "snd (apsnd f x) = f (snd x)" by (cases x) simp lemma snd_comp_apsnd [simp]: "snd \ apsnd f = f \ snd" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma apfst_compose: "apfst f (apfst g x) = apfst (f \ g) x" by (cases x) simp lemma apsnd_compose: "apsnd f (apsnd g x) = apsnd (f \ g) x" by (cases x) simp lemma apfst_apsnd [simp]: "apfst f (apsnd g x) = (f (fst x), g (snd x))" by (cases x) simp lemma apsnd_apfst [simp]: "apsnd f (apfst g x) = (g (fst x), f (snd x))" by (cases x) simp lemma apfst_id [simp]: "apfst id = id" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma apsnd_id [simp]: "apsnd id = id" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma apfst_eq_conv [simp]: "apfst f x = apfst g x \ f (fst x) = g (fst x)" by (cases x) simp lemma apsnd_eq_conv [simp]: "apsnd f x = apsnd g x \ f (snd x) = g (snd x)" by (cases x) simp lemma apsnd_apfst_commute: "apsnd f (apfst g p) = apfst g (apsnd f p)" by simp context begin local_setup \Local_Theory.map_background_naming (Name_Space.mandatory_path "prod")\ definition swap :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b \ 'a" where "swap p = (snd p, fst p)" end lemma swap_simp [simp]: "prod.swap (x, y) = (y, x)" by (simp add: prod.swap_def) lemma swap_swap [simp]: "prod.swap (prod.swap p) = p" by (cases p) simp lemma swap_comp_swap [simp]: "prod.swap \ prod.swap = id" by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) lemma pair_in_swap_image [simp]: "(y, x) \ prod.swap ` A \ (x, y) \ A" by (auto intro!: image_eqI) lemma inj_swap [simp]: "inj_on prod.swap A" by (rule inj_onI) auto lemma swap_inj_on: "inj_on (\(i, j). (j, i)) A" by (rule inj_onI) auto lemma surj_swap [simp]: "surj prod.swap" by (rule surjI [of _ prod.swap]) simp lemma bij_swap [simp]: "bij prod.swap" by (simp add: bij_def) lemma case_swap [simp]: "(case prod.swap p of (y, x) \ f x y) = (case p of (x, y) \ f x y)" by (cases p) simp lemma fst_swap [simp]: "fst (prod.swap x) = snd x" by (cases x) simp lemma snd_swap [simp]: "snd (prod.swap x) = fst x" by (cases x) simp text \Disjoint union of a family of sets -- Sigma.\ definition Sigma :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'b set) \ ('a \ 'b) set" where "Sigma A B \ \x\A. \y\B x. {Pair x y}" abbreviation Times :: "'a set \ 'b set \ ('a \ 'b) set" (infixr "\" 80) where "A \ B \ Sigma A (\_. B)" hide_const (open) Times bundle no_Set_Product_syntax begin no_notation Product_Type.Times (infixr "\" 80) end bundle Set_Product_syntax begin notation Product_Type.Times (infixr "\" 80) end syntax "_Sigma" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ 'b set \ ('a \ 'b) set" ("(3SIGMA _:_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) translations "SIGMA x:A. B" \ "CONST Sigma A (\x. B)" lemma SigmaI [intro!]: "a \ A \ b \ B a \ (a, b) \ Sigma A B" unfolding Sigma_def by blast lemma SigmaE [elim!]: "c \ Sigma A B \ (\x y. x \ A \ y \ B x \ c = (x, y) \ P) \ P" \ \The general elimination rule.\ unfolding Sigma_def by blast text \ Elimination of \<^term>\(a, b) \ A \ B\ -- introduces no eigenvariables. \ lemma SigmaD1: "(a, b) \ Sigma A B \ a \ A" by blast lemma SigmaD2: "(a, b) \ Sigma A B \ b \ B a" by blast lemma SigmaE2: "(a, b) \ Sigma A B \ (a \ A \ b \ B a \ P) \ P" by blast lemma Sigma_cong: "A = B \ (\x. x \ B \ C x = D x) \ (SIGMA x:A. C x) = (SIGMA x:B. D x)" by auto lemma Sigma_mono: "A \ C \ (\x. x \ A \ B x \ D x) \ Sigma A B \ Sigma C D" by blast lemma Sigma_empty1 [simp]: "Sigma {} B = {}" by blast lemma Sigma_empty2 [simp]: "A \ {} = {}" by blast lemma UNIV_Times_UNIV [simp]: "UNIV \ UNIV = UNIV" by auto lemma Compl_Times_UNIV1 [simp]: "- (UNIV \ A) = UNIV \ (-A)" by auto lemma Compl_Times_UNIV2 [simp]: "- (A \ UNIV) = (-A) \ UNIV" by auto lemma mem_Sigma_iff [iff]: "(a, b) \ Sigma A B \ a \ A \ b \ B a" by blast lemma mem_Times_iff: "x \ A \ B \ fst x \ A \ snd x \ B" by (induct x) simp lemma Sigma_empty_iff: "(SIGMA i:I. X i) = {} \ (\i\I. X i = {})" by auto lemma Times_subset_cancel2: "x \ C \ A \ C \ B \ C \ A \ B" by blast lemma Times_eq_cancel2: "x \ C \ A \ C = B \ C \ A = B" by (blast elim: equalityE) lemma Collect_case_prod_Sigma: "{(x, y). P x \ Q x y} = (SIGMA x:Collect P. Collect (Q x))" by blast lemma Collect_case_prod [simp]: "{(a, b). P a \ Q b} = Collect P \ Collect Q " by (fact Collect_case_prod_Sigma) lemma Collect_case_prodD: "x \ Collect (case_prod A) \ A (fst x) (snd x)" by auto lemma Collect_case_prod_mono: "A \ B \ Collect (case_prod A) \ Collect (case_prod B)" by auto (auto elim!: le_funE) lemma Collect_split_mono_strong: "X = fst ` A \ Y = snd ` A \ \a\X. \b \ Y. P a b \ Q a b \ A \ Collect (case_prod P) \ A \ Collect (case_prod Q)" by fastforce lemma UN_Times_distrib: "(\(a, b)\A \ B. E a \ F b) = \(E ` A) \ \(F ` B)" \ \Suggested by Pierre Chartier\ by blast lemma split_paired_Ball_Sigma [simp, no_atp]: "(\z\Sigma A B. P z) \ (\x\A. \y\B x. P (x, y))" by blast lemma split_paired_Bex_Sigma [simp, no_atp]: "(\z\Sigma A B. P z) \ (\x\A. \y\B x. P (x, y))" by blast lemma Sigma_Un_distrib1: "Sigma (I \ J) C = Sigma I C \ Sigma J C" by blast lemma Sigma_Un_distrib2: "(SIGMA i:I. A i \ B i) = Sigma I A \ Sigma I B" by blast lemma Sigma_Int_distrib1: "Sigma (I \ J) C = Sigma I C \ Sigma J C" by blast lemma Sigma_Int_distrib2: "(SIGMA i:I. A i \ B i) = Sigma I A \ Sigma I B" by blast lemma Sigma_Diff_distrib1: "Sigma (I - J) C = Sigma I C - Sigma J C" by blast lemma Sigma_Diff_distrib2: "(SIGMA i:I. A i - B i) = Sigma I A - Sigma I B" by blast lemma Sigma_Union: "Sigma (\X) B = (\A\X. Sigma A B)" by blast lemma Pair_vimage_Sigma: "Pair x -` Sigma A f = (if x \ A then f x else {})" by auto text \ Non-dependent versions are needed to avoid the need for higher-order matching, especially when the rules are re-oriented. \ lemma Times_Un_distrib1: "(A \ B) \ C = A \ C \ B \ C " by (fact Sigma_Un_distrib1) lemma Times_Int_distrib1: "(A \ B) \ C = A \ C \ B \ C " by (fact Sigma_Int_distrib1) lemma Times_Diff_distrib1: "(A - B) \ C = A \ C - B \ C " by (fact Sigma_Diff_distrib1) lemma Times_empty [simp]: "A \ B = {} \ A = {} \ B = {}" by auto lemma times_subset_iff: "A \ C \ B \ D \ A={} \ C={} \ A \ B \ C \ D" by blast lemma times_eq_iff: "A \ B = C \ D \ A = C \ B = D \ (A = {} \ B = {}) \ (C = {} \ D = {})" by auto lemma fst_image_times [simp]: "fst ` (A \ B) = (if B = {} then {} else A)" by force lemma snd_image_times [simp]: "snd ` (A \ B) = (if A = {} then {} else B)" by force lemma fst_image_Sigma: "fst ` (Sigma A B) = {x \ A. B(x) \ {}}" by force lemma snd_image_Sigma: "snd ` (Sigma A B) = (\ x \ A. B x)" by force lemma vimage_fst: "fst -` A = A \ UNIV" by auto lemma vimage_snd: "snd -` A = UNIV \ A" by auto lemma insert_Times_insert [simp]: "insert a A \ insert b B = insert (a,b) (A \ insert b B \ insert a A \ B)" by blast lemma vimage_Times: "f -` (A \ B) = (fst \ f) -` A \ (snd \ f) -` B" proof (rule set_eqI) show "x \ f -` (A \ B) \ x \ (fst \ f) -` A \ (snd \ f) -` B" for x by (cases "f x") (auto split: prod.split) qed lemma Times_Int_Times: "A \ B \ C \ D = (A \ C) \ (B \ D)" by auto lemma image_paired_Times: "(\(x,y). (f x, g y)) ` (A \ B) = (f ` A) \ (g ` B)" by auto lemma product_swap: "prod.swap ` (A \ B) = B \ A" by (auto simp add: set_eq_iff) lemma swap_product: "(\(i, j). (j, i)) ` (A \ B) = B \ A" by (auto simp add: set_eq_iff) lemma image_split_eq_Sigma: "(\x. (f x, g x)) ` A = Sigma (f ` A) (\x. g ` (f -` {x} \ A))" proof (safe intro!: imageI) fix a b assume *: "a \ A" "b \ A" and eq: "f a = f b" show "(f b, g a) \ (\x. (f x, g x)) ` A" using * eq[symmetric] by auto qed simp_all lemma subset_fst_snd: "A \ (fst ` A \ snd ` A)" by force lemma inj_on_apfst [simp]: "inj_on (apfst f) (A \ UNIV) \ inj_on f A" by (auto simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_apfst [simp]: "inj (apfst f) \ inj f" using inj_on_apfst[of f UNIV] by simp lemma inj_on_apsnd [simp]: "inj_on (apsnd f) (UNIV \ A) \ inj_on f A" by (auto simp add: inj_on_def) lemma inj_apsnd [simp]: "inj (apsnd f) \ inj f" using inj_on_apsnd[of f UNIV] by simp context begin qualified definition product :: "'a set \ 'b set \ ('a \ 'b) set" where [code_abbrev]: "product A B = A \ B" lemma member_product: "x \ Product_Type.product A B \ x \ A \ B" by (simp add: product_def) end text \The following \<^const>\map_prod\ lemmas are due to Joachim Breitner:\ lemma map_prod_inj_on: assumes "inj_on f A" and "inj_on g B" shows "inj_on (map_prod f g) (A \ B)" proof (rule inj_onI) fix x :: "'a \ 'c" fix y :: "'a \ 'c" assume "x \ A \ B" then have "fst x \ A" and "snd x \ B" by auto assume "y \ A \ B" then have "fst y \ A" and "snd y \ B" by auto assume "map_prod f g x = map_prod f g y" then have "fst (map_prod f g x) = fst (map_prod f g y)" by auto then have "f (fst x) = f (fst y)" by (cases x, cases y) auto with \inj_on f A\ and \fst x \ A\ and \fst y \ A\ have "fst x = fst y" by (auto dest: inj_onD) moreover from \map_prod f g x = map_prod f g y\ have "snd (map_prod f g x) = snd (map_prod f g y)" by auto then have "g (snd x) = g (snd y)" by (cases x, cases y) auto with \inj_on g B\ and \snd x \ B\ and \snd y \ B\ have "snd x = snd y" by (auto dest: inj_onD) ultimately show "x = y" by (rule prod_eqI) qed lemma map_prod_surj: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b" and g :: "'c \ 'd" assumes "surj f" and "surj g" shows "surj (map_prod f g)" unfolding surj_def proof fix y :: "'b \ 'd" from \surj f\ obtain a where "fst y = f a" by (auto elim: surjE) moreover from \surj g\ obtain b where "snd y = g b" by (auto elim: surjE) ultimately have "(fst y, snd y) = map_prod f g (a,b)" by auto then show "\x. y = map_prod f g x" by auto qed lemma map_prod_surj_on: assumes "f ` A = A'" and "g ` B = B'" shows "map_prod f g ` (A \ B) = A' \ B'" unfolding image_def proof (rule set_eqI, rule iffI) fix x :: "'a \ 'c" assume "x \ {y::'a \ 'c. \x::'b \ 'd\A \ B. y = map_prod f g x}" then obtain y where "y \ A \ B" and "x = map_prod f g y" by blast from \image f A = A'\ and \y \ A \ B\ have "f (fst y) \ A'" by auto moreover from \image g B = B'\ and \y \ A \ B\ have "g (snd y) \ B'" by auto ultimately have "(f (fst y), g (snd y)) \ (A' \ B')" by auto with \x = map_prod f g y\ show "x \ A' \ B'" by (cases y) auto next fix x :: "'a \ 'c" assume "x \ A' \ B'" then have "fst x \ A'" and "snd x \ B'" by auto from \image f A = A'\ and \fst x \ A'\ have "fst x \ image f A" by auto then obtain a where "a \ A" and "fst x = f a" by (rule imageE) moreover from \image g B = B'\ and \snd x \ B'\ obtain b where "b \ B" and "snd x = g b" by auto ultimately have "(fst x, snd x) = map_prod f g (a, b)" by auto moreover from \a \ A\ and \b \ B\ have "(a , b) \ A \ B" by auto ultimately have "\y \ A \ B. x = map_prod f g y" by auto then show "x \ {x. \y \ A \ B. x = map_prod f g y}" by auto qed subsection \Simproc for rewriting a set comprehension into a pointfree expression\ ML_file \Tools/set_comprehension_pointfree.ML\ setup \ Code_Preproc.map_pre (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimprocs [Simplifier.make_simproc \<^context> "set comprehension" {lhss = [\<^term>\Collect P\], proc = K Set_Comprehension_Pointfree.code_simproc}]) \ subsection \Lemmas about disjointness\ lemma disjnt_Times1_iff [simp]: "disjnt (C \ A) (C \ B) \ C = {} \ disjnt A B" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_Times2_iff [simp]: "disjnt (A \ C) (B \ C) \ C = {} \ disjnt A B" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_Sigma_iff: "disjnt (Sigma A C) (Sigma B C) \ (\i \ A\B. C i = {}) \ disjnt A B" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) subsection \Inductively defined sets\ (* simplify {(x1, ..., xn). (x1, ..., xn) : S} to S *) simproc_setup Collect_mem ("Collect t") = \ - fn _ => fn ctxt => fn ct => + K (fn ctxt => fn ct => (case Thm.term_of ct of S as Const (\<^const_name>\Collect\, Type (\<^type_name>\fun\, [_, T])) $ t => let val (u, _, ps) = HOLogic.strip_ptupleabs t in (case u of (c as Const (\<^const_name>\Set.member\, _)) $ q $ S' => (case try (HOLogic.strip_ptuple ps) q of NONE => NONE | SOME ts => if not (Term.is_open S') andalso ts = map Bound (length ps downto 0) then let val simp = full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps [@{thm split_paired_all}, @{thm case_prod_conv}]) 1 in SOME (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] (Const (\<^const_name>\Pure.eq\, T --> T --> propT) $ S $ S') (K (EVERY [resolve_tac ctxt [eq_reflection] 1, resolve_tac ctxt @{thms subset_antisym} 1, resolve_tac ctxt @{thms subsetI} 1, dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms CollectD} 1, simp, resolve_tac ctxt @{thms subsetI} 1, resolve_tac ctxt @{thms CollectI} 1, simp]))) end else NONE) | _ => NONE) end - | _ => NONE) + | _ => NONE)) \ ML_file \Tools/inductive_set.ML\ subsection \Legacy theorem bindings and duplicates\ lemmas fst_conv = prod.sel(1) lemmas snd_conv = prod.sel(2) lemmas split_def = case_prod_unfold lemmas split_beta' = case_prod_beta' lemmas split_beta = prod.case_eq_if lemmas split_conv = case_prod_conv lemmas split = case_prod_conv hide_const (open) prod end diff --git a/src/HOL/Set.thy b/src/HOL/Set.thy --- a/src/HOL/Set.thy +++ b/src/HOL/Set.thy @@ -1,2044 +1,2042 @@ (* Title: HOL/Set.thy Author: Tobias Nipkow Author: Lawrence C Paulson Author: Markus Wenzel *) section \Set theory for higher-order logic\ theory Set imports Lattices Boolean_Algebras begin subsection \Sets as predicates\ typedecl 'a set axiomatization Collect :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a set" \ \comprehension\ and member :: "'a \ 'a set \ bool" \ \membership\ where mem_Collect_eq [iff, code_unfold]: "member a (Collect P) = P a" and Collect_mem_eq [simp]: "Collect (\x. member x A) = A" notation member ("'(\')") and member ("(_/ \ _)" [51, 51] 50) abbreviation not_member where "not_member x A \ \ (x \ A)" \ \non-membership\ notation not_member ("'(\')") and not_member ("(_/ \ _)" [51, 51] 50) notation (ASCII) member ("'(:')") and member ("(_/ : _)" [51, 51] 50) and not_member ("'(~:')") and not_member ("(_/ ~: _)" [51, 51] 50) text \Set comprehensions\ syntax "_Coll" :: "pttrn \ bool \ 'a set" ("(1{_./ _})") translations "{x. P}" \ "CONST Collect (\x. P)" syntax (ASCII) "_Collect" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ 'a set" ("(1{(_/: _)./ _})") syntax "_Collect" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ 'a set" ("(1{(_/ \ _)./ _})") translations "{p:A. P}" \ "CONST Collect (\p. p \ A \ P)" lemma CollectI: "P a \ a \ {x. P x}" by simp lemma CollectD: "a \ {x. P x} \ P a" by simp lemma Collect_cong: "(\x. P x = Q x) \ {x. P x} = {x. Q x}" by simp text \ Simproc for pulling \x = t\ in \{x. \ \ x = t \ \}\ to the front (and similarly for \t = x\): \ simproc_setup defined_Collect ("{x. P x \ Q x}") = \ - fn _ => Quantifier1.rearrange_Collect + K (Quantifier1.rearrange_Collect (fn ctxt => resolve_tac ctxt @{thms Collect_cong} 1 THEN resolve_tac ctxt @{thms iffI} 1 THEN ALLGOALS (EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjE}, - DEPTH_SOLVE_1 o (assume_tac ctxt ORELSE' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjI})])) + DEPTH_SOLVE_1 o (assume_tac ctxt ORELSE' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjI})]))) \ lemmas CollectE = CollectD [elim_format] lemma set_eqI: assumes "\x. x \ A \ x \ B" shows "A = B" proof - from assms have "{x. x \ A} = {x. x \ B}" by simp then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma set_eq_iff: "A = B \ (\x. x \ A \ x \ B)" by (auto intro:set_eqI) lemma Collect_eqI: assumes "\x. P x = Q x" shows "Collect P = Collect Q" using assms by (auto intro: set_eqI) text \Lifting of predicate class instances\ instantiation set :: (type) boolean_algebra begin definition less_eq_set where "A \ B \ (\x. member x A) \ (\x. member x B)" definition less_set where "A < B \ (\x. member x A) < (\x. member x B)" definition inf_set where "A \ B = Collect ((\x. member x A) \ (\x. member x B))" definition sup_set where "A \ B = Collect ((\x. member x A) \ (\x. member x B))" definition bot_set where "\ = Collect \" definition top_set where "\ = Collect \" definition uminus_set where "- A = Collect (- (\x. member x A))" definition minus_set where "A - B = Collect ((\x. member x A) - (\x. member x B))" instance by standard (simp_all add: less_eq_set_def less_set_def inf_set_def sup_set_def bot_set_def top_set_def uminus_set_def minus_set_def less_le_not_le sup_inf_distrib1 diff_eq set_eqI fun_eq_iff del: inf_apply sup_apply bot_apply top_apply minus_apply uminus_apply) end text \Set enumerations\ abbreviation empty :: "'a set" ("{}") where "{} \ bot" definition insert :: "'a \ 'a set \ 'a set" where insert_compr: "insert a B = {x. x = a \ x \ B}" syntax "_Finset" :: "args \ 'a set" ("{(_)}") translations "{x, xs}" \ "CONST insert x {xs}" "{x}" \ "CONST insert x {}" subsection \Subsets and bounded quantifiers\ abbreviation subset :: "'a set \ 'a set \ bool" where "subset \ less" abbreviation subset_eq :: "'a set \ 'a set \ bool" where "subset_eq \ less_eq" notation subset ("'(\')") and subset ("(_/ \ _)" [51, 51] 50) and subset_eq ("'(\')") and subset_eq ("(_/ \ _)" [51, 51] 50) abbreviation (input) supset :: "'a set \ 'a set \ bool" where "supset \ greater" abbreviation (input) supset_eq :: "'a set \ 'a set \ bool" where "supset_eq \ greater_eq" notation supset ("'(\')") and supset ("(_/ \ _)" [51, 51] 50) and supset_eq ("'(\')") and supset_eq ("(_/ \ _)" [51, 51] 50) notation (ASCII output) subset ("'(<')") and subset ("(_/ < _)" [51, 51] 50) and subset_eq ("'(<=')") and subset_eq ("(_/ <= _)" [51, 51] 50) definition Ball :: "'a set \ ('a \ bool) \ bool" where "Ball A P \ (\x. x \ A \ P x)" \ \bounded universal quantifiers\ definition Bex :: "'a set \ ('a \ bool) \ bool" where "Bex A P \ (\x. x \ A \ P x)" \ \bounded existential quantifiers\ syntax (ASCII) "_Ball" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3ALL (_/:_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bex" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3EX (_/:_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bex1" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3EX! (_/:_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bleast" :: "id \ 'a set \ bool \ 'a" ("(3LEAST (_/:_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) syntax (input) "_Ball" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3! (_/:_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bex" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3? (_/:_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bex1" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3?! (_/:_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) syntax "_Ball" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3\(_/\_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bex" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3\(_/\_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bex1" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ bool \ bool" ("(3\!(_/\_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_Bleast" :: "id \ 'a set \ bool \ 'a" ("(3LEAST(_/\_)./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) translations "\x\A. P" \ "CONST Ball A (\x. P)" "\x\A. P" \ "CONST Bex A (\x. P)" "\!x\A. P" \ "\!x. x \ A \ P" "LEAST x:A. P" \ "LEAST x. x \ A \ P" syntax (ASCII output) "_setlessAll" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3ALL _<_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setlessEx" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3EX _<_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setleAll" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3ALL _<=_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setleEx" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3EX _<=_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setleEx1" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3EX! _<=_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) syntax "_setlessAll" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3\_\_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setlessEx" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3\_\_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setleAll" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3\_\_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setleEx" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3\_\_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) "_setleEx1" :: "[idt, 'a, bool] \ bool" ("(3\!_\_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10) translations "\A\B. P" \ "\A. A \ B \ P" "\A\B. P" \ "\A. A \ B \ P" "\A\B. P" \ "\A. A \ B \ P" "\A\B. P" \ "\A. A \ B \ P" "\!A\B. P" \ "\!A. A \ B \ P" print_translation \ let val All_binder = Mixfix.binder_name \<^const_syntax>\All\; val Ex_binder = Mixfix.binder_name \<^const_syntax>\Ex\; val impl = \<^const_syntax>\HOL.implies\; val conj = \<^const_syntax>\HOL.conj\; val sbset = \<^const_syntax>\subset\; val sbset_eq = \<^const_syntax>\subset_eq\; val trans = [((All_binder, impl, sbset), \<^syntax_const>\_setlessAll\), ((All_binder, impl, sbset_eq), \<^syntax_const>\_setleAll\), ((Ex_binder, conj, sbset), \<^syntax_const>\_setlessEx\), ((Ex_binder, conj, sbset_eq), \<^syntax_const>\_setleEx\)]; fun mk v (v', T) c n P = if v = v' andalso not (Term.exists_subterm (fn Free (x, _) => x = v | _ => false) n) then Syntax.const c $ Syntax_Trans.mark_bound_body (v', T) $ n $ P else raise Match; fun tr' q = (q, fn _ => (fn [Const (\<^syntax_const>\_bound\, _) $ Free (v, Type (\<^type_name>\set\, _)), Const (c, _) $ (Const (d, _) $ (Const (\<^syntax_const>\_bound\, _) $ Free (v', T)) $ n) $ P] => (case AList.lookup (=) trans (q, c, d) of NONE => raise Match | SOME l => mk v (v', T) l n P) | _ => raise Match)); in [tr' All_binder, tr' Ex_binder] end \ text \ \<^medskip> Translate between \{e | x1\xn. P}\ and \{u. \x1\xn. u = e \ P}\; \{y. \x1\xn. y = e \ P}\ is only translated if \[0..n] \ bvs e\. \ syntax "_Setcompr" :: "'a \ idts \ bool \ 'a set" ("(1{_ |/_./ _})") parse_translation \ let val ex_tr = snd (Syntax_Trans.mk_binder_tr ("EX ", \<^const_syntax>\Ex\)); fun nvars (Const (\<^syntax_const>\_idts\, _) $ _ $ idts) = nvars idts + 1 | nvars _ = 1; fun setcompr_tr ctxt [e, idts, b] = let val eq = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\HOL.eq\ $ Bound (nvars idts) $ e; val P = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\HOL.conj\ $ eq $ b; val exP = ex_tr ctxt [idts, P]; in Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\Collect\ $ absdummy dummyT exP end; in [(\<^syntax_const>\_Setcompr\, setcompr_tr)] end \ print_translation \ [Syntax_Trans.preserve_binder_abs2_tr' \<^const_syntax>\Ball\ \<^syntax_const>\_Ball\, Syntax_Trans.preserve_binder_abs2_tr' \<^const_syntax>\Bex\ \<^syntax_const>\_Bex\] \ \ \to avoid eta-contraction of body\ print_translation \ let val ex_tr' = snd (Syntax_Trans.mk_binder_tr' (\<^const_syntax>\Ex\, "DUMMY")); fun setcompr_tr' ctxt [Abs (abs as (_, _, P))] = let fun check (Const (\<^const_syntax>\Ex\, _) $ Abs (_, _, P), n) = check (P, n + 1) | check (Const (\<^const_syntax>\HOL.conj\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_syntax>\HOL.eq\, _) $ Bound m $ e) $ P, n) = n > 0 andalso m = n andalso not (loose_bvar1 (P, n)) andalso subset (=) (0 upto (n - 1), add_loose_bnos (e, 0, [])) | check _ = false; fun tr' (_ $ abs) = let val _ $ idts $ (_ $ (_ $ _ $ e) $ Q) = ex_tr' ctxt [abs] in Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_Setcompr\ $ e $ idts $ Q end; in if check (P, 0) then tr' P else let val (x as _ $ Free(xN, _), t) = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' abs; val M = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_Coll\ $ x $ t; in case t of Const (\<^const_syntax>\HOL.conj\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_syntax>\Set.member\, _) $ (Const (\<^syntax_const>\_bound\, _) $ Free (yN, _)) $ A) $ P => if xN = yN then Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_Collect\ $ x $ A $ P else M | _ => M end end; in [(\<^const_syntax>\Collect\, setcompr_tr')] end \ simproc_setup defined_Bex ("\x\A. P x \ Q x") = \ - fn _ => Quantifier1.rearrange_Bex - (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Bex_def}) + K (Quantifier1.rearrange_Bex (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Bex_def})) \ simproc_setup defined_All ("\x\A. P x \ Q x") = \ - fn _ => Quantifier1.rearrange_Ball - (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Ball_def}) + K (Quantifier1.rearrange_Ball (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Ball_def})) \ lemma ballI [intro!]: "(\x. x \ A \ P x) \ \x\A. P x" by (simp add: Ball_def) lemmas strip = impI allI ballI lemma bspec [dest?]: "\x\A. P x \ x \ A \ P x" by (simp add: Ball_def) text \Gives better instantiation for bound:\ setup \ map_theory_claset (fn ctxt => ctxt addbefore ("bspec", fn ctxt' => dresolve_tac ctxt' @{thms bspec} THEN' assume_tac ctxt')) \ ML \ structure Simpdata = struct open Simpdata; val mksimps_pairs = [(\<^const_name>\Ball\, @{thms bspec})] @ mksimps_pairs; end; open Simpdata; \ declaration \fn _ => Simplifier.map_ss (Simplifier.set_mksimps (mksimps mksimps_pairs))\ lemma ballE [elim]: "\x\A. P x \ (P x \ Q) \ (x \ A \ Q) \ Q" unfolding Ball_def by blast lemma bexI [intro]: "P x \ x \ A \ \x\A. P x" \ \Normally the best argument order: \P x\ constrains the choice of \x \ A\.\ unfolding Bex_def by blast lemma rev_bexI [intro?]: "x \ A \ P x \ \x\A. P x" \ \The best argument order when there is only one \x \ A\.\ unfolding Bex_def by blast lemma bexCI: "(\x\A. \ P x \ P a) \ a \ A \ \x\A. P x" unfolding Bex_def by blast lemma bexE [elim!]: "\x\A. P x \ (\x. x \ A \ P x \ Q) \ Q" unfolding Bex_def by blast lemma ball_triv [simp]: "(\x\A. P) \ ((\x. x \ A) \ P)" \ \trivial rewrite rule.\ by (simp add: Ball_def) lemma bex_triv [simp]: "(\x\A. P) \ ((\x. x \ A) \ P)" \ \Dual form for existentials.\ by (simp add: Bex_def) lemma bex_triv_one_point1 [simp]: "(\x\A. x = a) \ a \ A" by blast lemma bex_triv_one_point2 [simp]: "(\x\A. a = x) \ a \ A" by blast lemma bex_one_point1 [simp]: "(\x\A. x = a \ P x) \ a \ A \ P a" by blast lemma bex_one_point2 [simp]: "(\x\A. a = x \ P x) \ a \ A \ P a" by blast lemma ball_one_point1 [simp]: "(\x\A. x = a \ P x) \ (a \ A \ P a)" by blast lemma ball_one_point2 [simp]: "(\x\A. a = x \ P x) \ (a \ A \ P a)" by blast lemma ball_conj_distrib: "(\x\A. P x \ Q x) \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\A. Q x)" by blast lemma bex_disj_distrib: "(\x\A. P x \ Q x) \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\A. Q x)" by blast text \Congruence rules\ lemma ball_cong: "\ A = B; \x. x \ B \ P x \ Q x \ \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\B. Q x)" by (simp add: Ball_def) lemma ball_cong_simp [cong]: "\ A = B; \x. x \ B =simp=> P x \ Q x \ \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\B. Q x)" by (simp add: simp_implies_def Ball_def) lemma bex_cong: "\ A = B; \x. x \ B \ P x \ Q x \ \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\B. Q x)" by (simp add: Bex_def cong: conj_cong) lemma bex_cong_simp [cong]: "\ A = B; \x. x \ B =simp=> P x \ Q x \ \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\B. Q x)" by (simp add: simp_implies_def Bex_def cong: conj_cong) lemma bex1_def: "(\!x\X. P x) \ (\x\X. P x) \ (\x\X. \y\X. P x \ P y \ x = y)" by auto subsection \Basic operations\ subsubsection \Subsets\ lemma subsetI [intro!]: "(\x. x \ A \ x \ B) \ A \ B" by (simp add: less_eq_set_def le_fun_def) text \ \<^medskip> Map the type \'a set \ anything\ to just \'a\; for overloading constants whose first argument has type \'a set\. \ lemma subsetD [elim, intro?]: "A \ B \ c \ A \ c \ B" by (simp add: less_eq_set_def le_fun_def) \ \Rule in Modus Ponens style.\ lemma rev_subsetD [intro?,no_atp]: "c \ A \ A \ B \ c \ B" \ \The same, with reversed premises for use with @{method erule} -- cf. @{thm rev_mp}.\ by (rule subsetD) lemma subsetCE [elim,no_atp]: "A \ B \ (c \ A \ P) \ (c \ B \ P) \ P" \ \Classical elimination rule.\ by (auto simp add: less_eq_set_def le_fun_def) lemma subset_eq: "A \ B \ (\x\A. x \ B)" by blast lemma contra_subsetD [no_atp]: "A \ B \ c \ B \ c \ A" by blast lemma subset_refl: "A \ A" by (fact order_refl) (* already [iff] *) lemma subset_trans: "A \ B \ B \ C \ A \ C" by (fact order_trans) lemma subset_not_subset_eq [code]: "A \ B \ A \ B \ \ B \ A" by (fact less_le_not_le) lemma eq_mem_trans: "a = b \ b \ A \ a \ A" by simp lemmas basic_trans_rules [trans] = order_trans_rules rev_subsetD subsetD eq_mem_trans subsubsection \Equality\ lemma subset_antisym [intro!]: "A \ B \ B \ A \ A = B" \ \Anti-symmetry of the subset relation.\ by (iprover intro: set_eqI subsetD) text \\<^medskip> Equality rules from ZF set theory -- are they appropriate here?\ lemma equalityD1: "A = B \ A \ B" by simp lemma equalityD2: "A = B \ B \ A" by simp text \ \<^medskip> Be careful when adding this to the claset as \subset_empty\ is in the simpset: \<^prop>\A = {}\ goes to \<^prop>\{} \ A\ and \<^prop>\A \ {}\ and then back to \<^prop>\A = {}\! \ lemma equalityE: "A = B \ (A \ B \ B \ A \ P) \ P" by simp lemma equalityCE [elim]: "A = B \ (c \ A \ c \ B \ P) \ (c \ A \ c \ B \ P) \ P" by blast lemma eqset_imp_iff: "A = B \ x \ A \ x \ B" by simp lemma eqelem_imp_iff: "x = y \ x \ A \ y \ A" by simp subsubsection \The empty set\ lemma empty_def: "{} = {x. False}" by (simp add: bot_set_def bot_fun_def) lemma empty_iff [simp]: "c \ {} \ False" by (simp add: empty_def) lemma emptyE [elim!]: "a \ {} \ P" by simp lemma empty_subsetI [iff]: "{} \ A" \ \One effect is to delete the ASSUMPTION \<^prop>\{} \ A\\ by blast lemma equals0I: "(\y. y \ A \ False) \ A = {}" by blast lemma equals0D: "A = {} \ a \ A" \ \Use for reasoning about disjointness: \A \ B = {}\\ by blast lemma ball_empty [simp]: "Ball {} P \ True" by (simp add: Ball_def) lemma bex_empty [simp]: "Bex {} P \ False" by (simp add: Bex_def) subsubsection \The universal set -- UNIV\ abbreviation UNIV :: "'a set" where "UNIV \ top" lemma UNIV_def: "UNIV = {x. True}" by (simp add: top_set_def top_fun_def) lemma UNIV_I [simp]: "x \ UNIV" by (simp add: UNIV_def) declare UNIV_I [intro] \ \unsafe makes it less likely to cause problems\ lemma UNIV_witness [intro?]: "\x. x \ UNIV" by simp lemma subset_UNIV: "A \ UNIV" by (fact top_greatest) (* already simp *) text \ \<^medskip> Eta-contracting these two rules (to remove \P\) causes them to be ignored because of their interaction with congruence rules. \ lemma ball_UNIV [simp]: "Ball UNIV P \ All P" by (simp add: Ball_def) lemma bex_UNIV [simp]: "Bex UNIV P \ Ex P" by (simp add: Bex_def) lemma UNIV_eq_I: "(\x. x \ A) \ UNIV = A" by auto lemma UNIV_not_empty [iff]: "UNIV \ {}" by (blast elim: equalityE) lemma empty_not_UNIV[simp]: "{} \ UNIV" by blast subsubsection \The Powerset operator -- Pow\ definition Pow :: "'a set \ 'a set set" where Pow_def: "Pow A = {B. B \ A}" lemma Pow_iff [iff]: "A \ Pow B \ A \ B" by (simp add: Pow_def) lemma PowI: "A \ B \ A \ Pow B" by (simp add: Pow_def) lemma PowD: "A \ Pow B \ A \ B" by (simp add: Pow_def) lemma Pow_bottom: "{} \ Pow B" by simp lemma Pow_top: "A \ Pow A" by simp lemma Pow_not_empty: "Pow A \ {}" using Pow_top by blast subsubsection \Set complement\ lemma Compl_iff [simp]: "c \ - A \ c \ A" by (simp add: fun_Compl_def uminus_set_def) lemma ComplI [intro!]: "(c \ A \ False) \ c \ - A" by (simp add: fun_Compl_def uminus_set_def) blast text \ \<^medskip> This form, with negated conclusion, works well with the Classical prover. Negated assumptions behave like formulae on the right side of the notional turnstile \dots \ lemma ComplD [dest!]: "c \ - A \ c \ A" by simp lemmas ComplE = ComplD [elim_format] lemma Compl_eq: "- A = {x. \ x \ A}" by blast subsubsection \Binary intersection\ abbreviation inter :: "'a set \ 'a set \ 'a set" (infixl "\" 70) where "(\) \ inf" notation (ASCII) inter (infixl "Int" 70) lemma Int_def: "A \ B = {x. x \ A \ x \ B}" by (simp add: inf_set_def inf_fun_def) lemma Int_iff [simp]: "c \ A \ B \ c \ A \ c \ B" unfolding Int_def by blast lemma IntI [intro!]: "c \ A \ c \ B \ c \ A \ B" by simp lemma IntD1: "c \ A \ B \ c \ A" by simp lemma IntD2: "c \ A \ B \ c \ B" by simp lemma IntE [elim!]: "c \ A \ B \ (c \ A \ c \ B \ P) \ P" by simp subsubsection \Binary union\ abbreviation union :: "'a set \ 'a set \ 'a set" (infixl "\" 65) where "union \ sup" notation (ASCII) union (infixl "Un" 65) lemma Un_def: "A \ B = {x. x \ A \ x \ B}" by (simp add: sup_set_def sup_fun_def) lemma Un_iff [simp]: "c \ A \ B \ c \ A \ c \ B" unfolding Un_def by blast lemma UnI1 [elim?]: "c \ A \ c \ A \ B" by simp lemma UnI2 [elim?]: "c \ B \ c \ A \ B" by simp text \\<^medskip> Classical introduction rule: no commitment to \A\ vs. \B\.\ lemma UnCI [intro!]: "(c \ B \ c \ A) \ c \ A \ B" by auto lemma UnE [elim!]: "c \ A \ B \ (c \ A \ P) \ (c \ B \ P) \ P" unfolding Un_def by blast lemma insert_def: "insert a B = {x. x = a} \ B" by (simp add: insert_compr Un_def) subsubsection \Set difference\ lemma Diff_iff [simp]: "c \ A - B \ c \ A \ c \ B" by (simp add: minus_set_def fun_diff_def) lemma DiffI [intro!]: "c \ A \ c \ B \ c \ A - B" by simp lemma DiffD1: "c \ A - B \ c \ A" by simp lemma DiffD2: "c \ A - B \ c \ B \ P" by simp lemma DiffE [elim!]: "c \ A - B \ (c \ A \ c \ B \ P) \ P" by simp lemma set_diff_eq: "A - B = {x. x \ A \ x \ B}" by blast lemma Compl_eq_Diff_UNIV: "- A = (UNIV - A)" by blast subsubsection \Augmenting a set -- \<^const>\insert\\ lemma insert_iff [simp]: "a \ insert b A \ a = b \ a \ A" unfolding insert_def by blast lemma insertI1: "a \ insert a B" by simp lemma insertI2: "a \ B \ a \ insert b B" by simp lemma insertE [elim!]: "a \ insert b A \ (a = b \ P) \ (a \ A \ P) \ P" unfolding insert_def by blast lemma insertCI [intro!]: "(a \ B \ a = b) \ a \ insert b B" \ \Classical introduction rule.\ by auto lemma subset_insert_iff: "A \ insert x B \ (if x \ A then A - {x} \ B else A \ B)" by auto lemma set_insert: assumes "x \ A" obtains B where "A = insert x B" and "x \ B" proof show "A = insert x (A - {x})" using assms by blast show "x \ A - {x}" by blast qed lemma insert_ident: "x \ A \ x \ B \ insert x A = insert x B \ A = B" by auto lemma insert_eq_iff: assumes "a \ A" "b \ B" shows "insert a A = insert b B \ (if a = b then A = B else \C. A = insert b C \ b \ C \ B = insert a C \ a \ C)" (is "?L \ ?R") proof show ?R if ?L proof (cases "a = b") case True with assms \?L\ show ?R by (simp add: insert_ident) next case False let ?C = "A - {b}" have "A = insert b ?C \ b \ ?C \ B = insert a ?C \ a \ ?C" using assms \?L\ \a \ b\ by auto then show ?R using \a \ b\ by auto qed show ?L if ?R using that by (auto split: if_splits) qed lemma insert_UNIV: "insert x UNIV = UNIV" by auto subsubsection \Singletons, using insert\ lemma singletonI [intro!]: "a \ {a}" \ \Redundant? But unlike \insertCI\, it proves the subgoal immediately!\ by (rule insertI1) lemma singletonD [dest!]: "b \ {a} \ b = a" by blast lemmas singletonE = singletonD [elim_format] lemma singleton_iff: "b \ {a} \ b = a" by blast lemma singleton_inject [dest!]: "{a} = {b} \ a = b" by blast lemma singleton_insert_inj_eq [iff]: "{b} = insert a A \ a = b \ A \ {b}" by blast lemma singleton_insert_inj_eq' [iff]: "insert a A = {b} \ a = b \ A \ {b}" by blast lemma subset_singletonD: "A \ {x} \ A = {} \ A = {x}" by fast lemma subset_singleton_iff: "X \ {a} \ X = {} \ X = {a}" by blast lemma subset_singleton_iff_Uniq: "(\a. A \ {a}) \ (\\<^sub>\\<^sub>1x. x \ A)" unfolding Uniq_def by blast lemma singleton_conv [simp]: "{x. x = a} = {a}" by blast lemma singleton_conv2 [simp]: "{x. a = x} = {a}" by blast lemma Diff_single_insert: "A - {x} \ B \ A \ insert x B" by blast lemma subset_Diff_insert: "A \ B - insert x C \ A \ B - C \ x \ A" by blast lemma doubleton_eq_iff: "{a, b} = {c, d} \ a = c \ b = d \ a = d \ b = c" by (blast elim: equalityE) lemma Un_singleton_iff: "A \ B = {x} \ A = {} \ B = {x} \ A = {x} \ B = {} \ A = {x} \ B = {x}" by auto lemma singleton_Un_iff: "{x} = A \ B \ A = {} \ B = {x} \ A = {x} \ B = {} \ A = {x} \ B = {x}" by auto subsubsection \Image of a set under a function\ text \Frequently \b\ does not have the syntactic form of \f x\.\ definition image :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a set \ 'b set" (infixr "`" 90) where "f ` A = {y. \x\A. y = f x}" lemma image_eqI [simp, intro]: "b = f x \ x \ A \ b \ f ` A" unfolding image_def by blast lemma imageI: "x \ A \ f x \ f ` A" by (rule image_eqI) (rule refl) lemma rev_image_eqI: "x \ A \ b = f x \ b \ f ` A" \ \This version's more effective when we already have the required \x\.\ by (rule image_eqI) lemma imageE [elim!]: assumes "b \ (\x. f x) ` A" \ \The eta-expansion gives variable-name preservation.\ obtains x where "b = f x" and "x \ A" using assms unfolding image_def by blast lemma Compr_image_eq: "{x \ f ` A. P x} = f ` {x \ A. P (f x)}" by auto lemma image_Un: "f ` (A \ B) = f ` A \ f ` B" by blast lemma image_iff: "z \ f ` A \ (\x\A. z = f x)" by blast lemma image_subsetI: "(\x. x \ A \ f x \ B) \ f ` A \ B" \ \Replaces the three steps \subsetI\, \imageE\, \hypsubst\, but breaks too many existing proofs.\ by blast lemma image_subset_iff: "f ` A \ B \ (\x\A. f x \ B)" \ \This rewrite rule would confuse users if made default.\ by blast lemma subset_imageE: assumes "B \ f ` A" obtains C where "C \ A" and "B = f ` C" proof - from assms have "B = f ` {a \ A. f a \ B}" by fast moreover have "{a \ A. f a \ B} \ A" by blast ultimately show thesis by (blast intro: that) qed lemma subset_image_iff: "B \ f ` A \ (\AA\A. B = f ` AA)" by (blast elim: subset_imageE) lemma image_ident [simp]: "(\x. x) ` Y = Y" by blast lemma image_empty [simp]: "f ` {} = {}" by blast lemma image_insert [simp]: "f ` insert a B = insert (f a) (f ` B)" by blast lemma image_constant: "x \ A \ (\x. c) ` A = {c}" by auto lemma image_constant_conv: "(\x. c) ` A = (if A = {} then {} else {c})" by auto lemma image_image: "f ` (g ` A) = (\x. f (g x)) ` A" by blast lemma insert_image [simp]: "x \ A \ insert (f x) (f ` A) = f ` A" by blast lemma image_is_empty [iff]: "f ` A = {} \ A = {}" by blast lemma empty_is_image [iff]: "{} = f ` A \ A = {}" by blast lemma image_Collect: "f ` {x. P x} = {f x | x. P x}" \ \NOT suitable as a default simp rule: the RHS isn't simpler than the LHS, with its implicit quantifier and conjunction. Also image enjoys better equational properties than does the RHS.\ by blast lemma if_image_distrib [simp]: "(\x. if P x then f x else g x) ` S = f ` (S \ {x. P x}) \ g ` (S \ {x. \ P x})" by auto lemma image_cong: "f ` M = g ` N" if "M = N" "\x. x \ N \ f x = g x" using that by (simp add: image_def) lemma image_cong_simp [cong]: "f ` M = g ` N" if "M = N" "\x. x \ N =simp=> f x = g x" using that image_cong [of M N f g] by (simp add: simp_implies_def) lemma image_Int_subset: "f ` (A \ B) \ f ` A \ f ` B" by blast lemma image_diff_subset: "f ` A - f ` B \ f ` (A - B)" by blast lemma Setcompr_eq_image: "{f x |x. x \ A} = f ` A" by blast lemma setcompr_eq_image: "{f x |x. P x} = f ` {x. P x}" by auto lemma ball_imageD: "\x\f ` A. P x \ \x\A. P (f x)" by simp lemma bex_imageD: "\x\f ` A. P x \ \x\A. P (f x)" by auto lemma image_add_0 [simp]: "(+) (0::'a::comm_monoid_add) ` S = S" by auto theorem Cantors_theorem: "\f. f ` A = Pow A" proof assume "\f. f ` A = Pow A" then obtain f where f: "f ` A = Pow A" .. let ?X = "{a \ A. a \ f a}" have "?X \ Pow A" by blast then have "?X \ f ` A" by (simp only: f) then obtain x where "x \ A" and "f x = ?X" by blast then show False by blast qed text \\<^medskip> Range of a function -- just an abbreviation for image!\ abbreviation range :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'b set" \ \of function\ where "range f \ f ` UNIV" lemma range_eqI: "b = f x \ b \ range f" by simp lemma rangeI: "f x \ range f" by simp lemma rangeE [elim?]: "b \ range (\x. f x) \ (\x. b = f x \ P) \ P" by (rule imageE) lemma range_subsetD: "range f \ B \ f i \ B" by blast lemma full_SetCompr_eq: "{u. \x. u = f x} = range f" by auto lemma range_composition: "range (\x. f (g x)) = f ` range g" by auto lemma range_constant [simp]: "range (\_. x) = {x}" by (simp add: image_constant) lemma range_eq_singletonD: "range f = {a} \ f x = a" by auto subsubsection \Some rules with \if\\ text \Elimination of \{x. \ \ x = t \ \}\.\ lemma Collect_conv_if: "{x. x = a \ P x} = (if P a then {a} else {})" by auto lemma Collect_conv_if2: "{x. a = x \ P x} = (if P a then {a} else {})" by auto text \ Rewrite rules for boolean case-splitting: faster than \if_split [split]\. \ lemma if_split_eq1: "(if Q then x else y) = b \ (Q \ x = b) \ (\ Q \ y = b)" by (rule if_split) lemma if_split_eq2: "a = (if Q then x else y) \ (Q \ a = x) \ (\ Q \ a = y)" by (rule if_split) text \ Split ifs on either side of the membership relation. Not for \[simp]\ -- can cause goals to blow up! \ lemma if_split_mem1: "(if Q then x else y) \ b \ (Q \ x \ b) \ (\ Q \ y \ b)" by (rule if_split) lemma if_split_mem2: "(a \ (if Q then x else y)) \ (Q \ a \ x) \ (\ Q \ a \ y)" by (rule if_split [where P = "\S. a \ S"]) lemmas split_ifs = if_bool_eq_conj if_split_eq1 if_split_eq2 if_split_mem1 if_split_mem2 (*Would like to add these, but the existing code only searches for the outer-level constant, which in this case is just Set.member; we instead need to use term-nets to associate patterns with rules. Also, if a rule fails to apply, then the formula should be kept. [("uminus", Compl_iff RS iffD1), ("minus", [Diff_iff RS iffD1]), ("Int", [IntD1,IntD2]), ("Collect", [CollectD]), ("Inter", [InterD]), ("INTER", [INT_D])] *) subsection \Further operations and lemmas\ subsubsection \The ``proper subset'' relation\ lemma psubsetI [intro!]: "A \ B \ A \ B \ A \ B" unfolding less_le by blast lemma psubsetE [elim!]: "A \ B \ (A \ B \ \ B \ A \ R) \ R" unfolding less_le by blast lemma psubset_insert_iff: "A \ insert x B \ (if x \ B then A \ B else if x \ A then A - {x} \ B else A \ B)" by (auto simp add: less_le subset_insert_iff) lemma psubset_eq: "A \ B \ A \ B \ A \ B" by (simp only: less_le) lemma psubset_imp_subset: "A \ B \ A \ B" by (simp add: psubset_eq) lemma psubset_trans: "A \ B \ B \ C \ A \ C" unfolding less_le by (auto dest: subset_antisym) lemma psubsetD: "A \ B \ c \ A \ c \ B" unfolding less_le by (auto dest: subsetD) lemma psubset_subset_trans: "A \ B \ B \ C \ A \ C" by (auto simp add: psubset_eq) lemma subset_psubset_trans: "A \ B \ B \ C \ A \ C" by (auto simp add: psubset_eq) lemma psubset_imp_ex_mem: "A \ B \ \b. b \ B - A" unfolding less_le by blast lemma atomize_ball: "(\x. x \ A \ P x) \ Trueprop (\x\A. P x)" by (simp only: Ball_def atomize_all atomize_imp) lemmas [symmetric, rulify] = atomize_ball and [symmetric, defn] = atomize_ball lemma image_Pow_mono: "f ` A \ B \ image f ` Pow A \ Pow B" by blast lemma image_Pow_surj: "f ` A = B \ image f ` Pow A = Pow B" by (blast elim: subset_imageE) subsubsection \Derived rules involving subsets.\ text \\insert\.\ lemma subset_insertI: "B \ insert a B" by (rule subsetI) (erule insertI2) lemma subset_insertI2: "A \ B \ A \ insert b B" by blast lemma subset_insert: "x \ A \ A \ insert x B \ A \ B" by blast text \\<^medskip> Finite Union -- the least upper bound of two sets.\ lemma Un_upper1: "A \ A \ B" by (fact sup_ge1) lemma Un_upper2: "B \ A \ B" by (fact sup_ge2) lemma Un_least: "A \ C \ B \ C \ A \ B \ C" by (fact sup_least) text \\<^medskip> Finite Intersection -- the greatest lower bound of two sets.\ lemma Int_lower1: "A \ B \ A" by (fact inf_le1) lemma Int_lower2: "A \ B \ B" by (fact inf_le2) lemma Int_greatest: "C \ A \ C \ B \ C \ A \ B" by (fact inf_greatest) text \\<^medskip> Set difference.\ lemma Diff_subset[simp]: "A - B \ A" by blast lemma Diff_subset_conv: "A - B \ C \ A \ B \ C" by blast subsubsection \Equalities involving union, intersection, inclusion, etc.\ text \\{}\.\ lemma Collect_const [simp]: "{s. P} = (if P then UNIV else {})" \ \supersedes \Collect_False_empty\\ by auto lemma subset_empty [simp]: "A \ {} \ A = {}" by (fact bot_unique) lemma not_psubset_empty [iff]: "\ (A < {})" by (fact not_less_bot) (* FIXME: already simp *) lemma Collect_subset [simp]: "{x\A. P x} \ A" by auto lemma Collect_empty_eq [simp]: "Collect P = {} \ (\x. \ P x)" by blast lemma empty_Collect_eq [simp]: "{} = Collect P \ (\x. \ P x)" by blast lemma Collect_neg_eq: "{x. \ P x} = - {x. P x}" by blast lemma Collect_disj_eq: "{x. P x \ Q x} = {x. P x} \ {x. Q x}" by blast lemma Collect_imp_eq: "{x. P x \ Q x} = - {x. P x} \ {x. Q x}" by blast lemma Collect_conj_eq: "{x. P x \ Q x} = {x. P x} \ {x. Q x}" by blast lemma Collect_mono_iff: "Collect P \ Collect Q \ (\x. P x \ Q x)" by blast text \\<^medskip> \insert\.\ lemma insert_is_Un: "insert a A = {a} \ A" \ \NOT SUITABLE FOR REWRITING since \{a} \ insert a {}\\ by blast lemma insert_not_empty [simp]: "insert a A \ {}" and empty_not_insert [simp]: "{} \ insert a A" by blast+ lemma insert_absorb: "a \ A \ insert a A = A" \ \\[simp]\ causes recursive calls when there are nested inserts\ \ \with \<^emph>\quadratic\ running time\ by blast lemma insert_absorb2 [simp]: "insert x (insert x A) = insert x A" by blast lemma insert_commute: "insert x (insert y A) = insert y (insert x A)" by blast lemma insert_subset [simp]: "insert x A \ B \ x \ B \ A \ B" by blast lemma mk_disjoint_insert: "a \ A \ \B. A = insert a B \ a \ B" \ \use new \B\ rather than \A - {a}\ to avoid infinite unfolding\ by (rule exI [where x = "A - {a}"]) blast lemma insert_Collect: "insert a (Collect P) = {u. u \ a \ P u}" by auto lemma insert_inter_insert [simp]: "insert a A \ insert a B = insert a (A \ B)" by blast lemma insert_disjoint [simp]: "insert a A \ B = {} \ a \ B \ A \ B = {}" "{} = insert a A \ B \ a \ B \ {} = A \ B" by auto lemma disjoint_insert [simp]: "B \ insert a A = {} \ a \ B \ B \ A = {}" "{} = A \ insert b B \ b \ A \ {} = A \ B" by auto text \\<^medskip> \Int\\ lemma Int_absorb: "A \ A = A" by (fact inf_idem) (* already simp *) lemma Int_left_absorb: "A \ (A \ B) = A \ B" by (fact inf_left_idem) lemma Int_commute: "A \ B = B \ A" by (fact inf_commute) lemma Int_left_commute: "A \ (B \ C) = B \ (A \ C)" by (fact inf_left_commute) lemma Int_assoc: "(A \ B) \ C = A \ (B \ C)" by (fact inf_assoc) lemmas Int_ac = Int_assoc Int_left_absorb Int_commute Int_left_commute \ \Intersection is an AC-operator\ lemma Int_absorb1: "B \ A \ A \ B = B" by (fact inf_absorb2) lemma Int_absorb2: "A \ B \ A \ B = A" by (fact inf_absorb1) lemma Int_empty_left: "{} \ B = {}" by (fact inf_bot_left) (* already simp *) lemma Int_empty_right: "A \ {} = {}" by (fact inf_bot_right) (* already simp *) lemma disjoint_eq_subset_Compl: "A \ B = {} \ A \ - B" by blast lemma disjoint_iff: "A \ B = {} \ (\x. x\A \ x \ B)" by blast lemma disjoint_iff_not_equal: "A \ B = {} \ (\x\A. \y\B. x \ y)" by blast lemma Int_UNIV_left: "UNIV \ B = B" by (fact inf_top_left) (* already simp *) lemma Int_UNIV_right: "A \ UNIV = A" by (fact inf_top_right) (* already simp *) lemma Int_Un_distrib: "A \ (B \ C) = (A \ B) \ (A \ C)" by (fact inf_sup_distrib1) lemma Int_Un_distrib2: "(B \ C) \ A = (B \ A) \ (C \ A)" by (fact inf_sup_distrib2) lemma Int_UNIV [simp]: "A \ B = UNIV \ A = UNIV \ B = UNIV" by (fact inf_eq_top_iff) (* already simp *) lemma Int_subset_iff [simp]: "C \ A \ B \ C \ A \ C \ B" by (fact le_inf_iff) lemma Int_Collect: "x \ A \ {x. P x} \ x \ A \ P x" by blast text \\<^medskip> \Un\.\ lemma Un_absorb: "A \ A = A" by (fact sup_idem) (* already simp *) lemma Un_left_absorb: "A \ (A \ B) = A \ B" by (fact sup_left_idem) lemma Un_commute: "A \ B = B \ A" by (fact sup_commute) lemma Un_left_commute: "A \ (B \ C) = B \ (A \ C)" by (fact sup_left_commute) lemma Un_assoc: "(A \ B) \ C = A \ (B \ C)" by (fact sup_assoc) lemmas Un_ac = Un_assoc Un_left_absorb Un_commute Un_left_commute \ \Union is an AC-operator\ lemma Un_absorb1: "A \ B \ A \ B = B" by (fact sup_absorb2) lemma Un_absorb2: "B \ A \ A \ B = A" by (fact sup_absorb1) lemma Un_empty_left: "{} \ B = B" by (fact sup_bot_left) (* already simp *) lemma Un_empty_right: "A \ {} = A" by (fact sup_bot_right) (* already simp *) lemma Un_UNIV_left: "UNIV \ B = UNIV" by (fact sup_top_left) (* already simp *) lemma Un_UNIV_right: "A \ UNIV = UNIV" by (fact sup_top_right) (* already simp *) lemma Un_insert_left [simp]: "(insert a B) \ C = insert a (B \ C)" by blast lemma Un_insert_right [simp]: "A \ (insert a B) = insert a (A \ B)" by blast lemma Int_insert_left: "(insert a B) \ C = (if a \ C then insert a (B \ C) else B \ C)" by auto lemma Int_insert_left_if0 [simp]: "a \ C \ (insert a B) \ C = B \ C" by auto lemma Int_insert_left_if1 [simp]: "a \ C \ (insert a B) \ C = insert a (B \ C)" by auto lemma Int_insert_right: "A \ (insert a B) = (if a \ A then insert a (A \ B) else A \ B)" by auto lemma Int_insert_right_if0 [simp]: "a \ A \ A \ (insert a B) = A \ B" by auto lemma Int_insert_right_if1 [simp]: "a \ A \ A \ (insert a B) = insert a (A \ B)" by auto lemma Un_Int_distrib: "A \ (B \ C) = (A \ B) \ (A \ C)" by (fact sup_inf_distrib1) lemma Un_Int_distrib2: "(B \ C) \ A = (B \ A) \ (C \ A)" by (fact sup_inf_distrib2) lemma Un_Int_crazy: "(A \ B) \ (B \ C) \ (C \ A) = (A \ B) \ (B \ C) \ (C \ A)" by blast lemma subset_Un_eq: "A \ B \ A \ B = B" by (fact le_iff_sup) lemma Un_empty [iff]: "A \ B = {} \ A = {} \ B = {}" by (fact sup_eq_bot_iff) (* FIXME: already simp *) lemma Un_subset_iff [simp]: "A \ B \ C \ A \ C \ B \ C" by (fact le_sup_iff) lemma Un_Diff_Int: "(A - B) \ (A \ B) = A" by blast lemma Diff_Int2: "A \ C - B \ C = A \ C - B" by blast lemma subset_UnE: assumes "C \ A \ B" obtains A' B' where "A' \ A" "B' \ B" "C = A' \ B'" proof show "C \ A \ A" "C \ B \ B" "C = (C \ A) \ (C \ B)" using assms by blast+ qed lemma Un_Int_eq [simp]: "(S \ T) \ S = S" "(S \ T) \ T = T" "S \ (S \ T) = S" "T \ (S \ T) = T" by auto lemma Int_Un_eq [simp]: "(S \ T) \ S = S" "(S \ T) \ T = T" "S \ (S \ T) = S" "T \ (S \ T) = T" by auto text \\<^medskip> Set complement\ lemma Compl_disjoint [simp]: "A \ - A = {}" by (fact inf_compl_bot) lemma Compl_disjoint2 [simp]: "- A \ A = {}" by (fact compl_inf_bot) lemma Compl_partition: "A \ - A = UNIV" by (fact sup_compl_top) lemma Compl_partition2: "- A \ A = UNIV" by (fact compl_sup_top) lemma double_complement: "- (-A) = A" for A :: "'a set" by (fact double_compl) (* already simp *) lemma Compl_Un: "- (A \ B) = (- A) \ (- B)" by (fact compl_sup) (* already simp *) lemma Compl_Int: "- (A \ B) = (- A) \ (- B)" by (fact compl_inf) (* already simp *) lemma subset_Compl_self_eq: "A \ - A \ A = {}" by blast lemma Un_Int_assoc_eq: "(A \ B) \ C = A \ (B \ C) \ C \ A" \ \Halmos, Naive Set Theory, page 16.\ by blast lemma Compl_UNIV_eq: "- UNIV = {}" by (fact compl_top_eq) (* already simp *) lemma Compl_empty_eq: "- {} = UNIV" by (fact compl_bot_eq) (* already simp *) lemma Compl_subset_Compl_iff [iff]: "- A \ - B \ B \ A" by (fact compl_le_compl_iff) (* FIXME: already simp *) lemma Compl_eq_Compl_iff [iff]: "- A = - B \ A = B" for A B :: "'a set" by (fact compl_eq_compl_iff) (* FIXME: already simp *) lemma Compl_insert: "- insert x A = (- A) - {x}" by blast text \\<^medskip> Bounded quantifiers. The following are not added to the default simpset because (a) they duplicate the body and (b) there are no similar rules for \Int\. \ lemma ball_Un: "(\x \ A \ B. P x) \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\B. P x)" by blast lemma bex_Un: "(\x \ A \ B. P x) \ (\x\A. P x) \ (\x\B. P x)" by blast text \\<^medskip> Set difference.\ lemma Diff_eq: "A - B = A \ (- B)" by blast lemma Diff_eq_empty_iff [simp]: "A - B = {} \ A \ B" by blast lemma Diff_cancel [simp]: "A - A = {}" by blast lemma Diff_idemp [simp]: "(A - B) - B = A - B" for A B :: "'a set" by blast lemma Diff_triv: "A \ B = {} \ A - B = A" by (blast elim: equalityE) lemma empty_Diff [simp]: "{} - A = {}" by blast lemma Diff_empty [simp]: "A - {} = A" by blast lemma Diff_UNIV [simp]: "A - UNIV = {}" by blast lemma Diff_insert0 [simp]: "x \ A \ A - insert x B = A - B" by blast lemma Diff_insert: "A - insert a B = A - B - {a}" \ \NOT SUITABLE FOR REWRITING since \{a} \ insert a 0\\ by blast lemma Diff_insert2: "A - insert a B = A - {a} - B" \ \NOT SUITABLE FOR REWRITING since \{a} \ insert a 0\\ by blast lemma insert_Diff_if: "insert x A - B = (if x \ B then A - B else insert x (A - B))" by auto lemma insert_Diff1 [simp]: "x \ B \ insert x A - B = A - B" by blast lemma insert_Diff_single[simp]: "insert a (A - {a}) = insert a A" by blast lemma insert_Diff: "a \ A \ insert a (A - {a}) = A" by blast lemma Diff_insert_absorb: "x \ A \ (insert x A) - {x} = A" by auto lemma Diff_disjoint [simp]: "A \ (B - A) = {}" by blast lemma Diff_partition: "A \ B \ A \ (B - A) = B" by blast lemma double_diff: "A \ B \ B \ C \ B - (C - A) = A" by blast lemma Un_Diff_cancel [simp]: "A \ (B - A) = A \ B" by blast lemma Un_Diff_cancel2 [simp]: "(B - A) \ A = B \ A" by blast lemma Diff_Un: "A - (B \ C) = (A - B) \ (A - C)" by blast lemma Diff_Int: "A - (B \ C) = (A - B) \ (A - C)" by blast lemma Diff_Diff_Int: "A - (A - B) = A \ B" by blast lemma Un_Diff: "(A \ B) - C = (A - C) \ (B - C)" by blast lemma Int_Diff: "(A \ B) - C = A \ (B - C)" by blast lemma Diff_Int_distrib: "C \ (A - B) = (C \ A) - (C \ B)" by blast lemma Diff_Int_distrib2: "(A - B) \ C = (A \ C) - (B \ C)" by blast lemma Diff_Compl [simp]: "A - (- B) = A \ B" by auto lemma Compl_Diff_eq [simp]: "- (A - B) = - A \ B" by blast lemma subset_Compl_singleton [simp]: "A \ - {b} \ b \ A" by blast text \\<^medskip> Quantification over type \<^typ>\bool\.\ lemma bool_induct: "P True \ P False \ P x" by (cases x) auto lemma all_bool_eq: "(\b. P b) \ P True \ P False" by (auto intro: bool_induct) lemma bool_contrapos: "P x \ \ P False \ P True" by (cases x) auto lemma ex_bool_eq: "(\b. P b) \ P True \ P False" by (auto intro: bool_contrapos) lemma UNIV_bool: "UNIV = {False, True}" by (auto intro: bool_induct) text \\<^medskip> \Pow\\ lemma Pow_empty [simp]: "Pow {} = {{}}" by (auto simp add: Pow_def) lemma Pow_singleton_iff [simp]: "Pow X = {Y} \ X = {} \ Y = {}" by blast (* somewhat slow *) lemma Pow_insert: "Pow (insert a A) = Pow A \ (insert a ` Pow A)" by (blast intro: image_eqI [where ?x = "u - {a}" for u]) lemma Pow_Compl: "Pow (- A) = {- B | B. A \ Pow B}" by (blast intro: exI [where ?x = "- u" for u]) lemma Pow_UNIV [simp]: "Pow UNIV = UNIV" by blast lemma Un_Pow_subset: "Pow A \ Pow B \ Pow (A \ B)" by blast lemma Pow_Int_eq [simp]: "Pow (A \ B) = Pow A \ Pow B" by blast text \\<^medskip> Miscellany.\ lemma Int_Diff_disjoint: "A \ B \ (A - B) = {}" by blast lemma Int_Diff_Un: "A \ B \ (A - B) = A" by blast lemma set_eq_subset: "A = B \ A \ B \ B \ A" by blast lemma subset_iff: "A \ B \ (\t. t \ A \ t \ B)" by blast lemma subset_iff_psubset_eq: "A \ B \ A \ B \ A = B" unfolding less_le by blast lemma all_not_in_conv [simp]: "(\x. x \ A) \ A = {}" by blast lemma ex_in_conv: "(\x. x \ A) \ A \ {}" by blast lemma ball_simps [simp, no_atp]: "\A P Q. (\x\A. P x \ Q) \ ((\x\A. P x) \ Q)" "\A P Q. (\x\A. P \ Q x) \ (P \ (\x\A. Q x))" "\A P Q. (\x\A. P \ Q x) \ (P \ (\x\A. Q x))" "\A P Q. (\x\A. P x \ Q) \ ((\x\A. P x) \ Q)" "\P. (\x\{}. P x) \ True" "\P. (\x\UNIV. P x) \ (\x. P x)" "\a B P. (\x\insert a B. P x) \ (P a \ (\x\B. P x))" "\P Q. (\x\Collect Q. P x) \ (\x. Q x \ P x)" "\A P f. (\x\f`A. P x) \ (\x\A. P (f x))" "\A P. (\ (\x\A. P x)) \ (\x\A. \ P x)" by auto lemma bex_simps [simp, no_atp]: "\A P Q. (\x\A. P x \ Q) \ ((\x\A. P x) \ Q)" "\A P Q. (\x\A. P \ Q x) \ (P \ (\x\A. Q x))" "\P. (\x\{}. P x) \ False" "\P. (\x\UNIV. P x) \ (\x. P x)" "\a B P. (\x\insert a B. P x) \ (P a \ (\x\B. P x))" "\P Q. (\x\Collect Q. P x) \ (\x. Q x \ P x)" "\A P f. (\x\f`A. P x) \ (\x\A. P (f x))" "\A P. (\(\x\A. P x)) \ (\x\A. \ P x)" by auto lemma ex_image_cong_iff [simp, no_atp]: "(\x. x\f`A) \ A \ {}" "(\x. x\f`A \ P x) \ (\x\A. P (f x))" by auto subsubsection \Monotonicity of various operations\ lemma image_mono: "A \ B \ f ` A \ f ` B" by blast lemma Pow_mono: "A \ B \ Pow A \ Pow B" by blast lemma insert_mono: "C \ D \ insert a C \ insert a D" by blast lemma Un_mono: "A \ C \ B \ D \ A \ B \ C \ D" by (fact sup_mono) lemma Int_mono: "A \ C \ B \ D \ A \ B \ C \ D" by (fact inf_mono) lemma Diff_mono: "A \ C \ D \ B \ A - B \ C - D" by blast lemma Compl_anti_mono: "A \ B \ - B \ - A" by (fact compl_mono) text \\<^medskip> Monotonicity of implications.\ lemma in_mono: "A \ B \ x \ A \ x \ B" by (rule impI) (erule subsetD) lemma conj_mono: "P1 \ Q1 \ P2 \ Q2 \ (P1 \ P2) \ (Q1 \ Q2)" by iprover lemma disj_mono: "P1 \ Q1 \ P2 \ Q2 \ (P1 \ P2) \ (Q1 \ Q2)" by iprover lemma imp_mono: "Q1 \ P1 \ P2 \ Q2 \ (P1 \ P2) \ (Q1 \ Q2)" by iprover lemma imp_refl: "P \ P" .. lemma not_mono: "Q \ P \ \ P \ \ Q" by iprover lemma ex_mono: "(\x. P x \ Q x) \ (\x. P x) \ (\x. Q x)" by iprover lemma all_mono: "(\x. P x \ Q x) \ (\x. P x) \ (\x. Q x)" by iprover lemma Collect_mono: "(\x. P x \ Q x) \ Collect P \ Collect Q" by blast lemma Int_Collect_mono: "A \ B \ (\x. x \ A \ P x \ Q x) \ A \ Collect P \ B \ Collect Q" by blast lemmas basic_monos = subset_refl imp_refl disj_mono conj_mono ex_mono Collect_mono in_mono lemma eq_to_mono: "a = b \ c = d \ b \ d \ a \ c" by iprover subsubsection \Inverse image of a function\ definition vimage :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'b set \ 'a set" (infixr "-`" 90) where "f -` B \ {x. f x \ B}" lemma vimage_eq [simp]: "a \ f -` B \ f a \ B" unfolding vimage_def by blast lemma vimage_singleton_eq: "a \ f -` {b} \ f a = b" by simp lemma vimageI [intro]: "f a = b \ b \ B \ a \ f -` B" unfolding vimage_def by blast lemma vimageI2: "f a \ A \ a \ f -` A" unfolding vimage_def by fast lemma vimageE [elim!]: "a \ f -` B \ (\x. f a = x \ x \ B \ P) \ P" unfolding vimage_def by blast lemma vimageD: "a \ f -` A \ f a \ A" unfolding vimage_def by fast lemma vimage_empty [simp]: "f -` {} = {}" by blast lemma vimage_Compl: "f -` (- A) = - (f -` A)" by blast lemma vimage_Un [simp]: "f -` (A \ B) = (f -` A) \ (f -` B)" by blast lemma vimage_Int [simp]: "f -` (A \ B) = (f -` A) \ (f -` B)" by fast lemma vimage_Collect_eq [simp]: "f -` Collect P = {y. P (f y)}" by blast lemma vimage_Collect: "(\x. P (f x) = Q x) \ f -` (Collect P) = Collect Q" by blast lemma vimage_insert: "f -` (insert a B) = (f -` {a}) \ (f -` B)" \ \NOT suitable for rewriting because of the recurrence of \{a}\.\ by blast lemma vimage_Diff: "f -` (A - B) = (f -` A) - (f -` B)" by blast lemma vimage_UNIV [simp]: "f -` UNIV = UNIV" by blast lemma vimage_mono: "A \ B \ f -` A \ f -` B" \ \monotonicity\ by blast lemma vimage_image_eq: "f -` (f ` A) = {y. \x\A. f x = f y}" by (blast intro: sym) lemma image_vimage_subset: "f ` (f -` A) \ A" by blast lemma image_vimage_eq [simp]: "f ` (f -` A) = A \ range f" by blast lemma image_subset_iff_subset_vimage: "f ` A \ B \ A \ f -` B" by blast lemma subset_vimage_iff: "A \ f -` B \ (\x\A. f x \ B)" by auto lemma vimage_const [simp]: "((\x. c) -` A) = (if c \ A then UNIV else {})" by auto lemma vimage_if [simp]: "((\x. if x \ B then c else d) -` A) = (if c \ A then (if d \ A then UNIV else B) else if d \ A then - B else {})" by (auto simp add: vimage_def) lemma vimage_inter_cong: "(\ w. w \ S \ f w = g w) \ f -` y \ S = g -` y \ S" by auto lemma vimage_ident [simp]: "(\x. x) -` Y = Y" by blast subsubsection \Singleton sets\ definition is_singleton :: "'a set \ bool" where "is_singleton A \ (\x. A = {x})" lemma is_singletonI [simp, intro!]: "is_singleton {x}" unfolding is_singleton_def by simp lemma is_singletonI': "A \ {} \ (\x y. x \ A \ y \ A \ x = y) \ is_singleton A" unfolding is_singleton_def by blast lemma is_singletonE: "is_singleton A \ (\x. A = {x} \ P) \ P" unfolding is_singleton_def by blast subsubsection \Getting the contents of a singleton set\ definition the_elem :: "'a set \ 'a" where "the_elem X = (THE x. X = {x})" lemma the_elem_eq [simp]: "the_elem {x} = x" by (simp add: the_elem_def) lemma is_singleton_the_elem: "is_singleton A \ A = {the_elem A}" by (auto simp: is_singleton_def) lemma the_elem_image_unique: assumes "A \ {}" and *: "\y. y \ A \ f y = f x" shows "the_elem (f ` A) = f x" unfolding the_elem_def proof (rule the1_equality) from \A \ {}\ obtain y where "y \ A" by auto with * have "f x = f y" by simp with \y \ A\ have "f x \ f ` A" by blast with * show "f ` A = {f x}" by auto then show "\!x. f ` A = {x}" by auto qed subsubsection \Monad operation\ definition bind :: "'a set \ ('a \ 'b set) \ 'b set" where "bind A f = {x. \B \ f`A. x \ B}" hide_const (open) bind lemma bind_bind: "Set.bind (Set.bind A B) C = Set.bind A (\x. Set.bind (B x) C)" for A :: "'a set" by (auto simp: bind_def) lemma empty_bind [simp]: "Set.bind {} f = {}" by (simp add: bind_def) lemma nonempty_bind_const: "A \ {} \ Set.bind A (\_. B) = B" by (auto simp: bind_def) lemma bind_const: "Set.bind A (\_. B) = (if A = {} then {} else B)" by (auto simp: bind_def) lemma bind_singleton_conv_image: "Set.bind A (\x. {f x}) = f ` A" by (auto simp: bind_def) subsubsection \Operations for execution\ definition is_empty :: "'a set \ bool" where [code_abbrev]: "is_empty A \ A = {}" hide_const (open) is_empty definition remove :: "'a \ 'a set \ 'a set" where [code_abbrev]: "remove x A = A - {x}" hide_const (open) remove lemma member_remove [simp]: "x \ Set.remove y A \ x \ A \ x \ y" by (simp add: remove_def) definition filter :: "('a \ bool) \ 'a set \ 'a set" where [code_abbrev]: "filter P A = {a \ A. P a}" hide_const (open) filter lemma member_filter [simp]: "x \ Set.filter P A \ x \ A \ P x" by (simp add: filter_def) instantiation set :: (equal) equal begin definition "HOL.equal A B \ A \ B \ B \ A" instance by standard (auto simp add: equal_set_def) end text \Misc\ definition pairwise :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a set \ bool" where "pairwise R S \ (\x \ S. \y \ S. x \ y \ R x y)" lemma pairwise_alt: "pairwise R S \ (\x\S. \y\S-{x}. R x y)" by (auto simp add: pairwise_def) lemma pairwise_trivial [simp]: "pairwise (\i j. j \ i) I" by (auto simp: pairwise_def) lemma pairwiseI [intro?]: "pairwise R S" if "\x y. x \ S \ y \ S \ x \ y \ R x y" using that by (simp add: pairwise_def) lemma pairwiseD: "R x y" and "R y x" if "pairwise R S" "x \ S" and "y \ S" and "x \ y" using that by (simp_all add: pairwise_def) lemma pairwise_empty [simp]: "pairwise P {}" by (simp add: pairwise_def) lemma pairwise_singleton [simp]: "pairwise P {A}" by (simp add: pairwise_def) lemma pairwise_insert: "pairwise r (insert x s) \ (\y. y \ s \ y \ x \ r x y \ r y x) \ pairwise r s" by (force simp: pairwise_def) lemma pairwise_subset: "pairwise P S \ T \ S \ pairwise P T" by (force simp: pairwise_def) lemma pairwise_mono: "\pairwise P A; \x y. P x y \ Q x y; B \ A\ \ pairwise Q B" by (fastforce simp: pairwise_def) lemma pairwise_imageI: "pairwise P (f ` A)" if "\x y. x \ A \ y \ A \ x \ y \ f x \ f y \ P (f x) (f y)" using that by (auto intro: pairwiseI) lemma pairwise_image: "pairwise r (f ` s) \ pairwise (\x y. (f x \ f y) \ r (f x) (f y)) s" by (force simp: pairwise_def) definition disjnt :: "'a set \ 'a set \ bool" where "disjnt A B \ A \ B = {}" lemma disjnt_self_iff_empty [simp]: "disjnt S S \ S = {}" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_iff: "disjnt A B \ (\x. \ (x \ A \ x \ B))" by (force simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_sym: "disjnt A B \ disjnt B A" using disjnt_iff by blast lemma disjnt_empty1 [simp]: "disjnt {} A" and disjnt_empty2 [simp]: "disjnt A {}" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_insert1 [simp]: "disjnt (insert a X) Y \ a \ Y \ disjnt X Y" by (simp add: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_insert2 [simp]: "disjnt Y (insert a X) \ a \ Y \ disjnt Y X" by (simp add: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_subset1 : "\disjnt X Y; Z \ X\ \ disjnt Z Y" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_subset2 : "\disjnt X Y; Z \ Y\ \ disjnt X Z" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_Un1 [simp]: "disjnt (A \ B) C \ disjnt A C \ disjnt B C" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_Un2 [simp]: "disjnt C (A \ B) \ disjnt C A \ disjnt C B" by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjnt_Diff1: "disjnt (X-Y) (U-V)" and disjnt_Diff2: "disjnt (U-V) (X-Y)" if "X \ V" using that by (auto simp: disjnt_def) lemma disjoint_image_subset: "\pairwise disjnt \; \X. X \ \ \ f X \ X\ \ pairwise disjnt (f `\)" unfolding disjnt_def pairwise_def by fast lemma pairwise_disjnt_iff: "pairwise disjnt \ \ (\x. \\<^sub>\\<^sub>1 X. X \ \ \ x \ X)" by (auto simp: Uniq_def disjnt_iff pairwise_def) lemma disjnt_insert: \<^marker>\contributor \Lars Hupel\\ \disjnt (insert x M) N\ if \x \ N\ \disjnt M N\ using that by (simp add: disjnt_def) lemma Int_emptyI: "(\x. x \ A \ x \ B \ False) \ A \ B = {}" by blast lemma in_image_insert_iff: assumes "\C. C \ B \ x \ C" shows "A \ insert x ` B \ x \ A \ A - {x} \ B" (is "?P \ ?Q") proof assume ?P then show ?Q using assms by auto next assume ?Q then have "x \ A" and "A - {x} \ B" by simp_all from \A - {x} \ B\ have "insert x (A - {x}) \ insert x ` B" by (rule imageI) also from \x \ A\ have "insert x (A - {x}) = A" by auto finally show ?P . qed hide_const (open) member not_member lemmas equalityI = subset_antisym lemmas set_mp = subsetD lemmas set_rev_mp = rev_subsetD ML \ val Ball_def = @{thm Ball_def} val Bex_def = @{thm Bex_def} val CollectD = @{thm CollectD} val CollectE = @{thm CollectE} val CollectI = @{thm CollectI} val Collect_conj_eq = @{thm Collect_conj_eq} val Collect_mem_eq = @{thm Collect_mem_eq} val IntD1 = @{thm IntD1} val IntD2 = @{thm IntD2} val IntE = @{thm IntE} val IntI = @{thm IntI} val Int_Collect = @{thm Int_Collect} val UNIV_I = @{thm UNIV_I} val UNIV_witness = @{thm UNIV_witness} val UnE = @{thm UnE} val UnI1 = @{thm UnI1} val UnI2 = @{thm UnI2} val ballE = @{thm ballE} val ballI = @{thm ballI} val bexCI = @{thm bexCI} val bexE = @{thm bexE} val bexI = @{thm bexI} val bex_triv = @{thm bex_triv} val bspec = @{thm bspec} val contra_subsetD = @{thm contra_subsetD} val equalityCE = @{thm equalityCE} val equalityD1 = @{thm equalityD1} val equalityD2 = @{thm equalityD2} val equalityE = @{thm equalityE} val equalityI = @{thm equalityI} val imageE = @{thm imageE} val imageI = @{thm imageI} val image_Un = @{thm image_Un} val image_insert = @{thm image_insert} val insert_commute = @{thm insert_commute} val insert_iff = @{thm insert_iff} val mem_Collect_eq = @{thm mem_Collect_eq} val rangeE = @{thm rangeE} val rangeI = @{thm rangeI} val range_eqI = @{thm range_eqI} val subsetCE = @{thm subsetCE} val subsetD = @{thm subsetD} val subsetI = @{thm subsetI} val subset_refl = @{thm subset_refl} val subset_trans = @{thm subset_trans} val vimageD = @{thm vimageD} val vimageE = @{thm vimageE} val vimageI = @{thm vimageI} val vimageI2 = @{thm vimageI2} val vimage_Collect = @{thm vimage_Collect} val vimage_Int = @{thm vimage_Int} val vimage_Un = @{thm vimage_Un} \ end diff --git a/src/ZF/OrdQuant.thy b/src/ZF/OrdQuant.thy --- a/src/ZF/OrdQuant.thy +++ b/src/ZF/OrdQuant.thy @@ -1,362 +1,360 @@ (* Title: ZF/OrdQuant.thy Authors: Krzysztof Grabczewski and L C Paulson *) section \Special quantifiers\ theory OrdQuant imports Ordinal begin subsection \Quantifiers and union operator for ordinals\ definition (* Ordinal Quantifiers *) oall :: "[i, i \ o] \ o" where "oall(A, P) \ \x. x P(x)" definition oex :: "[i, i \ o] \ o" where "oex(A, P) \ \x. x P(x)" definition (* Ordinal Union *) OUnion :: "[i, i \ i] \ i" where "OUnion(i,B) \ {z: \x\i. B(x). Ord(i)}" syntax "_oall" :: "[idt, i, o] \ o" (\(3\_<_./ _)\ 10) "_oex" :: "[idt, i, o] \ o" (\(3\_<_./ _)\ 10) "_OUNION" :: "[idt, i, i] \ i" (\(3\_<_./ _)\ 10) translations "\x "CONST oall(a, \x. P)" "\x "CONST oex(a, \x. P)" "\x "CONST OUnion(a, \x. B)" subsubsection \simplification of the new quantifiers\ (*MOST IMPORTANT that this is added to the simpset BEFORE Ord_atomize is proved. Ord_atomize would convert this rule to x < 0 \ P(x) \ True, which causes dire effects!*) lemma [simp]: "(\x<0. P(x))" by (simp add: oall_def) lemma [simp]: "\(\x<0. P(x))" by (simp add: oex_def) lemma [simp]: "(\x (Ord(i) \ P(i) \ (\xx (Ord(i) \ (P(i) | (\xUnion over ordinals\ lemma Ord_OUN [intro,simp]: "\\x. x Ord(B(x))\ \ Ord(\xax \ i < (\xab(a); Ord(\x \ i \ (\x (\xi\nat.i)=nat"}! *) lemma OUN_least: "(\x. x B(x) \ C) \ (\x C" by (simp add: OUnion_def UN_least ltI) lemma OUN_least_le: "\Ord(i); \x. x b(x) \ i\ \ (\x i" by (simp add: OUnion_def UN_least_le ltI Ord_0_le) lemma le_implies_OUN_le_OUN: "\\x. x c(x) \ d(x)\ \ (\x (\xx. x \ A \ Ord(B(x))) \ (\z < (\x\A. B(x)). C(z)) = (\x\A. \z < B(x). C(z))" by (simp add: OUnion_def) lemma OUN_Union_eq: "(\x. x \ X \ Ord(x)) \ (\z < \(X). C(z)) = (\x\X. \z < x. C(z))" by (simp add: OUnion_def) (*So that rule_format will get rid of this quantifier...*) lemma atomize_oall [symmetric, rulify]: "(\x. x P(x)) \ Trueprop (\xuniversal quantifier for ordinals\ lemma oallI [intro!]: "\\x. x P(x)\ \ \x\x \ P(x)" by (simp add: oall_def) lemma oallE: "\\x Q; \x Q\ \ Q" by (simp add: oall_def, blast) lemma rev_oallE [elim]: "\\xx Q; P(x) \ Q\ \ Q" by (simp add: oall_def, blast) (*Trival rewrite rule. @{term"(\xP"} holds only if a is not 0!*) lemma oall_simp [simp]: "(\x True" by blast (*Congruence rule for rewriting*) lemma oall_cong [cong]: "\a=a'; \x. x P(x) <-> P'(x)\ \ oall(a, \x. P(x)) <-> oall(a', \x. P'(x))" by (simp add: oall_def) subsubsection \existential quantifier for ordinals\ lemma oexI [intro]: "\P(x); x \ \x\xP(x) \ P(a); a \ \x\xx. \x \ Q\ \ Q" apply (simp add: oex_def, blast) done lemma oex_cong [cong]: "\a=a'; \x. x P(x) <-> P'(x)\ \ oex(a, \x. P(x)) <-> oex(a', \x. P'(x))" apply (simp add: oex_def cong add: conj_cong) done subsubsection \Rules for Ordinal-Indexed Unions\ lemma OUN_I [intro]: "\a B(a)\ \ b: (\zb \ (\za.\b \ B(a); a \ R\ \ R" apply (unfold OUnion_def lt_def, blast) done lemma OUN_iff: "b \ (\x (\x B(x))" by (unfold OUnion_def oex_def lt_def, blast) lemma OUN_cong [cong]: "\i=j; \x. x C(x)=D(x)\ \ (\xxix.\xy \ P(x)\ \ P(i)" apply (simp add: lt_def oall_def) apply (erule conjE) apply (erule Ord_induct, assumption, blast) done subsection \Quantification over a class\ definition "rall" :: "[i\o, i\o] \ o" where "rall(M, P) \ \x. M(x) \ P(x)" definition "rex" :: "[i\o, i\o] \ o" where "rex(M, P) \ \x. M(x) \ P(x)" syntax "_rall" :: "[pttrn, i\o, o] \ o" (\(3\_[_]./ _)\ 10) "_rex" :: "[pttrn, i\o, o] \ o" (\(3\_[_]./ _)\ 10) translations "\x[M]. P" \ "CONST rall(M, \x. P)" "\x[M]. P" \ "CONST rex(M, \x. P)" subsubsection\Relativized universal quantifier\ lemma rallI [intro!]: "\\x. M(x) \ P(x)\ \ \x[M]. P(x)" by (simp add: rall_def) lemma rspec: "\\x[M]. P(x); M(x)\ \ P(x)" by (simp add: rall_def) (*Instantiates x first: better for automatic theorem proving?*) lemma rev_rallE [elim]: "\\x[M]. P(x); \ M(x) \ Q; P(x) \ Q\ \ Q" by (simp add: rall_def, blast) lemma rallE: "\\x[M]. P(x); P(x) \ Q; \ M(x) \ Q\ \ Q" by blast (*Trival rewrite rule; (\x[M].P)<->P holds only if A is nonempty!*) lemma rall_triv [simp]: "(\x[M]. P) \ ((\x. M(x)) \ P)" by (simp add: rall_def) (*Congruence rule for rewriting*) lemma rall_cong [cong]: "(\x. M(x) \ P(x) <-> P'(x)) \ (\x[M]. P(x)) <-> (\x[M]. P'(x))" by (simp add: rall_def) subsubsection\Relativized existential quantifier\ lemma rexI [intro]: "\P(x); M(x)\ \ \x[M]. P(x)" by (simp add: rex_def, blast) (*The best argument order when there is only one M(x)*) lemma rev_rexI: "\M(x); P(x)\ \ \x[M]. P(x)" by blast (*Not of the general form for such rules... *) lemma rexCI: "\\x[M]. \P(x) \ P(a); M(a)\ \ \x[M]. P(x)" by blast lemma rexE [elim!]: "\\x[M]. P(x); \x. \M(x); P(x)\ \ Q\ \ Q" by (simp add: rex_def, blast) (*We do not even have (\x[M]. True) <-> True unless A is nonempty\*) lemma rex_triv [simp]: "(\x[M]. P) \ ((\x. M(x)) \ P)" by (simp add: rex_def) lemma rex_cong [cong]: "(\x. M(x) \ P(x) <-> P'(x)) \ (\x[M]. P(x)) <-> (\x[M]. P'(x))" by (simp add: rex_def cong: conj_cong) lemma rall_is_ball [simp]: "(\x[\z. z\A]. P(x)) <-> (\x\A. P(x))" by blast lemma rex_is_bex [simp]: "(\x[\z. z\A]. P(x)) <-> (\x\A. P(x))" by blast lemma atomize_rall: "(\x. M(x) \ P(x)) \ Trueprop (\x[M]. P(x))" by (simp add: rall_def atomize_all atomize_imp) declare atomize_rall [symmetric, rulify] lemma rall_simps1: "(\x[M]. P(x) \ Q) <-> (\x[M]. P(x)) \ ((\x[M]. False) | Q)" "(\x[M]. P(x) | Q) <-> ((\x[M]. P(x)) | Q)" "(\x[M]. P(x) \ Q) <-> ((\x[M]. P(x)) \ Q)" "(\(\x[M]. P(x))) <-> (\x[M]. \P(x))" by blast+ lemma rall_simps2: "(\x[M]. P \ Q(x)) <-> ((\x[M]. False) | P) \ (\x[M]. Q(x))" "(\x[M]. P | Q(x)) <-> (P | (\x[M]. Q(x)))" "(\x[M]. P \ Q(x)) <-> (P \ (\x[M]. Q(x)))" by blast+ lemmas rall_simps [simp] = rall_simps1 rall_simps2 lemma rall_conj_distrib: "(\x[M]. P(x) \ Q(x)) <-> ((\x[M]. P(x)) \ (\x[M]. Q(x)))" by blast lemma rex_simps1: "(\x[M]. P(x) \ Q) <-> ((\x[M]. P(x)) \ Q)" "(\x[M]. P(x) | Q) <-> (\x[M]. P(x)) | ((\x[M]. True) \ Q)" "(\x[M]. P(x) \ Q) <-> ((\x[M]. P(x)) \ ((\x[M]. True) \ Q))" "(\(\x[M]. P(x))) <-> (\x[M]. \P(x))" by blast+ lemma rex_simps2: "(\x[M]. P \ Q(x)) <-> (P \ (\x[M]. Q(x)))" "(\x[M]. P | Q(x)) <-> ((\x[M]. True) \ P) | (\x[M]. Q(x))" "(\x[M]. P \ Q(x)) <-> (((\x[M]. False) | P) \ (\x[M]. Q(x)))" by blast+ lemmas rex_simps [simp] = rex_simps1 rex_simps2 lemma rex_disj_distrib: "(\x[M]. P(x) | Q(x)) <-> ((\x[M]. P(x)) | (\x[M]. Q(x)))" by blast subsubsection\One-point rule for bounded quantifiers\ lemma rex_triv_one_point1 [simp]: "(\x[M]. x=a) <-> ( M(a))" by blast lemma rex_triv_one_point2 [simp]: "(\x[M]. a=x) <-> ( M(a))" by blast lemma rex_one_point1 [simp]: "(\x[M]. x=a \ P(x)) <-> ( M(a) \ P(a))" by blast lemma rex_one_point2 [simp]: "(\x[M]. a=x \ P(x)) <-> ( M(a) \ P(a))" by blast lemma rall_one_point1 [simp]: "(\x[M]. x=a \ P(x)) <-> ( M(a) \ P(a))" by blast lemma rall_one_point2 [simp]: "(\x[M]. a=x \ P(x)) <-> ( M(a) \ P(a))" by blast subsubsection\Sets as Classes\ definition setclass :: "[i,i] \ o" (\##_\ [40] 40) where "setclass(A) \ \x. x \ A" lemma setclass_iff [simp]: "setclass(A,x) <-> x \ A" by (simp add: setclass_def) lemma rall_setclass_is_ball [simp]: "(\x[##A]. P(x)) <-> (\x\A. P(x))" by auto lemma rex_setclass_is_bex [simp]: "(\x[##A]. P(x)) <-> (\x\A. P(x))" by auto ML \ val Ord_atomize = atomize ([(\<^const_name>\oall\, @{thms ospec}), (\<^const_name>\rall\, @{thms rspec})] @ ZF_conn_pairs, ZF_mem_pairs); \ declaration \fn _ => Simplifier.map_ss (Simplifier.set_mksimps (fn ctxt => map mk_eq o Ord_atomize o Variable.gen_all ctxt)) \ text \Setting up the one-point-rule simproc\ simproc_setup defined_rex ("\x[M]. P(x) \ Q(x)") = \ - fn _ => Quantifier1.rearrange_Bex - (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms rex_def}) + K (Quantifier1.rearrange_Bex (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms rex_def})) \ simproc_setup defined_rall ("\x[M]. P(x) \ Q(x)") = \ - fn _ => Quantifier1.rearrange_Ball - (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms rall_def}) + K (Quantifier1.rearrange_Ball (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms rall_def})) \ end diff --git a/src/ZF/pair.thy b/src/ZF/pair.thy --- a/src/ZF/pair.thy +++ b/src/ZF/pair.thy @@ -1,185 +1,183 @@ (* Title: ZF/pair.thy Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge *) section\Ordered Pairs\ theory pair imports upair begin ML_file \simpdata.ML\ setup \ map_theory_simpset (Simplifier.set_mksimps (fn ctxt => map mk_eq o ZF_atomize o Variable.gen_all ctxt) #> Simplifier.add_cong @{thm if_weak_cong}) \ ML \val ZF_ss = simpset_of \<^context>\ simproc_setup defined_Bex ("\x\A. P(x) \ Q(x)") = \ - fn _ => Quantifier1.rearrange_Bex - (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Bex_def}) + K (Quantifier1.rearrange_Bex (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Bex_def})) \ simproc_setup defined_Ball ("\x\A. P(x) \ Q(x)") = \ - fn _ => Quantifier1.rearrange_Ball - (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Ball_def}) + K (Quantifier1.rearrange_Ball (fn ctxt => unfold_tac ctxt @{thms Ball_def})) \ (** Lemmas for showing that \a,b\ uniquely determines a and b **) lemma singleton_eq_iff [iff]: "{a} = {b} \ a=b" by (rule extension [THEN iff_trans], blast) lemma doubleton_eq_iff: "{a,b} = {c,d} \ (a=c \ b=d) | (a=d \ b=c)" by (rule extension [THEN iff_trans], blast) lemma Pair_iff [simp]: "\a,b\ = \c,d\ \ a=c \ b=d" by (simp add: Pair_def doubleton_eq_iff, blast) lemmas Pair_inject = Pair_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjE, elim!] lemmas Pair_inject1 = Pair_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1] lemmas Pair_inject2 = Pair_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct2] lemma Pair_not_0: "\a,b\ \ 0" unfolding Pair_def apply (blast elim: equalityE) done lemmas Pair_neq_0 = Pair_not_0 [THEN notE, elim!] declare sym [THEN Pair_neq_0, elim!] lemma Pair_neq_fst: "\a,b\=a \ P" proof (unfold Pair_def) assume eq: "{{a, a}, {a, b}} = a" have "{a, a} \ {{a, a}, {a, b}}" by (rule consI1) hence "{a, a} \ a" by (simp add: eq) moreover have "a \ {a, a}" by (rule consI1) ultimately show "P" by (rule mem_asym) qed lemma Pair_neq_snd: "\a,b\=b \ P" proof (unfold Pair_def) assume eq: "{{a, a}, {a, b}} = b" have "{a, b} \ {{a, a}, {a, b}}" by blast hence "{a, b} \ b" by (simp add: eq) moreover have "b \ {a, b}" by blast ultimately show "P" by (rule mem_asym) qed subsection\Sigma: Disjoint Union of a Family of Sets\ text\Generalizes Cartesian product\ lemma Sigma_iff [simp]: "\a,b\: Sigma(A,B) \ a \ A \ b \ B(a)" by (simp add: Sigma_def) lemma SigmaI [TC,intro!]: "\a \ A; b \ B(a)\ \ \a,b\ \ Sigma(A,B)" by simp lemmas SigmaD1 = Sigma_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1] lemmas SigmaD2 = Sigma_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct2] (*The general elimination rule*) lemma SigmaE [elim!]: "\c \ Sigma(A,B); \x y.\x \ A; y \ B(x); c=\x,y\\ \ P \ \ P" by (unfold Sigma_def, blast) lemma SigmaE2 [elim!]: "\\a,b\ \ Sigma(A,B); \a \ A; b \ B(a)\ \ P \ \ P" by (unfold Sigma_def, blast) lemma Sigma_cong: "\A=A'; \x. x \ A' \ B(x)=B'(x)\ \ Sigma(A,B) = Sigma(A',B')" by (simp add: Sigma_def) (*Sigma_cong, Pi_cong NOT given to Addcongs: they cause flex-flex pairs and the "Check your prover" error. Most Sigmas and Pis are abbreviated as * or -> *) lemma Sigma_empty1 [simp]: "Sigma(0,B) = 0" by blast lemma Sigma_empty2 [simp]: "A*0 = 0" by blast lemma Sigma_empty_iff: "A*B=0 \ A=0 | B=0" by blast subsection\Projections \<^term>\fst\ and \<^term>\snd\\ lemma fst_conv [simp]: "fst(\a,b\) = a" by (simp add: fst_def) lemma snd_conv [simp]: "snd(\a,b\) = b" by (simp add: snd_def) lemma fst_type [TC]: "p \ Sigma(A,B) \ fst(p) \ A" by auto lemma snd_type [TC]: "p \ Sigma(A,B) \ snd(p) \ B(fst(p))" by auto lemma Pair_fst_snd_eq: "a \ Sigma(A,B) \ = a" by auto subsection\The Eliminator, \<^term>\split\\ (*A META-equality, so that it applies to higher types as well...*) lemma split [simp]: "split(\x y. c(x,y), \a,b\) \ c(a,b)" by (simp add: split_def) lemma split_type [TC]: "\p \ Sigma(A,B); \x y.\x \ A; y \ B(x)\ \ c(x,y):C(\x,y\) \ \ split(\x y. c(x,y), p) \ C(p)" by (erule SigmaE, auto) lemma expand_split: "u \ A*B \ R(split(c,u)) \ (\x\A. \y\B. u = \x,y\ \ R(c(x,y)))" by (auto simp add: split_def) subsection\A version of \<^term>\split\ for Formulae: Result Type \<^typ>\o\\ lemma splitI: "R(a,b) \ split(R, \a,b\)" by (simp add: split_def) lemma splitE: "\split(R,z); z \ Sigma(A,B); \x y. \z = \x,y\; R(x,y)\ \ P \ \ P" by (auto simp add: split_def) lemma splitD: "split(R,\a,b\) \ R(a,b)" by (simp add: split_def) text \ \bigskip Complex rules for Sigma. \ lemma split_paired_Bex_Sigma [simp]: "(\z \ Sigma(A,B). P(z)) \ (\x \ A. \y \ B(x). P(\x,y\))" by blast lemma split_paired_Ball_Sigma [simp]: "(\z \ Sigma(A,B). P(z)) \ (\x \ A. \y \ B(x). P(\x,y\))" by blast end