diff --git a/src/Pure/Thy/document_build.scala b/src/Pure/Thy/document_build.scala --- a/src/Pure/Thy/document_build.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Thy/document_build.scala @@ -1,534 +1,545 @@ /* Title: Pure/Thy/document_build.scala Author: Makarius Build theory document (PDF) from session database. */ package isabelle object Document_Build { /* document variants */ object Content { def apply(path: Path, content: Bytes): Content = new Content_Bytes(path, content) def apply(path: Path, content: String): Content = new Content_String(path, content) + def apply(path: Path, content: XML.Body): Content_XML = new Content_XML(path, content) } trait Content { + def path: Path def write(dir: Path): Unit } - final class Content_Bytes private[Document_Build](path: Path, content: Bytes) extends Content + final class Content_Bytes private[Document_Build](val path: Path, content: Bytes) extends Content { def write(dir: Path): Unit = Bytes.write(dir + path, content) } - final class Content_String private[Document_Build](path: Path, content: String) extends Content + final class Content_String private[Document_Build](val path: Path, content: String) extends Content { def write(dir: Path): Unit = File.write(dir + path, content) } + final class Content_XML private[Document_Build](val path: Path, content: XML.Body) + { + def output(out: XML.Body => String): Content_String = + new Content_String(path, out(content)) + } abstract class Document_Name { def name: String def path: Path = Path.basic(name) override def toString: String = name } object Document_Variant { def parse(name: String, tags: String): Document_Variant = Document_Variant(name, Library.space_explode(',', tags)) def parse(opt: String): Document_Variant = Library.space_explode('=', opt) match { case List(name) => Document_Variant(name, Nil) case List(name, tags) => parse(name, tags) case _ => error("Malformed document variant: " + quote(opt)) } } sealed case class Document_Variant(name: String, tags: List[String]) extends Document_Name { def print_tags: String = tags.mkString(",") def print: String = if (tags.isEmpty) name else name + "=" + print_tags def isabelletags: Content = { val path = Path.explode("isabelletags.sty") val content = Library.terminate_lines( tags.map(tag => tag.toList match { case '/' :: cs => "\\isafoldtag{" + cs.mkString + "}" case '-' :: cs => "\\isadroptag{" + cs.mkString + "}" case '+' :: cs => "\\isakeeptag{" + cs.mkString + "}" case cs => "\\isakeeptag{" + cs.mkString + "}" })) Content(path, content) } } sealed case class Document_Input(name: String, sources: SHA1.Digest) extends Document_Name sealed case class Document_Output(name: String, sources: SHA1.Digest, log_xz: Bytes, pdf: Bytes) extends Document_Name { def log: String = log_xz.uncompress().text def log_lines: List[String] = split_lines(log) def write(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): Unit = write_document(db, session_name, this) def write(dir: Path): Path = { val path = dir + Path.basic(name).pdf Isabelle_System.make_directory(path.expand.dir) Bytes.write(path, pdf) path } } /* SQL data model */ object Data { val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key val name = SQL.Column.string("name").make_primary_key val sources = SQL.Column.string("sources") val log_xz = SQL.Column.bytes("log_xz") val pdf = SQL.Column.bytes("pdf") val table = SQL.Table("isabelle_documents", List(session_name, name, sources, log_xz, pdf)) def where_equal(session_name: String, name: String = ""): SQL.Source = "WHERE " + Data.session_name.equal(session_name) + (if (name == "") "" else " AND " + Data.name.equal(name)) } def read_documents(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[Document_Input] = { val select = Data.table.select(List(Data.name, Data.sources), Data.where_equal(session_name)) db.using_statement(select)(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(res => { val name = res.string(Data.name) val sources = res.string(Data.sources) Document_Input(name, SHA1.fake(sources)) }).toList) } def read_document(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String, name: String): Option[Document_Output] = { val select = Data.table.select(sql = Data.where_equal(session_name, name)) db.using_statement(select)(stmt => { val res = stmt.execute_query() if (res.next()) { val name = res.string(Data.name) val sources = res.string(Data.sources) val log_xz = res.bytes(Data.log_xz) val pdf = res.bytes(Data.pdf) Some(Document_Output(name, SHA1.fake(sources), log_xz, pdf)) } else None }) } def write_document(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String, doc: Document_Output): Unit = { db.using_statement(Data.table.insert())(stmt => { stmt.string(1) = session_name stmt.string(2) = doc.name stmt.string(3) = doc.sources.toString stmt.bytes(4) = doc.log_xz stmt.bytes(5) = doc.pdf stmt.execute() }) } /* context */ val isabelle_styles: List[Path] = List("comment.sty", "isabelle.sty", "isabellesym.sty", "pdfsetup.sty", "railsetup.sty"). map(name => Path.explode("~~/lib/texinputs") + Path.basic(name)) def context( session: String, deps: Sessions.Deps, db_context: Sessions.Database_Context, progress: Progress = new Progress): Context = { val info = deps.sessions_structure(session) val base = deps(session) val hierarchy = deps.sessions_structure.hierarchy(session) new Context(info, base, hierarchy, db_context, progress) } final class Context private[Document_Build]( info: Sessions.Info, base: Sessions.Base, hierarchy: List[String], db_context: Sessions.Database_Context, val progress: Progress = new Progress) { /* session info */ def session: String = info.name def options: Options = info.options def document_bibliography: Boolean = options.bool("document_bibliography") def document_logo: Option[String] = options.string("document_logo") match { case "" => None case "_" => Some("") case name => Some(name) } def document_build: String = options.string("document_build") def get_engine(): Engine = { val name = document_build engines.find(_.name == name).getOrElse(error("Bad document_build engine " + quote(name))) } def get_export(theory: String, name: String): Export.Entry = db_context.get_export(hierarchy, theory, name) /* document content */ def documents: List[Document_Variant] = info.documents def session_theories: List[Document.Node.Name] = base.session_theories def document_theories: List[Document.Node.Name] = session_theories ::: base.document_theories - lazy val tex_files: List[Content] = + lazy val document_latex: List[Content_XML] = for (name <- document_theories) yield { val path = Path.basic(tex_name(name)) - val xml = YXML.parse_body(get_export(name.theory, Export.DOCUMENT_LATEX).text) - val content = Latex.output(xml, file_pos = name.path.implode_symbolic) + val content = YXML.parse_body(get_export(name.theory, Export.DOCUMENT_LATEX).text) Content(path, content) } lazy val session_graph: Content = { val path = Presentation.session_graph_path val content = graphview.Graph_File.make_pdf(options, base.session_graph_display) Content(path, content) } lazy val session_tex: Content = { val path = Path.basic("session.tex") val content = Library.terminate_lines( base.session_theories.map(name => "\\input{" + tex_name(name) + "}")) Content(path, content) } lazy val isabelle_logo: Option[Content] = { document_logo.map(logo_name => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("logo", ext = "pdf")(tmp_path => { Logo.create_logo(logo_name, output_file = tmp_path, quiet = true) val path = Path.basic("isabelle_logo.pdf") val content = Bytes.read(tmp_path) Content(path, content) })) } /* document directory */ - def prepare_directory(dir: Path, doc: Document_Variant): Directory = + def prepare_directory(dir: Path, doc: Document_Variant, latex_output: Latex.Output): Directory = { val doc_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir + Path.basic(doc.name)) /* actual sources: with SHA1 digest */ isabelle_styles.foreach(Isabelle_System.copy_file(_, doc_dir)) doc.isabelletags.write(doc_dir) for ((base_dir, src) <- info.document_files) { Isabelle_System.copy_file_base(info.dir + base_dir, src, doc_dir) } session_tex.write(doc_dir) - tex_files.foreach(_.write(doc_dir)) + + for (content <- document_latex) { + content.output(latex_output(_, file_pos = content.path.implode_symbolic)) + .write(doc_dir) + } val root_name1 = "root_" + doc.name val root_name = if ((doc_dir + Path.explode(root_name1).tex).is_file) root_name1 else "root" val digests1 = List(doc.print, document_logo.toString, document_build).map(SHA1.digest) val digests2 = File.find_files(doc_dir.file, follow_links = true).map(SHA1.digest) val sources = SHA1.digest_set(digests1 ::: digests2) /* derived material: without SHA1 digest */ isabelle_logo.foreach(_.write(doc_dir)) session_graph.write(doc_dir) Directory(doc_dir, doc, root_name, sources) } def old_document(directory: Directory): Option[Document_Output] = for { old_doc <- db_context.input_database(session)(read_document(_, _, directory.doc.name)) if old_doc.sources == directory.sources } yield old_doc } sealed case class Directory( doc_dir: Path, doc: Document_Variant, root_name: String, sources: SHA1.Digest) { def root_name_script(ext: String = ""): String = Bash.string(if (ext.isEmpty) root_name else root_name + "." + ext) def conditional_script(ext: String, exe: String, after: String = ""): String = "if [ -f " + root_name_script(ext) + " ]\n" + "then\n" + " " + exe + " " + root_name_script() + "\n" + (if (after.isEmpty) "" else " " + after) + "fi\n" def log_errors(): List[String] = Latex.latex_errors(doc_dir, root_name) ::: Bibtex.bibtex_errors(doc_dir, root_name) def make_document(log: List[String], errors: List[String]): Document_Output = { val root_pdf = Path.basic(root_name).pdf val result_pdf = doc_dir + root_pdf if (errors.nonEmpty) { val errors1 = errors ::: List("Failed to build document " + quote(doc.name)) throw new Build_Error(log, Exn.cat_message(errors1: _*)) } else if (!result_pdf.is_file) { val message = "Bad document result: expected to find " + root_pdf throw new Build_Error(log, message) } else { val log_xz = Bytes(cat_lines(log)).compress() val pdf = Bytes.read(result_pdf) Document_Output(doc.name, sources, log_xz, pdf) } } } /* build engines */ lazy val engines: List[Engine] = Isabelle_System.make_services(classOf[Engine]) abstract class Engine(val name: String) extends Isabelle_System.Service { override def toString: String = name def prepare_directory(context: Context, dir: Path, doc: Document_Variant): Directory def build_document(context: Context, directory: Directory, verbose: Boolean): Document_Output } abstract class Bash_Engine(name: String) extends Engine(name) { + def latex_output: Latex.Output = new Latex.Output def prepare_directory(context: Context, dir: Path, doc: Document_Variant): Directory = - context.prepare_directory(dir, doc) + context.prepare_directory(dir, doc, latex_output) def use_pdflatex: Boolean = false def latex_script(context: Context, directory: Directory): String = (if (use_pdflatex) "$ISABELLE_PDFLATEX" else "$ISABELLE_LUALATEX") + " " + directory.root_name_script() + "\n" def bibtex_script(context: Context, directory: Directory, latex: Boolean = false): String = { val ext = if (context.document_bibliography) "aux" else "bib" directory.conditional_script(ext, "$ISABELLE_BIBTEX", after = if (latex) latex_script(context, directory) else "") } def makeindex_script(context: Context, directory: Directory, latex: Boolean = false): String = directory.conditional_script("idx", "$ISABELLE_MAKEINDEX", after = if (latex) latex_script(context, directory) else "") def use_build_script: Boolean = false def build_script(context: Context, directory: Directory): String = { val has_build_script = (directory.doc_dir + Path.explode("build")).is_file if (!use_build_script && has_build_script) { error("Unexpected document build script for option document_build=" + quote(context.document_build)) } else if (use_build_script && !has_build_script) error("Missing document build script") else if (has_build_script) "./build pdf " + Bash.string(directory.doc.name) else { "set -e\n" + latex_script(context, directory) + bibtex_script(context, directory, latex = true) + makeindex_script(context, directory) + latex_script(context, directory) + makeindex_script(context, directory, latex = true) } } def build_document(context: Context, directory: Directory, verbose: Boolean): Document_Output = { val result = context.progress.bash( build_script(context, directory), cwd = directory.doc_dir.file, echo = verbose, watchdog = Time.seconds(0.5)) val log = result.out_lines ::: result.err_lines val errors = (if (result.ok) Nil else List(result.err)) ::: directory.log_errors() directory.make_document(log, errors) } } class LuaLaTeX_Engine extends Bash_Engine("lualatex") class PDFLaTeX_Engine extends Bash_Engine("pdflatex") { override def use_pdflatex: Boolean = true } class Build_Engine extends Bash_Engine("build") { override def use_build_script: Boolean = true } /* build documents */ def tex_name(name: Document.Node.Name): String = name.theory_base_name + ".tex" class Build_Error(val log_lines: List[String], val message: String) extends Exn.User_Error(message) def build_documents( context: Context, output_sources: Option[Path] = None, output_pdf: Option[Path] = None, verbose: Boolean = false): List[Document_Output] = { val progress = context.progress val engine = context.get_engine() val documents = for (doc <- context.documents) yield { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("document")(tmp_dir => { progress.echo("Preparing " + context.session + "/" + doc.name + " ...") val start = Time.now() output_sources.foreach(engine.prepare_directory(context, _, doc)) val directory = engine.prepare_directory(context, tmp_dir, doc) val document = context.old_document(directory) getOrElse engine.build_document(context, directory, verbose) val stop = Time.now() val timing = stop - start progress.echo("Finished " + context.session + "/" + doc.name + " (" + timing.message_hms + " elapsed time)") document }) } for (dir <- output_pdf; doc <- documents) { val path = doc.write(dir) progress.echo("Document at " + path.absolute) } documents } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("document", "prepare session theory document", Scala_Project.here, args => { var output_sources: Option[Path] = None var output_pdf: Option[Path] = None var verbose_latex = false var dirs: List[Path] = Nil var options = Options.init() var verbose_build = false val getopts = Getopts( """ Usage: isabelle document [OPTIONS] SESSION Options are: -O DIR output directory for LaTeX sources and resulting PDF -P DIR output directory for resulting PDF -S DIR output directory for LaTeX sources -V verbose latex -d DIR include session directory -o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME) -v verbose build Prepare the theory document of a session. """, "O:" -> (arg => { val dir = Path.explode(arg) output_sources = Some(dir) output_pdf = Some(dir) }), "P:" -> (arg => { output_pdf = Some(Path.explode(arg)) }), "S:" -> (arg => { output_sources = Some(Path.explode(arg)) }), "V" -> (_ => verbose_latex = true), "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))), "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose_build = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) val session = more_args match { case List(a) => a case _ => getopts.usage() } val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose_build) val store = Sessions.store(options) progress.interrupt_handler { val res = Build.build(options, selection = Sessions.Selection.session(session), dirs = dirs, progress = progress, verbose = verbose_build) if (!res.ok) error("Failed to build session " + quote(session)) val deps = Sessions.load_structure(options + "document=pdf", dirs = dirs). selection_deps(Sessions.Selection.session(session)) if (output_sources.isEmpty && output_pdf.isEmpty) { progress.echo_warning("No output directory") } using(store.open_database_context())(db_context => { build_documents(context(session, deps, db_context, progress = progress), output_sources = output_sources, output_pdf = output_pdf, verbose = verbose_latex) }) } }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Thy/latex.scala b/src/Pure/Thy/latex.scala --- a/src/Pure/Thy/latex.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Thy/latex.scala @@ -1,221 +1,223 @@ /* Title: Pure/Thy/latex.scala Author: Makarius Support for LaTeX. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile} import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.matching.Regex object Latex { /* output text and positions */ type Text = XML.Body - def output(latex_text: Text, file_pos: String = ""): String = - { - var line = 1 - val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[String] - val positions = new mutable.ListBuffer[String] + def position(a: String, b: String): String = "%:%" + a + "=" + b + "%:%\n" - def position(a: String, b: String): String = "%:%" + a + "=" + b + "%:%\n" + def init_position(file_pos: String): List[String] = + if (file_pos.isEmpty) Nil + else List("\\endinput\n", position(Markup.FILE, file_pos)) - if (file_pos.nonEmpty) { - positions += "\\endinput\n" - positions += position(Markup.FILE, file_pos) - } - - def traverse(body: XML.Body): Unit = + class Output + { + def apply(latex_text: Text, file_pos: String = ""): String = { - body.foreach { - case XML.Wrapped_Elem(_, _, _) => - case XML.Elem(markup, body) => - if (markup.name == Markup.DOCUMENT_LATEX) { - for { l <- Position.Line.unapply(markup.properties) if positions.nonEmpty } { - val s = position(Value.Int(line), Value.Int(l)) - if (positions.last != s) positions += s + var line = 1 + val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[String] + val positions = new mutable.ListBuffer[String] ++= init_position(file_pos) + + def traverse(body: XML.Body): Unit = + { + body.foreach { + case XML.Wrapped_Elem(_, _, _) => + case XML.Elem(markup, body) => + if (markup.name == Markup.DOCUMENT_LATEX) { + for { l <- Position.Line.unapply(markup.properties) if positions.nonEmpty } { + val s = position(Value.Int(line), Value.Int(l)) + if (positions.last != s) positions += s + } + traverse(body) } - traverse(body) - } - case XML.Text(s) => - line += s.count(_ == '\n') - result += s + case XML.Text(s) => + line += s.count(_ == '\n') + result += s + } } + traverse(latex_text) + + result ++= positions + result.mkString } - traverse(latex_text) - - result ++= positions - result.mkString } /* generated .tex file */ private val File_Pattern = """^%:%file=(.+)%:%$""".r private val Line_Pattern = """^*%:%(\d+)=(\d+)%:%$""".r def read_tex_file(tex_file: Path): Tex_File = { val positions = Line.logical_lines(File.read(tex_file)).reverse. takeWhile(_ != "\\endinput").reverse val source_file = positions match { case File_Pattern(file) :: _ => Some(file) case _ => None } val source_lines = if (source_file.isEmpty) Nil else positions.flatMap(line => line match { case Line_Pattern(Value.Int(line), Value.Int(source_line)) => Some(line -> source_line) case _ => None }) new Tex_File(tex_file, source_file, source_lines) } final class Tex_File private[Latex]( tex_file: Path, source_file: Option[String], source_lines: List[(Int, Int)]) { override def toString: String = tex_file.toString def source_position(l: Int): Option[Position.T] = source_file match { case None => None case Some(file) => val source_line = source_lines.iterator.takeWhile({ case (m, _) => m <= l }). foldLeft(0) { case (_, (_, n)) => n } if (source_line == 0) None else Some(Position.Line_File(source_line, file)) } def position(line: Int): Position.T = source_position(line) getOrElse Position.Line_File(line, tex_file.implode) } /* latex log */ def latex_errors(dir: Path, root_name: String): List[String] = { val root_log_path = dir + Path.explode(root_name).ext("log") if (root_log_path.is_file) { for { (msg, pos) <- filter_errors(dir, File.read(root_log_path)) } yield "Latex error" + Position.here(pos) + ":\n" + Library.indent_lines(2, msg) } else Nil } def filter_errors(dir: Path, root_log: String): List[(String, Position.T)] = { val seen_files = Synchronized(Map.empty[JFile, Tex_File]) def check_tex_file(path: Path): Option[Tex_File] = seen_files.change_result(seen => seen.get(path.file) match { case None => if (path.is_file) { val tex_file = read_tex_file(path) (Some(tex_file), seen + (path.file -> tex_file)) } else (None, seen) case some => (some, seen) }) def tex_file_position(path: Path, line: Int): Position.T = check_tex_file(path) match { case Some(tex_file) => tex_file.position(line) case None => Position.Line_File(line, path.implode) } object File_Line_Error { val Pattern: Regex = """^(.*?\.\w\w\w):(\d+): (.*)$""".r def unapply(line: String): Option[(Path, Int, String)] = line match { case Pattern(file, Value.Int(line), message) => val path = File.standard_path(file) if (Path.is_wellformed(path)) { val file = (dir + Path.explode(path)).canonical val msg = Library.perhaps_unprefix("LaTeX Error: ", message) if (file.is_file) Some((file, line, msg)) else None } else None case _ => None } } val Line_Error = """^l\.\d+ (.*)$""".r val More_Error = List( "", "