diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_csdp.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_csdp.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_csdp.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_csdp.scala @@ -1,198 +1,196 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_csdp.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle CSDP component from official download. */ package isabelle object Build_CSDP { // Note: version 6.2.0 does not quite work for the "sos" proof method val default_download_url = "https://github.com/coin-or/Csdp/archive/releases/6.1.1.tar.gz" /* flags */ sealed case class Flags(platform: String, CFLAGS: String = "", LIBS: String = "") { val changed: List[(String, String)] = List("CFLAGS" -> CFLAGS, "LIBS" -> LIBS).filter(p => p._2.nonEmpty) def print: Option[String] = if (changed.isEmpty) None else Some(" * " + platform + ":\n" + changed.map(p => " " + Properties.Eq(p)) .mkString("\n")) def change(path: Path): Unit = { def change_line(line: String, p: (String, String)): String = line.replaceAll(p._1 + "=.*", Properties.Eq(p)) File.change_lines(path) { _.map(line => changed.foldLeft(line)(change_line)) } } } val build_flags: List[Flags] = List( Flags("arm64-linux", CFLAGS = "-O3 -ansi -Wall -DNOSHORTS -DBIT64 -DUSESIGTERM -DUSEGETTIME -I../include", LIBS = "-static -L../lib -lsdp -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lm"), Flags("x86_64-linux", CFLAGS = "-O3 -ansi -Wall -DNOSHORTS -DBIT64 -DUSESIGTERM -DUSEGETTIME -I../include", LIBS = "-static -L../lib -lsdp -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lquadmath -lm"), Flags("x86_64-darwin", CFLAGS = "-O3 -Wall -DNOSHORTS -DBIT64 -DUSESIGTERM -DUSEGETTIME -I../include", LIBS = "-L../lib -lsdp -llapack -lblas -lm"), Flags("x86_64-windows")) /* build CSDP */ def build_csdp( download_url: String = default_download_url, verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current, mingw: MinGW = MinGW.none ): Unit = { mingw.check Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir => /* component */ val Archive_Name = """^.*?([^/]+)$""".r val Version = """^[^0-9]*([0-9].*)\.tar.gz$""".r val archive_name = download_url match { case Archive_Name(name) => name case _ => error("Failed to determine source archive name from " + quote(download_url)) } val version = archive_name match { case Version(version) => version case _ => error("Failed to determine component version from " + quote(archive_name)) } val component_name = "csdp-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) /* platform */ val platform_name = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64")) orElse proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PLATFORM64")) getOrElse error("No 64bit platform") val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name)) /* download source */ val archive_path = tmp_dir + Path.basic(archive_name) Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, archive_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, tmp_dir) val source_dir = File.get_dir(tmp_dir, title = download_url) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, component_dir.src, strip = true) /* build */ progress.echo("Building CSDP for " + platform_name + " ...") build_flags.find(flags => flags.platform == platform_name) match { case None => error("No build flags for platform " + quote(platform_name)) case Some(flags) => File.find_files(source_dir.file, pred = file => file.getName == "Makefile"). foreach(file => flags.change(File.path(file))) } progress.bash(mingw.bash_script("make"), cwd = source_dir.file, echo = verbose).check /* install */ Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.explode("LICENSE"), component_dir.path) Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.explode("solver/csdp").platform_exe, platform_dir) if (Platform.is_windows) { Executable.libraries_closure(platform_dir + Path.explode("csdp.exe"), mingw = mingw, filter = Set("libblas", "liblapack", "libgfortran", "libgcc_s_seh", "libquadmath", "libwinpthread")) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_CSDP="$COMPONENT/${ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64:-$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64}/csdp" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is CSDP """ + version + """ from """ + download_url + """ Makefile flags have been changed for various platforms as follows: """ + build_flags.flatMap(_.print).mkString("\n\n") + """ The distribution has been built like this: cd src && make Only the bare "solver/csdp" program is used for Isabelle. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_csdp", "build prover component from official download", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var mingw = MinGW.none var download_url = default_download_url var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_csdp [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -M DIR msys/mingw root specification for Windows -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") -v verbose Build prover component from official download. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "M:" -> (arg => mingw = MinGW(Path.explode(arg))), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_csdp(download_url = download_url, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir, mingw = mingw) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_cvc5.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_cvc5.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_cvc5.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_cvc5.scala @@ -1,137 +1,135 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_cvc5.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for cvc5. See also: - https://cvc5.github.io/ - https://github.com/cvc5/cvc5 */ package isabelle object Build_CVC5 { /* platform information */ sealed case class CVC5_Platform(platform_name: String, download_name: String) { def is_windows: Boolean = platform_name.endsWith("-windows") } val platforms: List[CVC5_Platform] = List( CVC5_Platform("arm64-darwin", "cvc5-macOS-arm64"), CVC5_Platform("x86_64-darwin", "cvc5-macOS"), CVC5_Platform("x86_64-linux", "cvc5-Linux"), CVC5_Platform("x86_64-windows", "cvc5-Win64.exe")) /* build cvc5 */ val default_url = "https://github.com/cvc5/cvc5/releases/download" val default_version = "1.0.2" def build_cvc5( base_url: String = default_url, version: String = default_version, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { /* component name */ val component = "cvc5-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) /* download executables */ for (platform <- platforms) { val url = base_url + "/cvc5-" + version + "/" + platform.download_name val platform_dir = component_dir.path + Path.explode(platform.platform_name) val platform_exe = platform_dir + Path.explode("cvc5").exe_if(platform.is_windows) Isabelle_System.make_directory(platform_dir) Isabelle_System.download_file(url, platform_exe, progress = progress) File.set_executable(platform_exe, true) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" CVC5_HOME="$COMPONENT/${ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64:-${ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64:-$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64}}" CVC5_VERSION=""" + Bash.string(version) + """ CVC5_SOLVER="$CVC5_HOME/cvc5" if [ -e "$CVC5_HOME" ] then CVC5_INSTALLED="yes" fi """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This distribution of cvc5 was assembled from the official downloads from """ + base_url + """ for 64bit macOS, Linux, and Windows. There is native support for macOS ARM64, but Linux ARM64 is missing. The oldest supported version of macOS is 10.14 Mojave. The downloaded files were renamed and made executable. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") /* AUTHORS and COPYING */ // download "latest" versions as reasonable approximation def raw_download(name: String): Unit = Isabelle_System.download_file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cvc5/cvc5/main/" + name, component_dir.path + Path.explode(name)) raw_download("AUTHORS") raw_download("COPYING") } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_cvc5", "build component for cvc5", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var base_url = default_url var version = default_version val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_cvc5 [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_url + """") -V VERSION version (default: """" + default_version + """") Build component for cvc5 solver. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => base_url = arg), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_cvc5(base_url = base_url, version = version, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_e.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_e.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_e.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_e.scala @@ -1,140 +1,139 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_e.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle E prover component from official downloads. */ package isabelle object Build_E { /* build E prover */ val default_version = "2.6" val default_download_url = "https://wwwlehre.dhbw-stuttgart.de/~sschulz/WORK/E_DOWNLOAD" def build_e( version: String = default_version, download_url: String = default_download_url, verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir => /* component */ val component_name = "e-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) val platform_name = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PLATFORM64")) .getOrElse(error("No 64bit platform")) val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name)) /* download source */ val archive_url = download_url + "/V_" + version + "/E.tgz" val archive_path = tmp_dir + Path.explode("E.tgz") Isabelle_System.download_file(archive_url, archive_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, tmp_dir) val source_dir = File.get_dir(tmp_dir, title = archive_url) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, component_dir.src, strip = true) /* build */ progress.echo("Building E prover for " + platform_name + " ...") val build_options = { val result = Isabelle_System.bash("./configure --help", cwd = source_dir.file) if (result.check.out.containsSlice("--enable-ho")) " --enable-ho" else "" } val build_script = "./configure" + build_options + " && make" Isabelle_System.bash(build_script, cwd = source_dir.file, progress_stdout = progress.echo_if(verbose, _), progress_stderr = progress.echo_if(verbose, _)).check /* install */ Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.basic("COPYING"), component_dir.LICENSE) val install_files = List("epclextract", "eprover", "eprover-ho") for (name <- install_files ::: install_files.map(_ + ".exe")) { val path = source_dir + Path.basic("PROVER") + Path.basic(name) if (path.is_file) Isabelle_System.copy_file(path, platform_dir) } Isabelle_System.bash("if [ -f eprover-ho ]; then mv eprover-ho eprover; fi", cwd = platform_dir.file).check /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" E_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" E_VERSION=""" + quote(version) + """ """) + /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, "This is E prover " + version + " from\n" + archive_url + """ The distribution has been built like this: cd src && """ + build_script + """ Only a few executables from PROVERS/ have been moved to the platform-specific Isabelle component directory: x86_64-linux etc. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_e", "build prover component from source distribution", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var version = default_version var download_url = default_download_url var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_e [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") -V VERSION version (default: """ + default_version + """) -v verbose Build prover component from the specified source distribution. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_e(version = version, download_url = download_url, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_easychair.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_easychair.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_easychair.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_easychair.scala @@ -1,97 +1,95 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_easychair.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for Easychair LaTeX style. See also https://easychair.org/publications/for_authors */ package isabelle object Build_Easychair { /* build easychair component */ val default_url = "https://easychair.org/publications/easychair.zip" def build_easychair( download_url: String = default_url, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("download", ext = "zip") { download_file => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("download") { download_dir => /* download */ Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, download_file, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, download_dir) val easychair_dir = File.get_dir(download_dir, title = download_url) /* component */ val version = Library.try_unprefix("EasyChair", easychair_dir.file_name) .getOrElse("Failed to detect version from " + quote(easychair_dir.file_name)) val component = "easychair-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, component_dir.path, strip = true) /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_EASYCHAIR_HOME="$COMPONENT" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is the Easychair style for authors from """ + download_url + """ Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_easychair", "build component for Easychair LaTeX style", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_url val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_easychair [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_url + """") Build component for Easychair LaTeX style. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_easychair(download_url = download_url, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_eptcs.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_eptcs.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_eptcs.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_eptcs.scala @@ -1,96 +1,94 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_eptcs.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for EPTCS LaTeX style. See also: - http://style.eptcs.org - https://github.com/EPTCS/style/releases */ package isabelle object Build_EPTCS { /* build eptcs component */ val default_url = "https://github.com/EPTCS/style/releases/download" val default_version = "1.7.0" def build_eptcs( base_url: String = default_url, version: String = default_version, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { /* component */ val component = "eptcs-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) /* download */ val download_url = base_url + "/v" + version + "/eptcsstyle.zip" Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("download", ext = "zip") { download_file => Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, download_file, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, component_dir.path) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_EPTCS_HOME="$COMPONENT" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is the EPTCS style from """ + download_url + """ Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_eptcs", "build component for EPTCS LaTeX style", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var base_url = default_url var version = default_version val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_eptcs [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_url + """") -V VERSION version (default: """" + default_version + """") Build component for EPTCS LaTeX style. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => base_url = arg), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_eptcs(base_url = base_url, version = version, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_foiltex.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_foiltex.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_foiltex.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_foiltex.scala @@ -1,107 +1,105 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_foiltex.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for FoilTeX. See also https://ctan.org/pkg/foiltex */ package isabelle object Build_Foiltex { /* build FoilTeX component */ val default_url = "https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/foiltex.zip" def build_foiltex( download_url: String = default_url, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("download", ext = "zip") { download_file => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("download") { download_dir => /* download */ Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, download_file, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, download_dir) val foiltex_dir = File.get_dir(download_dir, title = download_url) /* component */ val README = Path.explode("README") val version = { val Version = """^.*Instructions for FoilTeX Version\s*(.*)$""".r split_lines(File.read(foiltex_dir + README)) .collectFirst({ case Version(v) => v }) .getOrElse(error("Failed to detect version in " + README)) } val component = "foiltex-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, component_dir.path, strip = true) Isabelle_System.bash("pdflatex foiltex.ins", cwd = component_dir.path.file).check (component_dir.path + Path.basic("foiltex.log")).file.delete() /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_FOILTEX_HOME="$COMPONENT" """) /* README */ Isabelle_System.move_file(component_dir.README, component_dir.path + Path.basic("README.flt")) File.write(component_dir.README, """This is FoilTeX from """ + download_url + """ Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_foiltex", "build component for FoilTeX", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_url val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_foiltex [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_url + """") Build component for FoilTeX: slides in LaTeX. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_foiltex(download_url = download_url, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_fonts.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_fonts.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_fonts.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_fonts.scala @@ -1,385 +1,383 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_fonts.scala Author: Makarius Build standard Isabelle fonts: DejaVu base + Isabelle symbols. */ package isabelle object Build_Fonts { /* relevant codepoint ranges */ object Range { def base_font: Seq[Int] = (0x0020 to 0x007e) ++ // ASCII (0x00a0 to 0x024f) ++ // Latin Extended-A/B (0x0400 to 0x04ff) ++ // Cyrillic (0x0600 to 0x06ff) ++ // Arabic Seq( 0x02dd, // hungarumlaut 0x2018, // single quote 0x2019, // single quote 0x201a, // single quote 0x201c, // double quote 0x201d, // double quote 0x201e, // double quote 0x2039, // single guillemet 0x203a, // single guillemet 0x204b, // FOOTNOTE 0x20ac, // Euro 0x2710, // pencil 0xfb01, // ligature fi 0xfb02, // ligature fl 0xfffd, // replacement character ) def isabelle_font: Seq[Int] = Seq( 0x05, // X 0x06, // Y 0x07, // EOF 0x7f, // DEL 0xaf, // INVERSE 0xac, // logicalnot 0xb0, // degree 0xb1, // plusminus 0xb7, // periodcentered 0xd7, // multiply 0xf7, // divide ) ++ (0x0370 to 0x03ff) ++ // Greek (pseudo math) (0x0590 to 0x05ff) ++ // Hebrew (non-mono) Seq( 0x2010, // hyphen 0x2013, // dash 0x2014, // dash 0x2015, // dash 0x2016, // big parallel 0x2020, // dagger 0x2021, // double dagger 0x2022, // bullet 0x2026, // ellipsis 0x2030, // perthousand 0x2032, // minute 0x2033, // second 0x2038, // caret 0x2040, // sequence concatenation 0x20cd, // currency symbol ) ++ (0x2100 to 0x214f) ++ // Letterlike Symbols (0x2190 to 0x21ff) ++ // Arrows (0x2200 to 0x22ff) ++ // Mathematical Operators (0x2300 to 0x23ff) ++ // Miscellaneous Technical Seq( 0x2423, // graphic for space 0x2500, // box drawing 0x2501, // box drawing 0x2508, // box drawing 0x2509, // box drawing 0x2550, // box drawing ) ++ (0x25a0 to 0x25ff) ++ // Geometric Shapes Seq( 0x261b, // ACTION 0x2660, // spade suit 0x2661, // heart suit 0x2662, // diamond suit 0x2663, // club suit 0x266d, // musical flat 0x266e, // musical natural 0x266f, // musical sharp 0x2713, // check mark 0x2717, // ballot X 0x2756, // UNDEFINED 0x2759, // BOLD 0x27a7, // DESCR 0x27e6, // left white square bracket 0x27e7, // right white square bracket 0x27e8, // left angle bracket 0x27e9, // right angle bracket 0x27ea, // left double angle bracket 0x27eb, // right double angle bracket ) ++ (0x27f0 to 0x27ff) ++ // Supplemental Arrows-A (0x2900 to 0x297f) ++ // Supplemental Arrows-B (0x2980 to 0x29ff) ++ // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (0x2a00 to 0x2aff) ++ // Supplemental Mathematical Operators Seq(0x2b1a) ++ // VERBATIM (0x1d400 to 0x1d7ff) ++ // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols Seq( 0x1f310, // globe with meridians (Symbola font) 0x1f4d3, // notebook (Symbola font) 0x1f5c0, // folder (Symbola font) 0x1f5cf, // page (Symbola font) ) def isabelle_math_font: Seq[Int] = (0x21 to 0x2f) ++ // bang .. slash (0x3a to 0x40) ++ // colon .. atsign (0x5b to 0x5f) ++ // leftbracket .. underscore (0x7b to 0x7e) ++ // leftbrace .. tilde Seq( 0xa9, // copyright 0xae, // registered ) val vacuous_font: Seq[Int] = Seq(0x3c) // "<" as template } /* font families */ sealed case class Family( plain: String = "", bold: String = "", italic: String = "", bold_italic: String = "" ) { val fonts: List[String] = proper_string(plain).toList ::: proper_string(bold).toList ::: proper_string(italic).toList ::: proper_string(bold_italic).toList def get(index: Int): String = fonts(index % fonts.length) } object Family { def isabelle_symbols: Family = Family( plain = "IsabelleSymbols.sfd", bold = "IsabelleSymbolsBold.sfd") def deja_vu_sans_mono: Family = Family( plain = "DejaVuSansMono.ttf", bold = "DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf", italic = "DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf", bold_italic = "DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf") def deja_vu_sans: Family = Family( plain = "DejaVuSans.ttf", bold = "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", italic = "DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf", bold_italic = "DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf") def deja_vu_serif: Family = Family( plain = "DejaVuSerif.ttf", bold = "DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf", italic = "DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf", bold_italic = "DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf") def vacuous: Family = Family(plain = "Vacuous.sfd") } /* hinting */ // see https://www.freetype.org/ttfautohint/doc/ttfautohint.html private def auto_hint(source: Path, target: Path): Unit = { Isabelle_System.bash("ttfautohint -i " + File.bash_path(source) + " " + File.bash_path(target)).check } private def make_path(hinted: Boolean = false): Path = if (hinted) Path.basic("ttf-hinted") else Path.basic("ttf") private val hinting = List(false, true) /* build fonts */ private def find_file(dirs: List[Path], name: String): Path = { val path = Path.explode(name) dirs.collectFirst({ case dir if (dir + path).is_file => dir + path }) match { case Some(file) => file case None => error(cat_lines( ("Failed to find font file " + path + " in directories:") :: dirs.map(dir => " " + dir.toString))) } } val default_download_url = "https://github.com/dejavu-fonts/dejavu-fonts/releases/download/version_2_37/dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37.zip" val default_sources: List[Family] = List(Family.deja_vu_sans_mono, Family.deja_vu_sans, Family.deja_vu_serif) def build_fonts( download_url: String = default_download_url, target_dir: Path = Path.current, target_prefix: String = "Isabelle", sources: List[Family] = default_sources, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.require_command("ttfautohint") Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("download", ext = "zip") { download_file => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("download") { download_dir => /* download */ Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, download_file, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, download_dir) val dejavu_dir = File.get_dir(download_dir, title = download_url) + Path.basic("ttf") /* component */ val component_date = Date.Format.alt_date(Date.now()) val component_name = "isabelle_fonts-" + component_date val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) for (hinted <- hinting) { Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + make_path(hinted = hinted)) } val font_dirs = List(dejavu_dir, Path.explode("~~/Admin/isabelle_fonts")) for (dir <- font_dirs if !dir.is_dir) error("Bad source directory: " + dir) // Isabelle fonts val fonts = for { source <- sources; (source_font, index) <- source.fonts.zipWithIndex } yield { val isabelle_file = find_file(font_dirs, Family.isabelle_symbols.get(index)) val source_file = find_file(font_dirs, source_font) val source_names = Fontforge.font_names(source_file) val font_names = source_names.update(prefix = target_prefix, version = component_date) Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("font", "ttf") { tmp_file => for (hinted <- hinting) { val font_file = component_dir.path + make_path(hinted = hinted) + font_names.ttf progress.echo("Font " + font_file + " ...") if (hinted) auto_hint(source_file, tmp_file) else Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_file, tmp_file) Fontforge.execute( Fontforge.commands( Fontforge.open(isabelle_file), Fontforge.select(Range.isabelle_font), Fontforge.copy, Fontforge.close, Fontforge.open(tmp_file), Fontforge.select(Range.base_font), Fontforge.select_invert, Fontforge.clear, Fontforge.select(Range.isabelle_font), Fontforge.paste, font_names.set, Fontforge.generate(font_file), Fontforge.close) ).check } } (font_names.ttf, index) } // Vacuous font { val vacuous_file = find_file(font_dirs, Family.vacuous.get(0)) val font_dir = component_dir.path + make_path() val font_names = Fontforge.font_names(vacuous_file) val font_file = font_dir + font_names.ttf progress.echo("Font " + font_file + " ...") val domain = (for ((name, index) <- fonts if index == 0) yield Fontforge.font_domain(font_dir + name)) .flatten.distinct.sorted Fontforge.execute( Fontforge.commands( Fontforge.open(vacuous_file), Fontforge.select(Range.vacuous_font), Fontforge.copy) + domain.map(code => Fontforge.commands( Fontforge.select(Seq(code)), Fontforge.paste)) .mkString("\n", "\n", "\n") + Fontforge.commands( Fontforge.generate(font_file), Fontforge.close) ).check } /* settings */ def make_settings(hinted: Boolean = false): String = "\n isabelle_fonts \\\n" + (for ((ttf, _) <- fonts) yield """ "$COMPONENT/""" + make_path(hinted = hinted).file_name + "/" + ttf.file_name + "\"") .mkString(" \\\n") - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" if grep "isabelle_fonts_hinted.*=.*false" "$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/preferences" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null then""" + make_settings() + """ else""" + make_settings(hinted = true) + """ fi isabelle_fonts_hidden "$COMPONENT/""" + make_path().file_name + """/Vacuous.ttf" """) /* README */ Isabelle_System.copy_file( Path.explode("~~/Admin/isabelle_fonts/README"), component_dir.README) } } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_fonts", "construct Isabelle fonts", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_download_url val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_fonts [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") Construct Isabelle fonts from DejaVu font families and Isabelle symbols. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress build_fonts(download_url = download_url, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_jdk.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_jdk.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_jdk.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_jdk.scala @@ -1,167 +1,165 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_jdk.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle jdk component using downloads from Azul. */ package isabelle import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission object Build_JDK { /* platform information */ sealed case class JDK_Platform(name: String, url_template: String) { override def toString: String = name def url(base_url: String, jdk_version: String, zulu_version: String): String = base_url + "/" + url_template.replace("{V}", jdk_version).replace("{Z}", zulu_version) } val platforms: List[JDK_Platform] = List( JDK_Platform("arm64-darwin", "zulu{Z}-jdk{V}-macosx_aarch64.tar.gz"), JDK_Platform("arm64-linux", "zulu{Z}-jdk{V}-linux_aarch64.tar.gz"), JDK_Platform("x86_64-darwin", "zulu{Z}-jdk{V}-macosx_x64.tar.gz"), JDK_Platform("x86_64-linux", "zulu{Z}-jdk{V}-linux_x64.tar.gz"), JDK_Platform("x86_64-windows", "zulu{Z}-jdk{V}-win_x64.zip")) /* build jdk */ val default_base_url = "https://cdn.azul.com/zulu/bin" val default_jdk_version = "17.0.5" val default_zulu_version = "17.38.21-ca" def build_jdk( target_dir: Path = Path.current, base_url: String = default_base_url, jdk_version: String = default_jdk_version, zulu_version: String = default_zulu_version, progress: Progress = new Progress, ): Unit = { if (Platform.is_windows) error("Cannot build on Windows") /* component */ val component = "jdk-" + jdk_version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) /* download */ for (platform <- platforms) { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("download", component_dir.path.file) { dir => val url = platform.url(base_url, jdk_version, zulu_version) val name = Library.take_suffix(_ != '/', url.toList)._2.mkString val file = dir + Path.basic(name) Isabelle_System.download_file(url, file, progress = progress) val platform_dir = component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform.name) Isabelle_System.extract(file, platform_dir, strip = true) } } /* permissions */ for (file <- File.find_files(component_dir.path.file, include_dirs = true)) { val path = file.toPath val perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(path) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_READ) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_READ) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE) if (file.isDirectory) { perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_EXECUTE) } Files.setPosixFilePermissions(path, perms) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" case "$ISABELLE_PLATFORM_FAMILY" in linux) ISABELLE_JAVA_PLATFORM="$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" ISABELLE_JDK_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_JAVA_PLATFORM" ;; windows) ISABELLE_JAVA_PLATFORM="$ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64" ISABELLE_JDK_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_JAVA_PLATFORM" ;; macos) if [ -n "$ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64" -a -d "$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64" ] then ISABELLE_JAVA_PLATFORM="$ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64" else ISABELLE_JAVA_PLATFORM="$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" fi ISABELLE_JDK_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_JAVA_PLATFORM" ;; esac """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is OpenJDK """ + jdk_version + """ based on downloads by Azul, see also https://www.azul.com/downloads/?package=jdk The main license is GPL2, but some modules are covered by other (more liberal) licenses, see legal/* for details. Linux, Windows, macOS all work uniformly, depending on platform-specific subdirectories. """) } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_jdk", "build Isabelle jdk component using downloads from Azul", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var base_url = default_base_url var jdk_version = default_jdk_version var zulu_version = default_zulu_version val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_jdk [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL base URL (default: """" + default_base_url + """") -V NAME JDK version (default: """" + default_jdk_version + """") -Z NAME Zulu version (default: """" + default_zulu_version + """") Build Isabelle jdk component using downloads from Azul. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => base_url = arg), "V:" -> (arg => jdk_version = arg), "Z:" -> (arg => zulu_version = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_jdk(target_dir = target_dir, base_url = base_url, jdk_version = jdk_version, zulu_version = zulu_version, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala @@ -1,543 +1,541 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala Author: Makarius Build component for jEdit text-editor. */ package isabelle import java.nio.charset.Charset import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ object Build_JEdit { /* modes */ object Mode { val empty: Mode = new Mode("", "", Nil) val init: Mode = empty + ("noWordSep" -> """_'?⇩\^<>""") + ("unalignedOpenBrackets" -> "{[(«‹⟨⌈⌊⦇⟦⦃⦉") + ("unalignedCloseBrackets" -> "⦊⦄⟧⦈⌋⌉⟩›»)]}") + ("tabSize" -> "2") + ("indentSize" -> "2") val list: List[Mode] = { val isabelle_news: Mode = init.define("isabelle-news", "Isabelle NEWS") val isabelle: Mode = init.define("isabelle", "Isabelle theory") + ("commentStart" -> "(*") + ("commentEnd" -> "*)") val isabelle_ml: Mode = isabelle.define("isabelle-ml", "Isabelle/ML") val isabelle_root: Mode = isabelle.define("isabelle-root", "Isabelle session root") val isabelle_options: Mode = isabelle.define("isabelle-options", "Isabelle options") val sml: Mode = init.define("sml", "Standard ML") + ("commentStart" -> "(*") + ("commentEnd" -> "*)") + ("noWordSep" -> "_'") List(isabelle_news, isabelle, isabelle_ml, isabelle_root, isabelle_options, sml) } } final case class Mode private(name: String, description: String, rev_props: Properties.T) { override def toString: String = name def define(a: String, b: String): Mode = new Mode(a, b, rev_props) def + (entry: Properties.Entry): Mode = new Mode(name, description, Properties.put(rev_props, entry)) def write(dir: Path): Unit = { require(name.nonEmpty && description.nonEmpty, "Bad Isabelle/jEdit mode content") val properties = rev_props.reverse.map(p => Symbol.spaces(4) + XML.string_of_tree(XML.elem(Markup("PROPERTY", List("NAME" -> p._1, "VALUE" -> p._2))))) File.write(dir + Path.basic(name).xml, """ """ + properties.mkString("\n", "\n", "") + """ """) } } /* build jEdit component */ private val download_jars: List[(String, String)] = List( "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/findbugs/jsr305/3.0.2/jsr305-3.0.2.jar" -> "jsr305-3.0.2.jar") private val download_plugins: List[(String, String)] = List( "Code2HTML" -> "0.7", "CommonControls" -> "1.7.4", "Console" -> "5.1.4", "ErrorList" -> "2.4.0", "Highlight" -> "2.5", "Navigator" -> "2.7", "SideKick" -> "1.8") private def exclude_package(name: String): Boolean = name.startsWith("de.masters_of_disaster.ant") || name == "doclet" || name == "installer" def build_jedit( component_path: Path, version: String, original: Boolean = false, java_home: Path = default_java_home, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.require_command("ant", test = "-version") Isabelle_System.require_command("patch") val component_dir = Components.Directory(component_path).create(progress = progress) /* jEdit directory */ val jedit = "jedit" + version val jedit_patched = jedit + "-patched" val jedit_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_path + Path.basic(jedit)) val jedit_patched_dir = component_path + Path.basic(jedit_patched) def download_jedit(dir: Path, name: String, target_name: String = ""): Path = { val jedit_name = jedit + name val url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/jedit/files/jedit/" + version + "/" + jedit_name + "/download" val path = dir + Path.basic(proper_string(target_name) getOrElse jedit_name) Isabelle_System.download_file(url, path, progress = progress) path } Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir => /* original version */ val install_path = download_jedit(tmp_dir, "install.jar") Isabelle_System.bash("""export CLASSPATH="" isabelle_java java -Duser.home=""" + File.bash_platform_path(tmp_dir) + " -jar " + File.bash_platform_path(install_path) + " auto " + File.bash_platform_path(jedit_dir) + " unix-script=off unix-man=off").check val source_path = download_jedit(tmp_dir, "source.tar.bz2") Isabelle_System.extract(source_path, jedit_dir) /* patched version */ Isabelle_System.copy_dir(jedit_dir, jedit_patched_dir) val source_dir = jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("jEdit") val org_source_dir = source_dir + Path.basic("org") val tmp_source_dir = tmp_dir + Path.basic("jEdit") progress.echo("Patching jEdit sources ...") for { file <- File.find_files(Path.explode("~~/src/Tools/jEdit/patches").file).sortBy(_.getName) name = file.getName if !File.is_backup(name) } { progress.bash("patch -p2 < " + File.bash_path(File.path(file)), cwd = source_dir.file, echo = true).check } for { theme <- List("classic", "tango") } { val path = Path.explode("org/gjt/sp/jedit/icons/themes/" + theme + "/32x32/apps/isabelle.gif") Isabelle_System.copy_file(Path.explode("~~/lib/logo/isabelle_transparent-32.gif"), source_dir + path) } progress.echo("Building jEdit ...") Isabelle_System.copy_dir(source_dir, tmp_source_dir) progress.bash("env JAVA_HOME=" + File.bash_platform_path(java_home) + " ant", cwd = tmp_source_dir.file, echo = true).check Isabelle_System.copy_file(tmp_source_dir + Path.explode("build/jedit.jar"), jedit_patched_dir) val java_sources = (for { file <- File.find_files(org_source_dir.file, file => File.is_java(file.getName)) package_name <- Scala_Project.package_name(File.path(file)) if !exclude_package(package_name) } yield File.path(component_path.java_path.relativize(file.toPath).toFile).implode).sorted File.write(component_dir.build_props, "module = " + jedit_patched + "/jedit.jar\n" + "no_build = true\n" + "requirements = env:JEDIT_JARS\n" + ("sources =" :: java_sources.sorted.map(" " + _)).mkString("", " \\\n", "\n")) } /* jars */ val jars_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("jars")) for { (url, name) <- download_jars } { Isabelle_System.download_file(url, jars_dir + Path.basic(name), progress = progress) } for { (name, vers) <- download_plugins } { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("tmp", ext = "zip") { zip_path => val url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/jedit-plugins/files/" + name + "/" + vers + "/" + name + "-" + vers + "-bin.zip/download" Isabelle_System.download_file(url, zip_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(zip_path, jars_dir) } } /* resources */ val keep_encodings = List("ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-15", "US-ASCII", "UTF-8", "windows-1252") val drop_encodings = Charset.availableCharsets().keySet().asScala.toList.sorted.filterNot(keep_encodings.contains) File.write(jedit_patched_dir + Path.explode("properties/jEdit.props"), """#jEdit properties autoReloadDialog=false buffer.deepIndent=false buffer.encoding=UTF-8-Isabelle buffer.indentSize=2 buffer.lineSeparator=\n buffer.maxLineLen=100 buffer.noTabs=true buffer.sidekick.keystroke-parse=false buffer.tabSize=2 buffer.undoCount=1000 close-docking-area.shortcut2=C+e C+CIRCUMFLEX complete-word.shortcut= console.dock-position=floating console.encoding=UTF-8 console.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono console.fontsize=14 delete-line.shortcut=A+d delete.shortcut2=C+d """ + drop_encodings.map(a => "encoding.opt-out." + a + "=true").mkString("\n") + """ encodingDetectors=BOM XML-PI buffer-local-property end.shortcut= expand-abbrev.shortcut2=CA+SPACE expand-folds.shortcut= fallbackEncodings=UTF-8 ISO-8859-15 US-ASCII firstTime=false focus-buffer-switcher.shortcut2=A+CIRCUMFLEX foldPainter=Circle gatchan.highlight.overview=false helpviewer.font=Isabelle DejaVu Serif helpviewer.fontsize=12 home.shortcut= hypersearch-results.dock-position=right insert-newline-indent.shortcut= insert-newline.shortcut= isabelle-debugger.dock-position=floating isabelle-documentation.dock-position=left isabelle-export-browser.label=Browse theory exports isabelle-output.dock-position=bottom isabelle-output.height=174 isabelle-output.width=412 isabelle-query.dock-position=bottom isabelle-session-browser.label=Browse session information isabelle-simplifier-trace.dock-position=floating isabelle-sledgehammer.dock-position=bottom isabelle-state.dock-position=right isabelle-symbols.dock-position=bottom isabelle-theories.dock-position=right isabelle.antiquoted_cartouche.label=Make antiquoted cartouche isabelle.complete-word.label=Complete word isabelle.complete.label=Complete Isabelle text isabelle.complete.shortcut2=C+b isabelle.control-bold.label=Control bold isabelle.control-bold.shortcut=C+e RIGHT isabelle.control-emph.label=Control emphasized isabelle.control-emph.shortcut=C+e LEFT isabelle.control-reset.label=Control reset isabelle.control-reset.shortcut=C+e BACK_SPACE isabelle.control-sub.label=Control subscript isabelle.control-sub.shortcut=C+e DOWN isabelle.control-sup.label=Control superscript isabelle.control-sup.shortcut=C+e UP isabelle.decrease-font-size.label=Decrease font size isabelle.decrease-font-size.shortcut2=C+SUBTRACT isabelle.decrease-font-size.shortcut=C+MINUS isabelle.decrease-font-size2.label=Decrease font size (clone) isabelle.draft.label=Show draft in browser isabelle.exclude-word-permanently.label=Exclude word permanently isabelle.exclude-word.label=Exclude word isabelle.first-error.label=Go to first error isabelle.first-error.shortcut=CS+a isabelle.goto-entity.label=Go to definition of formal entity at caret isabelle.goto-entity.shortcut=CS+d isabelle.include-word-permanently.label=Include word permanently isabelle.include-word.label=Include word isabelle.increase-font-size.label=Increase font size isabelle.increase-font-size.shortcut2=C+ADD isabelle.increase-font-size.shortcut=C+PLUS isabelle.increase-font-size2.label=Increase font size (clone) isabelle.increase-font-size2.shortcut=C+EQUALS isabelle.java-monitor.label=Java/VM monitor isabelle.last-error.label=Go to last error isabelle.last-error.shortcut=CS+z isabelle.message.label=Show message isabelle.message.shortcut=CS+m isabelle.newline.label=Newline with indentation of Isabelle keywords isabelle.newline.shortcut=ENTER isabelle.next-error.label=Go to next error isabelle.next-error.shortcut=CS+n isabelle.options.label=Isabelle options isabelle.prev-error.label=Go to previous error isabelle.prev-error.shortcut=CS+p isabelle.preview.label=Show preview in browser isabelle.reset-continuous-checking.label=Reset continuous checking isabelle.reset-font-size.label=Reset font size isabelle.reset-node-required.label=Reset node required isabelle.reset-words.label=Reset non-permanent words isabelle.select-entity.label=Select all occurences of formal entity at caret isabelle.select-entity.shortcut=CS+ENTER isabelle.set-continuous-checking.label=Set continuous checking isabelle.set-node-required.label=Set node required isabelle.toggle-breakpoint.label=Toggle Breakpoint isabelle.toggle-continuous-checking.label=Toggle continuous checking isabelle.toggle-continuous-checking.shortcut=C+e ENTER isabelle.toggle-node-required.label=Toggle node required isabelle.toggle-node-required.shortcut=C+e SPACE isabelle.tooltip.label=Show tooltip isabelle.tooltip.shortcut=CS+b isabelle.update-state.label=Update state output isabelle.update-state.shortcut=S+ENTER lang.usedefaultlocale=false largefilemode=full line-end.shortcut=END line-home.shortcut=HOME logo.icon.medium=32x32/apps/isabelle.gif lookAndFeel=com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf match-bracket.shortcut2=C+9 metal.primary.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans metal.primary.fontsize=12 metal.secondary.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans metal.secondary.fontsize=12 navigator.showOnToolbar=true new-file-in-mode.shortcut= next-bracket.shortcut2=C+e C+9 options.shortcuts.deletekeymap.label=Delete options.shortcuts.duplicatekeymap.dialog.title=Keymap name options.shortcuts.duplicatekeymap.label=Duplicate options.shortcuts.resetkeymap.dialog.title=Reset keymap options.shortcuts.resetkeymap.label=Reset options.textarea.lineSpacing=1 plugin-blacklist.MacOSX.jar=true plugin.MacOSXPlugin.altDispatcher=false plugin.MacOSXPlugin.disableOption=true prev-bracket.shortcut2=C+e C+8 print.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono print.glyphVector=true recent-buffer.shortcut2=C+CIRCUMFLEX restore.remote=false restore=false search.subdirs.toggle=true select-block.shortcut2=C+8 sidekick-tree.dock-position=right sidekick.auto-complete-popup-get-focus=true sidekick.buffer-save-parse=true sidekick.complete-delay=0 sidekick.complete-instant.toggle=false sidekick.complete-popup.accept-characters=\\t sidekick.complete-popup.insert-characters= sidekick.persistentFilter=true sidekick.showFilter=true sidekick.splitter.location=721 systrayicon=false tip.show=false toggle-full-screen.shortcut2=S+F11 toggle-multi-select.shortcut2=C+NUMBER_SIGN toggle-rect-select.shortcut2=A+NUMBER_SIGN twoStageSave=false vfs.browser.dock-position=left vfs.favorite.0.type=1 vfs.favorite.0=$ISABELLE_HOME vfs.favorite.1.type=1 vfs.favorite.1=$ISABELLE_HOME_USER vfs.favorite.2.type=1 vfs.favorite.2=$JEDIT_HOME vfs.favorite.3.type=1 vfs.favorite.3=$JEDIT_SETTINGS vfs.favorite.4.type=1 vfs.favorite.4=isabelle-export: vfs.favorite.5.type=1 vfs.favorite.5=isabelle-session: view.antiAlias=subpixel HRGB view.blockCaret=true view.caretBlink=false view.docking.framework=PIDE view.eolMarkers=false view.extendedState=0 view.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono view.fontsize=18 view.fracFontMetrics=false view.gutter.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono view.gutter.fontsize=12 view.gutter.lineNumbers=false view.gutter.selectionAreaWidth=18 view.height=850 view.middleMousePaste=true view.showToolbar=true view.status.memory.background=#666699 view.status=( mode , fold , encoding ) locked wrap multiSelect rectSelect overwrite lineSep buffersets task-monitor java-status ml-status errors clock view.thickCaret=true view.width=1200 xml-insert-closing-tag.shortcut= """) val modes_dir = jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("modes") Mode.list.foreach(_.write(modes_dir)) File.change_lines(modes_dir + Path.basic("catalog")) { _.flatMap(line => if (line.containsSlice("FILE=\"ml.xml\"") || line.containsSlice("FILE_NAME_GLOB=\"*.{sml,ml}\"") || line.containsSlice("FILE_NAME_GLOB=\"*.ftl\"")) Nil else if (line.containsSlice("NAME=\"jamon\"")) { List( """""", "", """""", "", """""", "", """""", "", """""", "", line) } else if (line.containsSlice("NAME=\"sqr\"")) { List( """""", "", line) } else List(line)) } /* doc */ val doc_dir = jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("doc") download_jedit(doc_dir, "manual-a4.pdf", target_name = "jedit-manual.pdf") Isabelle_System.copy_file( doc_dir + Path.basic("CHANGES.txt"), doc_dir + Path.basic("jedit-changes")) File.write(doc_dir + Path.basic("Contents"), """Original jEdit Documentation jedit-manual jEdit User's Guide jedit-changes jEdit Version History """) /* make patch */ File.write(component_path + Path.basic(jedit).patch, Isabelle_System.make_patch(component_path, Path.basic(jedit), Path.basic(jedit_patched))) if (!original) Isabelle_System.rm_tree(jedit_dir) /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" JEDIT_HOME="$COMPONENT/""" + jedit_patched + """" JEDIT_JARS=""" + quote(File.read_dir(jars_dir).map("$JEDIT_HOME/jars/" + _).mkString(":")) + """ JEDIT_JAR="$JEDIT_HOME/jedit.jar" classpath "$JEDIT_JAR" JEDIT_SETTINGS="$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/jedit" JEDIT_OPTIONS="-reuseview -nobackground -nosplash -log=9" JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms512m -Xmx4g -Xss16m" JEDIT_JAVA_SYSTEM_OPTIONS="-Duser.language=en -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -Dapple.awt.application.name=Isabelle" ISABELLE_DOCS="$ISABELLE_DOCS:$JEDIT_HOME/doc" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is a slightly patched version of jEdit """ + version + """ from https://sourceforge.net/projects/jedit/files/jedit with some additional plugins jars from https://sourceforge.net/projects/jedit-plugins/files Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } /** Isabelle tool wrappers **/ val default_version = "5.6.0" def default_java_home: Path = Path.explode("$JAVA_HOME").expand val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_jedit", "build Isabelle component from the jEdit text-editor", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var java_home = default_java_home var original = false var version = default_version val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_jedit [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -J JAVA_HOME Java version for building jedit.jar (e.g. version 11) -O retain copy of original jEdit directory -V VERSION jEdit version (default: """ + quote(default_version) + """) Build auxiliary jEdit component from original sources, with some patches. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "J:" -> (arg => java_home = Path.explode(arg)), "O" -> (_ => original = true), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val component_dir = target_dir + Path.basic("jedit-" + Date.Format.alt_date(Date.now())) val progress = new Console_Progress() build_jedit(component_dir, version, original = original, java_home = java_home, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_lipics.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_lipics.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_lipics.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_lipics.scala @@ -1,112 +1,110 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_lipics.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for Dagstuhl LIPIcs style. See also: - https://github.com/dagstuhl-publishing/styles - https://submission.dagstuhl.de/documentation/authors - https://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics */ package isabelle object Build_LIPIcs { /* files for document preparation */ val document_files: List[Path] = for (name <- List("cc-by.pdf", "lipics-logo-bw.pdf", "lipics-v2021.cls")) yield Path.explode("$ISABELLE_LIPICS_HOME/" + name) /* build lipics component */ val default_url = "https://github.com/dagstuhl-publishing/styles/archive/refs/tags/v2021.1.2.tar.gz" def build_lipics( download_url: String = default_url, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("download", ext = "tar.gz") { download_file => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("download") { download_dir => /* download */ Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, download_file, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, download_dir, strip = true) val lipics_dir = download_dir + Path.explode("LIPIcs/authors") /* component */ val version = { val Version = """^*.* v(.*)$""".r val changelog = Path.explode("CHANGELOG.md") split_lines(File.read(lipics_dir + changelog)) .collectFirst({ case Version(v) => v }) .getOrElse(error("Failed to detect version in " + changelog)) } val component = "lipics-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) Isabelle_System.copy_dir(lipics_dir, component_dir.path) /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_LIPICS_HOME="$COMPONENT/authors" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is the Dagstuhl LIPIcs style for authors from """ + download_url + """ Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_lipics", "build component for Dagstuhl LIPIcs style", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_url val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_lipics [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_url + """") Build component for Dagstuhl LIPIcs style. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_lipics(download_url = download_url, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_llncs.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_llncs.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_llncs.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_llncs.scala @@ -1,106 +1,104 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_llncs.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for Springer LaTeX LNCS style. See also: - https://ctan.org/pkg/llncs?lang=en - https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines */ package isabelle object Build_LLNCS { /* build llncs component */ val default_url = "https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/llncs.zip" def build_llncs( download_url: String = default_url, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("download", ext = "zip") { download_file => Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("download") { download_dir => /* download */ Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, download_file, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, download_dir) val llncs_dir = File.get_dir(download_dir, title = download_url) /* component */ val README_md = Path.explode("README.md") val version = { val Version = """^_.* v(.*)_$""".r split_lines(File.read(llncs_dir + README_md)) .collectFirst({ case Version(v) => v }) .getOrElse(error("Failed to detect version in " + README_md)) } val component = "llncs-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, component_dir.path, strip = true) /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_LLNCS_HOME="$COMPONENT" """) /* README */ File.change(component_dir.path + README_md)(_.replace(" ", "\u00a0")) File.write(component_dir.README, """This is the Springer LaTeX LNCS style for authors from """ + download_url + """ Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_llncs", "build component for Springer LaTeX LNCS style", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_url val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_llncs [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_url + """") Build component for Springer LaTeX LNCS style. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_llncs(download_url = download_url, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_minisat.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_minisat.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_minisat.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_minisat.scala @@ -1,152 +1,150 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_minisat.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle Minisat from sources. */ package isabelle object Build_Minisat { val default_download_url = "https://github.com/stp/minisat/archive/releases/2.2.1.tar.gz" def make_component_name(version: String): String = "minisat-" + version /* build Minisat */ def build_minisat( download_url: String = default_download_url, component_name: String = "", verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir => /* component */ val Archive_Name = """^.*?([^/]+)$""".r val Version = """^v?([0-9.]+)\.tar.gz$""".r val archive_name = download_url match { case Archive_Name(name) => name case _ => error("Failed to determine source archive name from " + quote(download_url)) } val version = archive_name match { case Version(version) => version case _ => error("Failed to determine component version from " + quote(archive_name)) } val component = proper_string(component_name) getOrElse make_component_name(version) val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) /* platform */ val platform_name = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PLATFORM64")) getOrElse error("No 64bit platform") val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name)) /* download source */ val archive_path = tmp_dir + Path.basic(archive_name) Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, archive_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, tmp_dir) val source_dir = File.get_dir(tmp_dir, title = download_url) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, component_dir.src, strip = true) /* build */ progress.echo("Building Minisat for " + platform_name + " ...") Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.explode("LICENSE"), component_dir.path) if (Platform.is_macos) { File.change(source_dir + Path.explode("Makefile")) { _.replaceAll("--static", "").replaceAll("-Wl,-soname\\S+", "") } } progress.bash("make r", source_dir.file, echo = verbose).check Isabelle_System.copy_file( source_dir + Path.explode("build/release/bin/minisat").platform_exe, platform_dir) if (Platform.is_windows) { Isabelle_System.copy_file(Path.explode("/bin/cygwin1.dll"), platform_dir) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" MINISAT_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" ISABELLE_MINISAT="$MINISAT_HOME/minisat" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, "This Isabelle component provides Minisat " + version + """ using the sources from """.stripMargin + download_url + """ The executables have been built via "make r"; macOS requires to remove options "--static" and "-Wl,-soname,..." from the Makefile. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_minisat", "build prover component from sources", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_download_url var component_name = "" var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_minisat [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") -n NAME component name (default: """" + make_component_name("VERSION") + """") -v verbose Build prover component from official download. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg), "n:" -> (arg => component_name = arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_minisat(download_url = download_url, component_name = component_name, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_pdfjs.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_pdfjs.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_pdfjs.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_pdfjs.scala @@ -1,98 +1,96 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_pdfjs.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for Mozilla PDF.js. See also: - https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js - https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/releases - https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/wiki/Setup-PDF.js-in-a-website */ package isabelle object Build_PDFjs { /* build pdfjs component */ val default_url = "https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/releases/download" val default_version = "2.14.305" def build_pdfjs( base_url: String = default_url, version: String = default_version, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { /* component name */ val component = "pdfjs-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) /* download */ val download_url = base_url + "/v" + version Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("archive", ext = "zip") { archive_file => Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url + "/pdfjs-" + version + "-legacy-dist.zip", archive_file, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_file, component_dir.path) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_PDFJS_HOME="$COMPONENT" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is PDF.js from """ + download_url + """ Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_pdfjs", "build component for Mozilla PDF.js", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var base_url = default_url var version = default_version val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_pdfjs [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_url + """") -V VERSION version (default: """" + default_version + """") Build component for PDF.js. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => base_url = arg), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_pdfjs(base_url = base_url, version = version, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_postgresql.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_postgresql.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_postgresql.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_postgresql.scala @@ -1,127 +1,125 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_postgresql.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle postgresql component from official download. */ package isabelle object Build_PostgreSQL { /* URLs */ val notable_urls = List("https://jdbc.postgresql.org", "https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html") val default_download_url = "https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download/postgresql-42.5.0.jar" /* build postgresql */ def build_postgresql( download_url: String = default_download_url, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current ): Unit = { /* name and version */ def err(): Nothing = error("Malformed jar download URL: " + quote(download_url)) val Name = """^.*/([^/]+)\.jar""".r val download_name = download_url match { case Name(name) => name case _ => err() } val Version = """^.[^0-9]*([0-9].*)$""".r val download_version = download_name match { case Version(version) => version case _ => err() } /* component */ val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(download_name)).create(progress = progress) /* LICENSE */ File.write(component_dir.LICENSE, """Copyright (c) 1997, PostgreSQL Global Development Group All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is PostgreSQL JDBC """ + download_version + """ from """ + notable_urls.mkString(" and ") + """ Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, -"""# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" classpath "$COMPONENT/""" + download_name + """.jar" """) /* jar */ val jar = component_dir.path + Path.basic(download_name).ext("jar") Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, jar, progress = progress) } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_postgresql", "build Isabelle postgresql component from official download", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_download_url val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_postgresql [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") Build postgresql component from the specified download URL (JAR), see also """ + notable_urls.mkString(" and "), "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_postgresql(download_url, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_prismjs.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_prismjs.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_prismjs.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_prismjs.scala @@ -1,95 +1,93 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_prismjs.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle component for the Prism.js syntax highlighter. See also: - https://prismjs.com - https://www.npmjs.com/package/prismjs */ package isabelle object Build_Prismjs { /* build prismjs component */ val default_version = "1.29.0" def build_prismjs( version: String = default_version, target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.require_command("npm", test = "help") /* component name */ val component = "prismjs-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) /* download */ Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("tmp") { tmp_dir => Isabelle_System.bash("npm init -y && npm install prismjs@" + Bash.string(version), cwd = tmp_dir.file).check Isabelle_System.rm_tree(component_dir.path) Isabelle_System.copy_dir(tmp_dir + Path.explode("node_modules/prismjs"), component_dir.path) Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.etc) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_PRISMJS_HOME="$COMPONENT" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is Prism.js """ + version + """ from https://www.npmjs.com/package/prismjs Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_prismjs", "build component for prismjs", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var version = default_version val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_prismjs [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -V VERSION version (default: """" + default_version + """") Build component for Prism.js. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_prismjs(version = version, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_scala.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_scala.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_scala.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_scala.scala @@ -1,169 +1,167 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_scala.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle Scala component from official downloads. */ package isabelle object Build_Scala { /* downloads */ sealed case class Download( name: String, version: String, url: String, physical_url: String = "", base_version: String = "3" ) { def make_url(template: String): String = template.replace("{V}", version).replace("{B}", base_version) def proper_url: String = make_url(proper_string(physical_url).getOrElse(url)) def artifact: String = Library.take_suffix[Char](_ != '/', proper_url.toList)._2.mkString def get(path: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress): Unit = Isabelle_System.download_file(proper_url, path, progress = progress) def print: String = " * " + name + " " + version + (if (base_version.nonEmpty) " for Scala " + base_version else "") + ":\n " + make_url(url) } val main_download: Download = Download("scala", "3.2.1", base_version = "", url = "https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/releases/download/{V}/scala3-{V}.tar.gz") val lib_downloads: List[Download] = List( Download("scala-parallel-collections", "1.0.4", "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.scala-lang.modules/scala-parallel-collections_{B}/{V}", physical_url = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-parallel-collections_{B}/{V}/scala-parallel-collections_{B}-{V}.jar"), Download("scala-parser-combinators", "2.1.1", "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.scala-lang.modules/scala-parser-combinators_{B}/{V}", physical_url = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-parser-combinators_{B}/{V}/scala-parser-combinators_{B}-{V}.jar"), Download("scala-swing", "3.0.0", "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.scala-lang.modules/scala-swing_{B}/{V}", physical_url = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-swing_{B}/{V}/scala-swing_{B}-{V}.jar"), Download("scala-xml", "2.1.0", "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.scala-lang.modules/scala-xml_{B}/{V}", physical_url = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_{B}/{V}/scala-xml_{B}-{V}.jar") ) /* build Scala component */ def build_scala( target_dir: Path = Path.current, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { /* component */ val component_name = main_download.name + "-" + main_download.version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) /* download */ Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("archive", ext = "tar.gz") { archive_path => main_download.get(archive_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, component_dir.path, strip = true) } lib_downloads.foreach(download => download.get(component_dir.lib + Path.basic(download.artifact), progress = progress)) File.write(component_dir.LICENSE, Url.read(Url("https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt"))) /* classpath */ val classpath: List[String] = { def no_function(name: String): String = "function " + name + "() {\n:\n}" val script = cat_lines(List( no_function("stty"), no_function("tput"), "PROG_HOME=" + File.bash_path(component_dir.path), File.read(component_dir.path + Path.explode("bin/common")) .replace("scala_exit_status=127", "scala_exit_status=0"), "compilerJavaClasspathArgs", "echo \"$jvm_cp_args\"")) val main_classpath = Path.split(Isabelle_System.bash(script).check.out).map(_.file_name) val lib_classpath = lib_downloads.map(_.artifact) main_classpath ::: lib_classpath } val interfaces = classpath.find(_.startsWith("scala3-interfaces")) .getOrElse(error("Missing jar for scala3-interfaces")) /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" SCALA_HOME="$COMPONENT" SCALA_INTERFACES="$SCALA_HOME/lib/""" + interfaces + """" """ + terminate_lines(classpath.map(jar => "classpath \"$SCALA_HOME/lib/" + jar + "\""))) /* adhoc changes */ val patched_scripts = List("bin/scala", "bin/scalac") for (name <- patched_scripts) { File.change(component_dir.path + Path.explode(name)) { _.replace(""""-Dscala.home=$PROG_HOME"""", """"-Dscala.home=\"$PROG_HOME\""""") } } /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, "This distribution of Scala integrates the following parts:\n\n" + (main_download :: lib_downloads).map(_.print).mkString("\n\n") + """ Minor changes to """ + patched_scripts.mkString(" and ") + """ allow an installation location with spaces in the directory name. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_scala", "build Isabelle Scala component from official downloads", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_scala [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") Build Isabelle Scala component from official downloads. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg))) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_scala(target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_spass.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_spass.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_spass.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_spass.scala @@ -1,175 +1,174 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_spass.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle SPASS component from unofficial download. */ package isabelle object Build_SPASS { /* build SPASS */ val default_download_url = "https://www.cs.vu.nl/~jbe248/spass-3.8ds-src.tar.gz" val standard_version = "3.8ds" def build_spass( download_url: String = default_download_url, verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir => Isabelle_System.require_command("bison") Isabelle_System.require_command("flex") /* component */ val Archive_Name = """^.*?([^/]+)$""".r val Component_Name = """^(.+)-src\.tar.gz$""".r val Version = """^[^-]+-([^-]+)$""".r val archive_name = download_url match { case Archive_Name(name) => name case _ => error("Failed to determine source archive name from " + quote(download_url)) } val component_name = archive_name match { case Component_Name(name) => name case _ => error("Failed to determine component name from " + quote(archive_name)) } val version = component_name match { case Version(version) => version case _ => error("Failed to determine component version from " + quote(component_name)) } if (version != standard_version) { progress.echo_warning("Odd SPASS version " + version + " (expected " + standard_version + ")") } val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) val platform_name = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PLATFORM64")) .getOrElse(error("No 64bit platform")) val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name)) /* download source */ val archive_path = tmp_dir + Path.basic(archive_name) Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, archive_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, tmp_dir) val source_dir = File.get_dir(tmp_dir, title = download_url) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, component_dir.src, strip = true) /* build */ progress.echo("Building SPASS for " + platform_name + " ...") if (Platform.is_windows) { File.change(source_dir + Path.basic("misc.c")) { _.replace("""#include "execinfo.h" """, "") .replaceAll("""void misc_DumpCore\(void\)[^}]+}""", "void misc_DumpCore(void) { abort(); }") } } Isabelle_System.bash("make", cwd = source_dir.file, progress_stdout = progress.echo_if(verbose, _), progress_stderr = progress.echo_if(verbose, _)).check /* install */ Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.basic("LICENCE"), component_dir.LICENSE) val install_files = List("SPASS") for (name <- install_files ::: install_files.map(_ + ".exe")) { val path = source_dir + Path.basic(name) if (path.is_file) Isabelle_System.copy_file(path, platform_dir) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" SPASS_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" SPASS_VERSION=""" + quote(version) + """ """) + /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This distribution of SPASS 3.8ds, described in Blanchette, Popescu, Wand, and Weidenbach's ITP 2012 paper "More SPASS with Isabelle", has been compiled from sources available at """ + download_url + """ via "make". The Windows/Cygwin compilation required commenting out the line #include "execinfo.h" in "misc.c" as well as most of the body of the "misc_DumpCore" function. The latest official SPASS sources can be downloaded from http://www.spass-prover.org/. Be aware, however, that the official SPASS releases are not compatible with Isabelle. Viel SPASS! Jasmin Blanchette 16-May-2018 Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_spass", "build prover component from source distribution", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_download_url var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_spass [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") -v verbose Build prover component from the specified source distribution. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_spass(download_url = download_url, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_sqlite.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_sqlite.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_sqlite.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_sqlite.scala @@ -1,113 +1,111 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_sqlite.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle sqlite-jdbc component from official download. */ package isabelle object Build_SQLite { /* build sqlite */ val default_download_url = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/" def build_sqlite( download_url: String = default_download_url, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current ): Unit = { val Download_Name = """^.*/([^/]+)\.jar""".r val download_name = download_url match { case Download_Name(download_name) => download_name case _ => error("Malformed jar download URL: " + quote(download_url)) } /* component */ val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(download_name)).create(progress = progress) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, "This is " + download_name + " from\n" + download_url + "\n\n Makarius\n " + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, -"""# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_SQLITE_HOME="$COMPONENT" classpath "$ISABELLE_SQLITE_HOME/lib/""" + download_name + """.jar" """) /* jar */ val jar = component_dir.lib + Path.basic(download_name).ext("jar") Isabelle_System.make_directory(jar.dir) Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, jar, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { jar_dir => Isabelle_System.extract(jar, jar_dir) val jar_files = List( "META-INF/maven/org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc/LICENSE" -> ".", "META-INF/maven/org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc/LICENSE.zentus" -> ".", "org/sqlite/native/Linux/aarch64/libsqlitejdbc.so" -> "arm64-linux", "org/sqlite/native/Linux/x86_64/libsqlitejdbc.so" -> "x86_64-linux", "org/sqlite/native/Mac/aarch64/libsqlitejdbc.jnilib" -> "arm64-darwin", "org/sqlite/native/Mac/x86_64/libsqlitejdbc.jnilib" -> "x86_64-darwin", "org/sqlite/native/Windows/x86_64/sqlitejdbc.dll" -> "x86_64-windows") for ((file, dir) <- jar_files) { val target = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.explode(dir)) Isabelle_System.copy_file(jar_dir + Path.explode(file), target) } File.set_executable(component_dir.path + Path.explode("x86_64-windows/sqlitejdbc.dll"), true) } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_sqlite", "build Isabelle sqlite-jdbc component from official download", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_download_url val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_sqlite [OPTIONS] DOWNLOAD Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") Build sqlite-jdbc component from the specified download URL (JAR), see also https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc and https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_sqlite(download_url = download_url, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_vampire.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_vampire.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_vampire.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_vampire.scala @@ -1,161 +1,159 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_vampire.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle Vampire component from official download. */ package isabelle object Build_Vampire { val default_download_url = "https://github.com/vprover/vampire/archive/refs/tags/v4.6.tar.gz" val default_jobs = 1 def make_component_name(version: String): String = "vampire-" + Library.try_unprefix("v", version).getOrElse(version) /* build Vampire */ def build_vampire( download_url: String = default_download_url, jobs: Int = default_jobs, component_name: String = "", verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.require_command("cmake") Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir => /* component */ val Archive_Name = """^.*?([^/]+)$""".r val Version = """^v?([0-9.]+)\.tar.gz$""".r val archive_name = download_url match { case Archive_Name(name) => name case _ => error("Failed to determine source archive name from " + quote(download_url)) } val version = archive_name match { case Version(version) => version case _ => error("Failed to determine component version from " + quote(archive_name)) } val component = proper_string(component_name) getOrElse make_component_name(version) val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress) /* platform */ val platform_name = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PLATFORM64")) getOrElse error("No 64bit platform") val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name)) /* download source */ val archive_path = tmp_dir + Path.basic(archive_name) Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, archive_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, tmp_dir) val source_dir = File.get_dir(tmp_dir, title = download_url) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, component_dir.src, strip = true) /* build */ progress.echo("Building Vampire for " + platform_name + " ...") Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.explode("LICENCE"), component_dir.path) val cmake_opts = if (Platform.is_linux) "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0 " else "" val cmake_out = progress.bash("cmake " + cmake_opts + """-G "Unix Makefiles" .""", cwd = source_dir.file, echo = verbose).check.out val Pattern = """-- Setting binary name to '?([^\s']*)'?""".r val binary = split_lines(cmake_out).collectFirst({ case Pattern(name) => name }) .getOrElse(error("Failed to determine binary name from cmake output:\n" + cmake_out)) progress.bash("make -j" + jobs, cwd = source_dir.file, echo = verbose).check Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.basic("bin") + Path.basic(binary).platform_exe, platform_dir + Path.basic("vampire").platform_exe) /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" VAMPIRE_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" ISABELLE_VAMPIRE="$VAMPIRE_HOME/vampire" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, "This Isabelle component provides Vampire " + version + """using the original sources from """.stripMargin + download_url + """ The executables have been built via "cmake . && make" Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_vampire", "build prover component from official download", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_download_url var jobs = default_jobs var component_name = "" var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_vampire [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") -j NUMBER parallel jobs for make (default: """ + default_jobs + """) -n NAME component name (default: """" + make_component_name("VERSION") + """") -v verbose Build prover component from official download. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg), "j:" -> (arg => jobs = Value.Nat.parse(arg)), "n:" -> (arg => component_name = arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_vampire(download_url = download_url, component_name = component_name, jobs = jobs, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_verit.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_verit.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_verit.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_verit.scala @@ -1,154 +1,152 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_csdp.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle veriT component from official download. */ package isabelle object Build_VeriT { val default_download_url = "https://verit.loria.fr/rmx/2021.06.2/verit-2021.06.2-rmx.tar.gz" /* build veriT */ def build_verit( download_url: String = default_download_url, verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current, mingw: MinGW = MinGW.none ): Unit = { mingw.check Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir => /* component */ val Archive_Name = """^.*?([^/]+)$""".r val Version = """^[^-]+-(.+)\.tar.gz$""".r val archive_name = download_url match { case Archive_Name(name) => name case _ => error("Failed to determine source archive name from " + quote(download_url)) } val version = archive_name match { case Version(version) => version case _ => error("Failed to determine component version from " + quote(archive_name)) } val component_name = "verit-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) /* platform */ val platform_name = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64")) orElse proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PLATFORM64")) getOrElse error("No 64bit platform") val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name)) /* download source */ val archive_path = tmp_dir + Path.basic(archive_name) Isabelle_System.download_file(download_url, archive_path, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, tmp_dir) val source_dir = File.get_dir(tmp_dir, title = download_url) Isabelle_System.extract(archive_path, component_dir.src, strip = true) /* build */ progress.echo("Building veriT for " + platform_name + " ...") val configure_options = if (Platform.is_linux) "LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,_DUMMY_" else "" progress.bash(mingw.bash_script("set -e\n./configure " + configure_options + "\nmake"), cwd = source_dir.file, echo = verbose).check /* install */ Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + Path.explode("LICENSE"), component_dir.path) val exe_path = Path.basic("veriT").platform_exe Isabelle_System.copy_file(source_dir + exe_path, platform_dir) Executable.libraries_closure(platform_dir + exe_path, filter = Set("libgmp"), mingw = mingw) /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_VERIT="$COMPONENT/${ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64:-$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64}/veriT" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is veriT """ + version + """ from """ + download_url + """ It has been built from sources like this: cd src ./configure make Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_verit", "build prover component from official download", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var mingw = MinGW.none var download_url = default_download_url var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_verit [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -M DIR msys/mingw root specification for Windows -U URL download URL (default: """" + default_download_url + """") -v verbose Build prover component from official download. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "M:" -> (arg => mingw = MinGW(Path.explode(arg))), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_verit(download_url = download_url, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir, mingw = mingw) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_zipperposition.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_zipperposition.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_zipperposition.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_zipperposition.scala @@ -1,122 +1,120 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_zipperposition.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle Zipperposition component from OPAM repository. */ package isabelle object Build_Zipperposition { val default_version = "2.1" /* build Zipperposition */ def build_zipperposition( version: String = default_version, verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress, target_dir: Path = Path.current ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { build_dir => if (Platform.is_linux) Isabelle_System.require_command("patchelf") /* component */ val component_name = "zipperposition-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) /* platform */ val platform_name = proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PLATFORM64")) getOrElse error("No 64bit platform") val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name)) /* build */ progress.echo("OCaml/OPAM setup ...") progress.bash("isabelle ocaml_setup", echo = verbose).check progress.echo("Building Zipperposition for " + platform_name + " ...") progress.bash(cwd = build_dir.file, echo = verbose, script = "isabelle_opam install -y --destdir=" + File.bash_path(build_dir) + " zipperposition=" + Bash.string(version)).check /* install */ Isabelle_System.copy_file(build_dir + Path.explode("doc/zipperposition/LICENSE"), component_dir.path) val prg_path = Path.basic("zipperposition") val exe_path = prg_path.platform_exe Isabelle_System.copy_file(build_dir + Path.basic("bin") + prg_path, platform_dir + exe_path) if (!Platform.is_windows) { Executable.libraries_closure( platform_dir + exe_path, filter = Set("libgmp"), patchelf = true) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ZIPPERPOSITION_HOME="$COMPONENT/$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This is Zipperposition """ + version + """ from the OCaml/OPAM repository. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_zipperposition", "build prover component from OPAM repository", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var version = default_version var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_zipperposition [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -V VERSION version (default: """" + default_version + """") -v verbose Build prover component from OPAM repository. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_zipperposition(version = version, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Admin/build_zstd.scala b/src/Pure/Admin/build_zstd.scala --- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_zstd.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_zstd.scala @@ -1,114 +1,112 @@ /* Title: Pure/Admin/build_zstd.scala Author: Makarius Build Isabelle zstd-jni component from official download. */ package isabelle object Build_Zstd { /* platforms */ sealed case class Platform_Info(name: String, template: String, exe: Boolean = false) { def install(jar_dir: Path, component_dir: Path, version: String): Unit = { val source = jar_dir + Path.explode(template.replace("{V}", version)) val target = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir + Path.basic(name)) Isabelle_System.copy_file(source, target) if (exe) File.set_executable(target + source.base, true) } } private val platforms = List( Platform_Info("arm64-darwin", "darwin/aarch64/libzstd-jni-{V}.dylib"), Platform_Info("x86_64-darwin", "darwin/x86_64/libzstd-jni-{V}.dylib"), Platform_Info("arm64-linux", "linux/aarch64/libzstd-jni-{V}.so"), Platform_Info("x86_64-linux", "linux/amd64/libzstd-jni-{V}.so"), Platform_Info("x86_64-windows", "win/amd64/libzstd-jni-{V}.dll", exe = true)) /* build zstd */ val license_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/luben/zstd-jni/master/LICENSE" val default_download_url = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/luben/zstd-jni" val default_version = "1.5.2-5" def build_zstd( target_dir: Path = Path.current, download_url: String = default_download_url, version: String = default_version, progress: Progress = new Progress, ): Unit = { /* component */ val component_name = "zstd-jni-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) File.write(component_dir.README, "This is " + component_name + " from\n" + download_url + "\n\n Makarius\n " + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") Isabelle_System.download_file(license_url, component_dir.LICENSE, progress = progress) /* jar */ val jar_name = component_name + ".jar" val jar = component_dir.path + Path.basic(jar_name) Isabelle_System.download_file( download_url + "/" + version + "/" + jar_name, jar, progress = progress) Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { jar_dir => Isabelle_System.extract(jar, jar_dir) for (platform <- platforms) platform.install(jar_dir, component_dir.path, version) } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, -"""# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_ZSTD_HOME="$COMPONENT" classpath "$ISABELLE_ZSTD_HOME/""" + jar_name + """" """) } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_zstd", "build Isabelle zstd-jni component from official download", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var download_url = default_download_url var version = default_version val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_zstd [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -U URL download URL (default: """ + quote(default_download_url) + """) -V VERSION version (default: """ + quote(default_version) + """) Build zstd-jni component from the specified download base URL and VERSION, see also https://github.com/luben/zstd-jni """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "U:" -> (arg => download_url = arg), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_zstd(target_dir = target_dir, download_url = download_url, version = version, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/System/components.scala b/src/Pure/System/components.scala --- a/src/Pure/System/components.scala +++ b/src/Pure/System/components.scala @@ -1,370 +1,373 @@ /* Title: Pure/System/components.scala Author: Makarius Isabelle system components. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile} object Components { /* archive name */ object Archive { val suffix: String = ".tar.gz" def apply(name: String): String = if (name == "") error("Bad component name: " + quote(name)) else name + suffix def unapply(archive: String): Option[String] = { for { name0 <- Library.try_unsuffix(suffix, archive) name <- proper_string(name0) } yield name } def get_name(archive: String): String = unapply(archive) getOrElse error("Bad component archive name (expecting .tar.gz): " + quote(archive)) } /* component collections */ def default_component_repository: String = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_COMPONENT_REPOSITORY") val default_components_base: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_COMPONENTS_BASE") def admin(dir: Path): Path = dir + Path.explode("Admin/components") def contrib(dir: Path = Path.current, name: String = ""): Path = dir + Path.explode("contrib") + Path.explode(name) def unpack(dir: Path, archive: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress): String = { val name = Archive.get_name(archive.file_name) progress.echo("Unpacking " + name) Isabelle_System.extract(archive, dir) name } def resolve(base_dir: Path, names: List[String], target_dir: Option[Path] = None, copy_dir: Option[Path] = None, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.make_directory(base_dir) for (name <- names) { val archive_name = Archive(name) val archive = base_dir + Path.explode(archive_name) if (!archive.is_file) { val remote = Components.default_component_repository + "/" + archive_name Isabelle_System.download_file(remote, archive, progress = progress) } for (dir <- copy_dir) { Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir) Isabelle_System.copy_file(archive, dir) } unpack(target_dir getOrElse base_dir, archive, progress = progress) } } private val platforms_family: Map[Platform.Family.Value, Set[String]] = Map( Platform.Family.linux_arm -> Set("arm64-linux", "arm64_32-linux"), Platform.Family.linux -> Set("x86_64-linux", "x86_64_32-linux"), Platform.Family.macos -> Set("arm64-darwin", "arm64_32-darwin", "x86_64-darwin", "x86_64_32-darwin"), Platform.Family.windows -> Set("x86_64-cygwin", "x86_64-windows", "x86_64_32-windows", "x86-windows")) private val platforms_all: Set[String] = Set("x86-linux", "x86-cygwin") ++ platforms_family.iterator.flatMap(_._2) def purge(dir: Path, platform: Platform.Family.Value): Unit = { val purge_set = platforms_all -- platforms_family(platform) File.find_files(dir.file, (file: JFile) => file.isDirectory && purge_set(file.getName), include_dirs = true).foreach(Isabelle_System.rm_tree) } /* component directories */ def directories(): List[Path] = Path.split(Isabelle_System.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_COMPONENTS")) /* component directory content */ object Directory { def apply(path: Path): Directory = new Directory(path.absolute) } class Directory private(val path: Path) { override def toString: String = path.toString def etc: Path = path + Path.basic("etc") def src: Path = path + Path.basic("src") def lib: Path = path + Path.basic("lib") def settings: Path = etc + Path.basic("settings") def components: Path = etc + Path.basic("components") def build_props: Path = etc + Path.basic("build.props") def README: Path = path + Path.basic("README") def LICENSE: Path = path + Path.basic("LICENSE") def create(progress: Progress = new Progress): Directory = { progress.echo("Creating component directory " + path) Isabelle_System.new_directory(path) Isabelle_System.make_directory(etc) this } def check: Boolean = settings.is_file || components.is_file def read_components(): List[String] = split_lines(File.read(components)).filter(_.nonEmpty) def write_components(lines: List[String]): Unit = File.write(components, terminate_lines(lines)) + + def write_settings(text: String): Unit = + File.write(settings, "# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript:\n" + text) } /* component repository content */ val components_sha1: Path = Path.explode("~~/Admin/components/components.sha1") sealed case class SHA1_Digest(digest: SHA1.Digest, name: String) { override def toString: String = digest.shasum(name) } def read_components_sha1(lines: List[String] = Nil): List[SHA1_Digest] = (proper_list(lines) getOrElse split_lines(File.read(components_sha1))).flatMap(line => Word.explode(line) match { case Nil => None case List(sha1, name) => Some(SHA1_Digest(SHA1.fake_digest(sha1), name)) case _ => error("Bad components.sha1 entry: " + quote(line)) }) def write_components_sha1(entries: List[SHA1_Digest]): Unit = File.write(components_sha1, entries.sortBy(_.name).mkString("", "\n", "\n")) /** manage user components **/ val components_path: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/components") def read_components(): List[String] = if (components_path.is_file) Library.trim_split_lines(File.read(components_path)) else Nil def write_components(lines: List[String]): Unit = { Isabelle_System.make_directory(components_path.dir) File.write(components_path, Library.terminate_lines(lines)) } def update_components(add: Boolean, path0: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress): Unit = { val path = path0.expand.absolute if (!Directory(path).check && !Sessions.is_session_dir(path)) { error("Bad component directory: " + path) } val lines1 = read_components() val lines2 = lines1.filter(line => line.isEmpty || line.startsWith("#") || !File.eq(Path.explode(line), path)) val lines3 = if (add) lines2 ::: List(path.implode) else lines2 if (lines1 != lines3) write_components(lines3) val prefix = if (lines1 == lines3) "Unchanged" else if (add) "Added" else "Removed" progress.echo(prefix + " component " + path) } /* main entry point */ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Command_Line.tool { for (arg <- args) { val add = if (arg.startsWith("+")) true else if (arg.startsWith("-")) false else error("Bad argument: " + quote(arg)) val path = Path.explode(arg.substring(1)) update_components(add, path, progress = new Console_Progress) } } } /** build and publish components **/ def build_components( options: Options, components: List[Path], progress: Progress = new Progress, publish: Boolean = false, force: Boolean = false, update_components_sha1: Boolean = false ): Unit = { val archives: List[Path] = for (path <- components) yield { path.file_name match { case Archive(_) => path case name => if (!path.is_dir) error("Bad component directory: " + path) else if (!Directory(path).check) { error("Malformed component directory: " + path + "\n (requires etc/settings or etc/components)") } else { val component_path = path.expand val archive_dir = component_path.dir val archive_name = Archive(name) val archive = archive_dir + Path.explode(archive_name) if (archive.is_file && !force) { error("Component archive already exists: " + archive) } progress.echo("Packaging " + archive_name) Isabelle_System.gnutar("-czf " + File.bash_path(archive) + " " + Bash.string(name), dir = archive_dir).check archive } } } if ((publish && archives.nonEmpty) || update_components_sha1) { val server = options.string("isabelle_components_server") if (server.isEmpty) error("Undefined option isabelle_components_server") using(SSH.open_session(options, server)) { ssh => val components_dir = Path.explode(options.string("isabelle_components_dir")) val contrib_dir = Path.explode(options.string("isabelle_components_contrib_dir")) for (dir <- List(components_dir, contrib_dir) if !ssh.is_dir(dir)) { error("Bad remote directory: " + dir) } if (publish) { for (archive <- archives) { val archive_name = archive.file_name val name = Archive.get_name(archive_name) val remote_component = components_dir + archive.base val remote_contrib = contrib_dir + Path.explode(name) // component archive if (ssh.is_file(remote_component) && !force) { error("Remote component archive already exists: " + remote_component) } progress.echo("Uploading " + archive_name) ssh.write_file(remote_component, archive) // contrib directory val is_standard_component = Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("component") { tmp_dir => Isabelle_System.extract(archive, tmp_dir) Directory(tmp_dir + Path.explode(name)).check } if (is_standard_component) { if (ssh.is_dir(remote_contrib)) { if (force) ssh.rm_tree(remote_contrib) else error("Remote component directory already exists: " + remote_contrib) } progress.echo("Unpacking remote " + archive_name) ssh.execute("tar -C " + ssh.bash_path(contrib_dir) + " -xzf " + ssh.bash_path(remote_component)).check } else { progress.echo_warning("No unpacking of non-standard component: " + archive_name) } } } // remote SHA1 digests if (update_components_sha1) { val lines = for { entry <- ssh.read_dir(components_dir) if ssh.is_file(components_dir + Path.basic(entry)) && entry.endsWith(Archive.suffix) } yield { progress.echo("Digesting remote " + entry) ssh.execute("cd " + ssh.bash_path(components_dir) + "; sha1sum " + Bash.string(entry)).check.out } write_components_sha1(read_components_sha1(lines)) } } } // local SHA1 digests { val new_entries = for (archive <- archives) yield { val name = archive.file_name progress.echo("Digesting local " + name) SHA1_Digest(SHA1.digest(archive), name) } val new_names = new_entries.map(_.name).toSet write_components_sha1( new_entries ::: read_components_sha1().filterNot(entry => new_names.contains(entry.name))) } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ private val relevant_options = List("isabelle_components_server", "isabelle_components_dir", "isabelle_components_contrib_dir") val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_components", "build and publish Isabelle components", Scala_Project.here, { args => var publish = false var update_components_sha1 = false var force = false var options = Options.init() def show_options: String = cat_lines(relevant_options.flatMap(options.get).map(_.print)) val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_components [OPTIONS] ARCHIVES... DIRS... Options are: -P publish on SSH server (see options below) -f force: overwrite existing component archives and directories -o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME) -u update all SHA1 keys in Isabelle repository Admin/components Build and publish Isabelle components as .tar.gz archives on SSH server, depending on system options: """ + Library.indent_lines(2, show_options) + "\n", "P" -> (_ => publish = true), "f" -> (_ => force = true), "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg), "u" -> (_ => update_components_sha1 = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.isEmpty && !update_components_sha1) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress build_components(options, more_args.map(Path.explode), progress = progress, publish = publish, force = force, update_components_sha1 = update_components_sha1) }) } diff --git a/src/Pure/Tools/dotnet_setup.scala b/src/Pure/Tools/dotnet_setup.scala --- a/src/Pure/Tools/dotnet_setup.scala +++ b/src/Pure/Tools/dotnet_setup.scala @@ -1,203 +1,202 @@ /* Title: Pure/Tools/dotnet_setup.scala Author: Makarius Dynamic setup of dotnet component. */ package isabelle object Dotnet_Setup { /* platforms */ sealed case class Platform_Info( family: Platform.Family.Value, name: String, os: String = "", arch: String = "x64", ext: String = "sh", exec: String = "bash", check: () => Unit = () => ()) val all_platforms = List( Platform_Info(Platform.Family.linux_arm, "arm64-linux", os = "linux", arch = "arm64"), Platform_Info(Platform.Family.linux, "x86_64-linux", os = "linux"), Platform_Info(Platform.Family.macos, "arm64-darwin", os = "osx", arch = "arm64"), Platform_Info(Platform.Family.macos, "x86_64-darwin", os = "osx"), Platform_Info(Platform.Family.windows, "x86_64-windows", ext = "ps1", exec = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass", check = () => Isabelle_System.require_command("powershell", "-NoProfile -Command Out-Null"))) def check_platform_spec(spec: String): String = { val all_specs = Library.distinct(all_platforms.map(_.family.toString) ::: all_platforms.map(_.name)) if (all_specs.contains(spec)) spec else { error("Bad platform specification " + quote(spec) + "\n expected " + commas_quote(all_specs)) } } /* dotnet download and setup */ def default_platform: String = { val self = Isabelle_Platform.self proper_string(self.ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64).getOrElse( proper_string(self.ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64).getOrElse( self.ISABELLE_PLATFORM64)) } def default_target_dir: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_COMPONENTS_BASE") def default_install_url: String = "https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install" def default_version: String = "6.0.402" def dotnet_setup( platform_spec: String = default_platform, target_dir: Path = default_target_dir, install_url: String = default_install_url, version: String = default_version, force: Boolean = false, dry_run: Boolean = false, verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { check_platform_spec(platform_spec) for { platform <- all_platforms if platform.family.toString == platform_spec || platform.name == platform_spec } { progress.expose_interrupt() /* component directory */ val component_dir = Components.Directory( target_dir + Path.explode(if (version.isEmpty) "dotnet-latest" else "dotnet-" + version)) if (!dry_run) { progress.echo("Component " + component_dir) Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.etc) - File.write(component_dir.settings, """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT="$COMPONENT" if [ -n "$ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64" -a -d "$ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT/$ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64" ]; then ISABELLE_DOTNET="$ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT/$ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64/dotnet.exe" elif [ -n "$ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64" -a -d "$ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT/$ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64" ]; then ISABELLE_DOTNET="$ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT/$ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64/dotnet" elif [ -d "$ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT/$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64" ]; then ISABELLE_DOTNET="$ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT/$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64/dotnet" fi DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT="true" DOTNET_CLI_HOME="$(platform_path "$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/dotnet")" """) File.write(component_dir.README, """This installation of Dotnet has been produced via "isabelle dotnet_setup". Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") for (old <- proper_string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_DOTNET_ROOT"))) { Components.update_components(false, Path.explode(old)) } Components.update_components(true, component_dir.path) } /* platform directory */ Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("install", ext = platform.ext) { install => Isabelle_System.download_file(install_url + "." + platform.ext, install) val platform_dir = component_dir.path + Path.explode(platform.name) if (platform_dir.is_dir && !force) { progress.echo_warning("Platform " + platform.name + " already installed") } else { progress.echo("Platform " + platform.name + " ...") platform.check() if (platform_dir.is_dir && force) Isabelle_System.rm_tree(platform_dir) val script = platform.exec + " " + File.bash_platform_path(install) + (if (version.nonEmpty) " -Version " + Bash.string(version) else "") + " -Architecture " + Bash.string(platform.arch) + (if (platform.os.nonEmpty) " -OS " + Bash.string(platform.os) else "") + " -InstallDir " + Bash.string(platform.name) + (if (dry_run) " -DryRun" else "") + " -NoPath" progress.bash(script, echo = verbose, cwd = if (dry_run) null else component_dir.path.file).check for (exe <- File.find_files(platform_dir.file, pred = _.getName.endsWith(".exe"))) { File.set_executable(File.path(exe), true) } } } } } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("dotnet_setup", "dynamic setup of dotnet component (for Fsharp)", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = default_target_dir var install_url = default_install_url var version = default_version var force = false var dry_run = false var platforms = List(default_platform) var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle dotnet_setup [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default: """ + default_target_dir.expand + """) -I URL URL for install script without extension (default: """ + quote(default_install_url) + """) -V VERSION version (empty means "latest", default: """ + quote(default_version) + """) -f force fresh installation of specified platforms -n dry run: try download without installation -p PLATFORMS comma-separated list of platform specifications, as family or formal name (default: """ + quote(default_platform) + """) -v verbose Download the Dotnet / Fsharp platform and configure it as Isabelle component. See also: https://fsharp.org https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-install-script https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/telemetry """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "I:" -> (arg => install_url = arg), "V:" -> (arg => version = arg), "f" -> (_ => force = true), "n" -> (_ => dry_run = true), "p:" -> (arg => platforms = Library.space_explode(',', arg).map(check_platform_spec)), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() for (platform <- platforms) { dotnet_setup(platform_spec = platform, target_dir = target_dir, install_url = install_url, version = version, force = force, dry_run = dry_run, verbose = verbose, progress = progress) } }) } diff --git a/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode_extension.scala b/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode_extension.scala --- a/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode_extension.scala +++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode_extension.scala @@ -1,246 +1,244 @@ /* Title: Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode_extension.scala Author: Makarius Build the Isabelle/VSCode extension as component. */ package isabelle.vscode import isabelle._ object Build_VSCode { /* build grammar */ def default_logic: String = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_LOGIC") def build_grammar(options: Options, build_dir: Path, logic: String = default_logic, dirs: List[Path] = Nil, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { val keywords = Sessions.base_info(options, logic, dirs = dirs).check_errors.base.overall_syntax.keywords val output_path = build_dir + Path.explode("isabelle-grammar.json") progress.echo(output_path.expand.implode) val (minor_keywords, operators) = keywords.minor.iterator.toList.partition(Symbol.is_ascii_identifier) def major_keywords(pred: String => Boolean): List[String] = (for { k <- keywords.major.iterator kind <- keywords.kinds.get(k) if pred(kind) } yield k).toList val keywords1 = major_keywords(k => k != Keyword.THY_END && k != Keyword.PRF_ASM && k != Keyword.PRF_ASM_GOAL) val keywords2 = minor_keywords ::: major_keywords(Set(Keyword.THY_END)) val keywords3 = major_keywords(Set(Keyword.PRF_ASM, Keyword.PRF_ASM_GOAL)) def grouped_names(as: List[String]): String = JSON.Format("\\b(" + as.sorted.map(Library.escape_regex).mkString("|") + ")\\b") File.write_backup(output_path, """{ "name": "Isabelle", "scopeName": "source.isabelle", "fileTypes": ["thy"], "uuid": """ + JSON.Format(UUID.random().toString) + """, "repository": { "comment": { "patterns": [ { "name": "comment.block.isabelle", "begin": "\\(\\*", "patterns": [{ "include": "#comment" }], "end": "\\*\\)" } ] }, "cartouche": { "patterns": [ { "name": "string.quoted.other.multiline.isabelle", "begin": "(?:\\\\|‹)", "patterns": [{ "include": "#cartouche" }], "end": "(?:\\\\|›)" } ] } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#comment" }, { "include": "#cartouche" }, { "name": "keyword.control.isabelle", "match": """ + grouped_names(keywords1) + """ }, { "name": "keyword.other.unit.isabelle", "match": """ + grouped_names(keywords2) + """ }, { "name": "keyword.operator.isabelle", "match": """ + grouped_names(operators) + """ }, { "name": "entity.name.type.isabelle", "match": """ + grouped_names(keywords3) + """ }, { "name": "constant.numeric.isabelle", "match": "\\b\\d*\\.?\\d+\\b" }, { "name": "string.quoted.double.isabelle", "begin": "\"", "patterns": [ { "name": "constant.character.escape.isabelle", "match": """ + JSON.Format("""\\[\"]|\\\d\d\d""") + """ } ], "end": "\"" }, { "name": "string.quoted.backtick.isabelle", "begin": "`", "patterns": [ { "name": "constant.character.escape.isabelle", "match": """ + JSON.Format("""\\[\`]|\\\d\d\d""") + """ } ], "end": "`" }, { "name": "string.quoted.verbatim.isabelle", "begin": """ + JSON.Format("""\{\*""") + """, "patterns": [ { "match": """ + JSON.Format("""[^*]+|\*(?!\})""") + """ } ], "end": """ + JSON.Format("""\*\}""") + """ } ] } """) } /* build extension */ def build_extension(options: Options, target_dir: Path = Path.current, logic: String = default_logic, dirs: List[Path] = Nil, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { Isabelle_System.require_command("node") Isabelle_System.require_command("yarn") Isabelle_System.require_command("vsce") /* component */ val component_name = "vscode_extension-" + Date.Format.alt_date(Date.now()) val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create(progress = progress) /* build */ val vsix_name = Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { build_dir => val manifest_text = File.read(VSCode_Main.extension_dir + VSCode_Main.MANIFEST) val manifest_entries = split_lines(manifest_text).filter(_.nonEmpty) val manifest_shasum: String = { val a = SHA1.digest(manifest_text).shasum("") val bs = for (entry <- manifest_entries) yield SHA1.digest(VSCode_Main.extension_dir + Path.explode(entry)).shasum(entry) terminate_lines(a :: bs) } for (entry <- manifest_entries) { val path = Path.explode(entry) Isabelle_System.copy_file(VSCode_Main.extension_dir + path, Isabelle_System.make_directory(build_dir + path.dir)) } File.write(build_dir + VSCode_Main.MANIFEST.shasum, manifest_shasum) build_grammar(options, build_dir, logic = logic, dirs = dirs, progress = progress) val result = progress.bash("yarn && vsce package", cwd = build_dir.file, echo = true).check val Pattern = """.*Packaged:.*(isabelle-.*\.vsix).*""".r val vsix_name = result.out_lines.collectFirst({ case Pattern(name) => name }) .getOrElse(error("Failed to guess resulting .vsix file name")) Isabelle_System.copy_file(build_dir + Path.basic(vsix_name), component_dir.path) vsix_name } /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_VSCODE_VSIX="$COMPONENT/""" + vsix_name + "\"\n") /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, """This the Isabelle/VSCode extension as VSIX package It has been produced from the sources in $ISABELLE_HOME/src/Tools/extension/. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } /* Isabelle tool wrapper */ val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_vscode_extension", "build Isabelle/VSCode extension module", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var dirs: List[Path] = Nil var logic = default_logic val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle build_vscode_extension Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -d DIR include session directory -l NAME logic session name (default ISABELLE_LOGIC=""" + quote(default_logic) + """) Build the Isabelle/VSCode extension as component, for inclusion into the local VSCodium configuration. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))), "l:" -> (arg => logic = arg)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val options = Options.init() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_extension(options, target_dir = target_dir, logic = logic, dirs = dirs, progress = progress) }) } diff --git a/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala b/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala --- a/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala +++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala @@ -1,464 +1,462 @@ /* Title: Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala Author: Makarius Build the Isabelle system component for VSCodium: cross-compilation for all platforms. */ package isabelle.vscode import isabelle._ import java.security.MessageDigest import java.util.Base64 object Build_VSCodium { /* global parameters */ lazy val version: String = Isabelle_System.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_VSCODE_VERSION") val vscodium_repository = "https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium.git" val vscodium_download = "https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/releases/download" private val resources = Path.explode("resources") /* Isabelle symbols (static subset only) */ def make_symbols(): File.Content = { val symbols = Symbol.Symbols.load(static = true) val symbols_js = JSON.Format.pretty_print( for (entry <- symbols.entries) yield JSON.Object( "symbol" -> entry.symbol, "name" -> entry.name, "abbrevs" -> entry.abbrevs) ++ JSON.optional("code", entry.code)) File.content(Path.explode("symbols.json"), symbols_js) } def make_isabelle_encoding(header: String): File.Content = { val symbols = Symbol.Symbols.load(static = true) val symbols_js = JSON.Format.pretty_print( for (entry <- symbols.entries; code <- entry.code) yield JSON.Object("symbol" -> entry.symbol, "code" -> code)) val path = Path.explode("isabelle_encoding.ts") val body = File.read(Path.explode("$ISABELLE_VSCODE_HOME/patches") + path) .replace("[/*symbols*/]", symbols_js) File.content(path, header + "\n" + body) } /* platform info */ sealed case class Platform_Info( platform: Platform.Family.Value, download_template: String, build_name: String, env: List[String] ) { def is_linux: Boolean = platform == Platform.Family.linux def download_name: String = "VSCodium-" + download_template.replace("{VERSION}", version) def download(dir: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("download") { download_file => Isabelle_System.download_file(vscodium_download + "/" + version + "/" + download_name, download_file, progress = progress) progress.echo("Extract ...") Isabelle_System.extract(download_file, dir) } } def get_vscodium_repository(build_dir: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress): Unit = { progress.echo("Getting VSCodium repository ...") Isabelle_System.bash( List( "set -e", "git clone -n " + Bash.string(vscodium_repository) + " .", "git checkout -q " + Bash.string(version) ).mkString("\n"), cwd = build_dir.file).check progress.echo("Getting VSCode repository ...") Isabelle_System.bash(environment + "\n" + "./get_repo.sh", cwd = build_dir.file).check } def platform_dir(dir: Path): Path = { val platform_name = if (platform == Platform.Family.windows) Platform.Family.native(platform) else Platform.Family.standard(platform) dir + Path.explode(platform_name) } def build_dir(dir: Path): Path = dir + Path.explode(build_name) def environment: String = (("MS_TAG=" + Bash.string(version)) :: "SHOULD_BUILD=yes" :: "VSCODE_ARCH=x64" :: env) .map(s => "export " + s + "\n").mkString def patch_sources(base_dir: Path): String = { val dir = base_dir + Path.explode("vscode") Isabelle_System.with_copy_dir(dir, dir.orig) { // macos icns for (name <- Seq("build/lib/electron.js", "build/lib/electron.ts")) { File.change(dir + Path.explode(name), strict = true) { _.replace("""'resources/darwin/' + icon + '.icns'""", """'resources/darwin/' + icon.toLowerCase() + '.icns'""") } } // isabelle_encoding.ts { val common_dir = dir + Path.explode("src/vs/workbench/services/textfile/common") val header = split_lines(File.read(common_dir + Path.explode("encoding.ts"))) .takeWhile(_.trim.nonEmpty) make_isabelle_encoding(cat_lines(header)).write(common_dir) } // explicit patches { val patches_dir = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_VSCODE_HOME/patches") for (name <- Seq("cli", "isabelle_encoding", "no_ocaml_icons")) { val path = patches_dir + Path.explode(name).patch Isabelle_System.bash("patch -p1 < " + File.bash_path(path), cwd = dir.file).check } } Isabelle_System.make_patch(base_dir, dir.base.orig, dir.base) } } def patch_resources(base_dir: Path): String = { val dir = base_dir + resources val patch = Isabelle_System.with_copy_dir(dir, dir.orig) { val fonts_dir = dir + Path.explode("app/out/vs/base/browser/ui/fonts") HTML.init_fonts(fonts_dir.dir) make_symbols().write(fonts_dir) val workbench_css = dir + Path.explode("app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.css") val checksum1 = file_checksum(workbench_css) File.append(workbench_css, "\n\n" + HTML.fonts_css_dir(prefix = "../base/browser/ui")) val checksum2 = file_checksum(workbench_css) val file_name = workbench_css.file_name File.change_lines(dir + Path.explode("app/product.json")) { _.map(line => if (line.containsSlice(file_name) && line.contains(checksum1)) { line.replace(checksum1, checksum2) } else line) } Isabelle_System.make_patch(dir.dir, dir.orig.base, dir.base) } val app_dir = dir + Path.explode("app") val vscodium_app_dir = dir + Path.explode("vscodium") Isabelle_System.move_file(app_dir, vscodium_app_dir) Isabelle_System.make_directory(app_dir) if ((vscodium_app_dir + resources).is_dir) { Isabelle_System.copy_dir(vscodium_app_dir + resources, app_dir) } patch } def init_resources(base_dir: Path): Path = { val dir = base_dir + resources if (platform == Platform.Family.macos) { Isabelle_System.symlink(Path.explode("VSCodium.app/Contents/Resources"), dir) } dir } def setup_node(target_dir: Path, progress: Progress): Unit = { Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("download") { download_dir => download(download_dir, progress = progress) val dir1 = init_resources(download_dir) val dir2 = init_resources(target_dir) for (name <- Seq("app/node_modules.asar", "app/node_modules.asar.unpacked")) { val path = Path.explode(name) Isabelle_System.rm_tree(dir2 + path) Isabelle_System.copy_dir(dir1 + path, dir2 + path) } } } def setup_electron(dir: Path): Unit = { val electron = Path.explode("electron") platform match { case Platform.Family.linux | Platform.Family.linux_arm => Isabelle_System.move_file(dir + Path.explode("codium"), dir + electron) case Platform.Family.windows => Isabelle_System.move_file(dir + Path.explode("VSCodium.exe"), dir + electron.exe) Isabelle_System.move_file( dir + Path.explode("VSCodium.VisualElementsManifest.xml"), dir + Path.explode("electron.VisualElementsManifest.xml")) case Platform.Family.macos => } } def setup_executables(dir: Path): Unit = { Isabelle_System.rm_tree(dir + Path.explode("bin")) if (platform == Platform.Family.windows) { val files = File.find_files(dir.file, pred = { file => val name = file.getName File.is_dll(name) || File.is_exe(name) || File.is_node(name) }) files.foreach(file => File.set_executable(File.path(file), true)) Isabelle_System.bash("chmod -R o-w " + File.bash_path(dir)).check } } } // see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/main/build/gulpfile.vscode.js // function computeChecksum(filename) private def file_checksum(path: Path): String = { val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") digest.update(Bytes.read(path).array) Bytes(Base64.getEncoder.encode(digest.digest())) .text.replaceAll("=", "") } private val platform_infos: Map[Platform.Family.Value, Platform_Info] = Iterator( Platform_Info(Platform.Family.linux, "linux-x64-{VERSION}.tar.gz", "VSCode-linux-x64", List("OS_NAME=linux", "SKIP_LINUX_PACKAGES=True")), Platform_Info(Platform.Family.linux_arm, "linux-arm64-{VERSION}.tar.gz", "VSCode-linux-arm64", List("OS_NAME=linux", "SKIP_LINUX_PACKAGES=True", "VSCODE_ARCH=arm64")), Platform_Info(Platform.Family.macos, "darwin-x64-{VERSION}.zip", "VSCode-darwin-x64", List("OS_NAME=osx")), Platform_Info(Platform.Family.windows, "win32-x64-{VERSION}.zip", "VSCode-win32-x64", List("OS_NAME=windows", "SHOULD_BUILD_ZIP=no", "SHOULD_BUILD_EXE_SYS=no", "SHOULD_BUILD_EXE_USR=no", "SHOULD_BUILD_MSI=no", "SHOULD_BUILD_MSI_NOUP=no"))) .map(info => info.platform -> info).toMap def the_platform_info(platform: Platform.Family.Value): Platform_Info = platform_infos.getOrElse(platform, error("No platform info for " + quote(platform.toString))) def linux_platform_info: Platform_Info = the_platform_info(Platform.Family.linux) /* check system */ def check_system(platforms: List[Platform.Family.Value]): Unit = { if (Platform.family != Platform.Family.linux) error("Not a Linux/x86_64 system") Isabelle_System.require_command("git") Isabelle_System.require_command("node") Isabelle_System.require_command("yarn") Isabelle_System.require_command("jq") if (platforms.contains(Platform.Family.windows)) { Isabelle_System.require_command("wine") } } /* original repository clones and patches */ def vscodium_patch(verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress): String = { val platform_info = linux_platform_info check_system(List(platform_info.platform)) Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { build_dir => platform_info.get_vscodium_repository(build_dir, progress = progress) val vscode_dir = build_dir + Path.explode("vscode") progress.echo("Prepare ...") Isabelle_System.with_copy_dir(vscode_dir, vscode_dir.orig) { progress.bash( List( "set -e", platform_info.environment, "./prepare_vscode.sh", // enforce binary diff of code.xpm "cp vscode/resources/linux/code.png vscode/resources/linux/rpm/code.xpm" ).mkString("\n"), cwd = build_dir.file, echo = verbose).check Isabelle_System.make_patch(build_dir, vscode_dir.orig.base, vscode_dir.base, diff_options = "--exclude=.git --exclude=node_modules") } } } /* build vscodium */ def default_platforms: List[Platform.Family.Value] = Platform.Family.list def build_vscodium( target_dir: Path = Path.current, platforms: List[Platform.Family.Value] = default_platforms, verbose: Boolean = false, progress: Progress = new Progress ): Unit = { check_system(platforms) /* component */ val component_name = "vscodium-" + version val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.explode(component_name)).create(progress = progress) /* patches */ progress.echo("\n* Building patches:") val patches_dir = Isabelle_System.new_directory(component_dir.path + Path.explode("patches")) def write_patch(name: String, patch: String): Unit = File.write(patches_dir + Path.explode(name).patch, patch) write_patch("01-vscodium", vscodium_patch(verbose = verbose, progress = progress)) /* build */ for (platform <- platforms) yield { val platform_info = the_platform_info(platform) Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { build_dir => progress.echo("\n* Building " + platform + ":") platform_info.get_vscodium_repository(build_dir, progress = progress) val sources_patch = platform_info.patch_sources(build_dir) if (platform_info.is_linux) write_patch("02-isabelle_sources", sources_patch) progress.echo("Build ...") progress.bash(platform_info.environment + "\n" + "./build.sh", cwd = build_dir.file, echo = verbose).check if (platform_info.is_linux) { Isabelle_System.copy_file(build_dir + Path.explode("LICENSE"), component_dir.path) } val platform_dir = platform_info.platform_dir(component_dir.path) Isabelle_System.copy_dir(platform_info.build_dir(build_dir), platform_dir) platform_info.setup_node(platform_dir, progress) platform_info.setup_electron(platform_dir) val resources_patch = platform_info.patch_resources(platform_dir) if (platform_info.is_linux) write_patch("03-isabelle_resources", resources_patch) Isabelle_System.copy_file( build_dir + Path.explode("vscode/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/default_app.asar"), platform_dir + resources) platform_info.setup_executables(platform_dir) } } Isabelle_System.bash("gzip *.patch", cwd = patches_dir.file).check /* settings */ - File.write(component_dir.settings, - """# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript: - + component_dir.write_settings(""" ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_HOME="$COMPONENT/${ISABELLE_WINDOWS_PLATFORM64:-$ISABELLE_PLATFORM64}" if [ "$ISABELLE_PLATFORM_FAMILY" = "macos" ]; then ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_ELECTRON="$ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_HOME/VSCodium.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron" ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_RESOURCES="$ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_HOME/VSCodium.app/Contents/Resources" else ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_ELECTRON="$ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_HOME/electron" ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_RESOURCES="$ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_HOME/resources" fi """) /* README */ File.write(component_dir.README, "This is VSCodium " + version + " from " + vscodium_repository + """ It has been built from sources using "isabelle build_vscodium". This applies a few changes required for Isabelle/VSCode, see "patches" directory for a formal record. Makarius """ + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n") } /* Isabelle tool wrappers */ val isabelle_tool1 = Isabelle_Tool("build_vscodium", "build component for VSCodium", Scala_Project.here, { args => var target_dir = Path.current var platforms = default_platforms var verbose = false val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: build_vscodium [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR target directory (default ".") -p NAMES platform families (default: """ + quote(platforms.mkString(",")) + """) -v verbose Build VSCodium from sources and turn it into an Isabelle component. The build platform needs to be Linux with nodejs/yarn, jq, and wine for targeting Windows. """, "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "p:" -> (arg => platforms = Library.space_explode(',', arg).map(Platform.Family.parse)), "v" -> (_ => verbose = true)) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val progress = new Console_Progress() build_vscodium(target_dir = target_dir, platforms = platforms, verbose = verbose, progress = progress) }) val isabelle_tool2 = Isabelle_Tool("vscode_patch", "patch VSCode source tree", Scala_Project.here, { args => var base_dir = Path.current val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: vscode_patch [OPTIONS] Options are: -D DIR base directory (default ".") Patch original VSCode source tree for use with Isabelle/VSCode. """, "D:" -> (arg => base_dir = Path.explode(arg))) val more_args = getopts(args) if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage() val platform_info = the_platform_info(Platform.family) platform_info.patch_sources(base_dir) }) }