diff --git a/src/Pure/General/bytes.scala b/src/Pure/General/bytes.scala --- a/src/Pure/General/bytes.scala +++ b/src/Pure/General/bytes.scala @@ -1,206 +1,212 @@ /* Title: Pure/General/bytes.scala Author: Makarius Immutable byte vectors versus UTF8 strings. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile, ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, OutputStream, InputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream} import java.net.URL import org.tukaani.xz.{XZInputStream, XZOutputStream} object Bytes { val empty: Bytes = new Bytes(Array[Byte](), 0, 0) def apply(s: CharSequence): Bytes = { val str = s.toString if (str.isEmpty) empty else { val b = UTF8.bytes(str) new Bytes(b, 0, b.length) } } def apply(a: Array[Byte]): Bytes = apply(a, 0, a.length) def apply(a: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): Bytes = if (length == 0) empty else { val b = new Array[Byte](length) System.arraycopy(a, offset, b, 0, length) new Bytes(b, 0, b.length) } val newline: Bytes = apply("\n") /* base64 */ def decode_base64(s: String): Bytes = { val a = Base64.decode(s) new Bytes(a, 0, a.length) } /* read */ def read_stream(stream: InputStream, limit: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE, hint: Int = 1024): Bytes = if (limit == 0) empty else { val out_size = (if (limit == Integer.MAX_VALUE) hint else limit) max 1024 val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(out_size) val buf = new Array[Byte](8192) var m = 0 while ({ m = stream.read(buf, 0, buf.length min (limit - out.size)) if (m != -1) out.write(buf, 0, m) m != -1 && limit > out.size }) () new Bytes(out.toByteArray, 0, out.size) } def read(file: JFile): Bytes = { val length = file.length val limit = if (length < 0 || length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) Integer.MAX_VALUE else length.toInt using(new FileInputStream(file))(read_stream(_, limit = limit)) } def read(path: Path): Bytes = read(path.file) def read(url: URL): Bytes = using(url.openStream)(read_stream(_)) /* write */ def write(file: JFile, bytes: Bytes): Unit = using(new FileOutputStream(file))(bytes.write_stream(_)) def write(path: Path, bytes: Bytes): Unit = write(path.file, bytes) } final class Bytes private( protected val bytes: Array[Byte], protected val offset: Int, val length: Int) extends CharSequence { /* equality */ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = { that match { case other: Bytes => if (this eq other) true else if (length != other.length) false else (0 until length).forall(i => bytes(offset + i) == other.bytes(other.offset + i)) case _ => false } } private lazy val hash: Int = { var h = 0 for (i <- offset until offset + length) { val b = bytes(i).asInstanceOf[Int] & 0xFF h = 31 * h + b } h } override def hashCode(): Int = hash /* content */ lazy val sha1_digest: SHA1.Digest = SHA1.digest(bytes) def is_empty: Boolean = length == 0 def iterator: Iterator[Byte] = for (i <- (offset until (offset + length)).iterator) yield bytes(i) def array: Array[Byte] = { val a = new Array[Byte](length) System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, a, 0, length) a } def text: String = UTF8.decode_permissive(this) + def wellformed_text: Option[String] = { + val s = text + if (this == Bytes(s)) Some(s) else None + } + def encode_base64: String = { val b = if (offset == 0 && length == bytes.length) bytes else Bytes(bytes, offset, length).bytes Base64.encode(b) } - def maybe_encode_base64: (Boolean, String) = { - val s = text - if (this == Bytes(s)) (false, s) else (true, encode_base64) - } + def maybe_encode_base64: (Boolean, String) = + wellformed_text match { + case Some(s) => (false, s) + case None => (true, encode_base64) + } override def toString: String = "Bytes(" + length + ")" def proper: Option[Bytes] = if (is_empty) None else Some(this) def proper_text: Option[String] = if (is_empty) None else Some(text) def +(other: Bytes): Bytes = if (other.is_empty) this else if (is_empty) other else { val new_bytes = new Array[Byte](length + other.length) System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, new_bytes, 0, length) System.arraycopy(other.bytes, other.offset, new_bytes, length, other.length) new Bytes(new_bytes, 0, new_bytes.length) } /* CharSequence operations */ def charAt(i: Int): Char = if (0 <= i && i < length) (bytes(offset + i).asInstanceOf[Int] & 0xFF).asInstanceOf[Char] else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException def subSequence(i: Int, j: Int): Bytes = { if (0 <= i && i <= j && j <= length) new Bytes(bytes, offset + i, j - i) else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException } def trim_line: Bytes = if (length >= 2 && charAt(length - 2) == 13 && charAt(length - 1) == 10) subSequence(0, length - 2) else if (length >= 1 && (charAt(length - 1) == 13 || charAt(length - 1) == 10)) subSequence(0, length - 1) else this /* streams */ def stream(): ByteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes, offset, length) def write_stream(stream: OutputStream): Unit = stream.write(bytes, offset, length) /* XZ data compression */ def uncompress(cache: XZ.Cache = XZ.Cache()): Bytes = using(new XZInputStream(stream(), cache))(Bytes.read_stream(_, hint = length)) def compress(options: XZ.Options = XZ.options(), cache: XZ.Cache = XZ.Cache()): Bytes = { val result = new ByteArrayOutputStream(length) using(new XZOutputStream(result, options, cache))(write_stream(_)) new Bytes(result.toByteArray, 0, result.size) } def maybe_compress( options: XZ.Options = XZ.options(), cache: XZ.Cache = XZ.Cache() ) : (Boolean, Bytes) = { val compressed = compress(options = options, cache = cache) if (compressed.length < length) (true, compressed) else (false, this) } } diff --git a/src/Pure/General/symbol.scala b/src/Pure/General/symbol.scala --- a/src/Pure/General/symbol.scala +++ b/src/Pure/General/symbol.scala @@ -1,669 +1,669 @@ /* Title: Pure/General/symbol.scala Author: Makarius Isabelle text symbols. */ package isabelle import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.matching.Regex import scala.annotation.tailrec object Symbol { type Symbol = String // counting Isabelle symbols, starting from 1 type Offset = Text.Offset type Range = Text.Range /* spaces */ val space_char = ' ' val space = " " private val static_spaces = space * 4000 def spaces(n: Int): String = { require(n >= 0, "negative spaces") if (n < static_spaces.length) static_spaces.substring(0, n) else space * n } /* char symbols */ private val char_symbols: Array[Symbol] = (0 until 0x500).iterator.map(i => new String(Array(i.toChar))).toArray def char_symbol(c: Char): String = if (c < char_symbols.length) char_symbols(c) else c.toString /* ASCII characters */ def is_ascii_printable(c: Char): Boolean = space_char <= c && c <= '~' def is_ascii_letter(c: Char): Boolean = 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' def is_ascii_digit(c: Char): Boolean = '0' <= c && c <= '9' def is_ascii_hex(c: Char): Boolean = '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' def is_ascii_quasi(c: Char): Boolean = c == '_' || c == '\'' def is_ascii_blank(c: Char): Boolean = " \t\n\u000b\f\r".contains(c) def is_ascii_line_terminator(c: Char): Boolean = "\r\n".contains(c) def is_ascii_letdig(c: Char): Boolean = is_ascii_letter(c) || is_ascii_digit(c) || is_ascii_quasi(c) def is_ascii_identifier(s: String): Boolean = s.nonEmpty && is_ascii_letter(s(0)) && s.forall(is_ascii_letdig) def ascii(c: Char): Symbol = { if (c > 127) error("Non-ASCII character: " + quote(c.toString)) else char_symbol(c) } def is_ascii(s: Symbol): Boolean = s.length == 1 && s(0) < 128 /* symbol matching */ def is_malformed(s: Symbol): Boolean = s.length match { case 1 => val c = s(0) Character.isHighSurrogate(c) || Character.isLowSurrogate(c) || c == '\ufffd' case 2 => val c1 = s(0) val c2 = s(1) !(c1 == '\r' && c2 == '\n' || Character.isSurrogatePair(c1, c2)) case _ => !s.endsWith(">") || s == "\\<>" || s == "\\<^>" } def is_newline(s: Symbol): Boolean = s == "\n" || s == "\r" || s == "\r\n" class Matcher(text: CharSequence) { private def ok(i: Int): Boolean = 0 <= i && i < text.length private def char(i: Int): Char = if (ok(i)) text.charAt(i) else 0 private def maybe_char(c: Char, i: Int): Int = if (char(i) == c) i + 1 else i @tailrec private def many_ascii_letdig(i: Int): Int = if (is_ascii_letdig(char(i))) many_ascii_letdig(i + 1) else i private def maybe_ascii_id(i: Int): Int = if (is_ascii_letter(char(i))) many_ascii_letdig(i + 1) else i def match_length(i: Int): Int = { val a = char(i) val b = char(i + 1) if (Character.isHighSurrogate(a) && Character.isLowSurrogate(b) || a == '\r' && b == '\n') 2 else if (a == '\\' && b == '<') maybe_char('>', maybe_ascii_id(maybe_char('^', i + 2))) - i else if (ok(i)) 1 else 0 } def match_symbol(i: Int): String = match_length(i) match { case 0 => "" case 1 => char_symbol(text.charAt(i)) case n => text.subSequence(i, i + n).toString } } /* iterator */ def iterator(text: CharSequence): Iterator[Symbol] = new Iterator[Symbol] { private val matcher = new Matcher(text) private var i = 0 def hasNext: Boolean = i < text.length def next(): Symbol = { val s = matcher.match_symbol(i) i += s.length s } } def explode(text: CharSequence): List[Symbol] = iterator(text).toList def length(text: CharSequence): Int = iterator(text).length def trim_blanks(text: CharSequence): String = Library.trim(is_blank, explode(text)).mkString def all_blank(str: String): Boolean = iterator(str).forall(is_blank) def trim_blank_lines(text: String): String = cat_lines(split_lines(text).dropWhile(all_blank).reverse.dropWhile(all_blank).reverse) /* decoding offsets */ object Index { private sealed case class Entry(chr: Int, sym: Int) val empty: Index = new Index(Nil) def apply(text: CharSequence): Index = { val matcher = new Matcher(text) val buf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Entry] var chr = 0 var sym = 0 while (chr < text.length) { val n = matcher.match_length(chr) chr += n sym += 1 if (n > 1) buf += Entry(chr, sym) } if (buf.isEmpty) empty else new Index(buf.toList) } } final class Index private(entries: List[Index.Entry]) { private val hash: Int = entries.hashCode private val index: Array[Index.Entry] = entries.toArray def decode(symbol_offset: Offset): Text.Offset = { val sym = symbol_offset - 1 val end = index.length @tailrec def bisect(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { if (a < b) { val c = (a + b) / 2 if (sym < index(c).sym) bisect(a, c) else if (c + 1 == end || sym < index(c + 1).sym) c else bisect(c + 1, b) } else -1 } val i = bisect(0, end) if (i < 0) sym else index(i).chr + sym - index(i).sym } def decode(symbol_range: Range): Text.Range = symbol_range.map(decode) override def hashCode: Int = hash override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Index => index.sameElements(other.index) case _ => false } } /* symbolic text chunks -- without actual text */ object Text_Chunk { sealed abstract class Name case object Default extends Name case class Id(id: Document_ID.Generic) extends Name case class File(name: String) extends Name def apply(text: CharSequence): Text_Chunk = - new Text_Chunk(Text.Range(0, text.length), Index(text)) + new Text_Chunk(Text.Range.length(text), Index(text)) } final class Text_Chunk private(val range: Text.Range, private val index: Index) { override def hashCode: Int = (range, index).hashCode override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Text_Chunk => range == other.range && index == other.index case _ => false } override def toString: String = "Text_Chunk" + range.toString def decode(symbol_offset: Offset): Text.Offset = index.decode(symbol_offset) def decode(symbol_range: Range): Text.Range = index.decode(symbol_range) def incorporate(symbol_range: Range): Option[Text.Range] = { def in(r: Range): Option[Text.Range] = { range.try_restrict(decode(r)) match { case Some(r1) if !r1.is_singularity => Some(r1) case _ => None } } in(symbol_range) orElse in(symbol_range - 1) } } /* recoding text */ private class Recoder(list: List[(String, String)]) { private val (min, max) = { var min = '\uffff' var max = '\u0000' for ((x, _) <- list) { val c = x(0) if (c < min) min = c if (c > max) max = c } (min, max) } private val table = { var tab = Map[String, String]() for ((x, y) <- list) { tab.get(x) match { case None => tab += (x -> y) case Some(z) => error("Duplicate symbol mapping of " + quote(x) + " to " + quote(y) + " vs. " + quote(z)) } } tab } def recode(text: String): String = { val len = text.length val matcher = new Symbol.Matcher(text) val result = new StringBuilder(len) var i = 0 while (i < len) { val c = text(i) if (min <= c && c <= max) { val s = matcher.match_symbol(i) result.append(table.getOrElse(s, s)) i += s.length } else { result.append(c); i += 1 } } result.toString } } /** defined symbols **/ object Argument extends Enumeration { val none, cartouche, space_cartouche = Value def unapply(s: String): Option[Value] = try { Some(withName(s)) } catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => None} } object Entry { private val Name = new Regex("""\\<\^?([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_']*)>""") private val Argument = new Properties.String("argument") private val Abbrev = new Properties.String("abbrev") private val Code = new Properties.String("code") private val Font = new Properties.String("font") private val Group = new Properties.String("group") def apply(symbol: Symbol, props: Properties.T): Entry = { def err(msg: String): Nothing = error(msg + " for symbol " + quote(symbol)) val name = symbol match { case Name(a) => a case _ => err("Cannot determine name") } val argument = props match { case Argument(arg) => Symbol.Argument.unapply(arg) getOrElse error("Bad argument: " + quote(arg) + " for symbol " + quote(symbol)) case _ => Symbol.Argument.none } val code = props match { case Code(s) => try { val code = Integer.decode(s).intValue if (code >= 128) Some(code) else err("Illegal ASCII code") } catch { case _: NumberFormatException => err("Bad code") } case _ => None } val groups = proper_list(for ((Group.name, a) <- props) yield a).getOrElse(List("unsorted")) val abbrevs = for ((Abbrev.name, a) <- props) yield a new Entry(symbol, name, argument, code, Font.unapply(props), groups, abbrevs) } } class Entry private( val symbol: Symbol, val name: String, val argument: Symbol.Argument.Value, val code: Option[Int], val font: Option[String], val groups: List[String], val abbrevs: List[String] ) { override def toString: String = symbol val decode: Option[String] = code.map(c => new String(Character.toChars(c))) } lazy val symbols: Symbols = Symbols.load() object Symbols { def load(static: Boolean = false): Symbols = { val paths = if (static) List(Path.explode("~~/etc/symbols")) else Path.split(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_SYMBOLS")) make(cat_lines(for (path <- paths if path.is_file) yield File.read(path))) } def make(symbols_spec: String): Symbols = { val No_Decl = new Regex("""(?xs) ^\s* (?: \#.* )? $ """) val Key = new Regex("""(?xs) (.+): """) def read_decl(decl: String): (Symbol, Properties.T) = { def err() = error("Bad symbol declaration: " + decl) def read_props(props: List[String]): Properties.T = { props match { case Nil => Nil case _ :: Nil => err() case Key(x) :: y :: rest => (x -> y.replace('\u2423', ' ')) :: read_props(rest) case _ => err() } } decl.split("\\s+").toList match { case sym :: props if sym.length > 1 && !is_malformed(sym) => (sym, read_props(props)) case _ => err() } } new Symbols( split_lines(symbols_spec).reverse. foldLeft((List.empty[Entry], Set.empty[Symbol])) { case (res, No_Decl()) => res case ((list, known), decl) => val (sym, props) = read_decl(decl) if (known(sym)) (list, known) else (Entry(sym, props) :: list, known + sym) }._1) } } class Symbols(val entries: List[Entry]) { override def toString: String = entries.mkString("Symbols(", ", ", ")") /* basic properties */ private val entries_map: Map[Symbol, Entry] = (for (entry <- entries.iterator) yield entry.symbol -> entry).toMap def get(sym: Symbol): Option[Entry] = entries_map.get(sym) def defined(sym: Symbol): Boolean = entries_map.isDefinedAt(sym) def defined_code(sym: Symbol): Boolean = get(sym) match { case Some(entry) => entry.code.isDefined case _ => false } val code_defined: Int => Boolean = (for (entry <- entries.iterator; code <- entry.code) yield code).toSet val groups_code: List[(String, List[Symbol])] = (for { entry <- entries.iterator if entry.code.isDefined group <- entry.groups.iterator } yield entry.symbol -> group) .toList.groupBy(_._2).toList.map({ case (g, list) => (g, list.map(_._1)) }).sortBy(_._1) def get_abbrevs(sym: Symbol): List[String] = get(sym) match { case Some(entry) => entry.abbrevs case _ => Nil } /* recoding */ private val (decoder, encoder) = { val mapping = for (entry <- entries; s <- entry.decode) yield entry.symbol -> s (new Recoder(mapping), new Recoder(for ((x, y) <- mapping) yield (y, x))) } def decode(text: String): String = decoder.recode(text) def encode(text: String): String = encoder.recode(text) private def recode_set(elems: Iterable[String]): Set[String] = (elems.iterator ++ elems.iterator.map(decode)).toSet private def recode_map[A](elems: Iterable[(String, A)]): Map[String, A] = (elems.iterator ++ elems.iterator.map({ case (sym, a) => (decode(sym), a) })).toMap /* user fonts */ val fonts: Map[Symbol, String] = recode_map(for (entry <- entries; font <- entry.font) yield entry.symbol -> font) val font_names: List[String] = fonts.iterator.map(_._2).toSet.toList val font_index: Map[String, Int] = (font_names zip font_names.indices.toList).toMap def lookup_font(sym: Symbol): Option[Int] = fonts.get(sym).map(font_index(_)) /* classification */ val letters: Set[String] = recode_set(List( "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\

", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\

", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\
", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\", "\\")) val blanks: Set[String] = recode_set(List(space, "\t", "\n", "\u000B", "\f", "\r", "\r\n")) val sym_chars = Set("!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "*", "+", "-", "/", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "^", "_", "|", "~") val symbolic: Set[String] = recode_set(for (entry <- entries if raw_symbolic(entry.symbol)) yield entry.symbol) /* misc symbols */ val newline_decoded: Symbol = decode(newline) val comment_decoded: Symbol = decode(comment) val cancel_decoded: Symbol = decode(cancel) val latex_decoded: Symbol = decode(latex) val marker_decoded: Symbol = decode(marker) val open_decoded: Symbol = decode(open) val close_decoded: Symbol = decode(close) /* control symbols */ val control_decoded: Set[Symbol] = (for (entry <- entries.iterator if entry.symbol.startsWith("\\<^"); s <- entry.decode) yield s).toSet val sub_decoded: Symbol = decode(sub) val sup_decoded: Symbol = decode(sup) val bold_decoded: Symbol = decode(bold) val emph_decoded: Symbol = decode(emph) val bsub_decoded: Symbol = decode(bsub) val esub_decoded: Symbol = decode(esub) val bsup_decoded: Symbol = decode(bsup) val esup_decoded: Symbol = decode(esup) } /* tables */ def decode(text: String): String = symbols.decode(text) def encode(text: String): String = symbols.encode(text) def decode_yxml(text: String, cache: XML.Cache = XML.Cache.none): XML.Body = YXML.parse_body(decode(text), cache = cache) def decode_yxml_failsafe(text: String, cache: XML.Cache = XML.Cache.none): XML.Body = YXML.parse_body_failsafe(decode(text), cache = cache) def encode_yxml(body: XML.Body): String = encode(YXML.string_of_body(body)) def decode_strict(text: String): String = { val decoded = decode(text) if (encode(decoded) == text) decoded else { val bad = new mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol] for (s <- iterator(text) if encode(decode(s)) != s && !bad.contains(s)) bad += s error("Bad Unicode symbols in text: " + commas_quote(bad)) } } def output(unicode_symbols: Boolean, text: String): String = if (unicode_symbols) Symbol.decode(text) else Symbol.encode(text) /* classification */ def is_letter(sym: Symbol): Boolean = symbols.letters.contains(sym) def is_digit(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym.length == 1 && '0' <= sym(0) && sym(0) <= '9' def is_quasi(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym == "_" || sym == "'" def is_letdig(sym: Symbol): Boolean = is_letter(sym) || is_digit(sym) || is_quasi(sym) def is_blank(sym: Symbol): Boolean = symbols.blanks.contains(sym) /* symbolic newline */ val newline: Symbol = "\\" def newline_decoded: Symbol = symbols.newline_decoded def print_newlines(str: String): String = if (str.contains('\n')) (for (s <- iterator(str)) yield { if (s == "\n") newline_decoded else s }).mkString else str /* formal comments */ val comment: Symbol = "\\" val cancel: Symbol = "\\<^cancel>" val latex: Symbol = "\\<^latex>" val marker: Symbol = "\\<^marker>" def comment_decoded: Symbol = symbols.comment_decoded def cancel_decoded: Symbol = symbols.cancel_decoded def latex_decoded: Symbol = symbols.latex_decoded def marker_decoded: Symbol = symbols.marker_decoded /* cartouches */ val open: Symbol = "\\" val close: Symbol = "\\" def open_decoded: Symbol = symbols.open_decoded def close_decoded: Symbol = symbols.close_decoded def is_open(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym == open_decoded || sym == open def is_close(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym == close_decoded || sym == close def cartouche(s: String): String = open + s + close def cartouche_decoded(s: String): String = open_decoded + s + close_decoded /* symbols for symbolic identifiers */ private def raw_symbolic(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym.startsWith("\\<") && sym.endsWith(">") && !sym.startsWith("\\<^") def is_symbolic(sym: Symbol): Boolean = !is_open(sym) && !is_close(sym) && (raw_symbolic(sym) || symbols.symbolic.contains(sym)) def is_symbolic_char(sym: Symbol): Boolean = symbols.sym_chars.contains(sym) /* control symbols */ val control_prefix = "\\<^" val control_suffix = ">" def control_name(sym: Symbol): Option[String] = if (is_control_encoded(sym)) Some(sym.substring(control_prefix.length, sym.length - control_suffix.length)) else None def is_control_encoded(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym.startsWith(control_prefix) && sym.endsWith(control_suffix) def is_control(sym: Symbol): Boolean = is_control_encoded(sym) || symbols.control_decoded.contains(sym) def is_controllable(sym: Symbol): Boolean = !is_blank(sym) && !is_control(sym) && !is_open(sym) && !is_close(sym) && !is_malformed(sym) && sym != "\"" val sub: Symbol = "\\<^sub>" val sup: Symbol = "\\<^sup>" val bold: Symbol = "\\<^bold>" val emph: Symbol = "\\<^emph>" val bsub: Symbol = "\\<^bsub>" val esub: Symbol = "\\<^esub>" val bsup: Symbol = "\\<^bsup>" val esup: Symbol = "\\<^esup>" def sub_decoded: Symbol = symbols.sub_decoded def sup_decoded: Symbol = symbols.sup_decoded def bold_decoded: Symbol = symbols.bold_decoded def emph_decoded: Symbol = symbols.emph_decoded def bsub_decoded: Symbol = symbols.bsub_decoded def esub_decoded: Symbol = symbols.esub_decoded def bsup_decoded: Symbol = symbols.bsup_decoded def esup_decoded: Symbol = symbols.esup_decoded /* metric */ def is_printable(sym: Symbol): Boolean = if (is_ascii(sym)) is_ascii_printable(sym(0)) else !is_control(sym) object Metric extends Pretty.Metric { val unit = 1.0 def apply(str: String): Double = (for (s <- iterator(str)) yield { val sym = encode(s) if (sym.startsWith("\\ Exn.Exn[Blob](ERROR(msg)))) } sealed case class Blobs_Info(blobs: List[Exn.Result[Blob]], index: Int = -1) /** accumulated results from prover **/ /* results */ object Results { type Entry = (Long, XML.Elem) val empty: Results = new Results(SortedMap.empty) def make(args: IterableOnce[Results.Entry]): Results = args.iterator.foldLeft(empty)(_ + _) def merge(args: IterableOnce[Results]): Results = args.iterator.foldLeft(empty)(_ ++ _) } final class Results private(private val rep: SortedMap[Long, XML.Elem]) { def is_empty: Boolean = rep.isEmpty def defined(serial: Long): Boolean = rep.isDefinedAt(serial) def get(serial: Long): Option[XML.Elem] = rep.get(serial) def iterator: Iterator[Results.Entry] = rep.iterator def + (entry: Results.Entry): Results = if (defined(entry._1)) this else new Results(rep + entry) def ++ (other: Results): Results = if (this eq other) this else if (rep.isEmpty) other else other.iterator.foldLeft(this)(_ + _) override def hashCode: Int = rep.hashCode override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Results => rep == other.rep case _ => false } override def toString: String = iterator.mkString("Results(", ", ", ")") } /* exports */ object Exports { type Entry = (Long, Export.Entry) val empty: Exports = new Exports(SortedMap.empty) def merge(args: IterableOnce[Exports]): Exports = args.iterator.foldLeft(empty)(_ ++ _) } final class Exports private(private val rep: SortedMap[Long, Export.Entry]) { def is_empty: Boolean = rep.isEmpty def iterator: Iterator[Exports.Entry] = rep.iterator def + (entry: Exports.Entry): Exports = if (rep.isDefinedAt(entry._1)) this else new Exports(rep + entry) def ++ (other: Exports): Exports = if (this eq other) this else if (rep.isEmpty) other else other.iterator.foldLeft(this)(_ + _) override def hashCode: Int = rep.hashCode override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Exports => rep == other.rep case _ => false } override def toString: String = iterator.mkString("Exports(", ", ", ")") } /* markups */ object Markup_Index { val markup: Markup_Index = Markup_Index(false, Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default) def blob(blob: Blob): Markup_Index = Markup_Index(false, blob.chunk_file) } sealed case class Markup_Index(status: Boolean, chunk_name: Symbol.Text_Chunk.Name) object Markups { type Entry = (Markup_Index, Markup_Tree) val empty: Markups = new Markups(Map.empty) def init(markup: Markup_Tree): Markups = new Markups(Map(Markup_Index.markup -> markup)) def make(args: IterableOnce[Entry]): Markups = args.iterator.foldLeft(empty)(_ + _) def merge(args: IterableOnce[Markups]): Markups = args.iterator.foldLeft(empty)(_ ++ _) } final class Markups private(private val rep: Map[Markup_Index, Markup_Tree]) { def is_empty: Boolean = rep.isEmpty def apply(index: Markup_Index): Markup_Tree = rep.getOrElse(index, Markup_Tree.empty) def add(index: Markup_Index, markup: Text.Markup): Markups = new Markups(rep + (index -> (this(index) + markup))) def + (entry: Markups.Entry): Markups = { val (index, tree) = entry new Markups(rep + (index -> (this(index).merge(tree, Text.Range.full, Markup.Elements.full)))) } def ++ (other: Markups): Markups = if (this eq other) this else if (rep.isEmpty) other else other.rep.iterator.foldLeft(this)(_ + _) def redirection_iterator: Iterator[Document_ID.Generic] = for (Markup_Index(_, Symbol.Text_Chunk.Id(id)) <- rep.keysIterator) yield id def redirect(other_id: Document_ID.Generic): Markups = { val rep1 = (for { (Markup_Index(status, Symbol.Text_Chunk.Id(id)), markup) <- rep.iterator if other_id == id } yield (Markup_Index(status, Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default), markup)).toMap if (rep1.isEmpty) Markups.empty else new Markups(rep1) } override def hashCode: Int = rep.hashCode override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Markups => rep == other.rep case _ => false } override def toString: String = rep.iterator.mkString("Markups(", ", ", ")") } /* state */ object State { def get_result(states: List[State], serial: Long): Option[XML.Elem] = states.find(st => st.results.defined(serial)).map(st => st.results.get(serial).get) def get_result_proper(states: List[State], props: Properties.T): Option[Results.Entry] = for { serial <- Markup.Serial.unapply(props) elem <- get_result(states, serial) if elem.body.nonEmpty } yield serial -> elem def merge_results(states: List[State]): Results = Results.merge(states.map(_.results)) def merge_exports(states: List[State]): Exports = Exports.merge(states.map(_.exports)) def merge_markups(states: List[State]): Markups = Markups.merge(states.map(_.markups)) def merge_markup(states: List[State], index: Markup_Index, range: Text.Range, elements: Markup.Elements): Markup_Tree = Markup_Tree.merge(states.map(_.markup(index)), range, elements) def merge(command: Command, states: List[State]): State = State(command, states.flatMap(_.status), merge_results(states), merge_exports(states), merge_markups(states)) } sealed case class State( command: Command, status: List[Markup] = Nil, results: Results = Results.empty, exports: Exports = Exports.empty, markups: Markups = Markups.empty ) { def initialized: Boolean = status.exists(markup => markup.name == Markup.INITIALIZED) def consolidating: Boolean = status.exists(markup => markup.name == Markup.CONSOLIDATING) def consolidated: Boolean = status.exists(markup => markup.name == Markup.CONSOLIDATED) lazy val maybe_consolidated: Boolean = { var touched = false var forks = 0 var runs = 0 for (markup <- status) { markup.name match { case Markup.FORKED => touched = true; forks += 1 case Markup.JOINED => forks -= 1 case Markup.RUNNING => touched = true; runs += 1 case Markup.FINISHED => runs -= 1 case _ => } } touched && forks == 0 && runs == 0 } lazy val document_status: Document_Status.Command_Status = { val warnings = if (results.iterator.exists(p => Protocol.is_warning(p._2) || Protocol.is_legacy(p._2))) List(Markup(Markup.WARNING, Nil)) else Nil val errors = if (results.iterator.exists(p => Protocol.is_error(p._2))) List(Markup(Markup.ERROR, Nil)) else Nil Document_Status.Command_Status.make((warnings ::: errors ::: status).iterator) } def markup(index: Markup_Index): Markup_Tree = markups(index) def redirect(other_command: Command): Option[State] = { val markups1 = markups.redirect(other_command.id) if (markups1.is_empty) None else Some(new State(other_command, markups = markups1)) } private def add_status(st: Markup): State = copy(status = st :: status) private def add_result(entry: Results.Entry): State = copy(results = results + entry) def add_export(entry: Exports.Entry): Option[State] = if (command.node_name.theory == entry._2.theory_name) Some(copy(exports = exports + entry)) else None private def add_markup( status: Boolean, chunk_name: Symbol.Text_Chunk.Name, m: Text.Markup ): State = { val markups1 = if (status || Document_Status.Command_Status.liberal_elements(m.info.name)) markups.add(Markup_Index(true, chunk_name), m) else markups copy(markups = markups1.add(Markup_Index(false, chunk_name), m)) } def accumulate( self_id: Document_ID.Generic => Boolean, other_id: (Document.Node.Name, Document_ID.Generic) => Option[(Symbol.Text_Chunk.Id, Symbol.Text_Chunk)], message: XML.Elem, cache: XML.Cache): State = message match { case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.STATUS, _), msgs) => if (command.span.is_theory) this else { msgs.foldLeft(this) { case (state, msg) => msg match { case elem @ XML.Elem(markup, Nil) => state. add_status(markup). add_markup(true, Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default, Text.Info(command.core_range, elem)) case _ => Output.warning("Ignored status message: " + msg) state } } } case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.REPORT, atts0), msgs) => msgs.foldLeft(this) { case (state, msg) => def bad(): Unit = Output.warning("Ignored report message: " + msg) msg match { case XML.Elem(Markup(name, atts), args) => command.reported_position(atts) orElse command.reported_position(atts0) match { case Some((id, chunk_name, target_range)) => val target = if (self_id(id) && command.chunks.isDefinedAt(chunk_name)) Some((chunk_name, command.chunks(chunk_name))) else if (chunk_name == Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default) other_id(command.node_name, id) else None (target, target_range) match { case (Some((target_name, target_chunk)), Some(symbol_range)) if !symbol_range.is_singularity => target_chunk.incorporate(symbol_range) match { case Some(range) => val props = atts.filterNot(Markup.position_property) val elem = cache.elem(XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), args)) state.add_markup(false, target_name, Text.Info(range, elem)) case None => bad(); state } case _ => // silently ignore excessive reports state } case _ => bad(); state } case _ => bad(); state } } case XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), body) => props match { case Markup.Serial(i) => val markup_message = cache.elem(Protocol.make_message(body, kind = name, props = props)) val message_markup = cache.elem(XML.elem(Markup(name, props.filter(p => p._1 == Markup.SERIAL)))) var st = add_result(i -> markup_message) if (Protocol.is_inlined(message)) { for { (chunk_name, chunk) <- command.chunks.iterator range <- command.message_positions(self_id, chunk_name, chunk, message) } st = st.add_markup(false, chunk_name, Text.Info(range, message_markup)) } st case _ => Output.warning("Ignored message without serial number: " + message) this } } } /** static content **/ /* make commands */ def apply( id: Document_ID.Command, node_name: Document.Node.Name, blobs_info: Blobs_Info, span: Command_Span.Span ): Command = { val (source, span1) = span.compact_source new Command(id, node_name, blobs_info, span1, source, Results.empty, Markups.empty) } val empty: Command = Command(Document_ID.none, Document.Node.Name.empty, Blobs_Info.none, Command_Span.empty) def unparsed( source: String, theory: Boolean = false, id: Document_ID.Command = Document_ID.none, node_name: Document.Node.Name = Document.Node.Name.empty, blobs_info: Blobs_Info = Blobs_Info.none, results: Results = Results.empty, markups: Markups = Markups.empty ): Command = { val (source1, span1) = Command_Span.unparsed(source, theory).compact_source new Command(id, node_name, blobs_info, span1, source1, results, markups) } def text(source: String): Command = unparsed(source) def rich_text(id: Document_ID.Command, results: Results, body: XML.Body): Command = unparsed(XML.content(body), id = id, results = results, markups = Markups.init(Markup_Tree.from_XML(body))) /* edits and perspective */ type Edit = (Option[Command], Option[Command]) object Perspective { val empty: Perspective = Perspective(Nil) } sealed case class Perspective( commands: List[Command] // visible commands in canonical order ) { def is_empty: Boolean = commands.isEmpty def same(that: Perspective): Boolean = { val cmds1 = this.commands val cmds2 = that.commands require(!cmds1.exists(_.is_undefined), "cmds1 not defined") require(!cmds2.exists(_.is_undefined), "cmds2 not defined") cmds1.length == cmds2.length && (cmds1.iterator zip cmds2.iterator).forall({ case (c1, c2) => c1.id == c2.id }) } } /* blobs: inlined errors and auxiliary files */ def blobs_info( resources: Resources, syntax: Outer_Syntax, get_blob: Document.Node.Name => Option[Document.Blob], can_import: Document.Node.Name => Boolean, node_name: Document.Node.Name, span: Command_Span.Span ): Blobs_Info = { span.name match { // inlined errors case Thy_Header.THEORY => val reader = span.content_reader val header = resources.check_thy(node_name, span.content_reader) val imports_pos = header.imports_pos val raw_imports = try { val read_imports = Thy_Header.read(node_name, reader).imports.map(_._1) if (imports_pos.length == read_imports.length) read_imports else error("") } catch { case _: Throwable => List.fill(header.imports.length)("") } val errors = for { ((import_name, pos), s) <- imports_pos zip raw_imports if !can_import(import_name) } yield { val completion = if (Thy_Header.is_base_name(s)) resources.complete_import_name(node_name, s) else Nil "Bad theory import " + Markup.Path(import_name.node).markup(quote(import_name.toString)) + Position.here(pos) + Completion.report_theories(pos, completion) } Blobs_Info.errors(errors) // auxiliary files case _ => val loaded_files = span.loaded_files(syntax) val blobs = loaded_files.files.map(file => (Exn.capture { val src_path = Path.explode(file) val name = Document.Node.Name(resources.append(node_name, src_path)) val content = get_blob(name).map(blob => (blob.bytes.sha1_digest, blob.chunk)) Blob(name, src_path, content) }).user_error) Blobs_Info(blobs, index = loaded_files.index) } } def build_blobs_info( syntax: Outer_Syntax, node_name: Document.Node.Name, load_commands: List[Command_Span.Span] ): Blobs_Info = { val blobs = for { span <- load_commands file <- span.loaded_files(syntax).files } yield { (Exn.capture { val dir = node_name.master_dir_path val src_path = Path.explode(file) val name = Document.Node.Name((dir + src_path).expand.implode_symbolic) Blob.read_file(name, src_path) }).user_error } Blobs_Info(blobs) } } final class Command private( val id: Document_ID.Command, val node_name: Document.Node.Name, val blobs_info: Command.Blobs_Info, val span: Command_Span.Span, val source: String, val init_results: Command.Results, val init_markups: Command.Markups ) { override def toString: String = id.toString + "/" + span.kind.toString /* classification */ def is_proper: Boolean = span.kind.isInstanceOf[Command_Span.Command_Span] def is_ignored: Boolean = span.kind == Command_Span.Ignored_Span def is_undefined: Boolean = id == Document_ID.none val is_unparsed: Boolean = span.content.exists(_.is_unparsed) val is_unfinished: Boolean = span.content.exists(_.is_unfinished) def potentially_initialized: Boolean = span.name == Thy_Header.THEORY /* blobs */ def blobs: List[Exn.Result[Command.Blob]] = blobs_info.blobs def blobs_index: Int = blobs_info.index def blobs_ok: Boolean = blobs.forall({ case Exn.Res(_) => true case _ => false }) def blobs_names: List[Document.Node.Name] = for (Exn.Res(blob) <- blobs) yield blob.name def blobs_undefined: List[Document.Node.Name] = for (Exn.Res(blob) <- blobs if blob.content.isEmpty) yield blob.name def blobs_defined: List[(Document.Node.Name, SHA1.Digest)] = for (Exn.Res(blob) <- blobs; (digest, _) <- blob.content) yield (blob.name, digest) def blobs_changed(doc_blobs: Document.Blobs): Boolean = blobs.exists({ case Exn.Res(blob) => doc_blobs.changed(blob.name) case _ => false }) /* source chunks */ val chunk: Symbol.Text_Chunk = Symbol.Text_Chunk(source) val chunks: Map[Symbol.Text_Chunk.Name, Symbol.Text_Chunk] = ((Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default -> chunk) :: (for (Exn.Res(blob) <- blobs; (_, file) <- blob.content) yield blob.chunk_file -> file)).toMap def length: Int = source.length def range: Text.Range = chunk.range val core_range: Text.Range = Text.Range(0, - span.content.reverse.iterator.takeWhile(_.is_ignored).foldLeft(length)(_ - _.source.length)) + span.content.reverseIterator.takeWhile(_.is_ignored).foldLeft(length)(_ - _.source.length)) def source(range: Text.Range): String = range.substring(source) /* theory parents */ def theory_parents(resources: Resources): List[Document.Node.Name] = if (span.name == Thy_Header.THEORY) { try { val header = Thy_Header.read(node_name, span.content_reader) for ((s, _) <- header.imports) yield { try { resources.import_name(node_name, s) } catch { case ERROR(_) => Document.Node.Name.empty } } } catch { case ERROR(_) => Nil } } else Nil /* reported positions */ def reported_position( pos: Position.T ) : Option[(Document_ID.Generic, Symbol.Text_Chunk.Name, Option[Symbol.Range])] = { pos match { case Position.Id(id) => val chunk_name = pos match { case Position.File(name) if name != node_name.node => Symbol.Text_Chunk.File(name) case _ => Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default } Some((id, chunk_name, Position.Range.unapply(pos))) case _ => None } } def message_positions( self_id: Document_ID.Generic => Boolean, chunk_name: Symbol.Text_Chunk.Name, chunk: Symbol.Text_Chunk, message: XML.Elem ): Set[Text.Range] = { def elem(props: Properties.T, set: Set[Text.Range]): Set[Text.Range] = reported_position(props) match { case Some((id, name, reported_range)) if self_id(id) && name == chunk_name => val opt_range = reported_range orElse { if (name == Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default) Position.Range.unapply(span.position) else None } opt_range match { case Some(symbol_range) => chunk.incorporate(symbol_range) match { case Some(range) => set + range case _ => set } case None => set } case _ => set } def tree(set: Set[Text.Range], t: XML.Tree): Set[Text.Range] = t match { case XML.Wrapped_Elem(Markup(name, props), _, body) => body.foldLeft(if (Rendering.position_elements(name)) elem(props, set) else set)(tree) case XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), body) => body.foldLeft(if (Rendering.position_elements(name)) elem(props, set) else set)(tree) case XML.Text(_) => set } val set = tree(Set.empty, message) if (set.isEmpty) elem(message.markup.properties, set) else set } /* accumulated results */ val init_state: Command.State = Command.State(this, results = init_results, markups = init_markups) val empty_state: Command.State = Command.State(this) } diff --git a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala --- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala +++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala @@ -1,1224 +1,1224 @@ /* Title: Pure/PIDE/document.scala Author: Makarius Document as collection of named nodes, each consisting of an editable list of commands, associated with asynchronous execution process. */ package isabelle import scala.collection.mutable object Document { /** document structure **/ /* overlays -- print functions with arguments */ object Overlays { val empty = new Overlays(Map.empty) } final class Overlays private(rep: Map[Node.Name, Node.Overlays]) { def apply(name: Node.Name): Node.Overlays = rep.getOrElse(name, Node.Overlays.empty) private def update(name: Node.Name, f: Node.Overlays => Node.Overlays): Overlays = { val node_overlays = f(apply(name)) new Overlays(if (node_overlays.is_empty) rep - name else rep + (name -> node_overlays)) } def insert(command: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Overlays = update(command.node_name, _.insert(command, fn, args)) def remove(command: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Overlays = update(command.node_name, _.remove(command, fn, args)) override def toString: String = rep.mkString("Overlays(", ",", ")") } /* document blobs: auxiliary files */ sealed case class Blob(bytes: Bytes, source: String, chunk: Symbol.Text_Chunk, changed: Boolean) { def unchanged: Blob = copy(changed = false) } object Blobs { def apply(blobs: Map[Node.Name, Blob]): Blobs = new Blobs(blobs) val empty: Blobs = apply(Map.empty) } final class Blobs private(blobs: Map[Node.Name, Blob]) { def get(name: Node.Name): Option[Blob] = blobs.get(name) def changed(name: Node.Name): Boolean = get(name) match { case Some(blob) => blob.changed case None => false } override def toString: String = blobs.mkString("Blobs(", ",", ")") } /* document nodes: theories and auxiliary files */ type Edit[A, B] = (Node.Name, Node.Edit[A, B]) type Edit_Text = Edit[Text.Edit, Text.Perspective] type Edit_Command = Edit[Command.Edit, Command.Perspective] object Node { /* header and name */ sealed case class Header( imports_pos: List[(Name, Position.T)] = Nil, keywords: Thy_Header.Keywords = Nil, abbrevs: Thy_Header.Abbrevs = Nil, errors: List[String] = Nil ) { def imports: List[Name] = imports_pos.map(_._1) def append_errors(msgs: List[String]): Header = copy(errors = errors ::: msgs) def cat_errors(msg2: String): Header = copy(errors = errors.map(msg1 => Exn.cat_message(msg1, msg2))) } val no_header: Header = Header() def bad_header(msg: String): Header = Header(errors = List(msg)) object Name { val empty: Name = Name("") object Ordering extends scala.math.Ordering[Name] { def compare(name1: Name, name2: Name): Int = name1.node compare name2.node } type Graph[A] = isabelle.Graph[Node.Name, A] def make_graph[A](entries: List[((Name, A), List[Name])]): Graph[A] = Graph.make(entries, symmetric = true)(Ordering) } sealed case class Name(node: String, master_dir: String = "", theory: String = "") { override def hashCode: Int = node.hashCode override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Name => node == other.node case _ => false } def path: Path = Path.explode(File.standard_path(node)) def master_dir_path: Path = Path.explode(File.standard_path(master_dir)) def expand: Name = Name(path.expand.implode, master_dir_path.expand.implode, theory) def is_theory: Boolean = theory.nonEmpty def theory_base_name: String = Long_Name.base_name(theory) override def toString: String = if (is_theory) theory else node def map(f: String => String): Name = copy(f(node), f(master_dir), theory) def map_theory(f: String => String): Name = copy(node, master_dir, f(theory)) def json: JSON.Object.T = JSON.Object("node_name" -> node, "theory_name" -> theory) } sealed case class Entry(name: Node.Name, header: Node.Header) { def map(f: String => String): Entry = copy(name = name.map(f)) override def toString: String = name.toString } /* node overlays */ object Overlays { val empty = new Overlays(Multi_Map.empty) } final class Overlays private(rep: Multi_Map[Command, (String, List[String])]) { def commands: Set[Command] = rep.keySet def is_empty: Boolean = rep.isEmpty def dest: List[(Command, (String, List[String]))] = rep.iterator.toList def insert(cmd: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Overlays = new Overlays(rep.insert(cmd, (fn, args))) def remove(cmd: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Overlays = new Overlays(rep.remove(cmd, (fn, args))) override def toString: String = rep.mkString("Node.Overlays(", ",", ")") } /* edits */ sealed abstract class Edit[A, B] { def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = { this match { case Edits(es) => es.foreach(f) case _ => } } def is_void: Boolean = this match { case Edits(Nil) => true case _ => false } } case class Blob[A, B](blob: Document.Blob) extends Edit[A, B] case class Edits[A, B](edits: List[A]) extends Edit[A, B] case class Deps[A, B](header: Header) extends Edit[A, B] case class Perspective[A, B](required: Boolean, visible: B, overlays: Overlays) extends Edit[A, B] /* perspective */ type Perspective_Text = Perspective[Text.Edit, Text.Perspective] type Perspective_Command = Perspective[Command.Edit, Command.Perspective] val no_perspective_text: Perspective_Text = Perspective(false, Text.Perspective.empty, Overlays.empty) val no_perspective_command: Perspective_Command = Perspective(false, Command.Perspective.empty, Overlays.empty) def is_no_perspective_text(perspective: Perspective_Text): Boolean = !perspective.required && perspective.visible.is_empty && perspective.overlays.is_empty def is_no_perspective_command(perspective: Perspective_Command): Boolean = !perspective.required && perspective.visible.is_empty && perspective.overlays.is_empty /* commands */ object Commands { def apply(commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Commands = new Commands(commands) val empty: Commands = apply(Linear_Set.empty) def starts( commands: Iterator[Command], offset: Text.Offset = 0 ) : Iterator[(Command, Text.Offset)] = { var i = offset for (command <- commands) yield { val start = i i += command.length (command, start) } } def starts_pos( commands: Iterator[Command], pos: Token.Pos = Token.Pos.start ) : Iterator[(Command, Token.Pos)] = { var p = pos for (command <- commands) yield { val start = p p = command.span.content.foldLeft(p)(_.advance(_)) (command, start) } } private val block_size = 256 } final class Commands private(val commands: Linear_Set[Command]) { lazy val load_commands: List[Command] = commands.iterator.filter(cmd => cmd.blobs.nonEmpty).toList private lazy val full_index: (Array[(Command, Text.Offset)], Text.Range) = { val blocks = new mutable.ListBuffer[(Command, Text.Offset)] var next_block = 0 var last_stop = 0 for ((command, start) <- Commands.starts(commands.iterator)) { last_stop = start + command.length while (last_stop + 1 > next_block) { blocks += (command -> start) next_block += Commands.block_size } } (blocks.toArray, Text.Range(0, last_stop)) } private def full_range: Text.Range = full_index._2 def iterator(i: Text.Offset = 0): Iterator[(Command, Text.Offset)] = { if (commands.nonEmpty && full_range.contains(i)) { val (cmd0, start0) = full_index._1(i / Commands.block_size) Node.Commands.starts(commands.iterator(cmd0), start0) dropWhile { case (cmd, start) => start + cmd.length <= i } } else Iterator.empty } } val empty: Node = new Node() } final class Node private( val get_blob: Option[Document.Blob] = None, val header: Node.Header = Node.no_header, val syntax: Option[Outer_Syntax] = None, val text_perspective: Text.Perspective = Text.Perspective.empty, val perspective: Node.Perspective_Command = Node.no_perspective_command, _commands: Node.Commands = Node.Commands.empty ) { def is_empty: Boolean = get_blob.isEmpty && header == Node.no_header && text_perspective.is_empty && Node.is_no_perspective_command(perspective) && commands.isEmpty def has_header: Boolean = header != Node.no_header override def toString: String = if (is_empty) "empty" else if (get_blob.isDefined) "blob" else "node" def commands: Linear_Set[Command] = _commands.commands def load_commands: List[Command] = _commands.load_commands def load_commands_changed(doc_blobs: Blobs): Boolean = load_commands.exists(_.blobs_changed(doc_blobs)) def init_blob(blob: Blob): Node = new Node(get_blob = Some(blob.unchanged)) def update_header(new_header: Node.Header): Node = new Node(get_blob, new_header, syntax, text_perspective, perspective, _commands) def update_syntax(new_syntax: Option[Outer_Syntax]): Node = new Node(get_blob, header, new_syntax, text_perspective, perspective, _commands) def update_perspective( new_text_perspective: Text.Perspective, new_perspective: Node.Perspective_Command): Node = new Node(get_blob, header, syntax, new_text_perspective, new_perspective, _commands) def edit_perspective: Node.Edit[Text.Edit, Text.Perspective] = Node.Perspective(perspective.required, text_perspective, perspective.overlays) def same_perspective( other_text_perspective: Text.Perspective, other_perspective: Node.Perspective_Command): Boolean = text_perspective == other_text_perspective && perspective.required == other_perspective.required && perspective.visible.same(other_perspective.visible) && perspective.overlays == other_perspective.overlays def update_commands(new_commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Node = if (new_commands eq _commands.commands) this else new Node(get_blob, header, syntax, text_perspective, perspective, Node.Commands(new_commands)) def command_iterator(i: Text.Offset = 0): Iterator[(Command, Text.Offset)] = _commands.iterator(i) def command_iterator(range: Text.Range): Iterator[(Command, Text.Offset)] = command_iterator(range.start) takeWhile { case (_, start) => start < range.stop } def command_start(cmd: Command): Option[Text.Offset] = Node.Commands.starts(commands.iterator).find(_._1 == cmd).map(_._2) lazy val source: String = get_blob match { case Some(blob) => blob.source case None => command_iterator().map({ case (cmd, _) => cmd.source }).mkString } } /* development graph */ object Nodes { val empty: Nodes = new Nodes(Graph.empty(Node.Name.Ordering)) } final class Nodes private(graph: Graph[Node.Name, Node]) { def apply(name: Node.Name): Node = graph.default_node(name, Node.empty).get_node(name) def is_suppressed(name: Node.Name): Boolean = { val graph1 = graph.default_node(name, Node.empty) graph1.is_maximal(name) && graph1.get_node(name).is_empty } def purge_suppressed: Option[Nodes] = graph.keys_iterator.filter(is_suppressed).toList match { case Nil => None case del => Some(new Nodes(del.foldLeft(graph)(_.del_node(_)))) } def + (entry: (Node.Name, Node)): Nodes = { val (name, node) = entry val imports = node.header.imports val graph1 = imports.foldLeft(graph.default_node(name, Node.empty)) { case (g, p) => g.default_node(p, Node.empty) } val graph2 = graph1.imm_preds(name).foldLeft(graph1) { case (g, dep) => g.del_edge(dep, name) } val graph3 = imports.foldLeft(graph2) { case (g, dep) => g.add_edge(dep, name) } new Nodes(graph3.map_node(name, _ => node)) } def domain: Set[Node.Name] = graph.domain def iterator: Iterator[(Node.Name, Node)] = graph.iterator.map({ case (name, (node, _)) => (name, node) }) def theory_name(theory: String): Option[Node.Name] = graph.keys_iterator.find(name => name.theory == theory) def commands_loading(file_name: Node.Name): List[Command] = (for { (_, node) <- iterator cmd <- node.load_commands.iterator name <- cmd.blobs_names.iterator if name == file_name } yield cmd).toList def descendants(names: List[Node.Name]): List[Node.Name] = graph.all_succs(names) def requirements(names: List[Node.Name]): List[Node.Name] = graph.all_preds_rev(names) def topological_order: List[Node.Name] = graph.topological_order override def toString: String = topological_order.mkString("Nodes(", ",", ")") } /** versioning **/ /* particular document versions */ object Version { val init: Version = new Version() def make(nodes: Nodes): Version = new Version(Document_ID.make(), nodes) def purge_future( versions: Map[Document_ID.Version, Version], future: Future[Version] ) : Future[Version] = { if (future.is_finished) { val version = future.join versions.get(version.id) match { case Some(version1) if !(version eq version1) => Future.value(version1) case _ => future } } else future } def purge_suppressed( versions: Map[Document_ID.Version, Version] ): Map[Document_ID.Version, Version] = { (for ((id, v) <- versions.iterator; v1 <- v.purge_suppressed) yield (id, v1)). foldLeft(versions)(_ + _) } } final class Version private( val id: Document_ID.Version = Document_ID.none, val nodes: Nodes = Nodes.empty ) { override def toString: String = "Version(" + id + ")" def purge_suppressed: Option[Version] = nodes.purge_suppressed.map(new Version(id, _)) } /* changes of plain text, eventually resulting in document edits */ object Change { val init: Change = new Change() def make(previous: Future[Version], edits: List[Edit_Text], version: Future[Version]): Change = new Change(Some(previous), edits.reverse, version) } final class Change private( val previous: Option[Future[Version]] = Some(Future.value(Version.init)), val rev_edits: List[Edit_Text] = Nil, val version: Future[Version] = Future.value(Version.init) ) { def is_finished: Boolean = (previous match { case None => true case Some(future) => future.is_finished }) && version.is_finished def truncate: Change = new Change(None, Nil, version) def purge(versions: Map[Document_ID.Version, Version]): Option[Change] = { val previous1 = previous.map(Version.purge_future(versions, _)) val version1 = Version.purge_future(versions, version) if ((previous eq previous1) && (version eq version1)) None else Some(new Change(previous1, rev_edits, version1)) } } /* history navigation */ object History { val init: History = new History() } final class History private( val undo_list: List[Change] = List(Change.init) // non-empty list ) { override def toString: String = "History(" + undo_list.length + ")" def tip: Change = undo_list.head def + (change: Change): History = new History(change :: undo_list) def prune(check: Change => Boolean, retain: Int): Option[(List[Change], History)] = { val n = undo_list.iterator.zipWithIndex.find(p => check(p._1)).get._2 + 1 val (retained, dropped) = undo_list.splitAt(n max retain) retained.splitAt(retained.length - 1) match { case (prefix, List(last)) => Some(dropped, new History(prefix ::: List(last.truncate))) case _ => None } } def purge(versions: Map[Document_ID.Version, Version]): History = { val undo_list1 = undo_list.map(_.purge(versions)) if (undo_list1.forall(_.isEmpty)) this else new History(for ((a, b) <- undo_list1 zip undo_list) yield a.getOrElse(b)) } } /* snapshot: persistent user-view of document state */ object Snapshot { val init: Snapshot = State.init.snapshot() } class Snapshot private[Document]( val state: State, val version: Version, val node_name: Node.Name, edits: List[Text.Edit], val snippet_command: Option[Command] ) { override def toString: String = "Snapshot(node = " + node_name.node + ", version = " + version.id + (if (is_outdated) ", outdated" else "") + ")" /* nodes */ def get_node(name: Node.Name): Node = version.nodes(name) val node: Node = get_node(node_name) def node_files: List[Node.Name] = node_name :: node.load_commands.flatMap(_.blobs_names) /* source text */ def source: String = snippet_command match { case Some(command) => command.source case None => node.source } /* edits */ def is_outdated: Boolean = edits.nonEmpty private lazy val reverse_edits = edits.reverse def convert(offset: Text.Offset): Text.Offset = edits.foldLeft(offset) { case (i, edit) => edit.convert(i) } def revert(offset: Text.Offset): Text.Offset = reverse_edits.foldLeft(offset) { case (i, edit) => edit.revert(i) } def convert(range: Text.Range): Text.Range = range.map(convert) def revert(range: Text.Range): Text.Range = range.map(revert) /* theory load commands */ val commands_loading: List[Command] = if (node_name.is_theory) Nil else version.nodes.commands_loading(node_name) def commands_loading_ranges(pred: Node.Name => Boolean): List[Text.Range] = (for { cmd <- node.load_commands.iterator blob_name <- cmd.blobs_names.iterator if pred(blob_name) start <- node.command_start(cmd) } yield convert(cmd.core_range + start)).toList /* command as add-on snippet */ def snippet(command: Command): Snapshot = { val node_name = command.node_name val nodes0 = version.nodes val nodes1 = nodes0 + (node_name -> nodes0(node_name).update_commands(Linear_Set(command))) val version1 = Document.Version.make(nodes1) val edits: List[Edit_Text] = List(node_name -> Node.Edits(List(Text.Edit.insert(0, command.source)))) val state0 = state.define_command(command) val state1 = state0.continue_history(Future.value(version), edits, Future.value(version1)) .define_version(version1, state0.the_assignment(version)) .assign(version1.id, Nil, List(command.id -> List(Document_ID.make())))._2 state1.snapshot(node_name = node_name, snippet_command = Some(command)) } /* XML markup */ def xml_markup( range: Text.Range = Text.Range.full, elements: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.full): XML.Body = state.xml_markup(version, node_name, range = range, elements = elements) def xml_markup_blobs( elements: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.full ) : List[(Command.Blob, XML.Body)] = { snippet_command match { case None => Nil case Some(command) => for (Exn.Res(blob) <- command.blobs) yield { val bytes = blob.read_file val text = bytes.text val xml = if (Bytes(text) == bytes) { val markup = command.init_markups(Command.Markup_Index.blob(blob)) - markup.to_XML(Text.Range(0, text.length), text, elements) + markup.to_XML(Text.Range.length(text), text, elements) } else Nil blob -> xml } } } /* messages */ lazy val messages: List[(XML.Elem, Position.T)] = (for { (command, start) <- Document.Node.Commands.starts_pos( node.commands.iterator, Token.Pos.file(node_name.node)) pos = command.span.keyword_pos(start).position(command.span.name) (_, elem) <- state.command_results(version, command).iterator } yield (elem, pos)).toList /* exports */ lazy val exports: List[Export.Entry] = state.node_exports(version, node_name).iterator.map(_._2).toList lazy val all_exports: Map[Export.Entry_Name, Export.Entry] = (for { (name, _) <- version.nodes.iterator (_, entry) <- state.node_exports(version, name).iterator if entry.entry_name.session == Sessions.DRAFT } yield entry.entry_name -> entry).toMap /* find command */ def find_command(id: Document_ID.Generic): Option[(Node, Command)] = state.lookup_id(id) match { case None => None case Some(st) => val command = st.command val command_node = get_node(command.node_name) if (command_node.commands.contains(command)) Some((command_node, command)) else None } def find_command_position(id: Document_ID.Generic, offset: Symbol.Offset) : Option[Line.Node_Position] = for ((node, command) <- find_command(id)) yield { val name = command.node_name.node val sources_iterator = node.commands.iterator.takeWhile(_ != command).map(_.source) ++ (if (offset == 0) Iterator.empty else Iterator.single(command.source(Text.Range(0, command.chunk.decode(offset))))) val pos = sources_iterator.foldLeft(Line.Position.zero)(_.advance(_)) Line.Node_Position(name, pos) } def current_command(other_node_name: Node.Name, offset: Text.Offset): Option[Command] = if (other_node_name.is_theory) { val other_node = get_node(other_node_name) val iterator = other_node.command_iterator(revert(offset) max 0) if (iterator.hasNext) { val (command0, _) = iterator.next() other_node.commands.reverse.iterator(command0).find(command => !command.is_ignored) } else other_node.commands.reverse.iterator.find(command => !command.is_ignored) } else version.nodes.commands_loading(other_node_name).headOption /* command results */ def command_results(range: Text.Range): Command.Results = Command.State.merge_results( select[List[Command.State]](range, Markup.Elements.full, command_states => _ => Some(command_states)).flatMap(_.info)) def command_results(command: Command): Command.Results = state.command_results(version, command) /* cumulate markup */ def cumulate[A]( range: Text.Range, info: A, elements: Markup.Elements, result: List[Command.State] => (A, Text.Markup) => Option[A], status: Boolean = false ): List[Text.Info[A]] = { val former_range = revert(range).inflate_singularity val (chunk_name, command_iterator) = commands_loading.headOption match { case None => (Symbol.Text_Chunk.Default, node.command_iterator(former_range)) case Some(command) => (Symbol.Text_Chunk.File(node_name.node), Iterator((command, 0))) } val markup_index = Command.Markup_Index(status, chunk_name) (for { (command, command_start) <- command_iterator chunk <- command.chunks.get(chunk_name).iterator states = state.command_states(version, command) res = result(states) markup_range <- (former_range - command_start).try_restrict(chunk.range).iterator markup = Command.State.merge_markup(states, markup_index, markup_range, elements) Text.Info(r0, a) <- markup.cumulate[A](markup_range, info, elements, { case (a, Text.Info(r0, b)) => res(a, Text.Info(convert(r0 + command_start), b)) }).iterator r1 <- convert(r0 + command_start).try_restrict(range).iterator } yield Text.Info(r1, a)).toList } def select[A]( range: Text.Range, elements: Markup.Elements, result: List[Command.State] => Text.Markup => Option[A], status: Boolean = false ): List[Text.Info[A]] = { def result1(states: List[Command.State]): (Option[A], Text.Markup) => Option[Option[A]] = { val res = result(states) (_: Option[A], x: Text.Markup) => res(x) match { case None => None case some => Some(some) } } for (Text.Info(r, Some(x)) <- cumulate(range, None, elements, result1, status)) yield Text.Info(r, x) } } /* model */ trait Session { def resources: Resources } trait Model { def session: Session def is_stable: Boolean def snapshot(): Snapshot def node_name: Node.Name def is_theory: Boolean = node_name.is_theory override def toString: String = node_name.toString def get_text(range: Text.Range): Option[String] def node_required: Boolean def get_blob: Option[Blob] def bibtex_entries: List[Text.Info[String]] def node_edits( node_header: Node.Header, text_edits: List[Text.Edit], perspective: Node.Perspective_Text ): List[Edit_Text] = { val edits: List[Node.Edit[Text.Edit, Text.Perspective]] = get_blob match { case None => List( Node.Deps( if (session.resources.session_base.loaded_theory(node_name)) { node_header.append_errors( List("Cannot update finished theory " + quote(node_name.theory))) } else node_header), Node.Edits(text_edits), perspective) case Some(blob) => List(Node.Blob(blob), Node.Edits(text_edits)) } edits.flatMap(edit => if (edit.is_void) None else Some(node_name -> edit)) } } /** global state -- document structure, execution process, editing history **/ type Assign_Update = List[(Document_ID.Command, List[Document_ID.Exec])] // update of exec state assignment object State { class Fail(state: State) extends Exception object Assignment { val init: Assignment = new Assignment() } final class Assignment private( val command_execs: Map[Document_ID.Command, List[Document_ID.Exec]] = Map.empty, val is_finished: Boolean = false ) { override def toString: String = "Assignment(" + command_execs.size + "," + is_finished + ")" def check_finished: Assignment = { require(is_finished, "assignment not finished"); this } def unfinished: Assignment = new Assignment(command_execs, false) def assign(update: Assign_Update): Assignment = { require(!is_finished, "assignment already finished") val command_execs1 = update.foldLeft(command_execs) { case (res, (command_id, exec_ids)) => if (exec_ids.isEmpty) res - command_id else res + (command_id -> exec_ids) } new Assignment(command_execs1, true) } } val init: State = State().define_version(Version.init, Assignment.init).assign(Version.init.id, Nil, Nil)._2 } final case class State private( /*reachable versions*/ versions: Map[Document_ID.Version, Version] = Map.empty, /*inlined auxiliary files*/ blobs: Set[SHA1.Digest] = Set.empty, /*loaded theories in batch builds*/ theories: Map[Document_ID.Exec, Command.State] = Map.empty, /*static markup from define_command*/ commands: Map[Document_ID.Command, Command.State] = Map.empty, /*dynamic markup from execution*/ execs: Map[Document_ID.Exec, Command.State] = Map.empty, /*command-exec assignment for each version*/ assignments: Map[Document_ID.Version, State.Assignment] = Map.empty, /*commands with markup produced by other commands (imm_succs)*/ commands_redirection: Graph[Document_ID.Command, Unit] = Graph.long, /*explicit (linear) history*/ history: History = History.init, /*intermediate state between remove_versions/removed_versions*/ removing_versions: Boolean = false ) { override def toString: String = "State(versions = " + versions.size + ", blobs = " + blobs.size + ", commands = " + commands.size + ", execs = " + execs.size + ", assignments = " + assignments.size + ", commands_redirection = " + commands_redirection.size + ", history = " + history.undo_list.size + ", removing_versions = " + removing_versions + ")" private def fail[A]: A = throw new State.Fail(this) def define_version(version: Version, assignment: State.Assignment): State = { val id = version.id copy(versions = versions + (id -> version), assignments = assignments + (id -> assignment.unfinished)) } def define_blob(digest: SHA1.Digest): State = copy(blobs = blobs + digest) def defined_blob(digest: SHA1.Digest): Boolean = blobs.contains(digest) def define_command(command: Command): State = { val id = command.id if (commands.isDefinedAt(id)) fail else copy(commands = commands + (id -> command.init_state)) } def defined_command(id: Document_ID.Command): Boolean = commands.isDefinedAt(id) def the_version(id: Document_ID.Version): Version = versions.getOrElse(id, fail) def the_static_state(id: Document_ID.Command): Command.State = commands.getOrElse(id, fail) def the_dynamic_state(id: Document_ID.Exec): Command.State = execs.getOrElse(id, fail) def the_assignment(version: Version): State.Assignment = assignments.getOrElse(version.id, fail) def lookup_id(id: Document_ID.Generic): Option[Command.State] = theories.get(id) orElse commands.get(id) orElse execs.get(id) private def self_id(st: Command.State)(id: Document_ID.Generic): Boolean = id == st.command.id || (execs.get(id) match { case Some(st1) => st1.command.id == st.command.id case None => false }) private def other_id( node_name: Node.Name, id: Document_ID.Generic ) : Option[(Symbol.Text_Chunk.Id, Symbol.Text_Chunk)] = { for { st <- lookup_id(id) if st.command.node_name == node_name } yield (Symbol.Text_Chunk.Id(st.command.id), st.command.chunk) } private def redirection(st: Command.State): Graph[Document_ID.Command, Unit] = st.markups.redirection_iterator.foldLeft(commands_redirection) { case (graph, id) => graph.default_node(id, ()).default_node(st.command.id, ()).add_edge(id, st.command.id) } def accumulate( id: Document_ID.Generic, message: XML.Elem, cache: XML.Cache ) : (Command.State, State) = { def update(st: Command.State): (Command.State, State) = { val st1 = st.accumulate(self_id(st), other_id, message, cache) (st1, copy(commands_redirection = redirection(st1))) } execs.get(id).map(update) match { case Some((st1, state1)) => (st1, state1.copy(execs = execs + (id -> st1))) case None => commands.get(id).map(update) match { case Some((st1, state1)) => (st1, state1.copy(commands = commands + (id -> st1))) case None => theories.get(id).map(update) match { case Some((st1, state1)) => (st1, state1.copy(theories = theories + (id -> st1))) case None => fail } } } } def add_export( id: Document_ID.Generic, entry: Command.Exports.Entry ): (Command.State, State) = { execs.get(id) match { case Some(st) => st.add_export(entry) match { case Some(new_st) => (new_st, copy(execs = execs + (id -> new_st))) case None => fail } case None => commands.get(id) match { case Some(st) => st.add_export(entry) match { case Some(new_st) => (new_st, copy(commands = commands + (id -> new_st))) case None => fail } case None => fail } } } def node_exports(version: Version, node_name: Node.Name): Command.Exports = Command.Exports.merge( for { command <- version.nodes(node_name).commands.iterator st <- command_states(version, command).iterator } yield st.exports) def begin_theory( node_name: Node.Name, id: Document_ID.Exec, source: String, blobs_info: Command.Blobs_Info ): State = { if (theories.isDefinedAt(id)) fail else { val command = Command.unparsed(source, theory = true, id = id, node_name = node_name, blobs_info = blobs_info) copy(theories = theories + (id -> command.empty_state)) } } def end_theory(id: Document_ID.Exec): (Snapshot, State) = theories.get(id) match { case None => fail case Some(st) => val command = st.command val node_name = command.node_name val command1 = Command.unparsed(command.source, theory = true, id = id, node_name = node_name, blobs_info = command.blobs_info, results = st.results, markups = st.markups) val state1 = copy(theories = theories - id) (state1.snippet(command1), state1) } def assign( id: Document_ID.Version, edited: List[String], update: Assign_Update ) : ((List[Node.Name], List[Command]), State) = { val version = the_version(id) val edited_set = edited.toSet val edited_nodes = (for { (name, _) <- version.nodes.iterator if edited_set(name.node) } yield name).toList def upd(exec_id: Document_ID.Exec, st: Command.State) : Option[(Document_ID.Exec, Command.State)] = if (execs.isDefinedAt(exec_id)) None else Some(exec_id -> st) val (changed_commands, new_execs) = update.foldLeft((List.empty[Command], execs)) { case ((commands1, execs1), (command_id, exec)) => val st = the_static_state(command_id) val command = st.command val commands2 = command :: commands1 val execs2 = exec match { case Nil => execs1 case eval_id :: print_ids => execs1 ++ upd(eval_id, st) ++ (for (id <- print_ids; up <- upd(id, command.empty_state)) yield up) } (commands2, execs2) } val new_assignment = the_assignment(version).assign(update) val new_state = copy(assignments = assignments + (id -> new_assignment), execs = new_execs) ((edited_nodes, changed_commands), new_state) } def is_assigned(version: Version): Boolean = assignments.get(version.id) match { case Some(assgn) => assgn.is_finished case None => false } def is_stable(change: Change): Boolean = change.is_finished && is_assigned(change.version.get_finished) def recent_finished: Change = history.undo_list.find(_.is_finished) getOrElse fail def recent_stable: Change = history.undo_list.find(is_stable) getOrElse fail def stable_tip_version: Option[Version] = if (is_stable(history.tip)) Some(history.tip.version.get_finished) else None def continue_history( previous: Future[Version], edits: List[Edit_Text], version: Future[Version] ): State = { val change = Change.make(previous, edits, version) copy(history = history + change) } def remove_versions(retain: Int = 0): (List[Version], State) = { history.prune(is_stable, retain) match { case Some((dropped, history1)) => val old_versions = dropped.map(change => change.version.get_finished) val removing = old_versions.nonEmpty val state1 = copy(history = history1, removing_versions = removing) (old_versions, state1) case None => fail } } def removed_versions(removed: List[Document_ID.Version]): State = { val versions1 = Version.purge_suppressed(versions -- removed) val assignments1 = assignments -- removed var blobs1_names = Set.empty[Node.Name] var blobs1 = Set.empty[SHA1.Digest] var commands1 = Map.empty[Document_ID.Command, Command.State] var execs1 = Map.empty[Document_ID.Exec, Command.State] for { (version_id, version) <- versions1.iterator command_execs = assignments1(version_id).command_execs (_, node) <- version.nodes.iterator command <- node.commands.iterator } { for ((name, digest) <- command.blobs_defined) { blobs1_names += name blobs1 += digest } if (!commands1.isDefinedAt(command.id)) commands.get(command.id).foreach(st => commands1 += (command.id -> st)) for (exec_id <- command_execs.getOrElse(command.id, Nil)) { if (!execs1.isDefinedAt(exec_id)) execs.get(exec_id).foreach(st => execs1 += (exec_id -> st)) } } copy( versions = versions1, blobs = blobs1, commands = commands1, execs = execs1, commands_redirection = commands_redirection.restrict(commands1.keySet), assignments = assignments1, history = history.purge(versions1), removing_versions = false) } def command_maybe_consolidated(version: Version, command: Command): Boolean = { require(is_assigned(version), "version not assigned (command_maybe_consolidated)") try { the_assignment(version).check_finished.command_execs.getOrElse(command.id, Nil) match { case eval_id :: print_ids => the_dynamic_state(eval_id).maybe_consolidated && !print_ids.exists(print_id => the_dynamic_state(print_id).consolidating) case Nil => false } } catch { case _: State.Fail => false } } private def command_states_self( version: Version, command: Command ) : List[(Document_ID.Generic, Command.State)] = { require(is_assigned(version), "version not assigned (command_states_self)") try { the_assignment(version).check_finished.command_execs.getOrElse(command.id, Nil) .map(id => id -> the_dynamic_state(id)) match { case Nil => fail case res => res } } catch { case _: State.Fail => try { List(command.id -> the_static_state(command.id)) } catch { case _: State.Fail => List(command.id -> command.init_state) } } } def command_states(version: Version, command: Command): List[Command.State] = { val self = command_states_self(version, command) val others = if (commands_redirection.defined(command.id)) { (for { command_id <- commands_redirection.imm_succs(command.id).iterator (id, st) <- command_states_self(version, the_static_state(command_id).command) if !self.exists(_._1 == id) } yield (id, st)).toMap.valuesIterator.toList } else Nil self.map(_._2) ::: others.flatMap(_.redirect(command)) } def command_results(version: Version, command: Command): Command.Results = Command.State.merge_results(command_states(version, command)) def command_markup(version: Version, command: Command, index: Command.Markup_Index, range: Text.Range, elements: Markup.Elements): Markup_Tree = Command.State.merge_markup(command_states(version, command), index, range, elements) def xml_markup( version: Version, node_name: Node.Name, range: Text.Range = Text.Range.full, elements: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.full ): XML.Body = { val node = version.nodes(node_name) if (node_name.is_theory) { val markup_index = Command.Markup_Index.markup (for { command <- node.commands.iterator command_range <- command.range.try_restrict(range).iterator markup = command_markup(version, command, markup_index, command_range, elements) tree <- markup.to_XML(command_range, command.source, elements).iterator } yield tree).toList } else { - Text.Range(0, node.source.length).try_restrict(range) match { + Text.Range.length(node.source).try_restrict(range) match { case None => Nil case Some(node_range) => val markup = version.nodes.commands_loading(node_name).headOption match { case None => Markup_Tree.empty case Some(command) => val chunk_name = Symbol.Text_Chunk.File(node_name.node) val markup_index = Command.Markup_Index(false, chunk_name) command_markup(version, command, markup_index, node_range, elements) } markup.to_XML(node_range, node.source, elements) } } } def node_initialized(version: Version, name: Node.Name): Boolean = name.is_theory && (version.nodes(name).commands.iterator.find(_.potentially_initialized) match { case None => false case Some(command) => command_states(version, command).headOption.exists(_.initialized) }) def node_maybe_consolidated(version: Version, name: Node.Name): Boolean = name.is_theory && version.nodes(name).commands.reverse.iterator.forall(command_maybe_consolidated(version, _)) def node_consolidated(version: Version, name: Node.Name): Boolean = !name.is_theory || { val it = version.nodes(name).commands.reverse.iterator it.hasNext && command_states(version, it.next()).exists(_.consolidated) } def snapshot( node_name: Node.Name = Node.Name.empty, pending_edits: List[Text.Edit] = Nil, snippet_command: Option[Command] = None ): Snapshot = { val stable = recent_stable val version = stable.version.get_finished val rev_pending_changes = for { change <- history.undo_list.takeWhile(_ != stable) (name, edits) <- change.rev_edits if name == node_name } yield edits val edits = rev_pending_changes.foldLeft(pending_edits) { case (edits, Node.Edits(es)) => es ::: edits case (edits, _) => edits } new Snapshot(this, version, node_name, edits, snippet_command) } def snippet(command: Command): Snapshot = snapshot().snippet(command) } } diff --git a/src/Pure/PIDE/rendering.scala b/src/Pure/PIDE/rendering.scala --- a/src/Pure/PIDE/rendering.scala +++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/rendering.scala @@ -1,772 +1,774 @@ /* Title: Pure/PIDE/rendering.scala Author: Makarius Isabelle-specific implementation of quasi-abstract rendering and markup interpretation. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile} import java.nio.file.FileSystems import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap object Rendering { /* color */ object Color extends Enumeration { // background val unprocessed1, running1, canceled, bad, intensify, entity, active, active_result, markdown_bullet1, markdown_bullet2, markdown_bullet3, markdown_bullet4 = Value val background_colors: ValueSet = values // foreground val quoted, antiquoted = Value val foreground_colors: ValueSet = values -- background_colors // message underline val writeln, information, warning, legacy, error = Value val message_underline_colors: ValueSet = values -- background_colors -- foreground_colors // message background val writeln_message, information_message, tracing_message, warning_message, legacy_message, error_message = Value val message_background_colors: ValueSet = values -- background_colors -- foreground_colors -- message_underline_colors // text val main, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, quasi_keyword, improper, operator, tfree, tvar, free, skolem, bound, `var`, inner_numeral, inner_quoted, inner_cartouche, comment1, comment2, comment3, dynamic, class_parameter, antiquote, raw_text, plain_text = Value val text_colors: ValueSet = values -- background_colors -- foreground_colors -- message_underline_colors -- message_background_colors // text overview val unprocessed, running = Value val text_overview_colors = Set(unprocessed, running, error, warning) } /* output messages */ val state_pri = 1 val writeln_pri = 2 val information_pri = 3 val tracing_pri = 4 val warning_pri = 5 val legacy_pri = 6 val error_pri = 7 val message_pri = Map( Markup.STATE -> state_pri, Markup.STATE_MESSAGE -> state_pri, Markup.WRITELN -> writeln_pri, Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE -> writeln_pri, Markup.INFORMATION -> information_pri, Markup.INFORMATION_MESSAGE -> information_pri, Markup.TRACING -> tracing_pri, Markup.TRACING_MESSAGE -> tracing_pri, Markup.WARNING -> warning_pri, Markup.WARNING_MESSAGE -> warning_pri, Markup.LEGACY -> legacy_pri, Markup.LEGACY_MESSAGE -> legacy_pri, Markup.ERROR -> error_pri, Markup.ERROR_MESSAGE -> error_pri ).withDefaultValue(0) val message_underline_color = Map( writeln_pri -> Color.writeln, information_pri -> Color.information, warning_pri -> Color.warning, legacy_pri -> Color.legacy, error_pri -> Color.error) val message_background_color = Map( writeln_pri -> Color.writeln_message, information_pri -> Color.information_message, tracing_pri -> Color.tracing_message, warning_pri -> Color.warning_message, legacy_pri -> Color.legacy_message, error_pri -> Color.error_message) def output_messages(results: Command.Results, output_state: Boolean): List[XML.Elem] = { val (states, other) = results.iterator.map(_._2).filterNot(Protocol.is_result).toList .partition(Protocol.is_state) (if (output_state) states else Nil) ::: other } /* text color */ val text_color = Map( Markup.KEYWORD1 -> Color.keyword1, Markup.KEYWORD2 -> Color.keyword2, Markup.KEYWORD3 -> Color.keyword3, Markup.QUASI_KEYWORD -> Color.quasi_keyword, Markup.IMPROPER -> Color.improper, Markup.OPERATOR -> Color.operator, Markup.STRING -> Color.main, Markup.ALT_STRING -> Color.main, Markup.CARTOUCHE -> Color.main, Markup.LITERAL -> Color.keyword1, Markup.DELIMITER -> Color.main, Markup.TFREE -> Color.tfree, Markup.TVAR -> Color.tvar, Markup.FREE -> Color.free, Markup.SKOLEM -> Color.skolem, Markup.BOUND -> Color.bound, Markup.VAR -> Color.`var`, Markup.INNER_STRING -> Color.inner_quoted, Markup.INNER_CARTOUCHE -> Color.inner_cartouche, Markup.DYNAMIC_FACT -> Color.dynamic, Markup.CLASS_PARAMETER -> Color.class_parameter, Markup.ANTIQUOTE -> Color.antiquote, Markup.RAW_TEXT -> Color.raw_text, Markup.PLAIN_TEXT -> Color.plain_text, Markup.ML_KEYWORD1 -> Color.keyword1, Markup.ML_KEYWORD2 -> Color.keyword2, Markup.ML_KEYWORD3 -> Color.keyword3, Markup.ML_DELIMITER -> Color.main, Markup.ML_NUMERAL -> Color.inner_numeral, Markup.ML_CHAR -> Color.inner_quoted, Markup.ML_STRING -> Color.inner_quoted, Markup.ML_COMMENT -> Color.comment1, Markup.COMMENT -> Color.comment1, Markup.COMMENT1 -> Color.comment1, Markup.COMMENT2 -> Color.comment2, Markup.COMMENT3 -> Color.comment3) val foreground = Map( Markup.STRING -> Color.quoted, Markup.ALT_STRING -> Color.quoted, Markup.CARTOUCHE -> Color.quoted, Markup.ANTIQUOTED -> Color.antiquoted) /* tooltips */ val tooltip_descriptions = Map( Markup.CITATION -> "citation", Markup.TOKEN_RANGE -> "inner syntax token", Markup.FREE -> "free variable", Markup.SKOLEM -> "skolem variable", Markup.BOUND -> "bound variable", Markup.VAR -> "schematic variable", Markup.TFREE -> "free type variable", Markup.TVAR -> "schematic type variable") /* entity focus */ object Focus { def apply(ids: Set[Long]): Focus = new Focus(ids) val empty: Focus = apply(Set.empty) def make(args: List[Text.Info[Focus]]): Focus = args.foldLeft(empty) { case (focus1, Text.Info(_, focus2)) => focus1 ++ focus2 } val full: Focus = new Focus(Set.empty) { override def apply(id: Long): Boolean = true override def toString: String = "Focus.full" } } sealed class Focus private[Rendering](protected val rep: Set[Long]) { def defined: Boolean = rep.nonEmpty def apply(id: Long): Boolean = rep.contains(id) def + (id: Long): Focus = if (rep.contains(id)) this else new Focus(rep + id) def ++ (other: Focus): Focus = if (this eq other) this else if (rep.isEmpty) other else other.rep.iterator.foldLeft(this)(_ + _) override def toString: String = rep.mkString("Focus(", ",", ")") } /* markup elements */ val position_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.BINDING, Markup.ENTITY, Markup.REPORT, Markup.POSITION) val semantic_completion_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.COMPLETION, Markup.NO_COMPLETION) val language_context_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.STRING, Markup.ALT_STRING, Markup.CARTOUCHE, Markup.COMMENT, Markup.LANGUAGE, Markup.ML_STRING, Markup.ML_COMMENT) val language_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.LANGUAGE) val citation_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.CITATION) val active_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.DIALOG, Markup.BROWSER, Markup.GRAPHVIEW, Markup.THEORY_EXPORTS, Markup.SENDBACK, Markup.JEDIT_ACTION, Markup.SIMP_TRACE_PANEL) val background_elements = Document_Status.Command_Status.proper_elements + Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE + Markup.STATE_MESSAGE + Markup.INFORMATION_MESSAGE + Markup.TRACING_MESSAGE + Markup.WARNING_MESSAGE + Markup.LEGACY_MESSAGE + Markup.ERROR_MESSAGE + Markup.BAD + Markup.INTENSIFY + Markup.ENTITY + Markup.Markdown_Bullet.name ++ active_elements val foreground_elements = Markup.Elements(foreground.keySet) val text_color_elements = Markup.Elements(text_color.keySet) val tooltip_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.LANGUAGE, Markup.EXPRESSION, Markup.TIMING, Markup.ENTITY, Markup.SORTING, Markup.TYPING, Markup.CLASS_PARAMETER, Markup.ML_TYPING, Markup.ML_BREAKPOINT, Markup.PATH, Markup.DOC, Markup.URL, Markup.MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH, Markup.MARKDOWN_ITEM, Markup.Markdown_List.name) ++ Markup.Elements(tooltip_descriptions.keySet) val tooltip_message_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.WRITELN, Markup.INFORMATION, Markup.WARNING, Markup.LEGACY, Markup.ERROR, Markup.BAD) val message_elements = Markup.Elements(message_pri.keySet) val warning_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.WARNING, Markup.LEGACY) val error_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.ERROR) val entity_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.ENTITY) val antiquoted_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.ANTIQUOTED) val meta_data_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.META_TITLE, Markup.META_CREATOR, Markup.META_CONTRIBUTOR, Markup.META_DATE, Markup.META_DESCRIPTION, Markup.META_LICENSE) val document_tag_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.Document_Tag.name) val markdown_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH, Markup.MARKDOWN_ITEM, Markup.Markdown_List.name, Markup.Markdown_Bullet.name) } class Rendering( val snapshot: Document.Snapshot, val options: Options, val session: Session ) { override def toString: String = "Rendering(" + snapshot.toString + ")" def get_text(range: Text.Range): Option[String] = None /* caret */ def before_caret_range(caret: Text.Offset): Text.Range = { val former_caret = snapshot.revert(caret) snapshot.convert(Text.Range(former_caret - 1, former_caret)) } /* completion */ def semantic_completion(completed_range: Option[Text.Range], caret_range: Text.Range) : Option[Text.Info[Completion.Semantic]] = if (snapshot.is_outdated) None else { snapshot.select(caret_range, Rendering.semantic_completion_elements, _ => { case Completion.Semantic.Info(info) => completed_range match { case Some(range0) if range0.contains(info.range) && range0 != info.range => None case _ => Some(info) } case _ => None }).headOption.map(_.info) } def semantic_completion_result( history: Completion.History, unicode: Boolean, completed_range: Option[Text.Range], caret_range: Text.Range ): (Boolean, Option[Completion.Result]) = { semantic_completion(completed_range, caret_range) match { case Some(Text.Info(_, Completion.No_Completion)) => (true, None) case Some(Text.Info(range, names: Completion.Names)) => get_text(range) match { case Some(original) => (false, names.complete(range, history, unicode, original)) case None => (false, None) } case None => (false, None) } } def language_context(range: Text.Range): Option[Completion.Language_Context] = snapshot.select(range, Rendering.language_context_elements, _ => { case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Language(language, symbols, antiquotes, delimited), _)) => if (delimited) Some(Completion.Language_Context(language, symbols, antiquotes)) else None case Text.Info(_, elem) if elem.name == Markup.ML_STRING || elem.name == Markup.ML_COMMENT => Some(Completion.Language_Context.ML_inner) case Text.Info(_, _) => Some(Completion.Language_Context.inner) }).headOption.map(_.info) def citations(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Info[String]] = snapshot.select(range, Rendering.citation_elements, _ => { case Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup.Citation(name), _)) => Some(Text.Info(snapshot.convert(info_range), name)) case _ => None }).map(_.info) /* file-system path completion */ def language_path(range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Info[Boolean]] = snapshot.select(range, Rendering.language_elements, _ => { case Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup.Language.Path(delimited), _)) => Some((delimited, snapshot.convert(info_range))) case _ => None }).headOption.map({ case Text.Info(_, (delimited, range)) => Text.Info(range, delimited) }) def path_completion(caret: Text.Offset): Option[Completion.Result] = { def complete(text: String): List[(String, List[String])] = { try { val path = Path.explode(text) val (dir, base_name) = if (text == "" || text.endsWith("/")) (path, "") else (path.dir, path.file_name) val directory = new JFile(session.resources.append(snapshot.node_name, dir)) val files = directory.listFiles if (files == null) Nil else { val ignore = space_explode(':', options.string("completion_path_ignore")). map(s => FileSystems.getDefault.getPathMatcher("glob:" + s)) (for { file <- files.iterator name = file.getName if name.startsWith(base_name) path_name = new JFile(name).toPath if !ignore.exists(matcher => matcher.matches(path_name)) text1 = (dir + Path.basic(name)).implode_short if text != text1 is_dir = new JFile(directory, name).isDirectory replacement = text1 + (if (is_dir) "/" else "") descr = List(text1, if (is_dir) "(directory)" else "(file)") } yield (replacement, descr)).take(options.int("completion_limit")).toList } } catch { case ERROR(_) => Nil } } def is_wrapped(s: String): Boolean = s.startsWith("\"") && s.endsWith("\"") || s.startsWith(Symbol.open_decoded) && s.endsWith(Symbol.close_decoded) for { Text.Info(r1, delimited) <- language_path(before_caret_range(caret)) s1 <- get_text(r1) (r2, s2) <- if (is_wrapped(s1)) { Some((Text.Range(r1.start + 1, r1.stop - 1), s1.substring(1, s1.length - 1))) } else if (delimited) Some((r1, s1)) else None if Path.is_valid(s2) paths = complete(s2) if paths.nonEmpty items = paths.map(p => Completion.Item(r2, s2, "", p._2, p._1, 0, false)) } yield Completion.Result(r2, s2, false, items) } /* spell checker */ - private lazy val spell_checker_include = + lazy val spell_checker_include: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements(space_explode(',', options.string("spell_checker_include")): _*) - private lazy val spell_checker_elements = - spell_checker_include ++ - Markup.Elements(space_explode(',', options.string("spell_checker_exclude")): _*) + lazy val spell_checker_exclude: Markup.Elements = + Markup.Elements(space_explode(',', options.string("spell_checker_exclude")): _*) + + lazy val spell_checker_elements: Markup.Elements = + spell_checker_include ++ spell_checker_exclude def spell_checker(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Info[Text.Range]] = { val result = snapshot.select(range, spell_checker_elements, _ => { case info => Some( if (spell_checker_include(info.info.name)) Some(snapshot.convert(info.range)) else None) }) for (Text.Info(range, Some(range1)) <- result) yield Text.Info(range, range1) } def spell_checker_point(range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Range] = spell_checker(range).headOption.map(_.info) /* text background */ def background( elements: Markup.Elements, range: Text.Range, focus: Rendering.Focus ) : List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] = { for { Text.Info(r, result) <- snapshot.cumulate[(List[Markup], Option[Rendering.Color.Value])]( range, (List(Markup.Empty), None), elements, command_states => { case ((markups, color), Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(markup, _))) if markups.nonEmpty && Document_Status.Command_Status.proper_elements(markup.name) => Some((markup :: markups, color)) case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.BAD, _), _))) => Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.bad))) case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.INTENSIFY, _), _))) => Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.intensify))) case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Entity.Occ(i), _))) if focus(i) => Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.entity))) case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Markdown_Bullet(depth), _))) => val color = depth % 4 match { case 1 => Rendering.Color.markdown_bullet1 case 2 => Rendering.Color.markdown_bullet2 case 3 => Rendering.Color.markdown_bullet3 case _ => Rendering.Color.markdown_bullet4 } Some((Nil, Some(color))) case (_, Text.Info(_, Protocol.Dialog(_, serial, result))) => command_states.collectFirst( { case st if st.results.defined(serial) => st.results.get(serial).get }) match { case Some(Protocol.Dialog_Result(res)) if res == result => Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.active_result))) case _ => Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.active))) } case (_, Text.Info(_, elem)) => if (Rendering.active_elements(elem.name)) Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.active))) else None }) color <- result match { case (markups, opt_color) if markups.nonEmpty => val status = Document_Status.Command_Status.make(markups.iterator) if (status.is_unprocessed) Some(Rendering.Color.unprocessed1) else if (status.is_running) Some(Rendering.Color.running1) else if (status.is_canceled) Some(Rendering.Color.canceled) else opt_color case (_, opt_color) => opt_color } } yield Text.Info(r, color) } /* text foreground */ def foreground(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] = snapshot.select(range, Rendering.foreground_elements, _ => { case info => Some(Rendering.foreground(info.info.name)) }) /* entity focus */ def entity_focus_defs(range: Text.Range): Rendering.Focus = Rendering.Focus.make( snapshot.cumulate(range, Rendering.Focus.empty, Rendering.entity_elements, _ => { case (focus, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Entity.Def(i), _))) => Some(focus + i) case _ => None })) def entity_focus(range: Text.Range, defs_focus: Rendering.Focus): Rendering.Focus = Rendering.Focus.make( snapshot.cumulate(range, Rendering.Focus.empty, Rendering.entity_elements, _ => { case (focus, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Entity.Ref(i), _))) if defs_focus(i) => Some(focus + i) case _ => None })) /* caret focus */ def caret_focus(caret_range: Text.Range, defs_range: Text.Range): Rendering.Focus = { val focus = entity_focus_defs(caret_range) if (focus.defined) focus else if (defs_range == Text.Range.offside) Rendering.Focus.empty else { val defs_focus = if (defs_range == Text.Range.full) Rendering.Focus.full else entity_focus_defs(defs_range) entity_focus(caret_range, defs_focus) } } def caret_focus_ranges(caret_range: Text.Range, defs_range: Text.Range): List[Text.Range] = { val focus = caret_focus(caret_range, defs_range) if (focus.defined) { snapshot.cumulate[Boolean](defs_range, false, Rendering.entity_elements, _ => { case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Entity.Occ(i), _))) if focus(i) => Some(true) case _ => None }).flatMap(info => if (info.info) Some(info.range) else None) } else Nil } /* messages */ def message_underline_color( elements: Markup.Elements, range: Text.Range ) : List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] = { val results = snapshot.cumulate[Int](range, 0, elements, _ => { case (pri, Text.Info(_, elem)) => Some(pri max Rendering.message_pri(elem.name)) }) for { Text.Info(r, pri) <- results color <- Rendering.message_underline_color.get(pri) } yield Text.Info(r, color) } def text_messages(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Info[XML.Elem]] = { val results = snapshot.cumulate[Vector[Command.Results.Entry]]( range, Vector.empty, Rendering.message_elements, command_states => { case (res, Text.Info(_, elem)) => Command.State.get_result_proper(command_states, elem.markup.properties) .map(res :+ _) }) var seen_serials = Set.empty[Long] def seen(i: Long): Boolean = { val b = seen_serials(i) seen_serials += i b } for { Text.Info(range, entries) <- results (i, elem) <- entries if !seen(i) } yield Text.Info(range, elem) } /* tooltips */ def timing_threshold: Double = 0.0 private sealed case class Tooltip_Info( range: Text.Range, timing: Timing = Timing.zero, messages: List[(Long, XML.Tree)] = Nil, rev_infos: List[(Boolean, XML.Tree)] = Nil ) { def + (t: Timing): Tooltip_Info = copy(timing = timing + t) def + (r0: Text.Range, serial: Long, tree: XML.Tree): Tooltip_Info = { val r = snapshot.convert(r0) if (range == r) copy(messages = (serial -> tree) :: messages) else copy(range = r, messages = List(serial -> tree)) } def + (r0: Text.Range, important: Boolean, tree: XML.Tree): Tooltip_Info = { val r = snapshot.convert(r0) if (range == r) copy(rev_infos = (important -> tree) :: rev_infos) else copy (range = r, rev_infos = List(important -> tree)) } def timing_info(tree: XML.Tree): Option[XML.Tree] = tree match { case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.TIMING, _), _) => if (timing.elapsed.seconds >= timing_threshold) Some(XML.Text(timing.message)) else None case _ => Some(tree) } def infos(important: Boolean): List[XML.Tree] = for { (is_important, tree) <- rev_infos.reverse if is_important == important tree1 <- timing_info(tree) } yield tree1 } def perhaps_append_file(node_name: Document.Node.Name, name: String): String = if (Path.is_valid(name)) session.resources.append(node_name, Path.explode(name)) else name def tooltips(elements: Markup.Elements, range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Info[List[XML.Tree]]] = { val results = snapshot.cumulate[Tooltip_Info](range, Tooltip_Info(range), elements, command_states => { case (info, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Timing(t), _))) => Some(info + t) case (info, Text.Info(r0, msg @ XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.BAD, Markup.Serial(i)), body))) if body.nonEmpty => Some(info + (r0, i, msg)) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), _))) if Rendering.tooltip_message_elements(name) => for ((i, tree) <- Command.State.get_result_proper(command_states, props)) yield (info + (r0, i, tree)) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Entity(kind, name), _))) if kind != "" && kind != Markup.ML_DEF => val kind1 = Word.implode(Word.explode('_', kind)) val txt1 = if (name == "") kind1 else if (kind1 == "") quote(name) else kind1 + " " + quote(name) val info1 = info + (r0, true, XML.Text(txt1)) Some(if (kind == Markup.COMMAND) info1 + (r0, true, XML.elem(Markup.TIMING)) else info1) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Path(name), _))) => val file = perhaps_append_file(snapshot.node_name, name) val text = if (name == file) "file " + quote(file) else "path " + quote(name) + "\nfile " + quote(file) Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(text))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Doc(name), _))) => val text = "doc " + quote(name) Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(text))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Url(name), _))) => Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("URL " + quote(name)))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(name, _), body))) if name == Markup.SORTING || name == Markup.TYPING => Some(info + (r0, true, Pretty.block(XML.Text("::") :: Pretty.brk(1) :: body))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.CLASS_PARAMETER, _), body))) => Some(info + (r0, true, Pretty.block(body, indent = 0))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ML_TYPING, _), body))) => Some(info + (r0, false, Pretty.block(XML.Text("ML:") :: Pretty.brk(1) :: body))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, Protocol.ML_Breakpoint(breakpoint))) => val text = if (session.debugger.breakpoint_state(breakpoint)) "breakpoint (enabled)" else "breakpoint (disabled)" Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(text))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Language(language, _, _, _), _))) => val lang = Word.implode(Word.explode('_', language)) Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("language: " + lang))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Expression(kind), _))) => val descr = if (kind == "") "expression" else "expression: " + kind Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(descr))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH, _), _))) => Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("Markdown: paragraph"))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_ITEM, _), _))) => Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("Markdown: item"))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Markdown_List(kind), _))) => Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("Markdown: " + kind))) case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(name, _), _))) => Rendering.tooltip_descriptions.get(name).map(desc => info + (r0, true, XML.Text(desc))) }).map(_.info) if (results.isEmpty) None else { val r = Text.Range(results.head.range.start, results.last.range.stop) val all_tips = results.flatMap(_.messages).foldLeft(SortedMap.empty[Long, XML.Tree])(_ + _) .iterator.map(_._2).toList ::: results.flatMap(res => res.infos(true)) ::: results.flatMap(res => res.infos(false)).lastOption.toList if (all_tips.isEmpty) None else Some(Text.Info(r, all_tips)) } } /* messages */ def warnings(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Markup] = snapshot.select(range, Rendering.warning_elements, _ => Some(_)).map(_.info) def errors(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Markup] = snapshot.select(range, Rendering.error_elements, _ => Some(_)).map(_.info) /* command status overview */ def overview_color(range: Text.Range): Option[Rendering.Color.Value] = { if (snapshot.is_outdated) None else { val results = snapshot.cumulate[List[Markup]](range, Nil, Document_Status.Command_Status.liberal_elements, _ => { case (status, Text.Info(_, elem)) => Some(elem.markup :: status) }, status = true) if (results.isEmpty) None else { val status = Document_Status.Command_Status.make(results.iterator.flatMap(_.info)) if (status.is_running) Some(Rendering.Color.running) else if (status.is_failed) Some(Rendering.Color.error) else if (status.is_warned) Some(Rendering.Color.warning) else if (status.is_unprocessed) Some(Rendering.Color.unprocessed) else None } } } /* antiquoted text */ def antiquoted(range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Range] = snapshot.cumulate[Option[Text.Range]](range, None, Rendering.antiquoted_elements, _ => { case (res, info) => if (res.isEmpty) Some(Some(info.range)) else None }).headOption.flatMap(_.info) /* meta data */ def meta_data(range: Text.Range): Properties.T = { val results = snapshot.cumulate[Properties.T](range, Nil, Rendering.meta_data_elements, _ => { case (res, Text.Info(_, elem)) => val plain_text = XML.content(elem) Some((elem.name -> plain_text) :: res) }) Library.distinct(results.flatMap(_.info.reverse)) } /* document tags */ def document_tags(range: Text.Range): List[String] = { val results = snapshot.cumulate[List[String]](range, Nil, Rendering.document_tag_elements, _ => { case (res, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Document_Tag(name), _))) => Some(name :: res) case _ => None }) Library.distinct(results.flatMap(_.info.reverse)) } } diff --git a/src/Pure/PIDE/text.scala b/src/Pure/PIDE/text.scala --- a/src/Pure/PIDE/text.scala +++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/text.scala @@ -1,189 +1,191 @@ /* Title: Pure/PIDE/text.scala Author: Fabian Immler, TU Munich Author: Makarius Basic operations on plain text. */ package isabelle import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.Sorting object Text { /* offset */ type Offset = Int /* range -- with total quasi-ordering */ object Range { def apply(start: Offset): Range = Range(start, start) + def length(text: CharSequence): Range = Range(0, text.length) + val zero: Range = apply(0) val full: Range = apply(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2) val offside: Range = apply(-1) object Ordering extends scala.math.Ordering[Range] { def compare(r1: Range, r2: Range): Int = r1 compare r2 } } sealed case class Range(start: Offset, stop: Offset) { // denotation: {start} Un {i. start < i & i < stop} if (start > stop) error("Bad range: [" + start.toString + ".." + stop.toString + "]") override def toString: String = "[" + start.toString + ".." + stop.toString + "]" def length: Offset = stop - start def map(f: Offset => Offset): Range = Range(f(start), f(stop)) def +(i: Offset): Range = if (i == 0) this else map(_ + i) def -(i: Offset): Range = if (i == 0) this else map(_ - i) def is_singularity: Boolean = start == stop def inflate_singularity: Range = if (is_singularity) Range(start, start + 1) else this def touches(i: Offset): Boolean = start <= i && i <= stop def contains(i: Offset): Boolean = start == i || start < i && i < stop def contains(that: Range): Boolean = this.contains(that.start) && that.stop <= this.stop def overlaps(that: Range): Boolean = this.contains(that.start) || that.contains(this.start) def compare(that: Range): Int = if (overlaps(that)) 0 else this.start compare that.start def apart(that: Range): Boolean = (this.start max that.start) > (this.stop min that.stop) def restrict(that: Range): Range = Range(this.start max that.start, this.stop min that.stop) def try_restrict(that: Range): Option[Range] = if (this apart that) None else Some(restrict(that)) def try_join(that: Range): Option[Range] = if (this apart that) None else Some(Range(this.start min that.start, this.stop max that.stop)) def substring(text: String): String = text.substring(start, stop) def try_substring(text: String): Option[String] = try { Some(substring(text)) } catch { case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => None } } /* perspective */ object Perspective { val empty: Perspective = Perspective(Nil) def full: Perspective = Perspective(List(Range.full)) def apply(ranges: List[Range]): Perspective = { val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[Range] var last: Option[Range] = None def ship(next: Option[Range]): Unit = { result ++= last; last = next } for (range <- ranges.sortBy(_.start)) { last match { case None => ship(Some(range)) case Some(last_range) => last_range.try_join(range) match { case None => ship(Some(range)) case joined => last = joined } } } ship(None) new Perspective(result.toList) } } final class Perspective private( val ranges: List[Range] // visible text partitioning in canonical order ) { def is_empty: Boolean = ranges.isEmpty def range: Range = - if (is_empty) Range(0) + if (is_empty) Range.zero else Range(ranges.head.start, ranges.last.stop) override def hashCode: Int = ranges.hashCode override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Perspective => ranges == other.ranges case _ => false } override def toString: String = ranges.toString } /* information associated with text range */ sealed case class Info[A](range: Range, info: A) { def restrict(r: Range): Info[A] = Info(range.restrict(r), info) def try_restrict(r: Range): Option[Info[A]] = range.try_restrict(r).map(Info(_, info)) def map[B](f: A => B): Info[B] = Info(range, f(info)) } type Markup = Info[XML.Elem] /* editing */ object Edit { def insert(start: Offset, text: String): Edit = new Edit(true, start, text) def remove(start: Offset, text: String): Edit = new Edit(false, start, text) def inserts(start: Offset, text: String): List[Edit] = if (text == "") Nil else List(insert(start, text)) def removes(start: Offset, text: String): List[Edit] = if (text == "") Nil else List(remove(start, text)) def replace(start: Offset, old_text: String, new_text: String): List[Edit] = if (old_text == new_text) Nil else removes(start, old_text) ::: inserts(start, new_text) } final class Edit private(val is_insert: Boolean, val start: Offset, val text: String) { override def toString: String = (if (is_insert) "Insert(" else "Remove(") + (start, text).toString + ")" /* transform offsets */ private def transform(do_insert: Boolean, i: Offset): Offset = if (i < start) i else if (do_insert) i + text.length else (i - text.length) max start def convert(i: Offset): Offset = transform(is_insert, i) def revert(i: Offset): Offset = transform(!is_insert, i) /* edit strings */ private def insert(i: Offset, string: String): String = string.substring(0, i) + text + string.substring(i) private def remove(i: Offset, count: Offset, string: String): String = string.substring(0, i) + string.substring(i + count) def can_edit(string: String, shift: Offset): Boolean = shift <= start && start < shift + string.length def edit(string: String, shift: Offset): (Option[Edit], String) = if (!can_edit(string, shift)) (Some(this), string) else if (is_insert) (None, insert(start - shift, string)) else { val i = start - shift val count = text.length min (string.length - i) val rest = if (count == text.length) None else Some(Edit.remove(start, text.substring(count))) (rest, remove(i, count, string)) } } }

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