diff --git a/admin/site/themes/afp/assets/sass/main.scss b/admin/site/themes/afp/assets/sass/main.scss --- a/admin/site/themes/afp/assets/sass/main.scss +++ b/admin/site/themes/afp/assets/sass/main.scss @@ -1,1088 +1,1092 @@ //colors $theme: hsl(242, 27%, 24%); $theme-hover: hsl(241, 26%, 36%); $theme-lightest: hsl(261, 36%, 86%); $theme-focus: #acabcf; $link: #0645ad; $link-hover: #0000ee; $link-visited: #42047c; $white: #fff; $lightest-grey: #f2f2f2; $lighter-grey: #ddd; $light-grey: #bbb; $dark-grey: #777; $darker-grey: #555; $darkest-grey: #303030; $black: #000; $black_15: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); //fonts $sans-serif: "Open Sans", sans-serif; $monospace: "Consolas", monospace; $OpenSans: "Open Sans"; $light: 300; $normal: 400; $bold: 700; $border-bottom: 2px $darker-grey solid; %code { font-family: $monospace; background-color: $lightest-grey; color: $darkest-grey; } %button { border: 1px solid $dark-grey; font-size: 1rem; vertical-align: middle; background-color: $white; color: $black; line-height: 0; font-family: $sans-serif; } %button-image { position: relative; top: 0.12em; left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } %sticky { position: sticky; top: 0; background-color: $white; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } @font-face { font-family: $OpenSans; font-display: swap; font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; src: local(""), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-300.woff2") format("woff2"), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-300.woff") format("woff"); } @font-face { font-family: $OpenSans; font-display: swap; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local(""), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-regular.woff2") format("woff2"), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-regular.woff") format("woff"); } @font-face { font-family: $OpenSans; font-display: swap; font-style: italic; font-weight: 400; src: local(""), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-italic.woff2") format("woff2"), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-italic.woff") format("woff"); } @font-face { font-family: $OpenSans; font-display: swap; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; src: local(""), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-700.woff2") format("woff2"), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-700.woff") format("woff"); } @font-face { font-family: $OpenSans; font-display: swap; font-style: italic; font-weight: 700; src: local(""), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-700italic.woff2") format("woff2"), url("/font/open-sans-v18-latin-700italic.woff") format("woff"); } *::selection { background-color: $theme; color: $white; } body { color: $black; background: $white; font-family: $sans-serif; display: grid; grid-template-columns: #{"max(20%, 200px)"} 1fr; grid-template-areas: "sidebar content"; justify-items: center; margin: 0; } aside { grid-area: sidebar; background-color: $theme; width: 20vw; margin: 0; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; min-width: 200px; word-break: break-all; overflow-y: auto; color: $white; nav { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; height: 100vh; } ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; } li { padding: 0.5em 2rem; &:hover { background-color: $theme-hover; } } .active { background-color: $theme-hover; } div > a { display: block; text-align: center; } a:not(.entity_ref) { &:link, &:visited { color: $white; } &:focus { outline: 1px $theme-focus solid; outline-offset: 3.5px; } } hr { margin: 2rem; border: none; border-top: 2px solid $dark-grey; } } .logo { width: 40%; height: auto; padding: 10%; max-width: 160px; } li { margin: 0.25em 0; } header { border-bottom: $border-bottom; margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 0.5rem 0; > div { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; padding: 0.5rem 0; } form { padding: 0.5rem 0; float: right; } h1 { padding: 0.5rem 0; margin: 0; clear: both; line-height: 2.75rem; } #search-input { height: 2rem; padding: 7px; width: 175px; } #search-button { height: 2rem; padding: 7px; width: 2rem; &:hover { background-color: $lighter-grey; } &:active { background-color: $light-grey; } } div p { margin: 0; } } .content { grid-area: content; margin: 0 auto 2rem; width: 50vw; min-width: 550px; div { line-height: 1.35em; width: 100%; h1 { border-bottom: $border-bottom; } } > div { form { margin: 2rem auto 0; width: 50%; min-width: 290px; padding: 1rem 0; } #search-button { height: 2.5rem; width: 25%; min-width: 70px; background: $theme; color: $white; border: 1px $theme solid; } #search-input { height: 2.5rem; width: 75%; } } .popup { background: $white; box-shadow: 0 0 8px 0 $black_15, 0 4px 10px 0 $black_15; padding: 2.5rem; display: block; width: auto; min-width: 300px; max-width: 90vw; max-height: 75vh; position: fixed; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); overflow-y: auto; } .chart { min-width: 400px; width: 100%; min-height: 400px; max-height: 50vh; background: $white; margin: 20px auto 40px; border: 1px solid $black; position: relative; } .statsnumber { text-align: right; padding-right: 1rem; } ul { list-style-type: none; } li { word-break: break-all; } li::before { content: "–"; position: absolute; margin-left: -1.3em; } } .entries { > div { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr; } main { padding-right: 2%; max-width: 90ch; div { margin: 1rem 0; } } nav { width: 130px; margin-left: auto; h4 { color: $darker-grey; font-weight: $normal; } } } .theories { grid-template-columns: 20% 80%; justify-content: normal; .collapsible.collapsed { display: none; } .invertible.collapsed { transform: scale(1,-1); } .collapse-container.collapsed { .collapsible { display: none; } .invertible { transform: scale(1,-1); } } .content { min-width: clamp(80ch,50vw, 50vw); width: auto; max-width: 75vw; margin: 0 0 2rem 4vw; } h2 { @extend %sticky; padding-top: 0.5rem; border-bottom: 1px $light-grey solid; svg { height: 2rem; width: 20px; position: absolute; right: 1em; stroke: $dark-grey; transition: transform 100ms; } } main { > div { margin-bottom: 1rem; } } aside { word-break: normal; z-index: 1; overflow-x: hidden; .logo { padding-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 2rem; width: 100px; @media (min-width: 1800px) { width: 150px; } } > div { margin-right: 1rem; } &:hover { min-width: fit-content; div { min-width: fit-content; } } ul { margin-left: 1.75rem; } li { padding: 0; &:hover { background-color: $theme; } > a:hover { background-color: $theme-hover; } a { padding: 0.5em 0; display: inline-block; width: 100%; } } } @media (max-width: 875px) { padding: 0; grid-template-columns: 1fr; .content { min-width: 350px; max-width: 100vw; margin: 80px 0; } nav { display: none; } } } .links { button { display: inline-block; margin: 0.5rem 0; } a { display: inline-block; margin: 0.5rem 0; } } .popup-button:not(.entity_ref) { &:visited { color: $white; } &:link { border: none; padding: 0.75rem 0; background-color: $theme; color: $white; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; transition: background-color 200ms ease, transform 150ms ease; font-weight: $bold; font-size: 0.9rem; width: 130px; } &:active { transform: scale(0.98); } } a:not(.entity_ref) { &:link { color: $link; text-decoration: none; font-weight: $bold; } &:visited { color: $link-visited; } &:hover { color: $link-hover; } } h1 { margin: 1.5em 0 0 0; font-size: 2em; padding-bottom: 20px; span.first { font-size: 2.3rem; } } h2 { margin: 1.5em 0 0 0; padding: 0; line-height: normal; } h3 { margin: 1.5em 0 0 0; font-stretch: normal; font-size: larger; padding: 0; font-weight: $light; &:first-child { margin: 0.5rem 0 0 0; } } h4 { margin: 1.5em 0 0 0; margin-bottom: 0.5ex; font-weight: $bold; } .popup { h2 { margin-top: 0; } .close { position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; top: 2rem; right: 2rem; transition: all 200ms; font-size: 24px; font-weight: $bold; color: $darker-grey; text-align: center; &:hover { color: $darkest-grey; } } } #download-popup { a[download] { display: block; width: 154px; margin: 2.5rem auto 0; } } .year { @extend %sticky; padding-top: 2rem; border-bottom: $border-bottom; } img { max-width: 90%; } pre { @extend %code; padding: 1rem; overflow: auto; &.bibtex { white-space: pre; border-width: thin; border-style: solid; } &.code { white-space: pre; padding: 10px 2px; } } code { padding: 1px 2px 2px; @extend %code; } blockquote { border: 2px solid $lighter-grey; padding: 1rem 2rem; margin: auto 0; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: $lightest-grey; } .nobr { white-space: nowrap; } .large-top-margin { margin-top: 48px; } .search-page { > div { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 3fr #{"max(25%, 175px)"}; grid-template-rows: 150px 1fr; grid-template-areas: "search search" "entries sidebar"; } form { grid-area: search; } #search-main { grid-area: entries; padding-right: 2rem; box-sizing: border-box; } #search-results { > div { position: relative; margin: 1.5rem 0; border-bottom: 2px $lighter-grey solid; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; } div + div { margin-top: 1rem; } .title, .subtitle { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .subtitle { color: $dark-grey; font-size: 0.875em; > p { margin: 0; } } a[download] { padding: 5px 7.5px; flex-shrink: 0; margin-left: 1em; } } #search-sidebar { grid-area: sidebar; } } a[download] { display: inline-block; color: $black; height: 22px; padding: 4px 7px; @extend %button; &:focus { outline: none; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #c5c4ddbb; } &:hover, &:active { background-color: $light-grey; color: $black; } &:after { content: url("/images/download.svg"); @extend %button-image; } } .entry { display: flex; align-items: center; margin-top: 1.35rem; a[download] { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; } .date { text-align: right; width: 15%; min-width: 6ch; font-family: $monospace; } h5 { font-size: initial; display: initial; } } .form-container { width: 290px; text-align: left; } #search-input { @extend %button; border-right: none; font-family: $sans-serif; padding: 0.5em; } #search-button:not(.entity_ref) { @extend %button; cursor: pointer; &:focus { outline: none; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #c5c4ddbb; } img { max-width: 1rem; } } +.entity_def.active { + background-color: $theme-focus; +} + button { @extend %button; height: 2rem; padding: 7px; font-weight: $bold; cursor: pointer; &:hover { background-color: $lighter-grey; } &:active { background-color: $light-grey; } &:focus { outline: none; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #c5c4ddbb; } } button[copy] { &:after { content: url("/images/copy.svg"); @extend %button-image; } } #search-input-autocomplete-list { width: 214px; position: absolute; margin-bottom: 24px; padding: 8px 0; background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $lighter-grey; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px $black_15; z-index: 1; div { width: auto; padding: 8px 12px; line-height: 16px; cursor: pointer; &:hover { background: $lighter-grey; } } } .autocomplete-active { background: $lighter-grey; } .item-text { width: 85%; } .date { color: $darker-grey; font-size: 14px; } .overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: $black_15; transition: opacity 200ms; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; .cancel { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; cursor: pointer; } &:target { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } } .status-ok { background-color: #00FF99; padding: 8px; } .status-skipped { background-color: #FFFF99; padding: 8px; } .status-failed { background-color: #DD2222; padding: 8px; } iframe { width: 100%; height: 90vh; } .loader { margin: 24px 24px 0 0; height: 6px; position: relative; display: block; background-color: $theme; border-radius: 4px; overflow: hidden; .animation { background-color: $light-grey; &:before { content: ''; position: absolute; background-color: inherit; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; will-change: left, right; animation: loader 2s linear infinite; } } } @keyframes loader { 0% { left: -20%; right: 100%; } 100% { left: 100%; right: -20%; } } #menu-toggle { input, label { display: none; } > .logo-link, img[alt="Search"] { display: none; } > #menu { box-shadow: 0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,.15); } form { display: none; } } @media (max-width: 650px) { .content { width: 90%; min-width: 350px; } .search-page { > div { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr; grid-template-rows: 150px auto auto ; grid-template-areas: 'search' 'sidebar' 'entries'; } } } @media (max-width: 875px) { body { grid-template-columns: 1fr; grid-template-areas: 'content'; } aside { height: 4rem; width: 100vw; overflow-y: visible; z-index: 1; } header { form { display: none; } } .content { margin-top: 80px; } .entries { > div { display: grid; grid-template-rows: auto auto; grid-template-columns: 1fr; } nav { margin-left: 0; } } .large-top-margin { margin-top: 0; } #banner { left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 75px; p { line-height: normal; margin: 1rem; } } #menu-toggle { background: $theme; display: block; position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1; height: 80px; user-select: none; width: 100vw; a { text-decoration: none; transition: color 0.3s ease; } .logo-link { height: 3rem; max-width: 50vw; top: 1rem; left: 0; right: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; img { padding: 0; height: 3rem; object-fit: contain; } } .logo-link, input, label, a[href="/search"] { display: block; position: absolute; z-index: 2; } input, label, a[href="/search"] { width: 24px; height: 24px; top: 28px; } input,label { left: 28px; cursor: pointer; } a[href="/search"] { right: 28px; filter: invert(1); } a[href="/search"] img, label img { width: 100%; } input { opacity: 0; &:checked { ~ nav { left: 0; } } } label span { display: none; } } #menu { height: 100vh; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; padding-top: 80px; box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 200px; width: 50vw; max-width: 350px; min-height: 355px; background: $theme; left: -100%; transition: left 0.3s ease; .logo-link { display: none; } } } diff --git a/admin/site/themes/afp/layouts/partials/theory-navigation.html b/admin/site/themes/afp/layouts/partials/theory-navigation.html --- a/admin/site/themes/afp/layouts/partials/theory-navigation.html +++ b/admin/site/themes/afp/layouts/partials/theory-navigation.html @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ {{- $entry_name := .File.BaseFileName -}} {{- $site := . -}} {{- $path := .Site.Params.afpUrls.html -}} {{- if isset .Site.Data "status" -}} {{- $path = .Site.Params.afpUrls.htmlDevel -}} {{- end -}} diff --git a/admin/site/themes/afp/static/js/scroll-spy.js b/admin/site/themes/afp/static/js/scroll-spy.js --- a/admin/site/themes/afp/static/js/scroll-spy.js +++ b/admin/site/themes/afp/static/js/scroll-spy.js @@ -1,130 +1,134 @@ /** * Scrollspy, inspired from bootstrap. Original license: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bootstrap (v5.1.3): scrollspy.js * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE) * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const EVENT_SPY_ACTIVATE = 'activate.spy' const CLASS_ACTIVE = 'active' const CLASS_SPY_LINK = 'spy-link' /** * Class definition */ class ScrollSpy { - constructor(element, target, offset = 10) { + constructor(element, target, offset = 0.5) { ScrollSpy.instance = this this._element = element this._offset = offset this._offsets = [] this._link_ids = [] this._active_id = null this._scrollHeight = 0 this._target = target window.onscroll = () => this._process() this.refresh() this._process() } refresh() { this._clear() this._offsets = [] this._link_ids = [] this._scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight() const targets = [] for (const link of document.getElementById(this._target).getElementsByClassName(CLASS_SPY_LINK)) { // visible and has id if (link.id && !is_collapsed(link)) { const target_id = link.getAttribute('href').slice(1) const target = document.getElementById(target_id) if (target) { const targetBCR = target.getBoundingClientRect() if (targetBCR.width || targetBCR.height) { targets.push([targetBCR.top + window.pageYOffset, link.id]) } } } } for (const item of targets.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0])) { this._offsets.push(item[0]) this._link_ids.push(item[1]) } } // Private _getScrollHeight() { return window.scrollHeight || Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight ) } _process() { - const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset + this._offset + const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset + this._offset * window.innerHeight const scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight() - const maxScroll = this._offset + scrollHeight - window.innerHeight + const maxScroll = this._offset * window.innerHeight + scrollHeight - window.innerHeight if (this._scrollHeight !== scrollHeight) { this.refresh() } if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) { const target_id = this._link_ids[this._link_ids.length - 1] if (this._active_id !== target_id) { this._activate(target_id) } return } if (this._active_id && scrollTop < this._offsets[0] && this._offsets[0] > 0) { this._clear() return } for (let i = this._offsets.length; i--;) { const isActiveTarget = this._active_id !== this._link_ids[i] && scrollTop >= this._offsets[i] && (typeof this._offsets[i + 1] === 'undefined' || scrollTop < this._offsets[i + 1]) if (isActiveTarget) { this._activate(this._link_ids[i]) } } } _activate(link_id) { this._clear() this._active_id = link_id const link = document.getElementById(link_id) if (link) { + const elem = document.getElementById(link.getAttribute('href').slice(1)) link.classList.add(CLASS_ACTIVE) + elem.classList.add(CLASS_ACTIVE) const event = new Event(EVENT_SPY_ACTIVATE) event.relatedTarget = link window.dispatchEvent(event) } } _clear() { if (this._active_id) { const link = document.getElementById(this._active_id) - if (link && link.classList.contains(CLASS_ACTIVE)) { - link.classList.remove(CLASS_ACTIVE) + if (link) { + const elem = document.getElementById(link.getAttribute('href').slice(1)) + if (link.classList.contains(CLASS_ACTIVE)) link.classList.remove(CLASS_ACTIVE) + if (elem.classList.contains(CLASS_ACTIVE)) elem.classList.remove(CLASS_ACTIVE) } } } static instance } \ No newline at end of file