diff --git a/thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy b/thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy --- a/thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy +++ b/thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy @@ -1,808 +1,808 @@ (****************************************************************************** * Isabelle/C * * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Université Paris-Saclay, Univ. Paris-Sud, France * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************) section \Evaluation Scheduling\ theory C_Eval imports C_Parser_Language C_Parser_Annotation begin subsection \Evaluation Engine for the Core Language\ \ \\<^file>\~~/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML\: \<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Parser_Language\\ ML \ \\<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Environment\\ \ structure C_Stack = struct type 'a stack_elem = (LALR_Table.state, 'a, Position.T) C_Env.stack_elem0 type stack_data = (LALR_Table.state, C_Grammar.Tokens.svalue0, Position.T) C_Env.stack0 type stack_data_elem = (LALR_Table.state, C_Grammar.Tokens.svalue0, Position.T) C_Env.stack_elem0 fun map_svalue0 f (st, (v, pos1, pos2)) = (st, (f v, pos1, pos2)) structure Data_Lang = struct val empty' = ([], C_Env.empty_env_lang) structure Data_Lang = Generic_Data ( type T = (stack_data * C_Env.env_lang) option val empty = NONE val merge = K empty ) open Data_Lang fun get' context = case get context of NONE => empty' | SOME data => data fun setmp data f context = put (get context) (f (put data context)) end structure Data_Tree_Args : GENERIC_DATA_ARGS = struct type T = Position.report_text list * C_Env.error_lines val empty = ([], []) - fun merge ((l11, l12), (l21, l22)) = (l11 @ l21, l12 @ l22) + fun merge ((l11, l12), (l21, l22)) = (Library.merge (op =) (l11, l21), Library.merge (op =) (l12, l22)) end structure Data_Tree = Generic_Data (Data_Tree_Args) fun setmp_tree f context = let val x = Data_Tree.get context val context = f (Data_Tree.put Data_Tree_Args.empty context) in (Data_Tree.get context, Data_Tree.put x context) end fun stack_exec0 f {context, reports_text, error_lines} = let val ((reports_text', error_lines'), context) = setmp_tree f context in { context = context , reports_text = append reports_text' reports_text , error_lines = append error_lines' error_lines } end fun stack_exec env_dir data_put = stack_exec0 o Data_Lang.setmp (SOME (apsnd (C_Env.map_env_directives (K env_dir)) data_put)) end \ ML \ \\<^file>\~~/src/Pure/ML/ml_context.ML\\ (* Author: Frédéric Tuong, Université Paris-Saclay Analogous to: (* Title: Pure/ML/ml_context.ML Author: Makarius ML context and antiquotations. *)*) \ structure C_Context0 = struct (* theory data *) type env_direct = bool (* internal result for conditional directives: branch skipping *) * (C_Env.env_directives * C_Env.env_tree) structure Directives = Generic_Data ( type T = (Position.T list * serial * ( (* evaluated during lexing phase *) (C_Lex.token_kind_directive -> env_direct -> C_Env.antiq_language list (* nested annotations from the input *) * env_direct (*NOTE: remove the possibility of returning a too modified env?*)) * (* evaluated during parsing phase *) (C_Lex.token_kind_directive -> C_Env.env_propagation_directive))) Symtab.table val empty = Symtab.empty val merge = Symtab.join (K #2) ); end \ ML \ \\<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Environment\\ \ structure C_Hook = struct fun add_stream0 (syms_shift, syms, ml_exec) stream_hook = case fold (fn _ => fn (eval1, eval2) => (case eval2 of e2 :: eval2 => (e2, eval2) | [] => ([], [])) |>> (fn e1 => e1 :: eval1)) syms_shift ([], stream_hook) of (eval1, eval2) => fold cons eval1 (case eval2 of e :: es => ((syms_shift, syms, ml_exec) :: e) :: es | [] => [[(syms_shift, syms, ml_exec)]]) fun advance00 stack ml_exec = case ml_exec of (_, C_Env.Bottom_up (C_Env.Exec_annotation exec), env_dir, _) => (fn arg => C_Env.map_env_tree (C_Stack.stack_exec env_dir (stack, #env_lang arg) (exec NONE)) arg) | (_, C_Env.Bottom_up (C_Env.Exec_directive exec), env_dir, _) => C_Env.map_env_lang_tree (curry (exec NONE env_dir)) | ((pos, _), C_Env.Top_down exec, env_dir, _) => tap (fn _ => warning ("Missing navigation, evaluating as bottom-up style instead of top-down" ^ Position.here pos)) #> (fn arg => C_Env.map_env_tree (C_Stack.stack_exec env_dir (stack, #env_lang arg) (exec NONE)) arg) fun advance0 stack (_, syms_reduce, ml_exec) = let val len = length syms_reduce in if len = 0 then I #>> advance00 stack ml_exec else let val len = len - 1 in fn (arg, stack_ml) => if length stack_ml - 2 <= len then ( C_Env.map_stream_hook_excess (add_stream0 (map_range I (len - length stack_ml + 2), syms_reduce, ml_exec)) arg , stack_ml) |> tap (fn _ => warning ("Navigation out of bounds, " ^ (if length stack_ml <= len then "maximum depth" else "internal value") ^ " reached (" ^ Int.toString (len - length stack_ml + 3) ^ " in excess)" ^ Position.here (Symbol_Pos.range syms_reduce |> Position.range_position))) else (arg, nth_map len (cons ml_exec) stack_ml) end end fun advance stack = (fn f => fn (arg, stack_ml) => f (#stream_hook arg) (arg, stack_ml)) (fn [] => I | l :: ls => fold_rev (advance0 stack) l #>> C_Env.map_stream_hook (K ls)) fun add_stream exec = C_Env.map_stream_hook (add_stream0 exec) end \ ML \ \\<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Lexer_Language\\ \ structure C_Grammar_Lexer : ARG_LEXER1 = struct structure LALR_Lex_Instance = struct type ('a,'b) token = ('a, 'b) C_Grammar.Tokens.token type pos = Position.T type arg = C_Grammar.Tokens.arg type svalue0 = C_Grammar.Tokens.svalue0 type svalue = arg -> svalue0 * arg type state = C_Grammar.ParserData.LALR_Table.state end type stack = (LALR_Lex_Instance.state, LALR_Lex_Instance.svalue0, LALR_Lex_Instance.pos) C_Env.stack' fun makeLexer ((stack, stack_ml, stack_pos, stack_tree), arg) = let val (token, arg) = C_Env_Ext.map_stream_lang' (fn (st, []) => (NONE, (st, [])) | (st, x :: xs) => (SOME x, (st, xs))) arg fun return0' f = (arg, stack_ml) |> C_Hook.advance stack |> f |> (fn (arg, stack_ml) => rpair ((stack, stack_ml, stack_pos, stack_tree), arg)) fun return0 x = \ \Warning: \C_Hook.advance\ must not be early evaluated here, as it might generate undesirable markup reporting (in annotation commands).\ \ \Todo: Arrange \C_Hook.advance\ as a pure function, so that the overall could be eta-simplified.\ return0' I x val encoding = fn C_Lex.Encoding_L => true | _ => false open C_Ast fun token_err pos1 pos2 src = C_Grammar_Tokens.token_of_string (C_Grammar.Tokens.error (pos1, pos2)) (ClangCVersion0 (From_string src)) (CChar (From_char_hd "0") false) (CFloat (From_string src)) (CInteger 0 DecRepr (Flags 0)) (CString0 (From_string src, false)) (Ident (From_string src, 0, OnlyPos NoPosition (NoPosition, 0))) src pos1 pos2 src open C_Scan in case token of NONE => return0 (C_Grammar.Tokens.x25_eof (Position.none, Position.none)) | SOME (Left (antiq_raw, l_antiq)) => makeLexer ( (stack, stack_ml, stack_pos, stack_tree) , (arg, false) |> fold (fn C_Env.Antiq_stack (_, C_Env.Parsing ((syms_shift, syms), ml_exec)) => I #>> C_Hook.add_stream (syms_shift, syms, ml_exec) | C_Env.Antiq_stack (_, C_Env.Never) => I ##> K true | _ => I) l_antiq |> (fn (arg, false) => arg | (arg, true) => C_Env_Ext.map_stream_ignored (cons (Left antiq_raw)) arg)) | SOME (Right (tok as C_Lex.Token (_, (C_Lex.Directive dir, _)))) => makeLexer ( (stack, stack_ml, stack_pos, stack_tree) , arg |> let val context = C_Env_Ext.get_context arg in fold (fn dir_tok => C_Hook.add_stream ( [] , [] , ( Position.no_range , C_Env.Bottom_up (C_Env.Exec_directive (dir |> (case Symtab.lookup (C_Context0.Directives.get context) (C_Lex.content_of dir_tok) of NONE => K (K (K I)) | SOME (_, _, (_, exec)) => exec))) , Symtab.empty , true))) (C_Lex.directive_cmds dir) end |> C_Env_Ext.map_stream_ignored (cons (Right tok))) | SOME (Right (C_Lex.Token ((pos1, pos2), (tok, src)))) => case tok of C_Lex.String (C_Lex.Encoding_file (SOME err), _) => return0' (apfst (C_Env.map_env_tree (C_Env.map_error_lines (cons (err ^ Position.here pos1))))) (token_err pos1 pos2 src) | _ => return0 (case tok of C_Lex.Char (b, [c]) => C_Grammar.Tokens.cchar (CChar (From_char_hd (case c of Left (c, _) => c | _ => chr 0)) (encoding b), pos1, pos2) | C_Lex.String (b, s) => C_Grammar.Tokens.cstr (CString0 ( From_string ( implode (map (fn Left (s, _) => s | Right _ => chr 0) s)) , encoding b) , pos1 , pos2) | C_Lex.Integer (i, repr, flag) => C_Grammar.Tokens.cint ( CInteger i (case repr of C_Lex.Repr_decimal => DecRepr0 | C_Lex.Repr_hexadecimal => HexRepr0 | C_Lex.Repr_octal => OctalRepr0) (C_Lex.read_bin (fold (fn flag => map (fn (bit, flag0) => ( if flag0 = (case flag of C_Lex.Flag_unsigned => FlagUnsigned0 | C_Lex.Flag_long => FlagLong0 | C_Lex.Flag_long_long => FlagLongLong0 | C_Lex.Flag_imag => FlagImag0) then "1" else bit , flag0))) flag ([FlagUnsigned, FlagLong, FlagLongLong, FlagImag] |> rev |> map (pair "0")) |> map #1) |> Flags) , pos1 , pos2) | C_Lex.Float s => C_Grammar.Tokens.cfloat (CFloat (From_string (implode (map #1 s))), pos1, pos2) | C_Lex.Ident _ => let val (name, arg) = C_Grammar_Rule_Lib.getNewName arg val ident0 = C_Grammar_Rule_Lib.mkIdent (C_Grammar_Rule_Lib.posOf' false (pos1, pos2)) src name in if C_Grammar_Rule_Lib.isTypeIdent src arg then C_Grammar.Tokens.tyident (ident0, pos1, pos2) else C_Grammar.Tokens.ident (ident0, pos1, pos2) end | _ => token_err pos1 pos2 src) end end \ text \ This is where the instancing of the parser functor (from \<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Parser_Language\) with the lexer (from \<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Lexer_Language\) actually happens ... \ ML \ \\<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Parser_Language\\ \ structure C_Grammar_Parser = LALR_Parser_Join (structure LrParser = LALR_Parser_Eval structure ParserData = C_Grammar.ParserData structure Lex = C_Grammar_Lexer) \ ML \ \\<^file>\~~/src/Pure/ML/ml_compiler.ML\\ \ structure C_Language = struct open C_Env fun exec_tree write msg (Tree ({rule_pos, rule_type}, l_tree)) = case rule_type of Void => write msg rule_pos "VOID" NONE | Shift => write msg rule_pos "SHIFT" NONE | Reduce (rule_static, (rule0, vacuous, rule_antiq)) => write msg rule_pos ("REDUCE " ^ Int.toString rule0 ^ " " ^ (if vacuous then "X" else "O")) (SOME (C_Grammar_Rule.string_reduce rule0 ^ " " ^ C_Grammar_Rule.type_reduce rule0)) #> (case rule_static of SOME rule_static => rule_static #>> SOME | NONE => pair NONE) #-> (fn env_lang => fold (fn (stack0, env_lang0, (_, C_Env.Top_down exec, env_dir, _)) => C_Stack.stack_exec env_dir (stack0, Option.getOpt (env_lang, env_lang0)) (exec (SOME rule0)) | _ => I) rule_antiq) #> fold (exec_tree write (msg ^ " ")) l_tree fun exec_tree' l env_tree = env_tree |> fold (exec_tree let val ctxt = Context.proof_of (#context env_tree) val write = if Config.get ctxt C_Options.parser_trace andalso Context_Position.is_visible ctxt then fn f => tap (tracing o f) else K I in fn msg => fn (p1, p2) => fn s1 => fn s2 => write (fn _ => msg ^ s1 ^ " " ^ Position.here p1 ^ " " ^ Position.here p2 ^ (case s2 of SOME s2 => " " ^ s2 | NONE => "")) end "") l fun uncurry_context f pos = uncurry (fn (stack, stack_ml, stack_pos, stack_tree) => (* executing stack_tree *) (fn arg => map_env_tree' (f pos stack stack_tree (#env_lang arg)) arg) #> apfst (pair (stack, stack_ml, stack_pos, stack_tree))) fun eval env_lang start err accept stream_lang = make env_lang stream_lang #> C_Grammar_Parser.makeLexer #> C_Grammar_Parser.parse ( 0 , uncurry_context (fn (next_pos1, next_pos2) => fn stack => fn stack_tree => fn env_lang => C_Env.map_reports_text (cons ( ( Position.range_position (case hd stack of (_, (_, pos1, pos2)) => (pos1, pos2)) , Markup.bad ()) , "") #> (case rev (tl stack) of _ :: _ :: stack => append (map_filter (fn (pos1, pos2) => if Position.offset_of pos1 = Position.offset_of pos2 then NONE else SOME ((Position.range_position (pos1, pos2), Markup.intensify), "")) ((next_pos1, next_pos2) :: map (fn (_, (_, pos1, pos2)) => (pos1, pos2)) stack)) | _ => I)) #> exec_tree' (rev stack_tree) #> err env_lang stack (Position.range_position (case hd stack_tree of Tree ({rule_pos = (rule_pos1, _), ...}, _) => (rule_pos1, next_pos2)))) , Position.none , start , uncurry_context (fn _ => fn stack => fn stack_tree => fn env_lang => exec_tree' stack_tree #> accept env_lang (stack |> hd |> C_Stack.map_svalue0 C_Grammar_Rule.reduce0)) , fn (stack, arg) => arg |> map_rule_input (K stack) |> map_rule_output (K empty_rule_output) , fn (rule0, stack0, pre_ml) => fn arg => let val rule_output = #rule_output arg val env_lang = #env_lang arg val (delayed, actual) = if #output_vacuous rule_output then let fun f (_, _, _, to_delay) = to_delay in (map (filter f) pre_ml, map (filter_out f) pre_ml) end else ([], pre_ml) val actual = flat (map rev actual) in ( (delayed, map (fn x => (stack0, env_lang, x)) actual, rule_output) , fold (fn (_, C_Env.Bottom_up (C_Env.Exec_annotation exec), env_dir, _) => C_Env.map_env_tree (C_Stack.stack_exec env_dir (stack0, env_lang) (exec (SOME rule0))) | (_, C_Env.Bottom_up (C_Env.Exec_directive exec), env_dir, _) => C_Env.map_env_lang_tree (curry (exec (SOME rule0) env_dir)) | _ => I) actual arg) end) #> (fn (stream, (((stack, stack_ml, stack_pos, stack_tree), user), arg)) => let fun shift_max acc stream = let val (tok, stream) = C_Grammar_Parser.Stream.get stream in if LALR_Parser_Eval.Token.sameToken (tok, C_Grammar.Tokens.x25_eof (Position.none, Position.none)) then (acc, stream) else shift_max (tok :: acc) stream end (* executing stack_ml *) val arg = fold (fold_rev (C_Hook.advance00 stack)) stack_ml arg (* executing stream_lang *) val (_, (_, ((stack, stack_ml, _, _), arg))) = shift_max [] (stream, ((stack, [[], []], stack_pos, stack_tree), arg)) in arg (* executing stream_hook *) |> (fn arg => fold (uncurry (fn pos => fold_rev (fn (syms_shift, syms_reduce, ml_exec) => tap (fn _ => warning ("Navigation out of bounds,\ \ maximum breadth reached (" ^ Int.toString (pos + 1) ^ " in excess)" ^ Position.here (Symbol_Pos.range syms_shift |> Position.range_position))) #> C_Hook.advance0 stack (syms_shift, syms_reduce, ml_exec)))) (map_index I (#stream_hook arg)) (arg, stack_ml) |> fst) (* executing stream_hook_excess *) |> (fn arg => fold (fold_rev (fn (_, _, ml_exec) => C_Hook.advance00 stack ml_exec)) (#stream_hook_excess arg) arg) (**) |> pair user o #env_tree end) end \ subsection \Full Evaluation Engine (Core Language with Annotations)\ \ \\<^file>\~~/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML\: \<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Parser_Language\, \<^theory>\Isabelle_C.C_Parser_Annotation\\ ML \ \\<^file>\~~/src/Pure/ML/ml_context.ML\\ (* Author: Frédéric Tuong, Université Paris-Saclay Analogous to: (* Title: Pure/ML/ml_context.ML Author: Makarius ML context and antiquotations. *)*) \ structure C_Context = struct fun fun_decl a v s ctxt = let val (b, ctxt') = ML_Context.variant a ctxt; val env = "fun " ^ b ^ " " ^ v ^ " = " ^ s ^ " " ^ v ^ ";\n"; val body = ML_Context.struct_name ctxt ^ "." ^ b; fun decl (_: Proof.context) = (env, body); in (decl, ctxt') end; (* parsing *) local fun scan_antiq context syms = let val keywords = C_Thy_Header.get_keywords' (Context.proof_of context) in ( C_Parse_Read.read_antiq' keywords (C_Parse.!!! (Scan.trace (C_Annotation.parse_command (Context.theory_of context)) >> (I #>> C_Env.Antiq_stack))) syms , C_Parse_Read.read_with_commands'0 keywords syms) end fun print0 s = maps (fn C_Lex.Token (_, (t as C_Lex.Directive d, _)) => (s ^ @{make_string} t) :: print0 (s ^ " ") (C_Lex.token_list_of d) | C_Lex.Token (_, t) => [case t of (C_Lex.Char _, _) => "Text Char" | (C_Lex.String _, _) => "Text String" | _ => let val t' = @{make_string} (#2 t) in if String.size t' <= 2 then @{make_string} (#1 t) else s ^ @{make_string} (#1 t) ^ " " ^ (String.substring (t', 1, String.size t' - 2) |> Markup.markup Markup.intensify) end]) val print = tracing o cat_lines o print0 "" open C_Scan fun markup_directive ty = C_Grammar_Rule_Lib.markup_make (K NONE) (K ()) (K ty) in fun markup_directive_command data = markup_directive "directive command" (fn cons' => fn def => fn C_Ast.Left _ => cons' (Markup.keyword_properties (if def then Markup.free else Markup.keyword1)) | C_Ast.Right (_, msg, f) => tap (fn _ => Output.information msg) #> f #> cons' (Markup.keyword_properties Markup.free)) data fun directive_update (name, pos) f tab = let val pos = [pos] val data = (pos, serial (), f) val _ = Position.reports_text (markup_directive_command (C_Ast.Left (data, C_Env_Ext.list_lookup tab name)) pos name []) in Symtab.update (name, data) tab end fun markup_directive_define in_direct = C_Env.map_reports_text ooo markup_directive "directive define" (fn cons' => fn def => fn err => (if def orelse in_direct then I else cons' Markup.language_antiquotation) #> (case err of C_Ast.Left _ => I | C_Ast.Right (_, msg, f) => tap (fn _ => Output.information msg) #> f) #> (if def then cons' Markup.free else if in_direct then I else cons' Markup.antiquote)) (* evaluation *) fun eval env start err accept (ants, ants_err) {context, reports_text, error_lines} = let val error_lines = ants_err error_lines fun scan_comment tag pos (antiq as {explicit, body, ...}) cts = let val (res, l_comm) = scan_antiq context body in Left ( tag , antiq , l_comm , if forall (fn Right _ => true | _ => false) res then let val (l_msg, res) = split_list (map_filter (fn Right (msg, l_report, l_tok) => SOME (msg, (l_report, l_tok)) | _ => NONE) res) val (l_report, l_tok) = split_list res in [( C_Env.Antiq_none (C_Lex.Token (pos, ( (C_Lex.Comment o C_Lex.Comment_suspicious o SOME) ( explicit , cat_lines l_msg , if explicit then flat l_report else []) , cts))) , l_tok)] end else map (fn Left x => x | Right (msg, l_report, tok) => (C_Env.Antiq_none (C_Lex.Token ( C_Token.range_of [tok] , ( (C_Lex.Comment o C_Lex.Comment_suspicious o SOME) (explicit, msg, l_report) , C_Token.content_of tok))) , [tok])) res) end val ants = map (fn C_Lex.Token (pos, (C_Lex.Comment (C_Lex.Comment_formal antiq), cts)) => scan_comment C_Env.Comment_language pos antiq cts | tok => Right tok) ants fun map_ants f1 f2 = maps (fn Left x => f1 x | Right tok => f2 tok) val ants_none = map_ants (fn (_, _, _, l) => maps (fn (C_Env.Antiq_none x, _) => [x] | _ => []) l) (K []) ants val _ = Position.reports (maps (fn Left (_, _, _, [(C_Env.Antiq_none _, _)]) => [] | Left (_, {start, stop, range = (pos, _), ...}, _, _) => (case stop of SOME stop => cons (stop, Markup.antiquote) | NONE => I) [(start, Markup.antiquote), (pos, Markup.language_antiquotation)] | _ => []) ants); val _ = Position.reports_text (maps C_Lex.token_report ants_none @ maps (fn Left (_, _, _, [(C_Env.Antiq_none _, _)]) => [] | Left (_, _, l, ls) => maps (fn (C_Env.Antiq_stack (pos, _), _) => pos | _ => []) ls @ maps (maps (C_Token.reports (C_Thy_Header.get_keywords (Context.theory_of context)))) (l :: map #2 ls) | _ => []) ants); val error_lines = C_Lex.check ants_none error_lines; val ((ants, {context, reports_text, error_lines}), env) = C_Env_Ext.map_env_directives' (fn env_dir => let val (ants, (env_dir, env_tree)) = fold_map let fun subst_directive tok (range1 as (pos1, _)) name (env_dir, env_tree) = case Symtab.lookup env_dir name of NONE => (Right (Left tok), (env_dir, env_tree)) | SOME (data as (_, _, (exec_toks, exec_antiq))) => env_tree |> markup_directive_define false (C_Ast.Right ([pos1], SOME data)) [pos1] name |> (case exec_toks of Left exec_toks => C_Env.map_context' (exec_toks (name, range1)) #> apfst (fn toks => (toks, Symtab.update (name, ( #1 data , #2 data , (Right toks, exec_antiq))) env_dir)) | Right toks => pair (toks, env_dir)) ||> C_Env.map_context (exec_antiq (name, range1)) |-> (fn (toks, env_dir) => pair (Right (Right (pos1, map (C_Lex.set_range range1) toks))) o pair env_dir) in fn Left (tag, antiq, toks, l_antiq) => fold_map (fn antiq as (C_Env.Antiq_stack (_, C_Env.Lexing (_, exec)), _) => apsnd (C_Stack.stack_exec0 (exec C_Env.Comment_language)) #> pair antiq | (C_Env.Antiq_stack (rep, C_Env.Parsing (syms, (range, exec, _, skip))), toks) => (fn env as (env_dir, _) => ( ( C_Env.Antiq_stack (rep, C_Env.Parsing (syms, (range, exec, env_dir, skip))) , toks) , env)) | antiq => pair antiq) l_antiq #> apfst (fn l_antiq => Left (tag, antiq, toks, l_antiq)) | Right tok => case tok of C_Lex.Token (_, (C_Lex.Directive dir, _)) => pair false #> fold (fn dir_tok => let val name = C_Lex.content_of dir_tok val pos1 = [C_Lex.pos_of dir_tok] in fn env_tree as (_, (_, {context = context, ...})) => let val data = Symtab.lookup (C_Context0.Directives.get context) name in env_tree |> apsnd (apsnd (C_Env.map_reports_text (markup_directive_command (C_Ast.Right (pos1, data)) pos1 name))) |> (case data of NONE => I | SOME (_, _, (exec, _)) => exec dir #> #2) end end) (C_Lex.directive_cmds dir) #> snd #> tap (fn _ => app (fn C_Lex.Token ( (pos, _) , (C_Lex.Comment (C_Lex.Comment_formal _), _)) => (Position.reports_text [((pos, Markup.ML_comment), "")]; (* not yet implemented *) warning ("Ignored annotation in directive" ^ Position.here pos)) | _ => ()) (C_Lex.token_list_of dir)) #> pair (Right (Left tok)) | C_Lex.Token (pos, (C_Lex.Keyword, cts)) => subst_directive tok pos cts | C_Lex.Token (pos, (C_Lex.Ident _, cts)) => subst_directive tok pos cts | _ => pair (Right (Left tok)) end ants ( env_dir , {context = context, reports_text = reports_text, error_lines = error_lines}) in ((ants, env_tree), env_dir) end) env val ants_stack = map_ants (single o Left o (fn (_, a, _, l) => (a, maps (single o #1) l))) (map Right o (fn Left tok => [tok] | Right (_, toks) => toks)) ants val _ = Position.reports_text (maps (fn Right (Left tok) => C_Lex.token_report tok | Right (Right (pos, [])) => [((pos, Markup.intensify), "")] | _ => []) ants); val ctxt = Context.proof_of context val () = if Config.get ctxt C_Options.lexer_trace andalso Context_Position.is_visible ctxt then print (map_filter (fn Right x => SOME x | _ => NONE) ants_stack) else () in C_Language.eval env start err accept ants_stack {context = context, reports_text = reports_text, error_lines = error_lines} end (* derived versions *) fun eval' env start err accept ants = Context.>>> (fn context => C_Env_Ext.context_map' (eval (env context) (start context) err accept ants #> apsnd (tap (Position.reports_text o #reports_text) #> tap (#error_lines #> (fn [] => () | l => error (cat_lines (rev l)))) #> (C_Env.empty_env_tree o #context))) context) end; fun eval_source env start err accept source = eval' env (start source) err accept (C_Lex.read_source source); fun eval_source' env start err accept source = eval env (start source) err accept (C_Lex.read_source source); fun eval_in o_context env start err accept toks = Context.setmp_generic_context o_context (fn () => eval' env start err accept toks) (); fun expression struct_open range name constraint body ants context = context |> ML_Context.exec let val verbose = Config.get (Context.proof_of context) C_Options.ML_verbose in fn () => ML_Context.eval (ML_Compiler.verbose verbose ML_Compiler.flags) (#1 range) (ML_Lex.read ("Context.put_generic_context (SOME (let open " ^ struct_open ^ " val ") @ ML_Lex.read_range range name @ ML_Lex.read (": " ^ constraint ^ " =") @ ants @ ML_Lex.read ("in " ^ body ^ " end (Context.the_generic_context ())));")) end; end \ end