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LaTeX Error: File `isabelle.sty' not found. - -Type X to quit or to proceed, -or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) - -Enter file name: -! Emergency stop. - - -l.3 \usepackage - {amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb}^^M -*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes) - - -Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: - 200 strings out of 495028 - 2147 string characters out of 6181496 - 47130 words of memory out of 5000000 - 3501 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 - 3940 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 - 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 - 21i,0n,19p,175b,36s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s -! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! diff --git a/thys/Binding_Syntax_Theory/document/root.log b/thys/Binding_Syntax_Theory/document/root.log deleted file mode 100644 --- a/thys/Binding_Syntax_Theory/document/root.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2017.5.23) 11 MAR 2019 20:47 -entering extended mode - restricted \write18 enabled. - %&-line parsing enabled. -**root.tex -(./root.tex -LaTeX2e <2017-04-15> -Babel <3.10> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded. -(/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls -Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class -(/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo -File: size11.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option) -) -\c@part=\count79 -\c@section=\count80 -\c@subsection=\count81 -\c@subsubsection=\count82 -\c@paragraph=\count83 -\c@subparagraph=\count84 -\c@figure=\count85 -\c@table=\count86 -\abovecaptionskip=\skip41 -\belowcaptionskip=\skip42 -\bibindent=\dimen102 -) - -! LaTeX Error: File `isabelle.sty' not found. - -Type X to quit or to proceed, -or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) - -Enter file name: -! Emergency stop. - - -l.3 ^^M - -*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes) - - -Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: - 200 strings out of 492995 - 2161 string characters out of 6132704 - 54074 words of memory out of 5000000 - 3844 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 - 3940 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 - 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 - 21i,0n,19p,143b,36s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s -! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! diff --git a/thys/DPRM_Theorem/document/root.log b/thys/DPRM_Theorem/document/root.log deleted file mode 100644 --- a/thys/DPRM_Theorem/document/root.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (MiKTeX 21.3) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2021.3.17) 22 DEC 2021 11:27 -entering extended mode -**./root.tex -(root.tex -LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> patch level 4 -L3 programming layer <2021-02-18> xparse <2020-03-03> -(C:\Users\jonas\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\tex/latex/base\article.cls -Document Class: article 2020/04/10 v1.4m Standard LaTeX document class -(C:\Users\jonas\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\tex/latex/base\size11.clo -File: size11.clo 2020/04/10 v1.4m Standard LaTeX file (size option) -) -\c@part=\count179 -\c@section=\count180 -\c@subsection=\count181 -\c@subsubsection=\count182 -\c@paragraph=\count183 -\c@subparagraph=\count184 -\c@figure=\count185 -\c@table=\count186 -\abovecaptionskip=\skip47 -\belowcaptionskip=\skip48 -\bibindent=\dimen138 -) - -! LaTeX Error: File `isabelle.sty' not found. - -Type X to quit or to proceed, -or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) - -Enter file name: -! Emergency stop. - - -l.3 - -*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes) - - -Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: - 220 strings out of 479334 - 2664 string characters out of 2857084 - 285137 words of memory out of 3000000 - 17766 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000 - 403730 words of font info for 28 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000 - 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 - 44i,0n,50p,156b,36s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s -! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! diff --git a/thys/Incompleteness/document/root.bbl b/thys/Incompleteness/document/root.bbl deleted file mode 100644 --- a/thys/Incompleteness/document/root.bbl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -\begin{thebibliography}{1} - -\bibitem{boolos-provability} -G.~S. Boolos. -\newblock {\em The Logic of Provability}. -\newblock Cambridge University Press, 1993. - -\bibitem{goedel-I} -S.~Feferman et~al., editors. -\newblock {\em {Kurt G\"odel}: Collected Works}, volume~I. -\newblock Oxford University Press, 1986. - -\bibitem{swierczkowski-finite} -S.~{\'S}wierczkowski. -\newblock Finite sets and {G{\"o}del's} incompleteness theorems. -\newblock {\em Dis\-ser\-ta\-tiones Math\-e\-ma\-ti\-cae}, 422:1--58, 2003. -\newblock \url{http://journals.impan.gov.pl/dm/Inf/422-0-1.html}. - -\end{thebibliography} diff --git a/thys/Order_Lattice_Props/document/root.log b/thys/Order_Lattice_Props/document/root.log deleted file mode 100644 --- a/thys/Order_Lattice_Props/document/root.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2015.12.4) 21 NOV 2018 11:49 -entering extended mode - restricted \write18 enabled. - %&-line parsing enabled. -**\input root.tex -(./root.tex (/usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls -Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class -(/usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo -File: size11.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option) -) -\c@part=\count79 -\c@section=\count80 -\c@subsection=\count81 -\c@subsubsection=\count82 -\c@paragraph=\count83 -\c@subparagraph=\count84 -\c@figure=\count85 -\c@table=\count86 -\abovecaptionskip=\skip41 -\belowcaptionskip=\skip42 -\bibindent=\dimen102 -) - -! LaTeX Error: File `isabelle.sty' not found. - -Type X to quit or to proceed, -or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) - -Enter file name: -! Emergency stop. - - -l.3 ^^M - -*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes) - - -Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: - 200 strings out of 493089 - 2161 string characters out of 6134842 - 53199 words of memory out of 5000000 - 3776 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 - 3940 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 - 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 - 21i,0n,19p,150b,36s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s -! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! diff --git a/thys/Sigma_Commit_Crypto/document/root.log b/thys/Sigma_Commit_Crypto/document/root.log deleted file mode 100644 --- a/thys/Sigma_Commit_Crypto/document/root.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2019.5.1) 3 OCT 2019 09:57 -entering extended mode - restricted \write18 enabled. - %&-line parsing enabled. -**root.tex -(./root.tex -LaTeX2e <2018-12-01> -(/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls -Document Class: article 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX document class -(/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo -File: size11.clo 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX file (size option) -) -\c@part=\count80 -\c@section=\count81 -\c@subsection=\count82 -\c@subsubsection=\count83 -\c@paragraph=\count84 -\c@subparagraph=\count85 -\c@figure=\count86 -\c@table=\count87 -\abovecaptionskip=\skip41 -\belowcaptionskip=\skip42 -\bibindent=\dimen102 -) - -! LaTeX Error: File `isabelle.sty' not found. - -Type X to quit or to proceed, -or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) - -Enter file name: -! Emergency stop. - - -l.3 ^^M - -*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes) - - -Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: - 200 strings out of 492623 - 2161 string characters out of 6129553 - 59856 words of memory out of 5000000 - 4204 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 - 3940 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 - 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 - 21i,0n,19p,143b,36s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s -! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! diff --git a/thys/Stochastic_Matrices/document/root.log b/thys/Stochastic_Matrices/document/root.log deleted file mode 100644 --- a/thys/Stochastic_Matrices/document/root.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2016.9.22) 22 NOV 2017 14:57 -entering extended mode - \write18 enabled. - file:line:error style messages enabled. - %&-line parsing enabled. -**root.tex -(./root.tex -LaTeX2e <2016/03/31> -Babel <3.9r> and hyphenation patterns for 83 language(s) loaded. -(/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls -Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class -(/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo -File: size11.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option) -) -\c@part=\count79 -\c@section=\count80 -\c@subsection=\count81 -\c@subsubsection=\count82 -\c@paragraph=\count83 -\c@subparagraph=\count84 -\c@figure=\count85 -\c@table=\count86 -\abovecaptionskip=\skip41 -\belowcaptionskip=\skip42 -\bibindent=\dimen102 -) - -! LaTeX Error: File `isabelle.sty' not found. - -Type X to quit or to proceed, -or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) - -Enter file name: -./root.tex:3: Emergency stop. - - -l.3 ^^M - -End of file on the terminal! - - -Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: - 200 strings out of 493014 - 2161 string characters out of 6133351 - 53601 words of memory out of 5000000 - 3834 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 - 3940 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 - 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 - 21i,0n,19p,143b,36s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s -./root.tex:3: ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! diff --git a/thys/Undirected_Graph_Theory/document/root.log b/thys/Undirected_Graph_Theory/document/root.log deleted file mode 100644 index cc720a6cf0a77fa9efb604803c05e349b0cfcaef..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 GIT binary patch literal 0 Hc$@