diff --git a/tools/afp_check_roots.scala b/tools/afp_check_roots.scala --- a/tools/afp_check_roots.scala +++ b/tools/afp_check_roots.scala @@ -1,171 +1,170 @@ package afp import isabelle._ object AFP_Check_Roots { def print_good(string: String): Unit = println(Console.BOLD + Console.GREEN + string + Console.RESET) def print_bad(string: String): Unit = println(Console.BOLD + Console.RED + string + Console.RESET) class Check[T]( run: (Sessions.Structure, List[String]) => List[T], failure_msg: String, failure_format: T => String) { def apply(tree: Sessions.Structure, selected: List[String]): Boolean = run(tree, selected) match { case Nil => true case offenders => print_bad(failure_msg) offenders.foreach(offender => println(" " + failure_format(offender))) false } } - def afp_checks(afp_dir: Path, excludes: List[String]): List[Check[_]] = - { + def afp_checks(afp_dir: Path, excludes: List[String]): List[Check[_]] = { val check_timeout = new Check[(String, List[String])]( run = { (tree, selected) => selected.flatMap { name => val info = tree(name) val entry = info.dir.base.implode val timeout = info.options.real("timeout") if (timeout == 0 || timeout % 300 != 0) Some((entry, name)) else None }.groupBy(_._1).view.mapValues(_.map(_._2)).toList }, failure_msg = "The following entries contain sessions without timeouts or with timeouts not divisible by 300:", failure_format = { case (entry, sessions) => s"""$entry ${sessions.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}""" } ) val check_paths = new Check[(String, Path)]( run = { (tree, selected) => selected.flatMap { name => val info = tree(name) val dir = info.dir if (dir.dir.expand.file != afp_dir.file) Some((name, dir)) else None } }, failure_msg = "The following sessions are in the wrong directory:", failure_format = { case (session, dir) => s"""$session ($dir)""" } ) val check_chapter = new Check[String]( run = { (tree, selected) => selected.flatMap { name => val info = tree(name) val entry = info.dir.base.implode if (info.chapter != "AFP") Some(entry) else None }.distinct }, failure_msg = "The following entries are not in the AFP chapter:", failure_format = identity ) val check_groups = new Check[(String, List[String])]( run = { (tree, selected) => selected.flatMap { name => val info = tree(name) if (!info.groups.toSet.subsetOf(AFP.groups.keySet + "AFP") || !info.groups.contains("AFP")) Some((name, info.groups)) else None } }, failure_msg = "The following sessions have wrong groups:", failure_format = { case (session, groups) => s"""$session ${groups.mkString("{", ", ", "}")}""" } ) val check_presence = new Check[String]( run = { (tree, selected) => val fs_entries = File.read_dir(afp_dir).filterNot(excludes.contains) fs_entries.flatMap { name => if (!selected.contains(name) || tree(name).dir.base.implode != name) Some(name) else None } }, failure_msg = "The following entries (according to the file system) are not registered in ROOTS, or registered in the wrong ROOT:", failure_format = identity ) List( check_timeout, // check_paths, check_chapter, check_groups, check_presence) } def afp_check_roots(afp_dir: Path, excludes: List[String]): Unit = { val full_tree = Sessions.load_structure(Options.init(), Nil, List(afp_dir)) val selected = full_tree.build_selection(Sessions.Selection.empty) val checks = afp_checks(afp_dir, excludes) val bad = checks.exists(check => !check(full_tree, selected)) if (bad) { print_bad("Errors found.") System.exit(1) } else { print_good(s"${selected.length} sessions have been checked") print_good(s"${checks.length} checks have found no errors") } } val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool( "afp_check_roots", "check ROOT files of AFP sessions", Scala_Project.here, args => { var excludes = List("ROOTS", "LICENSE", "LICENSE.LGPL", ".DS_Store", "etc") val getopts = Getopts( """ Usage: isabelle afp_check_roots [OPTIONS] Options are: -x NAME exclude directories with name (default """ + excludes.map(quote).mkString(", ") + """) Check ROOT files of AFP sessions. """, "x:" -> (arg => excludes ::= arg) ) getopts(args) val afp_dir = Path.explode("$AFP").expand afp_check_roots(afp_dir, excludes) } ) } diff --git a/tools/afp_dependencies.scala b/tools/afp_dependencies.scala --- a/tools/afp_dependencies.scala +++ b/tools/afp_dependencies.scala @@ -1,95 +1,92 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen Tool to extract dependencies of AFP entries. */ package afp import Metadata.Entry import isabelle._ -object AFP_Dependencies -{ +object AFP_Dependencies { case class Dependency(entry: Entry.Name, distrib_deps: List[Entry.Name], afp_deps: List[Entry.Name]) - object JSON - { + object JSON { private def from_dep(dependency: Dependency): (String, isabelle.JSON.T) = dependency.entry -> isabelle.JSON.Object( "distrib_deps" -> dependency.distrib_deps, "afp_deps" -> dependency.afp_deps ) def from_dependency(dep: Dependency): isabelle.JSON.T = isabelle.JSON.Object(from_dep(dep)) def from_dependencies(deps: List[Dependency]): isabelle.JSON.T = deps.map(from_dep).toMap } - def afp_dependencies(afp_dir: Path): List[Dependency] = - { + def afp_dependencies(afp_dir: Path): List[Dependency] = { val tree = Sessions.load_structure(Options.init(), Nil, List(afp_dir)) val selected = tree.selection(Sessions.Selection(false, false, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil)) .build_graph.keys def get_entry(name: String): Option[String] = { val info = tree(name) val dir = info.dir if (selected.contains(dir.dir.expand)) None else Some(dir.base.implode) } selected.groupBy(get_entry).toList.map { case (Some(e), sessions) => val dependencies = sessions.flatMap(tree.imports_graph.imm_preds) .map(d => (d, get_entry(d))) val distrib_deps = dependencies.collect { case (d, None) => d }.distinct val afp_deps = dependencies.collect { case (_, Some(d)) if d != e => d }.distinct Dependency(e, distrib_deps, afp_deps) } } val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool( "afp_dependencies", "extract dependencies between AFP entries", Scala_Project.here, args => { var output_file: Option[Path] = None val getopts = Getopts( """ Usage: isabelle afp_dependencies [OPTIONS] Options are: -o FILE output file name Extract dependencies between AFP entries. """, "o:" -> (arg => output_file = Some(Path.explode(arg))) ) getopts(args) val afp_dir = Path.explode("$AFP").expand val progress = new Console_Progress() val res = afp_dependencies(afp_dir).map(JSON.from_dependency) val json = isabelle.JSON.Format(res) output_file match { case Some(file) => File.write(file, json) case None => progress.echo(json) } } ) } diff --git a/tools/afp_site_gen.scala b/tools/afp_site_gen.scala --- a/tools/afp_site_gen.scala +++ b/tools/afp_site_gen.scala @@ -1,351 +1,345 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen Generation and compilation of SSG project for the AFP website. */ package afp import isabelle._ import afp.Metadata.{Affiliation, Author, Email, Homepage} -object AFP_Site_Gen -{ +object AFP_Site_Gen { /* json */ - object JSON - { + object JSON { type T = isabelle.JSON.T - object Object - { + object Object { type T = isabelle.JSON.Object.T } - def from_authors(authors: List[Metadata.Author]): T = - { + def from_authors(authors: List[Metadata.Author]): T = { authors.map(author => author.id -> isabelle.JSON.Object( "name" -> author.name, "emails" -> author.emails.map(_.address), "homepages" -> author.homepages.map(_.url))).toMap } def from_topics(topics: List[Metadata.Topic]): T = topics.map(topic => isabelle.JSON.Object(topic.name -> from_topics(topic.sub_topics))) - def from_affiliations(affiliations: List[Metadata.Affiliation]): Object.T = - { - Utils.group_sorted(affiliations, (a: Metadata.Affiliation) => a.author).view.mapValues(author_affiliations => - { + def from_affiliations(affiliations: List[Metadata.Affiliation]): Object.T = { + Utils.group_sorted(affiliations, (a: Metadata.Affiliation) => a.author).view.mapValues( + { author_affiliations => val homepage = author_affiliations.collectFirst { case Metadata.Homepage(_, _, url) => url } val email = author_affiliations.collectFirst { case Metadata.Email(_, _, address) => address } isabelle.JSON.Object( homepage.map(s => List("homepage" -> s)).getOrElse(Nil) ::: email.map(s => List("email" -> s)).getOrElse(Nil): _*) }).toMap } - def from_change_history(history: Metadata.Change_History): Object.T = - { + def from_change_history(history: Metadata.Change_History): Object.T = { if (history.isEmpty) { Map.empty } else { Map("Change history" -> history.map { case (date, str) => "[" + date.toString + "] " + str }.mkString("\n")) } } def from_entry(entry: Metadata.Entry): JSON.Object.T = isabelle.JSON.Object( "title" -> entry.title :: "authors" -> entry.authors.map(_.author).distinct :: "affiliations" -> from_affiliations(entry.authors ++ entry.contributors) :: (if (entry.contributors.nonEmpty) "contributors" -> entry.contributors.map(_.author).distinct :: Nil else Nil) ::: "date" -> entry.date.toString :: "topics" -> entry.topics.map(_.id) :: "abstract" -> entry.`abstract` :: "license" -> entry.license.name :: (if (entry.releases.nonEmpty) "releases" -> entry.releases.map(r => r.isabelle -> r.date.toString).toMap :: Nil else Nil) ::: (if (entry.note.nonEmpty) "note" -> entry.note :: Nil else Nil) ::: (if (entry.change_history.nonEmpty || entry.extra.nonEmpty) "extra" -> (from_change_history(entry.change_history) ++ entry.extra) :: Nil else Nil): _*) def from_keywords(keywords: List[String]): T = keywords.zipWithIndex.map { case (keyword, i) => isabelle.JSON.Object("id" -> i, "keyword" -> keyword) } } /* keyword extraction */ private val replacements = List( "<[^>]*>".r -> "", "[^\\w\\s()'.,;:-]".r -> " ", "\\s+".r -> " ") - def extract_keywords(text: String): List[String] = - { + def extract_keywords(text: String): List[String] = { val stripped_text = replacements.foldLeft(text) { case (res, (regex, replacement)) => regex.replaceAllIn(res, replacement) } val arg = quote(stripped_text.replaceAll("\"", "\\\"")) val keyword_cmd = "from keywords import *; print_keywords(" + arg + ")" Python.run(keyword_cmd).check.out_lines } /* site generation */ def afp_site_gen( layout: Hugo.Layout, status_file: Option[Path], afp_structure: AFP_Structure, clean: Boolean = false, - progress: Progress = new Progress()): Unit = - { + progress: Progress = new Progress() + ): Unit = { /* clean old */ if (clean) { progress.echo("Cleaning up generated files...") layout.clean() } /* add topics */ progress.echo("Preparing topics...") val topics = afp_structure.load_topics def sub_topics(topic: Metadata.Topic): List[Metadata.Topic] = topic :: topic.sub_topics.flatMap(sub_topics) val topics_by_id = Utils.grouped_sorted(topics.flatMap(sub_topics), (t: Metadata.Topic) => t.id) layout.write_data(Path.basic("topics.json"), JSON.from_topics(topics)) /* add licenses */ progress.echo("Preparing licenses...") val licenses_by_id = Utils.grouped_sorted(afp_structure.load_licenses, (l: Metadata.License) => l.id) /* add releases */ progress.echo("Preparing releases...") val releases_by_entry = afp_structure.load_releases.groupBy(_.entry) /* prepare authors and entries */ progress.echo("Preparing authors...") val full_authors = afp_structure.load_authors val authors_by_id = Utils.grouped_sorted(full_authors, (a: Metadata.Author) => a.id) var seen_affiliations = Set.empty[Affiliation] val entries = afp_structure.entries.map { name => val entry = afp_structure.load_entry(name, authors_by_id, topics_by_id, licenses_by_id, releases_by_entry) seen_affiliations ++= entry.authors ++ entry.contributors entry } val authors = Utils.group_sorted(seen_affiliations.toList, (a: Affiliation) => a.author).map { case (id, affiliations) => val emails = affiliations.collect { case e: Email => e } val homepages = affiliations.collect { case h: Homepage => h } Author(id, authors_by_id(id).name, emails, homepages) } layout.write_data(Path.basic("authors.json"), JSON.from_authors(authors.toList)) /* extract keywords */ progress.echo("Extracting keywords...") var seen_keywords = Set.empty[String] val entry_keywords = entries.map { entry => val Keyword = """\('([^']*)', ([^)]*)\)""".r val scored_keywords = extract_keywords(entry.`abstract`).map { case Keyword(keyword, score) => keyword -> score.toDouble case s => error("Could not parse: " + s) } seen_keywords ++= scored_keywords.map(_._1) entry.name -> scored_keywords.filter(_._2 > 1.0).map(_._1) }.toMap seen_keywords = seen_keywords.filter(k => !k.endsWith("s") || !seen_keywords.contains(k.stripSuffix("s"))) layout.write_static(Path.make(List("data", "keywords.json")), JSON.from_keywords(seen_keywords.toList)) def get_keywords(name: Metadata.Entry.Name): List[String] = entry_keywords(name).filter(seen_keywords.contains).take(8) /* add entries and theory listings */ progress.echo("Preparing entries...") val sessions_structure = afp_structure.sessions_structure val sessions_deps = Sessions.deps(sessions_structure) entries.foreach { entry => val deps = for { session <- afp_structure.entry_sessions(entry.name) dep <- sessions_structure.imports_graph.imm_preds(session.name) if session.name != dep && sessions_structure(dep).groups.contains("AFP") } yield dep val theories = afp_structure.entry_sessions(entry.name).map { session => val base = sessions_deps(session.name) val theories = base.session_theories.map(_.theory_base_name) val session_json = isabelle.JSON.Object( "title" -> session.name, "entry" -> entry.name, "url" -> ("/theories/" + session.name.toLowerCase), "theories" -> theories) layout.write_content(Path.make(List("theories", session.name + ".md")), session_json) isabelle.JSON.Object("session" -> session.name, "theories" -> theories) } val entry_json = JSON.from_entry(entry) ++ isabelle.JSON.Object( "dependencies" -> deps.distinct, "sessions" -> theories, "url" -> ("/entries/" + entry.name + ".html"), "keywords" -> get_keywords(entry.name)) layout.write_content(Path.make(List("entries", entry.name + ".md")), entry_json) } /* add authors */ /* add statistics */ progress.echo("Preparing statistics...") val statistics_cmd = "from statistics import *; add_statistics(" + commas_quote( List( Path.explode("$AFP_BASE").absolute.implode, Path.explode("$AFP").absolute.implode, layout.data_dir.implode)) + ")" Python.run(statistics_cmd).check (layout.data_dir + Path.basic("statistics.html")).file.delete() /* project */ progress.echo("Preparing project files") layout.copy_project() /* status */ status_file match { case Some(status_file) => progress.echo("Preparing devel version...") val status_json = isabelle.JSON.parse(File.read(status_file)) layout.write_data(Path.basic("status.json"), status_json) case None => } progress.echo("Finished sitegen preparation.") } /* build site */ def afp_build_site( out_dir: Path, layout: Hugo.Layout, do_watch: Boolean = false, clean: Boolean = false, - progress: Progress = new Progress()): Unit = - { + progress: Progress = new Progress() + ): Unit = { if (clean) { progress.echo("Cleaning output dir...") Hugo.clean(out_dir) } if (do_watch) { Hugo.watch(layout, out_dir, progress).check } else { progress.echo("Building site...") Hugo.build(layout, out_dir).check progress.echo("Build in " + (out_dir + Path.basic("index.html")).absolute.implode) } } /* tool wrapper */ - val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("afp_site_gen", "generates afp website source", Scala_Project.here, args => - { - var base_dir = Path.explode("$AFP_BASE") - var status_file: Option[Path] = None - var hugo_dir = base_dir + Path.make(List("web", "hugo")) - var out_dir: Path = base_dir + Path.make(List("web", "out")) - var build_only = false - var devel_mode = false - var fresh = false - - val getopts = Getopts(""" -Usage: isabelle afp_site_gen [OPTIONS] - - Options are: - -B DIR afp base dir (default """" + base_dir.implode + """") - -D FILE build status file for devel version - -H DIR generated hugo project dir (default """" + hugo_dir.implode + """") - -O DIR output dir for build (default """ + out_dir.implode + """) - -b build only - -d devel mode (overrides hugo dir, builds site in watch mode) - -f fresh build: clean up existing hugo and build directories + val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("afp_site_gen", "generates afp website source", + Scala_Project.here, + { args => + var base_dir = Path.explode("$AFP_BASE") + var status_file: Option[Path] = None + var hugo_dir = base_dir + Path.make(List("web", "hugo")) + var out_dir: Path = base_dir + Path.make(List("web", "out")) + var build_only = false + var devel_mode = false + var fresh = false - Generates the AFP website source. HTML files of entries are dynamically loaded. - Providing a status file will build the development version of the archive. - Site will be built from generated source if output dir is specified. -""", - "B:" -> (arg => base_dir = Path.explode(arg)), - "D:" -> (arg => status_file = Some(Path.explode(arg))), - "H:" -> (arg => hugo_dir = Path.explode(arg)), - "O:" -> (arg => out_dir = Path.explode(arg)), - "b" -> (_ => build_only = true), - "d" -> (_ => devel_mode = true), - "f" -> (_ => fresh = true)) - - getopts(args) + val getopts = Getopts(""" + Usage: isabelle afp_site_gen [OPTIONS] - if (devel_mode) hugo_dir = base_dir + Path.make(List("admin", "site")) - - val afp_structure = AFP_Structure(base_dir) - val layout = Hugo.Layout(hugo_dir) - val progress = new Console_Progress() + Options are: + -B DIR afp base dir (default """" + base_dir.implode + """") + -D FILE build status file for devel version + -H DIR generated hugo project dir (default """" + hugo_dir.implode + """") + -O DIR output dir for build (default """ + out_dir.implode + """) + -b build only + -d devel mode (overrides hugo dir, builds site in watch mode) + -f fresh build: clean up existing hugo and build directories - if (!build_only) { - progress.echo("Preparing site generation in " + hugo_dir.implode) + Generates the AFP website source. HTML files of entries are dynamically loaded. + Providing a status file will build the development version of the archive. + Site will be built from generated source if output dir is specified. + """, + "B:" -> (arg => base_dir = Path.explode(arg)), + "D:" -> (arg => status_file = Some(Path.explode(arg))), + "H:" -> (arg => hugo_dir = Path.explode(arg)), + "O:" -> (arg => out_dir = Path.explode(arg)), + "b" -> (_ => build_only = true), + "d" -> (_ => devel_mode = true), + "f" -> (_ => fresh = true)) - afp_site_gen(layout = layout, status_file = status_file, afp_structure = afp_structure, + getopts(args) + + if (devel_mode) hugo_dir = base_dir + Path.make(List("admin", "site")) + + val afp_structure = AFP_Structure(base_dir) + val layout = Hugo.Layout(hugo_dir) + val progress = new Console_Progress() + + if (!build_only) { + progress.echo("Preparing site generation in " + hugo_dir.implode) + + afp_site_gen(layout = layout, status_file = status_file, afp_structure = afp_structure, + clean = fresh, progress = progress) + } + + afp_build_site(out_dir = out_dir, layout = layout, do_watch = devel_mode, clean = fresh, progress = progress) - } - - afp_build_site(out_dir = out_dir, layout = layout, do_watch = devel_mode, - clean = fresh, progress = progress) - }) + }) } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/afp_structure.scala b/tools/afp_structure.scala --- a/tools/afp_structure.scala +++ b/tools/afp_structure.scala @@ -1,118 +1,113 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen AFP Metadata file structure with save and load operations. */ package afp import isabelle._ -class AFP_Structure private(base_dir: Path) -{ +class AFP_Structure private(base_dir: Path) { /* files */ private val metadata_dir = base_dir + Path.basic("metadata") private val thys_dir = base_dir + Path.basic("thys") private val authors_file = metadata_dir + Path.basic("authors.toml") private val releases_file = metadata_dir + Path.basic("releases.toml") private val licenses_file = metadata_dir + Path.basic("licenses.toml") private val topics_file = metadata_dir + Path.basic("topics.toml") private val entries_dir = metadata_dir + Path.basic("entries") private def entry_file(name: Metadata.Entry.Name): Path = entries_dir + Path.basic(name + ".toml") /* load */ - private def load[A](file: Path, parser: afp.TOML.T => A): A = - { + private def load[A](file: Path, parser: afp.TOML.T => A): A = { val content = File.read(file) val toml = TOML.parse(content) parser(toml) } def load_authors: List[Metadata.Author] = load(authors_file, Metadata.TOML.to_authors) def load_releases: List[Metadata.Release] = load(releases_file, Metadata.TOML.to_releases) def load_licenses: List[Metadata.License] = load(licenses_file, Metadata.TOML.to_licenses) def load_topics: List[Metadata.Topic] = load(topics_file, Metadata.TOML.to_topics) def load_entry(name: Metadata.Entry.Name, authors: Map[Metadata.Author.ID, Metadata.Author], topics: Map[Metadata.Topic.ID, Metadata.Topic], licenses: Map[Metadata.License.ID, Metadata.License], - releases: Map[Metadata.Entry.Name, List[Metadata.Release]]): Metadata.Entry = - { + releases: Map[Metadata.Entry.Name, List[Metadata.Release]] + ): Metadata.Entry = { val entry_releases = releases.getOrElse(name, error("No releases for entry " + name)) load(entry_file(name), toml => Metadata.TOML.to_entry(toml ++ TOML.T("name" -> name), authors, topics, licenses, entry_releases)) } /* save */ - private def save(file: Path, content: afp.TOML.T): Unit = - { + private def save(file: Path, content: afp.TOML.T): Unit = { file.file.mkdirs() File.write(file, TOML.Format(content)) } def save_authors(authors: List[Metadata.Author]): Unit = save(authors_file, Metadata.TOML.from_authors(authors)) def save_releases(releases: List[Metadata.Release]): Unit = save(releases_file, Metadata.TOML.from_releases(releases)) def save_topics(topics: List[Metadata.Topic]): Unit = save(topics_file, Metadata.TOML.from_topics(topics)) def save_entry(entry: Metadata.Entry): Unit = save(entry_file(entry.name), Metadata.TOML.from_entry(entry)) /* sessions */ - def entries: List[Metadata.Entry.Name] = - { + def entries: List[Metadata.Entry.Name] = { val Entry = """([a-zA-Z0-9+_-]+)\.toml""".r val file_entries = File.read_dir(entries_dir).map { case Entry(name) => name case f => error("Unrecognized metadata entry: " + f) } val session_entries = Sessions.parse_roots(thys_dir + Path.basic("ROOTS")) val session_set = session_entries.toSet val metadata_set = file_entries.toSet if (session_set != metadata_set) { val inter = session_set.intersect(metadata_set) val session_without_metadata = if (session_set.subsetOf(inter)) "" else "No metadata for session roots: " + commas_quote(session_set -- inter) val metadata_without_session = if (metadata_set.subsetOf(inter)) "" else "Not session roots for metadata entries: " + commas_quote(metadata_set -- inter) error("Metadata does not match sessions:\n" + session_without_metadata + metadata_without_session) } else session_entries } def sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure = Sessions.load_structure(options = Options.init(), select_dirs = List(thys_dir)) def entry_sessions(name: Metadata.Entry.Name): List[Sessions.Session_Entry] = Sessions.parse_root(thys_dir + Path.make(List(name, "ROOT"))).collect { case e: Sessions.Session_Entry => e } } -object AFP_Structure -{ +object AFP_Structure { def apply(base_dir: Path = Path.explode("$AFP_BASE")): AFP_Structure = new AFP_Structure(base_dir.absolute) } diff --git a/tools/hugo.scala b/tools/hugo.scala --- a/tools/hugo.scala +++ b/tools/hugo.scala @@ -1,102 +1,94 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen AFP Hugo wrapper and project layout. */ package afp import isabelle._ -object Hugo -{ +object Hugo { val hugo_home = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_HUGO") val hugo_static = Path.explode("$AFP_BASE") + Path.make(List("admin", "site")) - class Layout private(private[Hugo] val src_dir: Path) - { - private def write(file: Path, content: String): Unit = - { + class Layout private(private[Hugo] val src_dir: Path) { + private def write(file: Path, content: String): Unit = { val path = src_dir + file if (!path.dir.file.exists()) path.dir.file.mkdirs() File.write(path, content) } val data_dir = src_dir + Path.basic("data") def write_data(file: Path, content: JSON.T): Unit = write(Path.basic("data") + file, isabelle.JSON.Format(content)) val content_dir = src_dir + Path.basic("content") def write_content(file: Path, content: JSON.T): Unit = write(Path.basic("content") + file, isabelle.JSON.Format(content)) val static_dir = src_dir + Path.basic("static") def write_static(file: Path, content: JSON.T): Unit = write(Path.basic("static") + file, isabelle.JSON.Format(content)) private val generated_dirs = List( List("content", "entries"), List("content", "theories"), List("data"), List("resources"), List("static")).map(Path.make) /* Static project files */ private val project_files = List( List("content", "_index.md"), List("content", "about.md"), List("content", "submission.md"), List("content", "download.md"), List("content", "help.md"), List("content", "search.md"), List("content", "statistics.md"), List("content", "submission.md"), List("themes"), List("config.json")).map(Path.make) private val is_static_src = hugo_static.canonical.absolute == src_dir.canonical.absolute - def copy_project(): Unit = - { + def copy_project(): Unit = { if (!is_static_src) project_files.foreach(file => Isabelle_System.copy_dir(hugo_static + file, src_dir + file)) } - def clean(): Unit = - { + def clean(): Unit = { generated_dirs.foreach(file => Isabelle_System.rm_tree(src_dir + file)) if (!is_static_src) project_files.foreach(file => Isabelle_System.rm_tree(src_dir + file)) } } - object Layout - { + object Layout { def apply(src_dir: Path = Path.explode("$AFP_BASE") + Path.make(List("web", "hugo"))): Layout = new Layout(src_dir.canonical) } private lazy val exec = Path.explode(proper_string(hugo_home).getOrElse(error("No hugo component found"))) + Path.basic("hugo") - def build(layout: Layout, out_dir: Path): Process_Result = - { + def build(layout: Layout, out_dir: Path): Process_Result = { Isabelle_System.bash( exec.implode + " -s " + quote(layout.src_dir.implode) + " -d " + quote(out_dir.canonical.implode)) } - def watch(layout: Layout, out_dir: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress()): Process_Result = - { + def watch(layout: Layout, out_dir: Path, progress: Progress = new Progress()): Process_Result = { Isabelle_System.bash( exec.implode + " server -s " + quote(layout.src_dir.implode) + " -d " + quote(out_dir.canonical.implode), progress_stdout = progress.echo, progress_stderr = progress.echo_warning) } def clean(out_dir: Path): Unit = File.read_dir(out_dir).foreach(file => Isabelle_System.rm_tree(out_dir + Path.basic(file))) } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/metadata.scala b/tools/metadata.scala --- a/tools/metadata.scala +++ b/tools/metadata.scala @@ -1,275 +1,260 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen AFP metadata model and TOML serialization. */ package afp import isabelle._ import afp.TOML._ import java.time.LocalDate object Metadata { sealed abstract class Affiliation(val author: Author.ID) case class Unaffiliated(override val author: Author.ID) extends Affiliation(author) case class Email(override val author: Author.ID, id: Email.ID, address: String) extends Affiliation(author) - object Email - { + object Email { type ID = String } case class Homepage(override val author: Author.ID, id: Homepage.ID, url: String) extends Affiliation(author) - object Homepage - { + object Homepage { type ID = String } case class Author( id: Author.ID, name: String, emails: List[Email], homepages: List[Homepage] ) - object Author - { + object Author { type ID = String } case class Topic(id: Topic.ID, name: String, sub_topics: List[Topic]) - object Topic - { + object Topic { type ID = String } type Date = LocalDate - object Isabelle - { + object Isabelle { type Version = String } case class Release(entry: Entry.Name, date: Date, isabelle: Isabelle.Version) case class License(id: License.ID, name: String) - object License - { + object License { type ID = String } type Change_History = Map[Date, String] type Extra = Map[String, String] case class Entry( name: Entry.Name, title: String, authors: List[Affiliation], date: Date, topics: List[Topic], `abstract`: String, notifies: List[Email], contributors: List[Affiliation], license: License, note: String, change_history: Change_History, extra: Extra, releases: List[Release]) - object Entry - { + object Entry { type Name = String } /* toml */ - object TOML - { + object TOML { private def by_id[A](elems: Map[String, A], id: String): A = elems.getOrElse(id, error("Elem " + quote(id) + " not found in " + commas_quote(elems.map(_.toString)))) /* author */ - def from_authors(authors: List[Author]): T = - { + def from_authors(authors: List[Author]): T = { def from_author(author: Author): T = T( "name" -> author.name, "emails" -> T(author.emails.map(email => email.id -> email.address)), "homepages" -> T(author.homepages.map(homepage => homepage.id -> homepage.url))) T(authors.map(author => author.id -> from_author(author))) } - def to_authors(authors: T): List[Author] = - { - def to_author(author_id: Author.ID, author: T): Author = - { + def to_authors(authors: T): List[Author] = { + def to_author(author_id: Author.ID, author: T): Author = { val emails = split_as[String](get_as[T](author, "emails")) map { case (id, address) => Email(author = author_id, id = id, address = address) } val homepages = split_as[String](get_as[T](author, "homepages")) map { case (id, url) => Homepage(author = author_id, id = id, url = url) } Author( id = author_id, name = get_as[String](author, "name"), emails = emails, homepages = homepages ) } split_as[T](authors).map { case (id, author) => to_author(id, author) } } /* topics */ def from_topics(root_topics: List[Topic]): T = T(root_topics.map(t => t.name -> from_topics(t.sub_topics))) - def to_topics(root_topics: T): List[Topic] = - { + def to_topics(root_topics: T): List[Topic] = { def to_topics_rec(topics: T, root: Topic.ID): List[Topic] = split_as[T](topics).map { case (name, sub_topics) => val id = (if (root.nonEmpty) root + "/" else "") + name Topic(id, name, to_topics_rec(sub_topics, id)) } to_topics_rec(root_topics, "") } /* releases */ def from_releases(releases: List[Release]): T = T(Utils.group_sorted(releases, (r: Release) => r.entry).view.mapValues { entry_releases => T(entry_releases.map(r => r.isabelle -> r.date)) }.toList) def to_releases(map: T): List[Release] = split_as[T](map).flatMap { case (entry, releases) => split_as[Date](releases).map { case (version, date) => Release(entry = entry, date = date, isabelle = version) } } /* affiliation */ def from_affiliations(affiliations: List[Affiliation]): T = T(Utils.group_sorted(affiliations, (a: Affiliation) => a.author).view.mapValues(vs => T(vs.collect { case Email(_, id, _) => "email" -> id case Homepage(_, id, _) => "homepage" -> id })).toList) - def to_affiliations(affiliations: T, authors: Map[Author.ID, Author]): List[Affiliation] = - { - def to_affiliation(affiliation: (String, String), author: Author): Affiliation = - { + def to_affiliations(affiliations: T, authors: Map[Author.ID, Author]): List[Affiliation] = { + def to_affiliation(affiliation: (String, String), author: Author): Affiliation = { affiliation match { case ("email", id: String) => author.emails.find(_.id == id) getOrElse error("Email not found: " + quote(id)) case ("homepage", id: String) => author.homepages.find(_.id == id) getOrElse error("Homepage not found: " + quote(id)) case e => error("Unknown affiliation type: " + e) } } split_as[T](affiliations).flatMap { case (id, author_affiliations) => val author = by_id(authors, id) if (author_affiliations.isEmpty) List(Unaffiliated(author.id)) else split_as[String](author_affiliations).map(to_affiliation(_, author)) } } def from_emails(emails: List[Email]): T = T(emails.map(email => email.author -> email.id)) def to_emails(emails: T, authors: Map[Author.ID, Author]): List[Email] = emails.toList.map { case (author, id: String) => by_id(authors, author).emails.find(_.id == id) getOrElse error("Email not found: " + quote(id)) case e => error("Unknown email: " + quote(e.toString)) } /* license */ def from_licenses(licenses: List[License]): T = T(licenses.map(license => license.id -> T("name" -> license.name))) - def to_licenses(licenses: T): List[License] = - { + def to_licenses(licenses: T): List[License] = { split_as[T](licenses) map { case (id, license) => License(id, get_as[String](license, "name")) } } def to_license(license: String, licenses: Map[License.ID, License]): License = licenses.getOrElse(license, error("No such license: " + quote(license))) /* history */ def from_change_history(change_history: Change_History): T = change_history.map { case (date, str) => date.toString -> str } def to_change_history(change_history: T): Change_History = change_history.map { case (date, entry: String) => LocalDate.parse(date) -> entry case e => error("Unknown history entry: " + quote(e.toString)) } /* entry */ def from_entry(entry: Entry): T = T( "title" -> entry.title, "authors" -> from_affiliations(entry.authors), "contributors" -> from_affiliations(entry.contributors), "date" -> entry.date, "topics" -> entry.topics.map(_.id), "abstract" -> entry.`abstract`, "notify" -> from_emails(entry.notifies), "license" -> entry.license.id, "note" -> entry.note, "history" -> from_change_history(entry.change_history), "extra" -> entry.extra) def to_entry(entry: T, authors: Map[Author.ID, Author], topics: Map[Topic.ID, Topic], licenses: Map[License.ID, License], releases: List[Release]): Entry = Entry( name = get_as[String](entry, "name"), title = get_as[String](entry, "title"), authors = to_affiliations(get_as[T](entry, "authors"), authors), date = get_as[Date](entry, "date"), topics = get_as[List[String]](entry, "topics").map(by_id(topics, _)), `abstract` = get_as[String](entry, "abstract"), notifies = to_emails(get_as[T](entry, "notify"), authors), contributors = to_affiliations(get_as[T](entry, "contributors"), authors), license = to_license(get_as[String](entry, "license"), licenses), note = get_as[String](entry, "note"), change_history = to_change_history(get_as[T](entry, "history")), extra = get_as[Extra](entry, "extra"), releases = releases) } } diff --git a/tools/migration/afp_migrate_metadata.scala b/tools/migration/afp_migrate_metadata.scala --- a/tools/migration/afp_migrate_metadata.scala +++ b/tools/migration/afp_migrate_metadata.scala @@ -1,607 +1,586 @@ package afp.migration import isabelle._ import afp._ import afp.Metadata.{TOML => _, _} import scala.collection.BufferedIterator import java.io.BufferedReader import java.text.Normalizer import java.time.LocalDate import java.net.URI import org.jline.utils.InputStreamReader -object AFP_Migrate_Metadata -{ +object AFP_Migrate_Metadata { private class Context( names_mapping: Map[String, String], email_names: Map[String, String], - dates_mapping: Map[String, String]) - { + dates_mapping: Map[String, String] + ) { /* mappings */ def transform_name(name: String): String = names_mapping.getOrElse(name, name) def parse_date(date: String): Metadata.Date = LocalDate.parse(dates_mapping.getOrElse(date, date)) def name(address: String): String = email_names.getOrElse(address, error("No name for address " + address)) /* seen */ private var _seen_authors = Set.empty[Author.ID] private var _seen_emails = Set.empty[Email.ID] private var _seen_homepages = Set.empty[Homepage.ID] private var _seen_licenses = Map.empty[License.ID, License] private var _seen_author_names = Map.empty[String, Author] def seen_authors: Set[Author.ID] = _seen_authors def seen_emails: Set[Email.ID] = _seen_emails def seen_homepages: Set[Homepage.ID] = _seen_homepages def author(name: String): Option[Author] = _seen_author_names.get(name) def authors: List[Author] = _seen_author_names.values.toList def licenses: List[License] = _seen_licenses.values.toList - def update_author(author: Author): Unit = - { + def update_author(author: Author): Unit = { _seen_authors += author.id _seen_author_names = _seen_author_names.updated(author.name, author) } - def email(author: Author.ID): Email.ID = - { + def email(author: Author.ID): Email.ID = { val id = unique_id(author + "_email", this.seen_emails) _seen_emails += id id } - def homepage(homepage: Homepage.ID): Homepage.ID = - { + def homepage(homepage: Homepage.ID): Homepage.ID = { val id = unique_id(homepage + "_homepage", this.seen_homepages) _seen_homepages += id id } - def license(license_str: String): License = - { + def license(license_str: String): License = { val license = License(license_str.toLowerCase, license_str) _seen_licenses += license.id -> license license } } private def is_email(url: String) = url.contains("@") - private def as_ascii(str: String) = - { + private def as_ascii(str: String) = { var res: String = str List("ö" -> "oe", "ü" -> "ue", "ä" -> "ae", "ß" -> "ss").foreach { case (c, rep) => res = res.replace(c, rep) } res = Normalizer.normalize(res, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\x00-\\x7F]", "") if (res.exists(_ > 127)) error("Contained non convertible non-ascii character: " + str) res } - def unique_id(prefix: String, ids: Set[String]): String = - { + def unique_id(prefix: String, ids: Set[String]): String = { if (!ids.contains(prefix)) prefix else { var num = 1 while (ids.contains(prefix + num)) { num += 1 } prefix + num } } - def private_dom(full_dom: String): String = - { + def private_dom(full_dom: String): String = { val stream = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("public_suffix_list.dat") val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream)) val public_suffixes = File.read_lines(reader, _ => ()).filterNot(_.startsWith("//")) val stripped = public_suffixes.map(full_dom.stripSuffix(_)).minBy(_.length) if (stripped.endsWith(".")) stripped.dropRight(1) else stripped } - def make_author_id(name: String, context: Context): String = - { + def make_author_id(name: String, context: Context): String = { val normalized = as_ascii(name) val Suffix = """^.*?([a-zA-Z]*)$""".r val suffix = normalized match { case Suffix(suffix) => suffix case _ => "" } val Prefix = """^([a-zA-Z]*).*$""".r val prefix = normalized.stripSuffix(suffix) match { case Prefix(prefix) => prefix case _ => "" } var ident = suffix.toLowerCase for { c <- prefix.toLowerCase } { if (context.seen_authors.contains(ident)) { ident += c.toString } else return ident } unique_id(ident, context.seen_authors) } - def author_urls(name_urls: String, context: Context): (String, List[String]) = - { + def author_urls(name_urls: String, context: Context): (String, List[String]) = { val name = AFP.trim_mail(name_urls) val urls_string = name_urls.stripPrefix(name).trim val transformed = context.transform_name(name) if (urls_string == "<>") { (transformed, List("")) } else { (transformed, urls_string.split(Array('<', '>')).toList.filterNot(_.isBlank)) } } - def add_email(author: Author, address: String, context: Context): (Author, Email) = - { + def add_email(author: Author, address: String, context: Context): (Author, Email) = { val email = Email(author = author.id, id = context.email(author.id), address = address) val update_author = author.copy(emails = author.emails :+ email) context.update_author(update_author) (update_author, email) } - def get_affiliations(name_url: String, context: Context): List[Affiliation] = - { + def get_affiliations(name_url: String, context: Context): List[Affiliation] = { val (name, urls) = author_urls(name_url, context) val author = context.author(name).getOrElse(error("Author not found: " + name)) urls.map { url => if (is_email(url)) { val address = url.stripPrefix("mailto:") author.emails.find(_.address == address) getOrElse error("Email not found: " + (author, address)) } else if (url.isEmpty) { Unaffiliated(author.id) } else { author.homepages.find(_.url == url) getOrElse error("Url not found for: " + (author, url)) } } } - def get_email_affiliation(address: String, context: Context, progress: Progress): Email = - { + def get_email_affiliation(address: String, context: Context, progress: Progress): Email = { context.authors.flatMap(_.emails).find(_.address == address) match { case Some(email) => email case None => val name = context.name(address) val author = context.author(name) match { case Some(author) => author case None => progress.echo_warning("New author: " + name) Author(make_author_id(name, context), name, Nil, Nil) } add_email(author, address, context)._2 } } - def update_author(name_urls: String, context: Context): Unit = - { + def update_author(name_urls: String, context: Context): Unit = { val (name, urls) = author_urls(name_urls, context) var author = context.author(name) match { case Some(author) => author case None => Author(make_author_id(name, context), name, Nil, Nil) } urls.foreach { url => if (is_email(url)) { val address = url.stripPrefix("mailto:") if (!author.emails.exists(_.address == address)) { author = add_email(author, address, context)._1 } } else if (url.nonEmpty && !author.homepages.exists(_.url == url)) { val homepage = Homepage(author = author.id, id = context.homepage(author.id), url = url) author = author.copy(homepages = author.homepages :+ homepage) } } context.update_author(author) } def map_entry( entry: AFP.Entry, releases: Map[Entry.Name, List[Release]], topics: Map[Topic.ID, Topic], context: Context, - progress: Progress): Entry = - { + progress: Progress + ): Entry = { val author_affiliations = entry.authors.flatMap(get_affiliations(_, context)) val contributor_affiliations = entry.contributors.flatMap(get_affiliations(_, context)) val notify_emails = entry.get_strings("notify").map(get_email_affiliation(_, context, progress)) val change_history = parse_change_history(entry.get_string("extra-history"), context) val extra = entry.metadata.filter { case (k, _) => k.startsWith("extra-") && k != "extra-history" } Entry( name = entry.name, title = entry.title, authors = author_affiliations, date = LocalDate.from(entry.date.rep), topics = entry.topics.map(topics), `abstract` = entry.`abstract`, notifies = notify_emails, contributors = contributor_affiliations, license = context.license(entry.license), note = entry.get_string("note"), change_history = change_history, extra = extra.toMap, releases = releases(entry.name) ) } - def parse_change_history(history: String, context: Context): Change_History = - { + def parse_change_history(history: String, context: Context): Change_History = { val matches = """\[(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})]: ([^\[]+)""".r.findAllMatchIn(history.stripPrefix("Change history:")) matches.toList.map(_.subgroups match { case date :: content :: Nil => context.parse_date(date) -> content case _ => error("Could not parse change history: " + quote(history)) }).toMap } - def parse_topics(lines: List[String]): List[Topic] = - { + def parse_topics(lines: List[String]): List[Topic] = { val lines_iterator: BufferedIterator[String] = lines.filterNot(_.isBlank).iterator.buffered def get_indent(line: String) = line.takeWhile(_.isWhitespace).length - def parse_level(level: Int, root: Option[Topic.ID]): List[Topic] = - { + def parse_level(level: Int, root: Option[Topic.ID]): List[Topic] = { val name = lines_iterator.next().trim val id = root.map(_ + "/").getOrElse("") + name val (sub_topics, next_topics) = lines_iterator.headOption match { case Some(next) if get_indent(next) == level + 2 => val sub = parse_level(level + 2, Some(id)) val next = lines_iterator.headOption match { case Some(next1) if get_indent(next1) == level => parse_level(level, root) case _ => Nil } (sub, next) case Some(next) if get_indent(next) == level => (Nil, parse_level(level, root)) case _ => (Nil, Nil) } Topic(id = id, name = name, sub_topics = sub_topics) :: next_topics } parse_level(0, None) } def parse_releases( releases: List[String], isabelle_releases: List[String], all_entries: List[Entry.Name], - context: Context): List[Release] = - { + context: Context + ): List[Release] = { val Isa_Release = """(.+) = (.+)""".r val release_dates = isabelle_releases.filterNot(_.isBlank).map { case Isa_Release(isabelle_version, date) => context.parse_date(date) -> isabelle_version case line => error("Could not parse: " + quote(line)) } val current = release_dates.last def to_release(entry: Entry.Name, release_date: LocalDate): Release = Release(entry, release_date, release_dates.findLast { case (date, _) => date.isBefore(release_date) }.get._2) val Entry_Release = """afp-([a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+)-(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\.tar\.gz""".r val entry_releases = Utils.group_sorted( releases.filterNot(_.isBlank).map { case Entry_Release(entry, date_string) => val date = context.parse_date(date_string) entry -> to_release(entry, date) case line => error("Could not parse: " + quote(line)) }, (e: (Entry.Name, Release)) => e._1) all_entries.flatMap(e => entry_releases.getOrElse(e, Nil).map(_._2) :+ to_release(e, current._1)) } def migrate_metadata( base_dir: Path, overwrite: Boolean, context: Context, options: Options = Options.init(), - progress: Progress = new Progress()): Unit = - { + progress: Progress = new Progress() + ): Unit = { val metadata = AFP.init(options, base_dir) val metadata_dir = base_dir + Path.basic("metadata") def read(file: Path): String = File.read(metadata_dir + file) - def write(toml: TOML.T, file: Path) = - { + def write(toml: TOML.T, file: Path) = { val path = metadata_dir + file if (!overwrite && path.file.exists) error("File already exists: " + path.file_name) else path.dir.file.mkdirs() File.write(path, TOML.Format(toml)) } /* topics */ progress.echo("Parsing topics...") val root_topics = parse_topics(split_lines(read(Path.basic("topics")))) def sub_topics(topic: Topic): List[Topic] = topic :: topic.sub_topics.flatMap(sub_topics) val topic_map = root_topics.flatMap(sub_topics).map(topic => topic.id -> topic).toMap write(Metadata.TOML.from_topics(root_topics), Path.basic("topics.toml")) /* releases */ progress.echo("Parsing releases...") val releases = parse_releases( split_lines(read(Path.basic("releases"))), split_lines(read(Path.basic("release-dates"))), metadata.entries.map(_.name), context) val releases_map = releases.groupBy(_.entry) write(Metadata.TOML.from_releases(releases), Path.basic("releases.toml")) /* collect authors (without notify affiliations) */ progress.echo("Collecting authors...") for { entry <- metadata.entries name_url <- entry.authors ++ entry.contributors } update_author(name_url, context) /* entries */ progress.echo("Parsing entries...") for (entry_metadata <- metadata.entries) { val entry = map_entry(entry_metadata, releases_map, topic_map, context, progress) write(Metadata.TOML.from_entry(entry), Path.make(List("entries", entry.name + ".toml"))) } /* licenses */ write(Metadata.TOML.from_licenses(context.licenses), Path.basic("licenses.toml")) /* authors */ write(Metadata.TOML.from_authors(context.authors), Path.basic("authors.toml")) } val isabelle_tool = - Isabelle_Tool( - "afp_migrate_metadata", - "migrates old sitegen metadata to new format", + Isabelle_Tool("afp_migrate_metadata", "migrates old sitegen metadata to new format", Scala_Project.here, - args => { + { args => var base_dir = Path.explode("$AFP_BASE") var names = List( "Lawrence C Paulson" -> "Lawrence C. Paulson", "Lawrence Paulson" -> "Lawrence C. Paulson", "Florian Kammueller" -> "Florian Kammüller", "Jasmin Blanchette" -> "Jasmin Christian Blanchette", "Ognjen Maric" -> "Ognjen Marić", "Maximilian P.L. Haslbeck" -> "Maximilian P. L. Haslbeck", "Maximilian Haslbeck" -> "Max W. Haslbeck", "Sebastiaan Joosten" -> "Sebastiaan J. C. Joosten", "Jacques Fleuriot" -> "Jacques D. Fleuriot", "Jose Manuel Rodriguez Caballero" -> "José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero") var emails = List( "a.bentkamp@vu.nl" -> "Alexander Bentkamp", "a.popescu@mdx.ac.uk" -> "Andrei Popescu", "a.popescu@sheffield.ac.uk" -> "Andrei Popescu", "afp@liftm.de" -> "Julius Michaelis", "ahfrom@dtu.dk" -> "Asta Halkjær From", "ak2110@cam.ac.uk" -> "Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki", "akihisayamada@nii.ac.jp" -> "Akihisa Yamada", "aleje@dtu.dk" -> "Alexander Birch Jensen", "alexander.katovsky@cantab.net" -> "Alexander Katovsky", "alexander.maletzky@risc-software.at" -> "Alexander Maletzky", "alexander.maletzky@risc.jku.at" -> "Alexander Maletzky", "andreas.lochbihler@digitalasset.com" -> "Andreas Lochbihler", "andreasvhess@gmail.com" -> "Andreas V. Hess", "andschl@dtu.dk" -> "Anders Schlichtkrull", "apdb3@cam.ac.uk" -> "Anthony Bordg", "avigad@cmu.edu" -> "Jeremy Avigad", "ballarin@in.tum.de" -> "Clemens Ballarin", "bdd@liftm.de" -> "Julius Michaelis", "benblumson@gmail.com" -> "Ben Blumson", "berghofe@in.tum.de" -> "Stefan Berghofer", "bjbohrer@gmail.com" -> "Brandon Bohrer", "boehmes@in.tum.de" -> "Sascha Böhme", "brianh@cs.pdx.edu" -> "Brian Huffman", "brunnerj@in.tum.de" -> "Julian Brunner", "bzhan@ios.ac.cn" -> "Bohua Zhan", "c.benzmueller@fu-berlin.de" -> "Christoph Benzmüller", "c.benzmueller@gmail.com" -> "Christoph Benzmüller", "caw77@cam.ac.uk" -> "Conrad Watt", "cezary.kaliszyk@uibk.ac.at" -> "Cezary Kaliszyk", "christian.sternagel@uibk.ac.at" -> "Christian Sternagel", "christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk" -> "Christian Urban", "coglio@kestrel.edu" -> "Alessandro Coglio", "corey.lewis@data61.csiro.au" -> "Corey Lewis", "d1623001@s.konan-u.ac.jp" -> "Fumiya Iwama", "danijela@matf.bg.ac.rs" -> "Danijela Simić", "denis.lohner@kit.edu" -> "Denis Lohner", "denis.nikif@gmail.com" -> "Denis Nikiforov", "diego.marmsoler@tum.de" -> "Diego Marmsoler", "diekmann@net.in.tum.de" -> "Cornelius Diekmann", "dubut@nii.ac.jp" -> "Jérémy Dubut", "eminkarayel@google.com" -> "Emin Karayel", "f.smola@sms.ed.ac.uk" -> "Filip Smola", "fadouaghourabi@gmail.com" -> "Fadoua Ghourabi", "fimmler@andrew.cmu.edu" -> "Fabian Immler", "fimmler@cs.cmu.edu" -> "Fabian Immler", "florian.haftmann@informatik.tu-muenchen.de" -> "Florian Haftmann", "florian.kammuller@gmail.com" -> "Florian Kammüller", "friedrich.kurz@tum.de" -> "Friedrich Kurz", "ftuong@lri.fr" -> "Frédéric Tuong", "g.struth@dcs.shef.ac.uk" -> "Georg Struth", "ggrov@inf.ed.ac.uk" -> "Gudmund Grov", "giamp@dmi.unict.it" -> "Giampaolo Bella", "giuliano@losa.fr" -> "Giuliano Losa", "Harald.Zankl@uibk.ac.at" -> "Harald Zankl", "haslbecm@in.tum.de" -> "Max W. Haslbeck", "haslbema@in.tum.de" -> "Maximilian P. L. Haslbeck", "heimesl@student.ethz.ch" -> "Lukas Heimes", "hetzl@logic.at" -> "Stefan Hetzl", "holub@karlin.mff.cuni.cz" -> "Štěpán Holub", "Ian.Hayes@itee.uq.edu.au" -> "Ian J. Hayes", "isabelleopenflow@liftm.de" -> "Julius Michaelis", "Jacques.Fleuriot@ed.ac.uk" -> "Jacques D. Fleuriot", "jason.jaskolka@carleton.ca" -> "Jason Jaskolka", "jdf@ed.ac.uk" -> "Jacques D. Fleuriot", "jeremy.sylvestre@ualberta.ca" -> "Jeremy Sylvestre", "jesus-maria.aransay@unirioja.es" -> "Jesús Aransay", "jonjulian23@gmail.com" -> "Jonathan Julian Huerta y Munive", "jose.divason@unirioja.es" -> "Jose Divasón", "jose.divasonm@unirioja.es" -> "Jose Divasón", "joseph-thommes@gmx.de" -> "Joseph Thommes", "jovi@dtu.dk" -> "Jørgen Villadsen", "jsiek@indiana.edu" -> "Jeremy Siek", "jsylvest@ualberta.ca" -> "Jeremy Sylvestre", "julian.nagele@uibk.ac.at" -> "Julian Nagele", "julian.parsert@uibk.ac.at" -> "Julian Parsert", "kevin.kappelmann@tum.de" -> "Kevin Kappelmann", "kkz@mit.edu" -> "Karen Zee", "kleing@unsw.edu.au" -> "Gerwin Klein", "krauss@in.tum.de" -> "Alexander Krauss", "kreuzerk@in.tum.de" -> "Katharina Kreuzer", "lars@hupel.info" -> "Lars Hupel", "lcp@cl.cam.ac.uk" -> "Lawrence C. Paulson", "lennart.beringer@ifi.lmu.de" -> "Lennart Beringer", "liwenda1990@hotmail.com" -> "Wenda Li", "mail@andreas-lochbihler.de" -> "Andreas Lochbihler", "mail@michael-herzberg.de" -> "Michael Herzberg", "maintainafpppt@liftm.de" -> "Julius Michaelis", "maksym.bortin@nicta.com.au" -> "Maksym Bortin", "manuel.eberl@tum.de" -> "Manuel Eberl", "martin.desharnais@unibw.de" -> "Martin Desharnais", "mathias.fleury@jku.at" -> "Mathias Fleury", "matthias.brun@inf.ethz.ch" -> "Matthias Brun", "max.haslbeck@gmx.de" -> "Max W. Haslbeck", "maximilian.haslbeck@uibk.ac.at" -> "Max W. Haslbeck", "me@eminkarayel.de" -> "Emin Karayel", "MichaelNedzelsky@yandex.ru" -> "Michael Nedzelsky", "mihailsmilehins@gmail.com" -> "Mihails Milehins", "mnacho.echenim@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr" -> "Mnacho Echenim", "mnfrd.krbr@gmail.com" -> "Manfred Kerber", "mohammad.abdulaziz8@gmail.com" -> "Mohammad Abdulaziz", "mohammad.abdulaziz@in.tum.de" -> "Mohammad Abdulaziz", "mr644@cam.ac.uk" -> "Michael Rawson", "mrtnrau@googlemail.com" -> "Martin Rau", "nanjiang@whu.edu.cn" -> "Nan Jiang", "Nicolas.Peltier@imag.fr" -> "Nicolas Peltier", "nipkow@in.tum.de" -> "Tobias Nipkow", "noschinl@gmail.com" -> "Lars Noschinski", "pagano@famaf.unc.edu.ar" -> "Miguel Pagano", "pc@cs.st-andrews.ac.uk" -> "Peter Chapman", "peter.lammich@uni-muenster.de" -> "Peter Lammich", "peter@hoefner-online.de" -> "Peter Höfner", "ralph.bottesch@uibk.ac.at" -> "Ralph Bottesch", "reza.sefidgar@inf.ethz.ch" -> "S. Reza Sefidgar", "richter@informatik.rwth-aachen.de" -> "Stefan Richter", "roelofoosterhuis@gmail.com" -> "Roelof Oosterhuis", "rok@strnisa.com" -> "Rok Strniša", "rosskops@in.tum.de" -> "Simon Roßkopf", "s.griebel@tum.de" -> "Simon Griebel", "s.j.c.joosten@utwente.nl" -> "Sebastiaan J. C. Joosten", "samo@dtu.dk" -> "Sebastian Mödersheim", "schirmer@in.tum.de" -> "Norbert Schirmer", "sidney.amani@data61.csiro.au" -> "Sidney Amani", "sjcjoosten@gmail.com" -> "Sebastiaan J. C. Joosten", "stepan.starosta@fit.cvut.cz" -> "Štěpán Starosta", "Stephan.Merz@loria.fr" -> "Stephan Merz", "sterraf@famaf.unc.edu.ar" -> "Pedro Sánchez Terraf", "stourret@mpi-inf.mpg.de" -> "Sophie Tourret", "stvienna@gmail.com" -> "Stephan Adelsberger", "susannahej@gmail.com" -> "Susannah Mansky", "tdardini@student.ethz.ch" -> "Thibault Dardinier", "tim@tbrk.org" -> "Timothy Bourke", "toby.murray@unimelb.edu.au" -> "Toby Murray", "traytel@di.ku.dk" -> "Dmitriy Traytel", "traytel@in.tum.de" -> "Dmitriy Traytel", "traytel@inf.ethz.ch" -> "Dmitriy Traytel", "uuomul@yahoo.com" -> "Andrei Popescu", "walter.guttman@canterbury.ac.nz" -> "Walter Guttmann", "walter.guttmann@canterbury.ac.nz" -> "Walter Guttmann", "wimmers@in.tum.de" -> "Simon Wimmer", "wl302@cam.ac.uk" -> "Wenda Li", "yongkiat@cs.cmu.edu" -> "Yong Kiam Tan", "Yutaka.Nagashima@data61.csiro.au" -> "Yutaka Nagashima") var dates = List( "2020-14-04" -> "2020-04-14", "2020-15-04" -> "2020-04-15") var overwrite = false - val getopts = Getopts( - """ + val getopts = Getopts(""" Usage: isabelle afp_migrate_metadata [OPTIONS] Options are: -B DIR afp base dir (default "$AFP_BASE") -n FROM,TO names to convert (default: """ + names.mkString("\n ") + """) -e EMAIL,AUTHOR emails to associate (default: """ + emails.mkString("\n ") + """) -d FROM,TO date strings to convert (default: """ + dates.mkString("\n ") + """) -f overwrite existing Migrates old sitegen metadata to new format. """, "B:" -> (arg => base_dir = Path.explode(arg)), "n:" -> (arg => names ::= arg.splitAt(arg.indexOf(","))), "e:" -> (arg => emails ::= arg.splitAt(arg.indexOf(","))), "d:" -> (arg => dates ::= arg.splitAt(arg.indexOf(","))), "f" -> (_ => overwrite = true) ) getopts(args) val progress = new Console_Progress() val context = new Context(names.toMap, emails.toMap, dates.toMap) val options = Options.init() migrate_metadata( base_dir = base_dir, context = context, overwrite = overwrite, options = options, progress = progress) } ) } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/python.scala b/tools/python.scala --- a/tools/python.scala +++ b/tools/python.scala @@ -1,32 +1,30 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen Wrapper for Python interaction, to be used with the AFP Python component. */ package afp import isabelle._ -object Python -{ +object Python { val python_home = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_PYTHON") val python_path = (Path.explode("$AFP_BASE") + Path.make(List("admin", "sitegen-lib"))).absolute - def run(script: String): Process_Result = - { + def run(script: String): Process_Result = { val exec = Path.explode(proper_string(python_home).getOrElse("No python component found")) + Path.make(List("bin", "python3")) val script_file = Isabelle_System.tmp_file("isabelle_python", "py") File.write(script_file, script) val res = Isabelle_System.bash(exec.implode + " " + script_file.getAbsolutePath, env = Isabelle_System.settings(List("PYTHONPATH" -> python_path.implode))) script_file.delete() res } } diff --git a/tools/toml.scala b/tools/toml.scala --- a/tools/toml.scala +++ b/tools/toml.scala @@ -1,410 +1,387 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen Support for TOML: https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0 */ package afp import isabelle._ import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag} import scala.util.Try import scala.util.matching.Regex import scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.Scanners import scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader.EofCh import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, OffsetDateTime} -object TOML -{ +object TOML { type Key = String type V = Any type T = Map[Key, V] - object T - { + object T { def apply(entries: (Key, V)*): T = ListMap(entries: _*) def apply(entries: List[(Key, V)]): T = ListMap(entries: _*) - def unapply(t: Map[_, V]): Option[T] = - { - if (t.keys.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Key])) Some(t.asInstanceOf[T]) - else None + def unapply(t: Map[_, V]): Option[T] = { + if (t.keys.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Key])) Some(t.asInstanceOf[T]) else None } } /* typed access */ def split_as[A: ClassTag](map: T): List[(Key, A)] = map.keys.toList.map(k => k -> get_as[A](map, k)) def get_as[A: ClassTag](map: T, name: String): A = map.get(name) match { case Some(value: A) => value case Some(value) => error("Value " + quote(value.toString) + " not of type " + classTag[A].runtimeClass.getName) case None => error("Field " + name + " not in " + map) } /* lexer */ - object Kind extends Enumeration - { + object Kind extends Enumeration { val KEYWORD, IDENT, STRING, COMMENT, ERROR = Value } - sealed case class Token(kind: Kind.Value, text: String) - { + sealed case class Token(kind: Kind.Value, text: String) { def is_ident: Boolean = kind == Kind.IDENT def is_keyword(name: String): Boolean = kind == Kind.KEYWORD && text == name def is_string: Boolean = kind == Kind.STRING def is_error: Boolean = kind == Kind.ERROR } - object Lexer extends Scanners with Scan.Parsers - { + object Lexer extends Scanners with Scan.Parsers { override type Elem = Char type Token = TOML.Token def errorToken(msg: String): Token = Token(Kind.ERROR, msg) val white_space: String = " \t\n\r" override val whiteSpace: Regex = ("[" + white_space + "]+").r override def whitespace: Parser[Any] = many(character(white_space.contains(_))) override def comment: Parser[String] = '#' ~>! rep(elem("", c => c != EofCh && c != '\n')) ~ elem("", c => c == EofCh || c == '\n') ^^ { case s ~ t => s.mkString + t } def keyword: Parser[Token] = ("[[" | "]]" | one(character("{}[],=.".contains(_)))) ^^ (s => Token(Kind.KEYWORD, s)) def ident: Parser[Token] = many1(character(c => Symbol.is_ascii_digit(c) || Symbol.is_ascii_letter(c) || c == '_' || c == '-')) ^^ (s => Token(Kind.IDENT, s)) def basic_string: Parser[Token] = '\"' ~> rep(string_body) <~ '\"' ^^ (cs => Token(Kind.STRING, cs.mkString)) def multiline_basic_string: Parser[Token] = "\"\"\"" ~>! rep(multiline_string_body | ("\"" | "\"\"") ~ multiline_string_body) <~ "\"\"\"" ^^ (cs => Token(Kind.STRING, cs.mkString.stripPrefix("\n"))) def multiline_string_body: Parser[Char] = elem("", c => c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || (c > '\u001f' && c != '\"' && c != '\\' && c != EofCh)) | '\\' ~> string_escape def string_body: Parser[Char] = elem("", c => c > '\u001f' && c != '\"' && c != '\\' && c != EofCh) | '\\' ~> string_escape def string_escape: Parser[Char] = elem("", "\"\\/".contains(_)) | elem("", "bfnrt".contains(_)) ^^ { case 'b' => '\b' case 'f' => '\f' case 'n' => '\n' case 'r' => '\r' case 't' => '\t' } | 'u' ~> repeated(character("0123456789abcdefABCDEF".contains(_)), 4, 4) ^^ (s => Integer.parseInt(s, 16).toChar) def string_failure: Parser[Token] = '\"' ~> failure("Unterminated string") def token: Parser[Token] = keyword | ident | (multiline_basic_string | basic_string | string_failure) | failure("Illegal character") } /* parser */ - trait Parser extends Parsers - { + trait Parser extends Parsers { type Elem = Token def keys: Parser[List[Key]] = rep1sep(key, $$$(".")) def string: Parser[String] = elem("string", _.is_string) ^^ (_.text) def integer: Parser[Int] = token("integer", _.is_ident, _.toInt) def float: Parser[Double] = token("float", _.is_ident, _.toDouble) def boolean: Parser[Boolean] = token("boolean", _.is_ident, _.toBoolean) def offset_date_time: Parser[OffsetDateTime] = token("offset date-time", _.is_ident, OffsetDateTime.parse) def local_date_time: Parser[LocalDateTime] = token("local date-time", _.is_ident, LocalDateTime.parse) def local_date: Parser[LocalDate] = token("local date", _.is_ident, LocalDate.parse) def local_time: Parser[LocalTime] = token("local time", _.is_ident, LocalTime.parse) def array: Parser[V] = $$$("[") ~>! rep(toml_value <~ $$$(",")) <~ $$$("]") def table: Parser[T] = $$$("[") ~>! (keys <~ $$$("]")) ~! content ^^ { case base ~ T(map) => to_map(List(base -> map)) } def inline_table: Parser[V] = $$$("{") ~>! (content ^? to_map) <~ $$$("}") def array_of_tables: Parser[T] = $$$("[[") ~>! (keys <~ $$$("]]")) >> { ks => repsep(content ^^ to_map, $$$("[[") ~! (keys ^? { case ks1 if ks1 == ks => }) ~ $$$("]]")) ^^ { list => List(ks -> list) } ^? to_map } def toml: Parser[T] = (content ~ rep(table | array_of_tables)) ^? { case T(map) ~ maps => map :: maps } ^? { case Merge(map) => map } /* auxiliary parsers */ private def $$$(name: String): Parser[Token] = elem(name, _.is_keyword(name)) private def token[A](name: String, p: Token => Boolean, parser: String => A): Parser[A] = elem(name, p) ^^ (tok => Try { parser(tok.text) }) ^? { case util.Success(v) => v } private def key: Parser[Key] = elem("key", e => e.is_ident || e.is_string) ^^ (_.text) private def toml_value: Parser[V] = string | integer | float | offset_date_time | local_date_time | local_date | local_time | array | inline_table private def content: Parser[List[(List[Key], V)]] = rep((keys <~ $$$("=")) ~! toml_value ^^ { case ks ~ v => ks -> v }) /* extractors */ - private object T - { - def unapply(table: List[(List[Key], V)]): Option[T] = - { + private object T { + def unapply(table: List[(List[Key], V)]): Option[T] = { val by_first_key = table.foldLeft(ListMap.empty[Key, List[(List[Key], V)]]) { case (map, (k :: ks, v)) => map.updatedWith(k) { case Some(value) => Some(value :+ (ks, v)) case None => Some(List((ks, v))) } case _ => return None } val res = by_first_key.map { case (k, (Nil, v) :: Nil) => k -> v case (k, T(map)) => k -> map case _ => return None } Some(res) } } private def to_map: PartialFunction[List[(List[Key], V)], T] = { case T(map) => map } - object Merge - { - private def merge(map1: T, map2: T): Option[T] = - { + object Merge { + private def merge(map1: T, map2: T): Option[T] = { val res2 = map2.map { case (k2, v2) => map1.get(k2) match { case Some(v1) => (v1, v2) match { case (TOML.T(t1), TOML.T(t2)) => k2 -> merge(t1, t2).getOrElse(return None) case x => return None } case None => k2 -> v2 } } Some(map1.filter { case (k, _) => !map2.contains(k) } ++ res2) } def unapply(maps: List[T]): Option[T] = Some(maps.fold(Map.empty)(merge(_, _).getOrElse(return None))) } /* parse */ - def parse(input: CharSequence): T = - { + def parse(input: CharSequence): T = { val scanner = new Lexer.Scanner(Scan.char_reader(input)) phrase(toml)(scanner) match { case Success(toml, _) => toml case NoSuccess(_, next) => error("Malformed TOML input at " + next.pos) } } } object Parser extends Parser /* standard format */ def parse(s: String): T = Parser.parse(s) /* format to a subset of TOML */ - object Format - { - def apply(toml: T): String = - { + object Format { + def apply(toml: T): String = { val result = new StringBuilder /* keys */ - def key(k: Key): Unit = - { + def key(k: Key): Unit = { val Bare_Key = """[A-Za-z0-9_-]+""".r k match { case Bare_Key() => result ++= k case _ => result += '"' result ++= k result += '"' } } def keys(ks: List[Key]): Unit = Library.separate(None, ks.reverse.map(Some(_))).foreach { case None => result += '.' case Some(k) => key(k) } /* string */ - def basic_string(s: String): Unit = - { + def basic_string(s: String): Unit = { result += '"' result ++= s.iterator.map { case '\b' => "\\b" case '\t' => "\\t" case '\n' => "\\n" case '\f' => "\\f" case '\r' => "\\r" case '"' => "\\\"" case '\\' => "\\\\" case c => if (c <= '\u001f' || c == '\u007f') "\\u%04x".format(c.toInt) else c }.mkString result += '"' } - def multiline_basic_string(s: String): Unit = - { + def multiline_basic_string(s: String): Unit = { result ++= "\"\"\"\n" result ++= s.iterator.map { case '\b' => "\\b" case '\t' => "\t" case '\n' => "\n" case '\f' => "\\f" case '\r' => "\r" case '"' => "\\\"" case '\\' => "\\\\" case c => if (c <= '\u001f' || c == '\u007f') "\\u%04x".format(c.toInt) else c }.mkString.replace("\"\"\"", "\"\"\\\"") result ++= "\"\"\"" } /* integer, boolean, offset date-time, local date-time, local date, local time */ - object To_String - { + object To_String { def unapply(v: V): Option[String] = v match { case _: Int | _: Double | _: Boolean | _: OffsetDateTime | _: LocalDateTime | _: LocalDate | _: LocalTime => Some(v.toString) case _ => None } } /* inline: string, float, To_String, value array */ - def inline(v: V, indent: Int = 0): Unit = - { + def inline(v: V, indent: Int = 0): Unit = { def indentation(i: Int): Unit = for (_ <- Range(0, i)) result ++= " " indentation(indent) v match { case s: String => if (s.contains("\n") && s.length > 20) multiline_basic_string(s) else basic_string(s) case To_String(s) => result ++= s case list: List[V] => if (list.isEmpty) { result ++= "[]" } else { result ++= "[\n" list.foreach { elem => inline(elem, indent + 1) result ++= ",\n" } indentation(indent) result += ']' } case _ => error("Not inline TOML value: " + v.toString) } } /* array */ - def inline_values(path: List[Key], v: V): Unit = - { + def inline_values(path: List[Key], v: V): Unit = { v match { case T(map) => map.foreach { case (k, v1) => inline_values(k :: path, v1) } case _ => keys(path) result ++= " = " inline(v) result += '\n' } } def is_inline(elem: V): Boolean = elem match { case To_String(_) | _: Double | _: String => true case list: List[V] => list.forall(is_inline) case _ => false } - def array(path: List[Key], list: List[V]): Unit = - { + def array(path: List[Key], list: List[V]): Unit = { if (list.forall(is_inline)) inline_values(path.take(1), list) else { list.collect { case T(map) => result ++= "\n[[" keys(path) result ++= "]]\n" table(path, map, is_table_entry = true) case _ => error("Array can only contain either all tables or all non-tables") } } } /* table */ - def table(path: List[Key], map: T, is_table_entry: Boolean = false): Unit = - { + def table(path: List[Key], map: T, is_table_entry: Boolean = false): Unit = { val (values, nodes) = map.toList.partition(kv => is_inline(kv._2)) if (!is_table_entry && path.nonEmpty) { result ++= "\n[" keys(path) result ++= "]\n" } values.foreach { case (k, v) => inline_values(List(k), v) } nodes.foreach { case (k, T(map1)) => table(k :: path, map1) case (k, list: List[V]) => array(k :: path, list) case (_, v) => error("Invalid TOML: " + v.toString) } } table(Nil, toml) result.toString } } } diff --git a/tools/utils.scala b/tools/utils.scala --- a/tools/utils.scala +++ b/tools/utils.scala @@ -1,31 +1,30 @@ /* Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen Utilities. */ package afp import isabelle._ import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap -object Utils -{ +object Utils { def group_sorted[A, K](l: List[A], f: A => K): ListMap[K, List[A]] = l.foldLeft(ListMap.empty[K, List[A]]) { case (m, a) => m.updatedWith(f(a)) { case Some(as) => Some(as :+ a) case None => Some(List(a)) } } def grouped_sorted[A, K](l: List[A], f: A => K): ListMap[K, A] = group_sorted(l, f).map { case (k, v :: Nil) => k -> v case (k, vs) => error("Not distinct for " + quote(k.toString) + ": " + commas_quote(vs.map(_.toString))) } def the_entry[K, V](m: Map[K, V], k: K): V = m.getOrElse(k, error("Expected key " + quote(k.toString))) } \ No newline at end of file