diff --git a/thys/Priority_Queue_Braun/Priority_Queue_Braun.thy b/thys/Priority_Queue_Braun/Priority_Queue_Braun.thy --- a/thys/Priority_Queue_Braun/Priority_Queue_Braun.thy +++ b/thys/Priority_Queue_Braun/Priority_Queue_Braun.thy @@ -1,321 +1,319 @@ section "Priority Queues Based on Braun Trees" theory Priority_Queue_Braun imports "HOL-Library.Tree_Multiset" "HOL-Library.Pattern_Aliases" "HOL-Data_Structures.Priority_Queue_Specs" "HOL-Data_Structures.Braun_Tree" begin subsection "Introduction" text\Braun, Rem and Hoogerwoord \<^cite>\"BraunRem" and "Hoogerwoord"\ used specific balanced binary trees, often called Braun trees (where in each node with subtrees $l$ and $r$, $size(r) \le size(l) \le size(r)+1$), to implement flexible arrays. Paulson \<^cite>\"Paulson"\ (based on code supplied by Okasaki) implemented priority queues via Braun trees. This theory verifies Paulsons's implementation, with small simplifications.\ text \Direct proof of logarithmic height. Also follows from the fact that Braun trees are balanced (proved in the base theory).\ lemma height_size_braun: "braun t \ 2 ^ (height t) \ 2 * size t + 1" proof(induction t) case (Node t1) show ?case proof (cases "height t1") case 0 thus ?thesis using Node by simp next case (Suc n) hence "2 ^ n \ size t1" using Node by simp thus ?thesis using Suc Node by(auto simp: max_def) qed qed simp subsection "Get Minimum" fun get_min :: "'a::linorder tree \ 'a" where "get_min (Node l a r) = a" lemma get_min: "\ heap t; t \ Leaf \ \ get_min t = Min_mset (mset_tree t)" by (auto simp add: eq_Min_iff neq_Leaf_iff) subsection \Insertion\ hide_const (open) insert fun insert :: "'a::linorder \ 'a tree \ 'a tree" where "insert a Leaf = Node Leaf a Leaf" | "insert a (Node l x r) = (if a < x then Node (insert x r) a l else Node (insert a r) x l)" lemma size_insert[simp]: "size(insert x t) = size t + 1" by(induction t arbitrary: x) auto lemma mset_insert: "mset_tree(insert x t) = {#x#} + mset_tree t" by(induction t arbitrary: x) (auto simp: ac_simps) lemma set_insert[simp]: "set_tree(insert x t) = {x} \ (set_tree t)" by(simp add: mset_insert flip: set_mset_tree) lemma braun_insert: "braun t \ braun(insert x t)" by(induction t arbitrary: x) auto lemma heap_insert: "heap t \ heap(insert x t)" by(induction t arbitrary: x) (auto simp add: ball_Un) subsection \Deletion\ text \Slightly simpler definition of @{text del_left} which avoids the need to appeal to the Braun invariant.\ fun del_left :: "'a tree \ 'a * 'a tree" where "del_left (Node Leaf x r) = (x,r)" | "del_left (Node l x r) = (let (y,l') = del_left l in (y,Node r x l'))" lemma del_left_mset_plus: "del_left t = (x,t') \ t \ Leaf \ mset_tree t = {#x#} + mset_tree t'" by (induction t arbitrary: x t' rule: del_left.induct; auto split: prod.splits) lemma del_left_mset: "del_left t = (x,t') \ t \ Leaf \ x \# mset_tree t \ mset_tree t' = mset_tree t - {#x#}" by (simp add: del_left_mset_plus) lemma del_left_set: "del_left t = (x,t') \ t \ Leaf \ set_tree t = {x} \ set_tree t'" by(simp add: del_left_mset_plus flip: set_mset_tree) lemma del_left_heap: "del_left t = (x,t') \ t \ Leaf \ heap t \ heap t'" by (induction t arbitrary: x t' rule: del_left.induct; fastforce split: prod.splits dest: del_left_set[THEN equalityD2]) lemma del_left_size: "del_left t = (x,t') \ t \ Leaf \ size t = size t' + 1" by(induction t arbitrary: x t' rule: del_left.induct; auto split: prod.splits) lemma del_left_braun: "del_left t = (x,t') \ t \ Leaf \ braun t \ braun t'" by(induction t arbitrary: x t' rule: del_left.induct; auto split: prod.splits dest: del_left_size) context includes pattern_aliases begin text \Slightly simpler definition: \_\ instead of @{const Leaf} because of Braun invariant.\ function (sequential) sift_down :: "'a::linorder tree \ 'a \ 'a tree \ 'a tree" where "sift_down Leaf a _ = Node Leaf a Leaf" | "sift_down (Node Leaf x _) a Leaf = (if a \ x then Node (Node Leaf x Leaf) a Leaf else Node (Node Leaf a Leaf) x Leaf)" | "sift_down (Node l1 x1 r1 =: t1) a (Node l2 x2 r2 =: t2) = (if a \ x1 \ a \ x2 then Node t1 a t2 else if x1 \ x2 then Node (sift_down l1 a r1) x1 t2 else Node t1 x2 (sift_down l2 a r2))" by pat_completeness auto termination by (relation "measure (%(l,a,r). max(height l) (height r))") (auto simp: max_def) (* An alternative: by (relation "measure (%(l,a,r). size l + size r)") auto *) end lemma size_sift_down: "braun(Node l a r) \ size(sift_down l a r) = size l + size r + 1" by(induction l a r rule: sift_down.induct) (auto simp: Let_def) lemma braun_sift_down: "braun(Node l a r) \ braun(sift_down l a r)" by(induction l a r rule: sift_down.induct) (auto simp: size_sift_down Let_def) lemma mset_sift_down: "braun(Node l a r) \ mset_tree(sift_down l a r) = {#a#} + (mset_tree l + mset_tree r)" by(induction l a r rule: sift_down.induct) (auto simp: ac_simps Let_def) lemma set_sift_down: "braun(Node l a r) \ set_tree(sift_down l a r) = {a} \ (set_tree l \ set_tree r)" by(drule arg_cong[where f=set_mset, OF mset_sift_down]) (simp) lemma heap_sift_down: "braun(Node l a r) \ heap l \ heap r \ heap(sift_down l a r)" by (induction l a r rule: sift_down.induct) (auto simp: set_sift_down ball_Un Let_def) fun del_min :: "'a::linorder tree \ 'a tree" where "del_min Leaf = Leaf" | "del_min (Node Leaf x r) = Leaf" | "del_min (Node l x r) = (let (y,l') = del_left l in sift_down r y l')" lemma braun_del_min: "braun t \ braun(del_min t)" apply(cases t rule: del_min.cases) apply simp apply simp apply (fastforce split: prod.split intro!: braun_sift_down dest: del_left_size del_left_braun) done lemma heap_del_min: "heap t \ braun t \ heap(del_min t)" apply(cases t rule: del_min.cases) apply simp apply simp apply (fastforce split: prod.split intro!: heap_sift_down dest: del_left_size del_left_braun del_left_heap) done -(* unused lemma size_del_min: assumes "braun t" shows "size(del_min t) = size t - 1" proof(cases t rule: del_min.cases) case [simp]: (3 ll b lr a r) { fix y l' assume "del_left (Node ll b lr) = (y,l')" hence "size(sift_down r y l') = size t - 1" using assms by(subst size_sift_down) (auto dest: del_left_size del_left_braun) } thus ?thesis by(auto split: prod.split) qed (insert assms, auto) -*) lemma mset_del_min: assumes "braun t" "t \ Leaf" shows "mset_tree(del_min t) = mset_tree t - {#get_min t#}" proof(cases t rule: del_min.cases) case 1 with assms show ?thesis by simp next case 2 with assms show ?thesis by (simp) next case [simp]: (3 ll b lr a r) have "mset_tree(sift_down r y l') = mset_tree t - {#a#}" if del: "del_left (Node ll b lr) = (y,l')" for y l' using assms del_left_mset[OF del] del_left_size[OF del] del_left_braun[OF del] del_left_mset_plus[OF del] apply (subst mset_sift_down) apply (auto simp: ac_simps del_left_mset_plus[OF del]) done thus ?thesis by(auto split: prod.split) qed text \Last step: prove all axioms of the priority queue specification:\ interpretation braun: Priority_Queue where empty = Leaf and is_empty = "\h. h = Leaf" and insert = insert and del_min = del_min and get_min = get_min and invar = "\h. braun h \ heap h" and mset = mset_tree proof(standard, goal_cases) case 1 show ?case by simp next case 2 show ?case by simp next case 3 show ?case by(simp add: mset_insert) next case 4 thus ?case by(simp add: mset_del_min) next case 5 thus ?case using get_min mset_tree.simps(1) by blast next case 6 thus ?case by(simp) next case 7 thus ?case by(simp add: heap_insert braun_insert) next case 8 thus ?case by(simp add: heap_del_min braun_del_min) qed subsection "Running Time Analysis" fun T_insert :: "'a::linorder \ 'a tree \ nat" where "T_insert a Leaf = 1" | "T_insert a (Node l x r) = (1 + (if a < x then T_insert x r else T_insert a r))" lemma T_insert: "T_insert a t \ height t + 1" apply(induction t arbitrary: a) by (auto simp: max_def not_less_eq_eq intro: order.trans le_SucI) fun T_del_left :: "'a tree \ nat" where "T_del_left (Node Leaf x r) = 1" | "T_del_left (Node l x r) = 1 + T_del_left l" lemma T_del_left_height: "t \ Leaf \ T_del_left t \ height t" by(induction t rule: T_del_left.induct)auto function (sequential) T_sift_down :: "'a::linorder tree \ 'a \ 'a tree \ nat" where "T_sift_down Leaf a _ = 1" | "T_sift_down (Node Leaf x _) a Leaf = 1" | "T_sift_down (Node l1 x1 r1) a (Node l2 x2 r2) = 1 + (if a \ x1 \ a \ x2 then 1 else if x1 \ x2 then T_sift_down l1 a r1 else T_sift_down l2 a r2)" by pat_completeness auto termination apply (relation "measure (%(l,a,r). max(height l) (height r))") apply (auto simp: max_def) done lemma T_sift_down_height: "braun(Node l a r) \ T_sift_down l x r \ max(height l) (height r) + 1" apply(induction l x r rule: T_sift_down.induct) apply(auto) done fun T_del_min :: "'a::linorder tree \ nat" where "T_del_min Leaf = 1" | "T_del_min (Node Leaf x r) = 1" | "T_del_min (Node l x r) = 1 + (let (y,l') = del_left l in T_del_left l + T_sift_down r y l')" lemma del_left_height: "\ del_left t = (x, t'); t \ \\ \ \ height t' \ height t" by(induction t arbitrary: x t' rule: del_left.induct) (auto split: prod.splits) lemma T_del_min_neq_Leaf: "l \ Leaf \ T_del_min (Node l x r) = 1 + (let (y,l') = del_left l in T_del_left l + T_sift_down r y l')" by (auto simp add: neq_Leaf_iff) lemma braun_height: assumes "braun(Node l x r)" shows "height l = height r \ height l = height r + 1" proof - from braun_Node' assms have 1: "size r \ size l" "size l \ size r + 1" "braun l" "braun r" by auto note acomps = acomplete_if_braun[OF \braun l\] acomplete_if_braun[OF \braun r\] have "height r \ height l" by(fact acomplete_optimal[OF acomps(2) 1(1)]) moreover have "height l \ height r + 1" using acomplete_optimal[OF acomps(1), of "Node Leaf _ r", simplified] 1(2) by linarith ultimately show ?thesis by linarith qed lemma T_del_min: assumes "braun t" shows "T_del_min t \ 2*height t + 1" proof(cases t) case Leaf then show ?thesis by simp next case [simp]: (Node l x r) show ?thesis proof (cases) assume "l = Leaf" then show ?thesis by simp next assume "l \ Leaf" obtain y l' where [simp]: "del_left l = (y,l')" by fastforce have 1: "height l' \ height l" by (simp add: \l \ \\\ del_left_height) have "braun \r, y, l'\" using del_left_braun[of l y l'] \l \ \\\ assms del_left_size[of l] by auto have "T_del_min t = 1 + T_del_left l + T_sift_down r y l'" using \l \ Leaf\ by(simp add: T_del_min_neq_Leaf) also have "\ \ 1 + height l + T_sift_down r y l'" using T_del_left_height[OF \l \ Leaf\] by linarith also have "\ \ 1 + height l + max(height r) (height l') + 1" using T_sift_down_height[OF \braun \r, y, l'\\, of y] by linarith also have "\ \ height l + max(height r) (height l) + 2" using 1 by linarith also have "\ \ 2 * (max(height r) (height l) + 1)" by simp also have "\ \ 2 * height t + 1" by simp finally show ?thesis . qed qed end