diff --git a/metadata/authors.toml b/metadata/authors.toml --- a/metadata/authors.toml +++ b/metadata/authors.toml @@ -1,6874 +1,6863 @@ [abdulaziz] name = "Mohammad Abdulaziz" [abdulaziz.emails] [abdulaziz.emails.abdulaziz_email] user = [ "mohammad", "abdulaziz", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [abdulaziz.emails.abdulaziz_email1] user = [ "mohammad", "abdulaziz8", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [abdulaziz.homepages] abdulaziz_homepage = "http://home.in.tum.de/~mansour/" [adelsberger] name = "Stephan Adelsberger" [adelsberger.emails] [adelsberger.emails.adelsberger_email] user = [ "stvienna", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [adelsberger.homepages] adelsberger_homepage = "http://nm.wu.ac.at/nm/sadelsbe" [aehlig] name = "Klaus Aehlig" [aehlig.emails] [aehlig.homepages] aehlig_homepage = "http://www.linta.de/~aehlig/" [aissat] name = "Romain Aissat" [aissat.emails] [aissat.homepages] [amani] name = "Sidney Amani" [amani.emails] [amani.emails.amani_email] user = [ "sidney", "amani", ] host = [ "data61", "csiro", "au", ] [amani.homepages] [ammer] name = "Thomas Ammer" [ammer.emails] [ammer.emails.ammer_email] user = ["thomas","ammer"] host = ["tum","de"] [ammer.homepages] [andronick] name = "June Andronick" [andronick.emails] [andronick.homepages] [aransay] name = "Jesús Aransay" [aransay.emails] [aransay.emails.aransay_email] user = [ "jesus-maria", "aransay", ] host = [ "unirioja", "es", ] [aransay.homepages] aransay_homepage = "https://www.unirioja.es/cu/jearansa" [argyraki] name = "Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki" [argyraki.emails] [argyraki.emails.argyraki_email] user = [ "ak2110", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [argyraki.homepages] argyraki_homepage = "https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~ak2110/" argyraki_homepage2 = "https://www.cst.cam.ac.uk/people/ak2110" [armstrong] name = "Alasdair Armstrong" [armstrong.emails] [armstrong.homepages] [aspinall] name = "David Aspinall" [aspinall.emails] [aspinall.homepages] aspinall_homepage = "http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/da/" [ausaf] name = "Fahad Ausaf" [ausaf.emails] [ausaf.homepages] ausaf_homepage = "http://kcl.academia.edu/FahadAusaf" [avigad] name = "Jeremy Avigad" [avigad.emails] [avigad.emails.avigad_email] user = [ "avigad", ] host = [ "cmu", "edu", ] [avigad.homepages] avigad_homepage = "http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/avigad/" [back] name = "Ralph-Johan Back" [back.emails] [back.homepages] back_homepage = "http://users.abo.fi/Ralph-Johan.Back/" [balbach] name = "Frank J. Balbach" [balbach.emails] [balbach.emails.balbach_email] user = [ "frank-balbach", ] host = [ "gmx", "de", ] [balbach.homepages] [ballarin] name = "Clemens Ballarin" [ballarin.emails] [ballarin.emails.ballarin_email] user = [ "ballarin", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [ballarin.homepages] ballarin_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~ballarin/" [barsotti] name = "Damián Barsotti" [barsotti.emails] [barsotti.homepages] barsotti_homepage = "http://www.cs.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~damian/" [bauer] name = "Gertrud Bauer" [bauer.emails] [bauer.homepages] [bauereiss] name = "Thomas Bauereiss" [bauereiss.emails] [bauereiss.emails.bauereiss_email] user = [ "thomas", ] host = [ "bauereiss", "name", ] [bauereiss.homepages] [bayer] name = "Jonas Bayer" [bayer.emails] [bayer.emails.bayer_email] user = [ "jonas", "bayer999", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [bayer.homepages] [becker] name = "Heiko Becker" [becker.emails] [becker.emails.becker_email] user = [ "hbecker", ] host = [ "mpi-sws", "org", ] [becker.homepages] [beeren] name = "Joel Beeren" [beeren.emails] [beeren.homepages] [bella] name = "Giampaolo Bella" [bella.emails] [bella.emails.bella_email] user = [ "giamp", ] host = [ "dmi", "unict", "it", ] [bella.homepages] bella_homepage = "http://www.dmi.unict.it/~giamp/" [bengtson] name = "Jesper Bengtson" [bengtson.emails] [bengtson.homepages] bengtson_homepage = "http://www.itu.dk/people/jebe" [bentkamp] name = "Alexander Bentkamp" [bentkamp.emails] [bentkamp.emails.bentkamp_email] user = [ "bentkamp", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [bentkamp.emails.bentkamp_email1] user = [ "a", "bentkamp", ] host = [ "vu", "nl", ] [bentkamp.homepages] bentkamp_homepage = "https://www.cs.vu.nl/~abp290/" [benzmueller] name = "Christoph Benzmüller" [benzmueller.emails] [benzmueller.emails.benzmueller_email] user = [ "c", "benzmueller", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [benzmueller.emails.benzmueller_email1] user = [ "c", "benzmueller", ] host = [ "fu-berlin", "de", ] [benzmueller.homepages] benzmueller_homepage = "http://christoph-benzmueller.de" benzmueller_homepage1 = "http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/cbenzmueller/" [beresford] name = "Alastair R. Beresford" [beresford.emails] [beresford.emails.beresford_email] user = [ "arb33", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [beresford.homepages] [berghofer] name = "Stefan Berghofer" [berghofer.emails] [berghofer.emails.berghofer_email] user = [ "berghofe", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [berghofer.homepages] berghofer_homepage = "http://www.in.tum.de/~berghofe" [beringer] name = "Lennart Beringer" [beringer.emails] [beringer.emails.beringer_email] user = [ "lennart", "beringer", ] host = [ "ifi", "lmu", "de", ] [beringer.homepages] [bharadwaj] name = "Abhijith Bharadwaj" [bharadwaj.emails] [bharadwaj.homepages] [bhatt] name = "Bhargav Bhatt" [bhatt.emails] [bhatt.emails.bhatt_email] user = [ "bhargav", "bhatt", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [bhatt.homepages] [biendarra] name = "Julian Biendarra" [biendarra.emails] [biendarra.homepages] [bisping] name = "Benjamin Bisping" [bisping.emails] [bisping.emails.bisping_email] user = [ "benjamin", "bisping", ] host = [ "campus", "tu-berlin", "de", ] [bisping.homepages] [blanchette] name = "Jasmin Christian Blanchette" [blanchette.emails] [blanchette.emails.blanchette_email] user = [ "jasmin", "blanchette", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [blanchette.emails.blanchette_email1] user = [ "j", "c", "blanchette", ] host = [ "vu", "nl", ] [blanchette.homepages] blanchette_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~blanchet" blanchette_homepage1 = "https://www.cs.vu.nl/~jbe248/" [blasum] name = "Holger Blasum" [blasum.emails] [blasum.emails.blasum_email] user = [ "holger", "blasum", ] host = [ "sysgo", "com", ] [blasum.homepages] [blumson] name = "Ben Blumson" [blumson.emails] [blumson.emails.blumson_email] user = [ "benblumson", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [blumson.homepages] blumson_homepage = "https://philpeople.org/profiles/ben-blumson" [bockenek] name = "Joshua Bockenek" [bockenek.emails] [bockenek.homepages] [boehme] name = "Sascha Böhme" [boehme.emails] [boehme.emails.boehme_email] user = [ "boehmes", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [boehme.homepages] boehme_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~boehmes/" [bohrer] name = "Rose Bohrer" [bohrer.emails] [bohrer.emails.bohrer_email] user = [ "rose", "bohrer", "cs", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [bohrer.homepages] [bordg] name = "Anthony Bordg" [bordg.emails] [bordg.emails.bordg_email] user = [ "apdb3", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [bordg.homepages] bordg_homepage = "https://sites.google.com/site/anthonybordg/" [borgstroem] name = "Johannes Borgström" [borgstroem.emails] [borgstroem.emails.borgstroem_email] user = [ "johannes", "borgstrom", ] host = [ "it", "uu", "se", ] [borgstroem.homepages] [bortin] name = "Maksym Bortin" [bortin.emails] [bortin.emails.bortin_email] user = [ "maksym", "bortin", ] host = [ "nicta", "com", "au", ] [bortin.emails.bortin_email1] user = [ "mbortin", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [bortin.homepages] [bottesch] name = "Ralph Bottesch" [bottesch.emails] [bottesch.emails.bottesch_email] user = [ "ralph", "bottesch", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [bottesch.homepages] bottesch_homepage = "http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/bottesch/" [boulanger] name = "Frédéric Boulanger" [boulanger.emails] [boulanger.emails.boulanger_email] user = [ "frederic", "boulanger", ] host = [ "centralesupelec", "fr", ] [boulanger.homepages] [bourke] name = "Timothy Bourke" [bourke.emails] [bourke.emails.bourke_email] user = [ "tim", ] host = [ "tbrk", "org", ] [bourke.homepages] bourke_homepage = "http://www.tbrk.org" [boutry] name = "Pierre Boutry" [boutry.emails] [boutry.emails.boutry_email] user = [ "boutry", ] host = [ "unistra", "fr", ] [boutry.homepages] [boyton] name = "Andrew Boyton" [boyton.emails] [boyton.emails.boyton_email] user = [ "andrew", "boyton", ] host = [ "nicta", "com", "au", ] [boyton.homepages] [bracevac] name = "Oliver Bračevac" [bracevac.emails] [bracevac.emails.bracevac_email] user = [ "bracevac", ] host = [ "st", "informatik", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [bracevac.homepages] [brandt] name = "Felix Brandt" [brandt.emails] [brandt.homepages] brandt_homepage = "http://dss.in.tum.de/staff/brandt.html" [breitner] name = "Joachim Breitner" [breitner.emails] [breitner.emails.breitner_email] user = [ "mail", ] host = [ "joachim-breitner", "de", ] [breitner.emails.breitner_email1] user = [ "joachim", ] host = [ "cis", "upenn", "edu", ] [breitner.homepages] breitner_homepage = "http://pp.ipd.kit.edu/~breitner" [brien] name = "Nicolas Robinson-O'Brien" [brien.emails] [brien.homepages] [brinkop] name = "Hauke Brinkop" [brinkop.emails] [brinkop.emails.brinkop_email] user = [ "hauke", "brinkop", ] host = [ "googlemail", "com", ] [brinkop.homepages] [brodmann] name = "Paul-David Brodmann" [brodmann.emails] [brodmann.emails.brodmann_email] user = [ "p", "brodmann", ] host = [ "tu-berlin", "de", ] [brodmann.homepages] [brucker] name = "Achim D. Brucker" [brucker.emails] [brucker.emails.brucker_email] user = [ "a", "brucker", ] host = [ "exeter", "ac", "uk", ] [brucker.emails.brucker_email1] user = [ "brucker", ] host = [ "spamfence", "net", ] [brucker.emails.brucker_email2] user = [ "adbrucker", ] host = [ "0x5f", "org", ] [brucker.homepages] brucker_homepage = "https://www.brucker.ch/" [bruegger] name = "Lukas Brügger" [bruegger.emails] [bruegger.emails.bruegger_email] user = [ "lukas", "a", "bruegger", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [bruegger.homepages] [brun] name = "Matthias Brun" [brun.emails] [brun.emails.brun_email] user = [ "matthias", "brun", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [brun.homepages] [brunner] name = "Julian Brunner" [brunner.emails] [brunner.emails.brunner_email] user = [ "brunnerj", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [brunner.homepages] brunner_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~brunnerj/" [bulwahn] name = "Lukas Bulwahn" [bulwahn.emails] [bulwahn.emails.bulwahn_email] user = [ "lukas", "bulwahn", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [bulwahn.homepages] [butler] name = "David Butler" [butler.emails] [butler.emails.butler_email] user = [ "dbutler", ] host = [ "turing", "ac", "uk", ] [butler.homepages] butler_homepage = "https://www.turing.ac.uk/people/doctoral-students/david-butler" [buyse] name = "Maxime Buyse" [buyse.emails] [buyse.emails.buyse_email] user = [ "maxime", "buyse", ] host = [ "polytechnique", "edu", ] [buyse.homepages] [caballero] name = "José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero" [caballero.emails] [caballero.emails.caballero_email] user = [ "jose", "manuel", "rodriguez", "caballero", ] host = [ "ut", "ee", ] [caballero.homepages] caballero_homepage = "https://josephcmac.github.io/" [caminati] name = "Marco B. Caminati" [caminati.emails] [caminati.homepages] [campo] name = "Alejandro del Campo" [campo.emails] [campo.emails.campo_email] user = [ "alejandro", "del-campo", ] host = [ "alum", "unirioja", "es", ] [campo.homepages] [chaieb] name = "Amine Chaieb" [chaieb.emails] [chaieb.homepages] [chapman] name = "Peter Chapman" [chapman.emails] [chapman.emails.chapman_email] user = [ "pc", ] host = [ "cs", "st-andrews", "ac", "uk", ] [chapman.homepages] [chen] name = "L. Chen" [chen.emails] [chen.homepages] [clouston] name = "Ranald Clouston" [clouston.emails] [clouston.emails.clouston_email] user = [ "ranald", "clouston", ] host = [ "cs", "au", "dk", ] [clouston.homepages] [cock] name = "David Cock" [cock.emails] [cock.emails.cock_email] user = [ "david", "cock", ] host = [ "nicta", "com", "au", ] [cock.homepages] [coghetto] name = "Roland Coghetto" [coghetto.emails] [coghetto.emails.coghetto_email] user = [ "roland_coghetto", ] host = [ "hotmail", "com", ] [coghetto.homepages] [coglio] name = "Alessandro Coglio" [coglio.emails] [coglio.emails.coglio_email] user = [ "coglio", ] host = [ "kestrel", "edu", ] [coglio.homepages] coglio_homepage = "http://www.kestrel.edu/~coglio" [cohen] name = "Ernie Cohen" [cohen.emails] [cohen.emails.cohen_email] user = [ "ecohen", ] host = [ "amazon", "com", ] [cohen.homepages] [cordwell] name = "Katherine Cordwell" [cordwell.emails] [cordwell.emails.cordwell_email] user = [ "kcordwel", ] host = [ "cs", "cmu", "edu", ] [cordwell.homepages] cordwell_homepage = "https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kcordwel/" [cousin] name = "Marie Cousin" [cousin.emails] [cousin.emails.cousin_email] user = [ "marie", "cousin", ] host = [ "grenoble-inp", "org", ] [cousin.homepages] [crighton] name = "Aaron Crighton" [crighton.emails] [crighton.emails.crighton_email] user = [ "crightoa", ] host = [ "mcmaster", "ca", ] [crighton.homepages] [dardinier] name = "Thibault Dardinier" [dardinier.emails] [dardinier.emails.dardinier_email] user = [ "thibault", "dardinier", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [dardinier.homepages] dardinier_homepage = "https://dardinier.me/" [david] name = "Marco David" [david.emails] [david.emails.david_email] user = [ "marco", "david", ] host = [ "hotmail", "de", ] [david.homepages] [debrat] name = "Henri Debrat" [debrat.emails] [debrat.emails.debrat_email] user = [ "henri", "debrat", ] host = [ "loria", "fr", ] [debrat.homepages] [decova] name = "Sára Decova" [decova.emails] [decova.homepages] [derrick] name = "John Derrick" [derrick.emails] [derrick.emails.derrick_email] user = [ "j", "derrick", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [derrick.homepages] [desharnais] name = "Martin Desharnais" [desharnais.emails] [desharnais.emails.desharnais_email] user = [ "martin", "desharnais", ] host = [ "unibw", "de", ] [desharnais.homepages] desharnais_homepage = "https://martin.desharnais.me" [diaz] name = "Javier Díaz" [diaz.emails] [diaz.emails.diaz_email] user = [ "javier", "diaz", "manzi", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [diaz.homepages] [diekmann] name = "Cornelius Diekmann" [diekmann.emails] [diekmann.emails.diekmann_email] user = [ "diekmann", ] host = [ "net", "in", "tum", "de", ] [diekmann.homepages] diekmann_homepage = "http://net.in.tum.de/~diekmann" [dirix] name = "Stefan Dirix" [dirix.emails] [dirix.homepages] [dittmann] name = "Christoph Dittmann" [dittmann.emails] [dittmann.emails.dittmann_email] user = [ "isabelle", ] host = [ "christoph-d", "de", ] [dittmann.homepages] dittmann_homepage = "http://logic.las.tu-berlin.de/Members/Dittmann/" [divason] name = "Jose Divasón" [divason.emails] [divason.emails.divason_email] user = [ "jose", "divason", ] host = [ "unirioja", "es", ] [divason.homepages] divason_homepage = "https://www.unirioja.es/cu/jodivaso/" [doczkal] name = "Christian Doczkal" [doczkal.emails] [doczkal.emails.doczkal_email] user = [ "doczkal", ] host = [ "ps", "uni-saarland", "de", ] [doczkal.homepages] [dongol] name = "Brijesh Dongol" [dongol.emails] [dongol.emails.dongol_email] user = [ "brijesh", "dongol", ] host = [ "brunel", "ac", "uk", ] [dongol.homepages] [doty] name = "Matthew Doty" [doty.emails] [doty.emails.doty_email] user = [ "matt", ] host = [ "w-d", "org", ] [doty.homepages] [dubut] name = "Jérémy Dubut" [dubut.emails] [dubut.emails.dubut_email] user = [ "dubut", ] host = [ "nii", "ac", "jp", ] [dubut.homepages] dubut_homepage = "http://group-mmm.org/~dubut/" [dunaev] name = "Georgy Dunaev" [dunaev.emails] [dunaev.emails.dunaev_email] user = [ "georgedunaev", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [dunaev.homepages] [dyckhoff] name = "Roy Dyckhoff" [dyckhoff.emails] [dyckhoff.homepages] dyckhoff_homepage = "https://rd.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk" [eberl] name = "Manuel Eberl" [eberl.emails] [eberl.emails.eberl_email] user = [ "manuel", ] host = [ "pruvisto", "org", ] [eberl.emails.eberl_email1] user = [ "manuel", "eberl", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [eberl.emails.eberl_email2] user = [ "manuel", "eberl", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [eberl.homepages] eberl_homepage = "https://pruvisto.org/" eberl_homepage2 = "https://www.in.tum.de/~eberlm" [echenim] name = "Mnacho Echenim" [echenim.emails] [echenim.emails.echenim_email] user = [ "mnacho", "echenim", ] host = [ "univ-grenoble-alpes", "fr", ] [echenim.homepages] echenim_homepage = "https://lig-membres.imag.fr/mechenim/" [edmonds] name = "Chelsea Edmonds" [edmonds.emails] [edmonds.emails.edmonds_email] user = [ "cle47", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [edmonds.homepages] edmonds_homepage = "https://www.cst.cam.ac.uk/people/cle47" [engelhardt] name = "Kai Engelhardt" [engelhardt.emails] [engelhardt.homepages] [eriksson] name = "Lars-Henrik Eriksson" [eriksson.emails] [eriksson.emails.eriksson_email] user = [ "lhe", ] host = [ "it", "uu", "se", ] [eriksson.homepages] [esparza] name = "Javier Esparza" [esparza.emails] [esparza.homepages] esparza_homepage = "https://www7.in.tum.de/~esparza/" [essmann] name = "Robin Eßmann" [essmann.emails] [essmann.emails.essmann_email] user = [ "robin", "essmann", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [essmann.homepages] [felgenhauer] name = "Bertram Felgenhauer" [felgenhauer.emails] [felgenhauer.emails.felgenhauer_email] user = [ "bertram", "felgenhauer", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [felgenhauer.emails.felgenhauer_email1] user = [ "int-e", ] host = [ "gmx", "de", ] [felgenhauer.homepages] [feliachi] name = "Abderrahmane Feliachi" [feliachi.emails] [feliachi.emails.feliachi_email] user = [ "abderrahmane", "feliachi", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [feliachi.homepages] [fell] name = "Julian Fell" [fell.emails] [fell.emails.fell_email] user = [ "julian", "fell", ] host = [ "uq", "net", "au", ] [fell.homepages] [fernandez] name = "Matthew Fernandez" [fernandez.emails] [fernandez.homepages] [fiedler] name = "Ben Fiedler" [fiedler.emails] [fiedler.emails.fiedler_email] user = [ "ben", "fiedler", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [fiedler.homepages] [fleuriot] name = "Jacques D. Fleuriot" [fleuriot.emails] [fleuriot.emails.fleuriot_email] user = [ "Jacques", "Fleuriot", ] host = [ "ed", "ac", "uk", ] [fleuriot.emails.fleuriot_email1] user = [ "jdf", ] host = [ "ed", "ac", "uk", ] [fleuriot.homepages] fleuriot_homepage = "https://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/people/staff/Jacques_Fleuriot.html" [fleury] name = "Mathias Fleury" [fleury.emails] [fleury.emails.fleury_email] user = [ "fleury", ] host = [ "mpi-inf", "mpg", "de", ] [fleury.emails.fleury_email1] user = [ "mathias", "fleury", ] host = [ "jku", "at", ] [fleury.homepages] fleury_homepage = "http://fmv.jku.at/fleury" [foster] name = "Michael Foster" [foster.emails] [foster.emails.foster_email] user = [ "m", "foster", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [foster.homepages] [fosterj] name = "J. Nathan Foster" [fosterj.emails] [fosterj.homepages] fosterj_homepage = "http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~jnfoster/" [fosters] name = "Simon Foster" [fosters.emails] [fosters.emails.fosters_email] user = [ "simon", "foster", ] host = [ "york", "ac", "uk", ] [fosters.homepages] fosters_homepage = "https://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~simonf/" [fouillard] name = "Valentin Fouillard" [fouillard.emails] [fouillard.emails.fouillard_email] user = [ "valentin", "fouillard", ] host = [ "limsi", "fr", ] [fouillard.homepages] [friedrich] name = "Stefan Friedrich" [friedrich.emails] [friedrich.homepages] [from] name = "Asta Halkjær From" [from.emails] [from.emails.from_email] user = [ "ahfrom", ] host = [ "dtu", "dk", ] [from.homepages] from_homepage = "https://people.compute.dtu.dk/ahfrom/" [fuenmayor] name = "David Fuenmayor" [fuenmayor.emails] [fuenmayor.emails.fuenmayor_email] user = [ "davfuenmayor", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [fuenmayor.homepages] [furusawa] name = "Hitoshi Furusawa" [furusawa.emails] [furusawa.homepages] furusawa_homepage = "http://www.sci.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/~furusawa/" [gammie] name = "Peter Gammie" [gammie.emails] [gammie.emails.gammie_email] user = [ "peteg42", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [gammie.homepages] gammie_homepage = "http://peteg.org" [gao] name = "Xin Gao" [gao.emails] [gao.homepages] [gaudel] name = "Marie-Claude Gaudel" [gaudel.emails] [gaudel.emails.gaudel_email] user = [ "mcg", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [gaudel.homepages] [gay] name = "Richard Gay" [gay.emails] [gay.emails.gay_email] user = [ "gay", ] host = [ "mais", "informatik", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [gay.homepages] [georgescu] name = "George Georgescu" [georgescu.emails] [georgescu.homepages] [gheri] name = "Lorenzo Gheri" [gheri.emails] [gheri.emails.gheri_email] user = [ "lor", "gheri", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [gheri.homepages] [ghourabi] name = "Fadoua Ghourabi" [ghourabi.emails] [ghourabi.emails.ghourabi_email] user = [ "fadouaghourabi", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [ghourabi.homepages] [gioiosa] name = "Gianpaolo Gioiosa" [gioiosa.emails] [gioiosa.homepages] [glabbeek] name = "Rob van Glabbeek" [glabbeek.emails] [glabbeek.homepages] glabbeek_homepage = "http://theory.stanford.edu/~rvg/" [gomes] name = "Victor B. F. Gomes" [gomes.emails] [gomes.emails.gomes_email] user = [ "victor", "gomes", ] host = [ "cl", "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [gomes.emails.gomes_email2] user = [ "victorborgesfg", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [gomes.emails.gomes_email4] user = [ "vborgesferreiragomes1", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [gomes.homepages] gomes_homepage = "http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~victor" [gonzalez] name = "Edgar Gonzàlez" [gonzalez.emails] [gonzalez.emails.gonzalez_email] user = [ "edgargip", ] host = [ "google", "com", ] [gonzalez.homepages] [gore] name = "Rajeev Gore" [gore.emails] [gore.emails.gore_email] user = [ "rajeev", "gore", ] host = [ "anu", "edu", "au", ] [gore.homepages] [gouezel] name = "Sebastien Gouezel" [gouezel.emails] [gouezel.emails.gouezel_email] user = [ "sebastien", "gouezel", ] host = [ "univ-rennes1", "fr", ] [gouezel.homepages] gouezel_homepage = "http://www.math.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/~gouezel/" [grechuk] name = "Bogdan Grechuk" [grechuk.emails] [grechuk.emails.grechuk_email] user = [ "grechukbogdan", ] host = [ "yandex", "ru", ] [grechuk.homepages] [grewe] name = "Sylvia Grewe" [grewe.emails] [grewe.emails.grewe_email] user = [ "grewe", ] host = [ "cs", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [grewe.homepages] [griebel] name = "Simon Griebel" [griebel.emails] [griebel.emails.griebel_email] user = [ "s", "griebel", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [griebel.homepages] [grov] name = "Gudmund Grov" [grov.emails] [grov.emails.grov_email] user = [ "ggrov", ] host = [ "inf", "ed", "ac", "uk", ] [grov.homepages] grov_homepage = "http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ggrov" [guerraoui] name = "Rachid Guerraoui" [guerraoui.emails] [guerraoui.emails.guerraoui_email] user = [ "rachid", "guerraoui", ] host = [ "epfl", "ch", ] [guerraoui.homepages] [guiol] name = "Hervé Guiol" [guiol.emails] [guiol.emails.guiol_email] user = [ "herve", "guiol", ] host = [ "univ-grenoble-alpes", "fr", ] [guiol.homepages] [gunther] name = "Emmanuel Gunther" [gunther.emails] [gunther.emails.gunther_email] user = [ "gunther", ] host = [ "famaf", "unc", "edu", "ar", ] [gunther.homepages] [gutkovas] name = "Ramunas Gutkovas" [gutkovas.emails] [gutkovas.emails.gutkovas_email] user = [ "ramunas", "gutkovas", ] host = [ "it", "uu", "se", ] [gutkovas.homepages] [guttmann] name = "Walter Guttmann" [guttmann.emails] [guttmann.emails.guttmann_email] user = [ "walter", "guttmann", ] host = [ "canterbury", "ac", "nz", ] [guttmann.homepages] guttmann_homepage = "https://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/walter.guttmann/" [haftmann] name = "Florian Haftmann" [haftmann.emails] [haftmann.emails.haftmann_email] user = [ "florian", "haftmann", ] host = [ "informatik", "tu-muenchen", "de", ] [haftmann.homepages] haftmann_homepage = "http://isabelle.in.tum.de/~haftmann" [haslbeck] name = "Max W. Haslbeck" [haslbeck.emails] [haslbeck.emails.haslbeck_email] user = [ "maximilian", "haslbeck", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [haslbeck.emails.haslbeck_email1] user = [ "haslbecm", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [haslbeck.emails.haslbeck_email2] user = [ "max", "haslbeck", ] host = [ "gmx", "de", ] [haslbeck.homepages] haslbeck_homepage = "http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/mhaslbeck/" [haslbeckm] name = "Maximilian P. L. Haslbeck" [haslbeckm.emails] [haslbeckm.emails.haslbeckm_email] user = [ "haslbema", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [haslbeckm.homepages] haslbeckm_homepage = "http://in.tum.de/~haslbema/" [havle] name = "Oto Havle" [havle.emails] [havle.emails.havle_email] user = [ "oha", ] host = [ "sysgo", "com", ] [havle.homepages] [hayes] name = "Ian J. Hayes" [hayes.emails] [hayes.emails.hayes_email] user = [ "ian", "hayes", ] host = [ "itee", "uq", "edu", "au", ] [hayes.homepages] [he] name = "Yijun He" [he.emails] [he.emails.he_email] user = [ "yh403", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [he.homepages] [heimes] name = "Lukas Heimes" [heimes.emails] [heimes.emails.heimes_email] user = [ "heimesl", ] host = [ "student", "ethz", "ch", ] [heimes.homepages] [helke] name = "Steffen Helke" [helke.emails] [helke.emails.helke_email] user = [ "helke", ] host = [ "cs", "tu-berlin", "de", ] [helke.homepages] [hellauer] name = "Fabian Hellauer" [hellauer.emails] [hellauer.emails.hellauer_email] user = [ "hellauer", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [hellauer.homepages] [heller] name = "Armin Heller" [heller.emails] [heller.homepages] [henrio] name = "Ludovic Henrio" [henrio.emails] [henrio.emails.henrio_email] user = [ "Ludovic", "Henrio", ] host = [ "sophia", "inria", "fr", ] [henrio.homepages] [herzberg] name = "Michael Herzberg" [herzberg.emails] [herzberg.emails.herzberg_email] user = [ "mail", ] host = [ "michael-herzberg", "de", ] [herzberg.homepages] herzberg_homepage = "http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/cgi-bin/makeperson?M.Herzberg" [hess] name = "Andreas V. Hess" [hess.emails] [hess.emails.hess_email] user = [ "avhe", ] host = [ "dtu", "dk", ] [hess.emails.hess_email1] user = [ "andreasvhess", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [hess.homepages] [hetzl] name = "Stefan Hetzl" [hetzl.emails] [hetzl.emails.hetzl_email] user = [ "hetzl", ] host = [ "logic", "at", ] [hetzl.homepages] hetzl_homepage = "http://www.logic.at/people/hetzl/" [hibon] name = "Quentin Hibon" [hibon.emails] [hibon.emails.hibon_email] user = [ "qh225", ] host = [ "cl", "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [hibon.homepages] [hirata] name = "Michikazu Hirata" [hirata.emails] [hirata.emails.hirata_email] user = [ "hirata", "m", "ac", ] host = [ "m", "titech", "ac", "jp", ] [hirata.homepages] [hoefner] name = "Peter Höfner" [hoefner.emails] [hoefner.emails.hoefner_email] user = [ "peter", ] host = [ "hoefner-online", "de", ] [hoefner.homepages] hoefner_homepage = "http://www.hoefner-online.de/" [hoelzl] name = "Johannes Hölzl" [hoelzl.emails] [hoelzl.emails.hoelzl_email] user = [ "hoelzl", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [hoelzl.homepages] hoelzl_homepage = "http://home.in.tum.de/~hoelzl" [hofmann] name = "Martin Hofmann" [hofmann.emails] [hofmann.homepages] hofmann_homepage = "http://www.tcs.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/~mhofmann" [holub] name = "Štěpán Holub" [holub.emails] [holub.emails.holub_email] user = [ "holub", ] host = [ "karlin", "mff", "cuni", "cz", ] [holub.homepages] holub_homepage = "https://www2.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~holub/" [hosking] name = "Tony Hosking" [hosking.emails] [hosking.homepages] hosking_homepage = "https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/hosking/" [hou] name = "Zhe Hou" [hou.emails] [hou.emails.hou_email] user = [ "zhe", "hou", ] host = [ "ntu", "edu", "sg", ] [hou.homepages] [hu] name = "Shuwei Hu" [hu.emails] [hu.emails.hu_email] user = [ "shuwei", "hu", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [hu.homepages] [huffman] name = "Brian Huffman" [huffman.emails] [huffman.emails.huffman_email] user = [ "huffman", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [huffman.emails.huffman_email1] user = [ "brianh", ] host = [ "cs", "pdx", "edu", ] [huffman.homepages] huffman_homepage = "http://cs.pdx.edu/~brianh/" [hupel] name = "Lars Hupel" [hupel.emails] [hupel.emails.hupel_email] user = [ - "hupel", -] -host = [ - "in", - "tum", - "de", -] - -[hupel.emails.hupel_email1] -user = [ "lars", ] host = [ "hupel", "info", ] [hupel.homepages] -hupel_homepage = "https://www21.in.tum.de/~hupel/" -hupel_homepage1 = "https://lars.hupel.info/" +hupel_homepage = "https://lars.hupel.info/" [ijbema] name = "Mark Ijbema" [ijbema.emails] [ijbema.emails.ijbema_email] user = [ "ijbema", ] host = [ "fmf", "nl", ] [ijbema.homepages] [immler] name = "Fabian Immler" [immler.emails] [immler.emails.immler_email] user = [ "immler", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [immler.emails.immler_email1] user = [ "fimmler", ] host = [ "cs", "cmu", "edu", ] [immler.homepages] immler_homepage = "https://home.in.tum.de/~immler/" [ito] name = "Yosuke Ito" [ito.emails] [ito.emails.ito_email] user = [ "glacier345", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [ito.homepages] [iwama] name = "Fumiya Iwama" [iwama.emails] [iwama.emails.iwama_email] user = [ "d1623001", ] host = [ "s", "konan-u", "ac", "jp", ] [iwama.homepages] [jacobsen] name = "Frederik Krogsdal Jacobsen" [jacobsen.emails] [jacobsen.emails.jacobsen_email] user = [ "fkjac", ] host = [ "dtu", "dk", ] [jacobsen.homepages] jacobsen_homepage = "http://people.compute.dtu.dk/fkjac/" [jaskelioff] name = "Mauro Jaskelioff" [jaskelioff.emails] [jaskelioff.homepages] jaskelioff_homepage = "http://www.fceia.unr.edu.ar/~mauro/" [jaskolka] name = "Jason Jaskolka" [jaskolka.emails] [jaskolka.emails.jaskolka_email] user = [ "jason", "jaskolka", ] host = [ "carleton", "ca", ] [jaskolka.homepages] jaskolka_homepage = "https://carleton.ca/jaskolka/" [jensen] name = "Alexander Birch Jensen" [jensen.emails] [jensen.emails.jensen_email] user = [ "aleje", ] host = [ "dtu", "dk", ] [jensen.homepages] jensen_homepage = "https://people.compute.dtu.dk/aleje/" [jiang] name = "Nan Jiang" [jiang.emails] [jiang.emails.jiang_email] user = [ "nanjiang", ] host = [ "whu", "edu", "cn", ] [jiang.homepages] [jiangd] name = "Dongchen Jiang" [jiangd.emails] [jiangd.emails.jiangd_email] user = [ "dongchenjiang", ] host = [ "googlemail", "com", ] [jiangd.homepages] [joosten] name = "Sebastiaan J. C. Joosten" [joosten.emails] [joosten.emails.joosten_email] user = [ "sebastiaan", "joosten", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [joosten.emails.joosten_email1] user = [ "sjcjoosten", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [joosten.emails.joosten_email2] user = [ "s", "j", "c", "joosten", ] host = [ "utwente", "nl", ] [joosten.homepages] joosten_homepage = "https://sjcjoosten.nl/" [jungnickel] name = "Tim Jungnickel" [jungnickel.emails] [jungnickel.emails.jungnickel_email] user = [ "tim", "jungnickel", ] host = [ "tu-berlin", "de", ] [jungnickel.homepages] [kadzioka] name = "Maya Kądziołka" [kadzioka.emails] [kadzioka.emails.kadzioka_email] user = [ "afp", ] host = [ "compilercrim", "es", ] [kadzioka.homepages] [kaliszyk] name = "Cezary Kaliszyk" [kaliszyk.emails] [kaliszyk.emails.kaliszyk_email] user = [ "cezary", "kaliszyk", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [kaliszyk.homepages] kaliszyk_homepage = "http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/cek/" [kammueller] name = "Florian Kammüller" [kammueller.emails] [kammueller.emails.kammueller_email] user = [ "flokam", ] host = [ "cs", "tu-berlin", "de", ] [kammueller.emails.kammueller_email1] user = [ "florian", "kammuller", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [kammueller.homepages] kammueller_homepage = "http://www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/people/florian-kammueller/" [kappelmann] name = "Kevin Kappelmann" [kappelmann.emails] [kappelmann.emails.kappelmann_email] user = [ "kevin", "kappelmann", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [kappelmann.homepages] kappelmann_homepage = "https://www21.in.tum.de/team/kappelmk/" [karayel] name = "Emin Karayel" [karayel.emails] [karayel.emails.karayel_email] user = [ "me", ] host = [ "eminkarayel", "de", ] [karayel.emails.karayel_email1] user = [ "eminkarayel", ] host = [ "google", "com", ] [karayel.homepages] karayel_homepage = "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3290-5034" [kastermans] name = "Bart Kastermans" [kastermans.emails] [kastermans.homepages] kastermans_homepage = "http://kasterma.net" [katovsky] name = "Alexander Katovsky" [katovsky.emails] [katovsky.emails.katovsky_email] user = [ "apk32", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [katovsky.emails.katovsky_email1] user = [ "alexander", "katovsky", ] host = [ "cantab", "net", ] [katovsky.homepages] [kaufmann] name = "Daniela Kaufmann" [kaufmann.emails] [kaufmann.homepages] kaufmann_homepage = "http://fmv.jku.at/kaufmann" [keefe] name = "Greg O'Keefe" [keefe.emails] [keefe.homepages] keefe_homepage = "http://users.rsise.anu.edu.au/~okeefe/" [keinholz] name = "Jonas Keinholz" [keinholz.emails] [keinholz.homepages] [kerber] name = "Manfred Kerber" [kerber.emails] [kerber.emails.kerber_email] user = [ "mnfrd", "krbr", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [kerber.homepages] kerber_homepage = "http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mmk" [ketland] name = "Jeffrey Ketland" [ketland.emails] [ketland.emails.ketland_email] user = [ "jeffreyketland", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [ketland.homepages] [kirchner] name = "Daniel Kirchner" [kirchner.emails] [kirchner.emails.kirchner_email] user = [ "daniel", ] host = [ "ekpyron", "org", ] [kirchner.homepages] [klein] name = "Gerwin Klein" [klein.emails] [klein.emails.klein_email] user = [ "kleing", ] host = [ "unsw", "edu", "au", ] [klein.homepages] klein_homepage = "http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~kleing/" [klenze] name = "Tobias Klenze" [klenze.emails] [klenze.emails.klenze_email] user = [ "tobias", "klenze", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [klenze.homepages] [kleppmann] name = "Martin Kleppmann" [kleppmann.emails] [kleppmann.emails.kleppmann_email] user = [ "martin", "kleppmann", ] host = [ "cl", "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [kleppmann.homepages] [kobayashi] name = "Hidetsune Kobayashi" [kobayashi.emails] [kobayashi.homepages] [koerner] name = "Stefan Körner" [koerner.emails] [koerner.emails.koerner_email] user = [ "s_koer03", ] host = [ "uni-muenster", "de", ] [koerner.homepages] [kolanski] name = "Rafal Kolanski" [kolanski.emails] [kolanski.emails.kolanski_email] user = [ "rafal", "kolanski", ] host = [ "nicta", "com", "au", ] [kolanski.homepages] [koller] name = "Lukas Koller" [koller.emails] [koller.emails.koller_email] user = [ "lukas", "koller", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [koller.homepages] [krauss] name = "Alexander Krauss" [krauss.emails] [krauss.emails.krauss_email] user = [ "krauss", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [krauss.homepages] krauss_homepage = "http://www.in.tum.de/~krauss" [kreuzer] name = "Katharina Kreuzer" [kreuzer.emails] [kreuzer.emails.kreuzer_email] user = [ "kreuzerk", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [kreuzer.emails.kreuzer_email1] user = [ "k", "kreuzer", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [kreuzer.homepages] kreuzer_homepage = "https://www21.in.tum.de/team/kreuzer/" [kuncak] name = "Viktor Kuncak" [kuncak.emails] [kuncak.homepages] kuncak_homepage = "http://lara.epfl.ch/~kuncak/" [kuncar] name = "Ondřej Kunčar" [kuncar.emails] [kuncar.homepages] kuncar_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~kuncar/" [kurz] name = "Friedrich Kurz" [kurz.emails] [kurz.emails.kurz_email] user = [ "friedrich", "kurz", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [kurz.homepages] [lachnitt] name = "Hanna Lachnitt" [lachnitt.emails] [lachnitt.emails.lachnitt_email] user = [ "lachnitt", ] host = [ "stanford", "edu", ] [lachnitt.homepages] [lallemand] name = "Joseph Lallemand" [lallemand.emails] [lallemand.emails.lallemand_email] user = [ "joseph", "lallemand", ] host = [ "loria", "fr", ] [lallemand.homepages] [lammich] name = "Peter Lammich" [lammich.emails] [lammich.emails.lammich_email] user = [ "lammich", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [lammich.emails.lammich_email1] user = [ "peter", "lammich", ] host = [ "uni-muenster", "de", ] [lammich.homepages] lammich_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~lammich" [lange] name = "Christoph Lange" [lange.emails] [lange.emails.lange_email] user = [ "math", "semantic", "web", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [lange.homepages] [langenstein] name = "Bruno Langenstein" [langenstein.emails] [langenstein.emails.langenstein_email] user = [ "langenstein", ] host = [ "dfki", "de", ] [langenstein.homepages] [lattuada] name = "Andrea Lattuada" [lattuada.emails] [lattuada.homepages] lattuada_homepage = "https://andrea.lattuada.me" [lee] name = "Holden Lee" [lee.emails] [lee.emails.lee_email] user = [ "holdenl", ] host = [ "princeton", "edu", ] [lee.homepages] [leustean] name = "Laurentiu Leustean" [leustean.emails] [leustean.homepages] [lewis] name = "Corey Lewis" [lewis.emails] [lewis.emails.lewis_email] user = [ "corey", "lewis", ] host = [ "data61", "csiro", "au", ] [lewis.homepages] [li] name = "Wenda Li" [li.emails] [li.emails.li_email] user = [ "wl302", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [li.emails.li_email1] user = [ "liwenda1990", ] host = [ "hotmail", "com", ] [li.homepages] li_homepage = "https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~wl302/" [lim] name = "Japheth Lim" [lim.emails] [lim.homepages] [lindenberg] name = "Christina Lindenberg" [lindenberg.emails] [lindenberg.homepages] [linker] name = "Sven Linker" [linker.emails] [linker.emails.linker_email] user = [ "s", "linker", ] host = [ "liverpool", "ac", "uk", ] [linker.homepages] [liu] name = "Junyi Liu" [liu.emails] [liu.homepages] [liut] name = "Tao Liu" [liut.emails] [liut.homepages] [liuy] name = "Yang Liu" [liuy.emails] [liuy.emails.liuy_email] user = [ "yangliu", ] host = [ "ntu", "edu", "sg", ] [liuy.homepages] [liy] name = "Yangjia Li" [liy.emails] [liy.homepages] [lochbihler] name = "Andreas Lochbihler" [lochbihler.emails] [lochbihler.emails.lochbihler_email] user = [ "andreas", "lochbihler", ] host = [ "digitalasset", "com", ] [lochbihler.emails.lochbihler_email1] user = [ "mail", ] host = [ "andreas-lochbihler", "de", ] [lochbihler.homepages] lochbihler_homepage = "http://www.andreas-lochbihler.de/" [lochmann] name = "Alexander Lochmann" [lochmann.emails] [lochmann.emails.lochmann_email] user = [ "alexander", "lochmann", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [lochmann.homepages] [lohner] name = "Denis Lohner" [lohner.emails] [lohner.emails.lohner_email] user = [ "denis", "lohner", ] host = [ "kit", "edu", ] [lohner.homepages] lohner_homepage = "http://pp.ipd.kit.edu/person.php?id=88" [loibl] name = "Matthias Loibl" [loibl.emails] [loibl.homepages] [londono] name = "Alejandro Gómez-Londoño" [londono.emails] [londono.emails.londono_email] user = [ "alejandro", "gomez", ] host = [ "chalmers", "se", ] [londono.homepages] [losa] name = "Giuliano Losa" [losa.emails] [losa.emails.losa_email] user = [ "giuliano", "losa", ] host = [ "epfl", "ch", ] [losa.emails.losa_email1] user = [ "giuliano", ] host = [ "galois", "com", ] [losa.emails.losa_email2] user = [ "giuliano", ] host = [ "losa", "fr", ] [losa.homepages] [lutz] name = "Bianca Lutz" [lutz.emails] [lutz.emails.lutz_email] user = [ "sowilo", ] host = [ "cs", "tu-berlin", "de", ] [lutz.homepages] [lux] name = "Alexander Lux" [lux.emails] [lux.emails.lux_email] user = [ "lux", ] host = [ "mais", "informatik", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [lux.homepages] [makarios] name = "T. J. M. Makarios" [makarios.emails] [makarios.emails.makarios_email] user = [ "tjm1983", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [makarios.homepages] [maletzky] name = "Alexander Maletzky" [maletzky.emails] [maletzky.emails.maletzky_email] user = [ "alexander", "maletzky", ] host = [ "risc", "jku", "at", ] [maletzky.emails.maletzky_email1] user = [ "alexander", "maletzky", ] host = [ "risc-software", "at", ] [maletzky.homepages] maletzky_homepage = "https://risc.jku.at/m/alexander-maletzky/" [mansky] name = "Susannah Mansky" [mansky.emails] [mansky.emails.mansky_email] user = [ "sjohnsn2", ] host = [ "illinois", "edu", ] [mansky.emails.mansky_email1] user = [ "susannahej", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [mansky.homepages] [mantel] name = "Heiko Mantel" [mantel.emails] [mantel.emails.mantel_email] user = [ "mantel", ] host = [ "mais", "informatik", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [mantel.homepages] [margetson] name = "James Margetson" [margetson.emails] [margetson.homepages] [maric] name = "Ognjen Marić" [maric.emails] [maric.emails.maric_email] user = [ "ogi", "afp", ] host = [ "mynosefroze", "com", ] [maric.homepages] [maricf] name = "Filip Marić" [maricf.emails] [maricf.emails.maricf_email] user = [ "filip", ] host = [ "matf", "bg", "ac", "rs", ] [maricf.homepages] maricf_homepage = "http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/~filip" [marmsoler] name = "Diego Marmsoler" [marmsoler.emails] [marmsoler.emails.marmsoler_email] user = [ "diego", "marmsoler", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [marmsoler.emails.marmsoler_email1] user = [ "d", "marmsoler", ] host = [ "exeter", "ac", "uk", ] [marmsoler.homepages] marmsoler_homepage = "http://marmsoler.com" [matache] name = "Cristina Matache" [matache.emails] [matache.emails.matache_email] user = [ "cris", "matache", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [matache.homepages] [matichuk] name = "Daniel Matichuk" [matichuk.emails] [matichuk.homepages] [matiyasevich] name = "Yuri Matiyasevich" [matiyasevich.emails] [matiyasevich.homepages] [maximova] name = "Alexandra Maximova" [maximova.emails] [maximova.emails.maximova_email] user = [ "amaximov", ] host = [ "student", "ethz", "ch", ] [maximova.homepages] [meis] name = "Rene Meis" [meis.emails] [meis.emails.meis_email] user = [ "rene", "meis", ] host = [ "uni-muenster", "de", ] [meis.emails.meis_email1] user = [ "rene", "meis", ] host = [ "uni-due", "de", ] [meis.homepages] [merz] name = "Stephan Merz" [merz.emails] [merz.emails.merz_email] user = [ "Stephan", "Merz", ] host = [ "loria", "fr", ] [merz.homepages] merz_homepage = "http://www.loria.fr/~merz" [messner] name = "Florian Messner" [messner.emails] [messner.emails.messner_email] user = [ "florian", "g", "messner", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [messner.homepages] [michaelis] name = "Julius Michaelis" [michaelis.emails] [michaelis.emails.michaelis_email] user = [ "isabelleopenflow", ] host = [ "liftm", "de", ] [michaelis.emails.michaelis_email1] user = [ "maintainafpppt", ] host = [ "liftm", "de", ] [michaelis.emails.michaelis_email2] user = [ "bdd", ] host = [ "liftm", "de", ] [michaelis.emails.michaelis_email3] user = [ "afp", ] host = [ "liftm", "de", ] [michaelis.homepages] michaelis_homepage = "http://liftm.de/" [milehins] name = "Mihails Milehins" [milehins.emails] [milehins.emails.milehins_email] user = [ "user9716869", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [milehins.emails.milehins_email1] user = [ "mihailsmilehins", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [milehins.homepages] [minamide] name = "Yasuhiko Minamide" [minamide.emails] [minamide.emails.minamide_email] user = [ "minamide", ] host = [ "is", "titech", "ac", "jp", ] [minamide.homepages] minamide_homepage = "https://sv.c.titech.ac.jp/minamide/index.en.html" [mitchell] name = "Neil Mitchell" [mitchell.emails] [mitchell.homepages] [mitsch] name = "Stefan Mitsch" [mitsch.emails] [mitsch.emails.mitsch_email] user = [ "smitsch", ] host = [ "cs", "cmu", "edu", ] [mitsch.homepages] [moedersheim] name = "Sebastian Mödersheim" [moedersheim.emails] [moedersheim.emails.moedersheim_email] user = [ "samo", ] host = [ "dtu", "dk", ] [moedersheim.homepages] moedersheim_homepage = "https://people.compute.dtu.dk/samo/" [moeller] name = "Bernhard Möller" [moeller.emails] [moeller.homepages] moeller_homepage = "https://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/en/chairs/dbis/pmi/staff/moeller/" [muendler] name = "Niels Mündler" [muendler.emails] [muendler.emails.muendler_email] user = [ "n", "muendler", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [muendler.homepages] [mulligan] name = "Dominic P. Mulligan" [mulligan.emails] [mulligan.emails.mulligan_email] user = [ "dominic", "p", "mulligan", ] host = [ "googlemail", "com", ] [mulligan.emails.mulligan_email1] user = [ "Dominic", "Mulligan", ] host = [ "arm", "com", ] [mulligan.homepages] [munive] name = "Jonathan Julian Huerta y Munive" [munive.emails] [munive.emails.munive_email] user = [ "jjhuertaymunive1", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [munive.emails.munive_email1] user = [ "jonjulian23", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [munive.homepages] [murao] name = "H. Murao" [murao.emails] [murao.homepages] [murray] name = "Toby Murray" [murray.emails] [murray.emails.murray_email] user = [ "toby", "murray", ] host = [ "unimelb", "edu", "au", ] [murray.homepages] murray_homepage = "https://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/tobym/" [nagashima] name = "Yutaka Nagashima" [nagashima.emails] [nagashima.emails.nagashima_email] user = [ "Yutaka", "Nagashima", ] host = [ "data61", "csiro", "au", ] [nagashima.homepages] [nagele] name = "Julian Nagele" [nagele.emails] [nagele.emails.nagele_email] user = [ "julian", "nagele", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [nagele.homepages] [naraschewski] name = "Wolfgang Naraschewski" [naraschewski.emails] [naraschewski.homepages] [nedzelsky] name = "Michael Nedzelsky" [nedzelsky.emails] [nedzelsky.emails.nedzelsky_email] user = [ "MichaelNedzelsky", ] host = [ "yandex", "ru", ] [nedzelsky.homepages] [nemeti] name = "István Németi" [nemeti.emails] [nemeti.homepages] nemeti_homepage = "http://www.renyi.hu/~nemeti/" [nemouchi] name = "Yakoub Nemouchi" [nemouchi.emails] [nemouchi.emails.nemouchi_email] user = [ "nemouchi", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [nemouchi.emails.nemouchi_email1] user = [ "yakoub", "nemouchi", ] host = [ "york", "ac", "uk", ] [nemouchi.homepages] [nestmann] name = "Uwe Nestmann" [nestmann.emails] [nestmann.homepages] nestmann_homepage = "https://www.mtv.tu-berlin.de/nestmann/" [neumann] name = "René Neumann" [neumann.emails] [neumann.emails.neumann_email] user = [ "rene", "neumann", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [neumann.homepages] [nielsen] name = "Finn Nielsen" [nielsen.emails] [nielsen.emails.nielsen_email] user = [ "finn", "nielsen", ] host = [ "uni-muenster", "de", ] [nielsen.homepages] [nikiforov] name = "Denis Nikiforov" [nikiforov.emails] [nikiforov.emails.nikiforov_email] user = [ "denis", "nikif", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [nikiforov.homepages] [nipkow] name = "Tobias Nipkow" [nipkow.emails] [nipkow.emails.nipkow_email] user = [ "nipkow", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [nipkow.homepages] nipkow_homepage = "https://www21.in.tum.de/~nipkow/" [nishihara] name = "Toshiaki Nishihara" [nishihara.emails] [nishihara.homepages] [noce] name = "Pasquale Noce" [noce.emails] [noce.emails.noce_email] user = [ "pasquale", "noce", "lavoro", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [noce.homepages] [nordhoff] name = "Benedikt Nordhoff" [nordhoff.emails] [nordhoff.emails.nordhoff_email] user = [ "b", "n", ] host = [ "wwu", "de", ] [nordhoff.emails.nordhoff_email1] user = [ "b_nord01", ] host = [ "uni-muenster", "de", ] [nordhoff.homepages] [noschinski] name = "Lars Noschinski" [noschinski.emails] [noschinski.emails.noschinski_email] user = [ "noschinl", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [noschinski.homepages] noschinski_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~noschinl/" [obua] name = "Steven Obua" [obua.emails] [obua.emails.obua_email] user = [ "steven", ] host = [ "recursivemind", "com", ] [obua.homepages] [ogawa] name = "Mizuhito Ogawa" [ogawa.emails] [ogawa.homepages] [oldenburg] name = "Lennart Oldenburg" [oldenburg.emails] [oldenburg.homepages] [olm] name = "Markus Müller-Olm" [olm.emails] [olm.homepages] olm_homepage = "http://cs.uni-muenster.de/u/mmo/" [oosterhuis] name = "Roelof Oosterhuis" [oosterhuis.emails] [oosterhuis.emails.oosterhuis_email] user = [ "roelofoosterhuis", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [oosterhuis.homepages] [oostrom] name = "Vincent van Oostrom" [oostrom.emails] [oostrom.homepages] [ortner] name = "Veronika Ortner" [ortner.emails] [ortner.homepages] [overbeek] name = "Roy Overbeek" [overbeek.emails] [overbeek.emails.overbeek_email] user = [ "Roy", "Overbeek", ] host = [ "cwi", "nl", ] [overbeek.homepages] [pagano] name = "Miguel Pagano" [pagano.emails] [pagano.emails.pagano_email] user = [ "miguel", "pagano", ] host = [ "unc", "edu", "ar", ] [pagano.homepages] pagano_homepage = "https://cs.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~mpagano/" [pal] name = "Abhik Pal" [pal.emails] [pal.homepages] [paleo] name = "Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo" [paleo.emails] [paleo.homepages] paleo_homepage = "http://www.logic.at/staff/bruno/" [palmer] name = "Jake Palmer" [palmer.emails] [palmer.emails.palmer_email] user = [ "jake", "palmer", ] host = [ "ed", "ac", "uk", ] [palmer.homepages] [parkinson] name = "Matthew Parkinson" [parkinson.emails] [parkinson.homepages] parkinson_homepage = "http://research.microsoft.com/people/mattpark/" [parrow] name = "Joachim Parrow" [parrow.emails] [parrow.emails.parrow_email] user = [ "joachim", "parrow", ] host = [ "it", "uu", "se", ] [parrow.homepages] [parsert] name = "Julian Parsert" [parsert.emails] [parsert.emails.parsert_email] user = [ "julian", "parsert", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [parsert.emails.parsert_email1] user = [ "julian", "parsert", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [parsert.homepages] parsert_homepage = "http://www.parsert.com/" [paulson] name = "Lawrence C. Paulson" [paulson.emails] [paulson.emails.paulson_email] user = [ "lp15", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [paulson.homepages] paulson_homepage = "https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/" [peltier] name = "Nicolas Peltier" [peltier.emails] [peltier.emails.peltier_email] user = [ "Nicolas", "Peltier", ] host = [ "imag", "fr", ] [peltier.homepages] peltier_homepage = "http://membres-lig.imag.fr/peltier/" [peters] name = "Kirstin Peters" [peters.emails] [peters.emails.peters_email] user = [ "kirstin", "peters", ] host = [ "tu-berlin", "de", ] [peters.homepages] [petrovic] name = "Danijela Petrovic" [petrovic.emails] [petrovic.homepages] petrovic_homepage = "http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/~danijela" [pierzchalski] name = "Edward Pierzchalski" [pierzchalski.emails] [pierzchalski.homepages] [platzer] name = "André Platzer" [platzer.emails] [platzer.emails.platzer_email] user = [ "aplatzer", ] host = [ "cs", "cmu", "edu", ] [platzer.homepages] platzer_homepage = "https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aplatzer/" [pohjola] name = "Johannes Åman Pohjola" [pohjola.emails] [pohjola.homepages] [pollak] name = "Florian Pollak" [pollak.emails] [pollak.emails.pollak_email] user = [ "florian", "pollak", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [pollak.homepages] [popescu] name = "Andrei Popescu" [popescu.emails] [popescu.emails.popescu_email] user = [ "a", "popescu", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [popescu.emails.popescu_email1] user = [ "uuomul", ] host = [ "yahoo", "com", ] [popescu.emails.popescu_email2] user = [ "a", "popescu", ] host = [ "mdx", "ac", "uk", ] [popescu.homepages] popescu_homepage = "https://www.andreipopescu.uk" [porter] name = "Benjamin Porter" [porter.emails] [porter.homepages] [prathamesh] name = "T.V.H. Prathamesh" [prathamesh.emails] [prathamesh.emails.prathamesh_email] user = [ "prathamesh", ] host = [ "imsc", "res", "in", ] [prathamesh.homepages] [preoteasa] name = "Viorel Preoteasa" [preoteasa.emails] [preoteasa.emails.preoteasa_email] user = [ "viorel", "preoteasa", ] host = [ "aalto", "fi", ] [preoteasa.homepages] preoteasa_homepage = "http://users.abo.fi/vpreotea/" [pusch] name = "Cornelia Pusch" [pusch.emails] [pusch.homepages] [rabe] name = "Markus N. Rabe" [rabe.emails] [rabe.homepages] rabe_homepage = "http://www.react.uni-saarland.de/people/rabe.html" [raedle] name = "Jonas Rädle" [raedle.emails] [raedle.emails.raedle_email] user = [ "jonas", "raedle", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [raedle.emails.raedle_email1] user = [ "jonas", "raedle", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [raedle.homepages] [raska] name = "Martin Raška" [raska.emails] [raska.homepages] [raszyk] name = "Martin Raszyk" [raszyk.emails] [raszyk.emails.raszyk_email] user = [ "martin", "raszyk", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [raszyk.emails.raszyk_email1] user = [ "m", "raszyk", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [raszyk.homepages] [rau] name = "Martin Rau" [rau.emails] [rau.emails.rau_email] user = [ "martin", "rau", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [rau.emails.rau_email1] user = [ "mrtnrau", ] host = [ "googlemail", "com", ] [rau.homepages] [rauch] name = "Nicole Rauch" [rauch.emails] [rauch.emails.rauch_email] user = [ "rauch", ] host = [ "informatik", "uni-kl", "de", ] [rauch.homepages] [raumer] name = "Jakob von Raumer" [raumer.emails] [raumer.emails.raumer_email] user = [ "psxjv4", ] host = [ "nottingham", "ac", "uk", ] [raumer.homepages] [ravindran] name = "Binoy Ravindran" [ravindran.emails] [ravindran.homepages] [rawson] name = "Michael Rawson" [rawson.emails] [rawson.emails.rawson_email] user = [ "michaelrawson76", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [rawson.emails.rawson_email1] user = [ "mr644", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [rawson.homepages] [raya] name = "Rodrigo Raya" [raya.emails] [raya.homepages] raya_homepage = "https://people.epfl.ch/rodrigo.raya" [reiche] name = "Sebastian Reiche" [reiche.emails] [reiche.homepages] reiche_homepage = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-reiche-0b2093178" [reiter] name = "Markus Reiter" [reiter.emails] [reiter.homepages] [reynaud] name = "Alban Reynaud" [reynaud.emails] [reynaud.homepages] [ribeiro] name = "Pedro Ribeiro" [ribeiro.emails] [ribeiro.homepages] [richter] name = "Stefan Richter" [richter.emails] [richter.emails.richter_email] user = [ "richter", ] host = [ "informatik", "rwth-aachen", "de", ] [richter.homepages] richter_homepage = "http://www-lti.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~richter/" [rickmann] name = "Christina Rickmann" [rickmann.emails] [rickmann.emails.rickmann_email] user = [ "c", "rickmann", ] host = [ "tu-berlin", "de", ] [rickmann.homepages] [ridge] name = "Tom Ridge" [ridge.emails] [ridge.homepages] [rizaldi] name = "Albert Rizaldi" [rizaldi.emails] [rizaldi.emails.rizaldi_email] user = [ "albert", "rizaldi", ] host = [ "ntu", "edu", "sg", ] [rizaldi.homepages] [rizkallah] name = "Christine Rizkallah" [rizkallah.emails] [rizkallah.homepages] rizkallah_homepage = "https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~crizkall/" [robillard] name = "Simon Robillard" [robillard.emails] [robillard.homepages] robillard_homepage = "https://simon-robillard.net/" [roessle] name = "Ian Roessle" [roessle.emails] [roessle.homepages] [romanos] name = "Ralph Romanos" [romanos.emails] [romanos.emails.romanos_email] user = [ "ralph", "romanos", ] host = [ "student", "ecp", "fr", ] [romanos.homepages] [rosskopf] name = "Simon Roßkopf" [rosskopf.emails] [rosskopf.emails.rosskopf_email] user = [ "rosskops", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [rosskopf.homepages] rosskopf_homepage = "http://www21.in.tum.de/~rosskops" [rowat] name = "Colin Rowat" [rowat.emails] [rowat.emails.rowat_email] user = [ "c", "rowat", ] host = [ "bham", "ac", "uk", ] [rowat.homepages] [sabouret] name = "Nicolas Sabouret" [sabouret.emails] [sabouret.homepages] [sachtleben] name = "Robert Sachtleben" [sachtleben.emails] [sachtleben.emails.sachtleben_email] user = [ "rob_sac", ] host = [ "uni-bremen", "de", ] [sachtleben.homepages] [saile] name = "Christian Saile" [saile.emails] [saile.homepages] saile_homepage = "http://dss.in.tum.de/staff/christian-saile.html" [sanan] name = "David Sanan" [sanan.emails] [sanan.emails.sanan_email] user = [ "sanan", ] host = [ "ntu", "edu", "sg", ] [sanan.homepages] [sato] name = "Tetsuya Sato" [sato.emails] [sato.emails.sato_email] user = [ "tsato", ] host = [ "c", "titech", "ac", "jp", ] [sato.homepages] sato_homepage = "https://sites.google.com/view/tetsuyasato/" [sauer] name = "Jens Sauer" [sauer.emails] [sauer.emails.sauer_email] user = [ "sauer", ] host = [ "mais", "informatik", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [sauer.homepages] [schaeffeler] name = "Maximilian Schäffeler" [schaeffeler.emails] [schaeffeler.emails.schaeffeler_email] user = [ "schaeffm", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [schaeffeler.homepages] [scharager] name = "Matias Scharager" [scharager.emails] [scharager.emails.scharager_email] user = [ "mscharag", ] host = [ "cs", "cmu", "edu", ] [scharager.homepages] [schimpf] name = "Alexander Schimpf" [schimpf.emails] [schimpf.emails.schimpf_email] user = [ "schimpfa", ] host = [ "informatik", "uni-freiburg", "de", ] [schimpf.homepages] [schirmer] name = "Norbert Schirmer" [schirmer.emails] [schirmer.emails.schirmer_email] user = [ "norbert", "schirmer", ] host = [ "web", "de", ] [schirmer.homepages] [schleicher] name = "Dierk Schleicher" [schleicher.emails] [schleicher.homepages] [schlichtkrull] name = "Anders Schlichtkrull" [schlichtkrull.emails] [schlichtkrull.emails.schlichtkrull_email] user = [ "andschl", ] host = [ "dtu", "dk", ] [schlichtkrull.homepages] schlichtkrull_homepage = "https://people.compute.dtu.dk/andschl/" [schmaltz] name = "Julien Schmaltz" [schmaltz.emails] [schmaltz.emails.schmaltz_email] user = [ "Julien", "Schmaltz", ] host = [ "ou", "nl", ] [schmaltz.homepages] [schmidinger] name = "Lukas Schmidinger" [schmidinger.emails] [schmidinger.homepages] [schmoetten] name = "Richard Schmoetten" [schmoetten.emails] [schmoetten.emails.schmoetten_email] user = [ "s1311325", ] host = [ "sms", "ed", "ac", "uk", ] [schmoetten.homepages] [schneider] name = "Joshua Schneider" [schneider.emails] [schneider.emails.schneider_email] user = [ "joshua", "schneider", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [schneider.homepages] [schoepe] name = "Daniel Schoepe" [schoepe.emails] [schoepe.emails.schoepe_email] user = [ "daniel", ] host = [ "schoepe", "org", ] [schoepe.homepages] [schoepf] name = "Jonas Schöpf" [schoepf.emails] [schoepf.emails.schoepf_email] user = [ "jonas", "schoepf", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [schoepf.homepages] [scott] name = "Dana Scott" [scott.emails] [scott.homepages] scott_homepage = "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scott/" [sefidgar] name = "S. Reza Sefidgar" [sefidgar.emails] [sefidgar.emails.sefidgar_email] user = [ "reza", "sefidgar", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [sefidgar.homepages] [seidl] name = "Benedikt Seidl" [seidl.emails] [seidl.emails.seidl_email] user = [ "benedikt", "seidl", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [seidl.homepages] [seidler] name = "Henning Seidler" [seidler.emails] [seidler.emails.seidler_email] user = [ "henning", "seidler", ] host = [ "mailbox", "tu-berlin", "de", ] [seidler.homepages] [sewell] name = "Thomas Sewell" [sewell.emails] [sewell.homepages] [sickert] name = "Salomon Sickert" [sickert.emails] [sickert.emails.sickert_email] user = [ "s", "sickert", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [sickert.homepages] sickert_homepage = "https://www7.in.tum.de/~sickert" [siek] name = "Jeremy Siek" [siek.emails] [siek.emails.siek_email] user = [ "jsiek", ] host = [ "indiana", "edu", ] [siek.homepages] siek_homepage = "http://homes.soic.indiana.edu/jsiek/" [simic] name = "Danijela Simić" [simic.emails] [simic.emails.simic_email] user = [ "danijela", ] host = [ "matf", "bg", "ac", "rs", ] [simic.homepages] simic_homepage = "http://poincare.matf.bg.ac.rs/~danijela" [sison] name = "Robert Sison" [sison.emails] [sison.homepages] [smaus] name = "Jan-Georg Smaus" [smaus.emails] [smaus.homepages] smaus_homepage = "http://www.irit.fr/~Jan-Georg.Smaus" [smola] name = "Filip Smola" [smola.emails] [smola.emails.smola_email] user = [ "f", "smola", ] host = [ "sms", "ed", "ac", "uk", ] [smola.homepages] [snelting] name = "Gregor Snelting" [snelting.emails] [snelting.homepages] snelting_homepage = "http://pp.info.uni-karlsruhe.de/personhp/gregor_snelting.php" [somaini] name = "Ivano Somaini" [somaini.emails] [somaini.homepages] [somogyi] name = "Dániel Somogyi" [somogyi.emails] [somogyi.homepages] [spasic] name = "Mirko Spasić" [spasic.emails] [spasic.emails.spasic_email] user = [ "mirko", ] host = [ "matf", "bg", "ac", "rs", ] [spasic.homepages] [spichkova] name = "Maria Spichkova" [spichkova.emails] [spichkova.emails.spichkova_email] user = [ "maria", "spichkova", ] host = [ "rmit", "edu", "au", ] [spichkova.homepages] [sprenger] name = "Christoph Sprenger" [sprenger.emails] [sprenger.emails.sprenger_email] user = [ "sprenger", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [sprenger.homepages] [stannett] name = "Mike Stannett" [stannett.emails] [stannett.emails.stannett_email] user = [ "m", "stannett", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [stannett.homepages] [stark] name = "Eugene W. Stark" [stark.emails] [stark.emails.stark_email] user = [ "stark", ] host = [ "cs", "stonybrook", "edu", ] [stark.homepages] [starosta] name = "Štěpán Starosta" [starosta.emails] [starosta.emails.starosta_email] user = [ "stepan", "starosta", ] host = [ "fit", "cvut", "cz", ] [starosta.homepages] starosta_homepage = "https://users.fit.cvut.cz/~staroste/" [steinberg] name = "Matías Steinberg" [steinberg.emails] [steinberg.emails.steinberg_email] user = [ "matias", "steinberg", ] host = [ "mi", "unc", "edu", "ar", ] [steinberg.homepages] [stephan] name = "Werner Stephan" [stephan.emails] [stephan.emails.stephan_email] user = [ "stephan", ] host = [ "dfki", "de", ] [stephan.homepages] [sternagel] name = "Christian Sternagel" [sternagel.emails] [sternagel.emails.sternagel_email] user = [ "c", "sternagel", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [sternagel.emails.sternagel_email1] user = [ "christian", "sternagel", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [sternagel.homepages] sternagel_homepage = "http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/griff/" [sternagelt] name = "Thomas Sternagel" [sternagelt.emails] [sternagelt.homepages] [stevens] name = "Lukas Stevens" [stevens.emails] [stevens.homepages] stevens_homepage = "https://www21.in.tum.de/team/stevensl" [stock] name = "Benedikt Stock" [stock.emails] [stock.emails.stock_email] user = [ "benedikt1999", ] host = [ "freenet", "de", ] [stock.homepages] [stricker] name = "Christian Stricker" [stricker.emails] [stricker.homepages] stricker_homepage = "http://dss.in.tum.de/staff/christian-stricker.html" [strnisa] name = "Rok Strniša" [strnisa.emails] [strnisa.emails.strnisa_email] user = [ "rok", ] host = [ "strnisa", "com", ] [strnisa.homepages] strnisa_homepage = "http://rok.strnisa.com/lj/" [struth] name = "Georg Struth" [struth.emails] [struth.emails.struth_email] user = [ "g", "struth", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [struth.homepages] struth_homepage = "http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/G.Struth/" [stueber] name = "Anke Stüber" [stueber.emails] [stueber.emails.stueber_email] user = [ "anke", "stueber", ] host = [ "campus", "tu-berlin", "de", ] [stueber.homepages] [stuewe] name = "Daniel Stüwe" [stuewe.emails] [stuewe.homepages] [sudbrock] name = "Henning Sudbrock" [sudbrock.emails] [sudbrock.emails.sudbrock_email] user = [ "sudbrock", ] host = [ "mais", "informatik", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [sudbrock.homepages] [sudhof] name = "Henry Sudhof" [sudhof.emails] [sudhof.emails.sudhof_email] user = [ "hsudhof", ] host = [ "cs", "tu-berlin", "de", ] [sudhof.homepages] [sulejmani] name = "Ujkan Sulejmani" [sulejmani.emails] [sulejmani.emails.sulejmani_email] user = [ "ujkan", "sulejmani", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [sulejmani.emails.sulejmani_email1] user = [ "ujkan99", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [sulejmani.homepages] [sylvestre] name = "Jeremy Sylvestre" [sylvestre.emails] [sylvestre.emails.sylvestre_email] user = [ "jeremy", "sylvestre", ] host = [ "ualberta", "ca", ] [sylvestre.emails.sylvestre_email1] user = [ "jsylvest", ] host = [ "ualberta", "ca", ] [sylvestre.homepages] sylvestre_homepage = "http://ualberta.ca/~jsylvest/" [taha] name = "Safouan Taha" [taha.emails] [taha.emails.taha_email] user = [ "safouan", "taha", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [taha.homepages] [tan] name = "Yong Kiam Tan" [tan.emails] [tan.emails.tan_email] user = [ "yongkiat", ] host = [ "cs", "cmu", "edu", ] [tan.homepages] tan_homepage = "https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~yongkiat/" [tasch] name = "Markus Tasch" [tasch.emails] [tasch.emails.tasch_email] user = [ "tasch", ] host = [ "mais", "informatik", "tu-darmstadt", "de", ] [tasch.homepages] [taylor] name = "Ramsay G. Taylor" [taylor.emails] [taylor.emails.taylor_email] user = [ "r", "g", "taylor", ] host = [ "sheffield", "ac", "uk", ] [taylor.homepages] [terraf] name = "Pedro Sánchez Terraf" [terraf.emails] [terraf.emails.terraf_email] user = [ "psterraf", ] host = [ "unc", "edu", "ar", ] [terraf.homepages] terraf_homepage = "https://cs.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~pedro/home_en.html" [thiemann] name = "René Thiemann" [thiemann.emails] [thiemann.emails.thiemann_email] user = [ "rene", "thiemann", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [thiemann.homepages] thiemann_homepage = "http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/thiemann/" [thommes] name = "Joseph Thommes" [thommes.emails] [thommes.emails.thommes_email] user = [ "joseph-thommes", ] host = [ "gmx", "de", ] [thommes.homepages] [thomson] name = "Fox Thomson" [thomson.emails] [thomson.emails.thomson_email] user = [ "foxthomson0", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [thomson.homepages] [tiu] name = "Alwen Tiu" [tiu.emails] [tiu.emails.tiu_email] user = [ "ATiu", ] host = [ "ntu", "edu", "sg", ] [tiu.homepages] tiu_homepage = "http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~tiu/" [toth] name = "Balazs Toth" [toth.emails] [toth.emails.toth_email] user = [ "balazs", "toth", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [toth.homepages] [tourret] name = "Sophie Tourret" [tourret.emails] [tourret.emails.tourret_email] user = [ "stourret", ] host = [ "mpi-inf", "mpg", "de", ] [tourret.homepages] tourret_homepage = "https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/automation-of-logic/people/sophie-tourret/" [trachtenherz] name = "David Trachtenherz" [trachtenherz.emails] [trachtenherz.homepages] [traut] name = "Christoph Traut" [traut.emails] [traut.homepages] [traytel] name = "Dmitriy Traytel" [traytel.emails] [traytel.emails.traytel_email] user = [ "traytel", ] host = [ "in", "tum", "de", ] [traytel.emails.traytel_email1] user = [ "traytel", ] host = [ "inf", "ethz", "ch", ] [traytel.emails.traytel_email2] user = [ "traytel", ] host = [ "di", "ku", "dk", ] [traytel.homepages] traytel_homepage = "https://traytel.bitbucket.io/" [trelat] name = "Vincent Trélat" [trelat.emails] [trelat.emails.trelat_email] user = [ "vincent", "trelat", ] host = [ "depinfonancy", "net", ] [trelat.homepages] [tuerk] name = "Thomas Tuerk" [tuerk.emails] [tuerk.homepages] [tuong] name = "Frédéric Tuong" [tuong.emails] [tuong.emails.tuong_email] user = [ "tuong", ] host = [ "users", "gforge", "inria", "fr", ] [tuong.emails.tuong_email1] user = [ "ftuong", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [tuong.homepages] tuong_homepage = "https://www.lri.fr/~ftuong/" [tuongj] name = "Joseph Tuong" [tuongj.emails] [tuongj.homepages] [tverdyshev] name = "Sergey Tverdyshev" [tverdyshev.emails] [tverdyshev.emails.tverdyshev_email] user = [ "stv", ] host = [ "sysgo", "com", ] [tverdyshev.homepages] [ullrich] name = "Sebastian Ullrich" [ullrich.emails] [ullrich.emails.ullrich_email] user = [ "sebasti", ] host = [ "nullri", "ch", ] [ullrich.homepages] [unruh] name = "Dominique Unruh" [unruh.emails] [unruh.emails.unruh_email] user = [ "unruh", ] host = [ "ut", "ee", ] [unruh.homepages] unruh_homepage = "https://www.ut.ee/~unruh/" [urban] name = "Christian Urban" [urban.emails] [urban.emails.urban_email] user = [ "christian", "urban", ] host = [ "kcl", "ac", "uk", ] [urban.homepages] urban_homepage = "https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/christian.urban/" [van] name = "Hai Nguyen Van" [van.emails] [van.emails.van_email] user = [ "hai", "nguyenvan", "phie", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [van.homepages] [velykis] name = "Andrius Velykis" [velykis.emails] [velykis.homepages] velykis_homepage = "http://andrius.velykis.lt" [verbeek] name = "Freek Verbeek" [verbeek.emails] [verbeek.emails.verbeek_email] user = [ "Freek", "Verbeek", ] host = [ "ou", "nl", ] [verbeek.emails.verbeek_email1] user = [ "freek", ] host = [ "vt", "edu", ] [verbeek.homepages] [villadsen] name = "Jørgen Villadsen" [villadsen.emails] [villadsen.emails.villadsen_email] user = [ "jovi", ] host = [ "dtu", "dk", ] [villadsen.homepages] villadsen_homepage = "https://people.compute.dtu.dk/jovi/" [voisin] name = "Frederic Voisin" [voisin.emails] [voisin.homepages] [vytiniotis] name = "Dimitrios Vytiniotis" [vytiniotis.emails] [vytiniotis.homepages] vytiniotis_homepage = "http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/dimitris/" [wagner] name = "Max Wagner" [wagner.emails] [wagner.emails.wagner_email] user = [ "max", ] host = [ "trollbu", "de", ] [wagner.homepages] [waldmann] name = "Uwe Waldmann" [waldmann.emails] [waldmann.emails.waldmann_email] user = [ "waldmann", ] host = [ "mpi-inf", "mpg", "de", ] [waldmann.homepages] [wand] name = "Daniel Wand" [wand.emails] [wand.emails.wand_email] user = [ "dwand", ] host = [ "mpi-inf", "mpg", "de", ] [wand.homepages] [wang] name = "Shuling Wang" [wang.emails] [wang.homepages] [wassell] name = "Mark Wassell" [wassell.emails] [wassell.emails.wassell_email] user = [ "mpwassell", ] host = [ "gmail", "com", ] [wassell.homepages] [wasserrab] name = "Daniel Wasserrab" [wasserrab.emails] [wasserrab.homepages] wasserrab_homepage = "http://pp.info.uni-karlsruhe.de/personhp/daniel_wasserrab.php" [watt] name = "Conrad Watt" [watt.emails] [watt.emails.watt_email] user = [ "caw77", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [watt.homepages] watt_homepage = "http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~caw77/" [weber] name = "Tjark Weber" [weber.emails] [weber.emails.weber_email] user = [ "tjark", "weber", ] host = [ "it", "uu", "se", ] [weber.homepages] weber_homepage = "http://user.it.uu.se/~tjawe125/" [weerwag] name = "Timmy Weerwag" [weerwag.emails] [weerwag.homepages] [weidner] name = "Arno Wilhelm-Weidner" [weidner.emails] [weidner.emails.weidner_email] user = [ "arno", "wilhelm-weidner", ] host = [ "tu-berlin", "de", ] [weidner.homepages] [wenzel] name = "Makarius Wenzel" [wenzel.emails] [wenzel.emails.wenzel_email] user = [ "Makarius", "wenzel", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [wenzel.homepages] [wickerson] name = "John Wickerson" [wickerson.emails] [wickerson.homepages] wickerson_homepage = "http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~jpw48" [willenbrink] name = "Sebastian Willenbrink" [willenbrink.emails] [willenbrink.emails.willenbrink_email] user = [ "sebastian", "willenbrink", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [willenbrink.homepages] [wimmer] name = "Simon Wimmer" [wimmer.emails] [wimmer.emails.wimmer_email] user = [ "simon", "wimmer", ] host = [ "tum", "de", ] [wimmer.homepages] wimmer_homepage = "http://home.in.tum.de/~wimmers/" [wirt] name = "Kai Wirt" [wirt.emails] [wirt.homepages] [wolff] name = "Burkhart Wolff" [wolff.emails] [wolff.emails.wolff_email] user = [ "burkhart", "wolff", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [wolff.homepages] wolff_homepage = "https://www.lri.fr/~wolff/" [wu] name = "Chunhan Wu" [wu.emails] [wu.homepages] [xu] name = "Jian Xu" [xu.emails] [xu.homepages] [yamada] name = "Akihisa Yamada" [yamada.emails] [yamada.emails.yamada_email] user = [ "akihisa", "yamada", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [yamada.emails.yamada_email1] user = [ "ayamada", ] host = [ "trs", "cm", "is", "nagoya-u", "ac", "jp", ] [yamada.emails.yamada_email2] user = [ "akihisa", "yamada", ] host = [ "aist", "go", "jp", ] [yamada.emails.yamada_email3] user = [ "akihisayamada", ] host = [ "nii", "ac", "jp", ] [yamada.homepages] yamada_homepage = "http://group-mmm.org/~ayamada/" [ye] name = "Lina Ye" [ye.emails] [ye.emails.ye_email] user = [ "lina", "ye", ] host = [ "lri", "fr", ] [ye.homepages] [ying] name = "Shenggang Ying" [ying.emails] [ying.homepages] [yingm] name = "Mingsheng Ying" [yingm.emails] [yingm.homepages] [yu] name = "Lei Yu" [yu.emails] [yu.emails.yu_email] user = [ "ly271", ] host = [ "cam", "ac", "uk", ] [yu.homepages] [zankl] name = "Harald Zankl" [zankl.emails] [zankl.emails.zankl_email] user = [ "Harald", "Zankl", ] host = [ "uibk", "ac", "at", ] [zankl.homepages] zankl_homepage = "http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/hzankl" [zee] name = "Karen Zee" [zee.emails] [zee.emails.zee_email] user = [ "kkz", ] host = [ "mit", "edu", ] [zee.homepages] zee_homepage = "http://www.mit.edu/~kkz/" [zeller] name = "Peter Zeller" [zeller.emails] [zeller.emails.zeller_email] user = [ "p_zeller", ] host = [ "cs", "uni-kl", "de", ] [zeller.homepages] [zeyda] name = "Frank Zeyda" [zeyda.emails] [zeyda.emails.zeyda_email] user = [ "frank", "zeyda", ] host = [ "york", "ac", "uk", ] [zeyda.homepages] [zhan] name = "Bohua Zhan" [zhan.emails] [zhan.emails.zhan_email] user = [ "bzhan", ] host = [ "ios", "ac", "cn", ] [zhan.homepages] zhan_homepage = "http://lcs.ios.ac.cn/~bzhan/" [zhang] name = "Yu Zhang" [zhang.emails] [zhang.homepages] [zhangx] name = "Xingyuan Zhang" [zhangx.emails] [zhangx.homepages] [zhann] name = "Naijun Zhan" [zhann.emails] [zhann.homepages] diff --git a/metadata/entries/CakeML_Codegen.toml b/metadata/entries/CakeML_Codegen.toml --- a/metadata/entries/CakeML_Codegen.toml +++ b/metadata/entries/CakeML_Codegen.toml @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ title = "A Verified Code Generator from Isabelle/HOL to CakeML" date = 2019-07-08 topics = [ "Computer science/Programming languages/Compiling", "Logic/Rewriting", ] abstract = """ This entry contains the formalization that accompanies my PhD thesis (see https://lars.hupel.info/research/codegen/). I develop a verified compilation toolchain from executable specifications in Isabelle/HOL to CakeML abstract syntax trees. This improves over the state-of-the-art in Isabelle by providing a trustworthy procedure for code generation.""" license = "bsd" note = "" [authors] [authors.hupel] -homepage = "hupel_homepage1" +homepage = "hupel_homepage" [contributors] [notify] -hupel = "hupel_email1" +hupel = "hupel_email" [history] [extra] [related] diff --git a/metadata/entries/Higher_Order_Terms.toml b/metadata/entries/Higher_Order_Terms.toml --- a/metadata/entries/Higher_Order_Terms.toml +++ b/metadata/entries/Higher_Order_Terms.toml @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ title = "An Algebra for Higher-Order Terms" date = 2019-01-15 topics = [ "Computer science/Programming languages/Lambda calculi", ] abstract = """ In this formalization, I introduce a higher-order term algebra, generalizing the notions of free variables, matching, and substitution. The need arose from the work on a verified compiler from Isabelle to CakeML. Terms can be thought of as consisting of a generic (free variables, constants, application) and a specific part. As example applications, this entry provides instantiations for de-Bruijn terms, terms with named variables, and Blanchette’s λ-free higher-order terms. Furthermore, I implement translation functions between de-Bruijn terms and named terms and prove their correctness.""" license = "bsd" note = "" [authors] [authors.hupel] -homepage = "hupel_homepage1" +homepage = "hupel_homepage" [contributors] [contributors.zhang] [notify] -hupel = "hupel_email1" +hupel = "hupel_email" [history] [extra] [related] diff --git a/metadata/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.toml b/metadata/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.toml --- a/metadata/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.toml +++ b/metadata/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.toml @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ title = "Properties of Random Graphs -- Subgraph Containment" date = 2014-02-13 topics = [ "Mathematics/Graph theory", "Mathematics/Probability theory", ] abstract = "Random graphs are graphs with a fixed number of vertices, where each edge is present with a fixed probability. We are interested in the probability that a random graph contains a certain pattern, for example a cycle or a clique. A very high edge probability gives rise to perhaps too many edges (which degrades performance for many algorithms), whereas a low edge probability might result in a disconnected graph. We prove a theorem about a threshold probability such that a higher edge probability will asymptotically almost surely produce a random graph with the desired subgraph." license = "bsd" note = "" [authors] [authors.hupel] -email = "hupel_email" +homepage = "hupel_homepage" [contributors] [notify] hupel = "hupel_email" [history] [extra] [related] diff --git a/web/authors/diekmann/index.html b/web/authors/diekmann/index.html --- a/web/authors/diekmann/index.html +++ b/web/authors/diekmann/index.html @@ -1,145 +1,145 @@ Cornelius Diekmann- Archive of Formal Proofs

Cornelius Diekmann

Homepages 🌐



Mar 07


Oct 21
Iptables Semantics

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐
Sep 09

by Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Cornelius Diekmann 🌐
Aug 31
Simple Firewall

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐, Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Max W. Haslbeck 🌐
Aug 24
IP Addresses

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐, Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐
IP Addresses

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐, Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 Jun 28


Network Security Policy Verification

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐
Jul 04
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/authors/haslbeck/index.html b/web/authors/haslbeck/index.html --- a/web/authors/haslbeck/index.html +++ b/web/authors/haslbeck/index.html @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ Max W. Haslbeck- Archive of Formal Proofs

Max W. Haslbeck

Homepages 🌐






Apr 27
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/authors/hupel/index.html b/web/authors/hupel/index.html --- a/web/authors/hupel/index.html +++ b/web/authors/hupel/index.html @@ -1,189 +1,186 @@ Lars Hupel- Archive of Formal Proofs

Lars Hupel

Homepages 🌐

- + -

E-Mails 📧

- -



Mar 07


Jul 08
Jan 15


Deriving generic class instances for datatypes

by Jonas Rädle 📧 and Lars Hupel 🌐
Nov 06

by Lars Hupel 🌐 and Yu Zhang

by Lars Hupel 🌐 and Yu Zhang Mar 12


Dictionary Construction

by Lars Hupel 🌐
Dictionary Construction

by Lars Hupel 🌐 May 24
Constructor Functions

by Lars Hupel 🌐
Constructor Functions

by Lars Hupel 🌐 Apr 19
Lazifying case constants

by Lars Hupel 🌐
Lazifying case constants

by Lars Hupel 🌐 Apr 18


Iptables Semantics

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐
Iptables Semantics

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 Sep 09
IP Addresses

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐, Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐
IP Addresses

by Cornelius Diekmann 🌐, Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 Jun 28
Algorithms for Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams

by Julius Michaelis 🌐, Max W. Haslbeck 🌐, Peter Lammich 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐
Algorithms for Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams

by Julius Michaelis 🌐, Max W. Haslbeck 🌐, Peter Lammich 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 Apr 27


Properties of Random Graphs -- Subgraph Containment

by Lars Hupel 📧
Properties of Random Graphs -- Subgraph Containment

by Lars Hupel 🌐 Feb 13
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/authors/lammich/index.html b/web/authors/lammich/index.html --- a/web/authors/lammich/index.html +++ b/web/authors/lammich/index.html @@ -1,341 +1,341 @@ Peter Lammich- Archive of Formal Proofs

Peter Lammich

Homepages 🌐

E-Mails 📧








Apr 27


May 28
May 28
May 28
May 28
Apr 22
Apr 16


Oct 02


Nov 14
Jan 30
Jan 30


Oct 28
Oct 28


Nov 25
Nov 25


Dec 14
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/authors/michaelis/index.html b/web/authors/michaelis/index.html --- a/web/authors/michaelis/index.html +++ b/web/authors/michaelis/index.html @@ -1,145 +1,145 @@ Julius Michaelis- Archive of Formal Proofs

Julius Michaelis

Homepages 🌐





Jun 28
Algorithms for Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams

by Julius Michaelis 🌐, Max W. Haslbeck 🌐, Peter Lammich 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐
Apr 27 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/authors/raedle/index.html b/web/authors/raedle/index.html --- a/web/authors/raedle/index.html +++ b/web/authors/raedle/index.html @@ -1,108 +1,108 @@ Jonas Rädle- Archive of Formal Proofs

Jonas Rädle

E-Mails 📧



Nov 06


Aug 20
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/authors/zhang/index.html b/web/authors/zhang/index.html --- a/web/authors/zhang/index.html +++ b/web/authors/zhang/index.html @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@ Yu Zhang- Archive of Formal Proofs

Yu Zhang



Mar 12
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/CakeML.html b/web/entries/CakeML.html --- a/web/entries/CakeML.html +++ b/web/entries/CakeML.html @@ -1,255 +1,255 @@ CakeML - Archive of Formal Proofs



Lars Hupel 🌐 and Yu Zhang +

Lars Hupel 🌐 and Yu Zhang with contributions from Johannes Åman Pohjola

March 12, 2018


CakeML is a functional programming language with a proven-correct compiler and runtime system. This entry contains an unofficial version of the CakeML semantics that has been exported from the Lem specifications to Isabelle. Additionally, there are some hand-written theory files that adapt the exported code to Isabelle and port proofs from the HOL4 formalization, e.g. termination and equivalence proofs.
BSD License


Theories of LEM

Theories of CakeML

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/Constructor_Funs.html b/web/entries/Constructor_Funs.html --- a/web/entries/Constructor_Funs.html +++ b/web/entries/Constructor_Funs.html @@ -1,179 +1,179 @@ Constructor Functions - Archive of Formal Proofs

Constructor Functions


Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Lars Hupel 🌐

April 19, 2017


Isabelle's code generator performs various adaptations for target languages. Among others, constructor applications have to be fully saturated. That means that for constructor calls occuring as arguments to higher-order functions, synthetic lambdas have to be inserted. This entry provides tooling to avoid this construction altogether by introducing constructor functions.
BSD License


Theories of Constructor_Funs

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/Dict_Construction.html b/web/entries/Dict_Construction.html --- a/web/entries/Dict_Construction.html +++ b/web/entries/Dict_Construction.html @@ -1,186 +1,186 @@ Dictionary Construction - Archive of Formal Proofs

Dictionary Construction


Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Lars Hupel 🌐

May 24, 2017


Isabelle's code generator natively supports type classes. For targets that do not have language support for classes and instances, it performs the well-known dictionary translation, as described by Haftmann and Nipkow. This translation happens outside the logic, i.e., there is no guarantee that it is correct, besides the pen-and-paper proof. This work implements a certified dictionary translation that produces new class-free constants and derives equality theorems.
BSD License


Theories of Dict_Construction

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/Generic_Deriving.html b/web/entries/Generic_Deriving.html --- a/web/entries/Generic_Deriving.html +++ b/web/entries/Generic_Deriving.html @@ -1,180 +1,180 @@ Deriving generic class instances for datatypes - Archive of Formal Proofs

Deriving Generic Class Instances for Datatypes


Jonas Rädle 📧 and Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Jonas Rädle 📧 and Lars Hupel 🌐

November 6, 2018


We provide a framework for automatically deriving instances for generic type classes. Our approach is inspired by Haskell's generic-deriving package and Scala's shapeless library. In addition to generating the code for type class functions, we also attempt to automatically prove type class laws for these instances. As of now, however, some manual proofs are still required for recursive datatypes.

Note: There are already articles in the AFP that provide automatic instantiation for a number of classes. Concretely, Deriving allows the automatic instantiation of comparators, linear orders, equality, and hashing. Show instantiates a Haskell-style show class.

Our approach works for arbitrary classes (with some Isabelle/HOL overhead for each class), but a smaller set of datatypes.

BSD License


Theories of Generic_Deriving

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/Hello_World.html b/web/entries/Hello_World.html --- a/web/entries/Hello_World.html +++ b/web/entries/Hello_World.html @@ -1,172 +1,172 @@ Hello World - Archive of Formal Proofs

Hello World


Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐

March 7, 2020


In this article, we present a formalization of the well-known "Hello, World!" code, including a formal framework for reasoning about IO. Our model is inspired by the handling of IO in Haskell. We start by formalizing the 🌍 and embrace the IO monad afterwards. Then we present a sample main :: IO (), followed by its proof of correctness.
BSD License


Theories of Hello_World

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/IP_Addresses.html b/web/entries/IP_Addresses.html --- a/web/entries/IP_Addresses.html +++ b/web/entries/IP_Addresses.html @@ -1,213 +1,213 @@ IP Addresses - Archive of Formal Proofs

IP Addresses


Cornelius Diekmann 🌐, Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Cornelius Diekmann 🌐, Julius Michaelis 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐

June 28, 2016


This entry contains a definition of IP addresses and a library to work with them. Generic IP addresses are modeled as machine words of arbitrary length. Derived from this generic definition, IPv4 addresses are 32bit machine words, IPv6 addresses are 128bit words. Additionally, IPv4 addresses can be represented in dot-decimal notation and IPv6 addresses in (compressed) colon-separated notation. We support toString functions and parsers for both notations. Sets of IP addresses can be represented with a netmask (e.g. or in CIDR notation (e.g. To provide executable code for set operations on IP address ranges, the library includes a datatype to work on arbitrary intervals of machine words.
BSD License


Theories of IP_Addresses

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/Iptables_Semantics.html b/web/entries/Iptables_Semantics.html --- a/web/entries/Iptables_Semantics.html +++ b/web/entries/Iptables_Semantics.html @@ -1,272 +1,272 @@ Iptables Semantics - Archive of Formal Proofs

Iptables Semantics


Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐

September 9, 2016


We present a big step semantics of the filtering behavior of the Linux/netfilter iptables firewall. We provide algorithms to simplify complex iptables rulests to a simple firewall model (c.f. AFP entry Simple_Firewall) and to verify spoofing protection of a ruleset. Internally, we embed our semantics into ternary logic, ultimately supporting every iptables match condition by abstracting over unknowns. Using this AFP entry and all entries it depends on, we created an easy-to-use, stand-alone haskell tool called fffuu. The tool does not require any input —except for the iptables-save dump of the analyzed firewall— and presents interesting results about the user's ruleset. Real-Word firewall errors have been uncovered, and the correctness of rulesets has been proved, with the help of our tool.
BSD License


Theories of Iptables_Semantics

Theories of Iptables_Semantics_Examples

Theories of Iptables_Semantics_Examples_Big

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/Lazy_Case.html b/web/entries/Lazy_Case.html --- a/web/entries/Lazy_Case.html +++ b/web/entries/Lazy_Case.html @@ -1,183 +1,183 @@ Lazifying case constants - Archive of Formal Proofs

Lazifying Case Constants


Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Lars Hupel 🌐

April 18, 2017


Isabelle's code generator performs various adaptations for target languages. Among others, case statements are printed as match expressions. Internally, this is a sophisticated procedure, because in HOL, case statements are represented as nested calls to the case combinators as generated by the datatype package. Furthermore, the procedure relies on laziness of match expressions in the target language, i.e., that branches guarded by patterns that fail to match are not evaluated. Similarly, if-then-else is printed to the corresponding construct in the target language. This entry provides tooling to replace these special cases in the code generator by ignoring these target language features, instead printing case expressions and if-then-else as functions.
BSD License


Theories of Lazy_Case

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/ROBDD.html b/web/entries/ROBDD.html --- a/web/entries/ROBDD.html +++ b/web/entries/ROBDD.html @@ -1,204 +1,204 @@ Algorithms for Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams - Archive of Formal Proofs

Algorithms for Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams


Julius Michaelis 🌐, Max W. Haslbeck 🌐, Peter Lammich 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐 +

Julius Michaelis 🌐, Max W. Haslbeck 🌐, Peter Lammich 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐

April 27, 2016


We present a verified and executable implementation of ROBDDs in Isabelle/HOL. Our implementation relates pointer-based computation in the Heap monad to operations on an abstract definition of boolean functions. Internally, we implemented the if-then-else combinator in a recursive fashion, following the Shannon decomposition of the argument functions. The implementation mixes and adapts known techniques and is built with efficiency in mind.
BSD License


Theories of ROBDD

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.html b/web/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.html --- a/web/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.html +++ b/web/entries/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold.html @@ -1,186 +1,186 @@ Properties of Random Graphs -- Subgraph Containment - Archive of Formal Proofs

Properties of Random Graphs -- Subgraph Containment


Lars Hupel 📧 +

Lars Hupel 🌐

February 13, 2014


Random graphs are graphs with a fixed number of vertices, where each edge is present with a fixed probability. We are interested in the probability that a random graph contains a certain pattern, for example a cycle or a clique. A very high edge probability gives rise to perhaps too many edges (which degrades performance for many algorithms), whereas a low edge probability might result in a disconnected graph. We prove a theorem about a threshold probability such that a higher edge probability will asymptotically almost surely produce a random graph with the desired subgraph.
BSD License


Theories of Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold

\ No newline at end of file