diff --git a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/ARM64ASSEMBLY.sml b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/ARM64ASSEMBLY.sml index 615a8961..de72364d 100644 --- a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/ARM64ASSEMBLY.sml +++ b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/ARM64ASSEMBLY.sml @@ -1,424 +1,462 @@ (* Copyright (c) 2021 David C. J. Matthews This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public Licence for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) functor ARM64ASSEMBLY ( structure Debug: DEBUG and Pretty: PRETTYSIG and CodeArray: CODEARRAYSIG ) : Arm64Assembly = struct open CodeArray Address exception InternalError = Misc.InternalError exception Fallback (* Define this here in case we want to raise it. *) infix 5 << <<+ <<- >> >>+ >>- ~>> ~>>+ ~>>- (* Shift operators *) infix 3 andb orb xorb andbL orbL xorbL andb8 orb8 xorb8 val op << = Word.<< and op >> = Word.>> and op ~>> = Word.~>> and op andb = Word.andb and op orb = Word.orb val wordToWord8 = Word8.fromLargeWord o Word.toLargeWord and word8ToWord = Word.fromLargeWord o Word8.toLargeWord datatype xReg = XReg of Word8.word | XZero | XSP datatype instr = SimpleInstr of word | LoadLiteral of xReg * int (* 31 in the register field can either mean the zero register or the hardware stack pointer. Which meaning depends on the instruction. *) fun xRegOrXZ(XReg w) = w | xRegOrXZ XZero = 0w31 | xRegOrXZ XSP = raise InternalError "XSP not valid here" and xRegOrXSP(XReg w) = w | xRegOrXSP XZero = raise InternalError "XZero not valid here" | xRegOrXSP XSP = 0w31 (* There are cases where it isn't clear. *) and xRegOnly (XReg w) = w | xRegOnly XZero = raise InternalError "XZero not valid here" | xRegOnly XSP = raise InternalError "XSP not valid here" val X0 = XReg 0w0 and X1 = XReg 0w1 and X2 = XReg 0w2 and X3 = XReg 0w3 and X4 = XReg 0w4 and X5 = XReg 0w5 and X6 = XReg 0w6 and X7 = XReg 0w7 and X8 = XReg 0w8 and X9 = XReg 0w9 and X10= XReg 0w10 and X11 = XReg 0w11 and X12 = XReg 0w12 and X13 = XReg 0w13 and X14= XReg 0w14 and X15 = XReg 0w15 and X16 = XReg 0w16 and X17 = XReg 0w17 and X18= XReg 0w18 and X19 = XReg 0w19 and X20 = XReg 0w20 and X21 = XReg 0w21 and X22= XReg 0w22 and X23 = XReg 0w23 and X24 = XReg 0w24 and X25 = XReg 0w25 and X26= XReg 0w26 and X27 = XReg 0w27 and X28 = XReg 0w28 and X29 = XReg 0w29 and X30= XReg 0w30 val X_MLHeapLimit = X25 (* ML Heap limit pointer *) and X_MLAssemblyInt = X26 (* ML assembly interface pointer. *) and X_MLHeapAllocPtr = X27 (* ML Heap allocation pointer. *) and X_MLStackPtr = X28 (* ML Stack pointer. *) and X_LinkReg = X30 (* Link reg - return address *) datatype code = Code of { instructions: instr list ref, (* Code in reverse order. *) constVec: machineWord list ref, (* Constant area constant values. *) functionName: string, (* Name of the function. *) printAssemblyCode:bool, (* Whether to print the code when we finish. *) printStream: string->unit (* The stream to use *) } fun codeCreate (name, parameters) = let val printStream = Pretty.getSimplePrinter(parameters, []) in Code { instructions = ref nil, constVec = ref [], functionName = name, printAssemblyCode = Debug.getParameter Debug.assemblyCodeTag parameters, printStream = printStream } end fun addConstToVec (valu, Code{constVec, ...}) = let (* Search the list to see if the constant is already there. *) fun findConst valu [] num = (* Add to the list *) ( constVec := ! constVec @ [valu]; num ) | findConst valu (h :: t) num = if wordEq (valu, h) then num else findConst valu t (num + 1) (* Not equal *) in findConst valu (! constVec) 0 end fun addInstr (instr, Code{instructions, ...}) = instructions := SimpleInstr instr :: ! instructions val retCode = 0wxD65F03C0 and nopCode = 0wxD503201F - and incMLSP1 = 0wx9100239C + + fun genRetCode code = addInstr(retCode, code) + + (* Add a 12-bit constant, possibly shifted by 12 bits. *) + fun genAddRegConstant({sReg, dReg, cValue, shifted}, code) = + let + val () = + if cValue < 0 orelse cValue >= 0x400 then raise InternalError "genAddRegConstant: Value > 12 bits" else () + in + addInstr(0wx91000000 orb (if shifted then 0wx400000 else 0w0) orb + (Word.fromInt cValue << 0w10) orb (word8ToWord(xRegOrXSP sReg) << 0w5) orb + word8ToWord(xRegOrXSP dReg), code) + end + (* Loads: There are two versions of this on the ARM. There is a version that + takes a signed 9-bit byte offset and a version that takes an unsigned + 12-bit word offset. *) - fun genRetCode code = addInstr(retCode, code) - and genIncMLSP1 code = addInstr(incMLSP1, code) + (* Load an aligned value using an unsigned offset.. *) + fun loadRegAligned({dest, base, wordOffset}, code) = + let + val _ = (wordOffset >= 0 andalso wordOffset < 0x1000) + orelse raise InternalError "loadRegAligned: value out of range" + in + addInstr(0wxF9400000 orb (Word.fromInt wordOffset << 0w10) orb + (word8ToWord(xRegOrXSP base) << 0w5) orb word8ToWord(xRegOnly dest), code) + end (* Push a register to the ML stack. This uses a pre-increment store to x28 *) fun genPushReg(xReg, code) = addInstr(0wxF81F8F80 orb word8ToWord(xRegOnly xReg), code) (* Pop a register from the ML stack. *) fun genPopReg(xReg, code) = addInstr(0wxF8408780 orb word8ToWord(xRegOnly xReg), code) fun genLoadConstant(xReg, valu, code as Code{instructions, ...}) = let val cNum = addConstToVec(valu, code) in instructions := LoadLiteral(xReg, cNum) :: ! instructions end (* Move an unsigned constant into the low 16-bits of a register. *) fun genMoveShortConstToReg(xReg, constnt, code) = if constnt < 0 orelse constnt >= 65536 then raise InternalError "genMoveShortConstToReg: constant out of range" else addInstr(0wxD2800000 orb (Word.fromInt constnt << 0w5) orb word8ToWord(xRegOnly xReg), code) (* Size of each code word. *) fun codeSize _ = 1 (* Number of 32-bit words *) fun foldCode startIc foldFn ops = let fun doFold(oper :: operList, ic) = doFold(operList, (* Get the size BEFORE any possible change. *) ic + Word.fromInt(codeSize oper) * 0w4 before foldFn(oper, ic)) | doFold(_, ic) = ic in doFold(ops, startIc) end (* Store a 32-bit value in the code *) fun set32(value, addrs, seg) = let fun putBytes(value, a, seg, i) = if i = 0w4 then () else ( byteVecSet(seg, a+i, wordToWord8(value andb 0wxff)); putBytes(value >> 0w8, a, seg, i+0w1) ) in putBytes(value, addrs, seg, 0w0) end fun genCode(ops, Code {constVec, ...}) = let (* First pass - set the labels. *) fun setLabelsAndSizes ops = Word.fromInt(List.length ops) val codeSize = setLabelsAndSizes ops (* Number of 32-bit instructions *) val wordsOfCode = (codeSize + 0w1) div 0w2 (* Round up to 64-bits *) val paddingWord = if Word.andb(codeSize, 0w1) = 0w1 then [SimpleInstr nopCode] else [] val segSize = wordsOfCode + Word.fromInt(List.length(! constVec)) + 0w4 (* 4 extra words *) val codeVec = byteVecMake segSize fun genCodeWords(SimpleInstr code, byteNo) = set32(code, byteNo, codeVec) | genCodeWords(LoadLiteral(xReg, cNum), byteNo) = let (* The offset is in 32-bit words. The first of the constants is at offset wordsOfCode+3 *) val offsetOfConstant = (wordsOfCode+0w3+Word.fromInt cNum)*0w2 - (byteNo >> 0w2) val _ = offsetOfConstant < 0wx100000 orelse raise InternalError "Offset to constant is too large" val code = 0wx58000000 orb (offsetOfConstant << 0w5) orb word8ToWord(xRegOnly xReg) in set32(code, byteNo, codeVec) end in foldCode 0w0 genCodeWords (ops @ paddingWord); (codeVec (* Return the completed code. *), wordsOfCode (* And the size in 64-bit words. *)) end (* Store a 64-bit value in the code *) fun set64(value, wordNo, seg) = let val addrs = wordNo * 0w8 fun putBytes(value, a, seg, i) = if i = 0w8 then () else ( byteVecSet(seg, a+i, Word8.fromInt(value mod 256)); putBytes(value div 256, a, seg, i+0w1) ) in putBytes(value, addrs, seg, 0w0) end (* Print the instructions in the code. *) fun printCode (codeVec, functionName, wordsOfCode, printStream) = let val numInstructions = wordsOfCode * 0w2 (* Words is number of 64-bit words *) fun printHex (v, n) = let val s = Word.fmt StringCvt.HEX v val pad = CharVector.tabulate(Int.max(0, n-size s), fn _ => #"0") in printStream pad; printStream s end (* Each instruction is 32-bytes. *) fun printWordAt wordNo = let val byteNo = wordNo << 0w2 val () = printHex(byteNo, 6) (* Address *) val () = printStream "\t" val wordValue = word8ToWord (codeVecGet (codeVec, byteNo)) orb (word8ToWord (codeVecGet (codeVec, byteNo+0w1)) << 0w8) orb (word8ToWord (codeVecGet (codeVec, byteNo+0w2)) << 0w16) orb (word8ToWord (codeVecGet (codeVec, byteNo+0w3)) << 0w24) val () = printHex(wordValue, 8) (* Instr as hex *) val () = printStream "\t" in if wordValue = 0wxD65F03C0 then printStream "ret" else if wordValue = 0wxD503201F then printStream "nop" else if (wordValue andb 0wxffe00000) = 0wxD2800000 then let (* Move immediate, zeroing the rest of the register and with no shift. *) val rD = wordValue andb 0wx1f val imm16 = (wordValue andb 0wx1fffe) >> 0w5 in printStream "mov\tx"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rD); printStream ",#"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC imm16) end else if (wordValue andb 0wxffe00c00) = 0wxF8000C00 then let (* Store with pre-indexing *) val rT = wordValue andb 0wx1f and rN = (wordValue andb 0wx3e0) >> 0w5 and imm9 = (wordValue andb 0wx1ff000) >> 0w12 val imm9Text = if imm9 > 0wxff then "-" ^ Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC (0wx200 - imm9) else Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC imm9 in printStream "str\tx"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rT); printStream ",[x"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rN); printStream ",#"; printStream imm9Text; printStream "]!" end else if (wordValue andb 0wxffe00c00) = 0wxF8400400 then let (* Load with post-indexing *) val rT = wordValue andb 0wx1f and rN = (wordValue andb 0wx3e0) >> 0w5 and imm9 = (wordValue andb 0wx1ff000) >> 0w12 val imm9Text = if imm9 > 0wxff then "-" ^ Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC(0wx200 - imm9) else Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC imm9 in printStream "ldr\tx"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rT); printStream ",[x"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rN); printStream "],#"; printStream imm9Text end - else if (wordValue andb 0wxffc00000) = 0wx91000000 + else if (wordValue andb 0wxff800000) = 0wx91000000 then let - (* Add a 12-bit immediate with no shift. *) + (* Add a 12-bit immediate with possible shift. *) val rD = wordValue andb 0wx1f and rN = (wordValue andb 0wx3e0) >> 0w5 - and imm16 = (wordValue andb 0wx3ffc00) >> 0w10 + and imm12 = (wordValue andb 0wx3ffc00) >> 0w10 + and shiftBit = wordValue andb 0wx400000 + val imm = if shiftBit <> 0w0 then imm12 << 0w12 else imm12 in printStream "add\tx"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rD); printStream ",x"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rN); - printStream ",#"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC imm16) + printStream ",#"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC imm) end else if (wordValue andb 0wxff000000) = 0wx58000000 then let (* Load from a PC-relative address i.e. the constant area. *) val rT = wordValue andb 0wx1f (* The offset is in 32-bit words *) val byteOffset = (wordValue andb 0wx00ffffe0) >> (0w5-0w2) val constantValue = codeVecGetWord(codeVec, (byteOffset+byteNo) >> 0w3) in printStream "ldr\tx"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rT); printStream ",0x"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.HEX (byteOffset+byteNo)); printStream "\t// "; printStream(stringOfWord constantValue) end + else if (wordValue andb 0wxffc00000) = 0wxF9400000 + then + let + (* Load with an unsigned offset. The offset is in units of 64-bits. *) + val rT = wordValue andb 0wx1f + and rN = (wordValue andb 0wx3e0) >> 0w5 + and imm12 = (wordValue andb 0wx3ffc00) >> 0w10 + in + printStream "ldr\tx"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rT); + printStream ",[x"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC rN); + printStream ",#"; printStream(Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC(imm12*0w8)); + printStream "]" + end + else printStream "?" ; printStream "\n" end fun printAll i = if i = numInstructions then () else (printWordAt i; printAll(i+0w1)) in printStream functionName; printStream ":\n"; printAll 0w0 end (* Adds the constants onto the code, and copies the code into a new segment *) fun generateCode {code as Code{ instructions = ref instrs, printAssemblyCode, printStream, functionName, constVec, ...}, maxStack, resultClosure} = let local val codeList = List.rev instrs (* Add a stack check. We need to do this for native code. *) in val codeList = if maxStack < 128 then codeList else raise InternalError "TODO" (* SimpleCode[opcode_stackSize16, Word8.fromInt maxStack, Word8.fromInt(maxStack div 256)] :: codeList *) end val (byteVec, wordsOfCode) = genCode(codeList, code) (* +3 for profile count, function name and constants count *) val numOfConst = List.length(! constVec) val segSize = wordsOfCode + Word.fromInt numOfConst + 0w4 val firstConstant = wordsOfCode + 0w3 (* Add 3 for no of consts, fn name and profile count. *) (* Put in the number of constants. This must go in before we actually put in any constants. *) local val lastWord = segSize - 0w1 in val () = set64(numOfConst + 2, wordsOfCode, byteVec) (* Set the last word of the code to the (negative) byte offset of the start of the code area from the end of this word. *) val () = set64((numOfConst + 3) * ~8, lastWord, byteVec) end (* Now we've filled in all the size info we need to convert the segment into a proper code segment before it's safe to put in any ML values. *) val codeVec = byteVecToCodeVec(byteVec, resultClosure) local val name : string = functionName val nameWord : machineWord = toMachineWord name in val () = codeVecPutWord (codeVec, wordsOfCode+0w1, nameWord) end (* Profile ref. A byte ref used by the profiler in the RTS. *) local val v = RunCall.allocateByteMemory(0w1, Word.fromLargeWord(Word8.toLargeWord(Word8.orb(F_mutable, F_bytes)))) fun clear 0w0 = () | clear i = (assignByte(v, i-0w1, 0w0); clear (i-0w1)) val () = clear(wordSize) in val () = codeVecPutWord (codeVec, wordsOfCode+0w2, toMachineWord v) end (* and then copy the constants from the constant list. *) local fun setConstant(value, num) = ( codeVecPutWord (codeVec, firstConstant + num, value); num+0w1 ) in val _ = List.foldl setConstant 0w0 (!constVec) end in if printAssemblyCode then (* print out the code *) (printCode (codeVec, functionName, wordsOfCode, printStream); printStream"\n") else (); codeVecLock(codeVec, resultClosure) end (* copyCode *) structure Sharing = struct type code = code type closureRef = closureRef type instr = instr type xReg = xReg end end; diff --git a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64Assembly.sig b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64Assembly.sig index 2b642d10..d21fe7c1 100644 --- a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64Assembly.sig +++ b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64Assembly.sig @@ -1,75 +1,80 @@ (* Copyright (c) 2021 David C. J. Matthews This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public Licence for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) signature Arm64Assembly = sig type code type closureRef type instr type machineWord = Address.machineWord (* Create a code value for the function. *) val codeCreate: string * Universal.universal list -> code type xReg val X0: xReg and X1: xReg and X2: xReg and X3: xReg and X4: xReg and X5: xReg and X6: xReg and X7: xReg and X8: xReg and X9: xReg and X10: xReg and X11: xReg and X12: xReg and X13: xReg and X14: xReg and X15: xReg and X16: xReg and X17: xReg and X18: xReg and X19: xReg and X20: xReg and X21: xReg and X22: xReg and X23: xReg and X24: xReg and X25: xReg and X26: xReg and X27: xReg and X28: xReg and X29: xReg and X30: xReg (* XZero and XSP are both encoded as 31 but the interpretation depends on the instruction *) val XZero: xReg and XSP: xReg val X_MLHeapLimit: xReg (* ML Heap limit pointer *) and X_MLAssemblyInt: xReg (* ML assembly interface pointer. *) and X_MLHeapAllocPtr: xReg (* ML Heap allocation pointer. *) and X_MLStackPtr: xReg (* ML Stack pointer. *) and X_LinkReg: xReg (* Link reg - return address *) val genRetCode: code -> unit - and genIncMLSP1: code -> unit - + (* Push a register to the ML stack *) val genPushReg: xReg * code -> unit (* Pop a register from the ML stack. *) val genPopReg: xReg * code -> unit (* Move a short constant to a register. Currently limited to unsigned 16-bits. *) val genMoveShortConstToReg: xReg * int * code -> unit (* Move a long constant to a register. *) val genLoadConstant: xReg * machineWord * code -> unit + (* Add a 12-bit constant, possibly shifted by 12 bits *) + val genAddRegConstant: {sReg: xReg, dReg: xReg, cValue: int, shifted: bool} * code -> unit + + (* Load an aligned word using a 12-bit offset. *) + val loadRegAligned: {dest: xReg, base: xReg, wordOffset: int} * code -> unit + (* copyCode - create the vector of code and update the closure reference to point to it. *) val generateCode: {code: code, maxStack: int, resultClosure: closureRef} -> unit exception Fallback (* During development only. *) structure Sharing: sig type code = code type closureRef = closureRef type instr = instr type xReg = xReg end end; diff --git a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64GenCode.sml b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64GenCode.sml index 233c7ec4..3f0e1ba6 100644 --- a/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64GenCode.sml +++ b/mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/Arm64Code/Arm64GenCode.sml @@ -1,96 +1,1283 @@ (* Copyright (c) 2021 David C. J. Matthews This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public Licence for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) functor Arm64GenCode ( structure FallBackCG: GENCODESIG and BackendTree: BackendIntermediateCodeSig and CodeArray: CODEARRAYSIG and Arm64Assembly: Arm64Assembly and Debug: DEBUG sharing FallBackCG.Sharing = BackendTree.Sharing = CodeArray.Sharing = Arm64Assembly.Sharing ) : GENCODESIG = struct open BackendTree CodeArray Arm64Assembly Address + exception InternalError = Misc.InternalError + (* tag a short constant *) fun tag c = 2 * c + 1 (* shift a short constant, but don't set tag bit *) fun semitag c = 2 * c + (* Remove items from the stack. If the second argument is true the value + on the top of the stack has to be moved. + TODO: This works only for offsets up to 256 words. *) + fun resetStack(0, _, _) = () + | resetStack(nItems, true, code) = + ( + genPopReg(X0, code); + resetStack(nItems, false, code); + genPushReg(X0, code) + ) + | resetStack(nItems, false, code) = + genAddRegConstant({sReg=X_MLStackPtr, dReg=X_MLStackPtr, + cValue=Word.toInt wordSize * nItems, shifted=false}, code) + + (* Load a constant and push it to the stack. *) + fun pushConst(w, code) = + if isShort w andalso toShort w < 0w32768 (* So tagged value will fit. *) + then + let + val cVal = tag(Word.toInt(toShort w)) + in + genMoveShortConstToReg(X0, cVal, code); genPushReg(X0, code) + end + else (genLoadConstant(X0, w, code); genPushReg(X0, code)) + + (* Load a local value. TODO: the offset is limited to 12-bits. *) + fun genLocal(offset, code) = + (loadRegAligned({dest=X0, base=X_MLStackPtr, wordOffset=offset}, code); genPushReg(X0, code)) + + (* Load a value at an offset from the address on the top of the stack. + TODO: the offset is limited to 12-bits. *) + fun genIndirect(offset, code) = + (genPopReg(X0, code); loadRegAligned({dest=X0, base=X0, wordOffset=offset}, code); genPushReg(X0, code)) + + fun genOpcode _ = raise Fallback + + fun genContainer _ = raise Fallback + fun createLabel _ = raise Fallback + fun setLabel _ = raise Fallback + fun genSetStackVal _ = raise Fallback + fun putBranchInstruction _ = raise Fallback + fun genRaiseEx _ = raise Fallback + fun genPushHandler _ = raise Fallback + fun genLdexc _ = raise Fallback + fun genCase _ = raise Fallback + fun genTuple _ = raise Fallback + fun genMoveToContainer _ = raise Fallback + fun genEqualWordConst _ = raise Fallback + fun genAllocMutableClosure _ = raise Fallback + fun genMoveToMutClosure _ = raise Fallback + fun genLock _ = raise Fallback + fun genClosure _ = raise Fallback + fun genCallClosure _ = raise Fallback + fun genTailCall _ = raise Fallback + fun genIsTagged _ = raise Fallback + fun genDoubleToFloat _ = raise Fallback + fun genRealToInt _ = raise Fallback + fun genFloatToInt _ = raise Fallback + + + val opcode_notBoolean = 0 + val opcode_cellLength = 0 + and opcode_cellFlags = 0 + and opcode_clearMutable = 0 + and opcode_atomicExchAdd = 0 + and opcode_atomicReset = 0 + and opcode_longWToTagged = 0 + and opcode_signedToLongW = 0 + and opcode_unsignedToLongW = 0 + and opcode_realAbs = 0 + and opcode_realNeg = 0 + and opcode_fixedIntToReal = 0 + and opcode_fixedIntToFloat = 0 + and opcode_floatToReal = 0 + and opcode_floatAbs = 0 + and opcode_floatNeg = 0 + + val opcode_equalWord = 0 + and opcode_lessSigned = 0 + and opcode_lessUnsigned = 0 + and opcode_lessEqSigned = 0 + and opcode_lessEqUnsigned = 0 + and opcode_greaterSigned = 0 + and opcode_greaterUnsigned = 0 + and opcode_greaterEqSigned = 0 + and opcode_greaterEqUnsigned = 0 + + val opcode_fixedAdd = 0 + val opcode_fixedSub = 0 + val opcode_fixedMult = 0 + val opcode_fixedQuot = 0 + val opcode_fixedRem = 0 + val opcode_wordAdd = 0 + val opcode_wordSub = 0 + val opcode_wordMult = 0 + val opcode_wordDiv = 0 + val opcode_wordMod = 0 + val opcode_wordAnd = 0 + val opcode_wordOr = 0 + val opcode_wordXor = 0 + val opcode_wordShiftLeft = 0 + val opcode_wordShiftRLog = 0 + val opcode_wordShiftRArith = 0 + val opcode_allocByteMem = 0 + val opcode_lgWordEqual = 0 + val opcode_lgWordLess = 0 + val opcode_lgWordLessEq = 0 + val opcode_lgWordGreater = 0 + val opcode_lgWordGreaterEq = 0 + val opcode_lgWordAdd = 0 + val opcode_lgWordSub = 0 + val opcode_lgWordMult = 0 + val opcode_lgWordDiv = 0 + val opcode_lgWordMod = 0 + val opcode_lgWordAnd = 0 + val opcode_lgWordOr = 0 + val opcode_lgWordXor = 0 + val opcode_lgWordShiftLeft = 0 + val opcode_lgWordShiftRLog = 0 + val opcode_lgWordShiftRArith = 0 + val opcode_realEqual = 0 + val opcode_realLess = 0 + val opcode_realLessEq = 0 + val opcode_realGreater = 0 + val opcode_realGreaterEq = 0 + val opcode_realUnordered = 0 + val opcode_realAdd = 0 + val opcode_realSub = 0 + val opcode_realMult = 0 + val opcode_realDiv = 0 + val opcode_floatEqual = 0 + val opcode_floatLess = 0 + val opcode_floatLessEq = 0 + val opcode_floatGreater = 0 + val opcode_floatGreaterEq = 0 + val opcode_floatUnordered = 0 + val opcode_floatAdd = 0 + val opcode_floatSub = 0 + val opcode_floatMult = 0 + val opcode_floatDiv = 0 + val opcode_getThreadId = 0 + val opcode_allocWordMemory = 0 + val opcode_alloc_ref = 0 + val opcode_loadMLWord = 0 + val opcode_loadMLByte = 0 + val opcode_loadC8 = 0 + val opcode_loadC16 = 0 + val opcode_loadC32 = 0 + val opcode_loadC64 = 0 + val opcode_loadCFloat = 0 + val opcode_loadCDouble = 0 + val opcode_loadUntagged = 0 + val opcode_storeMLWord = 0 + val opcode_storeMLByte = 0 + val opcode_storeC8 = 0 + val opcode_storeC16 = 0 + val opcode_storeC32 = 0 + val opcode_storeC64 = 0 + val opcode_storeCFloat = 0 + val opcode_storeCDouble = 0 + val opcode_storeUntagged = 0 + val opcode_blockMoveWord = 0 + val opcode_blockMoveByte = 0 + val opcode_blockEqualByte = 0 + val opcode_blockCompareByte = 0 + val opcode_deleteHandler = 0 + val opcode_allocCSpace = 0 + val opcode_freeCSpace = 0 + val opcode_arbAdd = 0 + val opcode_arbSubtract = 0 + val opcode_arbMultiply = 0 + val Jump = 0 + val JumpBack = 0 + val JumpFalse = 0 + val JumpTrue = 0 + val SetHandler = 0 + + val word0 = toMachineWord 0; + + val DummyValue : machineWord = word0; (* used as result of "raise e" etc. *) + + type caseForm = + { + cases : (backendIC * word) list, + test : backendIC, + caseType: caseType, + default : backendIC + } + + (* Where the result, if any, should go *) + datatype whereto = + NoResult (* discard result *) + | ToStack (* Need a result but it can stay on the pseudo-stack *); + + (* Are we at the end of the function. *) + datatype tail = + EndOfProc + | NotEnd + + (* Code generate a function or global declaration *) fun codegen (pt, cvec, resultClosure, numOfArgs, localCount, parameters) = let - val maxStack = ref 0 - val () = genPushReg (X0, cvec) - val () = genPushReg (X30, cvec) - - fun genCode (BICConstnt(w, _)) = - if isShort w andalso toShort w < 0w32768 (* So tagged value will fit. *) - then + datatype decEntry = + StackAddr of int + | Empty + + val decVec = Array.array (localCount, Empty) + + (* Count of number of items on the stack. *) + val realstackptr = ref 1 (* The closure ptr is already there *) + + (* Maximum size of the stack. *) + val maxStack = ref 1 + + (* Push a value onto the stack. *) + fun incsp () = + ( + realstackptr := !realstackptr + 1; + if !realstackptr > !maxStack + then maxStack := !realstackptr + else () + ) + + (* An entry has been removed from the stack. *) + fun decsp () = realstackptr := !realstackptr - 1; + + fun pushLocalStackValue addr = ( genLocal(!realstackptr + addr, cvec); incsp() ) + + (* generates code from the tree *) + fun gencde (pt : backendIC, whereto : whereto, tailKind : tail, loopAddr) : unit = + let + (* Save the stack pointer value here. We may want to reset the stack. *) + val oldsp = !realstackptr; + + (* Operations on ML memory always have the base as an ML address. + Word operations are always word aligned. The higher level will + have extracted any constant offset and scaled it if necessary. + That's helpful for the X86 but not for the interpreter. We + have to turn them back into indexes. *) + fun genMLAddress({base, index, offset}, scale) = + ( + gencde (base, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + offset mod scale = 0 orelse raise InternalError "genMLAddress"; + case (index, offset div scale) of + (NONE, soffset) => (pushConst (toMachineWord soffset, cvec); incsp()) + | (SOME indexVal, 0) => gencde (indexVal, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + | (SOME indexVal, soffset) => + ( + gencde (indexVal, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + pushConst (toMachineWord soffset, cvec); + genOpcode(opcode_wordAdd, cvec) + ) + ) + + (* Load the address, index value and offset for non-byte operations. + Because the offset has already been scaled by the size of the operand + we have to load the index and offset separately. *) + fun genCAddress{base, index, offset} = + ( + gencde (base, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + case index of + NONE => (pushConst (toMachineWord 0, cvec); incsp()) + | SOME indexVal => gencde (indexVal, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + pushConst (toMachineWord offset, cvec); incsp() + ) + + val () = + case pt of + BICEval evl => genEval (evl, tailKind) + + | BICExtract ext => + (* This may just be being used to discard a value which isn't + used on this branch. *) + if whereto = NoResult then () + else + ( + case ext of + BICLoadArgument locn => + (* The register arguments appear in order on the + stack, followed by the stack argumens in reverse + order. *) + if locn < 8 + then pushLocalStackValue (locn+1) + else pushLocalStackValue (numOfArgs-locn+8) + | BICLoadLocal locn => + ( + case Array.sub (decVec, locn) of + StackAddr n => pushLocalStackValue (~ n) + | _ => (* Should be on the stack, not a function. *) + raise InternalError "locaddr: bad stack address" + ) + | BICLoadClosure locn => + ( + pushLocalStackValue ~1; (* The closure itself. *) + genIndirect(locn+1 (* The first word is the code *), cvec) + ) + | BICLoadRecursive => + pushLocalStackValue ~1 (* The closure itself - first value on the stack. *) + ) + + | BICField {base, offset} => + (gencde (base, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); genIndirect (offset, cvec)) + + | BICLoadContainer {base, offset} => + (gencde (base, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); genIndirect (offset, cvec)) + + | BICLambda lam => genProc (lam, false, fn () => ()) + + | BICConstnt(w, _) => (pushConst (w, cvec); incsp ()) + + | BICCond (testPart, thenPart, elsePart) => + genCond (testPart, thenPart, elsePart, whereto, tailKind, loopAddr) + + | BICNewenv(decls, exp) => + let + (* Processes a list of entries. *) + + (* Mutually recursive declarations. May be either lambdas or constants. Recurse down + the list pushing the addresses of the closure vectors, then unwind the + recursion and fill them in. *) + fun genMutualDecs [] = () + + | genMutualDecs ({lambda, addr, ...} :: otherDecs) = + genProc (lambda, true, + fn() => + ( + Array.update (decVec, addr, StackAddr (! realstackptr)); + genMutualDecs (otherDecs) + )) + + fun codeDecls(BICRecDecs dl) = genMutualDecs dl + + | codeDecls(BICDecContainer{size, addr}) = + ( + (* If this is a container we have to process it here otherwise it + will be removed in the stack adjustment code. *) + genContainer(size, cvec); (* Push the address of this container. *) + realstackptr := !realstackptr + size + 1; (* Pushes N words plus the address. *) + Array.update (decVec, addr, StackAddr(!realstackptr)) + ) + + | codeDecls(BICDeclar{value, addr, ...}) = + ( + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + Array.update (decVec, addr, StackAddr(!realstackptr)) + ) + | codeDecls(BICNullBinding exp) = gencde (exp, NoResult, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + List.app codeDecls decls; + gencde (exp, whereto, tailKind, loopAddr) + end + + | BICBeginLoop {loop=body, arguments} => + (* Execute the body which will contain at least one Loop instruction. + There will also be path(s) which don't contain Loops and these + will drop through. *) + let + val args = List.map #1 arguments + (* Evaluate each of the arguments, pushing the result onto the stack. *) + fun genLoopArg ({addr, value, ...}) = + ( + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + Array.update (decVec, addr, StackAddr (!realstackptr)); + !realstackptr (* Return the posn on the stack. *) + ) + val argIndexList = map genLoopArg args; + + val startSp = ! realstackptr; (* Remember the current top of stack. *) + val startLoop = createLabel () + val () = setLabel(startLoop, cvec) (* Start of loop *) + in + (* Process the body, passing the jump-back address down for the Loop instruction(s). *) + gencde (body, whereto, tailKind, SOME(startLoop, startSp, argIndexList)) + (* Leave the arguments on the stack. They can be cleared later if needed. *) + end + + | BICLoop argList => (* Jump back to the enclosing BeginLoop. *) + let + val (startLoop, startSp, argIndexList) = + case loopAddr of + SOME l => l + | NONE => raise InternalError "No BeginLoop for Loop instr" + (* Evaluate the arguments. First push them to the stack because evaluating + an argument may depend on the current value of others. Only when we've + evaluated all of them can we overwrite the original argument positions. *) + fun loadArgs ([], []) = !realstackptr - startSp (* The offset of all the args. *) + | loadArgs (arg:: argList, _ :: argIndexList) = + let + (* Evaluate all the arguments. *) + val () = gencde (arg, ToStack, NotEnd, NONE); + val argOffset = loadArgs(argList, argIndexList); + in + genSetStackVal(argOffset, cvec); (* Copy the arg over. *) + decsp(); (* The argument has now been popped. *) + argOffset + end + | loadArgs _ = raise InternalError "loadArgs: Mismatched arguments"; + + val _: int = loadArgs(List.map #1 argList, argIndexList) + in + if !realstackptr <> startSp + then resetStack (!realstackptr - startSp, false, cvec) (* Remove any local variables. *) + else (); + + (* Jump back to the start of the loop. *) + putBranchInstruction(JumpBack, startLoop, cvec) + end + + | BICRaise exp => + ( + gencde (exp, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genRaiseEx cvec + ) + + | BICHandle {exp, handler, exPacketAddr} => + let + (* Save old handler *) + val () = genPushHandler cvec + val () = incsp () + val handlerLabel = createLabel() + val () = putBranchInstruction (SetHandler, handlerLabel, cvec) + val () = incsp() + (* Code generate the body; "NotEnd" because we have to come back + to remove the handler; "ToStack" because delHandler needs + a result to carry down. *) + val () = gencde (exp, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + + (* Now get out of the handler and restore the old one. *) + val () = genOpcode(opcode_deleteHandler, cvec) + val skipHandler = createLabel() + val () = putBranchInstruction (Jump, skipHandler, cvec) + val () = realstackptr := oldsp + val () = setLabel (handlerLabel, cvec) + (* Push the exception packet and set the address. *) + val () = genLdexc cvec + val () = incsp () + val () = Array.update (decVec, exPacketAddr, StackAddr(!realstackptr)) + val () = gencde (handler, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + (* Have to remove the exception packet. *) + val () = resetStack(1, true, cvec) + val () = decsp() + + (* Finally fix-up the jump around the handler *) + val () = setLabel (skipHandler, cvec) + in + () + end + + | BICCase ({cases, test, default, firstIndex, ...}) => + let + val () = gencde (test, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + (* Label to jump to at the end of each case. *) + val exitJump = createLabel() + + val () = + if firstIndex = 0w0 then () + else + ( (* Subtract lower limit. Don't check for overflow. Instead + allow large value to wrap around and check in "case" instruction. *) + pushConst(toMachineWord firstIndex, cvec); + genOpcode(opcode_wordSub, cvec) + ) + + (* Generate the case instruction followed by the table of jumps. *) + val nCases = List.length cases + val caseLabels = genCase (nCases, cvec) + val () = decsp () + + (* The default case, if any, follows the case statement. *) + (* If we have a jump to the default set it to jump here. *) + local + fun fixDefault(NONE, defCase) = setLabel(defCase, cvec) + | fixDefault(SOME _, _) = () + in + val () = ListPair.appEq fixDefault (cases, caseLabels) + end + val () = gencde (default, whereto, tailKind, loopAddr); + + fun genCases(SOME body, label) = + ( + (* First exit from the previous case or the default if + this is the first. *) + putBranchInstruction(Jump, exitJump, cvec); + (* Remove the result - the last case will leave it. *) + case whereto of ToStack => decsp () | NoResult => (); + (* Fix up the jump to come here. *) + setLabel(label, cvec); + gencde (body, whereto, tailKind, loopAddr) + ) + | genCases(NONE, _) = () + + val () = ListPair.appEq genCases (cases, caseLabels) + + (* Finally set the exit jump to come here. *) + val () = setLabel (exitJump, cvec) + in + () + end + + | BICTuple recList => + let + val size = List.length recList + in + (* Move the fields into the vector. *) + List.app(fn v => gencde (v, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr)) recList; + genTuple (size, cvec); + realstackptr := !realstackptr - (size - 1) + end + + | BICSetContainer{container, tuple, filter} => + (* Copy the contents of a tuple into a container. If the tuple is a + Tuple instruction we can avoid generating the tuple and then + unpacking it and simply copy the fields that make up the tuple + directly into the container. *) + ( + case tuple of + BICTuple cl => + (* Simply set the container from the values. *) + let + (* Load the address of the container. *) + val _ = gencde (container, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + fun setValues([], _, _) = () + + | setValues(v::tl, sourceOffset, destOffset) = + if sourceOffset < BoolVector.length filter andalso BoolVector.sub(filter, sourceOffset) + then + ( + gencde (v, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + (* Move the entry into the container. This instruction + pops the value to be moved but not the destination. *) + genMoveToContainer(destOffset, cvec); + decsp(); + setValues(tl, sourceOffset+1, destOffset+1) + ) + else setValues(tl, sourceOffset+1, destOffset) + in + setValues(cl, 0, 0) + (* The container address is still on the stack. *) + end + + | _ => + let (* General case. *) + (* First the target tuple, then the container. *) + val () = gencde (tuple, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val () = gencde (container, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val last = BoolVector.foldli(fn (i, true, _) => i | (_, false, n) => n) ~1 filter + + fun copy (sourceOffset, destOffset) = + if BoolVector.sub(filter, sourceOffset) + then + ( + (* Duplicate the tuple address . *) + genLocal(1, cvec); + genIndirect(sourceOffset, cvec); + genMoveToContainer(destOffset, cvec); + if sourceOffset = last + then () + else copy (sourceOffset+1, destOffset+1) + ) + else copy(sourceOffset+1, destOffset) + in + copy (0, 0) + (* The container and tuple addresses are still on the stack. *) + end + ) + + | BICTagTest { test, tag, ... } => + ( + gencde (test, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genEqualWordConst(tag, cvec) + ) + + | BICNullary {oper=BuiltIns.GetCurrentThreadId} => + ( + genOpcode(opcode_getThreadId, cvec); + incsp() + ) + + | BICNullary {oper=BuiltIns.CheckRTSException} => + ( (* Do nothing. This is done in the RTS call. *) + ) + + | BICNullary {oper=BuiltIns.CPUPause} => + ( (* Do nothing. It's really only a hint. *) + ) + + | BICUnary { oper, arg1 } => + let + open BuiltIns + val () = gencde (arg1, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + case oper of + NotBoolean => genOpcode(opcode_notBoolean, cvec) + | IsTaggedValue => genIsTagged cvec + | MemoryCellLength => genOpcode(opcode_cellLength, cvec) + | MemoryCellFlags => genOpcode(opcode_cellFlags, cvec) + | ClearMutableFlag => genOpcode(opcode_clearMutable, cvec) + | AtomicReset => genOpcode(opcode_atomicReset, cvec) + | LongWordToTagged => genOpcode(opcode_longWToTagged, cvec) + | SignedToLongWord => genOpcode(opcode_signedToLongW, cvec) + | UnsignedToLongWord => genOpcode(opcode_unsignedToLongW, cvec) + | RealAbs PrecDouble => genOpcode(opcode_realAbs, cvec) + | RealNeg PrecDouble => genOpcode(opcode_realNeg, cvec) + | RealFixedInt PrecDouble => genOpcode(opcode_fixedIntToReal, cvec) + | RealAbs PrecSingle => genOpcode(opcode_floatAbs, cvec) + | RealNeg PrecSingle => genOpcode(opcode_floatNeg, cvec) + | RealFixedInt PrecSingle => genOpcode(opcode_fixedIntToFloat, cvec) + | FloatToDouble => genOpcode(opcode_floatToReal, cvec) + | DoubleToFloat rnding => genDoubleToFloat(rnding, cvec) + | RealToInt (PrecDouble, rnding) => genRealToInt(rnding, cvec) + | RealToInt (PrecSingle, rnding) => genFloatToInt(rnding, cvec) + | TouchAddress => resetStack(1, false, cvec) (* Discard this *) + | AllocCStack => genOpcode(opcode_allocCSpace, cvec) + end + + | BICBinary { oper=BuiltIns.WordComparison{test=BuiltIns.TestEqual, ...}, arg1, arg2=BICConstnt(w, _) } => + let + val () = gencde (arg1, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + genEqualWordConst(toShort w, cvec) + end + + | BICBinary { oper=BuiltIns.WordComparison{test=BuiltIns.TestEqual, ...}, arg1=BICConstnt(w, _), arg2 } => + let + val () = gencde (arg2, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + genEqualWordConst(toShort w, cvec) + end + + | BICBinary { oper, arg1, arg2 } => + let + open BuiltIns + val () = gencde (arg1, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val () = gencde (arg2, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + case oper of + WordComparison{test=TestEqual, ...} => genOpcode(opcode_equalWord, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestLess, isSigned=true} => genOpcode(opcode_lessSigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestLessEqual, isSigned=true} => genOpcode(opcode_lessEqSigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestGreater, isSigned=true} => genOpcode(opcode_greaterSigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestGreaterEqual, isSigned=true} => genOpcode(opcode_greaterEqSigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestLess, isSigned=false} => genOpcode(opcode_lessUnsigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestLessEqual, isSigned=false} => genOpcode(opcode_lessEqUnsigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestGreater, isSigned=false} => genOpcode(opcode_greaterUnsigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestGreaterEqual, isSigned=false} => genOpcode(opcode_greaterEqUnsigned, cvec) + | WordComparison{test=TestUnordered, ...} => raise InternalError "WordComparison: TestUnordered" + + | PointerEq => genOpcode(opcode_equalWord, cvec) + + | FixedPrecisionArith ArithAdd => genOpcode(opcode_fixedAdd, cvec) + | FixedPrecisionArith ArithSub => genOpcode(opcode_fixedSub, cvec) + | FixedPrecisionArith ArithMult => genOpcode(opcode_fixedMult, cvec) + | FixedPrecisionArith ArithQuot => genOpcode(opcode_fixedQuot, cvec) + | FixedPrecisionArith ArithRem => genOpcode(opcode_fixedRem, cvec) + | FixedPrecisionArith ArithDiv => raise InternalError "TODO: FixedPrecisionArith ArithDiv" + | FixedPrecisionArith ArithMod => raise InternalError "TODO: FixedPrecisionArith ArithMod" + + | WordArith ArithAdd => genOpcode(opcode_wordAdd, cvec) + | WordArith ArithSub => genOpcode(opcode_wordSub, cvec) + | WordArith ArithMult => genOpcode(opcode_wordMult, cvec) + | WordArith ArithDiv => genOpcode(opcode_wordDiv, cvec) + | WordArith ArithMod => genOpcode(opcode_wordMod, cvec) + | WordArith _ => raise InternalError "WordArith - unimplemented instruction" + + | WordLogical LogicalAnd => genOpcode(opcode_wordAnd, cvec) + | WordLogical LogicalOr => genOpcode(opcode_wordOr, cvec) + | WordLogical LogicalXor => genOpcode(opcode_wordXor, cvec) + + | WordShift ShiftLeft => genOpcode(opcode_wordShiftLeft, cvec) + | WordShift ShiftRightLogical => genOpcode(opcode_wordShiftRLog, cvec) + | WordShift ShiftRightArithmetic => genOpcode(opcode_wordShiftRArith, cvec) + + | AllocateByteMemory => genOpcode(opcode_allocByteMem, cvec) + + | LargeWordComparison TestEqual => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordEqual, cvec) + | LargeWordComparison TestLess => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordLess, cvec) + | LargeWordComparison TestLessEqual => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordLessEq, cvec) + | LargeWordComparison TestGreater => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordGreater, cvec) + | LargeWordComparison TestGreaterEqual => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordGreaterEq, cvec) + | LargeWordComparison TestUnordered => raise InternalError "LargeWordComparison: TestUnordered" + + | LargeWordArith ArithAdd => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordAdd, cvec) + | LargeWordArith ArithSub => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordSub, cvec) + | LargeWordArith ArithMult => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordMult, cvec) + | LargeWordArith ArithDiv => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordDiv, cvec) + | LargeWordArith ArithMod => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordMod, cvec) + | LargeWordArith _ => raise InternalError "LargeWordArith - unimplemented instruction" + + | LargeWordLogical LogicalAnd => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordAnd, cvec) + | LargeWordLogical LogicalOr => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordOr, cvec) + | LargeWordLogical LogicalXor => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordXor, cvec) + | LargeWordShift ShiftLeft => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordShiftLeft, cvec) + | LargeWordShift ShiftRightLogical => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordShiftRLog, cvec) + | LargeWordShift ShiftRightArithmetic => genOpcode(opcode_lgWordShiftRArith, cvec) + + | RealComparison (TestEqual, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realEqual, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestLess, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realLess, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestLessEqual, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realLessEq, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestGreater, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realGreater, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestGreaterEqual, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realGreaterEq, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestUnordered, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realUnordered, cvec) + + | RealComparison (TestEqual, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatEqual, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestLess, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatLess, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestLessEqual, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatLessEq, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestGreater, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatGreater, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestGreaterEqual, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatGreaterEq, cvec) + | RealComparison (TestUnordered, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatUnordered, cvec) + + | RealArith (ArithAdd, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realAdd, cvec) + | RealArith (ArithSub, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realSub, cvec) + | RealArith (ArithMult, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realMult, cvec) + | RealArith (ArithDiv, PrecDouble) => genOpcode(opcode_realDiv, cvec) + + | RealArith (ArithAdd, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatAdd, cvec) + | RealArith (ArithSub, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatSub, cvec) + | RealArith (ArithMult, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatMult, cvec) + | RealArith (ArithDiv, PrecSingle) => genOpcode(opcode_floatDiv, cvec) + + | RealArith _ => raise InternalError "RealArith - unimplemented instruction" + + | FreeCStack => genOpcode(opcode_freeCSpace, cvec) + + | AtomicExchangeAdd => genOpcode(opcode_atomicExchAdd, cvec) + ; + decsp() (* Removes one item from the stack. *) + end + + | BICAllocateWordMemory {numWords as BICConstnt(length, _), flags as BICConstnt(flagByte, _), initial } => + if isShort length andalso toShort length = 0w1 andalso isShort flagByte andalso toShort flagByte = 0wx40 + then (* This is a very common case. *) + ( + gencde (initial, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_alloc_ref, cvec) + ) + else + let + val () = gencde (numWords, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val () = gencde (flags, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val () = gencde (initial, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + genOpcode(opcode_allocWordMemory, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + end + + | BICAllocateWordMemory { numWords, flags, initial } => + let + val () = gencde (numWords, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val () = gencde (flags, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val () = gencde (initial, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + genOpcode(opcode_allocWordMemory, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + end + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreMLWord _, address={base, index=NONE, offset}} => + ( + (* If the index is a constant, frequently zero, we can use indirection. + The offset is a byte count so has to be divided by the word size but + it should always be an exact multiple. *) + gencde (base, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + offset mod Word.toInt wordSize = 0 orelse raise InternalError "gencde: BICLoadOperation - not word multiple"; + genIndirect (offset div Word.toInt wordSize, cvec) + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreMLWord _, address} => + ( + genMLAddress(address, Word.toInt wordSize); + genOpcode(opcode_loadMLWord, cvec); + decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreMLByte _, address} => + ( + genMLAddress(address, 1); + genOpcode(opcode_loadMLByte, cvec); + decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreC8, address} => + ( + genCAddress address; + genOpcode(opcode_loadC8, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreC16, address} => + ( + genCAddress address; + genOpcode(opcode_loadC16, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreC32, address} => + ( + genCAddress address; + genOpcode(opcode_loadC32, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreC64, address} => + ( + genCAddress address; + genOpcode(opcode_loadC64, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreCFloat, address} => + ( + genCAddress address; + genOpcode(opcode_loadCFloat, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreCDouble, address} => + ( + genCAddress address; + genOpcode(opcode_loadCDouble, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICLoadOperation { kind=LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned, address} => + ( + genMLAddress(address, Word.toInt wordSize); + genOpcode(opcode_loadUntagged, cvec); + decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreMLWord _, address, value } => + ( + genMLAddress(address, Word.toInt wordSize); + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeMLWord, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreMLByte _, address, value } => + ( + genMLAddress(address, 1); + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeMLByte, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreC8, address, value} => + ( + genCAddress address; + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeC8, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreC16, address, value} => + ( + genCAddress address; + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeC16, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreC32, address, value} => + ( + genCAddress address; + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeC32, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreC64, address, value} => + ( + genCAddress address; + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeC64, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreCFloat, address, value} => + ( + genCAddress address; + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeCFloat, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreCDouble, address, value} => + ( + genCAddress address; + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeCDouble, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICStoreOperation { kind=LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned, address, value} => + ( + genMLAddress(address, Word.toInt wordSize); + gencde (value, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_storeUntagged, cvec); + decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICBlockOperation { kind=BlockOpMove{isByteMove=true}, sourceLeft, destRight, length } => + ( + genMLAddress(sourceLeft, 1); + genMLAddress(destRight, 1); + gencde (length, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_blockMoveByte, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICBlockOperation { kind=BlockOpMove{isByteMove=false}, sourceLeft, destRight, length } => + ( + genMLAddress(sourceLeft, Word.toInt wordSize); + genMLAddress(destRight, Word.toInt wordSize); + gencde (length, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_blockMoveWord, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICBlockOperation { kind=BlockOpEqualByte, sourceLeft, destRight, length } => + ( + genMLAddress(sourceLeft, 1); + genMLAddress(destRight, 1); + gencde (length, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_blockEqualByte, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICBlockOperation { kind=BlockOpCompareByte, sourceLeft, destRight, length } => + ( + genMLAddress(sourceLeft, 1); + genMLAddress(destRight, 1); + gencde (length, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + genOpcode(opcode_blockCompareByte, cvec); + decsp(); decsp(); decsp(); decsp() + ) + + | BICArbitrary { oper, arg1, arg2, ... } => + let + open BuiltIns + val () = gencde (arg1, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + val () = gencde (arg2, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr) + in + case oper of + ArithAdd => genOpcode(opcode_arbAdd, cvec) + | ArithSub => genOpcode(opcode_arbSubtract, cvec) + | ArithMult => genOpcode(opcode_arbMultiply, cvec) + | _ => raise InternalError "Unknown arbitrary precision operation"; + decsp() (* Removes one item from the stack. *) + end + + in (* body of gencde *) + + (* This ensures that there is precisely one item on the stack if + whereto = ToStack and no items if whereto = NoResult. *) + case whereto of + ToStack => + let + val newsp = oldsp + 1; + val adjustment = !realstackptr - newsp + + val () = + if adjustment = 0 + then () + else if adjustment < ~1 + then raise InternalError ("gencde: bad adjustment " ^ Int.toString adjustment) + (* Hack for declarations that should push values, but don't *) + else if adjustment = ~1 + then pushConst (DummyValue, cvec) + else resetStack (adjustment, true, cvec) + in + realstackptr := newsp + end + + | NoResult => + let + val adjustment = !realstackptr - oldsp + + val () = + if adjustment = 0 + then () + else if adjustment < 0 + then raise InternalError ("gencde: bad adjustment " ^ Int.toString adjustment) + else resetStack (adjustment, false, cvec) + in + realstackptr := oldsp + end + end (* gencde *) + + (* doNext is only used for mutually recursive functions where a + function may not be able to fill in its closure if it does not have + all the remaining declarations. *) + (* TODO: This always creates the closure on the heap even when makeClosure is false. *) + and genProc ({ closure=[], localCount, body, argTypes, name, ...}: bicLambdaForm, mutualDecs, doNext: unit -> unit) : unit = let - val cVal = tag(Word.toInt(toShort w)) + (* Create a one word item for the closure. This is returned for recursive references + and filled in with the address of the code when we've finished. *) + val closure = makeConstantClosure() + val newCode : code = codeCreate(name, parameters); + + (* Code-gen function. No non-local references. *) + val () = + codegen (body, newCode, closure, List.length argTypes, localCount, parameters); + val () = pushConst(closureAsAddress closure, cvec); + val () = incsp(); in - genMoveShortConstToReg(X0, cVal, cvec); genPushReg(X0, cvec) + if mutualDecs then doNext () else () end - else (genLoadConstant(X0, w, cvec); genPushReg(X0, cvec)) - - | genCode _ = raise Fallback - - val () = genCode pt - val () = genPopReg(X0, cvec) - val () = genPopReg(X30, cvec) - val () = genIncMLSP1 cvec - val () = genRetCode cvec - in + | genProc ({ localCount, body, name, argTypes, closure, ...}, mutualDecs, doNext) = + let (* Full closure required. *) + val resClosure = makeConstantClosure() + val newCode = codeCreate (name, parameters) + (* Code-gen function. *) + val () = codegen (body, newCode, resClosure, List.length argTypes, localCount, parameters) + val closureVars = List.length closure (* Size excluding the code address *) + in + if mutualDecs + then + let (* Have to make the closure now and fill it in later. *) + val () = pushConst(toMachineWord resClosure, cvec) + val () = genAllocMutableClosure(closureVars, cvec) + val () = incsp () + + val entryAddr : int = !realstackptr + + val () = doNext () (* Any mutually recursive functions. *) + + (* Push the address of the vector - If we have processed other + closures the vector will no longer be on the top of the stack. *) + val () = pushLocalStackValue (~ entryAddr) + + (* Load items for the closure. *) + fun loadItems ([], _) = () + | loadItems (v :: vs, addr : int) = + let + (* Generate an item and move it into the clsoure *) + val () = gencde (BICExtract v, ToStack, NotEnd, NONE) + (* The closure "address" excludes the code address. *) + val () = genMoveToMutClosure(addr, cvec) + val () = decsp () + in + loadItems (vs, addr + 1) + end + + val () = loadItems (closure, 0) + val () = genLock cvec (* Lock it. *) + + (* Remove the extra reference. *) + val () = resetStack (1, false, cvec) + in + realstackptr := !realstackptr - 1 + end + + else + let + (* Put it on the stack. *) + val () = pushConst (toMachineWord resClosure, cvec) + val () = incsp () + val () = List.app (fn pt => gencde (BICExtract pt, ToStack, NotEnd, NONE)) closure + val () = genClosure (closureVars, cvec) + in + realstackptr := !realstackptr - closureVars + end + end + + and genCond (testCode, thenCode, elseCode, whereto, tailKind, loopAddr) = + let + (* andalso and orelse are turned into conditionals with constants. + Convert this into a series of tests. *) + fun genTest(BICConstnt(w, _), jumpOn, targetLabel) = + let + val cVal = case toShort w of 0w0 => false | 0w1 => true | _ => raise InternalError "genTest" + in + if cVal = jumpOn + then putBranchInstruction (Jump, targetLabel, cvec) + else () + end + + | genTest(BICUnary { oper=BuiltIns.NotBoolean, arg1 }, jumpOn, targetLabel) = + genTest(arg1, not jumpOn, targetLabel) + + | genTest(BICCond (testPart, thenPart, elsePart), jumpOn, targetLabel) = + let + val toElse = createLabel() and exitJump = createLabel() + in + genTest(testPart, false, toElse); + genTest(thenPart, jumpOn, targetLabel); + putBranchInstruction (Jump, exitJump, cvec); + setLabel (toElse, cvec); + genTest(elsePart, jumpOn, targetLabel); + setLabel (exitJump, cvec) + end + + | genTest(testCode, jumpOn, targetLabel) = + ( + gencde (testCode, ToStack, NotEnd, loopAddr); + putBranchInstruction(if jumpOn then JumpTrue else JumpFalse, targetLabel, cvec); + decsp() (* conditional branch pops a value. *) + ) + + val toElse = createLabel() and exitJump = createLabel() + val () = genTest(testCode, false, toElse) + val () = gencde (thenCode, whereto, tailKind, loopAddr) + (* Get rid of the result from the stack. If there is a result then the + ``else-part'' will push it. *) + val () = case whereto of ToStack => decsp () | NoResult => () + + val () = putBranchInstruction (Jump, exitJump, cvec) + + (* start of "else part" *) + val () = setLabel (toElse, cvec) + val () = gencde (elseCode, whereto, tailKind, loopAddr) + val () = setLabel (exitJump, cvec) + in + () + end (* genCond *) + + and genEval (eval, tailKind : tail) : unit = + let + val argList : backendIC list = List.map #1 (#argList eval) + val argsToPass : int = List.length argList; + + (* Load arguments *) + fun loadArgs [] = () + | loadArgs (v :: vs) = + let (* Push each expression onto the stack. *) + val () = gencde(v, ToStack, NotEnd, NONE) + in + loadArgs vs + end; + + (* Called after the args and the closure to call have been pushed + onto the stack. *) + fun callClosure () : unit = + case tailKind of + NotEnd => (* Normal call. *) genCallClosure cvec + + | EndOfProc => (* Tail recursive call. *) + let + (* Get the return address onto the top of the stack. *) + val () = pushLocalStackValue 0 + + (* Slide the return address, closure and args over the + old closure, return address and args, and reset the + stack. Then jump to the closure. *) + val () = + genTailCall(argsToPass + 2, !realstackptr - 1 + (numOfArgs - argsToPass), cvec); + (* It's "-1" not "-2", because we didn't bump the realstackptr + when we pushed the return address. SPF 3/1/97 *) + in + () + end + + (* Have to guarantee that the expression to return the function + is evaluated before the arguments. *) + + (* Returns true if evaluating it later is safe. *) + fun safeToLeave (BICConstnt _) = true + | safeToLeave (BICLambda _) = true + | safeToLeave (BICExtract _) = true + | safeToLeave (BICField {base, ...}) = safeToLeave base + | safeToLeave (BICLoadContainer {base, ...}) = safeToLeave base + | safeToLeave _ = false + + val () = + if (case argList of [] => true | _ => safeToLeave (#function eval)) + then + let + (* Can load the args first. *) + val () = loadArgs argList + in + gencde (#function eval, ToStack, NotEnd, NONE) + end + + else + let + (* The expression for the function is too complicated to + risk leaving. It might have a side-effect and we must + ensure that any side-effects it has are done before the + arguments are loaded. *) + val () = gencde(#function eval, ToStack, NotEnd, NONE); + val () = loadArgs(argList); + (* Load the function again. *) + val () = genLocal(argsToPass, cvec); + in + incsp () + end + + val () = callClosure () (* Call the function. *) + + in (* body of genEval *) + realstackptr := !realstackptr - argsToPass (* Args popped by caller. *) + end + + (* Push the arguments passed in registers. *) + val () = if numOfArgs >= 8 then genPushReg (X7, cvec) else () + val () = if numOfArgs >= 7 then genPushReg (X6, cvec) else () + val () = if numOfArgs >= 6 then genPushReg (X5, cvec) else () + val () = if numOfArgs >= 5 then genPushReg (X4, cvec) else () + val () = if numOfArgs >= 4 then genPushReg (X3, cvec) else () + val () = if numOfArgs >= 3 then genPushReg (X2, cvec) else () + val () = if numOfArgs >= 2 then genPushReg (X1, cvec) else () + val () = if numOfArgs >= 1 then genPushReg (X0, cvec) else () + val () = genPushReg (X30, cvec) + val () = genPushReg (X8, cvec) (* Push closure pointer *) + + (* Generate the function. *) + (* Assume we always want a result. There is otherwise a problem if the + called routine returns a result of type void (i.e. no result) but the + caller wants a result (e.g. the identity function). *) + val () = gencde (pt, ToStack, EndOfProc, NONE) + + val () = genPopReg(X0, cvec) (* Value to return => pop into X0 *) + val () = resetStack(1, false, cvec) (* Skip over the pushed closure *) + val () = genPopReg(X30, cvec) (* Return address => pop into X30 *) + val () = resetStack(numOfArgs, false, cvec) (* Remove the arguments *) + val () = genRetCode cvec (* Jump to X30 *) + + in (* body of codegen *) + (* Having code-generated the body of the function, it is copied + into a new data segment. *) generateCode{code = cvec, maxStack = !maxStack, resultClosure=resultClosure} - end - - + end (* codegen *) + fun gencodeLambda(lambda as { name, body, argTypes, localCount, ...}:bicLambdaForm, parameters, closure) = (let val debugSwitchLevel = Debug.getParameter Debug.compilerDebugTag parameters val _ = debugSwitchLevel <> 0 orelse raise Fallback - (* make the code buffer for the new function. *) val newCode : code = codeCreate (name, parameters) (* This function must have no non-local references. *) - - val _ = - case (argTypes, localCount) of - ([GeneralType], 0) => () - | _ => raise Fallback in codegen (body, newCode, closure, List.length argTypes, localCount, parameters) end) handle Fallback => FallBackCG.gencodeLambda(lambda, parameters, closure) - structure Foreign: FOREIGNCALLSIG = - struct - open FallBackCG.Foreign - end + structure Foreign = FallBackCG.Foreign structure Sharing = struct - type backendIC = backendIC - and argumentType = argumentType - and bicLoadForm = bicLoadForm - and closureRef = closureRef + open BackendTree.Sharing + type closureRef = closureRef end + end;